Underground labyrinth on the giza plateau. Underground civilizations are unknown tunnels. Underground world Giza

We can say that this mystery is solved, because modern researchers have already made their conclusion - we are not the only inhabitants on the planet Earth. Certificates of old years, as well as the discovery of scientists of the 20th - 21th century, argue that on Earth, or rather, mysterious civilizations existed underground with deep antiquity and to this day.

Representatives of these civilizations for some reason did not come into contact with people, but still made themselves to know, and from terrestrial humanity for a long time there are legends and legends about mysterious and strange people who sometimes come out of the caves. In addition, modern people still have less and less doubt about the existence of UFOs, which often observed from the depths from the depths of the seas.

Studies conducted by NASA specialists together with French scientists discovered underground cities, as well as an underground branched network of tunnels and galleries stretching for dozens and even thousands of kilometers in Altai, Urals, Perm region, Tian-Shan, Sahara and South America. And these are not the ancient terrestrial cities, which collapsed and over the time of the ruins they were covered with land and forests. This is precisely underground cities and facilities energized by an unknown way right in underground rocks.

Polish researcher Yang Penyan declares that the whole network of tunnels are laid under the ground, which lead to any country. These tunnels are created using high technology, not known to people, and pass not only under the surface of the sushi, but also under the lies of the seas and oceans. The tunnels are not just punched, but as if scorched in underground rocks, and their walls are a frozen melt of rocks - smooth, like glass and have an extraordinary fortress. Yang Penal met with miners, which, when the Schrek waste, they came down at such tunnels. According to the Polish scientist and many other researchers, flying plates from one end of the world are used according to these underground communications. (Ufologists have a huge number of evidence that the UFOs fly out from under the ground and from the depths of the seas). Such tunnels were also discovered in Ecuador, South Australia, USA, New Zealand. In addition, in many parts of the light, vertical, absolutely straight (as an arrow) wells with the same melted walls are detected. These wells have different depth from tens to several hundred meters.

The foundation of the underground map of the planet compiled 5mln.let back, confirms the existence of high-tech civilization.
For the first time about an unknown underground people spoke in 1946. This happened after the writer, a journalist and scientist Richard Shaiver told readers of the American magazine "Amazing stories", dedicated to paranormal phenomena, about his contact with aliens living underground. According to Sheiver, he lived in the underground world of mutants, similar to the demons described in the ancient legends and legends of earthlings.
It would be possible to write off this "contact" on a raised imagination of the writer if there were no hundreds of responses of readers who claimed that they also visited underground cities, communicated with their inhabitants and saw a variety of miracles of technology, not only providing underground residents of the earth a comfortable existence in her Subsoil, but also give the opportunity ... control the consciousness of earthlings!

In April 1942, with the support of Goering and Himmler, seek the entrance to the underground civilization, presumably located on the island of the rugen in the Baltic Sea, the expedition took place, consisting of the most advanced minds of Nazi Germany, headed by Professor Heinz Fisher. Hitler was confident that at least certain sections of the Earth consist of voids, inside which you can live and who have long become a house for the overall peoples of antiquity. The German scientists, in turn, calculated that if they manage to place modern radar devices in the desired geographical point under the surface of the Earth, it would be possible to track the exact location of the enemy in any part of the world. Myths about the race of ancient creatures, inhabited by the world of millions of years ago, there are almost every nation. Infinitely wise, scientifically advanced and culturally developed, these creatures, drove under Earth by terrible catastrophes, created their own civilization, which gives them all the most necessary. They do not want to have anything to do with people who are considered low, dirty and wild. But sometimes they steal human children to bring them up as their own. Ancient creatures are outwardly similar to ordinary people And very long live, but they appeared on our planet for millions of years earlier.
In 1977, photographs received from the ESSA-7 satellite, showing the right shape of the dark spot, similar to a huge hole, in the place where the North Pole should be located. Identical photos were obtained by the same satellite and in 1981, can this be the entrance to the underground world?
Who are the inhabitants of the underworld?

In the history of the planet there was a lot ice periods, collisions with meteorites, and other cataclysms that brought to the disappearance of civilizations, the period between which the cataclysms occurred are quite sufficient for the formation of a high-tech civilization.
Is it possible for some kind of civilization to survive the "End of Light"?
Monsters or inhabitants of the underworld

Suppose that millions of years ago there were high-tech civilization, during which a collision occurred with a meteorite or another global cataclysm changed the climate of the planet, whatever the civilization would most likely tried to survive, and if the surface of the planet is not suitable for life and flight to another planet Allows the level of technology, only "underground shelter" remains.
Then the question that happened with civilization and why after changing the climate the underground residents did not go to the surface?
May simply could not, constant stay in a different climate and other gravity (underground gravitational pressure differ significantly from the usual), besides, it is impossible not to notice, there are no sunlight underground, the technological lighting does not contain a full spectrum, and long stay under technical Lighting may also be the cause of "cancellation" from sunlight.

When taking into account that all this was for thousands of years, it can be assumed that underground civilization could have been strongly evolving, it may even have developed a rejection of some aspects of the climate, for example, solar light, it is possible that sunlight simply burns the inhabitants of the underground world, all this is not as fantastic as it seems. Another survival aspect, adaptation of food, as to organize, "Vigitarian" food in the conditions of the underground world, is not very simple, and rather depends on the level of civilization, it is more difficult that civilization has passed on only animal food. Some of the listed parameters undoubtedly had to affect the culture and mentality of civilization, maybe some monsters are only in the underground world?

The mysterious underground world exists not only in legends. In recent decades, the number of visitors to the caves has increased markedly. Everything deeper and deeper in the land of the earth, the seekers of adventures and miners are made, they are increasingly coming up on traces of the activities of mysterious underground residents. It turned out that under us there is a whole network of tunnels stretching for thousands of kilometers and enveloping the network all the land, and huge, sometimes settlement of underground cities.

In South America, there are amazing caves associated with infinite intricate transitions - the so-called chinkanasy. The legends of the Indian Hopi say that people-snake people live in their depths. These caves are practically not investigated. By order of the authorities, all the inputs in them are tightly closed with lattices. In chinkanas, dozens of adventurers were missingly disliked. Some tried to penetrate the dark depths due to curiosity, others - because of the thirst for profit: the treasures of the Inca are hidden in the legends in Chankanas. Get out of the creepy caves managed only to a little. But these "lucky" were forever damaged in the mind. Of the incoherent stories, you can understand that they met in the depths of the Earth with strange creatures. These residents of the underwor world were simultaneously similar to a person and a snake.

There are snapshots of fragments of global dungeons in North America. The author of the book about Shambal Andrew Thomas on the basis of a thorough analysis of the stories of American speleologists argues that in the mountains of California there are direct underground moves that lead to New Mexico.

Once I had to do the study of mysterious milkometer tunnels and the American military. At the landfill in Nevada, an underground nuclear explosion was produced. Exactly two hours later on a military base in Canada, remote from the explosion site by 2,000 kilometers, recorded the level of radiation, 20 times higher than the norm. The study conducted by geologists showed that near the Canadian base is an underground cavity connecting with a huge cave system that penetrates the North American continent.

Especially a lot of legends goes about the underground world of Tibet and Himalayas. Here in the mountains there are tunnels that go deep into the ground. Through them, "dedicated" can travel to the center of the planet and meet with representatives of the ancient underground civilization. But not only wise creatures, giving advice on "dedicated," inhabit the underground world of India. Ancient Indian legends talk about the mysterious Kingdom of Naga, hidden in the depths of the mountains. Nanasi live in it - snake people who store indiscrect treasures in their caves. Cold-blooded, like snakes, these creatures are not able to experience human feelings. They cannot warm themselves and steal heat, bodily and mental, in other living beings.

On the existence of a system of global tunnels in Russia, a sphelastologist - a researcher engaged in the study of artificial structures in his book, "Pavel Miroshnichenko. The lines of global tunnels are drawn on the map of the former USSR of the Global Tunnels from the Crimea through the Caucasus. In each of these places, the group of ufologists, speleologists, researchers unknown found fragments of tunnels or mysterious bottomless wells.

Medbiditsky Rud has been studying expeditions organized by the Association "Cosmoposisk" for many years. Researchers not only managed to record stories of local residents, but also with the help of geophysical equipment to prove the reality of the existence of the dungeons. Unfortunately, after World War II, the mouths of the tunnels were blown up.

A subsearch tunnel stretched from the Crimea in the East in the Ural Mountains area intersects with another stretched from north to east. It is along this tunnel that you can hear the stories about "Divai People", even at the beginning of the last century, which went to local residents. "Divia people," - tells in the eponymies common in the Ural, - live in the Urals, have access to the world through the caves. They have the greatest culture. "Divia people" of a small growth, very beautiful and with a pleasant voice, but only the chosen can hear them ... comes to an old man's area from "Divegh people" and predicts what will happen. The unworthy person will not hear anything I hear and does not see, and men in those places know everything that the Bolsheviks hide. "

The legends of our days.

Meanwhile, the most authoritative archaeologists of Peru today do not at all doubt the existence of an underground empire: no longer studied by anyone, she, by their understanding, extends under the seas and continents. And above the entrances to this grand dungeon in various parts of the planet, the ancient buildings are treated: for example, in Peru, this city is Cusco ... Of course, the opinion of Peruvian specialists share not all scientists. Nevertheless, many facts speak in favor of the underground world, indirectly proving its existence. The most yields on such evidence were the 1970s.

England. Miners, swarm underground tunnel, heard the sounds of working mechanisms, coming from somewhere below. Through the course, they found a staircase leading to an underground well. The sound of the working technique intensified, and therefore the workers were afraid and ran away. Returning after a while, they did not find any entrance to the well nor the stairs.

USA. Anthropologist James McKen, together with his colleagues, examined in the state of Idaho Cave, who uses the unkind glory from the indigenous population. Local residents believed that there was an entrance to hell. Scientists, delving into the dungeon, clearly heard screams and moans, and then discovered human skeletons. Further examination of the cave had to stop due to the amplifying smell of sulfur.

Under the Black Sea City Gelendzhik was discovered a bottomless mine with a diameter of about one and a half meters with strikingly smooth edges. Specialists in one voice claim: it is created on the unknown people of technology and there is no longer one hundred years.

Speaking of the underground world, it is impossible to discharge and legends that have already appeared today. For example, modern Indians living in the mountainous regions of California say that very high gold-haired people come from Mount Sast: once they descended from heaven, but they failed to adapt to life on the earth's surface. Now they live in the secret city, which is inside the extinct volcano. And you can only get into it through mountain caves. By the way, Andrew Thomas is completely agreed with Indians - the author of the book about Shambhala. The researcher believes that in Mount Shasta there are underground moves going towards New Mexico and further to South America.

Another underground people "discovered" speleologists: they are confident that deep caves around the world inhabit troglodites. They say these cave residents sometimes appear in front of people; Help in trouble with those who respectfully applies to their world, and punish those who defile the caves ...

Believe or not believe?

Believe or not believe all these stories? Any sensible person will answer: "Do not believe!" But not everything is so unequivocal. We will try to argue logically. Let's think about how real is the full life of a person underground? Can there be an unknown culture or even civilization next to us - or rather, under us, is managed to limit contacts with terrestrial humanity to a minimum? Staying unnoticed? Is it possible? Is it contrary to the "accommodation" of common sense?

In principle, a person can exist underground, and quite well - there would be money, it is enough to remember the house-bunker, the construction of which is currently leading Tom Cruise: Megase plans to hide in its underground dwelling from aliens, which, in his opinion, should soon attack our Earth. In less "marked", but no less solid cities-bunkers "Favorites" are preparing in the case of atomic war to wait for a nuclear winter and the post-prodiating period, this is the term for which not one generation will fall on his feet! Moreover, in China and Spain, today many thousands of people do not live in houses, but in well-maintained caves with all amenities. True, these cave inhabitants continue to actively contact with the outside world and take part in terrestrial life. But the inhabitants scattered around the world of cave monasteries - like Greek meteora - have always been almost completely torn off from vigorous life. According to the degree of insulation, lasting centuries, their existence can be considered an underground.

But, perhaps, the most vivid example of the fitness of a huge number of people (and what is there - the whole civilization!) To the "Lower" world is the underground city of Derinkuyu.


Derinkuyu, that in translation means "deep wells", got its name from a small Turkish town, currently located above it. No one thought about the appointment of these strangest wells for a long time until in 1963, one of the locals, who found a strange slot in his basement, from which he pulled the fresh air, did not show healthy curiosity. As a result, a multi-tiered underground city was found, numerous rooms and galleries of which, connected with each other transitions, tens of tens of kilometers long, were wounded in rocky rocks ...

Already during the excavations of the upper tiers, Derinkuyu became clear: this is the discovery of the century. In the underground city, scientists discovered the objects of the material culture of the Hittites -Veliki people who competed with the Egyptians for domination in the forefront. The Hittch kingdom, founded in the XVIII century BC. e., in the XII century BC. e. Run into the unknown. Therefore, the find of the whole city of Hettov became a real sensation. In addition, it turned out that the giant underground city is only part of a colossal labyrinth under Anatolian placo. Scientists have concluded that underground construction was carried out at least for nine (!) Centuries. And these were not just earthworks, albeit a colossal volume. Ancient architects equipped the underground imperium of the system of life support, the perfection of which is striking today. Everything here was thought out to the smallest detail: indoors for animals, warehouses for food, room for cooking and eating, for sleep, for meetings ... Religious temples and schools were not forgotten. The exactly calculated blocking device allowed it to be easy to overlap the entrances to the dungeon. And the ventilation system, which supplied the city with fresh air, continues to be sure to act so far!

In the presence of a provisional in the underground city, they could live indefinitely to live at the same time until two hundred thousand people. The issue of replenishing food reserves could be solved by many paths: from domestic production to the use of "intermediary services". Apparently, a single scheme for all times did not exist.
But in the legends of different peoples, underground residents mined the feeding of exchange trading, secret craft or even theft. The last option, however, is suitable only for small underground communities: Derinkuyu could hardly come down in a similar way. By the way, most likely, it is precipitation that it was the reason that the terrestrial inhabitants arose about the existence of "children of the dungeons" ...
Traces of hittons living under the ground are traced up to the Middle Ages, and then lost. A developed underground civilization managed to secretly exist for almost two millennia, and after his disappearance, another thousand years did not open up the ground world. And only this stunning fact allows you to make an unequivocal conclusion: Yes, it is still possible to live in the ground in secret from people all the same!

This is a huge underground city that goes underground on 8 floors.

Always +27.

Underground America

The legends and myths of many nations of the world narrate on the existence of underground various reasonable creatures. In truth, few sensible people have ever seriously perceived these narratives. But our time has come, and some researchers began to write about the underground city of Aghart. The entrance to this secret their abdication under the ground is as if under the nasha monastery in Tibet. Such statements, the absolute majority of official science representatives reacted with light irony. But it may, perhaps, to interest not only an inquisitive person, but also a serious scientist may, be reported on the mysterious entrances to the dungeons and about bottomless mines.

Among a number of researchers in the underground world there is a sustainable view that the entrances to the underground cities of human-like inhabitants exist in Ecuador, on the Pamir and even on the Poles of the Arctic and Antarctic.

It is in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Mount of Shasta, from the words of the eyewitness-Indians, several times saw people who are not similar to the local, emerging from under the ground. According to written evidence of many Indians, in the underworld, you can get through various caves located near the sacred volcanoes Popochettelpetl and Inlakatl. Here, according to the assurances of the same Indians, they sometimes met the high and blonde strangers leaving the dungeon.

At one time, the famous English traveler and scientist Perscy Fosset, who visited South America six times, told that he repeatedly heard from the Indians living in the mountainous regions, that they often see strong, large and chille people, descending and rising in the mountains.

Another 30 years ago, near Gelendzhik disappeared both people and animals. And at the beginning of the 70s of the past century, people quite accidentally discovered and immediately disappeared the bottomless mine with a diameter of about 1.5 meters. She has smooth walls, as if polished, without any traces of formwork. Specialists almost in one voice say that she probably exists more than one hundred years and was created on technology not known to modern humanity. The first attempt of scientists and speleologists thoroughly examined the phenomenon ended tragically. Of the five participants of the expedition, one disappeared, and four a few days after the descent on the ropes on the depth of 25 meters died. The deceased in the mine dropped 30 meters, and at that moment his partners first heard some strange sounds, and then the wild cry of his comrade. Those who stayed at the top immediately began to raise their colleague from the mine, but the rope first stretched like a string, and then suddenly weakened. The lower end turned out to be cut, as if a knife. There were also subsequent, truth, short-term attempts to study this bottomless well by lowering it. They practically did not give anything. Then the camera was launched at the mine. The rope increased gradually up to 200 meters, and all this time the camera showed naked walls. That's all that today is known about Gelendzhik phenomena.

Such bottomless wells are found on all continents of the planet.

The most authoritative archaeologists of Peru today do not at all doubt the existence of an entirely not studied underground empire extending under the seas and continents. In their opinion, there are ancient cities and buildings above the entrances in them in various parts of the mainland. For example, by their conviction, one of these places is Cusco to Peru.

In connection with this, the most intriguing story about the underground city of La Chekan in Andes. Most recently, in the University Library of Cusco Archeology, discovered a report on a catastrophe, comprehended in 1952 by a group of researchers from France and the United States. In the vicinity of the title city, they found the entrance to the dungeon and began to prepare for a descent into it. Scientists were not at all going to linger there for a long time, so food was taken for 5 days. However, only one year later, only one Frenchman Philip Lammothier was released from 7 people on the surface. He was exhausted, suffered from failures in memory, almost lost the human appearance, and moreover, he soon discovered explicit signs of infection with a deadly bubonic chum. Being in a hospital insulator, the Frenchman mostly delirmed, but still sometimes spoke about the bottomless abyss, in which his companions fell. His words nobody perceived seriously, and therefore no rescue expedition was carried out. Moreover, from the fear of the epidemic of the plague, which Philip Lammother brought with him, the authorities ordered to immediately lay the entrance to the dungeon of the reinforced concrete slab. The Frenchman died a few days later, and after him, a corn by the corn by the corn, which he raised from under the ground remained from pure gold. Now this underground find is kept in the museum of the Archeology of Cusco.

Most recently, the authoritative investigator of the Inca civilization Dr. Raoul Rios Steneno tried to repeat the route of the tragically missing expedition of the French and Americans. He gathered a group of 6 specialists and achieved permission from the authorities to enter the dungeon through the already studied inputs. However, the ranks of the guards, archaeologists went to the dungeon through the room, which was under the tomb of a dilapidated temple a few kilometers from Cusco. From here there was a long, gradually narrowing corridor, similar to a part of a huge ventilation system. Some time later, the expedition was forced to stop, since the walls of the tunnel for an incomprehensible reason did not reflect infrared rays. Then the researchers decided to take advantage of a special radio filter, which suddenly earned when tuning to the frequency of aluminum. This fact is at all participants in full bewilderment. Where does it seek, this metal appeared in a prehistoric labyrinth? Began to explore the walls. And it turned out that they have a trim of unknown origin and a large density that no tool took. The tunnel continued to narrow, while his height did not reach 90 cm. People had to turn back. On the way back the conductor escaped, frightened that in the end, it is strictly punished for promoting scientists in their illegal actions. At this expedition and ended. Repeat further surveys to Dr. Centino were not allowed even in the highest state instances ...

Tibetan lamas say that the Lord of the underground kingdom
is the great king of the world, as he is important in the East. And his kingdom -
Agarta based on the principles of the Golden Age - there is at least 60
thousand years. People do not know evil there and do not commit crimes. Unprecedented
The heyday reached the science there, so the underground people reached
incredible vertices of knowledge, not seeking diseases and is not afraid of any
cataclysms. The king of the world wisely manages not only millions of own
underground subjects, but also secretly by the whole population of superficial
Parts of the Earth. He led all the hidden springs of the universe, he comprehends the soul
Every human being and reads the Great Book of Fate.

The kingdom of Agarta stretches underground throughout the planet. And under the oceans too.
There is also the opinion that the nations of the Agartians were forced to go to
Underground residence after the universal cataclysm (flood) and dive
under the water sushi - ancient continents existing on the site of the present
Oceans. As the Himalayan lamas tell, the agarty caves exist
Special glow that allows even growing vegetables and cereals. Chinese style
Buddhists know that the ancient people who hiding after the next
Lights underground, lives in the caves of America. Here they are -
Ecuadorial dungeons Erich von Dennjene in the foothills of South American
Andes. Recall that the information drawn from Chinese sources,
announced in 1922, that is, exactly over half a century before the irrepressible
Swiss began his fantastic descent on a 240-meter depth to
mysterious storage facilities of ancient knowledge, lost in hard-to-reach
Places of Ecuadorian Province of Moro-Santiago.

In the underground workshops, tireless work boils. Any metals are melted there.
And the products of them are here. In unknown chariots or other perfect
adaptations are underground residents of tunnels laid deep
underground. The level of technical development of underground inhabitants is superior
The most bold imagination.

Cusco dungeons

An ancient legend is connected with gold, telling about the secret entrance to an extensive labyrinth of underground galleries under the collapsed building. According to the Spanish magazine "Mascia", which specializes in the description of all sorts of historical mysteries, this legend, in particular, tells that there are gigantic tunnels, crossing the extensive highlastic territory of Peru and reaching Brazil and Ecuador. In the language of Indians-Kechua, they are called "Chinkan", which literally means "labyrinth". In these tunnels, the Inca, allegedly deceiving Spanish conquistadors, hid a significant portion of the golden wealth of their empire in the form of artistic products of large sizes. Even a specific point in Cusco was indicated, where this labyrinth began and where she once stood the Temple of the Sun.

It was gold that glorified Cusco (there is still the only museum in the world dedicated to this noble metal). But it saved him. Spanish conquistadors, who conquered the city, plundered the temple of the Sun, and all his wealth, including the Golden Statues in the garden, were loaded onto the ships and sent to Spain. At the same time, it went and the rumor about the existence of underground halls and galleries, where the inconsides were supposedly hidden part of ritual gold products. It is indirectly confirmed by the chronicle of the Spanish missionary Felipe de Paramets, who told in the XVII century about the fate of Prince Inns, who admitted his Spanish wife Mary de Esquiel about the mission, "the gods sent to him": to preserve the most valuable thiefs of the ancestors.

Touching his wife's eyes, the prince spent her through one of the palaces in the dungeon. After long transitions, they found themselves in a huge hall. The prince removed the spouses with an eye with a bandage, and with a weak light of the torch, she saw the golden statues of all twelve kings of the Inca, reaching the height of the growth of the teenager; Many gold and silverware, bird figures and gold animals. As a faithful subject of the king and the Intrusal Catholic, Maria de Esquiel brought to her husband to the Spanish authorities, in detail told about his journey. But the prince, having reached the unkind, disappeared. The last thread, which could lead to the underground labyrinth of the Inca, was converted.

Archaeologists found a network of mysterious tunnels in Malta

In Malta in the city of Valletta, archaeologists found a network of underground tunnels. Now the researchers break their heads: whether it is an underground city of the Maltese Order, or the ancient water supply or sewage.
For centuries it was believed that the Crusaders' Knights built an underground city at the Mediterranean island of Malta, and there were rumors among secret aisles and military labyrinths of the Order of Hospital Services among the population.

Cave Ar Dalam

Built a garage, and found ancient tunnels
In the winter of this year, researchers found a network of tunnels under the historical center of the Maltese capital of Valettes. These tunnels are dated the end of the XVI - the beginning of the XVII centuries. It was then that the Knights of one of the largest Christian military orders of the Crusades of the XI-XIII centuries were engaged in strengthening Valletta to reflect the Muslim attacks.

"Many said that there are passages and even a whole underground city. But here is the question - where were these tunnels? Have they existed at all? Now we think that they found at least a small part of these underground structures, "said the Archaeologist Claude Borg (Claude Borg), who participated in the excavations.

Tunnels found on February 24 during archaeological intelligence, which was carried out on the Palace Square opposite the Palace of the Grand Master. The palace earlier belonged to the head of the Maltese Order, and today there are legislative institutions and the presidential department of Malta. Archaeological intelligence was conducted before the construction of underground parking.


Underground city or water supply?
First the workers found right under the square underground tank. Next to his bottom at a depth of about 12 m, they discovered a hole in the wall - entrance to the tunnel. He walked under the square, and then connected with other channels. Attempting to go through these corridors was not crowned with success - they turned out to be blocked. All found corridors have a fairly high alt, so that the adult man can safely go. However, researchers believe that this is only part of an extensive water supply system.

Architect Restorer Edward Sad (Edward Said) from Fondazzjoni Wirt Artna considers this discovery "only the top of the iceberg". In his opinion, the tunnels found are part of the water supply system, which includes the corridors where those who followed the tunnels could walk and supported them in order.

Building Valletta
Maltese Order, founded in 1099, became famous thanks to his victories over Muslims during crusades. In 1530, the emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire Karl V handed the knights of the island of Malta. In 1565, the Order under the leadership of the Great Master of La Valletta was attacked by Ottoman Turkings, but managed to withstand the great siege of Malta.

However, this military experience made them begin construction of a fortress in Malta, named after Master Valletta. Strengthening built on the hill, however, there were not enough natural water sources. According to SED, the main goal of the city builders was to provide themselves with the necessary reserves in the case of future Opija.

cave of St. Paul

"Soon they realized that rainwater and spring, who were at their disposal, are not enough," the architect noted.

Aqueduct and plumbing
Therefore, builders built an aqueduct, the remnants of which were preserved to the present day: the water went to the city from the valley, located to the west of Valletta. The location of the tunnels under the Palace Square also confirms the idea that they were built precisely as a water supply. Probably through underground channels and the tank provided a large fountain on the Palace Square. When the British dominated on the island (1814-1964), the fountain was demolished.

the end
As knights gone
In 1798, Napoleon expelled the knights from Malta. Now the Maltese Order continues to exist, but his residence is located in Rome.
"The fountain was a rather important source of water for residents of the city," Borg said.

As Sed told, the archaeologists found the remnants of centuries-old lead pipes. Corridors connected with this tunnel could be service passages used by plumbing engineers or so-called fonts.

"The engineer, a discussing fountain, together with the team of the workers was to check the operation of the system and maintain a fountain in good condition. They also turned off the fountain for the night, "said Sed.

Underground city did not exist?
Stories about secret military aisles, according to SAD, have more reasons. Under the serfs, secret corridors for warriors could really exist. However, according to SAD, most of the legends of the underground city are actually the stories about the water supply system.

According to the researcher, the system of valette pipelines was very progressive for its time. If, for example, to compare Valletta with such major cities of that time as London or Vienna, then the Malta city of the XVI-XVII centuries was much cleaner, while others literally drowned in the mud.

After these finds, the Maltese government announced that the construction of underground parking was postponed. On the square are going to put a new fountain, and the tunnels, hopes sid, will be discovered for the general public.

Mexico. Mitla. Underground facilities Maya.

According to the participants, these structures have high quality finishes and look like a bunker. Also, they notice that in some details it can be judged that the Indians did not build, but only restored one of these structures from the blocks in the vicinity of the blocks.

Underground Giza

Pyramids, Sphinx, the ruins of the ancient temples on the Plateau Giza amazed the imagination of people is no longer one millennium. And here is a new discovery. It has been established that under the pyramids hide huge, completely unexplored underground structures. Scientists assume that the network of tunnels can spread to tens of kilometers.

Studying one of the tombs, scientists accidentally lean on the wall, and the breed collapsed. Archaeologists have found the beginning of one of the tunnels. Later, there was confidence that the tunnels permeate all the Plateau Giza, on which the great pyramids are. The main custodian of the antiquities of Egypt reported that a group of local and foreign archaeologists began to work on the preparation of a kind of underground traffic under the pyramids. Works are carried out both on Earth and aerial photography and air. Studying the tunnels will allow a new one to take a look at the entire complex of the Pyramid Giza.

In Egypt, there are about 300 archaeological expeditions. Their goal is to study and preserve the objects already found. Now several groups of scientists spend excavations of a unique temple. Perhaps he will even overshadow the famous temple in Luxor. There is reason to believe that underground is a huge, unknown room of buildings, palaces and temples. The big obstacle for scientists is that on the lands that fell asleep these unique structures have already been built at home, roads and communications are laid.

Since the declassifier of the new deep radar 2 years ago, information about underground complexes and labyrinths from many places in the world began to appear. In such places, both Guatemala in South America tunnels are fixed under the Tikal Complex (Tikal), leading through the whole country by 800 kilometers. Researchers note that it is possible with the help of these tunnels Maya Indians avoided the complete destruction of their culture.

In early 1978, such a radar (Sira) was deployed in Egypt and incredible underground complexes under the Egyptian pyramids were found. The study agreement was signed with the President of Egypt Sadat, and for 3 decades the work of this secret project continues.

Dungeon Kolobross

Plateau Uaras in Western Cordillera for a long time is considered to be a secret asylum of sorcerers of Peru. They say they know how to cause spirits of the dead and materialize them. They can sharply increase and lower the ambient air temperature, which is necessary for the appearances of "shining, managed by the heavenly patrons of the wagon." Unfortunately, few of the strangers managed to become the participants of these magical rites. One of them, Englishman Joseph Ferrier, visited the mysterious underground settlement Komobrose in 1922. And he was so shocked that it was seen that he was not too lazy to write a lengthy essay for the magazine "British Pathfinder", preposable by abusive assurance: "I swear for the absolute truthfulness of the above."

Joseph Ferrier silent about how he managed to become a guest for an extraneous system of underground labyrinths, "very confusing and cramped, almost unsuitable for free breathing and movement, but with the oles, in which they have forced to live from birth to death. Because the life of each offacarious sorcerer is special, more busy, except on the local plateau, not occurring meaning. " What is this meaning? According to Ferrier, in the following:

"Underground sorcerers do not conduct the border between the world of the living and the world of the dead. They believe that both the living and the dead are only spirits. With the only difference that until the end of the death of each of us languishes in a bodily shell. After death, he is released, taking the spirit outside the body. Therefore, the sorcerers seek special techniques that the perfumes who took flesh can be next to us, among us. You can not believe, but copies of these once living are found in labyrinths that are walking among living things. I repeatedly sent Phantoms with people. Only the sorcerers of Komobros are not confused. "

Rites of materialization, creation of phantoms, are practiced in a large hall, having a form of an equally chained triangle. Walls, ceiling covered with copper plates. The floor is posted by wedge-shaped bronze plates.

"I somehow stepped up the threshold of this ritual premises," Ferrier writes, "she immediately received eight or ten electrical shots. Doubts disappeared. The metallized room was not much different from the metallized internal volume of the capacitor can, and, apparently, was needed by the sorcerers of mediums for their rackeners. What I was convinced when they got up in their camels, confused her hands, and tightened the song without words. In my ears thugged. I bit the tongue when I saw how thin silver hoops start rotating around the heads of the sorcerer, spreading wet cold sparkles. Sequins fell on copper under their feet, forming a semblance of a web, red, like blood. From the cobweb slowly germinated weakly visible similarities of human bodies. They stood, Zybko vibrating from drafts galleries. The sorcerers, opening his hands and stopping singing, began to tump, rub worshi worshi installed in the center of the room of resin columns. A few minutes have passed. The air was saturated with electricity, began to flicker.

Founding the gift of speech, I asked the Cordun Ayotuk, what will happen next? Aotuk said that further the shadows of the dead caused by the dead would become hard, suitable for being in our world. " The sorcerels of the dungeon Komobrospyr achieved the impossible. Obeying the oldest magical techniques, discharged, lungs, like smoke, the shadows have become completely indistinguishable from people - thinking, with beating hearts, capable of lifting and carrying gravity weighing up to ten kilograms, sometimes more. The rites of "aligning infrequent spirits" appeared to Ferrier like European medieval rituals of the dead. Is it so, you can judge the excerpt from the essay:

"The most dangerous for sorcerer ritual to make dead takes a lot of bodily strength. Best of all the action of the Shabash is possible in a period of time between the autumnal equinoxy and the winter solstice. Magical new Year In the maze, the colobross begins on November 1 from the "silent dinner" around the altar table covered with a triangular canvas, on which a tin cup is located, a black cord and cord, iron trident and knife, hourglass, seven burning candles.

Each sorcerer wears a protective gold icon in the form of a scattered skull framed by four swints. As soon as closer to midnight, the upper vessel of the clock is freed from the sand, the sorcerers lay incense and take the call on the meal of guests. The trident when they approach them begins to flash blue light, the knife is red. The cord is completely burning. Flame from the floor, repeating the contours of the Egyptian sacred cross, symbolizing eternal life. Throwing in the fire Wooden skull and bones - the sign of Osiris - the sorcerers exclaim the loudly: "Rose from the dead!" The main sorcerer pierces the flaming cross with a luminous trident. The flame immediately goes out. Candles are hooked too. Silence saturated by the smell silence. Under the ceiling there is a strong phosphoric glow.

"Go away, go, the shadows of the departed. We will not submit you to yourself, as long as you will not become alive for us. May there be consent among us. Yes, be that! " - deafening shouting sorcerers. Now there are no shadows. Instead of shadows, the detailed bodily repetitions, with which you can consult when it is required to take important solutions.

Ask why the underground sorcerers from the clothes prefer loose dressings? Because the negotiations with the risen let out of the cloths of clothes, no matter how good the fabrics were not. I had a new linen costume. Several conversations with the resurrected, several touchs to them - and my costume came into disrepair, as it happens under the action of Tlen. "

Ferrier argues that the resurrected is not eternal. Everyone is delayed among the sorcerers of Komobros from the force for the year: "When the figure of" neighbor "fade, when his inner energy is depleted, a rite of return to the shadows is satisfied for him - fast, purely formal. How else? Knowledge received. "Neighbor" is not needed. He, no matter how withering sorcerer, will not return anymore. " However, it was from this fleeting rite that the main rite of heavenly wagon originates. The magical components of this act, Ferrier does not write anything. Reports only that he saw in the sky over the Waras Plateau "with a terrible roar and grinding, fiery wheels swept and hit the rod of Canyon Kohlobrose." With the "gods of the seventh sky", the sorcerers were not allowed to meet him, referring to the fact that simply mortals cannot communicate with immortal. For the objection of Ferrier, that the sorcerers themselves, being mortals, and the heavenly gods still meet, the inhabitants of Komobros show that contacts are not frequent, carried out only on the initiative of immortal who make meetings safe. Describing the level of knowledge of the gods, Ferrier says that they are so left forward that "forgot what the best minds of humanity are just beginning to reflect on." Even experienced spelestologists are not at risk in the maze of Kolobros. One of them, American Michael Stern, dreams of visiting there. The expedition plans for the summer of 2008, not paying attention to the frequent natural anomalies. These are local earthquakes, and night adder glows, and mud geasers in the labyrinths area, and spans of fiery balls, and "landings" of ghosts having pear-like heads. Local residents do not doubt that the dungeons of Komobros are still inhabited. The path there is someone else without the knowledge of the owners ordered. Stern persists: "I am not a superstition belt, I do not believe in sorcerers. For me, the colobross is just a system of deep, difficult to passable caves, no more. " At the beginning of last century, Joseph Ferrier also thought so ...

Agarti (Agartha) - underground country

The only and still unconfirmed sources of information on the mysterious agarty are similar to the description of this center Pole of F. Ossendovsky, a member of the Council of Ministers in the Kolchak's government, which occupied during the Civil War in the Siberian Government, the post of director of the credit office2, who fled to Mongolia later Published by the twelve years earlier, the work of Saint-Iva D'Olwider "Mission of India". Both author claim the existence of the underground world - the spiritual center, which has inhuman origin, and keeps the initial wisdom, transmitting it through the century from generation to the generation of secret societies. The inhabitants of the underground world are much superior in their technical development, humanity has mastered unknown energies and on underground passages are associated with all continents. A comparative analysis of both versions of the MiF about Agarti fulfilled in his work "King of the World" French scientist Rene Heon: "If there really exist two versions of this story, which occurred from sources, very remote from each other, it was interesting to find them and spend a thorough comparison."

French thinker-esoterist, Marquis Saint-Iva D'Alveyder (1842-1909) left a noticeable mark in history, writing a book about the occult ancient history3 and formulating a new universal law of history and human society, which called "synarchy". The ideas of a new world order set out in the teaching of St. Iva "Synarchy", attracted the attention of the future managers of the National Socialist Party in Germany. According to Saint-Willow, all information about Agarthe was obtained by them "from the Afghan Prince Harji Sharif, the Messenger of the World Occult Government" and the center of Agartha is located in the Himalayan area. This is a whole cave center with a population of 20 million people - "The most secret sanctuary of the Earth", in its depths of the chronicles of mankind for all the time of his evolution on this land within 556 centuries, recorded on the stone srices4. The chronology of mankind and the prescription of Saint-Yves, relying on Indian sources, builds a legendary mana to the era of human progenitor, i.e. 55 647 years ago. In his literary work, oriented, as he wrote, "for people educated, the most enlightened secular people and statesmen," Saint-Yves describes in detail and convincingly describes the state-owned augarian device and leads quite original details, for example, such as:

"The modern mystical name of the sanctuary of the frame cycle was given to him approximately 5100 years ago, after split, Irsha. This name is "Agarta", which means: "inaccessible to violence", "unattainable for anarchy". My readers are enough to know that in some areas of Himalayas, among 22 temples depicting 22 Arkan Hermes and 22 letters of some sacred alphabets5, agartert is a mystical zero (0). "Naughty".
* "In the agart, none of our terrible sentence systems are applied, and there are no prisons. There is no death penalty. Completely unknown in Agarti, prostitution, drunkenness, cruel individualism. Unknown division into castes. "
* "Among the tribes expelled from the Great University (Agarti) there is one stray tribe, which, starting from the XV century, shows all of Europe its strange experiments. This is the true origin of Gypsy (Bohami - by Sanr., "Get away from me").
* Agarta can follow the souls on all the rising steps of worlds up to the extreme limits of our solar system. Some space periods can be seen and talking with the dead. Such is one of the secrets of an ancient cult of ancestors. "
* Agarta wise men "checked on our planet the boundaries of the last flood and determined the possible initial point of its resumption in thirteen or fourteen centuries."
* "The founder of Buddhism of Shakyamuni received a dedication to the Sanctuary of Agartta, but he could not bear his records from Agarta and later dictated to his first disciples just that he was able to keep his memory."
* "No dedication can carry out the authentic texts of her scientific papers from the aggarta, because, as I said, they are engraved on a stone in the form of incomprehensible for the crowd of signs. The shrine threshold is inaccessible without the will of the student. The basement floor is built by magically, in various ways in which the Divine Word plays a role, as in all ancient temples. "
* "Sacred texts, due to political conditions, were systematically changed everywhere, with the exception of only one aggart, where all the lost secrets of the Jewish-Egyptian text of our own scriptures and the keys to their mysteries were preserved.

Saint-Iv does not give an answer to the question where the agarta is located, there is only one indirect indication in the text that there is a symbolically head of agarter in contact with Afghanistan, and legs, i.e. It feels on the birch. This territory corresponds to the area of \u200b\u200bthe Himalayan Mountains, unstasted at the time. The striking description of the very secret sanctuary on Earth, which has the lost ancient knowledge, he subsequently inspired in search of this secret sanctuary in Tibet, both various scientists and adventurers and statesmen of different countries planning to send expeditions to the low-investigated areas of Central Asia, in particular and to establish the Union With augment.

Photos from open sources

Sphinx is one of the characters of Egypt along with. However, it is still unknown who erect this colossus and most importantly, why? Surely it was not set for beauty. What secrets keep a monument? What and from whom does he guard? (website)

Famous and mysterious Egypt

Egypt is considered one of the most studied ancient civilizations. We know much more about him than ancient India or the disappeared state of Olmekov in Central America. However, the mysteries from this Egypt is no less. There is still no answer to the main questions: who, when and how to build famous pyramids.

Every year, expeditions work in Egypt and each leader dreams to cut down the world of a stunning find. What it can be - no one commends, (who knows what is being found during the excavation?) But every archaeologist secretly wants to find the "Chronicles Hall", he is the "Hall of Certificates", he is the "Hall of Knowledge", etc.

Photos from open sources

Hall of Knowledge

On the existence under the pyramids of the underground room - the information repositories wrote an ancient Greek philosopher IV century Yamvlich and the Byzantine historian of the IX century Georgy Syzella. It is mentioned in the records on the walls of the temple complexes. The earliest mention of the "sacred room" dates back to 2000 BC.

According to the records, the sacred books of God's wisdom and things belonging to him and other gods, Osiris, are stored in the room. And, of course, reasonable treasures that guard the silent stone guards (robots?) Who kill everyone who decided to encroach on these wealth.

Underground world Giza

The presence of a huge number of dungeons in the Giza area for archaeologists is not a mystery. Herror Herodot wrote about a huge maze under the pyramids, which included more than 1,500 rooms. Yes, Herodotus could and brush, but even if they even divide the number 50, the presence of 30 underground cameras filled with precious scrolls is impressive. And if you brought, but not much and the rooms are more?

The dungeon visited the Arab traveler of the IX century Masidi, who clarified that the dungeon who risked about miracles would be shaken, "And yet I saw it!" But how much can you trust all these testimonies, is not myth? Not myth, the dungeons of Giza found.

Arab Egyptologist Selim Hassan From 1929 to 1939, the Methodical excavations on the Plateau of Giza. He outlined the results of their works in 10-Tomny work "Excavation in Giza". Several tunnels of rooms and mines that went deep into more than 125 feet (38m) were discovered. But here's about what was found, Hassan reported very and very much.

According to him, under the plateau there is a whole system of underground communications connecting the pyramids among themselves. Its research requires a large amount of work and considerable funds. But where is the heart of the system, mysterious "knowledge repository"? Where to look for it?

Look for Sphinx!

"Sleeping prophet" Edgar Casey in one of his prophecies indicated that the repository is located between the river and the Sphinx, and the entrance between its paws. In 1989, the Japanese expedition under the leadership of Sakuji Ioshimur with the help of special equipment scanned the soil in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Sphinx and found a tunnel under its left pawl.

Photos from open sources

In the same 1989, American Thomas Dobotki spending seismic exploration, also confirmed the presence of cavity under the Sphinx. The Egyptian government thanked scientists ... and banned them further work.

In the meantime ...

Let's not blame Egyptians. Each country, lucky to find something unusual and useful on its territory, first of all try to pay it to itself. And the treasures of the "Hall of Knowledge" is not gold and silver. At the assurances of the already mentioned Casey in the underground chamber, all the knowledge of the last civilization of the planet and the material monuments of their culture are stored.

So while the Egyptian authorities will repair all sorts of obstacles to foreigners who want to look at the Sphinx to direct prohibitions, preferring work independently. The results of their research prefer not to be distributed.

At the same time, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe presence of underground structures on the giza plateau is categorically rejected. All this, they say the fiction of journalists trying to bring up to the pyramids as many tourists as possible.
Only here are devices, unlike people, do not know how to lie.

Tony Bushby

In order to fully master the information encrypted in biblical texts, it is important to understand the true scale of underground tunnels and the gradability of the underground chambers of the Pyramid of Giza connected with them. After all, it was here that the basic elements of the teachings of the secret school were developed. What happened under the sands thousands of years ago is not reflected in modern history textbooks, and discoveries made over the past eighty years, only confirm this fact.

Underground labyrinths in Giza
Certificates of ancient authors

Oasis Faym. View from satellite

The surroundings of the Oasis Fayum, located a few kilometers from the city feature of Memphis, are very interesting terrain. It is here, in the blooming and fertile valley that Pharaohs themselves called royal hunting grounds, they fished and hunted using boomerang. Lake Meris once bordered by the Fayum oasis, and on his shores there was a famous labyrinth called Herodotus "endless miracle." The labyrinth included 1500 rooms and the same number of underground cameras that the Greek historian was not allowed to examine. Maze's priests were told that he was confused and difficult, and was created to protect the countless scrolls stored in underground rooms. The gradation of structures struck Herodotus, and he told about what he saw: "There I saw twelve palaces standing alone and those interconnected by terraces built around the twelve halls. It is difficult to imagine that they are built by the hands of a person. The walls are decorated with bas-reliefs of figures, and each platform in front of the palace is skillfully paved with white marble and surrounded by colonnade. Near the angle, where the labyrinth ends, there is a pyramid with a height of two hundred forty feet, with the magnificent figures cut into stone figures and with an underground passage, along which you can enter it. I confidently reported that underground chambers and moves connected this pyramid with pyramids in Memphis. "

The ruins of the Palace of Pharaoh Ramses (left) and the Khathor Temple (Right) in Memphis.

Many antiquity writers confirm the existence of an underground strokes mentioned by the Herodot that combined large pyramids, and their testimonies questioned the correctness of the history of Egypt in its traditional presentation. The ancient Greek philosopher Krantor (300s BC) argued that some columns or pillars existed, on the stone of which were carved records of prehistoric times and show the paths of communication between the pyramids. Yamblich, the Syrian representative of the Alexandrian school of mystico-philosophical teachings, who lived in the IV century, in his glorified labor "On Secrets, especially Egyptians, Caledonians and Assyrians", left the next record about the corridor held inside the Sphinx Statue and the lead in the Great Pyramid.

"This entry, covered in our day with sand and garbage, can still be detected between the front paws of the colossus. Previously, he was covered by a bronze gate, whose secret spring could only open magicians. He was guarded by human operability, akin to religious fear, which guaranteed inviolability better than the armed guard would do. In the belly of the Sphinx, galleries were laid leading to the underground part of the Great Pyramid. These galleries were so skillfully intertwined on the way to the pyramid that a person who penetrated the dungeon without a special conductor, constantly and inevitably appeared again at the entrance. "

On the ancient Sumerian cylindrical seals it was written that the secret refuge of Anunnakov was "a place underground ... where the tunnel led, the entrance to which was covered with sand and what they called Huvan ... with teeth, like a dragon, with a person, like a lion. " This indicative old text that has come down to us, unfortunately, in passages, then says that "he (Huvan) can not move forward or backward," but they climbed him from behind, and the path to secret refuge of Anunnakov was opened. The message of the Sumerians could well approach the description of the Sphinx from Giza, with a head, like a lion; And if this great creation was built to hide and save an ancient staircase and secret moves leading to underground facilities under it around him, then in this case the symbolism is quite consistent with the plan.

Underground treasure and ancient knowledge storage
Certificates of Roman and Arab historians

Big Sphinx.

The local Arabian legend of the XIX century indicates that existing secret places under the Sphynx hide treasures or magic items. This version finds confirmation in the writings of the Roman historian I century AD. The stardy of the elder, who wrote that deep under the Sphinx hidden "the ruler's grave named Haramahis (Garsmarks), in which reasonable treasures are contained," and the Sphinx itself even called "the Great Sphinx Kharamahis, standing on guard since the time of the Mountain followers." The Roman Historian of the IV century ammonian Marcellin also insisted on the existence of an underground crypt, which went into the inner quartes of the Great Pyramid:

"Letters, as the ancients indicated, were carved on the walls of some underground galleries and transitions, built deeply in the darkness underground, in order to preserve the wisdom of the ancients from the bloody flood."

The manuscript, compiled by the Arabic writer of the Altelsani, stored in the British Museum, announces the existence of a long wide underground transition between the Great Pyramid and the Nile River with a strange device, overlapping the entrance from the river. It refers to such an episode:

"On the days of Ahmedin Ben Tulown ** A group of people entered the Great Pyramid through the tunnel and found a glass cup of rare color and textures in the side chamber. When they left, one did not take place, and when they went to search, he suddenly came out naked and said, laughing: "Do not go after me and do not look for me," and quickly disappeared into the pyramid. His friends realized that he was in power of some char. "

Studying strange incidents under the pyramid, Ahmed Ben Tuloon expressed a desire to see the glass cup. During the inspection, the Cup was filled with water and weighed, then empty and weighed again. The historian recorded that "it was found that he weighed the same and empty, and filled with water." If the observations are genuine, then this deficiency in weight indirectly confirms the existence of extraordinary scientific knowledge in Giza.

Pyramids in Giza \u003d Memphis.

Work in underground galleries
Certificate of 1000 years ago

According to Masidi, underground galleries under the Great Pyramid guarded mechanical statues with amazing abilities. A description created by a thousand years ago can be compared with robots from modern fantastic cosmos films. Masidi wrote that the automatic robots were programmed on the strictest control, because they destroyed everyone "except those who are worthy to be admitted." He argued that "recorded formulas of the highest wisdom and the foundations of various arts and sciences were thoroughly covered and guarded so that they serve in writing for the benefit of those who could subsequently suffer." This is a unique information, and it is possible that since Masidi "decent" people saw mysterious underground rooms. The scientist confessed: "I saw such that it is impossible to describe, without having trouble, you will find it abnormal ... And yet I saw it."

Another Arabic author of the same century, Mothery, left a message about a strange incident in a narrow underground corridor under Giza, where the group of people was frightened by the spectacle of the death of one of them, crushed by a stone door, which suddenly slipped away from the passage itself and blocked the corridor in front of them .

Underground moves found
Modern confirmation of old legends

Herodotus testified about the Egyptian priests, which by tradition retells the old legends about the "system of underground residential premises", designed by these creators of Memphis. Thus, in the most ancient records, it was assumed that there was something like a widely branched system of underground structures, under the surface of the entire territory around the sphinx and pyramids. Data from the past was confirmed during seismic studies carried out in the area in 1993, significant emptiness was discovered under the ground. This discovery resulted in shooting a documentary called "Sphinx Riddle", which in the same year saw 30 million viewers of the NBC TV channel.

In 1994, the Egyptian authorities received another confirmation of the existence of asylum under Sphinx: the voids found were said in a newspaper report under the title "Mysterious Tunnel in Sphinx":

"Workers who conducted repair work on the" rehabilitation "of the Sphinx, discovered an ancient move that deeply into the body of the mysterious monument. Director of the Museum of Antiquities Giza, Mr. Zahi Havass said that, without any doubt, the tunnel is very old. But who, I would like to know, built it? For what purpose? And where does he lead? .. Mr. Havass reported that his plans were not included with the stones of the burning input. The secret tunnel goes to the northern part of the sphinx, about the middle between the elongated paws and the tail. "

Maps of Masons and Rosenkraucers and the opening of the XX century

A well-known idea that the Sphinx is the present main entrance to the Great Pyramid, preserves an extraordinary survivability. This faith is based on cards of a hundred years old, compiled by members of the Masonic Lodge and the Order of Rosenkraucers, according to which the Sphinx was an ornament, crowned underground hall connected to all the pyramids of radially diverging corridors. These plans were compiled on the basis of information found by the estimated founder of the Order of Rosenkreyers Christian Rosenkreitsa, which penetrated into"Secret Room underground" And found a repository of books containing secret knowledge.
Schematic images of underground strokes were copied from archival documents owned by a secret school.(Order of the Rosenkreyers? - Ed.),before the start of work on the cleaning from the sand, which began in 1925 and discovered hidden entrance doors for a long time forgotten reception halls, small temples and other extensions.

Knowledge of secret schools were supported by a number of outstanding discoveries of 1935, which presented evidence of the existence of additional moves and premises, literally permed the area of \u200b\u200bfinding the pyramids.The complex in Giza pointed(With all its main components) that he was erected not by chance; Its single structure, including the Sphinx, the Great Pyramid and the Temple of the Sun People, associated underground and terrestrial parts into its inextricable integer.

The premises and tunnels found by the ultra-modern seismograph and special radar equipment allowing to look under the surface of the Earth, provided the opportunity to adjust the accuracy of the events of the plans. In recent years, the latest satellite equipment has been successfully used in Egypt to detect the objects hidden under the surface in the Giza area. The new search system was installed on an orbital satellite in 1998, as a result of which it was possible to accurately locate 27 not previously excavated objects. Nine of them are on the eastern shore of Luxor, the rest - in Giza, Abu Ravasha, Sakkare and Dashura.

Prints of detector devices from the Giza area contain a simple-minded number of reminiscent of the network and crossing the territory along and across the tunnels and underground rooms, intertwined with each other like lace and sprawling across the plateau. With the help of research from space, Egyptologists are able to locate the main object, the likely input and size of the premises before the start of the excavation. Special attention is paid to the three main places: 1) the area in the desert in several hundred meters to the west-south-west of the initial location of the black pyramid, around which the colossal system of concrete walls is currently being erected, increasing the area in eight square kilometers; 2) An ancient path that joined the Luxor temple with carnacu, and 3) the road of a mountain passing through the north of the Sinai Peninsula.

The teachings of mystics and secret schools about the pyramids

The traditional teachings of mystics or members of the Egyptian secret schools explained that the Great Pyramid was great in many ways. Despite the fact that the pyramid was closed to 820 AD, representatives of secret exercises in the Doharistian Egypt argued that her interior was well known. They constantly emphasized that this construction is not a grave and not some kind of crypt, although there is a special room for the symbolic funeral ceremony as part of the ritual of initiation.

According to the tradition of mystics, internal premises were gradually moving from the level to the level, through underground corridors. They spoke about the existence of various cameras at the end of each level as the highest level of the ritual of initiation was promoted and representing what we now call royal rest.

Little little to the tradition of secret schools was checked with the results of archaeological discoveries, and in 1935 a confirmation of the existence of underground communication between the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid was obtained. It was also confirmed that the tunnel joined the statue of the sphinx with an ancient temple located from its south side (called the Sphinx Temple today).

What was found when cleaning the pyramids?
Certificates of the Media

As the Grand 11-year-old Emil Barz project for cleaning monuments from sand and sea shells was nearing completion, amazing stories about discoveries made during cleaning work began to appear. The magazine written and published in 1935 by Hamilton M. Wright, told about the extraordinary find in the sands of Giza; The authenticity of her (find? - Ed.) Now denied. The article was supported by original photographs made by Dr. Selim Hassan, the author of the discovery and the head of the scientific and search part of the Cairo University. It said:

"We found an underground path that the ancient Egyptians enjoyed 5,000 years ago. He passed under a crucible expensive, which joined the second pyramid and sphinx. It makes it possible to go under the ground "pavement" from the pyramid of Heops to the pyramid of Heffren. From this underground transition we managed to free up the whole series of mines, which went deep into the depth of more than 125 feet, and the spacious sites and side premises adjacent to them. "

At about the same time, international news channels told about the details of the find. The underpass system was built initially between the Great Pyramid and the Temple of the Sun People, as the Hefrena Pyramid is a later superstructure. The underground path and passing premises were punched in a huge monolithic indigenous breed - the case is truly supernatural, if we consider that the construction was carried out thousands of years ago.

The discoveries made Dr. Selim Hassan and other researchers publicly declare that, since the age of Sphinx with deep antiquity remained a mystery, he could be part of the great architectural design, which was scrupulously developed and executed due to the construction of a great pyramid.

Archaeologists at the same time made another major discovery. Approximately halfway between the Sphinx and the pyramid of Hefren were found four huge vertical mines, eight feet width each, leading right deep into the limestone. On maps of Masons and Rosenkreyers, they are called "Campbell Tomb"."This mining complex, - told Dr. Selim Hassan, -ended with an impressive room, in the center of which was another mine, descended into a spacious courtyard, around which seven side rooms were located. " In some rooms there were huge, 18 feet height, closed tightly sarcophages from basalt and granite. The next discovery was the fact that in one of the seven rooms there was another one, the third, vertical mine, which led to the house located deeply at the bottom. At the time of discovery, it was flooded with water, which almost hid the only white sarcophagus. This chamber was named "The Tomb of Osiris", and its "first autopsy" was shown in a fabricated television documentary film in March 1999. Although Dr. Selim Hassan, who really explored this room, wrote:

"We hope to detect important monuments after pumping water. The final depth of this series of mines is more than 40 meters ... In the process of clearing the southern part of the underground path, a very beautiful head of the statue was found, with extremely expressive features of the face. "

As stated in one of the newspaper communications of that time, the statue was an excellent sculptural bust of Queen Nefertiti and was named"An excellent example of this rare type of art opened in the era of the reign of Amenhotep". There is no information about today's location of this masterpiece.

The message was devoted to other cameras and rooms under the sand layer, associated with complete, richly decorated with transitions. Dr. Selim Hassan pointed out that not only internal and outdoor courtyards were found, but also a special premises, which they called the "Offering Hall", carved in a huge rock of the naked breed, between the "Tomb of Campbell" and the Great Pyramid. Three richly decorated vertical columns standing in terms of triangle were in the center of the chapel. These columns are the most indicative find in the whole study, since their existence is mentioned in the Bible. It suggests that the belief that is elected to write the Torah (about 397 BC), knew the scheme of the location of underground strokes and shelters Giza before writing a book. This underground architectural structure may have served as a prototype for a triangular location around the main altar in the Masonic bed.

Joseph Flavius \u200b\u200bin the "Jewish antiquities" (I century. AD) wrote that Enoch, in the fame of the Old Testament, built an underground temple consisting of nine premises. In a deep crypt inside one of the rooms with three vertical columns, he laid a triangular golden sricor with the true name of the Divine (God) in it. Description of the structures of Enha was identical to the description of the "lunchroom", which was under the sand layer, slightly east of the Great Pyramid.

The reception room, more similar to the funeral hall, but "undoubtedly intended for receptions and dedications," was discovered above the plateau towards the Great Pyramid, in the upper end of the inclined tunnel. It was cut deep into the rock from the north-west side of the "Offering Hall", between the hall and the Great Pyramid. In the center of the room stood sarcophagus twelve feet in length of white Tirsky limestone and a collection of elegant alabaste vessels.

In the message of Dr. Selim Hassan, other skillfully carved figures and many beautiful color frescoes are described. Photographs were taken, and one of the authors of the researchers, a member of the Order of Rosenkraucers H. Spencer Lewis, recorded that he was "deeply touched" the brightness of images. It is not known where these unique samples of ancient art and relics are located today, but there were rumors that private collectors were taken from Egypt.

Opening of the underworld
Report Dr. Selim Hassan

Further details, for some exceptions, were held in the report of Dr. Selim Hassan, published in 1944 by the Cairo State Publishing Titled "Excavations in Giza" in 10 volumes. However, this is only a minor fragment of genuine information about what is actually hidden by sands in the area of \u200b\u200bthe pyramids.

In the last year of work on sand freeing, the diggers stumbled upon the most amazing discovery, which literally stunned humanity and which international media crushed on the whole world.

Archaeologists who have made this discovery were confused with their find and argued that they had never seen such a wonderful planned city: many temples painted in pastel tones of peasant huts, craft workshops, stables and other buildings, including the palace. Along with other modern amenities in the city there is a perfect drainage system that includes a hydraulic underground water supply. In connection with this discovery, an intriguing question arises: where is this city today?

The mystery of his location was recently revealed by a group of favorites who received permission to explore and film the city. It exists inside a huge branched system of natural caves under the giza plateau, which diverges in the east direction under Cairo. Its main entrance begins within the statue of the sphinx cut down in stone steps, which lead to the lower cave under the stone lies of the Nile.

Expedition, equipped with generators and inflatable raftsdescended and sailed along the underground river to the lake wide in a kilometer. Urban buildings nested along the shores of the lake,and permanent lighting was achieved when using large crystal balls, fixed in the walls and ceilings of the cave. The second entrance to the city was carried out according to the detected steps leading up under the foundation of the Coptic Church in Old Cairo. Based on the stories of people living on Earth, given in Books Being and Enha, it is quite possible that the city was originally calledGilgan.

The Chronicle of the expedition was filmed, a documentary was made by the city "city in abyss", subsequently shown by a narrow audience. Originally planned the release of the chronicle to the big screen, but for some reason the show was canceled.

From the underground city was taken to the surface of a multifaceted spherical crystal object with a baseball ball. His supernatural properties were demonstrated at a conference in Australia. Deep inside the monolithic object, various hieroglyphs are slowly turning like the book pages when they are mentally asked about the one who holds an object in hand.This amazing object, which uses unknown technologies to us, was sent for research in NASA (USA).

Other discoveries

Thus, the excavations in Giza opened underground roads, temples, sarcophages and one city with perfect and extensive layout, and also gave an understanding that the whole complex was carefully thought out and was organized with a certain goal.
In recent years, rumors about the opening of another underground city and many underground communications in the 28-kilometer zone around the Great Pyramid are mutated in Egypt.
In 1964, more than 30 huge multi-level underground cities were discovered in the ancient Byzantine province of Cappadocia, which is now in Turkey. One such separately taken city, consisting of caves, premises and corridors, was, according to archaeologists, at least 2,000 apartment buildings in which 8,000 to 10,000 people could live. With its existence, they prove that many such underground worlds lie under the surface of the Earth waiting, when they finally find them.

Official refutations of discoveries

Due to the excavations of Dr. Selim Hassan and modern methods of space search on one side and the legends and traditions of the ancient Egyptian secret schools called on to keep the secrets of knowledge of Plateau Giza on the other, the passion around these events fucked up to the limit. Be that as it may, but the most striking side of the opening of underground structures in Giza is repeatedly the denial of their existence by the official authorities of Egypt and academic institutions.

The official authorities of Egypt found voids explain simply: these are underground dried river beds or mines from where they took material for the construction of pyramids and sphinx. But it still does not have a single version: who and why built pyramids, not only in Egypt, but also throughout the light. Maybe underground structures are bunkers in case of an universal catastrophe type of atomic war or a worldwide flood.

Their refutations were so insistent that the covenants of secret schools the public began to question, believing that all this was falsified to intrigue tourists who arrive in Egypt. A typical sample of a scholastic approach is the appeal of Harvard University published in 1972:
"No one should pay attention to ridiculous allegations regarding the internal device of the Great Pyramid or allegedly existing underground transitions and non-excavated temples and sand halls in the Pyramid area; They are distributed by the adepts of the so-called secret cults or the secret societies of Egypt and the East. These things exist only in the imagination of those who seek to attract the seekers of the whole mysterious, and the more stubborn by we deny the existence of such things, the more the public suspects us in deliberate concealment of what is one of the greatest secrets of Egypt. For us, it is better to ignore such statements than simply deny them. All our excavations on the territory around the pyramid did not find any underground passages or halls, nor temples, no grottoes or something like that, with the exception of one temple adjacent to the Sphinx statue. "
Such a statement could well satisfy schoolchildren, but in the years preceding him, it was officially announced that there was no temple near the Sphinx statue. The statement that every inches around the sphinx and the pyramids was deeply and carefully examined, was refuted when the temple was found near the Sphinx and will soon be opened to the public. It seems that for reasons outside the official policy, there is a hidden level of censorship, designed to protect both the eastern and Western religions.

Eternal lamps of Pharaohs

Despite the amazing discoveries, the absentful truth remains the absolute ignorance of early Egyptian history - this is a territory not marked on the maps. Therefore, it is impossible to say for sure how many miles of underground strokes and shelters were illuminated; Only one can argue definitely: as ancient did not have the ability to see in the dark, huge underground territories were somehow lit. When it comes to the interiors of the Great Pyramid, Egyptologists agreed that torches were not used for this purpose, since there was no soot from their flame on the ceilings.

Of the same sources, of which are known about the underground transitions under the Pyramid Plateau, it can be concluded that there are at least three miles of corridors that have from 10 to 12 underground levels (floors). In the "Dead Book" and in the texts, the pyramids contain clear mentions of the "creators of the world", and these extraordinary descriptions could well refer to the caste that was responsible for coverage of underground territories as part of a common complex.

The ancient Greek philosopher Yamvlich (III-IVV.) He left an amazing report entry found on one of the most ancient Egyptian papiers stored in one of the mosques of Cairo. He was part of the story of an unknown author (approximately 100 g. BC) On the group of people who received permission to descend into underground premises in research purposes. They left a description of their expeditions:

"We approached the room. When we entered, the lighting litto itself: the light proceeded from a thin tube height with a human brush (about 6 inches or 15 cm), which was vertically in the corner. When we approached the tube, she lit up brighter, [...] slaves were frightened and ran to the other side, from where we came! When I touched it, the glow stopped. Whatever we do, she never caught fire. In some rooms, the tubes were given light, no other. We broke a single tube, and from it drove the sacks of silver liquids, which quickly rolled through the floor until they disappeared into the cracks [mercury?].

After some time, the lighting tubes began to go out, and the priests gathered them and folded in the underground storage specifically built for this in the southeastern part of the plateau. They were convinced that the lighting tubes created their favorite imhehotep, which would once come back and wake up the light in them. "

Among the early Egyptians, there was a common practice to leave burning lamps at the burial places as an offer to their God or means to find the deceased path to the world of others. Among the burials in Memphis (and in the churches of Brahmans in India), burning lamps were found in sealed tombs and scleps, but a sharp air flow or extinguished them, or led to the evaporation of fuel.

Subsequently, the Greeks and Romans followed this custom, and this tradition was established: not necessarily real burning lamps, and miniature terracotta copies buried along with the dead. Several lamps were sealing in round tombs as an overchard, and cases are mentioned when an ancient oil was ideally maintained in them more than 2000 years. There is a sufficient number of eyewitness testimony that the lamps were burning during the insanity of the graves, and in the future witnesses they assured that they were still burning hundreds of years later, when opening the tomb.

The possibility of making fuel capable of self-renewing as needed was not the last topic of disputes of medieval authors. Studying numerous preserved documents, it can be assumed that the ancient Egyptian priests-alchemists designed lamps that were burned if limited, then still a long time.

Countless authorities wrote about the eternal luminaires: U.Uinnueskott counted more than 150 authors who affected this topic, E.P. Blavatskaya - 173. Although the findings to which various authors came were very diverse, most of them recognized the existence of phenomenal lamps. True, only some allowed that such lamps could burn forever; Most were ready to recognize that such lamps were able to burn several centuries in a row without replacing fuel. Convented in the opinion that the phytili for these eternal lamps were made from cord or wicker asbestos, which early alchemists called Salamandra's wool. It was believed that one of the products of alchemical surveys were believed to be fuel, probably in one of the temples of the mountain blue. Several formulas have been preserved for the manufacture of fuel for lamps, and in the fundamental work of E.P. Blavatskaya "Exposed Isida" the author leads two complex fuel formulas from earlier sources, which, "manufactured and burning, will burn with a permanent flame, and this lamp can be put Where you think about. "
There are several well-documented stories about finding lamps not only in Egypt, but also in other parts of the world.

French writer de Monfocon de Villar (1635-1673) left the following excellent evidence of the opening of the tomb of the founder of the Order of Rosenkreyers, Christian Rosenkreyan. When the Brotherhood entered the tomb in 120 years after his death, a bright shining eternal lamp was discovered, who hung from the ceiling."There was a statue chained in Latvia, which destroyed the light source when the camera was opened."This strangely coincides with the stories of the Arab historians about the mechanical guards of galleries under the Great Pyramid.

In the XVII century. Another story about the robot is given. In Central England, an unusual grave with a mechanical mannequin was discovered, which was driven, when the uninvited alien stepped on certain stones in the tomb. It was during the flourishing of the popularity of the Order of Rosenkreyers, so they decided that the burial belongs to one of the adepts of the Order. Selyanin, who founded the grave, entered and found that inside it is brightly lit by the lamp, who hung from the ceiling. While he walked towards the world, his weight pressed on the stones of the floor, and suddenly the sitting figure in heavy armor came into motion. The mechanism raised it to the whole height, and she hit the iron rod lamp, smashing it, and thus effectively deprived access to the secret substance, which supported the flame in the lampade. It remains unknown, how much time the lampada was burning, but the report said that this was continued for a long time.

Reprint from Nexus magazine, 2005 www.Icufi.org

It has long been talking about the presence of a network of tunnels on the Giza Plateau, including under the pyramids, but for a long time, their study was hampered by a high level of groundwater. Years passed, the level of groundwater fell, and greedy to finds European and Japanese archaeologists have already shuffle everything on the surface of the plateau. As a result, in the last decade, these tunnels began to be actively studying, the benefits of technology stepped forward and the cars of static sensing and georadars have already hurried to help archaeologists.

Joster pyramid mines.

Under the pyramid of Goser, a network of tunnels and mines with a total length of 5, 5 km was found.

Scheme of tunnels under a stepped pyramid of Goser.

Although the buried relatives of Pharaoh were discovered in these tunnels, it still remains unclear, why so wise with moves? The lower tiers and the burial chamber are at a depth of 28 meters under the ground (9-storey house).

Caves and tunnels under the pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuakan

At the end of July 2008, an archaeological expedition consisting of Mexican, American and Japanese scientists will go to study underground tunnels and the cave system located under the pyramid of the Sun in the ancient Teotihuakan (on the territory of the modern state of Mexico City). The Telegraph newspaper writes that so scientists expect to establish the purpose of this complex.

The cave complex is located at a depth of 20 feet (6 meters). The length of the tunnel leading to it is 295 feet (88, 5 meters). The entrance to the tunnel was found by chance in 1971, when workers are making facilities around the pyramid for a laser show. Scientists who examined the tunnel came to the conclusion that the caves were natural and closed the entrance to her. Now it was decided to open the tunnel again.

Archaeologists believe that the underground complex of the Sun pyramid was used to ritual purposes, in particular, for sacrifices, perhaps human. In addition, caves can keep an answer to questions about the fate of Teotihuakan. This city that flourished in the II-V centuries of our era, in the VII or VIII centuries was burned and left by its inhabitants. The exact causes of the collapse are still not installed.

Found entrance to the dungeon Citadel Teotihuacan.

Mexican archaeologists have discovered in the ancient city of Teotihuacan entrance to the underground galleries under the pyramid temple of the feat of the Snake (Cetzalcoatlia). As reported by ArtDaily, the researchers believe that in these galleries there may be the burial of the rulers of Teotihuacan, which scientists are looking for for a long time.

The tunnel under the pyramid of the Pernomy Snake was discovered back in 2003. It runs at a depth of 14 meters and has a length of about 100 meters. Geophysical studies have shown that the tunnel connects several large galleries among themselves. The entrance to the tunnel is a square mine with a side of 5 meters.

According to the preliminary conclusions of the researchers, the ancient residents of Teotihuacan themselves closed the entrance to the tunnel in about the first half of the III century AD, probably after placed in the underground gallery something extremely important.

Scientists have not yet managed to fully clear the entrance to the dungeon. Nevertheless, with the help of a laser scanner and other devices, they managed to "view" about 37 meters of tunnel. It is assumed that the tunnel is overclined with one or several ripples or stones, specially placed there with ancient Teotihuacans.

The Pyramid of the Pernomy Snake is the central structure of the so-called citadel - a complex, which is the center of the Teotihuacan. The dungeon under the pyramid, as archaeologists believed, appeared somewhat earlier than the citadel.

In Egypt found tunnel:

Egyptian archaeologists, completed the excavation of an unfinished ancient tunnel, came to the conclusion that he had to connect the Tomb of the Pharaoh Network I (1294/1290-1279 BC) with a secret burial site.

The 174-meter passage, retired in the underlying rock, was found in 1960 by Sheikh Ali Abidelrasul. The first 136 meters tunnel went horizontally, then for 25 meters and 54 steps decreased. After that, another five-meter staircase was followed, and then the dead end. The passage, on the excavations of which left for three years, was abandoned. Most likely, in connection with the death of the Almighty ruler. On the excavation found figurines (for example, a model of a ship from faience), shards and instructions left by architect workers. "Make a jamb higher and expand the passage," says the inscription by the hearatic hieroglyphs on the false door.

Chickestock ("Seven Caves") - in the mythology of Aztec legendary Pranodina Tribal Naia, located north-west of the Valley of Mexico City (North America).

Scientists have repeatedly tried to find a specific area where these caves are located, but their searches were not crowned with success. It is believed that this place is located in the north-west of the Valley of Mexico City (North America).

The image of the "seven caves" by the Aztecs themselves.

Aztec depicted "seven caves" in the form of a tree, the trunk of which is a yield from the chickestoy, and the branches are the caves themselves, in each of which are richly dressed warriors with jewelry from feathers on their heads and with weapons in their hands.

(Source: Squirostok - Wikipedia).

Blavatskaya about tunnels and caves:

Numerous caves and ruins found in both America, as well as on the West-Indian Islands, all of them are associated with sunken Atlantis. While the Ierophians of the Old World during the time of Atlantis were associated with the new light of ground paths, the magicians of non-existent countries have now had a whole network of underground corridors, divergent in all directions.

We hint not at the caves, known to each Europeans, whether it is in reality, alone, despite their huge antiquity, although even this is disputed by modern archaeology; but on the fact known to all dedicated to the marriages of India and especially yogam - precisely that there is not a single cave temple in this country that would not have their underground passages divergent in all areas, and that these underground caves and endless corridors in their The queue, have their own caves and corridors.

The course under the pyramid of Ketzalcoatlia was found.

In the ancient city of Teotiuoacan, the entrance to the underground galleries under the temple of Ketzalcoatlia, the Feathered Serpent (Temple of the Feathered Serpent) was found.

Mexican archaeologists from the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) believe that there may be long-widespread burials of the ancient Indian rulers in the tunnel.

According to researchers in a press release, they have not yet managed to fully clear the entrance to the dungeon, sealed between 200 and 250 years of our era. It is believed that the inhabitants of Teotihuakan themselves closed access to the tunnel, perhaps placing something that possessed with tremendous value for them.

According to geophysical research, the mysterious dungeon connects several large galleries. The entrance found by archaeologists is a square mine with a side of 4 meters (CNMH Inah).

The Pyramid of the Pernomy Snake is the central structure of the so-called citadel, the complex, which made the heart of Teotihuakan. According to the archaeologists, the dungeon under the pyramid appeared even earlier than the complex itself and, perhaps, were the central part of some kind of architectural composition of ritual destination.

During his heyday, which came to the gap from 100 to our era and until 750, AD, Teotihuacan was one of the largest cities in the world. 150-200 thousand people lived in it - representatives of several meso-American peoples, including Maya.

With the help of a laser scanner and other devices, the first 37 meters of tunnel managed to "view" the first 37 meters of the tunnel, and they argue that the passage is overcome by one or more dumps, specially designed by the "authors" of the dungeon or those who closed it (photo CNMH inah).

Opposite the pyramids on the eastern shore a lot of big and deep caves. (On the left hand, the author's hand adds: "With transitions from one to another. Among them are those in which three floors. They are called the city"). And if the rider eats in them with his spear and the whole day will ride on them, it will not complete [the detour] due to their numerous, extensity and high length. It is clear from the state that it is a quarry, [where it was mined] a stone for the pyramids.

Many of us are fascinated by the secret origin of the Great Egyptian pyramids with the Giza Plateau. These structures are rightfully considered the greatest monuments of ancient Egypt with a rich history.

In its distant past, Egypt has a lot of treasures, and only a few know about the existence of an incredible underground labyrinth of Egypt, lying under the pyramids.

There are many incredible discoveries made on the surface of our planet, but even more secrets still hiding in the depths of the Earth, - discoveries that can radically change our view on an ancient history.

One such examples can be distinguished by the lost world of underground chambers and tunnels, which remain unexplored for centuries under the pyramids. They are mentioned in ancient texts and local legends, but we have familiarly considered the mysterious chambers of the maze as a myth, until they were found in fact. The Maze himself is known since the ancient times, and maybe earlier, but the entrance is closed there not only from tourists, but from scientists who are not working for the government as well.

Underground Egypt Maze, mysterious opening history.

This is the most mysterious underground complex of caves and cameras, which is believed to be the secrets of the origin of humanity, and the sacred ancient texts about the lost civilization of Atlantis. The labyrinth was described by the authors as Strabo and Herodotus, who had the opportunity to visit and describe the legendary maze before he disappeared in history and was buried under the sands.

The labyrinth (as he was named by some in the distant past), is a grand underground complex that can store the key to the history of mankind. Here we can find detailed information about unknown civilizations, great empires and ruler who lived on the planet to our history.

The sacred temple surrounded by 40 columns on each side, a wonderful building with a single stone roof and carved panels in a rich decoration with excellent paintings. There were monuments of each of the kings, paintings with temples and victims in the skillful performance of extraordinary beauty, - Greek historian Diodor Sicilian (1st century BC)

Based on the descriptions of the ancient texts, the words of the authors who visited the magic labyrinth in the distant past, in the 17th century the German scientist Kirger, created the first picturesque picture, as he saw the Herodotus labyrinth.

Underground Labyrinth of Egypt, the mystery of ancient civilizations.

According to the ancient authors, the underground temple complex consists of more than 3,000 cameras, which are painted by hieroglyphs and paintings, the underground structure itself lies in less than 100 kilometers from Cairo in Havar. It was in this place in 2008, a group of researchers from Belgium and Egypt began to study objects charged under the ground, in the hope of finding and solidify the mystery of the mysterious underground complex of ancient civilization.

The Belgian-Egyptian expedition armed with scientific devices, and technique allowing "to look" to the secret of the premises of the premises hidden under the sand, was able to confirm the presence of an underground church near the Pyramid of Amenheet III. Without a doubt, the expedition under the guidance of Petri brought one of the most incredible discoveries in the history of Egypt, shed light on the greatest discovery. But if you think that the opening took place, and you do not know about it, then you will be mistaken with the conclusion.

This significant discovery was hidden from society, and no one could understand why it happened. The results of the work of the expedition, the publication in the NRIAG scientific journal, the findings of the study, a public lecture at the University of Ghent, - all this was "freezing", since the Secretary General of the Supreme Council on Egypt's antiquities has banned all reports of finding, allegedly due to the imposed sanctions of the Egyptian service Security defending an antiquity monument.

Havar - Minotaurus Labyrinth.

Louis de Cordier, and other expedition researchers patiently waited for an excavation response in the Labyrinth district for several years, with the hope of recognizing the find and the desire to make it a public domain, but unfortunately it did not happen. Then, in 2010, de Cordier opened the website about Egypt's Maze, in order to though to make finds accessible to the whole world, and to attract the public attention to this.

But even if the researchers confirmed the existence of an underground complex, the excavations should still be carried out to explore the incredible conclusion of scientists. After all, it is believed that the treasures of the underground labyrinth can give answers to countless historical secrets of the ancient Egyptian civilization, as well as to give new knowledge about the history of mankind and other civilizations.
The question here is only one, why is this undoubtedly incredible historical discovery fell under the "default" oppression?

This is the most incredible thing I have seen in my life. No words, describe the greatness of the pyramids and built with the Greeks. But even the pyramids are somewhat losing their dazzling glitter on the background of the labyrinth. Yes, the labyrinth temple complex exceeds even the pyramids. Approximately this one can understand the admiration of the ancient Greek historian of Herodotus, described in the 5th century BC. ("Stories", Book, II, 148), who spoke of a colossal church with 3000 hieroglyphs and paintings.

Egyptian labyrinth is a complex system of corridors designed by Dedalom for the Cretan Tsar Minos, where he dwells the legendary minotaur. The greatest history of the past and a huge complex, from which nothing remained to our time, at least on the surface - the mighty labyrinth is strangely lost on the pages of history.

Herodotus was not the only one who told about the underground labyrinth of ancient Egypt. The large temple complex was described by many, including the Mannephone (3rd century BC), Diodor of Sicilian (1st century BC), Strabo (64 G. BC. - 19 g . AD), Pliny (23 - 79 AD), and Pomponius Mela (from 43 AD), and at least two of them argued that they saw the Maze with their own eyes.

The lost labyrinth of ancient Egypt, enter and not return.

Greek historian Diodor Sicilian could not decide on the appointment of a labyrinth, standing in reflections at the crossroads. Toli Egyptian temple is described as a labyrinth simply because it was so huge and extremely difficult that it could be easily lost in it. Or he was specifically built as a labyrinth, where going through it should have found his own way.

Ancient Greek historian Strabo, who argued that he visited the temple, wrote about the many hidden rooms, a huge number of transitions and stairs, where turning around the turn you can never get out of these places without a guide.

Geographer Mela's geographer (1st century AD), describing the temples, also wondered - well, who builds so much, why? He wrote about "countless ways", which cause great bewilderment due to their constant turns and a variety of shifts of trends. Roman commander and philosopher Pliny Senior (23-79 AD) also describes a complex as a "labyrinth of countless paths", adding that going through the temple moves along ramps, rooms and stairs, and hears the "loud noise of thunder", passing through the chambers In the dark.

In the description of the authors about the entrance to the sacred place, we see the temple surrounded by columns of 40 pieces on each side, and this is a building with a roof of a solid stone slab! It's hard to imagine, but what is difficult there is, it is impossible to imagine how people could do that era. And that is completely incomprehensible, this is the purpose of concealing the greatest monument to ancient civilization from researchers.

Egyptian labyrinth, a mystery lost in the epochs.

The lost labyrinth of ancient Egypt is a colossal temple complex, about 3,000 beautifully decorated rooms, an entangled array of transitions with a variety of stairs and ramps. All this is described in detail by ancient historians and tells us that the labyrinth really exists. And here is the question, for what purpose was such a giant complex built? Is it just a traction to a large and huge, majestic in size?

Addressing the answer to the ancient historians, who gave a description of the mighty labyrinth, we will see different hypotheses there, explaining the construction of the complex. Some believe that it was the ruler's palace, the other, that this is Mooris's tomb, others say that it was built as the Temple of the Sun. On the other hand, an ancient Greek speaker, Elya Aristide, argued that the labyrinth simply illustrates the greatness of Egypt.

Greek historian Diodor Sicilian (1 century BC) In the book of history, it writes that a large labyrinth is a tomb of King Mendez, although there are few rows from others about such a prescription of the labyrinth.
Researchers actually seem unlikely that such a massive complex of 3000 rooms was built only as a tomb. Indeed, how to write ancient Greek historians Strabo and Herodotus, the labyrinth was something big.

Most likely, what they say so much, it was a place to accommodate all the nomov [administrative units] to collect them there in rank with their priests and priests, for the purpose of sacrifice, divine offering and for the court in the most important issues.

And one more remarkable labyrinth. Usually, any artifact of antiquity, find from the forgotten eras, surrounds a huge swarm of various and often exotic legends. For example, the pyramids and the Sphynx are hardly a sague. It's all modestly, even boring - there is a big labyrinth of Egypt, and how it was used and what is unknown in it. Neither exotic theories, nor stunning assumptions, nothing, is strange, isn't it?

Nevertheless, the location of the complex is not a secret. The historians of the past gave many prompts as to where it is located, and thanks to a new study under the leadership of Louis de Cordier, this mystery would have to reveal. But it is still hiding among untouvented history pages.