Multivitamins for pregnant women 2nd trimester. The best vitamins for pregnant women. Rating of the most effective best prenatal vitamins

The main mission of a woman in society is the continuation of the family. When planning a replenishment in the family, you first need to think about your health. You can start drinking special multivitamins for pregnant women even before the conception of a child. This will allow the fetus to fully develop in the early stages of pregnancy.

Before choosing pharmacy vitamin products, you need to talk with your doctor to find out which ones are better. Only a specialist can prescribe a suitable complex, taking into account the general well-being of the woman, the month of pregnancy and the results of the examination.

Why do pregnant women need to take vitamins?

The body of a girl preparing to become a mother functions in an increased rhythm. He needs to nourish with useful substances and oxygen not only a woman, but also a developing fetus.

Not every woman can provide herself with proper nutrition, rich in multivitamins and minerals. In addition, current products are not natural and healthy enough, since most vegetables and fruits are grown using pesticides and nitrates.

Modern multivitamin preparations, such as Pregnacare or Femibion, include essential components that provide the mother and child with the missing trace elements. It is important that the unborn baby is born healthy. Regular intake of synthetic vitamin complexes during gestation will ensure the full development of the baby at every stage of pregnancy.

Is it safe to take vitamin complexes for pregnant women?

According to scientists, it is believed that if a girl eats natural products, she no longer needs to drink vitamins for pregnant women. The consequence of this may be their excess in the body, which will also negatively affect the mother and child.

In addition, the need for vitamins during gestation is individual for each woman. It depends not only on her general health, but also on her diet, as well as on the time of year. Vitamin and mineral pharmaceutical preparations are compiled without taking into account the seasonal factor, so there may be an imbalance in the amount of a particular vitamin in the body.

If the doctor has studied the history of the expectant mother and recommends taking multivitamins (Pregnacare or Elevit Pronatal), you need to listen to him. You may need a course of one specific vitamin or mineral component (calcium, iron, magnesium, iodine, retinol).

How to choose the right vitamins?

Manufacturers are trying to include in vitamin complexes the entire list of necessary components that are so important for the body of a woman in position and her unborn child. The drugs differ among themselves in the dosage of useful substances, cost and the presence or absence of auxiliary components.

It is necessary to select good multivitamin complexes with your doctor, since their slight deficiency can be corrected by nutrition, especially in summer. By adding seaweed, fish, apples and dairy products to the diet, you can replenish iodine reserves, and meat, eggs, cereals and dried fruits will help to enrich yourself with iron.

In addition, you need to be guided by the duration of pregnancy and the general health of the woman herself.

Indications for the use of vitamins during pregnancy

Not every woman changes her lifestyle during gestation, and when it comes to a healthy balanced diet, it is not always possible to stick to it. In this situation, taking multivitamin complexes for pregnant women, such as Complivit or Elevit pronatal, will help replenish the body with the necessary components and vitamin groups.

The attending physician pays special attention to the physiological and individual characteristics of the pregnant woman. Indications for the use of vitamin complexes are:

  • age (pregnant women under 18 and over 30);
  • malnutrition;
  • previous miscarriage or birth of a disabled child;
  • poor test results (anemia);
  • 2 or more embryos.

First trimester

The first trimester is the most significant stage for the entire period of pregnancy. In the first weeks, all the vital organs of the fetus are laid. Important for the normal development of the child are:

  • Vitamin A (retinol). Affects the formation of the baby's skeleton, nerve cells and organs of vision. The correct dosage of retinol is important, because due to its excess, the fetus often develops heart muscle defects.
  • Vitamin E. It is very important for maintaining pregnancy in the early stages and the formation of the placenta.
  • Folic acid (more in the article:). Gynecologists recommend taking the substance at the stage of planning a child. Participates in the reliable reproduction of genetic material, cell division, protects against miscarriage, the development of anemia.

The top of the best pharmaceutical preparations that are effective during the first 12 weeks include Femibion ​​(without iron) and Elevit pronatal. They contain irreplaceable multivitamins and mineral components necessary for the development of the fetus at the beginning of pregnancy.

Second trimester

In the second trimester, for the full development of the fetus, other important trace elements will be needed: iodine, iron and calcium. They are involved in the processes:

  • the formation of the baby's skeleton;
  • mental development;
  • development of the organs of the endocrine system;
  • full supply of oxygen to the placenta.

If these elements enter the body in excess, they may accumulate in the urine and placenta. This is not the norm, so it is important to follow the dosage recommended by the gynecologist.

third trimester

By this time, all the vital organs of the baby have already formed and, if there were no deviations in the process of gestation, vitamins are not prescribed. Only a gynecologist can prescribe vitamins in the third trimester, given the history of the pregnant woman. It could be Femibion ​​or Complivit Mom.

At this stage, the fetus is improving the nervous system, developing sensory organs. The body of the expectant mother should receive vitamins A, C, K and D, iron and calcium. Vitamin deficiency during this period affects the health of a woman. She may have:

  • problems with teeth, nails and hair;
  • disorders of the pancreas;
  • low hemoglobin level.

Rating of vitamins for women in position

The pharmaceutical market offers a wide selection of vitamin and mineral complexes and supplements for women in position. According to doctors and women themselves, the top ten most popular ratings include:

  • Vitrum (made in the USA, UniPharm company);
  • Elevit (from Roche, France);
  • Femibion ​​(Austrian company Merck KGaA & Co. WerkSpitta;
  • Alphabet "Mom's health" (Russia);
  • Complivit (Russia);
  • Pregnavit (German company Merkle ratiopharm);
  • Multi-tabs (Denmark, Russia);
  • Pregnacare (Great Britain);
  • Solgar prenatal (USA);
  • Lonopan (Russia).

Comparison table of vitamin complexes

Taking multivitamin preparations is important both in early pregnancy and in the second and third trimesters. In modern complexes, manufacturers have tried to reunite the most necessary minerals and vitamins in one or another period of pregnancy. The list of the most popular and their distinctive features are presented in the table.

Elevit pronatal (more in the article:)Contains 12 vitamins: A, 6 types of vitamin B, C, PP, E, H, D and 7 minerals: calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, copper, zinc, manganese (see also:).1 tablet per dayIt can be taken at the planning stages, during pregnancy and during lactation.Expensive product, lack of iodine in the composition
Vitrum prenatal1 capsule contains 10 vitamins and minerals (iron, zinc, potassium)Same wayLikewise, affordable priceDoes not contain all vitamins (no H and B5) and minerals, additional intake of another drug may be required
Femibion ​​1As part of 9 vitamins, iodine, phosphorus and iron (more in the article:)1 tablet per day + softgelContains folic acid in the form of metafolin, which contributes to its better absorptionHigh price
Alphabet "Mom's health"Contains 13 vitamins and 11 minerals, including taurine3 tablets per day with an interval of 4 hoursA full range of important vitamins and minerals, an affordable price, in the presence of allergies, one of the components can be easily removed, since the daily dose is divided into three tablets, different in composition and color.The need to take 3 tablets a day (for the forgetful, this is not very convenient)
Complivit momContains 11 vitamins and 7 minerals, including phosphorus and manganese1 tablet per dayCan be taken throughout pregnancy, inexpensiveDoes not contain iodine, in rare cases may cause nausea
Pregnawit1 capsule contains 9 vitamins and 5 mineralsDepending on the term: in the 1st trimester - 1 ton per day; in the 2nd - 2 tons, in the 3rd - 3 tons.Universal inexpensive drugContains no iodine
Multi-tabs perinatal11 vitamins and 9 minerals including selenium and chromium1 tablet per dayAffordable price, versatilityLow dosage of vitamin D and folic acid
PregnacareAs part of a standard set of vitamins and minerals1 capsule per dayCan be taken at any timeContains no calcium, high cost
Solgar prenatalContains over 20 natural ingredients2 tablets per day (in 1st trimester), 4 tablets per day (in 2nd and 3rd trimesters)Gets rid of toxicityVery expensive drug, rather large tablets
LonopanComplete complex of minerals and vitaminsIn the morning - 2 green dragees, in the evening - 4 white onesGood toleranceYou will have to take up to 6 tablets per day, high cost

Side effects and contraindications

A contraindication to taking such drugs is individual intolerance to one or more components. With prolonged use of multivitamin complexes, side effects occur in the form of:

  • constipation;
  • nausea;
  • allergic reaction;
  • vomiting;
  • drowsiness;
  • habituation to individual components.

The most dangerous side effect is hypervitaminosis (an excess of vitamins). Depending on which vitamin is in excess, there are the following complications:

  • damage to the mother's kidneys, heart defects, nervous system, arms and legs of the fetus - an overdose of vitamin A;
  • oxygen starvation of the fetus, too dense structure of the skeleton and skull - an excess of vitamin D;
  • late toxicosis - a lot of vitamin C;
  • the risk of bleeding during childbirth - excessive intake of vitamin E.

Is it possible to do without vitamins?

When a girl is in a position, in order to maintain her body and for the full development of her unborn baby, daily intake of vitamins and microelements is mandatory. If some mineral or vitamin is supplied in a meager amount or absent altogether, this is fraught with the occurrence of abnormalities in the development of the fetus.

Hypovitaminosis is dangerous:

  • the occurrence of a miscarriage;
  • fetal hypotrophy;
  • the development of intrauterine hypoxia;
  • insufficient development of the immune system;
  • anemia
  • the occurrence of rickets in a child;
  • development of heart defects.

For mom, a lack of vitamins is also dangerous. A woman may experience the following symptoms of hypovitaminosis:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • migraine;
  • respiratory infections;
  • fragility of nails;
  • decrease in working capacity;
  • hair loss;
  • stomach ache;
  • diarrhea;
  • tremor.

Some pregnant women refuse to take synthetic vitamins, because they believe that it is possible to get the missing elements by introducing the necessary food into the diet. During the period of bearing a child, nutrition should be correct and balanced.

You can get the necessary supply of nutrients from food:

  • vitamin A (found in the liver, fish, milk, eggs, spinach, parsley, carrots, cottage cheese);
  • vitamin C (found in red fruits and vegetables, citrus fruits, cauliflower, beans);
  • vitamin E (they are rich in milk, vegetable oils, wheat germ, lettuce);
  • B vitamins (found in cereals, milk, meat, liver, eggs, wheat germ, fish, beans, peas);
  • vitamin D (found in fish, egg yolk, vegetable oil, beef liver and meat);
  • vitamin K (present in cauliflower, onions, spinach, lentils, green tea);
  • vitamin H (found in egg yolk, nuts, oatmeal, milk, chocolate);
  • vitamin F (found in dried fruits, fish oil, olive oil) (see also:).

To prescribe synthetic vitamins or not - the doctor must decide. If the expectant mother has any health problems or she is at risk (she is over 30 years old, has multiple pregnancies, had a miscarriage or premature birth), the specialist will definitely prescribe her a course of pharmacy vitamins.

For a healthy woman, with normal test results and an appropriate diet, such drugs are selected by a gynecologist. Perhaps she will be prescribed not a whole complex of multivitamins and minerals, but some individual substances (folic acid, iodine, calcium or iron).

Absolutely every person needs vitamins and minerals, and a pregnant woman is no exception, rather, she even needs it doubly. The reason for this state of affairs is the growth and active development of the fetus.

Deficiency of vitamins and microelements, including in the first trimester, can adversely affect the formation of vital organs and the health of the child as a whole. Therefore, it is so important to saturate your body with these beneficial substances daily. To solve this problem will help special vitamins, designed to meet the needs of a pregnant woman. What vitamins to drink during pregnancy?

It is known that everything necessary for a person vitamins and minerals found in food. This is true, however, it is worth noting that we are talking about.

Alas, it is not always possible to monitor your diet and get all the necessary substances from food. It is for this reason that very often pregnant women need taking vitamin complexes. Let's consider the main questions on this topic.

Can pregnant women take vitamins

No physician can give a universal answer to this question. On the one hand, the lack of nutrients will adversely affect the health of the unborn baby. But it should be remembered that their overabundance will also not be useful. The vitamin complex has a standard composition and does not adapt individually to the needs of each woman, but the need depends on the region of residence, nutritional conditions and even the time of year.

Should pregnant women take vitamins?

As with many health issues, the truth lies somewhere in the middle here. If, before pregnancy, a woman had a deficiency of some vitamins or microelements, especially B12 and iron, and the situation was also aggravated by the cold season, then taking a special complex is fully justified. In addition, due to allergies to certain foods from which we obtain useful substances, it is also recommended to drink vitamins. In the case when a pregnant woman eats fully and correctly, and everything is summer outside, which means that you can eat fresh fruits and vegetables every day, there is no point in taking artificial vitamins.

Need extra vitamins women over 30 years of age and women whose previous pregnancy ended unsuccessfully or the child was born with anomalies.


As before the use of any medicines, before taking vitamins also need to be aware of the side effects.

If speak about contraindications, then first of all it is urolithiasis and an excess of vitamins A and D, as well as iron and calcium. Their uncontrolled intake can provoke health problems.

The need for consultation with a doctor and proper nutrition

Before you start taking a special vitamin complex for pregnant women, need to consult a doctor. Only he, having assessed the state of your health, can make the right decision on the advisability of prescribing vitamins. I would also like to note that it is still better if a pregnant woman adjusts her diet and thus receives all vitamins and other useful substances in their natural form from food.

How much and what vitamins are necessary for a pregnant woman

What vitamins to drink when planning a pregnancy for women

Folic acid or B9. One of the important vitamins that are recommended for those planning a pregnancy. The role in the emergence of a new life can hardly be overestimated: it is responsible for the growth and development of cells, the correct formation of the neural tube, brain and soft tissues of the body.

A deficiency of this vitamin can lead to serious fetal malformations even in the early stages of pregnancy, and even when the woman is not yet aware of her condition. That is why gynecologists prescribe folic acid already at the time of planning. As a rule, it is recommended to take this vitamin separately, since its share in the composition of multivitamin complexes is small. The norm of folic acid entering the body is 400 mcg.

B group vitamins. We are talking about vitamins B1, B2, B6 before pregnancy. They are necessary already at the initial stage in order to ensure the normal development of the brain and the nervous system as a whole. Also, these vitamins contribute to the growth and proper formation of the skeleton and muscles of the unborn child.

What vitamins to drink in the first trimester of pregnancy

During early pregnancy, a few more vitamins are added to the necessary folic acid.

Vitamin E. This is a vitamin that affects the ability to both give birth and give birth without pathologies. He is responsible for cell renewal. Also, vitamin E provides the right balance of hormonal levels necessary for conceiving a child. Normally, vitamin E should be ingested in the amount of 100-300 IU per day.

Vitamin A. It provides the mother's resistance to infections, participates in the growth and strengthening of bones, hair and teeth. However, with this vitamin you need to be extremely careful, because its overdose can lead to the appearance of pathologies. It is best to get it from natural food. Its dose ranges from 250 IU per day.

With the beginning of the second trimester, the leading role begins to play iodine, iron and calcium.

Iodine necessary to maintain the proper functioning of the endocrine system and the metabolism of the mother and its formation in the unborn child. It is also involved in the mental development of the fetus. Ideally, a pregnant woman should receive at least 250 IU daily.

Calcium. It is directly involved in the formation of the skeleton, endocrine system and kidney function. It is best taken in the form of vitamins, as it is not well absorbed from regular food. 1500 mg is the daily dose of calcium.

Iron. Necessary for the prevention of uterine tone. Also, iron prevents development and is involved in protein synthesis. Its amount per day is 30-60 mg per day.

Vitamins in the third trimester

In late pregnancy, a woman's body especially needs iron, vitamins A, C, D. We have already mentioned the properties of the first two above, but we will consider the other two in detail.

Vitamin C. It has a direct effect on strengthening the immune system and increases the body's resistance to various infections, which is so important at this stage of pregnancy. Its norm per day is 90-100 mg.

Vitamin D. It is prescribed for the prevention of rickets in an unborn child. Its dose is 400 IU per day. However, if pregnancy occurs in the summer, you can simply be in the sun more often.

How to choose and which complex of vitamins for pregnant women is better

What vitamins to drink during pregnancy? In practice, there is no such thing as "the best" prenatal vitamins. You can look at reviews, ask the opinions of friends, but this should not become a determining factor when choosing.

The choice of vitamin complex also depends on the time of year, gestational age, health conditions and even the weight of the woman.

Here are the key points need to pay attention primarily:

  • compound;
  • possible reaction of the body to specific components of the vitamin complex.

To pick up vitamins, it will be more correct if you consult a specialist. Already taking into account your health, the characteristics of the course of pregnancy, the time of year, place of residence and nutritional conditions, he will select which vitamins to take during pregnancy for you.

Rating of the TOP 5 best vitamins for pregnant women

To make it easier for you to navigate the variety of vitamin complexes available on the market today, we have highlighted the most popular ones.

  1. Elevit. This popular preparation contains 12 vitamins and 7 minerals. Its peculiarity is in the high content of magnesium and folic acid, so gynecologists recommend it to women at risk of miscarriage. However, there is no iodine here, and therefore it must be taken separately.
  2. Vitrum Prenatal. It contains all the vitamins necessary for the body of a pregnant woman. In vitamins for pregnant women, Vitrum Prenatal is especially rich in iron, which is necessary for the prevention of anemia.
  3. Femibion. The complex, taking into account the latest developments in science. It is divided into two types: Femibion ​​1 - for the first trimester and Femibion ​​2 - for the 2nd and 3rd. In vitamins for pregnant women, Femibion ​​lacks iron and calcium, which is due to a possible overdose.
  4. Pregnacare. Another popular vitamin Contains 11 vitamins and 5 minerals, including folic acid and iron. Iodine is absent and must be taken separately.
  5. Alphabet. The complex of vitamins for pregnant women Alphabet is different from the rest by dividing into 3 capsules containing a different set of vitamins. So, if a pregnant woman is allergic to some vitamin, then taking a tablet containing it can be excluded.

Video about vitamins during pregnancy

We present to your attention a short video in which a specialist answers popular questions about prenatal vitamins. What are they for? What and how much do they contain? Is it necessary to use them?

You are in the most amazing position - preparing to become a mother. On the one hand, you continue to live as before, on the other, something happens inside you every day. The little man grows up and begins to demand a little attention. In order for him to grow up healthy, you try to be outdoors more often, walk, move more, eat right, lead a healthy and calm lifestyle, and see a doctor regularly. Naturally, the doctor prescribes prenatal vitamins for you.

People have different attitudes to the use of vitamins. Some believe that we get all the vitamins from food and additional (artificially created) ones are completely unnecessary for the body. Others, on the contrary, are sure that the foods we eat are not environmentally friendly, and there are very few vitamins.

Let's think. A pregnant woman bears a child and carries a double load - the baby grows, all organs and organ systems are formed in him. Vitamins and trace elements are consumed many times more. If a pregnant woman receives them only from food, the baby in the womb will "take" them all for herself, the mother will have nothing left. Teeth will begin to deteriorate, nails will exfoliate. And these are only external signs. A doctor who sees a pregnant woman monthly looks at her blood test, where you can immediately see what is missing and what is in excess. Only a doctor should prescribe vitamins for pregnant women.

But even the most experienced doctor, with such a huge selection of mineral and vitamin complexes produced, can get confused.

Vitamins for pregnant women which company to choose

Pharmaceutical companies that produce vitamins for pregnant women are located both in Russia and abroad. This is the Borisov Plant of Medical Preparations (Republic of Belarus), the world's oldest pharmaceutical company from Germany MERCK, Unipharm from USA, JSC BAYER From Russia. These companies have vast experience in the production of not only vitamins and other vital medicines, but also enjoy great prestige and popularity throughout the world.

Rating of the best vitamins for pregnancy

The best vitamins of the 1st trimester

"Folic acid"

Many, I'm sure, have heard or read that not only with an already occurring pregnancy, but also when planning a pregnancy, a woman needs (vitamin B9). This element is necessary for conception and throughout pregnancy. Not a single biochemical process in the body can do without folic acid. Vitamin "B9" is involved in the formation of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, in the formation of blood cells, in all metabolic processes occurring in cells, tissues and organs. Folic acid belongs to the vitamins of the 1st trimester.

Positive sides: taken when planning pregnancy - vitamin "B9" prepares the female body, increases the likelihood of fertilization, destroys many harmful substances, prevents disturbances in the development of the fetus. Pregnant women are taken with severe toxicosis so that anemia of pregnant women does not develop. A very inexpensive remedy (a pack of fifty 1 mg tablets costs 40 rubles).

Negative sides: do not exceed the dose of folic acid, since it then does not act on the body. Personal intolerance, skin irritation, rash and itching may occur.


These vitamins are good not only for pregnant women in the first trimester, but also for women who want to get pregnant. One tablet contains a daily dose of iodine and vitamins B, C and E. Folic acid is also present here, but in the form of metafolin. This is the active form of folic acid, it is absorbed much faster in the intestines.

Positive sides: contains nine vitamins and iodine, ideal for planning pregnancy and in the first trimester of pregnancy, absolutely safe, fully provides the woman and the unborn child with vitamins, preventing the development of pathologies in the baby.

Negative sides: expensive (a monthly course costs 450 rubles), designed only for the first trimester of pregnancy, at a later date this composition of vitamins is not enough.

The best vitamins for the entire duration of pregnancy

"Vitrum Prenatal"

During pregnancy, it is very common for certain vitamins and minerals to be deficient. The complex of vitamins for pregnant women "Vitrum prenatal" just contains exactly these vitamins (ten types) and three minerals. In a certain combination, these vitamins and minerals give a quick effect, and by taking this particular complex, the expectant mother can be completely sure that she will not harm her baby.

Positive sides: these vitamins for pregnant women can be taken when planning a pregnancy, and during the entire pregnancy, and after the birth of a baby, and while breastfeeding. Quite affordable cost - 30 tablets cost 360 rubles.

Disadvantages: not identified. There may be a need to supplement the complex with other vitamins (under the supervision of a doctor).

"Elevit Pronatal"

This vitamin-mineral complex combines all the vitamins, minerals and trace elements necessary not only during pregnancy, but also during breastfeeding. vitamins "A", "E", "D", "C", "B1", "B6", "B12", copper, iron, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium. This is only a small part of the vitamins and microelements included in the composition of Elevit Pronatal.

These vitamins for pregnant women perfectly fulfill their function - they do not allow the expectant mother to develop vitamin deficiency, prevent metabolic disorders and pathology of fetal development.

Positive sides: the rich composition of this complex is well thought out, recommended for women with complications during pregnancy (severe toxicosis, poor absorption in the intestine, antibiotic treatment before pregnancy). These vitamins for pregnant women are good for planning pregnancy, and throughout the entire period of pregnancy, and during lactation.

Negative sides: in this vitamin-mineral complex, unfortunately, there is no very important element - iodine (it will have to be taken additionally), vitamins for pregnant women "Elevit pronatal" contain calcium and phosphorus. Therefore, there are contraindications - it is not recommended for women with elevated levels of calcium in the urine and blood, with urolithiasis, with impaired iron absorption. The price may show high due to the large volume of the box (one hundred tablets cost 1350 rubles). But this is a three month course. Not everyone will be able to purchase these prenatal vitamins right away.

Rating of vitamins for pregnant women, compiled from reviews

Alice, 34 years old: “I couldn't get pregnant. My husband and I tried for more than two years, we already wanted to see doctors. My gynecologist prescribed regular folic acid, and I read good reviews from her. I drank it for two months, and a miracle happened! The first three months of pregnancy did not stop on the recommendation of a doctor, but then stopped. The long-awaited baby will be born soon".

Ilona, ​​25 years old: “When planning pregnancy, I chose Femibion ​​vitamins. Because there is not only folic acid. These vitamins for pregnant women helped me a lot to cope with severe toxicosis. And then I could not eat or drink anything, there was a terrible nausea and vomiting. Now everything is fine, I’m on the fourth month, but I had to give up these vitamins already ”.

Vera, 29 years old: “I looked at reviews on the Internet for a long time, asked my friends which vitamins for pregnant women are better to choose. I stopped at Vitrum Prenatal. This complex is at the same time simple in composition, but it has everything you need for me and my baby. I'm so used to it that I don't even think about stopping drinking it after giving birth. I also love the design of the box! So tender".

Irina, 38 years old: “I have a third baby on the way. With the first two "lost" all her teeth and hair. After I gave birth to my second child, I had a terrible beriberi - my head hurt, everything literally fell out of my hands, hemoglobin was at the lowest point. Somehow recovered. And all due to the fact that before there were no such developments as now. I saw the reviews in an advertisement on TV about Elevit Pronatal, went to the pharmacy, and there they told me everything about it. Like, the largest composition of vitamins and minerals. I immediately bought a large box. Now I feel great! I'm sure the baby does too. Hair does not fall out, and nails do not exfoliate, so everything is fine..

What prenatal vitamins to buy

I think the first step is to determine the gestational age. When planning a pregnancy or in the first trimester, you must definitely take folic acid (it is very affordable) or you can take a small Femibion ​​complex. In these vitamins for pregnant women, in addition to folic acid, the daily dose of iodine and the necessary vitamins "B", "C" and "D".

If your pregnancy is more than twelve weeks, ask your doctor to select a more complete vitamin and mineral complex for you. For example, such as Vitrum Prenatal. There are all the most necessary vitamins and minerals in such a composition that the expectant mother will provide a good metabolism, prevent beriberi, and your baby will be delivered all the necessary substances. And the cost of these vitamins for pregnant women is affordable.

During pregnancy after the first trimester and after childbirth, you can take vitamins for pregnant women "Elevit prenatal". In this complex, probably, the most complete composition of vitamins, microelements, minerals and macroelements. The only thing missing is iodine. Another thing that women who are going to take Elevit Prenatal need to know is that there are contraindications for urolithiasis and metabolic disorders. Therefore, be sure to consult a doctor.

And in general, being pregnant, do not try to yourself "assign" some drugs. Pregnancy is a very important state of the body, in which it is necessary to maintain the right balance. If there is an overabundance of some vitamins or a lack of others, this will immediately affect not only your well-being, but also the health of the growing baby.

In no case do not increase the dosage of vitamins on your own, especially vitamins A, D, E. If they are already in the composition of the complex that you are taking, you do not need to drink anything extra. An excess of these vitamins is harmful to a pregnant woman.

Listen to your body constantly. And especially after taking any vitamins for pregnant women. Lost sleep or appetite, dizzy, numb fingers? Do not take vitamins and ask your doctor for a recommendation. He will find out the reason and replace the vitamins for pregnant women.

If you have previously been ill with diseases of the kidneys, liver, thyroid gland, undergo regular examinations throughout the nine months of pregnancy. And take vitamins under the supervision of a doctor. This will help prevent disorders in your body and the body of the unborn child.

Pregnancy is a special period for any woman. At this time, the body is actively rebuilding, and the main task of the expectant mother is to help him in this. Of course, we all know what role vitamins play in the body. Pregnant girls need these nutrients more than others. While waiting for a baby, a woman spends a lot of energy and must fully replenish the vitamin reserve. First of all, a balanced diet can help with this, but a significant part is covered by the intake of special complexes.

Let's figure out how to choose the most suitable vitamins for yourself in the happiest period for any woman:

  1. Expert advice. It was not in vain that we mentioned this aspect in the very first place. Do not forget that when choosing any medicines, you first need to consult with a specialist. An experienced doctor will take into account the characteristics of each organism and tell you which monovitamins or complexes are most suitable for you.
  2. Components. Naturally, the benefits of any drug directly depends on its components. Experts believe that the main components of vitamin complexes for pregnant women should be: folic acid, iodine and calcium. Be sure to pay attention to the dosage of each element. In no case should you oversaturate the body with some substance - this can lead to unpleasant consequences, as well as its lack.
  3. purpose. Vitamins for pregnant women are created taking into account the needs of the female orgasm during this period. Depending on the period, the need for certain substances changes. Manufacturers offer highly targeted preparations containing several of the most important elements for each particular trimester. They can be both complex and consist of one component.

Please note that the information is for informational purposes only and is NOT a guide to purchase and use. Choosing the right complex of vitamins can only specialist!

There are contraindications. Check with your doctor.

The best vitamins for pregnant women in the first trimester

4 Multi-tabs Perinatal

Top Reviews
Country: Denmark
Average price: 650 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.4

The complex Danish-made Multi-tabs "Perinatal" is designed specifically to maintain a woman's well-being in early pregnancy. He has been collecting the best reviews for several years in a row and is the leader of the majority of votes on the forums. The composition includes 11 vitamins (A, E, C, D3, and a whole group B) and minerals, for example: copper, calcium, manganese, iodine, chromium, iron. Equally important, the manufacturer did not use preservatives.

So, a combination of iron, magnesium, selenium, zinc, vitamins A, E will reduce the likelihood of anemia, which is very often diagnosed by doctors in pregnant women in the 1st trimester. And the combination of copper, selenium, zinc, iodine, folic acid and vitamin B6 will significantly affect the correct and planned growth of the fetus. It is enough to drink one tablet during or after meals for a month. Some women consider the rather large size of the tablets to be the only minor drawback.

3 Elevit Pronatal

Most Appointed
Country: Germany
Average price: 1,800 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Most often, "Elevit Pronatal" is recommended for women in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the drug has a high content of folic acid (800 mcg). The composition is also enriched with vitamins A, E, PP, B5, iron, phosphorus, biotin, zinc, etc. Such a complex contributes to the proper development of the fetus and reduces the likelihood of a miscarriage. Available in 30 or 100 pieces (for a month or three).

Due to the optimal content of essential elements for early pregnancy, you do not need to take extra vitamin B9 or iron. Drink "Elevit" should be one capsule once a day, which is very convenient. The advantages of the drug include a rich composition, a sufficient number of elements important for the 1st trimester, availability and excellent quality. Of the shortcomings, only the high price can be distinguished.

2 Femibion ​​Natalcare I

Choice of Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialists
Country: Austria
Average price: 500 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

"Femibion ​​Natalcare I" was developed in an Austrian laboratory, taking into account the needs of the female body in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. This period is the most important stage for the initial formation of the fetus. The preparation contains metafolin, a substance that replaces folic acid and is easily absorbed in the body. The composition is enriched with 9 useful vitamins and iodine.

"Femibion" softens the unpleasant manifestations of toxicosis and makes it easier to endure this period. The recommended dosage is 1 tablet per day. The main advantage of the complex is the presence of many recommendations from experts. The advantages also include convenient use, excellent reviews from doctors, the highest quality, well-thought-out composition, and a woman’s well-being in the early stages. No deficiencies found.

1 One A Day Women's Prenatal

Perfectly calibrated daily allowance formula
Country: USA
Average price: 1,500 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The most important feature of the One A Day Women's Prenatal vitamin complex is that one serving of the tablet contains exactly 100% of the recommended daily dosage of important nutrients for a pregnant woman, with the exception of vitamin A, it is only 50%, but this is due to the fact that everyone's fetus reacts to it differently.Gynecologists in the reviews note that patients taking this complex felt energy, which is so lacking in the very early stages of pregnancy.

The package, designed for a monthly course, contains 30 tablets combining vitamins and minerals, and 30 gelatin capsules with omega-3 fatty acids (DHA and EPA), which contribute to better fetal development in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, when the brain and eyes are being formed. The manufacturer, of course, did not forget about folic acid, which reduces the risk of defects in the development of the brain and spinal cord. Both tablets should be taken at the same time with meals.

The best vitamins for pregnant women in the second trimester

4 Doppelherz V.I.P.

Most bought
Country: Germany
Average price: 750 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.4

Iron, iodine, calcium, magnesium, zinc, omega 3, vitamins A, E, C, D, B - all this fits in one capsule of Doppelherz V.I.P. In the 2nd trimester, when the bones of the fetus are just beginning to harden, a combination of calcium, zinc, vitamins D3 and C will be very useful. And since every second pregnant woman is diagnosed with iodine deficiency, which leads to disruption of the thyroid gland and leads to constant fatigue, the manufacturer involved mineral such as iodine.

Omega 3 prevents the formation of blood clots in blood vessels and lowers cholesterol levels. Folic acid in symbiosis with vitamin B12 synthesize DNA cells and form hemoglobin. In the reviews, medical specialists confirm that after a course of taking the vitamin complex from Doppelherz, the analyzes of pregnant women show noticeable improvements. Hair loss and brittle nails also stop, a surge of strength is felt.

3 Minisun Mama Complex

High concentration of nutrients
Country: Finland
Average price: 1,050 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

"Minisan Mama Complex" has been No. 1 in Finland for several years in a row, and recently this vitamin complex has been enjoying no less popularity in the CIS countries. It contains many B vitamins, including folic acid, without which no complex for pregnant women can do. Vitamin C will increase the resistance of the immune system, because it is undesirable for expectant mothers to get sick and drink antiviral drugs.

The manufacturer decided not to use vitamin A, since the body of the mother and especially the fetus are prone to its overdose. Some may be put off by the price, but this is justified by the fact that the package contains 90 capsules, which is enough for the entire trimester. It is important to note that the complex is often prescribed by specialists to pregnant women with acute hypovitaminosis, because it contains a high concentration of vitamins, which can lead to an allergic reaction. Therefore, it is important to consult with your doctor.

2 Vitrum Prenatal Forte

Promotes proper fetal development
Country: USA
Average price: 1,700 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Vitamin-mineral complex "Vitrum Prenatal Forte" was created to compensate for the deficiency of useful elements during pregnancy. It has a universal effect and is suitable for use at any time, but experts recommend the drug in the second trimester. This is due to the high content of iodine, iron and magnesium, which are so necessary after 12 weeks.

The composition includes 8 minerals (calcium, manganese, etc.), 5 acids (for example, folic, biotin) and more than 7 vitamins. It helps to increase the resistance of the body of a pregnant girl to infections, maintain an optimal level of hemoglobin and normal development of the fetus. The advantages are: convenient dosage (1 capsule daily), rich composition, versatility. The disadvantages include: the unpleasant smell of tablets, can cause nausea.

1 Femibion ​​Natalcare II

The best vitamin complex for the 2nd trimester
Country: Austria
Average price: 1,000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The popular Austrian drug "Femibion ​​Natalcare" has two forms of release, one of which was created specifically for the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. The composition includes a whole range of microelements necessary at this stage. Among them are folic acid, metafolin, iodine, various vitamins: B6 is responsible for protein metabolism, B12 for the formation of the nervous system, nicotinamide supports skin protection, etc. Consists of 30 tablets and 30 capsules to be taken one after the other.

The main distinguishing feature of the drug is the thoughtful content of the most important components in the right amount. This ensures the healthy development of the fetus and keeps the woman comfortable. Experts highlight the following advantages of the complex: suitable for the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy, convenient dosage, proper development of the child. The disadvantages include high cost.

The best vitamins for pregnant women in the third trimester

3 Complivit Trimestrum 3

Improves overall well-being
Country Russia
Average price: 310 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

"Complivit Trimestrum 3" is often called one of the best vitamin complexes in the budget segment for the 3rd trimester. It has an important distinguishing feature - a balanced composition, designed specifically for a specific period of pregnancy. The preparation is enriched with selenium, lutein, vitamin B9, iron, iodine and other useful trace elements. Produced in packs of 30 film-coated tablets with a pleasant sweetish taste.

Reviews of the girls indicate a significant improvement in well-being after the start of taking Complivit. They notice a decrease in swelling, an increase in the quality of hair, nails, skin and the removal of pain in the joints. The recommended dosage is 1 time per day after meals. Among the advantages, one can single out an excellent composition, good reviews from doctors and customers, optimal cost, and improved well-being. No deficiencies found.

2 Alphabet Mom's health

Excellent value for money and quality
Country Russia
Average price: 350 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The complex of vitamins "Alphabet Mom's Health" has proven itself well when taken in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. Girls notice that they endure this period more easily. The main distinguishing feature of the drug is the separation of microelements into tablets, each of which has its own color for convenience. White contains biotin, calcium, phosphorus and 5 vitamins, blue contains various beneficial antioxidants, and yellow contains iron, folic acid, etc.

The developers took into account the compatibility of the components, so they divided them into different techniques. "Alphabet" does not cause allergic reactions. The advantages of the vitamin-mineral complex include positive reviews from doctors and customers, a high content of nutrients, and a unique formula. The only negative is inconvenient use (three tablets per day).

1 Astrum Mammy Complex

Rich composition. Quality Components
Country: USA
Average price: 2,000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

Mammy Complex. In anticipation of the baby "from the American brand Astrum is designed taking into account all the characteristics of the body of a pregnant woman in the 3rd trimester, preparing for childbirth and further breastfeeding. Vitamin B10 (PABA), which is rarely found in complexes, is involved in the activation of the body's production of natural folic acid, which helps to avoid the development of congenital malformations in the fetus.

The source of vitamin A was beta-carotene, which is synthesized when it enters the body through complex reactions. It is absolutely safe and non-toxic even in the highest doses, which pure retinol cannot boast of. Surprise the presence of such a component as L-carnitine, which has become famous as the best source of energy and endurance. Especially often, doctors prescribe these vitamins to pregnant women with heart problems, since taurine is present in the composition, which has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.

The best monovitamins for pregnant women

4 Pyridoxine

Best Toxicosis Relief
Country Russia
Average price: 65 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.2

Vital in metabolic processes, vitamin B6 has become famous among pregnant women due to its ability to block vomiting during the period of toxicosis, which usually begins in the early stages. Pyridoxine is involved in the development of the fetal nervous system and reduces congenital heart anomalies. Also, experts have confirmed the benefits of vitamin B6 in the 2nd trimester, when the rudiments of permanent teeth are laid in a child, affecting their proper formation.

Studies have shown that in addition to the active elimination of toxins in the 1st trimester, women with a diet enriched with vitamin B6 have an average of 1.2 times more milk after childbirth. This vitamin can also reduce the risk of preterm birth. Curiously, pyridoxine deficiency leads to depression, especially postpartum. The daily intake of vitamin B6 is 2.1 mg.

3 Cyanocobalamin

Adjusts lipid and protein metabolism
Country: USA
Average price: 600 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Cyanocobalamin is one of the most commonly prescribed vitamins in combination with folic acid, as this tandem helps each other to be absorbed. It is equally important that their symbiosis generates methionine amino acids, setting up the metabolism of lipids and proteins. Doctors observe a frequent pattern: with vitamin B12 deficiency, children are more prone to diabetes, so if there is such a heredity, then it is very important to monitor sufficient intake of cyanocobalamin.

Also, experts in the field of obstetrics say that B12 will help to avoid the occurrence of diseases of the nervous system and problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, cyanocobalamin is involved in the synthesis of DNA, as well as the renewal of blood cells. With sufficient intake of vitamin B12, the intensity of stretch marks can be reduced, as skin condition improves. For pregnant women, the daily intake of cyanocobalamin is 2.8 mcg.

2 Folic acid

Helps prevent birth defects in the fetus
Country Russia
Average price: 35 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

"Folic acid" or vitamin B9 is one of the most important elements in early pregnancy. It has a direct impact on the formation of the vital internal organs of the fetus, its neural tube. The use of this substance in insufficient quantities can lead to placental abruption, the threat of miscarriage and other unpleasant consequences. Experts prescribe the drug to absolutely all women in the 1st trimester.

Reception of "Folic acid" contributes to a calm and proper course of pregnancy. The manufacturer "Zdravcity" produces packs of 30 tablets, which should be taken one at a time. The advantages of the drug are proven efficacy, low price, excellent reviews from doctors, accessibility, and a positive effect on the condition of a woman. Cons: requires additional intake of other vitamins.

1 Tocopherol

It is important for the formation of the fetus in the early stages. Improves the quality of the epidermis
Country Russia
Average price: 30 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Vitamin E or as it is also called tocopherol is essential for both women and children. At an early stage, vitamin E is involved in the formation of a quality placenta. It is also the main supplier of oxygen to developing cells. The optimal period for use is 1 trimester. It is not advisable to drink tocopherol in the 3rd trimester, as under its influence muscle tissue becomes toned, which can cause premature contractions.

A sufficient content of tocopherol in the body will protect the fetus from the influence of the external environment, for example, from the dirty air inhaled by the mother. In the reviews of pregnant women, as one of the best qualities of vitamin E, there is a decrease in the intensity of stretch marks, as active production of elastin is provoked, which is responsible for the quality of the epidermis, its elasticity and firmness. Tocopherol is prescribed only by doctors, since it is one of the most active and powerful vitamins, its overdose can have a negative effect.