Prohibited religious organizations. Extremists and fanatics: the most dangerous banned sects in Russia. Black and white lodges

Unlike my other books, this book is very strange. It was "received" while sleeping between July and November 2005. When I woke up every morning during these four months, sentences or paragraphs were stored in my mind, which later became a complete message in the form of a book, and soon I decided to write it down, fearing that the details of this information would be erased from my memory.

It was like I was attending a university course in my dreams, where I was given strange information. In one of these dreams I saw a teacher or master who said to me, "Separate yourself from the rest of my students, as I have a different task to give you." I asked his name and he said something like "Luisifel" or "Luisfel". This book recounts the experience that was gained during the months that this phenomenon lasted; after which this form of contact during sleep ceased completely.

When I put together everything I had written, I realized that a major change had taken place within me and that I was no longer what I was before. Writing the book has completely transformed me, perhaps irrevocably.

I am currently investigating whether there are some secret messages or a hidden key left undiscovered in this book.

Primal Gnosis

Primal gnosis is knowledge, wisdom. That is, gnosis means knowledge. But we are not talking about just any knowledge. Gnosis is a very specific knowledge. It is knowledge that brings about great transformations in those who receive it. Knowledge that contributes nothing less than the awakening and spiritual liberation of those who have acquired it. That is, its purpose: to shed light on the situation of people and try to awaken a person and help him escape from the prison in which he is. This is why this knowledge has been repeatedly attacked throughout history, because this knowledge is considered dangerous by the religious and political authorities that rule humanity from the shadows. For this reason Gnosis has always remained occult. Gnosis is secret knowledge, available only to those who deserve it. Various religions throughout history have tried to keep man ignorant of this knowledge, this type of knowledge, which is called Gnosis. And now we'll find out why.

What I call Primordial Gnosis is the purest form of Gnosis. It always remains the same and will never change until the spiritual situation in which a person finds himself and everything that we call "creation" or "world" does not change. On a number of occasions in the past when Primordial Gnosis has been presented openly, it has not been presented in its purest form, but has been adapted to suit the cultural and historical characteristics of the time and place. However, the Primordial Gnosis has always been behind almost every theological and philosophical system that has been branded as heretical, forbidden, persecuted and forced to become occult. Having studied this forbidden knowledge, one can restore the pieces necessary to reproduce the picture as a whole, that picture, which is the original Gnosis.

And if this knowledge were discovered and written down, it would be a very powerful and disturbing book. It would be the most dangerous text in the world, capable of awakening and liberating those who read and study it. Such a book would be a strange object in this created world, something not made here but coming from somewhere else, from another world completely different from this one.

Matter is evil

All religions support the idea that "matter is good", "the world is good", "it was created by God". And "God is just, God is good and created something good for man." That's why the Bible says, "And God said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light. And God saw that the light was good.”

The original Gnosis, which we can from now on only call Gnosis with a capital G to distinguish it from other false gnosis that have appeared throughout history, states the opposite: matter is evil and impurities; matter is the prison of Spirit. This material world is hell. Matter is evil, and if matter is evil, then its creator must also be evil. For Gnostics, the material world, this world, was created not by a good God, but by the Creator Satan. Matter is something satanic, so whoever created it must also be a satanic being.

Time is evil

The Bible does not say this, but time began with a big bang. From the very beginning of creation, when God said, "Let there be light," these four words might not have been spoken if time had not existed. Time was created by God the Creator when he created light. The first big bang and expansion could not have existed without time. Time and space were created together and thus inseparable. Time is the breath of God the Creator. And all his creations, the expansion of the Universe, the evolution of species are the gradual development of his plan, which cannot be carried out without time. According to the Gnostics, time, the breath of God the Creator, is as satanic as matter, as God the Creator himself.

God the Creator

In the first centuries of our era, many of the Gnostic sects viewed the Creator God not as good or being, but as Satan. Many of them equated him with Satan. Gustavo Adolfo Becker refers to one of the records, which says that the creator, God Brahma, created the worlds like bubbles, and that he experimented with them, sometimes they turned out to be good, and sometimes not. The Creator God is not a completely perfect God, but it is obvious that he is rather stupid. There were worlds that were terrible and he had to destroy them. There were worlds that turned out better. He tries, he practices, he creates by trial and error. The Bible says, “And God said, Let there be light. And there was light. And God saw that the light was good.” How! He did not know? He didn't know it was something good? That is why the Gnostics said: "We are in the presence of a Creator who does not know the consequences of his creation."

Gustavo Adolfo Becker (Spanish Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, real name Gustavo Adolfo Domínguez Bastida, Spanish Gustavo Adolfo Domínguez Bastida; February 17, 1836, Seville - December 22, 1870, Madrid) was a Spanish romantic writer. (approx.transl.)

Similarly, the Creator God always claims to be the only one. He didn't just say it once, he says it all the time, he constantly says: "I am the only God", "there is no other God", "I am your God and only I", etc. We all know that when someone repeats the same thing over and over, it is because they are not sure of what they are saying and that is why they are forced to repeat it so often. The Gnostic interpretation of this is that the creator suspects, but is not completely sure, that there is another God higher than himself. God, who is infinitely higher than him, is much more, much more important than him, and that is what he is trying to hide, to keep repeating "I am alone", "there is no other God."

Without a doubt, this creator God is the creator of the world, of all worlds, planets, the universe, particles and time. It is responsible for what physicists today call the big bang. Everything that is under the control of modern physics, it all started with a big bang, a flash of light, which coincides with most of the myths of all religions regarding the creation of the world. First God created light, then he created various other things until he was able to create animals and then finally man. All these myths in the Bible and other religious books correspond to the conclusions of modern physics and biology regarding the creation of the world and man.

Of course, this creation is full of errors and imperfections. And if this world is imperfect, if matter is imperfect or everything that exists in the universe is imperfect, then it is because the creator of all this is imperfect.

Today a gnostic would say, for example: “Dinosaurs were a stupid idea; It was a mistake, the creator had to destroy them, eliminate them all and start again with another experiment, until he managed to do something with which he was satisfied. Because God the Creator has plans. Later we will look at what those plans are.

Physicists also support Albert Einstein's claim that the universe is not something infinite, but is a kind of bubble that contains all creation. The universe is finite, Einstein argued. This creation is limited, it is like a huge bubble that contains all the creations of the creator god, and we do not know what exists beyond this. Gnosis compels one to know how - we shall see in a moment.

In the sacred books of various religions, which are said to have been inspired by God himself - the Creator of the Universe, one can find all the relevant facts, details that show the Creator God as imperfect, and not entirely good. He is sometimes depicted as vindictive, angry, arrogant, dangerous, and indecisive. A god who loves sacrifice, genocide, and who commands people to kill others and rob their property, land, and livestock. He gives orders to kill not only his enemies, but also women, children and animals. A god who commits genocide. This God requires sacrifices in his name, because he loves the smell of the burnt flesh of the victims, the victims on the altar. This is the God who caused the Great Flood. How many hundreds of thousands of people drowned in the flood! This is shown in the Bible and other pre-biblical texts, such as the description of the Babylonian flood. He has a taste for sacrificing people and animals and spilling the blood of his enemies. He loves admiration, adoration, service, fear and obedience. He loves temples built in his honor, rituals, commandments, following his orders, prayers directed to him. He loves the pain experienced by all living beings, torture, suffering. The ancient Gnostics used to call him Ialdabaot, which means "son of chaos"; He was sometimes referred to as Sabaoth "God of Tension". They also called him Cosmocrator or Great Archon, creator and shaper of matter. However, most often the Gnostics applied to him Greek name Demiurge, meaning the Creator.

Without a doubt, this “leader of existence” cannot be kind, and everywhere in history those who supported this opinion were naturally persecuted or paid with their lives for daring to speak about what was true for them. A higher being who loves wars, infanticide, and who orders the sexual mutilation of boys cannot be good god. That is why the Gnostics likened him to Satan. They believed that he was Satan the creator. We now know what is the fate of the Gnostics, their teaching was destroyed and the books were burned. Such is the fate of all who are called "heretics" and this has been repeated throughout history.

This world, created by the creator god, belongs only to him. All physical things in this world respond to him, worship him, admire him. Of course, the teachings whose records we provide are condemned to eternal persecution and will never have much influence or great success. Only a brave minority can study, interpret or support these ancient and timeless Gnostic ideas, and they are undeniably in enemy territory. But Gnosis is always present in this strange world to which it does not belong. And this gnostic idea, opposed to all traditionally established ideas, is the most persecuted and rejected. There are topics that "shouldn't" be touched on, things that "shouldn't" be said, books that "should" disappear because we live in a world where we only have the freedom to say "two plus two four" .

This world is an enemy land for the Gnostic. The gnostic must be able to appear, speak, and quickly disappear, for all creation will automatically turn against him. How many years did Jesus Christ preach according to Christian myth? Only three years. But after these three years, a successful religion was formed, which has now been known on Earth for 2000 years!

We have said that this world is an enemy ground for the gnostic, because this whole material world and all the beings that fill it are made of matter and are adherents of matter. They belong to and protect matter and its creator, and cannot comprehend anything else. All those opposed to the material world and the creator god are dangerous and must be destroyed. Therefore, Gnosis is perceived as something incredible and terrifying, something that must be eliminated.

The Gnostics imagined the Creator God as something nightmarish, taking the form of an octopus or a reptile, sometimes with the head of a pig, a wild boar, or a donkey. That is why certain religions forbid the consumption of these animals. It was also presented as something like the demiurgic Baphomet of the Templars and followers of certain Masonic sects. Some Gnostics also imagined the Creator God as a many-eyed huge wild boar, half asleep, who breathes out time, therefore, as we said earlier, time is the breath of the Creator God.

Undoubtedly, this world is not good. Animals must tear each other apart and destroy each other in order to eat and stay alive. People must deceive each other at all times in order to compete and stay alive. Herbivores must destroy plants, which are also living things. Everyone is constantly destroying themselves and others. And there are those who call it "perfection" or "perfect balance." Incredible! This is hell. It is not a perfect system, and not even a good one. It's a system in which everyone has to destroy something else in order to stay alive. This is a created system, this is a world created by the "manager of being": God the Creator or the Demiurge.

world creation

We have already seen that the Gnostics claim that the Demiurge or God the Creator is very inept and ignorant, that he ignores the consequences of each of his creations. He tests things, develops his creations through trial and error. We also compared creation myths to the big bang of modern physics. There is an unusual book written by Oscar Kiss-Maert called "The Beginning Was the End", which has a clear parallel between the genesis of the Bible and modern physics, both positions are in perfect agreement.

The Gnostics used to say, for example, that this God is a God who was weary, who needed to rest on the seventh day, and that for this reason he cannot be an absolutely perfect God.

There is another interesting thing in the myths of various religions that the creator was not alone, he says, "let's create," as if there were many creators. "Let's do it", "let's do it". The Bible says, "Let us make man in our image and likeness." Us, our... Why? Who are the others? Who else does he create with?

St. Augustine, in his book On the Trinity, skillfully and witty once speaks of this very clearly. The Creator says "let's do" in the plural because he appears in three divine persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, who are three, and at the same time one. That's why God speaks in the plural. Augustine never returns to this issue. He decides this issue once and for all.

For the Gnostics, the Demiurge was not alone in his task of material creation, forming different worlds, evolutionary processes, beings and objects. In India, they are called devas, builder devas. They are angels who help in creation. They yield to God the Creator, but they create with him, helping him. God the Creator gave many tasks to the angels of creation. This was believed in ancient Babylon and the religions of the ancient East. Countless Creator Angels have helped the Creator develop his plan in the material world, or as the Gnostics would say, in the infernal world of matter, which he creates and shapes.

God the Creator is alone responsible, but he relies on an army of assistants, angels of creation, demons who support him in his creation and carry out his orders. That is why in the book of Genesis the Creator is called elohim. The history of the Bible begins in this way: Bereshit bara elohim (“In the beginning ... the gods created”), because elohim in Hebrew in the plural means “gods”, “lords”. Gnostics point out that these gods are the Demiurge and his Creator Angels, demons, of which there were a great many, millions, and they helped him in his task of creation.

Even in systems of thought that oppose Gnosis, that see something good in the creation of the world, we hear references to these helpers of creation and their hierarchy, into which they are distributed according to their functions. There are modern theosophical texts by Blavatsky and Bailey, among others, in which we can learn more about their names and duties. For example, the regent of the Earth is called Sanat Kumara. Changing the two letters gives us his real name: Satan Kumara. A name that has been hidden because people still do not need to know the truth, or the future that the creator has prepared for them. It's for the best that the name of this symbol is not widely known yet.

Humanity is not yet ready for the news that planet Earth has a regent who is Satan. Satan, below the other, greater, basic, most important being in this created material system, this finite universe, which is limited and full of imperfections, which he managed to create.

In Gnostic myths, these satanic designers who help the Demiurge are represented as monsters.

Creation of man

Almost all religious myths agree that man "was created by God from the dust of the earth." The Bible clearly says: "The Lord God created man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became alive." This suggests that God created the body and soul of man. The physical material part - the body of dust and the spiritual part - the breath of the creator, which we call the soul. Then, if man is only body and soul, he would be like any other animal. Maybe a little smarter than the others, but on the inside he would be more or less the same as an animal. Later we will see that after his so-called "fall", man as we know him today became more than just body and soul. Although God created soul and body, there is something else.

There is an uncreated Spirit, not created by God, which has been imprisoned, hidden in the human soul. The Bible doesn't talk about it, because the Bible talks about creation with the help of God, and God created souls and bodies. But the Gnostics maintain that man has a body, soul, and spirit. Where does this Spirit, not created by God the Creator, come from? Why is he here? This is one of the next questions that we will consider.

The man in Eden, in this "paradise" in which God placed him, did not know who he was, he was only following orders. He gave names to animals, for example, being a kind of administrator or representative of the Creator God. There, in this "paradise" that God had prepared for him, he was like sleeping, he did not know who he was and where he came from. Man found out who he was, found himself only after he committed what was called "sin", disobedience, when he ate the forbidden fruit and was thrown out of paradise. We will also look at this later.

We said that God created souls and bodies. For Gnostics, all creation is satanic, evil, and comes from Satan's creator, the satanic Demiurge. So not only the body, but also the soul of a person is something evil and satanic.

Inscrutable God

For Gnostics, there is another God higher than the one who created the world and man. The Creator God is not the only God. Above him there is another God, infinitely higher and perfect. This God, incomprehensible to man, is beyond this infernal and impure creation. It is impossible for a person to find this God through his body and soul, since they are imperfect and created. Only a person who has completely freed himself from this can have the slightest idea or hint of intuition about this God who is beyond this finite and limited universe. The ancient Greeks called him Agnostos Theos, the Unknown God. This God for the Gnostics is not only unknown, but rather incomprehensible, unknowable, at least from our ordinary form of being in this world. From the body and soul, we cannot have the slightest idea what kind of God it is, who is outside this whole system and infinitely superior to God the Creator. A God who cannot be known from this body and soul, from this universe made of matter and time.

This God does not belong to the material plane, but only to antimatter. He is the god of antimatter who hates the hell of created materiality, which in our current state we are unable to recognize or even imagine. He is a mystery to us. This unknowable God is like an inconceivable and indescribable fire. He is the true God. But this true God is usually beyond our reach and cannot manifest himself or act in this impure and imperfect universe, in these hellish dimensions created by matter and time. Only in exceptional cases can the unknowable God penetrate these dimensions through one of his messengers, in order to make, as a rule, small changes and at the cost of huge sacrifices. This happens only in very rare cases, considering the conditions in this material hell.

Body, Soul and Spirit

Gnosis states that man is formed from three substances, three elements: body, soul and spirit. We have seen that the body and soul were created by God the Creator. He created a body from the dust of the earth and endowed it with a soul by breathing his breath into the nose of man. The body, like the soul, was created by God the Demiurge or the Creator.

But there is one more element in man, which is uncreated, which God the Creator did not create. An element that comes from another world, another realm, an unknowable realm of antimatter, which in our normal state we cannot even imagine. That spark of anti-matter, without which no human could become what he is today, is Spirit. Without it, no man could distinguish himself from an ordinary animal. This special, uncreated, divine spark, coming from the unknowable realm, the Gnostics call the Spirit.

According to Gnosis, this Spirit, which does not belong to this world, was attracted and associated with infernal matter, in order to use it as driving force material development. This uncreated spark was trapped in every human in order to start this evolutionary process that figures in the plans of God the Creator. The Divine Spirit is used to advance the evolution on this plane of impure matter.

Spirit, formed entirely from antimatter, is trapped, chained, imprisoned in this hell, and endures torments we cannot even imagine. This is one of the most severe forms of torture, to be tied to this disgusting world of matter, to this created monstrosity, which we call the human body-soul. The spirit is bound against its will and is used in each person to advance his evolution so that the plans of God the Creator can be realized. This is unbearable suffering for the Spirit: to be against his will in a world that is strange and impure for him, to be used as an accessible object so that insane plans can be realized in this prison. We will look at this in more detail later.

In other words, the Spirit, the uncreated spark of antimatter, which arose in an unknowable realm, is hidden, one might say, within the bubble created by matter and chained to it, crucified in this matter.

Gnostics claim that if it were not for the use of the Spirit, man would never have ceased to be a hominid. He would never have developed into what he is now. We can see how quickly he evolved in a few thousand years, as opposed to the millions of years he lived as little more than an ape.

Such is the power provided by the Spirit of this created monstrosity called body-soul. This Spirit is associated with the soul; if a person dies, the soul leaves the body and takes with it the Spirit that is attached to it. The spirit is not attached to the body, it is connected with the body through the soul - its connection with the soul. The soul is the breath of God the Creator in man, who turned him into a "living soul". The soul is the animistic aspect in man, it is not something immeasurably superior like the uncreated Spirit.

There is a lot of confusion about these issues; that is why throughout this description we are expressing gnostic ideas from a slightly different point of view than usual, so that everyone can at least choose something really different from the rest.

The spirit is in this world, but it does not belong to it. He does not belong to this illusory world of matter and time.

We can conclude that if this spark of antimatter fire, Spirit, could be released from prison, his behavior in this world would be extremely aggressive. First, because it is antimatter, it hates matter. Secondly, because the Spirit has been skillfully trapped and chained against its will for thousands of years. Naturally, at the level of abstract reasoning, if this Spirit can free itself, the first thing it will do is destroy. To destroy everything that surrounds him in this impure world, the created world, the material universe of God the Creator. This Spirit is not evil, as such behavior would be normal for those who have been imprisoned unjustly and against their will. By deceit and against their will, as the Gnostics said.

An interesting fact is that at the beginning of Christianity, the existence of these three organizations in man - body, soul and Spirit - was maintained. St. Paul, for example, agreed with this, St. Augustine - too. This was later lost due to the advice and decisions of the pope and the Roman Church. Now we know the soul and the body. It now appears that only the soul is the divine thing within man, and that there is nothing else. What happened to Spirit? He disappeared. It's amazing that it happened this way. We will return to this issue later.

Three types of person

We have repeatedly stated that human beings are made up of body, soul and spirit. Therefore, we have three types of people, depending on the aspect that most influences them - body, soul or Spirit. Since ancient times, people have been classified by the Gnostics in this way: in terms of the physical, mental and spiritual. These categories were also used by Saint Peter. The Cathars, for example, also divided a person into three various types: earthly (gilik), if it is controlled by the body; the psyche, if it is controlled by the soul; and spiritual (pneumatic), if it is controlled by the Spirit.

In one of the Gnostic works from Nag Hammadi called "Triple Treatise" we find the same division of man into material, psychic and spiritual.

Julius Evola, in his book on Tantric Yoga based on ancient Indian traditions, classifies people into three types with the same characteristics: Pasha, Vira and Divya. Pashu means animal and refers to a person of the animal type, in which the body and its instincts predominate. Veera is a warrior who strives for awakening. He is somewhat confused, but is struggling for liberation from this material world and for the realization of his Spirit. Finally, Divya, the third type of person, whose Spirit has already been released and is absolutely controllable. The perfect man can be found in this group.

Satan the oppressor

Man in his ordinary state is lost in confusion, drowsiness, not knowing who he is, where he came from and where he is going. He does not know what he should do and is in a state of confusion, as if in a fog or half asleep.

When we talked about the Creator of the world, we said that for the Gnostics, the creator, the Demiurge, the creator of matter, the universe and man, was likened to Satan, since matter is satanic, all creations are satanic, like their creator. This creator oppresses man. From the moment of creation, he forces him to carry out his orders and obey his commandments and commands. This creator wants man to obey, admire, fear and worship him through sacrifice and ritual. He wants to impose his repressive rules on man. He wants man to obey him and renounce his desires, which are very often the desires of his Spirit, this spiritual self-government, which, although ignored by man, is nevertheless carried out within him. The Creator, according to Gnosis, has a plan for his creations, and therefore he created the universe and placed man in it. He has a plan, he wants to push it forward, and he needs people to make it happen. However, he needs people who will act in accordance with his, the creator, orders, and not in accordance with the desires of the Spirit. The Demiurge does not allow the Spirit bound in the human soul to manifest itself. He wants a person to act through his soul, not his Spirit. For this reason, it is necessary to oppress a person, to intimidate and harass him. He is a God who completely oppresses his creatures.

Lucifer, liberator

Gnostic myths indicate that Lucifer is the messenger of the unknowable God. We have said that this God, supreme, inaccessible and unknowable, cannot penetrate this limited universe of impure and satanic matter. But according to these myths, he can send someone, Lucifer. Only by the highest sacrifice can the incredibly spiritual and pure creation fiery antimatter to break into the hellish world of this universe. According to Gnostic legends and myths, the great unknowable God sent Lucifer, the Angel of indescribable fire and light, to show people the light and help them wake up and see their true origin, the origin of their Spirit, which was imprisoned in this impure matter called the body. soul. He is an uncreated entity who came into the created world to bring light: the release of Gnosis. Preservation of knowledge that can awaken a person and help him release the imprisoned Spirit. Knowledge that allows a person to know who he really is, why he is here in this world and what he must do to free himself and realize his Spirit, which belongs to another uncreated and unknowable plane.

We have already said that Lucifer came into the world to awaken a person, to help him remember his divine origin, the divine origin of his Spirit and to help him free himself from the body-soul and the created matter and time in which he is imprisoned.

Gnostics believe that the biblical creation myth can be explained as follows: the creator of the world, Satan, imprisoned Adam and Eve in his miserable world, and Lucifer, in the form of a Serpent, offered them the forbidden fruit of the salvation of Gnosis and showed them that the Creator had deceived them. In other words, the Creator says to man: "But from the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil, do not eat, on the day you eat from it, you will die." On the other hand, the Serpent said, “You certainly won't die. God knows that the day you eat of it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." The Bible continues, "And the eyes of every one of them were opened." It doesn't say, "they both died," it says, "their eyes were opened," as the Serpent said. Later the Creator says, "And now man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil." The creator lied. He said that the man would die if he ate the fruit, but the man did not die. The snake spoke the truth. The Creator himself eventually agreed that the Serpent was right. More precisely, the Gnostics called the Demiurge a liar and also a plagiarist. For them, all creation is an unsuccessful attempt by the Demiurge to imitate the unknowable world. Thus, they think that the Bible itself is a complete plagiarism, predominantly based on pre-biblical Babylonian and Egyptian texts.

The Gnostics consider this Serpent of Lucifer to be the liberator of man and the world. It is wisdom, the liberation of Gnosis, which awakens man and preserves him. Of course, this messenger of the unknowable God - Lucifer - is the opponent and enemy of the creator of the world.

Gnosis declares that the Creator wants to keep man in this region of a limited, lower and impure sphere. He also forbade human contact with the higher world, represented in the biblical myth by the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. But Lucifer, the Angel of Light, made a great sacrifice and descended into this satanic hell to give man the forbidden fruit of Gnosis and open his eyes so that he could remember his divine origin and his superiority compared to the Creator. Gnostics believe that prior to the arrival of the Serpent in Paradise, man was in a state of ignorance and was blind to his true situation. They claim that Adam and Eve were in a state of enslavement until the Serpent Lucifer opened their eyes and fed them the fruit of knowledge, which allowed them to remember their divine origin and they realized the situation in which they found themselves.

Of course, the Creator threw Adam and Eve out of this paradise because he wanted (and still wants) that people be reflections similar to him in his image and likeness and fulfill his commandments, so that they resemble him and not like the unknowable God. He wants the Spirit to remain dormant so that it can take advantage of this energy, preventing its manifestation in man and the world.

Lucifer, the liberator of man and the world, also called Abaddon, the destroyer. But ... a fighter of what? Avenger of matter because he hates this created world of matter and time. He will behave like a hostile anti-matter force, extremely aggressive, because he hates everything that has been created, as he also hates the bodies and souls of people, since he belongs to the plane of the uncreated unknowable. He is an avenger, but an avenger of matter, of impurity. Such is the Gnostic legend of Lucifer.

Now we can move on to describing what uncreated objects exist in this created world.

First, the unknowable God, who is not in this world, but who can penetrate the tiny particles of himself, the messengers. This messenger is also uncreated, not created by the Creator.

Secondly, the Spirit contained in people, which also belongs to the unknowable world of the uncreated and eternal. According to Gnosis, all living beings have an uncreated spiritual element in their souls: Spirit. The Spirit blocked inside a person completely surpasses the Spirit of animals, plants and other living beings. The difference between man and other living beings is very great, like the difference between the Spirit, who is imprisoned inside them. The Human Spirit belongs to the highest spiritual category.

Thirdly, another uncreated entity in this created plane is the preservation and divine knowledge of Gnosis. Knowledge that comes from outside, that was not created inside this world.

Serpent of salvation

We have already said that, according to the Gnostic interpretation of Genesis, God the Creator imprisoned Adam and Eve in a world of suffering and gave them servile souls. The Bible says that after they ate the forbidden fruit, Adam and Eve hid, ashamed of the mistake they had made. God came to paradise and called Adam with these words: "Where are you?" He appears to have acted like a master punishing his servant. When he did not find it, he appears to have said, “Where are you? Where did you hide yourself? What have you done? Why don't you work here?"

This creator God created Adam and Eve, unable to distinguish between good and evil, between the uncreated kingdom and the created one. He also created them ignorant of their origin and their destiny.

Why did he create them like this? In accordance with the Gnosis, the creator did not want man to know about his true origin. This world was created against the will of the unknowable God, and it is obvious that the creator did not want man to know about it. He did not (and still does not) want people to know about the spiritual situation in which they live, who they are, or why they were created. He wanted them to remain ignorant to this day. That's why he forbade them to eat from the tree of knowledge. Because it will "open their eyes", wake them up and make them - mind you - who they really were when they got here and what to do. This will make them aware that Eden was not a paradise, but quite the contrary.

In his book "Frank Freemasonry" ("La franc-ma?onnerie"), Father Leon Meurin describes the Gnostic interpretation of the earthly paradise and the Serpent of Genesis, in the following ideas: Jehovah does not want man to know about his origin or his great destiny. He forbids all contact with the higher world. He wants man to be his reflection, not the reflection of the Supreme God.

Johann Gabriel named Leon Meren, born January 23, 1825 and died June 1, 1895, was an archbishop, a German Jesuit. (approx. transl.)

But the man woke up, and he became aware of good and evil. How did he manage to do this? The serpent of temptation in Eden gave him the forbidden fruit, which opened his eyes. According to the Gnostics, this Serpent is Lucifer, the messenger of light. This is the meaning of the word Lucifer: the bringer of light. Lucifer took the form of a Serpent to wake up a person. He is the messenger of the Supreme God, the unknowable God. He is the messenger of the true God who came to this imperfect, inadequate and miserable world and freed man to show him his real situation and what his great destiny could be. For this reason, those who follow the orders of the Creator God consider the Serpent to be something malicious and satanic, and in this confusion equate it with Satan.

On the other hand, the Gnostics viewed the Serpent of Lucifer as the Savior, the one who came to save man, the messenger of the true God. It is the Serpent of enlightenment that causes Gnosis, the gnostic truth that allows the true and true nature of things to manifest in this world of confusion that has come to liberate man. Lucifer is the true liberator of man. He came to free man from the tyranny of Yahweh, from the tyranny of God the Creator. He brought real knowledge, which in itself can free a person and help him break out of this satanic world and return to the world from which he came.

This Serpent, for the Gnostics, is the Serpent of Salvation, the Serpent who opened the eyes of the man who offered him the apple of liberation and helped him to wake up and free himself from this world of suffering and impure matter.

The Creator wanted to create a person, like other living beings, not able to distinguish between good and evil, but the serpent's action awakened and freed him. According to the Gnostics, this knowledge, this Gnosis, brought to man by the Serpent Lucifer, undoubtedly caused a great cosmic disorder in creation. How powerful was this knowledge. Gnosis causes changes in those who receive it, in those who hear it, because it is not a general or transitory knowledge, it is a knowledge of liberation.

There is an interesting book written by Ernst Bloch called Atheism in Christianity which is a good synthesis of this whole aspect of Gnostic thought, the aspect relating to the Serpent of Liberation as the messenger of the true God.

Gnostics of later times, at the beginning of Christianity, who were known as Christian Gnostics or Gnostic Christians, viewed Christ as the Serpent of Genesis. This is explained by the fact that Christ, who came much later than the events in the earthly paradise, brought the message of liberation, just like the Serpent. A message that frees a person from an unclean world. These Christian Gnostics believed that it was the knowledge that allows a person to make contact with another world opposite to the world of the Demiurge: the unknowable world of the true God.

Christ, the bearer of this message, the Gnosis, is comparable to the Serpent of Genesis, who returns to earth for the second time to help humanity. The first coming was in the form of the Serpent Lucifer and the second was in the form of Christ Lucifer. In accordance with the Christian Gnosis, Christ came into the world for the second time, since the first time he was in the earthly paradise. In both cases, he was actually Lucifer, the messenger of the unknowable. And in both cases, the message was the same: Gnosis that brings about change awakens and liberates those who hear it. For Gnostic Christians, the Serpent is Christ, the Savior, who came into this world twice.

There is a Gnostic diagram of the crucified Serpent nailed to the cross which also shows the Gnostic identity between the Serpent of Genesis and Christ. There are myths that the cross on which Christ was crucified was made of wood from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

There was a time when all this knowledge was written down and passed on. But this period continued until the "conversion" of Constantine and the strengthening of the Roman Church as the official religion in the Roman Empire. Since then, books and documents about the Gnosis have been banned, persecuted and destroyed. Very few of these texts have survived.

For example, Origen described a Gnostic diagram in which you can see the Serpent separating two worlds, the created world and the uncreated world. Although no one likes this duality, it describes what this reality looks like and how it should be accepted. Gnostics know what comes out of this other extremely perfect world that has nothing to do with this one. Origen, having access to these Gnostic diagrams and books, to all this information, later criticized this, as did St. Augustine, Tertullian, Hippolytus, Irenaeus of Lyon, Epiphanius and many others.

But now, most of the original Gnostic texts no longer exist and have been destroyed. These critics of the Gnosis twisted all the information in the original Gnostic texts, taking sentences out of context to expose them to ridicule, among other cunning strategies. However, none of that matters now. The primordial Gnosis is always present, although there are many people who are unaware of it. Under the various circumstances in which it has manifested itself openly in the world, it has always remained Gnosis, albeit with different historical and cultural connotations. Despite bans and persecution, Gnosis has never disappeared and never will. He will always remain within reach of those who deserve it. The more he is persecuted, the more he gathers strength.

There are others interesting books, such as Bloch's book, which describe these aspects of ancient Gnosis, which mention the Serpent of Eden of salvation. One of these books is called "Adam, the red god" ("Adan, le dieu rouge"), by Robert Ambelain; the other is CW King's The Gnostics and Their Relics, the last was written in the 19th century.

There is one interesting piece of information about the Serpent of "Genesis" in the book "The Refutation of All Heresies", written by Hippolytus, a great persecutor of the Gnostics. In this book, Hippolytus comments and criticizes some of the words of Celsus, which he finds terrifying. We are talking about the part in which Celsus states, referring to the events in the earthly paradise, that just as the Creator cursed the Serpent when his plans were destroyed and his work was destroyed, so the Creator had to curse every awakened person. Just as the Creator cursed the Serpent of Salvation, so the Creator himself will be cursed for as long as he exists, by every Spirit released from his grasp. Hippolytus is horrified, noting that while he knew the Gnostics compared Creator God to Satan, he never thought they cursed him as well.

Indeed, in the few Gnostic books saved from the flames, we see that the Creator God is sometimes referred to as Satan. The Gnostic tradition refers to the Demiurge as "Satan, the creator of the world and man", "Satan and his demons, the creators of the world" and other similar things.

Immortal Cain

Everyone knows what happened after the "fall" of man, according to the book of Genesis. Adam and Eve were thrown out of paradise and had children. The first was Cain and then Abel. Everyone knows that "God did not recognize the sacrifices that Cain offered him, but recognized the sacrifices of Abel." So Cain, seized with jealousy, rushed at his brother and killed him. Everyone knows this; we always thought: "what a bad Cain," "he killed his brother, it's terrible." Cain was bad and Abel was good; it is the interpretation given to us in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Even St. Augustine, in his interpretation of the myth of Cain and Abel, compares Cain with the Jews and Abel with Christ. He says that the Jews killed Christ in the same way that Cain killed Abel. Saint Augustine, like everyone else, continues the tradition that Abel was good and Cain was bad.

This is very clear in the Bible; Cain is punished by God with exile. This is seen as something logical and normal: Cain is bad and Abel is good. Gnostic interpretation is completely different, in what way? - we'll see now.

First, Gnosis states that Cain is not the son of Adam, and Eve conceived her first son, Cain, with the Serpent, Lucifer. The serpent Lucifer impregnated Eve with his breath. In other words, Cain was not born entirely of human flesh. His spiritual nature was great because his father was Lucifer, from the unknowable world of the Spirit.

On the other hand, Abel was the son of Adam and Eve, in other words, Abel was really born of the flesh.

Now we see the first difference between the two brothers: Cain is superior to Abel. Cain is the son of Eve and Lucifer, the original Serpent of Eden. Cain is the son of spirit and flesh. Abel, on the contrary, is born only from the flesh. Therefore, we see, first of all, that Cain is not evil, but that in fact he is higher and much more important than Abel.

Secondly, Cain, just like Abel, made sacrifices to the Creator God to please him, offering him everything he loved. Cain offered, for example, fruits, and Abel offered animals, lambs. According to the Bible, God the Creator preferred the latter: the blood from dead animals and the smell of the burnt flesh of corpses. The Bible says that the Creator was satisfied with Abel's sacrifices, but not Cain's. It seemed that Cain had little desire to please the Creator, as he only offered him a few seeds and with little devotion, as if he were not fully convinced of the usefulness of the sacrifice. Naturally, Abel's sacrifices were accepted by his Creator, but Cain's were not. Cain didn't like to offer sacrifices to the Creator because of his roots, because he was the son of Lucifer and the Divine spark of the angel of light within him. That is why he did not make suitable sacrifices to the Creator, and why he was disgusted by this, since he did not belong to this created world. Abel, on the other hand, whose nature was not spiritual but animal, made suitable sacrifices and they were those that most pleased the Creator.

An ancient legend says that Abel said to his brother, Cain, on one particular occasion: "my sacrifices, my proposals were accepted by God because I love him, your proposal on the other hand was rejected because you hate him." It is now quite clear that Cain hated the Creator because he was born of the Spirit, his true nature is spiritual! All these legends and myths surrounding Genesis tell us many things. Through them, we understand how much information has been distorted and hidden from us.

There are other interesting things that Cain said to his brother. One small sentence sums up his position. These words are key: "There is no law and no judge" (Palestinian Targum, Genesis, 4:8). Cain denies the power of God the Creator and the fact of paying tribute in obedience to him.

Later we see that Cain killed his brother Abel. This is something very deep, it means that the Spirit rejects, destroys and kills the soul. Abel, as the personification of pure love and devotion in the Bible, represents the soul of man, according to the Gnostics. Cain, on the contrary, represents the Spirit, which explains his hostility and hatred. Hostility and hatred are typical of the Spirit, since the Spirit really hates not clean world full of unfair and absurd rules. This explains Cain's resistance to sacrifice and his disobedience to the Creator's commandments. Cain and Abel are as opposed and irreconcilable as the Spirit and the soul.

The soul is pure love, not true love, but what we know to be love, what we believe, what we are told is love, which is really hate. Spirit is the opposite; it is perceived as pure hatred, enmity and revenge. Because of the tightness in this satanic creation, the only thing that the Spirit can feel is enmity and hatred, what ordinary people know as hatred. The spirit, which is pure love, can only feel disgust at this thing, that is, in fact, rubbish. That's why Spirit wants to destroy this satanic creation, because for him, creation is a deformed ugliness that should never have come into existence. This is what symbolizes Cain's murder of Abel.

Cain, through his actions, freed himself completely from the Creator and his own soul and body. Through these actions against the Creator God and his half-brother Abel, he freed himself once and for all from the lower God and his impure and erroneous creation. By these actions, he turned himself into an adversary, the eternal enemy of the Demiurge and his work.

This entire episode of Cain and Abel, recounted in the book of Genesis in the Bible and legends such as the Jewish Midrash among others, was interpreted by the Gnostics in a way that completely contradicts the generally accepted versions.

After performing his supreme act, the Bible says that Cain was cursed by God and expelled from this place. "Cursed and exiled" - the same fate as the Serpent of Paradise. It is logical that this should have happened, since Cain turned himself into an absolute opponent of the Creator God, but also, much more interestingly, something happened that we are going to cover here:

First, we saw that Cain was cursed and cast out by God the Creator. Perhaps this might seem like a punishment, but the Gnostics argued just the opposite. To be cursed and exiled by the Creator is an honor for the Gnostics. This is the natural reaction of the Demiurge when faced with someone who ignores him and who slaps him when faced with someone who makes himself equal or superior to him. Cain is in exile because he is completely transformed, banished himself, and no longer belongs to this world, although he continues to live in it. The Bible says that the creator cast him out, but free Cain, freed in life through his actions, cursed the Creator and exiled himself from this disgusting creation.

Secondly, several Jewish legends say that the creator punished Cain with eternal insomnia, condemning him to never sleep, to be forever awake. The Gnostics say that this is not a punishment, but a triumph. To be doomed to eternal wakefulness is an advantage, a virtue, an important achievement. Cain awakened himself by non-observance of the Creator's commandments and "murder" of his soul.

Third, the Bible says that the Creator protected Cain by not allowing anyone to hurt or kill him. This is another interesting fact. Gnostics say that a person who has transformed himself into a pure Spirit, although he still inhabits his physical body, is immortal, inviolable. Absolutely no one can harm or attack him, and he has no fear as he is beyond everything and will never die. He is in this world, but also beyond. It transcends matter and time and is no longer part of creation. He banished himself from this world of his own free will. The Creator God can't hurt him anymore because Cain is now superior to him.

Fourth, the Bible says that the Creator placed a mark on Cain so that everyone could recognize him and that would prevent him from being harmed. Some ancient Jewish legends say that this sign was a horn on the forehead. The horn on the forehead means power, the power that comes from the Spirit, the power that distinguishes him from other people. This hardening on the forehead means that the spirit has liberated itself and taken possession of the body, strengthening and spiritualizing it. Nobody put a mark on Cain. Cain put it there himself. When this happened, other people and the whole creation noticed it. Every spirit released from the prison of matter will have this mark forever and ever. Now the spirit will never be what it was when it was bound by matter. The characteristic mark is a transformed body, as hard as a diamond. The spirit transformed the body and became immortal and eternal. This will be his eternal reminder, eternal proof of his journey through hell and his victory over him.

We can find a number of generalizations in the Gnostic explanations of the myth of Cain in Monseigneur Meurin's book on Freemasons, which we quoted earlier. Also in The Red God by Robert Ambelain, and also in Atheism in Christianity by Ernst Bloch. In addition, there are several interesting facts in Jewish Myths by Graves and Patai. There is also a very deep Gnostic interpretation of this myth in a strange novella that I found on the Internet called "El Misterio de Belicena Villca".

Plans of God the Creator

According to the Gnostics, the Creator God has many plans, which together make up his "master plan". This was the reason why he created the universe and man. To achieve his goals, he continues the evolutionary experiment, in which the body, soul and Spirit of man take part. He goes on experiments, testing things, and if the experiment is successful, he extends his results to the entire created Universe. If he is not successful, he has to end the project and start again from scratch, as he has done many times before, trying something else again and again. The fact is that he will never be able to make an exact copy of what he imagines - an unknowable world that he tries in vain to imitate.

There is no doubt that in this last experiment he achieved a success which, though imperfect, has a certain value. After millions of years of fruitless attempts, he, over the course of several thousand years, made a significant step in the evolution of his greatest work: man. After millions of years of evolutionary halt, during which hominid man lived as just another species of animal, he has advanced more in the last 30,000 years than in all of history. Gnostics associate this mutation or "creation", this great evolutionary leap, with the use of Spirits of maximum purity, from the uncreated world.

God the Creator modeled the body from the dust of the earth and brought in the animistic element, the soul, with his breath. To this soul, this breath of the Creator, he attached the Spirit, which was trapped by deceit and against his will in this satanic monster of dust and breath: the body and soul of man. This Divine Energy of the deprived of freedom Spirit prompted and continues to force the animal man to evolve!

And why does the Creator want this development? Because he wants the person to gradually turn into him. That is why he created his commandments and commands. He wants a person to transform himself into the Creator, to become the same as him. The body and soul would be very happy if this happened, because they are part of God the Creator. But the Spirit is not part of it; another source has a different fate.

As long as the spirit is bound, everything goes well, it promotes evolution. But if even one Spirit frees itself, it interferes with the whole plan. This is why it is so important that the Demiurge's tyranny be absolute, and why all knowledge that can awaken a person and help him remember who he really is remains forbidden, because it would be dangerous knowledge, so dangerous that it could destabilize plan of God the Creator. According to Gnosis, even if one Spirit that has liberated itself can weaken the entire creation and also weaken the Creator God, prevent him from continuing to carry out his plans. This Spirit will be the Savior, the Savior of the world and other Spirits. This would allow not only other people to be freed, but the entire Universe, countless divine sparks from the uncreated and eternal world, which ended up here in prison, in this Great Blind Machine, forcing them to work and develop.

This system created by the Demiurge cannot function unless it possesses these particles. spiritual world, enslaved, captive here. The Gnostics said that those spiritual particles that are contained in people are the most important in the spiritual hierarchy and purity.

The demiurge created and collected all this and pushes it to development. So that it develops with the person in front. If the experiment with man fails, he will lay his hand on another of his creatures and try again.

We have already said that the Demiurge wants man to develop until he turns into him and becomes the same as him, in such a way that every soul, or in other words his own breath and every speck of dust, can return to him. , turn yourself into it. This is the ultimate goal of human existence for the Demiurge.

Because of this, it is of fundamental importance for the Demiurge to keep the Spirit in prison so that he can use its energy. That is why the Demiurge wants man to be still half asleep and confused, so that man blindly approaches him, the Creator, who lures him with tricks and punishments. For this whole system to work, a person must believe that the creator is the only God that exists and that he is a good God.

The Gnostics maintain that if a person develops to the point where he merges with his creator, at that moment his Spirit will lose all possibilities for liberating himself as long as this Universe exists.

Death and reincarnation

In all this evolutionary process, which was invented and encouraged by God the Creator, the deaths and reincarnations of a person are very important. When a person dies, his physical body dies; the soul separates from the body and takes the chained Spirit with it, because the Spirit is chained to the soul and not to the body. The spirit is connected to the body through the soul.

After physical death, the soul retreats, taking the Spirit with it. The Soul takes the Spirit to other planes and there it is punished. For Gnostics this world is hell; he is full of punishment and suffering from birth to death. However, after death, suffering continues and, moreover, can become even more intense. The soul is punished for the behavior it indulged on earth while it was in the physical body. The suffering continues. The soul is punished, "purified" as some would say, until it is transferred to a new body in order for the suffering to continue. No one can be saved from hell, not even through death. Once the soul is separated from the body, it continues to suffer, sometimes even more than before. Punishments continue.

And thus, through subsequent deaths and reincarnations, the behavior of people is formed. People are mistaken when they say that this punishment is necessary for their own good, that through it they will become "better", will "evolve", become "purer" and "holier", will be "more like their creator". More like their creator - Satan.

Ask this creator, Satan, who is called the "righteous judge" and "God of love," why children die. Also ask him why he invented so many viruses and diseases. He will not answer, because being unjust, he is also deaf and blind. The Gnostics maintain that the creator feeds on the outpouring of pain and lamentation produced by man.

Through punishment, the Demiurge pretends that a person is gradually “improved”. “Improvement of oneself” is a means of getting closer and closer to the Demiurge, the creator, the punishment will end when a person surrenders to the Creator and accepts being like him, renouncing his Spirit.

This is the last thing that happens when a person or community decides to form a "pact" or blood pact with the Demiurge in order to lessen suffering a little. In these cases, the person or group of people involved in the pact promise to give up the Spirit in exchange for power or material wealth. These people give up everything in exchange for very little. You must be insane or very desperate if you are trying to make a pact or pact with the evil Demiurge. They sign their spiritual death warrant and will disintegrate when all that has been created is gone.

What do we need to do then to be like the creator? It was written in all the "holy books" he inspired. All that needs to be done: “worship the Creator”, “love your neighbor”, “turn the other cheek”, etc. It does not matter that some commandments do not make sense; it is enough to obey them.

It is quite clear what a person must do to please the Creator. The fact is that some things are difficult to do, because every person has a Spirit bound inside him, which calls for opposition to the Demiurge, and not for obedience to him. Of course, some people listen to the voice of their Spirit more than others.

That's why there is punishment. That is why there is death and subsequent reincarnations. Some people need to be punished more than others in order to be broken.

During suffering, there comes a moment when a person gives up, retreats from himself and accepts being as matter created by the Creator. He does this to stop the torture, and for no other reason. By surrendering, he must renounce the Spirit and show the creator that his conviction is absolute and not a feigned transformation. Thus his spiritual self is absolutely annulled; it is spiritual death. Now he will no longer listen to the inner voice that screamed at him to resist and never give up, always fight for his freedom; the voice he barely heard. The soul won; Demiurge won. This man turned himself into a "saint", into an "example worthy of emulation." For the Creator, the moment when nothing else in a person can be a reflection of the Spirit is the cause of great rejoicing and happiness. Now there is a void inside a person, which is subsequently filled by God. Man turns himself into a "representative of God on earth", a "living God", equal to his creator. This is one of the most important aspects of the great plan of God the Creator. That is why he created matter and time, the whole Universe and man, and why he captivated the eternal Spirits.

Once a person has merged with God, or "lost himself in God," as some religions say, the work of the Spirit is complete. But he is still far from liberation, the Demiurge will again connect the Spirit with the soul of another person who is at a lower level of evolutionary development in order to continue using it to advance evolution and achieve the goal of creation: the merging of a person with his creator.

The spirits will only be released when the creator decides to complete his creation, possibly thousands of millions of years from now. It may be that some spirits can free themselves in advance by their own means, but it is very difficult. Demiurge, knowing that the escape of even one of his prisoners would be disastrous for him and for his creation, would take precautions to avoid it.

First, in order for this plan to work, it is necessary for the person to remain asleep. This is necessary so that no spiritual self can manifest and say “I disagree”, “this is not my world”, “this is not my life”, “this is not my destiny”, “this world is hell”.

We have already said that no one can escape suffering. Even through suicide, a being cannot escape the punishment of the satanic creator. The body and soul belong to the creator throughout his life and even after death. The only solution is the release of the Spirit. This is the most difficult and important task for a person who is only half awake.

We have said that the creator needs a sleeping person in order to fulfill his specific plan. Therefore, it is necessary to destroy any person or book that helps him awaken and free his spirit. That is why all this knowledge, Gnosis, is so persecuted and hushed up.

It is important for the demiurge that a person does not wake up, so that he can lead him, like a sleepwalker, through successive reincarnations, so that at the highest point of development, at which, tired of so many sufferings, he agrees to transfer his divine Self, his eternal Spirit to merge with Creator.

Manvantara and Pralaya

Gnosis contains the answer to the question of whether creation is eternal, or will disappear in one day: everything that has been created must disappear. The demiurge creates worlds and after a while destroys them. The rabbis say: "The Lord, blessed, creates the worlds and destroys them." In Shankara's teaching we find: "Like bubbles in water, the world is conditioned, exists and dissolves in the supreme god." (Atmabodha, 8). Hindus call it "the breath of Brahma". Brahma - Hindu creator god. This is another name for Demiurge.

Creator God starts a new creation with every big bang. This exhalation is his breath exhaled outward. This creation expands until he decides to end it, bringing it back to the beginning, pulling it back in. It is the inhalation absorption of his breath. When creation comes to an end and is destroyed, involution begins; time begins to recede until it disappears, this is a long period during which the Demiurge does not create anything. In India, this stage is called the "night of Brahma." Each period of creation is followed by a period of cosmic silence in which everything created is taken back, completing the contract until it disappears. After everything is destroyed and reduced to nothing, there will be another big bang and a new creation will begin, and so on and so forth. One attempt by the Demiurge follows another, constantly pursuing a perfection that he will never achieve.

In India, the cycles of creation are called manvantaras and the cycles of destruction are called pralayas.

There is a very common song in Israel called "Adon Olam" ("Master of the World"), which has a passage that makes us think of the creator's rest period after he destroys his work. It sounds like this: "And after all is gone, he, the terrifying one, will reign alone." This refers to the period of silence of the creator, when nothing remains.

When the whole creation falls apart, the uncreated continues to exist as always, because it is eternal; it has no beginning or end. It belongs to the plane of unknowable eternity. Only what has been created disappears into pralaya. Only what has been created can be destroyed.

Only when the Demiurge decides to destroy everything that he created, that is, at the end of the manvantara, then the uncreated Spirits, which remained imprisoned in matter, are released. All matter, every body and every soul will be destroyed. Only the Uncreated, the Eternal will not be affected by destruction, returning to the unknowable world from which it came.

Gnostics don't want to wait thousands of millions of years. They want to be free now, as soon as possible. And not only free yourself. They also want to put an end to this entire satanic Demiurge breathing system and his crazy plans, torturing the imprisoned Spirits, successive creations and destructions, death and reincarnation, everything that is created, everything that is impure and the Demiurge himself.

Great conspiracy

Throughout history, the religious and political institutions of the Demiurge on earth have deliberately colluded to eliminate, or at least distort, the gnostic vision wherever it is encountered. Any systems of thought in which any trace of the original Gnosis can be found are forbidden or misinterpreted. This shows how dangerous Gnostic knowledge is for the plans of the Demiurge. Hiding the truth is part of a deliberate plan so that the person cannot wake up, let alone rise up. The man is so intimidated, deluded and half asleep so that he never understands who he really is and what situation he is in. So that he never learns the truth about what happened, about his current reality, about what his future will be like. This allows us to hope that man will never know the correct answers to these three basic questions: Who am I? Why am I here? What should I do?

But truth never disappears. Oppressed and hidden, she will always struggle to manifest. The worst thing that can be done in relation to the truth is its prohibition. But this will give rise to the opposite effect: she will appear with more power and violence.

What should have been hidden in the first place?

First, one should exclude the idea that behind the inept Demiurge there is another God, infinitely superior to him and perfect.

To hide this part of the Gnostic truths, the idea was invented that the Creator God and the unknowable God are one and the same, that together they make up the existing God: the Demiurge, the creator of heaven and earth.

At the beginning of Christianity, the Gnostic Grand Master Marcion stated very clearly: “The God of the Old Testament is not the God of the New Testament. These are two different gods. The first is the God who enforces the Law and punishes, and the other is the God of love who always forgives. Both are irreconcilable."

Marcion, the founder of the heresy of Marcionism, lived in the 2nd century, recognized only the Gospel of Luke, revised according to his teaching, and 10 epistles of the Apostle Paul as the source of revelation. The system is based on the dualism of the all-good God and matter, which is dominated by the devil; between God and the devil, the existence of a demiurge is allowed, a being who manifests only absolute justice, excluding love and mercy. Marcion prescribes a strictly ascetic life. In the III century. Marcionism was very common in Mal. Asia, Syria, Armenia, and to the west in Rome and Carthage. (approx.transl.)

What could be done to cover it up? It was Origen who came up with the next brilliant idea: “There are no two different gods- one is just and the other is good.

This is the same God, and he is just and good." So the Demiurge tries to be good and perfect.

Secondly, the difference between the unknowable world and the created one has also been eliminated. Anyone who invokes the existence of two irreconcilable realms is considered a transgressor, labeled as a "dualist"; as if describing reality is also a bad thing. The conspirators reduced everything to just one realm: the realm of the Demiurge.

Thirdly, if the Demiurge is good and perfect, who can we blame for all the bad things that exist in the world? If the divine attributes of the unknowable God were transferred to the Demiurge, what about the creative attributes of evil and irrelevance, plagiarism and lies?

That is why the idea was invented that the Demiurge is not Satan and that Satan is someone else. The demiurge became good and perfect, stripped of his satanic functions. Now all evil comes from this new satan who is outside of him. The evil of the Demiurge is outside, it is from Satan, which is different from the Creator. Now this new Satan who loves blood, the smell of burnt flesh, slaves, wars, rituals, sacrifices, conspiracies and genocide. Now this new Satan, who takes advantage of the fact that people bow before him and conclude agreements or bloody covenants, in exchange for power or earthly wealth. It is easy to find that all the characteristics that Satan now has were taken from the creator God of the Bible.

What we have thus: the unknowable God does not exist, his attributes were transferred to the Demiurge and the attributes of the Demiurge were transferred to Satan, who is outside of him. What else is lacking in this great conspiracy, this great fraud now? There is a lack of someone we can turn into this Satan. It must be someone we will hate very much, since then Satan is the most unfortunate figure that we can imagine.

Fourth, this is how the brilliant idea of ​​this conspiracy came about: it occurred to someone that the most appropriate way would be to expose the fact that the evil Satan is none other than Lucifer. In this way, it not only "cleansed" the Demiurge of his satanic nature, but the image of Lucifer was also completely distorted. An angel of light, sent by an unknowable God to save mankind, was transformed into a monster whose function is to keep a person in bondage. The great idea of ​​the earthly representatives of the Demiurge and timely revenge on Lucifer, the eternal enemy of the true Satan: the Demiurge.

From two opposite and irreconcilable objects, God the Creator and the unknowable God, one was formed: the "good and unique" Demiurge.

From two opposite and incompatible worlds, one was formed that is "good": the one created by the Demiurge. The same process occurs with the other two opposite and irreconcilable objects: Lucifer and Satan, the messenger of the true God and Satan, the creator of matter and time. They were transformed into one entity: "Satanic Lucifer". This is how the charlatans of the Demiurge conspire against the truth.

The belief that Satan and Lucifer are the same as what they call the devil remains to this day. In the New Testament, it is already established that Lucifer and Satan are the same (Luke X.18) (2 Corinthians XI.14). Even in the works of Monseigneur Merin, which were quoted earlier, we find the same confusion: he calls the Demiurge "Jehovah-Lucifer" and not "Jehovah Satan", which would be correct. And if Meren, a very famous Roman Catholic theologian in the world, repeats this mistake, then what can we expect from the average person?

Fifth, what can be done to distort the gnostic idea that this created world is hell and heaven is the plane of the unknowable God? The conspirators gave birth to the following idea: they declare that this world is not hell, that hell is far beyond it. Hell is a place of punishment for those who do not obey the Demiurge during their life on earth. And what characteristics will this hell have? It has occurred to someone that the typical characteristics of the unknowable world can serve as a very good basis for this new hell. If Lucifer, the bearer of light who represented the blazing fire, is Satan, then this hell can be said to be a place full of flames. This is the place where "sinners" are burned.

As for the Gnostics, for them the unknowable realm is precisely the fire of antimatter, which hates this impure creation and, if it were possible, would destroy it. However, for the Gnostics, this same fire is good and desirable and not something satanic.

The sixth point is that Spirit was another thing they considered important to eliminate, or at least make unrecognizable. The representatives of the Demiurge on earth could not allow that, after all the good beliefs, something uncreated and Divine still remained inside a person. The spirit must also be eliminated.

We have already seen that, for the Gnostics, man consists of three parts: body, soul, and spirit. The body and soul were created by the Demiurge, while the Spirit was captured in the plane of the uncreated and eternal and does not belong to this realm of creation. Soul and Spirit, two entities invisible to the average human eye, opposite and irreconcilable. The soul was created by the Demiurge; it is that which gives life to the body, the animistic aspect. Only the soul strives to be one with its creator, in merging with him. On the other hand, the Spirit is a prisoner in this strange world to which he does not belong and which is hell for him. He only wants to free himself and return to the unknowable world from which he came. For Spirit, body and soul are as terrible as matter and time.

For the Demiurge and his creation, it is necessary, and even fundamentally important, that the Spirit is still attached to the human soul. His evolutionary plan cannot do without the Spirit bound by matter. However, one thing is important: the Demiurge wants to keep this a secret so that a person will never understand that he has an uncreated spark inside him, stolen from another world.

Thus, in order to eliminate the gnostic thought of the Spirit, the agents of the Demiurge on earth came up with this brilliant idea: out of two formations, opposite and irreconcilable, they made only one. They removed all the divine characteristics of the perfection and purity of the Spirit. They left only the uncreated aspect, because if a person discovered that there is something uncreated inside him, he would start asking questions, and this is not good. All the virtues of the Spirit were transferred to the soul, which thus turned from a satanic essence into a perfect one. Now there is no more sense in talking about the uncreated Spirit. Now only one entity will remain in the human body: "the divine and perfect soul created by God."

We have already said that at the beginning of Christianity, the first Christian theologians, St. Augustine, among others, always mentioned the body, soul and Spirit of man. But, over the years, it began to fade. The spirit first turns into "intelligence", then it was combined with the soul, until one fine day, it was decided to remove it completely, as an integral part of the human personality, leaving only the soul and body. The conspiracy was successful: the man forgot about the Spirit.

And not only in Christianity, but in all religions of the Demiurge, the body and soul are considered as the only constituent parts of a person.

Not only was the idea of ​​the presence of something uncreated inside a person managed to be eliminated, but the idea that there is a prisoner unjustly locked inside of him was destroyed. It is better that no one knows why the Spirit was imprisoned, as people will start asking questions and some may even awaken. It is better that they remain blind when discussing less dangerous matters such as football or sex.

Seventh point - in order to falsify the gnostic evidence that this creation is imperfect because the creator is imperfect, the conspirators had to further hone their satanic wit. Imperfection in this world is so obvious and noticeable that it cannot be denied. No matter how stupid a person may be, he will never admit that this world is a paradise.

So what's the solution? How can we justify the "ideal Demiurge" who created such a monster? In addition, the Gnostics opposed the erroneous creation created by the plagiarist, the imperfect Demiurge, as opposed to the uncreated and eternal kingdom of the true God. What could be done to get rid of these dangerous ideas? The conspirators came up with a solution that would abolish the idea of ​​an uncreated and ideal world and at the same time justify the inexperienced Demiurge who created the world. This decision was also useful in justifying what cannot be hidden: the pollution and imperfection of the created world. What deception did they draw this time? We are now investigating this issue.

The conspirators stated that all the features that characterize the realm of the unknowable God were transferred to the creation of the Demiurge, but not to this creation, but to the previous one. The so-called creation of the Demiurge, which was truly perfect and pure. In other words, the Demiurge who became perfect was also capable of creating a perfect and pure world. Now we find that there is no longer room for the unknowable God and his kingdom, for the Demiurge, having become perfect, performs an ideal work. But how did it happen that an ideal creation was transformed into something so imperfect that we have today? Here is the brilliant lie of the apostles of deceit: it is through the fault of man that the creature became impure and imperfect. The Creator, a perfect being, created the world perfect, but man destroyed it. Paradise was perfect, but man and the Serpent Lucifer destroyed this perfection with their "fall".

So, we have a kind and perfect Creator who did his job well and perfectly. All his creations - matter, time, man - were good. Paradise was an ideal place and people lived happily there. Everything went wrong and worsened because of man's disobedience.

The claim that man is guilty of "original sin" and "fall" was one of the crudest ideas conceived against the Spirit and the true God. Man is responsible for the shortcomings of the work and the incompetence of the Creator!

We have already seen that man was nothing more than an ignorant servant in paradise. He ignored everything about himself and his creator, it seems he still remains the same servant. He does not know that there is another God who is infinitely superior to God the Creator. He does not know that there is an imprisoned Spirit in his body and soul. He doesn't even know that until he wakes up, he won't be able to rebel.

For Gnosis, the only "original sin" that existed was the sin of the Demiurge, who bound the eternal Spirit to the mortal soul of man. For the Gnosis, the only "fall" that existed and helped the Demiurge is the fall of the Spirits into the hellish world of matter.

We have examined the seven principles of concealment of problems and distortion of facts committed against the Gnosis by the servants of the Demiurge on earth. We will now consider the means used by these conspirators in order to better create their falsifications.

Their goal is to eliminate all knowledge that relates to the uncreated world, the awakening of man, the liberation of the Spirit and the rebellion against the Demiurge. This uncreated knowledge - Gnosis - is extremely dangerous for the universal satanic dictatorship. Gnostic knowledge must be eliminated because it poses the greatest threat to the Demiurge and his work.

His motto is: everything that opposes the system created by the Demiurge must be destroyed, and that which cannot be eliminated must be distorted and destroyed until it becomes unrecognizable.

Stalin, Demiurge's agent, said: "If you cannot strangle your enemy, hug him." This illustrates how the reformed agents of the Demiurge act against the Gnosis. If something cannot be forbidden, it is embraced, surrounded, to suffocate it, to turn it into something harmless. And harmless knowledge, thus neutralized and transformed, is then put to work to serve the Demiurge. This is the case with religions that were at the beginning revolutionary and opposed to the Demiurge, and then filtered and distorted were placed at his service, each of them was transformed into a different demiurgical religion. This applies, for example, to Christianity, Buddhism and Tantrism, among others. They have been transformed into religions completely different from what they were in the beginning.

It is about trying to ensure that no knowledge can remain outside the dictatorial control of the Demiurge and that no element from the uncreated world can endanger the work or plans of the Demiurge.

There are still burnings of dangerous books. Of course, this is currently being done in secret. Times have changed, and in today's "democratic" dictatorship, book destruction is carried out in secret.

Books are not currently burned in public places, but they are individually bought up and delivered to some agents or religious figures who then destroy them. Whenever possible, all publications are bought for this purpose, and the same goes for copyrights. There are other methods, but I describe only those that I can reliably prove. I have a long list of books and authors who have suffered this fate, whose books do not appear on the "official" lists of condemned or missing books.

The authors of these books are usually persecuted or punished. They are threatened, intimidated or harassed in every way. There is often theft of manuscripts, sabotage of the press, and so on. Many authors have their reputations tarnished by imprisonment or stay in psychiatric institutions for writing a book, against the demiurgical system, and not only in communist countries, as the same happens in "democratic" dictatorships.

Many recalcitrant writers have died mysteriously from strange illnesses or accidents that have never been fully investigated. Currently, Demiurge's kill teams have extremely effective means to cover up their kills. Such was the fate of the great rebels and opponents of the Demiurge and his work. In this created world, the Demiurge and his agents have everything for their own benefit, since this is his realm: the realms of the Demiurge. This realm is the complete opposite for the Gnostics: an enemy land where they must operate. Absolutely everything that is created will be against them. So Gnostic warfare should be the same: general.

Let us consider the case of Mani, the great Gnostic master who founded the Manichaean religion, and to which Saint Augustine belonged for nine years. Mani did exist; He is not a mythical character from another demiurgical religion.

Fearing that his teachings would be distorted over time, Mani wrote several books that were persecuted, destroyed and hidden for centuries. When they were already considered lost forever, the entire Manichaean library was found in China in the 20th century. It was as miraculous as the find at Nag Hammadi. They have been hidden for almost one and a half thousand years.

Mani, who never backed down from what he preached, was persecuted, imprisoned, and tortured to death by the priests of the Demiurge in ancient Persia. One version says that Mani was skinned alive. They tore off his skin and stuffed it with straw, hanging over the city gates as a warning to the enemies of the Creator God. Another version says that Mani was skinned after death. Tightly bound with chains, he endured twenty-six days of severe suffering and then died. It is because of this that people talk about the "crucifixion of Mani". But Mani was not an average man; He freed himself while still alive. Torture and death do not affect those who have realized their Spirit; on the contrary, it makes them laugh.

Let's take one more case, among many others, this is the story of Zeno of Elea. Imprisoned and bound, Zeno, even as he was being tortured, said to his executioner, "Come closer and I will whisper to you whatever you want to know." When the executioner approached, Zeno bit off his ear. The executioner, in a fit of rage, told Zeno that he would torture him even more until he was forced to give up his ideas. Zeno answered as follows: he bit off his own tongue and threw it at the feet of the executioner.

Zeno of Elea (dr. Greek Zqvwv O ELgatpo (c. 490 BC - c. 430 BC), ancient Greek philosopher, student of Parmenides. Born in Elea. Famous for his aporias, with which he tried to prove the impossibility motion, space and set.Scientific discussions caused by these paradoxical reasoning have significantly deepened the understanding of such fundamental concepts as the role of discrete and continuous in nature, the adequacy of physical motion and its mathematical model, etc. These discussions continue at the present time. transl.)

How could matter matter to such a spiritually realized person as Zeno, so that he would worry about what might happen to his body and soul! Zeno's tormentor to be just a poor clown. Such people are called warriors of the Spirit; they would rather endure torture and death than give up their ideas.

In the great dictatorship of the Demiurge and his deceivers, there is another type of threat: the punishment given by the Demiurge himself. The sacred books of the religions of the Demiurge are full of these warnings: the punishment of Adam and Eve, the Great Flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, the Tower of Babel, the plagues of Egypt, and many others.

What other punishments can be used besides eliminating opponents? Why are there so many threats and warnings? The answer is simple: to spread fear. Fear of punishment makes the slaves work and give up trying to escape. A slave who is afraid is more obedient and submissive. Fear of punishment is the means used by the Demiurge to create such living conditions for a person that he obeys his commandments all his life. For the Demiurge, the best slave is the one who fears and most obediently obeys him. He wants his slaves to spend their lives working for his cause, thinking "when I die, I will go to heaven." Such people are ideal slaves for the Demiurge. He wants man to grow old without rebelling, without awakening, without releasing his Spirit. That's why fear is needed, and that's why conspiracy is needed: so no one can find the path to Liberation and Return.

In the dictatorship of the Demiurge, a person has only the freedom to choose between several things that are the same. The same, but with different disguises. There is always freedom of thought, as long as it does not contradict the "politically correct way of thinking" introduced by the representatives of the Demiurge.

Let's look at this with the example of religions. They all seem different, but in essence they are one and the same. They are the same, only their appearance is different. Their God is the same: the creator of the world. They call him Brahma, Baal, Yahweh, Jehovah, Moloch, Lord God or Allah, but it is always the same Demiurge.

They try to give a false idea of ​​diversity, so that the sleeping person thinks that there are many paths with different destinies and there is freedom to choose between them. There are even people who switch from one religion to another, believing that by doing so they will create a big change. This is what René Guénon did for example - it took him years of study and meditation to decide to abandon Christianity and join the Freemasons and Martinists, only to later give up all this and convert to Islam. He thought he made a big leap with these changes, but the only thing he did was spin in circles inside his maze. His search was in vain. And if Guenon, who had studied these subjects so well, was so confused, one can imagine the mistakes that the average person will make.

The story of Saint Augustine is even more pathetic. He was Mani's follower, auditor or listener, and after meeting Mani face to face, he decided to leave everything behind and convert to Christianity. By his apostasy, Augustine rejected the incomprehensible and the Spirit, preferring the Demiurge and the soul. He resisted the radical asceticism of Manichaeism and immersed himself in Constantine's new popular and Imperial religion: Christianity.

There are people who are half awake, who are afraid to spend their lives sleeping, desperately looking for a way out of the labyrinth in which they are trapped. Unfortunately, most of them ignore that the options that appear before them are always the same, just with different disguises. The purpose of all this is that such people never find their way out or realize that all religions as political parties are one and the same with different facets, all under the control of the Demiurge.

A few years ago, the Dalai Lama said that there should not be just one religion, but a "supermarket of religions." This The best way make a person believe that he is surrounded by a variety of options and that when he makes a choice, he will receive something different from the rest.

The purpose of these religions is to keep man asleep, blind, which will lead him to the ultimate slaughterhouse: his merging with the Demiurge.

Light and darkness

For thousands of years the Hindus have been saying that the whole creation, everything that is created, is maya, pure illusion, a trick. Seen through the eyes of the Spirit, the entire work of the Demiurge is truly non-existent and is nothing more than a big lie. The created world, as perceived by the senses, is a serious obstacle that separates a person from the real world. Man is not only deluded by the mania of matter. The delirium of matter created by the Demiurge must be joined to the delirium of culture created by man, but at the service of the Demiurge. All the cultural stimuli with which man is constantly bombarded tend to keep him in a state of confusion and meekness. Books, newspapers, magazines, movies and television are some of the means used by Demiurge representatives to keep a person mesmerized and obedient and to make sure he continues to act like a sleepwalker - working, sleeping, wasting time and losing opportunities; never wakes up like a perfect zombie or Demiurge's golem, serving a target that isn't the target of the Spirit.

All this mass confusion, this great Maya that comes from creation and continues within the culture, is passed down in turn from fathers to their little children, and later by teachers in schools. Thus, the slightest hint of the Spirit is destroyed the day a person is born. All rebellion, disobedience, opposition and everything that comes from the Spirit is destroyed through punishment, threats and brainwashing. By transforming their children into machines of blind obedience, the satanic parents form the future slaves of the Demiurge.

In the middle of all this mass confusion, man thinks he knows what is good and what is evil. He also believes that by doing what is called "good" and avoiding the so-called "evil" he is fully fulfilling his duty. He does not know how confused he is, that he is living a lie that he constantly deceives himself and others with. He does not know because he is asleep, because he has been brainwashed, and because his Spirit has been eliminated from the moment he was born. Most people call light what is really darkness, and they perceive True Light as darkness. They call everything satanic that arose from the Demiurge "good" and everything that comes from the unknowable God "evil."

There are two opposing forces operating within and outside of man: the creator and the incomprehensible, the created and the uncreated, the soul and the Spirit. One of them represents evil and darkness, and the other Good and light. It is easy to imagine which of them is the position of a Gnostic and which is the position of a sleeping person.

It is said that the whole history of mankind can be explained as a struggle between light and darkness, but what is light and what is darkness? Most people don't know that they have spent their lives fighting for true evil. What man calls light is the light created by the Demiurge, since man does not know any other higher light. This is the light that comes from the created world and which for the Spirit is incomprehensible darkness. The darkness that comes from the Demiurge and his demonic creation is what man calls light. Man calls the Truth a great lie, a great deceit, but this is what we can call a great mockery.

There is another Light, higher, unthinkable, incomprehensible: the uncreated Light that comes from the realm of the True and Unknown God. What will happen if this light breaks into this impure universe? The person would become blind. What would he see? Would he see the light? No, he would have seen the night. His eyes are not ready to see this infinite pure and perfect light. He would be scared, and rightfully so, because he could be destroyed by the light. Therefore, he would call this light "evil", "darkness", which happens to everyone who sees through the eyes of impure bodies and souls of a person, and not through the eyes of the Spirit.

This confusion of darkness and light is the same confusion that exists between the Creator God and the unknowable God, between the created and the uncreated, between the soul and the Spirit. That is why man involuntarily calls true darkness light and true light darkness. The true light would blind him and destroy him. If a person could endure the vision of true light and not die, he would only see incomprehensible darkness, because he would see true light.

Black and white lodges

V Lately much has been said about white lodges and black lodges. The beings that form these lodges work in planes of other dimensions, invisible to the common man. It is said that the white lodges are formed from allegedly highly evolved beings who are trying to help man develop according to the great plan that God the Creator has laid out for his material creation and his beings. Since these lodges are trying to help a person, he can fulfill his functions in a satisfactory way within the framework of the creation plan, this is called the "white lodge" or "White Brotherhood". It could be called something along the lines of "a good bed of good beings of light."

On the other hand, we can already imagine who the members of the black lodges are: they are those who oppose the plan of God the Creator, those who are trying to prevent the accomplishment of this plan. These are the black lodges of the bad guys. We must make it clear that we are using the term "black lodge" to avoid confusion, because this is the name commonly known to be used by agents of the Demiurge. Representatives of the Spirit have never been "lodges". There is a true name - the Black Order.

The white lodge works in favor of the Creator God and his plan, while the black lodge works against him. For this reason the members of the black lodges are called "misguided brethren", because being "able to help the construct, they chose to destroy" and being "able to do good, they chose evil". When it was stated that the members of the black lodge were opposed to the "ideal plan of the good Demiurge", the result was a rejection and natural revulsion towards these "enemies of good". It has been deliberately hidden for centuries that these "enemies of the only God" do not object to the work of this creator just for the sake of protest.

The fact that they have another God, which is not the devil, but the superior and true God, was hidden. Fighting to make Demiurge's plans fail is the sacred task of these warriors of true good, and that too has been covered up. It was hidden that the unknowable God also has a plan, infinitely brilliant and perfect. And all this was hidden from us so that we could better deceive and slander the warriors of the Spirit, so that we could not wake up and could not become "like God, knowing good and evil."

There is a war that started with the big bang, thousands of millions of years ago, between these two forces of darkness and light, between God the Creator and the unknowable God. The white and black lodges are their respective armies. Since this world belongs to the Demiurge, he decides who to call white and who to call black. The world of the Demiurge, also the battlefield where this war is going on.

How are these "wisdom masters" of the white lodge usually represented? They are presented as angelic and warm, bearded and dressed in white, as if they were pure and flawless. They are so presented in order to better deceive the gullible. So no one suspects that they are real demons responsible for the implementation of the satanic plans of the Demiurge. So that no one suspects that these deceivers of man are the ones who are trying to make sure that humanity is blindly advancing towards spiritual death. So that no one will ever know that these executioners of the Spirit are the ones who desire each person to be another cog in the wheel, another machine, another link. Another ant in the universal communist anthill, which was singled out by Satan the Demiurge as the final destiny of mankind.

It is said that as a result of the evolution of each person, when he loses the fighting spirit and can no longer fight, then he will see true face this false "master" of the white lodge.

Over the past one hundred and fifty years the members of the white lodge have been portrayed each time with greater clarity. Their names, appearances and characteristics can be found in the books of Helena Blavatsky and in the books of her followers, the most notable among them is Alice Bailey. We were talking about one of the members of the white lodge: Satan Kumar. What is the name! The name is too explicit, so I had to later change it to Sanat Kumar. Each of them, like the Demiurge, has many names, many disguises to better deceive. Some of them have the real names of demons, like Maitreya, who is considered the "real Christ", or the "masters" Mahatma Morya and Dwall Khul. Others hold titles of nobility, such as "Prince" Rakoczy - the true "prince" of darkness. There are many more, and they are all similar. All these demons, empty shells of the Demiurge, will disintegrate in pralaya along with everything that has been created.

On the other hand, members of the black lodges are presented as terrible monstrous creatures. How else can they be represented in the world of the Demiurge? They are called "messengers of Satan" or "agents of evil." They are presented as destructive monsters, usually dressed in black to confuse the gullible.

Leaving aside the lies that were invented to discredit them, let's analyze some of the characteristics of the black lodge warriors.

In the first place, what kind of a divine being, a being of light, who enters this hell can have? Of course, not a happy face, but full of pain, disfigured by suffering. The sacrifice of beings of light who invade the world of the Demiurge to help people who have lost their way suggests the worst suffering imaginable.

Secondly, in what colors, as we have already said, does a sleeping person perceive the uncreated Light? Of course, in gloomy black, because the true light blinds an impure person. The black image is an honor for the warriors of the spirit, because black means pure light, blinding light, true light.

Thirdly, how do these beings of light behave when they break into the universe of the Demiurge? When the warriors of the black lodge infiltrate this created hell, they stay there for a limited time, on a precise mission, and then leave the place as soon as possible. They have no time to waste, because this unclean world is an unthinkable torment for them. Upon reaching the greatest insane enormity of the Demiurge, it would be right to hit in the exact place where it hurts more and run. For those who come from the unknowable world, the war against the created world is a total war. For them, nothing that has been created deserves to be saved.

If a common person could see these creatures, he would be afraid of their aggressiveness and destructiveness. He would see them as dangerous enemies, like creatures that Lovecraft described or that appeared in movies like Hellraiser or Predator. Viewing reality through his soul and body, the common man sees the pure as impure and his saviors as enemies.

Warriors of spirit hate matter. They are indeed destroyers, but destroyers of the impure. If an ordinary person comes face to face with these creatures, everything that is impure in him - his body and soul will disintegrate. These beings are formed from the fire of the anti-matter world; Therefore, not one created atom can collide with them and not disappear. If these warriors approached an ordinary person, they would destroy his body and soul, but not his Spirit, which consists of pure fire, like them. Only the absurd aspects will be destroyed, the sick part that imprisons the Spirit: the body and soul of the animal mistakenly called man.

On the other hand, people transformed into pure Spirit are never afraid of anything. They can really see reality for what it is. They can really correctly distinguish between good and evil. They can really see the members of the black lodge for who they are. They know that the fire of antimatter destroys only the created, not the uncreated. The Spirit is not afraid of death simply because for the Spirit, death does not exist, because the Spirit is eternal. And the day when everything that was rubbish will be destroyed is the day on which all creation and its creator will fall apart, when nothing remains, not a single atom, body or soul, only Spirits, liberated forever, remain. Now there will be no more duality, and the world will return to one and only one: the unknowable eternal fire.

Rebellion and opposition

The Gnostics, having outlined the absolute and irreconcilable differences between the Creator God and the unknowable God, regard the God who created the world as something inferior to the True and Unknown God. Therefore, it is only natural that they assert that the laws and ordinances of God, who created the universe and man, should not be obeyed, because this is not the word of the true God, but of another, a swindler, lower and more inept. For the Gnostics, everything that exists in the sacred religious books is not the word of the true and unknowable God, but the Creator God or the Demiurge. In these books his commandments appear and he wants a person to obey them, for example, he decrees how people should interact with each other and how they should worship and serve him. The Gnostics concluded that if these laws came from the Demiurge, they should not obey them.

Gnostics oppose everything that comes from the Demiurge in principle. One must disobey everything the Creator says, appoints and requires, because he is not the true God, but an impostor who considers himself "the only one."

Viewed from the outside and from the superficial level of the average person, this gnostic position seems to be disgusting rebelliousness. The simple man imagines that a good God created man, loves him, wants to help him, has great hopes for him, and needs him to be perfected to complete his work. The common man will view this gnostic stance against "the good father who brought him into the world" with horror. Man, the best of all beings that God has created, will rise up against him, oppose himself to him and reject him. Horrible! But the common man does not know everything that we have already said about the "good father" and his work and plans.

For Gnosis, rebellion against the Demiurge not only liberates man from slavery and bondage, but also weakens and takes away the power of the Demiurge. Thanks to their constant opposition, the Gnostics gradually acquires an equal and then even higher power than the power of God the Creator.

If man were only body and soul, if only these two objects created by the Demiurge were all that man is, there would certainly never be any rebellion at all. Nothing created rebels against its creator. What is happening is that there is something in man that was not created by God the Creator: the eternal Spirit. The spirit was brought in from outside and does not belong to this world. It was added to the monster, which is the body - the soul, so that it could work and develop. But the Spirit was placed in matter against his will and ended up in prison. It is the Spirit that rises. He does not rebel against his creator, but against the one who imprisoned him. Notice this rebellion comes from the Spirit. It is the uncreated part in man that hates and opposes the satanic creator and his work.

The Gnostic man who has transformed himself into his own Spirit, the Spirit who has liberated himself and possessed his body and soul to use as tools, will be a great rebel and opponent of the Demiurge and his work. His actions will be grandiose and destructive, like the actions of every liberated Spirit. And as in the case of Cain, the Demiurge has no power over him.

On the other hand, a person who is half asleep will be half defiant. He will blindly look for a way out. He will almost unconsciously act against the created world, which surrounds and chokes his Spirit. His half-conscious attitude will not allow rebellion or opposition to endanger the Demiurge or his work.

We have already said that in the process of liberation of the Spirit, a person acquires a power equal to and then superior to the power of God the Creator. We have also said that strong and sustained rebellion and opposition weaken the Demiurge and deprive him of power. This refers us to four possible positions regarding the idea of ​​man that God the Creator can have.

First position: Demiurge exists. There is a God who created heaven and earth.

Second position: Demiurge does not exist. This is atheism. God the Creator does not exist. Everything that exists is a product of the blind evolution of matter.

These first two positions, God exists/God does not exist, are the traditional positions in human history.

It has always been believed that there can be no third position, but then Nietzsche came along and declared that "God is dead." This is the third thought that a person can have a Creator God: God existed, but now he is dead. This idea is somewhere in the middle of the positions God exists/God does not exist.

The fourth position is my Gnostic position: the creator God exists, but he must be eliminated by man.

This last position appears to be the most terrifying, judging by the way it was persecuted and hidden. The Gnostics argue that the creator must be trapped and weakened so that he cannot create anything else and finally he will disappear. The duality of the worlds must be eliminated by man, so that there is only one kingdom: the unknowable God.

Gnostics argue that these attacks must be directed at the Creator God in order to break the endless return of manvantaras and pralai, experimental trial and error in this great plagiarism that never reaches perfection. If an atomic chain reaction destroys everything created, the Demiurge will create everything again. That is why it is necessary for Gnosis to defeat and eliminate this Creator God.

In an interesting movie called "Warlock", a witch who is a "bad guy" tries to find the exact words with which Demiurge created the world. Reading this formula backwards would make all creation disappear. It's not a bad idea, but rather a waste of time: if something like this happens, Demiurge will create everything again.

Another important topic is suicide. Suicide seems to be a rebellion against the Creator, but it is not. Those who think that suicide is a way to escape from the clutches of the Demiurge are mistaken.

When a person begins to wake up and begins to see things as they are, he fears that he is going crazy. He realizes that everything he's been taught is a lie, that he's surrounded by lunatics and sleepwalkers, and that he's stuck in a giant concentration camp populated by the insane. If this person does not quickly find other people who have awakened like him, it is likely that he will consider committing suicide in an attempt to break out of this prison. This is why most people prefer to stay asleep. Most of them don't want to know the truth: that they live in a huge psychiatric hospital, which was invented and controlled by a supreme lunatic. Only a small part of very courageous people will seek this special knowledge that can wake them up.

We have seen that trying to destroy the work of the Demiurge is futile, since he will create everything again. Thus, suicide is also a mistake, a useless rebellion, and in this case is the opposite of liberation.

When a simple person commits suicide, his soul is separated from his body and delivered to the Demiurge, taking the Spirit with him, since the Spirit is attached to the soul. Next come judgment, punishment, and karma. This is what happens every time a person dies, and suicide is no exception. For suicide, the punishment inflicted by the Demiurge will be greater: the prisoner tried to escape and was caught again. Double punishment. The prisoner who committed suicide did not slip away from everything and set himself free. Here he is in the hands of the Demiurge once again. For the common man, suicide is not a way out or a release. On the contrary, it is a worsening of his situation.

But for a person who has realized his Spirit, everything is different, since he is no longer an ordinary person. He is the person who escaped from Demiurge's prison. The demiurge and his punishment cannot reach him now. The laws of karma do not exist for him now. He has turned himself of his own free will into something uncreated within the created world, and he can do whatever he wants, including suicide. His impure body and soul have been deified by the Spirit and no longer belong to the Demiurge. His body, soul and Spirit were transformed into one: something indestructible, immortal and eternal. For this type of person, suicide is simply a way of moving from one point in the universe to another, or from one dimension to another.

This type of person is the one described in the Christian myth. It is said that when they went to look for the body of Christ, they could not find it, the tomb was empty. Of course, since the Spirit body and soul are gone with him! After "death", the spiritualized body and soul were transformed into a single whole and became inseparable from the Spirit.

Let's look at the example of the famous suicide, since we are now talking about Christianity. This is Judas, the man who betrayed Jesus Christ. An ordinary person, uninformed and confused, will say that Judas is a monster, that Jesus Christ was crucified through his fault. Judas is the bad guy in this story. Who might like Judas?

However, for the Gnostics, Judas is a hero, a benefactor of mankind, who, through his betrayal, helped to fulfill the mission of Jesus Christ. There was even a "Gospel of Judas" that told all these events from his point of view. You can already imagine what happened to this gospel.

According to the Gnostics, Judas came to help Christ with his mission. The betrayal of Judas is what led directly to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The death of the Messiah redeemed the world. The atoning death of the Savior would not have happened without Judas. Without Judas, Christianity would not have succeeded as a religion. How different would the history of mankind be if there were no Judas - "the best of the disciples of the Lord."

Could it matter to Judas that future generations would say he was a monster? Such is the fate of heroes, great people, here in the hell of the Demiurge! Judas knew, no doubt, that he would later be spoken ill of, that he would be ruthlessly discredited, hated and despised by everyone. But what could it matter for those who came to carry out the main mission together with one of the saviors of the world? That is why Christ said to Judas: "Judas, do quickly what must be done to you." His "betrayal" was fundamental to the future of Christianity.

What could Judas do after successfully completing his mission? He was forced to leave Demiurge's world as he no longer had any business here.

After completing his mission, he had to return to his home in the unknowable world.

Judas committed suicide. Traditionally, we are told that Judas went to the tree and hanged himself. After completing their mission, the Spirit Warrior may resort to suicide as a way to quickly leave Demiurge's hell. He can do this because he does not enter this world, and as we have already said, neither the creator nor his laws have any power over him.

The suicide of a warrior, the superman of the Spirit, is one thing, but the suicide of a sleeping man is quite another. That is why the suicide of Judas is not the same as the suicide of an ordinary person who falls into despair for the smallest thing in the world of matter and then one day kills himself.

Gnostics claim that the tree on which Judas hanged himself was none other than the Tree of Eden.

Gnostic initiation

Initiation is usually a group action in which secret knowledge is imparted to the applicant, which will produce significant changes in him. Once an aspirant goes through initiation, he will never be the same again. When the initiation is real, true, it is a turning point in the life of the aspirant. There is before and after initiation, so something happens in this ceremony that effectively changes life and that he can never forget. I know people who have received initiations in various places, but not once have they noticed anything special. Without a doubt, these are not true initiations. But when someone receives a true initiation, his experience is actually very vivid and he will never forget it. Some compare the experience to being struck by some sort of lightning, a flash of memory in the middle of the ceremony. This "flash of lightning" is what produces a terrible change that will mark the life of the aspirant forever. Now he will never go back to the way he was before. For the rest of his life, he will strive towards the goal, the specific goal of the initiation received.

Each person will sooner or later have to choose one of the two paths, opposite and irreconcilable, open to him: the realization of his soul or the realization of his Spirit. There is no third possibility. The path of the right hand to the Demiurge by applying the perfection of the soul, or the path of the left hand to the unknowable God, for the liberation of the Spirit. The latter is that which constitutes the definite purpose or purposes of the initiation, and that is why there are only initiations of the soul or initiations of the Spirit. The purpose of both is to facilitate the candidate's access to the destiny he has chosen.

It is important to know the basic characteristics of both types of initiations in order to accurately distinguish one from the other. Many people who do not know these details fall into a trap that leads them directly into the jaws of the Demiurge. It is easy to make a mistake, since there are many disguises and falsifications, in the absence of books and information. Let's look at what needs to be taken into account in order to be able to reject the poisoned fruit offered to us by the Demiurge's servants.

Firstly, the goal of the initiations of the soul is the final merging with the Demiurge. This is of paramount importance. If someone tells us about "union with God", "losing oneself in God", "merging the individual conscience into one conscience", samadhi (dissolving into the Demiurge), etc., we will know that we are dealing with a religion, sect, or esoteric movement that the Demiurge stands behind. Of course the initiations that can be given here will be initiations of the soul, not of the Spirit.

On the other hand, in the initiation of the Spirit, there will never be a goal of merging with any God. At the end of the path, when there is a full confrontation with the Demiurge, the initiate will have to resist and reject him, exclude him and forever exclude himself. In these cases, it is not about samadhi, but about kaivalya: absolute separation. This is a special kaivalya, it is not only a complete separation of everything created by the Demiurge. No. Real kaivalya inevitably involves a complete and absolute separation directly from the Demiurge.

Kaivalya - in Buddhism - independence, a god-like state in which the pure consciousness of the true Self is not subject to the suffering and temptations of the outside world and one's own mind. Kaivalya is the state of comprehension of what awaits a person on the other side of death. Kaivalya arises when the purity of the intellect of the mind is so perfect that it cannot be stained, damaged or tempted by anything, that is, the purity of the mind becomes equal to the level of unclouded pure consciousness, or the true Self (see Purusha). According to the doctrine of Buddhism, in the end, a person will achieve the full light and power of unobscured consciousness without further need for the surrounding world, body and mind. (approx.transl.)

Secondly, in the initiations that lead to the Demiurge, the goal is to weaken the candidate's self and push him to renounce himself. Every religious movement that works for the Demiurge attaches great importance to the need to destroy the claimant's self. In order to successfully merge with the Demiurge, the aspirant must renounce his selfhood. After the self disintegrates, the empty shell into which the initiate has been transformed will quickly be filled by the Demiurge. This person himself surrendered to the Demiurge, like a sacrificial animal, reached non-existence, and non-existence was filled with the Demiurge. The goal of the Demiurge was achieved; this man went a long way to eventually dissolve himself into whoever created him.

On the other hand, in the initiations of the Spirit, the goal is always the expansion of the self and the accumulation of energy. The expansion of the self brings one closer to the Spirit. If the Self does not exist, the Spirit cannot manifest. In renouncing yourself, you must renounce the Spirit.

Thirdly, in soul initiation there is talk of evolution, future and progress. "The soul must develop until it merges with God." "All creatures return to God." "Humanity will continue to evolve until it becomes a universal community of souls." "The world is getting better every day."

On the contrary, in the initiation of the Spirit there is talk of the return and the past. The world is moving towards degradation and destruction. There is nothing good to look forward to in the future. It is important to restore what was in the past. In order to restore the great injustice instituted by the Demiurge and his deceivers, it is necessary to return to this past in order to deactivate everything, in order to free what must be freed and destroy what must be destroyed.

Fourth, in soul initiations, everyone will hear talk of compassion, devotion, love, generosity, and service. Compassion for all beings created by the Demiurge. Love for Demiurge and other people. “Love for everything in which there is a breath of divine life” (such a “breath of divine life” is nothing but the breath of the Demiurge). Service implies service to other people and the "masters" of the white lodge and the Demiurge "to restore his plan on earth." Guilt and regret are also emphasized.

On the other hand, in the initiation of the Spirit, the candidate is like a warrior who has declared total war on the forces of matter. One hears no talk of peace, but of the sword, fighting for freedom, and taking heaven by storm. Not love, devotion, guilt and regret, but duty, honor and revenge. It must be taken into account that being spiritualized, the candidate aggressively repels anti-spiritual and impure matter. This is the natural hostility of the Spirit towards the Demiurge and his work. The soul is pure love (for the Demiurge and his work). Spirit is pure hatred (for the Demiurge and his work).

The details we have stated here allow us to better determine which side these people or religious groups who pretend to help others belong to. When we listen to them or read their books, we will immediately know whether they are with God or with the Devil. In this age of darkness, in which only “realization of the soul”, “energy of the soul”, “perfection of the soul” is heard, it must be well remembered that although this is persecuted and denied, the liberation and realization of the Spirit also exists.

After two have been identified possible types Initiations, we will move on to consider their other characteristics.

In Gnostic initiations, a person will receive some secret knowledge. It is not any kind of knowledge, but that which produces a marked change in the candidate. It is about special knowledge that has the power to transform the one who listens to it. This type of knowledge is of the utmost importance to Gnostics (we have already seen that the meaning of Gnosis is knowledge). For every Gnostic, salvation is not achieved through faith, but through knowledge. This is the secret knowledge transmitted during the initiation, and this is not the end of the path, but the beginning. This knowledge has the power to awaken and urge the candidate towards his ultimate goal: the liberation of the Spirit. Once received and studied, this knowledge gradually transforms the initiate. To achieve a radical change, a final transmutation of the Spirit is necessary, the initiate will have to struggle constantly and tirelessly. The memory and influence of the initiation will give him the strength to never give up or forget his goal.

In a recently restored old gnostic work called Trimorphic Protennoia, initiation is said to be the experience of the knowledge that spiritual realization brings. It is also stated that this is the process of Ascension, which is the defeat of the cosmos and the consolidation of what is true (the cosmos is the work of the Demiurge and truth is the Spirit). They talk about knowledge that liberates and purifies people who are looking for the world of Spirit and people who go into matter. The book speaks of a gradual initiation, which gradually cleanses and makes the path of ascent to the spirit smooth. In this book, the Demiurge is called the "Great Demon".

There are usually three initiations. After the changes brought about by the first initiation, and when the person is considered ready, the candidate receives the second initiation, which will produce other kinds of changes in him. Then the third initiation will be carried out, which will bring a smooth path to his final transmutation.

Another feature of initiations is that they can be individual or group. So far we have talked about individual initiations, when a person decides to go through the threshold and start. In the second case, the entire community whose members are looking for this transformation are united. These cases are even rarer, but there have been several of them throughout history.

Another situation is self-initiation, when the candidate feels that he is ready and decides to commit himself.

There are also initiations received during sleep.

Later we will consider these last two types of initiation in more detail.

How were Gnostic initiations conducted in earlier times? The Gnostic books that described this process were destroyed. Let's look at the enemies of Gnosticism who, on the other hand, might have read these books. Irenaeus of Lyons was one of them. He wrote a book entitled "Adversus Haereses" ("Against Heresy") in five volumes. Only the first volume, which is fairly easy to obtain and in which Irenaeus mocks Gnostic ideas, has been translated. Other volumes written in Greek and Latin are hidden in some libraries that are difficult to access. This is understandable, since the second volume contains the ideas of the great Gnostic Marcion and it is not desirable that people know about his ideas or read his immortal work Antithesis, for example. Enemies of the Gnosis want to make sure that no man can be enlightened or awakened by Marcion's work; because otherwise one of the Demiurge's religions falls!

But the third volume, the most secret, describes the rites of the Gnostic initiations. If these books written against Gnosis, no less than St. Irenaeus of Lyons, full of slander and irony against Gnosticism, are so jealously guarded... What can we expect in the case of truly Gnostic books!

The great scholar of Gnosticism, Elaine Pagels, had access to the third volume, Irenaeus of Lyon, and in her book The Gnostic Gospels she describes some of the details of the Gnostic initiations. Pagels tells us that the candidate is made aware that he has previously worshiped and served the Demiurge, whom up to this point he has confused with the true God. During the initiation ceremony, the candidate addresses the Demiurge, declaring his independence from him and from his creation, telling him that he no longer belongs to his power and that he has gone beyond it. The initiate recognizes the unknowable God, rejects the authority of the Creator God and his commands, and declares that he has been forever freed from the power of the Demiurge. From now on, his relationship with the Demiurge would be completely different.

From the very beginning of the initiation, the initiate radically changed his connection with God the Creator. He separated himself from the Demiurge and all his creation. He separated himself from soul and body. Now he is outside the laws that govern the world of matter and time. He is currently beyond everything except his Spirit.

Now let's return to the topic of self-initiation. There are people who have awakened a little and are desperately looking for a way to release their Spirit. These people can initiate themselves and cause transcendental changes that can lead them to the Spirit.

Next, I will touch on the self-initiation formula that I myself developed and applied. At night, while lying in bed and getting ready for sleep, the one who desires it can mentally repeat the following until he falls asleep: “I want to separate myself from God the Creator and his creation, I want to separate myself from matter and time, I want to separate myself from my body and soul, I want to unite myself with my Spirit, I want my Spirit to be released. I want to be my Spirit, I am my Spirit."

This formula of self-initiation produces incredibly bright results; however, it must be used with caution. At least in the beginning it is better not to practice it every night.

This type of nocturnal self-initiation brings us to the situation where the initiation happens during sleep. In these cases, the applicant is moved outside of his physical body, and the ceremony is performed in other dimensions of the created universe. There are initiates who have received one, two, even three initiations while sleeping. Others received their first initiation on the physical plane and others beyond it. Each case is unique; no repeats.

During initiation ceremonies held during sleep, the aspirant, although far from his physical body, is fully aware of what is happening.

In other dimensions, not only initiations of the Spirit can be held, but also initiations of the soul.

In my case, I searched all over the world for many years for those who could give me true gnostic initiation. In the end, I found out that this man lived all these years less then a hundred meters from my house! I searched in distant lands for what was within arm's reach. When I went and knocked on his door, I was told that he left this world not so long ago. My disappointment was so great that I thought that the only way to receive authentic gnostic initiation could be during sleep, in other dimensions of the created world.

One night, when I was reading The Green Face, a book by Gustav Meyrink, before falling asleep, I mentally repeated the phrase many times: “I want the release of my Spirit,” then I fell asleep. When the bright light woke me, half an hour had passed. I did not open my eyes, but I could see a bright light; everything around me was light. I slowly opened my eyes and realized that this intense light filled the entire hall. I thought that someone had entered my house and brought fire. But no, this fire was a different light, a strange light that I had never seen before. Without moving, I scanned the whole room and found that the light was coming from one of the corners. A beam of light was flowing out of the corner and already filled the hall, moving like a bright mist that engulfed everything. Faced with such phenomena as this, we must try not to be afraid and remember that fear does not exist for the Spirit. The spirit is not afraid of anything, because it is indestructible, immortal and eternal.

The other night, after reading a few pages of The Theory of Eternal Life by Rodney Collin, I decided to mentally repeat the words, "I want to receive the initiation of the Spirit" until I fell asleep. Forty minutes later I was awakened by the same light, but now there were also two people in the room. I kept my eyes closed, but "felt" that there were two men next to my bed. I thought, "How could they get in if the doors and windows are locked and only I have the keys to the house?" I was afraid to open my eyes, afraid to look at them and afraid that they would notice that I was awake. I heard a strange and strong voice: “You called us, we came, and now you are afraid!” I kept my eyes closed and didn't answer. I wanted to run away, but I was afraid that they might attack me if I tried. Then I heard: "You were not completely ready" - and then - "there is no other way." They immediately attached some sort of needles to my head, giving me no time to react or defend myself. I felt like they were injecting some kind of fluid into my brain using what I thought were some sort of metal needles or something. Then I fell asleep. From that day on, I felt within myself a kind of distance from the world, and I knew exactly, without a doubt, what was the goal to which I had to devote all my efforts for the rest of my life. I also noticed that my doubts and uncertainties about the most direct path to Spirit disappeared.

Fear in a person is a sign that he still identifies himself with the created world and its laws. A sign that he still loves matter, his body and soul and does not want to lose them. For this reason, its separation from all created things must be gradual. As it spiritualizes, fear decreases, at the same time, as we have already said, its hostility towards the impure and ephemeral increases. This is proof that a person is getting closer to his Spirit. Years later, I had a similar experience after mental repetition before bed. The same light and the same men appeared. This time the same voice said, "Now there is no fear." And then they put a strange device on my head that emitted a kind of laser beam. A strange diamond-shaped symbol was engraved on my head with a beam of light. After this second experience, less invasive than the first, I noticed that I got closer to my Spirit without looking back or around me. The path was completely smoothed out, converted to a straight path and now I just had to step on it.

The third initiation facilitated and helped with the final transmutation, True Salvation.

True Liberation of the Spirit

As we have said, we can answer three basic questions that a person rarely ever asks himself in life. These three questions are: Who am I? Why am I here? What needs to be done in this life?

Who am I? I am the uncreated and eternal Spirit, bound with an ephemeral body and soul, imprisoned in this matter.

Why am I here? I am here to be used as a lab animal in a crazy deranged experiment conceived by an inferior god. This plan requires that the eternal Spirit be imprisoned in order to use its anti-matter power to induce the evolution of this impure and mortal monster called body-soul. The power of the Spirit is essential for man to at some point be able to achieve the ultimate goal for which he was created: his transformation into the Demiurge. This anti-matter energy, in itself capable of endangering all of creation, has been partially deactivated and reduced so that it can be used safely. This is why the spirit must be bound and confused, so that it contributes only a very small part of its potential to the sinister work of the Demiurge.

What needs to be done in this life? I must wake up. I have to realize my real situation and find a way out. Then I must free myself and escape this prison.

Now that we have answered three questions, we can take a look at what Gustav Meyrink, the great Gnostic initiate who went through this experience successfully, had to say on this subject.

Meyrink, in his most profound and extraordinary book, The Green Face, gives us the key to the process of releasing the spirit: we will consider these questions here, because this is the perfect answer to the third question when we asked what we should do. After that, we will touch on various other points.

Meyrink says: "the second birth is spiritual", "the second birth occurs when the Spirit liberates itself", "the second spiritual birth leads us to eternal life". Meyrink gives us techniques and recommends a practice that we should adopt: "You must ask the Spirit, because the only one who can hear you is the Spirit", "must talk to him, ask only him." Here Meyrink is of course talking about an unknowable God very far from ordinary people, and the Demiurge, who could possibly hear him, who will never change his karmic punishments, corresponding to the insignificant demands of an insignificant person. All that remains is just to ask the Spirit. In the case of a person who has woken up and liberated himself, things are different; he can really change the will, laws and destiny. But if an ordinary person wants to be heard, he will have to talk to his Spirit. Meyrink says: "If you want to pray, pray to the invisible self, this is the only God who will listen to your prayers." He also adds: “If you want to speed things up, ask your Spirit and he will lead you to a great goal. the shortest way and he will do it. Thus, in order to make progress towards this "great goal", you must not look back or look around or be distracted; attention should not be diverted by the many temptations of the world. You must keep your eyes open and fixed on this great goal.

Meyrink gave us some good ideas that we can put into practice at night. After you have gone to bed and are ready to sleep, you can mentally repeat the following sentence: "I want to unite myself with you, eternal Spirit", "I want to wake up", "lead me to a great goal." We will certainly notice changes in the morning of the next day. But only a few people speak to their Spirit! So far, most of them are still sleeping!

For Meyrink, “liberation of the spirit is the only worthwhile action that a person can do in life, it is the only task that he has to perform, there is nothing that justifies the investment of time, everything else is useless, this is the only task, really the most important, that a person can dedicate your life."

When the Spirit is released, the body and soul of a person are spiritualized by it. This is Meyrink's "great goal", the transformation of the body by the Spirit, when the body is spiritualized and transformed in the Spirit.

How terrible it would be for Demiurge if that happened! He created the human body and soul for another purpose: to make them resemble him, to become him. And now a person eventually turns into a Spirit! The prisoner is not only freed, he also takes possession of part of the work of the Demiurge! The Demiurge created man in such a way that he would develop until he was transformed into a channel of manifestation of his creator! And suddenly a person turns into an instrument for the manifestation of the Spirit! The liberated Spirit snatches away his most important work and spoils his plans. The demiurge created man to admire and worship him, but the opposite happened: the body and soul of man were transformed by the Spirit into a terrible opponent of the Creator and his work.

Meyrink says that when a person is transformed, he realizes the absurdity of everything. Gradually, he notices that other people are nothing more than ghosts and ghosts, and that he himself has always been the same. Thus transformed, a person feels an unimaginable loneliness. But gradually he will adapt to this new state, he will overcome all the lower qualities and loneliness that he felt at the beginning, and will arrive in a new realm: wakefulness. Meyrink says that "wakefulness is the awakening of the immortals and the eternal self." The man has awakened, and now there is no sleep for him. He is in a state of constant wakefulness, like Cain, the Immortal.

Only a person who is awakened and spiritualized becomes immortal and eternal, and even pralaya cannot destroy him. But all this will not happen by itself; this is just a distant prospect. To achieve this goal, the highest efforts must be made.

Meyrink adds that when Spirit is released, all creatures are also released a little. When the soul and body are spiritualized and transformed by the Spirit, all creation is spiritualized to some degree. We affirm that the higher gnostic work influences the cosmos.

Meyrink says the following: “If one person is deeply transformed, his work will never die; he opened a hole that will never close. Though others do not understand it, he has torn open the web that holds humanity captive."

According to Meyrink, when Spirit takes control, the transformed person can live in different dimensions at the same time as he has changed space and time. He is the king of these worlds, he has made himself the king of this entire creation, he can move from one place to another or he can be in different places at the same time. Such is the power of the Spirit.

Here we end our review of Meyrink's main Gnostic ideas.

We will now consider what Primordial Gnosis tells us about this process of liberation of the Spirit.

To begin this process, a person must choose one of his personalities, the strongest, most resembling his Spirit. The other selves don't matter, only the Spirit matters. There are many personalities in every person, but only one corresponds to the Spirit. The rest are soul personalities. They encourage a person to "love God", "love your neighbor", "turn the other cheek", "share everything with others", "participate in the work of God", etc. On the contrary, the personality of the Spirit is the great adversary of the creator and his creation. It is important to distinguish between the personality that corresponds to the Spirit and the unknowable God, and other personalities, the true legions of the devil.

St. Thomas said "to distinguish in order to unite" and a gnostic would say "to distinguish in order to separate". Discrimination in order to better separate, to put everything in its place, to accept the good and reject the evil. Accept what awakens us and sets us free, and reject what binds us and deprives us of freedom. Discrimination is to separate and separate the two irreconcilable sides that are fighting within a person. Distinguish and separate to end the confusion.

The spirit in man represents the unknowable God. The human body and soul represent God the Creator. This is where we have to distinguish between: good and evil within a person.

We have already said that a person has two paths and it is necessary to choose one of them: the path of the Spirit or the path of the soul, expand the self, or abandon it, be a reflection of the unknowable God or the Demiurge. The one who chooses the path of the soul will be dissolved in the Demiurge. The one who chooses the path of the Spirit will have to face the Demiurge and fight him face to face, this is the only way to release the Spirit.

In this final battle, the Demiurge will be the great dissolving force, also called the Kundalini, the Demiurge in man. If the warrior fails, there will be no second chance in this manvantara. His self will probably be disintegrated into a thousand pieces. The warrior will die or go insane. There are many such cases in psychiatric hospitals: warriors defeated by the power of the Kundalini Demiurge. At best, they will turn into a believer in the Creator, or the "master" of the white lodge. On the other hand, if the Self of the Spirit is strong enough, it will be possible to defeat the Demiurge Kundalini and free the Spirit forever. The warrior will lose consciousness on a short time and after a short period of time be reborn as a Spirit. In addition, the warrior will be able to use the power of Kundalini and use it against the Demiurge. There have also been cases in which the warrior was so imbued with Spiritual power that the Kundalini Demiurge refused to fight against him, and the warrior, by various means, makes him appear and fight. In this final battle so important and final, a warrior can lose everything that has been gained during this manvantara or win everything, forever and ever. What warrior wouldn't worry about being drawn into this battle?

If the warrior succeeds, if he manages to build a bridge to the Spirit and free him from the prison of matter, achieving true salvation, two paths appear before him again. He defeated the Demiurge, he caused upheavals throughout the universe, and he again finds himself at the disposal of the inherent powers of the Spirit, infinitely better than those that came from God the Creator. But he will have to choose once more between the two possibilities.

One of these paths is the ability to return to the realm of the unknowable God from which he came and never return to the hell of the Demiurge. In this case, he will return to the state in which he was before his imprisonment in matter.

Another path that most of the released Spirits take is to stay in this world to fight for the release of the captured Spirits.

Therefore, a successful warrior either leaves his soul and body forever and returns to the world from which he came, or decides to stay here and continue the fight for the release of the captives of the demiurge. If he decides to stay, he will turn himself into the savior of mankind and the world, the immortal and eternal Divya, the newest member of the Black Order of the Spirit Warriors.

When the liberated Spirit decides to stay in the Demiurge's Hell and continue the fight until the last of the chained Spirits are released, he must use his soul and body as tools. But his old body and soul, created by the Demiurge, are not suitable to contain the Spirit, which has broken its chains and restored its strength. They would fall apart immediately. First, the Spirit must transform its soul and body. Initially impure, made of mortal created matter, the body and soul will be transformed into the divine and eternal matter of the Spirit: the indestructible vajra. The dirt and the Demiurge's breath will thus become pure and glorious. They will be one essence with the Spirit, inseparable and indestructible forever. Thus Spirit will be replaced by vajra, divine matter, which will enable it to function and travel through space and time in the plane of the Demiurge and at the same time produce synchronistic phenomena almost continuously. The vajra resulting from the transformation of impure matter liberated by the Spirit is as red as blood and harder than a diamond. Vajra is indestructible and eternal; It cannot be destroyed by the Demiurge when the manvantara ends.

The Triumphant Spirit captured parts of the Demiurge's creation - soul and body, and turned them into divine matter, over which the Demiurge has no control. The created was transformed into the uncreated by the power of the Spirit! The Demiurge created the human body and soul to be used as a prison cell for the Spirit, and the liberated Spirit is now using them as a means against the Demiurge's work and plans! It's time for the revenge of the Spirit.

We have already said that the Spirit has become one divine essence with his body and soul. Now it will always be Spirit-Soul-Body, forever and ever. This entity will have the same physical abilities that the warrior had at the time of his transformation. Young, old, blond, brunette, the same physical features that he had during his transmutation into the divine matter of the indestructible vajra.

In this process of liberation and triumph of the Spirit, it is said that the body and soul die and are subsequently resurrected. The Spirit preserved them and united them in itself. The spirit, now replaced by the soul with the body of the vajra, is also different from other Spirits. He will never be the same as he was before, before his capture by the Demiurge: the free Spirit of the unknowable plane. He chose to remain in the created hell and is endowed with an indestructible vajra forever and ever. From now on, the vajra will always be the mark and characteristic feature Spirit, the perfect proof of his victory over the satanic Demiurge and the hallmark of his transformation into the savior of mankind and the world. Body and soul, deified and united by the Spirit, will be trophies that the Spirit will forever flaunt as a souvenir of his triumphant passage through the perverted world of created matter.

There is an ancient Gnostic text that tells of Genesis from the point of view of the serpent Lucifer, this text disappeared 1600 years ago and was miraculously restored in the 20th century, in Nag Hammadi, Egypt. In this text, called "Evidence of the Truth", the influence of the liberated Spirits on the realm of the Demiurge is mentioned.

In some texts from Nag Hammadi we are told about the resurrection of the body after death. Only a liberated and victorious Spirit can provide actual resurrection and salvation. There are clear references in Christian myth to the work of the Spirit, proof of the gnostic origin of this religion. When we are told that they went to look for the body of Christ in the tomb and did not find it, they clearly say that his body became a vajra and left with the Spirit. In other words, we are talking about the true savior of man and the whole world. This is the best proof.

Furthermore, Christianity has never claimed that Christ "merged with God" or "united with God." On the contrary, it has always been maintained that "Christ, with his body, sits on right hand god." When they say "with his body" we can add "vajra". This reference is clear: Christ is a separate entity, and the God they refer to cannot be the creator god, the Demiurge.

If the liberated and triumphant Spirit penetrates the plane of the incomprehensible, then he will do so with his new red vajra body, from which the Spirit will not be able to separate itself forever and ever. A person born again in this way is "born twice", "without death", immortal and eternal. Such a person who has freed himself from the demiurge and his chain of reincarnations, who has finally done away with everything created and impure, will always cause a huge upheaval in the created universe. When the Spirit liberates itself, the whole creation also liberates a little. When the Spirit frees itself and defeats the Demiurge in face-to-face combat, the latter loses the energy and bonds that imprison other Spirits and becomes weaker.

When the Spirit decides to stay in the Demiurge's hell, it will fight relentlessly until all the Spirits are freed and will continue to fight until the Demiurge, weakened, finishes his perverted breath of manvantaras and pralai, until he can create nothing more and ends up will disappear. Thus, all duality will disappear and the world will return to unity: the Eternal Realm of Truth and the Incomprehensible God.

Bans on one type of product or another are found in all societies around the world. The reasons for the restrictions arose from ethical, cultural, medical as well as spiritual worldviews. Geographically, the area of ​​distribution of food taboos is associated with the spread of a particular religion among the population. Over time, some religions simplify their food diets, while others follow the traditions prescribed in the scriptures to this day.

Prohibitions in Christianity

Christianity is considered the most indulgent denomination in terms of nutrition, however, established restrictions still exist. It is forbidden to bring to the table the meat of animals that were sacrificed to the gods or died a natural death.

It is strictly forbidden to eat food with blood. Great importance in religion is given to fasting, which is given about two hundred days a year. During fasting, believers should not eat meat, poultry eggs and dairy products, with the exception of fish, which is sometimes allowed.

However, Christianity did not always have such an attitude to nutrition. There is an indication in the Old Testament that believers did not eat animals. Times changed after the Flood, and according to the New Testament, meat dishes are allowed for followers to eat, except for the time allotted for fasting.

Historically, in the 16th century, the fact of deviation from the religious canons of nutrition during the famine of missionaries was recorded. Then a group of religious preachers who were in South America, asked the church to classify the capybara animal as a type of fish, in order not to die of hunger. To which the Pope softened the restriction. The modern church, to this day, adheres to this rule, considering a person to be pious not by strict observance of the prescribed rules, but by the spirituality of the believer.

Jews and kosher food

Jews are more strict about food. Believers are allowed to eat foods that are classified as kosher, which means “suitable” in translation. With regard to meat, the Jews have a simple rule, only those animals that are both ruminant and artiodactyls are allowed to eat. According to this condition, artiodactyls such as pigs and hippos and ruminants such as rabbits should not be eaten, since they lack the second sign of belonging to the right food.

For birds, restrictions apply to the consumption of eggs of birds of prey. They are identified by identical sharp or blunt ends. The Jews believe that the aggressiveness of predators is transmitted to humans with food.

There are traditions for cooking meat, which play a huge role. The people who prepare it are called Shokhets. Their duties include checking livestock for possible diseases, as well as slaughtering animals, which should be painless.

In Judaism, as well as in Christianity, a ban is imposed on the use of blood, since blood represents the soul of a living being. Therefore, all blood and veins are removed, and meat is not allowed to be pierced and eat fat.

Religion is very sensitive to milk. There are restrictions on the combination of meat and dairy products in food. Judaism explains that meat is the epitome of ending life path, and milk is its origin.

Kosher fish that can be served should be with fins and scales, so crustaceans and malus are excluded from the Jewish menu.

Muslim halal

In the diet of Muslims, there are quite strict restrictions on food, but similar to other religions. Food that is allowed to be eaten is called "halal".

If the animal died by its own death from illness, fall, fire and other similar cases, then it is forbidden to serve such meat to the table. Restrictions also apply to sick and expecting offspring cattle.

The slaughter of animals is treated with particular importance. It is recommended that relatives of the animal do not observe the process of necrosis of cattle. Religion prohibits the use of blood with food, therefore, when slaughtering, they do not use electric current, which causes extensive hemorrhage in the tissue. To get a halal product that is allowed for consumption by Muslims, cattle are slaughtered with the obligatory pronunciation of the name of Allah.

Pork and its containing products are prohibited for use in food. Muslims interpret this taboo in different ways. Firstly, the pig is an unclean animal, and it is believed that with eating meat, such qualities are transmitted to humans. Secondly, according to the records of the Koran, Allah, cursing, turns the people who angered him into monkeys and pigs. According to the third assumption, based on scientific evidence, the ban on eating pig meat is due to the fact that these animals suffer from diseases that humans are susceptible to. Science has proven that the structure of the body of a monkey, a pig and a person is similar. Accordingly, the reasons for tabooing this type of meat are justified.

India and Vegetarians

India is the birthplace of vegetarianism. There are several reasons for this, these are social and territorial aspects, since hunger and poverty reign in the country, and the land gives a lot of vegetables and fruits. The main products are rice, corn, legumes, and the wealthy segments of the population can afford poultry and meat.

Hindus are very careful about cows, calling them sacred. Eating beef in the country is strictly prohibited by law. The cow for the Hindus is not only a nurse who gives milk. Cow dung is used to heat dwellings and build huts.

11/02/2007, updated 11/13/2019

We are publishing a list of organizations recognized as extremist by Russian courts since 2002, of which the SOVA Center is aware.

For the first time, the official list of these organizations was published on the official website of the Federal Registration Service of Russia in early April 2008

Participation in the activities of organizations recognized by court decisions as extremist and terrorist under Russian law is a criminal offense and is prosecuted in accordance with Art. 282-2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Organization of the activities of an extremist organization).

Note also that there is " List of organizations and individuals in respect of which there is information about their involvement in extremist activities or terrorism" of the Federal Financial Monitoring Service of Russia (Rosfinmonitoring). The list was first published on July 6, 2011 in " Russian newspaper". It consists of two parts "foreign" and "Russian". Only the open part of the list has been published - on legal and individuals for which there are already court decisions. There is also a closed section where suspects of extremism and terrorism are registered.

17. Local organization of the city of Krasnodar - "Pit Bull" ("Pit Bull"). Recognized as extremist.

18. Regional Public Association "National Socialist Workers' Party of Russia" ("NSRPR"). Recognized as extremist.

19. Interregional social movement "Slavic Union". Recognized as extremist.

20. Interregional public association "Format-18". Recognized as extremist.

21. Religious group "Noble Order of the Devil". Recognized as extremist.

22. Interregional public movement "Army of the will of the people". Recognized as extremist. (the decision entered into force on December 22, 2010 after approval by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation).

23. Local public organization "National Socialist Initiative (NSI) of the city of Cherepovets". Recognized as extremist by the Cherepovets City Court of the Vologda Region on May 16, 2011.

24. Interregional Public Association "Spiritual and Tribal Power of Russia". Recognized as extremist by the Moscow Regional Court dated April 5, 2011, 2011 and the ruling of the Supreme Court Russian Federation from 12.07.2011.

25. Tatarstan regional branch of the all-Russian patriotic movement "Russian National Unity". Recognized as extremist by the decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Tatarstan on May 21, 2003. (the decision entered into force on June 5, 2003).

26. Religious group Sokolova O.V., Russkikh V.V. and Petina A.G., professing, cultivating and spreading the ideas of the doctrine of the "Old Russian Ynglistic Church of the Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglists". Recognized as extremist by the Maykop District Court of the Republic of Adygea on December 12, 2008.

27. Interregional Association "Russian National Union". Recognized as extremist by the Vladimir Regional Court dated May 30, 2011 and by the decision of the Judicial Collegium for Civil Cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated September 6, 2011

28. Interregional public organization "Movement against illegal immigration". Recognized as extremist by the Moscow Regional Court of April 18, 2011 and the ruling of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of August 9, 2011

29. International Association "Blood and Honor" ("Blood and Honor/Combat18", "B&H", "BandH"). Recognized as extremist by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of May 29, 2012.

30. Religious association "Orda", located at the address: Chelyabinsk region, Kizilsky district, Izmailovsky village, per. Rechnoy, 34, apt. 2. Recognized as extremist by the Kizilsky District Court of the Chelyabinsk Region on December 21, 2012.

31. Public association (movement) "Omsk organization of the public political movement "Russian National Unity". Recognized as extremist by the Omsk Regional Court on 10.10.2002.

32. Interregional public association "Northern Brotherhood". Recognized as extremist by the Moscow City Court on August 3, 2012

33. Kirov regional public organization "Fans Club Football Club Dynamo Kirov. Recognized as extremist by the Kirov Regional Court on 07/03/2013.

34. Religious group "Faizrakhmanists", headed by Sattarov Fayzrakhman Minnakhmetovich, Ganiev Gumar Gimerkhanovich, located in the household at the address: Kazan, st. Torfyanaya, 41. Recognized as extremist in absentia by the Sovetsky District Court of Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan on February 21, 2013.

35. Local religious organization "Muslim religious organization of the village of Borovsky, Tyumen region, Tyumen region", registered on September 15, 2000 by the Office of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Tyumen region under the main state registration number 1027200003808. Decision of the Tyumen regional court dated 06.05.2014.

36. Community of the Indigenous Russian people of the Shchelkovsky district of the Moscow region. The decision of the Shchelkovo City Court of the Moscow Region dated February 25, 2014.

37. Ukrainian organization "Right Sector". Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2014.

38. Ukrainian organization "Ukrainian National Assembly - Ukrainian People's Self-Defense" (UNA - UNSO). Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2014.

39. Ukrainian organization "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA). Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2014.

40. Ukrainian organization “Trident im. Stepan Bandera. Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2014.

41. Ukrainian organization "Brotherhood". Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2014.

42. Jehovah's Witnesses in Samara. Samara Regional Court dated May 29, 2014 and the Judicial Collegium for Administrative Cases of the Supreme Court of the Federation dated November 12, 2014;

43. Military-patriotic club "White Cross" (of the Murmansk Regional Court dated 06/29/2015);

44. Organization - the interregional national-radical association "Misanthropic division" (the name in Russian is "Misanthropic Division"), it is also "Misanthropic Division" "MD", it is also "Md" (Krasnoyarsk Regional Court of 07/17/2015);

45. Religious association of followers of Ynglism in the Stavropol Territory (decision of the Stavropol Regional Court dated 21.08.2015);

46. ​​Interregional public association - organization "People's Social Initiative" (other names: "People's Socialist Initiative", "National Social Initiative", "National Socialist Initiative") (St. Petersburg City Court of 09/16/2015);

47. Abinsk (of the Krasnodar Regional Court dated 03/04/2015 and the Judicial Collegium for Administrative Cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated 08/05/2015);

48. Public movement "TulaSkins" (decision of the Soviet District Court of the city of Tula dated 07/06/2015);

49. Interregional Public Association “Ethnopolitical Association “Russians” (of the Moscow City Court dated 10/28/2015 and the appeal of the Judicial Collegium for Administrative Cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated 05/11/2016);

50. Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the city of Stary Oskol (of the Belgorod Regional Court dated February 10, 2016 and the appeal of the Judicial Collegium for Administrative Cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated June 16, 2016);

51. Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the city of Belgorod (of the Belgorod Regional Court of February 11, 2016 and the appeal of the Judicial Collegium for Administrative Cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of June 9, 2016);

52. Regional Public Association "Russian National Association "Ataka" (decision of the Moscow City Court dated 11.08.2016);

53. Religious group prayer house "Mosque of Mirmamed" (of the Samara Regional Court dated 07/22/2016);

54. Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the city of Elista (decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kalmykia dated February 25, 2016 and appeal of the Judicial Collegium for Administrative Cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated July 7, 2016);

55. The community of the Indigenous Russian people of the city of Astrakhan, Astrakhan region (decision of the Soviet District Court of Astrakhan of 07/21/2016);

56. Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Orel" (decision of the Oryol Regional Court dated 06/14/2016 and appeal ruling of the Judicial Collegium for Administrative Cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated 10/18/2016);

57. All-Russian political party "VOLIA", its regional branches and other structural units(of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated 08/09/2016 and the appeal ruling of the Board of Appeal of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated 11/24/2016) -

in accordance with the Charter, the All-Russian political party "VOLIA" has its own symbols - the emblem and the flag:

the emblem of the Party is made on a sapphire background in white: a stylized image of the sun in the form of a circle with rays extending from it along the entire circumference; under the image of the sun there is a stylized image of the territory of the Russian Federation, made in the form of an outline of the borders of the territory of the Russian Federation; under the image of the territory of the Russian Federation there is an inscription WILL OF THE PEOPLE - RIGHT, FREEDOM! The word WILL is located above the words of the PEOPLE - RIGHT FREEDOM! (subclause 1.3.1 of clause 1.3 of the charter of the All-Russian political party "VOLIA");

the flag of the Party is a sapphire-colored panel, on which the following image is applied, made on a sapphire background in white: a stylized image of the sun in the form of a circle with rays extending from it along the entire circumference; under the image of the sun there is a stylized image of the territory of the Russian Federation, made in the form of an outline of the borders of the territory of the Russian Federation; under the image of the territory of the Russian Federation there is an inscription WILL OF THE PEOPLE - RIGHT, FREEDOM! The word WILL is located above the words of the PEOPLE - RIGHT FREEDOM! (subclause 1.3.2 of clause 1.3 of the charter of the All-Russian political party "VOLIA");

58. Public association "Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people" (of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Crimea dated April 26, 2016 and the Judicial Collegium for Administrative Cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated September 29, 2016);

59. Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the city of Birobidzhan (decision of the Court of the Jewish Autonomous Region of 03.10.2016 and appeal ruling of the Judicial Collegium for Administrative Cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 09.02.2017);

60. Non-profit organization of military-patriotic education of youth "Frontier of the North" (Syktyvkar city court of the Komi Republic dated 11/23/2016 and determination of the Syktyvkar city court of the Komi Republic dated 04/03/2017);

61. Organization of football fans "TOYS" (other names "T.O.Y.S", "The Opposition Young Supporters") (Sovetsky District Court of Samara dated 04/11/2017);

62. Religious organization "Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia" and local religious organizations included in its structure:

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Glazov
(OGRN 1061800008511);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Kurdzhinovo"
(OGRN 1020900004289);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Gorno-Altaysk" (OGRN 1030400000091);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Serov"
(OGRN 1036605622437);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Nefteyugansk (OGRN 1038605503496);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Cherkessk
(OGRN 1020900003156);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Pechora"
(OGRN 1021100006400);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Ukhta"
(OGRN 1021100002010);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Syktyvkar"
(OGRN 1021100000228);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Belogorsk
(OGRN 1022800017558);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Sayansk"
(OGRN 1033800006118);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the city of Vladimir (OGRN 1033303607457);

Nizhny Novgorod"(OGRN 1025200024827);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the city of Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region (OGRN 1025200018480);

Religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Tula
(OGRN 1037100000057);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Shadrinsk
(OGRN 1034593003873);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the village of Nogliki, Sakhalin Region (OGRN 1026500004079);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Okha
(OGRN 1026500003606);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Skovorodino" (OGRN 1042800001155);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Berezovsky"
(OGRN 1024200006555);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Korsakov"
(OGRN 1026500003683);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Guryevsk
(OGRN 1034200006026);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses Art. Khanskaya
(OGRN 1020100002196);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Smolensk
(OGRN 1026700009995);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses, Dorogobuzh
(OGRN 1026700006740);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Tynda
(OGRN 1022800017020);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Ust-Kut
(OGRN 1053800031790);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Maisky
(OGRN 1020700001740);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Central, Penza" (OGRN 1025800010686);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Arbekovo, Penza" (OGRN 1035800008562);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses, Zimovniki village
and Zimovnikovsky district (OGRN 1036100002476);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Tsimlyansk
(OGRN 1026100030274);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Vorkuta
(OGRN 1021100005970);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses Osinniki
(OGRN 1034200006015);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Prokopyevsk"
(OGRN 1034200006686);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Novokuznetsk"
(OGRN 1034200010261);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses Yarega
(OGRN 1021100005365);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Izhevsk
(OGRN 1031802480236);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the city of Sharya, Kostroma Region (OGRN 1024400007521);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Mikun"
(OGRN 1021100006443);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses Art. Dinskaya
(OGRN 1022300004649);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Kholmsk
(OGRN 1026500003166);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk (OGRN 1026500003694);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Blagoveshchensk (OGRN 1022800003170);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Dimitrovgrad (OGRN 1037301680184);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Belorechensk (OGRN 1032335010916);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Kaluga
(OGRN 1024000006832);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Ulan-Ude
(OGRN 1020300000555);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Kaltan
(OGRN 1034200006301);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Vyborg
(OGRN 1034700001038);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Kirishi
(OGRN 1034700003117);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses, Sosnovy Bor
(OGRN 1034700005372);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Slantsy
(OGRN 1034700003766);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Nalchik
(OGRN 1020700001717);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses
Nizhneudinsk (OGRN 1033800004260);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Zeya
(OGRN 1022800003291);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the resort town of Anapa (OGRN 1032335027163);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Nikolsk"
(OGRN 1035800005702);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Apsheronsk (OGRN 1032335025337);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Central, Sochi" (OGRN 1032335027515);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Prokhladny
(OGRN 1020700001618);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Inta
(OGRN 1031100001569);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses
settlement Krasnooktyabrsky, Maikopsky district (OGRN 1020100003263);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Noyabrsk
(OGRN 1028900001987);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Yoshkar-Ola"
(OGRN 1021200002218);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Kostroma
(OGRN 1024400008588);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Neftekamsk
(OGRN 1030200003327);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Gelendzhik"
(OGRN 1032335028252);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Teikovo
(OGRN 1033700023939);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Kogalym
(OGRN 1038605503188);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Vichuga
(OGRN 1033700022377);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Myski"
(OGRN 1034200008370);

Local religious organization "Jehovah's Witnesses, Beslan"
(OGRN 1021500002358);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Central, Kemerovo" (OGRN 1034200000922);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the city of Kurgan (OGRN 1024500001899);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Minusinsk (OGRN 1032400001919);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Adygeysk (OGRN 1020100003373);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Severodvinsk (OGRN 1022900004599);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Borisoglebsk, Voronezh Region (OGRN 1023600008497);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Monchegorsk (OGRN 1025100003752);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the city of Kandalaksha (OGRN 1025100003576);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Kurganinsk (OGRN 1032335003964);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses Art. Novotitarovskaya (OGRN 1032335011257);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Central, Belovo" (OGRN 1034200000614);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Armavir (OGRN 1032335017505);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses Art. Giaginskaya (OGRN 1020100003648);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Maykop (OGRN 1020100003197);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Kotlas (OGRN 1032902531562);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Kamensk-Shakhtinsky (OGRN 1026100026193);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Ivanovo (OGRN 1033700024038);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses of the Azov region (OGRN 1026100031066);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Kostomuksha" (OGRN 1031002194937);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses Art. Nezlobnoy Georgievsky district (OGRN 1032602090542);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the village. Ivanovsky, Kochubeevsky District, Stavropol Territory (OGRN 1022600002006);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Nevinnomyssk (OGRN 1022600003887);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Central, Voronezh" (OGRN 1033692004565);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Nizhnyaya Tura (OGRN 1036605605850);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Pervouralsk (OGRN 1036605602164);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Vologda" (OGRN 1033501071735);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Snezhnogorsk" (OGRN 1025100002564);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Verkhnyaya Pyshma (OGRN 1036605604331);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses (Kursk) (OGRN 1034690004425);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Yekaterinburg (OGRN 1036605606400);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Polyarny" (OGRN 1025100003433);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the city of Nartkal (OGRN 1020700001233);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Vladikavkaz (OGRN 1021500002963);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Central, Murmansk" (OGRN 1035100155420);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Novoaleksandrovsk (OGRN 1022600007275);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the Kochubeevsky district (OGRN 1022600003580);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Georgievsk (OGRN 1032602090564);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the village of Tulsky (OGRN 1020100003483);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Sovetsk Kaliningrad region(OGRN 1033918508810);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Mozdok (OGRN 1021500002941);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the city of Sortavala (OGRN 1031002195465);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Bryansk" (OGRN 1033200008313);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Apatity" (OGRN 1025100003807);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses, Seversk (OGRN 1037000002600);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Kirovsk (OGRN 1025100002663);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Kaliningrad" (OGRN 1033918505917);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Vilyuchinsk" (OGRN 1024100001023);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the city of Cherepovets, Vologda Oblast (OGRN 1033501071977);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Severomorsk (OGRN 1025100003708);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Usinsk" (OGRN 1021100006377);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia "Central, Stavropol" (OGRN 1032602095261);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the city of Kineshma (OGRN 1033700020793);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Leninsk-Kuznetsky (OGRN 1034200007093);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Novopavlovsk (OGRN 1022600001060);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Kislovodsk (OGRN 1022600002347);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Zheleznovodsk (OGRN 1022600002336);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Kokhma (OGRN 1033700021937);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Svetlograd (OGRN 1032602090685);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Derbent" (OGRN 1020500003556);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Ipatovo" (OGRN 1022600004899);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Alagir (OGRN 1021500000642);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky" (OGRN 1024100001837);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Vladivostok (OGRN 1032500004437);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Chelyabinsk" (OGRN 1037400003948);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Kiselevsk (OGRN 1034200010602);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Anzhero-Sudzhensk (OGRN 1034200009414);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Pskov (OGRN 1026000006075);

Local religious organization organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Primorskoe" (OGRN 1159204018775);

Local religious organization organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Sevastopol (OGRN 1159204018764);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Blagodarnoye (OGRN 1022600006901);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses c. Safe Trunovsky District (OGRN 1032602099200);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Millerovo (OGRN 1026100030770);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Great Luki" (OGRN 1026000004557);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Tashtagol (Primary State Registration Number 1034200009458);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Gusinoozersk (OGRN 1020300000160);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Petrozavodsk" (OGRN 1031002190460);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Biryusinsk (OGRN 1033800001047);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Central, Mineral water"(OGRN 1022600002567);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Astrakhan (OGRN 1023000866228);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Sovetskaya Gavan (OGRN 1032700000233);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Komsomolsk-on-Amur (OGRN 1022700004645);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Zelenokumsk (OGRN 1032602090696);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Yelizovo (OGRN 1024100002079);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Pyatigorsk (OGRN 1022600002325)

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the village of Solnechnodolsk (OGRN 1022600000895);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Essentuki (OGRN 1022600006098);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Surgut (OGRN 1038605503023);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Budennovsk (OGRN 1022600005680);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the Liskinsky district of the Voronezh region (OGRN 1033692003531);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Almetyevsk, Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia (OGRN 1031659006235);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Simferopol (OGRN 1159102088243);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses Razdolnoye (OGRN 1159102088166);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses Black Sea (OGRN 1159102087870);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses Mirny (OGRN 1159102088188);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses Nizhnegorsky (OGRN 1159102088200);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses Pervomaiskoe (OGRN 1159102088309);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Krasnoperekopsk (OGRN 1159102088199);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Yasny (OGRN 1035600008091);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Nikolaevsk-on-Amur (OGRN 1032700000585);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Lesozavodsk (OGRN 1032500006802);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the city of Nizhnekamsk and the Nizhnekamsk region "Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia" (OGRN 1031659007489);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Naberezhnye Chelny "Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia"
(OGRN 1031659013484);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the village of Pereyaslavka (OGRN 1032700000563);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Spassk-Dalniy (OGRN 1032500009706);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the city of Zainsk "Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia" (OGRN 1021600014589);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Khabarovsk
(OGRN 1032700000123);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Chernyakhovsk, Kaliningrad Region (OGRN 1033918502870);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Ulyanovsk
(OGRN 1027300008120);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the village of Igra
(OGRN 1031802484647);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Votkinsk
(OGRN 1031802484658);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Tutaev
(OGRN 1027600006356);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Sarapul
(OGRN 1031802484636);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Rybinsk
(OGRN 1037602802071);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Zheleznogorsk (OGRN 1064600009660);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Kirov
(OGRN 1034300006333);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses, Yalta
(OGRN 1159102088298);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Saki
(OGRN 1159102088177);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses, Kerch
(OGRN 1159102088210);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Shchelkino
(OGRN 1159102088111);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Sivash"
(OGRN 1159102088144);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Dzhankoy
(OGRN 1159102087649);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Ussuriysk
(OGRN 1032500008760);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Stary Krym (OGRN 1159102087715);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses Guards (OGRN 1159102087550);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses c. Sunrise
(OGRN 1159102088254);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses c. Bryansk
(OGRN 1159102088287);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses
in the city of Kovrov, Vladimir Region (OGRN 1033303606478);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Feodosia
(OGRN 1159102088133);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses
town Krasnogvardeyskoye (OGRN 1159102088265);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Kazan "Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia" (OGRN 1031659010976);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Rostov
(OGRN 1037602800509);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Mezhdurechensk" (OGRN 1034200005509);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses c. Kizlyar
(OGRN 1020500004304);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Chita"
(OGRN 1037575003245);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Luchegorsk
(OGRN 1032500006065);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Kirovo-Chepetsk (OGRN 1034300008236);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses, Nakhodka
(OGRN 1032500006220);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Zarechny
(OGRN 1065800028139);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Nazarovo
(OGRN 1022400011083);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the city of Raduzhny (OGRN 1038605502870);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Neman, Kaliningrad region (OGRN 1033918507150);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Zima
(OGRN 1033800003225);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Tulun
(OGRN 1033800004810);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Belaya Kalitva (OGRN 1026100020430);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses, Slyudyanka
(OGRN 1033800004116);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Oktyabrsky settlement (OGRN 1033800001245);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses, Shelekhov
(OGRN 1033800001278);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the village of Chunsky (OGRN 1023800007440);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Omsk"
(OGRN 1035500001008);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Yaroslavl
(OGRN 1027600010426);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the village of Zalari
(OGRN 1033800003214);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Nizhnevartovsk (OGRN 1028600005940);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Lesosibirsk (OGRN 1022400013910);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Krasnoyarsk"
(OGRN 1032400001677);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Achinsk
(OGRN 1022400011314);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Rubtsovsk"
(OGRN 1022200528690);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses, Bataysk
(OGRN 1026100010606);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Novocherkassk (OGRN 1026100031209);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Orsk
(OGRN 1035600009378);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Yugorsk
(OGRN 1038605502814);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Iskitim
and Iskitimsky district (OGRN 1075400001313);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Gukovo"
(OGRN 1026100027876);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Aleysk"
(OGRN 1022240532456);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Asino
(OGRN 1037000000663);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Severnaya, Tomsk" (OGRN 10370000002643);

Local Christian religious organization Jehovah's Witnesses
Lipetsk (OGRN 1024800004789);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Sorsk
(OGRN 1021900004620);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Norilsk"
(OGRN 1022400010104);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Yuzhnaya, Abakan" (OGRN 1031900000252);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Bolshoi Kamen (OGRN 1062500014752);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Kansk"
(OGRN 1032400001369);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Novokubansk
and Novokubansky district (OGRN 1032335035490);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the village. Beltirskoye (OGRN 1051900007378);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Abaza
(OGRN 1021900004598);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Kalach, Voronezh Region (OGRN 1023600014514);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Chernogorsk
(OGRN 1021900002882);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Adler"
(OGRN 1032335014216);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Arsenyev
(OGRN 1032500007022);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the Shirinsky District (OGRN 1031900000285);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Sayanogorsk
(OGRN 1031900001396);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the city of Volzhsky, Volgograd Region (OGRN 1023400008598);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Kamyshin, Volgograd Region (OGRN 1023400008719);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the city of Leninsk, Volgograd Region (OGRN 1023400016265);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Armyansk
(OGRN 1159102088221);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the Krasnoarmeisky district of Volgograd (OGRN 1033401262190);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Krasnoarmeysk, Saratov Region (OGRN 1026401733929);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Shebekino, Belgorod Region (OGRN 1023100018480);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Balakovo, Saratov Region (OGRN 1026401424070);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Salavat"
(OGRN 1030200009080);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Kumertau"
(OGRN 1030200004010);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Sosnovoborsk"
(OGRN 1022400009466);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Kyzyl
(OGRN 1021700001058);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses of St. Petersburg (OGRN 1037858025204);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Dalnegorsk
(OGRN 1022500615510);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Gubkin
(OGRN 1023100003541);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Kuragino"
(OGRN 1032400003130);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Kotovo, Volgograd Region (OGRN 1023400005001);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Slavgorod"
(OGRN 1022200529010);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Mikhailovka, Volgograd Region (OGRN 1033401262366);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Shakhty
(OGRN 1026100026512);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Volsk, Saratov Region (OGRN 1026401676817);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Central, Orenburg" (OGRN 1025600006772);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Buzuluk
(OGRN 1035600006970);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the city of Volgograd, Krasnooktyabrsky district (OGRN 1023400007069);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Balashov, Saratov Region (OGRN 1026401596605);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the Traktorozavodsky district of Volgograd (OGRN 1023400009885);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Kotelnikovo, Volgograd Region (OGRN 1033401260705);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Monolith, Volgograd" (OGRN 1023400015715);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Surovikino
(OGRN 1033401263169);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Elshanskaya, Volgograd" (OGRN 1023400013856);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Belebey
(OGRN 1030200000379);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses c. Donetsk
(OGRN 1026100018603);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Uchaly
(OGRN 1030200009840);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Barnaul"
(OGRN 1022200529801);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Central, Irkutsk" (OGRN 1033800003126);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Angarsk"
(OGRN 1033800005810);

The local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Northern,
Usolye-Sibirskoye (OGRN 1033800001070);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Zheleznogorsk"
(OGRN 1022400008839);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Bratsk"
(OGRN 1033800004270);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses, Valuysky district, Belgorod region (OGRN 1023100018644);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses c. Boguchany of the Krasnoyarsk Territory (OGRN 1032400001105);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in r.p. Svetly Yar, Volgograd Region (OGRN 1023400012460);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Ufa"
(OGRN 1030200002800);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Biysk"
(OGRN 1032202360233);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Ust-Ilimsk"
(OGRN 1033800001168);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Volgodonsk (OGRN 1026100030208);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Central Khazan" (OGRN 1033800005535);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses, Shushenskoye village
(OGRN 1032400002447);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Zelenogorsk (OGRN 1032400004009);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Artyom
(OGRN 1032500002754);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Taishet"
(OGRN 1033800002950);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Zarinsk"
(OGRN 1022200527436);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the Padunsky district of the city of Bratsk (OGRN 1023800007076);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Zheleznogorsk-Ilimsky (OGRN 1023800007109);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Vikhorevka"
(OGRN 1033800005799);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Cheremkhovo
(OGRN 1033800003918);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the village. Priyutovo, Belebeevsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan (OGRN 1050200020420);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Dalnerechensk (OGRN 1062500013146);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Zverevo
(OGRN 1026100027117);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Lysva
(OGRN 1035900003523);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Solikamsk
(OGRN 1025900008089);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Central,
Rostov-on-Don" (OGRN 1026100019220);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses, Salsk
(OGRN 1026100023840);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Ozersk
(OGRN 1077400003581);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Podolsk
(OGRN 1035000016919);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Miass
(OGRN 1077400002514);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Lyubertsy
(OGRN 1035000018096);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Novoshakhtinsk" (OGRN 1026100026699);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the Solnechnogorsk region (OGRN 1035000015390);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Volokolamsk (OGRN 1035000009857);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the Shatura region (OGRN 1035000000342);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses of the Khimki region (OGRN 1055000012099);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Sharypovo
(OGRN 1032400004119);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the Voskresensky District (OGRN 1035000010143);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the city of Buguruslan (OGRN 1025600006079);

Local Christian religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Kuibyshev" (OGRN 1035400007191);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Dudinka
(OGRN 1028400004599);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the Orekhovo-Zuevsky District (OGRN 1035000024707);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Chaikovsky
(OGRN 1035900004711);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Fryazino
(OGRN 1035000007613);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the Odintsovo district (OGRN 1035000030581);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses, Dubna
(OGRN 1035000013058);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Saratov
(OGRN 1026402487770);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Krasnoturinsk (OGRN 1036605623658);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Perm
(OGRN 1035900003105);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses of the Ozersky district (OGRN 1035000015104);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in r.p. Talmenka (OGRN 1092202000725);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses of the Krasnogorsk region (OGRN 1035000019075);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses, Zhukovsky
(OGRN 1035000012343);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Chekhov
(OGRN 1035000011155);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses of the Balashikha region (OGRN 1035000023464);

Local religious organization Jehovah's Witnesses "Saransk"
(OGRN 1031322002051);

Local Christian religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Zarechnaya, Novosibirsk" (OGRN 1035400007565);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Serpukhov
and Serpukhov district (OGRN 1035000030834);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the Uspensky District (OGRN 1032335029825);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Kropotkin
(OGRN 1032335030001);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Nizhny Tagil" (OGRN 1026600000899);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Severouralsk" (OGRN 1036605621491);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses
Art. Staroshcherbinovskaya (OGRN 1032335032586);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Tikhoretsk
(OGRN 1032335030056);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Ust-Labinsk (OGRN 1032335019661);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses Art. Tbilisi (OGRN 1032335017967);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Labinsk
(OGRN 1032335028660);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses Art. Kanevskaya
(OGRN 1032335032553);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses Art. Kalininskaya (OGRN 1032335032982);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Krymsk
(OGRN 1032335028087);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Temryuk
(OGRN 1032335034368);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the Shchelkovsky District (OGRN 1035000021682);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Central,
Yeysk (OGRN 1032335027053);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Primorsko-Akhtarsk (OGRN 1032335016636);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Timashevsk
(OGRN 1032335005746);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Krasnodar
(OGRN 1032335006153);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Chapaevsk (OGRN 1036303399186);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses, Syzran
(OGRN 1036303397646);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Togliatti"
(OGRN 1036303398867);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the village of Krasnoselsky (OGRN 1032335031915);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses of the Sergiev Posad region (OGRN 1035000021100);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Korolyov
(OGRN 1035000011452);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Slavyansk-on-Kuban and Slavyansk region (OGRN 1032335019694);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses Art. Otradnaya
(OGRN 1032335029760);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the Mytishchi region (OGRN 1035000019306);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Baltic"
(OGRN 1077800023322);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses Art. Pavlovskaya
(OGRN 1032335001962);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses
Art. Staronizhesteblievskaya, Krasnoarmeisky District (OGRN 1022300004540);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Korenovsk
(OGRN 1032335018726);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Tuapse
(OGRN 1032335029540);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses Art. Kushchevskaya
(OGRN 1032335018968);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Novorossiysk (OGRN 1032335038449);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Ilsky"
(OGRN 1032335018022);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the village of Lazarevskoye (OGRN 1032335027010);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Ladoga"
(OGRN 1077800020649);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Nevskoe"
(OGRN 1077800024433);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses Art. Vyselki
(OGRN 1032335024590);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Goryachiy Klyuch (OGRN 1032335034380);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Neryungri
(OGRN 1021400006374);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses Chulman settlement
(OGRN 1021400006066);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Gulkevichi
(OGRN 1032335032080);

Local religious organization Jehovah's Witnesses "Udachny"
(OGRN 1021400003020);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Klinsky district (OGRN 1035000018932);

Local Religious Organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the Pushkin District (OGRN 1035000021540);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses of the Leninsky district (OGRN 1035000008922);

Local religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Moscow
(OGRN 1157700007189);

(Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated April 20, 2017, Appellate Board of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated July 17, 2017; Part 4 of Article 9 federal law dated July 25, 2002 No. 114-FZ “On countering extremist activity”);

63. Naberezhnye Chelny branch of the Tatarstan Regional All-Tatar Political Public Movement(REVTATPOD) - All-Tatar Public Center (VTOC) (NCHO TOC) (Naberezhnye Chelny City Court of the Republic of Tatarstan dated 11.05.2017).

67. Public association of football fans "Sector 16" Bugulminsky municipal district Republic of Tatarstan (other names: "S-16", "Bugulma Ultras" (Bugulma City Court of the Republic of Tatarstan dated 05/28/2018):

68. Regional Public Foundation for the Promotion of National Self-Determination of the Peoples of the World "Independence" (decision of the Moscow City Court dated 01.12.2017);

69. Organization of football fans "Firma" of football fans "Generation" (decision of the Proletarsky District Court of Tula dated 06/14/2018);

70. Karelian regional branch of the interregional youth public charitable organization "Youth Human Rights Group (IPG)" (decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Karelia dated 12/18/2014);

71. Public Association "Course of Truth and Unity" (other names: Russian People's Movement "Course of Truth and Unity", All-Russian Political Party "Course of Truth and Unity", Political Party "Course of Truth and Unity") (decision of the Maykop District Court of the Republic of Adygea dated 05/07/2018 and the appeal ruling of the Judicial Collegium for Administrative Cases of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Adygea dated 10/16/2018).
In accordance with the Charter, the Political Party "Course of Truth and Unity" has its own symbols - an emblem and a flag:
the emblem is a circle of ultramarine color, symbolizing the eternal and infinite Universe. The circle is described by a golden rim, personifying the Hierarchically Highest All-Encompassing Control – the laws of the Universe. In the center of the circle, a triglav is drawn in gold, denoting the trinity: matter, information and measure, interconnected. Along the perimeter inside the circle in its upper part, above the emblem of the triglav, it is written in gold: “the course of truth and unity”, at the bottom of the circle under the triglav, “KPE” is written in capital gold letters; The flag is an ultramarine color with a width to length ratio of 2:3. In the center of the cloth is placed the emblem of the Political Party "Course of Truth and Unity". The emblem does not reach the top and bottom edges of the flag by 10 centimeters (clause 1.7 of the Charter of the Political Party "The Course of Truth and Unity").

72. Religious Association "Karakol Initiative Group" (other names "Ak-Dyan", "JAGY ALTAI"-MOTION", "Ak Jаҥ", "Altai Jаҥ Ak Jаҥ", "White Vera", "Altai Dyan Ak Dyan", “Altai Vera Belaya Vera”) (Ongudaysky District Court of the Republic of Altai dated 12/11/2018).

73. Public association of football fans "Autograd Crew" (other names: "Autograd Crew", "Kamaz Ultras", "Blue White Crew")(date of information placement: 04/15/2019).

74. Interregional public association "Union of Slavic Forces of Russia" (other names "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics", "USSR") (Supreme Court of the Komi Republic of 07/11/2019).

1. List of organizations liquidated before the adoption of the Federal Law "On countering extremist activity", but included in the list of Rosfinmonitoring

  • Primorsky regional branch of RNU.
    The activity is prohibited by the decision of the Primorsky Regional Court of October 21, 1999 in accordance with Art. 16 of the Federal Law "On Public Associations" (prohibition on the creation and activities of public associations whose goals or actions are aimed at forcibly changing the foundations of the constitutional order and violating the integrity of the Russian Federation, undermining the security of the state, creating armed formations, inciting racial, national or religious hatred).
  • Kuzbass public organization "Slavic World".
    It was liquidated by the decision of the Kemerovo Regional Court of November 27, 2001. The basis is Art. 43 of the Federal Law "On Public Associations" (non-elimination by a public association of violations of the law within the time limits allotted by law). However, what kind of violations were committed by the organization (whether they are related to the real xenophobic activities of the organization or to any formal shortcomings in its activities), unfortunately, we do not know.
  • There are many different religions in the world today. Christianity, Islam and Buddhism stand out as the main world religions. In terms of the number of their adherents, they far outnumber all others. But in addition, there are separate groups of people who have separated from the dominant religious direction and formed independent organizations under the leadership of the leader. They are called sects, and their members are called sectarians.

    Why are sects dangerous?

    Sometimes sectarians are just people who have lost their way in religious dogmas, trying to find their own paths to God and not posing a danger to others. But sometimes the activities of such groups become by no means harmless, and in these cases, society takes all measures to protect its members from the harmful, and sometimes deadly, influence of sects.

    Together with his wife Marina Tsvigun, a former employee of the Dnepropetrovsk district committee of the Komsomol, and then a journalist for a local newspaper, he organized a sect. Marina, according to his scenario, was to become the incarnation of Jesus Christ. The religious revelations poured out by the spouses on the adherents of the sect were nothing more than a wild mixture of quotations pulled from various occult teachings. Interspersed were excerpts from the works of Blavatsky, Roerich, yoga, various Indian religious concepts and the teachings of Kabbalah.

    Developments of the secret department in the service of the sect

    But the main weapon was, of course, the skills obtained in the secret department of the KGB. As a result of the vigorous activity of the spouses, several thousand adherents were attracted to the sect. Control over their minds Krivonogov with his newly minted messiah managed to establish simply phenomenal. People sold their property and carried the proceeds to the sect, broke with their families and settled in specially organized villages. There they eked out a half-starved existence, not having the right to any manifestation of their own will. There was a complete zombie of the adherents.

    The leaders of the sect themselves, with the money of their victims, led a chic lifestyle. There are known cases of those generated by the fear of the end of the world, which was an integral part of their “teachings”. As a result, the couple ended up behind bars. But now a new round in the history of the sect called the "White Brotherhood" begins. Marina Tsvigun was released and launched a wide range of activities to revive her. Judging by the scale of the work, she is not constrained in finances.


    The list of sects in Russia should be continued with a story about an organization that is currently considered the most numerous in the country. This is the sect of the Neo-Pentecostals, or, as they are also called, the Charismatics. According to some information, it has about 300,000 adherents in our country, which is almost half of all sectarians in Russia. This organization originated in America in the seventies of the XX century. They rent concert halls and stadiums for their meetings. Everything is carried out in the form of a well-staged show in a purely American manner.

    False spiritual guidelines

    Their main doctrine, certainly attractive to the masses, is the thesis that a true Christian should be happy and rich. To become such, you just need to bring money to the sect. The more you bring, the sooner you will get rich and become a true believer. It is difficult to talk about methods of influence, but they work flawlessly. Thousands of masses in a single impulse fall into a state close to ecstasy. Even those who are in dire need suddenly begin to feel rich, and the sick feel an illusory surge of health.

    Sect - killer of hundreds of people

    As can be seen from the above examples, modern sects are armed with carefully thought-out methods of influencing the human psyche. Their arsenal is very wide. The danger they pose cannot be underestimated. To illustrate this once again, let's recall an organization that, fortunately, is not included in the list of sects in Russia. At one time, its name was often mentioned in Eto - "The Temple of the Nations." The Lord saved us from this dirty trick, but it will not be superfluous to talk about it.

    Its creator, Jim Jones, in 1955 in the American city of Indianapolis gathered a group of followers of his religious teachings, who soon moved to the jungles of Guyana. Filled with a pathological hatred for America and people in general, he managed to create a semblance in the worst version of it on the territory occupied by the settlement. He achieved slavish obedience from all adherents of the sect. His will was carried out unquestioningly.

    This dictator had sympathy for the totalitarian system installed in him. One of the streets of the village was named after Lenin. He even turned to the Soviet authorities with a request to provide him and members of the sect with the opportunity to immigrate to the USSR. The answer was positive, but the tragedy that broke out in 1978 prevented. More than nine hundred members of the sect, on the orders of its founder, committed suicide. The "Temple of the Peoples" ceased to exist. Jim Jones was convicted but released early in 2002.

    Scientology sect

    The list of sects in Russia will not be complete if you do not remember the organization called "Scientologists". This team is also an "American bottling", like many others. In the fifties of the XX century, it was created by science fiction writer Ronald Hubbard. The main position of his teaching is the doom of the existing world. He will die, but life will not stop there. Those who have reached the ideal in this world will have life after death.

    It is possible to become a perfect being by being trained by Scientologists. The course is paid and is very expensive, but what can not be sacrificed for the sake of eternity. No wonder this organization is called the "sect of the rich." According to experts, her daily income is from three to five million dollars. In our country, it has representative offices in different cities. The main office is located in Moscow.

    "Jehovah witnesses"

    Many residents of our cities are well acquainted with the Jehovah's Witnesses sect. Why are they dangerous? Often adherents annoyingly ring the door of apartments and stop people on the streets, offering to listen to their pseudo-religious dogmas, to learn to gain “true” understanding. eternal life. One has only to show any interest in them, as they become obsessive, stick their brochures and offer to visit their meetings without fail. The technology of recruiting new members is thought out so much that a person practically does not notice how he becomes an active member of the sect.

    This organization is headquartered in America and has branches in many countries around the world. Despite the fact that they call themselves Christians, their teaching has nothing to do with Christianity. True, purely mercantile motives are clearly visible in all their activities. In our country, the sect was outlawed for a long time, but with the onset of perestroika, all prohibitions were lifted, and members of the organization launched a stormy activity. Residents of St. Petersburg remember how in 1992 at the Kirov Stadium, which seats 100,000 spectators, their congress was held, which was attended by Jehovah's Witnesses not only from all over Russia, but also from abroad.

    Reasons for the growth of sectarianism in recent years

    Religious sects in Russia have received a powerful impetus for their development over the past two decades. An important role here was played by the deterioration of the economic situation of a number of segments of the population and the political instability of recent years. Apologists for various sectarian movements, using these intrastate difficulties, are trying to speculate on them, attracting new members to their ranks. Newly converted members of such sects who believe in propaganda promises fall under severe psychological pressure. Often the result of their gullibility is severe mental disorders, loss of property, and a break with the family.

    What sects are called totalitarian

    In order to protect citizens from the harmful influence of such religious movements, legislative measures were taken. In particular, certain courts have approved a list that includes sects banned in Russia.

    Their activities are suppressed, and those involved in them are subject to punishment in accordance with the law. The so-called totalitarian or destructive sects are especially severely persecuted. In world practice, a vivid example of such an organization was the “Temple of the Peoples”.

    In our country, a ban has been imposed on the activities of all religious associations that infringe on the rights of their members and harm them. Totalitarian sects in Russia and their activities are widely covered in the media to prevent and prevent their influence on people. A lot of work in this direction is being carried out by representatives of the church. Teachers are not left out. There are many sects that do not seem to pose a threat, such as the Jehovah's Witnesses, for example. Why are they dangerous? The answer is obvious - any enslavement of the mass consciousness is fraught with a real danger to society.

    In this collection, you can learn about the strangest religious rituals that are forbidden to be performed in civilized countries. However, most adherents of these beliefs can hardly be called civilized - in the most direct sense.

    1. Cannibalism and necrophagy

    The Aghori Babas tribe, who live in Varansi in India, is famous for feeding on the dead. They believe that the greatest human fear is the fear of one's own death, and that it is an obstacle to spiritual enlightenment. Only by facing death can one overcome this fear.

    According to Hinduism, there are five types of people who cannot be cremated: children, saints, pregnant and unmarried women, and those who died of leprosy and snake bites. These people are lowered into the water of the Ganges River, from where they are pulled out by the Aghori and eaten.

    2. Dance of the sun

    Native Americans are known to perform numerous rites in honor of the spirits of the earth. By sacrificing themselves they pray and show honor to the Great Spirit. The skin on the chest is pierced with special rods, which are tied to a pole, symbolizing the Tree of Life. Then the participants in the ritual move back and forth, trying to free themselves from the bars. This dance can last for several hours.

    3. Self-flagellation

    Followers of Shiite Islam annually conduct a ritual of mass self-flagellation during the holy month of Muharram. Thus, they honor the martyrdom of Hussein, the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad. Fanatics beat themselves with special whips, at the ends of which there are blades. Apparently, being in a state of religious trance, men do not feel pain.

    4. Jumping on the vine

    In the village of Bunlap, which is located on an island in pacific ocean, there is a strange ritual called "Gkol", and reminiscent of bungee jumping. While the villagers sing, dance and beat drums, one of the volunteers decides to jump. Having tied a vine around his ankles, the daredevil jumps from a large structure built specifically for this purpose. Ignoring the broken bones, the ritual participants jump upside down one by one. The higher a person jumps from, the greater the blessing from the gods he will receive (if he survives).

    5. Voodoo and possession

    Voodoo is a belief system in some parts of West Africa. One of her rituals is aimed at taking the spirit into herself. A person goes into the forest in order to connect with the Spirit of the Earth - Sakpata and spends three days there without food and water, and when the sufferer begins to lose consciousness from exhaustion - at this moment the spirit allegedly descends into him.

    6. Sky burial

    In Tibet, Buddhists practice a ritual called "Jhator" or "heavenly burial". Buddhists believe in the cycle of rebirth, so they believe that there is no need to bury or preserve the body. In addition, the ritual of burial in these rocky mountainous places would be too complicated to perform, so the bodies of the dead are simply taken to the mountains and left for high altitudes to be eaten by vultures. In order to get rid of the body quickly, it is cut into small pieces and scattered at a distance from each other.

    7. Walking on coals

    The Nine Emperor Gods Taoist Festival is held in Penang, Malaysia. One of the rituals of purification of the soul includes walking barefoot on burning coals in order to disperse evil spirits from oneself. In addition, walking on burning coals shows masculine strength and determination to free oneself from the forces of evil.

    8. Dancing with the Dead

    Famadihana means "turning bones" and is a traditional festival in Madagascar. Its participants believe that the faster the body decomposes, the faster the spirit reaches afterlife, so they dig up their loved ones, dance with their corpses to live music near the grave, and then rebury them. This unusual ritual is performed every 2-7 years.

    9. Piercing

    At the annual Phuket Vegetarian Festival in Thailand, participants perform one of the most masochistic and radical rituals: they pierce their cheeks with spears, knives, hooks and swords. It is believed that at this time the gods enter the body, protecting a person from evil and attracting good luck.

    10. Death Rites

    According to representatives of one of the most primitive Amazonian tribes, the Yanomami, death is not a natural phenomenon at all. After the corpses are cremated, their ashes are mixed with bananas, and then the mixture is eaten by the tribe, giving the spirit of the deceased the opportunity to live with them further.

    11. Scarification "under the crocodile"

    A tribe in Papua New Guinea called Kaningara practice bloody body modifications in order to strengthen spiritual ties with the outside world. One of the rituals is performed in the House of Spirits. Teenagers are isolated and live in seclusion, preparing for the ceremony of initiation into adulthood. Special symbols are then carved into their bodies with sharply sharpened bamboo stalks. These drawings resemble crocodile skin, because the tribe considers crocodiles to be the progenitors of all living things.