Four-day split workout for mass. 4 day bodybuilding split. The main principles of compiling four-day splits

Or, in other words, a four-day training program is used by advanced athletes with at least one year of training experience who have used in training process like , and . They have already been able to achieve excellent results in terms of building muscle mass, as well as increasing strength indicators in the main basic exercises.

A four-day split is one of the varieties separate system training, which involves the division of all muscles into four separate groups (workouts), each of which is worked out, as a rule, once a week. That is, you train 4 times a week, working out 1-2 muscle groups in each workout. For example, on Monday we work the muscles of the back, on Tuesday the muscles of the chest, on Thursday the legs, and on Friday the arms and shoulders. Unlike two and three-day training programs, the four-times-a-week mass training program, thanks to the introduction of an additional training day into the weekly microcycle, contributes to deeper and better muscle development.

For example, you used to work out on a three-day split program, working out the back and biceps in the first workout, the chest and triceps in the second workout, and the legs and shoulders in the third workout. Agree, after training the back, the biceps get very tired, just like after training the chest, the triceps get tired. There are many options for a three-day split. But in any case, due to fatigue, we cannot work out small muscle groups at 100%. A four-day mass split gives us the opportunity to more qualitatively and deeply work out not only large, but also small muscle groups, such as arms and shoulders.

You can distribute muscle groups in different ways by day, depending on your goals and preferences. My favorite is the 4-day mass split option below. On Monday I work the back muscles, on Tuesday the chest muscles, Wednesday is a rest day, on Thursday I train the muscles of the legs and on Friday the arms and delts. Saturday and Sunday are days off.

Four-day split for mass: training program

Monday (BACK)

1. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar 3-4 sets 8-12 repetitions

2. Classic deadlift 3-4 sets of 8-10 reps

3. Bent Over Rows 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps

4. Horizontal pull in a block simulator sitting 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions

5. Shrugs 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps

Tuesday (CHEST)

1. Bench Press 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps

2. Incline dumbbell bench press 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps

3. Wiring dumbbells lying on a bench with a positive angle of inclination 3-4 sets of 10-12 repetitions

Thursday (LEGS)

1. Barbell squat 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps

2. Deadlift on straight legs 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps

3. Leg press 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps

4. Rises on socks in a standing position 3-4 sets pl 12-15 repetitions

5. Rises on socks in a sitting position 3-4 sets of 15-20 repetitions


1. Bench press with a narrow grip lying on a bench 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions

2. Dips with an emphasis on triceps 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps

3. Standing barbell curls 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps

4. Hammers with dumbbells 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps

5. Bench press up sitting 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions

6. Barbell row to the chin 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions

Four-Day Workout Program: Notes

This version of the four-day split mass training program trains each muscle group once a week, not counting the indirect loading of small muscle groups. The alternation of training days and days of rest occurs according to the scheme of the weekly microcycle 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 (Mon and Tue - training, Wed - rest, Thu and Fri - training, Sat and Monday - rest).

Unlike a 3-day split, a four-day mass split allows you to work out each muscle group more efficiently. You can distribute muscle groups differently by day and change the order of the exercises, adjusting this four-day split for mass for yourself. You should not stick to the same one for a long time without any changes. Remember that variation is one of the key principles of bodybuilding. Good luck friends!


Why do we need an additional fourth day of training. Which muscle group and which exercises to do on each training day.

Many beginners often don't know which training regimen is best for them. They believe that the more workouts per week, the better. better result. This is fundamentally wrong. As practice and experience shows, a 3-day or 4-day split is the most optimal mode for training.

Benefits of a four-day split

Beginning athletes should initially pay attention to a 3-day split for performing basic exercises and when working on mass. This regimen of training, as a rule, is devoted to several years of bodybuilding. Subsequently, to improve the results achieved, use the system of dividing the workout into working out certain muscle groups.

Adding another day to the program is the opportunity to divide the training week into three full-fledged sessions with basic exercises to work out large muscles. The fourth day is isolation work with smaller groups.

For example, a 4-day split can be broken down like this:

  1. Working out the chest muscles.
  2. Back work.
  3. leg workout
  4. Arm muscle training.

By doing a basic mass workout, you engage small muscle groups. By the end of the program, they are heavily clogged, which does not allow them to be finalized in isolating exercises. For this, an additional day is provided, which is completely devoted to isolating training.

Day 1: Chest

Perfectly developed and proportionately worked out are a necessary element in building a beautiful and athletic body.

Anatomically, the pectoral muscles are divided:

  • upper;
  • medium;
  • lower.

Experienced bodybuilders (for the 4-day split program) are advised to start by working out the top of the chest. This is due to the fact that top part visually increases the volume, but at the same time significantly lags behind other pectoral muscles in training.

A universal exercise for working out the upper part of the pectoral muscles is a bench press in an inclined bench, with the back set at an angle of 35-40 degrees. Before approaching, choose for yourself the most optimal angle of inclination, at which you will feel the work of the upper pectoral muscles, and not the front deltas.

Do not immediately start working with maximum weight. The main thing is to develop the right technique. Both a barbell and dumbbells are suitable for this exercise. Working with a barbell is an opportunity to develop muscle memory in the execution technique. Dumbbells are suitable for experienced athletes with perfect execution technique and with a regular increase in amplitude.

Order of execution:

  1. Choose a comfortable bench angle.
  2. Bend at the waist, and bring the shoulder blades together.
  3. Firmly fix and press the body to the bench.
  4. Slowly, while inhaling, lower the barbell (dumbbells) to the top chest, but don't let the bar touch it. Exhaling, lift the load.

The number of approaches should be no more than four, and repetitions - no more than eight. Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets.


  1. Get comfortable on the treadmill.
  2. Hold your feet firmly.
  3. Bend out at the waist. Note that while doing this, the pelvis should not come off the bench. Make sure your shoulder blades are flattened.
  4. Slowly lower the bar to your chest without touching your body.
  5. Pause.
  6. Slowly return the load to its original position.

To work out the lower part of the chest, the same technique is used in a head-down position on an incline bench.

Second training day: Back

The next muscle group that is being worked out according to the 4-Day Split program is the back muscles.

The main exercise for the development of the spinal muscles is pulling up. The horizontal bar is a universal simulator that works well on the back, allowing you to increase its width and thickness. In the course of the lesson, depending on the area being worked out, a wide, medium and narrow grip is used.


  • choose the required grip;
  • pull the body to the crossbar with your back muscles, avoiding jerks and swings;
  • do not allow full extension of the arms at the lower point.

After completing the required sets, move on to the barbell deadlift.

Be careful not to use heavy weights in the early stages. Exercise is traumatic, and can lead to damage to the spine. Please note that the back in this exercise should be even. You can not slouch or bend during the approach.

For pumping and developing the latissimus dorsi and rhomboid muscles, a barbell pull to the belt is suitable. In this exercise, all the muscles of the back are worked out as much as possible. In the correct execution technique, the position of the back and the angle of inclination relative to the ground play a key role.

Day Three: Legs

A common mistake beginner athletes make is ignoring exercises aimed at working out leg muscles. You can often see a person in the gym who has a powerful torso, developed arms and "match" legs. Firstly, it does not look harmonious, and secondly, it is wrong, from the point of view of bodybuilding.

The muscles of the legs require special attention, because to work them out you need to spend a lot of time and effort. That's why the 4-day split includes a separate day in its program dedicated to working out the muscles of the legs. Moreover, on this day, the muscles worked out the day before are restored. The key to muscle growth is not only high-quality and active training, but also good rest.

As for exercises, there will be no problems here. Modern gyms can offer many simulators for working out the legs.

Start with an exercise aimed at extending and bending the legs in the simulator. This is an excellent warm-up and preparation for complex apparatuses and heavy weights.

You can include a squat with a barbell in the program, which actively involves not only the muscles of the legs, but also the back.

At the final stage, work out the calf muscles. To do this, use a special simulator or perform alternate lifting on socks with a weight in your hands.

Fourth day: Muscles of the arms and shoulders

The last training day, which is included in the 4-day split, is isolating exercises for a small muscle group.

Training should begin with pumping the shoulder muscles until the muscles of the arms are "clogged" with isolating exercises.

Seated Barbell or Dumbbell Press:

  • sit on a bench with a backrest of 90 degrees;
  • slowly and smoothly lift the bar from your chest up over your head;
  • gently lower the bar down without touching the body;
  • follow the technique of execution and correct breathing.

The "finishing" exercise is swinging dumbbells to the sides.

The French press is the perfect exercise for working out the triceps. The optimal is to perform four sets of ten repetitions. A “finishing” exercise can be done by extending the arms in the block.

Standing barbell curls are great for working the biceps. For a better study of this group, you can use the Scott bench. The exercise is performed to failure.


Thus, the 4-day split is the ideal program for beginner athletes, allowing you to work out all muscle groups.

Optionally, abdominal exercises can also be included in the program.

A few basic tips that will allow you to conduct mass training more effectively. You need:

  1. Complete rest after each day of exercise.
  2. Proper nutrition.

This article provides three examples of four-day splits that can help those who have stopped progressing on a three-day split or just want to diversify their workouts a bit.

Four day split.

A four-day split is a natural extension of a three-day training split, where four workouts are held per week cycle with the study of all muscle groups. And now, when another lesson has been added to the cycle, you can work out various muscle groups more intensively.

There are many variations on how to make a four-day split. We all know that there are only five major muscle groups, and there are four workouts per week, so the training of any small muscle group is added to the training of the large muscle group.

Or, some group (for example, shoulders, arms) are divided into components (biceps / triceps or front / middle / rear deltas) and are worked out on different days after training larger (main) muscle groups.

For example, the biceps (biceps) come after the back, the triceps (triceps) after the pectorals or deltas. Another option, the biceps get the load after working out the chest, and the triceps after the back muscles. Or three deltoid heads are trained separately, each on its own specific day.

Execution schemes.

A four-day split is most often performed according to the 2/1/2/2 scheme, i.e. at the beginning of the cycle, two training sessions are held in a row (for example, Monday / Tuesday), then there is a rest day (Wednesday), then two more training days (Thursday / Friday ) and ends the week with two days of rest (Saturday and Sunday). After that, the split starts over.

There are also other schemes of four-day splits, for example, 1/x/1/x/1/x/1, where training takes place with one day of rest between them and only between training - 1 and training - 7 there is no rest day.

In addition, there are schemes of four-day splits with a different number of days in the cycle, for example, a six-day cycle - 2/1/2/1 (two training days with one day of rest, or an eight-day cycle - 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 (two training days with two rest days, i.e. Monday, Tuesday - training / Wednesday, Thursday - rest, Friday, Saturday - training, Sunday, Monday - rest and the beginning of a new cycle) for a four-day split.

Below are examples of several four-day splits, in addition to which you can create many others based on your needs and preferences.

Three schemes of four-day splits.

Scheme No. 1

  • Monday: back, rear delta
  • Tuesday: chest, middle delta
  • Wednesday: relaxation
  • Thursday: legs
  • Friday: arms
  • Saturday Sunday: relaxation

Scheme No. 2

  • Monday: back, hamstrings
  • Tuesday: chest, legs
  • Wednesday: relaxation
  • Thursday: quadriceps, deltas
  • Friday: arms
  • Saturday Sunday: relaxation

Scheme No. 3

  • Monday: back, triceps
  • Tuesday: legs
  • Wednesday: relaxation
  • Thursday: chest, biceps
  • Friday: delta
  • Saturday Sunday: relaxation

Split Workout #3

Monday: back, triceps

1. or - 3.4 sets of 8-10 reps

2. or - 3.4 sets of 8-10 repetitions.

3. - 3.4 sets of 8-10 repetitions.

4. - 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

5. - 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions.

6. - 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

7. - 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions.

Tuesday: legs

1. - 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions.

2. - 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions.

3. - 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

5. or - 3 sets of 8 reps.

6. or - 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

Thursday: chest, biceps

1. - 3.4 sets of 8-10 repetitions.

2. - 3.4 sets of 8-10 repetitions.

3. (emphasis on the pectoral muscles) - 3.4 sets of 8-10 repetitions.

4. - 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

5. - 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions.

6. - 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions.

7. - 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions with each hand.

Friday: shoulders

1. - 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions.

2. or - 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions

3. - 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

4. - 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

5. - 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

Brief explanations for the program.

This four-day split allows you to work out all muscle groups once a week. But small muscle groups, like triceps, biceps, some bundles of deltoid muscles, in addition to their main load, also act as synergistic muscles, receiving an additional load just once a week.

On Monday, on the day of training the back muscles, the biceps muscles (biceps) are additionally worked. On Thursday - on the day of chest training, the triceps muscles (triceps) receive an indirect load

Back bundles of deltas - on Monday, on the day of back training. Front beams - both on Thursday and Friday, on the days of the presses. This load is enough for them at this stage of training.

Before each exercise, you need to perform a couple of warm-up approaches with a gradual increase in weight for 10-12 repetitions, as well as a general warm-up on any cardio machine before starting a workout. At the end of each workout - a hitch (stretching the trained muscles)

The training program proposed in the article is aimed at the maximum possible increase in muscle mass in 8 to 10 weeks.

Training split.

  • Monday- chest/triceps
  • Tuesday- back/biceps
  • Wednesday- relaxation
  • Thursday- shoulders/arms
  • Friday– Legs/abs
  • Saturday Sunday- relaxation

About the program.

This is a simple, in terms of organization of the training process and a combination of exercises, but a very effective training program, designed for 4 days of training per week to maximize muscle growth over a period of 8 to 10 weeks.

Each muscle group is worked out once a week, mainly with basic (multi-joint) exercises.

To get the most out of this program, it is recommended to take a high-calorie, at least 5 times a day + additional nutritional supplements, multivitamins, amino acids and whey protein in protein food supplements.

In the exercises, use the maximum possible weight with which you can perform the indicated number of repetitions, but try to avoid muscle failure.

The program may seem simple, but it is not recommended for beginners to train. The level of preparation for passing the program is intermediate (at least a year of continuous training with iron) or advanced (at least three / five years)

Many who have worked on this program have noted that even cutting carbohydrate food for a period does not slow down muscle growth at all.

Also, many were skeptical about the number of approaches and the selection of exercises for the mass gain program. Nevertheless, having passed it according to the prescribed plan, we also noticed the results in terms of recruitment.

Undoubtedly, you can change some exercises in the complex to similar ones or perform the last isolated approach with a large number of repetitions - it's up to you, but I recommend sticking to the prescribed plan.

  • Equipment used in the program: Mainly barbells and dumbbells.
  • The target audience: men and women.
  • Program type: split

Weight training program 4 days a week.

1. Before the start of each workout - a general warm-up on cardio machines, 5 minutes at an average pace.

2. At the end of each workout - a hitch (stretching the trained muscle groups)

3. Rest between sets - 45 seconds, between exercises up to 5 minutes.

MONDAY (chest, triceps)

2. - 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

3. - 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

4. - 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

5. - 2 sets of 10 reps (alternate every week)

Before people involved in gym, the question often arises, how many days a week to train? Many people think that the more the better, but as practice shows, this is not always the case. For the most part, three-day and four-day splits are used, which one is better? In this article, we will look at the pros of a 4-day split. Consider the options for splitting muscle groups by day of the week. And also we will touch upon the issues of nutrition in the mass-gathering period.

Differences between a three-day split and a four-day split

As is clear from the name of the splits, they differ from each other by one day of training. The three-day split is mostly used by beginners in the first years of training, then, in order to progress, many begin to separate muscle groups among themselves and train them on completely different days. A four-day split often for the most part involves three workouts for large muscle groups: legs, back, chest, and relatively small ones are carried out separately on another day: biceps, triceps, shoulders. This is done in order to better train small muscle groups, which are somehow involved when performing basic exercises for large muscle groups.

Often, when receiving an indirect load, the biceps or triceps are sufficiently “hammered” and then it is very difficult to feel them during a targeted exercise. In this regard, allocating a separate day in the training program for small muscle groups, it is necessary to put it at the very end so that they recover after training the chest and back. With this information, the four-day split per mass looks like this:

1) Chest training;

2) Back training;

3) Leg training;

4) Workout biceps, triceps and shoulders.

chest workout

Pumped up pectoral muscles are an essential attribute of a proportional sports figure. Conventionally, the muscles of the chest are divided into: the upper chest, the middle of the chest and the bottom of the chest. For each of these categories, there are exercises that load them the most. I propose to consider the basic exercises for pumping the pectoral muscles.

Arnold Schwarzenegger recommends starting training the pectoral muscles from the top of the chest, arguing that it is the top of the chest that gives visual volume and often lags behind the middle and bottom of the chest. The best exercise for pumping the upper chest, is a bench press on an incline bench of 35-45 degrees, the angle is selected for each individually, the main thing is to feel the muscle that you are doing.

Many on this exercise transfer the load to the front delta, which is wrong. First you need to find the necessary angle for the bench with a minimum weight, on which you will confidently feel the upper chest. The next question arises, what is better to use a barbell or dumbbells? Each person is different and you need to use trial and error to find what works best for you.

The advantage of the barbell is that a certain trajectory of movement is set, and the hands do not “walk” around. With dumbbells, there is more range of motion, which allows you to use more muscle fibers, doing more work. What to choose from this you need to decide for yourself.

The exercise is quite simple. It is necessary to lie down on the bench, bend in the lower back and bring the shoulder blades together tightly pressed against the bench, smoothly lower the barbell (dumbbells) to the top of the chest, but without touching it, exhale with an effort. The number of repetitions during training for weight up to 8, in three to four approaches. Rest between sets 1-1.5 minutes.

Next, we train the middle of the chest. For this, such a basic exercise as a barbell (dumbbell) bench press lying on a horizontal bench is suitable. The exercise is performed as follows, lie down on the bench for the bench press, the legs are firmly located on the floor, the pelvis is pressed against the bench, the deflection in the lower back, the shoulder blades are brought together, the grip width is made so that the arms are parallel to each other, the bar is lowered to the middle of the chest while not touches the body so that the muscles do not turn off from work, a second pause is made and squeezed out on exhalation.

This exercise begins, like all others, with warm-up weights, gradually adding weight, moving on to the worker, using the pyramid principle 8-6-4-4-2. The last two repetitions are done with the maximum weight to failure.

Exercise on the bottom of the chest. For pumping the lower chest, all the same barbell (dumbbell) presses on the bench with your head down are suitable. The recommendations are the same as with the rest of the presses, you only need to lower the barbell (dumbbells) to the bottom of the chest. The number of approaches is from 3 to 4, the number of repetitions is from 8 to 10.

back workout

There are many effective exercises for pumping the back. For a four-day split, the following will do.

The first exercise will be pull-ups. Basic exercise, which will allow you to pump the width and thickness of the back. The execution technique is quite simple, it is necessary to reach the horizontal bar with the help of the back muscles, while disabling the biceps as much as possible. At the end point, the shoulder blades should be brought together. It is advisable to perform the exercise without swaying and inertia, without lowering to the end at the end point. An exercise is performed for 10-12 repetitions, then weights are added, so that it would be difficult to complete 3-4 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

Deadlift. Basic exercise for the back muscles. Performed for 6-8 repetitions in 3-4 sets. The most important thing in this exercise is the technique, it is necessary to keep your back and prevent the formation of the so-called hump in lumbar, it may cause injury.

Block pull to the belt. Exercise for the development of the latissimus dorsi and rhomboid muscles of the back. A feature of the execution is that it is necessary to keep a flat back, bring the shoulders as far forward as possible, the stomach is constantly drawn in. The exercise is performed 3-4 sets for 10-12 repetitions.

Rod pull to the belt. Effective exercise for a set of mass, which involves almost all the muscles of the back. The recommendations for performing the exercise are as follows: you need to put your feet shoulder-width apart, your back is even while tilting the body forward, it is very important to adjust the degree of inclination, but if it is not enough to bend over, then the trapezoid muscles will receive the main load. The exercise is performed in 3-4 sets for 6-8 repetitions with fairly large weights. If the bar is hard to hold, then straps are used.

leg workout

The legs are one of the largest muscle groups that require a fairly high load.

The first exercise is leg extension in the simulator. It is performed in the range of 3-4 sets for 15-20 repetitions. To warm up the muscles and joints and prepare them for heavy weights.

Pre-warming up the legs, squats are performed with a barbell on the shoulders. A basic exercise that requires heavy weights for a small number of repetitions. It is this approach that is effective in gaining mass. Performed for 4-5 sets of 4-5 repetitions.

Bending the legs in the simulator lying down. We “finish off” the biceps of the thigh, which has already received a load from squats. It is important to feel the muscle, to perform the exercise without swinging. When performing the exercise, you need to pull the socks towards you and hold at the top point. An exercise is performed for 3-4 sets of 10-12 repetitions until a burning sensation.

Calves standing in the simulator. The lower part of the legs is very important for recreating the visual image of a symmetrical figure. A feature of training the calf muscles is multi-repetitive training with fairly large weights. We do 3-4 sets for 15-25 repetitions.

Workout biceps, triceps and shoulders

First of all, we train the shoulders so that the “clogged” biceps and triceps do not prevent us from doing this. We start training with a bench press (dumbbells) while sitting, doing 3-4 sets of 8-10 repetitions. We finish off the shoulders with swings to the side with dumbbells: 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

The next exercise is for triceps. French press. It is performed in 4 sets of 10 repetitions, after which the triceps are finally tired by extensions in the block.

For biceps, barbell curls are perfect for biceps. The exercise is performed in 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the bar should rise faster than it falls, because the negative phase is very important. Perform the exercise to failure.

Here is an example of one type of four-day split, with optional crunches added to one or two training days. Combine, use those exercises in which you feel the target muscle group best. Don't forget to override loads to help keep the pace in progress.

An important point in weight gain is nutrition. It should be understood that during training a large amount of energy is consumed and muscle fibers are destroyed (microtrauma occurs), which must be restored. Based on this, your diet should contain a sufficient amount of carbohydrate foods. Preference is given to complex carbohydrates (cereals).

Required for muscle recovery construction material is a protein found in meat and dairy products. In addition to these substances, the body must receive fiber, vitamins and minerals.

If you follow the diet, effective training and rest, the result will not be long in coming.