Rites and conspiracies on January 18. Astromagic. Each Baptism, through the structuring of water in our bodies, we are cleansed and attuned to the energies of the Earth and the Universe. When we are pure conductors of the Divine energy of the Universe, we tune in with

January 18 is the eve of the holiday, the day of strict fasting - the eve of the Epiphany, also called Epiphany Eve. On this day, it is advised to perform the next cleansing ritual. At 23:00, an uncovered bucket or basin of water should be taken outside (to the balcony, courtyard) and left there until morning. In the morning, heat this water, pour 3 ladles over yourself and drink a few sips. Then you need to spray all the corners in the house, and everything around. Wash the floor with the rest of the water. After the ritual, you will immediately feel a surge of strength in the house, it will become easier to breathe. One of the elements of Christmas Eve is Jordan. At this time, the water is illuminated in the church by the Great Order. Such water is called Epiphany, or Epiphany, and is also called "Great Agiasma"(great shrine). January 18 - 19, water from the church is collected for future use on whole year. It is best to store it near the icons. Epiphany water is used in many cases: to heal from ailments, remove damage, to cleanse the home and things, and also to protect against all evil spirits. A belief has been preserved for a long time: if you pray to the sky on the night of January 19, then any request will come true. It was believed that on the Epiphany night "The Sky Opens".

On the eve of Epiphany the hostess should draw crosses over doors and windows with chalk or pencil to protect her house from Satan.


must bring a basin of pure snow into the house on January 18, melt it, and on January 19 wash it with this water with the words:

“Water from Nebushka will fix everything. And I (name) will add beauty to my white face. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

“The Lord God will appear to the world, and money will appear in my wallet. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".


Take a full bath of hot water. Add some water consecrated in the church to it. Dip your baptismal cross into the water. Lie down in the bath so that the water covers the entire body. Lie quietly for 10-15 minutes. Do not dry yourself with a towel after taking a bath, let the water dry itself. It is best to perform this ritual on the night of December 18-19 or on the first day of the Epiphany.
If you wash yourself with this water, the most terrible diseases will leave a person.
And while washing yourself with baptismal water, you should say:
"Voditsa from the street, a likhovitsa from me."

Do not leave shoes outside the threshold on Epiphany night, otherwise you will get sick.


If there are problems in the house, draw water at night, leave it open at the threshold, and in the morning wipe the shoes of each family member with this water. Then pour water into the latrine with the words:
"Evil spirit under the ground, good on the ground".


On the evening of Epiphany Christmas Eve, pour some holy water into a cup and throw a silver-colored coin into it. Place the cup so that moonlight falls on it. Make a secret wish, say it in a whisper three times. In the morning, go outside and pour out the water. Hide the coin in a secluded place that only you will know about. This ritual is most powerful when Epiphany falls on a full moon.

The same rite can be performed in a slightly different way. On Epiphany night, pour holy water into a cup. When light ripples go through the water, go outside and, looking at the sky, mentally say your desire three times. Ask sincerely, do not wish anything bad to anyone, otherwise you will not escape trouble! Put holy water in the morning under the icon, it can stand there even until the next Epiphany. If the water in the cup remains still, it makes no sense to make a wish, it will not come true.


At the Epiphany of the Lord, a guy and a girl who wanted to get married should plunge into the hole together and bless the water in the church. This ensures that their feelings will always be strong and strong. The same rite can be performed by couples who want to breathe new life into their relationship.


January 19 at 23:00 go out into the field, where no one will bother you. Let the wind blow over you from all sides. Determine where the east and other parts of the world are. Stand facing east, place your hands parallel to the ground, tilt your head towards ne-ba and say to the east: “I call, I implore with my lips! Oh Archangel Raphael,

Face south, keep your hands in the same position and say: “I urge, in my own words I beg! O, archangel Michael, come to my (your name) help! Help me fix my destiny!

Turn to the west, leave your hands in the same position and say: come to my (your name) help! Help me fix my fate!”

Turn to the north, keep your hands in the same position and say: “I urge, in my own words I beg! Oh Archangel Gabriel, come to me (your name) Help! Help me fix my fate!”

Stand in the center of the formed circle, raise your head to the sky and say:

“Oh Lord, You created all things. I ask and beg You, help me get rid of my own and human anger, from everything dashing in my life. Please turn the wheel of my destiny side of goodness, joy and happiness. Oh Lord, please listen on this day, at this hour, to my prayers, for you open heaven-demons to sinners! Amen!"

Place an agate stone on the spot where you are standing and say: “May the heavens fill you with their goodness on this day and not I (your name) will be haunted by the demons of evil and failure. Amen"!

Go home, write a note before going to bed with your desires (what exactly do you want the Higher Forces to correct in your destiny). In the morning at dawn, return to the place of the ritual, take a stone, burn this leaflet and go to the church.

Place candles in front of the icons of all saints. Agate carry with you. Any piece of agate stone jewelry can also be used in this ritual and then worn.

Besides magical influence Agate has medicinal properties, with a protracted cough, sore throat, it is worn in the form of beads, dental diseases - in the form of earrings. With gout, diseases of the joints put on agate bracelets. An agate ring is worn on the ring finger of the left hand by those who suffer from heart disease; on the middle finger of the right hand - people prone to tantrums, suffering from insomnia and causeless fears. Agate brooch helps to get rid of such ailments as asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis.

Agates, depending on the color of the mineral, affect any chakra. Red affects the heart chakra. Blue - affects the chakra responsible for activity thyroid gland. Black agate well reflects energy attacks from the owner; at the moment of receiving a blow, the stone breaks without external causes.


Her mother and father took her fate into their own hands. Most often they read conspiracies for marriage. To do this, you need to take holy water for Baptism, divide it into three parts, while saying: "In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit". Give the girl a drink of one part of the water, wash her with the other, and pour the third at the entrance to the house. On the water, read these words:

“The trouble is dashing, give the bridegroom to the servant of God (name) for marriage, for marriage, for a soft pillow, for the wedding bed. Turn on the eyes of the suitors so that they look at the slave (name) - they don’t look enough, they look - they don’t see enough, they get bored - they don’t get bored. And there would be a slave (name) for them more beautiful than the red sun, sweeter than honey May. Amen".

So ends Christmas time - festivities. But they end for a reason, and we receive holy baptismal water as a result of the great purification of water on Earth. Baptism - "immersion in water" - is one of the important Christian sacraments. From January 18 to 19, on Epiphany night, the greatest miracle happens in the world - the Spirit of God descends on all the water on Earth and it becomes healing, bringing harmony.

The healing properties of Epiphany water are not even denied by doctors. It normalizes the immune, endocrine and nervous system. Heals the brain area and respiratory system. It improves the distribution of energy in all organs and systems of the body, improves the balance between the right and left sides of the body. There are cases when a few drops of it, poured into the mouth of an unconscious patient, brought him to consciousness and dramatically changed the course of the disease for improvement. Therefore, the healing power of baptismal water can be used for the benefit of your priceless health. To do this, as a preventive measure, take it inside the throat on an empty stomach from all diseases, most often with a piece of prosphora. It is not recommended to drink it in large quantities every day, as baptismal water is a strong energy water. In the morning you need to get up, cross yourself, ask for a blessing from the Lord for the day that has begun, then wash, pray and take a sip of the great hagiasma. If the use of medicines on an empty stomach is prescribed, then they first drink holy water, and then medicines. There is no need to add holy water to medicines, it is better to take medicines with prayer. In fact, it is advisable to start every morning with water to activate the body after sleep.

Women wash themselves with baptismal water, wipe their whole body in order to be young and attractive. Priests recommend sprinkling food with it, and during illness, use it as a medicine, taking a tablespoon every hour. It is necessary to use holy water with a prayer "so that we can receive power that strengthens health, heals diseases, drives away demons and averts all enemy slander, from God."

holy prayer

“Lord, my God, may Your holy gift and Your holy water be for the remission of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my spiritual and bodily strength, for the health of my soul and body, for the subjugation of my passions and infirmities through Your boundless mercy the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother and all Your saints. Amen".

With insomnia, holy baptismal water is recommended to be drunk for nine days. To relieve headaches or other pains, a compress dipped in holy water must be applied to the sore spot. It is useful to rinse your mouth with Epiphany water, sprinkle your eyes, face, and whole body.

It is very effective to drink in the morning on an empty stomach a glass of boiled water cooled to room temperature, to which a tablespoon of Epiphany water is added. This procedure is a useful prophylactic and helps to remove toxins from the body. With conjunctivitis, rinse your eyes with baptismal water and everything will pass.

Epiphany water is a very good psychotherapeutic agent for relieving irritability and increased anxiety. After a nervous, hard day, drink 0.5 cups of holy water, making a mental setting: "My irritability, tension and anxiety go away. I am calm," and you will feel how tension and irritability go away, peace and peace come.

With the help of baptismal water, demons, demons, evil spirits are cast out, sprinkling it on people, housing, furniture, and every thing. If you put a bucket of this water on the negative zone, it will become neutral. But baptismal water heals only when we drink it with prayer and trying to live according to God's commandments.

True, it is not advisable for women to take baptismal water on critical days. But if a woman is very ill, then this circumstance does not play a big role. May the water of the Epiphany help her!

They also collected snow for Epiphany. According to legend, lowered into the well, he could keep water in it all year, even in the driest time. Also, various ailments were treated with this snow: dizziness, convulsions, numbness, etc., girls whitened their faces for beauty, and women underwear. And in order to see the Baptism of the Lord in reality, they put a bowl of water on the table and said: “at night the water itself sways” - this was a kind of sign. And if at midnight the water really swayed in the bowl, everyone ran to look at the “open skies” and make a wish. So, what will you pray for at this time open sky, then it will come true. Also, everyone believed that on the night of Epiphany, the water itself is sanctified in all sources, regardless of church rites, since Christ Himself plunges into it again that night.

Rules for handling baptismal water. Epiphany water is sacred!

Attention!!! It must be remembered that baptismal water is a shrine that has been touched by the grace of God, and therefore it needs a reverent attitude. Only with this attitude, it remains fresh for a long time, pleasant to the taste. It is desirable to store it in a dark place, and most correctly under the home iconostasis

You can pour holy water only in a certain place that is not trampled under foot. Therefore, it is not recommended to pour water into an infant font. It is better to let your child drink holy water, and take communion regularly. You should not dilute the water in the bath for bathing with holy water, because after that it drains into the sewer, and this is simply unacceptable. Also, do not water the plants with holy water. Some of them just dry up.

Hundreds of people decide to take in Baptism a cleansing ice font: after all, the sins made by a person for a whole year are washed away with baptismal water. It is simply impossible to get sick at Epiphany.

We are treated with baptismal water. How to cleanse yourself with baptismal water at home?!

But who is afraid of an ice font, douse yourself with baptismal water three times or take a bath. To do this, at 00.10 minutes and up to 1.30 minutes, you can fill the tub with cold water from the tap. Then, having crossed the water and yourself three times, read the prayer (see above). Then hit your chest with the fist of your right hand three times, causing the body to vibrate in harmony with the vibrations of the water.

Without noise and screams, sit in the bath and plunge headlong three times, not forgetting to hit your chest each time. If during bathing the water begins to “boil” or bubbles form, the process of purification takes place, negative energy comes out, the evil eye is removed.

Then silently exit the bath. Do not dry off immediately, let the water soak into the skin. While doing this, massage your body or tap your fingers vigorously from head to toe. Then put on linen, a warm bathrobe, socks, preferably everything new, but it can be washed and ironed. Relax, drink herbal tea with honey.

If one of your loved ones wants to bathe in baptismal water, fill the tub with fresh water.
And if you are terribly afraid cold water? Then dilute the baptismal water with hot water. The bath can be taken during the day, but water must be drawn into it at night from 12.10 to half past two.

Do not take Epiphany water in buckets or bottles. You can use a small amount of it until the new Baptism.

After all, it, added to ordinary water, gives it the same beneficial properties. Therefore, if you do not have enough holy water, add it to a simple one - "a drop of holy water sanctifies the sea." Do not be upset if you did not collect holy water at Baptism. It is always present in every Temple.

January 18 according to the folk calendar: hungry evening, Epiphany Christmas Eve, hungry kutya, second Christmas Eve.

Traditions January 18

According to popular beliefs, the eve of Epiphany, the famous "Epiphany evening", is a time of revelry evil spirits who seeks to infiltrate the house as a werewolf. To protect the dwelling, crosses were drawn with chalk on all doors and window frames. Do not put a cross on the door on Epiphany Christmas Eve - be in trouble, they thought in the old days.

Guessing this evening. In the evening they went out to the crossroads and called out to the betrothed. If a girl came across a young guy - good omen if the old man is a bad omen. There was a custom that both boys and girls followed with pleasure: to ask the name of passers-by - for women it is male, for men it is female. By popular belief, so they will call the future groom and, accordingly, the bride. On a clear moonlit Epiphany evening, the girls went to the doors of the locked church and listened to the silence: some of them seemed to have either a wedding choir, or a funeral service, or a bell (marriage), or a dull knock (imminent death). The girls went out of the village and threw a slipper from their left foot in front of them. They looked in which direction the toe of the shoe was pointing - from there the groom would come and in that direction the girl would leave her home. If the toe of the shoe pointed back to the village, this meant that the girl would not get married this year.

Conspiracies January 18

A conspiracy to protect yourself and your home from damage

You need to light three candles, take them in left hand and going around the house and being baptized right hand, read a special conspiracy from damage. The words of the conspiracy are:

I speak, servant of God (name),
Your house, your threshold,
I put God's amulet on him:
From witchcraft in the night, from damage at the stove,
From damage from water, from damage from a needle.
And who will approach my house with malicious intent,
He will take his damage on himself.
My first words, my faithful deeds.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen.

Signs January 18

  • There was snow on the hungry kutya - there will be buckwheat.
  • If the stars are very shining on Epiphany night, the bread will be good.
  • A full month on Epiphany Christmas Eve - to a big flood.
  • Bright baptismal stars will give birth to white brights.

Epiphany 2018: how to make a wish on Epiphany night, so that it will certainly come true, the best rituals and conspiracies for the fulfillment of desires on the night of Epiphany. The Baptism of the Lord is a great holiday, which is celebrated annually on January 19th. On the eve of the holiday, Epiphany Eve is celebrated. This day is considered very mysterious. And the night of Epiphany from January 18 to 19 is considered magical.

It is believed that on Epiphany night the Heavens open, therefore all the words and prayers addressed to the Universe will be heard. The Feast of the Epiphany has many traditions, one of which is making wishes. It is believed that those made on this festive night will certainly come true. There are several options for how you can make a wish for the Epiphany 2018.

Epiphany 2018: how to make a wish on Epiphany night, so that it will certainly come true, rituals and conspiracies for the fulfillment of desires on the night of Epiphany. If it snows on Epiphany night 2018, then you can conduct a special ritual for the fulfillment of a wish. To do this, on the night of Epiphany, you need to go outside, raise your palms up and concentrate on your desire. Then wipe your face three times with snow from top to bottom. This ritual did not come about by chance. Indeed, for a long time there has been a belief that snow on the night of Epiphany acquires miraculous properties. Therefore, you can also make a wish by walking barefoot in the snow on Epiphany night 2018.

You can also conspire water on the night of Epiphany 2018 to fulfill a wish. To do this, you need to pour holy water into a container and go outside with it. By the light of the moon, whisper your desire into the water three times and throw a silver coin into the container. Then the water must be poured out, and the coin should be stored in a secret place.

Today, at night from 0 hours 10 minutes to 1 hour 30 minutes, take a bath or containers with tap water ..

Cross the water and yourself three times each and “bang” your fist in the heart area three times to create vibrations with the water.

You can swim in the bath, preferably silently, thinking about your dream.

Try not to wipe too much, let some of the water soak into the skin.

"Voditsa is from the street, a likhovitsa is from me" - we say to ourselves three times, this will remove dark energies, diseases ..

(Then dress warmly).

Water in containers - we store in a dark, cool place for our needs.

In order for there to be money in the house, count the money available in the house with the whole family and let everyone say at the end of the count:

"The Lord God will appear to the world,

And the money will show up in my wallet.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen"

If the daughter fails to marry

This rite for Baptism is performed by parents whose daughter is unhappy in her personal life and cannot get married in any way. It also requires Epiphany water taken in the temple, which was divided into three parts: one was given to the girl to drink, the second was washed, after which they mixed with the third and poured water at the entrance to the house with the words:

"The trouble is dashing, give the groom to the servant of God (girl's name) for matrimony, for marriage, for a soft pillow, for the wedding bed. Turn the eyes of the grooms so that they look at the slave (girl's name) - they don't look enough, they look - they don't see enough, they miss you - not bored. And there would be a slave (name of the girl) for them more beautiful than the red sun, sweeter than May honey. Amen."

I found an interesting ritual on the Internet:

Epiphany beauty ritual for marriage

It is believed that Epiphany snow significantly increases female attractiveness, and having washed it, an unmarried young lady will soon go down the aisle. It is collected with the right hand on the eve of Epiphany (after sunset and before the start of a new day). You need to turn your face to the north, lean as low as possible to the ground and quickly throw handfuls into a small ladle until it is filled to the top. Throwing the last part, say:

"The heavens are open to the holy earth, but for me (your full name) is a lucky streak. Amen."

Retire at home, put the brought dishes on the table, surround it on three sides with lit church candles.

Take them in turn, cross the melted water with a flame (place your hand in front of you with your palm up, hold the candle between your index and middle fingers, then cross the water once, once yourself, and so on, until you finish whispering.) and at the same time whisper:

"Just as a white snow covered the earth on Epiphany evening, so let the wedding veil cover my (name), head. My betrothed, mummers, appointed by God and fate, will take as a wife, lead under white hands to the altar. I baptize snow for righteousness, and myself - for marriage. My word is strong. My deed is true. It will be fulfilled in time. Amen. "(repeat three times).

Wash your face, neck and shoulders with melt water. Should not be wiped. Wait for natural drying. Spray the rest near your bed and along the threshold of the room in which you sleep. At the same time, mentally repeat: "So be it."

Extinguish the candles in a clockwise direction.

Take one of them to the temple before noon the next day and place it in front of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Do the same with the remaining two, only on the second and third days after the ritual.

During this time, do not lend anything to anyone and try to avoid female guests. It is also forbidden to sew and generally pick up a needle.

Take a shower (bath) only after 12 hours after the "baptismal bath".

And most importantly - your confidence in a positive outcome and a sincere desire to change your fate. :))"

If the household has problems- wash shoes with Epiphany snow collected at night or Epiphany water with the words:

"Evil spirit - underground, good spirit - on Earth"

I'm home with holy water

And you, money and luck, follow me.

All troubles and losses

Get on the other side.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.


“There is an exercise that will help restore lost strength, give vigor and good mood.

After returning home, take a shower so that the water washes away the energy dirt accumulated during the day. Change your underwear. Find a corner in the apartment so that no one can disturb you. Mentally draw a circle, stand in its center, close your eyes and imagine that a downpour of the purest and freshest water has fallen on you.

You can imagine the color of the water and even the smell: blue, turquoise, silver with the smell of lily of the valley, lilac (choose the one you like best).

After such a "shower" you will feel spiritually clean and rested. Then leave the circle and mentally close it so that the energy dirt does not spread around the apartment. You can put a handful of coarse salt in place of the circle, and in the morning collect it on a scoop and throw it into the toilet.

After this rite, perform another one.

Find another suitable place in the apartment, stand in the second circle, which you also mentally drew on the floor, and imagine that a golden cloud envelops you. Say three distinctly keywords: "warmth", "light", "laughter". Repeat these words until the clear images associated with these words appear in your mind's eye. You will immediately feel how your mood and even well-being improves, how anger, envy, fatigue recede. After such a ceremony, you will take a different look at life, you will understand how beautiful the world in which you live is. And you will also understand how much you love your loved ones, what wonderful people surround you, and this will also make you feel happy.

Get rid of sadness and longing

With the help of this conspiracy, you can not only get rid of depression and causeless anxiety, but also get rid of insomnia and nightmares. Take an empty green bottle, put a lit candle next to it, close your eyes and imagine the situation or problem that you want to get rid of. Say the following words:

Let all the bad that is coming at me, my family and friends (list all by name) go into this bottle. May it be so! And so it will be!

Quickly cork the bottle with a cork prepared in advance and get rid of it: throw it away from home, bury it in the ground. The rite can be repeated if you have not completely got rid of fears and anxiety. "

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