Solstice rites. Rituals and rituals during the winter and summer solstices. Winter Solstice - divination

Celebration winter solstice bears the glory of the most ominous day of the year. The people call it "Karachun", which among the Slavs meant: "death", "death". People were afraid of this holiday, they performed various rituals to help the Sun be born again. They looked forward to a new sunrise, and when the sun rose, they rejoiced and celebrated this event.

The winter solstice is Kolyada, one of the incarnations of the Slavic Dazhdbog, the son of Svarog, who is the Sun itself.

Our ancestors performed rituals and rituals on the day of the solstice. In addition, they tried to follow the signs and do everything that was recommended to be done on this day.

In the old days, people burned bonfires, burned all sorts of rubbish. The fire had to burn all night. In modern times, it is rare for anyone to light bonfires on the night of the solstice, but there are other rituals that are suitable for modern times.

The Solstice is used to bring change in life, the opening of new energies and opportunities. During the winter solstice, it is advisable to conduct rituals related to getting rid of everything obsolete, as well as rituals to attract good and kind changes.

Winter solstice: rituals, ceremonies

There are very good rituals and practices that should be performed on the day of the solstice and for 3 days before that day and 3 days after. On the winter solstice, as well as the days of the equinox, rituals of purification, attraction of happiness, love and joy are performed. This is the best time to get rid of everything that prevents you from being truly happy.

On the days of the solstice, the following rituals, practices and rituals will be relevant.

Practicing Forgiveness

December 21 is the Winter Solstice Day, and it is also the end of the year - the time when it is customary to sum up, correct mistakes. The practice of forgiveness is one of the most effective methods of cleansing the soul. You can perform it both at cleansing cosmic energy sessions, and just at meditation. If you are a very busy person, then still take 10-15 minutes to perform the ritual of forgiveness. For this purpose, you can use the time until you get to work, lunch break or in the evening before bedtime. It does not take much time, and the effect you get from it is colossal.

Ritual of forgiveness on the days of the winter solstice: instructions

  1. Light a candle. Place it on your left.
  2. Light incense.
  3. Make yourself comfortable, you can sit in a chair or lie on the floor.
  4. Read the prayer, Orthodox can read "Our Father" 3 times.
  5. Then start asking for forgiveness. We ask people, starting with our loved ones. Forgiveness formula: “Name, forgive me and forgive my sins at the Judgment of God. Amen". We ask several times, preferably until peace and balance are established in the soul. Especially carefully ask those people who are offended by you or whom you yourself are offended.
  6. The next step is to forgive yourself. Forgive everyone, people, starting with relatives and friends. Forgiveness formula: “Name, I forgive you and forgive your sins at the Judgment of God. Amen". Forgive everyone until there is not a drop of resentment left in your soul.
  7. At the end of the ritual, read the prayer again.
  8. Leave the candle to burn for a while.

The ritual of forgiveness during the winter solstice can be performed every day. Ask and forgive everyone who is or has been in your life. Free your soul and heart from such a burden as resentment.

Ritual on the day of the winter solstice for happiness

The technique is most suitable for women, it will help to bring into life the energy of youth and love. For a ritual to attract happiness, you will need 50 grams of melted butter, aromatic or ordinary red candles, aroma oils and incense. If you don't have melted butter, make it ahead of time. Take a piece of ordinary unsalted butter and melt it in a water bath or just in an iron cup over low heat. It is impossible to use a microwave oven for this purpose, microwaves will kill all living things in the oil and break its structure.

Instructions for conducting a ritual for happiness and youth

  • Take 50 g of melted butter, add a few drops of your favorite aromatic oil to it, these can be oils of rose, patchouli, jasmine, tea tree and others. When adding aroma oil, say: “I am adding a drop of sun to my life, love and joy. May a miracle happen."
  • In the evening after sunset, before going to bed, go to the bathroom. Light red candles, turn on incense. Place candles in the corners of the bathroom, but not near water.
  • Take a shower, during the procedure ask for some water to wash away everything bad and bad from you. Wash your body thoroughly. Do it calmly, with love. Gently touch every cell of your body, love every part of your body. Don't forget to wash your hair and confess your love to your hair. Thank every part of your body for what you have, and you can use them for good. Do it sincerely.
  • Get out of the shower, take the cooked aromatic ghee and start rubbing it into the body. At the same time, repeat: “The sun's strength and light are gaining in me. I attract happiness, love and joy. May it be so". Rub the oil into all places of your body, do not deprive the tips of your fingers and toes. Do it slowly, with a feeling of love and gratitude.
  • Take some time before bed to reflect on the past year. Imagine that you have two spheres in front of you, one golden, the other white. In gold, put everything that was good for the year, and in white - failures and difficult situations. After that, the white sphere must be transformed: for this, imagine the best option for you that would suit you. Then think about plans and goals for the new year. They must be folded into a silver sphere. Fold all the images into a silver ball, fill it with your energy and launch it. May it rise high into the universe.

Prayers for the Solstice

There are several prayers that are read on December 21, December 22 and other days after the Solstice. This is an energetically strong and favorable time for reading prayers.

Prayer of Thanksgiving on the Days of the Solstice

All days during the Solstice period from 19 to 25, a prayer of thanksgiving is read. It is read in the morning and evening. The text of the Thanksgiving prayer can be completely different, you can come up with it yourself, the main rule is that prayer should come from the heart.

“I thank God and the Universe for what I have. Amen.

I am grateful that I have health. Amen.

I am grateful that I have a family. Amen.

I am grateful to all my relatives and friends for everything they do and have done for me. Amen.

I thank my parents for life. Amen.

I thank life for the fact that I have a house and food. Amen.

I thank my brother (sister) for having them. Amen.

I thank the children for their smiles and positivity. Amen.

I thank my husband for love, affection, support and understanding. Amen.

I thank all the people who meet and are on my life path. Amen.

I am grateful that I have a prosperous life. Amen."

Happy New Year!

All Vedic holidays are mystical, special days. The Earth, Moon, Sun are at this time in special positions relative to each other, the center of the Galaxy and other celestial objects. The sky opens, the Gates open and a huge flow of energy comes to the Earth.

Holidays, depending on the time when they come, have different meaning, but all these days are mystical, they are intended for spiritual work. This better days for spiritual practices, meditation, prayer. They are not meant for worldly affairs. It is no coincidence that the ancient sages prescribed certain rituals on these days.

The sages divide the year into two halves - the divine day and the divine night. The period from the winter solstice (December 21-22) to summer solstice(June 21-22) is the day, and the period from the summer solstice to the winter solstice is night. The beginning of each of these periods is marked by a holiday, calendar ritual actions.

The sun is revered, deified by all peoples. The solstices were used to improve the quality of life, it was the starting point of a new life. Also important are the days of the equinoxes - these are the most important astronomical events, a special energy time, these are the central points connecting the earth's seasons.

Winter solstice, solstice.

2016: The winter solstice begins on December 21, 2016 at 10:45 UTC or 13:45 Moscow time, when the Sun enters 0° Capricorn

Winter solstice, solstice, one of the most important, special days of the year. Starting from this day, daylight increases and night decreases. On this day, the height of the sun rises in the sky is the lowest. From that day on, the Sun begins its northern path of growth. At this time, the Earth is at the smallest distance from the Sun. Life on Earth largely depends on the Sun, so the approach of the Earth to the Sun and the distance are the most important astronomical events.

The moment of the solstice is the critical moment of transition. About 3 days before and after the solstice, the Earth receives a huge flow of creative energy, this is a magical, sacred time of transition. Like any transitional time, it is for spiritual practices. It is believed that this time is not for material affairs. It greatly contributes to God-centeredness, not ego-centeredness. The winter solstice is the beginning of the astronomical new year. This is a holiday of rebirth, the birth of a new sun.

From this moment a new cycle of time begins. The moment of the solstice, the end of long nights - this is the mystery of the birth of the new, renewal, rebirth, the transition from the old life to the new. This is the mystery of renewal, the day of laying hopes, a solid foundation for a bright future.
This is both death and resurrection, the mystery of the rebirth of old age into youth.

In this energetically special, charged time, you can burn your sins, change your destiny, be reborn, just like a renewed Sun is born again.

In the coming days before the solstice, it is favorable to get rid of everything obsolete, interfering, superfluous (both in the house and in terms of personality, habits, relationships, etc.). It would be good to let go of grievances, leave quarrels, resolve conflicts, favorably make donations, repay debts. V new life better to go light.

With gratitude to God, with pure thoughts, pure intentions and wishes of happiness.
And in a clean place (you first need to clean the territory, get rid of rubbish, garbage and dust on the physical plane as well). It is very favorable to light lamps, incense.

The night before this day is the longest of the year. It's dark, feminine, magic time. This night opens the door to a new life. It is good to sum up the results of the past year, to thank God for everything that He gives. It is important to get rid of worries, anxieties and enter a new life in a harmonious state.

At this time, together with the sun, all living things begin their path of growth, ascent. It is very important to be God-centered, to move away from the hustle and bustle, to turn inward.

Prayer, meditation at this time will have great power, as well as your good intentions, goals for the future. The rhythms of the Universe at this time are very conducive to this. The power of the resurgent Sun, the powerful energy of creation will fill them.

It is favorable to meet the sunrise, to express our respect to him, to congratulate him on his birth, to thank him for his gifts. It is important to feel this transitional sacred period, the turn from darkness to light, from ignorance to knowledge, from death to immortality. If this is done consciously (to discard the negative, the obsolete and create the intention to acquire the bright), then ahead - indeed - the bright path of rebirth, growth.

At this time, the sky opens, strong flows of energy go to the Earth. This is a time of Hope and Opportunity. It is very important to use it for your growth, improvement. This is a time of meditation, prayer, a time of good intentions. Should I miss this chance?

This is a great time to improve, change what needs to be changed; get rid of what gets in the way; lay a solid foundation for growth.

This day is celebrated in the culture of every nation. An indispensable attribute of the holiday is fire - these are candles, lamps, bonfires.

Christmas time was celebrated in the Slavic tradition.

Like the ancient Slavs, the inhabitants of central and northern Europe during the winter solstice performed symbolic actions with fire, celebrating Yule.

In Zoroastrian tradition, these days celebrate the Feast of Mithra. Mitra - God of justice, the all-seeing eye of Asha (Truth). Mitra is associated with the Sun, monitors the observance of dharma, order. On this day, 21 candles are lit.

Holland celebrates Saint Thomas Day. This is the last day of classes before the Christmas holidays. On this day, it is very important not to be the last to come to school, otherwise they will tease “sleepy Thomas”. On this special day, even children cannot sleep for a long time

Winter Solstice: What an Event

The day of the winter solstice is ideal for a cardinal change in fate, the fulfillment of the most cherished desires.
It is on this day that higher powers pay attention to a person.

The winter solstice is one of the four main solar points in the astrological year.
As well as the days of the summer solstice, spring and autumn equinoxes, December 21 is considered an important day in astrology.
The location of the Earth will be as close as possible to the Sun, which will also be located in southern point ecliptic.

Our ancestors have been studying natural cycles for centuries, they quickly realized that it is impossible to change them. Therefore, from year to year they learned to live in accordance with the natural cycle, because this is the only way to achieve harmony.

It is known that each nation compiled its own calendar and celebrated important events in it. These days, important rituals and rituals were performed, as the barriers between the world of people and spirits were erased, which means it became possible to communicate with the other world.

The ancient Slavs considered December 21 the birthday of the Sun, and therefore the beginning of the new year.. The ancestors noticed that it was then that the longest night and believed in the legend of the apotheosis of the struggle of light over darkness. The very next day after the “birth of the Sun” was for the Slavs a kind of awakening point for nature.

What to do on this day:

  • This is the day to decorate the Christmas tree! But! Dress up not with ordinary toys, but with those that symbolize your desire.

For instance:

If you want a child, hang a baby doll on the Christmas tree.

Want to find love - heart.

If you want money, hang coins and banknotes.

Do you want a house - a toy house.

Want a car - a toy car.

Do you want a sweet life - sweets, sweets, etc……

Important condition!!! When you decorate the Christmas tree with your desires, do it from the heart, think about it, imagine your dream as if it has already come true.

  • Meditate.

Meditation helps to cleanse yourself of negativity and make plans for the coming year. It is better to prepare a list in advance and imagine the fulfillment of desires.

  • Make a wish.

Practically the same as meditation, only wishes can be made spontaneously.

  • Guessing.

Divination of the winter solstice gives accurate results, well suited tarot divination, tarot divination for love and Tarot - Lessons of your soul, destiny.

  • Do a general cleaning.

In order to let something good into your life, you must first get rid of the unnecessary, interfering. Be sure to throw out the old stuff.

  • Let go of the past.

To do this, go outside at sunset or open the window wide. Take a pen and a piece of paper and, while the sun goes below the horizon, write down all the negative things that happened in the year. The paper with notes must be burned and left to burn out before the sun sets.

  • Host a family dinner.
  • go to church and put candles for the repose of deceased relatives, order a memorial service.


The day of the winter solstice carries a special magic, and this magic must certainly be used to your advantage. There are several well-established rituals.

Seed of Intention

The ritual is performed alone. It is undesirable to tell anyone about it.

You need to go to the market or to a flower shop on the day the sun stands and buy any one seed there. This seed must be brought home, put in a cloth moistened with water and whispered over it. old conspiracy words:

“A seed for a seed, for me, in truth, I intend (what do you want to do next year, for example, buy a car), so that my intention comes true, germinates, roots firmly into the ground. It will be the same way, and so be it. Amen".

The seed must be placed in a cup or pot of earth. Exactly seven days the earth needs to be watered, but not much. Then water it every month for full moon. The seed must remain in this land until spring. In the spring, dig a hole in the street under any tree that has not dried up and place the earth along with the seed in this hole. If by that time something has grown, it will still need to be transplanted under a tree. Within a month after that, the intention will begin to come true.

healing bath

When there is a change of the sun, there is also a renewal of man.. This process is inevitable, a person is subject to the influence of heavenly bodies. Updating can be very painful, especially if a person is not ready for it. Cleansing with healing water can help speed up and smooth this process.

To do this, you need to fill the bath with water at a comfortable temperature. Arrange candles throughout the bathroom, light them, turn off the main light. Turn on calm, relaxing music. Get in the bath and close your eyes. First you need to imagine how the body becomes very heavy. So heavy that the water stops pushing the body to the water surface.

After that, you need to tighten up a bit. Imagine that dark streams went from the body into the water. These streams should go out and at the same time bring relief to the body and soul. You need to wait until the body becomes quite easy. Only after that you can drain the water, while you still need to lie down and imagine that everything bad is flowing along with it.

cherished desire

This ritual is suitable for those who have a desire that has never been voiced out loud. This is an important rule, since spoken aloud is no longer considered a cherished desire. This desire, without saying it out loud, must be rewritten on a blank piece of paper. Then roll this piece of paper into a thin tube.

After that, light a thick candle. You will also need a fireproof container. Set fire to the sheet from one end, and while it burns you need to hold it over this container, saying:

“Silent, and in that cherished, that in a secret corner - that in my soul, everything is on fire - everything will be consumed by the flame, everything that goes into space, everything will reach higher powers. And from them it will come back - yes, fulfilled, but such that contentment will come. Yes, such that dissatisfaction will go away. Let it go - it will be fulfilled, it will come true, but the forces will not be forgotten.

After that, let the sheet burn completely in a refractory container. The ashes will need to be collected in a small bag. As soon as there is a snowstorm or a strong wind outside, this ashes should be thrown out into the street.

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Today, December 21, is the shortest day of the year and the longest night. This is the winter solstice. Even in ancient times, it was considered magical - the Birth of the Sun (Winter Solstice, Kolyada). On the night of December 22, they made wishes, arranged fortune-telling and other rituals.

In astronomy, this day is considered the beginning of winter, so many signs are associated with it.

Winter Solstice: Signs

  • If there is frost on the trees, a lot of grain should be expected next season.
  • If the cut cherry branches bloom for Christmas, there will be many berries.
  • The rain is coming - to the wet spring.
  • The sun is clear, radiant - New Year frosty, gloomy and frost on the trees - on New Year's Eve it is cloudy, with a thaw.
  • Quiet windless day - a good harvest of fruit trees.

Rituals for the Winter Solstice

On the day of the winter solstice, you can perform rituals for the fulfillment of desires, draw up maps of your goals and plans. The day of the winter solstice helps to get more accurate answers in divination. Therefore, lovers of fortune-telling on cards on this day will be able to learn more than usual.

You can safely throw away old things, cleanse your thoughts and consciousness, and pray. On this day, you can say goodbye to the past and open your way to a happy future.

They say that on this day you can turn your destiny in the other direction, change the course of events and attract the desired events into your life.

Traditionally, in the old days, the rebirth of the Sun was celebrated on the winter solstice, it was celebrated at night, before sunrise. The holidays of Kolyada among the Slavs and Yule among the Germanic peoples are associated with this day. To give strength to the Sun, which, according to legend, should be reborn on this day, there was a custom to kindle a ritual fire. Often the logs for the fire were oak, because oak was believed to be a cosmic tree. Sometimes they took a pine tree, which symbolized the dying sun god. The logs were decorated with carvings and corresponding symbols. To perform the ritual of the revival of the Sun, 13 red and green candles were taken with the Sun and other magical symbols carved on them.

The old pagan customs of the winter solstice included the tradition of placing bread or cakes on the branches of old trees, pouring sweet drinks on the trees as a gift to the forest gods. This was done in the hope that in gratitude people would be given a good harvest in the coming seasons.

With the advent of Christianity, the ancient holiday of the winter solstice was timed to coincide with Christmas and the beginning of winter Christmas time. According to custom, on the longest night of the year, they caroled, guessed at the future.

This is a great day to do a meditation to celebrate new beginnings and projects. If you have something new in mind, make time for this day, because meditations for the winter solstice are especially powerful.

The winter solstice is a good day for those who are engaged in spiritual self-development, it inspires the opening of spiritual spaces and reveals past lives.

This day is suitable for rituals for the fulfillment of desires. If you have a cherished wish, make it on the day of the rebirth of the Sun.

Rituals of healing, prosperity, gaining strength and wisdom are performed.

Winter solstice divination gives accurate results, Tarot and Oracle divination works well.

The room where the ritual or meditation is performed is decorated with dry leaves, nuts and fruits. 13 candles, decorated with symbols of the Sun, are placed in the center of the ritual altar. To flavor the air, it is good to use juniper, cedar, pine and rosemary oils.

Herbs, stones and metals of the winter solstice

Use the herbs, stones, and metals appropriate for the day to help with rituals and meditations. Herbs: anise, elderberry, verbena, clove, ginger, coriander, cinnamon, jasmine, lavender, laurel, juniper, lemon balm, moss, rosemary, rue, blackthorn, thistle. Stones: aventurine, turquoise, chiastolite, moon rock, ruby, sapphire, tiger eye, black tourmaline. Metals: gold, silver, brass, steel.

As a treat for holiday table on the day of the winter solstice it is better to offer: pork and lamb dishes, pies, fruits (apples, pears, bananas, etc.), nuts, juices, ginger tea.

According to materials:

Holidays, depending on the time when they come, have different meanings, but all these days are mystical, they are intended for spiritual work. These are the best days for spiritual practices, meditation, prayer. It is no coincidence that the ancient sages prescribed certain rituals on these days.

✨ Symbolically, the year is divided into two halves - the divine day and the divine night. The period from the Winter Solstice (December 21-22) to the Summer Solstice (June 21-22) is day, and the period from Summer Solstice to Winter Solstice is night. The beginning of each of these periods is marked by a holiday, calendar ritual actions.

The sun is revered, deified by all peoples. The solstices were used to improve the quality of life, it was the starting point of a new life. Equinox days are also important - these are the most important astronomical events, special energy time, these are the central points connecting the earth's seasons.

✨☀✨ Winter Solstice, Solstice.

The Winter Solstice begins at the moment the Sun enters 0° Capricorn.

Year Date time in Moscow
2018 — 22 December 01:23
2019 — 22 December 07:19
2020 — 21 December 13:02
2021 — 21 December 18:59
2022 — 22 December 00:48
2023 - December 22 06:27
2024 - December 21 12:20
2025 - December 21 18:03

Winter Solstice, Solstice, one of the most important, special days of the year. Starting from this day, daylight increases and night decreases. On this day, the height of the sun rises in the sky is the lowest. From that day on, the Sun begins its northern path of growth. At this time, the Earth is at the smallest distance from the Sun. Life on Earth largely depends on the Sun, so the approach of the Earth to the Sun and the distance are the most important astronomical events.

The moment of the solstice is the critical moment of transition. About 3 days before and after the solstice, the Earth receives a huge flow of creative energy, this is a magical, sacred time of transition. Like any transitional time, it is for spiritual practices. It is believed that this time is not for material affairs. It greatly contributes to God-centeredness, not ego-centeredness. The winter solstice marks the beginning of the astronomical new year. This is a holiday of rebirth, the birth of the New Sun.

From this moment a new cycle of time begins. The moment of the Solstice, the end of long nights is the mystery of the birth of the new, renewal, rebirth, the transition from the old life to the new. This is the mystery of renewal, the day of laying hopes, a solid foundation for a bright future.
This is both death and resurrection, the mystery of the rebirth of old age into youth.

In this energetically special, charged time, you can burn your sins, change your destiny, be reborn, just like a renewed Sun is born again.

In the coming days before the Solstice, it is favorable to get rid of everything obsolete, interfering, superfluous (both in the house and in terms of personality, habits, relationships, etc.). It would be good to let go of grievances, leave quarrels, resolve conflicts, favorably make donations, repay debts. It is better to enter a new life lightly.

How to celebrate the Winter Solstice? With gratitude to God, with pure thoughts, pure intentions and wishes of happiness.And in a clean place (you first need to clean the territory, get rid of rubbish, garbage and dust on the physical plane as well). It is very favorable to light lamps, incense.

The night before this day is the longest of the year. This is a dark, feminine, magical time. This night opens the door to a new life. It is good to sum up the results of the past year, to thank God for everything that He gives. It is important to get rid of worries, anxieties and enter a new life in a harmonious state.

At this time, together with the sun, all living things begin their path of growth, ascent. It is very important to be God-centered, to move away from the hustle and bustle, to turn inward.

Prayer, meditation at this time will have great power, as well as your good intentions, goals for the future. The rhythms of the Universe at this time are very conducive to this. The power of the resurgent Sun, the powerful energy of creation will fill them.

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It is favorable to meet the sunrise, to express our respect to him, to congratulate him on his birth, to thank him for his gifts. It is important to feel this transitional sacred period, the turn from darkness to light, from ignorance to knowledge, from death to immortality. If this is done consciously (to discard the negative, the obsolete and create the intention to acquire the bright), then ahead - indeed - the bright path of rebirth, growth.

At this time, the sky opens, strong flows of energy go to the Earth. This is a time of Hope and Opportunity. It is very important to use it for your growth, improvement. This is a time of meditation, prayer, a time of good intentions. Should I miss this chance?

This is a great time to

  • change what needs to be changed;
  • get rid of what gets in the way;
  • improve what needs improvement;
  • lay a solid foundation for growth.

You can go through the Meditation-Activation by the link"SOLSTICE. STAR GATES. New Light Codes of Creation» ) (you can light candles, an aroma lamp, turn on quiet relaxation music)

This day is celebrated in the culture of every nation. An indispensable attribute of the holiday- fire is candles, lamps, bonfires.

Among the Slavs, the Solstice was also called Kolyada - after the name of one of the main Slavic gods, the sun god Kolyada, whose Christmas was celebrated on the day after the night of the Winter Solstice, when the sun began to "go to the summer."
The name Solstice comes from the obsolete verb “to return” (modern “to return”), from this root and the name of the rotating device - “gate”), and means the return of the renewed sun to our world, its transition from winter to summer.

Like the ancient Slavs, the inhabitants of central and northern Europe during the Winter Solstice performed symbolic actions with fire, celebrating Yule. Yule is the equivalent of the New Year in the northern tradition of the Wheel of the Year. Yule night and the 12 days and nights after it can completely change your life and bring new paths, love, happiness and well-being into it.

Our ancestors believed that on the longest night of the year, when the Sun descends to its lowest point, spirits become the real rulers in this world. On this night, they lit the Yule bonfire (the basis of which was then the Yule log that burned until the end of the holiday) and guarded the house from evil spirits; on the same night the most sincere oaths and promises were made. They also believed that one should not be alone on this night - after all, then a person is left alone with the dead and the spirits of the Other World. On such a night, the gods walk among people, and the dead share a meal with the living.
According to tradition, all the things that became unnecessary were burned in the Yule fire in order to get rid of the old rubbish for the new happy life. In many pagan cultures, the Winter Solstice, with the longest night and shortest day, was considered to be the birthday of the young God. The newborn God of the bright part of the year begins a battle with the old king, his father, for the right to remain in the world of the living, and after a dozen days and nights he defeats him, and with his victory the bright half of the year begins. Yule days are a period of timelessness, waiting, this is the time of transition between the already ended, in fact, the old solar year and the new one that has not yet begun.

It turns out that the celebration of Yule more or less coincides with both Christmas and Holy Week in Christianity. However, it is well known that the Christian holiday calendar is largely combined with pagan celebrations. Moreover, the birth time of many mythical heroes and gods, such as Theseus, Hercules, Perseus, Jason, Apollo, Mithra (the Persian God of the sun, who was also worshiped in Rome), Osiris, coincide in time, in the middle - end of December in Rome passed Saturnalia - holidays of the Invincible Sun (Sol Invictus). The birth of King Arthur falls around the same time. In the northern hemisphere and in particular in the Scandinavian countries, (in the Scandinavian tradition, Yule is dedicated to Freyr and Freya)

In Zoroastrian tradition, these days celebrate the Feast of Mithra. Mitra - God of justice, the all-seeing eye of Asha (Truth). Mitra is associated with the Sun, monitors the observance of dharma, order. On this day, 21 candles are lit.

Holland celebrates Saint Thomas Day. This is the last day of classes before the Christmas holidays. On this day, it is very important not to be the last to come to school, otherwise they will tease “sleepy Thomas”. On this special day, even children cannot sleep for a long time.

Sources: based on materials from sites:,,,

Winter solstice- a good time for those who are engaged in spiritual self-development, it inspires the opening of spiritual spaces and reveals past lives.
During the Night of Svarog - the darkest time of the year - a gap opens between the worlds. This allows beings to move freely, enter and exit our world. Although the most severe cold is yet to come (and they are needed to crystallize the intention laid down these days), but the middle of Winter falls precisely on this period. Three days are especially important during this period.

On the day of the Winter Solstice, you can guess in any way, using both ancient divination using various objects, runes, and divination on various symbolic and metaphorical cards (Tarot).

I will talk about three Nights dedicated to the Goddesses of Fate. So..

✨ Night of December 20 Mother of the past.

Night of the Old Woman Goddess. At this time, it is necessary to perform all cleansing rituals. Rites and rituals aimed at cleansing and protecting the Family also work flawlessly. As well as the Thanksgiving Day of the Gods of household spirits for help.

✨ The night of December 21 is the Night of the Mother Goddess. This is the Goddess of Becoming.

At this time, you should lay a cycle of harmonious connection of the events of your destiny. For example, weaving fate from three threads. This is the time when the guests from underworld and guests from the world of the Gods descend to the Middle human world. In order not to offend the spirits, these days it is not customary to refuse hospitality to anyone - any traveler will receive a table and an overnight stay.

✨ Night of December 22nd. The night after the birth of the sun.

This is the night of the Goddess of the future. Here you lay down what should happen to you. This is the night when you make wishes. You can also return good luck and prosperity to your entire Family.


The astrological transition of the Sun into the sign of Capricorn takes place annually on December 21-22. Capricorn is a sign closely associated with career prospects, unapproachable peaks, long-term prospects, ascetics and directors.

Capricorn jumps on sheer cliffs, not at all embarrassed by gorges, landslides, or the absence of a direct road to the goal. Capricorn is perhaps the most vigorous hybrid of a materialist and an idealist in the entire Zodiac. All material planes all jumps from cliff to cliff necessarily have a specific idea behind them that warms Capricorn.

So we need to find between the material and the spiritual these days. You should not focus only on the ideal component of your projects, that is, dreams. It is impossible and headlong into monetization and profit, losing sight of the dream.
If you plan projects for the next year, then taking into account pragmatic earthly moods - with a financial plan and clear steps to achieve. This is not a reason to deny yourself a dream. It is only important to understand the first step that you will take to achieve it. AND do it after the Solstice.

This solstice can have a transformative effect on people whose significant chart indicators are in the third decade of mutable signs (Virgo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Pisces). Now their fate may change course. It is especially important for them to be conscious and honest with themselves and others so that the turn turns out to be good.

Most of the strength and attention is worth spending on completing and closing the old one. Before the Solstice, it is better not to conceive or discuss new projects. You have to give them time to mature. Evaluate what occupies your strength and energy - whether actions, whether relationships, reading a tape in in social networks. Assess if it benefits you. Ask yourself the question honestly and answer it honestly.

This is a great time to get your finances and relationships in order. For example, closing ties with other people, holding final negotiations, repaying debts of any kind. So the entrance to the New Year will be much easier, and there will be more inspiring events in it.