Is it possible to clean up on the new moon. Rituals and rituals for wealth on the days of the new moon. New moon: what lunar day

This month, the new moon will come on November 7, 2018 (Wednesday) at 19:02 Moscow time. The moon will be in the constellation Scorpio. At this time, you can make a wish, perform some magical rituals. Unfortunately, unlike the full moon, the new moon will not be visible on this day. Today we will tell you how to prepare for the new moon, as well as what rituals and ceremonies can be performed on this day.

New Moon November 2018 - Improving Health

A strong magnetic storm is expected from November 4th to 6th, 2018, which will affect the physical and energetic health of both women and men. Women need to conserve their strength, not to plan a general cleaning for this period. Be extremely mindful of yourself on November 7th. Any disease can drag on for a long time. The energy phone, although stable, is somewhat weakened. Men should also pay attention to their own health and be prepared for a decrease in sexual activity and loss of strength in general. In addition, if any chronic diseases, it is advisable to make sure in advance and take the necessary measures to strengthen the body.

Signs on the new moon related to finance

There is such an old folk omen- you can not spend large sums of money during the new moon. This can lead to impoverishment of the family. But you need to understand that the size of this "large sum" is different for everyone, so no fanaticism. It means that during this period it is better to refuse to purchase household appliances, real estate and other material cost items. Also, you should not take loans and borrow money yourself. It is not advisable to invest in financial projects, even if it seems that everything is stable and reliable. Be patient, you will have a more favorable period for this.

The impact of the new moon on work and career

As well as with finance, in the field of work and career growth, this period is unfavorable. At work, it is better not to jump over your head, to carry out your usual duties. All ideas for improving the quality of work, rationalization proposals, and communication with the management, it is better to postpone to another period. Otherwise, you, not wanting to, can provoke a serious quarrel with colleagues, ruin your relationship with your boss, and not give a chance to implement a really good idea.

The influence of the new moon on beauty

If you have planned a haircut or painting for this period, then it is better to postpone them. After the procedure, hair will not only grow worse and become split, but you can also pick up a skin disease. With nails, things are the same. It is not advisable to cut them, grind them, process them, etc. The only thing that can be done is to clean and paint them with regular varnish.

The Basics of a Healthy New Moon Diet

The best thing you can do for your body during this period is not to litter it with heavy foods. Instead of alcohol, sweets, starchy foods, fast food products, coffee, etc., it is better to give preference to fruits, salads, boiled meat and fish. In general, everything for which your body will thank you, and the extra calories will run away in fear. On November 7, you can generally make a fasting day and let the body cleanse itself.

Fulfillment of desires on the new moon - a rite

Although the energy background during this period is not strong, you should not miss the opportunity to make a wish. To do this, you first need to retire. Prepare in advance paper, a pen, a white candle and how to set it on fire, a candlestick (an ordinary glass will do as well). Turn off the sound on your phone, go to another room, do not talk to anyone, and ask for a couple of minutes not to distract you. Internal concentration on desire is extremely important, any background background can disturb it. Write your wish on a blank piece of paper. We fold the received “letter to genie” in half and put it on the windowsill, preferably facing north. We put an improvised candlestick on top of a leaf, then light a candle and set it so as not to burn the windowsill. Within 15 minutes we imagine that the wish has already been fulfilled. We extinguish the candle, put the leaf with desire in any secluded place where no one will find it. Until the wish is fulfilled, the letter cannot be touched.

New moon conspiracy to improve appearance and beauty

A great time to get rid of small wrinkles, pimples and other minor blemishes. Any conspiracy is suitable, for example, this: “Mother Moon, as you are pure and young, so I can be forever pure and young! Every day you will grow, round and become more beautiful. Give me your strength, so that my beauty does not fade. Let it be so!"

New moon ritual to increase hair density

For this ritual you will need: a red apple, a rose of any color, ordinary cool water. Cut the apple into cubes, disassemble the rose into petals. We put everything in a bowl and fill it with water. We put the mixture on the windowsill on the new moon. The infusion must be kept until morning. Then, dipping the comb into the water, we run through the hair, moisturizing it. We read to ourselves, looking in the mirror: “Moonlight water, healing water! Infuse my hair with beauty and strength! Keep my hair strong, healthy and thick. From space I take energy, from earth I take power, from moonlight I take magic. Let it be so!"

In this article:

Our ancestors have long noticed the power of the moon, as well as its influence on human life. Centuries have passed, during which the lunar cycle was divided into phases, each of which was overgrown with rituals and signs.

The most popular are cash magical rites held on the new moon. Yes, money is not the only thing that can grow on the new moon, love spells are also popular and everything that should increase in the positive sense of the word.

The New Moon is the best period for any endeavors - from household to work, from everyday to financial. If you want a positive result of any business, start it on the new moon.

Do you want to know about the signs and rituals of the new moon? Then you are welcome to read this article, where you will find the most effective rituals and the most accurate signs. If you believe you will accept - the new moon is a time of change and the fulfillment of desires.

Signs of the new moon

Love signs

If a bird flew into the balcony to an unmarried girl, then she can expect an early marriage proposal.

To marry on the new moon means to subsequently live richly and happily.

Do not under any circumstances celebrate your wedding anniversary on the new moon, as the family may collapse!

Had a tooth pulled out? This is for separation from a loved one.

To scatter salt on a new moon means to quarrel.

Monetary signs

For the new month, you need to take a 5-ruble note and show it to the month. If you believe it, then during the next month the money in the wallet will only increase, but the cherished bill cannot be spent until the next new moon.

On a new moon, a large bill should be placed on the windowsill so that the light of the month falls on it. This will attract cash flows and you can expect to get rich quick.

If you bow to the new moon, you can get a gift within a month.

If you are planning a profitable business, start it on the new moon!

On the new moon, you cannot borrow and borrow money, since then the money will evaporate from the wallet as soon as it gets there.

New moon is the best time to start working on attracting cash flow

Household signs

An easy life awaits those born on the new moon - happy, rich, long.

It is better to time the move to coincide with the new moon, so that there is always prosperity in the new house.

New Moon is a bad time for conceiving a child, since he can be born weak, it is better to wait a couple of days.

New moon rites

New moon rites are aimed at fulfilling desires. These are monetary rituals, love, household. The purpose of each ceremony is to change life for the better. Such a chance is given to a person by the new Moon. So why not use it?

Love rites

Love magic is known to all girls, without exception, who at least once in their lives wondered about their betrothed. Each representative of the fair half is a bit of a sorceress and enchantress. The New Moon provides an opportunity to use in practice your natural strength, which was endowed by women by Mother Earth, by the way, she is also a woman.

If you have a young man and you want to marry him, but he in no way dares to propose a hand and heart, perform such a ceremony. On the new moon, tie or sew something for the betrothed and give him, for example, a scarf, a scarf. Now you can wait for the offer.

Another effective way to establish contact with a young man is to cook an ear from a fish's head on a new moon, and then treat your beloved to a stew, after which he will be very attentive to your opinion, listening to it and taking into account when solving important issues.

An ancient rite of faith.

Take a red candle, three bay leaves, paper, and a pen. On the night of the new moon, light a candle, write the name of your beloved on paper, say his name out loud three times. Fold the note in three, put the bay leaves inside, then fold it in three again, seal the candles with wax. The sealed sheet should be removed to a secluded place.

A ritual to attract love.

On the new moon, the girl needs to be completely naked, put a cup of water and a red candle in front of the mirror. A couple of drops of rose oil and rose petals are added to the water. After that, the candle is lit and the following conspiracy is pronounced:

“Under the moonlight, the rose bloomed and smelled sweet, so I would bloom beautifully, but I would find my love. Moon path, bring the groom to the door. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Now the girl must wipe herself with the charmed water, looking in the mirror. After that, the door handle from the street side is wiped with the same water and water is sprayed on the threshold. The remaining water with rose petals is placed under the bed. It remains only to wait that within a month you will meet your other half.

Household rituals

In case of hair loss, on the new moon, stand at the doorstep of the house and looking at the young month, grasp your head with your hands, asking out loud from the growing moon to strengthen and grow hair.

Rite of passage for beauty.

Take egg, separate the white from the yolk, beat the white, apply on face and neck for 20 minutes and rinse with water. Bury the yolk under a rose bush so that your beauty is like a rose. If there is no rose bush, choose any other flower that has a beautiful color.

Make beauty rituals traditional, the result will delight you

The rite of purity.

On the new moon, do the cleaning in the house, after which you will bathe and put on everything clean. The sign says that prosperity will easily come to a house cleaned on the new moon.

Monetary rites

New moon rituals for raising money are quite simple, but very effective. They do not need specific attributes and absurd conspiracies. Most of them only need a banknote and your faith in the actions being performed.

The first way to attract money.

Write yourself a receipt for a large amount in your own hand. This should be done on a new moon as soon as a young month appears. The receipt must be real - with the date, name, number, real amount (large, but not fabulous).

Second way.

On a new moon, pour water into a glass and place on the windowsill. On a full moon, wash yourself with this water and expect an early improvement in your financial situation.

Third way.

Bow to the new moon 7 times, throw a coin to it and ask for wealth out loud.

The fourth way is money conspiracy.

Talking money on a new moon is easy. Take a bill (not large and not small), there should not be units in its denomination. Stretch the bill to the young month and ask out loud for income. Put this bill in your wallet, just not for all bills, but separately and do not spend it until the next young month, when you need to slander a new bill.

Fifth ritual.

For him, you will need banknotes of various denominations, which must be laid out throughout the dwelling on the tops (cabinets, mezzanines) so that no one can see them. After 3 days, the money must be collected and used to buy something for the house - things, food, household goods, etc. Thus, the money, imbued with the power of the Moon, is put into circulation and returns in double volume the next month.

New moon rituals and conspiracies are powerful weapons with long lasting results. Often the desired changes occur within a few hours after the use of magic.

The beneficial effects of the new moon are explained as follows. In the witchcraft world, the moon is considered alive. She breathes, each cycle receives life-giving forces from the Universe. With this interaction, the strongest energy flows are born, which have been used by shamans since ancient times. Already centuries ago, magicians realized that at the moment of the renewal and growth of the Moon, the life-giving forces of the Cosmos come to the planet Earth, at the moment of waning, the Earth is freed from the negative.

The ability to catch an energy wave helps to realize any intentions.

That is why conducting ceremonies, rituals and reading conspiracies for the new moon is aimed at bringing positive and something new into life. After all, there is an appeal to the purest energy of the Universe.

Rules for reading conspiracies on the nascent moon

To carry out the ceremony on the new moon correctly and not get the opposite result, you should follow a few simple rules.

  1. The purpose of reading conspiracies in the new moon phase should only be to attract positive, prosperity, happiness. It is strictly forbidden to wish evil to anyone, even the most bitter enemy, to take revenge with the help of rituals during this period.
  2. You can not carry out rituals for love spells, enslavement of the will of another person. When reading, it is necessary that the sympathy is mutual. You should not take a man away from another woman, destroy other people's relationships on a new moon.
  3. It is not recommended to refer to the rite for those people who are under magical effect- love spell, damage, evil eye. First, you need to get rid of these enchantments so that they do not interfere with achieving what you want and do not increase.
  4. When conducting rituals, it is imperative to believe in the power of the moon, in the power of a conspiracy, to present the result. With the slightest doubt, nothing will come of it.

For money

The first three days lunar month- a good period. The renewing lunar force increases what a person desires. Reading conspiracies to attract wealth, profit, large purchases, including real estate, will be especially successful.

With bills

This method can be used once a month, on the new moon.

Take several bills of different denominations. They are laid out throughout the house in corners hidden from prying eyes: on top shelves, in boxes, cabinets.

Before you hide the money, you need to straighten each bill and read the conspiracy over it.

I am spreading money for a young month, so that they can be found with me, to multiply.

Keep in caches for three days, then collect and spend on purchases at home (not for yourself). The new month will bring you three times the amount of money.

With coins

For the ritual, take 7 yellow coins and a church candle.

At midnight of the new moon, a candle is placed in the middle of the table and lit. Keep coins in the palm of your hand right hand.

The conspiracy is read 7 times to the moon.

I hold my right coin in my hand, I have exactly seven of them. I attract the power of heaven, I want to multiply the coins. So that where there were seven of them - a hundred more arrived! Where there was a hundred, it became a thousand. Amen!

Then they say:

So be it and nothing else!

After the end of the ceremony, you must leave the coins on the windowsill, and spend them in the morning.

Crossroads ritual

It is necessary to take several medium denomination banknotes. At midnight, go to a deserted intersection and stand on it. The conspiracy is read in turn on all four sides.

Animals, people and plants live and multiply from the light of the sun, And money - from the moon. So grow my money, multiply, add, Appear in the pockets of the servant of God (your name). It will be so. Amen!

In this case, you need to hold the money with your right hand.

After completing the ritual, one should bow to the moon and go home. Leave the conspiracy bills in your wallet and do not touch until next month.

Money water

Before the new moon, you need to collect spring water, prepare a few coins or the available gold. Rituals for gold allow you to attract more wealth, but wait for it longer. Coins will give less profit, but immediately.

A glass of water is placed on the windowsill (even before the appearance of the young month). Then a conspiracy is read for a month.

Silver Month, do not go idle in the sky. Conjure the waters of my unprecedented strength. Let the money flow to my little hands, let me know nothing of sorrow. Thank you, but I do not know sorrow! Let it be so!

The glass must be left overnight so that the water is charged with magical power. In the morning, you should wash yourself with spoken water, saying:

I wash away the sadness of poverty and the veil of poverty from my face. I attract joy and wealth, so as not to know me troubles and lack of money. Power of the Month, help!

For bread

On the new moon, you need to bake bread from the spell dough. The finished bread must be eaten completely by the person who baked it.

To speak the dough, say:

As you, dough, grow, rise and increase, so I will grow, in a position to rise, over people in my glory and in money. Amen.


With the right hand they take a handful of rice, on which they read the plot.

Rice grows on the water, the moon grows and the rice pulls with it. May I have as much money as there are rice grains in the field, may money from everywhere be attracted to me and may the moon help me in this - may my wealth be attracted to me. Let it be so!

Then the rice is scattered in the places where the money is kept. A few grains are put in a wallet and pockets. Rice in these places is stored until the next new moon. With the loss of rice, the ceremony is repeated again on a new moon.

On a stone

The ceremony is performed over a small round stone white, to which magic words are spoken.

The moon is growing and my income is growing. As water pulls water behind it, so money is drawn to me. Amen!

The charmed stone is kept in a wallet as a money talisman so that no one can see or touch it.

The conspiracy is repeated monthly in order to constantly charge the stone with monetary power.

At the cemetery

When the first night of the new moon comes, you need to go to the cemetery. Before that, a ruble is placed in the left shoe under the heel. In front of the cemetery gates, you need to hit the ground with your left heel, pronounce the words of the conspiracy, turn around you and leave.

Chur, chur, deceased, your place is sacred, and let my place be rich. You, the dead, have a sound sleep, and me, the servant of God (name), gold and silver. Chur, chur, dead, your place is sacred, and in my pocket - silver and gold

The conspiracy is best used by experienced people in magic. You can't get confused or scared - you can get very sick. Like all other rituals and conspiracies performed in the cemetery, this method is quite dangerous.

On the poppy

On the day of the new moon, you need to buy a gray poppy, but not from a man and not take change. After bringing it home, lay a new black handkerchief on the table, draw a circle on it with a piece of soap used by one person. Put a poppy in this circle, draw a cross on the poppy with the ring finger of your right hand and read the plot.

On the ocean-sea, there is a large island, and on it is a holy land. Jesus and the Mother of God are walking on that land, and I will go. I will come close to them, bow low. Mother Mary, who lived on earth, took Easter in her hands, paid for Easter in pennies, carried pennies in her purse. Help me to pay for bread with money, and pay for clothes. Give me, Lord, money, so that I have as much of it in my wallet as a poppy on this handkerchief. The word is spoken, the deed is done. Amen.

For love

Love rituals in the phase of the new moon help to cleanse a man, help him to consider a woman in love with him. Conspiracies during this period are not a love spell. These are the liberating rites that push away Negative influence... Thanks to such conspiracies, a man destined for a woman by fate falls in love with her. A man destined for another woman is not affected by such magic.

Simple conspiracy

At the moment of the appearance of the new moon, go outside and read the conspiracy.

The scent of roses from the sun in the world is manifested. And my soul yearns for love. Let the born Moon bring it to me, plunge it into another world! Amen!

You can refer to this rite in marriage to renew feelings between spouses.

For food

This is the most popular love ritual performed on the new moon.

To carry out a ceremony over food, it is necessary that the man be in the house. To do this, you need to invite him to visit on the new moon, set the table with burning candles. The food should be covered by the new month. Before you treat a man, you need to whisper magic words to food.

Food is in the blood, in the heart is love!

And make sure that he ate the spells offered to him.


Before the ritual, a recently taken full-length photograph of a man, a candle, red threads and rose petal oil are taken.

A candle is lit on the new moon. With the index finger of the left hand, they draw crosses in a photograph in pink oil, on the heart and genital areas of a man, while reading the plot three times.

On a clear night, sometimes beautiful, roses smell sweet, the body is called to passion. I give my beloved happiness both on a sunny day and in bad weather. Let his heart glow, his dream invites me to embrace. As the moon grows in the night sky, the beloved loses peace. He gets confused by his thoughts, worries with blood, reaches out to me, and will remain by his side forever. Amen

The picture is wrapped crosswise with red threads. The ends of the threads are tied with seven knots, and sealed with candle wax.

For fidelity

This new moon ritual is performed not to attract love, but to preserve it.

You will need a red candle, three bay leaves, paper and a pen.

A candle is lit on the new moon. The name of the chosen one is written on paper, which is pronounced aloud three times. The note is folded three times, a bay leaf is put inside, then the paper is folded again three times. Seal with candle wax. The sheet is removed away from prying eyes.

Wanga's conspiracy

The conspiracies of the great Vanga have incredible strength and energy. To attract the love of a man they like, they read a conspiracy for salt.

People cannot live without salt, and you, my beloved (name), cannot close your eyes without me. You won't live a second without me, you won't get tired of reaching out to me. Amen.

Stepanova's conspiracy

No less strong and magic conspiracies from Siberian healer Natalia Stepanova. Her love spells are very effective. One of the most effective rituals is a ritual performed with a basin of water. You need to stand in it with your feet and read the conspiracy.

Whoever finds the entrance to my heart will reward himself with love forever. Whoever can tame me will become the happiest person. I will replace both the Sun and the Light for him, without me this white inhuman light will not be nice to him. The holy water will help me, the heart of the betrothed will alarm me.

For luck

In addition to conspiracies for wealth and love, you can use magic rituals to attract good luck.

With grain

The use of this rite helps to choose the right path, not to make a mistake in making a decision.

You need to take grain (wheat or rice will do). On a new moon, you need to pour a handful of grain in your palm, show the new moon and pronounce a conspiracy.

Under the moonlit sky the ears are pouring. Birds feed on their completeness. Fly the winged ones ahead of me, lead happiness and luck by the hand. Amen!

Then the grains are harvested on the windowsill. In the morning, they should be fed to the birds.

Against bad luck

If a person has a black streak in life, you can get rid of it with the help of this conspiracy.

On the day before the new moon, you need to bake a cake. Then cut a piece from it.

Prepare a glass of milk, a handful of coins of various denominations.

With all the items, you need to go to the cemetery, find a grave without a name and put what you brought on it.

Bowing to the grave three times, pronounce the words of the conspiracy three times.

You, the deceased, would remember me, the servant of God (your name), you would take everything dashing and unlucky, you would take it off me. Let all the dashing leave from now on forever! From now on, let it be so forever and ever!

After completing the ceremony, go home without looking back.

Again, be careful. A ritual with a cemetery, and therefore potentially dangerous.

On a pin

Did you like the article? Then, which will tell you about curious magical and esoteric approaches to improving your life.

Magic helps a person in solving any problems. Rituals of attraction do not just attract new opportunities into the life of a man or woman, but they also radically change their destinies. New Moon rituals for money will help improve the financial situation in the family and get out of a protracted crisis. Knowing all the intricacies of conspiracies, you can fulfill your innermost desires by fulfilling the main condition - do no harm.

New moon rituals for money are not often carried out, but the effect of the ritual can last all year. What are the most effective monetary rituals for the full moon?

Magic rites

Magic to attract money works under certain conditions that the magician must provide. Such magical manipulations with monetary energy have a positive effect on the life of an adult if respect is shown to magic. Money rituals for the New Moon are a clear message to the universe, a request that a person makes of his own free will. If you do not pay due attention to the ceremony, then you should not expect that it will work unconditionally. For a conspiracy of objects to the full moon, you need to believe in the forces to which your magician turned for help.

To conduct magical rituals, you do not need in-depth knowledge of ancient rituals. Even a beginner can carry out money rituals on New Moon. Simple and complex covert actions will help break the vicious circle of poverty, destroy the negative program of poverty, and get rid of permanent constraints. The money trap will work from the first days, relieving a person from the stress of a lack of money. The principle of operation of such a magical attraction program is simple. A person speaks of an object, thing or amulet, turning the trinket into an "energy magnet" which, with its power, attracts pure magic.

Every living person, thing or inanimate object is surrounded by an energetic background. With the help of conspiracy magic (any attraction program), on New Moon, monetary energy will begin to come to the house of a man or woman. It cannot be seen or touched, but the workings of the forces can be felt by the results. For a person who is not afraid to seem stupid and inexperienced, for someone who learns and learns new world, the program will work, and the full moon will only help with this. Money is only a means for any achievement, but not the ultimate goal.

New Moon is a special time for the ceremony. Money, success and wealth are attracted to a house or apartment only on the waxing moon. A waning month in combination with a money ritual will not bring any results, and it will also harm the practice. Will make him weak and completely inert. The New Moon Ritual is held at all alone... Extra eyes and ears will only harm the spell's work.

For a ceremony for money, success and wealth, you will need special attributes that are not chosen by chance. Each ritual is unique, and by performing consecutive actions, a person gets a unique result. Will enhance the work of the New Moon rite and additional ancient symbols placed in the house instead of protection. Experienced magicians recommend combining several rituals of attraction at once.

The power of the New Moon

The new moon and the money that is charmed to attract wealth is what prudent people use. Carrying out rituals on the new moon to quickly raise money without preparation or thought is dangerous. The wrong technique of the ceremony or the coming month will turn the already hard life of the conspirator into a real curse. Money on New Moon is not easy random profit, such material resources can become a permanent income. What needs to be done for a quick effect from the rite of attraction?

New Moon is a special time for attracting money, it will help everyone to find not only money, success or wealth. Magic on the day when the moon is filled with power works thanks to the rituals:

  • a strong conspiracy or ritual for the new moon for quick money;
  • a rite for promotion;
  • rite of passage on the wallet;
  • constant money spell (monthly stable income);
  • rite of passage for money (bills or coins).

Each magician-practitioner chooses magic programs according to their own capabilities and means. Having thought over the goal to the smallest detail, the personality takes on a new path. Magic only reveals his inner potential, helps to get more material benefits from work or personal business. Success is work and luck, and wealth is only one component of it.

The duration of the ritual depends on the strength that the magician or novice uses. Additional attributes and amulets enhance the effect of the conspiracy, but this type of magical action needs additional recharge. Success when performing monetary rituals for the new moon is not always easy. If it is not possible to attract wealth in the usual way, then effective rituals to the young moon is exactly what a person needs.

Rites to raise money and strong conspiracies the wallet will work flawlessly if a person believes in magic. It is impossible to carry out such magical actions for fun or out of interest. Although these types of magic cannot seriously harm, they have the most unexpected consequences. What kind of raising money will take place without complications?

How to prepare a New Moon ritual?

The attraction of wealth occurs in several stages, which are enhanced by the Moonlight. Rituals for adjusting the cash flow are carried out only after a complete cleansing of the house. It is not easy to clean the house, but to completely clean it of all kinds of rubbish and rubbish. In the course of such cleaning, the homeowner gets rid of everything unnecessary and obsolete. Rituals for a stable income are not carried out if the living space is not cleaned in advance.

Cleaning takes place with well salted water. Salt is a universal remedy for negative energy that drives out evil spirits. Energetic cleansing involves the placement of amulets or runic protection around the house. Without additional protective measures, keep material goods entering the house will fail. Conspiracies are not used if the owner of the house is damaged by lack of money. In such situations, conspiracy magic cannot cope with a strong negative program. First of all, it is important to get rid of the evil eye and only then start talking to the wallet.

It is very easy to attract prosperity to your own home, even if you have not previously encountered magic and rituals. Before cleaning the living space (it is necessary to carry out cleaning on the waning moon, which destroys harmful ties and affection), it is necessary to speak salt and holy water. After the conspirator throws out unnecessary trash, sprinkle the walls of the house with water and place small saucers of salt in the corners. Conspiracies for material stability will pass without complications if all the necessary attributes are prepared in advance. The ritual for attracting money on the New Moon works from the first days, systematically improving the financial situation in the life of the family.

Magic attraction of money

Practice and diligent fulfillment of all conditional rules will change life for the better. Money conspiracies and spells for good luck should be carried out only during the period when the young moon begins to grow. A small nuance decides the outcome of all actions. The time and money spent are paid off if rituals are carried out in a strictly defined order without amateur performance.

There are several popular and effective rituals for enriching your own wallet. The conspiracies that take place during the New Moon will only work if the Moon is visible to the conspirator. Moonlight is the main energizing force behind any ritual. If it is necessary to speak a wallet, then it should be placed on the windowsill and a simple spell should be recited. All night long, moonlight should be falling on an object that will attract money. Otherwise, all the actions of the magician will go down the drain.

During the Full Moon period, a new Moon is born. This is a special time that everyone enjoys. experienced magicians... A conspiracy to cleanse the house with the help of waters takes place in the middle of the night, when the moon is visible in the sky. A glass of water is placed on the windowsill and the liquid is charged with words for several days in a row. On the fourth day, you should wash your face with water and read the words of the spell:

"As you, a month, were thin, but you gained weight, so I have all the good to be full."

Immediately after completing the ritual, a person feels lightness, the former things are given to him easily and without any special difficulties. With the help of charmed water, all adversity disappears, and income only increases. A green candle placed next to the glass will enhance the work of the rite. Attracting considerable wealth is simple and accessible to everyone who is tired of going with the flow. The easiest practice is to charge water from one Full Moon to the next full Moon ascent. The green candle participates in the ritual only in cases when the family deteriorates sharply financial situation... How to attract profits to yourself every day?

A powerful conspiracy for wealth

The ritual to attract money and on the New Moon, which they resorted to a hundred years ago, was used for their own good and for the prosperity in the family. You can raise funds for banknotes. For the ritual, you need to make protective amulets that will fill the wallet of a man or woman with constant profit. A multi-stage ritual to help overcome poverty:

  1. On the first day of New Moon, all funds in the house are collected. It is not necessary to recount the bills.
  2. Cash is lubricated with special essential oils... To attract more money, the bill or coin is rubbed with cinnamon or mint oil. The simplest ceremony will not cost too much.
  3. The bills are hidden under the pillow.
  4. In the morning, all bills are counted exactly 7 times.

The word is power, therefore all rituals are accompanied by the reading of spells. Not only currency or coins are being talked about, but also food. Mac after a conspiracy is able to attract new income for several months.

“The first knot begins witchcraft. With the second node, the job is done. With the third node, the money goes to me. With the fourth knot, new possibilities are knocking at my door. With the fifth node, my work is thriving. The sixth knot fixes witchcraft. With the seventh node, I have been given success. With the eighth node, income is multiplied. With the ninth node, all this is mine. "

Raising money for stability and prosperity for quick implementation is a simple matter, if you do not operate only with logical arguments. Magic has many secrets that are still unknown to man. Trusting the experience of ancestors, a person gets out of a monetary crisis in a matter of days.

Knowledge of beliefs for a new and full moon will help you avoid troubles and improve your life. Let's consider them in more detail.

In the article:

Magic and signs for the new moon

Ancient superstitions recommend to postpone any magical work associated with attracting something to this day. This applies to getting money and benefits, as well as love magic.

New Moon is the best time for any undertaking. It doesn't matter what it will be connected with - everyday life, finances, work or study. Feel free to make a difference in your life. It's good when this lunar phase falls on Monday.

Get busy planning. Light a candle and some pleasant incense, take a piece of paper and a pen. Relax, concentrate and write your plans for the month, season, or year. Choose only what you can actually do. From time to time, go through the list, cross out what has been worked out and think about how to accomplish what you want.

On the new moon, it is very useful to swim in natural reservoirs. It energizes for a whole month, brings health and good mood, and promotes the cure of diseases. You can swim both day and night.

Those who were born at this time have a high chance of becoming centenarians. An eventful youth awaits them, a life full of happiness, wealth and a happy old age. But it is not worth planning conception at this time, the child may be born sick and weak.

Love signs

Signs for the new moon promise that if a bird flies into the girl's balcony during this period, she will soon be offered a marriage proposal. By the way, during this lunar phase necessarily promise a happy and rich married life, and it is especially good if the first wedding night falls on the new moon. But it is impossible to celebrate a wedding anniversary at this time, it can attract a quarrel and even a divorce. Better to postpone the celebration.

If a girl has to wash the floor three times in a row during the full moon, she will soon get married. But this does not mean specially cleaning three times in one day. This must happen unplanned.

If the girl happens to forget the mirror under the pillow and sleep with it all night, the next morning you need to remember who was dreaming. A woman - a long time to wait for a loved one, a man - soon love will appear in your life. Forgot your wreath on the street? Check to see if someone took it, or if it was left lying there. In the first case, the signs promise a quick wedding, in the second - sit in the girls for a long time.

You can't sort things out on a full moon, this will lead to a quarrel or even divorce. The time for the wedding is also inappropriate, it is better to set another date.

Monetary signs

Keep a coin in your pocket all the time while the moon is full, this is a good omen. She will attract monetary energy. For the same purposes, in the old days, wallets with money were left under the light of the full moon.

Finding a hole in your pocket during this phase is a sign of prosperity, but only if you immediately sew up the hole. On all other days, holes in pockets promise material losses and difficulties.

Wearing socks of the same shade on a full moon is a sign of wealth. The modern belief of the full moon promises serious profits if you are lucky in this color during this period.

Red moon - a sign

In the old days, people associated such a disc with blood, sometimes it was even called the bloody moon. Now quite real reasons for this color of the night star are known and they are associated with completely material phenomena.

In the past, it was believed that the red moon portends disaster for everyone who saw it. We are talking about large-scale disasters and cataclysms, natural phenomena of a destructive nature, war and hunger. With the advent of Christianity on the lands of the pagans, another meaning appeared - the invasion of witches is approaching and evil spirits... In those days, when the moon was considered an animate being, its red color was interpreted as wounds received by the night luminary from evil spirits.

In some regions, it was believed that such a color was due to frost or rain, sometimes windy weather. In the old days they said: "The red moon spoils the seeds." In early spring, it portends sharp drops between day and night temperatures, and frosts can seriously harm crops.

The Bible indicates that the bloody moon will be one of the signs of the approach of the Apocalypse, along with the sun turned into night. Perhaps the last phrase meant a solar eclipse.

During the bloody moon, the number of accidents increases. People are getting more irritable. Escalate at this time and mental illness... Many people still believe that seeing the red moon is a bad omen. To soften it, you need to spit three times over your left shoulder and bow to the luminary. You cannot point a finger at him or anything else, you will bring illnesses and failures. And if you do this on the first full moon, whole year they will follow you.

Old beliefs recommend closing the windows with curtains more tightly if the red moon is visible in the sky. Sleeping in its light - to nightmares that will haunt you for more than one night. Avoid it while awake, especially for children and pregnant women. Set aside night walks for a more favorable time. Traveling with a bloody moon and a few days after - not best idea, she will not bring joy. Spend this period at home.