Chemical processes and energy. Chemistry and Energy. Modern energy sources Chemistry and energy

US submarine nuclear power plants use many chemical elements and synthetic organic compounds. Among them - nuclear fuel in the form of uranium enriched with a fissile isotope; graphite, heavy water or beryllium, used as reflectors of neutrons to reduce their leakage from the reactor core; boron, cadmium and hafnium, which are part of the control and protection rods; lead used in the primary shielding of the reactor along with concrete; zirconium in an alloy with tin, which serves as a structural material for the cladding of fuel elements; cationic and anionic resins used for loading ion-exchange filters, in which the primary heat carrier of the installation is water high degree cleaning is freed from particles dissolved and suspended in it.

An important role is also assigned to chemistry in ensuring the operation of various systems of submarines, for example, the hydraulics system, which is directly related to the control of a power plant. American chemists have long worked on the creation of working fluids for this system, capable of operating at high pressure (up to 210 atmospheres), fire safe and non-toxic. It was reported that sodium chromate is added to the working fluid to protect pipelines and hydraulic system fittings from corrosion when flooding with seawater.

A variety of synthetic materials - foam, synthetic rubber, polyvinyl chloride and others are widely used on boats to reduce the noise of mechanisms and increase their explosion resistance. Sound-insulating coatings and casings, shock absorbers, sound-insulating inserts in pipelines, sound-damping suspensions are made of such materials.

Chemical energy accumulators, for example, in the form of so-called powder pressure accumulators, are beginning to be used (albeit still in an experimental manner) for emergency blowing of the main ballast tanks. Solid propellant charges are used on US missile submarines and to support the underwater launch of Polaris missiles. When such a charge is burned in the presence of fresh water, a steam-gas mixture is formed in a special generator, which pushes the rocket out of the launch tube.

Purely chemical energy sources are used on some types of torpedoes in service and being developed abroad. So, the engine of the American high-speed steam-gas torpedo Mk16 runs on alcohol, water and hydrogen peroxide. The Mk48 torpedo under development, as reported in the press, has a gas turbine powered by a solid propellant charge. Some experimental jet torpedoes are powered by water-reactive fuel.

IN last years it was often said about a new type of "single engine" for submarines, based on the latest achievements in chemistry, in particular on the use of so-called fuel cells as a source of energy. They are discussed in detail later, in a special chapter of this book. For now, we will only point out that in each of these elements an electrochemical reaction occurs, the opposite of electrolysis. So, during the electrolysis of water, oxygen and hydrogen are released on the electrodes. In the fuel cell, oxygen is supplied to the cathode, and hydrogen is supplied to the anode, and the current taken from the electrodes goes to the network external to the cell, where it can be used to drive the propulsion motors of a submarine. In other words, in a fuel cell, chemical energy is directly converted into electrical energy without intermediate production. high temperatures, as in a conventional power plant chain: boiler - turbine - generator.

Nickel, silver and platinum can be used as materials for electrodes in fuel cells. As fuel, it is possible to use liquid ammonia, oil, liquid hydrogen, methyl alcohol. Liquid oxygen is usually used as an oxidizing agent. The electrolyte can be a solution of caustic potassium. One West German submarine fuel cell project proposes the use of high-concentration hydrogen peroxide, which decomposes to produce both a fuel (hydrogen) and an oxidizer (oxygen).

A power plant with fuel cells, if used on boats, would eliminate the need for diesel generators and storage batteries. It would also ensure the quiet operation of the main engines, the absence of vibration and a high useful action- about 60–80 percent with a perspective unit weight of up to 35 kilograms per kilowatt. According to the calculations of foreign experts, the cost of building a submarine with fuel cells can be two to three times lower than the cost of building a nuclear submarine.

The press reported that work was underway in the United States to create a ground-based prototype of a boat power plant with fuel cells. In 1964, tests of such an installation began on the ultra-small research submarine "Star-1", its propeller engine power is only 0.75 kilowatts. According to the magazine Schiff und Hafen, a pilot plant with fuel cells has also been built in Sweden.

Most foreign experts are inclined to believe that the power power plants this kind will not exceed 100 kilowatts, and their continuous operation time is 1000 hours. Therefore, it is considered the most rational to use fuel cells primarily on ultra-small and small submarines for research or sabotage and reconnaissance purposes with an autonomy of about one month.

The creation of fuel cells does not exhaust all cases of application of the achievements of electrochemistry in underwater science. For example, US nuclear submarines use alkaline nickel-cadmium batteries, which, when charged, release oxygen rather than hydrogen. Some diesel submarines in this country use alkaline silver-zinc batteries, which have three times the specific energy, instead of acid batteries.

The characteristics of single-use silver-zinc batteries for electric torpedo submarines are even higher. Dry (without electrolyte) they can be stored for years without requiring any maintenance. And bringing them to readiness takes literally a split second, and the batteries can be kept running for 24 hours. The dimensions and weight of such batteries are five times less than their equivalent lead (acid) batteries. Some types of torpedoes that are in service with American submarines have batteries with magnesium and silver chloride plates, operating on sea ​​water and also with enhanced characteristics.

Energy is the basis for the development of civilization, production, therefore, in the chemical industry, it is assigned a key role. With the help of electricity, power devices work in industry, everyday life, and agriculture.

It is used in a number of industrial facilities in the chemical industry and takes part in certain technological processes (electrolysis). It is largely thanks to the energy sector that the vector of development of scientific and technological progress is being set.

It is believed that the power industry is one of the segments of the "vanguard troika". What does it mean? The fact that this complex is placed on a par with informatization and automation. Energy is developing in all countries of the world. At the same time, some emphasize the construction of nuclear power plants, others - thermal power plants, and still others believe that non-traditional sources of electricity will come to replace the old ones.

The role of energy in the chemical industry

In the chemical industry, all processes are carried out with the release, consumption or conversion of energy from one type to another. In this case, electricity is spent not only on chemical reactions, processes, but also on transportation, grinding, and compression of gaseous substances. Therefore, all enterprises in the chemical segment are among the main consumers of electricity. The industry has a concept of energy intensity. It denotes the consumption of electricity per unit of product received. All enterprises have different energy intensity of production processes. Moreover, each plant uses its own type of energy.

  1. Electric... It is used during electrochemical and electromagnetic technological processes. Electricity is widely used to convert it into mechanical energy: grinding, crushing, synthesis, heating. Electrical energy is used to operate fans, compressors, refrigeration machines, pumping equipment. The main sources of electricity for the industry are considered to be nuclear power plants, thermal power plants, and hydroelectric power plants.
  2. Thermal energy in the chemical industry... Thermal energy is used to carry out physical work in production. It can be used for heating, drying, melting, evaporation.
  3. Intranuclear... It is released during the synthesis of hydrogen nuclei into helium nuclei.
  4. Energy of a chemical nature... It is used in galvanic cells, batteries. In these devices, it turns into an electrical one.
  5. Light energy... Its scope is photochemical reactions, synthesis of hydrogen chloride.

Oil and gas industries are considered to be one of the most dynamically developing energy sectors. The extraction of resources occupies its own niche in world production; it is assigned a key role in the development of the entire civilization. Oil and gas are the basis without which the chemical industry will not function normally.

Energy in the chemical industry has received a lot of attention. Without it, it would be impossible to carry out most of the chemical processes in modern industry.

What to expect from the "Chemistry-2016" project

The exposition will present in a large volume innovative developments, technological processes, methods of the chemical segment. One of the topics of the exhibition will be energy and its influence on the development of the chemical industry.

A large number of participants from all over the world are expected at the event. At the same time, those who come to the exposition will be able not only to get acquainted with the products of leading manufacturers, but also to conclude mutually beneficial contracts, sign cooperation agreements, and refresh relationships between existing business partners. Domestic and foreign representatives of the chemical industry are happy to attend the event, because "Chemistry" is a project that covers all segments of the relevant production.

The chemical industry is characterized by close ties with all sectors of the national economy due to the wide range of products it produces. This area of ​​production is characterized by high material consumption. Material and energy costs in the production of products can range from 2/3 to 4/5 of the cost of the final product.

The development of chemical technology follows the path of the integrated use of raw materials and energy, the use of continuous and waste-free processes, taking into account the ecological safety of the environment, the use of high pressures and temperatures, advances in automation and cybernation.

The chemical industry consumes a lot of energy. Energy is spent on endothermic processes, material handling, crumbling and grinding solids, filtration, compression of gases, etc. Considerable energy consumption is required for the production of calcium carbide, phosphorus, ammonia, polyethylene, isoprene, styrene, etc. Chemical production together with petrochemicals, they are energy-intensive industries. Releasing almost 7% of industrial products, they consume within 13-20% of the energy that is used by the entire industry.

Energy sources are most often traditional non-renewable natural resources - coal, oil, natural gas, peat, shale. IN recent times they are depleted very quickly. Oil reserves are decreasing at an especially accelerated rate. natural gas and they are limited and irreparable. Unsurprisingly, this creates an energy problem.

For 80 years, some of the main sources of energy were replaced by others: wood was replaced with coal, coal - for oil, oil - for gas, hydrocarbon fuel - for nuclear. By the early 1980s, about 70% of the world's energy demand was met by oil and natural gas, 25% by coal and brown coal, and only about 5% by other sources of energy.

In different countries, the energy problem is solved in different ways, nevertheless, chemistry makes a significant contribution to its solution. Thus, chemists believe that in the future (approximately another 25-30 years) oil will retain its leadership position. But its contribution to energy resources will noticeably decrease and will be offset by the increased use of coal, gas, hydrogen energy of nuclear fuel, solar energy, energy of the earth's depths and other types of renewable energy, including bioenergy.

Already today, chemists are worried about the maximum and complex energy-technological use of fuel resources - a decrease in heat losses in environment, secondary use of heat, maximum use of local fuel resources, etc.

Sources of main electrical energy

Thermal power plants

They work on organic fuel - fuel oil, coal, peat, gas, shale. Thermal power plants are located mainly in the region where natural resources are present and near large oil refineries.

Hydroelectric power plants

They are erected in places where large rivers are blocked by a dam, and thanks to the energy of the falling water, the turbines of an electric generator rotate. The production of electricity by this method is considered the most environmentally friendly due to the fact that there is no combustion. different types fuel, therefore, there is no harmful waste.

Hydroelectric power plant

Nuclear power plants

Heating water requires heat energy, which is released as a result of a nuclear reaction. Otherwise, it is similar to a thermal power plant.

Nuclear power plant

Unconventional energy sources

These include wind, sun, heat from terrestrial turbines, and ocean tides. Recently, they are increasingly being used as unconventional additional sources of energy. Scientists argue that by 2050, unconventional energy sources will become mainstream, while conventional energy sources will lose their value.

Energy of sun

There are several ways to use it. During the physical method of obtaining energy from the sun, galvanic batteries are used that can absorb and convert solar energy into electrical or thermal energy. A system of mirrors is also used that reflects the sun's rays and directs them into pipes filled with oil, where the sun's heat is concentrated.

In some regions, it is more expedient to use solar collectors, with the help of which it is possible to partially solve environmental problem and the use of energy for household needs.

The main advantages of solar energy are the general availability and inexhaustibility of sources, complete safety for the environment, and the main environmentally friendly sources of energy.

The main disadvantage is the need for large areas of land for the construction of a solar power plant.

Solar power plant

Wind energy

Wind farms are only capable of producing electricity when there is a strong wind. The “main modern sources of energy” of the wind is the wind turbine, which is a rather complex structure. Two operating modes are programmed in it - weak and strong wind, and there is also a stop of the engine if there is a very strong wind.

The main disadvantage of wind power plants (WPP) is the noise generated during the rotation of the propeller blades. The most appropriate are small windmills designed to provide environmentally friendly and inexpensive electricity. summer cottages or individual farms.

Wind power plant

Tidal power plants

Tidal energy is used to generate electrical energy. In order to build the simplest tidal power plant, a basin, a dam or a river mouth or bay, would be required. The dam is equipped with hydro turbines and culverts.

Water flows into the pool at high tide and when the pool and sea levels are compared, the culverts are closed. As the tide approaches, the water level decreases, the pressure becomes sufficient, the turbines and electric generators begin their work, and gradually the water leaves the pool.

New energy sources in the form of tidal power plants have some disadvantages - disruption of the normal exchange of fresh and salt water; influence on the climate, as a result of their work changes the energy potential of the waters, the speed and area of ​​movement.

Advantages - environmental friendliness, low cost of energy produced, a reduction in the level of extraction, combustion and transportation of fossil fuel.

Unconventional geothermal energy sources

The heat of the earth's turbines (deep-seated hot springs) is used to generate energy. This heat can be used in any region, but the costs can be recouped only where the hot waters are as close as possible to the earth's crust - areas of active activity of geysers and volcanoes.

The main sources of energy are presented in two types - an underground pool of natural heat carrier (hydrothermal, steam-thermal or steam-water sources) and the heat of hot rocks.

The first type is a ready-to-use underground boiler, from which steam or water can be produced by conventional boreholes. The second type makes it possible to obtain steam or superheated water, which can be further used for energy purposes.

The main disadvantage of both types is the low concentration of geothermal anomalies when hot rocks or springs come close to the surface. Re-injection of waste water into the subterranean horizon is also required, since thermal water contains many salts of toxic metals and chemical compounds that cannot be discharged into surface water systems.

Advantages - these reserves are inexhaustible. Geothermal energy is very popular due to the vigorous activity of volcanoes and geysers, the territory of which occupies 1/10 of the Earth's area.

Geothermal power plant

New promising energy sources - biomass

Biomass is primary and secondary. For energy, you can use dried algae, waste Agriculture, wood, etc. The biological option of using energy is obtaining biogas from manure as a result of fermentation without air access.

Today, a decent amount of garbage has accumulated in the world, which degrades the environment, garbage has a detrimental effect on people, animals and all living things. That is why the development of energy is required, where secondary biomass will be used to prevent environmental pollution.

According to the calculations of scientists, settlements can fully provide themselves with electricity only at the expense of their garbage. Moreover, there is practically no waste. Consequently, the problem of waste disposal will be solved simultaneously with providing the population with electricity at minimal costs.

Advantages - the concentration of carbon dioxide does not increase, the problem of waste use is solved, therefore, the ecology is improved.

The Russian chemical industry is in eleventh place in the world in terms of production. The share of the industry in the total industrial production of the country is 6%. Chemical enterprises account for 7% of fixed assets (fifth place after mechanical engineering, fuel industry, energy and metallurgy), providing 8% of the value of industrial exports and 7% of tax revenues to the budget. The enterprises of the chemical complex are suppliers of raw materials, semi-products, various materials (plastics, chemical fibers, tires, varnishes and paints, dyes, mineral fertilizers, etc.) for all industries and are able to significantly affect the scale, direction and efficiency of their development.

Russian chemical industry today

The transformations since the beginning of market reforms have significantly changed the structure of chemical production by forms of ownership: to date, the chemical complex has the smallest group of enterprises that have remained in state ownership. As a result of privatization, controlling stakes in a significant part of chemical enterprises passed into the hands of external investors. These are mainly oil and gas companies.

According to industry experts, the Russian chemical industry needs a qualitative leap, otherwise it will become absolutely uncompetitive. Among the main factors hindering the development of the industry are problems common to our industry. Firstly, this is the depreciation of assets - the technological equipment installed at Russian enterprises is extremely lagging behind modern requirements (the service life of a significant part of it is 20 years or more, the degree of depreciation of fixed assets is about 46%). Other problems are the inconsistency of the structure of production of the Russian chemical complex with modern trends in the chemical industry in developed countries, as well as the fact that the basis of the production of the Russian chemical complex is products with a low degree of redistribution of primary raw materials.

If we talk about the strategic objectives of the industry, these are the technical re-equipment and modernization of existing and the creation of new economically efficient and environmentally friendly production facilities, the development of export potential and the internal market for chemical products and the development of resource, raw materials and fuel and energy supply of the chemical complex. Among other tasks, experts call the organizational and structural development of the chemical complex in the direction of increasing the output of high-tech products, as well as increasing the efficiency of R&D and innovative activity of enterprises of the Russian chemical industry.

This is all the more important, since in the period from 2020 to 2030, according to the analysis made by the specialists of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Russian chemical industry will be faced with the task of meeting the demand for new high-tech materials from mechanical engineering, shipbuilding, medicine, helicopter engineering, aircraft construction. , power engineering.

Developments in the space, aviation and nuclear power sectors will also require new chemical materials, composite materials, sealing materials, sound insulation materials, electrical wires and cables, and coatings. The already high requirements for the technical properties of products, such as high strength, resistance to radiation, corrosion resistance, high and low temperature exposure, and aging resistance of materials will increase.

For example, now in the global automotive industry, polymers are second only to metals as a raw material for the production of auto components. In Russia, however, there is a shortage and a limited range of brands of all types of plastics produced, which creates a serious barrier to increasing the range of manufactured auto components.

The share of polymer composites in the total volume of building materials in Russia is also quite low. While civil engineering mainly uses “traditional” materials, sectors such as bridge construction, railways, railway tunnels, etc., polymer composites have significant prospects in Russia.

Thus, experts say, setting up production of the required polymers in Russia can become a significant segment of import substitution. At the same time, the use of chemical products in construction is constantly expanding: these are new insulation materials and additives in construction materials, and insulating materials, and coatings that generate electricity from sunlight, and road surfaces that allow measuring traffic flow, etc.

New chemical products are also appearing on the market: plastics with a long life cycle, materials capable of self-diagnosis and self-adaptation, high-tech fibers of a new generation, self-healing eco-rubber and smart nanomaterials that change shape at the user's request. Experts talk about polymers with the function of active membranes that can sort molecules, about amorphous polymers that can repair damaged coatings, about very important Arctic fuels in the current policy of Russia, etc.

Many experts also predict a further increase in the importance of biologically derived materials. In the medium term, mass production of chemical products from renewable resources ("white" chemistry) is expected: biofuels, products from biodegradable polymers, biosensors and biochips. According to preliminary estimates of experts, the market of biopolymers (polymers made on the basis of renewable resources) will grow by 8-10% annually, and by 2020 their share in common market polymers will be 25-30%.

All this, according to officials from the Ministry of Industry and Trade, can be produced in Russia as well, if the necessary investments are made in the domestic chemical industry.

Energy and chemistry

If we talk about the links between chemistry and energy, they are the closest: the chemical industry consumes a huge amount of energy. Energy is spent on the implementation of endothermic processes, on the transportation of materials, crumbling and crushing of solids, filtration, compression of gases, etc. Significant energy consumption is required for the production of calcium carbide, phosphorus, ammonia, polyethylene, isoprene, styrene, etc. together with petrochemicals, they are energy-intensive industries. Manufacturing almost 7% of industrial products, they consume within 13-20% of the energy used by the entire industry.

However, the achievements of chemistry work for the energy sector. Already today, chemists are working on the issues of maximum and comprehensive energy-technological use of fuel resources - reduction of heat losses to the environment, heat recovery, maximum use of local fuel resources, etc.

For example, many countries are developing a cost-effective technology for converting coal into liquid (as well as gaseous) fuels. Russian chemists are also working on this problem. The essence of the modern process of processing coal into synthesis gas is as follows. A mixture of water vapor and oxygen is fed into the plasma generator. Then coal dust enters the red-hot gas torch, and as a result of a chemical reaction, a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen is formed, i.e., synthesis gas. Methanol is obtained from it, which can replace gasoline in internal combustion engines and compares favorably with oil, gas, coal in terms of environmental impact.

Russia has also developed chemical methods withdrawal of astringent oil (contains high molecular weight hydrocarbons), a significant part of which remains in sludge pits. To increase the yield of oil into the water, which is injected into the formations, surfactants are added, their molecules are located at the oil-water interface, which increases the mobility of oil.

Hydrogen energy seems to be very promising, which is based on the combustion of hydrogen, during which no harmful emissions arise. Nevertheless, for its development, it is necessary to solve a number of problems associated with reducing the cost of hydrogen, creating reliable means of its storage and transportation. If these tasks are achievable, hydrogen will be widely used in aviation, water and land transport, industrial and agricultural production. Russian scientists are working closely with their European colleagues on these issues.

One of the key areas remains the solution of the problems associated with the cost-effective processing of "heavy" high-viscosity oil, as well as heavy residues of oil refineries. The depth of oil refining in the EU countries is at least 85%, and in the forecast period this value will increase. At the enterprises of the Russian oil refining complex, the required set of secondary processes for processing heavy oil fractions in most cases is absent, and the refining depth is about 70%. An increase in this indicator will allow you to get additional profit and increase the efficiency of using secondary raw materials.

Already today, the Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis of the Russian Academy of Sciences, together with the Grozny Petroleum Institute (GrozNII), have created a fundamentally new technology for the hydrogenation preparation of tar on nanosized catalysts, after which it is possible to use conventional highly efficient processes of catalytic cracking or hydrocracking of vacuum distillate, i.e., traditional methods of deep oil refining. At the same time, the complexity of oil refining assumes both the rational extraction of valuable components from oil (oils, liquid and solid paraffins, petroleum acids, etc.), and the optimal processing of previously difficult to dispose of products, for example, light gases, asphalts, sands. Waste-free oil refining, which has become especially acute due to the growing negative impact of human activity on the environment, also provides for the complete processing of all oil fractions with the maximum extraction of useful components: the use of technologies, catalysts and reagents excludes the formation of harmful emissions and waste.

In addition, gas chemistry remains one of the most interesting areas for Russia, which is in dire need of simple and cost-effective technologies for converting natural gas into liquid products, designed for operation directly in gas production areas, including in the polar regions and on the sea shelf.

With the help of the chemical industry, Russia can significantly expand its market share not only in primary energy resources, but also in the much more profitable market for expensive chemicals and environmentally friendly motor fuels. It is in this area that Russia has the greatest chances to enter the high-tech market in the coming years. The transition of the world market to ultra-low-sulfur gasolines and diesel fuels, which affect the improvement of the environment, is an important event that involves a huge number of links in economic and government mechanisms. This transition is accompanied by the development of technologies for deep and ultra-deep purification of liquid fractions, as well as the development of new processes for the purification and processing of technological and associated refinery gases. Here Russian chemists could also do their bit.

The chemical industry of Russia interacts especially closely with the energy industry in the field of nuclear energy. Moreover, we are talking not only about the production of fuel elements, but also about more exotic projects. For example, it is for nuclear power plants that in the future they will find another application - for the production of hydrogen. Part of the produced hydrogen will be consumed by the chemical industry, the other part will serve to power gas turbine units, which are turned on at peak loads.

Nanomaterials and biocatalysis

Specialists consider the development of new technologies and means of radioactive waste disposal as promising technologies in the chemical industry; molecular design, chemical aspects of energy, such as the creation of new chemical sources of current, the development of technologies for obtaining fuels from non-oil and renewable raw materials, high-energy substances and materials, etc.

In nanochemistry, the most "advanced" areas include nanocatalysis, the production of nanomaterials for receiving, processing and transmitting information, molecular memory carriers, and the development of nanomodulators.

Biocatalytic technologies are supposed to be used for the production of biodegradable and electrically conductive polymers; high molecular weight polymers for enhanced oil recovery and water treatment; anticorrosive and antistatic coatings of metal structures, superior in efficiency to paint and varnish coatings; biosensors and biochips that use the principles of highly specific biological perception and recognition for use in medicine, aerospace and computer technology. We can also mention a new method of separation and purification of chemical mixtures, production and application of powder coatings, water demineralization, water and soil purification, including the removal of heavy metals and radionuclides.

According to experts, the development of nano- and biotechnology will lead to the emergence of a new generation of products with advanced properties, which, in turn, will lead to their new application in many industries, including energy. These are, for example, new materials for hydrogen storage, improved membranes for desalination and treatment plants, self-healing coatings, etc.

Thus, in modern conditions, the power industry is increasingly in need of the latest chemical technologies, and Russian producers are also responding to this demand.

- Tell us about the novelties of your production in the part of the chemical industry used in the energy sector. What products are most in demand by customers?

Maria Zaitseva, Director of the Nuclear Energy Sector, NPP VMP-Neva LLC: - VMP Research and Production Holding specializes in the development, production and implementation of coatings for long-term protection of metal and concrete.

The produced anticorrosive and fire-retardant materials, as well as polymer floor coverings, have high technological and operational characteristics, which are achieved due to high-performance pigments, chemically and weather-resistant polymers, special fillers and auxiliary additives. We have been working in the energy sector for over 17 years. Today we draw the attention of industry experts to new interesting material that already has a positive experience of application at nuclear power plants. VINIKOR® EP-1155D enamel is designed to protect the controlled access area, including the reactor block. This is the only material in Russia that has passed simulated tests under normal operating conditions of the reactor block. To date, tests confirm the ability of the coating to work without loss of protective parameters for 50 years. All this allows us to offer this material to the designers and operating services of plants, plants for the processing of nuclear waste and storage facilities, wherever there are high requirements of Rosatom to the safety of facilities. Another material for power engineering and hydraulic engineering facilities is the IZOLEP®-hydro primer-enamel. It is used to protect metal structures located in the underwater zone and in the zone of variable wetting. It is successfully passing full-scale tests in the NPP cooling tower.

The entire history of the development of civilization is the search for energy sources. This is very relevant today. After all, energy is an opportunity for the further development of the industry, obtaining sustainable harvests, improving cities and helping nature to heal the wounds inflicted on it by civilization. Therefore, solving the energy problem requires global efforts. Chemistry makes its significant contribution as a link between modern natural science and modern technology.

The provision of energy is the most important condition for the socio-economic development of any country, its industry, transport, agriculture, culture and everyday life.

But in the coming decade, power engineers will not yet discount wood, coal, oil or gas. And at the same time, they must vigorously develop new ways of producing energy.

The chemical industry is characterized by close ties with all sectors of the national economy due to the wide range of products it produces. This area of ​​production is characterized by high material consumption. Material and energy costs in the production of products can range from 2/3 to 4/5 of the cost of the final product.

The development of chemical technology follows the path of the integrated use of raw materials and energy, the use of continuous and waste-free processes, taking into account the ecological safety of the environment, the use of high pressures and temperatures, the achievements of automation and cybernetization.

The chemical industry consumes a lot of energy. Energy is spent on the implementation of endothermic processes, on the transportation of materials, crumbling and crushing of solids, filtration, compression of gases, etc. Considerable energy consumption is required in the production of calcium carbide, phosphorus, ammonia, polyethylene, isoprene, styrene, etc. Chemical production together with petrochemical are energy-intensive areas of the industry. Releasing almost 7% of industrial products, they consume within 13-20% of the energy that is used by the entire industry.

Energy sources are most often traditional non-renewable natural resources - coal, oil, natural gas, peat, shale. Recently, they are very quickly depleted. The reserves of oil and natural gas are decreasing at an especially accelerated rate, and they are limited and irreparable. Unsurprisingly, this creates an energy problem.

For 80 years, some of the main sources of energy were replaced by others: wood was replaced with coal, coal - for oil, oil - for gas, hydrocarbon fuel - for nuclear. By the early 1980s, about 70% of the world's energy demand was met by oil and natural gas, 25% by coal and lignite, and only about 5% by other energy sources.

In different countries, the energy problem is solved in different ways, nevertheless, chemistry makes a significant contribution to its solution. Thus, chemists believe that in the future (approximately another 25-30 years) oil will retain its leadership position. But its contribution to energy resources will noticeably decrease and will be offset by the increased use of coal, gas, hydrogen energy of nuclear fuel, solar energy, energy of the earth's depths and other types of renewable energy, including bioenergy.

Already today, chemists are worried about the maximum and complex energy-technological use of fuel resources - a decrease in heat losses to the environment, heat recovery, maximum use of local fuel resources, etc.

Since liquid fuel is the most scarce among the types of fuel, large funds have been allocated in many countries to create a cost-effective technology for converting coal into liquid (as well as gaseous) fuel. Scientists from Russia and Germany collaborate in this area. The essence of the modern process of processing coal into synthesis gas is as follows. A mixture of water vapor and oxygen is supplied to the plasma generator, which is heated up to 3000 ° C. And then coal dust enters the red-hot gas torch, and as a result of a chemical reaction, a mixture of carbon monoxide (II) and hydrogen is formed, i.e. synthesis gas. Methanol is obtained from it: CO + 2H2CH3OH. Methanol can replace gasoline in internal combustion engines. In terms of solving the environmental problem, it compares favorably with oil, gas, coal, but, unfortunately, the heat of its coke is 2 times lower than that of gasoline, and, in addition, it is aggressive towards some metals and plastics.

Chemical methods have been developed for the extraction of astringent oil (contains high molecular weight hydrocarbons), a significant part of which remains in underground pits. To increase the yield of oil into the water that is pumped into the strata, surfactants are added, their molecules are located at the oil-water interface, which increases the mobility of the oil.

The future replenishment of fuel resources is combined with the rational processing of coal. For example, crushed coal is mixed with oil, and the extracted paste is acted upon with hydrogen under pressure. This creates a mixture of hydrocarbons. To extract 1 ton of artificial gasoline, about 1 ton of coal and 1,500 m of hydrogen are spent. So far, artificial gasoline is more expensive than that extracted from oil, nevertheless, the fundamental possibility of its extraction is important.

Hydrogen energy seems to be very promising, which is based on the combustion of hydrogen, during which no harmful emissions arise. Nevertheless, for its development, it is necessary to solve a number of problems associated with reducing the cost of hydrogen, creating reliable means of storing and transporting it, etc. If these problems are solvable, hydrogen will be widely used in aviation, water and land transport, industrial and agricultural production.

Nuclear energy contains inexhaustible possibilities, its development for the production of electricity and heat makes it possible to release a significant amount of fossil fuel. Here chemists are faced with the task of creating complex technological systems for covering energy costs that occur during endothermic reactions using nuclear energy. Now nuclear power is developing along the path of widespread introduction of fast neutron reactors. Such reactors use uranium enriched in the isotope 235U (at least 20%), and a neutron moderator is not required.

At present, nuclear power and reactor building is a powerful industry with a large amount of capital investment. For many countries, it is an important export item. Reactors and auxiliary equipment require special materials, including high frequency ones. The task of chemists, metallurgists and other specialists is to create such materials. Chemists and representatives of other related professions are also working on uranium enrichment.

Now the nuclear power industry is faced with the task of displacing fossil fuels not only from the production of electricity, but also from heat supply and, to some extent, from the metallurgical and chemical industries by creating reactors of energy-technological significance.

In the future, nuclear power plants will find another application - for the production of hydrogen. Part of the produced hydrogen will be consumed by the chemical industry, the other part will serve to power gas turbine units, which are turned on at peak loads.

Great hopes are pinned on the use of solar radiation (solar energy). In Crimea, there are solar panels, the photovoltaic cells of which convert sunlight into electricity. For desalination of water and heating of homes, solar thermal installations are widely used, which convert solar energy into heat. Solar panels have long been used in navigation facilities and on spacecraft. Unlike nuclear energy, the cost of energy produced by solar panels is constantly decreasing.

For the manufacture of solar cells, the main semiconductor materials are silicon and silicon compounds. Now chemists are working on the development of new materials for energy converters. These can be different systems of salts as energy storage devices. Further advances in solar energy depend on the materials that chemists offer for energy conversion.

In the new millennium, an increase in electricity production will occur due to the development of solar energy, as well as methane fermentation of household waste and other unconventional sources of energy production.

Along with giant power plants, there are also autonomous chemical sources of current that convert the energy of chemical reactions directly into electrical energy. In solving this issue, chemistry belongs the main role... In 1780, the Italian physician L. Galvani, observing the contraction of a severed frog's leg after touching it with wires of different metals, decided that there was electricity in the muscles, and called it "animal electricity". A. Volta, continuing the experience of his compatriot, suggested that the source of electricity is not the body of an animal: an electric current arises from the contact of various metal wires. The "ancestor" of modern galvanic cells can be considered an "electric pole" created by A. Volta in 1800. This invention is similar to a puff cake made of several pairs of metal plates: one plate is made of zinc, the other is made of copper, stacked on top of each other, and between a felt pad impregnated with dilute sulfuric acid was placed with them. Before the invention in Germany by W. Siemens in 1867. dynamos galvanic cells were the only source of electric current. Nowadays, when autonomous energy sources are needed by aviation, the submarine fleet, rocketry, electronics, the attention of scientists is again turned to them.