Lose 20 kg in a month without dieting. Diet of Elena Malysheva

In most cases, weight gain occurs many times faster than weight loss. Extra pounds can be formed for various reasons: hormonal disruptions, diseases, malnutrition, frequent stress, overeating, etc. You can get rid of excess weight. This is not always easy, but there are many methods, following which, you can throw off excess body fat.

How to lose weight by 20 kg at home

In order to eliminate excess body fat in different areas of the body, it should be understood that for this you will have to change your lifestyle and diet. Approximately in an equal percentage, both physical training and the use of proper and healthy food, with competent calorie counting, affect weight loss. In order to paint your diet and physical activity system, it is not at all necessary to go to the gym and see a nutritionist. In the age of modern technology, you can start to lose weight without outside help and at home. It should be noted that the less extra pounds in the human body, the more effort and time must be applied in order to eliminate them.

Excess weight

Exercise and Diet

Quite quickly, you can part with excess weight by starting to eat healthy food, which has a low calorie content, contains a sufficient amount of minerals, vitamins and saturates the body for a long time.

On a note. You can try different diets, but when choosing them, you should pay attention to not exhausting the body with a lack of useful elements. Also, diets can be chosen for a very long time, since not every diet is suitable for a particular person. Often it is for these reasons that people turn to nutritionists.

The most basic principles of eating healthy food are:

  • Complete rejection of fast food cuisine such as fast food. Often it has an extremely high calorie content, saturates the body for a very short period of time. When preparing it, trans fats and components are used that the human digestive system cannot process in such a short period of time until the next meal. Therefore, undigested parts of food settle on the inner walls of the stomach and intestines, as well as on the walls of internal organs, as fatty deposits.
  • There should be at least 5 meals a day. It is better to eat small portions, but after a shorter period of time. Such food is called fractional.
  • Eliminate alcohol from the diet. The fact is that products containing alcohol are very high in calories. In addition, the intake of alcohol slows down metabolic processes, so the food that is consumed while taking alcohol-containing drinks is not digested by the body, but is immediately converted into body fat.
  • Drinking clean water at least 2 liters per day. In general, there are calculations that help to understand how much water the body needs per day. Two liters is a fairly common figure, but this amount is not capable of harming any body system.

On a note. We should not forget about the consumption of calories by the body.

In fact, calorie consumption occurs even during sleep, but the numbers are significantly different from those spent during physical exertion. Exercise will help not just lose weight, but lose it in a specific area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body. This is serious work on your body and body.

When planning to exercise, many women begin to fear that their body will become pumped, more like a man. I would like to note that it takes a lot of time to pump muscles, and from the first lessons the muscles are not pumped, also in the female body there is not enough testosterone hormone, which is responsible for large muscles. Then there are exercises aimed solely at losing excess weight.

On a note. Usually exercises of this kind are related to fitness.

How long will it take

Each person has his own time period of parting with excess weight. How to lose 20 kg in 20 days? Again, the more excess weight, the faster it goes away. Each individual has a different intensity of training, different metabolic processes in the body, different biological clocks and different diseases of the body. There are diseases that slow down the process of losing weight. These can be hormonal disruptions, diabetes, thyroid disease, etc. With such problems of the body, urgent weight loss will not work.

Healthy weight loss is slow weight loss. At least that's what nutritionists say. With slow weight loss, the likelihood of returning extra pounds decreases, and the load on the body is much less.

How to quickly lose weight by 20 kg

Weight loss by 20 kg.

Nowadays, many people want to have a beautiful figure. Especially when looking at the stage, which is shown on TV in swimsuits worn on a perfect body. Losing weight is a rather laborious process, which requires not only a strong desire, but also “iron” willpower. There are various methods for weight loss. Today there are a lot of them. So, we lose weight by 20 kg. The most common methods of rapid weight loss:

  • Counting calories. This technique is the simplest and most effective. There are no prohibitions in terms of nutrition and training. A person chooses for himself both. The most important rule to follow in this technique is that calorie intake should be lower than consumption. That is, with a dinner consisting of sandwiches with butter and sausage, the next whole day can be safely spent in the gym.

On a note. On average, the body spends about 1500 calories per day, given the way to work and back. With such a consumption of calories for quick weight loss, you should consume about 900 calories, if you increase the consumption by going to the gym, then you can lose about 20 kg of weight in a month.

But such a rapid weight loss can cause severe harm to health and well-being. This is quite an extreme calorie intake. Doctors advise to consume at least 1200 calories per day. In this case, you can lose about 5-7 kg per month, without harm to the body.

  • Evening refusal of food is a very common method of losing weight. It consists in a complete refusal to eat after 15 hours of the day. Until this time, you can eat any food. This method includes daily workouts that should be at least 1 hour long.

On a note. Over time, a person gets used to the evening feeling of hunger and even ceases to feel it. The most important thing is not to get excited and not change the time of the last meal.

  • The next technique is regular proper nutrition and physical activity. This method is good if you have a small amount of extra pounds. It is effective enough to maintain existing weight. In order to lose extra pounds, you need to adjust the amount of time spent on physical exercises and the amount of food eaten. The quality of food is also subject to control. With certain knowledge about which food is harmful and which is useful, you can quickly remove excess body fat and prevent the appearance of new ones.
  • Bodyflex is the third, extremely effective technique. It does not mean fast weight loss. Although some managed to lose extra pounds in a very short period of time. But in this case, you need to devote all your time to this process, and not just your free time.

Is it possible to lose 20 kg in a month

Many people want to have a beautiful figure

Losing 20 kg in one month is real. There are real stories about how to lose weight in 20 days by 20 kg. Both theoretically and practically it is possible. Another thing is how much harm it will bring to the body, since it is an incredible stress for it, after a month it is likely that it will make up for its losses very quickly.

Another nuance that is visually not very pleasant is sagging skin. The fact is that the skin does not have such elasticity and the ability to tighten in such a short time. Also, losing so much weight in such a short period of time means eating in very small quantities. This leads to beriberi and problems in different body systems. That is, nutrition for weight loss should include vitamin A, which is found in vegetables, and Omega 3, which is found in red fish, and B vitamins are cereals. Food must be balanced. You can use vitamin supplements or complexes, but they will not have the same effect as those substances that are obtained from natural products.

On a note. Therefore, to dump the extra 20 kg, it is better to allocate a time period of about six months.

For those who have decided to take seriously the beauty of their body and lose weight in the amount of about 20 kg, there are some recommendations:

  • Increase physical activity. For this, it is not necessary to visit fitness centers. It is enough just to walk and move more. Let the morning, before going to work, begin with light gymnastic exercises that take no more than 15 minutes, going to the store will be on foot, climbing to high floors - not through an elevator.
  • It will not be superfluous to find a person with similar goals and views on the situation. Losing extra pounds is easier when there is support. Thanks to the possibilities of the Internet, finding a like-minded person is not difficult.
  • Get a doctor's advice and take the necessary tests. The fact is that the accumulation of extra pounds may be associated with a malfunction of some systems in the body. Therefore, the option of getting rid of excess weight may not be so simple.
  • Motivation. Since healthy weight loss is not a quick process, from time to time you need to remember why, in fact, all this is being done.
  • Refuse to consume alcohol-containing products. Alcohol is very high-calorie, during its processing the body experiences stress, which leads to temporary dysfunction of some organs and body systems.
  • Arrange fasting days. On such days, the body processes only fat deposits, converting them into energy.

Note! Fasting days can not be arranged more often than once a week.

If you try not only to adhere to these rules, but to make them a part of life, you will be able not only to lose weight, but also not to gain it again.

How to lose weight by 20 kg and keep the result - this question torments many women and girls who dream of getting rid of a lot of excess weight in the shortest possible time: in a month, 2 months, 20 days or a week. The article discusses various ways to lose weight up to 20 kg, as well as reviews of those who have lost weight.

How to lose 20 kg in a month

In order for the “20 kg per month” diet to give you a good result, you need to follow these recommendations:

  1. Do not use salt, sugar and seasonings (including spicy ones).
  2. Drink at least 2 liters of water every day.
  3. Use vitamin and mineral complexes.
  4. Avoid strenuous exercise while on a diet.
  5. If you experience an acute feeling of hunger, you can drink a little kefir.

Diet menu

  • In the morning: boiled chicken egg and a glass of kefir
  • In the afternoon: boiled chicken breast (without skin), chicken broth (400-500 ml) and a glass of kefir.
  • In the evening: a glass of kefir or 200 g of fat-free cottage cheese. It is also allowed to drink coffee without sugar and milk.

This type of diet is characterized as hard, so before following it, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

How to lose weight by 20 kg in 2 months - Montignac diet

The weight loss diet, developed by nutritionist Michel Montignac, is a series of some tips on how to combine foods correctly. Thanks to this diet, you can lose up to 20 kg in 2 months. These recommendations are not difficult at all:

  1. Eliminate condiments from your diet, as well as mayonnaise, sauces, ketchups, etc.
  2. Eliminate white bread completely - use rye and bran instead.
  3. Don't use sugar.
  4. Do not combine fatty and carbohydrate foods at the same time during the meal.
  5. Give up alcoholic beverages.
  6. Do not eat those fruits and vegetables that contain a huge amount of starch.
  7. Eat three times a day.
  8. Eat fruit for breakfast.
  9. Drink more clean water - up to 3 liters per day.

These tips will allow you to lose excess pounds in 50-60 days. Of course, the period of weight loss is quite long, but during this time the metabolism in the body normalizes and the process of getting used to a new diet will be easy.

Secrets of how to lose 20 kg in 20 days

Through this diet, you can quite easily lose 20 kg, spending a little less than a month on it - 18-20 days. What you need to know for this:

  1. Alternating meals. It is necessary to exclude one of the meals (breakfast, lunch or dinner) during each day, while alternating the absence of each meal (for example, refuse breakfast on the first four days, lunch on the next four, etc.).
  2. There are low-calorie healthy foods. Below is a diet with which you will successfully lose 20 kg of excess weight.

Diet to lose 20 kg

  • From 1 to 4 days (without dinner). For breakfast: apples, low-fat cottage cheese and green tea with fructose. Lunch: boiled rice, chicken breast and cucumber and herb salad.
  • From 5 to 8 days (without breakfast). Lunch: buckwheat, boiled cod, egg and a cup of green tea. For dinner: salad of tomato and cabbage with lemon juice. In the evening, you can also drink a glass of water.
  • From 9 to 12 days (without lunch). For breakfast, have a cucumber salad with olive oil and lemon juice. Drink a glass of water. And for dinner, cook boiled beans and boiled breast. You can also drink clean water.
  • From 13 to 16 days (without dinner). In the morning, try some low-fat cottage cheese and drink a cup of green tea with a sugar substitute. In the afternoon, you need to eat broccoli and drink it with a glass of water.
  • From 17 to 20 days (without breakfast). Last 4 days. Despite the absence of breakfast, the use of warm milk (1-1.5 cups) is still allowed. For lunch, eat boiled cod with cucumbers and herbs. And for dinner, use rice and a couple of medium tomatoes.

People who have tried this diet claim that the 20 kg diet in 20 days is quite easy to follow, because. the diet is quite balanced, in addition, within three weeks, the appetite gradually decreases.

How to lose 20 kg in a week

Finally, many people are interested in how to lose huge excess weight in the shortest possible time - in 7-10 days and how realistic it is. It is important to understand here that losing weight by 20 kg in a week is, first of all, a tremendous stress for the body. Moreover, the effect of the "extreme technique" will be short-lived, and after the end of the diet, the body will begin to "gain momentum" in an enhanced form. In other words, there is a high risk that by stopping such an exhausting diet, you will not only return to your previous weight, but also add, not to mention the detrimental consequences for health.

However, if you nevertheless weighed all the pros and cons and made a firm decision to lose 20 kg in a week, in this case, be sure to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Eat no more than 1000 calories every day, and in the morning, the meal should be more satisfying compared to lunch and dinner.
  2. Completely give up junk food: fast food, fried, sweet, starchy foods. Eat more fruits and vegetables (both raw and cooked).
  3. In the morning, eat porridge with water without salt. So you will cleanse the intestines, which will lead to further weight loss.
  4. Get exercise. Walk to work/school, move more, swim, ride a bike.
  5. Keep a diary where you will record all calories: both consumed and spent.
  6. Once a week, do a fasting day: drink only water and eat only fruits.
  7. Ditch carbonated drinks and energy drinks in favor of pure water and freshly squeezed juices.
  8. In general, drink more fluids - at least 2 liters per day.

It is difficult to follow all the tips above, but if you try to follow them, then you can lose 20 kg and find a beautiful slim figure in the near future. Good luck!


Alla: I lost 20 kg in 20 days! I ate in moderation, followed all the recommendations and the result pleases me!

Lilia: I lost 19 kg in a month. My skin didn't sag. After losing weight, I began to monitor my health, eat right. In principle, everything is fine!

Veronica: I think it's dangerous, you can't do it like that ... I lost 20 kg in a year - but no stretch marks, sagging, and my health is normal.

What is the maximum number of pounds you have been able to lose?

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“Don't run from your problem. Although if you were running, there would be no problem, ”the remarks were made to a plump hero in one domestic film. If you think about it, this statement is true. Indeed, the main problem, mainly for women, is excess weight, which accumulates due to insufficient physical activity and unbalanced nutrition, but men are no less worried about this.

How do these annoying kilograms interfere with us, how do we want to get rid of them, and preferably quickly and without much zeal. Diet is the main assistant in weight loss, if you follow all the rules and resist the temptation of junk food, you will be able to lose 20 kg in a month.

1. Start reducing portions of your usual diet. To get started, take small cutlery: a teaspoon and a dessert fork. Don't put portions of your food on large plates, rather put the same size portion on a smaller plate. You will be like Snow White, who was invited to dinner by the gnomes. In the form of a dwarf princess, it is much more pleasant to eat small portions. This way you will be able to carry out a psychological trick and satisfy your hunger much earlier, because food in a small plate looks visually larger in volume. Add to this small forks and spoons that you can use to divide food into even smaller portions, which will help you chew your food thoroughly, and not swallow your meal without chewing it completely, so the food is much easier to digest, which helps to avoid digestive overload.

2. Reduce your usual portions. There are two options: a) You immediately make the portion noticeably smaller. At first it will be difficult, but after two or three days you will get used to it, your stomach will decrease, therefore, you will need less products to meet your needs; b) You gradually reduce portions: daily by 10-15%. In this case, the stomach will decrease much longer. This option is suitable for those who are not confident in their willpower, or for those who cannot just take and remove half of their personal portion.

3. Thoughts are material! Everyone knows the saying that works. Certain vibrations of our thoughts make our brain believe in what we ourselves have come up with, otherwise mantras, in Indian ideology. The scientific explanation of this phenomenon is based on the psychology of self-hypnosis. Every morning and every night imagine that you have already lost weight, are in perfect shape. Feel all the envious glances of your girlfriends and the admiring glances of the opposite sex. Live all the feelings that you will feel in the new body, feel all the happiness, all the love for yourself. So you will have additional motivation and a positive attitude to achieve your goal: to lose weight.

4. Get enough sleep! Recent studies have shown that lack of sleep (less than 8-9 hours) leads to the accumulation of fat. Try to plan your day so that it has enough time for sleep.

The basis of most diets for weight loss

Diets are divided into medical (for people who are in a painful condition), and diets aimed at losing weight in absolutely healthy people.

Find out if you should lose weight

Consult your doctor to find out if now is the right time to start a diet and if you have any contraindications in order to lose weight. Be sure to take tests even if you feel well, diseases can be hidden, like Stirletz in Germany, inside you, but when they appear, there will not be enough time for treatment.

See a dietitian who will design the best diet for you. But for most people, a nutritionist gives this advice:

  1. The main taboo is fatty and fried foods. Avoid these foods like fire. In order to replace foods fried in fatty vegetable oil, you should buy a grill (although not a cheap item, but it is worth the money spent on health), steam the foods or boil them. The main plus of the grill is the ability to fry without oil, without unnecessary calories. After the first time grilling, you will be surprised how much fat meat and vegetables already contain, to which we also add oil.
  2. Give up sweets and starchy foods. Absolutely. Although some diets are allowed to eat sweet before lunch. Sweet contains carbohydrates that inhibit the decomposition of fats. The only thing you can afford is a few spoonfuls of honey and a handful of nuts. Also, sugar spoils not only the figure, but also the condition of the skin.
  3. Limit your salt intake. Or refuse at all, after a week the taste buds on the tongue will be updated, and you will be able to feel the real, not bland taste of food. After a month without salt, you will noticeably lose weight, as the swelling of the whole body will subside and the weight will go away.
  4. Drink more water and avoid carbonated drinks. Gas contributes to bloating, and a sufficient amount of water harmonizes the digestion of food and removes excessive swelling.
  5. Do not eat 3-4 hours before bedtime, not after6. A common myth that should not be believed. Food is completely digested in 4 hours, in order to lose 20 kg in a month, you should not overeat at night, as late undigested food is deposited in the sides.

The most effective diet for losing 20 kg in a month is the Mediterranean diet

The best result, based on the reviews of millions, shows the Mediterranean diet, which is created on the traditional products of this region.

Adherents of this diet are the least prone to heart disease.

The day of the Mediterranean diet consists of 5 meals: a full breakfast, lunch, 2 snacks, dinner. Try to eat the following foods (but avoid bread, dairy and processed foods): fish, olive oil, vegetables, fruits, legumes, spices, nuts, red wine.

Sample menu:

  • Breakfast: muesli / fruit / sandwich with mozzarella cheese + freshly squeezed juice;
  • Lunch: seafood soup / salmon rice / grilled vegetables / pasta + tea without sugar;
  • Dinner: Greek salad / tomato soup / boiled shrimp / fish cutlets + toast with cheese;
  • Snack: any vegetables or fruits + juice.

Cruel diets for quick weight loss of 20 kg per month

Kefir diet. A diet on which you can drink only kefir (fat content no more than 2%) throughout the day you need to drink from 1 to 2 liters. You need to drink kefir fractionally: you can’t drink 0.5 liters at a time, you need to drink a glass every two to three hours. However, with a duration of a month, every four days you need to add apples, cottage cheese, or buckwheat to kefir. It is important to drink water along with kefir, since fermented milk products have a diuretic effect, remove the fluid that needs to be restored.

drinking diet. The effectiveness of drinking diets has been proven by many of its followers. Refusing solid food, a person can easily lose 20 kg per month. With the right approach, this diet will help not only model a slim figure, but also improve the body by saturating it with nutrients, also stimulate metabolism and restore water-salt balance. Eating on such a diet can be varied and tasty.

  1. Complete rejection of solid foods, one should not succumb to the temptation to eat a piece of bun or caramel;
  2. In addition to liquid food, plus 2 liters of water are consumed;
  3. Reduce and completely abandon physical activity, since losing weight by this method is often accompanied by weakness and dizziness;
  4. Additionally, you need to take vitamin complexes, since the diet does not please with the content of protein and some types of vitamins.

Menu to be repeated 4 times:

  • Monday: protein day. We drink dairy, sour-milk products without sugar: milk, kefir, yogurt.
  • Tuesday: vegetable day. We cook vegetable soup and mix it in a blender to the state of kefir, the resulting drink should not be thick. Soup can be made from any vegetable except potatoes.
  • Wednesday: day of juices and fruit drinks. It is advisable to drink freshly squeezed juices, I ignore store products. It is welcome to make juice from several ingredients.
  • Thursday: compote day. We cook compote of any berries, fruits, dried fruits. If you want to eat just berries, do not forget to mix them in a blender first.
  • Friday: jelly day. We cook a variety of jelly: from fruits, from berries, milk.
  • Saturday: oatmeal day. Cooking jelly from oatmeal.
  • Sunday: Democracy Day. Coming up with a mixed menu from previous days.

Low-calorie diet for 20 kg per month

Before you start a low-calorie diet, you need to know some recommendations:

  1. 24 hours before the start of the diet, it is advisable to make an enema or take a laxative;
  2. Start drinking more water, and keep this trend throughout the diet;
  3. FORBIDDEN: alcohol, sweets!!!

Diet menu-first weeks:

  • Day 1 - breakfast goes together with lunch. During this period, we drink milk (1 liter) in small sips. Dinner - a piece of black bread, tomato juice (250 ml).
  • Day 2 - For breakfast: coffee, brown bread, a teaspoon of honey. For lunch: meat with broth (no salt), Dutch cheese (90g). For dinner: 2 boiled chicken eggs.
  • Day 3 - For breakfast: fruits (2 pieces): apples / peaches / oranges. For lunch: vegetable soup. For dinner: vegetable salad (without mayonnaise and salt), tea with a spoon of honey.
  • Day 4 - For breakfast: Dutch cheese (90g), coffee. For lunch: boiled eggs, ham + black bread (200 gr). For dinner: a glass of yogurt.
  • Day 5 - Repeat the second day.
  • Day 6 - Repeat the third day.
  • Day 7 - Repeat the fourth day.

Menu for the last week of the diet:

  • 1 day - green apples (1.5 kg);
  • Day 2 - boiled chicken (1 kg);
  • Day 3 - Tomatoes + cucumbers (1.5 kg together);
  • Day 4 - boiled meat (1 kg);
  • Day 5 - Dutch cheese (400 gr) + a bottle of still water;
  • Day 6 - kefir (1 liter), one boiled fish, 2 boiled eggs;
  • Day 7 - a glass of red wine, cheese Dutch (250 gr).

On this diet, the main thing is to make meals water and at the same time. The result of a low-calorie diet appears quickly, and kilograms are not gained back.

Princess Diet

The basis of this diet is fasting day. All week you can eat anything you want, but in moderation. Choose one day that will be unloading every week.

Menu for the fasting day:

  • Breakfast - half a glass of champagne with two slices of dark chocolate;
  • Lunch - a glass of champagne with a slice of milk chocolate;
  • Dinner - half a glass of champagne.


Any diet is stressful for the body. But with the right inner attitude and the right diet, the pounds go away and even run away from your body. The most important thing is to start, the most important thing is not to give up!

“I want to quickly lose weight!” - you exclaimed, realizing that there were about two months left before the significant event in your life. How to lose 20 kg in 2 months at home? We'll tell you everything without hesitation. You will still have time to lose those extra pounds and after a couple of months to appear before others in a completely different form.

Is it possible to lose 20 kilograms in 2 months?

Anyone who has ever tried to lose a large number of pounds

They know perfectly well that in the first week with a diet, physical activity and other manipulations for weight loss, excess weight literally melts before our eyes. We think everything is going great. A couple more weeks with the same result as in the first week - and there will be a form that we dream of. However, this is absolutely not the case.

Already in the second week, kilograms begin to decrease modestly. So, for example, if in the first week you managed to lose 5-7 kilograms, then in the second - already by 2-3 kilograms, very rarely more. Nevertheless, losing weight by 20 kg in 2 months (that's almost 8 weeks, even more) is quite realistic if you stick to the chosen nutrition system and stimulate the process of losing weight with additional measures.

How to lose weight in 2 months?

So, in order to lose weight in 60 days for such a large number of extra pounds, you will need recipes for low-calorie diet dishes from fish, beef, turkey, chicken breast. All this applies to protein foods. Also on the menu should include legumes and soy.

From carbohydrate food, it is allowed to leave bread, crackers, bread with bran, as well as pasta of the highest grades (they can be eaten with soy or tomato sauce, but without butter and protein products, they should be cooked al dente).

To lose weight, plant foods that contain fiber, minerals and vitamins, you must choose the following: vegetables (baked potatoes, you can only eat them separately from protein foods), fruits (with the exception of bananas and grapes), as well as berries and greenery.

Within two months, you must adhere to the following nutrition system:

  • Early breakfast - oatmeal on the water or scrambled eggs, or muesli, flakes, filled with milk (kefir).
  • Snack - fruit.
  • Lunch - any protein dish and vegetable salad (200 grams each).
  • Snack - fruits, vegetables, herbs, a handful of nuts or dried fruits.
  • Dinner - kefir or green tea.

Physical activity

If you connect physical activity, you can lose weight without harm much faster. For example, you can start losing weight with a hula hoop. To do this, you only need to purchase a hoop and practice with it at home for 30-40 minutes daily.

However, the hula hoop will only help to tighten the stomach and make the waist slender. Physical activity generally contributes to the fact that the total amount of fat is eliminated, the remaining muscles are tightened - buttocks, hips, legs, arms, shoulders, chest.

Even just walking, jumping or running in place will help you lose 20 kg in 2 months. Not to mention gyms, swimming, efficient walking.

Look at yourself in the mirror, determine what defects are in your body, and include in the weight loss program those exercises that will affect problem areas. Do fitness, yoga or just jump rope.

Cosmetic procedures

If you plan to lose 20 kg in 2 months, you simply cannot do without cosmetic manipulations. It is worth noting that wraps using cling film in one procedure can remove up to 1 cm at the waist. They should be used every other day for a month, periodically changing the mixture for wrapping - this will not only get rid of cellulite, but also lose extra pounds (300-500 grams per day).

Wraps, exercises and diet - it is quite possible to lose 20 kg in 2 months. At the end of each week, check your weight.

Nutrition system for 2 months

In addition to healthy foods such as fish, meat, fruits, vegetables, low-fat milk or kefir, it is necessary to add dried fruits to the diet - raisins, prunes, dried apricots, figs. However, dried fruits should be consumed separately from all meals and before meals, and most importantly, no more than one handful per meal.

There are foods that promote intense fat burning. These include citrus fruits, seaweed, garlic, onion, cinnamon, bran, celery, ginger root, and seafood. It is desirable to include such food in your diet. It is very important to drink plenty of water, without it you simply will not have time to lose the desired kilograms in 2 months.

Alexey Kovalkov: “Lose weight wisely”

Aleksey Kovalkov is a nutritionist who personally faced the problem of excess weight. He not only compiled a nutrition methodology, but also tested it on himself. He managed to lose 50 kilograms in six months. To date, there is a clinic that deals with weight correction, owned by Alexei Kovalkov. Losing Weight Smartly is his book, which you can use if you don’t have the opportunity to get into this clinic.

At the first and preparatory stage, it is planned to refuse from fish and meat products, as well as smoked meats and canned food. At the third stage, the use of harmful foods, bad carbohydrates, as well as foods with a high content of sugary substances is not allowed. Let us consider in more detail the main stages of the diet of Alexei Kovalkov.

Preparatory stage

At this stage, the following products must be removed from the menu: corn, potatoes, honey, chocolate, sweets, carbonated drinks, juice, ice cream, sugar, alcohol (dry wine is allowed in small quantities). It is also not allowed to eat foods that are industrially processed, such as white rice.

At the preparatory stage, fruits, vegetables, legumes, lentils, as well as cereals (preferably coarsely ground) are allowed.

During the day you need to drink about 10 glasses of water. A large volume of liquid stimulates the body to secrete special hormones that burn fat.

First stage

At the first stage, you can lose about 5-7 kilograms. How much weight can you lose that many pounds? This stage is designed for 2 weeks. Do not eat fish, meat, beets, carrots and bananas.

Sample daily menu:

  • Drink a glass of water before breakfast on an empty stomach.
  • Breakfast - a mixture of nuts (a small handful), a little bran and low-fat kefir (250 grams).
  • Dinner - Greek salad with olive oil (a small amount).
  • Just before going to bed, you can drink warm milk (1 glass).
  • In the interval between meals, it is allowed to eat grapefruit, 3 apples, drink 3 cups of green tea.

Second phase

At this stage, the menu expansion is provided. The diet can be diversified with turkey meat, chicken, low-fat cottage cheese and seafood. Now weight loss will be slower.

Third stage

In fact, this stage is considered indefinite and fixing. It should continue to be followed. In this case, the lost kilograms will not return again.

So, at the third stage, cereals are gradually introduced into the diet - wheat, buckwheat, wild or brown rice, with the exception of semolina and white polished rice. Once every 2-3 days it is allowed to use bitter chocolate, baked potatoes, bran black bread.

It is advisable to choose olive oil as a dressing for salads and other dishes. The main thing to remember is that either only carbohydrates or only fats should enter the body at one meal: they are not compatible. A day is allowed to consume no more than 60 g of fat. Of the alcoholic products, only dry wine is allowed.

Basic moments

In principle, it is quite possible to lose 20 kilograms in 2 months. However, due to the danger that you will not be able to choose the right foods, their calorie content and method of preparation, in this article we advised you to include additional physical activity in your weight loss program. Skiing and skating in winter, cycling and rollerblading in summer. Visit swimming pools, and not just to watch people swim. Actively swim back and forth.

There are a lot of reviews on the Internet about the success with which women managed to lose 20 kilograms or more in 2 months, confirming our idea that physical activity, combined with a good diet, can effectively reduce weight in a short period of time. Some jump rope, spin the hoop at home, and some prefer to go to fitness. However, when a woman takes herself seriously, begins to move actively and quickly, reconsiders her diet, she always drops the hated kilograms to the delight of her surroundings and herself.

Losing a kilogram every day is the dream of every woman. But as you know, this kind of methods significantly worsen your well-being, so it's better if you decide to lose 10 kg in a month - this is a real figure.

But consider an effective diet for losing weight by 20 kilograms in 20 days, as many are not ready to spend a lot of time on diet food and want to get stunning results as quickly as possible.

Very effective diet for weight loss in 20 days

The essence of this diet lies in the rapid extreme weight loss of a large number of kilograms in a very short time. To achieve the most effective results, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • drink at least 1.5 liters of pure non-carbonated water per day;
  • during the diet, you should take a complex of vitamins and minerals, in the form of medicines;
  • of physical activity, only stretching exercises are appropriate;
  • massages and wraps are also recommended to get rid of stretch marks;
  • if there is a strong feeling of hunger, as a snack, let's say a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • from sweet let's say honey and a small piece of dark chocolate a day.

While following an extreme diet for a quick weight loss of 20 kilograms, it is imperative to skip one of the meals. At what every day this reception should be different. For example, on the first day, skip dinner, on the second - lunch, on the third - breakfast, and so on for all 20 days.

What can you eat?

Before compiling a detailed menu for the next 20 days, let's consider which foods will help you lose 20 kilograms quickly, and which ones are not recommended.


  • Seven-day English diet for weight loss

List of allowed products nutrition for fast and extreme weight loss of 20 kilograms is as follows:

  • vegetables: broccoli, white cabbage, cucumbers, herbs, beans, tomatoes, beets, carrots;
  • from fruits, citrus fruits and apples are acceptable;
  • cereals: rice and buckwheat;
  • oatmeal;
  • dietary meat: chicken, veal and turkey in boiled or baked form;
  • eggs;
  • cottage cheese, milk;
  • lean fish;
  • green tea.

AT list of prohibited foods nutrition of extreme methods for losing weight by 20 kilograms were:

  • coffee;
  • marinades;
  • ketchup, mayonnaise;
  • confectionery and bakery products;
  • fatty varieties of fish and meat;
  • salt, sugar and other spices;
  • fast food and semi-finished products.

Menu for 20 days

Based on the above list of acceptable foods, the following will help you quickly and effectively lose weight in 20 days by 20 kilograms. menu:

The first week of an extreme diet for weight loss by 20 kilograms

First day

  • Breakfast: a cup of unsweetened herbal tea and 250 g of fat-free cottage cheese;
  • Lunch: 200 g boiled chicken and 150 g boiled rice;
  • Dinner: not available.


  • 200 ml natural yoghurt with fruit;
  • food is missing;
  • 200 g stewed white cabbage and a cup of green tea.

The third

  • skip meals;
  • cucumber and tomato salad with a slice of whole grain bread;
  • carrot-apple vitamin salad and 200 ml fat-free yogurt.


  • cottage cheese with raisins and a cup of tea;
  • one avocado and 200 g of boiled rice;
  • skipping a meal.


  • an apple and 200 ml of natural fat-free yogurt;
  • there is no food;
  • 200 g buckwheat with low-fat fish cakes.


  • without breakfast;
  • low-fat broth with vegetables;
  • a glass of fermented baked milk and 200 g of baked trout.


  • grapefruit and a cup of unsweetened hot drink;
  • buckwheat and 200 ml of yogurt;
  • dinner is missing.

The second week of the extreme diet for weight loss by 20 kilograms


  • oatmeal and a glass of warm milk;
  • skip meals;
  • 200 g of baked fish.


  • food is missing;
  • drink stew of tomatoes, carrots and cabbage with orange juice;
  • baked turkey meat - 250 g.


  • scrambled eggs with herbs and a glass of warm milk;
  • 250 g of boiled rice and kefir;
  • power pass.


  • no food intake;
  • vegetable salad with whole grain bread and a glass of freshly squeezed citrus juice;
  • 150 g of buckwheat and a glass of kefir.


  • oatmeal with milk and dried fruits;
  • without food;
  • applesauce and carrot juice.


  • green apple and kefir;
  • buckwheat soup with low-fat meatballs;
  • there is no food.


  • without breakfast;
  • boiled chicken meat - 250 g and a slice of whole grain bread;
  • vegetable salad and 150 g of baked fish.

The third week of an extreme diet for weight loss by 20 kilograms


  • oatmeal and two boiled eggs;
  • without food;
  • steam omelet with tomatoes and herbs, herbal decoction.


  • oatmeal with prunes and orange juice;
  • buckwheat soup and a glass of kefir;
  • skip dinner.


  • without eating;
  • citrus and cottage cheese salad, herbal decoction;
  • 250 g baked trout.


  • omelet with vegetables and kefir;
  • skip lunch;
  • boiled chicken meat - 200 g and a glass of yogurt.


  • apple jelly and 200 g of oatmeal;
  • buckwheat with low-fat fish cakes;
  • food is missing.


  • without eating;
  • boiled rice - 200 g and 100 g of baked veal;
  • tomato and chicken stew - 250 g.

Physical exercise

When losing weight by such a large number of kilograms, the following are best suited exercises:

  • swimming in the pool;
  • dancing;
  • fitness;
  • aerobics.

To quickly lose weight at home by 20 kilograms, to the extreme diet should be added such exercises like brisk walking, running, crunches, squats and hoop exercises.

Getting out of the diet

If you are convinced by your own example that the method of "lose weight in 20 days by 20 kilograms" is effective, you can repeat it only after three months.

When exiting the above extreme diet do not rush to return to the usual diet. In the first days after the completion of the twenty-day method of rapid weight loss, nutritionists recommend introducing meat soups and cereals into the diet.

Before you devote your time to an extreme diet for a quick weight loss of 20 kilograms in 20 days, you should carefully read the contraindications.
