Comic contests, entertainment and sketches. Funny fairy tales by roles for a drunk company Scenes for a party are cool

(A dissatisfied client and a cheerful waiter of a prestigious restaurant come out with frowning eyebrows, wearing a bow tie and a napkin slung over his hand. The waiter responds with an obliging bow to all the client's dissatisfaction.
you can sing like ditties, or just talk)


I ate kulebyaku in the dining room,
I understood right away - I ate byaka!
And now in my catering
The path will always be closed!


Come to us, don't be afraid
Don't worry about your stomach!
Our cooks are all miraculous
They try all the dishes themselves!


16 Dec 2011


Dear friends!
There are many opinions about diets,
We will not judge harshly!
I suggest for comparison
You listen to the impressions,
Everything will tell us about her
Three noble guests,
And the fourth guest is a Yakut,
He's not in vain here today!
He does not admit diets,
Everything in a row always chews!

Welcome dear guests!

(four participants come out, one is dressed in Yakut, the other is limping, the third is very thin, and the fourth has a large sign on his chest, on which the word “sugar” is written and crossed out in a criss-cross pattern, that is, he does not use sugar. - sings his ditty, and each time the Yakut sings his own, as opposed to singing, thereby proving that there is no need to go on a diet)

Continuation of this scene in full news


20 but I 2011


Dear birthday boy, dear guests!
I don't understand, maybe I'm in art,
Forgive me, friends for this,
But I approve, God knows, the presence
At the Jubilee Ladies from the Ballet!

(a very plump man runs out in ballet on tiptoe, comically dressed up as a ballerina, that is, with a naked torso, in a ballet tutu, in white socks and sneakers, a rim with a white feather on his head, he sings a song)

In full news, the continuation of the scene


10 but I 2011


My friends! We're all here frankly
We can speak medically!
Therefore, it is not a shame at all
Invite such a guest on a holiday!
Please welcome! Bladder now
Will sing a song for you in a treble!

(The Bladder comes out - this is a man who has an inflated balloon tied in front of his waist, half filled with water. He sings a song)

Continuation of the scene in full news


In addition to the festive content, we recommend everyone to watch this news!

10 but I 2011


Our acupuncture
Succeeded God forbid!
Before her and surgery
Has dropped her gaze already!
To you about this patient
He will tell everything at this moment!

(the acupuncturist's patient comes out, all stuck with needles, for this you can glue large nails to him on scotch tape. He sings a song)

Read the continuation in the full news


01 but I 2011

(several men from among the guests come out and say the words addressed to the birthday girl, dividing this text among themselves)

Amazing thing
How did the hostess manage everything:
I put together a beautiful table,
She brought beauty!
Hair like a parade
And the mystery in the look!
Take a look at the outfit:
This outfit just do it off!
She is beautiful to all of us
And it becomes clear to us
That we all have problems!
Digressing from the topic,
I will tell you a secret:
We fell in love, no doubt about it!
But reciprocity is impossible
Our fate is hopeless!
She has a serious husband
He is strong, strong and hefty!
He won't understand our feelings
Will find a way against us!
So we just congratulate
And with little or no toast:
Happy birthday dear
You are always like a dear to us!
We give you our hearts
We give, shaking off the sadness from the face!

(each of the participants in the scene gives the birthday girl a heart-souvenir)


01 but I 2011


There is no sadder story in the world
Than the story of the uneaten cutlet!

(comes out, bent over from colic, the therapist's patient, holding a plate with a suspicious-looking half-eaten cutlet. He sings a song)

(to the tune of the song "Oh, what a woman"!)

Continuation of the scene in full news

Leading Berezniki:

Hello colleagues!

On a cool corporate party

A friendly team has gathered.

Everyone forgot about the dress code

About reports and work.

We will dance until the morning

Songs to sing and light up!


Competition "Catch the ball"


Deaf dialogue game

For example:

  • Can I take a day off tomorrow?
  • When will the report be released?
  • Why are you late again?

Game "Who are you?"

Game "Fanta"

  • To say a tost;
  • Sing;
  • Dance, etc.

Competition "Dance like ..."

Company Treasure Competition



A fun scenario for a corporate party is the key to a bright holiday with colleagues. After all, it is far from salads on the table and beautiful outfits that create a mood. We present an original and fun scenario for a corporate party, which is suitable for any party in the office.

Leading Berezniki:

Hello colleagues!

On a cool corporate party

A friendly team has gathered.

Everyone forgot about the dress code

About reports and work.

We will dance until the morning

Songs to sing and light up!


Are you ready for a good rest? To get back to work on Monday? Then let's start our corporate party! You are one team, and this is what makes the company successful. I propose to test your ability to act together in the next competition.

Competition "Catch the ball"

For the competition, those present are divided into two teams. Each of them chooses a captain. The captains stand in front of the team, at a distance of 2-3 meters (marked with a line), they are given large baskets. Near each team there are many balloons and a line that they cannot cross. The task is to throw as many balls as possible into your captain's basket. Those, in turn, should help, but not overstep the line. Also, the captains are forbidden to touch the balls with their hands. 3-5 minutes are allotted for the task, the winner is the team with more balls in the captain's basket.

At this stage of the corporate party, you can invite everyone to the table. But, the fun doesn't stop. After the guests have a little refreshed, you can continue the entertainment.


I know your boss is perfect. Understanding, generous, positive. And all employees easily find a common language with him, understand each other perfectly. This will be confirmed by the next game!

Deaf dialogue game

The manager and subordinate are invited. The boss puts on the headphones, and the subordinate asks the boss questions.

For example:

  • Can I take a day off tomorrow?
  • When will the salary increase?
  • Why am I going on a business trip and not Ivanov?

The chief, of course, doesn't hear any questions. He can understand what he is asked about only by the movement of his lips and facial expressions. However, the boss has to answer. As a rule, the answers are "out of topic" and the dialogue is very funny.

Then the subordinate puts on the headphones, and the boss asks the questions. For example:

  • When will the report be released?
  • Why don't you go to work on Saturday?
  • Why are you late again?

Then a new subordinate comes out and the fun is repeated, only with other questions.

There are no winners or losers here, but small prizes can be awarded for the coolest answers.


You are a close-knit team, almost like a family. I suggest you check how well you know each other.

Game "Who are you?"

The driver is blindfolded. One of his colleagues sits on a chair in front of him. The driver's task is to guess who it is by feeling only his head. To complicate the task, you can use glasses, wigs, earrings, scarves. Then the one who was guessed becomes the driver. This is not a competition, so there are no winners. But everyone will have a lot of fun!

Game "Fanta"

This is a traditional entertainment for the holidays, and we could not help but include it in our fun script for a corporate party. The rules are simple: the guests, sitting at the table, pass each other a small ball or some round fruit to the music. Suddenly the music stops and the one who has the ball pulls a phantom out of the box and performs the task.

Forfeits with tasks must be prepared in advance. For example:

  • To say a tost;
  • Sing;
  • Dance, etc.

It all depends on the company and imagination, however, observe the chain of command.


You know how to work well and have fun! I invite everyone to the dance floor.

During the disco, you can hold a dance competition to keep the atmosphere festive.

Competition "Dance like ..."

For the game, you need to prepare cards in advance with a description of objects or phenomena of the same subject. For example, for a corporate party in winter, the following are suitable: a snowflake, a snowman, a blizzard, a sled. All leaflets with inscriptions are folded into a box. Each participant takes out one card and dances like ... a snowflake, a sled, a snowman. Then you can identify the most original performer and give him a prize.

During the dance block, you can conduct a team game.

Company Treasure Competition

Players are divided into two teams. From the props you will need cocktail straws for each participant, two bracelets, a couple of chairs. The first player takes a straw in his mouth and puts a bracelet on it. Then, at the signal of the leader, the participants run to their chairs (they are at a distance of 4-6 meters), run around them and come back. Pass the bracelet to the next player - hands free! The winner is the team that transfers its decoration from the first to the last participant faster and does not drop it.


We have a very cheerful and bright corporate party, right? But can there be a holiday without gifts? Let's play the lottery and no one will be left without a presentation!

The presenter invites everyone in turn to draw a ball with a number from the drum, which corresponds to the gift. Presentations need to be prepared in advance and numbered. It is important that they are universal; in each souvenir, the presenter suggests finding a hidden meaning.

Alteration fairy tales for a drunken company are a collection of interesting ideas for such holidays as New Year, birthday,

Every holiday, no matter state, generally accepted or personal, I want to celebrate not only solemnly, but also unforgettably!
What is needed for this? In addition to a good and friendly company, a cheerful mood, of course ... Let's open a little secret: you need a real fairy tale to come into your life on this day! Let not for long, not forever! It is she who will make any celebration a miracle, a joyful event!

We bring to your attention a cycle of completely extraordinary, exclusive fairy tales, alterations for any occasion! Thanks to our funny and funny fairy tales, the holiday will forever remain in your memory!

Enjoy your celebration! Laugh and have fun for health! Let a fairy tale happen more often in your life, a real miracle happens!

You, your friends, colleagues or just guests will be able to discover the talents of real actors and sometimes even singers! With our funny alterations of famous fairy tales, the holidays will become even more expressive and brighter! And there are a huge number of these converted fairy tales in our selection. For every taste, as they say, and for any reason!

By the way, our fairy tales are not finicky in preparation either. You don't have to spend too much money on staging!

A fairy tale-remake for a drunk company by roles about the frog princess

How you want to have fun in a friendly, cheerful, and even more so not quite sober company! I would like to show all my acting talents, laugh with friends.

It is for such a party that our exclusive fairy tale-reworking in a modern way of the famous folk tale "The Frog Princess" is intended.

Play heroes! Make a fairy tale come true! Show what you are capable of!


  1. Leading;
  2. Father of sons. A well-dressed man.
  3. Eldest son;
  4. Middle son;
  5. Ivan the Fool;

Three girls-daughters-in-law: two women of fashion with artificial "charms". You can build up your breasts with balloons or other available means. Heels and short dresses. Aggressive make-up. The third girl in jeans and a blouse, shy.

Preliminary preparation:

  1. recording of erotic music;
  2. mop;
  3. notebook;
  4. stage furniture:
  5. father's office: table, chairs along the wall, folders, documents (for 1 scene);
  6. cafe: table, three chairs, laptop.
  7. for scene 3 in my father's office: instant coffee in a cup (not tasty), another coffee in a nice cup, hairdryer, sponge, Feri dishwashing liquid.

Important: All participants listen to the text and perform the actions of their characters. It is interesting to observe the plasticity of movements, the imagination in the performance of certain creative tasks.

Scene 1.

Father's office.

Leading: All of us, dear friends, have known the fairy tale about the frog princess from childhood. We will not repeat it, it’s boring, but we will not only tell you a completely new one, invented in a new way, but, of course, show.

So, I remember, it began with the words "in a certain kingdom, in a certain state." And ours is how it begins ...
Either in the city, or in the village, there was only one businessman, or a representative of the middle class of entrepreneurship. And he had three sons: the elder, middle and younger Ivanushka the fool.

Somehow a parent calls them to a meeting and says:

Father: I have little time for you, my sons. I can't wait for foreign investors. And the task for you is this: find yourself a mate, but such that my business, being related to your betrothed, will be replenished and replenished! Clear? Have you recorded it? Well, pull it back. Follow, then.

The sons leave.

Scene number 2.

Leading: And the three brothers went: the elder, the middle and Ivanushka the fool to the nearest cafe to think about it. The elder ordered.

Eldest son: There are two hundred grams of cognac!

Leading: Ordered the middle one.

Middle son: So three hundred grams of vodka!

Leading: And Ivanushka the Fool, which is simpler.

Ivan the Fool: And I have a bottle of beer!

Leading: Since he never had more money. And while the elder brother and the average business plan on a laptop were being drawn up, Ivanushka the Fool ... well ... this ... came out of necessity. (exits)

And when the brothers returned, the business idea had already arisen. They scoured all the social networks, re-read the questionnaires and already saw enough of the avatars. Ivanushka the fool only opened his mouth in surprise. His brothers have already begun to correspond in full. Marry the girls you like to call.

Older brother: Look, you fool, at my beauty. The business woman is called.

Leading: With pride, the older brother points at his chosen one. Her name is Angelica. She is engaged in photography, look how many of them she has!

And, it is true, Ivanushka the fool looked at the page of that Angelica and giggled into his fist. Boobs are big, inflatable, teeth are not visible behind the lips, and eyelashes are such that, as in the song, it is sung: "Clap your eyelashes and take off." But her face was painted, it seemed a little familiar to Ivan. He did not begin to upset his elder brother with suspicions. And he nodded, they say, good!

Then the second brother pushes him in the side.

Middle-brother: Look at mine and wash yourself! You have never seen such a thing. Both rich and slender ...

Ivan the Fool: "It's just that she's hardly smart."

Leading: Ivanushka the fool thought to himself. But again, he did not upset the middle brother. Again he agreed that the bride was what he needed.
And he himself looked around more closely. He sees the girl washes the floors. So small, fragile. And in her hands a mop is dancing a lamp. Here the fool's fantasy played out! (erotic dance of a girl with a mop) One feast for the eyes! He went up to meet her. Yes, without thinking twice, and called in marriage. And the one to lose? The nonresident girl turned out to be. Masha's name. She turned pink in her cheeks, and agreed.

The older ones laughed at the youngest, but they sent an SMS to his father.

Senior and middle chorus read: Everything as agreed. The father's commission has been fulfilled. Ready for marriage.

Received a message in response.

Father reads: Come today to my office at exactly 15.00 with your chosen ones.

Leading: And now the appointed hour comes. Drives up to his father's office.
The eldest son with his chosen one "leave", then the second brother with the girl. (cars in the first and second cases denote the steering wheel in the hands of one or another son)

A car arrives - BugattiVeyron 16.4 Supersport. And the eldest son and his bride come out of her. They walk up the steps, and the wind rises from the flap of her eyelashes. Lips when walking barely gather in a heap.

The next car pulls up next - a Ferrari 599XX. From her on high heels, incessantly chatting, a girl jumps out, and behind her proudly falls out the middle son.

The very last to arrive on the minibus was Ivanushka the Fool with his simple girlfriend. They took hands and ran.

Scene number 3.

The same office of the father.

Leading: And now they are all sitting in the study of the great father. Either a businessman, or a representative of medium-sized businesses. He asks questions and assignments, and the children perform them.

The father of three sons looked closely at his daughters-in-law and said:

Father: Prepare for me, my dears, delicious coffee, yes, such as I have never drank.

Leading: And the chosen bride went to make coffee for him in turn.

The first bride to scream the eldest son already from the foster home. (the girl should yell loudly) It turned out that the coffee machine in the office broke down! And she herself does not know how to cook anything, not even coffee. So she screamed like crazy at the secretary of the head.

Father grinned and wrote something down in his diary. And he sent a gesture to the second daughter-in-law for a drink. The one that has urine ran. She quickly boiled water in an electric kettle and threw in powdered coffee. And she returned to the office happy.

The father winced at the treat. Of course, he did not drink. Sent a third for coffee. How long or short it was for the third bride-in-law, but she returned with aromatic coffee, and such that everyone present also wanted to drink it! And while her father drank coffee with gusto, she and everyone else managed to make coffee according to her own recipe.

Father: Where do you know how to make such coffee?

Leading: A businessman father asks a simple girl.

Third daughter-in-law: So, how long have I been working in a cafe. I learned! And not only coffee, I can also boil eggs, and boil sausages, and even an omelet ...

Two brothers chorus: Omelet ?!

Leading: Father was surprised, admired. And he took something in the diary and wrote it down.

The second task was invented by a businessman. Imperceptibly he took the coffee that the second bride had prepared on his white office shirt and spilled it. (as if spilling)

Father: Ay-yay-yay, it's not good how ... How to wash off the stain? So that after a minute there was nothing on the shirt?

Leading: At first, the first girl had to keep the answer.

First bride: What is there to think, but guess? Buy a new one and be done.

Leading: The businessman-leader frowned at such an answer. It is not in his rules to throw money out into the air.

He asked the second bride. She decided to tell fortunes ... and offered.

Second bride: And let's call the dry cleaner directly to the office?

Leading: Probably, so that they can clean it right on the head ...

Again the businessman did not like the answer. He furrowed his eyebrows and said.

Father: Well, your women, you fools, honestly.

Leading: And he turned to the third bride. She took a pinch of salt, rubbed it a little, and then rubbed it with a clean sponge dipped in Feri. And to make everything dry quickly, I immediately dried it with a hairdryer. The shirt was as good as new! (all of the above does)

The father was surprised again, admired.

Father: Yes, how do you know all these tricks?

Third bride: We have white and white tablecloths in our cafe. And you have to wash them in different ways to get rid of any dirt.

Leading: And again the father-businessman wrote something down in his diary.

It's time for the third test. He began to ask the daughters-in-law questions. And listen carefully to the answers.

Father: Tell me, dear ones, in which mansions would you like to live and live?

Leading: What started here!

The first shouts: I want to live in the Canaries, give me a villa!

Leading: Here the businessman is puzzled!

Father: What is this? Do I have to move the villa there because of your whim from the Seychelles, or even worse, will I have to sell it?

The second daughter-in-law: I dream of leaving Goa all my life! I want to have a three-story mansion.

Leading: And again the father is indignant!

Father: And because of you, do I have to demolish the fourth floor of the mansion on Goa?

Leading: Only the third girl is silent, keeping quiet.

The businessman looked at the third and said.

Father: And here you are with my youngest son, the most beloved, with me, in our apartments you will live. You won't stay hungry or unkempt with such a person. And if you also know how to play "Tanchiki", then you have no price!

Third daughter-in-law: I can, how!

Leading: The daughter-in-law answered and put on the tanker's helmet. (puts on)

Together with the guards, the two girls, the elder and middle sons, were escorted out. Those in parting gave all the signs to their gentlemen - like, will we call you again? (showing with movements) Those nodded - of course!

And Ivanushka the fool with his betrothed in his father's mansion began to live and live, and drink delicious coffee in the morning.

Father: And play "Tanchiki"! Tyzh-tyzh-tyzh! (shoots from a stick at his son and daughter-in-law. (They pretend to shoot back, throw grenades in response, accompanying them with appropriate sounds.)

Leading: Well, where without it!

To applause, all the participants in the remade fairy tale come out and bow.

Redesigned birthday tale based on the poem by Korney Chukovsky "Telephone"

The holiday is always fun! Congratulations sound, beautiful toasts and so on.
Do you also want to make yourself and your guests laugh? Make a birthday boy or birthday girl by reading it by roles?

If so, you've come to the right place. We offer you a reworked fairy tale "Telephone". Give out words to the participants and have fun!

Preliminary preparation: print the text, dividing it by roles. Distribute words to 5 participants of the holiday and the presenter.


  1. Leading;
  2. I (role from 1 person);
  3. Michael;
  4. Andrew;
  5. Anzor;

My phone is missing!
Who has seen? Where is he?
Was it on the dresser?
And maybe where did you run away?
Maybe rolled into the bucket?
But how did he manage to do this?
After all, I did not drop it,
I guarded him.
Just yesterday with friends
We played football in the evening.
Well, as they drove, not by themselves,
And with their voices.
We were rooting for the team,
And we defeated the enemies!
And for this until the morning
We drank from a bucket!
We won the victory
But only, it seems, by the morning,
My phone has been lost.
Well, nothing, I'll look.


I rang on the fast Mishka.

Hello, tell me, how are you?
Well, how do you like our bachelor party?
And drunkenness until the morning?


So we had a great walk yesterday!
They shouted for ours so loudly,
What is it this morning
I cannot speak.
And my head hurts ...
Is there something you wanted to ask?

I lost my phone.
You did not see? Did not met?


It seems like I was in the kitchen yesterday
I saw him in Andrey's hands.

Thank you, I'll call
And I'll wake up Andrey!
I am typing Andryukha,
I think I will say ...

- Hi Andrew!
Well how are you?
And how is your headache?
You are more than all the guys yesterday
I drank some wine. And to the bottom.


Andrey, surprisingly,
He was cheerful, no doubt.
And questions about health
He answered without embarrassment.


And I've been on my feet for a long time
I'm not familiar with the fear of a hangover.
I trained for many years,
Therefore, I did not get drunk.
You could learn from me,
How much to drink and not get drunk.
Well, and yours, how are you?

I answered him: "nishtyak".
I lost my phone.
I've already searched the whole house!
And I feel like no hands without him.
As if suddenly became blind and deaf,
And the wife should call.
What do i do? Well, how should I be?


Call Anzor
He was tipsy yesterday
Congratulations on your phone
All friends and girlfriends in the village.

I am typing nervously Anzor,
I don't need such a shame.
Here the wife will come from the dacha,
She shouldn't see his SMS!
I know him, ladies' man ...
I just can't survive then ...
From his love vocabulary
My darling will hack me to death with an ax!


And Anzor has already been
Tidying up at home.


I invite you to visit!

Who are we?


You and Tom!
No, I haven't seen your phone.
And I don't remember who I called.
I only remember the brand of the iPhone,
I gave it to someone!
In honor of the victory of the football team!
In honor of the victory over the common enemy!

But my wife will hurt me
If we don't find the phone!

I called, just in case,
Denu, he didn't drink with us yesterday.
He was on duty yesterday at work,
And therefore he was very sad.
I told him about the trouble,
For which I'm worried.


He replied:

And if I find it?
What do I get for this?

All you want! Whatever you ask for!

I found it then ... You called him!

The moral of this fable is this:
Don't drink too much, even on your birthday
So that the head does not hurt in the morning!
So that there are phones without worry!

Fairy tale-remake for the New Year 2020 with the songs "Twelve Months"


Would you like to add an extra touch of humor and music to your company celebrating the New Year 2020? Yes please!
This funny, musical fairy tale-remake about 12 months, in a completely unexpected interpretation, will appeal to absolutely all participants in the process! Holiday greetings!

Preliminary preparation:

Record backing tracks:

  1. "A wonderful neighbor settled in our house",
  2. "Blue carriage",
  3. "Help me",
  4. "Five minutes".


  • Leading;
  • Stepdaughter;
  • 12 months (fewer people are possible).
  • "Bushes" - 3 people are selected from the guests, who must depict bushes with movements.
  • "Bonfire" - 3-4 people are selected from the guests, who, holding hands, squat down and depict the tongues of flame with their hands.

Throughout the entire scene, one of the brothers-months does not let the fire go out and periodically waves or blows, "kindles" the tongues of the fire. People depicting a bonfire begin to actively move their hands at these moments.

For this tale, special clothing attributes are not needed. The main thing is artistry and vocal abilities.

Leading: Our dear guests! Friends! We all remember the New Year's tale about 12 months, right? Well, when the evil stepmother sent the poor stepdaughter into a blizzard to collect snowdrops? Everything ended well in the fairy tale, but we had to worry about the girl ... But today, in the New Year, even this we simply cannot afford! I suggest you watch, or rather, listen to this fairy tale in a completely new, New Year's interpretation! Want to? Then with my magic wand I am sending you all that fairy tale! (waves a magic wand)

So, I remind you: a poor girl, completely frozen from the cold, wanders through the forest, not finding snowdrops, almost despairing, but sees a light in the distance! Now, in a clearing, in a thicket of the forest, the brothers-months have kindled a fire and are sitting, singing songs. Their glasses are already poured. They are all preparing for the New Year! .. The Stepdaughter came closer and hid behind the nearest bushes. And this is what she heard ...

Four brothers take turns singing. Chorus - all together.

Reworked song "A wonderful neighbor has settled in our house"

He settled in our house
New year is not the first time
We decorate the Christmas tree together,
To dance into the night!
Santa Claus we will wait
Necessarily, friends.
And maybe we won't get drunk
I will not promise!

Chorus (repeat 2x):
Pam-pam, pa-pa-ra-ra, pam-pam.
Pa-pa-ra-ra-pam, ru-ra-ru-ra-ra.

Verse 2:
New Year is a special holiday
We must appreciate it!
Santa Claus is such a mischievous person
And we are in love with him.
Every year he more and more often
Gives us gifts,
That cognac is not real
Or pour alcohol into the bottle!

Chorus (repeat 2x)

Verse 3:
Drinks with us
Sings songs together!
Happy New Year,
Drink vodka - goes to sleep.
Well, we all represent
That he is Santa Claus
Although we all understand
It would freeze in the cold!

The chorus is sung in chorus (2 times)

Verse 4:
Now that holiday
For many years now.
We decorate the Christmas tree together,
Circling together in a round dance!
I just don't understand
Who are my friends around?
I don't remember how I sleep,
I cannot recognize them!

The chorus is sung 2 times together, pouring wine into glasses.

Then a strong wind suddenly blew, the bushes moved (people-bushes move) and the brothers-months saw the Stepdaughter.
We saw a girl in the bushes, pulled out and poured too. She now sits with everyone around the fire and drinks with everyone on an equal footing.

The next song is played. Sings another month. Chorus everyone sings along.

Reworked song "Blue Car" from the cartoon about Cheburashka

Verse 1:
The blue carriage runs, sways,
We look out the window as it flies.
New year and holiday are not forgiven
Soon, soon he will come running to us again!

It spreads like a white tablecloth on the ground,
And it runs straight into the spring.
And winter will settle in houses with a holiday,
Happiness will increase! I'm waiting for the New Year!

They pour and drink again.
The Stepdaughter rises and sings in a drunken, depraved voice.
Reworked song "Help Me!" from the movie "The Diamond Arm".

Help me! Help me!
To survive the New Year's Eve.
You see, I'm dying in an elite cafe,
I can't drink so much more !!!

Verse 1:
I was going to a corporate party
Honest girl
And she dressed so beautifully
I'm on the floor in a dress.
But you lured me into the net
Not a forest smile,
Poured me a glass for courage
And brought him to the dance floor!

Help me! Help me!
I will never repeat these "pas"!
Do you see dying? The dance is dying!
Well, I shouldn't have drunk so much !!!

They drink.

The next song is sung together!

Reworked song "Five Minutes"

Verse 1:
We enter the new year and they say
This is a chance to start over for the guys
Divide everything and multiply
Caress or cuddle
Buy everything or sell.

Five minutes, five minutes
We have been in the heat for a long time!
And the potatoes are crumpled there,
And the kebab has been in the tan for a long time.
Pour in glasses
The clock strikes with great intensity,
The President congratulates us here and there!

Leading: And they began to celebrate the New Year for 12 months with their stepdaughter, merrily and amicably! And we have to go! Happy New Year!

Funny fairy tale "Teremok" in a new way for a wedding (by roles)

At the wedding, it is very important that in the script dedicated to this bright event in the life of young people, there must be a mini-script with funny scenes, fairy tales, reworked in a new way, in which every guest at the wedding could take part!

We offer you a game - a funny fairy tale-alteration "Teremok" in a new way. She will bring a lot of positive, bright, funny colors to the general event dedicated to this solemn day in the life of the newlyweds.

The main rule and task of this tale is to say your duty phrase in time and perform an action, if it is in the script for this character. The rest of the guests can only have fun from the heart!
Have a wonderful holiday with our fairy tale about "Teremok", it will leave an indescribable feeling!

Preliminary work:

  1. Recording instrumental music to mark the beginning of the tale and its end.
  2. Mark the mansion with a beautiful table, chairs, and a tea set on the table. Put sweets and bagels in a vase.
  3. Chairs should be positioned so that all guests can see the characters.
  4. You will need a mop for a frog, playing cards for a chanterelle.


  1. Leading. He can also be a toastmaster. Dressed in a suit.
  2. Bear. Man. Hat with earflaps turned inside out. The ears should stick out in all directions. A large bear nose is drawn on the face.
  3. Little mouse. Female. Wrapped up like an old woman in a plaid or shawl. A long mustache and a nose are drawn on the face.
  4. The frog frog. Man. There is a green rubber swimming cap on the head. There are flippers on the legs. In the hands of a mop.
  5. Runaway bunny. Man. Dressed like a stripper. Behaves much the same. He says his usual phrase and dances erotically.
  6. Little fox sister. Girl in high heels. Spectacular, fox collar on the shoulders. Bright make-up. Behind the fox's tail.
  7. Top gray barrel. Man. Checkered shirt, wolf's tail on the back of the pants. On the head there are ears made of cardboard and a rim, hair is disheveled.

Duty phrases of the participants:

  • Bear: What? I’m not!
  • Little mouse: Hello how are you?
  • Frog frog: It's dirty here. I'll clean it up! (mops the floors)
  • Runaway bunny: Who will dance with me? (erotic dance)
  • Little fox sister: Will we play cards? Chur, I'm giving away!
  • Spinning top gray barrel: But you don't have to attribute me anywhere!

Note: The presenter reads a fairy tale, and its participants, when they hear the name of their character, say a phrase on duty.

Leading: Dear guests! Our dear spouses! Today, on this one of the most solemn and exciting days in your life, allow me from the bottom of my heart to wish your home to be a full cup! So that there will always be a place for good friends in it! But not the same as in our reworked fairy tale about Teremok in a new way. See and remember how it shouldn't be in a normal family!

Music sounds.

In the middle of a steep village in the silence of a thicket stands a real mansion. So tall, handsome! With carved balconies and windows. It seems that no one is at home. I ran past, quite by accident, on my own business, Mouse-noorushka.

Runs out mouse and says his phrase: "Hello, how are you?"

Leading: She looked around and saw that the mansion was standing. And no one in it! So I decided to sit on the veranda and drink tea. The frog-frog ran after ...

The frog jumps out, looks around.

I saw that the Little Mouse was drinking tea (she says her phrase) and decided to keep her company. She came closer and asked: Why can't you sit at home? What are you doing in someone else's mansion? And the mouse-norushka answered (she says the phrase): they say, I’ll just have some tea and then I’ll go on business. If you want - sit with me, rest. The frog-frog entered the mansion (a phrase from the frog) and they began to drink tea together and gossip.

A runaway bunny ran past (a bunny runs out and says his duty phrase and dances). Yes, he ran so fast that he ran around the mansion three times, until he noticed the Little Mouse (the duty phrase) and the frog-frog (the duty phrase). He stopped and asked, what are you actually doing here?

And the girlfriends had to make excuses that they were running by, they decided to sit and drink tea. Why are you asking, bunny-bunny? (the usual phrase of the Hare and an erotic dance).

And the Runaway Bunny answers (a phrase on duty and a dance) that he was just jogging, he saw on the veranda of someone else's mansion a Little Mouse (phrase) and a frog-frog (phrase and action). So I decided to come closer and sit in the house.

They invited a runaway bunny (phrase and dance) into the house. They sat down at the table, poured tea.
How long did they sit for a short time, but the little fox-sister was already running by (Fox runs out and says his duty phrase). And then he asks: who are you and what are you doing here?

I am a Little Mouse (duty phrase), I am a frog-frog (duty phrase and washing the floor), I am a runaway bunny (duty phrase and dance). Here, we sit, we drink tea, we are waiting for the owner. And who are you? And she answers:

I am Sister Chanterelle! (duty phrase). Can I sit with you too?

Friends and Lisa were invited to visit. They sit in the panoramic windows and stare!

Here a gray Volchok ran past their mansion. (A wolf runs out and nervously announces its duty phrase).

He saw someone sitting in the mansion drinking tea and asking:

Can I go with you too? BUT?
- And who are you? - asks the mouse-noorushka (phrase).

- And why did you come to us? - asks the frog-frog (phrase and action).

- And what do you want? - asks the runaway bunny? (phrase and action)

- Do you have money? - just in case, I'm interested in the little fox-sister (duty phrase).

I am a Spinning Top-gray barrel! (the usual phrase of the wolf). I was just walking by, I see you are all sitting ... You wanted to visit. Will you accept?

Okay, - said the Mouse-Norushka (phrase), come in, you will be a guest.

Just look, don’t press it! - warns the frog-frog (duty phrase and action).

And especially here do not download the right! - the runaway bunny asks in advance (phrase and dance).

And you sit closer to me! - offers the Chanterelle-sister (duty phrase).

So Volchok-gray barrel remained with new friends in the mansion. (Wolf's duty phrase).
Here the Bear passed by their friendly company.

The Bear appears and says his duty phrase.

- Hello everybody! - Bear raised his paw (phrase).

And who is there, in the mansion? I don't see something ...

I’m a Mouse-Nerushka! (phrase)

I'm a frog frog! (phrase)

I'm a runaway bunny! (phrase).

I'm Sister Chanterelle! (phrase)

I am a Spinning Top-gray barrel! (phrase)

What do you want?

Bear: Yes, I passed by, I see you are sitting here! You are a Little Mouse (phrase), you are a frog-frog (phrase), you are a runaway bunny (phrase), you are a little fox-sister (phrase), well, you are a top gray barrel (phrase). So I look at you and think: did you accidentally make a mistake with the house? You went to the wedding to (the names of the bride and groom says), as I went, right?

Everything beasts in chorus: Yes!

Bear: So it's not here! Let's go see you!

Leading: And the animals went after the bear: Mouse-norushka (phrase), Frog-frog (phrase), Bunny-hopping (phrase), Chanterelle-sister (phrase), Volchok gray barrel (phrase). And they came to our celebration. I just forgot to ask you ...

The presenter invites all the participants to the stage, to bow and asks: Tell me, please, are you all there, in someone else's house drinking tea ...

Well, how do you like it? At least it was tasty?

And all the participants loudly shout in chorus: No! Bitterly!

Fairy tale-rework "Flower-seven-flower" by roles on March 8

There is only one holiday in the year dedicated to beautiful women. So how do you make it truly the most incredible, memorable? So that all women understand: whatever they wish on that day, everything will certainly come true.

It was for this occasion that Valentin Kataev's fairy tale-alteration "The Seven-Flower Flower" was prepared.

In our original and unique interpretation, it can be shown at any holiday (at home or in a team, at a corporate party, etc.) dedicated to International Women's Day on March 8!

Preliminary preparation:

  1. Make a huge chamomile with multi-colored, falling petals.
  2. Sofa (chair);
  3. Beer bottles;
  4. Kitchen table;
  5. Chair;
  6. Crown;
  7. Bin.
  8. Recording of the song "The main thing is the weather in the house."


  1. Wife. She is dressed in a modest robe, a kerchief on her head. There is a beautiful dress under the robe, stylish styling under the headscarf.
  2. Husband. In a T-shirt and sweatpants.
  3. Hooligans. 3 people in tracksuits and caps.
  4. Maidens-beauties. 3 girls, provocatively dressed and brightly colored.
  5. Flower delivery. A young man in specials. suit. In the hands of a statement and a pen.
  6. Leading. Man.

Scene 1.

Leading: Our dear women! On this holiday, it is impossible not to give you flowers! But in our case, we want to give you not a simple flower, but a "flower-seven-flower". Remember this tale? Let's see how this can be in our real life. Let's fantasize a little? So, the average average family lives in an average average apartment. Everything is as usual: the woman is in the kitchen, and the man is on the couch.

The man is lying on the couch. The wife is busy in the kitchen. Call or knock at the door.

Husband: Hey, wife, someone came there! Go open it!

Wife: Can't you?

Husband(indignantly, almost dropping a bottle of beer): Of course not! I'm busy!

Opens the door. A flower delivery person stands on the doorstep.

Flower delivery: Hello! Is this house 8 apartment 35?

Wife(confused): Yes ...

Flower delivery: Write it down, get it. (hands over a huge seven-flowered flower)

Wife: Are you not mistaken with the address, young man?

Wife embarrassed: Thank you ...

Flower delivery: How to use you know?

Wife: Well, are you serious, or what?

Flower delivery: Sure! Look at the instructions. You tear off one petal and say the following text: “Fly, fly, petal. Through west to east, through north, through south. Come back in a circle! As soon as you touch the ground, be in my opinion led! " And make a wish. Clear? One petal, one desire. Goodbye and happy holidays again!

Wife: Thank you young man and goodbye! (closes the door). This is, of course, some kind of madness ... But why not try it?

The wife comes closer to her husband lying on the couch. Tears off the petal and says the text, and then the very desire: "I want my husband to get up from the couch!"

The husband jumps off the couch and looks at her with frightened eyes. However, he cannot move.

Wife: Wow! Works! Come on ... (the text says again and makes the next wish): "I want you to stop drinking!"

The husband with horror takes the bottles of beer with naughty hands and throws them into the trash can. There is no limit to his horror. He almost cries when he looks at his wife.

The wife takes the next petal. He pronounces the text and makes a third wish: "I want to become a prince!"

The husband obediently puts on the crown and bows politely in front of her.

Wife continues to make wishes: "I only want to sleep with me!"

Three beauties come up to her husband, flirting coquettishly. But he in every possible way moves away from them and fights back. Those, upset, leave.

Wife: "So that the rude rolls in!"

The husband is "attacked" by three hooligans, and he scatters them professionally. They run away in fear.

Wife: "To take out the trash every morning!"

Terrified, the husband grabs the bin and takes it out. Shouting to his wife: “Stop it all! Stop, please! "

The wife stops and looks at the Seven-Blossom Flower. The last petal remains. The wife says the text and makes a last wish.

I want a lot of things!
But I love him and I love him!
Let him remain himself!
The main thing is to be with me!

The wife takes off her robe and kerchief and stands already in a beautiful dress and hairdo. The husband hugs his wife.

The song "The main thing is the weather in the house."

It would be nice if the husband himself sang this song to the backing track.

Musical fairy tale remake for a man's anniversary

All women know perfectly well how difficult it is to please a man with a gift! And no matter how old he is: 6 or 60. Except, excuse me, cars, socks, ties, gels and deodorants, nothing special comes to mind ... Unfortunately, of course!

But fortunately, it is for your man, who will celebrate the anniversary, this completely exclusive, never-before-seen fairy tale-remake, and a musical one, has been prepared!

And not even one! For the birthday man, you and a team of like-minded people can perform a real fabulous REP! Not you personally, but different heroes of fairy tales, in which you will reincarnate!

A musical fairy tale-alteration is easy to perform, only one thing is important, and this is the difficulty - not to laugh yourself during the performance!

So, have a good celebration of the anniversary of your dear man! Have fun!

Preliminary preparation:

  1. Record a rap-appropriate beat.
  2. Prepare costumes for fairy tale characters.


Pinocchio... Man. A multi-colored cap on the head and a long nose with an elastic band are made of cardboard.

Gingerbread man... Man. Round mask of a bun with an elastic band with ruddy cheeks. Eyes with slits to show. A smile all over her face. A cap on the head, a scarf on the neck.

Turnip... Young curvy girl. A beautiful hat in the form of tops. Short skirt. Bright beautiful makeup.
Ryaba Chicken. It is desirable that a strong, stout man plays her. The costume is a multi-tiered, wide, in the form of a ballet, but longer, skirt. On the head is a small cap with a tuft. In the hands of a huge egg made of papier-mâché. On the face there is a thickly drawn mustache and eyebrows. Red apple cheeks. Speaks with a Georgian accent.

Fabulous rap.

Look closely at this picture.
What is painted there? That's right, the picture.
The door opens with a golden key,
Without it, all of us cannot get home.
So look at me, everything is one.
Who am I from a fairy tale? Of course, Pinocchio!

Threw me from hare to wolf,
But all of them were easily confused by me.
But a black streak has come
In the forest at the edge of the forest, I met a fox.
This is where my ruddy side suffered.
After all, I'm from a fairy tale. My name is Gingerbread Man. (E, komon!)

Everyone told me: “Don't trust him, baby.
He is older than you, he is an old grandfather.
He put you in a small garden,
He lovingly watered it, and every other day came up.
And the time has come for the hair-strands
Grabbed you poor so roughly from behind.
You shouldn't have listened to this grandfather,
She grew up over there - a stupid turnip.
He dragged you along with your grandmother,
Moreover, he invited the whole family.
You resisted for a long time,
And the mouse came running and that's all - immediately gave up.
And pulled out by the whole family.
You with tops and earth. " (Yo-yo-yo)

Ryaba chicken(speaking Russian poorly):
And I will tell you a fairy tale about
Like pecking grain every day.
And everything seemed to be peaceful,
Until the golden egg was born.
How that grandfather fell off the chain here,
He took the hammer and like an athlete
Long and tediously hit him like that,
That my head, a chicken, almost broke!
That's just not what he ran into!
My egg didn't give up!
I called my grandmother, whispered in my ear,
So that my egg tore to shreds.
But the grandmother is not strong either.
Didn't beat my egg!
Here, unfortunately, the mouse ran.
I even got to know her a little,
She lives in my chicken coop,
He eats with me, drinks water with me.
But her tail, such a brazen scoundrel,
He waved on the egg and then the end came.
My testicle broke ...
Somehow it happened.
And what do I hear? That grandfather roars
And the grandmother sobs after the grandfather.
They themselves don't know what they want,
Only the egg will not come back.
Okay, I regretted the face of the old people,
I give birth to you a simple, white egg! (YOOYO! Euribadi!)

During their performances, the heroes of fairy tales dance to the beat of a given beat.
At the end, everyone goes to the middle of the hall and bows to the applause of the guests. Then, dancing to the beat, they leave.

Cool audio fairy tale-rework without words for actors: video

We bring to your attention a ready-made cool audiokazka-alteration for actors and without words!

It is fun and easy to participate in it! The main thing is a sense of humor and artistry! And do not even doubt that everyone, without exception, will laugh!

The cool audiokazka is also good because you practically don't need to prepare for it. Only a few attributes are required to denote a particular role. Moreover, it can be at your discretion!

Description: If you are preparing a New Year's entertainment program for guests, but you will not have the opportunity for a rehearsal and your guests should not know the surprises that you are preparing according to the script, then our sketches conducted impromptu (without preparation) will help make the program bright and rich. After a few glasses of wine, guests of the holiday usually like to fool around and take part in various contests, scenes and fairy tales. And our options for such performances are very suitable for improvisation! In the Appendix to the scenes there are 43 muses. track.

In this collection, the following types of impromptu scenes:

- by roles;
- without words;
- musical;
- in verse;
- instant scenes;
- with chants (remarks);
- with dressing up;
- impromptu theater.

Props: face masks, felt boots, chupa-chups, teapot, insect antennae on the rim, small incentive prizes (optional).

2. Impromptu scene based on: "Once upon a cold winter season ..."
3. An impromptu fairy tale about 12 animals according to the Eastern calendar
4. Comic roll call for guests (impromptu)
5. Musical fairy tale-impromptu: "How Santa Claus was looking for a successor" + 11 muses. tracks
6. An impromptu musical scene: "How the Snow Maiden was looking for a groom" + 21 muses. track
7. Musical fairy tale-impromptu: "Dragonfly and Ant" + 11 muses. tracks
8. Instant congratulation scene "Now hold on!"
9. Scene without preparation with dressing up: "Mask, I know you!"
10. Fairy tale (impromptu theater) for adults based on: "Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"

1. Comic impromptu scene about husbands for the New Year

Description: the wives sent their husbands to the Magnit store for groceries before the New Year. But the husbands-neighbors met by chance on the street and mixed up the lists ... The scene is in verse, does not require preparation, is improvised impromptu by the guests, the text is read by the host of the festive event.

Vasya's husband
Vova's husband
Vasya's wife - Larisa
Vovka's wife - Zina

- Once upon a new year
A man goes to the store,
The list was foisted by my wife
And she gave three thousand.

The list includes eggs, tangerines, mayonnaise and oranges.
Mineral water and mushrooms, and a slice of ham.
Cheese, champagne, herring,
Cucumbers, loaf and vodka.
Candles, cake and napkins,
Extension cord for socket.
Cat food, spruce branches,
400 grams of trout,
Tomatoes, pineapple,
And for a drink of kvass.

Here he comes and misses
And here he meets a neighbor.

The neighbor also has a list:
Take dumplings and sausages,
Sliced ​​cheese, milk,
And two curds with raisins.
Corn and peas
Buckwheat, rice or horns.
Black pepper and wine
And two fork cabbage.
Toilet paper,
And smoked herring.

And the neighbor walks in sorrow
These wives got it so bad!
Run, Vasya, to the store,
Doesn't give me a drink, damn it!
And the soul calls and cries:
At least buy beer for change.
You need to somehow contrive
Save money and get drunk.
So the neighbors decided
And they hurried to Magnit.

While walking, we read the lists,
About dumplings and sausages,
About trout, loaf and vodka,
Milk, peas, herring.
Cat food, toilet,
Extension cord for an outlet.

And how did they get to the store,
Then the eyes fled.
Confused all the lists
I took one peas, sausages,
Cucumbers, loaf and vodka,
Black pepper and herring.

………………… .text is hidden …………………….

2. An impromptu scene based on: "Once in a cold winter season ..."

Description: guests randomly choose a role card. The task is to play the scene without preparation. Best Actor wins an award - an artificial mini herringbone. The presenter reads the text of the tale.

Christmas tree

- Once upon a time in the cold winter time
The MAN with the AX went into the forest for the FIR-tree.
At first I crawled up the mountain,
Then he made his way through the windbreak.

He was not frightened by either the WIND or the WIND,
WIFE he was most afraid of.
He left the house almost towards evening,
And more adventures awaited him.

Some groans were heard in the forest,
The MAN was embarrassed, went to see.
Looks, in a clearing in languid movements
Up to the waist in a snowdrift a FOX and a BEAR.

MAN, help me, I beg you, darling,
The BEAR prayed when he saw the man.
Replace me and FOX with renewed vigor,
Please help me out of death, brother.

FOX lies a little alive in the snow,
And mumbles something in a hot delirium.
A MAN with an AX approached the FOX,
I found a trap on a fox's paw.

Swung the AX and broke the trap,
FOX is saved, and the MAN is happy.
I'll go hunting - don't get caught
I'm not used to joking when hunting.

FOX and BEAR went home,
Thank you, dear uncle Vasya!
The MAN took the AX and disappeared into the darkness,
And the BLIND and WIND hindered him ...

He walks, he walks, and towards him
The frightened HARE rushes deliriously.
He jumped into the arms of a MAN,
Save me, he says, or I'll be lost!

Behind him the gray WOLF waddles in the trail,
Give it back, he says, my delicious lunch.
For half a day I chased this eared
Hungry and angry, terribly tired.

But the HARE prayed: Save me, little man!
After all, I'm young, I'm only a year old.
And the WOLF objected: And I am young!
And my appetite is not bad.

Thought the MAN, scratched his pants,
And he took out a sausage from his pocket.
Here, gray, hold my sausage,
Don't touch the hare, I tell you.

WOLF grabbed a sausage and swallowed at once,
And the HARE has already twisted in the snow.
The MAN took the AX and disappeared into the darkness,
And Gray on the hill howled at the moon.

……………… ..the full text is hidden …………………… ..

3. An impromptu fairy tale about 12 animals according to the Eastern calendar

Description: The presenter reads the text, and the guests, drawing lots for themselves the role, say chanting phrases:

Rat - "I'm a super actress!"
Bull - "I'm a real man!"
Tiger - "Just Call Igor"

Snake - "Into the board!"

Sheep - "I'm smarter than tuna!"

Rooster - "I love young people!"

Pig - “Pour it over the edge! "

In a distant land where the sun rises
Where is the very first New Year going,
12 eastern beasts fought,
They chose the king for a very long time.

Everyone praised themselves as one:

Rat - "I'm a super actress!"
And the Bull - "I'm a real man!"
Monkey - "I'll get drunk!"
Snake - "Into the board!"
Horse - "I can ruffle you!"
Sheep - "I'm smarter than tuna!"
Tiger - "Just Call Igor"
Dragon - "I'm a million dollar baby!"
Rabbit - "Love workaholic!"
Dog - "The best sign of the Zodiac!"
Pig - “Pour it over the edge! "
With a Rooster - "I love young people!"

- Who is the first to climb the high throne -
The crown goes to that forever.
And the throne is on a sheer giant rock,
Almost in the clouds, above.

At the appointed time, they came to the foot.

………………… ..the whole text in the full version …………………………

4. Comic roll call for guests (impromptu)

Presenter: Who got up early today?
- I!
Presenter: Did you count money in the safe?
- I!
Presenter: - Who washed? And shaved?
- I!
Presenter: - Drank coffee and choked?
- ... (all are silent)
Presenter: - Did you look in the mirror for a long time?
- I!
Presenter: - And you dressed the most fashionable of all?
- I!
………………… further hidden ……………………

5. Musical fairy tale-impromptu: "How Santa Claus was looking for a successor"

Description: From among the guests, participants are invited to play in a fairy tale without preparation.

Roles: / draw by lot /
Snow Maiden - girl

The rest are all men:
Santa Claus
Successor 1 - blue
Successor 2 - drunk
Successor 3 - Bandit
Successor 4 - Party-goer (DJ)

The presenter reads a fairy tale, and the one about whom they speak depicts:

Once Santa Claus got tired
He began to look for a successor.
And the staff is not at all the same, / Santa Claus shows /
In frost, he does not get up at all!
The beard fell out almost, / Santa Claus shows /
There are three hairs left.
Doesn't see with glasses and without glasses,
I'm ready to retire ...

Santa Claus: depicts suffering
Music track 01: Gr. Roots - I'm losing my roots

- And he had a granddaughter,
She drove everyone crazy with beauty.
Braid - to the floor, good,
And the chest, and the priest and the soul!

Snow Maiden: improvising
Music track 02: Glucose - Dance Russia

Santa Claus gave an ad,
Seriously find a successor,
And the devil brought four of them to them ...

And the first came out
Not yourself
Some kind of strange and strange.

Blue: plays the role of a successor with a non-traditional orientation
Music track 03: B. Moiseev - Blue Moon

The second came in, dented to look,
And he smells of vodka ...

Drunk: improvising
Music track 04: Dune - Greetings from Big Badun

Then the third hurried to Grandfather,
I opened the door with my foot ...

Music track 05: Mafik - Kent

The latter is also not himself,
The headphones are so cool ...

…………………… the text is hidden ………………………

6. Music impromptu scene: "How the Snow Maiden was looking for a groom"

Roles:/ drawn randomly /

Snow Maiden
Groom 1 - Junior Lieutenant
Groom 2 - Caucasian
Groom 3 - Accountant
Groom 4 - American
Groom 5 - Blond
Groom 6 - Chukchi

Track 01. Background music is playing - balalaika

The presenter reads the text:

Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl, the granddaughter of the most famous person in the world. Nooo, not Vladimir Putin, but Santa Claus. And her name was Snow Maiden.

/ The first participant comes out. /

Track 02. And I'm a Russian girl

The Snow Maiden was lonely and dreamed of finding her destiny.

Track 03. Glory - Loneliness

But she dreamed of meeting not just anyone, but the most brutal man. And so she often sang a song in her soul ...

Track 04. Katya Rostovtseva - Brutal man

/ The Snow Maiden sings to the soundtrack and improvises that she is washing in the shower. /

Snegurochka went to a dating site and began to look for the man of her dreams ... And there are so many handsome men that their eyes widen ... For example, a junior lieutenant:

Track 05. I. Allegrova - Junior Lieutenant

And here is a young Caucasian with a beard ...

Track 06. Djigan - I have a beard

And here is a poor, but very nice accountant ...

Track 07. A. Apina - Accountant my dear accountant

There were also foreigners on the dating site ... Here, for example, an American.

Track 08. Combination - American Fight

And of course, the Snow Maiden's gaze fell on a handsome, blond, who had a signature under the photo:

Track 09. Basque - Natural blonde

And then the Snow Maiden could not resist and wrote to him ...

………………… full text is hidden …………………………

7. Musical tale-impromptu: "Dragonfly and the Ant"

Description: This fairy tale is quite universal, suitable not only for a New Year's corporate party, but also for any other holiday: weddings, anniversaries ...

As a props, participants can be given a mustache on the rim.



Jumping dragonfly
Summer sang red ...
I didn't have time to look back
As winter rolls into your eyes ...

Track 01. And I kept flying ...

The field is dead;
There are no longer those bright days
As under each leaf of her
Both the table and the house were ready.

Track 02. Serduchka - Party

Everything has passed: with a cold winter
Need, hunger comes;
The dragonfly no longer sings:
And who will go to mind
Sing hungry on your stomach!
Track 03. I so wish the summer would not end

Dejected by evil anguish,
She crawls to the Ant:

Track 04. Yegor Creed - Bachelor

“Don't leave me, dear godfather!
Let me gather strength
And until spring only days
Feed and warm up! "

Track 05. Shiny - Cute helmsman

“Gossip, this is strange to me:
Did you work in the summer? ”-
Ant says to her.

8. Instant congratulation scene "Now hold on!"

Description: This original New Year's scene can be performed both in a home atmosphere and at a crowded corporate party in a restaurant.


Yolka - "Again I take the rap for everyone!"
Gift - "And who will get such happiness ?!"
Santa Claus - “What? I hear nothing…"
Snow Maiden - "All people are like people, and I'm a superstar!"
Symbol of the year - Rat (you can replace it with another one) - "Now hold on!"

Players need to be given ready-made phrases. The presenter reads a congratulation.

Once upon a time there was Santa Claus (...) and his granddaughter, the Snow Maiden (...).
And again the year has come to an end, and it's time for Santa Claus (...) and Snow Maiden (...) to get ready for work. First of all, they dressed up the Christmas tree (...).
And then they prepared a big-oooy Gift (...)
At that time, the symbol of the coming year, the Rat (...)
Santa Claus (...) put the gift (...) on his back, and the Snow Maiden (...) took the Christmas tree (...)
All together they came to the holiday, but forgot about the symbol of the year - which was a little late (...)
The gift was heavy (…) and Santa Claus (…) got tired of carrying it and threw it away. The Snow Maiden also refused, because (...)
Then the Christmas tree took the gift and said (...)
……………… ..the whole story in the paid version ……………………….

9. Scene without preparation with dressing up: "Mask, I know you!"

Description: players are given face masks and wigs, after which a competition is held with them.

Arbitrary, according to the masks that you have in stock.

The actors stand behind the screen, put on masks and wigs. Only the head is visible to the audience in the hall, the body is hidden behind a screen. Include excerpts from various well-known musical compositions (minuses). And the masks take turns singing to the backing tracks. Guests have to guess who is behind the mask.

Variants of pairs of masks and phonograms:

Dmitry Medvedev's mask - minus songs American fight
Svetlana Loboda's mask - backing track - Superstar
………… 11 more options ……………….

10. Fairy tale (impromptu theater) for adults based on: "Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"

Description: this tale, like all the others, can be carried out without preparation, using ready-made lines for the characters.

Props: felt boots, lollipop icicle, or lollipop, kettle

Alyonushka - All men are goats!
Brother Ivanushka - All women are bitches!
Good fellow - I'm a natural blonde!
Witch - Pretty damn good!

Once upon a time there was a sister Alyonushka and a brother Ivanushka.
Alyonushka was hard-working, smart and beautiful, but she had no luck with men (...). Even so, I was not lucky with my brother (...)
And then one day all people were preparing for the New Year. Alyonushka gathered in the forest for firewood, because she had no one to hope for (...) And strictly forbade her brother to go out into the street and lick icicles.
And Ivanushka waved his felt boot through the window and thought (...) And then he began to get ready to take a walk.
As soon as Ivanushka pulled on his boots and went out into the yard, a beautiful icicle appeared to his eyes! He dismissed the thought that his sister would scold (...) and of course licked the icicle and stuck to it.
Meanwhile, Alyonushka met a Good fellow, who immediately confessed to her (...) But Alyonushka answered skeptically (...)
…………………… .the whole tale in the full version ……………….


It was an introductory fragment with materials. To purchase the full version of impromptu sketches with music tracks, go to the shopping cart. After payment, the material will become available for download via a link on the site, or from a letter that will come to you by e-mail.

Price: 399 R kill

TO every festive event, and even more so 🎄 🎅 🍷 New Year's e , contains a solemn part, which often includes performances by invited artists or a congratulatory script played out by the forces of their team. But even more exciting can be a performance played out without preliminary preparation - right on the holiday!

P present to your attention funny and modern sketches for the New Year 2020 for an adult company 🍸, which are perfect for a corporate party or for a home celebration, when you need to defuse the atmosphere and raise the general mood of the holiday. All participants in New Year's sketches get their roles during the game. And this is an additional moment of surprise and inspiration. A little bit of passion and faith in yourself is all that is required for a successful improvised production!

New Year's scene for the Year of the Rat "In the world of animals"

AND 12 participants are called from the hall - 7 girls and 5 men. The presenter individually communicates the roles with replicas to them.

The presenter depicts Nikolai Drozdov (cap, beard). Music from the TV show "In the world of animals" (Paul Mauriat's orchestra - "Lark") is played.

Nikolay Drozdov talks about the habits of animals living in the horoscope. Each character has its own line, which the character utters after hears the name of his animal. Further, the characters, following the story about themselves, perform those actions that the presenter will voice (what these actions will be, the participants do not know, they were told only by their remarks).

RAT: Queen of the Whitebeard!

BULL: Pump horns!

TIGER: I want role-playing games!

CAT: And what about the compote?

THE DRAGON: I am my own law!

SNAKE: I am yours!


GOAT: A-for-for!

A MONKEY: Why am I still not drunk?

COCK: I have a fighting spirit!

DOG: There is a noise, but where is the fight?

PIG: Just a little bit, I’m right away!

Drozdov's actions with animals: scratches behind the ear, strokes, beckons to him, lures, etc.

Leading(in a very kind and affectionate voice of Nikolai Drozdov):

Hello dear friends. We think we know everything about the animal kingdom. But in fact, even the most common types of arthropods, such as this one (in a touching voice, demonstrates to the audience a wiggling black toy - a scorpion should look like a real one) is a scorpion ... What do we know about it? His body temperature is inconsistent. Depends on the ambient temperature. But how does he regulate his temperature? Or this Capricorn. What kind of creature? The science of zoology is still unknown. Well, now about what you will see in today's program. As you probably guessed, today we will meet the inhabitants of the horoscope. Or rather, about the annual twelve-year cycle.

The year 2020 will begin soon, and a new cycle of animals walking in a circle begins in the horoscope. The animals will line up in a round dance and start moving around the Christmas tree. The RAT is the first to speak.

RAT: Queen of the Whitebeard!

DROZDOV: Yes, in the coming year this charming animal changes its gray coat for a royal one - white. Full-fledged mistress of the coming year! This is how she charmingly gnaws something tasty - she does not hesitate to take it from the table and gnaw it. And he offers to me. Run to me baby. Can you hear the squeak? It is she who encourages everyone to have fun. But do not forget to replenish stocks in the pantry.

DROZDOV: And this is a BULL.

BULL: Pump horns!

DROZDOV: He sensed that there was something to chew on and came to the feast. Watch as this overweight ruminant impatiently kicks its hoof and continuously chews. Give him something to chew on! (In a touchingly frightened voice, as if pretending to be frightened.) And who is there watching us so predatory? Don't eat us, TIGER!

TIGER: I want role-playing games!

DROZDOV: He's actually kind. Especially if you are well fed. We need to feed him. He takes a bite from the hand of a beautiful girl with pleasure. Here you are. Feed him. Careful, he might snatch his hand off. And the heart. They say he's a heartthrob. And then look who? They say they rule. Come on, drive here and get some sour cream, CAT.

CAT: And what about the compote?

DROZDOV: And the compote does not pour into the mouth. Learn student! (He scratches the Cat behind his ear.) Something the sky darkened. And here is the SMS from the Ministry of Emergencies. What do they write there? On the territory of the horoscope, precipitation in the form of lava with hot stones is possible. And the DRAGON is to blame.

THE DRAGON: I am my own law!

DROZDOV: Himself, of course. But you need to be treated. Look how it is bombing. And a runny nose with a cough. All this is fixable. There is an intoxicating medicine on the table over there, especially for a red-hot throat. And who is creeping up there? Well, crawl closer, SNAKE.

SNAKE: I am yours!

DROZDOV: Wow, it winds around and around, but it is not given in the hands. Slips out. This is always the case - it will slip out and prod. Here she is alert - she feels the trembling of the earth. This is a HORSE galloping.

HORSE: Tell me the way to Red Square!

DROZDOV: She has such bangs, and what withers (strokes). Ha, kicks. Well, well, don't kick. Wow, I would ride it ... What am I talking about? Yes. Look, a GOAT came up to us.

GOAT: A-for-for!

DROZDOV: Wayward and capricious animal. Constantly on the spree. She is well fed, she is drunk. He walks through the hills and finds everything he needs everywhere. But a MONKEY jumped off the branch.

A MONKEY: Why am I still not drunk?

DROZDOV: She's already funny. Jumping on the branches, bullying everyone, teasing. Curious mischief! But louder and brighter than all the birds, of course, the COCK.

COCK: I have a fighting spirit!

DROZDOV: This bird lives in the horoscope and in every village. Fly up here, peck the grains, show yourself in all its glory, shout your morning wake-up call. As soon as someone feels a fighting spirit, the DOG's ears will immediately perk up.

DOG: There is a noise, but where is the fight?

DROZDOV: To me! Sit! To stand! Give me a paw! Well done. Clever little animal. Delicious. And the PIG appears last in the horoscope.

PIG: Just a little bit, I’m right away!

DROZDOV: She loves to watch her massive body - takes mud baths, flops down, walks around. And then he comes out of the puddle and grunts contentedly. Now we have all the animals of the horoscope with us. They take each other by the paws and so go around one after another, following the little tailed leader, who wishes everyone happiness in the coming year!

Funny scene-game "How to decorate the Christmas tree"

IN the rider invites everyone to remember how they decorated the tree🎄. For this, participants are invited to the stage. The role of the Christmas tree is played by a girl in a green dress or any other girl who wants to be in the role of a Christmas tree. The presenter individually communicates his remark to all participants.

The fun of this scene-game is "heap-small": when the tree is decorated, characters - "toys" they stick around the main character, and they remain in this position, while more and more "decorations" are added. This episode will best fit into an event for an adult company, when the guests are already pretty drunk and are not averse to playing a little naughty.


An additional participant-assistant is needed - the one who brings in and puts the Christmas tree (brings it in, puts it on the stage, then brings in a stool). A stool is placed behind the “Christmas tree”, where the “star” will stand to be “on top of the head”.

Christmas tree:

STAR: Star in shock! (Climbs onto a stool, "shines" with a halo from his hands around the head of the "Christmas tree".)

GIRLANDA: There are so many golden lights ... (Sings, hugs the Christmas tree and at the same time everyone else in an armful.)

MISHURA: Can I fool you a little? (It stretches to one side, but imperceptibly clings to the ear with one hand, then hugs it with the other hand.)

SNOW: I'm at your feet! (Lays down under the Christmas tree.)

ICICLE (male character): (Takes the Christmas tree by the hand, kisses the handle.) Allow me to kiss your adorable paw! (Takes his arm, hangs.)

SNOWFLAKE: Ah, I fly ... melt, melt! (Spins, stops, clings to the Yolka's hair.)

BUSH (male character): Well, Yolka, prick: how many bumps did you have before me? (He clings with his hand to the Yelkino dress from behind below the waist.)

CLAPPER: Clap-stop! I came around the corner! (He clings with one hand to the Yolkino dress, puts out the other hand in the form of a pistol.)

SHARIK: (Puffing out his cheeks, made a bubble with his hands.) Move aside! I am the main Christmas tree decoration in any year! (Selects a spot, squeezes in and clings.)

FLASHLIGHT: (Hands on his belt, turned left and right, looking at the Christmas tree.) Ah, I will cling somewhere from the lantern! (Grabs the Christmas tree where there is free space.)

MOUSE: For the symbol of the year - the most prominent place! (Takes the Yolka by the free hand.)

At the words “the toys will return to the box”, all the participants in the scene return to their places, and with the words “they will take away the Christmas tree, too,” they carry away the main character of the scene.

Text (voiced by the presenter), along with the lines of the characters:

So, let's remember how the Christmas tree was decorated. Actually, these will be Yelka's memories. How it all was.

A song from the cartoon "New Year's Tale" sounds - a verse and a chorus:

Christmas tree, Christmas tree,
Forest scent,
She really needs
Nice outfit.


Let this Christmas tree
During the holiday hour
With every needle
Pleases us
Pleases us.

They brought into the house and set up a Christmas tree: Shine - and no nails! This is my slogan and the sun!

A STAR was immediately hoisted on top of the head: Star in shock!

And at the base they put a SNOW OUT of cotton wool: I am at your feet!

We got out Christmas decorations. The first one to stick out of the box was the sharp tip of the ICICLE: Allow me to kiss your adorable paw!

A ribbed LUMP followed next: Well, Yolka, prick: how many cones did you have before me?

Now you can throw a little RAIN on top: It seems the rain is starting…

And here is the sparkling white SNOWFLAKE: Ah, I fly ... melt, melt!

And here is the main toy this year, MOUSE: The most prominent place for the symbol of the year!

Where is he? The biggest, the most beautiful ... Oh, here he is - BALL: Move aside! I am the main Christmas tree decoration in any year!

It seems that this round favorite is shocking the top of this Christmas tree society. After all, the STAR considers himself to be the main one: Star in shock!

But then, quietly rustling and shimmering, MISHURA arrived in time: Can I fool you a little?

And then a cheerful FLASHLIGHT rolled out: Ah, I will attach myself somewhere from the lantern!

Suddenly, out of nowhere - a ringing CLAMBER: Clap stop! I came around the corner!

And the finishing touch - of course, an old Christmas tree friend - a bright GIRLANDA: There are so many golden lights ...

This is how it stands, courageously and adamantly, all hung with ornaments - enchanted, bewitched and all as if in chains our precious Christmas tree is chained: Shine - and no nails! This is my slogan and the sun!

But everything passes, the holiday will also pass. The toys will return to the box, and the tree will also be taken away. But the main thing is that each of us has a vivid memory for long and happy years!

Scene-horoscope "It's time to sleep. Nobody sleeps!"

H oh, it's time to sleep. But no one sleeps, because the New Year is coming soon.

The stage requires 12 participants. The presenter calls the audience from the hall according to the signs of the zodiac (lists the signs, and from each category of spectators calls one).

Characters and their actions:

ARIES: lays down on the bedding. Watching the others.

CALF: with a businesslike air depicts cutting jellied meat and putting it on plates.

TWINS: walks with admiration around an imaginary tree, touches toys, gasps.

CANCER: funny depicts claws with his hands, makes appropriate movements, turning in different directions.

A LION: approaches everyone and shows how to do these actions correctly.

VIRGO: painted.

LIBRA: walks, gets nervous, glancing at his watch from time to time.

SCORPIO: with an air of thieves - fingers like a fan, with a thumbnail touches a tooth, etc. - cuts bread.

SAGITTARIUS: periodically overturns the stoparik and, looking around, drags imaginary cucumbers from an imaginary jar.

CAPRICORN: makes movements - as if riding a train, loads boxes and drags them into the house, lays out tangerines on the table, cleans. The scent is just wah!

AQUARIUS: gestures depicts hugs, handshakes, invitations to pass.

FISH: sitting on the second mat, depicts washing in a bath.

As soon as the clock starts striking 12, everyone accelerates their actions (except for Aries - he rises, yawns, itches, weaves to an imaginary table), trying to do everything in time, then rush and (wow, barely had time) stop their actions, stand in a circle and depict like drinking champagne, clinking glasses.


Time to sleep! The cricket does not sleep

The rat is grilling a kebab.

Sleepy Aries went to bed

So that later all night not sleep.

Business Taurus cuts

Jellied meat cubes.

The twins are scurrying about

And they admire the tree.

Sausage with claws Cancer

Cuts like this, cuts like that.

As a superintendent chef,

Leo gives advice.

Virgo makes makeup

Looks like a queen.

Everything, tired of waiting for Libra,

They look nervously at the clock.

On someone Scorpio

Crumbles a loaf into a vase.

Stack of grabbed Sagittarius

Cucumber from a jar!

Mandarins Capricorn

Portage from Abkhazia.

At the doorstep Aquarius

Invites guests to the house.

Fish flop in the bath -

There is still some water in the tap!

Time passes faster and faster ...

Soon, soon the New Year!

[Chimes are heard.]

Now the clock strikes twelve.

Everything, everyone managed to get together!

Everyone is at the festive table!

Happy New Year! Bom-m, bom-m, bom-m ...

Free improvisation "There was a Christmas tree in the snow"

FROM free improvisation to the poem by S. V. Mikhalkov “ There was a Christmas tree in the snow ».

The participants must improvise the actions and remarks of the characters during the poem themselves!


YOLOCHKA: in the first quatrain - flaunts with itself, in the second quatrain - in fear with a cry "Oh-oh-oh!" closes his eyes, shakes.

FORESTER and FORESTER'S SON: like bandits, burst onto the stage, banging firecrackers with confetti and streamers. The Christmas tree shakes even more with closed eyes, imagining that it is shooting from pistols. The FORESTER and the FORESTER'S SON dress up the FIR-TREE - they hang tinsel on it, give balls to their hands. YOLOCHKA shouts: "Mommy, is it a bomb or a grenade ?!" Then, opening her eyes, the Christmas tree notices that she is dressed up, sighs with relief and rejoices.


There was a Christmas tree in the snow -
Little green bang
One and a half meter.

An event has occurred
One winter day:
The forester decided to cut it down! -
So it seemed to her.

She was seen
Was surrounded by ...
And only late in the evening
She came to her senses.

What a strange feeling!
Fear disappeared somewhere ...
Glass lanterns
Are burning in its branches.

Decorations sparkle -
What a smart look!
At the same time, without a doubt,
She stands in the forest.

Not felled! Whole!
Beautiful and strong! ..
Who saved her, who dressed her up?
Forester's son!

D Let's imagine how our favorite fairy-tale characters - Santa Claus and Snow Maiden - live from one New Year to another. For this we need 12 volunteers from the audience.

Participants are divided into roles (singles and paired). Each one is told his action.

Characters and their actions.

HOUSE (1) Gesture: hands with a house above the head.

WONDERFUL GIFTS (2) Gesture: hands describe a rectangle - a box.

PROTEINS (2) Leaning forward slightly, bulging eyes, looking at gifts.

SNOWMAN (1) Grabs his nose, does not find carrots there, threatens Bunnies with his fist.

BUNNIES (2) Run up to the Snowman, make a gesture as if they are grabbing a carrot from their nose, and run away.

DEER (2) They jump funny, lifting their legs, and with their hands they depict horns.

SNOWGROUND (1) Catches the Reindeer, scratches their sides, makes rubbing movements on the horns.

GRANDFATHER FROST (1) Holds an imaginary glass with a cocktail with one hand, and with the other calls up the Snow Maiden and nods his head to the side - they say, let's go.


Here is a house

Where Santa Claus lives.

And here are the New Year's Miracle gifts,

The whole house is illuminated with magic, so bright -

And these are funny red Squirrels,

Who often play peepers (puffy eyes),

In the house where Santa Claus lives.

And here is the Snowman,

Who is not used to playing peepers.

They look, without blinking, at Wonderful gifts,

That illuminate everything, so bright

In the house where Santa Claus lives.

And these are eared white Bunnies,

Stands near the entrance to the house where Squirrels,

Who often play peepers

They look, without blinking, at Wonderful gifts,

That illuminate everything, so bright

In the house where Santa Claus lives.

And these are the horned deer brothers,

Who steal carrots without hiding

At the Snowman. He's calm for now

Stands near the entrance to the house where Squirrels,

Who often play peepers

They look, without blinking, at Wonderful gifts,

That illuminate everything, so bright

In the house where Santa Claus lives.

And this is our beautiful Snow Maiden,

She will scratch the velvety skin

And he will wipe the horns for these deer brothers,

That can be worn without laziness

In the white snow, where are the white hares,

Who steal carrots without hiding

At the Snowman. He's calm for now

But maybe one day give the Bunnies a kick.

Stands near the entrance to the house where Squirrels,

Who often play peepers

They look, without blinking, at Wonderful gifts,

That illuminate everything, so bright

In the house where Santa Claus lives.

And now Santa Claus returned home,

I brought an ice cream with jam for supper.

He calls the Snow Maiden to drink cocktails with ice,

As soon as she scratches the skin with a brush

And he will wipe the horns for these Deer brothers,

That can be worn without laziness

In the white snow, where are the white Bunnies,

Who steal carrots without hiding

At the Snowman. He's calm for now

But he can give the bunnies a kick one day.

Stands near the entrance to the house where Squirrels,

Who often play peepers

They look, without blinking, at Wonderful gifts,

That illuminate everything, so bright

In the house where Santa Claus lives!

Game-scene "New Year's table setting ✨"

AND The “New Year's table setting” scene presupposes the presence of a large number of participants depicting New Year's furnishings, furniture, cutlery and dishes. You also need a large piece of white cloth ("tablecloth") and a towel (cover the "bread"). Plural items are depicted by three participants (the leader calls three at a time), and the corresponding remark is pronounced in chorus. The groups prepare themselves, when and how they will perform their actions - before or after the pronunciation of words, at which command they will simultaneously pronounce the text, etc. For the speed of the organization, all participants are not given a cue individually, but leaflets with cues are distributed. During the presenter's story, comments will be made on the action, where to whom to go and in what position to be located on the stage.

Characters and their lines (printed on flyers and distributed to participants):

YOLKA: [Stands in the far right corner of the stage.] Please do not forget, I am your Excellency today!

CHAIRS: This [pointing to himself] is a chair, they are sitting on it. This is [reaching out to the center of the stage] - a table, at which they eat.

CLOTH: [He spreads his arms wide, spreads a large piece of cloth on the floor and stands in the center.] I'm all so white, not soiled, whole. I'm so excited, this is my first holiday night.

PLATES: [March around the "tablecloth", then on the spot, turn to face the audience, stop on a piece of cloth.] Everything requires skill, layout-serving! Oh two, oh two!

SPOONS: [Lie down to the right of the "plates".] Our cause is just!

KNIVES: Can I lie next to you? [They lie down next to the "spoons", choose a "pair" for themselves.]

FORK: Fork is the holiday queen, place it on the left side of the plate! [Lie down to the left of the "plates".]

FOUGERES: When the clock strikes twelve, people pour champagne in us! [They stand behind the "plates", on the right side.]

RUMKI: Don't yawn! Pour! [They stand behind the "plates", on the right side.]

NAPKINS: ["Swan fold" - sit down and extend their hand.] Like a white swan on a pond, we wipe food from your lips!

OLIVIER: [Stands on the “table”.] I beg your pardon for my French, Madame and Monsieur, be sure to put me on the edge of the plate! Symbolically.

HERRING UNDER THE FUR: [Stands on the "table".] Oh, don't fool this herring! What? Where is the head? Same in the same place as the promised fur coat!

COOLER: [Stands on the "table".] Please, cool your ardor!

CUCUMBER: [Stands on the “table”.] Have a snack!

CHAMPAGNE: [Stands on the "table".] Oh, hold me seven!

MANDARINKA: [Lies down on the “table”.] Fiery red, I am the scent of New Year's Eve!

CHOCOLATE: [Lies on the table.] Take me, I'm so sweet!

PINEAPPLE: [Stands on the "table", stretches out his hand with a poetic gesture.] When pineapple is in champagne, muses will flock to Parnassus!

CANDY: [Lay down on the "table."] Hey, baby, I'm your sweet!

VODKA: [Stands on the “table”.] Do you respect me?

COGNAC: [Stands on the “table”.] You can't do without me, I'm a strong aphrodisiac!

BEER: [Stands on the "table".] Allow me, I'll stand here on the edge? For company.

HOT: [Squats down in the left corner of the stage, folds his arms over his head.] Whoop! I fry, grill - I want to go to the table!

BREAD: There are such words: bread is the head of everything! [Stands in the center, covered with a towel.


New Year is not only a family holiday, it is also a solemn event taking place in society. That is, we can say that this is a secular event, and it presupposes the presence of some rules, such as table setting. Let's imagine how it looks from the point of view of surrounding objects. I will name the objects, and let those who wish to play raise their hands and rise on the stage. Come backstage for now. (He distributes leaflets with text to everyone, instructs the participants.) We begin our story.

The text of the story of the presenter, with remarks from the participants in the scene:

HOST: New Year's Eve is full of mystery. It seems that there is an invisible mysterious force in everything, flowing through all objects in the room. Do you hear? It rustles with needles a Christmas tree. She stood in the room like a real forest princess.

MODERATOR: In the center of the room there is a festive table, and CHAIRS are located around it.

CHAIRS: This is a chair they sit on. This is the table, they eat at it.

HOST: A tablecloth fluttered and fell on the table like a snow-white bird.

CLOTH: I'm all so white, not soiled, whole. I'm so excited, this is my first holiday night.

MODERATOR: A plate detachment has arrived at the place of the festive deployment. PLATES!

PLATES: Everything requires skill, layout, serving! Oh two, oh two!

LEADING: Spoons were placed to the right of the plates. Put it down, not set it up!

SPOONS: Our cause is just!

MODERATOR: And they put KNIVES next to it.

KNIVES: Can I lie next to you?

MODERATOR: And put the FORK on the left.

FORK: Fork is the holiday queen, place it on the left side of the plate!

MODERATOR: FOUGEREES stood behind the plates on the right.

FOUGERES: When the clock strikes twelve, people pour champagne in us!

MODERATOR: GLASSES stood next to the wine glasses.

RUMKI: Don't yawn! Pour!

MODERATOR: And swans-NAPKINS swam across the snow-white tablecloth.

NAPKINS: Like a white swan on a pond, wipe food from your lips!

MODERATOR: Well, now it's time to carry the dishes. [Addressing the audience.] Tell me, dear guests, what dish is considered the main New Year's one? Of course, this is OLIVIER salad!

OLIVIER: I beg your pardon for my French, Madame and Monsieur, be sure to put me on the edge of the plate! Symbolically.

MODERATOR: [Addressing the audience.] And what other salad is customary to put on the New Year's table? Well, of course, it's a HERRY UNDER A FUR COAT.

HERRING UNDER A FUR: Oh, do not fool this herring's head! What? Where is the head? Same in the same place as the promised fur coat!

MODERATOR: If passions flare up at the table, he always comes to the rescue - the COOLER.

COOLER: Please, cool your ardor!

MODERATOR: [Addressing the audience.] What is the most important appetizer in the rhyme of jellied meat? Yes, exactly, it is CUCUMBER!

CUCUMBER: Have a snack!

MODERATOR: So, the snacks have been set. Now the main New Year's drink. Which one? That's right, CHAMPAGNE!

CHAMPAGNE: Oh, hold me seven!

HOST: And for champagne in the festive New Year's triad, its two desserts are obligatory. What kind? Yes, of course, MANDARINKA. Let it lie on the table - it smells sweet.

MANDARINKA: Fiery red, I am the scent of New Year's Eve!

MODERATOR: And one more New Year's dessert. Which one? Of course, CHOCOLATE! Let him lie too.

CHOCOLATE: Take me, I'm so sweet!

MODERATOR: There is one more New Year's dessert. Not a fruit, not a vegetable, not a berry. For exquisite taste, so to speak. Put it on for them and for us. Because he is PINEAPPLE!

PINEAPPLE: When pineapple is in champagne, the muses will flock to Parnassus!

HOST: Well, and the most classic children's New Year's dessert. They are always on the New Year's table! This is ... Yes, CANDIES!

CANDY: Hey baby, I'm your candy!

MODERATOR: And for the most seasoned adults, what is the main thing on the festive table? Yes guys, only hardcore, only VODKA!

VODKA: Do you respect me?

MODERATOR: There is also COGNAC on the table.

COGNAC: You can't live without me, I'm a strong aphrodisiac!

MODERATOR: Well, okay, and BEER.

BEER: Allow me, I'll stand here on the edge? For company.

MODERATOR: Meanwhile, HOT is being prepared in the oven.

HOT: Huh! I fry, grill - I want to go to the table!

MODERATOR: Forgot something. But what? Everything here [lists, pointing]. Guests, can you tell me? Of course, BREAD!

MODERATOR: But in the year of the Mouse, cereals have a special meaning, therefore, the central place on the table should be occupied by BREAD.

BREAD: There are such words: bread is the head of everything!

MODERATOR: Well, of course, our beloved Christmas tree always remains the symbol of each New Year.

YOLKA: Please do not forget, I am your Excellency today!

HOST: The table is set, dear guests, HAPPY NEW YEAR!

A funny scene for the New Year "And the deer are better!"

E that funny play-scene involves the impact on the characters and the audience of a pre-agreed surprise effect. The main character is Santa Claus. He rides reindeer on the tundra in a blizzard and does not see the road. Suddenly, obstacles arise in his path. But he, of course, will overcome all of them and will definitely go to the children for the holiday!

Replicas of the main participant - DEDA FROST:

- The plane is good, the snowmobile is good, even the skis are good. And deer are better! (A joke of Santa Claus on the way.)

- But! (When an obstacle arose.)

- Happy New Year! But. (At the very end, after the final words of the presenter.)

Silent participants (they run onto the stage and stop abruptly right in front of Santa Claus):

MOUNTAIN (it must be bypassed)

MISS (you need to jump over it)

ICE (it must be brought to the shore by the wind)

WHITE BEAR (he needs to be given a gift - a fish)

WIND (howls)

BLIND (circles and sweeps)

All participants must guess for themselves what and when to do, in the course of the narration of the presenter.

MODERATOR: Far North. It's cold, however. The wind howls. Santa Claus rides in a large sleigh on reindeer across the tundra and exclaims merrily ...

MODERATOR: This is how he goes, goes. And the WIND is howling. The BLIND is spinning and sweeping. Nothing is visible, however. Suddenly, suddenly, a huge MOUNTAIN appears in front of Santa Claus!


MODERATOR: Santa Claus took off his hat, scratched the back of his head, put on his hat. And I remembered the old wise proverb: the clever will not go uphill, the clever will bypass the mountain. And he ordered the deer to go around this huge mountain, and then go on.

GRANDFATHER FROST: The plane is good, the snowmobile is good, even the skis are good. And deer are better!

MODERATOR: This is how he goes, goes. And the WIND is howling. The BLIND is spinning and sweeping. Nothing is visible, however. Suddenly, suddenly there was a MISSING in front of Santa Claus! It lay and stretched far in both directions - there was no way to go around.


MODERATOR: Santa Claus took off his mittens, rubbed his hands, stretched his legs, put on mittens. And I remembered the old wise proverb: don't say "gop" until you jump over. Then Santa Claus ordered the reindeer to scatter quickly and push off harder. So we jumped over the abyss. And he drove on.

GRANDFATHER FROST: The plane is good, the snowmobile is good, even the skis are good. And deer are better!

MODERATOR: This is how he goes, goes. And the WIND is howling. The BLIND is spinning and sweeping. Nothing is visible, however. Suddenly, all of a sudden, the open ocean splashed in front of Santa Claus. It broke off a huge ICE, which was carried away by the WIND far from the shore.


MODERATOR: Santa Claus looked to the left, looked to the right. Determined where the WIND is blowing from, and remembered an old wise saying: the wind is a blizzard brother. Santa Claus called VYUGA. The BLIND began to blow towards the WIND. The WIND and the BLIND were spinning in a snow waltz, and they drove the ICE to the shore. And Santa Claus drove on.

GRANDFATHER FROST: The plane is good, the snowmobile is good, even the skis are good. And deer are better!

MODERATOR: This is how he goes, goes. And the WIND is howling. The BLIND is spinning and sweeping. Nothing is visible, however. Suddenly, all of a sudden, a WHITE BEAR appeared in front of Santa Claus.


MODERATOR: Santa Claus looked at his red bag and remembered an old wise saying: what is precious is not a gift, but attention. And Santa Claus took out a silver fish from his bag and gave it to the polar bear. The WHITE BEAR gladly took the fish, bowed to Santa Claus and walked away. And Santa Claus drove on.

GRANDFATHER FROST: The plane is good, the snowmobile is good, even the skis are good. And deer are better!

MODERATOR: This is how he goes, goes. And the horizon brightens. This is the polar night receding. So the tundra ended, and the taiga passed. And there are the lights of big cities, and elegant Christmas trees. And Santa Claus gives gifts to everyone. And why? And all because Santa Claus is kind and savvy.


New Year's game for the New Year 2020 "And Baba Yaga is against!"

E that pantomime game is very easy to implement. All actions of the characters are represented by gestures and facial expressions, without words. The only phrase is from Baba Yaga. The rest of the text is read by the presenter, and the participants in the game perform actions according to the text.

Characters and their actions:

MOUSE: Without words, arranges (puts) the participants in their places, the participants pantomimically depict objects.

BABA YAGA: One line - "And Baba Yaga is against!" Further - changes the position of the participants on the stage. The stage is an imaginary table, in the corner of the stage there is a “Christmas tree” (a participant in a pantomime game).

"Mute" CHARACTERS: Christmas tree, GIFTS ("gifts" will have to lie under the "Christmas tree"), SALAD ("mouse" will grab the "salad" with his hands and "transfer" "to the table" - both will come to the center of the stage in an embrace), CHOCOLATE (in the center of the stage, lying down or leaning against the "salad"), CAMERA ("transferred" to the steps leading from the stage to the hall "), CANDLE (in the center of the stage).

The amusement of this game-scene lies in the fact that additional participants from the audience help to restore order, and for this it is necessary to remember who and where was on the stage before.


MOUSE decorated the house,
The mouse was decorating the YOLKU.
Let it shine brightly
And under it are GIFTS.

He puts chairs for guests.
The table is for food, sweets.
SALAD is already on the table
I am glad to meet the first guest.

Who needs CHOCOLATE,
Kohl don't want a salad.
After all, until it strikes twelve,
You can get hungry.

CLAPPER - on the porch,
In the candlestick - CANDLE.
Guests will be knocking soon!
I ran to dress up!

It flew like a blizzard.


And Baba Yaga is against!

Confused, eccentric -
I changed everything!
In the refrigerator on all shelves -
All GIFTS from under the tree.

In a candlestick - a COTTON,
CANDLE under the pillow.
Under the Christmas tree - SALAD.

Let our Mouse not know
About the insidious affair
The evil grandmother Yaga.
Hall, help me soon!

Guests, help the Mouse,
Put everything back out!
Come on in, don't hesitate,
Climb the stairs!

(The audience recalls what was where, they return everything to its place.)


Got on the run.


And Baba Yaga is against!


Blinked her eyes
She stomped her feet.

But let the New Year
And he will come to her too.
On the most fabulous of days
Grandma will become kinder!

Cool impromptu scene "🎁 Gift for Santa Claus"

FROM The thing about the scene is that all the characters play on one main character - Santa Claus. One man is called from the audience, who will be given a Santa Claus costume and a bag of gifts backstage. Then he is escorted from behind the curtains to the farthest entrance to the auditorium. Thus, his role is to enter the hall and walk to the stage. On the way, various surprises will "lie in wait" for him. Santa Claus, based on the situation, should find gifts in his bag and distribute them (for hares - each vacuum-packed Korean carrot salad, proteins - a cedar cone, foxes - a can of canned fish, wolves - a can of stew).

While the participant, depicting Santa Claus, dresses and prepares to enter, the presenter persuades several participants sitting in the auditorium. When Santa Claus walks past them, the presenter will say the words, and they must quickly jump up from their seats and pronounce their words. That is, the participants in the game are all paired and sit at opposite ends of the passage through which Santa Claus will go.

Characters, their actions and remarks:

BUNNIES [abruptly jump up from their seats and shout]: Give us gifts!

Belchata [jump up abruptly from their seats and shout]: We want gifts!

LISKI [quietly rise, reach for the bag]: Can we steal anything here?

WOLVES [rise, look suspiciously, leaning forward a little]: Does grandfather accidentally have a double-barreled gun?


Up to the heels of his fur coat, and a staff in his hand.

He carries gifts in a huge bag.

And the BUNNIES are jumping on his heels,

And they ask:

BUNNIES: Give us gifts!


And every winter with a heavy sack

His path is difficult, he goes on foot.

He wanders through the forest. And Belchata is behind him.

And they ask:

Belchata: We want gifts!

And he still walks and walks through the forests.

And he himself carries the load annually.

And red FOXES, looking cautiously:

LISKI: Can we steal anything here?

Mysterious Grandfather - a beard up to his knees.

Why does he go to and fro?

And the drool is swallowed by hungry WOLVES.

WOLVES: Does grandfather accidentally have a double-barreled gun?


Of course, everyone knows that he is Santa Claus,

That he brought gifts to the children on the Christmas tree,

That he is very kind, that he is strong and brave.

But look what the matter is.

He gives gifts to you all every year.

Or maybe he himself is waiting for a present!

What if he misses, what if he dreams,

And in secret on a white snowflake he wonders.

Let's give him gifts too!

Goodness and smiles - sparkling and bright -

Let the stars shine in the darkness of the forest,

And may everyone repay good for good!

Applause to Santa Claus! And gifts! Happy New Year!

(One gift remains in the bag - a box containing a prize - a gift for Santa Claus.)