Games and exercises for children suffering from cerebral palsy. Individual correctional program for a child with cerebral palsy (elementary school) PPP Correction classes

Games and exercises for children suffering from cerebral palsy

PRP - Child cerebral paralysis refers to the category of complex diseases. It is a complex of motor disorders arising due to pathologies of conductive paths in the brain.

It is for these reasons for small patients with such a diagnosis, speech development has been slowed down, there are problems with hearing, vision and motility.

The conclusion that the baby suffers like a similar disease or not, the doctors are doing an annual age at the achievement of children, exploring the concomitant, hereditary diseases, intently observe how patients behave in everyday life.

As a rule, most parents do not perceive a terrible diagnosis as a sentence, but, on the contrary, provide all sorts of support to their chad in the fight against ailment.

Children with diagnosis reports to learn how to sit, it is hard to stand and also difficult to master the walking process, since they do not have clear ideas, as needed to move correctly.

Given these features, specialists have developed a number of exercises aimed at developing motor skills that can be performed at home. However, it is better if classes will undergo under control medical workers.

In order to organize such games and exercises, no special devices will be required. You can conduct them yourself or watch the classes conducted by experts.

Proved that childrenolder age is better remembering games that are conducted in groups of several people, however, in some cases individual classes are required.

Involve the child suffering from cerebral palsy in specialized games is better at the earliest. The specifics of the exercise depends on how difficult the disease occurs. In order to find the right complex enough consultation with a doctor.

Speeding exercise complex

Before you start a lesson, you need to massate the knobs of children or encourage them to perform exercises, which are a kind of warm-up to the main complex:

Kids circular movements cover the right and left brushes;

It is necessary to spend from the nail to the base of each finger first on the right hand, then repeat this procedure on the left;

Under the leadership of adult, children lead their hand from the base of the brush to the tips of the fingers on each hand alternately.

After that, you can spend games that will make the pillars of the child's patient more movable:

Ask to kids to squeeze your fingers into the fist, except for the middle and index, stretch your hand forward, and then turn the brush to the right and left;

Index and middle fingers children pull up (we recall that the remaining fingers remain compressed in the fist), and then bend and extension them alternately;

The peculiarity of the next exercise is to touch the thumb with all the others alternately;

An index finger of kids draw a circle, and they do it right handand then left. Subsequently, this exercise can be performed by two hands immediately.

Games and exercises for children suffering from cerebrals.

Game "Bunny gray washed"(3-7 years).

All participants, except for one, sit in a circle. The one who stayed comes into his center and proclaimed the bunny. All others say:

"Bunny loves to swim,
We will wash him with him.

So he washed her mouth, ears.

Oh, what is he obedient!

He will not forget about his paws -

They are protected by the purest rag.

And let's jump -

"You need to go to visit!"

Meanwhile, the bunny should make all the movements that are in a poem. And the rest of the participants must repeat them after him. Then the chief player chooses someone one of them, and he becomes a new hare. The game can be completed after at least 5-6 kids will be in the role of this animal.

Game "Ramine Ball from Hills" (2-5 years).

In order to do this movable game, you need to roll the ball by inclined plane. At the same time, one participant must throw it from above, and the other is to catch this item below. After such throws, players need to be changed in places. This sedentary game well affects the coordination of movements and the mobility of the joints.

Games for the development of the vestibular apparatus.

"Pass, did not cross the gate" (5-14 years).

To proceed to the game, you need to make the gate chairs (four pieces), the passage in which will be 50 cm. Through them, the kids need to go so as not to hurt anything and not to knock. First, the participants act with open eyesAnd then try to carry out the same without the use of organs of vision.

The winner is announced by the one who was able to pass the obstacles without interference. These rolling games teach care and good concentration.

"Turn - not mistaken"(7-14 years).

Children become in a row in a step from each other and turn face to leader. Then they close their eyes and make what the instructor says. And he gives the team to turn to the left or right, work in place, take a step back or forward. Those participants in this mobile game that fulfilled all exercises are correct, considered the winners.

Exercises for muscle strengthening (Malgy)

"Forbidden Movement" (6-14 years).

Children take a standing position or sitting, put hands on her knees. According to the instructor, they begin to repeat the various exercises, aimed at warm-up, torso and legs. At the same time, all movements are performed, except for one "prohibited" - it is negotiated in advance. Or instead of it, participants make some other exercise (also defined before the game starts). For example, instead of raising hands up, you can clap your hands. It is noteworthy that this kind of sedentary games develop attentiveness and speed of the reaction.

"Pass - Sit down" (7-14 years).

Players are divided into two teams, each of which should be 5-6 children. They are in the ranks face to each other. Groups choose captains that depart for the distance of five steps from their teams. Their place is outlined by chalk, and balls are issued in the hands of the leaders of groups. The captains of both teams throw them to the first representatives of their rank and those when they catch the balls, throw them back, and they themselves go and sit on the shop. This is happening until some group wins (in this case, all members of one team should be on the bench rather than their rivals).

All these mobile games are not only helping to fight the above-mentioned diseases, but also give the opportunity to smoke, increase the mood. Especially well affect the guys entertainment, which awaken the spirit of competition. Moving games are best spent in the outdoors - it will become an excellent and healthy pastime for patients or weakened children.

Kinesiological games with lesions of the joints (polyarthritis)

"Whose horse is faster?" (4-9 years).

Children sitting on the chairs, and in their hands are given wands, on the tips of which ropes are tied. It is attached toys-horses on wheels. These items are put in twenty steps from the participants of this low-alignment game. The winner is announced by one whom the horses will be faster to the owner. To do this, you need to wind up the rope on the wand.

"Kulak and Palm" (6-14 years).

In this sedentary game you can participate in the sitting or lying position. To begin with, all participants need to squeeze the left handle in the fist and deploy it to the right, the fingers of which should continue to rest in it. Then, on the contrary, the brush of the right hand is compressed into a fist, and the fingers of the left in the elongated state touch it. This exercise must be done quickly and clearly. Thus, joints are very well developed.

Moving games with lesions of the joints.

"Return to place"(7-14 years).

All children sit on the bench (you can sit on the chairs). The instructor outline on the floor or on the asphalt circle. The first participant of this mobile game gets into it, and with a bandage in his eyes makes four heads. Then he turns left, again makes four heads and unfolds the case to the right twice. There are four more heads, turns to the right, there are four more heads, and so he should be in a circle, from which he left. If he is behind his feature, then you can repeat the exercise. Win those children who are not crime of her.

"Snowflakes" (3-12 years).

To start this game, half children are determined in the snowflakes group, and the other half is referred to the discharge of winds. The instructor itself receives the proud title of "frost". When he pronounces the phrase "blows a strong wind", then the guys who fulfill his role, run to snowflakes, have already managed to run around. Babes, staying in the image of ice fluffs, become on socks and raise pens high up. They relax fingers and begin to walk on the socks, and then slowly run, spin. Meanwhile, the mobile game continues, the frost instructor covers himself with his hands and says: "That frost came."

And the kids are squatted from such words, and hugging their knees with handles, confirm "ah, as cold!", And they lower the consent of the head to the chest. After that, Frost again starts the conversation: "But the breeze is lightweight," and snowflakes in response slowly utter "Fu-U-U-y". Then they get up, again raise the handles, get on socks and gently begin to run, imitating smooth snowflakes. This is how this mobile game ends, but after graduation it starts again. At the same time, the snowflakes turn into the wind, and he, in turn, takes on their role.

All games and exercises are conducted under the supervision of parents or medical workers. In case the child is hard to stand, you need to support it, help make movement.

Do not leave the baby in trouble, you need to help him get on my feet, you need to make it happy and healthy.

Examination on the basics of pedagogy and psychology

Subject: Correctional work in children's cerebral paralysis.

1. Medical correction.

2. Psychological correction of cognitive processes.

3. Principles of psychocorrection of a child.

4. Psychological correction of emotional violations.

5. Correction of violations of speech.

6. Special correction facilities.

7. Psychological and pedagogical correction in a preschool institution.

The main purpose of the correctional work at the PCSC is to provide children with medical, psychological, pedagogical, speech therapy and social assistance; Providing the most complete and early social adaptation, general and vocational training. It is very important to develop a positive attitude towards life, society, family, learning and work. The effectiveness of therapeutic and pedagogical measures is determined by timeliness, interconnectedness, continuity, continuity in the work of various links. Medical and pedagogical work should be integrated. An important condition for complex impact is the consistency of the actions of specialists of various profiles: a neuropathologist, a psychoneurologist, a physician of the LFC, a speech therapist, a deuterine, a psychologist, an educator. Their general position is needed during examination, treatment, psychological and pedagogical and speech therapy correction.

1. Medical correction.

Therapeutic physical culture is an integral part of the medical rehabilitation of patients, the method of complex functional therapy, using physical exercises as a means of preserving the body of a patient in an active state, stimulating its internal reserves in the prevention and treatment of diseases caused by forced hypodynine

Medicinal physical culture products - exercise, massage, hardening, passive gymnastics (manual therapy), labor processes, the organization of the entire motor regime of patients with DC - became integral components of therapeutic process, rehabilitation treatment in all medical and preventive institutions and rehabilitation centers.

The positive effect, which is observed when using medicinal physical education agents in patients with cerebral palsy, is the result of the optimal training of the entire body. Principles and mechanisms for the development of training are exactly the same as normal and pathology. To obtain a positive rehabilitation effect in children with cerebral palsy, continuous and hard work is needed. Tasks of the LFC during the period of residual phenomena:

Reducing the hypertonus leading muscles and muscles of flexors, strengthening weak muscles;

Improving mobility in the joints, correction of vicious settings ODA;

Improving coordination of movements and equilibrium;

Stabilization of the right position of the body, fixing the skill of self-standing, walking;

Expansion of the overall motor activity of the child, training age-related motor skills;

Training along with the educators and parents of self-service, the assimilation of the main types of household activities, taking into account mental Development Child.

To solve the tasks, the following exercise groups are used:

Relaxing exercises, rhythmic passive sharing limbs, fly movements, dynamic exercises;

Passive and active exercises from lightweight source positions (sitting, lying), exercises on the ball of large diameter;

Exercises with objects to the music, switching to new activities, the development of expressiveness of movements; Exercises B. different types walk: high, low, "slippage", "hard", with pushing; Exercises for the head in I.P. sitting standing;

Adoption of correct posture in support with visual control; Exercises in various initial positions in front of the mirror;

Exercises for the development and training of the main age-related motor skills: crawling, climbing (by a bench), running, jumping, (first on mini-trampoline), throwing; Exercises in motion with frequent change of initial position;

Game exercises "How I Dress Up", "How I combing", etc.

During the period of residual phenomena, the complex of medicinal physical education is expanded. The physical rehabilitation program includes massages, applied species exercise, Empty therapy, hydroxotera-pium, physiotherapy (heat collecting, electrophoresis, UHF), hippotherapy, orthopedics (walking in Langeta, Orthopedic shoes, an Adel's Space costume). The volume of daily motor activity of children as they grow and development gradually increases.

2. Psychological correction of cognitive processes.

The complex structure of the intellectual defect in children with cerebral paralysis requires a differentiated approach to psychological correction. In compiling a psychocorrection program, it is necessary to take into account the form, degree of gravity, the specifics of the impairment of mental functions and the age of the patient with a cerebral palsy.

The main tasks of the psychological correction of sensorperertic processes:

· Teaching children to assimilate sensory standards and forming perceptual operations.

· Development of constant, subjectness and generalization of perception.

· Development of the speed of perception of objects.

For this purpose, a variety of classes are used with children to teach them an adequate perception of the shape and the size of the subjects. Classes are carried out in stages, with the increasing complexity of tasks.

The correction process itself should take place in parallel with the training of children with productive activities: design, drawing, modeling, appliqués. Special attention is paid to the formation of constructive activities. Constructive activity is a complex cognitive process, as a result of which perception of the form, the size of the objects and their spatial relations (Luria, 1948; Wenger, 1969).

An important area of \u200b\u200bpsychocorrection is the development of visual and visual thinking. In this regard, the psychological correction should solve the following tasks:

1. Teaching children with diverse subject-practical manipulations with objects of various shapes, values, colors.

2. Learning the use of auxiliary items (instrument actions).

3. Formation of visual thinking in the process of constructive and visual activity.

Psychocorrection classes with children on the development of cognitive processes can be carried out both individually and in the group. In class, the unity of the requirements for the child from the teacher, psychologist and other specialists should be observed, especially if the ability to control their actions. This is successfully achieved in compliance with the regime of the day, a clear organization of the daily life of the child, the exclusion of the ability to start a child of actions.

Directions and tasks of psychological correction of children with cerebral palsy in combination with a delay mental Development

Name and content of the block
Psychocorrection tasks and techniques
Forms of cerebrals
Motivational. The inability of the child is allocated, realizing and take action Formation of cognitive motifs:
- creation of problem learning situations;
- stimulating the activity of the child in class;
- analysis of the type of family education (with the dominant type decreases cognitive activity The child has).
- creation of gaming learning situations;
- Didactic and educational games
Detained development in children with motor disorders due to social encouragementism
Operational regulatory. Inability to plan your time and content activities Child learning planning activities in time.
Pre-organization orientation in the task.
Preliminary analysis with a child used activities.
All forms of cerebral palsy in combination with CPR cerebralorganic genesis
Control unit. The inability of the child to control their actions and make the necessary adjustments Training control on the results of activities.
Training control by method of activity.
Training control in the course of performance.
- didactic games and exercises for attention, memory, observation;
- Training Design and drawing on models
Detained development in children with cerebral palsy

Very important in psychocorrection of children with cerebral paralysis work with parents.

3. Principles of psychocorrection of a child.

Principles as fundamental ideas of psychological correction are based on the following fundamental provisions of psychology:

The mental development and formation of the child's personality is possible only in the process of communicating with adults (Lisin, Lomoms, etc.).

An important role in the mental development of the child is played by the formation of a leading activity (in the preschool childhood - the game, in the younger school childhood - training activities) (D. B. Elkonin, etc.).

The development of an anomalous child occurs according to the same laws as the development of a normal child. In the presence of certain, strictly well-designed conditions, all children have the ability to develop (L.S. Vygotsky, M. Montessori).

An important principle of psychological correction of abnormal development is the principle of complexity of psychological correction, which can be considered as a single complex of clinical and psychological and pedagogical impacts. The effectiveness of psychological correction largely depends on the accounting of clinical and pedagogical factors in the development of the child.

The second principle of psychological correction is the principle of unity of diagnosis and correction. Before deciding whether the psychological correction is needed, it is necessary to identify the features of its mental development, the level of formation of certain psychological neoplasms, compliance with the level of development of skills, knowledge, skills, personal and interpersonal ties age periods. Correctional work tasks can only be delivered on the basis of full psychological diagnosis both the zones of the current and the nearest development of the child. L.S. Vygotsky stressed that "... In the diagnosis of development, the task of the researcher lies not only in the installation of well-known symptoms and their transfer or systematization and not only in the grouping of phenomena on external, similarities, but solely that with the help of mental processing of these external data Pendant in the inner essence of development processes. "

Sections: Work with preschoolers


Papers are a group of disruption of movements, which are a consequence of brain damage in natal and prenatal periods.


The basis of the disease is motor disorders in the form of paresis, paralysis and hyperkinesov, accompanied by a significant number of cases of insufficiency of mental processes.

A large role in the deviations of the mental development of children with cerebrals belongs to motor, speech and sensory violations.

Motor disorders:

  • limited objective and practical activity;
  • insufficient development of substantive perception;
  • difficulty manipulating objects and their perception to the touch;

For children with violations, the ode is characterized by a variety of emotional disorders. This is manifested in the form of increased emotional excitability, increased sensitivity to conventional irritants of the environment, tendency to mood fluctuations. Often, excitability is accompanied by fears. Fear often occurs even with simple tactile irritation, when changing the position of the body surrounding the environment. Some children are afraid of heights, closed doors, darkness, new toys, new people.

The most frequently observed disproportional version of the personal development. This is manifested in the fact that intellectual enough development is combined with the lack of self-confidence, independence, increased suggestibility. A child is formed dependent installations, inability and unwillingness to independent practical activity. The child even with the preserved manual activity for a long time does not master self-service skills.

Explanatory note

The relevance of the problem

IN lately The number of children with cerebral paralysis (a group of pathological syndromes arising due to intrauterine, generic or postpartum lesions of the brain and manifested in the form of motor, speech and mental disorders) becomes more.

In the most general form, the basic principles of the activities of specialists, primarily psychologists, with problematic children were formulated by L.S.Vigotsky and in the work of leading defectologists and psychologists of the country. At the same time, so far they are not sufficiently specific, are not embodied in real-life technologies and do not determine the methodological support of psychological activity.

This brought us to the creation of a correctional-developing program for children with engine disorders of the musculoskeletal system (s) for children's cerebral paralymps (cerebral palsy).

These children need not only in medical and social assistance, but also in psychological correction. It is necessary to adapt children to the conditions of the social medium, as they are characterized by the disorders of the emotional sphere, the poorly developed small motility and the mimic muscles, the behavior as a whole.

The purpose of the program: Helping the children of senior preschool age with violations of the ODA with a cerebral personnel to cope with experiences that impede their normal emotional well-being and communicating with peers.

In this regard, psychocorrection includes the following tasks:

  • stimulation and activation of muscle tone;
  • removal of emotional voltage;
  • assistance in overcoming negative experiences;
  • creating a positive attitude;
  • upbringing self-confidence;
  • development of communicative skills;
  • development of the ability to recognize emotions on external features.

Subject of psychocorrection - Emotional sphere of children.

Object psychocorrection - Senior preschoolers with violations of Oda with cerebral palsy.

Structure and content of classes

The group form of work involves a correctional impact not only by the psychologist for each child attending the occupation, but also within the group in the interaction of participants. All tasks are predominantly game. Jobs are fed by the sample (show and simultaneously by the deployed voice instruction). Control over the correctness of the implementation of certain movements is underway.

Each lesson has six stages of work.

1. Facial massage

Finger tips carry out light movements:

1) stroking;
2) tapping;
3) intimiders;
4) stroking.

2. Respiratory exercises

Improve the rhythm of the body, develop self-control and arbitrariness.

It is important to teach a child (with problems) to feel your breath, i.e. Pay attention to how it breathes: mouth or nose, lies with breathing. The basis of breathing exercises contributing to relaxation make up exercises with the deepening and slowing down of inhalation and exhalation, which is achieved by long-term pronouncing vowel sounds (A, U, O), hissing consonants (W, g) and combinations of sounds (Ah-Oh Wow).

3. Development of shallow motility

Provides the development of intermetrous interaction, removal of synclosis and muscle clamps.

Exercises with coins

All exercises are conducted in a game form. First, the movements are performed with one hand, then the other, then two hands at the same time. Miscellaneous and size of coins are selected. Coins are placed on the palm surface of the end phalanx of the fingers. The child must learn how to hold the coins on the tips from the most heavy to the easiest. Exercises first performed with open eyes, and then open.

Exercises with rosary.

Riding with fingers a rosary or bead (it is better to use natural wood-tree, acorns, nuts, etc.) allows you to focus on the form of disordered rosary, gradually reducing (for excitable children with an increased rate of activity) or increasing the pace (for children with slow motion pace activity). Relocation of the rosary normalizes the respiratory rhythm, soothes.

It is useful to sort out rosary or beads, accompanying the movement of hands by speech-reading poem or patter.

Exercises with chopsticks and pencils

Most exercises are performed for each hand alternately, then with two hands simultaneously with two sticks.

Exercises with balls

The first problem when working with balls, to withstand a rapid reaction, which immediately occurs when the balls are distributed to children.

So that the child felt the ball in his hand, it is useful to ask children to close your eyes and feel the ball: what is it warm or cold, lightweight or heavy, round, smooth, etc. Children's attention should be paid to breathing. It must be smooth and calm.

4. Developing the ability to recognize emotions and ability to express their

Children perform the exercises of a creative portionally executive nature. Guess emotions and reproduce them.

5. Development of communicative skills

Communicative exercises are aimed at expanding the "openness" in relation to the partner, the ability to feel, take and understand it. Joint activity gives a child the skills of interaction in the team.

6. Removing emotional voltage and creating a positive attitude

This part of the classes involves carrying out relaxation exercises for lifting tension, feelings of anxiety. With this type of work, children develop the ability to manage their body, control their emotions, sensations and feelings. Relaxation is carried out in order to integrate experience gained during the practice. Integration in the body (relaxation, self-surveillance, memories of events and sensations) is part of a single process.

In the same part, classes are summed up, children get homework.

Methods and techniques

1. Etudes.
2. Exercise (creative and imitative executive nature).
3. Conversations.
4. Modeling and analysis of the specified situations.
5. Face massage.
6. breathing exercises.
7. Exercises for shallow motility.
8. Relaxation.
9. Use of music records.

Materials and equipment

1. Tennis balls.
2. Pencils (not sharpened with a round and ribbed surface).
3. Wooden sticks (diameter 1.5-2Cm, 10-15 cm long. With rounded ends)
4. Rosary or beads.
5. Small braid items ( of different shapes, masses, textures), nuts, acorns, etc.
6. Coins.
7. Candle.
8. Ball.
9. Magnorton.
10. Cassettes with a recording of calm music.
11. Newspaper.
12. Mirrors.


Many children who have passed a course of psychocorrection classes are produced positive traits, it becomes easier to communicate with peers, they better understand the feelings, the emotions of others and more easily express their own. Children have a sense of cooperation, self-esteem, self-esteem in itself, self-esteem.

Problems of children with motor disorders at cerebral palsy disappear, of course, not immediately, even after the course of psychocorrection classes. Daily work with children is needed. It is advisable to work together with medical workers, educators, speakers, parents.

Performance, the effectiveness of the program can be identified by examining 2 times a year. Before the beginning of a psychocorrection program and after its passage.

Educational and thematic plan of classes


Used exercises and games

1. Activating facial Facial massage ( M.Yu. KatushinaLuggage classes in kindergarten. M.: TC Sphere, 2003.)
2. Development of the ability to feel your breath Breathing exercises ( M.Yu. Kartushina Luggage classes in kindergarten. M.: TC Sphere, 2003; I.L.Arcishevskaya The work of a psychologist with hyperactive children in kindergarten. M.: Knikolyub, 2004.)
3. Development of shallow motility Exercises with chopsticks, coins, rosets, pencils, small objects ( I.V.ganicheva Body-oriented approaches to psychocorrection and developing work with children. M.: Knikolyub, 2004.)
4. The development of the ability to recognize emotions and ability to adequately express their Etudes ( N. Yakovlev Psychological assistance to the preschooler. SPB: Valery SPD; M.: TC Sphere, 2002.)
5. Development of group cohesion Gaming exercises for group cohesion ( I.L.Arcishevskaya The work of a psychologist with hyperactive children in kindergarten. M.: Klebolyub, 2004. N. Yakovlev Psychological assistance to the preschooler. SPB: Valery SPD; M.: TC Sphere, 2002. K. Fopel How to teach children to cooperate? Psychological games and exercises. T. 4, 3, 1. M.: Genesis, 1999.)
6. Development of confidence and forming a positive attitude to another Gaming exercises ( I.L.Arcishevskaya The work of a psychologist with hyperactive children in kindergarten. M.: Klebolyub, 2004; N. YakovlevPsychological read the preschooler. SPB: Valery SPD; M.: TC Sphere, 2002; K.fopelHow to teach children to cooperate? Psychological games and exercises. T. 4, 3, 1. M.: Genesis, 1999.)
7. Development of healthy emotional arousal Exercise "Who is louder saccumit"
8. Removing emotional voltage Relaxation ( K.fopel How to teach children to cooperate? Psychological games and exercises. T.1, T. 2, T. 3, T. 4. M.: Genesis, 1999.)
9. Creating a positive attitude Exercise with a candle.

Ivanova I.I. E -Mail: k [Email Protected] .ru

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary School №1" M.Tambova

Considered recommended

to approval:

Pedagogical Council

MOU US SOSH №1 2016

I argue:

Director of School MOU SOSH №1

Protocol No. 1.

I.P. Treaschaev

Psychological and pedagogical accompaniment program

student___ classG.

Ivanova Ivanna Ivanovna

Maou School number 1

pedagogian psychologist: Yu.V. Kubasova

Tambov 2016.

Relevance This work lies in the fact that the real program of psychological and pedagogical support of students with ABS is compiled in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child of 20.11.1959, the laws of the Russian Federation "On Education" (with changes and additions), from 24.11.1995. №181-FZ "On social Protection Disabled B. Russian Federation"," On the formation of persons with disabilities (special education) "(adopted State Duma 06/02/1999), Family Code of the Russian Federation 1995, Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2000. №27 / 901-6 "On the psychological and medical and pedagogical consultation (PMPC) of the educational institution", the guidance letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation №27 / 29 for children with cerebral paralysis is characterized by specific deviations in mental development. The mechanism of these disorders is complicated and is defined both by time and the degree and localization of the brain lesion. The problem of mental violations in children suffering from cerebral paralysis is devoted to a significant number of works of domestic specialists (E. S. Kalizhnyuk, L. A. Danilova, E. M. Mastiukova, I. Yu. Levchenko, E. I. Kirichenko et al.) 67-6 of 14.07.2003. "On the Psychological and Medical and Pedagogical Commission."

Explanatory note.

For children with cerebral paralysis, a peculiar mental development is characterized by a combination of early organic brain damage with various engine, speech and sensory defects.

The many years of experience in domestic and foreign specialists working with children with cerebral paralysis showed that psychological assistance is one of the components of the complex psychological and medical and pedagogical and social accompaniment of the younger student with a cerebral palsy. Individual psychological correction is one of the important links in the system. psychological assistance Children with cerebral palsy various severity of intellectual and physical defect.

Planning and defining tasks for individual correction is carried out after comprehensive diagnostics. In particular, the psychological examination is aimed at studying the identity of the child, determining the level of development of sensory-perceptual and intellectual processes and the analysis of the motivational and consumer sphere.

In order to diagnose sensory perceptual and intelligent processes, we use the complex psychological methodsproposed by Mamaychuk I.I.

This individual program has been developed in connection with a decrease in cognitive activity, insufficient development of cognitive processes: perception, memory, attention, thinking.

The results of the study of the mental functions of Ivanov Ivanna9 years.

Emotionally-Walking sphere friendly, easily comes into contact. The emotional reaction to the situation of Dagnicity is manifested in the form of interest. Promotion is caused by the reaction painted with positive emotions. After the comment, it tries to correct the error specifying the correctness of actions.

Spectacular perception it is not developed enough: distinguishes colors (choice by title): yellow, blue, green, black, white, there are difficulties in distinguishing sample flowers; relates and differentiates objects in magnitude; Partially correlated objects in shape (circle, square). Small details do not distinguish (features of vision)

Temporary views formed, spatial representations are formed: differentiates the right and left side, top / bottom, knowsseasons, distinguishes the sequence of day of day. Understanding yesterday, today, tomorrow is.

Attention scattered, deplete, volitional effort is minimal, unstable. The look fixes on the subject for a while, there is a mechanical slip of attention from one object to another, the maximum concentrates on the task for 3-5 minutes. The volume of visual attention is much lower than the average parameters of the age group. When performing tasks, constant individual adult learning assistance, external stimulation.

Memory . The memorization process is slowed down, requires multiple repetition. Involves involuntary, figurative, tactile and emotional memory. The volume of auditory and visual memory is strongly reduced.

Thinking vividly effective. When performing tasks that require analysis, synthesis, comparisons, the highlighting of the main thing, requires adult training assistance.

Small motorika . Not developed. Strong sleeping hands makes movement limited and difficult, angular. The possibilities of extension of the hands from the elbow is missing. With difficulty turns the palm at the top. Pencil holds hard. The hatching is possible using a ruler.

Level of learning material : perceives with interest new information, with prompts, "anchors" reproduces new information, with multiple repetitions there is a solution to a typical task without adult tip. The solution is not a typical task using the analysis function is difficult.

This individual program has been developed in connection with a decrease in cognitive activity, insufficient development of cognitive processes: perception, memory, attention, thinking, retreat of mental development in a child with a cerebral palsy.

The purpose of the program:

Creation of a system of comprehensive care to a child with disabilities (violation of the musculoskeletal system) in the development of the main educational program of primary general education;

Correction and development of sensory perceptual and intelligent processes.


    support of the child's development;

    support of the process of his training and education;

    correction of existing deviations (includes correctional work aimed at correcting or weakening existing violations, and developing work aimed at disclosing the potential abilities of the child, achieving the optimal level of development)

Estimated result:

1. Increasing cognitive activity, improvement of performance, development of arbitraryness and sustainability.
2. Formation of the ability to self-regulation of its physical and mental state
3. Reducing psycho-emotional and muscle tension.

Contents of the program.

The program is conditionally divided into 3 blocks.

Block 1. is aimed at the development of visual and motor coordination based on the permissions, form, color, the development of the integrity of perception, tactular-kinesthetic sensitivity.

Block 2. Correction and development of stability, volume, concentration and arbitrariness of attention, development of spatial orientations and temporary representations, memory development.

Block 3. Development of visual-shaped thinking, formation thinking operations: Analysis, synthesis, comparisons, exceptions, generalizations

Classes are held 1 time in two weeks, the duration of 45 minutes, the total number of classes - 18 ()

Used at the beginning of each class finger games and exercises ("Good morning!", "Fingers greet", "my palm", etc.), develop the coordination of the movements of the fingertips of the child, reduce the spastic of the hands. For the development of tactular-kinesthetic sensitivity and shallow motility, finger paints, colored sand are also used.

Relaxation games and exercises that are held at the end of each lesson reduce psycho-emotional and muscle tension ().

As a result of the implementation of the program, the child increases cognitive activity, interest in joint activities with adults, develops the child's need for communicating through speech.


    Vinnik M.O. Mental Delay in Children: Methodological Principles and Technologies of Diagnostic and Correctional Work / M.O. Vinnik. - Rostov N / D: Phoenix, 2007. - 154 p.

    Grabenko T.M., Zinkevich-Evstigneeva TD Correctional, developing adaptive games. - St. Petersburg: "Childhood-Press", 2004. - 64 p.

    Levchenko I.Yu., Kiseleva N.A. Psychological study Children with developmental impairment. - M.: Publishing House "Knogolyub", 2008.

    Levchenko I.Yu., Prikhodko OG Technologies of training and education of children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system: studies. Manual for studies environments Ped. studies. establishments. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2001. - 192 p.

    Mamaychuk I.I. Psychocorrection technologies for children with development issues. - SPb.: Speech, 2006. - 400 p.

    Metiyeva L.A., Udalova E.Ya. Sensory education of children with developmental deviations: Collection of games and game exercises. - M.: Publishing House "Knogolyub", 2008.

    Semenovich A.V. Neuropsychological diagnosis and correction in childhood: Studies. Manual for Higher. Credit institutions. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2002. - 232 p.

    Titova M. How to reset fatigue. // School psychologist №22 November, 2008.

    Shanina S.A., Gavrilova A.S. Finger exercises for the development of speech and thinking of a child. - M.: Ripol Classic: House. XXI. 2010. - 249 p.

Individual work plan

Child name: Ivanova Ivanna Ivanovna

Date of birth: 22. 02. 2006

PMPC conclusion: The level of speech development does not comply with the regulatory and age indicators

Conclusion: F.83, F70? Chazn. Violation of the letter and reading due to non-formation of fixed assessment of the language. Dysarthria (mp)

Terms of implementation: 9 months

Responsible Pedagogue - Psychologist: Kubasova Julia Vladimirovna

2. Thematic classes plan.





1. To form work skills contributing to the development of small motility.
2. Strengthen the muscles of the hands using self-massage.
3. Develop the visual perception, tactile sensuality of the hands, coordinate the movements of the arm through the exercise,
4. Create an atmosphere at the occupation forming positive emotional stability.

1 task

2 task
Working with a ruler and pencil, hatching
3. Task
Rainbow colors (color repetition)
4. Task
"Remember order"


Development of fine-coordinated movements of brush and finger hands

1. The formation of the work of the small muscles and the joints of the brushes of the hands, fingers (especially large) and wrists.

2. Memory development

1 task
Fingering gymnastics (to reduce muscle tone)
2 task
"Remember order"
3 Task
Sharchka (work with a ruler and pencil)
4 task
"Magic squares"


1. Development of small motility

2. Expansion of the vocabulary stock.

1 task
Fingering gymnastics
2 task
"Magic squares"
3 Task
Game "Vegetables" (the development of hearing memory)
4 task
Collect puzzles "Vegetables"
5 task
"What is preparing a mother of vegetables"
from how many parts is




Development of cognitive processes

1. Development of small motility

2. Memory development

1 task

Fingering gymnastics

2 task

Remember a couple

3 Task



Development of cognitive processes

1. Developing thinking.

2. Recipe speech

1 task

Fingering gymnastics

2 task

Make a story by picture

3 Task

Guess the animal

4 task

Round year

Development of cognitive processes

1. Developing thinking

2. Development of attention

1 task

Fingering gymnastics

2 task

Finish Proposal

3 Task

Lay out in sample

4 task

Find differences

Development of cognitive processes

1. Development of motor motion attention

2. Memory development

1 task

Fingering gymnastics

2 task

Edible-not edible

3 Task


4 task

Remember a couple

Development of cognitive processes

1. Developing thinking

1 task

Fingering gymnastics

2 task

Guess the subject

3 Task

Third wheel

4 task

Find too much

Development of cognitive processes

1. Development of imagination

2. Development of attention

1 task

Lay out in sample

2 task

It happens

3 Task

Flies-not flies

Development of cognitive processes

1. Developing logical thinking

2. Development of imagination

3. The fact of Mimika

1 task

We collect puzzle

2. Entering.

We read the fairy tale "Kolobok" on the roles

3. Task

Draw your continuation fairy tale

Development of cognitive processes

1 task

Lay out in sample

2 task

Where bunny row

3 Task

Drawing Gouache "My Mood"

Development of cognitive processes

1. Developing thinking (establishing patterns on abstract material).

2. Development of verbal memory

1 task

Fingering gymnastics

2 task

Find figures

3 Task

Development of cognitive processes

1. Development of the ability to navigate in the sheet space.

2. Development of logical memory (establishing associative connections).

1 task

Above, left, right, down

2 task

Neighbors, through one

3 Task

Combine words.

Development of fine-coordinated movements of brush and finger hands

1. Development of small motility

1 task

Fingering gymnastics

2 task

Where is this house

3 Task

Drawing with colored sand

Development of cognitive processes

1. Development of visual-shaped thinking

2. Diagnostics of memory

1 task

Lay out in sample

2 task


3 Task

10 words memorizing

Development of cognitive processes

1. Development of memory

2. Work with faith.

1 task

Reading fairy tales

2 task


3 Task

Mimic exercises

Development of cognitive processes

1. Development of random attention.

2. Development of auditory memory.

3. Development of visual-shaped thinking.

1 task

Lay out in sample

2 task

Calculate right

3 Task

Find the way

Development of cognitive processes

1. Developing thinking

1 task

Fingering gymnastics

2 task

Exception is eliminating

3 Task

Simple analogies

4 task

Find too much

Contents of the program

Lesson 1.

Purpose: Acquaintance, contacting contact. Development of fine-coordinated movements of brush and finger hands

    Acquaintance "Let's get acquainted."

Description: Presentation of a child. Helloing handshake. (Hand spastic characteristics).

    Fingering gymnastics "My palm"

Description: We offer the child to the music to make the very carrier of each palm.

"My palm is a pond,

On her ships float.

(Slowly the edge of another palm is driven by open palm, drawing a wave)

My palm like a meadow,

And on top drops snowball.

(touch the tips of the fingers to his palm)

My palm like a notebook,

In the notebook you can draw

(I simulate the letter, drawing on each palm in turns of the circles, etc.)

My palm like a window,

It's time to wash it for a long time.

(to lose palm fingers compressed in a fist)

Your palm like a track,

And on the track there are cats.

(carefully step by finger or fingers on the palm)

    Sharchka (work with a ruler and pencil)

Equipment: Shading a (Appendix 3)

Description: on a sheet of format a 4

    "Rainbow colors" (repetition of colors, improved mood) draw a rainbow.

    "Remember order" (memory diagnostics)

Description: On the table there are colored pencils (7 pieces, by the colors of the rainbow). The child remembers their location on the table. The psychologist follows several pencils. The task of the child is to guess what has changed and put pencils into place.

Lesson 2.

Purpose: Coordination of the work of small muscles and joints of the hands, fingers (especially big) and wrists. Memory development.

    Fingering gymnastics (to reduce muscle tone)

Equipment: Spiny ball


    "Remember order"

Equipment: Hatching B (Appendix 3)

Description: On the shelf we put toys, books (12 pieces). The child remembers their location on the shelf. Then the psychologist rearranges a few or removes, replacing it with others. The task of the child to guess what has changed.

    Sharchka (work with a ruler and pencil) Appendix 3

    "Magic squares" (development of spatial representations, consolidation of color knowledge)

Equipment: "Magic Squares" (Appendix 4)

Description: Drive your finger across multicolored cells and perform the psychologist, up, down, right, left. By calling several teams, a psychologist asks, call, on which cell stopped.

Lesson 3.

purpose : Development of shallow motility. Expansion of the vocabulary stock.

    Fingering gymnastics "My palm" (Repeat lesson 1)

    "Magic squares" (repeat classes 2)

    Game "Vegetables" (extension of the vocabulary stock)

Equipment: ball.

Description: The psychologist throws the ball to a child who, caught the ball should call the word denoting some kind of vegetable and throw the ball back to the psychologist. The game continues until all the well-known words "vegetables" are not named.

    "Gather Puzzle" (on the small motorcy, perception of the part and the whole)

Equipment: Set of cardboard puzzles "Vegetables"

Description: The psychologist asks to collect a puzzle, after that the child should call the resulting vegetables and tell where, his mother uses him, what a dish with him he loves. From how many parts it consists, and others. Specifications.

Lesson 4.

purpose : Development of shallow motility. Memory development.

    Fingering gymnastics

Finger-boy where have you been?

With this brother went to the forest,

With this brother, soup was cooked

With this brother, porridge ate

With this brother sang songs.

Description: The child tells the rhyme and bends his fingers into the ring. The first time - do the exercise with the right hand. The second time is left hand. The third time - at the same time two hands.

    "Remember the pair" (Appendix 3)



    Figure "Autumn" (Fine motor skills, pressure control, reduction of muscle tone)

Equipment: Listed sheet, gouache, cup with water, tassels.

Description: The psychologist explains the child that this hour they will draw autumn. Conditionally sheet to share for 4 parts. The verses draws with his fingers, with a brush. Up Heaven, bottom trees leaves, etc. (Options are discussed with the child). The first few smears of the child a psychologist helps to make hand and push, then, the child draws himself.

Lesson 5.

purpose : Development of thinking. Speech development.

    Fingering gymnastics (on a reduction in muscle tone) (Repeating classes 2)

    "Make a story by picture" (an increase in the vocabulary, the development of thinking and speech)

Equipment: 2 sets of 4 pictures.

Description: Let the child give pictures. They need to be placed in order. Then you need to describe what is drawn to get a story.

If the child was a very scanty story, the psychologist himself makes up a story on these pictures so that the child can see how the text on the same pictures may differ. At the same time, it is necessary to use descriptions of objects or heroes. The second picture describes a child, a psychologist asks additional questions.

    "Guess the animal"

Equipment: Pictures with animals: fox, mouse, hedgehog, falcon, dog, owl, snake, wolf, bear, etc.

Description: The psychologist asks the child to guess which animal is characterized by quality: cunning, like ...; Cowardly like ...; Spiny, like ...; loyal like ...; vigorous

as...; wise like ...; Strong, like ...; Hungry, how ...? "

(can with any other phenomena of nature, etc.)

    "All year round" (teach children to see signs of seasonal changes in nature)

Equipment 1. Large rotating disk, divided into four sectors, colored flannel (white - winter, green - spring, pink - summer, yellow - autumn). 2. Series of pictures pasted on the flannel. 1 series. Pictures depicting seasonal changes in nature: sun, rain, snow, leaf fall. 2 series. Flowers: snowdrops, chamomile, asters. Fruits: radishes, green onions, strawberries, tomatoes, lemons, apples. 3 series. Animals and birds in different time of the year. 4 series. Labor work in nature. 5 series. Entertainment of children.

Description: The disk rotates, the arrow shows one of the sectors. The child determines the season of the sector season and picks up pictures corresponding to this season.

Lesson 6.

purpose : Development of thinking and attention.

    Fingering gymnastics "Castle" (Motoric Development)

On the door weighs the castle

Who would be able to open it?




And opened!

(Fold your fingers in the castle)

(knock hand in hand)

(twist the hands, without squeezing the fingers)

(pull the brushes in different directions, without squeezing your fingers)

(sharply squander the fingers)

    "Finish Proposal"

Description: The child is offered instead of dots insert the necessary words.

An animal that meows is called ...

Bird, which boxes, is called ...

The tree on which apples grow, called ...

A tree that adorn to the new year is called ...

Then you can ask the child to independently make such definitions well-known phenomena.



    Nadi Difference

Equipment: Pictures (Appendix 3),

Description: find differences in pictures

Lesson 7.

purpose : Development of motor and motor attention, memory development

    Fingering gymnastics "Nalim" (Motoric Development)

    Lived in the river one Nalim,

    Two Yersh were friends with him.

    Three ducks flew to them

    Four times a day

    One, two, three, four, five.

    Slow movements by connected palms, imitating swimming.

    Moves with palms on both sides.

    Shummage palms.

    Bend cams.

    Flexing your fingers from cams, starting with big.

    Edible-Not Edible (attention development, acquaintance with the properties of objects)

Equipment: ball.

Description. Depending on the subject of the subject (he edited or not), the child should catch or beat off the ball abandoned by him as a psychologist.

    Ear-nose-mouth (attention development)

Description: A child gets around the sofa and performs teams that the psychologist says and shows. Nose - Show your finger on the nose, floor - lower hands down, ceiling - raise hands up. The psychologist calls and performs all the teams together, but at the same time specifically mistaken. The task is to listen carefully and accurately perform only those teams that the psychologist calls.

    Remember the pair "(Appendix 3)

Equipment: Blanks with figures for memorization and playback.

Description: The psychologist explains the child how he will remember the figures. He looks at the 1st blank and tries to remember the proposed pairs of images (figures and sign). Then the form is cleaned and it offers some pictures that he must accommodate the corresponding pairs opposite each figure, trying to keep order.

Lesson 8.

purpose : Development of thinking

    Fingering gymnastics (to reduce muscle tone)

Equipment: Spiny ball

Description: Hedgehog we take, (throw the ball up)

Ride and sweat. (roll between palms)

Up rubbing and catching, (again throw the ball)

And needle consider. (Many balls of the ball)

Let the hedgehog on the table, (put the ball on the table)

Handle Hedgehog Suppress (handle press the ball)

And slightly slide ... (roll the ball)

Then change the handle (change your hands)

    Guess the subject Guess the subject by the description.

Description: The psychologist calls signs of the subject. The child should guess what subject we are talking, and call the subject.

Four legs, back, seat (chair)

Figures, arrows (clock)

Letters, pictures, sheets (book)

Barrel, branches, leaves (tree)

Root, Stem, Leaves, Petals (Flower)

Screen, Buttons, Electric Cord, Remote Control (TV)

Nose, handle, cover, electric cord (kettle)

Paws, tail, collar (dog)

Paws, tail, trunk (elephant)

    Third wheel

Description: The psychologist calls the first three words. The child must define an excess word, call and explain its answer.

    Milk, juice, bread

    Machine, horse, tram

    Hat, scarf, boots

    Rose, Birch, Tree

    Rain, snow, river

    Doctor, tourist, chauffeur

    Shadow, Sun, Planet

    Frost, blizzard, january

    Stone, clay, glass

    Door, Carpet, Window

    Sea, river, swimming pool

Equipment: Card (Appendix 3).


Lesson 9.

purpose : Development of imagination, attention

    Fingering gymnastics (to reduce muscle tone)

Description: We are rubbing rubble, ruby! (2 times)

(The child depicts the cutting of the movement ax, moving straight palms up and down)

We cut the cabbage, cut! (2 times)

(edge \u200b\u200bpalms to drive back and forth)

We cappist Solim, Solim! (2 times)

(We collect your fingers into a pinch and pretend that salt cabbage)

We are cappist we click, click! (2 times)

(vigorously compress and sprink the cams)

We are carrot three, three! (2 times)

(Right handle climb into the cam and move it up and down along the straight line Ladoshkileft hand, portraying grater)

    Lay on the sample (the development of shallow motility)

Equipment: Pattern Sample (Appendix 3), Pencils

Description: baby on the table lays out a pattern of pencils

    It happens no (the development of imagination, attention).

Description: Psychologist says suggestions. If what is mentioned in the proposal - it happens, the children clap into his hands, do not happen - they are hung on their feet.


"The wolf wanders through the forest. Wolf sits on a tree. In the saucepan, the cup is brewed.

Cat on the roof walks. The dog is sailing across the sky. The girl caresses the dog. House Draws Girl. "

    Flies - not flies "

Description: The child must answer and perform movements in accordance with the words of a psychologist.

Instruction: "Attention! Now we will find out who (what) can fly, and who (what) can not. I will ask, and you immediately answer. If you call anything or anyone able to fly, such as dragonfly, answer: "flies" - and show how it does it, - spread your arms to the sides like wings. If I ask: "The piglets flies?", Silence and do not raise your hands. "

Note . List: Eagle, Snake, Sofa, Butterfly, Major Beetle, Chair, Baran, Swallow, Airplane, Wood, Seagull, House, Sparrow, Ant, Mosquito, Boat, Iron, Fly, Table, Dog, Helicopter, Carpet ...

Lesson 10.

Purpose: Development of logical thinking, imagination, facial expressions.

    We collect a puzzle "Kolobok"

Equipment: scene picture from a fairy tale Kolobok, cut into 4 parts.

Description: We offer a child to collect a picture. How will he collect her, asked if the child learned a fairy tale? What a fairy tale? We offer her to remember.

    We read the fairy tale "Kolobok" in paragraphs.

Equipment: Tale Kolobok.

Description: We read a fairy tale and make charging for the Motoric of the hands (in the barn died, according to the scraper, they repeat in the movements).

    End of fairy tales

Description: We offer the child to finish a fairy tale otherwise. And draw a new end of the fairy tale.



    Count correct

Equipment: Tables with figures (A, B).


    Find the way



Lesson 11.

purpose : Development of the ability to navigate in the list of sheet.

    Lay out in sample


Equipment: Children on the table lay out the pattern of paper.

Description: A set of geometrical figures can be made of thick paper, the size must match the sample.

    « Where did the bunny rode?

Equipment: Magnetic board, paper sheet, pencil.

Description: On a magnetic board, a psychologist moves in different directions to the bunny figure, and the student calls where it is (in which corner is the top right, the top left, the lower right, the bottom left, the middle of the board; on which line is the bottom, the top, the first, the second, bottom, top). Then the student chooses the direction of movement of the figure and reports where the bunny hid.

    Figure "My mood

Lesson 12.

purpose : Development of the ability to navigate in the list of sheet. Development of visual-shaped thinking.

    Fingering gymnastics (Repeat 1 lesson)

    Find figures

Equipment : Poster with the image of geometric shapes, cardboard circle (see Materials for lessons, Fig. 53)

Description: The psychologist proposes to consider drawing: "There are two parts in it - the top of 9 cells and the bottom of 12 cells. In each cell two figures. At the bottom of the pair of figures has its own number. I will close one cage at the top, and you will talk, which pair of figures from the bottom with the number can be placed in this cell. " The occupation is carried out according to the scheme: the teacher closes one of the ninth cellular square cells at the top of the figure and offers to find figures among the pair of figures located in 12 cells at the bottom of the pattern, such a pair that is suitable in the place closed with cardboard. Cell selection procedure: Right bottom, right top, left lower, left top, medium lower, medium right, middle left, medium top, central.

Thus, students solve 9 tasks associated with the analysis of image relations placed in a certain order.The teacher draws the attention of students to the fact that to obtain the correct answer you need to consider the figures first in three top cells and find which figures are the same. Then consider figures in three middle and in three lower cells, as well as in three vertical cells on the left, in the center and right.

    Words starting with letters "

Description: The student is entrusted to follow while reading a small story for words starting with one specific letter. He must remember 5-7 such words in the order in which he heard them, and at the end of reading in the same order they recorded.When secondary reading the story, the correctness of the task is checked.

Lesson 13.

Purpose: Development of the ability to navigate in the list of sheet. The development of logical memory (establishing associative connections).

    Above, left, right, down

Equipment: Poster with the image of birds (see Materials to the lessons, Fig. 54).

Description : Pupils view the poster and answer the teacher's questions: "What is the right of the right of free space?", "What is the left?", "What is higher?", What is the lower? "," What is the right to the right and above a free place? ", "What is the left and lower?", "What is the right and lower?", "What to the left and higher?", "What is the bird to the left and below the bird 9?", "What a bird is to the right and above the bird, which is head like a bird, like a bird? 1, and the tail, like a bird 4? " - etc.

    Neighbors, through one

Description : The same poster is used as in the previous task. The child says: "Birds 1 and 2, 2 and 3, 1 and 4, 4 and 7 are neighboring, poultry 1 and z, 1 and 7, 7 and 9, through one, poultry 1 and 6, 2 and 7, 2 and 9, 8 and z - nonsense. " Questions are asked: "What kind of neighboring birds are different tails?", "What birds in one bird are one of the same legs?", "What are the same birds with the same head?", "Two birds tail, like a bird 4, - they are neighboring, not Neighboring or through one? " - etc.

    Combine words

Description : The psychologist calls couples who are not interconnected within a sense. The child should find any connections between them and thus combine them. For example, a pair of wordscat - leaf.Perhaps their association on the basis of such an associative communication, as "a cat plays with a sheet" or "The cat hid under a sheet from rain", etc.

Other approximate pairs of words:

machine - Pear, Apple - Blazer,

sun - pencil, hare - backpack,

house - Sea, etc.

Lesson 14.

Purpose: Development of visual sensations

    Fingering gymnastics "Finger Where is your home?"

Finger, where is your house? What's your name? I'm a big finger, and my house here! Finger, where is your house? What's your name? I'm index, and my house here! Finger, where is your house? What's your name? I am a middle finger, and my house here! Finger, where is your house? What's your name? I am Unnamed, and my house here! Finger, where is your house? What's your name? I am a little girl, and my house here!

    Where is this house?

Equipment: Poster with houses (see Materials for lessons, Fig. 19).

Description : The psychologist first says: "Houses 1," 2, 3 are located in the upper row, houses 4, 5, 6 - on average, 7, 8, 9 - in the lower. Dominics 1, 4, 7 are located in the left column, 2, 5, 8 - on average, 3, 6, 9 - in the right. "Then questions the questions:" Where, in what row and the column is the house 4? "," Houses 2 and 6 are in the same row? "," What a house Is there a left column in the lower row? " etc.

    Drawing with colored sand

Equipment: Colored sand, image template

Description : The child is proposed to draw with colored sand.

Lesson 15.

Purpose: Development of visual-shaped thinking.

    Lay out in sample (Development of small motility, development of arbitrary attention)

Equipment: pattern sample (Appendix 6), a set of geometrical figures required for lays down the pattern (Repeat 10 lesson)

2. Polyanka

Equipment: A set of sheets with the image of four cleans with branched tracks and houses at their ends, as well as "letters", indicating the path to one of the houses (see Materials to the lessons, Fig. 51).

Description: First, two introductory tasks are given (sheets A and B), then in order of task 1-3. The psychologist says (first introductory task): "Before you Polyanka, a paths and houses are drawn on it at the end of each of them. You need to find one house correctly and cross it. To find this house, you need to look at the letter. The letter is drawn that you need to go from the grass past the Christmas tree, then by fungus, then you will find the right house. "

The second introductory task (sheet b): "There are also two houses here. But another letter, it is drawn in it, how to go and where to rotate. " Together with the disciples, the teacher finds the desired house. Then the students independently solve the main tasks.

3. Meeting of memorization 10 words

Description: "Now I will read 10 words. It is necessary to listen carefully. When I finish read, immediately repeat as much as I remember. You can repeat in any order, the role of the role does not play. Clear?" Psychologist reads words slowly, clearly. When the subject repeats the words, puts cross in its protocol under these words. Then continues the instructions (second stage). Second explanation : "Now I will again read the same words again, and you again have to repeat them - and those that have already called, and those who missed the first time - all together, in any order." And 2 more times.

Lesson 16.

Purpose: Development of the memory of the ability to retell, work with faith.

    We read the fairy tale "Fox and Zhuravl"

Equipment: fairy tale, wooden wand, flat plate and vase with thin neck.

During reading, you explain not familiar words (Kumaneuk, Bar, Millet, etc.).

Description:. The child reads a fairy tale in paragraph and highlights the main thought. Each tour is illustrated by a child psychologist. (Little Theater)


Description: After reading, we perform the rhythm with a wooden wand "Raw" and "hungry" crane

    Mimic exercises

Description: family show satisfied and hungry fox.

Lesson 17.

purpose : Memory development, speech

    Fingering gymnastics (to reduce muscle tone)

Equipment: Spiny ball

Description: Hedgehog we take, (throw the ball up)

Ride and sweat. (roll between palms)

Up rubbing and catching, (again throw the ball)

And needle consider. (Many balls of the ball)

Let the hedgehog on the table, (put the ball on the table)

Handle Hedgehog Suppress (handle press the ball)

And slightly slide ... (roll the ball)

Then change the handle (change your hands)

    Lay out in sample (Development of small motility, development of arbitrary attention)

Equipment: pattern Sample (Appendix 6), a set of geometric shapes needed to lad out a pattern

Description: Children on the table lay out the pattern of paper.

Note: A set of geometrical figures can be made of thick paper, the size must match the sample.

    Count correct

Equipment: Tables with figures (A, B).

Description: The child in hearing out loud counts the number of identical figures in each row (a) or the number of circles and crosses (b).

    Find the way

Equipment: individual shaped forms with labyrinths (see Materials for lessons, Fig. 50, a, b), pencil.

Description: At first, the psychologist asks students to help Sasha and Kole find the road to school by spending a pencil on it. Then you need to help the bunny to get to the carrot. What track do he need to run? (Correct answer: 8.)

Lesson 18.

purpose : Development of thinking

    Fingering gymnastics (to reduce muscle tone)

Equipment: Spiny ball

Description: Hedgehog we take, (throw the ball up)

Ride and sweat. (roll between palms)

Up rubbing and catching, (again throw the ball)

And needle consider. (Many balls of the ball)

Let the hedgehog on the table, (put the ball on the table)

Handle Hedgehog Suppress (handle press the ball)

And slightly slide ... (roll the ball)

Then change the handle (change your hands)

    Exception is superfluous.

Equipment : Leaf with twelve row words type:

Description: . The student is necessary in each row of words to find such that is not suitable, too much, and explain why.

Lamp, lantern, sun, candle.

Boots, shoes, shoelaces, boots.

Dog, horse, cow, elk.

Table, chair, floor, bed.

Sweet, bitter, sour, hot.

Glasses, eyes, nose, ears.

Tractor, combine, machine, sleigh.

Moscow, Kiev, Volga, Minsk.

Noise, whistling, thunder, hail.

Soup, kissel, pan, potatoes.

Birch, pine, oak, rose.

Apricot, Peach, Tomato, Orange.

    Simple analogies

Equipment: a blank in which two rows of words are printed.

Description: Procedure for research. The student studies a few words placed on the left, establishing a logic connection between them, and then by analogy builds a couple of right, choosing from the proposed concept. If the student can not understand how this is done, one a few words can be disassembled with him.

1. Run - stand; Shout -

a) silence, b) crawl, c) noise, d) call, e) stable

2. Locomotive - wagons; Horse -

a) Kind, b) horse, c) oats, d) cart, d) stable

3. Leg - boot; Eyes -

a) head, b) glasses, c) tears, d) vision, e) nose

4. Cows - herd; Trees -

a) forest, b) sheep, c) hunter, d) flock, e) predator

5. Malina - berry; Mathematics -

a) book, b) table, c) party, d) tetradi, e) chalk

6. Rye - field; Apple tree -

a) gardener, b) fence, c) apples, d) garden, e) leaves

7. Theater - viewer; Library -

a) shelves, b) books, c) reader, d) librarian, e) watchman

8. Steamer - Pier; A train -

a) rails, b) station, c) land, d) passenger, e) sleepers

9. Currant - berry; Pan -

a) stove, b) soup, c) spoon, d) dishes, e) cook

10. Disease - treat; Television -

a) turn on, b) put, c) repair, d) apartment, e) master

11. House - floors; Stairs -

a) residents, b) steps, c) stone,

    "Find too much" (the development of thinking)

Equipment: Card (Appendix 3).

Description: The psychologist shows a card on which several items are depicted. Children should guess what subject is extra and explain their answer

Find figures

Lay on sample 11 lesson

Find the way to lesson 10

Tell pictures

Tell pictures

Appendix 3.

what does not take out a lesson 9

Lay on the sample to the lesson 6