Horoscope of conception according to the lunar calendar. Lunar conception calendar: favorable days. Favorable days for conception according to the lunar calendar

Any person strives for knowledge, because the availability of important information makes it possible to make plans for many steps ahead. When a woman is expecting the birth of a child, it becomes not only interesting for her, but also useful to know the gender of the baby. This allows you to make the necessary purchases in advance, carry out repairs in the room set aside for the nursery, and much more.

But in order to determine the sex of the child, it is not necessary to wait for the examination - for this, many use the lunar conception calendar. In addition, the lunar calendar can help those who only want to conceive a child of a certain gender.

The method underlying the calendar was formed in the middle of the last century from the observations of a Czechoslovak doctor. Thanks to statistics, Dr. Jonas was able to help women identify sterile days, periods when the ability to conceive, and favorable days for conceiving a girl or boy. From his conclusions it follows, for example, that conception is most likely on the days when it coincides with the phase that was observed on the woman's birthday () . This pattern persists at any day of the cycle.

Official medicine denies the results of studies on which the repetition of the phase correlates with the conception of a child, and this is up to 85 cases out of 100. Some authors have made assumptions about this interesting dependence: for example, Neish expressed the idea that, in theory, the days of ovulation coincide with the days, in which there is a high possibility of conceiving a child according to the lunar calendar, but various problems in the life of girls shift the menstrual cycle.

The data on pregnancy prevention thanks to the lunar calendar are striking. Within four months, one and a half thousand women, following the proposed method, successfully protected themselves from pregnancy. The effectiveness of the method was indicated by statistics, according to which only one and a half percent of the women studied became pregnant.

When you need to give birth to a boy or a girl for personal reasons, the lunar calendar will help to determine which days are the best for conception. As we have already found out, methods that are coupled with the influence of the moon give sometimes surprising results.

Thanks to astrology, we know that the position of the moon on the day of conception has a strong influence on the sex of the child. When the Moon is in Capricorn, Pisces, Taurus, Cancer, Virgo or Scorpio, the likelihood of having a girl is increased. When in Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra or Sagittarius, there is a high probability of giving birth to a boy. The approximate time of the visit by the Moon to each sign fluctuates in the interval of 48-60 hours. Due to the fact that sperm cells live for a rather long time in an alien environment, fertilization can occur even when the Moon leaves the sign.

In addition, there are the most favorable lunar days for conception: 2, 3, 7, 17, 24... If conception is carried out during the growing moon, then the personality of the child will develop very harmoniously and successfully. At the same time, the Moon in Pisces, Virgo or Scorpio gives an even more favorable influence with a growing moon.

To be sure to conceive a boy or a girl, you will also have to make an estimate for the time it takes for fertilization after sexual intercourse. Experts recommend to subtract thirty hours from the planned conception of the lunar day for a more accurate timing, i.e. to improve the accuracy, intercourse is best done the day before the selected date.

If you are already pregnant and want to calculate on your own whether the birth of a boy or girl is worth waiting for, you should be guided by the above information. It should be borne in mind that retroactively it can be very difficult to say exactly on which day conception occurred, if sexual intercourse was not performed only once in a long period of time.

However, the information that the mother's lunar birthday, like the father's lunar birthday, greatly increases the likelihood of conception, helps to narrow the options. When the lunar birthday of one of the spouses coincided with one of the days of the alleged month of conception, we can say with a high degree of certainty that it was this day that became the day of the child's conception. And already based on this information, it is easy to determine whether a woman is expecting a boy or a girl, although it is easier for an astrologer to make the right verdict in such things.

Thanks to the knowledge of the lunar phases, several rules can be formulated:

  • On the lunar birthday of a mother or father, the probability of conceiving a child is very high.
  • To determine the sex, you need to pay attention to the sign in which the moon is in a given period.
  • The best time to conceive a baby is the second phase of the waxing moon.
  • Planning for conception on days of eclipses of the Moon or Sun should be avoided.

The lunar conception calendar allows you to say on which days of the lunar cycle you can conceive a girl or a boy. The influence that the moon has on life on earth has long been recognized. As for humans, only astrology seeks to understand the relationships between people's lives and the phases of the moon, and official science often ignores the conclusions of astrologers.

The dependencies that underlie the lunar calendars are explained by the fact that there are patterns and cyclical effects of the moon. But do not be very upset if, even thanks to the indicated recommendations, the result was not obtained as expected.

Exceptions are found everywhere, besides, the processes occurring in the body are influenced by many more factors that are rarely calculated. Author: Ekaterina Volkova

Lunar conception calendar

If you decide to become parents or you already have children, it will be useful to determine what is the influence of the Moon on your child. What character traits and what qualities the Moon will reward or reward you or your loved ones with.
If you are just planning a child, then according to the influence of the Moon on conception, consider the following factors:

* 1 * On what lunar day was the expectant mother born. It is this day and two days before that are the most likely to conceive. Since at this moment the mother's body is most prepared for this. Likewise, a man is more fertile on his lunar birthday.

* 2 * If you are planning the gender of the child, then take into account in which sign the Moon is at this moment.

The signs of the zodiac are suitable for conceiving girls - Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces.

Signs are suitable for conceiving boys - Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius.

Here you need to take into account the fact that the egg can be fertilized not at the very moment of intimacy, but later within the next two days.
And here's another pattern discovered by experts: if a woman has an even number of full years, then in even months of the year (February, April, June, August, October, December) she can conceive a female child, and in odd months of the year (January, March, May, July, September, November) she can conceive a male child; if a woman has an odd number of full years, then she can conceive a female child in one of the odd months of the year, and a male child in even months of the year.
Thus, the sex of the unborn child depends on the woman's age and on the ordinal number of the month in which conception took place.
But the main thing: a child should be desired and loved regardless of his gender, he should be happy in any case!

* 3 * It is better to conceive a child before the full moon, that is, in the first half of the lunar month, since organism, like the Moon, begins to gain energy. Nature itself makes sure that just before the full moon, in the second phase of the moon, as many conceptions as possible occur! This is the best time to conceive a strong, hardy, healthy and stable child in life. The likelihood of conception at this moment will increase if your ovulation falls just in the second phase of the lunar month. But if you ovulate in other phases of the moon, then observe yourself and establish in which phases you ovulate, and in which - menstruation. Since the duration of the menstrual cycle for most women (approximately 70%) corresponds to the duration of the lunar month, then ovulation and menstruation always fall on approximately the same phases of the moon.

There are six possibilities here:

1) ovulation on the new moon, menstruation on the full moon;
2) ovulation in the first quarter, menstruation in the third quarter;
3) ovulation in the second quarter, menstruation in the fourth quarter;
4) ovulation at full moon, menstruation at new moon;
5) ovulation in the third quarter, menstruation in the first quarter;
6) ovulation in the fourth quarter, menstruation in the second quarter.

Note that: from month to month, this pattern repeats only for those women whose menstrual cycle is approximately equal to the lunar month, that is, it is 28-29 solar days. If the menstrual cycle is much shorter or longer, then the time of ovulation and menstruation will shift over the months and fall on different phases of the moon.
Depending on which phase of the moon ovulation falls on, it is during this phase of the moon that conception is also possible.
Each phase of the moon gives one or another characteristics of the unborn child

* 4 * There is a high probability of conception on the 15th day after the onset of menstruation, as well as 3 days before and 3 days after.

* 5 * The day on which a person was conceived is as important as his birthday. It determines the life path of a person, his spiritual development, character, inclinations. Taking into account the lunar day, conception can be planned, but one cannot single out any one day recommended for conception. Each day has its own characteristics. But there are days when it is better to wait with the implementation of such plans: there are times that are categorically contraindicated for conception. Fortunately, there are far fewer such unfavorable days. So consider the influence of lunar days on conception

* 6 * And one more small addition.
Time unfavorable for conception:
-two weeks before the birthday and after the person's birthday;
- bad weather conditions (thunderstorm, strong wind, hail, etc.), as well as natural anomalies (eclipses of the moon and sun);
-after hard physical labor;
- after a cold shower or after severe hypothermia;
-bad time for conception, if a person has overeat, drank alcohol.

* 7 * And if your faith is strong, and the child is not yet successful, you can turn to prayer

Live in harmony :)

There are many special ways to conceive a girl. For this purpose, it is required to use the lunar calendar 2019 at conception, and also the dates of ovulation, the Chinese special calendar and mathematical analysis should be taken into account.

There are many types of calendars for pregnancy, where a personal lunar calendar takes a special place. Thanks to the unique astrology, you can find out in almost all cases what gender the baby will be born with. To accurately predict gender, the Moon calendar recommends conceiving at a certain period of the year, it is the Moon that will tell you when to strive for pregnancy. For this purpose, one should take into account the movement and position of the Moon itself according to the Zodiac, as well as the day of the month, the phase of the Moon and the time of conception.

Moon in the Zodiac 2019

To clearly determine the sex of the unborn baby, it is required to take into account the trajectories of the moon and monitor the exact time of conception, the zodiac sign of the location of the earth's satellite is also of great importance. Through numerous studies, astrologers have been able to learn that the signs of the zodiac are subdivided into feminine and masculine. With this in mind, you can really know when to conceive a girl or boy. If at the moment of conception the Moon is in a female sign, then a boy will be born, and if in a male sign, a girl will be born.

  • Male constellations
  1. Sagittarius
  2. Aquarius
  3. Twins
  • Female constellations
  1. calf
  2. Capricorn
  3. Scorpio

Child conception lunar calendar 2019

Couples who wish to become parents will do everything to ensure that conception occurs as soon as possible. Medicine in some situations turns out to be useless, so sometimes it is worth thinking about natural phenomena that will help to carry out our plans.

The fertile phases of the moon can help the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy and the birth of a baby. Astrologers are sure that the nature of the unborn child depends entirely on the lunar period in which conception took place.

For instance:

If a child in 2019 was conceived on the new moon, then he will be rather weak in character, he will not be able to stand up for himself in difficult life situations. The kid will be vulnerable, the same can be said about his physical condition. Parents will have to constantly monitor the health of a girl or boy, try to protect him from danger and offenders, so as not to injure his mental state.

Children who were conceived in the first lunar phase will become very kind, will strive to help others, treat them with all sincerity. They will become very cheerful and active. As adults, they will have many friends, people will be drawn to them and want to communicate.

If pregnancy occurs in the second phase of the moon, then the child will be born strong and healthy. In life, he will be able to achieve great success, climb the career ladder.

If conception occurred on a full moon, then the baby will be very emotional and impulsive, will not be able to restrain his impulses, sometimes even aggression is possible. In life, the child will be guided only by his own interests and feelings, logical thinking and common sense are not available to him. Pregnancy will also be problematic and difficult, and complications should be expected during childbirth.

If a woman's pregnancy occurred in the third and fourth phases of the moon, then the children will become very demanding of themselves. They will strive to become better than those around them, try to achieve success. Also, such personalities are very closed and secretive, they may turn out to be completely different from who others see them.

When planning a pregnancy on the Moon of 2019, you need to pay close attention to the growing earthly satellite, because it is this period that is considered the most favorable for conception. However, it is categorically not worth getting pregnant during the eclipse, because the health and character of the baby can be completely unpredictable.

You should pay attention not only to the lunar phases, but also to the dates. If a baby is conceived in a month or a woman's birthday, then a girl is more likely to be born. If on the contrary, then we should expect a son.

However, if the spouses consider the issue of the baby's gender as fundamental, then you need to take a closer look at the lunar calendar 2019 and its tips.

Lunar calendar 2019 for the conception of a girl

A young couple who wants to conceive a girl should definitely look at the 2019 lunar calendar. It has the most favorable days for conception:

  • January - 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 21, 22, 25, 26, 30, 31;
  • February - 4, 5, 9, 10, 14, 15, 18, 19, 22, 23, 26, 27. numbers;
  • March - 3, 4, 8, 9, 13, 14, 17, 18, 21, 22, 26, 27;
  • April - 1, 4-6, 9, 10, 13-15, 18, 19, 22, 23, 27, 28;
  • May - 2, 3, 6, 7, 11, 12, 15, 16, 19, 20, 24, 25, 29, 30;
  • June - 3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12, 16, 17, 20-22, 25-27, 30th;
  • July - 1, 4, 5, 8-10, 13, 14, 18, 19, 23, 24, 27-29;
  • August -1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 14, 15, 19, 20, 24, 25, 28, 29;
  • September - 1, 2, 5-7, 10-12, 15-17, 20, 21, 25, 26, 29, 30;
  • October -3, 4, 7-9, 12-14, 17-19, 22, 23, 26, 27, 30, 31;
  • November - 4, 5, 9, 10, 13-15, 18, 19, 22, 23, 26-28;
  • December - 1, 2, 6, 7, 11, 12, 15, 16, 20, 21, 24, 25, 28-30.

Moon seasons 2019


Astrologers are convinced that babies who were conceived in the first half of December will be very strong and in excellent health. Any difficulties they are on the shoulder, they are always ready for new achievements, strive for their goal. However, the character of such individuals will be firm, so it will not be possible to solve problems peacefully.


January kids will be very kind and sympathetic, they are ready to give everything to others, they do not feel sorry for anything. However, their character will be too soft and touchy, they will go into shock in any unpleasant situations. They will very often turn to their parents for help and seek their protection throughout their lives.

Astrologers claim that the conception, which came in the first half of the month, will give happy parents a healthy girl. Children conceived in the second decade will be generous, sympathetic and good-natured. Excessive softness can also be a disadvantage. In this case, the parents will become the support and support.


Children who were conceived in February will have mental disabilities, and their health will not be all right. The exception is the days at the very end of the month and problems, perhaps, can be avoided. In general, astrologers advise to postpone pregnancy in February.


This month is very favorable for the conception of a baby. Astrologers are confident that such children will have excellent health, they are smart and creative, extremely talented. Well, the expectant mother will not experience any difficulties during the entire pregnancy.


If parents wish to conceive in April, it is recommended to do so in the first half of it. Then the baby will be sincere, open and kind. If pregnancy occurs in the second half of the month, then the child will also be healthy and sociable, but the pregnancy itself will be very difficult, problems with the woman's health during this period are not excluded.


Those kids who were conceived in early May will be very creative and appreciate art. They will be able to achieve great success if from childhood they develop their creativity and direct them in the right direction. Those babies who were conceived at the end of May will definitely learn to make good money and will never live in poverty.


Astrologers advise with great care to strive for the onset of pregnancy this month, because it is rather unfavorable. Only on the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 12th and 15th you can try to conceive a child, then he will not have health problems, and the pregnancy will go well.


This month is very good for pregnancy. It is better to strive to conceive a baby in the first days of the month and the last. Then the children will be healthy and strong, great creative talents and dedication are not excluded. The upbringing will be very successful.


Astrologers recommend conceiving only at the beginning and end of August. The rest of the days fall into the transitional lunar period, and this is very dangerous. Both mother and baby can have major health and physical problems.


You should not conceive at the beginning of the month, so that the child does not turn out to be too weak. At the end of September, no problems should arise with the physical condition of the baby, he will be full of energy and determination.


This month, you need to strive to get pregnant in early October, and be careful at the end. The moon will act extremely negatively on all living things, including fertilization.


You should strive for pregnancy either at the beginning or at the end of the month. In mid-November, the Moon will have an adverse effect on the process of conception and future offspring.

Each nation has its own methods, in particular the Russian lunar calendar recommends the full moon for the conception of girls. The main thing is to take into account the natural cycles of the phases of the moon, it should be calculated in order to predict the sex of the unborn child.

Astrologers are sure that for the conception of girls it is better to use only the time of the growing moon, since the daughter will be very strong, intelligent and beautiful, and have excellent health. But conceiving a child under the Moon during the waning is no longer recommended, as this can promise babies a variety of diseases. If the child is conceived on the full moon, then the girl will turn out to be very talented and beautiful, while in the very first phases of the companion, it is worth refraining from conceiving. Experts also say that if the mother is an even number of years, then she should conceive in even months of the year.

In addition to taking into account the phases of the moon, there are many other interesting options for conceiving girls, although none of them can give future parents a hundred percent guarantee. The gender can be predicted by the lunar calendars, the Japanese and Chinese, Vietnamese and Korean calendars are also very interesting, there are many more unique signs in each country. For this purpose, ovulation, the time of day and even the month of conception should be taken into account, which greatly affects the future sex of the baby. For more than 20 years, the dependence of the sex of the child on the nutrition of the mother herself has been considered and studied, which is confirmed by many studies.

To increase the likelihood of conceiving a girl, it is recommended not to eat apricots and bananas, avocados and peaches, coffee and tea, sausages and ham, celery and beets. This does not give guarantees, but nevertheless, all these methods can give results, that is, it makes sense to try to predict the gender exactly, here you should remember, whatever the gender, the child always needs care and attention. Parents-to-be should remember that regardless of the gender of the newborn, he needs tenderness, love and care, and not for something, but in spite of.

It is known that the moon has a huge impact on all processes of the body. If you are planning to become pregnant, we recommend that you use the lunar calendar for conceiving a child. With the help of it, you will be able to conceive, as well as guess the sex of the unborn child.

Lunar conception calendar: favorable days

According to astrologers, the most successful day for conceiving a child is a woman's birthday. It is on this lunar day and three days after it that the body of the expectant mother is most prepared for the fertilization of the egg. As for men, they are more fertile on their birthday.

The most favorable period for conception according to the lunar calendar is the time of the growing moon. These days you can conceive a healthy, strong, beautiful and capable child. It is good if at this point the woman is ovulating. Astrologers claim that an attempt to conceive during the growing moon during ovulation does not misfire.

Conception during the waning moon is unfavorable. A child may be born with health problems. It is also believed that a child conceived during the waning moon will be born either prematurely or very weak, and in the future may get a bad temper.

The full moon is an uncertain period for conception. On this lunar day, you can conceive an indigo child, a talented or even a little unusual baby. The Full Moon can affect a woman's body at the time of sexual intercourse both positively and negatively. Consequently, a child may later grow up to be a genius, or may become a misunderstood and not accepted person in society.

New Moon is a neutral period for conception according to the lunar calendar. But on this lunar day, there is a high probability of a misfire, so it is better not to experiment and choose a more suitable day for the birth of a new person.

With the help of astrology and the lunar phase calendar, you can plan the sex of the child in advance. If, for example, you want to conceive a boy, you must choose a suitable day for this according to the lunar calendar.

How to conceive a boy?

If you want to give birth to a boy, you should choose a specific day for conception. Take a look at the lunar calendar for the month and see the Moon in the Zodiac Signs. According to astrology, all constellations of the horoscope are divided into female signs and male signs. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the day when the Moon is in the male constellations. So, you can conceive a boy on days when the Moon is in the Signs of Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Aquarius and Sagittarius.

There is another way to guess the gender of the baby. In this case, everything will depend on the expectant mother. If a woman at the time of intercourse is an odd number of years, then she needs to work on conceiving a boy in odd months of the calendar (January, March, May, July, September, November).

How to conceive a girl?

In order to conceive a girl, as in the first case, you must choose the correct day for this according to the lunar calendar. It is recommended to practice the conception of girls on days when the Moon is in the female signs of the Zodiac: Cancer, Pisces, Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn and Scorpio.

You can conceive a girl in another way. For this, the expectant mother must be an even number of years. In this case, even months (February, April, June, August, October, December) are favorable months for conceiving a girl according to the lunar calendar.

With the help of the lunar conception calendar, you can plan your pregnancy and give birth to a child of the desired gender. But whatever your baby is born, he must be loved and desired! Good luck and don't forget to press and

24.02.2014 14:10

Astrologers claim that the right wedding date can be the key to a happy and strong family life. ...

The moon is the patroness and helper of women. She is responsible not only for female intuition, but also for even more subtle processes in the body of the fair sex.

Many centuries ago it was already known that menstrual cycles correlate with the cycles and phases of the moon and that for a successful pregnancy it is necessary to correlate the days of conception with the night luminary. This is, of course, a controversial issue, since deeply religious people, for example, will immediately tell you that everything is God's will and that a child is born only when it pleases God. And scientists will add that conception is possible only at the time of ovulation.

But how then to explain the cases when women who could not get pregnant suddenly turned to the moon and received the long-awaited offspring?

Here's about which phases of the moon are best for conceiving a child, which days of the lunar calendar are most favorable for conception, and when it is better not to approach a partner at all in order to avoid far-reaching unpleasant consequences, read our material.

Moon phases favorable for conception

It is believed that the phase of the moon in which the woman herself was born is the most favorable and productive for conception. That is, if you were born on the new moon, then it is on the new moon that you have every chance of conceiving a child, regardless of the menstrual cycle.

This method was patented in the middle of the twentieth century by Dr. Jonas. The doctor emphasized that if on the day of conception the position of the moon is the same as on the mother's birthday, then conception will take place in any case. Clinical trials of this method showed that Jonas was right and in 98 cases out of 100 (an amazing indicator!), Couples who had previously had problems with conceiving, managed to give birth to a child.

However, the doctor did not take into account the transit of other planets, as well as solar and lunar eclipses and lunar days occurring at the time of conception (it was just that Jonas had other tasks, namely: the birth of children in couples who were recognized as infertile). At the same time, all this can affect the future of the child, and by no means in the most positive way. After all, it is not enough to conceive, you have to endure, give birth and try to do everything in your power so that the fate of the baby is not a "villain".

So, using the method of Dr. Jonas, do not be too lazy to contact a professional astrologer and draw up a general map of the movement of the planets for the period when you are going to conceive.

By the way, there is also such an opinion that conception, like everything that is done for creation and for the long term, is best done on the growing moon.

Lunar day. First decade: calculating days for conception

Phases are phases, but the current lunar day should not be discounted - by no means all days are favorable for conception.

1st lunar day. The second half of the day is favorable for conception. The child will live happily ever after.
2nd lunar day. A child conceived on this day will be successful. In addition, on this day, it is easy to conceive a child of the gender you want.
3rd lunar day. Unfavorable day for conception: the character of the baby will be difficult. It will be hard for you to educate him, and then it will be hard for him to live.
4th and 5th lunar days. Unfavorable days for conception.
6th lunar day. Auspicious day for conception. The child will be a long-liver, especially if it is conceived in an ecologically clean place.
7th lunar day. Day favorable for conception. The child will grow up energetic, active and hardworking. But from an early age you will have to suppress all his attempts to embellish events, deceive and fantasize, otherwise he will too often achieve everything in life with the help of lies.
8th lunar day. A child conceived on this day will live an interesting, eventful, but very difficult life.
9th lunar day.
10th lunar day. One of the most successful days for conception. Pregnancy will be easy, and the baby will be born “kissed by God”.

Lunar day. Second decade: calculating days for conception

11th lunar day. Auspicious day for conception. The kid will be strong, and having matured, he will actively pursue his goals.
12th lunar day. Auspicious day. The child can become a healer or have other superpowers. And he will also have a very well-developed intuition.
13th lunar day. Conception is not contraindicated, but both successful and unsuccessful life can await the child.
14th lunar day. A very auspicious day for conception. The child will be able to easily carry out almost any fate correction. Such people are said to have a strong guardian angel.
15th lunar day. Unfavorable day for conception.
16th lunar day. Auspicious day. The child will grow up to be a calm, self-sufficient and reasonable person.
17th lunar day. Auspicious day. The child will be a bright and talented person.
18th lunar day. Unfavorable day for conception. The baby can be born sickly and weak. And he will be too susceptible to someone else's influence.
19th lunar day. Unfavorable day for conception. A child can become a brilliant villain.
20th lunar day. Neutral day. Conception is not contraindicated, but the child's success in life will depend on your and his potential. However, the kid will be purposeful and very hardworking.

Lunar day. Third decade: calculating days for conception

21st lunar day. The day is favorable for conception - the child will grow up able to bring any business to the end. But his addicted and impressionable nature can be prone to fanaticism.
22nd lunar day. A very auspicious day. Prudence will help your child draw the lucky ticket.
23rd lunar day. Bad day.
24th lunar day. A very favorable day for conception. Even if you have problems, the energy of this day will help you. And a child conceived on this day will be born active, he will be strong and self-confident.
25th lunar day. Auspicious day. The child will be endowed with unique mental abilities. He will be happy to solve difficult problems in school, and then in adulthood.
26th lunar day. A very auspicious day for conception. The child will reach a high position in society, will be rich and successful in his career.
27th lunar day. The day is neutral. Conception is not contraindicated. The child will be kind, others will love him, but it is likely that the child will have to take care of his health all the time - problems may arise.
28th lunar day. Favorable day for conception. The child will be talented, he will succeed in everything, especially if he does what he loves. The only danger is laziness. She will accompany the child if he is not interested in what he is doing. Therefore, make sure that your little one follows his destiny.
29th lunar day. A very unfavorable day for conception. Avoid any sexual intercourse to avoid unplanned pregnancy.
30th lunar day. Day unfavorable for conception. There is a danger of not bearing a fetus, and a child may also be born defective.

Skeptics may notice that sperm cells live for up to five days, so it is difficult to calculate on which day of the lunar calendar conception actually took place. But, as a rule, if you use the "lunar method" at conception, then fertilization occurs on the same day.

Do you want your baby to live a long, interesting and prosperous life? Consult with the Moon - it will help you and your baby become happier - take into account the astrological situation, and most importantly, love your child even before his conception.