May 22 is the Orthodox holiday of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. St. Nicholas Day: the most interesting traditions, rituals and signs. Adoration of the Russian people to the saint

Today is a special day in: the feast of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. In the people this holiday is called Nikolay Summer. By tradition, the editors of I WANT to publish information about the signs of the day, as well as what not to do on St. Nicholas on May 22. Details later in the material.


While everyone is preparing for, studying traditions and, as well, we have at least important information about another religious holiday.

May 22 is the feast of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. People have long believed that he takes care of and helps all wanderers, those who are far from home, and, of course, children. Therefore, the feast of the saint is celebrated 2 times a year: in winter, on December 19, and in summer, on May 22. The spring holiday has many names: Nicholas the Wonderworker, Nikola summer, Nikola spring, Nikola with warmth, Grass Day, merciful Nikola, sea.

Traditions and signs on St. Nicholas May 22

On May 22, people have always looked at nature to predict the future, and also spent the day in a special way.

  1. On the holiday of summer Nicholas, everyone tried to dress in new festive clothes in order to respect Nicholas the Pleasant. They knew that this saint was closest to the Lord and could fulfill people's requests.
  2. On this religious holiday, you can work: around the house, around the house, in the garden and in the garden. Therefore, the hostesses on this day tried to put things in order in the house, since the saint does not like disorder.
  3. If it rains on Nicholas, there will be a good harvest.
  4. Morning dew on Nicholas is considered healing, they try to wash themselves with it for beauty and health, to walk barefoot on the grass.
  5. It has long been believed that St. Nicholas patronizes lovers, so the newlyweds and those who were going to play the wedding asked for protection and help from the saint.

What not to do on Nicholas the Wonderworker: bans on Nicholas the Wonderworker on May 22

But also on the feast of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker on May 22, some prohibitions work that all believers need to know.

  1. You can’t refuse Nikolai to anyone who asks you for help, otherwise the family will endure poverty and disaster for 7 years for refusing to help those in need.
  2. By the day of St. Nicholas, you can’t keep a debt, otherwise it won’t financial luck whole year. It is better to pay off debts before the holiday.
  3. On this day, it was forbidden to pick up scissors.
  4. It is also impossible not to get a haircut on Nicholas the Wonderworker.

On May 22, 2018, Christians around the world celebrate the Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, who is considered the heavenly patron of children, travelers and the afflicted. It is believed that it was on this day that the relics of the archbishop were transferred from the town of Mira to a place called Bari. In Russia, May 22 got its name - Nikola Veshny. The thing is that the Christian holiday is closely connected with the long-awaited changes and the onset of the last week of spring. In all churches, temples, cathedrals and monasteries, the chasuble on the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is decorated with lilies of the valley, and believers bring flowers as a token of their reverence for the world-famous Saint.

Biography of Nicholas the Wonderworker: biography

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker was born in the small town of Patara, located in a Greek colony in Asia. His parents were believing Christians who had a large fortune and were actively involved in charity work.

As a child, Saint Nicholas regularly attended church services and was fond of reading religious literature, which influenced the formation of his worldview. When he grew up, he went to study as a priest, and after that he went to serve God and people in the temple, where his own uncle, the famous Bishop of Patara, was the father rector of the monastery.

When the parents of Nicholas the Wonderworker passed away, he distributed all the fortune he had inherited to the needy, and he himself became a bishop in the World. Today this city is called Demre. It is located in the Turkish region of the city of Antalya and still thousands of tourists and pilgrims visit this place to bow to Nicholas the Wonderworker and see firsthand where the Saint served.

The honest and just archbishop was revered by the parishioners and ordinary people. Already during his lifetime, St. Nicholas performed many miracles that glorified the Christian faith. Information about the following of his acts has come down to our time:

  • He actively fought against paganism, converting even the most violent heretics to the Christian faith;
  • Rescued from prison people who were unjustly convicted for acts that they did not commit;
  • He never remained indifferent to the requests of the suffering, helping them;
  • Protected the city of Myra from famine and poor harvest through sincere prayer.

In addition, Nicholas the Wonderworker during his lifetime became famous for the fact that he could, by the power of his prayer to God, save the crew of sinking ships that had crashed from inevitable death. Therefore, to this day, the Saint is asked for patronage to people who are on a journey.

The saint of God, Nikolai, lived to a ripe old age, never ceasing to help people in word and deed. Exact date his death is unknown, but scholars agree that it happened around 341-351.

Who patronizes Nicholas the Wonderworker?

The glory of the Great Saint came to Nicholas the Wonderworker during his lifetime. Therefore, on May 22, 2018, all Christian churches will remember the life of this amazing Saint, who is considered the patron saint of children, sailors and travelers. It is believed that it was St. Nicholas who became the prototype of Santa Claus, who brings gifts to children and seeks to please them. Any requests can be made to him, especially those for the implementation of which a real miracle is needed.

Why is Saint Nicholas called God's Pleaser?

Saint Nicholas received such a nickname because he served God throughout his life, helped people and kept the commandments. Nicholas the Pleasant prayed with such strength and unshakable faith in Christ that even after his death, his body remained incorruptible. The relics of the Saint were streaming myrrh, and all who likened to venerate them received healing from their mental and physical ailments.

How to celebrate May 22, 2018?

May 22, 2018 is the feast of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and God's Pleaser, which will be celebrated in all Christian parishes. On this day, all believers try to give up eggs and meat, laying a fasting table with fish dishes.

On this day, it is customary to pray in a temple or at home, asking Nicholas the Wonderworker for mercy and intercession before God. In addition, it is best to refrain from:

  • From doing any homework associated with laundry, cleaning or ironing;
  • Carrying out repairs or performing draft tasks;
  • From working in the fields and gardens, as well as cleaning livestock pens.

Today, May 22, 2018, you need to visit the temple, where a service will definitely be held. You can also pray at home, asking Nikolai Ugodnik for help in any business. It is recommended that the whole family gather for festive table, as well as treat all those who come to visit. The holiday of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is bright and fertile, not associated with tragic events, so it should be celebrated cheerfully and easily.

Saint Nicholas Day 2020 is celebrated on December 19th. Orthodox Church This date honors the memory of St. Nicholas, Archbishop of the World of Lycia, the Wonderworker. In the people this day is also known as Nikola Winter. This is a favorite and long-awaited holiday for children.

The content of the article

history of the holiday

December 19 is dedicated to St. Nicholas, who became famous for his deeds and selfless service to God. WITH early childhood he studied the Scriptures. In his younger years he received a spiritual order (title) and became a preacher. The wealth that he inherited from wealthy parents, he sent to missionary work.

Many miracles are attributed to Nicholas. During the journey, he resurrected a mortally injured sailor and began to be considered the protector of travelers, merchants and children. One day, Nikolai decided to secretly help three girls who did not have a dowry. He quietly made his way into the house and left a wallet filled with money.

On one of these visits, Nikolai threw coins into the chimney, but they did not burn, as they fell into the drying sock of one of the young ladies. This is how the legend of Santa Claus was born. The date of the death of the ascetic began to be called the Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

During the Soviet era, the holiday was forgotten. Customs were eradicated, many of their adherents were subjected to ridicule and persecution. After the collapse of the USSR, the tradition was revived and began to gain popularity.

Traditions and rituals of the holiday

On the Day of St. Nicholas, divine services are held in the temples. Believers eat Lenten dishes, since the holiday falls on the period of the Nativity Fast.

On the night of December 19, parents put gifts under the pillow for the child: fruits, sweets, toys. Lonely girls tell fortunes about their betrothed, make wishes, pray to St. Nicholas for a happy marriage.

On this day, housewives bake special cookies for the festive dinner - nikolaychiki. On the tables there are also dumplings and pies with potatoes, mushrooms, cabbage, lean borscht, pickles.

On this day folk festivals are popular in the villages. Young people arrange sleigh rides. In places, the ancient tradition of caroling on December 19 has been preserved. The guys go from house to house and sing ritual songs in which they wish the owners good health and a good harvest. For this they are presented with sweets and money.

On this day, it is customary to do good deeds. People help those in need, distribute sweets, money, clothes, books, stationery to orphans and children from large families.

Matinees are held in kindergartens and educational institutions. Pupils read poems, demonstrate crafts, perform song and dance numbers.

From St. Nicholas Day, preparations for the New Year and Christmas begin. People put things in order at home, buy food, choose gifts for relatives and friends.


On St. Nicholas Day, it is customary to give gifts to children. The most popular are sweets, fruits, toys. On this holiday, you can also please an adult close and dear person with a pleasant surprise.

What can you eat on December 19

December 19th is the Nativity Fast. On this day, it is allowed to eat lenten dishes: food plant origin With vegetable oil(cereals, soups, vegetable stew, mushrooms), bread, water, salt, raw fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, nuts, honey. On this holiday, you can also eat fish. It is allowed to drink a glass of dry red wine.

What not to do on St. Nicholas Day

On December 19, it is forbidden to engage in heavy physical labor. It is undesirable to clean the house, wash, sew. On this day, you can not break the commandments of God.

Signs and beliefs

  • On December 19, it snows - for the harvest of wheat, rain - for the harvest of cabbage and cucumbers.
  • If the weather is cold on St. Nicholas Day, then the whole winter will be cold, and if it is warm, then the winter will be clear and without severe frosts.
  • If you make a wish on this day, Saint Nicholas will help in its fulfillment.
  • On the day of St. Nicholas, nothing can be done for oneself, but only for those in need.
  • If all debts are not distributed before December 19, then next year you will have to live in poverty.

Saint Nicholas Day is a bright winter holiday. According to popular belief, on the night of December 19, Nicholas the Wonderworker descends from heaven to earth and helps all those in need.

St Nicholas of Summer Day is one of the most revered christian church holidays. The celebration is timed to coincide with the day of the transfer of the relics of St. Nicholas to the city of Bari, located in Italy.

In Orthodoxy, Nicholas the Wonderworker is considered the patron of children, couples in love, soldiers, merchants, merchants. In addition, the Saint is also the protector of people who have been undeservedly punished.From year to year this holiday is celebrated on the same day - May 22 according to the new style (May 9 according to the Julian calendar). The name "Nikola Summer" is the most common.However, the celebration has many other names:Nikola Veshny, Nikola Saint, Summer day, Saint Nicholas, Nikola with warmth, Herbal day, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Warm day.

The folk calendar reminds us that, according to tradition, two days are celebrated in honor of St. Nicholas: the first - in winter, on December 19 (this day is called the holiday of St. Nicholas of Winter) and in the spring - St. Nicholas of Spring, on May 22.

What is the meaning of the holiday Summer Nikola?

Since ancient times, it was believed that on Grassy Day, spring, finally losing ground, meets with summer. The sun no longer warms gently, its rays become truly burning. After Nikolin's day, a hot time usually set in. In Russia, this holiday was very much expected, it was of great importance for the Orthodox. Saint Nicholas was close to God and was considered one of his favorites.

In some villages, people even created special prayers in honor of Nicholas. In their prayers, they directly addressed the Saint, asking him for protection and patronage. By and large, the prayers addressed to Nicholas of Summer were practically no different from the prayers that were said in honor of the Lord. However, these prayers were never approved by the church canon.

The origins of the holiday:

Honoring the memory of St. Nicholas of Summer began at the beginning of the 11th century, literally a few decades after the emergence of the Orthodox religion. The Greeks did not give of great importance this holiday. For them, it was a reminder of negative events, since their country had lost the holy relics of Nikola.

At first, the memory of Nicholas the Wonderworker was honored only by the inhabitants of Italy. This is due to the transfer of the relics of the Saint at the end of the 11th century from Lycia to the church of St. Stephen, located in the Italian city of Bari. Adherents of the Christian faith living in other countries, Nikola Summer was not accepted and was not considered as a grandiose celebration for the reason that all the attention and respect of the people was directed to the local Shrines.

History of the holiday:

Childhood of Saint Nicholas. In one of the colonies of Lycia (now the territory of Turkey), a boy was born into a wealthy peasant family, who was named Nicholas. This event dates back to around 270 AD. From early childhood, his parents taught Nicholas to the Orthodox faith. The boy attended every liturgy, often prayed, studied Divine books and Holy Scriptures.

Youth and youth of Nicholas the Wonderworker. Nicholas' uncle served as a bishop. It was he who contributed to the fact that the young man received the priesthood, whose duties included communication with the flock. Nikolay perfectly coped with his duties, taught and instructed believers, taught to pray, gave advice. In a short period of time, Nikolai won the love and respect of the parishioners. The young Saint possessed such qualities as mercy, openness, kindness, generosity, the ability to sincerely sympathize with people.

A few years later, Nikolai's parents left the mortal world. After that, Nikola, having entered into an inheritance, distributed all the valuables to needy people: the poor, the poor, the sick, the disabled. Saint Nicholas had modesty and meekness, so he did not advertise his good deeds, did not try to tell others about them. However, the rumor about the blessings of the Saint spread quickly. Nicholas became even more loved and respected.

Mature years of Nikolai Ugodnik. St. Being a priest, Nicholas became a pilgrim. For several years, he was able to visit almost all the places where the Savior's foot had set foot. When the Saint returned to his native Lycia, the leadership of the church and the parishioners unanimously elected him Bishop. Having taken the rank of bishop, Nikolai Ugodnik did not change his inner convictions, remaining the same ascetic, meek, generous and kind. Despite his modesty, Nicholas was an ardent opponent of heresy and paganism, he fought mercilessly for the Christian religion.

Throughout his life, Nikolai managed to perform many miracles, which were witnessed by the parishioners. Nikolai always extended a helping hand to people in need, healed the sick (sick), saved those who were in trouble, revealed injustice and even resurrected those who had departed to another world. For such good deeds, people called the Saint the Great Wonderworker.

The venerable age of Nicholas. Until very old age, Nicholas preached Christianity, instructed the laity on the true path, helped everyone who turned to him.

After a short illness, he died peacefully on December 6, 342, and was buried in the cathedral church of the city of Mira.

Historians call such dates of the death of the Saint: 342, 346, 351.

The imperishable relics of the Wonderworker were preserved for a long time in the local cathedral church until they were transferred to the city of Bari. From those ancient times to this day, it is believed that the ashes of Nicholas exude a healing myrrh that cures all ailments.

During his lifetime, St. Nicholas was a benefactor of the human race; he did not cease to be them even after his death. The Lord vouchsafed his honest body of incorruption and special miraculous power. His relics began - and continue to this day - to exude a fragrant myrrh, which has the gift of miracles.

Nikolai Ugodnik (Wonderworker) famous for his great mercy. He forgave even those people who committed a terrible sin. The main thing is that a person deeply repents of a perfect deed. St. Nicholas did not accidentally receive the name of the Wonderworker. The thing is that he became famous as a miracle worker. What miracles did he perform? Saint Nicholas gave prayers and miraculous healings from the most terrible diseases took place through his prayers. Orthodox, who are well acquainted with the history of the life of Nicholas the Wonderworker, claim that he was able to revive the dead.

As various scriptures say, Nikolai Ugodnik was able to pacify a storm at sea. And the sailors who read the prayers of Nikolai Ugodnik were saved from a shipwreck. And even when Saint Nicholas died, prayers to him were addressed to those who prayed for miracles.

Here are the brightest epithets that the Orthodox in Russia use when talking about Nikolai Ugodnik: a quick and merciful helper to the afflicted, an unmercenary and a philanthropist. Nicholas the Pleasant not only forgave everyone, thereby showing his boundless mercy, but also stood up for the offended and oppressed, rebelled against injustice.

If it rains today, it's good luck. There is such a sign in the folk calendar associated with St. Nicholas Day. It often comes true. It is believed that Nikolin's day on May 22 is, although it is also a calendar spring, but a symbol of the onset of summer.

On Nikolin's Day May 22 It is customary to cook special food: bake pancakes and cook duck soup. Be sure to leave a piece of pancake and throw it out the window to the birds. Birds should peck crumbs, then luck will definitely come to you.

If on Nikolin's day May 22 If it rains, the summer in the city will be warm. Divine services will be held in all Orthodox churches in your city on St. Nicholas Day.

The service to the saint, performed on the day of the transfer of his relics from the World of Lycia to Bargrad - May 22 - was compiled in 1097 by the Russian Orthodox monk of the Caves monastery Gregory and the Russian Metropolitan Ephraim.

The Holy Orthodox Church honors the memory of St. Nicholas not only on December 19 and May 22, but also weekly, every Thursday, with special hymns.

This great saint did many great and glorious miracles on earth and on the sea. He helped those in trouble, saved them from drowning and carried them out to dry land from the depths of the sea, freed them from captivity and brought the liberated home, delivered them from bonds and dungeons, protected them from being cut with a sword, freed them from death and gave various healings to many, the blind - insight, the lame - walking, deaf - hearing, dumb - the gift of words. He enriched many who were in squalor and extreme poverty, gave food to the hungry, and was a ready helper in every need, a warm intercessor and a quick intercessor and protector. And now he also helps those who call on him and saves them from troubles. It is impossible to enumerate his miracles, just as it is impossible to describe all of them in detail. East and West know this great miracle worker, and his miracle works are known in all ends of the earth. May the Triune God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit be glorified in him, and may his holy name be praised by the lips forever. Amen.

Nicholas the Wonderworker is addressed with a variety of requests:

* about healing
* about the patronage of the family hearth
*for children
*about help in poverty and need
*about help in all difficult circumstances
* about the most cherished hopes

Even the prayers addressed to Nikolai Ugodnik themselves sound kind of warm and kind.

They have their own special inner structure, soft and insinuating.


We magnify you, Saint Father Nicholas, and honor your holy memory: for you pray for us Christ our God.

Troparion for the Nativity of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Troparion, tone 4.

Your miraculous and glorious Christmas, St. Nicholas, the Orthodox Church is celebrating today, for by standing your foot, the Lord will reveal you and proclaim to be a lamp and a teacher to the laity, enriching and enlightening miracles the whole world. We cry to you: pray to Christ God that our souls be saved.

Troparion for the transfer of the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archbishop of Myra of Lycia.

Troparion, tone 4.

Have a day of bright celebration, the city of Barsky rejoices, and with it the whole universe rejoices with spiritual songs and stumps: today is a sacred celebration, in the transfer of the honest and multi-healing relics of St. crying rightly: save us as our representative, the great Nicholas.

Prayer to Saint Nicholas.

O all-holy Nicholas, the servant of the Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper, help me, a sinner and a dull one, in this life, implore the Lord God to grant me the remission of all my sins, who have sinned from my youth, in all my life my, deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help me to the accursed one, implore the Lord God of all creatures, the Creator, deliver me from air ordeals and eternal torment, may I always glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to Saint Nicholas of Myra.

Oh, Saint Nicholas of Christ! Hear us, sinful servants of God (names), praying to you, and pray for us, unworthy, our Sovereign and Master, be merciful to us, create our God in this life and in the future, may he not repay us according to our deeds, but according to His will give us goodness. Deliver us, saint of Christ, from the evils that are upon us, and tame the waves of passions and misfortunes that rise upon us, so that for the sake of your holy prayers, we will not be attacked and we will not be mired in the abyss of sin and in the mud of our passions. Moth, to Saint Nicholas, Christ our God, give us a peaceful life and the remission of sins, but salvation and great mercy to our souls, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Folk omens on Nikola Summer:

If during the period of the forerunner (22.05-10.06) the weather was damp and windy with showers and thunderstorms, it means that Nikola Summer is favorable, and at the end of summer it will be possible to harvest a rich harvest. Such weather was a particularly favorable sign for the wheat harvest.

If the croaking of frogs was heard on Nikola Veshny, it means that Mother Earth will bring generous gifts to people. Cereal and vegetable crops, fruits and berries will be born well.

“The Grace of God” and “Heaven pours rain on the earth, raises rich bread” - this is what they said if it rains on St. Nicholas of Veshny. And this weather promised happy life in the current year.

It was believed that shearing sheep, planting potatoes and buckwheat on the day of St. Nicholas of Summer would bring good luck in all matters, a rich harvest, and getting rid of troubles.

According to one of the old signs, prayers addressed to the Lord and the Saints on May 22 have great power. People can ask for healing from ailments, an addition to the family, a meeting with a soul mate, forgiveness of sins. Saint Nicholas, who was close to God, will definitely help!

In order not to get sick all year, in the morning on Nikola Summer, people with all their families went out into the field and washed themselves with dew. Then health will be strong and no illness will cling. Some stripped down to their underwear and rolled on the grass, which was covered with dew. Thus, the whole body was washed with fertile moisture.

If Alder begins to bloom on May 22, then expect financial well-being soon. It was believed that the family, in whose yard the buds on this tree blossomed, would not experience material difficulties all year. There are cases when people after that found treasures, unexpectedly received an inheritance, won a large sum of money.

Traditions on the holiday of St. Nicholas of Summer:

Since Nicholas the Wonderworker is the patron and protector of couples in love, young girls at dawn on May 22 prayed to the Saint that he would grant them a meeting with their soulmate. Unmarried girls asked Nikolai to send them a good husband, generous, handsome, hardworking, brave, kind.

Saint Nicholas also patronizes animals, including sheep and horses. By the day of St. Nicholas the Summer, fresh grass in the fields had already grown enough. Therefore, on the night of May 22, all owners of horses and sheep drove their cattle into the fields. Animals frolicked all night, ran, nibbling grass. In Russia, this ceremony was turned into a real spectacular show. And even today in some villages you can observe such an action. So that the horses and sheep would not run away, shepherds were assigned to them - young and physically strong men.

In the evening, before the start of the pasture of animals, a special dinner was prepared for the shepherds, consisting of their porridge and pies. Then bonfires were kindled around the perimeter of the large field. Few of the villagers went to bed early, because everyone wanted to watch the pasture of animals. Even small children were allowed to walk until midnight that day. A little later, when the villagers dispersed to their huts, girls, unmarried residents of the village, joined the shepherds. Then the real festivities began with dancing, songs and fun games. It was believed that on this night, boys and girls entered adulthood, so older relatives did not particularly control "hot young hearts."

In order for the harvest to be rich and the land to be fertile, at dawn people went out into the fields and gardens, stood facing the rising sun and performed a special ceremony. They read prayers addressed to Nicholas the Wonderworker, asking him to protect their lands, for generous gifts, for a well-fed existence.

How behave correctly and what to do on the holiday of St. Nicholas of Summer:

In order for happiness to smile throughout the year, May 22 must be spent in prayers and caring for the family, home, and cattle. It is desirable that all household members, young and old, be busy with useful things.

In the morning and evening, it is advisable to pray to Nicholas Veshny and the Lord. You can ask God and the Saint for everything you need. If your prayers are sincere, and you really deserve what you ask for, you will definitely be rewarded.

On this day, you need to start sowing some crops. As a rule, buckwheat and potatoes were planted. It was believed that after the day of Nikola the Summer, it was pointless to engage in their landing. Firstly, there will be no decent harvest, and secondly, crops will not have time to spoil.

In the morning, after going to church and prayers, it is advisable to go to the bathhouse, take a good bath and change into clean or even new underwear. Outerwear should also be washed and ironed. In the process of bathing, you can read a prayer.

From the very morning, the housewives began to clean up the house, backyard territory, non-residential outbuildings where cattle were kept. Animals were intensively fed various delicacies. Artiodactyls and ruminants were grazed, the rest of the pets were walked.

Unmarried girls and unmarried guys changed into beautiful outfits after the bath. The guys put on shirts embroidered with gold, wide light-colored linen trousers, tied with satin belts. The girls dressed up in long sundresses, and multi-colored scarves were tied on their heads or wreaths with ribbons were put on.

After working in the field and having fun, all family members were supposed to gather at the table to enjoy a festive dinner. There are no special recommendations regarding the dishes on the table. They ate everything that God sent. Usually it was unpretentious food: milk, pancakes, chicken eggs, cheese, porridge, boiled potatoes, bacon and all kinds of dishes prepared from the listed products.

What not to do on Nikola Summer:

On May 22, it was not worth it to be sad, to indulge in memories of past negative events, to be lazy. The only thing that should be abandoned regarding housework is knitting and sewing.

It is undesirable to use scissors and other piercing and cutting objects (kitchen utensils and garden tools do not count).

It was believed that if a person refuses to help the one who turned to him, he and his family will feel the need and fail for 7 years in a row. Remember, helping the poor, orphans and everyone who asks is one of the life rules that St. Nicholas always adhered to during his lifetime.

On a Warm Day, it is also undesirable to refuse anything (of course, within reasonable limits) to children. Nikolai Ugodnik is their patron, so all the kids need to make gifts. It is not necessary to buy something expensive, let it be simple gifts, such as souvenirs, toys, or their favorite treats. By tradition, gifts were always placed under the pillow for children or hidden in socks, which were then hung on a rope above the stove (fireplace).

On Grass Day, it is inappropriate to indulge in violent revelry. Dancing until you drop, strong alcohol intoxication and loud chants are unacceptable. It is also not welcome to clarify personal relationships, and even more so quarrels, scandals, fights. Swearing on May 22 means incurring failure.

Nikola Summer is a holiday that many people love, especially kids. This is a celebration dedicated to the end of spring and the beginning of the summer season. It is important to spend this holiday correctly so that St. Nicholas fulfills all your desires, becomes a patron and reliable protector for you and your family!

Saint Nicholas, my good Wonderworker!
You give me light, hope and love,
I know that you will always help in any trouble,
And I come to you with a prayer again and again!
You are the healer of souls, you inspire light in me,
You know better than anyone what I need now
You are my inspiration, you inspire me with love,
And now there are no tears, only life in my eyes!
We are together, I know, we are going through tests,
But you are in heaven, I am native on Earth,
I feel in you all the power of the universe,
You are my hope, my good Guardian!
But I know I'm not the only one asking you, my Angel!
There are many of us on Earth, looking up with hope!