Is it possible to give a picture for a birthday and how to choose the right one? Gifts that cannot be given (folk signs) Is a portrait a good gift

Before the birthday loved one many are panicked about the ever-present question: what to give as an original gift. There are actually a lot of options, starting with banal figurines, notebooks, business card holders, ending with electronics, and just money. Of course, all these are worthy gifts, and in principle any gift is already valuable as a fait accompli. However, I really want to give something extraordinary, beautiful and memorable. Then giving a portrait from a photo for a birthday is a great option. Why is a birthday portrait good?

Why it is worth giving a portrait from a photo for a birthday

A bright birthday portrait is unusual and unique. This is a new trend that impresses with its versatility, because you can give a birthday portrait to anyone: a classic birthday portrait for mom (girl, dad, man). The portrait is also expensive and stylish. If it is drawn on canvas and framed with a beautiful frame, then this will give it even more sophistication, luxury. Such a portrait for a birthday can be presented to a high-ranking person, a leader simply successful person. It is also a good gift for a teacher. educational institution. In addition, giving a portrait from a photo for a relative’s birthday is quite affordable. Black-and-white pencil portraits have a fairly low cost, and oil paintings will cost more, but they also look more expensive, brighter and more luxurious. If we talk about an oil portrait from a photograph, then getting such an unusual gift is quite simple. The customer is not obliged to go somewhere, to make a choice. All that is needed is to transfer the photo to the artist, agree on some points and pick up the finished oil portrait from the photo or have it delivered to the appointed place.

Benefits of a birthday portrait gift

A beautiful birthday portrait for a girl is an unusual gift that will always be relevant, because art never ceases to be in trend. By choosing such a gift, you can be sure that the gift will not gather dust on the shelf - it will become a worthy interior decoration that will remind you of the giver for a long time. In addition to the fact that you can give a portrait from a photo for a birthday, it is also suitable as a gift for a wedding anniversary, relationship. It can be a double portrait of a couple that no photo can match. Well, if the birthday person has a good sense of humor, then the birthday portrait can be chosen as a fun one - a cartoon. It can be a caricature or a stylized portrait that will look very funny, interesting and unusual.

Anna Lyubimova

Have you been invited to a birthday party and want to surprise the birthday boy with a bright, memorable gift? You can find out in advance about his preferences, buy expensive souvenirs or interior items. But it’s even better to please with a stylish picture: even if the birthday boy has everything you need for happy life, then such a gift will certainly be to his taste.

Works of art with various subjects will be appreciated by both collectors and connoisseurs of beauty, the main thing is to choose the right plot. Many people argue about whether it is possible to give a picture as a gift and what artistic masterpieces are best presented as a gift. There are practically no restrictions: if you know what does the birthday boy do, then you can easily find a picture with an ideal plot.

Painting as a birthday present

Painting selection rules

Before you go to the art store, you should familiarize yourself with some rules:

  1. When choosing a picture, you should listen to your inner voice, it will tell you whether it carries a positive in itself and whether the birthday person will like it.
  2. find out artistic tastes apartment owners. If they love the classics, then they are unlikely to be pleased with an avant-garde creation or abstraction. Fans of artistic photography should not be presented with romantic paintings, and Bosch connoisseurs will not be very happy with landscapes.
  3. Estimate the size of the apartment or office. A large canvas occupying half the wall in a one-room apartment is unlikely to delight the recipient. It is worth considering the style in the interior, the color of the wallpaper and flooring, other paintings - only by considering all these points, you can choose the perfect picture.
  4. Consider the gender and age of the person to whom you are going to give such a present. A cute girl under 15 will love cats, flowers and fabulous paintings. It is better for a respectable man to pick up something from the marine theme or, if finances allow, a picture of a fashionable artist.

At following all these rules You can pick up a wonderful gift that will delight the birthday man for many years.

Fairytale picture as a birthday present for a girl

What paintings should not be given?

Despite all the charm and originality of such a gift, there are a number of prohibitions on the plots of paintings:

  1. Gloomy paintings in dark colors and with tragic plots. This category includes a shipwreck, ruined cities, paintings with lightning and hurricanes. If the birthday man believes in omens, then he will at least be upset, and at most he will rush to get rid of such a present.
  2. antique paintings. Even if they show beautiful girl or a luxurious castle, it is better to leave this picture on the shop window. It is believed that a lot of negative energy has been accumulated in old paintings, and it can bring discord, illness and all sorts of troubles to the family.
  3. Portrait. Many argue about whether to give a portrait for a birthday. Since ancient times, there has been a belief that with the help of such a gift you can control another person and influence him. In fact, this is just a sign that no one nowadays does not pay attention. Moreover, such a gift will delight both a man and a woman. Who among us does not want to decorate the wall with our image, especially if it favorably emphasizes our beauty and originality?

Let's figure out what pictures should be given to representatives of the strong and weak half of humanity.

Painting for a woman

If you decide that a picture for a woman’s birthday will give her pleasure, then it’s better to pick up some cute plot. It can be a still life or landscape, a photograph of a European house or cute animals, cranes or other birds with colorful plumage, flowers. A single woman should be presented with a picture depicting a happy married couple surrounded by children - this will bring good luck to her personally life and promises an early marriage.

Picture of a European house

Looking for a painting for a close friend or relative? Then you can order a cartoon for a friend for her birthday: if she has a sense of humor, then she will be happy with such a creative gift. Want to make the best impression? Then ask the artist to sign the painting in an original way as a birthday present for a friend. It can be some phrase you often use, a favorite motto, a line from a song or movie. Just remember what your girlfriend loves the most, this unusual gift will unite your friendship.

Picture - cat

Painting for a man

The ideal picture for a man on his birthday should reflect his strong courageous character, the ability to cope with any difficulties. Images can be different: magnificent views of nature, majestic ships and airliners, military battles and motorcycles, planes with brave pilots and hobbies (for example, tennis or golf).

Painting with a tiger as a birthday present for a man

If you choose a gift for your husband, then forget about your love for flowers and representatives of the animal world. Something passionate, bright, truly masculine is suitable for a man. Safari, hunting, tigers or lions, hunting or fishing, a wolf pair - these are the best options. However, if you want to admire this picture yourself, give an image of a couple in love. But not sweet and romantic, but a little rude and domineering: this will remind your lover that he is the head of your family.

Painting for a girl

Need beautiful picture as a gift for a girl? Pay attention to the paintings by numbers: such a gift will allow the birthday girl to show her talent and create a work of art on her own. A very young girl will be pleased with teddy bears, rainbow unicorns, the image of the Eiffel Tower. The picture must be in soft pastel colors no aggression or bright colors.

Painting with teddy bears

Regardless of the plot, age and social status, the picture is a great gift for all people. The main thing is not to buy the first landscape that comes across, but to find something that is really close to your friend.

October 22, 2018, 23:56

An original gift, in whatever form it may be presented. Today, mugs, plates, T-shirts with the image of the hero of the occasion are popular. To receive as a gift a thing with your own portrait is pleasant and interesting.

Such souvenirs are inexpensive, which cannot be said about oil, acrylic or watercolor paintings in a stylish frame. This is a work of art, a true work of art. Portraits are drawn not only from nature, but also from photographs.

Let's try to figure out whether it is worth giving these picturesque presents.

Is it possible to give a portrait to a man?


Men love to be reminded of how irresistible they are. A professionally painted portrait of a man in a brutal, elegant or other attractive manner will please the recipient.

The main thing is that the artist has good taste and does not go too far with pathos, otherwise the gift will look like a mockery.

Can a woman give a portrait?


We believe that a portrait is a very complimentary gift, and a woman will definitely like it. It does not matter what size the canvas is, whether the lady is depicted in full growth or the artist painted only her face.

If the master managed to accurately convey the individuality of the model, her natural charm, then the portrait is worthy of becoming a gift.

You can be sure: piece of art will take a prominent place on the wall and will delight the hostess for many years.

Is it possible to give a portrait for a birthday?


Of course you can! It is especially great to present a luxurious portrait painted in oil on canvas for the anniversary. Moreover, such a gift is appropriate, both at a family celebration and in a work team.

The boss will be pleasantly surprised if he receives the work of a real master of painting on his birthday. Most likely, the portrait will be on the wall personal account leader. You should not just give the director a cartoon, even a friendly one. Only a close friend will appreciate such a surprise.

Is it possible to give a portrait for a wedding?


What a great gift idea for newlyweds! Against the background of other (often useless) presents and envelopes with money, the portrait of the bride and groom in an elegant frame will not go unnoticed.

Please note that the work must be done flawlessly! There is nothing more unpleasant for a girl than to doubt her attractiveness, and a young man will not be happy if he does not like his own image.

An unsuccessful portrait can spoil the mood for a long time, which is unacceptable on the wedding day.

Can I accept a portrait as a gift?


If you are not among the superstitious people, and the portrait evokes positive emotions in you, then there is no reason to refuse a gift. On the contrary, it is worth sincerely thanking the person who approached the choice of a present with imagination, spared no time in finding a talented artist and money to pay for his work.

If for some reason you do not like the portrait, you can politely refuse, but the situation will be unpleasant. The giver is likely to be upset or even offended. To avoid this, you can accept the gift, but put it away, out of sight!

Why give a portrait - signs


At all times, the attitude towards portraits was ambiguous. For example, hanging your image in the most prominent place in the house, according to some, is a bad form. We believe that this is a personal matter for each person, because we have the right to decorate our own interior the way we want.

If we talk about signs, then we are convinced that you should not take them seriously, but we are ready to tell you about the superstitions associated with portraits. So:

  • to give a portrait - to a quick quarrel with the person depicted on it;
  • a portrait divides a person's life in half, promises unpleasant changes and great losses;
  • a portrait painted from nature by a talented master is able to “pump out” vitality and health from the one who posed, to bring his death closer;
  • a portrait can serve as a tool for inducing damage;
  • through a portrait, you can “jinx” a person;
  • staring at your own portrait for too long can drive you crazy.

Perhaps the most famous horror story is associated with the image of the unfortunate Dorian Gray. In Oscar Wilde's novel, the portrait of a dazzlingly handsome young man played a fatal role. Young Dorian, reveling in his own perfection, ruined his soul and died himself, having experienced the bitterness of late repentance.

In fact, the portrait does not threaten us with any trouble. You can safely give and receive as a gift paintings, including portraits.

Birthday, wedding, anniversary... As you can see, a person has a lot of holidays, but at the same time everyone found himself on the other side of the "barricades" when you need to go to visit, and with a gift that the recipient would like. Artistic masterpieces do not occupy the last place in the list of presents, but sometimes doubts arise whether it is possible to give paintings, to whom and which ones.

There is not a single article on the Internet that would claim that paintings, as gifts, are banned. No, you can and should give them, but only according to certain rules.

Firstly, there is a difference when a picture is presented to a sweet, charming mistress of the house, a serious owner or their happy birthday child. Secondly, it is important to know what artistic tastes the family adheres to, whether it loves classical art, is enthusiastic about the avant-garde, or is generally obsessed with artistic photography. Thirdly, it would be nice for the donor to first evaluate the territory, apartment or office, which will subsequently decorate the present.

An office or a bedroom, a nursery or a kitchen - each of the rooms requires its own accessories. And here the general style of the apartment and the specific style of the room, the color of the wall and floor coverings, the presence of accessories and other artistic canvases play a role.

What to pay attention to?

Landscapes are appreciated. This is the most common type of painting among such gifts, and the landscape should be bright, joyful, creating a mood. It is necessary to refuse to buy paintings as a gift, in which gloomy landscapes correspond to late autumn.

Still lifes are the second most popular type of picturesque gifts that can decorate the hall, the corridor, and, most importantly, the kitchen. In the latter case, the still life should be the most "delicious, juicy, appetizing." Portraits are the last item on the list of gifts, as they are the hardest to pick up.

For a family, it is better to choose paintings with soft colors and lyrical stories. For a colleague, a masterpiece depicting a staircase, a mountain peak is suitable, which symbolizes the wishes of a successful career. Works with favorite characters of fairy tales are good for a child.

Another secret, no matter how expensive and beautiful antique paintings cost, they are not recommended to be bought as a gift. Things that are many years old carry various energies accumulated over the centuries, sometimes not entirely good. But the paintings of modern masters, filled with juicy, joyful, positive colors, will help create a mood in the house.

Beautiful handover!

Choosing an artistic masterpiece is a very difficult task. But do not think that after spending a lot of time choosing a painting and giving money, you can already breathe freely. There is still a small nuance - how to beautifully organize the presentation of such, in general, an unusual gift.

Traditionally, as a gift, the paintings are wrapped in festive paper and tied with a ribbon. Currently, there is a huge selection of packaging products in stores, you should not regret a small amount for a decent design!