Runes of beer and it doesn't happen. Grouping runic series. Rune of Victory Group

Beer runes are a type of runic stav that is used for two purposes. The first is to protect yourself from negative magical influence(damage, evil eye). The second is to win, to win, to gain superiority over an opponent or rival.

The most important thing that you get when using a protective amulet is peace and tranquility. You do not have to waste energy on arguing and defending your point of view, you just go about your business while the attackers weave intrigues and ruin their lives.

The composition of the protective stave

Not all runes can be used to create such a powerful protective talisman. Here is the "recipe" for the right stav:

  1. - a symbol of great self-discipline. Gives its owner the ability to find a way out of any, even the most difficult and critical situation. Allows you to streamline life, eliminate chaos from it, bring everything into a system. It also directs and unites the energy of other stav symbols.
  2. - the personification of a huge, powerful, concentrated pure force. It is used to enlist the help and support of the Higher powers in all endeavors, to get a lot of energy for the realization of life goals.
  3. - a rune that balances the properties of the remaining symbols of the stav. Sign of creation, inspiration, creativity. Helps its owner to develop creative thinking, see new ideas everywhere, find their purpose and comprehend the meaning of life.

The combination of these three symbols is a real energy bomb. They provide the strongest defense that runes are capable of. Fills with huge life energy and develops creativity.

To arm yourself with the power of ancient magical signs, becoming, you need to either portray on your left wrist or embroider on a headdress that you wear all the time. You can get a tattoo if you want a stronger connection.

Protection, creativity, strength are the three factors that make a person successful. Therefore, this stav has a second property - it helps to win in any situation. For example, when choosing between you and a colleague, the boss will appoint you to a profitable position.

Rune of Victory Group

Victory runes are a group of certain symbols endowed with a special meaning. These symbols are used in cases when it is very important for you to win, to win some kind of duel, to become the first. Properly composed combinations of runes - staves will help achieve this goal.

The group of victory runes includes the following symbols:

  1. - the most money rune. Primarily aimed at obtaining money, acquiring financial independence and material well-being. But in the context of the “victorious” stav, its meaning changes slightly. - a sign of the beginning, spiritual rebirth, development, which leads to success and gives superiority over the enemy
  2. - the most destructive rune. The classical interpretation of the symbol is rebirth, the completion of some important life stage, the termination of the cycle of actions. But this meaning is not negative, because as a result of liberation from the past, he gains access to a happier present. In the context of the stav - the successful completion of the duel with the enemy, winning, attracting good luck
  3. - the most "militant" rune. Without it, becoming victorious will never work. It is thanks to Teivaz that a person acquires qualities without which victory is not possible. This is courage and courage, courage and fortitude, cunning, resourcefulness, the ability to defend one's interests and make the right decisions.

Watch an introductory lecture on the meaning and application of runes:

Why beer?

Many are wondering why this powerful becoming named after alcoholic drink. After all white magic and the "green serpent" are completely incompatible. The secret lies in two historical facts:

  1. In Scandinavia, beer was not just a relaxing drink - it was used in all sorts of rituals and rituals. It was believed that beer allows you to improve contact with the subconscious
  2. In an ancient Scandinavian legend, a wooden mug broke in the hands of a warrior. There was poisoned beer inside, and the mug broke due to the fact that it was depicted with a protective runic becoming. Thus, the runes of Beer helped the warrior avoid mortal danger.

You can create personal talismans, amulets and amulets with these staves. But there is an important condition - runic magic works only for people with pure intentions. Ancient symbols do not tolerate evil and self-interest. Therefore, strive to use them for their intended purpose.

Rune Uruz

Uruz is the rune of Strength. The ancients treated this rune very respectfully. They loved and at the same time feared the Deities associated with Uruz. Yin and yang, female and male forces are merged in it. Uruz gives masculinity to men and femininity to women.

At present, it is very difficult to get a live feeling of Uruz. Civilization has done everything to deprive people of connection with this Force, herded them into cities, thrust them into artificial dwellings, cut them off with concrete and asphalt from everything that is natural for human nature. It is not easy to feel it also because this Force is very deep. It does not rumble, does not smoke, but it exists and interferes very actively in people's lives.

symbolic field

Perseverance, perseverance, strong-willed power, challenge, courage, readiness, health and initiative. The power of Uruz heals through transformation and restores health through deep transformation of a person. Lack of Strength brings weakness, lack of will, inability to focus effort and, as a result, illness.

The vitality of Uruz is symbolized by the wild tour. It is not at all a peaceful, gentle, ready to cooperate with people power. This Power is opposed to heavenly influence. It is the will in opposition to love. But man is between them, he cannot choose will by renouncing love, or love by renouncing will.

The power of Uruz was sung by the great Nietzsche. It is this Power that is lacking in those people who want to do something and do not do it. It can be called very simply - the Great Power of the Earth. She can't pray. It makes sense to be afraid of her. But it is even more foolish not to take it into account or avoid it, because without this Force the movement of life will stop. This power is symbolized not only by a wild tour, but also by a runaway horse, and an offended bison, and a bear, which was awakened in a den in winter.

Direct Uruz destroys obsolete forms. It comes as a sign of transformation.

Uruz corresponds to Proserpina, neither good nor evil Deity. It is simply strong and is not used to paying attention to people who do not take into account its presence on Earth. This Deity takes revenge on inattentive people, but can be used by cultured and orderly people. This is the greatness of man, that he is able to assimilate the energies of the universe. No matter how great Uruz is, it is also subject to the human will, rooted in the knowledge of the goal, in the knowledge of the idea, for the sake of which it is worth sacrificing the old forms. If a person is not afraid of the powerful, indomitable influence of the Uruz rune, he is able not only to resist it, but also to master it.

It is simply impossible to impede the action of Uruz. The Great Power of the Earth breaks into what is frozen and covered with a rotten coating. Uruz calls to leave the old form, not to cling to it, in the words of Christ, "to pour new wine into new wineskins." It makes a person understand that the new content cannot fit into the old framework. The incoming Force requires respect, reverence, reverence and the willingness of a person to provide her with a proper container.

When a direct Uruz falls, one must be ready to accept the Force, to awaken the will, and not in the depths of the heart, but the will manifested in a specific situation, in events. Many people are afraid of this Power, because they are used to clinging to old forms, they have grown into a comfortable, safe existence. And the direct Uruz calls: “Live dangerously! If you want to live, you must get used to changing shells and abandoning the obsolete!”

Direct Uruz is a new influx of Force, a new surge. Reverse Uruz can be seen as an indication of wrong actions. The reverse Uruz is just as strong, but it testifies to the disorganization of the Force, which leads to eventual chaos. Power is not taken away, but it chaoticizes a person's life. Remaining just as big, the Force begins to destroy what we have tried to build wrong.

Uruz demands respect for the form in which she is invited. A person must be responsible for what he does. When violations cross a certain line, the reverse Uruz comes.

People are not used to the Force. They condemn the Force because they do not know how to handle it, they do not know how to respectfully and correctly interact with it, honor it, sing its praises and use the gifts that it brings. People are in some infantile state: warm, light and flies do not bite. However, humanity, nation, individual, deprived of Uruz, sooner or later rot, dry up, fall away.

This power through man indomitably ascends to heaven. And it is in man that it merges with Love, which shows the way and allows building forms. Treating irresponsibly to the living Force acting in oneself, a person undermines the roots of his own existence. He deprives himself of the hope of promotion.

When the sacred knowledge was lost, the rituals of Uruz were lost, then people simply began to close themselves off from any of its manifestations. Thus arose a mechanical civilization and ostrich behavior, which is characteristic of most of the human race. But Uruz remains. Nobody canceled it. It manifests itself in volcanic eruptions, in climate change, in hurricanes and wars. Uruz cannot be deleted from life. You can try to hide from her. And you can meet it halfway, take it into account and learn to master it. Warriors have learned to master Uruz at all times. Martial art is the art of working with the Force of Uruz. And when a person came into contact with this Power, which is obviously higher than him, deeper, more majestic, he became a hero, an invincible leader. Not subdued, but ordered power of will passed through him. It does not exclude love at all. On the contrary, without love it is impossible to master Uruz.

The followers of Porfiry Korneevich Ivanov are engaged in mastering the Force of Uruz. Going to meet her, they receive miraculous healings, gain miraculous protection. Uruz acts in people who are engaged in marathon running. Athletes work partly with Uruz, all people engaged in hard physical labor. The Great Power of the Earth is the power of resurrection, rebirth, restoration. She can destroy anything. But she is able to restore everything. This process is not the prerogative of heaven. The sky with its Love can instruct, indicate, ask. And only the Power of the Earth imperatively performs those restructurings in the body and in the soul, to which a person does not give consent. And if he is not able to accept these changes, he perishes: he falls ill and leaves the earthly plane in complete chaos and disorder. If a person understands that he is dealing with the power of Persephone and mastering her wealth, then the Force turns to him with its face. Then the direct Uruz comes and naturally all the desired changes take place.

Uruz is neither male nor female. She gives men courage, endurance, courage, determination, moreover, adamant and irresistible. For women, on the other hand, it also gives strength, the power of fertility, the possibility of having a child, endows with endurance, the ability to endure any hardships, any hardships. Very often, men and women are divided according to strength: men are strong and women are weak. This division is fundamentally wrong. Strength is inherent in both the masculine and the feminine. Only the forms of manifestation of this Force are different. Often a woman is more powerful than a man. But very often a woman becomes very weak, exposing her weaknesses and calling them feminine.

Uruz is a thirst for the fullness of life. Uruz is not an ostentatious, but an intimate secret of the planet. This is the hidden power of Gaia, our planetary body. And you can’t brag about it, boast, show it to others. Uruz does not bring external virtues to a person, which he could brag about to others. But it gives power, power and the ability to accomplish what was planned. Without this Power there is neither love nor friendship. Often relationships between people become lethargic, weak-willed, dull. They don't invite us to anything. And we consider this weakness and slenderness to be the norm, an elevated spiritual state. However, without Uruz, a person is not viable.

Pure Uruz is a zoologism, but it is our integral part. Man is a synthesis of power and order, a synthesis of high spiritual aspirations and the possibility of realizing them in earthly life. But we forget about it, we do not pay attention to the development of our forces, and thus castrate ourselves. There are wise thinkers who are unable to do anything, and strong men who are dumber than a hare. This is a very serious problem. We are torn in half. We are unable to combine our goals and ideas with the power of their implementation. We live on Earth as in a sanatorium for the insane, but not as in our own home. In order for a person to feel like the owner of the Earth, so that he can feed on its juices and be able to direct its power to the arrangement of life, he must at least be aware of the need for contact with the Force. This contact must necessarily be conscious. It is necessary to ask for the Power reasonably, at a certain time, under certain circumstances. Then a person will be able to at least grope for signs of the approach of the Force. And sooner or later he will find Uruz, without which there is no group activity, no marriage, no true love, no birth of children. Nothing happens without Uruz. And the more people turn away from it, the more mechanical, puppet-like and fruitless they become.

Symbolic situations Uruz

The flow of fuel through the pipeline. Discovery of gas fields. It is about discovering the source of energy in yourself. Opening the source is very difficult. We need to explore, drill. But the one who finds it acquires colossal wealth. He can move into a new quality of existence. The action of Uruz entails a change in the standard of living. When receiving this rune, we must understand that we become different.

Making fateful decisions: to join the war or not to join, to divorce or not to divorce. etc. That is, these decisions radically change the whole life. The power of Uruz is underground, but giving birth. This is not the death-bearing Force, but the Force of renewal, the Force of life itself. Uruz does not come quietly. She appears in thunder and flame. Therefore, a new opportunity is perceived as a loss.

Growth of life beyond forms. Often these things are associated with Pluto. Indeed, before the astronomical discovery of Proserpina, all its qualities (rebirth, resurrection, restoration) were attributed to Pluto. It's not his prerogative. Pluto is masculine. He can beget, but not give birth. The birth of the new, the process of its birth, going beyond the shell - this is the power of Proserpina, when something living, but completely different, appears from apparent death. Uruz, Persephone, Proserpina controls the chrysalis on the eve of the appearance of the butterfly. This is the Goddess of Flowering. She goes to underworld for transformation and brings out new energies from there, helping nature to be reborn every year.

Under Uruz, very deep transformations take place. They are deeper than those implied by Pluto. Mythologically, Proserpine is the wife of Pluto. The husband is the head, the wife is the neck. Persephone, as a wife, controls the actions of her husband.

The fall of Uruz is evidence that fundamental, profound changes will come, which have a purely spiritual significance. Proserpine symbolizes, as it were, the ultimate transforming power of the solar system. Uruz controls Gaia, a terrible Deity, whom everyone used to fear. The worship of Gaia is attributed to the era of Atlantis, when people had powerful powers to communicate with this Deity through sculptural images.

The changes that Uruz brings are inevitable. We just need to take them into account, somehow connect with them and understand. A person can accept everything if he has an understanding of what is happening. The problem of life is connected from beginning to end with one and the same thing - a misunderstanding of the nature of the events taking place. with a misunderstanding of their purpose, structure, etc.

The success of assimilation of the Force depends on the ability to transform. If a person feels that changes have begun, he himself should try to change. He must have time to transform, resolutely give up a lot, be able to outline the goals of internal transformation and quickly head towards them.

Uruz should not be afraid. If you run away from a tiger, he will surely tear you to pieces. Uruz is the Force that respects the Force. It is repelled from the Force, like a charge of the same name. And no matter what terrible happens, if a person goes with an open visor, if he is not afraid of changes, if he agreed to what is happening, oddly enough, he emerges victorious from the battle, more majestic, more powerful.

Change is not endless. Moreover, the period of catastrophes is always short. The most difficult thing is precisely the expectation of shocks. For example, a person has been afraid of divorce for 12 years. And then once - and the mountain from the shoulders. The horror was not the divorce procedure itself, but the expectation in fear, anxiety and dubious hopes. Moreover, if a person at some point ceases to be afraid, then divorce will not happen. Divorce is no longer needed, because a person has learned to be free, which is why the mechanical procedure of divorce has lost its meaning.

Footage Uruz

Kashcheyevo egg: until you get to the needle and break it, you won’t achieve the goal.

Mowgli in the treasure ancient city. He took there only the necessary - a dagger. This is the most important moment when working with Uruz - do not try to capture this Force, do not play with it.

Surfing. It is a symbol of the correct handling of Uruz. This is balance, and unbridled courage, and the willingness to get hit on the head, and maybe the willingness to die. But only by passing through these states, overcoming them, a person acquires the indescribable bliss of flying on a wave.

Orgiastic fertility rites. Naked girls rushed across the freshly plowed field and shouted whatever they wanted. They had the opportunity to fully experience the Force of the Earth. Without such procedures, a person feels like in a prison, squeezed by all sorts of prohibitions: “Ai-ay, do not sin! And then God will punish!” The main sin is not to live: not to be, not to feel, not to think, not to experience.

The golden egg breaks itself: “Grandfather beat. Grandma was. The mouse ran, waved its tail, and the egg broke. Calling Uruz is almost impossible. She reveals herself when the hour comes when she wants it. In ancient times, the evocation of the Uruz Force was taboo, because. the priest who invoked the Force Uruz actually questioned the existence of civilization. Because no one knew what the planet Earth would decide on, being awakened from sleep. Therefore, the golden egg breaks itself when the time comes.

Construction of dolmens. The ancients controlled fertility, political processes, economic processes, erecting pebbles in different places in a certain order, and helped the Force of Uruz to manifest itself in certain places. In fact, the construction of dolmens is the creation of places of power. On the one hand, this led to the layering of psychic energy, and on the other hand, to the fusion of this energy with the Force of Uruz.

Now there is a lot of talk about the cult of the Great Mother. This is an earthly Goddess. Her cults took place underground with a touch of grimness. These cults were admitted to people who had undergone special training, who could withstand such initiations. Uruz is not a spiritual, but a productive Force. She is instructive, but saving. Therefore, the images of the Great Mother were coarse, large, powerful, earthly.

The Great Mother is not a kind aunt at all. This is a very wayward and capricious Deity. She never thinks of a person. She cares about the family, about the people as a whole. The deity distributing the will, the power of fertility, does not imply the priority of man over the biosphere. If the ancient society violated the rules of ecological behavior, the Goddess punished in the most serious way.

Cults of the Great Mother have always been associated with orgiastics. They always assumed the deepest change in consciousness, that is, in a sober mind and sound memory, it was simply impossible to come into contact with the power of the great Goddess.

Baba Yaga, a forest sorceress, standing on the verge of the worlds: underground and earthly. All mythological correspondences of Baba Yaga concern afterlife. She is symbolically associated with the Scandinavian Hel - the mistress of the underworld, but is located, as it were, on the border between the earth and the dungeon. And usually descriptions of it are associated with the position of a person in a coffin. The Slavic rite of baking children is associated with this creature. The heat of a heated oven, symbolizing a woman's womb, baked a handicapped child. It was about the magical burning of diseases in the mother's womb.

The forest in which Baba Yaga lived looked like an underworld - scary, confusing, dark, with many wild animals, monsters and all sorts of troubles. In fairy tales, it was called the distant kingdom. On the border between the distant kingdom and normal life, Baba Yaga, Persephone, Demeter, the initiating and testing Deity, were in charge. First, it frightens, torments, exhausts a person, checks him “for lice”, and then, if a person has passed the test, patronizes him. This is the great symbol of Uruz: "If a person is not lost before the action of the Force and has survived, he receives this power at his disposal and can act directly as a hero." This motto symbolizes the transfer of new objects to the hero by Baba Yaga - new qualities, new abilities.

It was impossible to agree with Baba Yaga. This is the inexorable Goddess, it is useless to ask her. You can only fight her. And if the hero was persistent and selfless enough, she would send a gift commensurate with the hero's tasks.

Uruz Characters

Mistress of Copper Mountain. Not a very gentle hostess, but really a hostess.

Almighty Pan.

Keeper of underground treasures (the same cobra from Kipling's stories about Mowgli).

A dowser who knows how to find groundwater, underground treasures.

Mantic meanings of direct Uruz

Situation: change of guiding principle, transition to a new level of vision and action.

Challenge: Finding new sources of energy.

A word of caution: one cannot increase the intensity of habitual methods of action, that is, one cannot work in the same direction.

Hint: learn to work thinner.

Advice: look among what turns to ashes.

Consolation: Your discovery will certainly amaze you.

Mantic meanings of reverse Uruz

Situation: swamping and decay, that is, the channel is incorrectly marked, the Force is directed incorrectly.

Challenge: Learn to hear the alarm.

Warning: Your Power turns against you.

Direction: look for a way out.

Advice: overcome the cliches of vision and thinking, try to understand what you especially don’t want to understand.

Consolation: He who hears the alarm avoids major shocks.

Rune Nautiz

Symbolic field: constraint, necessity, pain, need, lack, inhibition, impossibility of advancement, work, difficulties, acceptance of restrictions.

Nautiz is a Saturnian rune. The first law to follow when it falls out: slow down so that the tires do not burn out!

Nautiz implies the ability to cope with the need. Any difficulty, any obstacle should be considered as a specific work assignment. Nautiz is an unpleasant, but multi-useful rune. Regardless of how it falls out - in a direct or inverted form - very serious polishing processes take place in a person, which allow you to cut your character and polish your psyche. These are the fetters that are imposed on a person, cultivating tactical ingenuity.

Nautiz has a wonderful motto: crossing the abyss under the sail of patience. Such situations are naturally perceived as unpleasant. But the pressure in the chest pumps energy - the principle of a cauldron with a tightly sealed lid. The outer shell (restrictions) allows you to forge internal stresses and increase pressure in the system, to concentrate energy. Focus is one of keywords Saturn. Concentration means focusing attention on a particular problem, gathering consciousness at one point, in a very narrow space.

Unfortunately, very often this one direction is mistaken for miserable poverty, because a person is accustomed to having a range of opportunities. Nautiz narrows down the field of the possible to one single case, while providing, nevertheless, complete freedom to act in this direction. Moreover, it implies such an action. It seems to channel energy, directs it in a certain direction. This channel is always unequivocally presented to the doer. But for some reason, people tend to perceive such a narrowing of opportunities negatively, as deprivation, instead of accepting freedom of action in a very specific direction.

In a sense, Nautiz is painful. But on the other hand, Nautiz makes a decision for a person what to do, where to hit, which road to move. It does not simply compel, it shapes the movement, which, given the usual scattered nature of a person, is naturally perceived as a limitation and a lack. Modern civilization values ​​the choice of likely actions more than the gift of moving in a certain direction. We generally prefer projections to actions. Nautiz just implies not only patience, but also an act performed within specific limits.

This rune is crystalline. It does not allow to remain amorphous, scattered. It gathers a person, concentrates, focuses, directs. But it depends only on a person whether he will move along the evolutionary channel. Most often, people stop and start complaining, although there are no situations in life in which creative action is impossible. Working with nautical situations, a person learns to discipline energy. And the more specifically he uses it, the more he respects himself. He feels in good sense a winner over himself, because there is nothing more difficult than to overcome the boredom and emptiness that accompany the action of the Nautiz rune, direct and reverse. But in order to act in this way, first you need to disidentify with the situation, that is, look from the outside, remove the negative emotional attachment to the unpleasant environment. Such an attitude helps to see the only necessary path of action that Nautiz implies, and accordingly change the direction of consciousness and the application of efforts.

When Nautiz falls out, it is necessary to try to analyze the psychological cause of the inconvenience. Restriction or restriction causes in us an inadequate reaction - resistance. We are upset about what happened more than it deserves. Nautiz teaches, firstly, to explore your emotional state under the motto: “Why are you pounding? There is a case. Create it! Secondly, considering the psychological cause allows us to remove the internal block and use the will that remains with us.

A. Podvodny has a wonderful expression regarding the Gray Beast (it is controlled by Saturn): “One must work, create and love even in very rainy weather.” External circumstances do not give rise to unpleasant emotions. Illusory expectations, being unsatisfied, cause a storm of discontent.

If we fixate on an unpleasant situation, if we turn outward, that is, we look stupidly at the limits that limit us, we lose energy, we slip. Only when we look inside ourselves and say that everything is fine with us, everything is in order, but just not as rosy as we would like, then we have a reserve of will. Turning inward, we understand that the key to changing the state is in us: in thoughts, plans, desires.

Nautiz has some difference from Saturn. Saturn brings coldness and prostration. Nautiz is accompanied by extreme emotional tension. The rune advises to hold on to failures to the last, not to give up. This rune calls to consolidate the will and store strength. Like any other rune, Nautiz is not eternal. But if a person gives up, lets things take their course, he loses the energy necessary for a further breakthrough and exit into another space.

Nautiz declares the following maxim: true needs often contradict our desires. Man's desire is Jupiter. Needs is Saturn. When Nautiz arrives, it turns out that everything you need, in general, is already there. That is why the outline of Nautiz remotely resembles a cross, inspiring with the motto: God does not give a man a cross beyond his strength.

Nautiz is never too heavy. She's just heavy. And it is never unbearable - it can always be endured. Nautiz situations are designed for training human strength. Although with a frivolous attitude towards Nautiz, the situation can drag on for a long time. The more seriously we take the instructions of the runes, the more consistently we do what they call us to, the more often the runes change indications, and, accordingly, internal and external situations. Runes exist so that a person fulfills their requirements. Therefore, if Nautiz is taken into account and guided by her advice, she will soon leave.

Nautiz requires conscious positive motivation, which is not typical for other runes. Under Nautiz, a person has no right to be upset. This deprives him of strength and ability to act. The disorder is the failure to comply with the runic instructions.

Only positive motivation, the search for the good in the current situation helps to make changes in it. Pulling out Nautiz, you know that you should be at least in good mood. With all the constraining, limiting conditions, Nautiz requires optimism, albeit labored, because falling into pessimism under this rune makes its action extremely negative. This is a rather rigid Deity, which crushes those who bend. The man decides to fall, and the rune neatly finishes him off. As a result, a person can be exhausted to the limit. The gray Saturnian beast in the Underwater seven is the most terrible. It can de-energize a person to the limit. And no one from outside is able to raise his spirit. This can only be done by himself. That is why, when pulling out Nautiz, the mood should be as high as possible.

This rune has a curious motto: be able to overcome poverty both in energies, and in decisions, and in methods of action. Another motto of the rune: future patronage is earned by perseverance. A person can count on overcoming Saturn and going out, for example, to Jupiter or Uranus only by stamina and patience. Then the circumstances are in his favor, and in the future he experiences the support of fate. Nautiz checks a person for "lice" through patience, stamina, endurance. And if he passes the test, after that, positive circumstances appear.

Nautiz requires restraint in external manifestations. It implies greater accuracy in words and deeds, maintaining a readiness to move forward, no matter how difficult the road, no matter how unfavorable the situation. This rune prevents external growth, but implies internal growth. This is a very important point. Development actually never stops, under any circumstances, but we are used to evaluating it by external signs: environment, people, things, energies, finances, etc. Nautiz blocks them, slows them down. Human energy is directed to inner searches. And sometimes he discovers in himself such reserves of patience and perseverance that he did not even suspect.

Gera gives the cyclicity of all processes;

Eyvaz increases the length in time, allowing you to remove negative emotions, and increases the amount of energy;

Perth - purposeful movement forward;

Algiz - protection and harmonization;

Soulu - leadership qualities, the ability to activate the skills of another person, luck.

These runes are used when it is necessary to make a person more successful or bring his actions in line with certain laws, when it is necessary to streamline events or some processes, to define and structure space.

In a word, the runes of this atta refer to everything that is directly related to a change in a person or the space around him.

The last att is att Tyura. Tyr is the God of Law.

Att allows you to actively move forward, achieve the goal.

The main features of the runes atta Tyr:

Teyvaz - active movement towards victory;

Berkana - the creation of one's inner and outer worlds;

Eyvaz - active movement in space, attracts a person to the future and makes it possible to accept the version of events that is needed;

Mannaz - activation of subconscious programs;

Laguz - the flow of knowledge;

Inguz - accumulation of energy;

Dagaz - a transition to the future, a rapid change in the situation;

Otila - accumulation and impact on the past and future.

All the actions of the runes atta Tyura are aimed at activating some processes in oneself and making oneself move.

Rune groups

Maple Thing chain mail

I give you a drink

full of strength

And great glory;

It contains magic songs

And healing runes

good spells

And the joys of the rune.

Each group contains runes from all three atts.

"Victory Runes" - Fehu, Hagalaz, Teyvaz

runes of victory

When you aspire to her

Carve them on the hilt of the sword

And label twice

In the name of Tyr!

The main victory is entry into Asgard, and the winner is the one who lives in Asgard, that is, is a god. Therefore, the main fixation of the Runes of Victory is Asgard, when the vibrations correspond to this world. The general action of these runes gives the ability to organize and manage people, the ability to achieve one's own at any cost, as well as self-confidence and a constant readiness to take any action.

This group of runes includes the first three runes from each atta - Fehu, Hagalaz, Teyvaz . They are the laws for the other Worlds of the Yggdrasil Tree.

To achieve the result, it is necessary, firstly, to create the desired version of the future - this is done by the Fehu rune with the help of images and the corresponding energy structures. Then the Hagalaz rune forms a channel from the present to the future - to the created version. At this stage, the impact descends on the physical plane, there is a "deepening" of all energies.

Rune Teyvaz fixes the goal and gives energy to achieve it.

Description of the runes of the group

Fehu it is the formation of the world. She connects Alfheim and Asgard, helping to create exactly the world that is needed. If the Fehu rune is used, then the person has one main task - to present the desired version of events, simply to allow its existence. And thanks to this, the necessary process is already starting. At the same time, Fehu herself will give accumulation, because she belongs to Freyer's atta.

Hagalaz - this is the connection of the world of Asgard with the world of Jotunheim. Jotunheim is interaction with people, this rune has both positive and negative sides. Runa Hagalaz greatly changes the surrounding space - in working with it, it is necessary to control emotions. Any emotion changes the world automatically, and those runes that redirect energy forward become very tough.

An altered space zone is created around a person or in a specific location.

There is an uncompromising impact: Jotunheim changes processes, since this world is in charge of changing space, and when a person is in Jotunheim, he himself determines what his world should be like. It should be noted that changes can be quite strong, including at the physical level. If at the same time a negative emotion manifests itself, then the changes will become negative. That is why it is recommended to connect to Hagalaz only in a good mood and perfect condition.

The next rune is Teyvaz . This is the connection of the world of Asgard with the world of Vanheim, active action. No wonder Vanheim is the world of the gods of nature. The action of the Teyvaz rune is, first of all, activation, setting a goal and moving towards it.

The action of the Teyvaz rune is directed both to the past and to the future. A person receives the maximum allowable positive inertia, which makes him actively move forward. Thanks to this process, it turns out to gain the desired speed and, accordingly, achieve the result.

At the same time, Vanheim's world becomes very active and manifested. You should always take into account the fact that the energy coming from above forms the world, which this rune begins to change with its power.

"Meeting Runes" / "Beer Runes" - Uruz, Nautiz, Berkana

Runes of beer

Know that deception

You weren't scared!

Put them on the horn

Draw on your hand,

Runu Naud - on the nail.

These runes create images and refer to the world of Alfheim, which models motivation, so all the runes associated with Alfheim, one way or another, are the motivation of people. "Meeting Runes" program a person, on a subconscious level, laying the algorithms of action and behavior in a given situation.

"Meeting Runes" have one interesting property: people who are in a state of intoxication can automatically be included in their flow. In this case, any command will be implemented, given to a person, so a drunk person should never be told that he is an alcoholic - such a statement will have a powerful programming effect. The ancient Scandinavians knew about this and used this property of alcohol to achieve the desired state: light beer was part of many runic rituals and festivities, when it was required to set people up for certain behavioral algorithms.

And this also allows you to determine which runes of which atta dominate a person, which flows he conducts best. For example, if a person becomes pugnacious under the influence of alcohol, it means that Uruz and Freyer's att dominate in him. That is, he has a good potential for accumulation and attraction of what he wants.

If a drunk person begins to complain about life, that no one understands him, about unrealized opportunities, the Nautiz rune dominates in him. Then Heimdall's att can be used to structure a person, help him get on his way, regain the lost integrity and clarity of vision of the world.

1. Universal protective shield Thurisaz-Tiwaz-Thurisaz

We declare a certain area to be protected. As soon as there is an attack, there is a destruction of this attack, its dispersion. Brings chaos into the enemy's attack. Protective shield. Works great. The most powerful defense against magical attacks, from any negative energy, from harmful effects. Gives strength and ability to withstand any onslaught.

In case of osteochondrosis, neuralgia, the amulet is glued with adhesive tape on the cervical, chest or lumbar spine, depending on the location of the pain. You can directly on the sore spot itself.

2. Protective shield "Mirror" Isa–Kenaz-Hagalaz-Kenaz-Isa

Protective shield "Mirror". Any impact is reflected and sent back. Creates the effect of a "mirror" armor that does not let any energy through.

3. Runes of Beer (protection against witchcraft) Uruz-Nauthiz-Berkano

Runes of Beer. Protection under severe psychological pressure and intrigues, especially if a magical effect is carried out. Protection from witchcraft. The amulet saves from intrigues and intrigues, promotes career growth and other advancement, despite the hidden and obvious resistance to this.

4. Vehicle protectionAlgiz-Raidho-Algiz

Travel safety and vehicle protection. Very good to apply to cars.

5. Home protection Algiz-Othala-Algiz


Home home protection. If add Tiwaz along the edges, then this is protection from negative energy, which undermines the energy of the home.

6. Protection of pregnancy Algiz-Berkano-Algiz

Protection of a woman during pregnancy and pregnancy itself.

7. Protection from magical influenceEhwaz-Algiz-Isa

Protection from magical influence, from astral attack.

8. Protecting the family from witchcraft and corruption Ehwaz-Algiz-Othala

Protecting the family from witchcraft and corruption.

9. Protection of business, affairs Algiz-Fehu-Algiz

Protection of business, activity.

10. Fire and water protection Kenaz-Algiz-Laguz

Protection of fire and water. Protection of two energies.
11. Invulnerability in battle Tiwaz-Eihwaz-Laguz

Invulnerability in battle. It uses the strength of a man and the flexibility of a woman.

12. Runes of the Road. Travel safety on the road Raidho-Eihwaz-Laguz

Runes of the Road. Safety on the road, while traveling. Good luck on the journey, securing the journey itself. There will be no problems or obstacles along the way.

13. Solar shield Sowilo-Algiz-Sowilo Solar Shield

14 (water shield)

Laguz – Algiz-Laguz
Protection covers you from any magical attack or targeted negative message (envy, a word spoken after, ..)

15. Protection of the child and the woman in labor (after childbirth) Fehu-Berkano-Othala-Sowilo Protection of the child and the mother (postpartum)

Copyright © 2012 Shaposhnikov Oleg

Triple Protection

No. 1 Protection from negative energy. From vampirism

This amulet (formula) protects me from what is directed at me from outside:
negative psychological and emotional pressure, protects me from harmful negative energy influences of a negative nature, of any nature, from people, both living and dead, groups of people, beings, entities, spirits, objects, energies, matters, planets, as well as from others, including sources unknown to me.

This amulet protects me from attempts to steal, withdraw, pump out, select, use, my energy, as well as from other forms of energy vampirism on the part of people, both living and dead, groups of people, beings, entities, spirits, objects, energies, matters , planets, as well as from others, including subjects unknown to me.

This amulet freely allows me, at my will, to produce absolutely any impact on any objects, including any energy actions, using both my own and clean energy from the outside.

No. 2 Protection from witchcraft and astral attacks

This amulet (formula) protects me from witchcraft directed at me from outside hostile to me, including curses, evil eye, corruption, love spell, lapel, slander, closing paths, depriving me of any abilities, opportunities, prospects, as well as from others directed on me, magical, mystical, astral influences hostile to me, including influences of nature and character unknown to me from people, both living and dead, groups of people, beings, entities, spirits, objects, energies, matter, planets, as well as from others, including sources unknown to me.

This amulet protects me from penetration into my subtle bodies of beings hostile to me, entities, spirits, settlers, implants, programs and subprograms.

This amulet freely allows me, at my will, to produce absolutely any impact on any objects.

No. 3 Protection from intrigue and psychological pressure

Working runes: Teyvaz, Hagalaz, Inguz

Author's description: When used, it works clearly and accurately, destroys everything that can be broken, protects well from attack. The hammer is a weapon for both defense and offense. The functionality is good, even at the mental level it works stably. To cleanse the apartment, he applied it to her plan in each room. The central circle was at first a rhombus - Inguz.
Protection can certainly be, in the event of a clear or hidden threat, he behaves adequately, does not attack his own, does not interfere with conjuring himself. Contact Thor.

Protective becoming, from magical action, even from positive ... the principle is like that of active armor, destroys any magical action directed at you ... with the right stipulation, it has cleaning properties of an action already performed ... Working runes HAGALAZ- DAGAZ-ALGIZ,

current for precise directionality, correctly stipulate its operation ... but it is better to stipulate the maximum direction of protection initially .. Becoming reusable ...

the bodyguard can be used not only for children, but also for adults, but it is protection from magical actions (from vampirism, to damage to death), but while wearing a stave, magic not only cannot touch you, but you will not be able to perform magical actions , components, Algiza along the perimeter, Hagalaz, Dagazy, well, Soul (a kind of active armor that destroys a directed magical action, does not allow energy bindings to catch on) something like this ...

protection closes both entry and exit. but you can take it off at the exit, for the duration of work, and then put it on again.))) that in case of closing a vampire, it will close, but it will also be a good protection for bloodsuckers, which is not bad in cases of vampirism from relatives. just don't forget - a vampire won't last long without food (R.I.P.)


Quote: This position was created for me. At work, I felt bad, I felt that I was being pumped, and powerfully pumped out: circles in my eyes, strong tremors in the solar plexus, a breakdown, in general, a semi-conscious state.
Inflicted standing on left hand with a pen, stipulated - to find a vampire pumping my energy and cut him off from me, as well as cut off the channel through which the download goes. Activated with breath.
As a result, all the symptoms disappeared literally in 15 minutes after applying the stav.
Literally an hour later, everything returned to normal, deactivated becoming and all things.

Mannaz - operator
Perto - catches the channel through which the operator is pumped by a vampire
Kano - burns (as if warning that you do not need to download this person)
Turisaz - cuts off the pumping channel
Teyvaz lane - makes the vampire's channel vulnerable.

Becoming barbed wire

author Alisia
The basis of the stav is the letter of the beggar tramp (Einar's letters) - "B". 4 Letters "B", connected in a square, create a powerful field that radiates out information that a person is protected and warns all ill-wishers that it is better not to touch you. Becoming will create a certain atmosphere of inviolability around the operator.
Becoming acts both against magical attacks and against ordinary ones. "Barbed Wire" is reinforced with the Soulo rune, which will provoke a heart attack in the person who affects you at the moment when he tries to make you feel bad ..
The Soulo rune was included in the rank only because it was necessary to quickly and for a long time neutralize one very serious lady.
You can apply becoming without Soulo, or you can supplement it with any other rune or runes. to set a specific direction for the action of the Letters "B".
Inside the "Barbed Wire" you can put your photo like in a frame, or you can draw a little man according to the principle: stick - stick - cucumber and imagine that it is you.


One of our most important ideas about the magical structure of the Futhark is the knowledge of the traditional division of it into three groups of eight runes. On many ancient monuments containing a complete record of the Futhark (and such a record in itself was considered the strongest magical spell), the system of twenty-four runes is divided into three groups. These groups are called att (Old Scandinavian aett, pl. aettir). In Iceland at the end of the last millennium, the three attas of Futhark were called, respectively, att Freya, att Hagal and att Tyur. Junior Scandinavian runes were also divided into three attas, in the first of which there were six runes, and in the second and third - five each.

However, now we are interested in the Elder Futhark, as a runic system that has preserved more than others the ancient magical structure.

Ancient texts, and above all, of course, the Elder Edda, can help us understand this structure. Two songs of the Elder Edda will interest us when considering this topic. The first of them is the already mentioned "Speech of Sigrdriva".

"Speech Sigrdriva" stand out sharply among other works of the Elder Edda - first of all, a mixture of two styles: epic (the song is dedicated to the story of the fate of Sigurd) and "style of advice". The latter style is not uncommon in the Scandinavian tradition; the work performed within its framework is a listing of various kinds of advice, instructions, etc. In our case, a list of tips for use runic magic is embedded in the story of Sigurd. The “advice” itself is pronounced by Sigrdriva, a Valkyrie who initiates her chosen one Sigurd into the secrets of the runic art:

Maple Thing chain mail
I give you a drink
full of strength
and great glory;
there are magic songs in it
and healing runes
good spells
and the joys of the rune.

(Speech by Sigrdriva, 5)

A small note necessary for understanding this passage: maple tinga chain mail is a warrior in the complex language of Scandinavian poetic allegory (ting mail - battle, battle maple - warrior).

Sigrdriva gives Sigurd eight tips on rune magic. Is their number random? Let's think - after all we are talking about runes, and for runic art, the number eight is sacred: this is the number of runes in the atta. And Sigrdriva mentions not about individual runes, but about certain runic groups: “targeting runes”, “surf runes” ...

Since the ancient magicians broke the Futhark into three attas of eight runes, then they saw some meaning in this. But with a linear (in a line) recording of Futhark, this division loses its meaning - all signs line up in one thread. Let's rewrite the Futhark differently - so that the attas are separated from each other: in such a record we clearly see three groups of eight runes ... or eight groups of three runes!

Too amazing for a coincidence - in the first "council" among the Runes of Victory, the Teyvaz rune is indicated, and it really turns out to be in the first three; in the second council, the Naud rune is named one of the Beer Runes, and it turns out to be in the second three!

We have a clear system. Indeed, it would be strange to assume that Sigrdriva's advice, which seems so practical, is not associated with specific Futhark runes. This connection is before us.

Eight groups, uniting three runes, each having the same numbers in its atta, have now received the name "Sigrdriva groups". These groups are:

1. Runes of Victory
2. Runes of Beer
3. Runes of Magic
4. Midwifery Runes
5. Surf runes
6. Healing Runes
7. Runes of Speech
8. Runes of Thought

A meticulous analysis of ancient sources and other information on rune magic reveals that not only the instructions of the Valkyrie, but also other data are associated with each of these groups. This allows us to speak not just about "groups of Sigrdriva", but about some kind of groups of runic magic, and consider this presentation as a source of additional information...

The second Eddic text that we will use in this topic is the song "Speech of the High", the most complex in the Edda in terms of composition and structure. The song consists of several separate blocks, clearly different in origin. Some of these blocks are texts written from faces of Odin himself; one of them interests us now.

This fragment is often singled out as an independent work and even assigned to it. given name- "Enumeration of spells by Odin".

It starts like this:

Spells I know -
no one knows them
even kings' wives...

(Speech of the High One, 146)

Eighteen stanzas follow, in which Odin lists the eighteen spells he possesses. Such a number of spells, approaching the number of runes in the rows transitional from the Elder Futhark to the Younger Scandinavian runes, led many researchers to the idea that "Enumeration of spells by Odin" is a description of a certain runic system. So, for example, this idea became the basis of the developed Guido von List of the Armanic series described in Topic 9 of this course, but we are not inclined to this opinion, since the spells in the order in which they follow in the "List" do not compare much with the known runic series.

In our opinion, Odin lists exactly the spells, and not individual runes, and the "theme" of many spells turns out to be similar to the "theme" of the Sigrdriva groups. Therefore, we consider it necessary to use the spells of the "List" when considering this topic.

So, eight groups of runic magic.

Runes of Victory

The following stanza of "Speech of Sigrdriva" is dedicated to these runes:

runes of victory
when you strive for it
carve them into sword hilts
and tag the names twice
in the name of Tyr!

The head rune in this group is, Teyvaz. Runes of Victory are traditionally applied to weapons and magic tools. The eleventh spell of Odin is associated with the Runes of Victory:

protect friends
in battle I take
in the shield I sing, -
they win
unharmed in battles
unscathed from the battles

come with victory.

Runes of Beer

"Speech of Sigrdriva":

Runes of beer
know that deceit
you weren't scared!
Put them on the horn
draw on your hand,
rune Naud - on the nail.

The main purpose of Rune Beer is magical protection both from other people's harmful spells and from the dangers of the physical plane. Head rune -, Naud. Possession of Beer Runes is considered by many authors to be part of the Art of Vardlokkur, i.e. Warlock arts.

The sixth spell of Odin is associated with the Runes of Beer:

I know the sixth
if the enemy is rooted
thought to harm me,
immediately the enemy
awakened my anger,
misfortune will come.

Runes of Magic

In the "Speech of Sigrdriva" there is no fragment strictly tied to the Runes of Magic, but out of eight stanzas, only one remains without reference to one or another "group of Sigrdriva". Probably, it is he who should be correlated with the Runes of Magic:

Sanctify the horn
beware of deceit
throw the onion into the moisture,
then I know for sure
that magic potion
you won't get drunk.

Head rune - , Turs/Gate. In a number of sources, this runic group is called Troll-runes or Turs-runes (which, in fact, is the same thing). This is a very complex group of runes associated with sorcery, communication with other worlds and predictions. Some authors point out that the name of the group comes from the fact that in ancient times it was believed that the art of divination was received from trolls who knew the future.

Odin's fifteenth spell may be related to the Runes of Magic:

The fifteenth
Tjodrerir sang
before Delling's door;
sang the power of the aces,
and honors - Alvam,
and Odin is a spirit.

The use of the Runes of Magic is mentioned in the Eddic song "Skirnir's Journey", where Skirnir, the servant of the god Freyr, first threatens the girl with all sorts of misfortunes, and then realizes his threats by carving Turs-runes on an oak pole:

Madness and torment, Runes I cut -
delirium and anxiety, "tours" and three more:

despair, pain lust, madness
let them grow! and anxiety;
Sit before me - but I will destroy them,
I'll send it on you just like I cut it,
black lust whenever I want.
and woe!

(Skirnir's Trip, 29, 36)

Part of the Runes of Magic are Swart-runes (dr. - Scand. Swart-Runor), i.e. Black Runes, which are used in necromancy and related Arts to establish communication with the spirits of the departed. The twelfth spell of Odin is associated with Swart runes:

I am the twelfth
seeing on a tree
hanging in a noose,
so I'll cut out the runes,
so I paint them
that he will come to life
and will talk.

Mastery of Turs Runes, like Beer Runes, is part of the Art of Vardlokkur.

Midwifery Runes

"Speech of Sigrdriva":

midwifery runes
know if you want
help with childbirth!
Put them on your palm
squeeze your wrists
invoking diss.

The name of the group is associated with the name of Berkhta, the goddess of childbearing, and also with the name of the rune, Berkan, dedicated to the Mother Goddess. The main purpose of this runic group is obstetrics and blessing of the newborn; in addition, Midwifery Runes can be used to support new beginnings.

The thirteenth spell of Odin is associated with the midwifery runes:

thirteenth i
baby water
I can sanctify
swords will not touch him,
and unscathed
he will be in battle.

Brun Runor
Surf runes

"Speech of Sigrdriva":

Surf runes
know to save
ships are sailing!
Draw those runes
on the nose, on the steering wheel
and burn on the oars, -
let the surf be terrible
and black shafts, -
land unscathed.

Head rune - Eyvaz. The ninth spell of Odin is associated with the runes of this group:

I know the ninth
if the rook
fighting the storm
whirlwinds lie down
and the waves subside
I will send a command.

Healing Runes

"Speech of Sigrdriva":

Healing runes
for healing
you must know;
on the trunk that the branches
leaning towards the east
cut them out.

The head rune is Kano, the rune of Fire. In the Scandinavian tradition, a lot of things related to healing are generally associated with fire. Odin's spell:

I know the second
it is healing
brings benefits.

Runes of Speech

"Speech of Sigrdriva":

Know the runes of speech
if you do not want,
to take revenge on you!
They are composed
they are made up
they are woven
on a ting like that,
where people should
do justice.

Runes of Speech - a group that is little understood now, uniting, nevertheless, very strong runes. It is sometimes believed that Mal-runes are effective in those areas of life where the word has great importance. They can be inscribed on walls or on various objects where important public issues are being resolved.

Runes of Thought

"Speech of Sigrdriva":

Know the runes of thought
if the wisest
you want to be!
Hroft figured them out
he invented them
from such moisture,
that once leaked
from the brain of Heiddraupnir
and the horns of Hoddrofnir.

The name of this group - Hug-runes - is associated with the name of one of the sacred ravens of Odin - Huginn, which means "thought". These are runes of the power of the mind. Nigel Pennick points out that these runes are often depicted on the chest with accessories and tools of the runemeister. Most often it is believed that their function is to bring mental strength and promote mental concentration, however, we tend to see something much more in the Hug-runes.

The fourteenth spell of Odin is probably connected with the Hug-runes:

I will open the number
aces and elves,
nickname of the gods
I will tell people
only the wise can do it.

Of course, the descriptions of the groups of Sigrdriva given on these pages are simplified and incomplete, and, moreover, they do not exhaust the fullness of runic magic.

neither virgins nor wives
I can't say -
one will save
secret secret,
here the song stopped -
open up maybe
only wife
I'll tell my sister...



Rune groups

Runes of Creation

First, a little history. There are several scholars of the runic tradition who believe that the scholars who first proposed FUTHARK as the true order of the runes fell into the classic trap of the ancient magicians - cryptography. Everyone who has come across ancient Germanic culture knows that one of the cornerstones of northern magic is the postulate: "TO NAME something is to miss the point." Hence the complex, multi-stage kennengs adopted by the northern skalds. No one would call a battle a battle. "Maple tinga chain mail" is one of the possible definitions of a warrior, and even in a runic, where each symbol has incredible power, writing the alphabet in its original form meant calling incredible powers on the head of an insolent one! And the FUTHARK image is found everywhere.

As I said, I consider the cyclic order of the runes to be the original. But even if you break the circle, then from the URUZ rune! It seems to me (and not only) that FUTHARK is a convenient table from which eight groups of magic were so coolly extracted (I would like to know where to get ten more, because the basis for this "extraction" in addition to the "Speech of Sigrdriva" was the "Speech of the High ", and there are eighteen spells!) And a way to hide the true order. By the way, the same eight groups are easily extracted from the UTHARK system, so conservative readers can relax a little!

Why is it still UTHARK? One theory says that the entire history of the universe, from creation to destruction, is laid down in the runic system. Based on this theory, the first seven runes of the UTHARK order are the first seven notes of the divine melody of creation.

URUZ is the personification of unstructured chaos. Enormous energy, not embodied in anything specific. The basis of the foundations of the future universe. Protomatter.

THURISAZ is a transforming, structuring force. The hammer of Thor - the god symbolizing the world order, breaking the heads of the giants - the children of chaos. The force that prepares protomatter for transformation.

ANSUZ - In the beginning there was a word. And God had a word. And the word was - God. The Greek logos is not only a word, but also an idea, but the essence does not change from this, Ansuz, it is both a word and an idea and God. Formative power.

REIDO - The power of movement. A static object is a dead object. Only movement animates the universe. Atoms, planets, galaxies move. Everything is in constant motion.

KANO - The movement of atoms generates energy and heat. Heat is the second component of life after movement. Energy fills both a small atom and a huge sun. Kano is pure energy.

GEBO - Not just a gift or a partnership. Gebo also symbolizes time. Yes, this is understandable - human life fleeting, and time is the greatest gift! If someone is wasting their time on you, they are wasting their life - appreciate it. So, Gebo is a starting point, the beginning of time, in the truest sense of the word.

WUNJO - the last rune of creation, the rune of happiness. Rune of completion and harmony. "And on the seventh day God finished his work and rested in peace" or something like that, unfortunately, I do not remember verbatim, although I read it. :) Studying the runic system further, based on this premise, is a pleasure! Try it yourself. I can only say that FEHU is a very material rune on the one hand, and the embodiment of an uncontrolled flame on the other, very suitable for the rune of Raganrek or the apocalypse.

The physical material aspect comes to the fore, the spiritual is abandoned and everything dies in the fire of a new big bang (by the way, based on this, you can really put it at the beginning, according to science, everything started with the big bang, but it seems to me that you need to think more positively. ;)), and everything will start from the beginning. So the cyclical order justifies itself.

Many of you will ask: "What will it give us? How can it be applied?". If you have such questions, re-read everything again, and you will understand how great the forces described by the runes of creation are! And if you want very specific advice - take a cube made of wood and apply the first six runes of creation on its faces. The seventh, Wunjo, will represent the cube itself. Now you have a powerful talisman that encloses the universe! I think you yourself will find a worthy use for it!

Irreversible Runes

A very interesting and controversial group. These runes are characterized by the fact that their straight position coincides with the opposite. In the mantic sense (during divination), this gives an unambiguous answer, which is important, but it is necessary to consider magical properties this group. In Scandinavian tradition, these runes are strongly associated with the worlds of the Yggrasil tree. Each of the nine worlds corresponds to one irreversible rune. Here is the match:

Asgard (Gebo): The abode of Ases, that is, the gods. Located at the top of the world tree, and symbolizes the higher "I" of man.

Alfheim (Sowulo): The land of elves, immortal beings who came to earth before humans. In Christianity, they are associated with angels. Symbolizes intelligence and imagination. Mental.

Midgard(Jera): Actually our world, physical reality. "Middle Earth", literally. Habitat for people.

Svartalheim (Eihwaz): Dwarf dwelling place. A world where the abstract ideas of Alfheim are embodied in matter. Creative start.

Hel (Hagalaz): The realm of the dead, ruled by the goddess Hel, half skeleton, half beautiful woman - a symbol of the dual nature of death. Death is the path to a new birth.

AT classical scheme is the vertical component of Yggrasil. But Midgard would not be called the middle earth (remember Tolkien's Middle-earth?), if there was no horizontal plane:

Muspelheim (Dagaz): "House of Fire", literally. Here lived ancient giants - Turses. They had a huge age, and owned the magic of transformation.

Nifelheim (Isa): "Realm of the Mists". The opposite of Muspelheim. The realm of illusions, here the external forms are in accordance with the internal essence of the observer.

Vanaheim (Inguz): The abode of the Vanir, deities preceding the Ases, personifying the feminine. The natural principle and the kingdom of abundance.

Jotunheim (Nadh): Home of the Jotuns, ancient enemies of the Vanir, beings of gigantic size and great strength. Also the realm of the intellect and imagination.

Runes of Procrastination

Hagalaz, Naudh, Isa. Three runes at the beginning of the second atta. Destruction, coercion, inhibition - do you catch the connection? They are called the three Great Runes of Procrastination, their strength can only be compared with the strength of the entire FUTHARK as a whole, and even then not always. This group has always been somewhat aloof. Most likely, the procrastination runes appeared among the first. Their graphic form is explicit sequence - the number of elements decreases proportionally destructive force. You must be fully aware of the full responsibility that will fall on you if you decide to use these destructive forces. From the name of the group it is clear and the application is resistance to something. If something interferes with your plans, and you feel strength in yourself - destroy the barrier! Runa Hagal will do just fine! But be careful: if you do not have enough energy, the power of the rune can turn against you. Especially if your path is not a passive barrier, but a thinking being. Maybe you should try to bend it to your will? Nid is an even more serious interference in someone's destiny - think about your karma! If you still decide, in case of luck, the enemy is completely in your power. But this, most likely, will not last long - the Nid rune greatly exhausts both Eryl and his victim. Be extremely careful in its application. If you yourself were attacked, and you are tormented by a protracted illness, you should use the Isa rune. It won't heal you, but its power can temporarily stop almost ANY action. This will give you time to concentrate and select countermeasures.

It is also clear that all three runes at the same time are able to provide you with maximum protection. The only drawback is that they are very demanding on your energy resources, and it is not recommended to use them for a long time.

Warlock Runes

The least studied group by me, mainly because there are no materials. Warlocks in the Scandinavian tradition correspond to black magicians or necromancers in the modern sense. Warlocks colored the runes in a special way and, in addition, they took their true sound with them to the grave. Not the pronunciation, but the sound - the rune spell chanted by the warlock raised the dead. In addition to necromancy, warlocks were engaged in healing and travel between worlds. In general, if you know about this group, let me know - beer, I promise! From a runic point of view, Urus and Berkana are most likely used in healing, Isa, Naudh and Thurisaz in necromancy, and Ehwaz in moving between worlds. Although, as expected, in the group, it is impossible to draw clear boundaries: one of the meanings of Thurisaz is the gate (that is, clearly from the practice of moving), and the runes of delay (see above) were also used in healing. In any case, until we know the sound, the art of warlocks is useless.

In addition, these runes occupy the second and third place in each Atta, which determines their belonging to specific groups from the speeches of Sigrdriva (see. FUThARK by Group)

FUThARK by Attam

First att - Att Freyra

Now let's sum up the first atta. As mentioned earlier, runes can be viewed individually, or they can be viewed in groups. Well, let's try to trace the relationship between the individual runes. So, the first rune we have Fehu is the primary potential matter, the second rune Uruz is the primary energy. To create something, we have to combine them.

The third rune appears - the rune Turisaz, which unites Fehu and Uruz, thereby giving Kenaz - incarnation, birth. The fire of Kenaz ignites in the fact that the divine consciousness of the Ansuz rune has appeared, subordinating everything and everything to one cosmic order Raido. The power of Raido makes no distinction between the elements of the created world. She puts everyone on equal footing. Realizing this, the elements of the system begin to interact with the help of the Gebo rune - an equilibrium partnership.

Thus, they move to a state defined as a common goal. Those. the power of Vunyo comes - obtaining joyful results, synthesis. In principle, this picture can be entered into the scheme of the formation of the universe at the initial stage. There will still be a big bang, but for now, the achievement of primary goals. The second att, I think, will allow you to better understand the flow of the Rune Force. This att rather describes the first stage of the appearance of our world, when there were neither people nor gods. Acting in this way, one can consider the gradual formation of an individual, or the development of a magician.

The second att - Heimadl's Att

So, the second att. Consider the relationship between the runes in this atta. Three Runes of Procrastination come first. Hagalaz - hail, a cosmic egg with a huge energy potential. This is the tension before the explosion. And then the explosion occurs, sweeping away everything in its path. Everything that was rebuilt and created turned into dust. Next comes Nautiz - need. The principle of cosmic resistance, a fire that can only be kindled by friction. This is a period of crisis that flows into Isa - the rune of compression, the rune of gradual and inexorable development. Everything is structured under the influence of ice. Next comes Djera - the rune of Midgard. Now we see the appearance of the material world, which makes a movement after salting, i.e. according to the sun, thus giving us the concept of the annual cycle. After, everything returns to normal. Two principles are given to us Eyvaz and Perth. Eyvaz is the rune of the unity of life and death - i.e. one flows into the other, but it is also a powerful principle of inner transformation. After death there is a rebirth and all laws are governed by Perth. Everything has its WYRD. Perth is also a symbol of rebirth at a higher level, where Elhaz appears - the support of the gods, the acquisition of the Force, the connection with other worlds of the Yggdrasil Tree. And completes all this Sowilo - the Sun, Power, Integrity. Those. everything comes to its logical conclusion.

The last att - Att Tyura

So, we have finished considering the third att. Its relationship can also be traced. Tivaz - the principle of sacrifice to achieve success and Berkano - the principle of security and systematic growth, are united by the power of Evaz, thereby creating a fair interaction without suppression and moving forward. Further Mannaz and Laguz. Mannaz is the result of the action of the first three atta runes - a harmonious combination of memory and mind, as well as a person who is aware of himself. Laguz is the movement of intuition and vitality, which leads to the fertility of Ingvaz. In the stage of return, Dagaz occurs - the coming of the day, which gives us prosperity. This prosperity is strictly separated from the rest of the individuals by the fence of Otala, where the accumulation of wealth takes place.






While individual runes have prototypes in the writing of other peoples, the runic series as a whole is completely unique.

The unusualness of the runic series lies not only in the incomparable arrangement of characters in the alphabet, but also in its ability to function as an independent formation - a futhark. This is evidenced by a special type of runic monuments - inscriptions containing futhark. The existence of such inscriptions is not easy to explain.

The attempt of the "realists" to interpret them as " visual aids”, made for the purpose of teaching the rune P.u, does not agree well with the nature of the objects on which they were applied: these are funerary (including intra-grave stones and bracteates amulets. Supporters“ magical theory”, On the contrary, they see in the practice of depicting the runic row the mobilization of all supernatural forces attributed to individual runes, which, however, does not shed light on the unparalleled location of these signs themselves in the row. The most convincing explanation for the structure of the runic row is the hypothesis of J. Jensen, who showed that the location of the runes in the futhark is subject to a certain linguistic design.

As the oldest images of the futhark testify, the senior runic row was divided into three equal parts (“families”) of 8 characters each, named after the “families” of Freyr, Hagal and Tyr that headed them. According to Jensen's observations, the arrangement of vowels and consonants in the runic row follows some numerical patterns: each of the Futhark "families" contains 2 vowels and 6 consonants, and the last vowels in the "families" are separated by an equal interval of 9 runes. between both vowels in each of the "families" increases in a progression of 1-2-4 and, accordingly, the number of consonants after the last vowels in the "families" decreases (4-2-0). This is how the runic row depicted on the Kulver stone (Gotland, 5th century) is arranged. In another version of the futhark, best preserved on the bracteate from Vadstena (Sweden, 6th century) and differing from the Kulver one in that the runes p - é and d -o are arranged in the reverse order (é - p; o - a), symmetry also reigns in the distribution of consonants and vowels.

In addition, Jensen pointed out that qualitative composition The “families” of Futarka are subject to certain patterns: for example, each of them contains one labial consonant (f;p;b) and a pair of noisy consonants opposed by deafness/voicedness (k-g; s-z; t-d). The complex and thoughtful structure of the runic row discovered by Jensen, which is essentially a model of the phonological relations of the language, leaves no room for chance or spontaneous formation of the ancient Germanic alphabet. The unknown inventor of the futhark demonstrated in his creation high level mastery of the sound form of the language, which was equally characteristic of both the master of runic writing and the Old Norse skald poet.