The magical properties of the spindle. Spindle Magic Theory Spindle Rituals

Magic wands, cauldrons of witches, magic crystals of sorcerers, retorts and cubes of alchemists - how many wonderful and mysterious objects are associated in our minds with Western European magic.

And what about us? - you ask .. well, perhaps only a pomelo and a stupa of Bab Yagi, and a fool's flying ship (and he builds that one with great difficulty, diligence, and with the help of magical assistants) - but these are all fairy tales. But in fact, in the world of a simple peasant woman, there was also many wonderful instruments helping to create real magic.

  • There was a stupa with a broom in every courtyard and they knew how to make women, both living, and.
  • A spinning wheel, painted so as to reflect the entire universe, could become a "heavenly horse" for traveling through any of the worlds.
  • On the weaving cloth, it was possible to weave both the cloth of life and a pattern that changed the fate of the family.

And there was at hand every woman a simple-looking, but very necessary magic assistant - spindle... How is the magic of the spindle expressed? This magic wand, in the Russian manner, served to unite the worlds of space and call the unknown and miraculous into Reality, to perform miracles.

And the first spindle was made by Veles himself - God is wise, knowing and being everywhere at the same time, and presented to Makosha herself - the Goddess, spinning the thread of the life of all living beings, including the Gods.

Therefore, the practice of working with a spindle was called Veda Makoshi, and was aimed at solving a variety of fateful issues. This kind women learned magic already being married, most often either from their mother-in-law, or, after the birth of their first child, from a midwife.

The magic of the spindle. How to use the spindle

The first thing a woman was taught was to open and close the Door between the Worlds before starting the creation of a magician or any magical thing.

For opening the gap between the worlds you need to take the spindle by the whirligig (wide part) right hand, raise it up in front of you and, with the words of an appeal to Mokos and other Gods, ask permission and explain why you are intruding into the canvas of the Universe.

After that, with effort and concentration, lower your hand down to the floor, like cutting a space with a knife. Take a step with your right foot into the resulting gap and start a magic or creation. After completing the work, take the spindle by the whirligig in your right hand and take a step back with your left foot, as if going out of the door, and, making zigzag movements with the spindle tip, “sew up” the space from the bottom up.

Bow to 4 sides, thank Makosh and other Gods. After that, if you created a thing, illuminate it with four elements and you can use it for its intended purpose.

There were also works with a spindle, helping a woman to change her character, feelings, helping to become closer to the image of the Goddess-Beregini. Here is some of them:

1) Take the spindle in your right hand (the right hand symbolizes active intention), put it on the fingers of Svarog and Lada and press Rod (i.e. index, middle fingers, and press with your thumb) by the point.

Yula draw clockwise in front of you Circle - The image of the Wife you want to be, enter there with your right foot, feel yourself in this place (comfortable, itching, pricking, you want to run away, you want to jump) - this is all an interpretation of how you are in this program is, what you are now in this role or how you relate to it.

When you are infused (you can sit at this point, meditate - whatever you want), exit the Circle with your left foot. After that, it is imperative to erase the Circle with the same whirligig, but counterclockwise. They erased it so that the Space was clean, otherwise everything in it will stick, besides, you lose your very strength.

2) Get out on the ground, best of all, if you are wearing several skirts (you will collect more strength), take the spindle with your right hand up, raise your right hand above you and rotate around your own axis clockwise.

How much you spin is according to your feelings, but at this time you say what and what feminine qualities you want to be filled with. As soon as the images ended, they stopped, and thanked the 4 sides, bowed and left some kind of demand for the spirits.

The magic of the spindle. Working with a spindle

Spindle when dealing with fears

Also, with the help of a spindle, you can work with your own fears(for example, you made a bunny out of fear of the dark and now you want to see where this fear comes from, what is in it).

Take the whirligig with your left hand, also on Svarog and Lada, press Rod and cut in front of you the Space vertically from top to bottom to the floor, move your hands (like when swimming or like curtains in different directions) and enter with your left foot - you are in your own fear.

We also catch our sensations (if you want - meditate - whatever you want), we leave Space with our right foot and sew it up in zigzag movements from top to bottom to the floor.

Spindle in healing

Also, the spindle was actively used in healing. For example, to search on the body points of pain... You stipulate, for example, that we are looking for some kind of fear in the body (for example, fear of men), take the spindle by the spinning top with your left hand and start tapping the body with the tip (it is better when the person is lying).

The spindle will go by itself and look for the place where it lives. In the place of accumulation of spatial, psycho-energetic pain, it will stick, and, most likely, tapping at this point will be unpleasant for a person.

A spindle tip is then placed in this place and the pain is twisted-wound on the instrument counterclockwise. At this time, a person can articulate, shout, whatever suits him.

After that, be sure to roll up this place with a rolling pin or a spindle (use it as a rolling pin and roll it), i.e. close Space.

The magic of the spindle. How to handle the spindle

Also, with the help of a spindle, a woman could give the Force. To do this, you need to take the spindle by the thin sharp edge with your right hand and direct the spindle towards the person (tapping) and, for example, read the sentence, sing a song - the person will be filled.

Spindle after practice absolutely necessary clean, better by the elements. The spindles that you magically work with are stored in a pot of salt or earth with the tip down so that others will not touch. If the fears were removed - 7-14 days, the evil eye - 30 days, damage (if the spindle was not burned) - 6 months.

If you start to create any filling things, dolls, for example, for a wedding, "Ten-Handle", "Lovebirds", then they stuck a spindle next to it in a whirligig pot. But in this state, keep it for no more than 7 days, tk. we can't stand the rhythm anymore (time, people, city).

Spindles for cleaning work were made from aspen, bird cherry, for filling - birch, apple, linden, hawthorn, and if the former, as negative forces gained, were burned, then the latter could even be inherited.

Create, old ladies, remembering the basic law of magic: "Take your time - you will not harm, if you are responsible, you will be rewarded."

P.S. For those who want to master women's magic tools, a seminar will help.

I thought where to place this topic, probably, here it belongs.

The spindle is a tool that was used in female magic by Slavic peoples... For rituals, they took a separate spindle, not the one on which they usually spin. There could even be several of them, for example, a separate one for cleaning the negative or for spinning threads on embroidery.

These are the beliefs and signs in different areas were associated with the spindle. Unfortunately, a lot of information has come down to us in a truncated form, i.e. a number of rituals can no longer be reproduced (unless you find a detailed description of them somewhere), but "for overall development"it is useful to know:

1. Serbs loved to carry their favorite spindles with them, tucking them in their belt like a real magic wand.

2. A newborn girl's umbilical cord was cut on a spindle to be a good spinner (and therefore a good housewife).

3. In general, the spindle was a primordially feminine attribute. He was passed through the shirt of a woman in labor during protracted childbirth together with an ax and was sentenced at the same time: "If you are a boy, take an ax, if a girl, take a spindle."

4. Serbs interfered with the eggs laid by the hen with a spindle so that there were more females and fewer males.

5. In the Onega region, if the baby could not sleep at night, the mother made miniature copies of the spindle, spinning wheel and grinding spatula and put them in the cradle so that the evil spirit tormenting the child at night would spin and not interfere with the baby's sleep.

6. In Polissya, women caused rain by dipping a spindle into the water. Alas, the ritual and conspiracy words are not known at the same time, so I will be grateful if anyone has more information about this rite.

7. Girls knew how to recognize devils who came under the guise of guys to get-togethers, turning the spindle upside down and looking through the spindle at the guy.

8. A special type of witchcraft, called spindleism, involves the use of a spindle to make a deal with unclean spirits at an intersection. Spindles are generally very popular with black magicians for damage - after all, fate can be woven in different ways.

9. The church generally considered the spindle to be an unclean object, and spinning an unpleasant business (and yet we do not know of a single pop-nudist). A woman who dared to bring a spindle to church was considered a witch who leads the path to the Temple of God evil spirits... The spindles were taken out of the house on Christmastide and on other big calendar holidays, since, according to legend, spindles can turn into a snake in the summer if this is not done. For example, a dangerous spindle snake in Slavic folklore (in fact, a legless lizard), according to legend, originated from a spindle that a woman spun on Christmastide and then threw it away instead of burning it.

10. Spindles were also carried out during a thunderstorm to protect the house from thunder and lightning (here, obviously, the legend about the struggle of Perun the Thunderer with the Serpent is reflected).

11. In general, the connection between snakes (chthonic creatures) and spindles / magic wands / staves is very expressed in the beliefs of the Slavs. For example, the staff of the sorcerer for best results must have had contact with the snake. Well, the spindles left in the house for a holiday (especially on Christmastide or Rusalnaya Week) could "go to the forest with snakes."

12. The use of the spindle in treatment is widespread. There, however, depending on the case, not only 1, but 3 and even 9 spindles could be used. At the same time, it was impossible to beat a child with a broom or a spindle, so that he "does not stop growing."

13. It is known the fortune-telling of Ukrainian women on the Forty holiday on 40 spindles. Later they began to be replaced with twigs.

14. Another option for fortune telling on a spindle involves hanging the spindle and using it as a pendulum. You can also twist the spindle and see which way the sharp end points (like playing the bottle).

The spindle in magic has been used by women since ancient times. I will tell you what our grandmothers did not consider a secret. Under the measured twisting, singing a lingering song, any spinner entered the state that we know as "kudesy".

A calm posture, a rhythmic song, circular movements of the hand, and in a miraculous way the spinner turns out to be in such a mood when it is not so difficult to get a thought into the tower to Makosh, the spinner Goddess, the Goddess of Fate, and ask her for something cherished. And feel how the power of Pravi fills the body and passes through the hands through the fingers and is absorbed into the spindle tree for magic and the twisted thread. Rushing through unknown distances with his thoughts, any spinner could fill his spindle for spinning and his thread with power, life, the magic of fulfilling a desire. Well, then - you just have to take a spindle for magic, that already so many turns turned a chaotic tow into an ordered thread, and let your imagination do magic. The Slavs held in high esteem the magic of similitude - most of the old conspiracies are built on this: "As this stone takes nothing, so no dryness would take me ....".

The following material was created by the Travelers of the Northern Country, transferred from the Conversations.

Different wood spindles - different properties!

Spindles in magic use special ones for each occasion. For cleansing, wood of a tree is suitable, taking away black power, and for healing - wood of a tree, which gives off strength and nourishes the patient.

The Slavs had a belief: the linden tree protected from lightning. And to this day, under the linden tree, there have been no sad cases. This tree is the brightest, the most heartfelt. There is also such a feature: the linden family unites. And if we drink tea with lime trees, the husband (wife) will have a bewitching effect. For selfish purposes, with dark thoughts to destroy the family, it is sinful to use this tea: one's own happiness is destroyed. Also, it was considered a bad omen in Russia: if a linden tree planted near a house dries up, prosperity leaves the family, the house will lose its amulet.

Don't you confuse linden and aspen?

They go to the aspen for help when it is necessary to get rid of problems, get rid of troubles and negative energy, and relieve the inflammatory process. She is able to relieve a person from toothache.

In "Northern Fairy Tale" nowadays there are spindles made of different woods, for any task.


The question was: "Which spindle is better for magic - old or new?"

Irina Ivanova answers:

“I believe that any item that will be used for magic can be bought. Money is a universal means of exchange, giving money, receiving what you want in return, you are still a participant in the energy exchange. Just buy where mutual good wishes are added to your "exchange".

For an object used in magic, it is important to "find a new owner", and it is important for you to "get an assistant and protector." This is done through a rite and, in my opinion, a well-done rite is quite enough.

Frankly, I believe that it is better to acquire a new spindle, and not "used". A lot can be screwed into an old spindle: both good and bad. There is such an expression in Slavic magic "proverbial times", which means "that which was in the past and is causing harm now." Or are you sure of the past owner and his happy life, or you are performing such a powerful rite of cleansing that from “ past life”Nothing remains in the spindle. In this case, it becomes the same as new.


A circle with the symbols of the elements is placed on the altar (for this you can use a set of bowls for magic from this shop). They put bread and a little salt in the bowl of the Earth. Mute water is poured into the bowl of Water, that is, taken from the place where three streams merge into one, at 3-4 o'clock in the morning without a word, you can also take melt or well water. A large feather is placed next to the bowl of Air, and a candle is placed in the bowl of Fire. Elecampane grass is poured into the last bowl (I use the root due to the inaccessibility of the grass itself) and put it slightly to the side. The spindle is placed in the center of the circle.

Start charging from the Earth (north). To do this, rub the spindle with bread, sprinkle with salt, saying:

"Cleanse and recharge with the power of the Earth."

Then the spindle is sprayed with water, while saying:

"Cleanse and charge yourself with the power of Water."

After they carry the spindle over the candle (carefully, do not scorch the spindle itself while doing this), I usually wrap the spindle over the candle with salting until it warms up in my hands. Recut:

"Be cleansed and charged with the power of Fire."

Finally, they wave a feather over the spindle, they can drive it air from the bowl of Air and say:

"Cleanse and charge yourself with the power of Air."

"Take all 9 strength for your work ... (name what you will use your spindle for)."

It is also recommended to put on the spindle the signs of the gods and entities with which you are working (I gave my spindle a name), but this is not so necessary. The main thing is to know that now you have a cleaned and charged spindle, your faithful friend and helper, completely ready for magical use. In magic, the object is usually cleansed first, then consecrated. Cleansing is especially important if the object has already been used previously, although some practitioners cleanse all magical tools that were not created by themselves in order to cleanse the object of possible negative effects (experienced Adepts are able to pick up negative vibrations from the object, if any, and make a decision on the need for a ritual of purification based on this information).

With regard to consecration, this rite involves the dedication of the subject to work with some deity or spirit and, as I said, is usually performed after the rite of purification.


In the old days, all kinds of handicraft items were considered magical and kept in a special way. And the spindle for magic must certainly be stored carefully, separately from other items.

The rules are as follows:

1. Any item for Slavic magic and witchcraft is stored separately from household items. It is best to wrap the magic spindle in natural fabric. Spindle for good - in a light fabric. To remove the thinness - into the dark. And clean up in special place... It is good to put something with juniper and a bag of bathing herbs in a box.

2. After the ceremony, especially for removing the hood, the spindle should be cleaned before storage. You can fumigate it with the smoke of cleansing herbs, wash it under water, put it on salt for a while, carry candles over the fire, carefully so as not to burn the tree. There is such advice: “it’s good to take a spindle onto a rainbow and, as if walking to a rainbow, wind a rainbow thread for yourself - the rain weaved, I knew my need and gave a colored heavenly thread, I’ll twist that thread and I’ll get a silushka (goy - so be it and so be it ) after that we don't touch it for 9 days. "

3. Spindles in magic are certainly removed at night, do not leave them on the table. You also need to finish the tow you started spinning before going to bed. Otherwise, Slavic magic and witchcraft can turn against you - an unfinished rite is not known how it will work.

In the north, in the old days, the spindles were kept in a special basket "stepmother" or "urine box", from the word "lobe", that is. yarn. Such a basket was made of birch bark, beautifully painted, and the words of a conspiracy that protected magic spindles from evil were often written on it.

Old stepmother and stepmother from the shop "Northern Fairy Tale"


Severina writes:

“That would be just great. I am very glad that now, in an era when many people are trying to orient themselves towards Eastern wisdom or Western trends, interest in our Slavic culture is reviving. After all, if you look closely, the Slavic sorceress or the wise priest-sorcerer in their knowledge and abilities are in no way inferior to the Indian gurus or Chinese sages, but for some reason we know much less about them and we all strive to be equal to something distant, alien and incomprehensible. Therefore, I am very grateful to you and this forum for trying to interest people in Slavic culture, magic and customs. They really deserve it. "

Returning to the question of spindles, unfortunately, the information that can be found about them and spindle magic is very scanty and fragmentary. For example, as a native of the city, I never saw a real spindle (except in the pictures) until I bought one two years ago. Therefore, I have to put together a picture of the life and way of life of our ancestors as a puzzle, piece by piece. Nevertheless, I want to mention some interesting facts about the spindle. Maybe someone who is familiar with these things more will complement my information.

1. Serbs (also, by the way, Slavs) loved to carry their favorite spindles with them, tucking them in their belt like a real magic wand.

2. A newborn girl's umbilical cord was cut on a spindle to be a good spinner (and therefore a good housewife).

3. In general, the spindle was a primordially feminine attribute. He was passed through the shirt of a woman in labor during protracted childbirth, along with an ax and was sentenced at the same time: "If you are a boy, take an ax, if a girl, take a spindle."

4. Serbs interfered with the eggs laid by the hen with a spindle so that there were more females and fewer males.

5. In the Onega region, if the baby could not sleep at night, the mother made miniature copies of the spindle, spinning wheel and grinding spatula and put them in the cradle so that the evil spirit tormenting the child at night would spin and not interfere with the baby's sleep.

6. In Polissya, women caused rain by dipping a spindle into the water. Alas, the ritual and conspiracy words are not known at the same time, so I will be grateful if anyone has more information about this rite.

7. Girls knew how to recognize devils who came under the guise of guys to get-togethers, turning the spindle upside down and looking through the spindle at the guy.

8. A special type of witchcraft, called spindleism, involves the use of a spindle to make a deal with unclean spirits at an intersection. Spindles are generally very popular with black magicians for damage - after all, fate can be woven in different ways.

9. The church generally considered the spindle to be an unclean object, and spinning an unpleasant business (and yet we do not know of a single pop-nudist). A woman who dared to bring a spindle to the church was considered a witch who leads the path to the Temple of God to evil spirits. The spindles were taken out of the house on Christmastide and on other big calendar holidays, since, according to legend, spindles can turn into a snake in the summer if this is not done. For example, a dangerous spindle snake in Slavic folklore (in fact, a legless lizard), according to legend, originated from a spindle that a woman spun on Christmastide and then threw it away instead of burning it.

10. Spindles were also carried out during a thunderstorm to protect the house from thunder and lightning (here, obviously, the legend about the struggle of Perun the Thunderer with the Serpent is reflected).

11. In general, the connection between snakes (chthonic creatures) and spindles / magic wands / staves is very expressed in the beliefs of the Slavs. For example, the staff of the sorcerer had to have contact with the snake for best results. Well, the spindles left in the house for a holiday (especially on Christmastide or Rusalnaya Week) could “go to the forest with snakes”.

12. The use of the spindle in treatment is widespread. There, however, depending on the case, not only 1, but 3 and even 9 spindles could be used. At the same time, it was impossible to beat a child with a broom or a spindle, so that he "does not stop growing."

13. It is known the fortune-telling of Ukrainian women on the Forty holiday on 40 spindles. Later they began to be replaced with twigs.

14. Another option for fortune telling on a spindle involves hanging the spindle and using it as a pendulum. You can also twist the spindle and see which way the sharp end points (like playing the bottle).

This is only fragmentary information about the spindle and its role in the life of the Slavs. In fact, when working with a spindle, we are faced with magic so ancient that even the most archaic treatises cannot fully explain it. All that remains is to desire, know, feel and dare. I am still unfamiliar with the work of Sherstennikov, although in the near future I will try to fill this gap in my education. And yet, to some extent, I had to deal with the work of the spindle as a storage device and, subsequently, a power emitter. Let me give you an example.

A year ago we moved to new house... My husband really liked it, and it seemed to me quite good, I especially liked the fact that it is surrounded on all sides by forest (I really love the northern forest). On the day when we carried our things into the house, I felt unwell. It was just a crazy breakdown. I lay down on the mattress left over from the previous owner and immediately fell asleep. I dreamed that I was in a school, the headmaster of which turned out to be a vampire kidnapping his students. I really do not like it when the weak and, especially, children are offended, so in a dream I immediately volunteered to deal with the vampire. Having gathered the students, we began to look for an aspen stake, when I suddenly remembered my spindle (my spindle from real life, which I bought and learned to spin on it). It was small, sharp, and ideal as a small stake in a dream. The fight with the vampire was much more difficult than I could have imagined. No matter how much I pierced him with a spindle, he still did not die and stubbornly tried to drag me into a dark opening in the floor, where he threw his victims. Probably, this was due to the fact that it was still a spindle, not a stake, and it was made (according to my guesses) of birch, not aspen. In the end, a blow to the very crown of the spindle finally finished him off, and he himself fell into his trap. That was the end of my dream and I woke up. The drowsiness was gone, but I didn't feel better from it. When we returned to this house again, I brought my spindle there and hung it over the threshold as a talisman (for some reason then it seemed very correct, although I could not explain it logically). It hung there until our final move and even longer. For the first six months in this house I did not "dry out" from illnesses, although energetically the house seemed "calm" (in the previous house I had to deal with what our ancestors called "brownie" more than once, it was not in the new house). Indeed, the "vampire" in the form of an incessant series of illnesses in this new home was indeed very difficult to overcome, but in the end I got through. And now, when I sit down to spin after a difficult day full of troubles, my soul somehow quite quickly becomes incredibly easy and calm, and from my chest the Russian song “Black Raven, I’m not yours!” Is pouring out of my chest. - for some reason, it is she who first comes to mind when spinning. Now (thanks to The Northern Tale) I have several spindles, and with all of them I have different and sometimes very surprising results - as if their characters are different, but definitely available. For example, with the help of the Bowk spindle from the shop, I really managed to remove the negative accumulated after visiting the house by the guests, although the negative was so obvious that even the Easter eggs I wrote suddenly “burst into tears,” and my temperature suddenly jumped up for no reason.

I understand that for many of my contemporaries the spindle is just a wooden stick. However, every time I take this "stick" in my hands, I have the feeling that I am touching something long forgotten, but very strong. I feel this strength right up to the tingling sensation in my fingers. I strive to know this power.


This is what our Travelers told about Slavic magic and witchcraft, about practical use spindle. Severina shared her knowledge:

“Hello! I have been working with the spindle for some time now and it seems to me that before you start spinning the spindle for magical purposes, you need to learn at least a little bit to spin. A bad spinner will not spin good destiny.

Turn your spindle - see in which position it is convenient for you to work with it. It usually depends on whether you are left-handed or right-handed. The magic thread, especially for the protection and exorcism of something, is often twisted in the "opposite" direction, ie. in the one in which you are not too comfortable to twist. But this requires skill in handling this undoubtedly powerful object. Therefore, I would recommend first getting used to your spindle, telling him why you bought it, turning it over again. Before the first use, some witches consecrate their spindle with the elements and sprinkle grass on elecampane, saying "Take all 9 strength to work for yourself ..." - you call the task of the spindle. When it comes to conspiracies, your own words, spoken sincerely, usually work better than an incomprehensible conspiracy. Although the conspiracy that is attached to the spindle, according to my information, was previously used to remove negativity from a person. So, if your words are not enough, try to use them, but with a specific purpose.

And a little more from the theory of "spindle" magic:

1. The main features of the spindle are its sharpness and ability to rotate. Spindle injections are used in healing rituals of another person to establish contact with that very person. With the help of a prick and rotation of the spindle, it is possible to pull out (and wind it on the spindle) the ailment that beset him. After that, such a spindle is usually burned or subjected to a very powerful ritual of purification.

2. The main dimension involved when working with a spindle is time. Rotating it in the "forward" direction (salting or whatever is convenient for you), we attract into our future what we want, winding our desire on a spindle along with the thread of our life. Therefore, in rituals to attract something (health, money, love, etc.), they use the direct rotation of the spindle and work with the future. When expelling something from our life, we must return to the past, to the very point when this something appeared in our life, and entwine the fate anew “improved”. To return to the past, use the "reverse" (anti-salinity or not very comfortable) rotation of the spindle - after all, as you know, you cannot turn life back in the usual ways that are convenient for us.

3. Modern witches, when working with a spindle, simply wind threads of a suitable color and from a material suitable for the purpose on it. For example, wool helps in removing spoilage, while the color is better to use black - an absorbing negative. However, the ritual will still turn out to be stronger and, therefore, more effective if you spin the thread yourself from natural fibers. This, however, requires much more skill and dexterity. But who said that changing one's destiny is easy? Therefore, it is again up to you to decide. I hope these tips will help those who are just discovering the ancient magic of the spindle - the magic of Mokosh herself. "


Severin shares his knowledge of Slavic magic and witchcraft again. Here is an old rite of passage for removing a hoodie with a spindle.

"Removing the negative (spoilage) on the spindle

The conspiracy is rustic, but has gained great popularity due to its effectiveness. For this conspiracy, a long spindle is traditionally used, the longer the better (apparently, in order not to accidentally transfer damage from a person to yourself). The main thing is that it should be used only for the purpose of removing negativity and for no other purposes. This means that in the future it can only be used for this purpose.

On the waning moon, a thread is spun from wool that is long enough to girdle the patient (you can also use a ready-made red wool thread). They gird the patient with this thread and let him vilify for three days without removing it. It is also not recommended to wet the thread. During the ritual, this thread is cut (with a bone or metal knife) and placed (it is better not to touch it with your hands - use a clean white cloth or immediately try to pick it up on the edge of the knife) to the patient's feet. At the same time, they say:

“For three den (name of the sick person) he held the thread,
I got bad on her.
Thread, break off
Damage, take off (name of the sick person). "

Further, the witch walks with a spindle (pre-cleaned and charged if the spindle is used for the first time, or cleaned after previous work, if the spindle is not new) around a standing patient and pricks him slightly with a spindle in front and behind, reciting the following conspiracy 9 times:

“On the sea-ocean, on the Buyan island,
near the stone-Alatyr sits grandmother gray.
He plays with a spindle, pulls an arrow on a red-hot arrow.
How delightful the arrow is, and how prickly,
So soon the tides and the ghosts go away!
What came - red, white, black -
From supporters, from bloodlines,
From a shim-hair girl
From a slanderous peasant
Go away, go away!
From a dashing slander,
From the windy break
From the evil eye,
From black hair,
From the tributary of the Vedic
From his thought thin.
The breakaway has come - there and go,
(Name of the sick person) osloboni!
Be my words worse than a sharp knife,
Hefty woman's horn.
The key is in the sea, the castle is in the company. "

After that, the thread is pushed onto a spindle, placed in a bowl and burned. Ashes are thrown into running water, taken to a crossroads or buried under an aspen (which, among other properties, is the sacred tree of Makosh). "


Here's what else I remembered about the spindle.

Remember Bulgakov's "bad apartment" where strange events took place? Is your apartment good? To find out what kind of energy is in your apartment, make several different observations: in a house with good energy, spilled water slowly dries up, flowers in vases fade for a long time, metal objects are cool to the touch, and wooden objects are a little warm.

In houses with "bad" energy, the fallen coin does not ring, milk turns sour faster, hot food cools quickly, salt instantly dissolves in water, oil melts before our eyes, water dries quickly, flowers wither, objects feel cold to the touch. With a candle, you can identify the worst places - candles are smoked, their fire rushes and goes out.

In no case should you put books on negative areas, they will immediately absorb all the negative and immediately transfer it to the owner. It would be good to put spindles in places of strong negative energy and twist them with saline (clockwise). Spruce spindle (we have this spindle for removing the negative Bowk) let it lie for a day in a bad place. It must be twisted three times during this time. After - rinse with water or even move the spindle over the candle flame. Then you can put the spindle in the next "bad place".

It would be good to put a second spindle on the cleaned place, already made of wood, which gives off light energy. For example, from linden. It is also good to hold them for a day, twisting the salting three times during this time. Our knowledgeable say that when twisting, it is better to count the revolutions (make nine revolutions) and pronounce your wish in the form of a conspiracy: "As the clear sun is spinning in saline, so let the black navi leave and scatter from me over the blue seas and high mountains."


Severina writes:

Hello to the Hostesses and the Travelers. Nadezhda, according to your question, heard from the old people that it is possible to “spin” the threads of fate. To do this, at the appointed hours (Kupala Night, the night of Clean Thursday or the Autumn holiday of Mokos), they spin a thread (it will be good if you take a black tow) on the threshold of your own house, while rotating the spindle in the opposite direction, that is, anti-salinity or to the side the opposite of how you usually spin. At the same time, twist (twist) the thread from yourself, remembering your whole life after you found this lining. It will be nice if you try to "scroll" life in the reverse order, while visualizing that all your misfortunes, all your dashing lot are wound on a spindle. The tow is then burned, before it was burned together with the spindle, but here, at your discretion, you can simply rewind the thread on an aspen stick and burn it. After this rite, the spindle will need to be cleaned very well (twirl the candles over the flame, imagining how everything bad burns up in the cleansing fire, rinse it under running water and hold it in salt for at least three days to rest), and for no other purpose, except for removing the negative, do not use. After that, you will take another spindle to the New Moon, a new one, or one that you use to attract good. Spin a thread on it (I advise you to take a red tow). Try to keep the thread thin and even. When working, imagine everything that you want to change in your life, everything good and good that you want to attract. Do not hesitate, dream in the brightest, most joyful colors. We hang this thread on a birch, with a request to Mokosha to give the best share. Let the thread hang on the birch for about a week, then remove it, wind it into a small pretty ball and keep it at the altar. As you notice the changes for the better, bring the required Mokoshi and thank you for the best part. And most importantly, how you carry out the first ceremony, remember - all the bad is already behind. Believe in yourself, in a better destiny! Good luck, and may you have enough strength to overcome the Darkness!

And one more little addition. An important point when performing these rituals is to remember that the Native Gods are on your side, and you, it is you, and not someone else's uncle or aunt, are the mistress of your own and, to some extent, your daughter's Destiny. Therefore, you have an undeniable advantage over another sorcerer, and it is in your hands, in your ability to change and fix everything. Good Share to you!

I return to the spindle, I write the general in context: at the level of village magic there are two common actions with a spindle - 1) a spindle or knitting needles are stuck into a ball of thread, then we are talking about damage 2) a village grandmother is a whisper or a witch is not able to transfer the gift in her family (for example, there are no daughters of granddaughters), then she throws her spindle with the last thread in places where there are many women and girls, so that someone accidentally picks up and accepts her gift, well, and her transition will be facilitated ... In both cases, you first need a casting on wax and then, as the case may be, magic " higher level"- this is when it is specifically spun on a spindle, and then you need to see such a spindle to understand possible options (love magic, patrimonial message or on Nedolya); if no measures were taken and everything was fresh on the trail, then hide it again (something like what was previously written), that is, reprogram. But I would not dare to send a person to do it himself, since the initial strength of the lining may exceed the capabilities of the victim himself, which will entail a high payoff (for example, they will be fired from work) or it will be sick for some time.


And here is an old conspiracy to correct fate (I quote with minor amendments to religion):

“This deed, as if to spoil, is also done for the good. For the sake of taking the spindle, and for a young month at dawn, shake the red thread of the evening. Whenever you spin it, you say it until you spin it, and then say it. The words are as follows:

“You were born into the world (name of rekite), people are honest by birth, and blood is all good, and you were born from (name of rekite) sorrow and sorrow, so they follow (name of rekite) sorrow and sorrow, and do not be abundant forever ...

So I destroy a fraction of a bad thing and a new share (name of a rekite) I pair. but even if you have grief and sorrow, and if you are sick and sick, then you will not have it even now. And thou shalt not have vows and vows now. And that was the man who was baptized, and now that baptism is abundant. but even thou art then bloodshed, now they are cut off.

I close this act with an ancient rank and a great command (name of a rekite) of another share and a good share. Forever and ever. Tako byst Tako esi. Tako wake up. "

And I sow the thread that a person should do. In the case of nauz, this is the admission:

“For a good share (name rekut) for the century of the stomach. So fast. Thou art so. Tako wake up. "

Yes, three knots and three times to say this. The business is well coordinated, and this thread should be kept by the person. "


Yasmin's Wanderer:

1. Blooming women during menstruation and in the middle of pregnancy should not use a spindle, and the spindle is not desirable in the climacteric period. The explanation at the present level is associated with torsion fields, the hormonal system

2. Initially, you should purchase a spindle "for personal" use. You will use this spindle only for yourself, and only after the adjustment to the most various aspects of working with the spindle occurs, then you can already acquire spindles for "practice", that is, you kind of create a magical space specializing in the magic of the spindle and your the spindle-leader will seem to transmit information about you to the working spindles, and at the same time will transmit the primary magical impulse, otherwise, having typed a lot of spindles, you will have a "kindergarten"

3. It is very important to give a "personal spindle" and a spindle to those who work for good promises to be in their business from time to time - to spin a tow, so that the spindle does not forget itself)))

4. A ritual for wizards and for those who have suffered something difficult in life At dawn, during the growing moon, you need to go to the sun, hold the spindle between two palms (like namaste) with the tip down at chest level and start circling in the sun, you can sing or hum , or laugh, or whisper cherished words ... There will come a moment when you will feel a cocoon around you - this protective shell will be additional protection for you when working with clients, and for those who need powerful healing, it will serve as a healing bandage for wounds. It is almost impossible to break through the golden cocoon, the only way to remove the shroud of Mokosh from the magician is to suddenly prick with a "black" spindle.

Wanderer Severin:

I agree with Yasmin's post in almost everything, except for the first point. According to my data, women who were not pregnant and without regulations were really engaged in the magic of the spindle, in special cases (making everyday objects, i.e. objects made during one daylight hours), young girls or old women (i.e. those who still or can no longer continue the race). However, I have never heard of abstaining from regular spinning these days. As for pregnancy, pregnant women could embroider a towel for their baby or write an Easter egg - there is also control over fate. Why then was spinning taboo if other ways of working with fate were allowed?

Another small addition: the tow should be spun in one evening. We do not leave work at night. Why? Because without completing the work, we allow the chthonic forces (the kikimore and even Mokosha herself) to complete the work for us, with a result unknown to us. In fact, we cease to control our destiny (which is the main meaning of magical actions with a spindle, and magic in general), and we hand it over to the unknown.

Wanderer Yasmina: "Good health, if necessary - I will clarify: that period of pregnancy, when the baby needs to take a position, they refrained from any work with the spindle ... in the popular way they said:" so that the child does not spin ", but scientifically - here is the role of torsion vortices any magic during the period of regulation is associated with the so-called dark witchcraft ... and at the expense of "working with fate" ... this is a different topic ... WITH UD BA ROCK PROVIDENCE ... yes needlework is magic, but not always embroidery or making a doll is work with fate ... I hope to be understood correctly))) this is the wisdom of our traditions, so that magic and the simplicity of everyday life are combined in all creativity, it seems like you need to create without strain, letting go of all sorts of thoughts like - so a doll to find a husband, and so a knot from the evil eye "... it is so now they puff and sniff in search of Internet information .. and the message of PRA is to create like God and live like children play when you perform a magical action, then on the one hand you clearly understand" why and for what ", but together with so you completely disassociate with the external him ".


First you need to purchase a spindle for magic and fill it with your power by reading the conspiracy. Then conduct a rite of passage to Makosh and get permission. Well, then it's a matter of your imagination and practice. We, for our part, will help you by adding advice to this spindle on how to proceed first and what conspiracy to read. And to questions about the magic of the spindle "Northern Fairy Tale" will always answer! All in your hands! The simplest and most proven magic wand in front of you!

A lot can be said about the magic spindle. Spinning - the grandmother's spindle is spinning, doing magic. In this article, I will tell you the basics of spinning a magic spindle - a magic wand. Which everyone knows, but not everyone is aware. And it is in this joining the world rotation that the secret of creating your own magical field and, of course, increasing your own magical capabilities is hidden. The magic spindle can become your friend and helpers in good deeds! The magical properties of the spindle are inherent in the form itself, which allows it to spin by itself and twist the magical field around itself. Warning: a spindle that has not been previously used for household needs is considered magical - if you spin a thread from a tow on it, then only for the purpose of magic.

The first property of the magic spindle: spinning in two streams

Our life is supported by two main streams of Power - they cleanse our lakes (accumulators of vitality) and fill them: the stream from above and the stream from below. Often unconscious, but the magical property of the spindle: it can circle saline (in the sun, clockwise) and anti-saline (against the sun, counterclockwise). By the way people spin the spindle, it can be determined whether they have reached a good level of development. magical abilities... If a magician (so, for the sake of simplicity, I will call those in charge of both sexes) with equal ease twirls the spindle and salting and anti-salting, then this can unequivocally speak of a good development of abilities. Look at the time the magic spindle is spinning in one direction or the other - it should be approximately equal for the same spindle. Remember that it makes no sense to compare the spinning times of different spindles - each spindle has its own weight and its own spinning time.

The second property of the magic spindle: to develop clairvoyance and clairvoyance

Downstream - Rod's thread. This is a connection with your kind, Ancestors, Navu, Navny Gods. This stream is spinning saline (clockwise). We receive from above the opening of the secret, the light of knowledge.

Rotating the magic spindle clockwise, salting, we:

  • invoke the strength of our family and ancestors,
  • open Nav,
  • we call on masculine strength,
  • we open the light (joy),
  • we get the power to “know”.

The magical properties of the spindle, which develop our abilities, are manifested as follows: feeling oneself in this stream develops clairvoyance and clairvoyance. A magical spindle, which spins in this stream, whirling in saline, helps us to create this flow.

How to create a magic stream of salting? Very simple.

1. Take your magic spindle and place it on the table (or saucer) with the spindle facing down. To get a feel for how fast it can spin, spin it a few times.

2. Then take it in your hand (no matter which one) and twist the salt in your hand - as fast as you can. Spinning down.

3. Then, without stopping to turn the magic spindle, turn the salting yourself. Enough three times(but more is possible - as long as it gives you pleasure). Do not keep the spindle itself at the same level, but start above the crown of the head on an outstretched arm and gradually lowering the level of the spindle. The last loop is as low as you can, but always below your Source Lake. Do a total of three or nine loops.

After you have learned to create and feel this flow, use it consciously - to obtain the knowledge you need. It's also simple:

2. Think about what exactly you would like to know, mentally refer to the Family, Ancestors, Navi Gods.

“As my (name of the rivers) spindle is spinning, let the knowledge of (insert the necessary) also fly to me (name).

The necessary knowledge can come to you immediately, in the protective circle during the ritual, or later. If you want to know more about your question, do this ritual three times. After the ritual, thank the magic spindle, wrap it in a scarf and put it in its storage place. In critical cases, use the twirl of the elements, setting the corresponding bowls to the cardinal points. You set the bowls around you, leaving yourself room to circle. There is no need to install salt in the center of the altar - in this case, you and the spindle are the image of the alaty-stone, the world concentration of forces.

The third property of the magic spindle: to develop the ability to fulfill desires

The ascending stream is the thread of Fate, the Thread of Makosh, the Goddess of Fate and Magic, the Goddess-Spinner. Connection with Makosh, Rule, Gods Rule. This stream is spinning against the saline (against the sun). We get bodily health from below, an understanding of the rules of a "correct" life and magical power to establish this order in our lives and the lives of those around us. After all, you understand that by doing northern magic of good, we will not be able to make a wrong wish that violates the will of the Gods Rule. So it turns out that by joining the stream of Makosh, we get the strength to "correct the wrong."

By rotating the spindle counterclockwise anti-saline, we:

  • invoke the power of the Goddess Makosh,
  • open the Right.
  • we call feminine power,
  • we call bodily and spiritual health,
  • drive out the "wrong",
  • we get the power to "put things in order"

The magical properties of the spindle, which develop our abilities, are manifested as follows: the feeling of oneself in this stream develops an awareness of the correct state of affairs and the power of change, bringing this conscious order. A magical spindle, which spins in this stream, whirling against the salines, helps us to create this flow.

How to create an anti-salt flow?

It's very simple - just like the downdraft, only now we do it from bottom to top, from right to left.

1. Take your magic spindle and place it on the table (or saucer) with the spindle facing down. To get a feel for how fast it can spin, spin it a few times.

2. Then take the magic spindle in your hand (it doesn't matter which one) and twist the anti-salt directly in your hand - as fast as you can. Spinning down.

3. Then, without stopping to turn the magic spindle, turn the anti-salt yourself. Three times is enough (but more is possible - as long as it gives you pleasure). Do not keep the spindle itself at the same level, but start from the bottom (below the Source) and gradually increase the level of the spindle. The last loop is as high as you can, but always higher than your own Rodnik lake. Do a total of three or nine loops.

After you have learned to create and feel this flow, use it consciously - to gain the knowledge and power you need. It's also simple:

1. Install the outer protective circle (salin ritual knife, three times) and internal (anti-saline, three times).

2. Think about what exactly you would like to change, mentally refer to the Gods Rule, to Mother Makosh herself.

3. Create a flow with the magic spindle and your own whirling, as described above. Read the conspiracy:

“As my (name of the rivers) spindle turns against the salinity, let the power to change (insert the necessary) also fly to me (name).

4. Stop, rest and take a closer look at the sensations, the thoughts that came to you.

5. Open the protective circles: inner salting three times, outer anti-salting three times.

The necessary power can come to you immediately, in the protective circle during the ritual, or later. If you want to get more strength, do this ritual three times. After the ritual, thank the magic spindle, wrap it in a scarf and put it in its storage place. In critical cases, use the twirl of the elements, setting the corresponding bowls to the cardinal points. You set the bowls around you, leaving yourself room to circle. There is no need to install salt in the center of the altar - in this case, you and the spindle are the image of the alaty-stone, the world concentration of forces.

In conclusion about the magical properties of the spindle

As you can imagine, the properties of the magic spindle do not end with the development of abilities. Perhaps this is just the beginning.

The magic spindle can attract happiness and joy, light and prosperity to you, to your loved ones and to your home, it can remove everything dark and unnecessary. There are separate subtleties in using each spindle.

Irina Ivanova's webinar will show how twisting

use spindles to cure:

Spindle Magic Theory I have been working with the spindle for some time now, and it seems to me that before you start spinning the spindle for magical purposes, you need to learn at least a little how to spin. A bad spinner will not spin good destiny. Turn the spindle - see in what position it is convenient to work with it. This usually depends on whether you are left or right handed. The magic thread, especially for the protection and exorcism of something, is often twisted in the "opposite" direction, ie. in the one in which you are not too comfortable to twist. But this requires skill in handling this undoubtedly powerful object. Therefore, I would recommend that you first get used to your spindle, tell him why you bought it, and turn it over again. Before the first use, some sorceresses consecrate their spindle with the elements and sprinkle grass on elecampane, saying "Take all 9 strength to work for yourself ..." - you call the task of the spindle. When it comes to conspiracies, spoken sincerely usually works better than an incomprehensible plot. Although the conspiracy that is attached to the spindle, according to my information, was previously used to remove negativity from a person. So, if your words are not enough, try to use them, but with a specific purpose. First, feel the spindle (you can even give it a name - many wizards gave names to their magic tools ) and that it will definitely help. And then you can safely get down to work. Happy Share! A little bit from the theory of "spindle" magic. 1. The main features of the spindle are its sharpness and ability to rotate. Spindle injections are used in healing rituals of another person to establish contact with that very person. With the help of a prick and rotation of the spindle, it is possible to pull out (and wind it on the spindle) the ailment that beset him. After that, such a spindle is usually burned or subjected to a very powerful ritual of purification. 2. The main dimension involved when working with a spindle is time. Rotating it in the "forward" direction (salting), we attract into our future what we want, winding our desire on a spindle along with the thread of our life. Therefore, in rituals to attract something, direct rotation of the spindle is used and work with the future. When expelling something from our life, we must return to the past, to the very point when this something appeared in our life - and to entwine fate anew "improved". To return to the past, use is made of the "reverse" (anti-salinity or not very convenient) rotation of the spindle - after all, as we know, you cannot turn life back in the usual ways that are convenient for us. 3. Modern witches, when working with a spindle, simply wind threads of a suitable color and material suitable for the purpose on it. For example, wool helps in removing spoilage, while the color is better to use black - an absorbing negative. However, the ritual will still turn out to be stronger and, therefore, more effective if you spin the thread yourself from natural fibers. This, however, requires much more skill and dexterity. But who said that changing one's destiny is easy? I hope these tips will help those who are just discovering the ancient magic of the spindle - the magic of Mokosh herself. Removing the negative (spoilage) on the spindle The conspiracy is rustic, but has gained great popularity due to its effectiveness. For this conspiracy, a long spindle is traditionally used, the longer the better (apparently, in order not to accidentally transfer damage from a person to yourself). The main thing is that it should be used only for the purpose of removing negativity, and for no other purpose. This means that in the future it can only be used for this purpose. On the waning moon, a thread is spun from wool, long enough to girdle the patient (you can also use a ready-made red wool thread). They gird the patient with this thread and let him vilify for three days without removing it. It is also not recommended to wet the thread. During the ritual, this thread is cut (with a bone or metal knife) and placed (it is better not to touch it with your hands - use a clean white cloth or immediately try to pick it up on the edge of the knife) to the patient's feet. At the same time, they say: "For three den (the name of the patient rekite) he held the thread, he pulled it badly on it. The thread, cut off, Damage, take off (the name of the sick rekite)." Further, the witch walks with a spindle (pre-cleaned and charged if the spindle is used for the first time, or cleaned after previous work, if the spindle is not new) around a standing patient and pricks him slightly with a spindle in front and behind, reciting the following conspiracy 9 times: "At sea - On the ocean, on the island of Buyan, near the stone-Alatyr sits a gray-haired grandmother. She plays with a spindle, pulls an arrow on a red-hot arrow. How the arrow is sharp and thorny, So soon the tributaries and ghosts go away! What came - red, white, black - From supporters, from bloodsheds, From a shimov-hair girl, From a slanderous peasant, Go away, go away! From a dashing slander, From a windy fracture, From an evil eye, From a black hair, From a vedic tide From your thin thought. recite) osloboni! Be my words more sharp knife, Hefty woman's horn. The key is in the sea, the castle is in the company. " After that, the thread is pushed onto a spindle, placed in a bowl and burned. Ashes are thrown into running water, taken to an intersection, or buried under an aspen (which, among other properties, is the sacred tree of Makosh). How to use a spindle for Slavic witchcraft as a magic wand? I will tell you what our grandmothers did not consider a secret. Under the measured twisting, singing a lingering song, any spinner entered the state that we know as "kudesy". A calm posture, a rhythmic song, circular movements of the hand, and in a miraculous way the spinner turns out to be in such a mood when it is not so difficult to get a thought into the tower to Makosh, the spinner Goddess, the Goddess of Fate, and ask her for something cherished. And feel how the power of Pravi fills the body, and through the hands passes through the fingers and is absorbed into the spindle tree for magic and the twisted thread. Rushing through unknown distances with his thoughts, any spinner could fill his spindle for spinning and his thread with power, life, the magic of fulfilling a desire. Well, then - you just have to take this spindle, that already so many turns turned a chaotic tow into an ordered thread, and let your imagination create magic. The Slavs held the magic of likeness in high esteem - most of the old conspiracies are built on this: “as this stone does not take anything, so no dryness would take me .... ". How to learn Slavic witchcraft with a spindle? First you need to acquire a spindle for magic and fill it with your power by reading the conspiracy. Then conduct a rite of passage to Makosh and get permission. Well, then it's a matter of your imagination and practice. We, for our part, will help you by adding advice to this spindle on how to proceed at the beginning and what conspiracy to read, and also we will answer questions in a special topic of our Conversations. All in your hands! The simplest and most proven magic wand in front of you! HOW TO CLEAN AND CHARGE THE SPINNER A circle with the symbols of the elements is placed on the altar (for this you can use a set of bowls for magic from this shop). Bread and a little salt are placed in the bowl of the Earth, dumb water is poured into the bowl of Water (that is, taken from the place where three streams merge into one at 3-4 o'clock in the morning without a single word, you can also take melted water) or well water, next to a large feather is placed in the bowl of Air, and a candle is placed in the bowl of Fire. Elecampane grass is poured into the last bowl (I use the root due to the inaccessibility of the grass itself) and put it slightly to the side. The spindle is placed in the center of the circle. Start charging from the Earth (north). To do this, rub the spindle with bread, sprinkle it with salt, saying: "Cleanse and recharge with the power of the Earth." Then they sprinkle the spindle with water, saying: "Cleanse and recharge with the power of Water." After they carry the spindle over the candle (carefully, do not scorch the spindle itself while doing this), I usually wrap the spindle over the candle with salting until it warms up in my hands. "Cleanse yourself and charge yourself with the power of Fire." Finally, they wave a feather over the spindle, they can drive it air from the bowl of Air and say: "Cleanse and be charged with the power of Air." Next, take elecampane grass and sprinkle it a little under the spindle itself and a little on top. They say at the same time: "Take all 9 forces for your work ... (name what you will use your spindle for)." It is also recommended to put on the spindle the signs of the gods and elements with which you work (I gave my spindle a name), but this is not so necessary. The main thing is to know that now you have a cleaned and charged spindle, your faithful friend and helper, completely ready for magical use. AN OLD CONSPIRACY And here is an old conspiracy to correct fate (I quote with minor amendments to religion): "This deed, as if for damage, it is done for the good. For the sake of taking a spindle and for a young month at dawn, shake the evening thread red. and then say a whim until you wear it, and say it until then. The words are: "You were born into the world (name of rekite), people are honest by birth, and blood is all good, and you were born from (name of rekite) sorrow and sorrow, but they go for (name of rekite) sorrow and sorrow, but not So I destroy a little bit of evil and a new share (the name of rekite) I combine. And if you have grief and sorrow, ailment and ailment, then you should bear it now. And you also have vows and vows so now you can bear it. And that was a baptized man. Yes, now that baptism is abundant. And now you are bloodshed, now they are cut off. I close this deed with an ancient order and a great command (name of rekite) of another share and a good share. Forever ever. This is how you are. So wake up. " And I sow the thread that a person should do. For nauz, this is the adage: "For a good share (name rekut) for the age of the belly. So fast. So you are. So wake up." Yes, three knots and three times to say this. The matter is harmonious, and this thread should be kept by a person. "Here is such an interesting conspiracy that uses not only the magic of the spindle, but also the magic of nauses. STORAGE RULES OF SPINS There are general, time-tested" storage rules ", conditionally so we will call 1 all personal items , including for magical purposes, we store in a separate chest or at least a box, putting something juniper 2 working magic items have their own bag with an addition of 7 bathing herbs collected by you personally (in observance of rituals), and certainly where there will be no household things and yours (maybe a loggia?) 3, if necessary, fumigate with juniper, wormwood, ignite the salt (until the crackling goes away, if there is one) and put a magic work item on warm salt - people say "to have a rest" 4 good spindle to carry out to the rainbow and go as if to the rainbow to reel a rainbow thread - the rain weaved my needs, I knew and I gave a colored heavenly thread I would twist that thread and get a silushka (goy - so be it and so it will be) after that 9 days we do not touch the SPINNER FOR STORING SPINS If anyone else is interested, before the spindles (and spun yarn - lobes) were stored in urinals - special bast boxes without a lid, but with a handle - something in between a box and a basket, such urinals were often painted, and the painting on them often corresponded to the painting on the spinning wheels. With such urinals, the girls went to gatherings.