Presentation on the theme of the human body. The human body presentation for a lesson on the world around (Grade 3) on the topic. Nerves, spinal cord, brain

Human organ systems

North-Kazakhstan region. Kyzylzhar region. KSU "Podgornenskaya Basic School"

Biology teacher Kozel E.P.

Organ is a part of the body that has a shape, occupies a certain place in the body and performs one or more functions.

Organ systems










Skeleton muscles


The bones of the skeleton form a rigid frame, which is the basis of the body. The bones give it its shape and allow it to move. The skeleton protects the soft, vulnerable organs of the body, such as the heart and brain.


  • protective
  • moves the bones

Circulatory system

  • transport of substances
  • removes metabolic products from organisms

Respiratory system

  • provides oxygen to the body
  • release of carbon dioxide, water vapor

Digestive system

Entry of nutrients into the body

urinary system

excretion of liquid metabolic products from the body

reproductive system

provides for the continuation of the family

Nervous system

coordinates the work of all organs

humoral system

regulates the activity of the body


organs of the respiratory system

Organs of the digestive system

Nerves, spinal cord, brain

Organs of the endocrine system

Organs of the nervous system

Kidneys, ureters, bladder

Organs of the urinary system

Esophagus, duodenum, liver

Larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs

Organs of the circulatory system

Skeleton, muscles

Organs of the musculoskeletal system

Pituitary gland, thymus gland, thyroid gland

Arteries, veins, capillaries

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The body is the totality of all human organs. Organs have their specific place in the body and their own functions.

Familiar, even to people far from medicine, the internal organs of a person are: the brain, stomach, gallbladder, intestines, lungs, uterus, bladder, liver, pancreas, kidneys, prostate, heart, thyroid gland, testicles, ovaries. All internal organs (insides) form: Digestive system; respiratory system; circulatory system; urinary system; nervous system; Sexual system. Human internal organs

The brain is the central organ of the human nervous system. It is covered with membranes of connective and soft tissues, between which there is another membrane - the vascular. Between them is cerebrospinal fluid. Brain cells are responsible for the normal functioning of neurons - cells that generate and transmit nerve impulses, and other cells. The functions of the brain are primarily thinking, that is, the perception and processing of information. Also, the brain is responsible for emotions and memory, as well as for the ability to perceive and generate speech - that is, for communication. The blood supply to the brain is occupied by four arteries - two carotid and two vertebral. They transfer about 20% of the total blood volume in the body to the brain.

Lungs are respiratory organs. They are present both in humans and in mammals and birds, and even in some fish, for example, lungfish and lobe-finned fish. The lungs are paired organs; in humans, they adjoin the heart on both sides. Trachea and bronchi

The heart is a hollow, fibromuscular organ. It is he who is responsible for the flow of blood through the blood vessels, it can be called a kind of pump. A man's adult heart weighs a little over three hundred grams, and a woman's - about two hundred and fifty. The human heart, like other mammals, is four-chambered and is divided by partitions, which include the vena cava and pulmonary veins.

The stomach is a hollow muscular organ located between the esophagus and the duodenum. In the stomach, food accumulates, descending there through the esophagus, and digested, thanks to gastric juice containing certain enzymes, as well as hydrochloric acid. In addition, the stomach mechanically grinds food. The volume of an empty stomach is about half a liter. As you eat, the stomach expands, usually up to one liter, but it can also increase to four.

The pancreas is a very large gland located in the abdominal cavity, behind the stomach. It is adjacent to the duodenum. The pancreas is also involved in digestion by releasing enzymes that aid the process and by creating various hormones that promote metabolism.

The intestine is a part of the gastrointestinal tract, a very important organ of digestion and excretion of the end products of metabolism, that is, bile and feces. The intestine is located in the abdominal cavity.

The liver is an unpaired organ, its functions are vital for a person. The liver takes part in the process of digestion, neutralizes foreign substances that enter the body, provides the body with glucose, makes and stores the reserves of certain vitamins necessary for the body, synthesizes cholesterol and bile acids, participates in hematopoiesis ...

Gallbladder - bile accumulates in it, which is then discharged into the duodenum, where the process of intestinal digestion begins. In the body, it is located near the liver, and is developed the better, the more fat in the food. In humans, the gallbladder is pear-shaped, and it is usually 10-14 centimeters in size.

The thyroid gland is also an endocrine gland. Its function is the production of hormones involved in the regulation of metabolism in the body. These hormones contain iodine in large quantities. The thyroid gland is located in the anterior region of the neck.

Kidney, right. Back view. Part of the renal tissue in the area of ​​the gate is removed. The kidneys are a paired organ of the urinary system. They are located on both sides of the spine, at the level of the lower back. The kidneys store and remove urine from the body, thereby clearing it of harmful substances. The kidneys also maintain the water-salt and acid-base balance in the body.

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Primary school teacher Savicheva O.N. MBOU secondary school with. Tavtimanovo HUMAN BODY

LESSON OBJECTIVES: To get acquainted with the human body; 2. Learn to listen to your body; 3. Cultivate love for your body.

HOMEWORK CHECK What is a mushroom? a) it is a living organism; b) this is the body of living nature; c) it is a body of inanimate nature.

2. What is part of the fungus. a) mycelium; b) stem; c) a flower; d) a hat e) leg.

3. What kind of mushroom is "alien"? a) boletus; b) fox; c) wave; d) honey agarics; e) fly agaric.

4. How is the life of a mushroom and a tree connected? a) it is convenient for mushrooms to grow near trees; b) fungi receive nutrients from plants; c) fungi destroy insect pests; d) fungi destroy the remains of organisms and form humus.

5. What are the rules for picking mushrooms? a) collect any mushrooms you come across; b) trample all inedible mushrooms with your feet; c) cut the mushrooms with a knife; d) do not tear the ground around the mushroom, so as not to damage the mycelium; e) do not take mushrooms near highways and railways.

6. Write down the kingdoms of wildlife. A B C D)__________________


CHECK 1. b 2.a, d, e 3.e 4.b, d 5.c, d, e

6. Write down the kingdoms of wildlife. A) plants B) animals; B) mushrooms D) bacteria;

7. person.


ACCORDING TO OZHIGOV'S DICTIONARY: "An organism is a living whole, possessing a combination of properties that distinguishes it from inanimate matter." The human body is a system of organs interconnected with each other and forming a single whole.

“The human body around the world” - The blood gives off excess heat and the body cools. What is the smallest part of a living organism called? The skin turns white. The blood does not give off heat and the body warms up. The blood vessels under the skin dilate and fill with blood. What are the parts of the human body? From the internal organs, skeleton, skin.

"Iodine in the human body" - Pay attention to iodized eggs, milk, sugar. I found out that most of the guys in our class have a lack of iodine. Teenagers and adults - 100-150 micrograms. What can lead to lack of iodine in the body? Find out which foods contain the most iodine. The effect of iodine on the human body.

"Influence on the human body" - What is the value of the studied material for me? Digestive system. What did today's lesson give me? Brain. Effect of ethanol on human organ systems. The region of the brain responsible for pleasure. Do I feel tired, anxious, restless? Lesson results. Abiotic solar radiation water spectrum of visible radiation troposphere.

"The human body" - Digestive system. The purpose of the lesson: The circulatory system. Expand knowledge about the structure of the human body. Fascinating discoveries in the development of the world around you! Respiratory system. Nervous system Musculoskeletal system Respiratory system Circulatory system Digestive system. Musculoskeletal system.

"Individual development of the organism" - The stage of crushing. The formation of organs in animals in the process of ontogenesis is characteristic of the period: Stages of gastrula and neurula. A - gastrula B - blastula C - neurula D - blastomere. Double fertilization. Zygote. A single-layer spherical embryo of animals with a cavity inside is called: Press conference.

"The human body and its structure" - The excretory organs remove water and harmful substances from the body. Musculoskeletal system. Average life expectancy. Thank you guys for your active and fruitful work. Is there order in your head? If you scored 4 - Not bad "4". Feeds young children with milk. Our food. Come on, my young friend, are you ready to start the lesson?