Cape Eastern Point of South America. Extreme Geographical Points of South America: North, South, Western and Eastern

Uniting incredible historical events, civilization and. This place is the land of the ancient Incans, Great Amazonia, rare species of animals and tropical forests. The mainland is surrounded by the waters of the Atlantic and quiet, in which there are also hidden many unique and still uneasy. South America - who is given 4th place in size after Eurasia, and.

Extreme maintenance points of South America

  • North.Located at Cape Galinas, which is located on the Guahir Peninsula (12 ° 27 "31" northern latitude and 71 ° 40 "8" Western longitude).
  • South.Located on the peninsula Brunswick, Cape Froord (53 ° 53 "47" South latitude and 71 ° 40 "8" Western longitude).
  • Western. Located on Cape Pariñas in Peru (4 ° 40 "58" northern latitude and 81 ° 19 "43" Western longitude).
  • Eastern.Located on Cape Seyshas, \u200b\u200bBrazil (7 ° 9 "19" northern latitude and 34 ° 45 "35" Western longitude).

Extreme Island Dotions of South America

  • The northernmost point is located on the island of Santa Catalina (13 ° 23 "18" northern latitude and 81 ° 22 "25" Western longitude), which is part of the Colombian Department of San Andres and Providencia. The island is associated with the island of Providence through a pedestrian bridge with a length of 330 feet.
  • Aguil Island, Chile (56 ° 32 "16" southern latitude and 68 ° 43 "10" Western longitude) is the most southernmost point of the continent and is part of the group of Islands of Diego Ramirez. Aguil is located about 800 km from the nearest areas of Antarctic, such as Greenwich Island and South Shetland Islands. It is also just 950 km from Continental.
  • Darwin Island (01 ° 40 "44" northern latitude and 92 ° 00 "33" Western longitude), the smallest island in the Galapagos archipelago, can be viewed as the most Western point of South America. The island covers the area of \u200b\u200bonly 1 square. km, and the waters of the Pacific Ocean, surrounding the island, are replete wildlife.
    Taking into account the island of Easter, the most western point of the South American continent can be considered the island of the Moto-Nui belonging to Chile. Island serve several types of seabirds. This is a volcanic island with a vertex located at an altitude of 2000 m above sea level.
  • Ilha Do Sul Island (20 ° 29 "50" southern latitude and 28 ° 50 "51" Western longitude) is considered the most extreme eastern island point of South America. It is located on the Archipelago of Trinda and Martin-You, who is part of Espirita Santa, Brazil. If the southern Sandwich islands take into account as part of the territory of South America, then as the easternmost point of the continent can be considered the island of Montagw (58 ° 30 "43" southern latitude and 26 ° 16 "7" Western longitude).

Extreme settlements of South America

In the north of the mainland, the most extreme permanent settlement has retained the originality and ancient traditions. This village of Wai, in which the Indian people with the same name live. A total of 100 people live in the village, and the total number of this people is not more than 300,000 people. In the south, the most extreme city - Punta Arenas, owned by Chile and speaking the administrative center of the commune of the same name. The city lives a little more than 130,000 people.

Far and far from our latitudes, right on the shore of Magellanov Strait, separating the fiery land and the South American continent, is an inconspicuous cape, which due to its geographical position is considered the most remote in the southern direction of the continent.

It is about Cape Froard, because it is he who is the most southernmost point of South America, with the result that this place is considered extremely attractive for tourists who choose the most interesting and non-standard routes for their travels. By the way, the other extreme dots of the mainland of South America are Cape Galinas (the northern part of the continent with coordinates 12 ° 27 'of the northern latitude and 71 ° 39' Western longitude), Cape Parigas (Western part of the continent with coordinates of 4 ° 40 'southern latitude and 81 ° 20 'Western longitude), as well as Cape Kabu Branka (Eastern part with coordinates of 7 ° 10' southern latitude and 34 ° 47 'Western longitude). It is noteworthy that answering the question of what South America the point is below all, geographers besides Froard lead another extreme point - Diego Ramirez with coordinates of 56 ° 30 'in South Lot and 68 ° 43' in Western longitude. This time we are talking Not about mainland, but about the island of South America, however, if we consider this question solely at the continental level, it was Cape Froard, and not a separate island, despite the fact that he is much north.

As for the exact location of the Froard Cape, this attraction has the following coordinates - 53 ° 54 'southern latitude and 71 ° 18' Western longitude. At the same time, other landmarks will be useful to tourists, because going to the trekking (popular in lately A kind of pedestrian travel), you should know that the southernmost point of the South American continent is located on the Brunswick Peninsula (the largest peninsula in this area with a length of more than 112 kilometers) is only 100 kilometers from Chilean Punta Arenas. The distinctive characteristic of this picturesque place is a man-made cross from a metal, the crowned peak of the cape, which appeared in this area by no means by chance. The fact is that in 1987, the most remote point on the mainland honored his visit to Pope John Paul the second. And although plans to erect the big cross at the very top of the cape existed since the beginning of the twentieth century (since 1913, to be accurate), the Chileans decided to finally fulfill his conceived after the visit of His Holiness, assigning the name of Cruz de Los Mares to a new construction that Translation from Spanish means "cross seas".

Quite interesting is the earlier history of this unique place. So, do not forget that Cape Froard is located on the coast of Magellanov Strait, who became famous for the whole world with his narrow winding outlines, rightfully considered very dangerous for the movement of maritime ships, unless we are talking about professional sides. Naturally, this feature He led to a huge number of shipwrecks, starting from the moment people decided to master the marked water management. And the special attention of historians attracted the fact that near Cape Frogoguard almost suffered a crash of the famous English pirate of those times Thomas Cavevenis, who first hit the famous Francis Drake, and then risked his life in the dangerous waters of Magellanov Strait. It is noteworthy that this cruel and indifferent robber could not only break the enemy, but also to get to the shores of Cape Froard and it was he who gave him this name that is literally translated from of English languagelike "unpumbed, timely".

Nevertheless, landing on the Chilean Earth and encounters those actor spanish korsarov, Cavendish with his team managed not only to fight back, but also rob several cities and pick up two of the three existing ships, flooding the last due to the lack of people to manage it. At that time, the navigator was only 27 years old, but despite his age, he unfortunately burned whole settlements together with people and robbed all those opposed to the thread. And after the conquest of the southern point of the South African continent, the pirate quietly reached the Gulf of Mexico.

To date, close to Cape Froard is one more attraction in the form of an old lighthouse, which illuminates the recalcitrant top with a man-made cross from the opposite shore. As for local residents, the nearest settlement is located just 40 kilometers from the most southern point of the continent.

South America is the fourth largest mainland not planet. In the east it is washed by the water of the Atlantic Ocean, in the West - quiet, and the north coast belongs Caribbean sea.. Consider the detailed extreme points of South America - the most wet continent on the globe.

Geographic coordinates of extreme points of the mainland South America

The area of \u200b\u200bthe mainland is 17.7 million square meters. km, but if you consider with all the adjacent islands, then this value is a little big - 18.28 million square meters. km.

The relief of the continent is very diverse and contrast. The East is dominated by platea, low-lying and sublime plains, and the Andes are located in the West. The highest point is Mount Akonkagua - it rises above sea level at 6959 m.

Fig. 1. Akonkagua

If the mainland spend a straight line from the southernmost point to the North, then this distance will be 7350 km. The length of the east coast to Western in the widest part of South America will leave just over 5 thousand km.

In degrees, the location of the extreme points of the continent is as follows:

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  • in the north - Cape Galinas (12 ° northern latitude and 72 ° Western longitude);
  • on South - Cape Froord (53 ° 54 'southern latitude and 71 ° 18' Western longitude);
  • in the West - Cape Parinas (4 ° 40 'southern latitude and 81 ° 20' Western longitude);
  • in the east - Cape Seyshas (7 ° 09 'South latitude of 34 ° 47' Western longitude).

Cape Galinas

The northernmost dot point of the mainland is located in Colombia at Cape Galinas, belonging to the Guahir Peninsula. This point in the north is very conditional, since the coastline is characterized by smooth outlines.

Cape Galinas is notable for the fact that near him is an ancient settlement of the indigenous inhabitants - the Indians of the Vaiy tribe. Despite all modern achievements, they continue to live, like their ancestors, observing the ancient traditions and rites.

Cape Froord

On the territory of Chile, on the small peninsula of Brunswick, there is an extreme southern point of the mainland.

For the first time, the name of the cape appeared in 1587 and in translating it means "wayward", "dismissed". So the cape famous Marine Pirate Thomas Cavendish, and this directly indicates the fact that medieval ships were quite difficult to pass by the cape.

Fig. 2. Cape Froord

In 1987, Cape Froord received his "difference sign" - the impressive sizes of the cross made of metal alloys.

Cape Parinas

In the West, the dot point of South America is Paragnas, belonging to Peru. It is a coastal ledge on which the lighthouse is located.

Parajas is a fairly secluded place: the nearest settlement is the distance of more than 5 km. But it is precisely because of this here you can observe in a natural habitat behind the seals who have chosen the neighboring bay.

Fig. 3. Cape Parinas

Cape Seyshas

With the definition of the extreme point in the East there was a small confusion. For a long time, geographers were confident that this is Cape Kabou-Branka, belonging to Brazil. As a memorable sign, a lighthouse was even built here. However, later, during more accurate measurements, it was recorded that the extreme point is located next door - it is Cape Seyshas.

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the coordinates of extreme points south America

  1. Northern Cape Galinas, coordinates 12 # 778; 25 northern latitude;
    South Cape Froord, 53 # 778; 54 southern latitude;
    Western Cape Parigas, coordinates 81 # 778; 20 Eapad longitude;
    East Cape Caaba Branka, 34 # 778; 46 western longitude.

  2. all right
  3. North - m. Galinkas 12 s. sh. 72 s. d.
    South m. Froard 54 yu. sh 71 s. d.
    West - m. Parajas 5th. sh. , 82 s. d.
    East Kaaba Brranka 7th. sh. 34 s. d.
  4. Extreme Points

  5. The extreme points of the mainland South America

  6. . Extreme Points
    Northern Cape Galinas 1225 p. sh. , 7139 h. d.
    South (mainland) Cape Froord 5354 yu. sh. , 7118 h. d.
    South (Island) Diego Ramires 5630 yu. sh. 6843 s. d.
    Western Cape Parinas 440 yu. sh. , 8120 s. d.
  7. North Galinkas 12 s. sh. 72 s. D.
    South. Froard 54 yu. sh 71 s. D.
    West. Parinas 5 sh. 82 s. d.
    East -m Kaabu Branka 7th. sh. 34 s. d.
  8. Northern Cape Galinkas 1227 p. sh. 7139 h. d. (G) (O)
    South (mainland) Cape Froard 5354 yu. sh. 7118 h. d. (G) (O)
    South (Island) Diego Ramires 5630 yu. sh. 6843 s. d. (G) (O)
    Western Cape Parinas 440 yu. sh. 8120 s. d. (G) (O)
    Eastern Cape Kabou-Branka 710 Yu. sh. 3447 h d. (G) (O)
  9. Northern Cape Galinas 1225 p. sh. , 7139 h. d.
    Western Cape Parinas 440 yu. sh. , 8120 s. d.
    Eastern Cape Kabou-Branka 710 Yu. sh. , 3447 h.
  10. Extreme Points
    Northern Cape Galinas 1225 p. sh. , 7139 h. d.
    South (mainland) Cape Froord 5354 yu. sh. , 7118 h. d.
    South (Island) Diego Ramires 5630 yu. sh. 6843 s. d.
    Western Cape Parinas 440 yu. sh. , 8120 s. d.
    Eastern Cape Kabou-Branka 710 Yu. sh. , 3447 h. d.
  11. Northern Cape Galinas 1225 p. sh. , 7139 h. d.
    South Cape Froord 5354 yu. sh. , 7118 h. d.
    Western Cape Parinas 440 yu. sh. , 8120 s. d.
    Eastern Cape Kabou-Branka 710 Yu. sh. , 3447 h. d.
  12. in the north m. Galinkas 12 s. sh. 72 s. D.
    In the south, Froard 54 yu. sh 71 s. D.
    in the West m. Parajas 5th. sh. 82 s. d.
    in the east m. Kaaba Branka 7th. sh. 34 s. d.
  13. Northern Cape Galinas 1225 p. sh. , 7139 h. d.
    South Cape Froord 5354 yu. sh. , 7118 h. d.
    Western Cape Parinas 440 yu. sh. , 8120 s. d.
    Eastern Cape Kabou-Branka 710 Yu. sh. , 3447 h. d.
  14. The extreme points of the mainland South America

    Northern Cape Galinas, coordinates of 12 25 northern latitudes;
    South Cape Froord, 53 54 southern latitude;
    Western Cape Parinas, coordinates of 81 20 Eapad longitude;
    East Cape Caaba Branca, 34 46 Western longitude.

South America - Mainland, located in the Western Hemisphere of Our Planet. It intersects the equator line and divides this continent into two parts. One part (the largest) - refers to Southern hemisphere, and the second (smallest) - to the northern hemisphere.

The mainland ranks 4th among the continents on its area - 17,840,000 km². On its territory, including the adjacent islands, there are 15 states, three of which are dependent. By clicking on the link, you can see a detailed list of South America countries in the table with capitals and characteristics. The population is about 400 million people.

In the West, the continent is washes by the Pacific Ocean, in the East - the Atlantic Ocean, in the north - the Caribbean Sea, which is the frontier between North America and South America.

The extreme points of the mainland South America

Northern Point - Cape Galinkas is located in Colombia on the banks of the Caribbean.

South (Mainland) Point - Cape Froard is located in Chile on the Brunswick Peninsula on the shore of Magellanov Strait.

South (Island) point - Diego - Ramirez - the southernmost point of America and Chile, which consists of a group of islands that occupy the area of \u200b\u200ba little more than one square kilometer.

Western point - Cape Parigas is in Peru.

The eastern point is Cape Kabu - Brranka, located in Brazil.

Relief South America

Mainland South America on relief is divided into the mountain west and the plain east.

The Atakama desert is located on the territory of Chile and is the most arid place on our land. There are such places in the desert, where the rain falls once in a few decades. Here is the lowest air humidity. From vegetation there are only cacti and acacia.

The western part of the continent consists of a mining system of the Andes, stretching through seven states of South America, and the eastern plains. In the north there is a 1930 km long, 1930 km long and a height - from 300 - 1000m.

In the east, the mainland is a Brazilian Highlands, the area of \u200b\u200babout 4 million km2. 95% of Brazil's population lives here. The highest point of this highland is Mount - Bandeira. Her height is 2897 meters. Because of the huge natural diversity, the Brazilian Highlands shall be divided into the three parts: the Atlantic, central and southern plateau.

The south of the Brazilian Highlands is Laplat lowland, in which states such as Paraguay and Uruguay are located, the northern part of Argentina, the southern part of Brazil and South-East of Bolivia. The lowland area of \u200b\u200bmore than 3 million km2.

Amazon lowland - lowland, occupying area over 5 million km2. It is the most huge lowland on our planet.

Climate of South America

In South America, 6 climatic belts: the Northern and South Sub Escavatorial Belt, Equatorial, Tropical, Subtropical and Moderate Belt.

The climate of South America is largely subequatorial and tropical, in which dry and wet seasons are clearly expressed. Equatorial wet climate is characteristic only for Amazonian lowland. In the south of the continent, a subtropical and moderate climate prevails. In the northern plains Temperature all year round 20-28 degrees. In the heights with a height temperature drops. Even frosts are possible. In the Brazilian plateore, the temperature in the winter can decrease to 10 degrees, and on the Patagonia plateau to zero degrees.

River South America systems.

The mainland is located the following river systems: Parana, Orinoco, Amazon, Paraguay, Uruguay.

Amazon - the world's largest river in the area of \u200b\u200bthe pool (7180 thousand km²), formed by the merge of the River Ukyali and Maranyon. It is considered one of the seven natural wonders of the world. Brazil owned most of the pool. It proceeds mainly on the Amazon lowland and flows into the Atlantic Ocean.

Parana is the second river in length on this continent, flowing in the southern part of the continent. Proceeds through the territory of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay. Just like the Amazon falls into the Atlantic Ocean.

Paraguay - River, is the right influx of Parana. It divides the Republic of Paraguay to the North and South Paraguay, as well as in the southern part of its part is the state border between Paraguay and Argentina.

Uruguay is a river, originating in Brazil and the confluence of Canas and Pelotas rivers. He is the border between Brazil and Uruguay. Her river system is the main source of water supply of the country. The largest hydroelectric power station is located here.

Orinoco - River flowing through Venezuela and flowing into the Atlantic Ocean. Her feature is the splitness of the river. From her, the Kasikiaar River is separated, which flows into the Rio River - Negra. This river carries out a white river dolphin or Amazonian and one of the largest - orincionic crocodile.

Lake South America

Maracaibo (translated "Earth Mary") - a large lake with saltwaten water, located in Venezuela. The depth of this lake is significantly different in the southern and northern parts. North - small, and South reaches (by different sources) From 50 - 250 meters. This lake is also one of the oldest lakes.

Titicaca (Titi - Puma, Kaka - Rock) - the largest lake on freshwater reserves and second in the area after Maracaibo. More than three hundred rivers falls into this lake. It is shipping. Archaeological studies show that at the bottom of the lake is the city of Vanaka.

Pathos - Lake, located on the coast in Brazil. Its length is 280 km, and width is 70 km. From the ocean it separates the sandy braid width of 8 km. It is located large hydropower plants. Salt, fish and oil are produced here.

Flora World of South America

Thanks to the warm climate and a huge amount of precipitation - the world of plants in South America is very diverse. For each climatic zone is characterized by its flora. Large square is occupied by the jungle, which are located in a tropical belt. Here we grow: a chocolate and melon tree - papaya, rubber trees, various palm trees, orchids.

South jungle in Equatorial forests grow deciduous and evergreen plants. It grows such a tree as Queberaho, having very durable wood. In the subtropical zone you can find lianas and cacti. Further, moving to the south, there is a zone of steppes where the nick is growing and different herbs. Behind this zone begin the deserts and semi-deserts, where dry shrubs grow.

Animal World of South America

The animal world of the mainland is also diverse as vegetable. Monkeys, sloths, jaguar, amusements, parrots, hummingbirds, tucanis and many other animals live in the tropics. Crocodiles, anaconda, piranhas, rodent - copyibar, river dolphins are found in Amazonian Selver. Only here you can meet a wild cat - Ocelot, similar to the leopard. In the savannah dwell: armor, pigs - bakers, spectacle bear, ostriches, pummas, fox and grivy wolf. In the zone of the plains they live: deer, Lama, Pampas Cat. Only in South America can be found deer - PUD, only 30-40 cm high in the Galapagos Islands owned by South America, huge turtles live.