Force fields. V.Volkov. Research of megaliths of the Russian North. Force fields and force lines of seids. Scientific confirmation - Earth before the Flood: Disappeared continents and civilizations The field and lines of force are real

« Physics - Grade 10 "

What is the intermediary that carries out the interaction of charges?
How to determine which of the two fields is stronger? Suggest ways to compare fields.

tension electric field.

The electric field is detected by the forces acting on the charge. It can be argued that we know everything we need about the field if we know the force acting on any charge at any point in the field. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce such a characteristic of the field, the knowledge of which will allow us to determine this force.

If we alternately place small charged bodies at the same point of the field and measure the forces, it will be found that the force acting on the charge from the field is directly proportional to this charge. Indeed, let the field be created by a point charge q 1 . According to Coulomb's law (14.2), a force proportional to the charge q acts on a point charge q. Therefore, the ratio of the force acting on the charge placed at a given point of the field to this charge for each point of the field does not depend on the charge and can be considered as a characteristic of the field.

The ratio of the force acting on a point charge placed at a given point in the field to this charge is called electric field strength.

Like a force, field strength - vector quantity; it is denoted by the letter:

Hence, the force acting on the charge q from the electric field is equal to:

Q. (14.8)

The direction of the vector is the same as the direction of the force acting on the positive charge and opposite to the direction of the force acting on the negative charge.

The unit of tension in SI is N/Cl.

Force lines of the electric field.

The electric field does not affect the sense organs. We do not see him. However, we can get some idea of ​​the distribution of the field if we draw the field strength vectors at several points in space (Fig. 14.9, a). The picture will be more visual if you draw continuous lines.

The lines, the tangent at each point of which coincides with the electric field strength vector, are called lines of force or field strength lines(Fig. 14.9, b).

The direction of the field lines allows you to determine the direction of the field strength vector at various points in the field, and the density (the number of lines per unit area) of the field lines shows where the field strength is greater. So, in Figures 14 10-14.13, the density of field lines at points A is greater than at points B. It is obvious that A > B.

One should not think that lines of tension actually exist like stretched elastic threads or cords, as Faraday himself assumed. The lines of tension only help visualize the distribution of the field in space. They are no more real than the meridians and parallels on the globe.

Field lines can be made visible. If the oblong crystals of an insulator (for example, quinine) are well mixed in a viscous liquid (for example, in castor oil) and charged bodies are placed there, then near these bodies the crystals will line up in chains along the lines of tension.

The figures show examples of tension lines: a positively charged ball (see Fig. 14.10), two oppositely charged balls (see Fig. 14.11), two like-charged balls (see Fig. 14.12), two plates whose charges are equal in modulus and opposite in sign (see Fig. 14.13). The last example is especially important.

Figure 14.13 shows that in the space between the plates, the lines of force are basically parallel and at equal distances from each other: the electric field here is the same at all points.

An electric field whose intensity is the same at all points is called homogeneous.

In a limited area of ​​space, an electric field can be considered approximately uniform if the field strength inside this area changes insignificantly.

The lines of force of the electric field are not closed, they start on positive charges and end on negative ones. The lines of force are continuous and do not intersect, since the intersection would mean the absence of a certain direction of the electric field strength at a given point.

Academician Satpaev atyndagy Ekibastuz engineer - technical college institutes

Ekibastuz College of Engineering and Technical Institute named after Academician K.I. Satpaev


in the discipline "Theoretical foundations of electrical engineering"


Developed by: Zaykan L.A., teacher of special disciplines

Considered and discussed at the PCC meeting:

Protocol No. _________ dated "____" _________________ 200____.

Chairman of the PCC________________


Deputy Director for SD _______________ Turumtaeva Z.D.


Methodical Council

Protocol No. ______ dated "_____" __________ 200____

Explanatory note

Collection of test questions on the discipline "Theoretical foundations of electrical engineering"

designed for college students of technical specialties.

Test questions serve for successful assimilation educational material. The tests have a significant number of questions that can be used to independent work students in the study of theoretical material.

These test questions are designed to conduct self- and mutual control of students' knowledge on the following topics of the course:

Electric field. Coulomb's law.

DC electrical circuits.


Basic concepts of alternating current. Phase. Phase difference.

Single-phase AC circuits.

Three-phase AC circuits.

The purpose of test development is:

Development of logical thinking;

Ability to analyze;

Independence education.

A collection of test questions can be used for both full-time and part-time education.

Topics: Electric field. Coulomb's Law

1. What can be determined using Coulomb's law?

A) the force of interaction between two charges;

B) electric charge

C) electric potential;

D) electric field strength;

E) work.

2. Write down the formula of Coulomb's law.



3. What is the work of moving an electric charge from one point to another?

A) the product of the force and the length of the conductor;

B) the ratio of voltage to the length of the conductor;

C) the product of the magnitude of the electric charge and the length of the conductor;

D) the product of voltage and charge;

E ) the ratio of force to the strength of the electric field.

4. One of the two sides of the electro magnetic field, characterized by the impact on an electrically charged particle with a force proportional to charge of the particle and independent of its speed:

A) electromagnetic field;

C) manitoelectric field;

C) magnetic field;

D) force field;

E) electric field.

5. Where does the field of a solitary charged body exist?

A) only in the plane;

B) in space

C) behind the plane;

D) beyond space;

E) the field does not exist.

6. Unit of electric field strength:

D ) N Cl;

7. The potential difference between two points of the field is called:

A) electrical voltage;

C) electrical resistance;

C) electric field strength;

D) electric charge voltage;

E) the voltage of the electric field.

8. The unit of electrical capacity is:

A) Cl; C) F; C) B; D) Cl B; E) V / Cl.

9. Total, or equivalent, capacitance when three capacitors are connected in parallel

A) Ctot = C1 C2 / (C1 + C2);

C) Ctot = C1 + C2 + C3;


10. Total, or equivalent, capacitance when two capacitors are connected in series:

A) Ctot = C1 C2 / (C1 + C2);

C) Ctot \u003d 1 / C1 + 1 / C2 + 1 / C3;

C) Ctot = C1 + C2 + C3;

D) Ctotal \u003d C1 / Q + C 2 / Q + C 3 / Q;

E) Ctot = Q / C1 + Q / C2 + Q / C3.

11. What is the electric capacitance of the capacitor?




12. Determine the total capacitance of the connection of capacitors, the diagram of which is shown in the figure, if all capacitors have a capacitance of 5 microfarads.

A) 5 uF; B) 2.5 uF; C) 10uF;

D) 15 uF; E) 12.5 uF.

13. Three capacitors of 300 microfarads each connected in parallel. What is the equivalent capacitance of the capacitors?

A) 100 uF; B) 1000 uF; C) 900uF;

D) 300 uF; E) 600 uF.

14. How many farads is one picofarad?

A) 10 F; B) 10 3 F; C) 10 -3 F;

D) 10 -6 F; E) 10 -12 F.

15. In what units is the electric potential measured?

A ) Cl; B) F; C) J; D) B; E) H.

16. What is called the strength of the electric field?

A) the ratio of work to the amount of charge;

B) product of current and voltage;

C ) the ratio of the force acting on the charge to the magnitude of the charge;

D) the ratio of the charge to the force acting on the charge;

E) the ratio of work to the length of the conductor.

17. What is electrical voltage?

A ) point potential;

B) directed movement of electric charges along the conductor;

C) the sum of the potentials of two points;

D) potential difference between two points;

E ) product of potentials between two points.

18. Which of the following statements do you think is correct?

A) the field and lines of force really exist;

C) the field exists in reality, and the lines of force are conditional;

C) the field exists conditionally, and the lines of force are real;

D) both the field and the lines of force exist conditionally;

E) field and lines of force do not exist.

19. By what formula is the force characteristic of the field determined - the intensity?

A) F q B) q / F C) Q / R ² D) F / q E) Q / q

20. Unit of electric field potential φ:

A) J Cl; C) C / J; C) V m;

D) V / m; E) J / C.

21. What charges move in the metal during electrostatic induction?

A) positive ions;

B) negative ions;

C) both electrons and ions;

D) electrons;

E) point charges.

22. In practice, to obtain a container, use:

A) semiconductors;

C) gaseous dielectrics;

C) capacitors;

D) liquid dielectrics;

E) solid dielectrics.

23. Total, or equivalent, capacitance when three capacitors are connected in series:

A) Ctot = C1 C2 / (C1 + C2);

C) 1 / Ctot \u003d 1 / C1 + 1 / C2 + 1 / C3;

C) Ctot = C1 + C2 + C3;

D) Ctotal \u003d C1 / Q + C 2 / Q + C 3 / Q;

E) Ctot = Q / C1 + Q / C2 + Q / C3.

24. Metals are conductors of electric current. What particles that make up these substances move in the presence of an electric current?

A) anions and cations; B) protons; C) electrons;

D) neutrons; E) ions.

25. An electric charge of 0.3 C is placed in a uniform electric field, which acts on it with a force of 4.5 N. What is the intensity of a uniform electric field?

A) 15; B) 1.5; C) 1.35; D) 10; E) 150.

26. The value of the charge of the capacitor is 0.003 C, and its capacitance is 4 microfarads. What is the voltage between its plates?

A)300V; B)750V; C)120V; D)133 V; E)200 V.

27. Three capacitors of 3 microfarads each connected in series. What is the equivalent capacitance of the capacitors?

A) 9 uF; B) 4 uF; C) 1 uF;

D) 3 uF; E) 5 uF.

28. How many farads is one microfarad?

A) 10 F;

B) 10 3 F;

C) 10 -3 F;

D) 10 -6 F;

E) 10 -12 F.

29. How will the capacitance and charge on the capacitor plates change if the voltage at its terminals increases?

A) capacity and charge will increase;

C) capacity and charge will decrease;

C) the capacity will decrease, and the charge will increase;

D) the capacitance will remain unchanged, but the charge will increase;

E). capacitance will remain unchanged, but the charge will decrease.

30. In what case is the electric field uniform?

A) if the lines of tension are the same at all points;

C) if the potentials of all points are equal;

C) if the potentials of all points are different;

D) if the lines of tension at all points are not the same;

E) if the strength of the electric field is equal to the magnitude of the electric charge.

Answers to tests on the topics: Electric field. Coulomb's law.

question number

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question number

Topic: DC Electrical Circuits

1. Which equation reflects Kirchhoff's first law?

A) R eq = ∑R;

B) ∑E = ∑IR ;

C) ∑I = 0;

D) ∑E = 0;

E )U = ∑U

2. With a parallel connection consisting of three branches, the equivalent, or total, resistance is:

A) R eq = R 1 R 2 / (R 1 + R 2);

C) R eq = R 1 + R 2 + R 3;

3. Determine the current strength in the electric kettle connected to the mains with a voltage of 220V, if the resistance of the filament during operation of the kettle is approximately 39 ohms.

A) 5A; B) 5.64A; C) 56.4A; D) 0.5A; E) 1.5A;

4. What voltage should be applied to a conductor with a resistance of 0.25 Ohm so that the current in the conductor is 30A?

A) 120V; B)12V; C) 7.5V; D) 0.75V; E) 1.2V.

5. What is the name of the phenomenon of transfer of electric charges by charged particles or bodies moving in free space?

A) full electric current

C) alternating current;

C) electric transfer current;

D) electric displacement current;

E) electric conduction current.

6. What is called electric current?

A) the phenomenon of counteraction to the movement of electric charges along the conductor.

C) the directed movement of electric charges along a conductor.

C) potential difference between two points.

D ) the sum of the potentials of two points.

E) the ratio of the magnitude of the charge to the strength of the electric field.

7. Circuit resistance is 4 ohms. What is the electrical conductivity?

A) 4 cm B) 0.25 cm C) 5 cm D) 0.5 cm E) 0.4 cm

8. What law is used when converting electrical energy into thermal energy?

A) Ohm's law

C) Kirchhoff's first law;

C) Kirchhoff's second law;

D) Joule-Lenz law;

E) the law of conservation of energy.

9. What is called the power of the circuit?

A) a value characterizing the change in current in the circuit;

C) a value numerically equal to the EMF of the source;

C) a value characterizing the rate of energy conversion;

D ) value, numerically equal to the fall voltage on the circuit section;

E) a value numerically equal to the energy consumption for a certain period of time.

10. What types of energy are used to generate electric current during battery operation?

A) mechanical; B) internal; C) chemical;

D) light; E) thermal.

11. Find conductivity qwhere R \u003d 2 Ohm

A) 1 cm B) 0.2 cm C) 0.5 cm D) 2 cm; E) 0 ohm

12. Ionization is a process:

A) the conversion of a proton into an ion

C) the transformation of a neutral atom into an ion

C) the conversion of a proton into an electron

D) transformation of a neutral atom into a proton

E) the transformation of a neutral atom into an electron

thirteen . With a parallel connection consisting of two branches, the equivalent, or total, resistance is:

A) R eq = R 1 R 2 / (R 1 + R 2); +

B) 1/R eq = 1/ R 1 + 1/ R 2 + 1/ R 3;

C) R eq = R 1 + R 2 + R 3;

D) R equiv \u003d R1 / U + R2 / U + R3 / U;

E) R equiv \u003d U / R1 + U / R2 + U / R3.

14. In the passport of the ammeter it is written that its resistance is 0.1 ohm. Determine the voltage at the terminals of the ammeter if it shows a current of 10A.

A) 10V; B) 0.1V; C) 100V; D) 1B; E) 1000V.

15. What types of energy are used to generate electric current during the operation of a photocell?

A) mechanical; B) internal; C) chemical;

D) light; E) thermal.

16. Write down the formula for electric current.

A) I = U R B) I = Q / t C) I = t / Q D) I = Q t E) Q ε

17. How is the circuit current measured?

A) a voltmeter B) ammeter C) an ohmmeter;

D) potentiometer; E) wattmeter.

18. What is the voltage at the terminals of the EMF source operating in the generator mode?

A) U \u003d E + I R 0; B ) U \u003d E - I R 0; C) U = E / I R;

D) U \u003d I R - E; E) U = I R / E.

19. In what units in the SI system is electrical conductivity measured?

A) in ohms B) in siemens; C) in volts;

D) in henry; E) Tesla.

20. Calculate the equivalent resistance of the electrical circuit if R 1 \u003d 2 Ohms, R 2 \u003d 3 Ohms, R 3 \u003d 5 Ohms, R 4 \u003d R 5 \u003d 10 Ohms.

A) 16 ohms; C) 24 ohm; C) 13.75 ohms; D) 14.25 ohm; E) 20 Ohm.

21. What devices are power sources?

A) motors, resistors;

C) generators, batteries;

C) incandescent lamps;

D) electric heaters;

E) electrolytic baths.

22. The electric iron is connected to the mains voltage 220V. What is the current strength in the heating element of the iron if its resistance is 48.4 ohms?

A) I \u003d 0.45A; B) I = 2A; C) I \u003d 2.5A;

D) I \u003d 45A; E) I \u003d 4.5A.

23. Determine the voltage at the ends of the conductor with a resistance of 20 ohms, if the current in the conductor is 0.4A.

A) 50V; B) 0.5V; C) 0.02V; D) 80V; E) 8V.

24. What is the current density?

A) the product of the current strength and the cross-sectional area through which the current passes;

C) the ratio of the current strength to the cross-sectional area through which the current passes;

C) the product of current and voltage; D) the ratio of voltage to resistance;

E) the ratio of current to conductivity.

25. An electric motor connected to a 220 V network consumes a current of 10 A. What is the power of the motor and how much energy does it consume in 6 hours of operation?

A) P=22 kW, W=13.2 kWh;

C) P \u003d 2.2 kW, W \u003d 13.2 kWh;

C) P \u003d 1.32 kW, W \u003d 10.56 kWh;

D) P = 22 kW, W = 1.32 kWh;

E) P = 2.2 kW, W = 1.32 kWh.

26. The first, second and third currents flow to the node, the fourth and fifth currents flow from the same node. Write an equation using Kirchhoff's first law for a given node.

A) I 1 + I 2 + I 3 + I 4 + I 5 \u003d 0;

B) I 1 - I 2 - I 3 - I 4 - I 5 \u003d 0;

C) I 1 + I 2 + I 3 - I 4 - I 5 \u003d 0;

D) I 1 + I 2 - I 3 - I 4 - I 5 \u003d 0;

E) I 3 + I 4 + I 5 - I 1 - I 2 = 0.

27. Three resistors are connected in parallel. The resistances of the resistors are 4 ohms, 2 ohms and 3 ohms, respectively. What is the equivalent circuit resistance?

A) 1.1 ohm; C) 0.9 ohm; With 2.7 ohm; D) 3 ohm; E) 2.3 ohm.

28. Find the equivalent resistance of this branch, if R 1 \u003d 4 Ohms, R 2 \u003d 2 Ohms; R 3 \u003d 3 ohms.

A) R eq = 1.1 Ohm B) R eq = 1.5 Ohm C) R eq = 2.5 Ohm;

D) R eq = 0.9 Ohm; E) R equiv = 2.7 Ohm.

29. In conductors of the first kind (metals), electronic and semiconductor devices, there is an electric current due to the directed ordered movement of electrons:

A) full electric current;

B) charging current;

C) electrical conduction current;

D) electric transfer current;

E ) electric displacement current.

30. What is the current strength in the electric lamp of a flashlight if the resistance of the filament is 16.6 ohms and the lamp is connected to a 2.5V battery?

A) I \u003d 0.25A; B) I \u003d 2.5A; C) I = 2A;

D) I \u003d 0.15A; E) I \u003d 1.5A.

31. Determine the voltage on a section of a telegraph line 1 km long, if the resistance of this section is 6 ohms, and the strength of the current supplying the circuit is 0.008A.

A) 0.048V; B) 0.48V; C)125V; D) 1.25V; E) 12.5V.

32. What is called the node of the electrical circuit?

A) an electrical point at which two branches converge;

C) a closed path through which an electric current passes;

C) an electrical point at which three or more branches converge;

D) connection of two wires of different potential;

E) the distance between two branches.

33. In what case will the EMF in the circuit be negative?

A) if its direction coincides with the direction of the branch current.

C) if its direction does not coincide with the direction of the branch current.

C) if its direction coincides with the direction of bypassing the contour.

D ) if its direction does not coincide with the direction of bypassing the contour.

E) if the directions of bypass of all circuits of the circuit are the same.

34. In any circuit of the electric circuit, the algebraic sum of the EMF is equal to the algebraic sum of the voltage drops in individual resistances - this is:

A) Kirchhoff's second law + B) Coulomb's law

C) Kirchhoff's first law D) Ohm's law

E) Newton's law

35. A physical quantity that characterizes the number of contaminated particles passing through a conductor per unit of time is ...

C) power D) voltage E) current

36. A physical quantity that characterizes the property of a conductor to change the current strength in a circuit is ...

A) conductivity B) electrical energy

37. A physical quantity that characterizes the rate of conversion of electrical energy into its other forms is ...

A) conductivity B) electrical energy

C) power D) voltage E) resistance

38. The physical quantity characterizing the work of the forces of the electric field to maintain the current in the circuit is ...

A) conductivity B) electrical energy

C) power D) voltage E) resistance

39. The current strength in a section of the circuit is directly proportional to the voltage applied to this section and inversely proportional to the resistance of this section - this is:

A) Kirchhoff's second law B) Coulomb's law

C) Kirchhoff's first law

E) Ohm's law for complete peace

40. The current in the circuit is directly proportional to the EMF and inversely proportional to the impedance

A) Kirchhoff's second law

B) Coulomb's law

C) Kirchhoff's first law

D) Ohm's law for a chain section

E) Ohm's law for a complete circuit

Answers to tests on the topic: DC electrical circuits

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question number

Topic: Electromagnetism

1. The vector quantity that characterizes the magnetic field and determines the force acting on a moving charged particle from the magnetic field is:

A) magnetic permeability of the medium;

C) magnetic induction;

D) magnetic flux;

E) magnetic tension.

2. The value that is the reflective coefficient magnetic properties environments are:

C) magnetic field strength;

D) magnetic flux;

E) magnetic tension.

3. The value showing how many times the induction of the field created by the current in a given medium is greater or less than in vacuum, and is dimensionless - this is:

A) absolute magnetic permeability of the medium;

C) relative magnetic permeability of the medium;

C) magnetic field strength;

D) magnetic flux;

E) magnetic tension.

4. The unit of magnetic induction is:

5. The value characterizing the magnetic properties of vacuum is:

A) absolute magnetic permeability of the medium;

C) relative magnetic permeability of the medium;

C) magnetic constant;

D) magnetic flux;

E) magnetic tension.

6. A vector quantity that does not depend on the properties of the medium and is determined only by currents in conductors that create a magnetic field is:

A) absolute magnetic permeability of the medium;

C) relative magnetic permeability of the medium;

C) magnetic field strength;

D) magnetic flux;

E) magnetic tension.

7. The unit of magnetic field strength is:

A) weber B) farad; C) Tesla;

D) henry/meter; E) ampere / meter.

8. The unit of magnetic voltage is:

A) weber B) farad; C) Tesla; D) henry; E) ampere.

9. Materials with high magnetic permeability are called:

A) ferromagnetic; B) diamagnetic;

C) paramagnetic;

D) magnetic.

E) biomagnetic.

10. The algebraic sum of magnetic fluxes for any node of the magnetic circuit is equal to zero - this is:

A) Kirchhoff's first law for an electric circuit;

C) Kirchhoff's second law for an electrical circuit;

C) Kirchhoff's first law for a magnetic circuit;

D) Kirchhoff's second law for a magnetic circuit;

E) Ohm's law for a magnetic circuit

11. In what units in the SI system is the magnetic flux measured?

A) weber B) volt C) Tesla; D) henry; E) siemens.

12. Magnetic flux formula:

A) F \u003d µ N; C) F \u003d B · F; C) F \u003d F S;

D )Ф= µ В; E) F \u003d B · S.

13. What is the main property of the magnetic circuit?

A) non-linear dependence B (H);

B) the ability to saturate;

C) low magnetic resistance;

D) the ability to retain residual magnetization;

E) residual induction.

14. Ohm's law formula for a magnetic circuit:

A) F \u003d U M R M; ; C) F \u003d U M / R M; + C ) Ф = R M / U M ;

D ) I = U / R ; E ) U M = R M F;

15. How is Kirchhoff's first law read for a magnetic circuit?

A) the algebraic sum of the currents in the node is zero;

C) the current in the circuit section is directly proportional to the voltage and inversely proportional to its resistance;

C) the algebraic sum of the magnetizing forces is equal to the algebraic sum of the magnetic stresses;

D) the algebraic sum of magnetic fluxes for any node of the magnetic circuit is equal to zero;

E) the amount of heat is proportional to the square of the current, the resistance and the time of passage of the current;

16. What is the magnetic constant that characterizes the magnetic properties of vacuum?






17. In what units in the SI system is magnetic induction measured?

A) in webers; B) in teslas; C) in henry;

D) in volts; E) in siemens;

18) What is the magnetic induction?

A) B \u003d Фμ; C) V \u003d F / μ; C) B \u003d μ a H;

D) B \u003d H / μ 0; E) V \u003d F / N.

19. The formula of the law of total current:


C) F \u003d BS;

20. Which of these materials is ferromagnetic

A) glass B) iron C) porcelain

D ) plastics E ) rubber

A) magnetic induction

B) magnetic flux

C) electric current


22. What force is called the Lorentz force?

A) the force acting on the charge

C) The force of the interaction of two charges

C) Electromagnetic force

D) Electromotive force

E ) Force induced in the circuit

23. A magnetic force acts on a wire with current in a magnetic field. What is it equal to?

A) F = B υ ℓ B) F = B I ℓ C) F = B ℓ

D) F = B υ E) F = D S

A) magnetic induction

B) magnetic flux

C) electromagnetic force


E) tension magnetic current

25. By what formula is flux linkage determined?



26. Write down the formula for the EMF of self-induction

A) e L \u003d L (di / dt) B) e L \u003d - L (di / dt)

C ) e L = E (di / dt ) D ) e L = -E (di / dt )

E ) e L = di / L dt

27. What is the energy of the magnetic field?

A) W =
/ 2; C) W = 2
I; C) W = 2

D ) W =
L/2; E ) W =

28. In what units in the SI system is the inductance of the coil measured?

A) in volts B) in farads; C) in ohms;

D) in henry; E ) in amperes;

29. What formula determines the flux linkage?

; V)
= F / ; c)
= L I;

= I/L; e)
= L/I;

30. Substances that are strongly attracted to a magnet, whose relative magnetic permeability is high, are called

A) diamagnets;

B) paramagnets;

C) ferromagnets;

D) dielectrics;

E) magnets..

Answers to tests on the topic: Electromagnetism

Question No.

Question No.

Question No.

Topic: Basic concepts of alternating current. Phase. Phase difference

1. The number of periods per second is called:

A ) period;

B) frequency;

C) angular frequency;

D) amplitude;

E) time.

2. Unit of angular frequency:

D) radian/second; E ) 1/second

3. The value of the alternating sinusoidal current, which is less than its amplitude value in
once called:

A) amplitude; B) instant; C) medium;

D) active; E ) variables.

4. The ratio of the amplitude value of the alternating current to the effective value is called:

A ) crest factor;

B ) shape factor;

C ) instantaneous value;

D) amplitude;

E ) effective value.

5. What is the period if the frequency is 100 Hz?

A) 0.015; B) 0.01; C) 0.02;

D) 0.03 E) 0.025.

6. What is the average voltage value if U m = 15 V?

A) 8.6 V; B) 10.4 V; C) 9.5 V; D) 5.8 V; E) 6.5 V.

7. The time for which the alternating current completes a full cycle of its changes is called:

D) amplitude; E ) phase.

8. Frequency unit:

A) hertz; B) radian; C) second;

D) radian/second; E) 1/ second.

9. The largest instantaneous values ​​of periodic quantities:

A) amplitude; B) instant; C) average;

D) active; E ) periodic.

10. What is the industrial frequency?

A) 60 Hz; B) 50Hz; C) 40 Hz; D) 100 Hz; E) 1000 Hz.

11. Arithmetic mean of all instantaneous values ​​of the positive half-wave:

12. What is the actual value of the current if

I m \u003d 10 A?

A) 7 A; B) 5.6 A; C) 4.5 A; D) 8 A; E) 6 A.

13. What is the angular frequency ω if T = 0.015 s?

A) 418.6 rad/s; B) 421 rad/s; C) 456 rad/s; D) 389 rad/s; E) 141 rad/s.

14. Period unit:

A) hertz; B) radian; C) second;

D) radian/second; E ) 1/ second

15. The value of current, voltage, EMF at any given time is called:

A) amplitude; B) instant; C) mean;

D) current; E ) periodic.

16. The ratio of the effective value of alternating current to the average value is called:

A ) crest factor;

B ) shape factor;

C ) instantaneous value;

D) amplitude;

E ) effective value.

17. What is the frequency ƒ = if the period T = 0.02 s?

A) 60 Hz; B) 50 Hz; C) 40 Hz; D) 100 Hz; E)150 Hz.

18. Instantaneous current:

A) Im = i sin ωt

B) i = Im sin ωt

C) i = I m / sin ω

D) I m = i / sin ωt

E) i = 1 / sin ωt .

19. Instant voltage value:

A U m = u sin ωt

B) u = Um sin ωt

C)u = U m / sin ωt

D) U m = u / sin ωt

E) u = 1 / sin ωt .

20. Instantaneous EMF value:

A) E m = e sin ωt

B ) e \u003d E m sin ωt

C ) e \u003d E m / sin ωt

D) E m = e / sin ωt

E) e \u003d 1 / sin ωt.

21. Angular velocity or angular frequency is:

A) ω = 2 π f t B) ω = 2 π f C) ω = 2 π f / t

D ) ω = 2 π / f E ) ω = 2 π / t

22. At a frequency of 50 Hz, the angular frequency is:

A ) ω = 314 rad/s B ) ω = 389 rad/s C ) ω = 141 rad/s

D ) ω = 421 rad/s E ) ω = 456 rad/s

23. The reciprocal of a period is called:

A ) period; B) frequency; C) angular frequency;

D) amplitude; E) time.

24. The frequency can be calculated by the formula:

A) f = 2 π T B) f = T / 1 C) f = 1 / T

D) f = 2 π / T E) f = 1 / 2 π

25. Angular velocity or angular frequency is equal to:

A) ω = 2 π f t B) ω = 2 π f C) ω = 2 π f / T

D ) ω = 2 π / f E ) ω = 2 π / T +

26. What is the relationship between the amplitude and effective current values?

A) I = 0.707 Im B) I = 0.637 Im C) I = 0.707 Um

D ) I = 0.637 U m E ) I = 0.707 E m

27. What is the relationship between the amplitude and effective voltage values?

A) U = 0.707 I m B) U = 0.637 I m C) U = 0.707 U m

D ) U = 0.637 U m E ) U = 0.707 E m

28. What is the average half-cycle value of the sinusoidal voltage?

A) Uav = 0.707 I m B) Uav = 0.637 I m C) Uav = 0.707 U m

D) Uav = 0.637 Um E) Uav = 0.707Em

29. What is the average half-cycle value of the sinusoidal current?

A) I cf = 0.707 I m B) I cf = 0.637 I m C) I cf = 0.707 U m

D) I cf = 0.637 U m E) I cf = 0.707 E m

30. What is the relationship between the amplitude and effective values ​​of the EMF?

A) E = 0.707 I m B) E = 0.637 I m C) E = 0.707 E m

D ) E = 0.637 U m E ) E = 0.637 E m

31. The argument of the sine ωt + ψ is called:

A ) initial phase; B) phase; C) phase angle;

D ) phase shift time E ) beginning of period.

32. The moment at which the sinusoidal value is zero and goes from negative to positive values ​​is called:

A ) initial phase;

B) phase;

C) phase angle;

D ) phase shift time

E ) the beginning of the period.

33. Angle ψ, which determines the displacement of the sinusoid relative to the origin, is called:

A ) initial phase;

B) phase;

C) phase angle;

D ) phase shift time

E ) the beginning of the period.

34. The electrical angle that determines the sinusoidal current (voltage, EMF) at the initial moment of time is called:

A ) initial phase;

B) phase;

C) phase angle;

D ) phase shift time

E ) the beginning of the period.

35. The difference in the initial phases of two sinusoidal quantities of the same frequency is called:

A ) initial phase;

B) phase;

C) phase angle;

D ) phase shift time

E ) the beginning of the period.

36. The value φ = ψ 1 - ψ 2 is called

A ) initial phase;

B) phase;

C) phase angle;

D ) phase shift time

E ) the beginning of the period.

37. Sinusoidal voltages and currents change according to the equations u = U m sin (ωt + 20º), i = I m sin (ωt - 10º). Determine the phase angle φ of voltage and current.

A) 10º; B) 20º; C) 30º; D) 40º; E) 45º.

38. Sinusoidal voltages and currents change according to the equations u = U m sin (ωt + 45º), i = I m sin (ωt + 10º). Determine the phase angle φ of voltage and current.

A) 10º; B) 20º; C) 30º; D) 40º; E) 35º.

39. The equations of sinusoidal current and voltage are known: u = 310 sin (ωt - 20º), i = 10 sin (ωt + 30º). Which of the following statements is correct?

A) voltage leads current by 50º;

B) current lags voltage by 50º;

C) current leads voltage by 50º;

D) voltage leads current by 20º;

E) the current lags behind the voltage by an angle of 30º;

40. u \u003d U m sin (ωt + 5º), i \u003d I m sin (ωt + 10º). Determine the phase angle φ of voltage and current.

A) 5º; B) 10º; C) 15º; D) 25º; E) 45º.

Answers to tests on topics: Basic concepts of alternating current. Phase. Phase difference

question number

question number

question number

question number

Subject: Single-phase AC circuits

1. In a circuit with active resistance, what energy is the energy of the source converted into?

A) the energy of the magnetic field;

B) electric field energy;

C) thermal;

D) thermal energy of electric and magnetic fields.

E) light energy.

2. The capacitance of the capacitor is 800 uF, the current frequency is 50 Hz. What is the resistance of the capacitor?

A) 3 ohms B) 4 ohms. C) 6 ohm. D) 8 ohm. E) 10 ohm.

3. In what case will the reactive power be negative when connected in series with active resistance, inductance and capacitance?

A) when X L + Xc = Z.

B ) when X L – Xc = R .

C ) when X L > Xc

D ) when Z > 1.

E ) when X L< Xc .

4. Which circuit with series-connected elements does this vector diagram correspond to?

A) circuits with active resistance and inductance

B) circuits with active resistance and capacitance;

C) circuits with inductance and active resistance;

D) circuits with capacitance and active resistance

E) circuits with inductance and capacitance.

5. By what formula can you find the current of a circuit with active resistance and capacitance connected in series?

A) I \u003d U / R² + X C²;

B) I \u003d R² + X C ²;

C) I \u003d R + X C

D) I \u003d U / R + X C;

E) I \u003d U / R² + X C ².

6. What is the reactive power of the circuit at the moment of voltage resonance?

B) the total power of the circuit.

C) unit.

D) active power of the circuit.

E ) half of the total power of the circuit.

7. What formula can be used to determine the power factor cos φ?

A) cos φ \u003d Q / S;

B) cos φ = R/S;

C) cos φ \u003d R / P;

D) cos φ = R / Z;

E) P/Z.

8. For what circuit is this vector diagram built?

A) for a circuit with a capacitance;

B ) for a circuit with inductance;

C ) for a circuit with active resistance;

D) for a circuit with active resistance and capacitance;

E ) for a circuit with active resistance and inductance.

9. In what units is reactive power measured in the SI system?

A) VA. B ) B. C ) Vari. D) W. E ) kW.

10. By what formula can you find the active power of a circuit containing active resistance and inductance?

A) P \u003d U I;

B) P \u003d U I cos φ;

C) P \u003d U I sin φ;

D) P \u003d U sin φ;

E) P \u003d U I cos φ

A) Q \u003d U I;

B) Q = U I cos φ;

C) Q \u003d U I sin φ;

D)Q= U cos φ;

E) Q \u003d U sin φ.

12. Active resistance, inductance and capacitance are connected in parallel. What is the total current of the circuit?

A) I \u003d I1 + I2 + I3;

B) I = I1-I2-I3;

C) I = √ I1²+I2²+I3²;

D) I = √ (I1+I2)² - I3²;

E) I = √ I1² + (I2 - I3).

13. The capacitance of the capacitor is 800 uF, the current frequency is 50 Hz What is the resistance of the capacitor?

A) 3 ohm; B) 4 ohm; C) 6 ohm; D) 8 ohm; E) 10 Ohm..

14. What formula is used to determine reactive power?

A) Q \u003d IU sin φ;

C) Q = IU cos φ;

D) Q=√S²+P²;

15. The condition for stress resonance is:

A) R \u003d XL;

B) R = XC;

C) XL = XC;

D ) R = UL ;

E ) R \u003d U C.

16. Two branches with parameters are connected in parallel: R 1, XL 1 and R 2, Xc 2. What is the current in the unbranched part of this circuit?

A) I \u003d √ Ia 1² + Ia 2² + Ip 1² + Ip 2².

B) I = √I1²+I2².

C) I = √(Ia1+ Ia2)²+(Ip1 + Ip2)².

D) I = √(Ia1+ Ia2)²+(Ip1 - Ip2)².

E) I = √(Ia1+ Ia2)²+(Ip2 - Ip1)².

17. Is energy consumed by the circuit at resonance of currents, if R to = 0?

A) yes; B) no;

C ) depends on the ratio of L and C;

D ) depends on the magnitude of the current;

E ) depends on the loop resistance.

18. Loop inductance unit

A) tesla; B) weber; C) henry; D) A/m; E ) maxwell.

19. In which circuit is the total voltage in phase with the current?

A) a circuit with inductance.

B) for a circuit with active resistance.

C ) for a circuit with a capacitance.

D) for a circuit with active resistance and capacitance.

E ) for a circuit with active resistance and inductance.

20. The inductance of the coil is 0.002H, the current frequency is 50 Hz. What is the resistance of the coil?

A) 6.28 ohm B) 0.628 ohm. C) 6 ohm. D) 10 ohm. E) 3.14 ohm.

21. Is it possible to implement purely active resistance in practice?

A) it is possible;

B) impossible;

C ) depends on the resistance value.

22. Under the resonant mode of operation of the circuit is understood the mode in which the resistance is:

A) purely active;

B) purely inductive;

C) purely capacitive;

D) active-inductive;

E) active-capacitive.

23. What is the circuit that this diagram does not correspond to?

A) a chain with R, L and C (XL > XC);

B) chain with R, L and C (XL < XC);

C) R and L chain

D) chain with R and C

24. What is called the resonance of currents?

A) the phenomenon in which all currents are the same.

B) a phenomenon in which the active current is equal to the reactive current.

C) a phenomenon in which the total circuit current is in phase with the source voltage.

D) a phenomenon in which the frequency of the current increases.

E) a phenomenon in which the frequency of the current decreases.

25. How does the voltage behave in a section with active resistance in relation to the current?

A) advances by an angle of 90º;

B) lags behind at an angle of 45º;

C ) is in phase:

D) lags behind at an angle of 90º;

E ) lead by 45º.

26. In what units in the SI system is the capacitance of a capacitor measured?

A) in Henry;

B) in ohms;

C) in farads;

D) in siemens;

E ) in hertz.

27. Voltage at the terminals of a circuit containing active resistance u \u003d 100 sin 314 t. Determine the reading of the ammeter and voltmeter if R \u003d \u003d 100 Ohm.

A) I \u003d 1 A; U = 100 V;

C) I \u003d 0.7 A; U = 70 V;

C) I \u003d 0.7 A; U = 100 V;

D) I \u003d 1 A; U = 70 V;

E) I \u003d 3 A; U = 100 V.

28. To increase the power factor in parallel to the power receiver include:

A) capacitors

B) inductors;

C) resistors;

D) transformers;

E) rheostats.

29. An alternating current circuit consists of a series-connected active resistance of 6 ohms and an inductance of 0.02 H at a current frequency of 50 Hz. What is the total resistance of this circuit?

B) 8.7 ohm;

C)15 ohm;

D)10 ohm;

E)9.5 ohm.

30. In what units in the SI system is the capacitance of a capacitor measured?

A) in Henry;

B) in ohms;

C) in farads;

D) in siemens;

E ) in amperes.

31. For an AC circuit with inductance i \u003d Im sin ωt. What is the instantaneous voltage value for this circuit?

A) u \u003d Um sin (ωt + 90º);

B ) u =Um sin ωt ;

C) u \u003d Um sin (ωt - 45º);

D) u \u003d Um sin (ωt - 120º)

E) u = Um sin (ωt - 90º)

32. For which circuit is this vector


A) for a circuit with active resistance and inductance.

B ) for a circuit with active resistance, inductance and capacitance.

C ) for a circuit with active resistance and capacitance.

D ) for a circuit with inductance, active resistance and capacitance.

E ) for a circuit with capacitance, active resistance and inductance.

33. The voltage at the terminals of a circuit with active resistance varies according to the law u \u003d 220 sin (314 t + π / 4). Determine the law of current change in the circuit if R = 50 Ohm.

A) i \u003d 4.4 sin 314 t;

B) i \u003d 4.4 sin (314 t + π / 4);

C) i \u003d 3.1 sin (314 t + π / 4);

D) i = 3.1 sin314 t.

E) i = 3.1 sin(314 t + π)

34. To fully use the rated power of generators and reduce heat losses, it is necessary:

A) increase cos φ; B ) lower cos φ;

C) increase sin φ; D) lower sin φ

35. By what formula can you find the current of a circuit with active resistance, inductance and capacitance connected in series?

A) I \u003d U / R² + (XL - XC)²;

B) I \u003d R² + (XL - XC)²;

C) I \u003d R + (XL - XC);

D) I \u003d U / R + (XL - XC);

E) I \u003d U / R² + (XL - XC)².

36. The inductance of the coil is 0.02H, the current frequency is 50 Hz. What is the resistance on the coil?

A) 6.28 ohm B) 0.628 ohm. C) 6 ohm. D) 10 ohm. E) 3.14 ohm

37. The capacitance of a capacitor included in an alternating current circuit is equal to

650 uF, current frequency 50 Hz. What is the resistance across the capacitor?

A) 5.6 ohm B) 4.9 ohm. C) 6.5 ohm. D) 8 ohm. E) 13 Ohm.

38. What parameters are included in series in the circuit corresponding to this vector diagram?

A) active resistance, inductance and capacitance.

C) inductance, capacitance inductance active resistance.

C) capacitance, inductance and active resistance.

D) inductance, active resistance and capacitance.

E ) capacitance, active resistance and inductance

39. Full use of generator power occurs when:

A) cos φ = 0.3;

B) cos φ = 0.5;

C) cos φ = 0.6

D) cos φ = 0.85;

E ) cos φ = 1.

40. In what units of the SI system is the frequency of alternating current measured?

A) Gn; B) Hz; C) F; D) Var; E) W.

Answers to tests

The topic of force fields begins a new series of articles devoted to the multilevel perception of our world and the coordination of architectural and urban planning activities with field, subtle structures. Currently, there are several approaches to architectural design, they can be grouped into the following groups: academic or orthodox, traditional, modern alternative, non-professional amateur performance and metaphysical. It is easy to guess that the last point is of the greatest interest. It is noteworthy that all the concepts and developments of the previous articles of all our theory and practice are more correctly attributed to alternative design. The reason for this definition is the source of information and bindings that are created by the human mind and are not fully consistent with reality.

In all cases, except for the metaphysical method and its heir - tradition, in the first place, activity is carried out in relation to the desire and opinion of a person, at best, rationality and logic are used. This is, of course, more reasonable than chaos, but the architecture created in this way correlates with the world only on a visible, material level, while the invisible plane is not taken into account here. In traditional architecture, the metaphysical aspect takes place, but it is not realized, but only repeated as well-established techniques. A new series of articles, and this topic in particular, changes everything that was designing in a fundamental way. It is so large that it will take several stages at least for familiarization. Let's start with the global section - the general structure of the power frame or geobiological network, this is a great theoretical justification, for a deep understanding of metaphysical design, let's call this method this term for now.


Everything in the cosmos has life, stars, earths and suns are also living beings. Therefore, their body is similar to the human. In this regard, we are interested in what is hidden, namely, the nervous system of the earths, which has a very great importance. There are many names that describe the power frame or nervous system of our Earth: ley lines, geobiological network, Hartaman lines, etc. This knowledge has always existed, now it has simply been re-arranged into several new systems. They reflect its various facets and details, and in total give a generalized idea of ​​the picture as a whole. The following networks are classified as clearly defined names:

  • E. Hartman (2m x 2.5m),
  • F. Peiro (4m x 4m),
  • M. Kurri (5m x 6m),
  • Z. Witman (16m x 16m)

figure 1, figure 2

Visually, they all represent a grid, a system of linear connections, nodes at intersection points and resulting cells. A structure similar to parallels and meridians is formed from many cells, therefore a geobiological network is sometimes called a coordinate network, although this is not entirely true. On a small scale, the Hartman network may be depicted as squares, but in fact the cells are in the shape of an irregular trapezoid, due to the spherical shape of the Earth, they gradually decrease towards the magnetic poles. The Kurri network is rotated at an angle of 45 degrees and has an independent more global meaning, it also correlates with Ley lines that have a similar position. Both networks interact with each other and should be considered comprehensively (Figure 1). The physiological part interacts with the Hartman grid, and the inspiring principle interacts with the Kurri grid (“electric”). The rest of the networks are not very popular, their objectivity is not entirely obvious, perhaps they reflect slightly different power structures (Figure 2). And now we are more interested in the scalability of the Hartman network. Comparison of this network with nervous system very conditionally, but this is the closest concept, the most important thing is that information and energy move along the connecting lines. In any case, it is an organ of our living Earth that cannot be ignored.

There is a certain hierarchy in the structure of lines of force or bands, that is, they differ among themselves in terms of power, expressed primarily in width. To a certain extent, this can be compared with a nesting doll, in which small structures are enclosed in large ones that are identical in shape. The intersections of the grid strips form nodes with a diameter of about 25 cm, which alternate in the direction of energy movement in a checkerboard pattern (Figure 3). The direction changes: up or down. Subsequently, this alternation continues, and after 14 stripes of the second order comes the 15th strip of the third order, about one meter wide, after 14 stripes of the third order, a fourth-order strip passes, about three meters wide, etc. (Figure 4). Thus, cells of strips of the first order are formed, with dimensions of 4-6 × 4-6 m; the second order is 90 × 90 m, the third - 1250 × 1250 m, the fourth - 17500 × 17500 m, etc. Curry knots or D-zones are formed at the intersection of the strips, which have a pronounced geopathogenic effect. Every 10 meters there are bands of doubled activity 30-40 cm wide.

figure 3, figure 4

Despite the description of the structure of lines of force by exact values ​​in reality, it does not have a stable geometry. Exists big number factors affecting the displacement of nodes and lines, thus, the entire network everywhere has a fairly lively and natural look. In some places, it is distorted beyond recognition, this is due to natural and anthropogenic factors. Natural resources include groundwater, mineral deposits, crustal faults, and much more. Anthropogenic factors very obvious - these are any significant structures of people, such as: pipelines, metro, power lines, substations and everything like that. Not all natural influences on the structure of the network are pathogenic; there are also positive places with useful qualities that differ in structure from ordinary sites. Such places of power may look like intersections of three or more lines. The reason for this may be, for example, the presence of underground rivers on different levels. It should immediately be noted here that the lines of force are directly interdependent with the terrain and the structure of the underground space, that is, the landscape is consistent with the energy frame. However, despite the anomalous places, the power frame in general looks quite uniform.

We will not consider macrostructures that are formed by Kurri lines. On a global scale, they form pentagons with nodes corresponding to the planetary level. This is a separate topic, only indirectly related to urban planning. For now, let's deal with smaller scale things.


Now consider the structure of the network in parts. Lines or channels are the basis of the structure of the Earth's force field. Figuratively, we have already compared them with the human nervous system, since their qualities are very similar, we will briefly consider them. As mentioned above, all lines are divided into several categories according to their power and cross-sectional size, geometrically speaking, this division is not random, but ordered and hierarchical. The internal force moves along them in both directions, this is due to the fact that if the direction of the road is tied to a sufficiently powerful line, moving along it is facilitated in any direction. The zone of active action is located starting from a depth of 5 meters and goes up with a gradual distortion, that is, only the surface of the earth and a range of 10 meters are objective. When they intersect, they form cells and nodes.

Nodes formed at the intersections of connecting lines have one of two properties - they are ascending and descending flows, or in other words, plus and minus. The nodes alternate in a checkerboard pattern, the direction changes: up or down. You should not turn on dual perception and divide everything into good and bad, it is wiser to understand the nodes in more detail:

  • Ascending - minus sign, from the earth to the sky. Filled with earthly power and charged at the lower chakra level, the body is enriched with the energy of the Earth's magnetic field and physiology is restored. But most importantly, purification takes place here, this is expressed as an outflow of strength and fatigue, in the case of a long stay.
  • Descending - a plus sign, from heaven to earth. Here there is a verticalization of the body (spiritualization) and irradiation with cosmic, subtle vibrations. In this case, only filling, inspiring and nourishing is performed, but again, being at this point should be temporary.

The qualities described above apply to ordinary nodes, but in addition to them, there are also special points of power or anomalies, the power of which is much higher. In the people they are called holy and dead places. From an applied point of view, it is obvious that the potential of favorable places must be fully used, and negative zones should be avoided. However, even destructive points can either be used in a certain way, or their impact can be leveled, in any case, our ancestors had knowledge of this, unlike us. Specifically, we will talk about the practical application in a separate article. Staying in any places of power should be temporary to maintain health. An indicator of such anomalous places is the relief and vegetation, which has different extremes of size or a distorted appearance.

geobiogenic network diagram

The cells of the biogenic network are predominantly in the shape of a rectangle or an irregular trapezoid; the distortion of the shape has already been discussed earlier. First of all, these are neutral areas that do not have any active influence. The cells can be attributed to the concept of scale, like lines of different categories. In this case, inside a large cell there will be several smaller ones. In general, macrostructures contain microstructures. Being in the neutral zone is not limited by anything, it is universal in its application. It is interesting that the structure of the network is oscillatory in nature and changes cyclically, but at the same time is quite stable. The intensity of various sections rises and falls, and there is also a temporary movement of nodes and lines. It may depend on the time of year and day, phases of the moon, weather and other physical phenomena. In different areas of the earth, all these processes proceed differently, but it is possible to identify patterns and take them into account in further design.


Everything that exists in our world can be studied and measured, whether it be material objects, force fields or something else, it's all about the tools used and the level of consciousness, note that the mind is also a tool. Also, the power frame can be defined in different ways and fixed for further work. Theoretically, this can be done by carefully studying the landscape, vegetation and other natural manifestations, since the lines of force and nodes are manifested in them, but this method is very inaccurate and time consuming. Of course, clairvoyance is most effective, that is, the ability to see field formations and structures, its accuracy and objectivity are great, but this ability is now available to few people. For this reason, we are left with the old proven method, which has the modern name of dowsing, formerly called dowsing.

Dowsing is a very versatile way of knowing the world. With its help, you can not only explore the area, but also get answers to questions and much more. The toolkit here is also very large, from the usual vines and wire frames, to pendulums and other devices. We will not touch on the technology itself now, since this is a separate topic, but only briefly understand the essence. Objective for modern science Of course, it is impossible to provide evidence of territory research using dowsing, but you can trust the experience of past generations who used this technology and listen to your feelings when you are in different parts of the biogenic network. In any case, the architectural activity of our ancestors, based on dowsing, is available for study today, and most importantly, its usefulness for people is significantly higher than the current architecture. Almost all cities older than two hundred years around the world can serve as an example of this.

Within the framework of urban planning, dowsing is, of course, a laborious process, given the measurement areas, but, firstly, the technologies have not yet been sufficiently developed, and secondly, the result is worth the effort. Having received wide distribution, dowsing can become just an additional section of geodetic surveys, since it belongs to this subject area. In any case, there is experience in drawing up basic plans with the application of a biogenic network. There are even attempts to create and real samples of devices for fixing field lines, but they have not received wide distribution. In any case, technology and masters exist, it is only necessary to practice and improve skills.


It is an obvious fact that the biogenic network affects all living beings, as well as the formation of the Earth's surface. This influence can be beneficial and destructive, it manifests itself in the most different ways. All this knowledge is needed for a full perception of reality and for a comprehensive assessment of the urban situation. The global goal of research is to create the most favorable living and working conditions for the population, to minimize and eliminate negative factors and to reveal favorable opportunities. The most important thing here is a sober look at all levels and forms of manifestation of the world for subsequent activities, according to the circumstances.

For any architect, the concept of planning constraints is obvious. They can be reservoirs, steep slopes of the surface, swamps, rocks, etc. But this is only the material side of the issue, which no one would think of neglecting, since a city built on a swamp or mountain peaks without means of adaptation is, on the one hand, absurd, on the other hand, it is impossible. In short, these are simply unfavorable building zones. With the metaphysical side of the world, the situation in reality is similar, only few people take it into account now. The result of this attitude is the pathogenicity of the urban environment.

In three dimensions, geopathic zones look like columns with an average diameter of 20-30 cm, most often they absorb the power of living beings, distort and destroy their body. This is expressed in the form of a distorted shape of trees, slow growth of plants, chronic diseases etc. In case of ignoring geopathogenic zones, the well-being of the settlement is lowered, the impact on health and psyche is negative. The efficiency of functional zones and communications is reduced. The orientation of the force lines is also not taken into account, as a result, roads and quarters are organized contrary to the force frame, as a result of which new pathogenic zones and areas of force field strength are formed, since all buildings and structures also have their own fields.

As a result, unanswered questions arise, where did this or that disease come from, why does equipment break down here? And the answer is simple, everything is built in the wrong place and in the wrong direction. This can be compared with the assembly of a desktop computer, if the equipment and components are assembled correctly, then the drivers and software installed randomly, as a result of either failures or complete inoperability. It should also be mentioned about holy places or saluberogenic zones. Their number is small, as well as the number of pathogenic zones. Staying in such a territory has a strong healing effect, improves mood and generally increases all the parameters of our triune essence. The value of these places is so great that usually they are already occupied by temples and similar structures if they are located near settlements. Obviously, here, too, you need to know the measure of the time of stay, it is no coincidence that the construction of housing in such places has never been carried out.

As a result, while conducting our design and construction activities, taking into account the geobiogenic network, we act reasonably and efficiently, this method can be called enio-design, that is, taking into account the factors of energy-information exchange. At the same time, invisible planning restrictions are fully taken into account, the geometry of the settlement is tied not only to the relief, but also to the power frame. Identification of pathogenic and saluberogenic places allows you to avoid problems and gain useful opportunities. Force fields in buildings are distributed evenly and do not cause conflicts in the urban environment.


Our earth has many levels of organization of matter and energy. Not all of them are visible to the eye, but objectively exist and have their effect. The geobiogenic network or field structure of the Earth is arranged like a complex and multilayered network consisting of lines of force, nodes or points of their intersection and free cells. The form, qualities and parameters of this network are changeable and cyclical. The structure of the geobiogenic network has nodes that have a beneficial and pathogenic effect on the environment and living beings; this should be taken into account in the design and construction process. All components of the network belong to different scales and have a hierarchical structure. To measure and fix the nodes and lines of the network, the most accessible method is dowsing, in which the main device is a person, and the vine, frame or pendulum acts as an intermediary. Almost all old and ancient cities were built taking into account the energy framework of the area. Neglect of this aspect of planning conditions causes a destructive effect on the health and psyche of people, as well as a destructive effect on architecture, devices and mechanisms. Building with a geobiogenic grid in mind increases the overall well-being of the population and improves the efficiency of urban processes. The world is much more complex and interesting than we were told before. New knowledge should not be feared and ignored, their practical application is expedient and proven by many generations, it remains for us to remember and start applying. The more we learn about the world around us, the better we understand our place in it, in every sense of the word, the more harmonious and reasonable creative activity becomes. And you should always remember about the most important task - achieving maximum well-being and happiness.

Topic 1.1 Characteristics and parameters of the electric field

Introduction to the discipline (the main content of the discipline, the dignity and role of electrical energy, sources of electrical energy, the use of electrical energy, the electrification of the national economy, its significance, the Leninist GOELRO plan, the formation and initial development of electrical engineering).

The concept of the electric field. The main characteristics of the electric field: strength, potential and electrical voltage. Coulomb's law.

Guidelines for the study of the topic 1.1

In the introduction, it is necessary to have an idea about the subject "Electrical Engineering and Electronics" and its place in the national economy, about the importance of electrical engineering in the development of modern industry. Literature: pp. 5-6. And also to have an idea about the electric field, its main characteristics. Know Coulomb's law. References: chapter 1, pp. 8-28.

Questions for self-examination

1. What sources of energy do you know, renewable and non-renewable?

2. What types of energy are converted into electrical energy by the electrical receivers that you have at home?

3. What measures are being taken and which can be applied in your home to save energy?

4. Are there any advantages of transmitting electrical energy on a direct current compared to its transmission on an alternating current?

5. What are the areas of application of DC electrical devices?

6. The figure shows a model of a hydrogen atom. In what region of space does an electric field operate:

a) in the area

b) in area C?

7. Which of the following statements do you think is correct?

a) the field and lines of force really exist;

b) the field exists in reality, and the lines of force are conditional;

c) the field and lines of force exist conditionally.

8. What is the potential of the electric field?

a) vector; b) scalar.

Topic 1.2 Properties of conductors, semiconductors and electrical insulating materials

Conductors and dielectrics in an electric field. Electrical insulating materials and their properties. electrical capacity. Capacitors. Capacitor connections. Varnishes and insulating materials for electrical work.

Guidelines for the study of the topic 1.2

Have an understanding of conductors and dielectrics in an electric field, electrical insulating materials and their properties. What is a capacitor. Unit of measure for electrical capacitance. How can capacitors be connected? What varnishes and insulating materials are used for electrical work.

Questions for self-examination

1. With a parallel connection of three capacitors connected to a power source, one of them (C 3) turned out to be broken. How will the voltage across the capacitors change and what will be their total capacitance?

a) U = const; C total \u003d C 1 + C 2;

b) U = 0; C total = ¥.

2. Three capacitors connected to the power supply are connected in series. How will the voltage be distributed across the capacitors?

a) U 1 > U 2 > U 3;

b) U 3 > U 2 > U 1;

c) there is not enough data to answer the question.

3.Three capacitors can be connected in series, parallel, and mixed connection. How many connection circuits can be built from three capacitors of the same capacitance C and which one has the smallest equivalent capacitance?


Topic 2.1 Characteristics and parameters of the magnetic field

General information about the magnetic field. Basic properties and characteristics of the magnetic field. Force action of a magnetic field. Law of Ampère, Lenz. Inductance.

Guidelines for the study of the topic 2.1

Have an understanding of the magnetic field, its properties and characteristics. What is the force exerted by a magnetic field. Know the law of Ampere, Lenz, the concept of inductance and its units of measurement.

Questions for self-examination

1. What field arises around moving electric charges?

a) magnetic;

b) electrical;

c) electromagnetic.

a) B = 200 Wb;

b) B \u003d 0.25 × 10 -3 Wb.

3. What characteristic of the magnetic field corresponds to the dimension of a henry per meter (G/m)?

4. What is the magnitude of the magnetic flux Ф?

a) vector;

b) scalar.

5. What is the value of the magnetic voltage U m?

a) vector;

Why not “caloric” or “phlogiston” of past centuries (
Just think: "electronic liquid", "electronic gas", "electronic cloud" ...
How can electrons flow from body to body, creating an electrifying effect?
It is a well-known fact that electric current flows through a conductor at the speed of light. This has been repeatedly proven by experiments. In the process of electrization of bodies, as in the process of electric current, the field interaction between atoms is leading. Since the atom is a two-component vortex, the force lines of the family of hyperbolas are closed at the speed of light. Conductors differ from dielectrics in that a single circuit of the form is formed on the entire conductive section:

In a dielectric, a single circuit is not formed, since it is periodically interrupted by interactions of the form:

According to the postulates of N. Bohr, an atom must somehow react to the detachment of an electron and generate an electromagnetic perturbation quantum. Have the results of the observed experiments with electrification been published anywhere? No. Electrification is not accompanied by such an effect. Moreover, the electrification of matter occurs at the speed of light. There is no process inertia. In addition, if the charge is carried by electrons at the speed of light, then at the opposite point from the place where the charge enters, an anomaly should occur due to the colliding electron beams. Something like the point of convergence of colliding beams of like-charged particles (electrons), which is implemented in accelerators. With all the effects that accompany this process. However, no such effects have ever been observed. Consequently, there is no "electronic fluid" flowing from body to body (and even at the speed of light!), does not exist.

As follows from the electromagnetic theory of gravity, the visibility of charges is formed by variants of the closure of the vortex lines of force. This explains even the Volta series: any body, when touched by any of the bodies further in this row, is electrified positively, and when touched by any of the bodies preceding it, it is electrified negatively. That is, one vortex in relation to others can be both a "spray gun" and a "vacuum cleaner". As in astronomy: the Earth in relation to the Sun is a "vacuum cleaner", and in relation to the Moon - a "pulverizer". The potential difference is the difference between a "spray gun" and a "vacuum cleaner". The vortices are reoriented:

For example, the Sun is an obvious "pulverizer": in its bowels there is an actively working thermonuclear furnace.
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune (giant planets with a low density of matter) have fusion furnaces operating in a smoldering mode. They clearly lack something to move into the category of stars. Can they be classified as "vacuum cleaners"? I think yes. Isn't that how atoms work?

Sunday, November 02, 2014 04:04 PM ()

It follows from the electromagnetic theory of gravity (EMTG) that an EM vortex has two components: electric (family of hyperbolas) and magnetic (family of ellipses). Its instantaneous two-component "cut" in the plane can be represented in the figure:

Consider the electrical component of the vortex:

And let's pay attention to the direction of the arrows that characterize the movement of the field-ether along the channels-lines of force.
And now - the most interesting: let's consider how the direction of the arrows on the lines of force changes when the picture is rotated in the XY plane.

Rotate the drawing 90 degrees:

As you can see, the direction of the arrows has changed to the opposite.

Let's rotate the drawing 180 degrees:

The direction of the arrows is the same as the original.

Accordingly, when the pattern is rotated 270 degrees

the direction of the arrows will be the same as when the pattern is rotated 90 degrees.

And now I want to remind you that the families of hyperbolas and ellipses are related. As the electrical component rotates, the magnetic component also rotates.
As you can see from the picture:

Rotating a family of ellipses by 360 degrees does not have symmetry, as is the case with a family of hyperbolas. Therefore, the overall pattern with two components is also not symmetrical when it is rotated through 360 degrees.

And now we rotate both families around the Y axis by 360 degrees.
It is obvious that the family of ellipses is symmetrical under such a rotation and the direction of the arrows will not change.

For a family of hyperbolas, when rotated by 180 degrees, the direction of the arrows changes to the opposite. BUT! As it is easy to see from the drawings for the electrical component, in contrast to the three-dimensional spatial symmetry of the family of ellipses, the three-dimensional spatial symmetry of the family of hyperbolas is NOT POSSIBLE. The family of hyperbolas is two-dimensional. Only in the process of a certain dynamics is its three-dimensional functioning realized. But this already applies to the essence of EMTG.

Sunday, November 02, 2014 3:55 pm ()

When creating the electromagnetic theory of gravity, it was found that there are no electric charges in nature. All EM field generators can be conditionally divided into "pulverizers" and "vacuum cleaners". For example, the interaction of a "pulverizer" with a "vacuum cleaner" is similar to the effect of attraction of two opposite charges, two "pulverizers" create a repulsive effect, and two "vacuum cleaners" create a neutrality effect. Let's take a short excursion into history and see how the concept of electric charge was formed in physics.

The first serious scientific work in the field of electricity were carried out by Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790).

In 1746-54. he carried out a number of experimental studies that brought him wide fame. Franklin explained the action of the Leyden jar, built the first flat capacitor, consisting of two parallel metal plates separated by a glass layer, invented a lightning rod in 1750, proved in 1753 the electrical nature of lightning (experiment with a kite) and the identity of terrestrial and atmospheric electricity. In 1750, he developed a theory of electrical phenomena - the so-called "unitary theory", according to which electricity is a special thin fluid that permeates all bodies. Each uncharged body, according to Franklin, always contains a certain amount of "electric fluid". If for some reason an excess of it appears in the body, then the body is charged positively, when it is lacking - negatively.

Here we see that Franklin approaches the phenomenon of electricity from a macroscopic point of view, i.e. empirically and by "electric fluid" up to sign one should understand simply electrons. This name arose for the reason that the amount of this “mysterious liquid” in the bodies could be smoothly changed: reduced or added.

In this Franklin theory, the concept of positive and negative electricity was first introduced. Based on his theory, he explained the phenomena he observed. Franklin's unitary theory contained the law of conservation of "electric fluid" or electric charge in the modern sense.

These were the first macroscopic, experimental ideas about electric fields. Subsequently, these macroscopic representations were transferred to microparticles. By analogy with macroscopic bodies, physicists began to imagine microparticles only as charged with some “electric fluid”, which until recently remained a mystery.

Thus, we see that historically the concept of "electric charge" was introduced at a time when the carriers of electrical phenomena - electrons, positrons and other elementary particles were not yet known. At the same time, the charge was perceived macroscopically as some continuous substance like a liquid, which can be added or removed on the surface of dielectrics, i.e. how to “charge” or “discharge” the surface of glass, amber, etc. Analogues of the concept of "electric charge" can be called "caloric" or "phlogiston", which were in use at a time when physicists had a very vague idea of ​​thermal phenomena in substances. This also includes the most common moisture, which can also be applied to the surface of solids.

Since electrical and magnetic phenomena have not been fully understood until recently, even now the concept of “electric charge” is perceived macroscopically, i.e. Physicists “charge” even elementary particles with this “liquid”. Searching for a charge on an electron, a positron, or inside a proton and a neutron is just as ridiculous a task as searching for moisture inside a H2O water molecule.

It is enough to recall the history of caloric in the Middle Ages to understand how absurd this is. After all, when we talk about electromagnetic phenomena, then we are talking in fact, not about any charges, but about force interactions between particles, which are carried out through an intermediary. In this case, any conventions are removed, and we directly pass to the real mechanisms of interactions. It remains only with a logical sequence to analyze the various possible options similar interactions.

Consider two EM vortices with two types of field lines.

It follows from the electromagnetic theory of gravity that the field line of the EM field is a channel for the movement of the ether-field ( Just as there are channels in the Benard vortex:

Consider the electrical components (families of hyperbolas) of two synchronously functioning vortices:

Let's designate the source of the channels-field lines with the sign "+", and the drain - with the sign "-"

and connect "+" with "-"

It turns out that the lines of force of the family of hyperbolas close with each other and begin to contract into an ellipse, which creates an attraction effect:

Now let's look at how the repulsion effect works.

Consider two vortices operating in antiphase:

Let's see how their sources and sinks are located:

Channels-power lines will be connected according to the following scheme:

In this case, when the families of hyperbolas are closed, a conjugation point will appear, dividing the channels-field lines into two independent closed channels, through which the field-ether circulates in opposite directions. Two ellipses with specific dimensions and other parameters will begin to form, which will lead to repulsion:

As a result, two closed electrical components having a junction point turn into two independent magnetic components.

In general, the Earth is like an electrical circuit with a source, a load, an inductor and a capacitor. That is - an oscillatory circuit, or a generator of a high-frequency alternating EM field. It is impossible to single out something important: all elements are components of one common chain. The result of this electrical circuit is an EM vortex. All natural field generators have a similar structure: an atom, a star, a galaxy, etc. There are no black holes in nature. There is no nucleon packing in the nucleus of an atom. No charges. The structure of the micro-world is similar to the structure of the macro-world. Quantum mechanics works both in the micro-world and in the macro-world. Occam's razor should cut off all unnecessary entities.

So what is a "vacuum cleaner" and a "spray gun"?
The modern explanation of the essence of electric charges is no different from the ancient explanations of thousands of years. The electrification of bodies was undoubtedly known to the ancient man, who observed the attraction of dust particles with a piece of amber:

And this ancient man said that an invisible liquid is pouring from body to body, which is responsible for this effect. The modern explanation of electrization has been concretized: they say that these are electrons, like an ancient magic liquid, flowing from one body to another. The body that has donated some of its electrons will be positively charged, and the body that has acquired them will be negatively charged. And then there is BUT! The rest mass of an electron is 1837.14 times less than the mass of a hydrogen atom. Let us assume that the mass of an electron in an average atom is 10^(-4) of the mass of the atom. V solar system this corresponds (roughly) to the mass of the planet Uranus. Let's mentally pull Uranus out of the SS with great speed. Will the Sun react to this? According to the postulates of N. Bohr, the atom must also respond to the detachment of an electron and generate an electromagnetic perturbation quantum. Have the results of the observed experiments been published anywhere? No. Electrification is not accompanied by such an effect. Moreover, the electrification of matter occurs at the speed of light (example? the same capacitor). There is no process inertia. And this means that electrification has a field nature. There is no "electronic fluid" flowing from body to body. The vortices are reoriented:

But in the first picture, the field-ether moves along the lines of force in one direction, and in the second - in the opposite direction. Let us recall the Volta series: any body, when it touches any of the bodies further in this row, is electrified positively, and when it touches any of the bodies preceding it, it is electrified negatively. That is, one vortex in relation to others can be both a "spray gun" and a "vacuum cleaner". The Earth in relation to the Sun is a "vacuum cleaner", and in relation to the Moon - a "pulverizer". The potential difference is the difference between a "spray gun" and a "vacuum cleaner". However, we have come to the next question: what is the potential difference?
