In "Baikonur" - a children's space festival! Deadlines and procedure

The I All-Russian Festival of Children's and Youth Scientific and Technical Creativity "Kosmofest" is a creative event of a social nature, which is held in order to attract the attention of the general public and the media to the topic of Russian cosmonautics, astronomy, to stimulate preschool children and youth to cognitive research and inventive activities on the subject: "Aviation and astronautics", "Unmanned aerial vehicles", "Robotics", "Astronomy", maintaining the interest of the younger generation in the professions of the aviation and rocket and space industry, developing children's and youth creativity.

The festival was held in two stages: the qualifying stage - from March 25 to March 30, 2018; the final stage is April 12, 2018.

328 children of preschool age and 25 children of school age, as well as 799 teachers and 36 parents participated in the qualifying stage. The works were presented from the Republic of Bashkortostan, Chuvash Republic, The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Altai Territory, Krasnodar Territory, Perm Territory, Vologda, Belgorod, Irkutsk, Kaliningrad, Moscow, Samara, Orenburg and Chelyabinsk regions.


  • Nomination "Aircraft of the Future"


    Department of Information Technology and Communications Samara region;

    Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Institute for the Study of Childhood, Family and Education of the Russian Academy of Education";

    Ministry of Education and Science of the Samara Region;

    State autonomous educational institution of additional vocational education(advanced training) of specialists of the Samara Regional Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Educational Workers (hereinafter - SIPKRO);

    Non-profit partnership "Regional Project Center for Promoting the Dissemination of Knowledge in the Field of Socio-Economic and Information Technologies" (hereinafter - NP "ROC");

    Corporation "Russian textbook";

    LLC "Svetoch-plus"

The textbook by B. A. Vorontsov-Velyaminov, E. K. Straut meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and is intended for studying astronomy at a basic level. It retains the classical structure of the presentation. educational material, much attention is paid to current state Sciences. Astronomy has made tremendous strides in recent decades. Today it is one of the fastest growing areas of natural science. New well-established data on the study of celestial bodies from spacecraft and modern large ground and space telescopes have found their place in the textbook.


The festival can take part:

  • pupils aged 5 to 7 years of state, municipal, private educational organizations implementing the main general educational program of preschool education,
  • children of senior preschool age who do not attend preschool educational organizations;
  • general students educational institutions general education;
  • teachers of educational organizations of preschool, primary general and secondary general education;
  • parents (legal representatives) of minors.

Directions and nominations

The festival is held in the following areas:

  • for preschool children 5–7 years old and schoolchildren 7–17 years old;
  • for families with children;
  • for teachers of educational organizations of all kinds and types

Children's nominations:

    Nomination "Interplanetary flights" for preschool children aged 5-7 years and for schoolchildren aged 7-17 years: the nomination evaluates children's technical projects "Interplanetary flights" with an attached engineering book.

    Nomination "Aircraft of the Future" for schoolchildren aged 7-17. the nomination includes works made by children (models of rockets, unmanned vehicles, spaceships, aircraft).

    Nomination "Space laboratory" for schoolchildren aged 7-17, poster presentations are evaluated in the nomination based on the results of research activities of children on the theme of the festival.

    Nomination "Heroes of Russian Cosmonautics" for preschool children aged 5–7 and schoolchildren aged 7–17. the nomination evaluates recitations of poetic works on the theme of the festival (including poems written by children, parents, teachers).

Nominations for families with children:

    Nomination "Secrets of Outer Space". The nomination evaluates family photo albums / photo collages / with a description of joint parent-child events (examples: participation in an exhibition on space / astronomical topics, a visit to a museum, a visit to a planetarium, an airport, a lesson / lesson ( dedicated to the day astronautics, the study of astronomy, etc.).

    Nomination "Space Song". The nomination evaluates musical works of the author's children's song (for any age) on the theme of the Festival performed by children's/family/pedagogical/combined groups.

Nominations for teachers of preschool educational institutions and educational organizations of secondary general education:

    Nomination "Towards the Stars". Participating in the nomination methodological developments various forms educational activities and events on space / astronomical topics with children of different age categories, performed by teachers of educational organizations of all types and types.

    Nomination "Technoenvironment". The nomination is attended by electronic presentations, including a description of the model and photographic materials of the technical environment in groups (classes) and other rooms educational organization.

    Nominated for Space Adventures. The nomination evaluates master classes of teachers of preschool educational institutions and educational organizations of all kinds and types, reflecting the experience of working with children in educational activities using the Froebel Gifts game set.

A methodological guide to the textbook “Astronomy. A basic level of. Grade 11 "authors B. A. Vorontsov-Velyaminov, E. K. Straut is designed to help the teacher in preparing for lessons, in organizing the activities of students in the classroom and at home, in preparing for the Unified State Examination in physics, and also to provide support in the process of involving schoolchildren in Olympic activities.

Deadlines and procedure

The festival is held in two stages:

For the qualifying stage of the broadcast, materials for all nominations are submitted in electronic form (video-photos, documents in Word format, video recordings and audio files, electronic presentations) to the organizer until March 20, 2018 in accordance with Appendix No. 1.

The final stage is held in person in Samara in the form of competitive tests in the directions of the festival in all nominations with the presentation of real products of creative activity.

To participate in the final stage of the festival, the laureates of the qualifying stage are attracted within the established time limits, who are registered by sending an application in electronic form to the address: [email protected] in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 2

Competitive works are not reviewed and are returned to the authors.

At the final stage, mandatory accompaniment of children-participants by parents (legal representatives) is provided.


Summing up the results of the festival takes place on the day of the All-Russian stage. The winner (1st place) and laureates (2nd and 3rd places) of the Festival are determined by the rating of all jury members in each of the declared nominations in all areas of the festival.

All festival participants receive an electronic participation certificate.

The announcement of the winners and laureates of the Festival in all nominations is carried out at the awards ceremony.

2017 is the Year of Russian Cosmonautics, the most important dates of which are: 160 years since the birth of K.E. Tsiolkovsky, 110 years old - S.P. Koroleva, 80 years old - the world's first female cosmonaut, Hero of the USSR V.V. Tereshkova, 70 years since the launch of the first R-1 ICBM, 60 years since the launch of the first R-7 launch vehicle, 40 years since the Salyut-6 long-term launch vehicle, 30 years since the first launch of the Energia launch vehicle.
As part of this Year, in May 2017, the RDSh launched a competition for participation in the children's space festival. The students had to develop and implement a project in one of the areas of activity of the Russian Movement of Schoolchildren in an educational organization and prepare a portfolio of achievements for the 2016-2017 academic year. 2504 students applied to participate in this competition. 78 schoolchildren from 40 constituent entities of the Russian Federation became the winners of the competition. Among them was Ekaterina Smirnova, a cadet of the 9th grade of the Morgaush Secondary School. To participate in the competition, together with the leader Svetlana Rozhkova, she developed a project in the military-patriotic direction, the implementation of which is being carried out successfully.
On July 26-30, 2017, the All-Russian Space Festival was held in Moscow - Baikonur.
On July 27, at 4:00 Moscow time, the winners of the competition flew from Moscow Domodedovo Airport to Kazakhstan, to Baikonur.
The program of LLC TK "Country of Space Tourism" included a sightseeing tour of the city of Baikonur (the history of the construction of the city and the Baikonur Cosmodrome, the International Space School, familiarization with the traditions and culture of Kazakhstan, monuments and memorials), a visit to the memorial complex of the Baikonur Cosmodrome (Museum of Cosmonautics , houses of Yu.A. Gagarin and S.P. Korolev, OK "Buran"), the historical Alley of Cosmonauts (In agreement with the CTC). But the most important thing is a press conference with Sergei Ryazansky, chairman of the RDSh, test cosmonaut of the Roscosmos cosmonaut corps; with the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Vasilyeva Olga Yurievna.
At a conference with the Minister of Education of Russia, cadet Smirnova Ekaterina made a presentation about the life of cadets at the Morgaush school and their creative development, on the military-patriotic education of children and youth in the Chuvash Republic.
Also of interest was the Program for Project Managers - Accompanying Children. This is a meeting with test cosmonaut S.V. Kud-Sverchkov, with rocket science veteran V.I. Sidorenkov, with the senior test engineer of Baikonur Kalitenko N.N. , visiting the Museum of Cosmonautics of Moscow with a sightseeing tour, the Moscow Planetarium with a tour and watching a movie in the Big Star Hall.
(For your information, Anna Alekseeva, cadet of the 9th grade of the Lyceum of the GSiU in Kanash, is also the winner of the All-Russian space competition. She developed a personal development project).

Blagoveshchensk hosted the IV All-Russian Youth Space Festival “CosmoFest Vostochny” and the career guidance campaign “Roscosmos Days”.

This year, these events were timed to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the launch of the first module of the International Space Station. The festival is held annually by the Amur State University with the support of the Roscosmos State Corporation, the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, the Government of the Amur Region, as well as with the participation of the All-Russian Public and State Children and Youth Organization "Russian Movement of Schoolchildren".

In 2018, more than 1,500 schoolchildren and students not only from the Amur Region, but also from various regions of Russia took part in the events of the space festival. Traditionally, the first day of the festival was held in the regional center - the city of Blagoveshchensk. The main events were held at the sites of the Amur state university and the Social and Cultural Center.

All participants of the "CosmoFest" got a unique opportunity to communicate with the pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR, twice Hero Soviet Union Alexander Alexandrov, test cosmonaut of the Roscosmos cosmonaut corps Sergey Kud-Sverchkov, head of the flight test department of RSC Energia Mark Serov, as well as with leading specialists from enterprises in the rocket and space industry. In addition, the organizers presented the first Russian educational robotic manual on the conquest of near space, Lunar Odyssey, for the young participants of the festival.

The Festival program included various forms of educational activities. On the first day on the basis of the Public and Cultural Center, the work of the open educational space "Space Alley" was launched, which presented: the exposition of the Cosmonaut Training Center, an interactive installation of the Amur Region, a docking simulator for the Soyuz manned transport spacecraft with the International Space Station, a KUK chair, simulator "Control of a robotic complex space destination”, lectures with leading experts in the rocket and space industry and master classes in rocket modeling and satellite engineering, classes in robotics. A presentation of the activities of the Russian Movement of Schoolchildren was organized for schoolchildren, and for the residents of Blagoveshchensk, a scientific and educational quest "Space Blagoveshchensk" was held, in which more than 250 residents of the city took part. Also at the Space Alley, participants and guests of CosmoFest could immerse themselves in the world of virtual reality and try on a real Sokol spacesuit.

This year, for the first time, the educational venues of the space festival were held outside the city of Blagoveshchensk and ZATO Tsiolkovsky. On the basis of the schools of the Amur Region, a "Unified Space Lesson" was organized for children who dream of tying their professional activity with the development of domestic cosmonautics. For schoolchildren of Tsiolkovsky, an online session "My professional path" was held with the participation of test cosmonauts.

Amur State University hosted an international panel discussion "The main vectors of the development of cosmonautics." The speakers and participants of which were representatives of Russia, Japan, England and China. One of the most important and important venues of the Festival was the workshop "Development of the city of Tsiolkovsky as a modern science city in Russia." Representatives of young people from all over the country took part in a strategic session to develop the concept of the city of Tsiolkovsky, which is being built in the Amur Region, as a smart city built using modern urban technologies.

The Lyceum of the Amur State University became the main platform for the career guidance campaign Days of Roscosmos in the Amur Region. Program participants created their projects in the laboratories of robotics, rocket modeling, Earth remote sensing, assembled and programmed quadrocopters, studied at career-guided interactive lecture platforms from the Roscosmos Corporate Academy.

The rich program of the first day ended with a flash mob and a solemn Summing Up Ceremony, where the most active participants of the Festival were awarded memorable prizes.

On October 12, the participants of the event visited the Vostochny cosmodrome and the city of Tsiolkovsky with an excursion program. By tradition, the guests and participants of the festival laid flowers at the busts of Yu. A. Gagarin and K. E. Tsiolkovsky. The final event of the day was an excursion to the infrastructure facilities of the Vostochny cosmodrome for all participants and guests of the Festival and Roscosmos Days.