Lunar sowing calendar for April 218. Gardener-gardener calendar for March. What to do in the middle of the month

The gravitational field of the Moon has a noticeable effect on the biological fields of all living beings, and plants are no exception. Depending on what phase it is in natural satellite Earth is changing direction, concentration and activity of the biological field. This pattern was established by our great-great-grandfathers through many years of observations.

The lunar sowing calendar of the gardener-gardener is compiled based on periods lunar month and Zodiac sign passed by the satellite.

On the new moon, work on caring for cultivated plants (except for watering), as well as their sowing, picking and grafting, is prohibited. These days are best devoted to weed control and cutting of malicious growth.

The growing moon is ideal for transplanting fruit and berry crops, cuttings and top dressing. On the full moon, it is not recommended to do pruning and pinching, but such days are favorable for collecting seeds, removing fruits and harvesting medicinal herbs.

On the waning moon, it is recommended to harvest root crops, dig up bulbs, and cut flowers for sale. All these recommendations are based on the influence of the Moon on vital energy plants, for example, the waxing Moon stimulates the upward flow of energy from the roots to the fruits, and on the waning one, this flow descends into the root system.

The presence of the Moon in a certain sign of the zodiac affects the condition of the soil and affects a certain group of plants. So, the growing Moon under the auspices of Taurus is favorable for sowing most vegetables and flower crops, and the Moon in Gemini is suitable only for ornamental shrubs and climbing plants (roses, loaches, wild grapes and hops).

All these important points were taken into account when compiling the lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener for March, April and May 2016 - a hot period of sowing, cuttings, grafting and growing planting material.

From the first spring day amateur gardeners open the sowing season. And, although the plot is still covered with snow, the length of the sunny day already allows you to grow strong seedlings at home. For the Moscow region, March is the optimal month for sowing most vegetable and flower crops for seedlings; for Siberia and the Far East, these dates are shifted by 2-3 weeks. The sowing calendar of the gardener and gardener in 2016 is a good hint for the successful cultivation of cultivated plants in all regions of Russia.

The following table shows which crops are recommended for seedlings in March.

Favorable days for sowing are marked in yellow, and unfavorable days are marked in black.

On the growing Moon, it is recommended to feed seedlings with microelements, prepare the soil, and when planning sowing and planting, it is necessary to take into account the sign of the zodiac (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are considered favorable). The elements of Fire and Air are unfavorable for sowing and picking, although there are exceptions (for example, Libra has a good effect on the germination and survival of flower crops with a bright aroma).

In March, pruning of the garden and planting of fruit trees (for the southern regions) begins. It is better to carry out these works on the 6th, 7th, 12th or 13th. For planting ornamental shrubs, 23, 25, 29 and 31 are favorable.

In April, summer residents have more trouble: more work in the garden and greenhouse. At the same time, beyond the Urals, in Siberia and the Far East, the peak of sowing vegetables for seedlings is coming. Outdoor work is sometimes difficult to reconcile with the recommendations of astrologers because of the capricious spring weather. However, if possible, it is still desirable to adhere to the planting calendar for the spring of 2016.

It is better to pick, pinch and plant seedlings on April 4, 5, 12, 13, 17 or 19. The unfavorable days for these works are April 1-3 and April 27-28.

Thinning seedlings and weeding greenhouse beds can be done on April 22 at the Full Moon, and on April 21 and 23 it is recommended to treat the garden from pests and diseases. It is better to carry out sanitary pruning of fruit trees and berry bushes on April 7, and formative pruning from April 24 to 30. For grafting and cuttings of fruit, the growing Moon in Scorpio, Capricorn, Virgo, Pisces and Taurus is suitable.

For watering and foliar feeding, you should choose the days from April 8 to 21. On the waning moon (1-6 and 23-30), organic fertilizers are allowed under the root. The best watering days are 4, 5, 12, 13, 23, when the Moon passes the signs of the element of Water. Watering is not recommended in the signs of Air: Libra, Gemini, Aquarius (2, 3, 10, 11, 19-21, 29, 30 April).

It is desirable to plant perennials on April 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13, 20-26; annuals - 4, 5, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 23-26.

The last spring month is the most stressful: seedlings still require care and attention, but there is already a lot to do in the garden. In order to correctly plan garden work, it is useful to know what and when to plant according to the lunar calendar in May.

Sowing seeds for seedlings of vegetable crops in May is recommended to be done on the 2nd, 10th, 11th, 19th, 20th and 29th. It is better to plan pruning of the garden and vaccinations for May 12-15 and May 19-20. auspicious days for preventive phytosanitary treatments of fruit and berry and ornamental crops - from May 1 to 5 and from May 22 to 31, on the same days weeding and destruction of shoots can be carried out.

Astrologers advise planting bulbous flowers on May 2 or 6-7; 17, 18 and 23 are also favorable for sowing perennials.

Watering and fertilizing should be done based on the recommendations described above. In May, especially favorable irrigation days are the 10th, 11th, 14th and 15th.

If it is not possible to sow on a favorable day, choose any nearest neutral day with the growing moon, focusing on the sign of the zodiac. The given planting calendar for the spring of 2016 will help plan crops in such a way that the plants can extract the maximum amount of natural energy to form high yields of quality fruits.

April is a month of contrasts. If at its beginning the weather usually looks more like winter than spring, then at the end it often seems that the cold is already behind. But it's not.

In most cases, in mid-May, return cooling and even frosts are observed, which can destroy heat-loving crops. It is for this reason that there is a list of plants that are recommended to be grown in seedlings, sowing seeds in boxes in mid-spring. What to plant in April?

What is planted and sown in April

Watermelons and melons. In March, it is too early to plant them, because by mid-May they will grow to such an extent that they will clutter up all the window sills. And in the first half of April - perfect! Just remember that they are extremely thermophilic, so you can plant them on the beds no earlier than mid-May and provided that the long-term weather forecast does not promise cold snaps.

Cucumber. Another representative of the gourd family. Sometimes cucumbers are planted even immediately in open ground, but still, this is fraught with a crop shortage due to late fruit ripening. Therefore, the optimal month for sowing cucumber seeds for seedlings is April, preferably the first half.

Pumpkin. Pumpkin, even more often than cucumber, is sown immediately on the beds. But there are two unfavorable factors capable of ruining the crop. Firstly, May is a rather contrasting month in terms of precipitation. Pumpkin seeds can either dry out in the ground or rot. Second, the return of cold in mid-May can increase the likelihood of rotting of barely germinating seedlings. As a result, the summer resident is left without a pumpkin. To reduce these risks, it is advisable to plant it for seedlings in mid-April and move it to the site when the weather stabilizes (usually the second half of May).

Tomatoes. Indeed, it is not too late to plant them in early April, especially early-ripening varieties. So, do not be upset if you thought to do it back in March, but for some reason could not or did not dare. In the same way, early-ripening varieties of bitter or sweet pepper can be sown. These restrictions are removed if there is a greenhouse capable of extending the vegetation period of plants by 3-5 weeks. In this case, it is possible to lay late seedlings of any varieties, preferably greenhouse deterministic ones (for tomatoes).

Corn. This culture grows well in the middle lane and when grown in a seedless way. However, seedling specimens give an earlier harvest of long-awaited cobs. The optimal time is mid-April. Corn is slightly more cold-resistant than the above species, so it can withstand non-critical May cold snaps.

Cabbage. It is customary to plant any type of cabbage in April, and this is a reasonable approach. Cabbage is thermophilic, and the short summer of the middle zone ends too quickly for it. In order for the heads of cabbage to ripen, cabbage seeds should be sown for seedlings in the first half of the month.

some flowers: dahlias, carnations, sunflowers, asters.

The peculiarities of April plantings include the fact that the plants do not need to be illuminated, since the daylight hours already exceed 12 hours, and also the possibility of earlier planting of some cold-resistant species (corn, sunflower, flowers). The latter is convenient for unloading window sills, when by the beginning of May the seedlings are already becoming overall. If long-term forecasts do not promise severe cold, then why not make it easier for yourself?

Thus, the seedling method protects the summer resident from weather risks, accelerates the fruiting of plants, increases their productivity and prolongs the favorable time for fruit ripening, since the ovaries form earlier. We wish you success in the coming season!

To choose the most favorable days for sowing vegetable and flower crops, as well as for carrying out other work in the garden and in the garden, you need to check the table of work of the gardener, gardener and flower grower.

Lunar seed calendar for April 2019

The calendar shows Moscow time.

  • Favorable days for sowing, planting and transplanting
  • Unfavorable days for sowing, planting and transplanting
April 1 2019, mon, Waning Moon in Aquarius, in Pisces from 17:47, IV quarter Flower Days. Infertile time till 18 o'clock. Pay attention to the preparation of greenhouses and greenhouses, but do not disturb the plants. In the evening, when the Earth's satellite enters the sign of Pisces, a favorable time for agriculture will begin. See the list of work for the next day.
April 2 2019, Tue, Waning Moon in Pisces, IV quarter Leaf Days. Fish will provide you with a plentiful and tasty harvest, but not suitable for seeds. Depending on the region - sowing for seedlings, in greenhouses or in open ground of cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, pumpkins, celery, parsley, parsnips, carrots, rutabaga, eggplants, zucchini, lettuce. Planting potatoes, as well as flowers: begonias, gladioli, gloxinia, cannes, amaryllis and other bulbous, tuberous and bulbous flowers in the garden and at home. These are excellent days for planting and transplanting any plants, but refrain from watering and treating plants with chemicals. Feed seedlings and house plants only with natural fertilizers. Trimming trees and shrubs, re-grafting. Soil preparation in greenhouses and greenhouses.
April 3 2019, wed, waning moon in Pisces, fourth quarter
April, 4 2019, thu, New Moon days, Moon in Aries from 05:54 Fetal Days. An extremely unfavorable time of the lunar calendar for gardeners and gardeners. On New Moon Days, crops, plantings and transplants are prohibited. Give yourself a break from plants and them from you. You can only weed and thin out seedlings, spray plants from pests and diseases. In the garden, you can cut dry and diseased branches from shrubs and trees. Compost laying, preparation of greenhouses and greenhouses for planting.
April 5 2019, Fri, New Moon at 11:50, Moon in Aries
April 6 2019, Sat, New Moon days, Moon in Taurus from 16:04
April 7 2019, Sun, Growing Moon in Taurus, I quarter Root Days. Very fertile days of the lunar calendar. Planted plants will delight you with a plentiful and tasty harvest that can be stored for a long time. But he has one drawback - the plants will not be suitable for seeds. Carry out all the sowing and planting of plants planned for this month. I will not get carried away by listing crops, plant everything that the weather allows! But, since Taurus plants grow stocky and undersized, albeit beautifully flowering, it is better not to plant large plants.
Any care for the garden, vegetable garden and houseplants. Just be careful with the roots - it's better not to damage them.
April 8 2019, Mon, Waxing Moon in Taurus, I quarter
April 9 2019, Tue, Waxing Moon, I quarter, in Gemini from 0:15 Flower Days. Gemini is a sign of average fertility, good for plants that require support, ampelous or creeping, as well as root crops. Moon calendar the summer resident recommends sowing green, legumes, melons, climbing fruit and ornamental crops, cabbage, strawberries, cucumbers, beets, asparagus, fennel, lettuce, nasturtium, sweet peas, clematis, melons, lianas and others. Planting grapes.
Pinching and pinching tomatoes, peppers and eggplants. Intensive watering in the garden and vegetable garden, application of mineral and organic fertilizers. Pay attention to strawberry beds - loosen the soil and remove last year's leaves.
In the garden, you can carry out sanitary and shaping pruning of trees and shrubs. Treat the damage that the plants have acquired over the winter.
Indoor plants and seedlings: picking, applying organic and mineral fertilizers, preventive measures against pests and diseases, loosening the soil. Transplantation of indoor plants, cuttings. Sow annual flower seeds.
April 10th 2019, Wed, Growing Moon in Gemini, I quarter
April 11 2019, Thu, Waxing Moon, I quarter, in Cancer from 6:29 Leaf Days. The most productive sign, giving a bountiful harvest. The fruits are tasty and very juicy, so they are not stored for a long time and are unsuitable for seeds.
Sowing of almost all crops: pumpkin, melons, leafy, legumes, green manure, sunflower, tomatoes, eggplants, cucumbers, pumpkins, peppers, radishes, beets, lettuce and others. You can plant early potatoes or lay them out for germination. Planting hydrangeas, rhododendrons, deutsia and others. Pruning of trees and shrubs, transplanting flowers and indoor plants, cuttings. Application of mineral fertilizers, planting seedlings in open ground or greenhouse. Hilling, loosening, watering.
It is desirable to finish all work on the 12th in the middle of the day in order to give the plants peace during the quarter moon change.
12th of April 2019, Fri, Waxing Moon in Cancer, II quarter from 22:07
April 13 2019, Sat, Waxing Moon, II quarter, in Leo from 10:47 Fetal Days. Leo is an infertile sign. Let the plants rest and get creative. Plan your future garden and flower garden, make crafts and decorations for the garden. It is allowed to sow only sunflower, lettuce, fennel and basil, the rest is not desirable. Transfers are prohibited. It is possible to carry out formative pruning and top dressing of ornamental trees and shrubs, loosening and mulching of tree trunks. Take care of restoring order on the site - today is the time to repair the greenhouses and prepare the beds for the coming season. You can repair an old damaged lawn.
14 April 2019, Sun, Waxing Moon in Leo, II quarter
April 15 2019, mon, Waxing Moon, II quarter, in Virgo from 13:12 Root Days start at 13:12 on the 15th. Virgo is an average fertility sign, especially good for sowing annual ornamental crops - lobularia, sweet pea, calendula. Planting any garden plants. Sow bell peppers, tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, radishes, squash, lettuce, root and leaf celery, beets, dill, cumin, valerian, other greens, flower and medicinal plants for seedlings, in a greenhouse or in open ground. Dividing, planting and transplanting perennial flowers.
Top dressing and watering as needed, picking, thinning.
You can plant trees and shrubs if the snow has melted (grapes, honeysuckle, wild rose)
You can continue these works the next day until 14:22.
April 16 2019, Tue, Growing Moon in Virgo, II quarter
April 17 2019, wed, Waxing Moon, II quarter, in Libra from 14:22 Flower Days. The scales will give plants a crop with high quality seeds that will be suitable for long-term storage. Sowing for seedlings of all types of cabbage, pumpkin crops (with the exception of cucumbers), melons, watermelons, beans, tomatoes, leaf lettuce, ornamental climbing crops: nasturtium, sweet peas and others. Planting and transplanting indoor and garden plants, including trees and shrubs. Grafting and rooting cuttings. You can't water.
April 18th 2019, Thu, Full Moon days, Moon in Libra On the days of the Full Moon, planting and sowing are prohibited, except for legumes. Don't disturb the plants. Pay attention to the repair of summer cottages, putting things in order in the house and on the site.
April 19 2019, Fri, Full moon at 14:12, Moon in Scorpio from 15:44
20 April 2019, Sat, Full Moon days, Moon in Scorpio
April 21 2019, sun, waning moon III quarter, in Sagittarius from 19:03 Leaf Days. The Moon in Scorpio gives fertility and gives rise to hardy, strong and hardy plants that will reward you with a bountiful harvest suitable for long-term storage and for seed purposes. Therefore, the Lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener recommends planting and sowing root crops in a greenhouse and open ground: potatoes, carrots, radishes, garlic, beets, root parsley, radishes, turnips, swedes, horseradish, parsnips, rhubarb.
Sowing seedlings of early ripening tomatoes, pumpkins, cucumbers, cauliflower and white cabbage, sweet peppers, eggplants.
Feed and water seedlings and houseplants. Great days to work with all kinds of flowers, especially cacti and succulents - feel free to plant and transplant. On this day, it’s good to do lawns - repair old ones or lay new ones.
In the garden - planting and transplanting all types of fruit and berry trees and shrubs, sanitary and rejuvenating pruning, vaccinations, top dressing, watering.
The use of any chemistry is excluded both in working with plants and in everyday life.
April 22 2019, Mon, Waning Moon in Sagittarius, III quarter Fetal Days. Sagittarius is a sign of average fertility, good for planting ornamental tall plants. It is also possible to plant mustaches of strawberries, onion sets and spring garlic. Sowing red cabbage, radish, Jerusalem artichoke, sweet potato, peanuts, onions on greens and blackberries can give a good result. Weeding, loosening the soil with crops and houseplants.
In the garden - treatment of frost holes and wounds in fruit trees, sanitary pruning of trees, shrubs and large indoor plants, such as hibiscus, ficus, oleander, removal of overgrowth, treatment against diseases and pests.
It is not necessary these days to dive seedlings and germinate seeds.
April 23 2019, Tue, Waning Moon in Sagittarius, III quarter
April 24 2019, wed, waning moon III quarter, in Capricorn from 1:52 Root Days. Capricorn gives small fruits, but the harvest will be good. According to the lunar calendar of plants, sowing of all types of root crops is favorable: potatoes, beets, radishes, radishes, rutabaga, root parsley, turnip onions, parsnips.
Sowing cold-resistant flowers, planting green, spicy and medicinal plants - dill, parsley and others. Soaking seeds, loosening the soil. Feed indoor flowers with dry fertilizers. In the garden, planting seedlings and trimming shrubs and trees, grafting.
25th of April 2019, Thu, Waning Moon in Capricorn, III quarter
26 April 2019, Fri, Waning Moon III quarter, in Aquarius from 12:30 Flower Days. In the days of infertile Aquarius, planting, transplanting, sowing, watering and fertilizing are not recommended. Plants grow weak and do not yield. True, these are excellent days for breeders. You can do pinching, weeding, thinning seedlings, pinching and loosening the soil - these days, plants especially need air. Formation of beds, care of a lawn.
April 27 2019, Sat, Waning Moon in Aquarius, IV quarter from 1:19
April 28 2019, Sun, Waning Moon in Aquarius, IV quarter
April 29 2019, mon, Old Moon IV quarter, in Pisces from 1:11 Leaf Days. Very productive days of the Lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener. Plants will have tasty fruits and strong roots. Planting potatoes if weather and region permits. Sow on seedlings or in open ground annual vegetable and flower crops, as well as radish, root celery and swede. Application of organic fertilizers. Planting vegetable seedlings in a greenhouse or on the beds. Postpone treatment against diseases and pests for other days.
April 30 2019, Tue, Waning Moon in Pisces, IV quarter

Presenting for 2020 every day. Daily lunar calendar for gardeners, florists and gardeners. The lunar calendar of sowing and planting contains detailed description horticultural work for every day. The calendar recommends favorable days for sowing, planting, caring for plants and a lot of necessary work in the flower garden, garden and vegetable garden, depending on the influence of the moon and taking into account the agrarian terms of Central Russia. The lunar calendar gives the timing of sowing and planting a large number fruit, berry, vegetable and ornamental plants.

The calendar includes a calendar for 2020. The exact time of sunrise and sunset of the Sun and the Moon, the time of the entry of the Moon into the sign of the zodiac, the hours of the full moon, the new moon, the transition from the growing at the waning Moon, the time of the change lunar phases, longitude of the day are indicated in Moscow time for the coordinates of Moscow.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting for 2020 published for 10 days and updated weekly.

Experienced gardeners are invited to use the brief Lunar calendar in pictures, and the general Lunar sowing calendar in the form of a table, published for three months, you can open at the picture link below:

March 13, 2020. Friday

The waning moon is in the sign of Scorpio. Phase 3

20th lunar day. Sunset 8:37. Sunrise 23:55.

Sunrise 6:49. Sunset 18:30.

Day length 11:41.

Suitable days for sowing and planting spicy and medicinal plants. In a heated greenhouse or on a windowsill, parsley, beets, celery, sorrel are distilled to obtain early greens, seeds of early ripe radish varieties are sown. Dive into pots 6x6 cm tomato (tomato) seedlings, which have 2-3 leaves. Planted for forcing gladioli.

Root crops are sown and planted for long-term storage of the crop. Seeds of onions, chives, leaf celery, leeks are sown for seedlings for cultivation in open ground.

Plants are watered and organic fertilizers are applied. Weed, loosen (without touching the roots), mulch the soil. Thin out seedlings. If the average daily air temperature is more than 5 ° C, and the buds have not yet blossomed, trees and shrubs are sprayed to control pests and plant diseases. Harvested for storage in a heated greenhouse.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

March 14, 2020. Saturday

International river day. International Pi Day.

The waning moon from 14:10 in the sign of Sagittarius. Phase 3

20th lunar day. Sunset 8:58.

Sunrise 6:47. Sunset 18:32.

Day length 11:45.

Control pests and plant diseases. Weeds are pulled out, seedlings are thinned out. Cut flowers into bouquets. Harvested for storage in a heated greenhouse.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

March 15, 2020. Sunday

International day of planetariums.

World Consumer Rights Day. Day of workers of trade, public services of the population and housing and communal services.

The waning moon is in the sign of Sagittarius. Phase 3

21st lunar day. Sunrise 1:21. Sunset 9:24.

Sunrise 6:44. Sunset 18:34.

The length of the day is 11:50.

Sow and plant green, root crops, plants for seeds. Parsley, dill, beets, sorrel are distilled on the windowsill to obtain early greens, seeds of early ripe radish varieties are sown. Dive into pots 6x6 cm seedlings of petiole and root celery (1-2 leaves appeared). Planted for forcing gladioli.

Purchase seeds and garden tools.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

March 16, 2020. Monday

Day of the formation of economic security units in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Long icicles - for a long spring.

The waning moon from 19:26 in the sign of Capricorn. Phase 4 from 12:35.

22nd lunar day. Sunrise 2:40. Sunset 9:59.

Sunrise 6:42. Sunset 18:36.

Day length 11:54.

Sow and plant green, root crops, plants for seeds. Parsley, dill, beets, sorrel are distilled on the windowsill to obtain early greens, seeds of early ripe radish varieties are sown. Dive into pots 6x6 cm seedlings of petiole and root celery (1-2 leaves appeared). Planted for forcing gladioli.

Control pests and plant diseases. If the average daily air temperature is more than 5 ° C, and the buds have not yet blossomed, trees and shrubs are sprayed to control pests and plant diseases. Today, apple, pear, and plum trees are pruned (before the buds swell), dried and diseased branches of trees and shrubs are removed, shoots are cut from trees and shrubs. Weeds are pulled out, seedlings are thinned out. Cut flowers into bouquets. Harvested for storage in a heated greenhouse.

Purchase seeds and garden tools.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

March 17, 2020. Tuesday

If on Gerasim the rooker (March 17) the rooks sat in their nests, go out for sowing in three weeks.

23rd lunar day. Sunrise 3:48. Sunset 10:44.

Sunrise 6:39. Sunset 18:38.

The longitude of the day is 11:59.

If the average daily air temperature is more than 5 ° C, and the buds have not yet blossomed, trees and shrubs are sprayed to control pests and plant diseases. Today, apple, pear, and plum trees are pruned (before the buds swell), dried and diseased branches of trees and shrubs are removed, shoots are cut from trees and shrubs.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

March 18, 2020. Wednesday

Day of the Paris Commune.

Waning Moon in the sign of Capricorn. Phase 4

24th lunar day. Sunrise 4:42. Sunset 11:40.

Sunrise 6:36. Sunset 18:40.

The longitude of the day is 12:04.

Sow and plant for seeds and for long-term storage of the crop. In a heated greenhouse or on a windowsill, dill, parsley, arugula, beets, celery, and sorrel are distilled to obtain early greenery, and seeds of early-ripening radish varieties are sown.

Seeds of onion, chives, leaf celery are sown for seedlings for transplanting into open ground. Dive into pots 6x6 cm tomato (tomato) seedlings, which have 2-3 leaves, petiole and root celery (1-2 leaves have appeared). Planted for forcing gladioli.

Watered fruit and ornamental plants. Feed with organic fertilizers. Weed, mulch the soil to close the moisture, make surface loosening (so as not to hurt the roots). Thin out seedlings. Harvested for storage in a heated greenhouse.

If the average daily air temperature is more than 5 ° C, and the buds have not yet blossomed, trees and shrubs are sprayed to control pests and plant diseases. Today, apple, pear, and plum trees are pruned (before the buds swell), dried and diseased branches of trees and shrubs are removed, shoots are cut from trees and shrubs.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

March 19, 2020. Thursday

Day of the sailor-submariner.

The waning moon from 4:17 in the sign of Aquarius. Phase 4

25th lunar day. Sunrise 5:23. Sunset 12:46.

Sunrise 6:34. Sunset 18:42.

The length of the day is 12:08.

If the average daily air temperature is more than 5 ° C, and the buds have not yet blossomed, trees and shrubs are sprayed to control pests and plant diseases. Today, apple, pear, and plum trees are pruned (before the buds swell), dried and diseased branches of trees and shrubs are removed, shoots are cut from trees and shrubs.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

March 20, 2020. Friday

Day of spring equinox. World Earth Day. International day of the astrologer. International Day of Happiness.

If March 20 is a warm day, then forty days will be warm; if the day is cold - wait for forty cold matinees.

Waning Moon in the sign of Aquarius. Phase 4

26th lunar day. Sunrise 5:53. Sunset 13:56.

Sunrise 6:31. Sunset 18:44.

The length of the day is 12:13.

Today they are engaged in weeding, thinning seedlings. Control pests and plant diseases. You can do pinching and pinching. Harvested for storage in a heated greenhouse. Cut flowers into bouquets. Purchase seeds and garden tools.

If the average daily air temperature is more than 5 ° C, and the buds have not yet blossomed, trees and shrubs are sprayed to control pests and plant diseases. Today, apple, pear, and plum trees are pruned (before the buds swell), dried and diseased branches of trees and shrubs are removed, shoots are cut from trees and shrubs.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

March 21, 2020. Saturday

World Poetry Day. International puppet day. International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

The waning moon from 15:34 in the sign of Pisces. Phase 4

27th lunar day. Sunrise 6:15. Sunset 15:08.

Sunrise 6:28. Sunset 18:46.

The length of the day is 12:18.

If the average daily air temperature is more than 5 ° C, and the buds have not yet blossomed, trees and shrubs are sprayed to control pests and plant diseases. Today, apple, pear, and plum trees are pruned (before the buds swell), dried and diseased branches of trees and shrubs are removed, shoots are cut from trees and shrubs.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

March 22, 2020. Sunday

World Water Day. Baltic Sea Day.

The waning moon is in the sign of Pisces. Phase 4

28th lunar day. Sunrise 6:32. Sunset 16:21.

Sunrise 6:26. Sunset 18:48.

The length of the day is 12:22.

Sow and plant annual ornamental plants and annual crops with a crop of early consumption or processing. They are engaged in forcing onion-batun, chives, onions on a feather; distillation of beets, parsley, celery on greens. Seeds of onion, chives are sown for seedlings for transplanting into open ground. Dive into pots 6x6 cm seedlings of petiole and root celery (1-2 leaves appeared), seedlings of tomato (tomato), which had 2-3 leaves. Planted for forcing gladioli.

On this day, fruit and ornamental crops are watered. Apply organic fertilizers. Loosen only superficially, mulch the soil to close the moisture.

If the average daily air temperature is more than 5 ° C, and the buds have not yet blossomed, trees and shrubs are sprayed to control pests and plant diseases. Today, apple, pear, and plum trees are pruned (before the buds swell), dried and diseased branches of trees and shrubs are removed, shoots are cut from trees and shrubs.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

A few words about the lunar calendar of sowing and planting for every day of the year.

About the lunar calendar of sowing and planting for every day of the year

The daily lunar calendar of sowing and planting contains a list of work for every day in the garden, flower garden and vegetable garden. The lunar calendar is compiled for those who are passionate about gardening, floriculture, and horticulture. In the calendar, the days of sowing and planting of various crops are recommended based on the lunar phases and the passage of the zodiac constellation by the Moon, as well as agricultural terms.

The lunar calendar gives recommendations on what seeds to sow favorably, what plants to plant, how best to care for plants under the influence of the moon. The fertile zodiac signs Capricorn, Pisces, Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio favor sowing, planting, and a bountiful harvest. On the days of the infertile signs Aquarius, Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius, you can sow and plant certain types of plants, mostly decorative. Under a favorable sign of the zodiac, root crops are planted and sown on the waning Moon, and other vegetable crops, berry and fruit, ornamental plants are planted and sown on the growing Moon. On the full moon and new moon, the lunar calendar does not recommend sowing and planting, these days they are struggling with plant diseases and pests.

Also in the lunar calendar, for each day, the necessary daily work in the garden and garden is listed, the result of which the Moon does not affect, these works are determined by the agrarian terms of the area and the weather. In the lunar sowing calendar for these works, we recommend days free from sowing and planting work.

The lunar calendar shows the dates of sowing and planting of many plants. These are fruit and ornamental trees, berry and ornamental shrubs, annual and perennial flower and berry crops. Our lunar calendar tells about favorable sowing and planting dates for almost all vegetable crops bred in the Middle lane, with in a different way cultivation: planting, forcing, sowing, through seedlings, including in a greenhouse, on a windowsill and in open ground.

The lunar calendar of sowing and planting for each day contains astronomical information indicating the exact time of the moon's entry into each sign of the zodiac, the hours of the full moon and new moon, the time of sunrise and sunset, the time of sunrise and sunset and the length of the daylight hours. If the Moon enters some sign of the zodiac during the day, then in the lunar calendar in the column of recommendations for sowing and planting, a note is given before the specified hour sowing, planting and caring for plants according to the recommendations of the previous day of the lunar calendar.

In addition, the lunar calendar of sowing and planting for each day contains folk omens according to the moon and signs for the harvest from the folk agricultural calendar.

Astronomical information about the Sun in our calendar

If you observe the position of the Sun long enough, for example, during the year, you will notice that its height above the horizon on different days will not be the same - the largest is on June 21-22, and the smallest is on December 21-22. In different years, these events fall on different days. These days are called the days of summer and winter solstice. Twice a year, March 20-21 and September 22-23, the Sun rises exactly in the east and sets exactly in the west. These days it is under and above the horizon at the same time (that is, the day is equal to the night), and therefore they are called the days of the spring and autumn equinoxes. Between March 21 and September 22, the sun rises north of the point east and, vice versa, between September 23 and March 21 to the south of it.

Traditionally, March 21, June 22, September 23 and December 22 are considered the beginning of the seasons in the northern hemisphere of the Earth: spring, summer, autumn and winter.

We publish information on which days the listed astronomical events fall this year in the daily lunar calendar, which is given above.

How to grow plants in the rhythm of the moon phases

The very topic of the influence on the growth and development of plants of the position of the planets in the zodiac circle, in particular the closest satellite of our planet - the Moon, the interaction of the phases of the Moon and growth, plant development, and the activity of microbiological processes in the soil is interesting.

The influence of the Moon on earthly affairs has been known since ancient times. It is with this planet that the tidal and ebb phenomena of the oceanic and sea ​​waters, as well as fluctuations in electromagnetic fields that affect the weather. It is believed that during the full moon, the above-ground parts of plants are filled with juice to a greater extent, and at the new moon, it seems to tend to recede to the roots. In the first case, there is a stronger hydration of the tissues, in the second - some dryness. From here, studies of the influence of the moon on plants take place, and on the basis of the knowledge gained, a lunar calendar is compiled for each day of the current year.

Plants are influenced not only by the phases of the moon, but also by its position in the signs of the zodiac. It is better to plant when our companion is in the constellations of Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces. Fight weeds when she is in the signs of Aries, Gemini, Sagittarius, Aquarius. The presence of the Moon in the constellation Aries encourages the collection of fruits - they are better stored. Moving to the constellation of Libra is favorable for watering and vaccinations, to the constellation of Leo - for mowing and weeding, Sagittarius - for digging up root crops, Aquarius - for destroying pests.

According to the experience of astrological observations, the zodiac signs are divided into productive (fertile): Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces, and unproductive (infertile): Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius, Aquarius. Planting and sowing fruit and ornamental plants according to the lunar calendar is best done when the Moon is in a productive zodiac sign.

How is the lunar calendar of sowing and planting for every day

From the angle of practical consideration, the recommendations of the lunar calendar will be consistent if they correspond to the local calendar dates for sowing and planting crops. Due to the dissimilarity of climatic conditions, landscape, soil in different areas, it is impossible to develop a single lunar calendar. If we calculate the timing of sowing crops in another specific area, then we will get significant dissimilarity. In one case, these will be belated dates, in the other - too early (compare the south of Russia and the Urals). Agricultural work, as well as care and cleaning work, are also associated with the length of daylight hours.

The local folk calendar, traditional experience, accumulated knowledge are the main support in the practical activities of the gardener, florist and gardener. For neighboring regions, any lunar calendar needs to be amended regarding the deadlines for sowing and planting, taking into account the conditions of a particular area. Data on the exact time of the Moon's entry into the zodiac constellation can be obtained from the calendar (tear-off calendar) for gardeners and gardeners or the astrological calendar.

The weather also does not fall year on year - there are early and late springs, which is also taken into account when compiling the lunar calendar.

The dates of the passage of the phases of the moon do not coincide by year. In almost a month, the Moon passes through 12 constellations, called the signs of the Zodiac. The following year, the lunar calendar is shifted by 10 days. The dates of the passage of the phases of the moon are repeated after 19 years. Every year, the daily sowing and planting calendar is amended for the specific shape of the season and for the lunar phase.

AT April 2019 the sowing and planting season of work in the garden and vegetable garden continues. In order to correctly navigate the timing of planting and the most favorable days for gardening, summer residents often rely on the phases of the moon. The optimal result and good yields are obtained if you use the advice of the agrotechnical calendar of seasonal work and the recommendations of the Lunar calendar.

Lunar calendar gardener-gardener for April 2019

The days of the growing moon are traditionally considered the most favorable for sowing, planting and other agricultural work in the garden. But at the same time, it is always necessary to take into account the influence of other factors - first of all, the sign of the zodiac, then the lunar day, the day of the week and the phase of the moon (growing or waning). On the New Moon, it is better to postpone all work on planting, transplanting, picking and planting plants.

1, mon26 ld
Waning Moon in Aquarius
It is not recommended to sow anything and replant, water the plants. Spray against pests and diseases of seedlings, shrubs and trees in the garden. Pinch, pinch plants, form trees and shrubs. Efficient weeding and weed control
2, t27 pp
Waning Moon in Pisces
Favorable day for planting and sowing vegetables

In the south, a good day for planting root crops, potatoes. Sow nigella, lettuce, parsley, dill, peas.

In the Middle lane, sow zucchini, cucumbers, squash, pumpkins, melons and watermelons for seedlings.

In the North, sow late varieties of tomatoes, white cabbage for seedlings.

3, wed28 ld
Waning Moon in Pisces

A favorable day for sowing vegetables for seedlings, in a greenhouse and in open ground. Successful landing. transplanting indoor flowers. Water and feed with organic fertilizers: seedlings, plantings, berry and ornamental shrubs.

Can be sown on seedlings and in open ground biennial flowers

4, thu29 ld
Waning Moon in Aries
Postpone planting vegetables and seedlings. You can weed, dig the ground, prepare beds, remove garbage. You can sow green manure in open ground or a greenhouse

Gather medicinal herbs in the south

In the central region, prune shrubs, graft trees

5, Fri30-1 ld
New Moon in Aries
Unfavorable day for sowing, planting, transplanting. Effective weeding, tillage in boxes, greenhouse, open ground.

In the south, cut off old and dry branches.

In the north, plan plantings, buy additional seeds, garden tools and covering materials. Take out the potatoes for sprouting.

6, Sat2 l.d.
Waxing Moon in Aries
An unfavorable day for planting and sowing. You can sow green manure and lettuce on greens.Sanitary and formative pruning of trees and shrubs continues in the southern regions. Cover the cuts with garden pitch, whiten the trunks, treat them from diseases and pests.
7, sun3 ld
Waxing Moon in Taurus
A good day for picking seedlings. Soak seeds, fertilize plantings and indoor flowers with mineral fertilizers

In the south, sow greens, green manure, cereals in open ground.

In the Middle lane, graft and prune fruit trees and shrubs. Don't forget to use garden pitch or paint.

8, Mon4 ld
Waxing Moon in Taurus
Auspicious day for sowing parsley, lettuce, dill, spinach, sorrel. The fight against pests and diseases, mineral dressings will be successful.

In the central region, plant fruit and berry and ornamental seedlings.

In the north, dive seedlings of vegetables.

9, Tue5 ld
Waxing Moon in Gemini
A favorable day for planting parsley, dill, fennel.

In the southern regions, plant peas and climbing flowers, take care of garden strawberries.

In the middle lane, take shelter from roses and perennials.

10, wed6 ld
Waxing Moon in Gemini
An unfavorable day for planting herbaceous plants. You can sow climbing flowers and creepers

In the south, sow peas, fennel, and dill. Mow your lawn.

Tidy up climbing vines and perennials in the central region

In the north, sow seedlings of climbing flowers

11 th7 ld
Waxing Moon in Cancer
A favorable day for planting vegetables and transplanting seedlings. Water plantings, indoor flowers, fertilize.

In the south, sow cucumbers, zucchini, squash, pumpkin, herbs and herbs. Plant seedlings of cabbage.

In the Middle lane, sow late cabbage for seedlings

In the north, sow cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin, melons, watermelons for seedlings.

12, Fri8 ld
Waxing Moon in Cancer
A favorable day for planting vegetables, transplanting seedlings and indoor flowers. Sowing and transplanting of any flower crops will be successful.

In the south, gourds are planted in open ground (except for watermelons and melons). Plant seedlings of cabbage, green crops, herbs.

In the central region, graft and cut fruit trees and shrubs

13, Sat9 ld
Waxing Moon in Leo
An unfavorable day for planting vegetables, except for basil and sunflowers. Do not stepson and do not dive seedlings. Don't water the plants.Sow lawn grass in the south. Replant dahlias and peonies. Feed perennial flowers with mineral fertilizers
14, sun10 ld
Waxing Moon in Leo
Unfavorable day for planting vegetables

In the south, tidy up the lawn: remove dry grass, aerate, sow and water

In the north, trim the honeysuckle before the buds swell. Pour hot water over berries from diseases and pests.

15, Mon11 ld
Waxing Moon in Leo
Take care of the work with the earth, weeding and hilling. Tidy up perennials: remove and tear off dry and diseased leaves, loosen, apply mineral fertilizers. you can plant perennials.In the northern regions, prepare greenhouses for the season, remove garbage, prepare beds for planting. For an early harvest and warming up the beds, cover them with covering material.
16, Tue12 ld
Waxing Moon in Virgo
Auspicious day for sowing and transplanting any flowers. You can form the crown of trees, stepson and cut plants

In the south, sow and water the lawn

Plant and transplant grapes in the central region.

17, wed13 ld
Waxing Moon in Virgo

Continue sowing and transplanting flowers into pots and open ground. The picking of seedlings, the division of perennials, cuttings of indoor plants will be successful

In the middle lane, where the snow has melted and the earth has warmed up, plant seedlings of berry and ornamental shrubs

In the north, whiten the trunks of fruit trees and large branches of shrubs

18, thu14 ld
Waxing Moon in Libra
Auspicious day for planting medicinal herbs. You should not stepson seedlings.

In the south, plant seedlings of cabbage in open ground

In central Russia, plant outdoor peas, stone fruit seedlings, seedlings

19, Fri15 ld
Full Moon in Libra
Unfavorable day for sowing and transplanting. Take up weeding and weed control

In the south, mow and level the lawn

In the middle lane, dig the soil in the trunk circles of trees, shrubs

In the north, remove all winter shelters, untie raspberries, tidy up perennial flowers

20, Sat16 ld
Waning Moon in Scorpio
Favorable day for planting vegetables, mainly root crops

In the south, sow melons and watermelons, carrots, beets, radishes, turnips, rutabagas

In the central region, sow green crops, onions, garlic, radishes

In the north, plant watermelons, melons, zucchini, cucumbers for seedlings

21, sun17 ld
Waning Moon in Scorpio
Do not plant trees or shrubs. Set aside the cut. water all seedlings

In the south, loosen the earth in the beds, remove weeds

In the middle lane, plant cucumbers, pumpkins, squash in the greenhouse

In the north, the site is being cleaned, greenhouses are being prepared, green manure is being sown in the greenhouse

22, Mon18 ld
Waning Moon in Sagittarius
An unfavorable day for planting and transplanting vegetables. Sow flowers.

In the south, sow beans, medicinal and spicy herbs

In the central region, transplant and divide perennials. apply organic fertilizers. You can plant grapes, ornamental plants with a long, climbing stem

23, Tue18 ld
Waning Moon in Sagittarius
An unfavorable day for planting vegetables. We continue to sow medicinal and spicy herbs and flowers. Postpone treatment for diseases and pests, weeding

Medicinal herbs are harvested in the south

24, wed19 ld
Waning Moon in Capricorn
Favorable day for planting vegetables, transplanting and planting seedlings, fertilizing with organic fertilizers

In the south, sow melons and watermelons, plant tomato seedlings in open ground

In the middle lane, sow radishes, lettuce, dill, parsley in open ground, plant carrots and daikon

In the northern regions, sow cucumbers, squash, pumpkin, melons and watermelons for seedlings

25, thu20 ld
Waning Moon in Capricorn
A favorable day for sowing vegetables and transplanting seedlings. water and fertilize plantings, indoor flowers

In the south, plant cucumbers, melons, watermelons, zucchini, pumpkins, squash in open ground

In the central region, plant onions, nigella, garlic, sow carrots and radishes

In the north, sow cabbage, gourds for seedlings

26, Fri21 ld
Waning Moon in Capricorn
Auspicious day for planting vegetables, especially root crops. effectively control pests and weeds

In the south, plant seedlings of tomatoes, peppers and eggplants in open ground - under the film

In the middle lane, plant green crops, radishes, peas

In the north, sow radishes, greens in greenhouses or greenhouses

27, Sat22 ld
Waning Moon in Aquarius
An unfavorable day for sowing seeds, planting seedlings, planting seedlings. Spray seedlings and plantings from diseases and pests.

Trees and shrubs are pruned in central Russia

In the north, pests are removed from trees, treated with drugs, honeysuckle is formed

28, sun23 pp
Waning Moon in Aquarius
Unfavorable day for planting and watering

In the south, form compost, you can thin out carrots and beets

In the middle lane, form a hedge and crown of trees, shrubs

In the north, clean up the area, whiten the trunks

Mon 2924 ld
Waning Moon in Pisces
A favorable day for sowing vegetables, picking seedlings. Do not plant fruit trees and shrubs. Do not dig or divide perennials

In the south, sow zucchini, squash, cucumbers, melons, watermelons in open ground

In the central strip, green and spicy crops, radishes and peas

In the north, plant green crops, radishes, onions, garlic

30, Tue25 ld
Waning Moon in Pisces
Auspicious day for planting vegetables

In the south, sow corn, beans, beans, melons. Plant seedlings of tomatoes, cabbage. Sow root crops

In the middle lane, plant root crops, potatoes, annual flowers

In the north, plant garlic, onions, green cold-resistant crops

Auspicious days in April 2019

Full moon falls on April 19th. Favorable for sowing and planting are the days preceding full moon- April 16-18.

April starts from waning moon when it is customary to plant root crops - the underground part of the plants is actively growing during this period.

April 5 falls New moon- one of the most bad days in a month. On this day, it is better not to touch the plants at all, it is strictly forbidden to sow and plant.

Unfavorable days according to the lunar calendar in April 2018

Remember that the Lunar sowing calendar for gardeners and gardeners is advisory in nature. It is best if you combine the tips of the lunar calendar with own experience and calendar of seasonal agrotechnical works. In addition, you should always rely on the timing of sowing and planting for seedlings and in open ground adopted in your climatic region.

April gardening calendar

Already in all regions, gardeners can go to the site and start preparing the garden for the season. The most important thing during this period is to help the garden wake up from a long winter sleep and fully equipped to meet the new summer season. At the dachas, garbage and plant debris are removed, shelters are checked. Snow, which was actively retained on the site all winter, must be saved in the form of melt water. It is most useful for spring nutrition and soil moisture.

  • So, apple tree cuttings, cut in the fall, are taken out of storage at the end of April, the sections are updated, put in water for 2 days.
  • After that, you can proceed to the spring vaccination.


  • If you plan to plant cucumbers in a greenhouse, seedlings begin to grow early, in the beginning of April.
  • If you plan to plant plants in open ground, they are sown for seedlings only from mid April.

When calculating the timing of sowing, be guided by the estimated time of planting and the age of the seedlings. Cucumbers are planted in a permanent place at the age of 30-35 days.

In Siberia, in the first decade of April, tomatoes can be sown for seedlings if you plan to plant them in open ground. It is also better to grow seedlings with late April sowings. Plants will grow strong and hardy to adverse conditions.

In the Far East, in the first decade of April (until the 10th), they are sown on mid-season and late varieties.

In early April, seeds are sown for seedlings. In Siberia, it is possible to start growing cabbage seedlings only from the third decade of April.

In the first decade of April, it is necessary to have time to finish with sowing seedlings, as well as seedlings in the greenhouse. The mode of growing leek seedlings is the same as that of white cabbage.

At the end of April, try sowing exotic seedlings. Seedlings are planted in closed ground at the age of 14 days. When planting peanuts in open ground, sow seedlings 2-3 weeks later.

Sweet melons are sown for seedlings in April. When landing, a favorable time is from April 20, and if it is better to wait until May.

Those who want to grow heads of cabbage sow it for seedlings in April. Calculate the time of sowing seeds so that seedlings are planted at 45-60 days of age. Well, to get fresh fragrant greens, you can sow fennel seeds directly into the ground. This can be done from the end of April and sown every 2 weeks.

From April 10, you can start preparing the beds in the garden. For example, for example, they dig up the soil on a full bayonet of a shovel, add humus and complex mineral fertilizer. Loosen, level and cover with a film to warm the soil.

Sowing and planting flowers in April

do not need sowing for seedlings. However, it can be grown through seedlings, including in Primorye. They are sown in early April. They dive in the phase of the 2nd true leaflet. Planted in the ground after a return frost.

In mid-April - favorable days for re-sowing - small-flowered ampelous varieties.

  • Thanks to repeated crops, blooming petunias will decorate the garden all season long.
  • Petunias sown in April do not dive, but are immediately planted in pots around the end of June.

In early spring, the attention of many gardeners will be occupied by the queen of the garden.

  • In April they begin, the soil warms up to positive temperatures.
  • Planting pits for roses are prepared 40X40 and 50 cm deep.
  • The distance between the bushes should be at least half a meter.
  • Roses that have been covered for the winter begin to open slightly and accustom to fresh air.

Bulbs, before being planted in the ground, in April must be taken out of storage, cleaned and treated with insecticides from pests. So they lie for another month in anticipation of landing. At the end of April, bulbs of late varieties of gladioli can already be planted.

It is also better to land early in the ground.


Blooming flowers in April

In April, you can start. The tubers are divided for pre-germination in early April. If direct planting in the ground is planned, the division of root tubers is started at the end of April: soaked, placed in the refrigerator until the end of April.

  1. From the end of April, a favorable period begins for spring reproduction. In spring, shoots no more than 15-20 cm high can be divided into a larger amount of planting material.
  2. In the first half, breed by dividing the bush.
  3. At the end of April, you can take, sown for seedlings in February. Cuttings are combined with pinching of elongated shoots.
  4. From April begins a favorable period for cuttings. Annual shoots are cut and rooted in a specially prepared moistened substrate. The temperature for germinating cuttings is maintained at 18–25°C.

Formation of hydrangea
Formative pruning can be done in April. It will be necessary to remove small branches and those that grow inside the bush. Make sure that after pruning the bush retains a rounded shape.

Collection of medicinal plants in April

In April, there comes a favorable time for. Useful properties have swollen buds of birch, pine, apple, hawthorn, willow. Decoctions and infusions of spring buds help with pain, cough, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases.

April is also suitable for collecting oak bark, white willow, and common viburnum. They stock up in April with the roots of marshmallow, aralia, belladonna, elecampane, ginseng, cinquefoil, and other plants. Leaves can be picked from belladonna, lingonberry, oleander and bearberry.

The southern regions have already begun sowing, and in the Middle lane, the Urals, Siberia, the North-West, everything is just beginning. Seedlings of flowers, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants grow on windowsills and in greenhouses and are “preparing” for transplanting to a permanent place. The hottest time begins - it's time to cut and graft trees, prepare beds for planting vegetables.

Our Lunar calendar of a gardener and flower grower will help determine the best days for planting and sowing, as well as for grafting and cuttings of an orchard. It was compiled on the basis of the influence of the position of the moon in the sky on plants, because it differs in different phases. But whether or not to adhere to the lunar-sowing calendar is up to you.

Moon phases in April 2019

  • April 1-4 - waning moon
  • April 5 - new moon
  • April 6-18 - growing
  • April 19 - full moon
  • April 20-30 - decreasing again

Knowing on what days the moon is waxing and waning, you can make a planting plan yourself. You just need to know that when the night luminary grows, plant crops in which the crop is formed above the soil, and when it decreases, root crops. This is how you will get the greatest harvest, of course, following the basic agricultural techniques of these crops.

Favorable landing days in April 2019

Best landing days:

  • cucumbers 7, 8, 11, 12, 20, 21, 29, 30
  • radish 2, 3, 7, 8, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30
  • greens 2, 3, 7, 8, 11, 12, 20, 21, 29, 30
  • cabbage 2, 3, 7, 8, 11, 12
  • eggplant 7, 8, 11, 12, 20, 21
  • pepper 7, 8, 11, 12, 20, 21
  • garlic 7, 8, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26
  • onions 2, 3, 7, 8, 11, 12, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26
  • carrots 2, 3, 7, 8, 18, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30
  • tomatoes 7, 8, 11, 12, 20, 21
  • potatoes 2, 3, 7, 8, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30.

Auspicious days for sowing and planting flowers in April
  • for annual flowers - 7, 8, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 29, 30
  • for perennials - 7, 8, 11, 12, 18, 20, 21, 29, 30
  • for bulbous and tuberous - 2, 3, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30

Prohibited days for landing in April

Unfavorable days of April, on which it is not recommended to plant and sow - 4, 5, 6, 19

Favorable days for planting trees and shrubs in April 2019

  • plant fruit trees 2, 3, 7, 8, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26
  • grapes 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23, 29, 30
  • gooseberries, currants, raspberries 2, 3, 7, 8, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30
  • strawberries, garden strawberries - 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 22nd, 23rd, 29th, 30th

Buy seedlings of apple, pear, cherry, plum and other garden trees in nurseries, so you are guaranteed to get excellent plants. When buying trees in markets and other similar places, you run the risk of buying a wild game, or a variety that is completely unnecessary to you. On the site you can see where in your city or region you can buy good seedlings.

Lunar calendar for a gardener, gardener and florist for April 2019

A table of favorable days for planting and sowing plants, as well as for other garden work for each day of the month, is compiled on the basis of the phase of the moon and its location in one or another sign of the zodiac. The planting days calendar is very convenient, as you can always plan when to plant and do in the garden.

April 1, 2019. The waning moon is in the infertile sign Aquarius. Auspicious day for tillage, loosening, mulching plantings. Good results will give the fight against pests and diseases of the garden. Pruning of trees and shrubs is recommended. Feeding plants, planting and transplanting are not recommended.

April 2, 3, 2019. The waning moon is in the fertile sign of Pisces. The lunar sowing calendar recommends sowing and planting carrots, beets, root parsley, radishes, onions, horseradish. You can sow any kind of cabbage for seedlings, plant seedlings of tomatoes and peppers in heated greenhouses in the middle lane. Potatoes can be planted in the southern regions. Feeding and watering of plants is recommended. Florists have good days for planting tuberous and bulbous flowers, perennials and annuals. Spraying garden plants from pests will not give the desired effect. These days you can plant fruit trees and shrubs, they will grow well. In warm areas, it's time to deal with strawberries - peel them from old leaves, feed them.

4, 5 and 6 April 2019. New moon. It is not recommended to work with plants, as during this period they are very vulnerable.

April 7, 8, 2019. Waxing moon in the fertile sign Taurus. The lunar garden calendar recommends planting Beijing, white and cauliflower. It is also recommended sowing radishes, greens, planting garlic. Engage in picking seedlings. These are favorable days for sowing tomatoes and peppers for open ground, as well as early varieties cucumbers. You can plant zucchini, squash, pumpkins on warm beds. Feed the plants with mineral fertilizers - they will be well absorbed. We advise flower growers to plant annual and perennial flowers. In the orchard, pruning, planting and grafting of trees is recommended.

April 9, 10, 2019. The growing moon is in the unproductive sign Gemini. Excellent days for planting cabbage, leeks, peas, beans, beans. Feel free to sow leafy parsley, cilantro, any salads. Good seedlings will give sowing green manure. You can do weeding and loosening the soil. In flower beds, it is desirable to plant curly and ampelous flowers. It is better not to dive seedlings on these days. Recommended planting strawberries, grapes. The effectiveness of plant pest control these days is high.

April 11, 12, 2019. Waxing moon in the fertile sign Cancer. Favorable days for sowing seeds of cabbage, black onion, lettuce, dill, leaf parsley. The dive of seedlings will take place with minimal losses. You can plant seedlings of tomatoes, eggplants, peppers and tomatoes in greenhouses. Plant cucumbers and zucchini in greenhouses. Not suitable for planting seeds. The gardener's lunar calendar recommends planting flowers and ornamental shrubs. Good effect from fertilizing with organic and mineral fertilizers. The use of pesticides is not recommended. In the orchard, grafting and cuttings can be done. Excellent days for planting berry bushes.

April 13, 14, 15, 2019. The growing moon in the barren sign of Leo. We advise you to plant bush beans, asparagus, basil, coriander. As well as weeding and loosening the soil, preparing beds for planting vegetables. It is undesirable to stepson and pinch plants, transplant seedlings to a permanent place. The grafting of trees, forming pruning is shown.

April 16 and 17, 2019. The growing moon in the sign of medium fertility Virgo. We recommend doing thinning seedlings, picking, transplanting plants. If you have warm - plant seedlings in an unheated greenhouse or under a film in the ground. Spraying against pests and diseases will give good results. Feeding and watering will also not be superfluous. Flower growers can safely plant flowers and ornamental plants. We advise gardeners to form pruning, planting and transplanting trees and shrubs.

April 18, 2019. The growing moon is in the sign of medium fertility Libra. Auspicious day for planting seedlings of cabbage in the ground. You can plant legumes, onions, beets, potatoes, greens. Seedlings of peppers, tomatoes, eggplants can be taken out into the greenhouse. Sow green manure. Do not treat plants for diseases and pests, as the effect of this is negligible. Grafting of trees is not recommended, but pruning is quite appropriate. Florists can plant any kind of flowers and ornamental shrubs, including wild roses and roses.

April 19, 2019. Full moon. Moon in Libra. The lunar landing calendar does not recommend planting and transplanting plants on this day.

April 20 and 21, 2019. Waning moon in the fertile sign of Scorpio. Good days for planting seedlings of cabbage and celery at a permanent place of cultivation, planting potatoes, carrots, root parsley and onion sets. You can transplant seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants in a greenhouse, and in the southern regions in open ground (or under covering material). Also, these days are favorable for fertilizing with organic and mineral fertilizers, watering. You can plant any flowers. We do not recommend dividing corms. Spraying against pests and diseases will give a good result.

April 22 and 23, 2019. The waning moon is in the unproductive sign of Sagittarius. In the garden, you can plant onions, potatoes, radishes, carrots. It is also good to loosen the ground and prepare it for planting vegetables and herbs. Plant tuberous and bulbous flowers in flower beds, and apricots, cherries, plums, apple trees, pears, raspberries and other fruits and berries in the orchard. These days, the cuttings take root perfectly.

24, 25, 26 April 2019 a. Waning moon in Capricorn. Favorable days for sowing peas, parsley, carrots, potatoes, radishes, as well as planting seedlings of cabbage, tomatoes. Good results after weeding and fertilizing with organic matter and mineral fertilizer. Recommended planting corm and ornamental shrubs, including roses. Do not work on plant roots, do not damage them - plants may get sick or die. We advise you to do sanitary pruning of the orchard, as well as grafting.

April 27 and 28, 2019. The waning moon is in the infertile sign Aquarius. You can work with the earth - dig, loosen, prepare the beds for planting. Unfavorable days for sowing and planting, as well as transplanting plants. It is recommended pruning trees and bushes, cutting out shoots on raspberries and other shrubs, processing strawberries.

April 29 and 23, 2019. The waning moon is in the fertile sign of Pisces. We advise you to plant seedlings of cabbage and tomatoes in the ground, plant potatoes, radishes, zucchini, pumpkins, all kinds of salads, beets, peas, beans, peanuts. Cucumbers can be planted in greenhouses. Tuberous and bulbous flowers planted these days will grow well and give good flowering in the future. Do not process plants from diseases and pests in these numbers - there will be no result. Plant strawberries, raspberries, grapes, and other berries. Take up tree grafting.

Garden work in April

  • In the middle lane, this is the most favorable time for planting seedlings of fruit trees and berry bushes. Plant trees before the start of sap flow, that is, before the buds swell. The seedlings must be of good quality and acclimatized to your conditions. If you get them in a nursery nearby, then so be it. If you have suburban area groundwater lies close, then give preference to trees and shrubs with a superficial root system - sea buckthorn, honeysuckle, etc.
  • Cultivate garden strawberry plantations. To do this, you need to remove the material or spruce branches with which you covered the plantings for the winter. Then remove all the old foliage, trim last year's mustache. If you decide to propagate good varieties, then plant new rosettes on your mustache on a prepared garden bed. If everything is done correctly, then next year you will already receive a harvest from them. Feed strawberry plantings with any nitrogen fertilizer and spray from pests.
  • Trim the raspberries - remove all unnecessary shoots and old fruiting shoots. They are easy to distinguish - they are brown and coarser. Cut the remaining bushes to the first living bud or at the height you need.
  • In April, cold-resistant plants can be sown in the ground - dill, parsley, spinach, parsnips, lettuce, radishes, carrots. You can also plant green peas. It is much tastier than planted in May.
  • Prepare seed potatoes for planting. Pull it out into the light to germinate. Treat with wireworms and other pests.
  • It's time to plant cucumber seedlings. At the age of 1 month, the plants can be transplanted into a greenhouse or greenhouse.
  • Tomato seedlings, if necessary, can be fed with complex fertilizer. In the ground, it is fed only 2 weeks after disembarkation.