We lose weight on the moon. The moon will help you lose weight: how to lose weight in the lunar phases. At full moon and new moon

The lunar weight loss calendar will help you choose the days to start a diet. Follow the advice of the table, which is compiled on the basis of the lunar phases.

  • It is the Moon that constantly accompanies our planet, and the vital activity of the living organisms of the Earth to some extent depends on it.
  • Many people know that life will be much easier if you study the properties of lunar influence. Every woman can even lose weight faster if she takes into account the lunar phases.
  • According to lunar calendar you need in the garden to get a rich harvest, as well as cut your hair and do manicures.

Important: Any diet you choose will help you lose weight. But it is better to start adhering to dietary nutrition in a certain lunar phase.

The influence of the moon on the human body for weight loss

If you want to start losing weight according to the lunar calendar, then you need to know that there are 4 phases of the moon: new moon, waxing moon, full moon and waning moon.

  • New moon- There is a minimum amount of water in the body. At this time, you need less food, it is better to eat liquid soups and drink more water for water balance. Do not eat sweet and starchy foods. The body at this time is tuned to the breakdown of fats. If you arrange a fasting day or fasting, then it will pass very easily and bring an amazing effect, as if you were on a diet for 2 weeks. Try not to expose your body to heavy physical exertion at this time - a 10-minute morning workout is enough.
  • Waxing Crescent- the assimilation of nutrients and vitamins is going well, you can safely take weight loss drugs, fiber, vitamins and trace elements. If your nutritionist has prescribed tablets and vitamins, start taking them during this period. However, at this time there is also an increased appetite, so there is a risk of uncontrolled eating. The body begins to gain strength, water and extra pounds. In order not to gain a lot of them, stick to a low-calorie diet. Do not allow yourself fatty flour, sweet, do not overeat. Strengthened training will also be useful at this time. You will be helped by a surge of energy that the Moon gives, being in a growing phase.
  • Waning moon- the fluid is on the wane and with it toxins and toxins are excreted from the body. During this period, the living organism does not feel hunger so much, you can reduce portions of food eaten (female serving 250-300 gr, male 300-350 gr), use more fiber, clean water for cleansing. Fatty, high-calorie foods are well absorbed on the waning moon, without harm to the figure, but it is better to refuse sweets and carbohydrates. Stick in this period go to gym, carry out cleansing procedures - this will help achieve the desired results. In the last 3 days of the waning moon, download the press. In effect, this will be equivalent to going to the gym for a month. On the last day of the waning moon and on the new moon, it is favorable to finish the diet.
  • Full moon- this is the period when the tides came in the seas, oceans. And in the human body is also the maximum stay of fluid. At this time, you need to limit the use of salt so that liquid, harmful vegetable fats do not linger, simple carbohydrates. Eat plenty of vitamins, drink purified water. Refusal of salt and sweets will help the body not to accumulate a lot of toxins and excess water. It is better to fast or arrange a fasting day on this day. Men do not feel well on the full moon, it is better for them not to eat meat on this day, but to eat more greens and vegetables. During the full moon, try to avoid the consumption of drugs. On this day, you will get an enhanced effect 5 times from side effects.

In addition to the phases of the moon, when losing weight, you need to take into account the effect on the body of the signs of the zodiac that the moon visits in its movement.

  • Fire Signs - Leo, Aries, Sagittarius. The body needs protein during this time. Therefore, try these days to focus on plant and animal protein foods. We do not consume fats and carbohydrates during this period.
  • Earth Signs - Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn. The body at this time needs salty food to restore the salt balance. However, do not overdo it with salty foods. Just during this period, you can slightly salt something, eat 1 pickled cucumber, you can drink salty mineral water. Eat a balanced meal during this time, adhering to proper nutrition.
  • Air Signs Libra, Gemini, Aquarius. The body needs fatty foods. You can eat fatty fish, some fatty meat, nuts, vegetable oils. Remember just a little! However, limit salt and carbohydrates during this period.
  • Water signs - Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces. The body at this time needs carbohydrates, but not simple (flour, sweet), but complex (vegetables, cereals, whole grain bread). Fats are not suitable during this period.

During solar and lunar eclipses We recommend doing body and spiritual cleansing procedures. On the eve of eclipses, it is better not to eat. During the day, exclude meat and fat, including nuts and seeds. Limit the amount of food, arrange a fasting day, starve.

Lunar calendar for weight loss for 2020: table

Study the lunar calendar and in a month, you will be able to see the first results.

Lunar calendar for weight loss 2020:

Month of 2020 Good
time to end the diet
January 1-9, 26-30 11-24 24, 25 25 (New moon) 10
February 1-8, 24-29 10-22 22, 23 23 (New moon) 9 (Full moon)
March 1-8, 25-31 10-23 23, 24 24 (New moon) 9 (Full moon)
April 1-7, 24-30 9-22 22, 23 23 (New moon) 8 (Full moon)
May 1-6, 23-31 8-21 21, 22 22 (New moon) 7 (Full moon)
June 1-4, 22-30 6, 20 20, 21 21 5 (Full moon and lunar eclipse)
July 1-4, 21-31 6-19 19, 20 20 (New moon) 5 (Full moon and lunar eclipse)
August 1, 2, 20-31 4-18 18, 19 19 (New moon) 3 (Full moon)
September 1, 18-30 3-16 16, 17 17 (New moon) 3 (Full moon)
October 1, 17-30 3-15 15, 16 16 (New moon) 2 (Full moon)
31 (Full moon)
November 16-29 1-14 14, 15 15 (New moon) 30 (Full moon and lunar eclipse)
December 15-29 1-13, 31 13, 14 14 (new moon and solar eclipse) 30 (Full moon)

Advice: If you want to get rid of obesity, then you need to not only eat right, but also drink at least 3 liters of water a day, especially in the summer. Remember to eat at least 3-5 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables a day.

Favorable days for losing weight and starting a diet in January 2020

  • Now it is worth studying the lunar calendar for each month separately
  • In January people celebrate New Year and Christmas - a rich feast, fatty meat dishes
  • This month there is a lot of temptation to break the diet, but a person who is losing weight must have great willpower if he wants to be beautiful and healthy.

Favorable days for losing weight and starting a diet in January 2020:

Favorable days for losing weight and starting a diet in February 2020

February - there is an acute shortage of vitamins. Therefore, try not only to stick to a diet, but also to consume at least 0.5 kg of fresh vegetables per day (carrots, cabbage, greenhouse cucumbers and tomatoes).

Important: A nutritionist can prescribe the intake of tableted vitamins and trace elements. This will help the body cope with winter beriberi.

Favorable days for losing weight and starting a diet in February 2020:

Auspicious days for losing weight and starting a diet in March 2020

There are more sunny days, the snow is melting. In March, you can go outside for a morning run. Continue to successfully lose weight and follow the advice of the lunar calendar.

Favorable days for losing weight and starting a diet in March 2020:

Favorable days for losing weight and starting a diet in April 2020

The real spring is about to begin. But in April there are still no fresh vegetables from the garden and fruits from the garden. Continue to eat fiber-rich foods. Make fruit mixes from apples, bananas and other available fruits.

Favorable days for losing weight and starting a diet in April 2020:

Auspicious days for losing weight and starting a diet in May 2020

In May, women massively begin to go on diets to put their bodies in order and prepare for the beach season.

Herbal teas are also great for weight loss. For example, brew licorice root, alder cones and galangal root in equal proportions. Drink tea before meals, thanks to it the appetite will be moderate, and it will be easier to lose weight.

Favorable days for losing weight and starting a diet in May 2020:

Favorable days for losing weight and starting a diet in June 2020

Summer has begun. The first vegetables and fruits appeared from the garden beds. But remember that a person who is on a diet is not recommended to eat a lot of sweet fruits. This applies to strawberries, peaches, sweet cherry plums and plums.

Favorable days for losing weight and starting a diet in June 2020:

Month of 2020 Good days to start a diet and carry out enhanced training Not the right time to start a period of weight loss, but good for cleansing the body Good
time to end the diet
for fasting day or fasting
The full moon is an excellent period for mono diets (removal of toxins and excess water from the body)
June 1-4, 22-30 6, 20 20, 21 21 (solar eclipse) 5 (moon eclipse)

Favorable days for losing weight and starting a diet in July 2020

July - the first hot days begin. Remember to drink plenty of water to replenish water balance organism. Continue to eat vegetable salads without salt, lean meats and fruits in moderation.

Favorable days for losing weight and starting a diet in July 2020:

Auspicious days for losing weight and starting a diet in August 2020

If you want to get rid of hated cellulite, then take baths with the addition of a few drops. essential oils and sign up for a massage of problem areas.

Favorable days for losing weight and starting a diet in August 2020:

Favorable days for losing weight and starting a diet in September 2020

September is the first month of autumn, but vegetables and fruits are still plentiful. Help your body stock up on vitamins before the coming winter - cook vegetable dishes from bell peppers, eggplant and zucchini.

Important: These vegetables are rich in trace elements for the normal functioning of important body systems.

Favorable days for losing weight and starting a diet in September 2020:

Favorable days for losing weight and starting a diet in October 2020

Autumn is in full swing. Exercise, eat right and follow the lunar calendar for weight loss.

Favorable days for losing weight and starting a diet in October 2020:

Month of 2020 Good days to start a diet and carry out enhanced training Not the right time to start a period of weight loss, but good for cleansing the body Good
time to end the diet
for fasting day or fasting
The full moon is an excellent period for mono diets (removal of toxins and excess water from the body)
October 1, 17-30 3-15 15, 16 16 (New moon) 2 (Full moon)
31 (Full moon)

Favorable days for losing weight and starting a diet in November 2020

November - the first cold, despondency and bad mood. Go to the gym regularly - this will help the body cope with a depressive state and lose weight quickly.

The ability of an earth satellite to influence the physical and mental processes in the human body has been scientifically confirmed and has been studied for decades. Its phases are used in various aspects of life, from choosing the day of the haircut to working in the garden. So the lunar diet aims to help find a slender figure. The basis for this is the movement of this luminary.

Lunar diet for weight loss

The full cycle of the Earth satellite lasts 28 days and includes 4 phases. Each of them determines the nature of the physiological and chemical processes in the body at the level of cells:

  1. During the full moon, the intercellular space is filled with liquid, so during this period of time, emphasis should be placed on cereals and sour milk.
  2. Losing weight on the waning moon, when the luminary in the sky takes the form of an inverted letter "C", is associated with an acceleration of the metabolism in the body. Slags, toxins, excess liquid and other decay products leave it more easily, so you need to drink more water, and reduce the amount of sweets and flour consumed.
  3. On the new moon, the month is just being born, it is still weak, and with it the body is also weak. You can support it with protein foods.
  4. The growing moon is gaining strength and growing, and with it, the needs of the body also increase. Appetite increases, so the diet becomes predominantly fruit and vegetable with a minimum amount of salt.

What lunar day to start a diet?

To do this, it is better to choose a period when the disk of the star is decreasing. You need to finish eating according to the phases of the moon after 28 days, that is, at the end of the full cycle. The lunar calendar will help you navigate the numbers and choose the right day. This will help to establish harmony between the natural phenomenon in nature and the diet, which will result in natural weight loss without danger to health.

Moon food for every day

Sample menu for each phase:

  1. On the full moon, have breakfast with porridge with fruit, drink a cup of tea. For lunch, cook cabbage soup in beef broth. Have an afternoon snack with cottage cheese casserole, drink a glass of fermented baked milk. Steamed salmon for dinner.
  2. The lunar calendar diet for the period of the waning sun provides for the preparation of poached eggs and tea for breakfast. At lunchtime, cook mushroom puree soup, have muesli filled with yogurt for an afternoon snack, and boil seafood for dinner. Drink plenty of fluids between meals.
  3. On the new moon for breakfast, make a sandwich with butter and red fish. Dine with turkey soup, have an afternoon snack with cottage cheese and kefir, and for dinner, steam fish with vegetables.
  4. For the growing moon for breakfast, zucchini pancakes, tea. Dine on vegetable soup. For an afternoon snack, a seafood salad and any fresh vegetables, and for dinner, fish stewed with vegetables. In between meals there are berries and fruits.

The werewolf diet or the lunar diet

This weight loss nutrition system has several versions, and everything can be adopted. The werewolf lunar diet can be a two-day diet. This means that for 24 hours on a full moon and a new moon you can only drink liquids - water, juices, cocktails. The second version covers all 4 phases. Here are some dietary recommendations:

  1. On the eve of the new moon, eat only vegetable first courses and broths for 36 hours.
  2. At the onset of the full moon, eat only boiled and natural vegetables for 24 hours. In the next two days, eat mushrooms and fresh pineapple. After there is a day of fasting, and this period ends with the use of mushrooms and pineapples.
  3. Three days before the new moon and two days after it, eat only raw and boiled vegetables.

Lunar diet Anita Tsoi

The figure of the famous singer is worthy of imitation and helps her keep herself in shape during the phase of the earthly body. She practices the Lunar Ten nutrition system, which provides for the introduction of restrictions on the diet for a period starting with the waning of the Earth's satellite. Anita adheres to the following rules:

  1. Nutrition according to the moon for weight loss involves the rejection of sweet, fatty and starchy foods.
  2. Do not eat meat with starchy foods, and cereals with fruits.
  3. Do strength exercises daily.
  4. Every day drink 1.5-2 liters of plain clean water.
  5. The last time you need to get up from the table is before 20.00 pm.
  6. During the diet, make one unloading day.

4 day moon diet

It begins to be practiced from the first day of the new moon. Main principle- eating at certain hours. This will allow you to lose 4 kg excess weight without driving the body into a state of stress. All that remains to be found out about this nutrition system, created on the basis of the movement of the Earth's satellite, is the menu and it must be remembered that severe dietary restrictions are contraindicated for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Menu for the entire period:

  1. The moon meal includes breakfast at 8 am, which consists of a cup of green tea and a teaspoon of honey, which should be eaten as a snack.
  2. At 10.00 boil and eat two eggs.
  3. At noon the same as for breakfast.
  4. At 14.00, boil a two-hundred-gram piece of poultry meat.
  5. At 16.00 drink 250 ml of kefir.
  6. At 18.00 eat one green apple.
  7. At 20.00 a glass of good wine.
  8. Before going to bed around 22.00 drink a glass of yogurt.

Jan 2, 2017 Olga

The ability of an earthly satellite to influence the physical and mental processes in the human body has been scientifically confirmed and has been studied for decades. Its phases are used in various aspects of life, from choosing the day of the haircut to working in the garden. So the lunar diet aims to help find a slender figure. The basis for this is the movement of this luminary.

Lunar diet for weight loss

The full cycle of the Earth satellite lasts 28 days and includes 4 phases. Each of them determines the nature of physiological and chemical processes in the body at the cell level:

  1. During the full moon, the intercellular space is filled with liquid, so during this period of time, emphasis should be placed on cereals and sour milk.
  2. Losing weight on the waning moon, when the luminary in the sky takes the form of an inverted letter "C", is associated with. Slags, toxins, excess liquid and other decay products leave it more easily, so you need to drink more water, and reduce the amount of sweets and flour consumed.
  3. On the new moon, the month is just being born, it is still weak, and with it the body is also weak. You can support it with protein foods.
  4. The growing moon is gaining strength and growing, and with it, the needs of the body also increase. Appetite increases, so the diet becomes predominantly fruit and vegetable with a minimum amount of salt.

What lunar day to start a diet?

To do this, it is better to choose a period when the disk of the star is decreasing. You need to finish eating according to the phases of the moon after 28 days, that is, at the end of the full cycle. The lunar calendar will help you navigate the numbers and choose the right day. This will help to establish harmony between the natural phenomenon in nature and the diet, which will result in natural weight loss without danger to health.

Moon food for every day

Sample menu for each phase:

  1. On the full moon, have breakfast with porridge with fruit, drink a cup of tea. For lunch, cook cabbage soup in beef broth. Have an afternoon snack with cottage cheese casserole, drink a glass of fermented baked milk. Steamed salmon for dinner.
  2. The lunar calendar diet for the period of the waning sun provides for the preparation of poached eggs and tea for breakfast. At lunchtime, cook mushroom puree soup, have muesli filled with yogurt for an afternoon snack, and boil seafood for dinner. Drink plenty of fluids between meals.
  3. On the new moon for breakfast, make a sandwich with butter and red fish. Dine with turkey soup, have an afternoon snack with cottage cheese and kefir, and for dinner, steam fish with vegetables.
  4. On the growing moon for breakfast, tea. Dine on vegetable soup. For an afternoon snack, a seafood salad and any fresh vegetables, and for dinner, fish stewed with vegetables. In between meals there are berries and fruits.

The werewolf diet or the lunar diet

This weight loss nutrition system has several versions, and everything can be adopted. The werewolf lunar diet can be a two-day diet. This means that for 24 hours on a full moon and a new moon you can only drink liquids - water, juices, cocktails. The second version covers all 4 phases. Here are some dietary recommendations:

  1. On the eve of the new moon, eat only vegetable first courses and broths for 36 hours.
  2. At the onset of the full moon, eat only boiled and natural vegetables for 24 hours. In the next two days, eat mushrooms and fresh pineapple. After there is a day of fasting, and this period ends with the use of mushrooms and pineapples.
  3. Three days before the new moon and two days after it, eat only raw and boiled vegetables.

Lunar diet Anita Tsoi

The figure of the famous singer is worthy of imitation and helps her keep herself in shape during the phase of the earthly body. She practices the Lunar Ten nutrition system, which provides for the introduction of restrictions on the diet for a period starting with the waning of the Earth's satellite. Anita adheres to the following rules:

  1. Nutrition according to the moon for weight loss involves the rejection of sweet, fatty and starchy foods.
  2. Do not eat meat with starchy foods, and cereals with fruits.
  3. Do strength exercises daily.
  4. Every day drink 1.5-2 liters of plain clean water.
  5. The last time you need to get up from the table is before 20.00 pm.
  6. During the diet, make one unloading day.

4 day moon diet

It begins to be practiced from the first day of the new moon. The main principle is eating at certain hours. This will allow you to lose 4 kg of excess weight without driving the body into a state of stress. All that remains to be found out about this nutrition system, created on the basis of the movement of the Earth's satellite, is the menu and it must be remembered that severe dietary restrictions are contraindicated for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Menu for the entire period:

  1. The moon meal includes breakfast at 8 am, which consists of a cup of green tea and a teaspoon of honey, which should be eaten as a snack.
  2. At 10.00 boil and eat two eggs.
  3. At noon the same as for breakfast.
  4. At 14.00, boil a two-hundred-gram piece of poultry meat.
  5. At 16.00 drink 250 ml of kefir.
  6. At 18.00 eat one green apple.
  7. At 20.00 a glass of good wine.
  8. Before going to bed around 22.00 drink a glass of yogurt.

Helpful Hints

So, you have come to the conclusion that you want by all means to become slimmer and get rid of excess weight. But where to start? After all, you perfectly understand how difficult it is change habitual lifestyle, become more active and cross off the most delicious foods for you from the shopping list.

However, if you set yourself goal to lose weight and go to her, everything is in your hands! To make it easier for you to change yourself and say goodbye to bad eating habits forever, our neighbor Luna will help you. The main thing is to follow the advice that she gives.

Tip #1

You decide for yourself: would you like to lose weight for a long time, ideally forever, or you just dream of becoming slimmer for some event, and then weight is not so important to you. If you choose the second, then any strict diet is enough and you can get into the desired outfit. But everyone knows that diets have a whole bunch side effects, one of the most harmless is that after leaving the diet of kilograms will be more than before.

If you need permanent weight loss, get ready for the fact that you have to completely change yourself and your lifestyle. Yes, unfortunately, changing the body is impossible without changing the spirit and behavior. This should always be remembered if you want to lose weight.

Tip #2

Nutrition is an important part of a weight loss program. After all, the weight depends on how much energy do we consume And how much do we spend. If we spend more than we consume - oh, happiness! - kilograms disappear! If we eat calories and at the same time spend exactly as much as we eat, the weight is kept at the same level. And, finally, if we eat less than we spend, the unfortunate excess weight disappears without a trace. Therefore, to begin with, we need to strive to get rid of the excess, and then maintain the norm.

In order not to use too much, some find it easiercount calories. However, each person has their own body. Listen to yourself and see how much you need to eat so that the weight goes away without denying yourself everything.Do it gradually. To begin with, try to reduce portions, try to eat fractionally, reduce the calorie content of your meals.

Tip #3

In nutrition, everything is individual, just like we are all individuals. Therefore, the choice of dishes depends solely on you. In addition, you should definitely listen to your body when choosing foods. If you feel that after some food you feel unwell, heaviness, bloating, this food is not suitable for you, even if she's super helpful! Also, never starve yourself. Get the right snacks (fruits, nuts, vegetables, low-fat dairy) so your body doesn't tend to overeat.

An effective diet according to the lunar calendar

Tip #4

Of course, it is necessary to cross out harmful dishes, but gradually. You can not immediately switch to one carrot in one day. If you often eat fried foods - fried potatoes, meat, fish, reduce them gradually. Also, later when healthy food will become the norm, but you will miss the "harmful", sometimes allow yourself something fried, but not for dinner. For example, in the morning or in the afternoon. This will allow you not to break loose and satisfy your whims with minimal damage to the figure.

Another trick: before you eat something harmful, eat healthy dish eg lettuce. Then you will want much less harmful, because you will already be full. But here, of course, it is important not to overeat.

Tip #5

Make a meal plan for yourself by writing down everything you will eat for a whole month in advance. In building this plan, you will be guided by the lunar calendar and will be able to have a certain system. Systems approach helps achieve results faster.

Moreover, go to the store only with a list of what you need to cook. these right foods, and it is better to buy groceries a few days in advance, ideally a week. Of course, you can want something without planning ahead, but try to keep those desires to a minimum and go off plan only in the rarest of cases.

Tip #6

Important in losing weight, as in any business, find motivation- that is, clearly know why you need it. You will have to be motivated not only at the very beginning, but also to maintain in the future. Sometimes this is very difficult. For example, you can successfully lose weight in the beginning, and then your weight will stop, and you will immediately drop your hands. You will want to drop everything and go back to the old. To prevent this from happening, you need to learn keep motivated and don't let your weakness take over.

Tip #7

The right products are only half the battle. It is also important to learn how to cook these foods so that they didn't gain calories. For example, oatmeal on the water itself is not as high in calories as if you spice it up with a lot of butter and sugar. Stewed, baked vegetables without oil, or steamed vegetables not at all the same as vegetables fried in a pan or deep-fried.

Tip #8

When buying ready-made products, read the labels! Sometimes in the list of ingredients you can see something that you immediately want to use this product. It is best to cook your own cakes, cakes, cookies and other dishes, avoid any semi-finished products, instead of sausages and sausages, eat meat, etc. The modern industry is doing everything to reduce the cost of the product by replacing healthy fresh ingredients with chemistry. And while organic products are all the rage right now, it's not always easy for you to get to them.

Diet according to the lunar calendar

Lunar month of weight loss

This calendar is divided into 4 main weeks: 4 lunar phases, each of which has its own " fast day"- the moment of the change of the lunar phases. When exactly the phase change occurs depends on many factors, and this time usually shifts during the day, so the numbers of lunar days are given on average. Every month you need to keep track of when the change occurs lunar day and choose food, Based on this.

It is often advised to start losing weight before full moon(for 2-3 days). They say that this is the easiest way to lose excess when the moon begins to wane. However, if losing weight is for you important goal and the desire to change life for the better is not a temporary desire, but a real dream, you should start on the 2nd or 3rd lunar day, which favors any undertakings.

New Moon (1 lunar day)

From the moment of the New Moon begins 1st lunar day, which ends with the setting of the moon. That is why this day can last quite a short time, and maybe about a day. Sometimes the time of the 1st lunar day - just an hour and that in the dead of night. It is important not to miss the opportunity and use this time to make a wish, think about the realization of your goals, and make plans.

Your thoughts on the 1st lunar day have very great strength and are able to bring closer and realize the desired. Therefore, on this day, you need to build a nutrition plan for a month and decide for yourself what exactly you want: how many kilograms to lose, what volumes to achieve. The more clearly you formulate and present what you want, the more chances get it! Think not just about the fact that you want to lose weight, but clearly imagine your new dimensions.

Also, just imagining your new body is half the battle. You should make a clear plan on which you will act, which should include nutrition and movement.

On the day when the new moon occurs, especially before it, try stick to lean food. Do not load your body with heavy and unhealthy food. After all, the new moon is a very stressful period of the month. It is surrounded by the so-called days of Hekate when the moon is not visible in the sky. If possible, go raw, or eat only vegetable dishes, fresh juices, fruits, nuts. Light food will make it easier for your body to endure the difficult period of the month.

The most effective diet for weight loss according to the moon

The first phase of the moon (2-7 lunar days)

This period is the most dangerous in weight gain. The moon is growing, and we are actively drawn to high-calorie food. With the growth of the moon, extra pounds also grow. Therefore, this week it is very important not to eat harmful things at all.

Avoid if possible fast food, dishes with sugar, especially cakes, cookies, sweets. Let this week be devoted to healthier meals, always balanced, rich in fiber. Also during this period, it is advised to actively engage in sports, or simply move more. This will allow you to use energy faster and lose excess weight. At this time, the weight will go away slowly, but don't let that scare you. The important thing is that he leaves.

In this phase of the moon, you will be especially hungry, so It is better not to prescribe diets at this time- the risk of failure in the future is very high, and the result will not be what you expect. Just try to eat less high-calorie foods. For example, if you used to drink tea with 3 spoons of sugar, set it to 2. Later on, you can reduce the amount of sugar to a minimum, and later you will replace it sweet fruits and honey.

Moon phase change (8 lunar day)

The second crisis moment of the lunar month. On this day, the Moon usually changes phase from 1st to 2nd and becomes in negative aspect to the Sun. This is fasting day. Try, just as on the day of the new moon, to exclude meat, eggs, fish and dairy. This is a loading day.

Second phase (9-14 lunar days)

The second phase of the lunar month also lasts a week. Here, as in the 1st phase, it is important not to overeat, choose mostly the right dishes, cook them in such a way as not to increase the calorie content of healthy foods.

Full moon (15 lunar day)

The day of the full moon can sometimes fall on the 16th lunar day, you need to check the moment of the full moon on the calendar. On this day, it is best to fast: drink water, fresh juices, there is fruits and vegetables. If the moment of the full moon falls on the night or early morning, then the fast should be kept on the day preceding the moment of the full moon.

Third phase (16-21 lunar days)

After the moment of the full moon, the moon begins to wane, and this allows you to get rid of excess weight much faster. If your goal is to lose weight quickly, increase your physical activity and eat less in the next two weeks.

During the third phase, you have more strength than at other times of the month, you can accumulate a lot of energy in the first two weeks. Therefore, right now it is important to spend it correctly.

If you agree to lose weight gradually, you can afford something harmful and high-calorie. But again: eat all high-calorie foods in the morning, sweets for breakfast, pizza for lunch. Also remember about the sense of proportion. If you allow yourself these products daily and without measure, new weight gain is inevitable.

Change of the lunar phase (22 lunar day)

Fourth day of fasting: allowed fruits vegetables(best raw ), fresh juices, water.

The fourth phase of the moon (23-30 lunar days)

In the last phase of the lunar month, it is also easy to lose weight, especially if you take real action for this. And although now the forces are a little less, continue to eat so as not to overeat. It is better to leave the table without being completely satiated, especially in the evenings.

Last day of the lunar month 29th lunar day- it is best to also fast, or eat only light food, exclude starchy and sweet meat. It is best not to mix proteins with carbohydrates.

Sometimes moon month consists of 30 days, but the 30th lunar day is not considered unfavorable, although it is also included in the group days of Hekate when the moon cannot be seen in the sky.

Much has been written about this in the literature. different peoples world, and over the past few years this assumption has received scientific confirmation. If you know the basics of the phenomena that occur in a certain phase of the moon, then you can easily learn to control the physiological and psychological processes own organism. Based on this, the lunar calendar diet for many overweight people can help get rid of extra pounds. Not everyone has heard about this new technique, and those who know its existence are in a hurry to find out when it is better to start a diet according to the lunar calendar, because its result depends on it.

Lunar Diet Periods: The Best Time to Start

The essence of this technique for losing weight, common in Lately, lies in the fact that the diet is compiled according to the lunar calendar. It consists of 4 phases of 7 days each. The entire lunar cycle is 28 days. Scientists argue that on each of these days of the lunar calendar, different physiological processes occur at the level of cells, tissues, organs and the body as a whole. Thus, it turns out that with the help of a certain diet, you can influence the change in your own weight.

The diet for weight loss according to the lunar calendar is divided into 4 periods:

1. Full moon. During this period, the moon in the sky has the shape of a bright round ball. Experts say that during this period the cellular and intercellular space of the body is filled with fluids. In nature, tides occur during the full moon.

2. Waning moon. This is the period of the lunar calendar, when the moon in the sky takes the form of an inverted letter "C". The phase of the waning moon is characterized by the rapid removal of fluids and all metabolic products from the body, including toxins and slags.

3. New moon. In this phase of the lunar calendar, it is impossible to see the disk of the moon in the sky. This is the most favorable period for the renewal of the whole organism and the restoration of its damaged systems.

4. Waxing Crescent. With the beginning of this phase, the moon appears in the sky in the form of the letter "C". During the growing moon, the human body is able to absorb all the nutrients from food and responds quite well to physical activity. During this period, all metabolic processes improve, wounds heal faster, and the overall tone of the body increases.

It is desirable that the beginning of the diet according to the lunar calendar falls on the waning moon, and it should be completed at the moment when it comes new phase. It turns out that the diet can last 7, 14, 21 or 28 days. To accurately determine exactly when the waning moon begins, you should use the lunar calendar.

When is it better to start a diet according to the lunar calendar and nutritional principles

Considering the physiology human body, the diet should be designed in such a way that it does not interfere with their natural flow. In this case, harmony will be achieved between natural phenomena and human eating behavior, as a result of which all useful substances will be absorbed, and not retained in the body, deposited in the form of fat. In addition to the fact that fat deposits are not formed in the problem areas of the human body, natural and uniform weight loss occurs.

To become a slender person with a toned and beautiful figure, it is not enough to know when to go on a diet according to the lunar calendar, because you still need to have information about what food to eat in different phases. With the advent of the full moon, the diet should include unsalted foods that have a minimum calorie content, while it is important that the products are quickly excreted from the body. The diet of a losing weight person during the full moon according to this method should consist of products such as:

  • whole grain cereals;
  • dairy products;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • green and herbal teas.

It is strictly forbidden to use alcoholic drinks, smoked products, pickles, marinades, sweets, confectionery. Throughout the full moon phase, a person's daily diet should be 400–500 kcal less than the daily allowance. The waning moon is the best time for a diet according to the lunar calendar, so during this period you can noticeably lose weight and become slimmer.

With the onset of the waning moon phase, 5-6 meals a day should be strictly observed, completely eliminating salt and sugar from the diet. The entire period of the diet, regardless of the phase of the lunar calendar, you should not eat foods containing fast carbohydrates. You need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. The diet during the waning moon should be as balanced as possible and consist of all food groups, the daily rate should be at least 1200 kcal. For more fast weight loss should be engaged.

When to go on a diet according to the lunar calendar and what is better to eat

The new moon is the time when the diet should mainly be built on protein foods. What is better to eat during this lunar phase? The main emphasis should be on meat, fish, eggs, dairy products and seafood. Vegetables and vegetable salads are also the right choice for a person who wants to lose weight.

In the phase of the growing moon, many people are faced with such a problem as increased appetite. It is at this time that there is often a set of excess weight, which is not easy to get rid of. To prevent this, it is necessary to reduce the daily calorie content to 1000–1200 kcal. This can be done by changing the diet, with the beginning of the phase of the growing moon, protein foods, as well as vegetables and fruits, should become its basis. physical activity you can practice as before, however, they should be moderate. On the last day of the diet according to the lunar calendar, experts recommend organizing unloading for the body, drinking 2.5-3 liters per day.

Now you know when to start the lunar diet and how it can help you lose weight. Adhere to all the rules in the preparation of the diet and take into account the basics of the methodology in an effort to become the owner of a healthy body and a slender figure.