Dukan menu for every day. Detailed Dukan diet for every day: recipes with photos, diet secrets, results. Snack sea cocktail

10.09.2018 admin

The diet of the French doctor Dukan is one of the most popular in the world. The secret of success is that a person loses weight, but at the same time eats for pleasure. True, a certain set of products, mostly rich in protein, and according to certain rules. And best of all, you don't have to count calories.

According to a study by the famous magazine, every third woman who wants to lose weight follows the advice of a French nutritionist.

Who is Dr. Pierre Dukan?

This is a famous nutritionist and writer. He is considered the main nutritionist of our time. Pierre Dukan created a new approach to the protein diet. Developed a unique food system.

Pierre Dukan has written several books. The publications are popular. The famous nutritionist often appears on various TV shows.

Pierre Dukan gained great popularity thanks to the diet of the same name. The diet proposed by Pierre Dukan differs from most diets.

A person does not need to starve himself. It is only necessary to exclude carbohydrates from the diet.

The basic principles and essence of the Dukan diet

The essence of the Dukan diet is that a person consumes only protein foods (beef, chicken, lean pork, fish, etc.). At the same time, he refuses carbohydrates (fruits, sweets, etc.).

A person should not starve himself. Sitting on this diet, you will feel good.

Underlies the "Protein Thursday" stages "Fixation" and "Stabilization".

Diet Benefits

Consider the main benefits of the Dukan diet:

Diet Disadvantages

Consider the main disadvantages of the Dukan diet:

  • Protein products are expensive. The Dukan diet cannot be called a budget one.
  • A hormonal imbalance may occur.
  • Fatigue may appear.

Diet phases

The diet consists of four phases:

  1. First stage. The first phase is called the attack. You can eat only protein foods from the list. Lose weight in four days. This is an incentive to continue.
  2. Second phase. The second phase is alternation. Today only squirrels, and tomorrow squirrels with vegetables. We lose a kilogram a week until we reach our ideal weight. And it is calculated using the special Dukan formula.
  3. Third stage. The third phase is called consolidation. She works to ensure that the weight does not return, and this is the main problem of any diet.
  4. Fourth stage. But, and further stabilization. During the stabilization stage, Dukan's diet becomes a way of life that brings pleasure.

Allowed and prohibited products

At the stage of consolidation, sometimes you can eat forbidden foods.

Menu for the week

The Dukan diet is very popular in many countries of the world. It allows you to maintain optimal weight throughout life.


Consider the menu for the week (stage attack):

Day 1.

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Cruise or alternation

Consider the menu for the week (alternation stage):

Day 1.

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Consolidation or consolidation

Consider the menu for the week (consolidation stage):

Day 1.

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 6

Day 7


Consider the menu for the week (stabilization stage):

Day 1.

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Principles for calculating the ideal weight according to Dukan

You can calculate the ideal weight according to Dukan using a special online calculator. The user must indicate activity, height, and also weight. These are approximate calculations. When calculating the ideal weight, the individual characteristics of a person are not taken into account.

Diet Recipes

lazy cutlets

To prepare the dish, we need the following ingredients:

Chicken breasts without skin must be boiled. In a blender you need to mix all the ingredients. Now you need to decompose everything into special molds.

Lazy cutlets are baked in the oven for 20 minutes.

homemade yogurt

To prepare the dish, you need only 2 ingredients (yogurt with bacteria and 2 liters of milk).

Add yogurt to boiled milk.

Then stir in the yogurt.

We eat the next day.

Chicken roll

This is a very simple dish. For cooking, you need greens, an egg and chicken fillet.

Chicken fillet must be cut and covered with a special film. And in the center you need to put an egg (boiled).

Bake for 20 minutes.

Oatmeal cookies

To make cookies, you will need the following ingredients:

First you need to separate the yolks from the whites. Bran is mixed with yolks and sweetener. And then add to whipped proteins. The dough is poured into a mold and baked for 20 minutes.

General Tips:

What should you pay attention to?

  • oat bran;
  • water;
  • salt;
  • vitamins;
  • correct weight;
  • weighing advice.

How to get out of the diet?

Three conditions must be met:

  • 1 day of pure protein to fight disease;
  • 20 minutes of walking daily for the rest of your life (physical activity is required, but it should not be aggressive, causing a brutal appetite);
  • the third condition - all the same bran, little by little, but every day.

Possible results from the diet

On average, with such a diet, you can lose 10 kilograms in 2 months.

Diet Contraindications

Attention! There may be contraindications to the diet. We are all adults and we are well aware that any diet is a test for the body.

Update: October 2018

Diet is a well-known concept that 90% of the population associates with certain restrictions in the diet for a specific period of time in order to normalize weight. However, this concept has a broader meaning and, in literal translation from Greek, means “dietary regimen”. Simply put, it is the way of life, eating habits and diet that a person or a nation follows throughout life.

In addition to the general concept, there are various types of nutrition, such as rational, therapeutic diets, vegetarianism, veganism, raw food, halal, kosher and other types in which certain foods are limited or excluded from the diet.

How safe are diets?

Of course, food preferences and the choice of a certain type of food affects human health. As for temporary diets, which involve switching to a promoted diet, they also have an impact on health, and sometimes not the best. . It would seem that these are temporary restrictions, why are they dangerous for the body?

stress for the body

A new diet, indigestion and metabolism, the destruction of adipose tissue are a real stress for the body, which is trying to adapt to new conditions of existence, giving all its strength to maintain vital functions. Particularly harmful in this case are methods that involve a sharp, rather than a gradual rejection of certain products. In another case, “decisive” ladies drive themselves into a stressful state of their body, who from tomorrow eat apples and water, but even today indulge themselves with barbecue with pita bread.

Body intolerance

This is the main disadvantage of most diets. It is rare for people who lose weight to think about possible contraindications to the chosen method of losing weight, based on the opinion of friends, acquaintances whom she helped and the weight loss process itself was easy. Deterioration of well-being and appearance is nothing more than a dysfunction of the digestive, urinary and other systems of the body, while in the sources of the diet all these negative phenomena are called “restructuring of the body”, “reaction to the destruction of adipose tissue”, etc.

Lack of vital substances in the body

For some time, substances necessary for life, but no longer supplied with food or in small quantities, will be taken from the depot in the body. However, this period is short, and vitamin-mineral or nutrient deficiency will affect both the metabolism and the functioning of internal organs, not to mention appearance.


The psychological side is one of the main ones when observing a limited diet. Primary euphoria and faith in the result after 3-5 days of following the diet are replaced by a depressed mood, apathy and can end in a nervous breakdown.

Loss of muscle mass

One of the negative effects, but very likely with low-calorie diets, since not only adipose tissue decreases, but also muscle tissue, which negatively affects both health and appearance.


This phenomenon is typical for salt-free diets, since the complete exclusion of salt from the diet leads to the loss of fluid from the tissues, the subsequent accumulation of toxic metabolic products and the disruption of all biochemical processes in the body.

Decreased immunity

An unbalanced diet, stress, and a slowdown in metabolic processes reduce the body's resistance to infections.

Body intoxication

The accelerated breakdown of adipose tissue leads to the formation of toxic metabolic products. At the same time, nutrient deficiency leads to a protective slowdown in all metabolic processes, including the detoxification function of the liver. Metabolic products accumulate in the body and poison it.

Change in appearance

It would seem that this is the result of all diets, and this is what they strive for. But the change in appearance may not be at all what was expected. Sagging, flabby and dull skin, an aged face, brittle hair and nails, out-of-shape breasts and buttocks, sunken eyes - this is not a complete list of all the changes that occur in the process of losing weight.

A sharp increase in the risk of any disease and the activation of dormant pathologies

An organism weakened by diets is an ideal environment for the development of any infectious process, including the activation of its own conditionally pathogenic microflora, as well as exacerbation of chronic pathologies. With a high degree of probability, after a while, diseases of the body system that has undergone the greatest change during the diet manifest. Also, against the background of impaired metabolism and hormonal levels, the risk of cancer increases.

In addition to health problems, most people experience emotional dependency on the diet after it has been discontinued. The fear of gaining extra pounds is amplified by the sacrifices that had to be made during weight loss. All this leads to the body's rejection of "forbidden" foods, the development of depression and extreme conditions in the form of anorexia or bulimia.

Dukan's protein diet - the essence of the weight loss technique

The author of the technique is the French doctor Pierre Dukan. Since its inception, the Dukan method has gained immense popularity due to the fact that a severe restriction in the diet is excluded. “Eat as much as you want,” says P. Dukan.

The doctor devoted 19 books to his innovative method of losing weight. The scientist himself has been on a diet for over 40 years and, as he himself claims, does not experience any health problems. According to the author, the technique allows you to lose excess weight, consolidate and stabilize the result without strict starvation and unbearable workouts.

The Dukan diet refers to low-carb, protein diets:

  • There are practically no restrictions on the amount of food consumed from the permitted category;
  • There is a clear list of prohibited and permitted foods;
  • The basis of nutrition is protein food;
  • Carbohydrates are significantly limited and fats are practically excluded;
  • The amount of salt that retains water in the body is minimized;
  • Alcohol is completely excluded. At the last stage, the use of white wine for cooking is allowed;
  • An obligatory element of nutrition is oat bran, which replaces one of the meals during the day. Bran dulls hunger, normalizes digestion and removes metabolic products;
  • It is important to drink enough water, 2 liters per day, necessary to reduce hunger and effectively remove metabolic products. You can drink at any time;
  • It is strictly forbidden to skip breakfast;
  • You need to lead an active lifestyle to prevent kidney problems.

Why is it possible to lose weight without the risk of gaining weight again by eating protein foods?

  • The digestion of proteins is accompanied by a greater loss of calories than is spent on the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates;
  • Protein in its pure form significantly reduces the feeling of hunger and does not retain water in the body;
  • Protein food increases the body's resistance to infections;
  • Protein does not allow the muscles to "lose weight", keeping them in good shape, and therefore eliminates skin flabbiness.

Stages, menu

The Dukan technique consists of 4 successive stages. The first two stages allow you to lose weight, and the last two - to consolidate and stabilize the achieved result. Each stage has a specific name and a list of foods that you can eat. The most important thing for losing weight is that you don’t need to count calories, eating as much as you want from the list of allowed ones. To achieve the result, you cannot follow the diet halfway, having achieved weight loss, but not consolidating the result.

The Dukan Diet: The First Phase "Attack"

The shortest and most significant stage in terms of weight loss. It is allowed to eat only protein foods. On average, attack days are observed for 5 days, ranging from 2 to 10 days, and depend on excess body weight. You can calculate the weight using a simple formula: M \u003d P - 100, where M is the mass in kilos; P - height in cm.

  • Meals should be regular.
  • You can eat as much as you want.
  • At this stage, strong physical activity is prohibited, a 20-minute walk a day is enough.

The list of products that can be eaten in any quantity, combination and at any time of the day:

List of prohibited products:

  • Beef (excluding ribs and entrecote);
  • Horse meat (except for the lower abdomen);
  • Veal;
  • Offal (liver, tongue);
  • Skinless poultry (excluding duck and goose);
  • Rabbit;
  • Pork, chicken, turkey ham with a fat content of 2-4%;
  • Fresh fish (white and red);
  • Smoked fish with fat content up to 10%;
  • Canned fish in its own juice, without oil;
  • Crab sticks;
  • Any seafood;
  • Egg white in any form, without the addition of oil. Sometimes you can and the yolk;
  • Dairy products fat-free (0% fat content);
  • One and a half tablespoons of oat bran daily (no more and no less), adding to dairy products or in the form of cakes;
  • Unsweetened drinks: tea, herbal tea, sugar-free soda (1.5-2 liters per day).
  • Spices: vinegar, cumin, garlic, onion, mustard, parsley, pepper.
  • Pork;
  • Mutton;
  • Sugar;
  • Vegetable and animal oils;
  • Ketchup, mayonnaise, sour cream.

Cooking methods:

  • Grilled;
  • In a double boiler;
  • In the oven;
  • Boiling;
  • Oil and fat free;
  • You can combine products with each other.

The second stage "Alternation"

At this stage, the main weight loss occurs. It will not be as sharp as during attack days - about 1 kg per week. The duration of this stage depends on how many numbers on the scale you need to lose weight. Those. when the desired weight is reached, proceed to the next step.

  • Protein days alternate with protein-vegetable days. This means that on protein days you can eat the same as in the first stage, and on protein-vegetable days, cooked or raw vegetables are added to the protein, but proteins still form the basis of the diet.
  • The alternation scheme is selected individually. For example, 5 after 5 days, or 1 after 1.
  • Vegetables cannot be seasoned with oil, but you can use 0% yogurt, balsamic vinegar, garlic.
  • Methods of cooking vegetables: grill, steam, boil, stew, bake in the oven.
  • Be sure to consume 2 tablespoons of oat bran daily.
  • It is necessary to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of fluid per day.
  • From physical activity, walking is recommended for at least half an hour a day.

Allowed vegetables:

Forbidden vegetables:

  • cucumbers;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Radish;
  • Spinach;
  • Asparagus;
  • Black Eyed Peas;
  • Cabbage;
  • Celery;
  • Leek;
  • Dill;
  • Any leafy salads;
  • eggplant;
  • Zucchini;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Pepper;
  • Occasionally, beets and carrots are allowed.
  • Peas;
  • Lentils;
  • White and red beans;
  • beans;
  • Potato;
  • Corn.

Stage features:

  • The first 2 weeks the weight stops - this is normal;
  • After 2 months have passed since the start of the diet, weight also begins to be lost more slowly due to the activation of the body's defense mechanisms (1.5-2 kg per month). Some losing weight give up without noticing significant shifts on the scales.

The third stage of the diet - the "Fixation" phase

At this stage, weight is no longer lost, but the body is accustomed to a new diet to stabilize weight. The most difficult stage from a psychological point of view, associated with the presence of a number of dietary restrictions. The duration is calculated according to the following scheme - 10 days for each kilo lost:

  • The menu is expanded with new, tasty products, but strict rules for their consumption are established;
  • The stage is divided into 2 equal halves;
  • 6 days a week you should eat protein-vegetable food (as on the protein-vegetable days of the "Alternation" stage);
  • 1 day a week (Thursday) should be purely protein (like the days of the "Attack" stage);
  • Every day you should consume 2 tbsp. oat bran;
  • You should drink at least 1.5-2 liters of fluid per day;
  • Physical activity - walking for about 25 minutes a day.

In the first half of the stage, in addition to vegetables, you can add the following products:

Explanations for new products:

  • 2 slices of protein-bran, whole grain bread / day;
  • 1 serving of fruit per day;
  • 1 serving of starchy foods per week;
  • 40 grams of cheese per day;
  • Regular ham, roast pork, lamb ham - 1 or 2 times a week;
  • 1 festive meal per week.
  • Fruits - any, except bananas, cherries, grapes, dried fruits, and nuts;
  • 1 piece of fruit = 1 piece for large and 2 pieces for small fruits;
  • Cheeses - hard, fat content 15-17%, 60 grams per day. The exception is goat cheese and Roquefort type cheeses;
  • Starchy foods: durum pasta (most preferred), wheat bulgur, couscous, polenta, wheat, lentils, legumes, rice and potatoes (least preferred);
  • Meal - festive, favorite food 1 time per day. It doesn't matter if it's chocolate cake or smoked chicken. Initially, you can impose a large portion, eat slowly, savoring the product, but do not take the supplement.

In the second half of the stage, additionally allowed:

  • 1 serving of starchy food per week (total 2);
  • 1 festive meal per week (total 2, but not 2 days in a row).

The fourth stage - "Stabilization"

At this stage, the final stabilization of weight occurs due to the formation of protective mechanisms that will have to be observed throughout life! The diet is positioned by its creator as proper, wholesome nutrition, therefore, at this stage, it is no longer considered as a measure to maintain a slim figure, but as a healthy lifestyle.

  • The basis of nutrition is the rules given at the stage "Fixing".
  • The main diet will be vegetables and proteins.
  • 1 exclusively protein day also remains (Thursday).
  • 3 tablespoons should be consumed daily. oat bran.
  • We must not forget about the observance of the drinking regime - 1.5 liters per day.
  • It is necessary to do daily walks, 20 minutes a day.

Changes in the menu regarding the protein day:

  • The consumption of red fish is limited: no more than 150 grams of smoked and no more than 200 grams of raw. The amount of white fish and seafood is not limited;
  • When eating chicken, wings, thighs and tailbone are prohibited. Turkey meat is not subject to these restrictions;
  • Of dairy products with 0% fat, preference should be given to those that contain less lactose;
  • Salt intake on this day is reduced to a minimum.

The above rules should be followed strictly, not giving yourself slack, otherwise there will be a breakdown and the body will begin to regain its previous weight!

Some recipes according to Dukan

There are many simple and affordable recipes that involve the use of approved products. However, all of them are relevant already at the last, life-long stage. At the first stages, it is recommended to choose simple food combinations and dietary cooking methods without spices (steaming, boiling), which contributes to better digestibility of food and its speedy digestion.

homemade sausage

  • 1 kg of homemade minced chicken breast and skinless turkey thighs;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • black pepper;
  • some salt;
  • 1 cup skimmed milk.

Mix the ingredients well and let stand for a couple of hours in the refrigerator. Fill a natural or artificial casing with minced meat and form sausages. Method of preparation - steamed, grilled. You can't use shell!


Dough: 1 head of cauliflower on a fine grater, 1 tbsp. oat bran, 2 egg whites, spices.
Filling: mozzarella cheese 7%, cherry tomatoes, slices of boiled beef.
Knead the dough, put it in a form on parchment, put thin slices of beef, tomatoes and mozzarella circles on top. Bake at 180 C for 20 minutes.


  • 2 tbsp. l. oat bran;
  • 1 tbsp corn starch;
  • 2 tbsp skimmed milk;
  • 2 egg whites;
  • 3 tbsp fat-free cottage cheese;
  • sweetener.

Knead the dough and form cookies, put them on parchment and bake at 180 C for 20 minutes.

"Olivier salad"

  • boiled chicken breast - 1 pc.;
  • pickled gherkins - 4 pcs.;
  • boiled green beans;
  • half boiled carrots;
  • 2 boiled eggs (or squirrels);
  • sauce: soft fat-free cottage cheese 2 tbsp, lemon juice 1 tbsp, salt and pepper.

Grind all the ingredients as for a classic Olivier, season with sauce.

Snack sea cocktail

  • boiled squid - 2 carcasses;
  • crab sticks - 8 pieces;
  • 2 soft-boiled eggs.

Squid and sticks cut into circles, season with grated eggs. If desired, you can slightly salt.

The drinks

  • Cabbage juice is recommended for constipation. A small head of cabbage or half of a medium one is cut into pieces and passed through a juicer, consumed fresh, it can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.
  • Smoothie juice - 6 handfuls of spinach, 2 stalks of celery, 5 handfuls of lettuce, 2 peeled apples, cut into pieces, and 1.5–2 tbsp. water, immersed in a blender - a healthy smoothie is ready.
  • Raspberry tea - pour 1 teaspoon of crushed raspberry leaves with a glass of boiling water, wait 20 minutes, strain, then add pureed fresh or frozen raspberries.
  • Water with lemon, mint or cucumber- To make the water tastier, you can add 2 slices of cucumber or a few mint leaves or a slice of lemon to a glass of water.

The Pierre Dukan diet involves a special menu, which is recommended to be compiled in the form of a table for ease of following the diet.

Contraindications to the Dukan diet

The dangers of the Dukan diet

Many nutritionists and doctors call the diet proposed by Dukan dangerous and irrational, calling the diet nothing more than a well-promoted business. For the 3rd year in a row, the British Dietetic Association has given this diet the title of the most dangerous diet, advising to avoid it.

And here are the facts:

  • The almost complete rejection of fat-containing foods is unnatural for the body - to maintain normal life, 40-50 grams of fat should be supplied daily. In the absence of fat, the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, E, D, as well as calcium and other important minerals is significantly impaired;
  • The shock weight loss that occurs in the first two stages is a serious blow to health;
  • An unnaturally high proportion of protein food leads to a huge load on the kidneys, since protein amino acids are excreted from the body in the form of uric acid.
  • Protein foods shift the pH of urine to the acid side, which greatly increases the risk of stone formation.
  • Metabolic changes that occur as a result of an imbalance in the diet lead to the breakdown of not only fat, but also the depletion of muscle tissue. That is why many losing weight feel constant weakness,.
  • Carbohydrate deficiency leads to disruption of the central nervous system - memory impairment, headaches, dizziness, etc.
  • The lack of vitamins leads to the formation of their deficiency and the corresponding clinic.
  • Protein diet leads to constant constipation and bad breath.
  • Moreover, according to a study by T. Campbell, K. Campbell, the predominance of protein foods in the diet significantly increases the risk of malignant tumors (see).

Even the author of the methodology, Pierre Dukan, recommends consulting a doctor and undergoing the necessary examinations before "sit down" on the diet he proposed. Well, we advise you to weigh the pros and cons a hundred times, considering the risks and evaluating the feasibility of losing weight in such an unnatural way for the body. There are others, much safer, and with benefits for the body, such as fitness, feasible sports, special breathing and other exercises.

One of the most effective and widespread in the world is the diet developed by the French doctor Pierre Dukan. The diet is based on the increased consumption of protein foods, due to which you can immediately lose 20 kg per month. In this case, you do not need to starve, but eat tasty and nutritious food. What phases are present in the developed diet and detailed dukan diet menu for every day will be discussed below.

The benefits of the Dukan diet are weight loss. However, such nutrition often leads to a deterioration in well-being due to increased protein intake. About all the features and risks, Dukan himself says that if you follow the rules of the diet, weight loss will not cause any side effects. But is it really so. This diet is considered the most popular in the world for weight loss. The essence of the diet is to limit carbohydrates and fats and increase protein foods in the menu. After 3-4 days from the start of the diet on the Dukan diet, you can see a positive result.

The diet does not provide for starvation, its menu contains a lot of protein foods, on which the cells and tissues of the body are built. A slender figure after the presented diet remains for a long time. The diet contains 4 menu phases, which have their own list of products needed for use at each stage:

  • Attack - weight is reduced rapidly within 5 days.
  • Alternation - weight is reduced, but not quickly, bringing to the desired result can take several months.
  • Consolidation - the results of the diet are fixed, it lasts an indefinite time, calculated as one kg of weight lost in 10 days.
  • Stabilization - lasts throughout life by consolidating and maintaining weight results.

All the features and rules of the Dukan diet are described in the video, which is presented for general information.

How the diet works

How accurately the rules of nutrition will be observed, so the intensity of weight loss will pass. The body spends a huge amount of energy on the digestion of proteins than on the processing of carbohydrates and fats. After eating a protein dish, hunger does not return soon. The diet has four phases, for which a different diet has been developed, but there are rules common to all stages:

  • It is necessary to reduce the usual rate of salt intake. It accumulates fluid in the tissues and activates the appetite. If you have low blood pressure, then salt restrictions are canceled.
  • Drink 2 liters of fluid every day: water, herbal tea, chicory drink without added sugar. It helps to remove toxins from the body, provoke an acceleration of metabolic processes and creates a state of saturation, filling the stomach.
  • Daily use 1.5 tablespoons of oat bran.
  • Be sure to activate physical activity.

The Dukan diet menu is contraindicated for pregnant women. Also, people with diseases of the liver, kidneys, joints, heart and blood vessels, gynecological (infertility) pathologies should be excluded from their list of such food restrictions.

Expert opinion

Smirnov Viktor Petrovich
Nutritionist, Samara

Dukan, as the author of the method, became known in our country about 20 years ago, when he published his book “I Can't Lose Weight”. On the one hand, this book has helped many people, and on the other hand, following the philosophy of such a book is a confession of one's own impotence. If we carefully analyze this diet, we will read that it is necessary to remove salt from the diet, which "pulls water with it" and retains it in the body. The diet advises to consume a large amount of fluid daily, which also reduces appetite and allows you to reduce the amount of food. At the same time, in the absence of an excess amount of salt, the liquid does not linger in the body. The rest of the tips about eating oat bran and increasing physical activity are also universal and will lead to weight loss in almost all cases.

Compliance with these prescriptions will lead to weight loss without changing the diet, which is the basis of the Dukan diet. If the patient has an elevated plasma uric acid level, if he has gout, then following the Dukan diet with an increased protein load can lead to a significant deterioration in his condition and even cause the transformation of hyperuricemia, or an increased concentration of uric acid in the blood plasma, into real gout. In addition, switching the diet to just one of the types of nutrients (protein) is stressful for the body, and if you are already losing weight according to the Dukan system, then it is better to do it to healthy people and after a thorough examination and permission from a doctor.

The first stage - attack - sample menu

This stage of the diet can last from two to ten days, given body weight. At this stage, extra pounds are burned and a weight loss program is launched.

The menu should contain only food containing animal proteins:

  • Meat of low-fat varieties, without skin: chicken, turkey, rabbit, beef.
  • Lean ham, tongue, liver and kidneys.
  • Any fish without oil and seafood.
  • Eggs, proteins can be eaten as much as you like, and yolks - only 2 pieces.
  • Low-fat and unsweetened dairy products. Hard cheese is prohibited.

These diet products can be included in the menu only in boiled or baked form. The Dukan Diet offers a menu for every day, the proposed diet of the phase, which contains the presented table:

Day Meal time Compound
Monday Breakfast egg omelet with green tea
Dinner chicken broth, mint tea
Snack steamed cheesecakes with milk
Dinner mackerel cooked in the oven with kefir
Tuesday Breakfast bran oatmeal porridge with milk and tea
Dinner ground beef chops and chamomile tea
Snack oat bran cake and rosehip broth
Dinner roasted turkey meatballs with herbs and low-fat yogurt
Wednesday Breakfast a couple of soft-boiled eggs, chicory
Dinner baked chicken fillet in bran and black tea
Snack cottage cheese casserole with yogurt
Dinner omelet with salmon and herbal tea
Thursday Breakfast ham with a piece of bran tortilla
Dinner salmon broth with boiled egg, ginger tea
Snack raw proteins whipped with fructose into foam and mint tea
Dinner baked pollock and rosehip broth
Friday Breakfast stewed rabbit meat and chicory
Dinner chicken breast, boiled and green tea
Snack steamed bran pancakes and lemon balm tea
Dinner fish pie and ginger tea
Saturday Breakfast steamed scrambled eggs with ham and tea
Dinner beef baked with lemon balm tea
Snack bran cookies and yogurt
Dinner steam omelette with shrimp and herbal tea
Sunday Breakfast cream cheese omelet and chicory drink
Dinner grilled chicken meat and rosehip broth
Snack bran porridge with milk
Dinner meat pie and yogurt

At this stage, it is necessary to drink plenty of fluids per day, after almost every meal.

The second stage - alternation - an exemplary menu

This stage is also called the cruise, and in this phase, vegetables are added to the proteins. The alternation of purely protein days and protein-vegetable days begins. Products allowed in the diet: vegetables, mushrooms, bran, dairy products, greens, fish and seafood, lean meat. The table shows an exemplary rotation phase menu for each day of the week.

Day Meal time Compound
Monday BO day Breakfast a couple of soft-boiled eggs, a slice of bran bread, black tea
Dinner broccoli soup and boiled river fish
Snack cottage cheese stuffed eggs
Dinner steamed chicken chops, raw vegetables and kefir
Tuesday BO day Breakfast bran pancakes with yogurt and chicory drink
Dinner pumpkin soup and a couple of steamed turkey cutlets
Snack cottage cheese with yogurt
Dinner shish kebab of vegetables
Wednesday BW day Breakfast a slice of bran bread with melted cheese, herbal tea
Dinner grilled chicken fillet and vegetables
Snack low-fat cottage cheese
Dinner sea ​​fish with grilled vegetables
Thursday BW day Breakfast scrambled eggs with ham, green tea
Dinner roast chicken with fresh vegetables
Snack cheesecakes with yogurt
Dinner boiled salmon with mustard
Friday Bo day Breakfast omelet with tomatoes, rosehip broth
Dinner beef in the oven and a side dish of boiled beets
Snack cottage cheese with yogurt
Dinner zucchini in the oven, in egg white and bran batter, green tea
Saturday BO day Breakfast bran porridge in milk, chamomile decoction
Dinner soup with chicken meatballs and vegetables
Snack cottage cheese casserole with kefir
Dinner baked fish with vegetables, kefir
Sunday bw day Breakfast soft-boiled eggs and yogurt
Dinner steamed tuna cutlets with vegetable salad
Snack kefir or yogurt
Dinner steam chicken cutlets with mushrooms

During this period, it is forbidden to eat cereals, rice, potatoes, pasta, legumes, as well as some vegetables: avocados, corn and beans.

The third stage of the diet - fixing - menu features

This is the phase of consolidating the result. The protein and carbohydrate phase is designed for 7 days. At this stage, the consumption of protein, vegetable foods continues, but wheat or rice porridge is added to them, as well as eating a couple of fruits a day.

The menu of this stage offers the use of such products daily:

  • Put 2.5 tablespoons of oat bran into cooked food.
  • The minimum water intake is 1.5 liters per day.
  • Consume those products included in the previous steps.
  • Eat fruits, excluding grapes, bananas and cherries.
  • Eat a couple of slices of bread and low-fat cheese - 40 g per day.

Some foods, such as potatoes, beans, pasta, peas and rice, can be included in the menu just a couple of times a week. It is allowed to eat two dishes at will - it can be chocolate, cake and even alcohol. This phase does not have a specific duration, it all depends on the weight and lost kilograms in the first two periods. At this stage, the goal of losing weight is not pursued, but the result obtained is fixed by nutrition according to the developed Dukan diet. Pierre Dukan advises only one day a week to do protein, this is especially important for beginners and it will be better on Thursday.

The fourth stage - stabilization - menu features

The presented phase of the diet lasts all subsequent life, and throughout its duration it is necessary to control the harmony of the figure, eating according to the Dukan diet and leading the right life. At the same time, it is allowed to eat everything forbidden, up to pies and sweets, but spend one day a week on proteins. You can choose it yourself, and it is not necessarily Thursday, it is important not to miss it. Drink more water or herbal teas and decoctions, while coffee and tea are not prohibited. Mandatory walks in the air, at least 20 minutes daily.

Dukan Diet Recipes

For example, some diet recipes from Pierre Dukan are given. For example, those recipes that are difficult to prepare or are simply unfamiliar are shattered, simple ones can be prepared without advice.

Several recipes for a protein diet for the day:

  • Vietnamese beef. Cut 400 g of beef into cubes, grate 3 cloves of garlic and ginger root. Mix everything, pepper, season with soy sauce and fresh chopped dill and basil. Marinate meat in spices for at least 30 minutes. Then fry in a wok over high heat, stirring constantly until cooked.
  • Oat bran pancakes. You need to stock up on such products: 100 ml of milk, 2 tablespoons of low-fat yogurt, 2 tablespoons of gluten, 2 tablespoons of cane sugar, an egg and a small amount of cinnamon and salt. Mix all the ingredients, beat with a whisk and lastly pour in warm milk. Let stand so that the gluten has time to swell and bake like pancakes. Gluten can be replaced with oatmeal.
  • Trout with Provence herbs. Cut the fish fillet into portions and sprinkle them with a mixture of Provence herbs, season with salt and pepper. Wrap the fish in foil and cook for a couple of minutes 25. In the absence of a double boiler, the fish can be grilled with a drop of oil.
  • Salad of crab sticks. Cut into pieces 5 pieces of crab sticks, 2 boiled eggs, fresh herbs and onions - onion or green. Dress the salad with homemade mayonnaise.
  • Okroshka from Dukan. Chop up some boiled lean meat, whites from two eggs, fresh herbs, green onions and a clove of garlic. Make a filling from half a liter of kefir, 100 ml of carbonated mineral water and a spoonful of lemon juice. Pour the dressing into the cut and season with salt to taste.

As you can see from the recipes, the dishes are not too complicated and very nutritious and delicious.

Recipes for the Pierre Dukan diet for 7 days of alternation are offered additionally:

  • Caesar salad". Mix the protein cut into pieces from one egg, a piece of boiled chicken fillet, a tomato, half a red onion, small croutons made from special bread, tear lettuce leaves, salt and pepper. Top with homemade mayonnaise.
  • Chicken on a grill pan. Take a pound of chicken fillet, cut into strips and beat off. Mix together half a teaspoon of paprika, chili pepper and dry mustard. Pour 3 tablespoons of soy sauce into a bowl, put a mixture of peppers in it, squeeze the juice of a third of a lemon, salt. Put the chicken meat in a bowl and mix, place in the refrigerator to marinate for 2 hours. Then you need to fry in a greased pan.
  • Toast. They are made from bread based on oat bran and cottage cheese, according to the Dukan recipe. Cut the bread into slices, dip in a mixture of eggs, milk and salt and fry on both sides in olive oil.

Recipes for the Dukan diet are collected by him in a book that can become a faithful assistant in preparing the right dishes. The Pierre Dukan diet is not designed for a week, a month or even a year. Its principles must be adhered to throughout life. Only then will you achieve harmony and health.

Dietary nutrition is the key to success in gaining a slim figure. A huge number of schemes and programs have been developed that allow you to get rid of extra pounds based on the rejection of certain products, among which many losing weight give their preference to the Dukan diet. Already within the framework of the first stage, called "Attack", you can lose from 5 or 6 kilograms.

The diet developed by Dukan is based on minimizing the consumption of the body's source of nutrition for fat cells - carbohydrates and fats, which provokes the burning of the fat layer that makes up excess body weight, without any damage to muscle fibers. During the diet, they eat exclusively protein foods, that is, food containing protein, which is an energy supplier, but not deposited in body fat.

The system consists of four phases:

  • attacks;
  • cruise;
  • consolidation;
  • stabilization.

"Attack" is the shortest phase, the success in overcoming which depends on the entire result of the diet. It starts the process of losing weight.

Only protein products are allowed for consumption. Any fruits and vegetables, food containing fats and carbohydrates are prohibited. Protein is eaten in its pure form, cooked in a wide variety of forms. Sticking to a monotonous and heavy diet for a long time is difficult and quite dangerous for health. In order to lose body fat and not harm the body, the phase is short and swift.

The duration of the “Attack” of 10 days is recommended for overweight people of 30 kilograms or more. A week to adhere to the protein menu should be for those who need to throw off within 20-30 kilograms. About 5 days is enough for people who want to get rid of no more than 10 unnecessary kilograms. It is not recommended to increase the phase. The maximum is one and a half weeks, but no more. It is impossible, having lost about 6 kilograms, to try to increase the effectiveness of this stage. Failure to comply will only lead to health problems.

What kind of diet is followed during the "Attack" phase?

Exclusively protein, but this is only the general name of the nutrient. In his book, the author of the diet lists and describes about 72 types of foods containing protein. The main ones include the following:

  • Chicken, turkey and beef. rabbit and veal. Extremely low-fat, so lamb and pork should be abstained, and poultry should be skinned.
  • Meat by-products and products. You can eat tongue, liver, low-fat ham, kidneys.
  • Fish and canned food. Use the semi-finished product without oil, and fish both fresh and smoked.
  • Seafood. You can eat a variety of molluscs and crustaceans.
  • Eggs. There are no restrictions on the amount of protein intake, but the yolks should be limited to 1-2 per day and less if cholesterol is lowered.
  • Unsweetened and fat-free dairy products. Cottage cheese and processed cheeses are allowed, while the rest are prohibited.

This list represents allowed products. They can be used in unlimited quantities. There are also those products that are allowed only in a minimal amount. It is necessary to limit the use of greens, various sauces, including tomato, soy and mustard, lemons, olive oil, and bran is a must, but a maximum of 2 tablespoons per day.

A special place is given to drinking. Unsweetened, non-alcoholic, non-carbonated drinks are considered permitted. Juices in any form must be discarded. The author of the weight loss technique recommends drinking a decoction made from Goji berries, plain water without any impurities, and green tea.

There are certain rules by which a daily diet is formed:

  1. The volume of fluid consumed in the form of water, green tea, goji berry decoction should be from two liters or more.
  2. Be sure to consume a few tablespoons of bran per day.
  3. Meals can be prepared in a variety of ways, but choose one that requires minimal or no vegetable oils.
  4. No derogations are allowed. The menu should include only permitted products.
  5. So that the dishes are not completely bland, food is seasoned with spices and salt, but in moderation. You should not abuse the sweetener.

If you allow deviations from these five basic foundations, this will minimize all efforts, jeopardize all subsequent phases.

Bran for the preparation of appropriate dishes take oatmeal. The daily ration is divided into four meals, each of which requires a mandatory drink.

All of the listed dishes and drinks correspond to breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner and are combined in the given order, for example, for breakfast they always drink either tea or coffee:

Day Menu
First Breakfast: egg and milk omelet, tea or coffee.
Dinner: Dukanovski chicken soup, mint tea with ginger.
afternoon tea: steamed cheesecakes with milk.
Dinner: baked mackerel, kefir.
Second Breakfast: oat bran porridge with milk, tea or coffee.
Dinner: minced meat chops, chamomile tea.
afternoon tea: oat bran muffins, decoction of goji berries.
Dinner: turkey meatballs baked in the oven with herbs, drinking yogurt.
The third Breakfast: boiled eggs, tea or coffee.
Dinner: chicken nuggets in oat bran, green tea.
afternoon tea: lemon pie, drinking yogurt.
Dinner: omelette roll with red fish, herbal tea.
Fourth Breakfast: bran tortilla sandwich with ham, tea or coffee.
Dinner: salmon ear with boiled eggs and onions, mint tea with ginger.
afternoon tea: Dessert of whipped proteins with lemon juice and sweetener, tea.
Dinner: fish salad, rosehip broth.
Fifth Breakfast: meat chips, tea or coffee.
Dinner: chicken baked in the oven with salt, green tea.
afternoon tea: Dyukanov pancakes from bran, milk and eggs, kefir.
Dinner: fish pie, ginger drink.
Sixth Breakfast: scrambled eggs with ham, tea or coffee.
Dinner: beef steaks, lemon balm tea.
afternoon tea: bran biscuits, drinking yogurt.
Dinner: scrambled eggs with onion and shrimp, green tea.
Seventh Breakfast: steamed omelet with herbs and melted cheese, tea or coffee.
Dinner: grilled chicken breast, chamomile-mint tea.
afternoon tea: vanilla porridge with bran, milk.
Dinner: meat pie, kefir.

The diet is variable, but if there is no desire to independently paint and look for foods rich in protein, you can take the above menu as a basis. The advantage is that there are no restrictions at all, the need to calculate portions or grams of food eaten.

Dukan Diet Recipes for Attack

People who adhere to the protein first stage create a large number of dishes specifically for this phase. This allows you not to conduct your own culinary experiments, but to use some proven and popular recipes to make it easier to overcome the initial stage.

Half a kilogram of low-fat minced meat is seasoned with spices, salted. It is beaten off and formed into medium-sized flat cakes, which are first dipped in bran, which are taken in the amount of two tablespoons, and then in a couple of beaten eggs. Chops are fried either on the grill or in a frying pan, but in a small amount of vegetable oil. You can also cook in a slow cooker by choosing the "baking" mode.

Chicken breast cut into cubes. Meat is added to boiling water. Pour in 30 gr. soy natural sauce. When the chicken is completely cooked, a beaten chicken egg is poured in a thin stream. The fire is turned off and greens are poured into the pan. The soup is allowed to stand for at least 30 minutes.

Boil a couple of eggs and 200 gr. salmon or trout, and then cut. Add some greens and crab sticks. Enough 5-6 pieces. Salting the salad is not recommended, but if it seems too bland, you can salt the fish while it is cooking.

omelette roll

Prepared from oat bran (2 tablespoons), filled with a glass of milk with the addition of an egg. The omelet is fried on both sides. Wrapped just like that or with stuffing. You can add meat or fish, as well as eggs, herbs, ham. The dish turns out to be more satisfying if "Dukan's mayonnaise" is taken as a dressing.

Pie empty or stuffed

Together they mix a couple of eggs, kefir (3/4 cup), 6 tablespoons of bran, a bag of yeast (instant). Add spices with salt to your taste. The dough is left to rise for an hour in a warm place. Those who love lush pastries are advised to add 1/2 teaspoon of sugar substitute and baking powder.

The dough is poured into a mold. It is better to use silicone. Baking can be done empty or with filling, which is spread on the dough. When a golden crust forms on the cake, it is pulled out and allowed to cool.

Dessert Options

Some mistakenly believe that there is no place for desserts in the first phase of the Dukan diet. This is not entirely true. Allowed foods allow you to indulge in yummy, which helps to more easily overcome this stage.

The Dukan diet is an effective and safe method of dealing with extra pounds. The author of the methodology created a table that indicates the time interval for each stage. Based on the recommended products, a daily menu has been developed. Judging by the reviews of people who have tried this food system, the recipes given are easy to prepare.

The Dukan Diet is a nutritional technique developed by the famous French nutritionist Pierre Dukan. It is based on the principle of the gradual introduction of protein products into the diet. The Dukan Diet has 4 stages. Phases 1-2 contribute to active weight loss, the next 2 - consolidate the result, preventing the gain of extra pounds after the end of the course.

The essence of the popular method is that by consuming predominantly protein foods, the body learns to extract energy from fat. As a result, weight loss occurs due to a decrease in the amount of fatty tissue. At the same time, muscle mass is fully preserved. The doctor has developed a special menu that allows you to diversify your diet thanks to 100 healthy protein products.

Menu for every day in the table

The Dukan Diet consists of 4 stages:

  1. Attack. Suggests rapid weight loss.
  2. Alternation (cruise). The alternate use of protein and protein-vegetable dishes, due to which the desired body weight is achieved.
  3. Consolidation. Fixing the achieved result.
  4. Stabilization. Return to the usual diet with the obligatory and indefinite observance of three simple rules (one protein day per week, walking daily for 20 minutes and eating 3 tablespoons of oat bran).
days / meals Breakfast Lunch Dinner afternoon tea Dinner
Monday Omelette of 2-3 proteins with pieces of chicken filletKefir 0% fat with branSoup with turkey breastUnsweetened cheesecakesBaked chicken breast with natural spices
Tuesday Low-fat cottage cheeseYogurt with branStew with sesame seeds and garlicCottage cheese casseroleFish baked with herbs
Wednesday Protein omelette with ham piecescheesecakeSoup with boiled chicken meatLow-fat kefir with branSeafood in cheese sauce
Thursday Boiled egg white salad with herbshard cheeseSpinach soup with turkey filletYogurt with branBraised fish fillet with cheese
Friday Protein omelette with ham slicesKefir with branearQuail egg salad with hard cheesePoultry cutlets in creamy sauce
Saturday Mogul-mogul with branFish fingersSpinach casserole with soft cheeseCurd 0% fatSalad "Sea cocktail"
Sunday Protein omelet with cheeseYogurt with branChicken soup with meatballsCurd pancakesTurkey roll

Adhering to this nutrition system, you should follow the general recommendations of a French nutritionist:

  • limit the consumption of sugar, salt;
  • be sure to drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day;
  • exclude refined fats, canned food, marinades from the diet;
  • coffee, tea, vegetable juices, mineral water, herbal infusions without sweetener;
  • give up alcohol.

It is also important to completely eliminate oil from the diet. Products are recommended to be baked in special bags, fried in a pan with a non-stick surface, steamed.


Phase "Attack" involves the use of products of protein origin with a low percentage of fat and the amount of carbohydrates. The Dukan Diet allows you to eat protein foods without restrictions. Therefore, they are good to eat as a snack. Thanks to proteins, the energy received from food is released gradually, which prevents spikes in blood glucose levels.

Table of allowed foods that you can eat when you feel hungry.

Name Fat content, in %
VealYoung, lean
Offal (liver, chicken hearts, beef kidneys, heart)15
Skinless poultry meat10
Cottage cheese0
Soft cheese35
hard cheese40

Using the listed products, you can easily create a varied menu for 7 days. It is important not to forget about oat bran, which should be consumed daily in an amount of at least 1.5 tbsp. l. Chicken eggs should be limited. No more than 2 pieces are allowed per day. To quickly achieve the desired result, it is better to eat only proteins in the first week.

Getting rid of extra pounds to a greater extent occurs during this period. Its duration is 7 days. With obesity, the duration can be increased to 10.

Cruise (alternating)

The "Alternation" phase involves alternately maintaining protein and protein-vegetable days. If you want to lose more than 10 kg, the alternation does not occur according to the standard 1/1 scheme, but at an interval of 3 days (3/1). At 15 kg - 4/1, 20 and more - 5/1.

It is necessary to exclude products containing carbohydrate compounds, starch:

  • potato;
  • cereals;
  • pasta;
  • legumes (beans, peas, lentils, etc.);
  • olives, olives.

Avocados are also excluded due to their high fat content.

Allowed products that will allow you to create a tasty and healthy menu for every day:

  • chicken eggs, quail;
  • lean meat, fish;
  • soy cheese;
  • spinach;
  • string beans;
  • all varieties of cabbage;
  • zucchini;
  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • pepper;
  • garlic;
  • greenery.

Duration is determined by the number of extra pounds. When the weight loss slows down, it's time for the next phase. At the end of the second stage of the Dukan diet, most people manage to achieve their goal and lose weight.


The main goal of the stage is to fix the result obtained. At this time, do not expect rapid weight loss. The duration of the period is determined based on 10 days for each lost kg.

Added to the diet:

  • one unsweetened fruit per day (exception - grapes, banana, figs);
  • cheese - up to 40 g;
  • oat bran - up to 2.5 tbsp. l.

The third stage involves two pleasant moments:

  1. Portion of starchy foods.
  2. Feast of the belly.

The week is conditionally divided in half. In the first part it is allowed to eat:

  • several potatoes baked in their own skins, foil;
  • buckwheat, rice - no more than 125 g;
  • serving of pasta durum.

The feast of the belly implies the use of any ingredients. However, it is necessary to follow the rule - the total amount is limited to the first, second, dessert course, each of which does not exceed the average portion.

The diet of one day in the middle of the week should consist exclusively of protein foods. On the advice of Dr. Dukan, it is best to choose Thursday.


The main part of the Dukan diet is over. The desired result is fixed. It's time to get back to normal. After going through the first 3 stages, you can notice how eating habits have changed, the degree of self-control regarding food has increased.

To maintain a minimum weight, you must:

  • remember the restrictions on sweet, starchy foods;
  • daily use 3 tbsp. l. bran;
  • on Thursdays, eat only protein foods;
  • drink enough water;
  • take long walks.

This phase becomes a way of life if there are no medical contraindications.

Dukan Diet Recipes

The main phase of the Dukan diet in relation to achieving the first results is the first - attack. In the first week, it is recommended to use simple products, such as sour-milk drinks, cheeses, eggs. Heat treatment requires meat and fish.

Diet turkey dish:

  • wash the loin;
  • cut into cubes of 2-3 cm;
  • roll in natural spices;
  • bake in a special bag at a temperature of 180 degrees, 20 minutes.

It should be remembered that the dietary recipes of this stage do not involve the use of oil or other fats.

Alternation is considered a tastier period due to the introduction of vegetables into the diet. In BO day you can cook cheese casserole with spinach. For this you will need:

  • spinach greens - 300 g;
  • egg white - 1 pc.;
  • cottage cheese - 0%
  • bran - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, spices - optional.

Chop greens. You can add dill for taste. Protein beat with salt. Cottage cheese thoroughly knead, mixing with bran. Mix dry ingredients, immerse in a ceramic or glass form. Pour in the egg, sprinkle with spices. Cook in a preheated (up to 180 degrees) oven for 20-25 minutes.

For the best effect, it is recommended to use popular among athletes protein shake. It can be drunk at any time, but the most suitable moment is in the morning on an empty stomach or after a workout. Cocktails are easy to make on your own.

To do this, you need to mix:

  • 100 g of cottage cheese;
  • 200 ml of kefir or yogurt;
  • bran.

You can also add spinach, cucumber, fresh herbs. The drink will satisfy your hunger and allow you to lose weight comfortably.

Effective weight loss is the result of a conscious and rational approach to food and lifestyle. Therefore, the final stage of the known nutritional system lasts for many years.