Coloring pages for the fairy tale country of unlearned lessons. Presentation "In the country of unlearned math lessons" (Grade 6)

Ignatova Alina

The educational project is based on the fairy tale story by Leah Geraskina "In the country of unlearned lessons"






  1. General information

Leah Geraskina

  1. How to get there

You can get to the country of unlearned lessons if you get five twos at once in one day.

  1. Climate
  1. Town

Main city (capital)

Lock - Verb rules. If you have problems with the Russian language, then we do not recommend visiting.

  1. What to see

Sights (

  1. Vegetable world
  1. Animal world

The animal world is very diverse. Can be found polar bear on Hot Mountain, and monkeys live on Cold Mountain. There is an opportunity to meet a carnivorous cow and even a kangaroo bird.

  1. Movement around the country
  1. Purchases
  1. Safety

Police - very strict, for any offense they will put you in jail.

Land of Lessons Unlearned - Quite safe country, but you should still follow the rules accepted around the world.

11. Video footagehttp / ed2k / / torrent



At the lesson of literary reading in the 3rd grade, we read chapters from the fairy tale story by Leah Geraskin “In the country of UNLEARNED LESSONS”.

About the lazy and loser Viktor Perestukin, who, having met his mistakes, corrects them and changes before his eyes. The main characters of the book are 4th grade student Viktor Perestukin, cat Kuzya, Geography.

The story begins with the fact that Perestukin comes home with 5 deuces, reluctantly begins to do his homework. An intriguing plot-revival of textbooks, takes us to a fairy-tale land of unlearned lessons.

If someone has not been to the Land of Unlearned Lessons, then well done, it means that he never received five twos at once in one day. But one boy, ignorant and lazy, Vitya Perestukin, found himself in this magical land where even lemonade is sold not for money, but for correct answers...

And many people love to travel and suddenly someday, and we will be able to visitin a fairyland of unlearned lessons.

problem question: how to safely travel around the country of Lessons Unlearned.
The purpose of my project:

Creation of a guide to the magical land of LESSONS UNLEARNED.

2. Write down the route of Viktor Perestukin in the country of UNLEARNED LESSONS.

3. Make a map of the country of LESSONS UNLEARNED.

4. Compose a guide to the country of LESSONS UNLEARNED.

Expected result:guide to the country of LESSONS LEARNED (Appendix 1)

As the guide was created, we assumed that it:

  1. Facilitate understanding of the studied work;
  2. It will help to evaluate the usefulness of studying well;
  3. The guide will become an element of the educational environment.

Methods: search for information, analysis of results, modeling.

Stages of work on the project

  1. Preparatory stage:

We read Liya Geraskina's fairy tale story "In the Land of UNLEARNED LESSONS" and at the same time made notes and notes along the path of Vitya Perestukin's movement. In addition, they also wrote out that knowledge on various subjects, which should have been useful to Victor in this country.

The result is a table of Knowledge (Appendix 2):




  1. Multiplication table
  2. Problem solving
  3. Long division algorithm

Russian language

  1. vocabulary words
  2. Silent consonant
  3. Punctuation marks

The world

  1. cardinal directions
  2. Belts of the earth
  3. Animal world
  4. Vegetable world
  5. The water cycle in nature


2. Main stage:

1. They wrote out the route of Viktor Perestukin in the country of Unlearned Lessons.

The result was such a route of movement through the country of Lessons Unlearned (Appendix 3):

Hot Mountain House

2. We made a map of the country of Unlearned Lessons, using the route of Viktor Perestukin.

3. Compiled a guide to the country UNLEARNED LESSONS.

Find out what a guide is.

Guide (or guide) - a printed, electronic or audiovisual guide about a city, historical site, museum, tourist route. Used by tourists for better orientation in unfamiliar areas. The composition of the guide is often subordinated to the recommended sightseeing routes of the described area.

Our guide is a printed guide to the Land of Lessons Unlearned.

The main problem turned out to be the structure of the guide. For a long time we could not decide what would be included in it. We decided that we can take only the information that we read in the work. But some facts are conjectured.

We decided to follow the structure as in any guidebook for any country or city. This structure was taken from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Another problem in the work was the search for information. We needed to re-read the book a few more times. I had to search for information on the Internet, which turned out to be even faster.

A third problem arose: how to choose the most interesting, useful, and concise from the abundance of material. As a result of painstaking work, we have compiled a guide.

The principle of building a guide:

  1. Outwardly, it resembles an information database.
  2. Consists of 11 parts.
  3. Each part is provided information .
  1. General information
  2. How to get there
  3. Climate
  4. Cities
  5. What to see
  6. Vegetable world
  7. Animal world
  8. Movement around the country
  9. Purchases
  10. Safety
  11. Video footagehttp / ed2k / / torrent

3. Final stage:

A guide to the country of LESSONS UNLEARNED has been created. They can be used.

Conducted a presentation of the guide to the country of UNLEARNED LESSONS on class hours.


The goal of my work has been achieved. A guide to the country of LESSONS UNLEARNED has been created. They can be used. All tasks have been successfully completed.

The collected information and facts turned out to be interesting. When I presented the project in front of the class, my classmates liked it.

As we expect, our guide to the country of LESSONS LEARNED will become one of the elements of the educational environment.

The guide to the country of UNLEARNED LESSONS can be used in literary reading lessons when working on the fairy tale story by Leah Geraskina “In the country of UNLEARNED LESSONS» in 3rd grade. Reflect and appreciate the usefulness of studying well.

We also planned to hold a quiz "In the land of unlearned lessons" during the subject week on literary reading among grades 3-4.

Quiz questions in Appendix 4.


  1. Geraskina L.V., In the country of unlearned lessons. [Text] / L. V. Geraskina: M .: Children's literature. 2007. - 160 p.
  2. Video footage[Electronic resource]http / ed2k / / torrent
  3. Wikipedia – free encyclopedia[Electronic resource]
  4. Images [Electronic resource]
  5. Electronic book[Electronic resource]

Annex 1


  1. General information

Country of Lessons Learned - created country Leah Geraskina , its territory is located on the continent of Knowledge.

The Land of Lessons Learned is a wonderful place to travel. Being a country diverse both geographically and culturally. The Land of Lessons Learned can be surprisingly interesting for those who are only familiar with it from a book or cartoon. Everything is here: from dense meadows, snow-capped mountains and hot mountains to deserts.

  1. How to get there

Continuation of Appendix 1

You can get to the country of unlearned lessons if you get five twos at once in one day

  1. Climate

Arctic is found on Cold Mountain. Equatorial on Zharkaya Mountain. The rest of the area is temperate continental.

  1. Town

Main city (capital)- the main tourist gem of the country of Unlearned Lessons. The city is an important industrial and commercial center.

Lock - Verb rules. If there are problems with the Russian language. We do not recommend visiting.

Continuation of Appendix 1

  1. What to see

Sights (Attraction - a place, thing or object that deserves special attention, famous or remarkable for something, for example, being a historical heritage, artistic value.)

The castle in which the Verb rules. And in the submitted punctuation marks.

  1. Vegetable world

watermelon tree, breadfruit tree, iron tree

  1. Animal world

The animal world is very diverse. You can meet a polar bear on Hot Mountain, and monkeys live on Cold Mountain. The world's only kangaroo bird and carnivorous cow

Continuation of Appendix 1

  1. Movement around the country

The inhabitants of the country move mainly on foot. Where to move, you can be told by a “round object” - a ball, a ball of thread ...

  1. Purchases

For any purchases, they pay with the correct answers. Both in the Castle and in the City.

Knowledge table




  1. Multiplication table
  2. Problem solving
  3. Long division algorithm

Russian language

  1. Spelling of suffixes -ik, -ek
  2. vocabulary words
  3. Silent consonant
  4. Punctuation marks

The world

  1. cardinal directions
  2. Belts of the earth
  3. Animal world
  4. Vegetable world
  5. The water cycle in nature


First Patriotic War 1812

Annex 3

The route of movement through the country of unlearned lessons

Mountains Castle Dry forest Dry river

City Magic Forest Temple Snow Mountain

Hot Mountain House

Appendix 4

Quiz questions:

"In the Land of Unlearned Lessons"

1. How many deuces did Vitya Perestukin get on the day the Adventure happened to him?

2. How many diggers did Vitya solve the problem?

3. Strange little men in overalls made of crumpled paper covered with blots came to Vitya. Who were they?

4. Where were Vitya's textbooks sent for correction?

5. What subject was Viti's guide to the country of Unlearned Lessons?

6. Who, together with Vitya, went to the country of unlearned lessons?

7. Who guarded the gates to Grammar Castle?

8. What words did Vitya need to write to open the lock?

9. Who was the king in Grammar?

10. What sentence was passed on Victor by the king?

11. Because of what phrase did Vitya in the lesson dry up the river, and the drought turned the green forest into dry logs?

12. What was the big polar bear looking for?

13. What was Portnoy accused of in the arithmetic problem?

14. A boy and a girl (brother and sister), who went out to meet each other, met, but looked like old people. Why?

15. Why did the cow want to eat Vitya and Kuzya?

16. The guardsmen took Vitya to the royal palace. What boy did he meet there?

17. With whom, according to Vitya, did Ivan the Terrible fight?

18. Why was the bear HOT and the monkey COLD?

19. Who helped Vita and Kuza to return home?

Page 1 of 11

On the day it all started, I was unlucky from the very morning. We had five lessons. And on each I was called. And in each subject I got a deuce. Only five deuces per day! Four deuces, probably, I got for the fact that I did not answer the way the teachers would like. But the fifth deuce was put quite unfairly.
It’s even ridiculous to say why I was slapped with this unfortunate deuce. For some kind of water cycle in nature.
I wonder how you would answer this teacher's question:
- Where does the water that evaporates from the surface of lakes, rivers, seas, oceans and puddles go?
I don’t know what you would say, but it’s clear to me that if water evaporates, then it is gone. After all, it’s not for nothing that they say about a person who suddenly disappeared somewhere: “He evaporated.” It means "he disappeared". But Zoya Filippovna, our teacher, for some reason began to find fault and ask unnecessary questions:
- Where does the water go? Or maybe she still does not disappear? Maybe you will think carefully and answer properly?
I think I gave the right answer. Zoya Filippovna, of course, did not agree with me. I noticed a long time ago that teachers rarely agree with me. They have such a negative minus.
Who wants to rush home when you carry a whole bunch of twos in your briefcase? For example, I don't feel like it. That's why I went home an hour later for a tablespoon. But no matter how slowly you go, you will still come home. It's good that dad is on a business trip. Otherwise, a conversation would immediately begin that I have no character. Dad always remembered this, as soon as I brought a deuce.
- And who are you? - Dad was surprised. - No character at all. You can not pull yourself together and study well.
“He has no will,” my mother added, and she was also surprised: “Who would it be?
My parents have a strong character and a strong will, but for some reason I don't. That's why I did not dare to immediately drag myself home with five deuces in my briefcase.
In order to play for time longer, I went to all the shops in a row along the way. In the bookstore I met Lucy Karandashkina. She is my neighbor twice: she lives in the same house with me, and sits behind me in the classroom. There is no rest from her anywhere - neither at school, nor at home. Lucy had already had lunch and ran to the store for notebooks. Seryozha Petkin was also here. He came to see if new stamps had been received. Serezha buys stamps and imagines himself to be a philatelist. And in my opinion, every fool can collect stamps like that, if he has money.
I did not want to meet with the guys, but they noticed me and immediately began to discuss my deuces. Of course, they proved that Zoya Filippovna acted fairly. And when I pinned them to the wall, it turned out that they also did not know where the evaporated water was going. I suppose Zoya would have slapped them a deuce for this - they would immediately sing something else.
We were arguing, it seems a little noisy. The saleswoman asked us to leave the store. I immediately left, but the guys stayed. The saleswoman immediately guessed which of us was better brought up. But tomorrow they will tell that I raised the noise in the store. Perhaps they will still blather that I showed them my tongue in parting. What's wrong with that, you ask? Anna Sergeevna, our school doctor, is not at all offended by this, she even asks the guys to show her their tongue. And she already knows what is good and what is bad.
When I was kicked out of the bookstore, I realized that I was very hungry. I wanted to eat more and go home - less and less.
There was only one shop left on the way. Uninteresting - economic. It smelled nasty of kerosene. He also had to leave. The seller asked me three times:
- What do you want here, boy?
Mom opened the door silently. But that didn't make me happy. I knew that she would feed me first, and then ...
It was impossible to hide the deuces. Mom said a long time ago that she reads in my eyes everything that I want to hide from her, including what is written in my diary. What's the point in lying?
I ate and tried not to look at my mother. I thought if she could read in my eyes about all five deuces at once.
Kuzya the cat jumped off the windowsill and spun at my feet. He loves me very much and caresses me not at all because he expects something tasty from me. Kuzya knows that I came from school, and not from the store, which means that I could bring nothing but bad grades.
I tried to eat as slowly as possible, but it didn’t work out because I was very hungry. Mom was sitting opposite, looking at me and terribly silent. Now, when I eat the last spoonful of compote, and it will begin ...
But the phone rang. Hooray! Aunt Paul called. In less than an hour, she won't let her mother go off the phone!
- Immediately sit down for lessons, - ordered my mother and picked up the phone.
For lessons when I'm so tired! I wanted at least an hour to relax and play in the yard with the guys. But my mother put her hand on the receiver and said that I should count the shopping trip as a vacation. That's how she can read eyes! I'm afraid that she will read about deuces.
I had to go to my room and sit down for lessons.
- Clean up on your table! - Mom shouted after her.
It's easy to say - take it away! Sometimes I just wonder when I look at my desk. How many items fit on it. There are torn textbooks and four-leaf notebooks, pens, pencils, rulers. True, they are crowded with nails, screws, wire scraps and other necessary things. I really love nails. I have them in all sizes and thicknesses. For some reason, my mom doesn't like them at all. She threw them away many times, but they return to my desk like boomerangs again. Mom is angry with me because I like nails more than textbooks. And who is to blame? Of course, not me, but the textbooks. You don't have to be so boring.
This time I got through the cleaning quickly. He pulled out a drawer and put all his things in there. Soon and convenient. And the dust is immediately erased. Now it was time to start learning. I opened the diary, and twos flashed before me. They were so noticeable because they were written in red ink. In my opinion, this is wrong. Why write a deuce in red ink? After all, all good things are also marked in red. For example, holidays and Sundays in the calendar. You look at the red number - and you rejoice: you don’t have to go to school. Five can also be written in red ink. A triple, deuce and count - only black! It's amazing how our teachers themselves can't think of this!
Lessons, as if on purpose, were given a lot. And the day was sunny, warm, and the boys were chasing a ball in the yard. I wonder who stood instead of me at the gate? Probably Sasha again: he has been aiming for my place at the gate for a long time. This is ridiculous. Everyone knows what a shoemaker he is.
Cat Kuzya settled down on the windowsill and from there, as from the podium, followed the game. Kuzka did not miss a single match, and dad and mom do not believe that he is a real fan. And in vain. He even likes to listen when I talk about football. He doesn't interrupt, he doesn't leave, he even purrs. Cats only purr when they are pleased.
I was given rules for unstressed vowels. I had to repeat them. I didn't do this, of course. It is useless to repeat what you still do not know. Then it was necessary to read about this very water cycle in nature. I remembered Zoya Filippovna and decided to do a better job of solving the problem.
There was nothing pleasant here either. Some diggers were digging some kind of trench for some unknown reason. Before I had time to write out the conditions, the loudspeaker began to speak. We could take a break and listen. But whose voice did I hear? The voice of our Zoya Filippovna! Little did I get tired of her voice at school! She gave advice on the radio to the guys how to prepare for exams, told how our best student Katya Pyaterkina does it. Since I was not going to prepare for the exams, the radio had to be turned off.
The task was very difficult and stupid. I almost began to guess how it should be solved, but ... a soccer ball flew through the window. These guys called me into the yard. I grabbed the ball and was about to climb out the window, but my mother's voice caught up with me on the windowsill.
- Vitya! You are doing homework?! she called from the kitchen. There she had something boiling and grumbling in a frying pan. Therefore, my mother could not come and give me what is due for an escape. For some reason, she really did not like it when I went out through the window, and not through the door. I would be nice if my mother came in!
I got down from the windowsill, threw the ball to the guys and told my mother that I was doing my homework.
Opened the puzzle again. Five diggers dug a trench of one hundred linear meters in four days. What would you think of for the first question? I almost began to think again, but again I was interrupted. Lyuska Karandashkina looked out the window. One of her pigtails was tied with a red ribbon, and the other was loose. And it's not just today. She's like that almost every day. Now the right pigtail is loose, then the left. It would be better if she paid more attention to her hairstyle than to other people's deuces, especially since she has enough of her own. Lucy said that the digger problem was so difficult that even her grandmother could not solve it. Happy Lucy! And I don't have any grandmother.

- Let's decide together! - suggested Lyuska and climbed into my room through the window.
I refused. Nothing good would come of it. It's better to do it yourself.
He started talking again. Five diggers dug a trench of one hundred linear meters. Linear? Why are meters called running meters? Who is chasing them?
I began to think about it and composed a tongue twister: “The driver in uniform drove with a linear meter ...” Then my mother screamed again from the kitchen. I caught myself and began to shake my head vigorously in order to forget about the drover in uniform and return to the diggers. Well, what should I do with them?
- And it would be nice to call the drover Paganel. Well, what about the diggers? How to be with them? Maybe multiply them by meters?
“You don’t need to multiply,” Lucy objected, “you won’t know anything anyway.
To spite her, I still multiplied the diggers. True, I did not learn anything good about them, but now it was possible to move on to the second question. Then I decided to divide the meters into diggers.
- No need to divide, - Lucy intervened again - I already divided. Nothing works.
Of course, I did not listen to her and shared. It turned out such nonsense that I began to look for the answer in the problem book. But, as luck would have it, a page with an answer about diggers was torn out there. I had to take full responsibility. I changed everything. It turned out that the work had to be done by one and a half diggers. Why one and a half? How do I know! After all, what do I care how many diggers were digging this very trench? Who now generally digs diggers? They would have taken an excavator and immediately finished with the trench And the work would have been done sooner, and the schoolchildren would not have been fooled. Well, anyway, the problem is solved. You can already run to the guys. And I, of course, would have run, but Luska stopped me.
- And when will we learn poetry? she asked me.
- What verses?
- Like what? Forgot? A "Winter. Peasant, triumphant"? I can't remember them at all.
- This is because they are uninteresting, - I said - Those poems that the boys composed in our class are immediately remembered. Because interesting.
Lucy did not know the new poems. I read them to her as a memento:

We study all day
Laziness, laziness, laziness
We should run and play
The ball would drive across the field
This case!

Lucy liked the poems so much that she immediately remembered them. Together we quickly defeated the "peasant". I was about to slowly crawl out the window, but Lucy again remembered - they should insert missing letters into the words. Even my teeth ached from annoyance. Who cares about doing useless work? Letters in words skip, as if on purpose, the most difficult. In my opinion, this is dishonest. No matter how much you would like to, you had to insert it.

P. friend of my harsh days,
G. my decrepit lubok.

© Geraskina L. B., heirs, 2010

© Il., Prytkov Yu. A., heirs, 2010

© Il., Sazonova T. P., heirs, 2010

© LLC Astrel Publishing House, 2010

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet and corporate networks, for private and public use, without the written permission of the copyright owner.

© Electronic version of the book prepared by Litres (

On the day it all started, I was unlucky from the very morning. We had five lessons. And on each I was called. And in each subject I got a deuce. Four deuces, probably, I got for the fact that I did not answer the way the teachers would like. But the fifth deuce was put quite unfairly. For some kind of water cycle in nature.

I wonder how you would answer this teacher's question:

- Where does the water go that evaporates from the surface of lakes and rivers, seas, oceans and puddles?

I don't know what you would say. And it is clear to me that if the water evaporates, then it is no longer there. After all, it’s not for nothing that they say about a person who suddenly disappeared somewhere: “He evaporated.” It means "he disappeared". But Zoya Filippovna, our teacher, for some reason began to find fault and ask unnecessary questions:

- Where does the water go? Or maybe she still does not disappear? Maybe you will think carefully and answer properly?

I think I gave the right answer. Zoya Filippovna, of course, did not agree with me. I noticed a long time ago that teachers rarely agree with me. They have such a negative minus.

Mom opened the door silently. But that didn't make me happy. I knew that she would feed me first, and then ...

I ate and tried not to look at my mother. I thought, can she really read in my eyes about all five deuces at once?

Kuzya the cat jumped off the windowsill and spun at my feet. He loves me very much and caresses me not at all because he expects something tasty from me. Kuzya knows that I came from school, and not from the store, which means that I could bring nothing but bad grades.

There was a phone call. Hooray! Aunt Paul called. She won't let her mother go off the phone before an hour later.

“Sit down to your lessons immediately,” my mother said and picked up the phone.

I had to go to my room and sit down for lessons.

I was given rules for unstressed vowels. I had to repeat them. I didn't do this, of course. It is useless to repeat what you still do not know. Then it was necessary to read about this very water cycle in nature. I remembered Zoya Filippovna, deuce, and decided to do arithmetic better. There was nothing pleasant here either. He began to solve the problem of some diggers. Before I had time to write out the conditions, the loudspeaker spoke. It was possible to get a little distracted and listen ... But whose voice did I hear? Voice of Zoya Filippovna! She gave advice on the radio to the guys on how to prepare for exams. I didn't want to prepare. I had to turn off the radio.

Opened the puzzle again. Five diggers dug a trench of one hundred linear meters in four days ... What would you think of for the first question?

Began to argue. Five diggers dug a trench of one hundred linear meters. Linear? Why are meters called running meters? Who is chasing them?

I began to think about it and composed a tongue twister: "The driver in uniform drove with a running meter."

And it would be nice to call the drover Paganel!

- What to do with the diggers? Maybe multiply them by meters or divide meters by diggers?..

It turned out to be such nonsense that I began to look for the answer in the problem book. But, as luck would have it, a page with an answer about diggers was torn out there. I had to take full responsibility. I changed everything. It turned out that the work had to be done by one and a half diggers. Why one and a half? But after all, what do I care how many diggers were digging this very trench? Who now generally digs diggers? They would take an excavator and immediately do away with the trenches. And the work would have been done soon, and the schoolchildren would not have had their heads hammered. Well, anyway, the problem is solved.

The boys were screaming outside the window. The sun was shining, the smell of lilacs was very strong. I was drawn to jump out the window and run to the guys. But my textbooks were on the table. They were tattered, inked, dirty and boring. And they were very strong. They kept me in a stuffy room, forced me to solve a problem about some antediluvian diggers, insert missing letters and do many other things that were not at all interesting to me. I suddenly hated my textbooks so much that I grabbed them off the table and threw them on the floor.

And suddenly there was such a roar, as if forty thousand iron barrels had fallen from a high house onto the pavement. Kuzya rushed off the windowsill and pressed himself against my legs. It became dark. But just outside the window the sun was shining. Then the room was lit up with a greenish light, and I noticed some strange people. They wore hoodies made of blotched crumpled paper. One had a very familiar black spot on his chest with arms, legs and horns. Exactly the same legs-horns I added to a blot, which I planted on the cover of a geography textbook.

The little people stood silently around the table and looked angrily at me. Something had to be done immediately. So I politely asked:

- And who will you be?

“Look closer, maybe you’ll find out,” the little man with the blot replied.

"He's not used to looking at us attentively, period," another little man said angrily and threatened me with his ink-smeared finger.

I got it. These were my textbooks. For some reason they came to life and came to visit me. If you heard how they reproached me!

“Under any degree of latitude and longitude, no one anywhere on the globe treats textbooks like you do!” Geography shouted.

“You're throwing ink at us with an exclamation point. You draw all sorts of nonsense exclamation marks on our pages,” Grammar tormented.

Why did you attack me like that? Do Seryozha Petkin or Lyusya Karandashkina study better?

- Five deuces! shouted the textbooks in unison.

– But after all I prepared lessons today!

- Today you solved the problem incorrectly!

- Didn't learn the zone!

- I did not understand the water cycle in nature!

Grammar boiled the most:

- Today you did not repeat unstressed vowels exclamation point. Dont know mother tongue dash shame comma misfortune comma crime exclamation mark.

I can't stand being yelled at. I'm offended. And now I was very offended and answered that I would somehow live without stressed vowels and without the ability to solve problems, and even more so without this very cycle.

Here my textbooks immediately went numb. They looked at me with such horror, as if I had been rude to the principal of the school in front of their eyes. Then they began to whisper and decided that I needed to be punished immediately, do you think? Nothing like that - save! Freaks? From what, you ask, to save?

Geography said it would be best to send me to the Land of Lessons Unlearned. The people immediately agreed with her.

– Are there any difficulties and dangers in this country? I asked.

Like mine bookshelf got this book. Lia Geraskina's book in "The Land of Unlearned Lessons" was given to me in class for my birthday. I read the title of the book and was surprised what kind of country is this in which lessons are not taught? That would be there to visit! Then at home I read a few pages, got carried away and decided to read it to the end. Lia Geraskina's book in "The Land of Unlearned Lessons" was given to me in class for my birthday. I read the title of the book and was surprised what kind of country is this in which lessons are not taught? That would be there to visit! Then at home I read a few pages, got carried away and decided to read it to the end.

Why did I like this fairy tale? Because it is kind and very instructive, it tells about friendship, adventure and fun situations. Because it is kind and very instructive, it tells about friendship, adventure and fun situations.

The book tells about a boy named Viktor Perestukin. He did not like to learn lessons, he received a lot of deuces. More than anything, he wanted to run and play. One day, the textbooks got angry at the loser Victor and sent him to the Land of Unlearned Lessons to correct his twos. Vitya took his friend cat Kuzya with him on a fabulous journey.

What awaits Vitya in a magical land. "In the country of unlearned lessons" lazy Vitya Perestukin meets all his deuces, unfulfilled tasks and mistakes, for example, a cow that eats animals, a flying kangaroo, a breadfruit tree. To get out of the magical land, Vita will have to solve all the problems. And his faithful friend, the cat Kuzya, will help him in this.

"To the country of unlearned lessons" I went with Vitya and Kuzey. We solved puzzles, remembered spelling rules, overcame difficulties - it was a very funny and informative journey. We solved puzzles, remembered spelling rules, overcame difficulties - it was a very funny and informative journey.

There was a lot to think about! For example, how to write a key or a key, a lock or a lock for a check? Dog or Dog? Sun or Sun? For example, how to write a key or a key, a lock or a lock for a check? Dog or dog? Sun or Sun? Correct Correct answers: answers: lock-check, key, lock-check, key, dog, sun.

The verdict in the case of the ignoramus Viktor Perestukin: Execute, you can not pardon. Such a sentence was passed by Vita Comma, who was angry with him for forgetting to put it in sentences. Such a sentence was passed by Vita Comma, who was angry with him for forgetting to put it in sentences. We learned that the comma is very important in a sentence. If Vitya had incorrectly put a comma in his sentence (to execute, one cannot pardon.), he could have died in a magical land. We learned that the comma is very important in a sentence. If Vitya had incorrectly put a comma in his sentence (to execute, one cannot pardon.), he could have died in a magical land.

When Vitya Perestukin returned from a trip to the Land of Unlearned Lessons, he realized that one person was preventing him from studying well. And that person is himself. It was a very interesting and fun trip! You walk through the country you are deserted And you sing a song to yourself. The road does not seem difficult When you go with a friend. And the fact that he is a friend, you do not know, And you do not want to be friends with him. But as soon as you lose it, How sad it becomes to live.

Explanatory note

to an interactive educational resource

"In the land of unlearned math lessons"

Bogdanovskaya Valentina Mikhailovna, teacher of mathematics, Moscow State Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 6" IMRSK, Peredovoy village, Stavropol Territory

Thing: mathematics

Topic: "Repetition of some topics of the 6th grade mathematics course"

The target audience: 6th grade students

Target: repetition of knowledge gained by students in the 6th grade on the topics "Proportions", "Coordinates", "Equations", "Divisibility"


    create optimal conditions for consolidating knowledge;

    activate cognitive activity students through the use of an interactive educational resource;

    develop critical thinking when looking for errors.

Relevance work and expected results

Significance resource in that its use helps to increase the level of students' motivation to study mathematics at the end of the school yearWhen students' attention is scattered, interest is reduced, knowledge needs to be systematized.

non-standard presentation forms educational material will arouse keen interest, will contribute to the elimination of gaps in knowledge accumulated during the year. The familiar plot on the basis of which the resource is made, the repeated presentation of the material in various forms contributes to an increase in the level of accessibility of the material.

Modernity this work in the application of computer technology to enhancecognitive activitystudents.

competence approach to learning is provided by creating problem situations that need to be solved; in the process of finding errors, critical thinking develops. During the execution of tasks,conceptual competence (repetition of definitions), algorithmic competence (repetition of algorithms and work on them), operational competence (why this knowledge and skill is necessary).

Expected results

Students will repeat the signs of divisibility, basic definitions and vocabulary words on topics, historical information, methods for solving problems using proportions, algorithms for finding LCM and GCD, rules for solving equations. Crosswords, game and test tasks will allow to determine the level of assimilation of knowledge.

Resource structure

Title slide - 1

Intro slide - 2

Motivational slide - 3

Route slide - 4

Topic "Divisibility" - 5-13

Theme "Proportions" - 14-20

Theme "Coordinates" - 21-26

Topic "Equations" - 27-36

Sources of information - 38-39

Technical and software security

Computer, multimedia projector, speakers for sound, screen; programPowerPoint 2007 (2010, 2013 also possible);Windows Media Player.

Before viewing the resource, you must unpack the archive to your desktop.

Resource Plan and recommendations on its use

I propose to use this presentation in the lessons of the final repetition. Each topic of the content can become an element of a repetition lesson specifically for this topic. The entire resource can be used in the most recent math lessons in grade 6. The teacher can supplement the presentation with the missing chapters of the textbook, and then the entire repetition of the 6th grade mathematics course will take place "In the country of unlearned mathematics lessons."

The "Divisibility" block can be applied when studying the corresponding topic of the course. Using the slides of the block, you can check the knowledge of the theoretical material of the section (crossword, rules of prime and composite numbers), slides with LCM, GCD and divisibility criteria can be used both to test knowledge of the algorithms and to repeat them. The block also includes slides that allow you to test the ability to apply divisibility criteria and algorithms.

The "Proportions" block can be applied when studying the corresponding topic of the course. The “Sorbonks” with formulas, as well as the task from the “Proportions” slide, allow you to consolidate and test the knowledge of theoretical material. A video about the number Pi contributes to the expansion of horizons. When practicing the skills of finding the scale and calculating the area of ​​a circle and the circumference, it is possible to use the corresponding slides. To prevent and eliminate possible errors in solving problems of direct and inverse proportionality, a slide demonstration with a problem about diggers will help.

The "Coordinates" block can be used when explaining new material and at a generalizing lesson of the corresponding topic of the course. When studying a topic, students come across a large number of terms that are difficult to write and pronounce, and the fieldword will help consolidate and test this knowledge.

The "Equations" block is a game that can be used in the final lesson of the topic.

Correct answers to resource tasks:

Crossword (slide 13): 1 - simple; 2 - composite; 3 - Eratosthenes; 4 - even; 5 - divider; 6 - multiple; 7 - odd.

Feelword (slide 26): perpendicular; abscissa, ordinate, Descartes, coordinates, parallel.

Task on slide 5: simple.

Task on slide 6: compound.

Task on slide 8: on "5": 24,75,520; on "2": 752.84.520240; on "3": 240.75.423.84; to "6": 240.84.

On slide 15

    The quotient of two numbers is calledattitude.

    The equality of two relations is calledproportion.

    If the product of the extreme terms is equal to the product of the middle terms of the proportion, then the proportiontrue.

    The ratio of the length of a segment on the map to the length of the corresponding segment on the ground is calledscale.

Task on slide 17: 75 km.

Task on slide 8:C=9.42 cm;S\u003d 907.46 cm².

Task on slide 25:A, D, F.

Task on slide 32: 8x-16-9-6x.

Task on slide 33: 9-6x.

Task on slide 34: 3x + 2x + 7x \u003d 5 + 12-20.

Task on slide 35: -11.

Information sources:

Internet resources:



slide 1

slide 2

slide 3


slide 4

slide 5

Slide 8

slide 11

slide 13

slide 15

slide 16

Slide 18

slide 22

slide 22

Slide 20

Slide 27

Slide 28

slide 36

cartoon sound

Slide 37

Portal materials that were used to create the resource:

Materials of MK "Creation of KOR" -6

, .

Slide description of resource usage


Slide content

Control buttons

slide number

Title slide. Title of the work, logo of the portal "Network of creative teachers", surname, name, patronymic of the author.

Teacher: “In today's lesson, we will go to a country that is easy to get to, but not easy to return to. Try to make an effort, I hope you succeed."



Demonstration chapters of the studied textbook “Mathematics. Grade 6" and the book "In the Land of Unlearned Mathematics Lessons".

Animation: LMB click on the cover and then on each right page.

Teacher: “Thanks to your perseverance, perseverance and hard work in the 6th grade, you have significantly increased the baggage of mathematical knowledge. And, of course, the tutorial helped you with this. Let's look at the title again.

Over the past year, you learned about the existence of signs of divisibility of numbers, studied actions with ordinary fractions, met with rational numbers and learned the rules of action with them, made friends with the coordinate plane and, finally, all this knowledge allowed you to learn how to solve equations. It's time to review what you've learned and correct your knowledge."

A new book"In the land of unlearned math lessons" serves as a hyperlink to go to the next slide.


A poem from the book of L. Geraskina.

Animation: the appearance of the ball on click LMB.

Teacher: “We will follow the ball along with the hero of the book by Lyudmila Geraskina and the cartoon you know, Vitya Perestukin, to the country of unlearned mathematics lessons in order to leave in this country all the mistakes you made during the year. Who do you think will meet Vitya first on his way?



route slide

The topics covered in the presentation are "Divisibility", "Proportions", "Coordinates", "Equations" (you can work in any order).

Teacher: " In the country of unlearned lessons, Vitya met an amazing cow, which was very annoyed. “The time has come to correct your mistakes!” she told the traveler. You also have the opportunity to correct your mistakes in several sections of the textbook studied this year. These are "Divisibility", "Proportions", "Coordinates" and "Equations". Let's start in order, as in the textbook.



Question on the topic. Definition of a prime number.

Animation: the ball flies in front of the slide along with the start of the slide show, collecting words on click.

The ball appears on all slides automatically.

Teacher: “Following the ball, Vitya ended up on the page of the textbook dedicated to the topic “Divisibility”. Here live his and your mistakes, I propose to start correcting them. Answer the question".

Move to the next slide on click.


Related question . Definition of a composite number.

Animation: collection of words on click.

Teacher: " Answer the question. Let's check"

Move to the next slide on click.


divisibility signs.

Animation: the appearance of a new feature on click.

Teacher: " Name the sign of divisibility “by 3”, “by 5”, etc.”.

Move to the next slide on click.


Application of divisibility criteria .

Animation: triggers are set on the buttons “on 2”, “on 3”, etc., by clicking the LMB, the numbers line up under the buttons.

Teacher: " Complete the task. Let's check."

Transition to the next slide via the hyperlink placed on the ball in the lower right corner.

On all slides, the ball in the lower right corner means a hyperlink.


Algorithm for finding GCD.


Teacher: " Let's repeat the algorithm for finding the greatest common divisor.

Move to the next slide on click.


Algorithm for finding LCM.

Animation: appearance of a new algorithm item on click.

Teacher: " Let's repeat the algorithm for finding the least common multiple.

Move to the next slide on click.


Application of the algorithm.

Animation: trigger set to cat image; each time you click, a new element appears on the slide, the ball appears last.

Teacher: “Vitya’s companion on a journey through the country of unlearned lessons was the cat Kuzya, who decided to help him and correct the mistakes made when studying the topic “Divisibility”. Complete the task and compare your answer with Viti's.


Examination the correctness of Viti's answer. Demonstration of the work on the algorithm.

Animation: trigger set to cow image, the click is performed once, the rest of the animation is performed sequentially.

Teacher: “Do you agree with Vitya. I suggest you compare your answer with the correct one and find an error if there is one.

Transition to the next slide via a hyperlink set to the ball that appears in the lower right corner.



Animation: when you click on the rules, a crossword puzzle opens;PWhen you click LMB on the task number, the text of the task appears, when you click on the first cell of the answer, the answer itself appears.

Teacher: “By studying the topic “Divisibility”, you have replenished vocabulary their mathematical language. I propose to check the knowledge of terminology on the topic by completing the tasks of the crossword puzzle " .



Proportions. Finish the sentences.

Animation: triggers are set to the words to be inserted; when you click LMB on the words at the bottom of the slide, they will take the right place.

Teacher: “The ball brought us, together with Vitya, to the pages of a textbook opened on the topic “Proportions”. There are also errors here. Read the sentences and complete them. Make no mistake."

Transition to the next slide via a hyperlink set to the ball that appears in the lower right corner.


Video . On the slide is a video that starts playing automatically.

Transition to the next slide automatically on time.


Find a bug in problem solving.Animation: the trigger is set to the image of the diggers, when you click the LMB, the animations begin to be performed sequentially until the ball appears. (Start animation after students complete the task)

Teacher: “In the previous fragment, you saw Vitya, who, after meeting with the diggers, is puzzled by the search for an error in solving the problem. Solve the problem correctly and help Vita find the mistake.

Transition to the next slide via a hyperlink set to the ball that appears in the lower right corner.


Assignment on the topic "Scale"

Animation: the trigger is set to the image of the arrow, when you click on it with LMB, the answer appears.

Teacher: “Before you is a map of the Stavropol Territory. Using your knowledge of the scale obtained in the lessons of mathematics and geography, find the real distance from our village to the capital of the region - the city of Stavropol, if the distance on the map is 5 cm.

Transition to the next slide via a hyperlink set to the ball that appears in the lower right corner.


Repetition of formulas.

Animation: triggers are set to buttons with formula names;when you click LMB on the names of the formulas, they rotate endlessly, and you can see the formulas themselves

Teacher: “To complete the next task, it is necessary to repeat the studied formulas. What is the formula for the area of ​​a rectangle, area of ​​a square, etc. ”

The students name the formula, the teacher clicks on the appropriate button, the check is carried out.

Then the teacher can repeat it in the opposite direction, asking the formula to find out the value that can be found using it.

Transition to the next slide via a hyperlink set to the ball that appears in the lower right corner.


Formula task. Find the circumference and area of ​​a circle.

Animation: triggers are set to "Hint" and "Answer" buttons.

Teacher: Complete the given task in your notebook.

If necessary, the teacher clicks on the "Hint" button, and the students select the desired formula, after the third click the formula disappears. To check the answer, the teacher clicks on the “Answer” button.

Transition to the next slide via a hyperlink set to the ball that appears in the lower right corner.


Video about number "Pi" .

Animation : trigger set to TV screen; when you click on the screen, the demonstration starts.

Teacher: "In the previous problem, you used π=3.14. Every year on March 14, the day of the number "Pi" is celebrated, it is one of the most mysterious in science. Now you can see another fact confirming this.

Transition to the content slide via a hyperlink set to the ball that appears in the lower right corner.



Question about the second name rectangular system coordinates.

Animation: with time delay automatically flies the ball

Teacher : “The ball brought Vitya to the coordinate plane to find and correct the mistakes made while studying this topic. Name the scientist after whom it is named.

Move to the next slide on click.


Rene Descartes.

Animation: image collection automatically.

Move to the next slide on click.


Let's repeat! Repetition coordinate plane.

Animation: triggers are installed on all buttons; when you click LMB on them, objects on the slide are animated.

Teacher: "Go to the board and show the abscissa, y-axis, 1, 2, 3, 4 quarters on the coordinate plane."

After the student answers, pressing the corresponding button checks.

Transition to the next slide via a hyperlink set to the ball that appears in the lower right corner.


Let's repeat! Repeating the location of points on the coordinate plane.

Animation: when you click LMB on a slide, questions appear and answers are shown.

Teacher: "Show points with specified coordinates." After completing each task, a check is carried out.

Move to the next slide on click.


Find bugs.

Animation: triggers are set to points on the coordinate plane.

Teacher: “Vitya marked points on the coordinate plane, but Kuzya assures that, as always, he made mistakes. Guys, help Vita, find the points whose coordinates he wrote down incorrectly.

Pupils name the points, when you click LMB on the point on the right on the slide, a cat appears, which evaluates the correctness of the choice.

Transition to the next slide via a hyperlink set to the ball that appears in the lower right corner.




    when you click LMB on the rules, the fileword opens;

    when you click LMB on the button with the task, its enlarged image appears,

    when you click LMB on an enlarged image, it disappears;

    when you click LMB on the arrow, the answer appears.

Teacher: “Having answered the tasks of the filword, you will repeat the dictionary of the topic “Coordinates” and, I hope, you will not make mistakes in writing these terms.”

Transition to the content slide via a hyperlink set to the ball that appears in the lower right corner.



Palace of Equations.

Animation: ball flight automatically

Teacher: “Following the ball, Vitya got to the Palace of Equations. We will follow him."

Move to the next slide on click.


Beginning of the game.

Animation: automatic ball flight and sound file

Teacher: “To catch up with the ball and take it from the cow, you need to climb the steps to the sage. At every step you will be tested. The first step in solving equations is opening brackets.

Go to the slide with tasks by clicking on the first step «Bracket opening.


Continuation of the game.

Teacher: "You have climbed the first step, let's take the next step - bringing like terms."

Go to the slide with tasks by clicking on the second step "Reduction of similar terms.


Continuation of the game.

Teacher: "The next step is to apply the properties of the equations."

Switching to a slide with tasks by clicking on the third step

« Application of properties of equations”.


Continuation of the game.

Teacher: “The last step is the most difficult. Don't make mistakes!"

Go to the slide with tasks by clicking on the fourth step"Solving Equations"


Task from the first step.


Teacher: Open the brackets and choose the correct answer.

Transition to slide 29 via a hyperlink set to the ball that appeared in the lower right corner.


Task from the second step.

Animation: triggers are set to answer buttons; when LMB is pressed on a button with an incorrect answer, it sways and the cow moo sounds, if the answer is correct, then it lines up opposite the equal sign in the condition.

Teacher: Give like terms and choose the correct answer.

Transition to slide 30 via a hyperlink set to the ball that appeared in the lower right corner.


Task from the third step.

Animation: triggers are set to answer buttons; when you click LMB on a button with an incorrect answer, it sways and the cow moo sounds, if the answer is correct, then the button with the answer will increase.

Teacher: “Move the unknown terms in the equation to the left, and the known terms to the right, choose the correct answer. Do not forget to apply the properties of the equations without errors.

Transition to slide 31 via a hyperlink set to the ball that appeared in the lower right corner.


Task from the fourth step.

Animation: triggers are set to answer buttons; when you press the LMB on the button with the wrong answer, it sways and the moo of the cow sounds, if the answer is correct, then it lines up opposite the word "Answer"

Teacher: “In order to climb to the last step, you need to apply the knowledge that you have shown at each stage of the game.”

Transition to the next slide via a hyperlink set to the ball that appears in the lower right corner.


Final slide of the game.

Animation: automatically the flight of the ball and the sound file, the appearance of the control buttons.

Teacher: “Vitya managed to catch up with the ball and correct his mistakes with your help. The time has come to leave the country of unlearned lessons in mathematics.

Transition by control buttons to a slide with contentor shutdown.


Go to the title slide by clicking the "Click" button.


Sources of information.

Move to the next slide on click.


Sources of information.

Transition on the control button to a slide with content.