Food to raise testosterone in men. Men's Testosterone Boosting Products - A list of the most effective drinks, nuts, seeds and oils. Products that are detrimental to male power

To increase the synthesis of sex hormones, use products that increase testosterone in men, a list of which is given in the article. Testosterone is a biologically active substance that is produced by the glands of the testes and adrenal glands. It belongs to the group of androgens. affects sexual activity, metabolism and mood. Its level depends on lifestyle and nutritional habits.

The effect of testosterone on the male body

Normal testosterone ranges from 11 to 33 nmol/l. The level of the hormone reaches its maximum values ​​in young men. After 35 years, the concentration of the hormone decreases. In the body, testosterone performs the following functions:

  • controls the development of secondary sexual characteristics - a change in the timbre of the voice, hair growth on the face and body, Adam's apple;
  • accelerates anabolic processes - renews tissue cells and promotes muscle growth;
  • responsible for producing good;
  • normalizes blood circulation;
  • affects erection and the degree of sexual desire;
  • participates in energy reactions;
  • stimulates.

Low production of a substance is determined by the signs:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • problems with potency;
  • decreased libido;
  • baldness;
  • joint pain;
  • nervousness.

Synthetic analogues of the sex hormone are used to increase testosterone levels. Such drugs are usually used by athletes to build muscle mass. Long-term use of synthetic anabolics suppresses the production of its own hormone. You can maintain a normal level of testosterone in the blood with products that promote the production of the active substance.

What vitamins stimulate testosterone synthesis

Nutrients from food are much better absorbed and absorbed than synthetic food supplements. What vitamins and minerals increase testosterone production can be seen from the table.

Nutrient nameSourceProperties
CAny kind of cabbage, rose hips, citrus fruits, turnips, beans, sweet peppersAntioxidants - block the action of free radicals, neutralize the hormone cortisol
DPoultry liver, veal, fish, eggs, butterReduces estrogen activity
ESprouted wheat, vegetable oil, lettuce, nuts, dried fruitsAntioxidant, slows down aging
Groups BBeef, liver, yellow fruits, fish, cerealsParticipates in the metabolic processes of energy resources
ZincCereals, seafood, seeds, nutsConverts estrogen to testosterone, is responsible for the ability to fertilize
SeleniumGarlic, squid, herring, egg yolk, mackerel, tunaSupports reproductive function
ArginineDairy products, seeds, nuts, crabs, white fish, cod, chickenAffects the composition of sperm
Omega-3, Omega-6 fatty acidsFatty fish, squid, olives, olives, avocadosPrevention of heart and vascular diseases, participates in testosterone synthesis reactions
IodineSeaweed, squid, shrimp, pollock, flounder, pink salmon, cod, feijoaIodine deficiency causes disruption in the production of thyroid hormones

Testosterone is one of the steroid hormones that are responsible for the development of secondary sexual characteristics in men. They affect muscle mass, bone thickness, strength and endurance. Stress, inactive lifestyle, tobacco and alcohol abuse reduce testosterone levels. But the main enemy of this hormone is malnutrition. However, if you know which foods contain testosterone, and select the menu accordingly, problems can be avoided.

Nutrients responsible for testosterone production

Strictly speaking, the question of which foods contain testosterone can only be answered in one way - none. This hormone is produced by the human body, and food only provides materials for its production. And the more raw materials there are, the higher the testosterone level will be.

First of all, we are talking about vitamin B and zinc. It is these two elements that are directly involved in the synthesis of the hormone that a man needs. In addition, zinc increases endurance, has a beneficial effect on brain function.

Of great importance is the quality of proteins that enter the body in food. Priority should be given to animal proteins. Unlike vegetable, they contain all the amino acids necessary for the body.

You should also pay attention to vitamins C and E. With constant stress, testosterone in men is synthesized more slowly, so in difficult life periods you should consume more foods containing vitamin C. But you need to be careful with the dosage of vitamins E and B.

If you make a diet from the above products, a man will not know problems with the level and production of testosterone. The main thing is a balanced diet, which includes meat, vegetables, cereals, and fruits. This will not only avoid problems with potency, but also improve the body as a whole.

To maintain a healthy hormonal background in the human body, retinol, protein, B vitamins, tocopherol and zinc are required. All these components of health help to bind testosterone, to intensively synthesize it even with a slight decrease, to maintain the required amount of hormone concentration.

Normal hormonal balance allows you to maintain the required level of muscle mass, sexual health, adequate behavior in society. Proper nutrition is an important aspect of the treatment of any hormonal disorder, however, food therapy is only suitable for maintaining the achieved therapeutic results or for correcting a slight decrease in the hormone level.

What to eat

To achieve an increase in the concentration of testosterone in the blood, food should be enriched with fats from the Omega-3 group (fish oil), vitamins A and B of the group, zinc, protein and fiber. All components must be perfectly balanced, included in the daily diet of the patient. So, you can quickly increase the level of androgens in the blood with the help of the following substances:

    Zinc. The zinc content is especially high in seafood. At the same time, it does not matter whether they have been heat treated or retained their freshness. Zinc-rich oysters, mussels, low-fat sea fish, shrimp, scallops, squid. Zinc is found in liver and veal meat. Pumpkin seeds and sesame seeds are enriched with zinc in sufficient quantities. Eggs, cauliflower, full-fat milk, and legumes are also high in zinc. In a woman's body, zinc prevents the conversion of testosterone to estrogen.

    Omega-3 fats and acids. An indispensable substance for reduced testosterone and vitamin deficiency. You can find Omega-3 in fatty fish, wheat germ, vegetable oils, olives and olives, nuts. For ease of use, you can purchase fish oil or Omega-3 capsules in pharmacy chains.

    Cellulose. Fiber is found in large quantities in all legumes and grains, fruits, root vegetables and other vegetables. The main amount of fiber comes from greens, apples, raisins, carrots, peas, and bran.

    Protein compounds. Egg white, dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir, ayran), beef, lamb, poultry, cereals. It is with proteins that testosterone is bound and converted into the active phase, which is why it is so important to take care of saturating the body with protein products.

    Vitamins and minerals. Rich in vitamin C and B are rose hips (decoctions, fruit drinks), white cabbage, citrus fruits, lingonberries, viburnum, black currants. Lots of vitamin C in garlic.

    Fats. In the synthesis of testosterone, healthy fats play an important role, which are found in sufficient quantities in fish, natural peanut butter, beans, walnuts and hazelnuts.

The combination of all these components in the daily diet can significantly improve the state of health, normalize the hormonal background quickly enough - within a few months. The daily norm and ratio of protein and zinc are presented in the following table:

pumpkin seeds



sorrel sour



Daily rate

Grocery list

To restore hormonal levels, stabilize sexual life, activate vitality, muscle and bone progress, you must include the following products in your diet:

    Red meat. Red is the meat of birds, mammals or cattle, which contains a huge amount of myoglobin protein, which turns the meat red. Such a product is a source of protein, promotes the development of muscle mass, contains a small percentage of fat. Moderate consumption allows you to maintain normal cholesterol levels, provide the entire body with natural protein.

    Seafood. Useful products are salmon fish species, trout, saury, crabs and squids, any shrimps, mussels, anchovies. All of them are extremely rich in zinc, which is involved in the structure of testosterone molecules. They are also rich in Omega-6 and Omega-3 compounds.

    Nuts and seeds. Sunflower seeds, walnuts, pistachios (not salted), cashews, hazelnuts, almonds, and pumpkin seeds contain a huge amount of vitamins and compounds involved in the synthesis of testosterone. A handful of nuts during the day is enough to saturate the body. In addition, nuts satisfy hunger and prevent overeating. It is ideal to mix nuts with honey and dried fruits (such a salad can be eaten in the morning on an empty stomach instead of breakfast).

    Chicken eggs. The product contains a natural protein that is directly involved in the production of testosterone. Eggs contain cholesterol, which is similar to that found in red meat. If you consume the product in moderation, then there will be no harm to health. Eggs are best eaten boiled or soft-boiled. Raw eggs are drunk only if they have their own farm.

    Fruit fruits. To saturate the body with the necessary vitamins that are involved in the synthesis of testosterone, it is better to give preference to yellow fruits: persimmons, apricots, peaches, melons, avocados, mangoes, papaya. A few fruits a week are enough to meet the need for vitamins.

    Vegetables. Useful will be the consumption of any type of cabbage. The vegetable not only raises cholesterol levels, but also prevents the development of prostate cancer. Another leader in the group of testosterone-boosting foods is pumpkin, which in addition has high antioxidant properties. Carrots, bell peppers, tomatoes, zucchini, and zucchini are all vegetables that help boost hormone levels.

    Berries and dried fruits. All berries growing in the region of Russia are a storehouse of useful vitamins and fundamental components of men's health. Prunes, dried apricots, raisins and dried fruits contain high amounts of fiber, calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

    Red wine. Despite the fact that alcohol inhibits the synthesis of testosterone, red wine inhibits the aromatase enzyme, which ensures the transformation of testosterone into estrogens - female sex hormones. Enough 1 glass per day to provide a slight stimulation of testosterone production. When the dose of any alcohol is exceeded, the body will react the other way around.

    Cereal porridge. For sexual strength and health, cereals from coarse varieties of cereals - buckwheat, millet, barley, barley - are especially useful. At the same time, these products cleanse the intestines from congestion and prevent the formation of stomach diseases.

    Dairy and dairy products. If you don’t want to eat simple cottage cheese, kefir, milk or yogurt, you can show your imagination and cook beautiful and delicious desserts. Dairy products go well with fruits, nuts, berries.

    Legumes. Among the well-known ones, soybeans, peas, beans, beans are especially distinguished. In terms of nutritional value, legumes are significantly superior to natural meat, prevent obesity, cleanse the body, and promote the synthesis of natural testosterone in the blood.

    Fresh greens. Lettuce, cilantro, parsley, dill, spinach - all these products from the garden contribute to the growth of male hormones and the saturation of the body with useful microelements and organic compounds.

    Spices and spices. The main advantage in the use of spices is the suppression of the activity of external xenoesterone, a special phytohormone found in many fruits and vegetables. Many studies have shown that often the use of spices improves spermatogenesis and normalizes hormonal levels in men. Such products are ginger, turmeric, curry, cardamom, capsicum.

Everything must be in moderation. So, if you eat 1 kg of nuts per day and take a break for several months, then no positive effect will be noted. Proper balanced nutrition should be systemic, regular, moderate.

Nutrition rules

To achieve high results, it is not enough just to eat all the foods that affect testosterone levels. Nutritionists recommend using some rules that will help you maximize testosterone nutrition with food:

    minimization of thermal effects (some varieties of fish are best eaten lightly salted or cooked at a low temperature):

    selection of fresh and quality products;

    fruits, berries and greens are best eaten fresh;

    you need to drink food 30 minutes after its digestion (an excellent option is freshly squeezed vegetable or fruit juice);

    meals are frequent, but in small portions (about 250 gr).

Be sure to exclude tobacco, alcoholic beverages from the diet. Sports and an active lifestyle will help to achieve high results. All these recommendations will help increase testosterone levels without medication in a short time.

Testosterone is an important hormone that affects many aspects of human health. A pronounced deficiency of the hormone can only be corrected with medication, but the best prevention of hypogonadism in men and women is proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

This article breaks down the second ten foods for men who have low testosterone (T). The first part can be found at.


  1. Raw cocoa products

This is a real superfood and nutrition to increase the main male sex hormone. This is not about ordinary chocolate or cocoa. Natural chocolate is not heated (as this leads to the destruction of antioxidants and many vitamins), it is not processed or refined.

What is needed is an unheated, minimally processed product that is essentially a "raw version" of chocolate that retains antioxidants, enzymes, and gut-friendly bacteria. It improves cardiovascular health, lowers blood pressure, lowers blood glucose levels.

What are the benefits of raw chocolate and cocoa? First, the high content of antioxidants and minerals, such as:

  • manganese,
  • iron
  • copper.

Raw cocoa products contain quite a lot of fat in good proportions for testosterone production. For example, of food fats in raw chocolate, ~61% are saturated fats, ~37% are monounsaturated fats. and only ~2% polyunsaturated (depending on the manufacturer).

This organic raw food is full of antioxidants, live bacteria and enzymes, and has an excellent fat ratio. All this contributes to the increase of testosterone in the blood in men.

Eggs are great for a diet if a man wants to increase testosterone. This food is often regarded as the "ideal protein" since eggs have a nearly perfect balance of amino acids for human needs. Eggs are also very nutritious and contain almost everything known (with the exception of vit. C).

They have the optimal ratio of fatty acids for the production of testosterone. 38% saturated fat, 44% monounsaturated fat. and only 18% polyunsaturated. The most important factor that makes eggs so beneficial for a testosterone diet is that the yolk contains high doses of cholesterol, which is a direct precursor to testosterone.

Many are afraid of cholesterol and fats contained in the yolk, but this is not necessary. It has been scientifically proven that regular consumption of eggs (within reasonable limits) does not adversely affect the health of the cardiovascular system.

It can also be considered a product that promotes the production of testosterone in men. However, there is a huge difference between real sea or rock salt and regular table salt. This spice is useful in its unrefined and unmodified form. It contains more than 60 trace elements important for the male body. While the usual table or table salt contains only sodium and chlorine.

In addition, processed, refined salt can contain up to 3% of harmful anti-caking agents, which are heavy metals that humans do not need, such as aluminum silicate or sodium ferrocyanide. All this is done for the sake of increasing profits and lengthening the shelf life.

Purified table salt contains only 2 minerals and heavy metals, while natural salt is produced without anti-caking agents and harmful impurities. Real salt even tastes different from regular salt.

  1. argan oil

- a great addition to a testosterone-boosting diet. This food item is derived from the kernels of the argan tree and is widely used in the Mediterranean diet. The previous part of the ranking told about olive oil and Moroccan men who increased their testosterone levels by 17% within 2 weeks.
In the same study, there was another group of subjects. They were given unrefined argan oil as their main source of fat for 2 weeks. Thanks to this, their testosterone levels increased by 20%, almost the same as in the first group.

Like olive oil, argan oil is anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. It has a good ratio of fatty acids for testosterone production.

There are clinical data showing that this oil increases testosterone levels by 20%.

  1. Avocado

Avocado is a natural remedy that can increase testosterone. These fruits are often labeled as unhealthy because of their calorie content, but unlike many other fruits, 77% of the calories in avocados come from fat, and increased dietary fat intake is directly related to increased testosterone production. Also important are their types, which increase this hormone: saturated (SFA) and monounsaturated. (MUFAs) are useful for boosting testosterone, and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) actually tend to lower testosterone.

Therefore, avocados can naturally increase testosterone levels in men as they are high in fat, of which 16% is PUFA, 71% is MUFA, and only 13% is PUFA.

Avocados also contain fat-soluble vitamins, many of which are critical for healthy testosterone production.

  1. Champignon

Mushrooms are also among the products that promote the production of testosterone. Since they are mostly water, you might think that they do not carry any benefit. However, it is not.

These mushrooms have polysaccharides in their composition, and numerous studies have shown that they also have an anti-estrogenic effect, since they seem to naturally block the enzyme that converts testosterone to estrogen. Similar antiestrogenic effects are inherent in other types of mushrooms, but champignons are the most powerful aromatase inhibitors.

  1. Baking soda

Sodium bicarbonate is a good supplement for those who want to increase testosterone production. Sodium bicarbonate is used as a pre-workout supplement and also to increase testosterone in men.

How is baking soda useful for a man? First, it can be used as an ergogenic drug. This means that soda can significantly improve endurance during training, just when the body is experiencing strong energy costs and overloads. Maintaining the acid-base balance in the body is very important. Usually the dose of sodium bicarbonate necessary for an athlete is calculated as follows: 200-300 mg per kg of body weight.

Equally important, sodium bicarbonate tends to act as a molecular switch for cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). And elevated cAMP levels correlate with increased testosterone production, as cAMP activates protein kinase A and serves as a second messenger between body cells and hormones.

  1. Yogurt

Milk yogurt is also a testosterone booster. Recently, there has been a lot of evidence that prebiotics, probiotics, live enzymes, and other types of human-friendly bacteria can have a positive effect on testosterone production.

Recently, a study in male rodents tested many different diets supplemented with Lactobacillus Reuteri. In each individual case, the addition of L. reuterii to the diet caused an increase in testosterone levels, an increase in luteinizing hormone (), an increase in testicular size and weight. Sperm parameters have been improved and even markers of social dominance have been increased.

Another rodent study showed that increased exposure to healthy gut microbiotics led to higher testosterone levels. It has been documented that the probiotic Clostridium scindens can literally convert stress hormone into androgens inside the gut.

How to improve the intestinal flora and increase the amount of necessary probiotics, prebiotics and other essential enzymes? By eating fermented foods that have the right bacteria. Yogurt is an example of such a testosterone-boosting food. It contains L. Reuterii, C. Scindensis and several other as yet unexplored probiotic strains.

  1. Cured organic meat

Beef jerky increases testosterone production. The main thing is to pay attention to what the animal was fed when choosing meat. If the cows were kept in good conditions and fed only fresh grass, their meat will be of high quality and amino acid balance. Even the fat it contains will help increase testosterone.

Regular mass-sold beef contains antibiotics, estrogens, residues of pesticides, fungicides, and insecticides. Everything that is stuffed with animals, until the end, does not have time to get out of their body.

  1. Minced meat (minced meat)

Minced meat is great for increasing testosterone production. Whether it's beef, or a beef-pork mix, or even lamb, a man will get plenty of high-quality testosterone. Minced meat is an important ingredient in many male hormone boosting recipes.

However, it is better to buy organic meat. Otherwise, you will have to eat a product processed with estrogens (female hormones). If you can't find minced organic meat, it's best to buy a product with the least amount of fat.

This is the second 10 best testosterone-boosting foods for men. TOP 30 is available at the link.

Today, not every man can boast of good health and full sexual function. Especially, this applies to representatives of the strong half, who managed to cross the mark of 40 years. There are many reasons that disrupt erection and provoke hormonal imbalance, but when the problem already exists, men are more interested in how to eliminate dysfunction. Few people know that products coexist to increase testosterone in men in the shortest possible time. Accordingly, you can restore your former strength without leaving your own home, eating delicious dishes.

What is worth giving up for the sake of high testosterone?

The active production of testosterone is very important for the full functioning of the reproductive system, but this process is often hindered by the wrong food. Even if you know which foods contain testosterone and actively use them, until you stop eating junk food, you will not achieve results.

In order for potency to normalize and hormonal balance to be restored, first of all, you need to eliminate such a product as sugar from your menu, and now we are not talking about the white powder itself, but also about all products that contain it in large quantities. Such a ban is associated with the production of insulin, the amount of which begins to increase sharply in proportion to the increase in blood glucose levels. In order not to delve into the biochemical reactions of the human body, we can say that the use of sugar in any form reduces testosterone levels.

Sugar is a “dead product”, it does not contain any useful substances at all, these are pure calories that negatively affect both the hormonal background and the physical form of a person.

When discussing the daily diet of a man, it is very important to mention salt, which, no less than sugar, reduces the production of testosterone. Only in this situation, the inhibition of the sex hormone occurs due to the increase in pressure, which provokes this product. Permissible salt intake per day should not be more than 2 grams.

The list of products that negatively affect the hormonal background of men can also be supplemented with smoked meats, fatty and fried foods, genetically modified foods, including fast food, as well as fast carbohydrates, such as crackers, pastries and pasta. All of these foods contain starch, which again is made up of sugar.

Cholesterol, its harmful variant, is deposited on the walls of blood vessels, and blood flow in the pelvic organs slows down accordingly. Men develop prostatitis, inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, and, accordingly, potency is impaired. If there are problems with potency, the production of testosterone hormone is reduced. This is a continuous chain, because in the human body everything is interconnected, and sometimes a harmless piece of smoked meat eaten for lunch can cause sexual impotence at night.

When discussing the hormone testosterone, and the principle of its production, one cannot fail to mention the fact that alcohol and narcotic drugs are the most destructive for him. Drinking alcohol, a man does not even think that with every glass he drinks, he is getting closer to infertility. Under the influence of acetylaldehyde, the main product of the breakdown of alcohol, certain processes are inhibited in the brain. The brain, poisoned by alcohol, mistakenly believes that the body is dying and begins to turn off unnecessary functions in turn, as a rule, the reproductive system is the first to be oppressed. With regular abuse, sexual function is inhibited more and more often, testosterone production is accordingly disrupted, because without this hormone, an erection does not occur, and sperm does not form.

If a man abuses beer, then the situation is even worse, testosterone in the body is replaced by estrogen - the female sex hormone. This hormone often provokes the development of female sexual characteristics in men (large breasts, rounded hips and a thin voice). Accordingly, the suppressed production of testosterone will cause infertility and impotence.

Products that increase testosterone in men

Food is the main source of useful micro and macro elements, as well as vitamins. It is thanks to nutrition that our body functions normally. Many doctors believe that by properly developing your daily diet, you can cure almost all diseases or even prevent their development.

What foods increase testosterone in men is known, but even knowing this list, you should not consume them in intentional quantities, this is also not healthy.

The main principle of proper nutrition for the full production of the male hormone is "do not overeat." Even the right products to increase testosterone in men, if they begin to ferment in the intestines, can provoke a huge number of diseases of the genitourinary system, respectively, instead of benefit, they will be harmful.

Discussing the principle of nutrition, which can increase the amount of testosterone in the blood of a man, it is important to note that breakfast should be the most important in the daily diet. It is a portion of this food that gives the body strength for full-fledged work throughout the day. As for dinner, it should be light, you should not overload your body at night. Testosterone is produced exclusively at night, during sleep. If the internal organs are busy melting dinner, then you simply won’t have the strength to produce the sex hormone.


First of all, I would like to note marine products containing testosterone for men. The rise of testosterone when eating seafood is due to omega fatty acids, which in oysters, fish, shrimp, octopuses, squid and other inhabitants of the sea, just roll over. It is especially beneficial to consume raw tuna and shrimp, as they undergo minimal processing. The more boiled fish and seafood, the less useful substances necessary for the synthesis of the hormone to occur, they remain. Accordingly, you should not ignore oriental cuisine, in particular sashimi, sushi and other Japanese dishes.

In addition to the above, marine products have an increased amount of protein and are considered more valuable food for the body than meat. Thanks to vitamins A and E, as well as selenium and creatine in the body of a man, blood circulation improves, the risk of atherosclerosis is reduced, and brain function is activated.

The oyster is considered the most valuable seafood for the body of a man; 100 g of this marine inhabitant fills the body's daily need for testosterone.

Fruits and vegetables

If you ask the first person you meet what products contain testosterone for men, he will probably say that it is in fruits and vegetables. Even from school biology lessons it is known that it contains a huge amount of vitamins. The main feature of fruits and vegetables is that they are able to cleanse the human body of toxins, toxins and accumulated harmful substances. They also contain fiber, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the stomach and intestines, reduces the level of glucose and cholesterol. Together, all this has a huge impact on insulin levels, and, as you know, the lower the insulin, the higher the production of testosterone.

Most of the nutritional value is fresh, not thermally processed fruits and vegetables. If we stipulate which foods increase testosterone among vegetables and fruits, it should be noted that attention should be focused on the green and orange representatives of these families, namely:

  • green grapes;
  • apples;
  • kiwi;
  • lemons and oranges;
  • bananas;
  • apricots;
  • mango.

It is important to exclude grapefruits from the list of useful fruits, they have a very negative effect on the digestive system of men and reducehormone stimulation.

Nuts and seeds

Testosterone-boosting foods also include nuts, which contain semi-saturated fatty acids and complex proteins. Of course, these same substances are found in meat and fish, but the type that is present in nuts is better absorbed. Nuts such as hazelnuts, almonds, pistachios, peanuts contain a large amount of iron, and a high calorie level allows you to get enough energy. Nuts increase a man's sexual desire and stamina during sexual contact.


Products that increase testosterone in men contain whole grain cereals in their list, it is especially useful to use wheat cereals, rice, barley and pearl barley. Cereals contain a significant amount of fiber, it improves blood circulation in the pelvic region, reduces the frequency of constipation, and has a positive effect on digestion.

To get the most benefit from cereals, you need to give preference to whole grain options over instant cereals. It is also best to soak cereals before cooking, so they retain useful micro and macro elements longer after heat treatment.

For the full functioning of the reproductive system, magnesium, zinc, calcium, as well as vitamins from group B, and beta-carotene are necessary. All these components surprisingly contain milk products. Regular consumption of milk can preserve potency for many years, the thing is that milk improves intestinal motility, which, working in an active mode, allows you to more often remove toxins from the body. Accordingly, there are no congestion in the pelvic organs.

Testosterone can be released in a normal amount if all organs work smoothly. In simple terms, the more milk a man drinks, the more testosterone is produced, and the better spermatogenesis occurs.

Healthy drinks

As such, drinks to increase testosterone levels do not exist in principle, but freshly squeezed fruit juices and fruit drinks can have a good effect on potency. Parsley juice proved to be quite good, if you have the opportunity to drink at least 50 ml of the juice of this plant a day, then you can be sure that you have found a panacea for most sexual disorders. On your own, you can cook fresh celery. Of course, you will not really like the taste of such drinks, but they will bring great benefits.

To improve blood flow in the pelvic organs, some doctors recommend drinking 100 g of dry red wine once a week. This alcoholic drink allows you to relax the body and activate the endocrine system. Remember, for what useful purposes, you would not use alcoholic beverages, they remain dangerous to your health in excessive quantities.

Now, you know which products contain testosterone, and you can maintain good sexual health and male strength, regardless of age, without expensive drugs and procedures. Try to spend as much time as possible in the fresh air, and also give up smoking and drinking alcohol. In a healthy body, the pathological processes of aging slow down, so problems with potency appear much later, and perhaps you don’t come at all.