Rules for growing leguminous crops: what you need to know. Growing legumes Is it possible to bear legumes at home

Beans are a very healthy crop with a high nutritional value. It has another good property - it saturates the soil with nitrogen, which allows you to get a larger harvest of other vegetables from the same area next year.

Also beans are very unpretentious. All caring for them, in fact, consists in:

  • watering;
  • hilling;
  • loosening the soil.

In this article, we will tell you in detail how to plant beans correctly directly in open ground with seeds.

What conditions are necessary

The beans are quite resistant to cold weather and are second only to peas in this parameter. The seed germinates even when the temperature reaches only 3 degrees Celsius. It is for this reason that it is permissible to plant them in early spring. The culture will not be damaged by frosts down to -4, provided that they do not drag on.

For active growth, the average summer temperature of 18 degrees is enough for the beans, but they feel better at 20. Moreover, a heat of 25 ºС leads to falling flowers and stopping growth.

The soil for the culture in question is selected:

  • sufficiently nutritious;
  • clayey or loamy;
  • zero acidity or slightly alkaline;
  • well hydrated.

The area allocated for the beans should be well lit by the sun. The shadow oppresses them. If fertilizer is applied during the autumn soil preparation, they will no longer need any additional feeding in the spring.

If it is permissible to lay mineral mixtures in the soil on the eve of winter, then manure must be applied 2 years before the beans are sown on the site. All other organic matter is used in the fall. Compost or humus needs up to 9 kilograms per square meter.

The following fertilizer mixture is ideal for beans:

  • ammonium nitrate - 9 grams;
  • superphosphate - up to 30;
  • potassium chloride - 10.

When and how to plant

In general, beans are planted at the same time as peas, that is, at the turn of April-May. At the same time, the introduction of seeds into the soil is allowed until the last days of June.

Agronomists point out that it is better to plant them as soon as possible, which will ensure:

  • more serious productivity;
  • high nutritional value (starch and protein content will increase);
  • resistance to pests.

Before planting, the soil is thoroughly moistened. To accelerate germination, it is necessary to process the grains in this way:

  • soak the material overnight;
  • then throw them in hot water (+50 ºС) for five minutes;
  • transfer to cold.

For seeds that are too dry, the time for swelling is longer - from 12 to 20 hours. Throughout the entire period, the water is changed several times.

The linear planting method is the easiest. For this, the ground prepared in the fall is loosened and leveled with a rake. Passages of 0.7 meters are left between the rows. Next, furrows are drawn and seeds are placed in them with an interval of 15 cm.

Place 2 to 3 beans at each point. They should be located 7 centimeters from ground level.

For tall varieties, if planted with a solid carpet, a square of 0.2 by 0.2 meters is allocated for each plant. Low enough will be 15 by 15 centimeters.

First of all, it's worth noting that the beans are ideal for sowing after any garden crop. They saturate the soil with nitrogen and help to loosen it.

It is only necessary to abandon the compaction of potatoes with them. This plant develops much more slowly, and therefore the lush foliage of the beans simply blocks their light. In addition, both crops need a lot of potassium. Also nodule bacteria provoke scab in potatoes. At the same time, if the beans are planted around the perimeter, they will become an excellent protection from the wind. Moreover, such hedge scares away moles from potatoes.


Young beans require only a single feeding from the soaked grass and occasional loosening. It is also important, at least until the plants are strong, to weed out the weeds. After that, they themselves will survive the weeds from the site.

Hilling is done after the beans have stretched 50 centimeters. Before flowering, they are watered only when necessary, that is, if it does not rain for a long time. However, when buds appear, they begin to give water regularly - the main thing is to make sure that the soil does not become waterlogged, otherwise all the energy will go into the development of leaves and shoots, and the fruits will remain small.

With the beginning of flowering, it is time for pinching. This helps to protect the beans from aphids, which are very tasty with young, fresh shoots. You need to cut off the tops by 15 centimeters. They are then destroyed or simply buried in the ground outside the garden. This procedure also contributes to the uniform ripening of the pods.

All tall beans must be tied up. For this, stakes with a height of 1 meter or more are installed at the edges of the beds. Twine is pulled between them. Plants are attached to the latter. It is better to do this with wide strips of fabric.

About diseases and pests

Fresh beans are not averse to eating birds. In particular, crows regularly raid the garden beds, often pulling out whole plants by the roots.

The culture in question is very vulnerable to the following fungal infections:

  • blackleg;
  • fusarium;
  • ascochitis;
  • root spot;
  • rust.

The drug Fitosporin will help get rid of them. Its solution is used for watering and spraying.

In the second half of summer, another enemy is activated - aphids. The greatest danger is black melon. It usually appears in August. It is not difficult to destroy it with Fitoverm.

How to grow beans on your backyard

Beans have been cultivated by humans since prehistoric times. China is considered their homeland, where the seeds of beans were the basis of the food of the peasants. Until the middle of the 20th century, beans spread throughout the world, their taste and nutritional value were appreciated. Although beans are classified as a field crop, summer residents and gardeners currently grow them on their land plots.

Characteristics and properties

The bean bush branches under favorable conditions and reaches a height of 1 m, the stem is erect, the root system is up to 1.5 m. Appearance the seed resembles a bean. The yield depends on the variety and growing conditions and can range from 300 g to 1 kg, and with proper care up to 1.5 kg per square meter.

In order to grow beans on your site, special skills are not required, this culture is unpretentious and frost-resistant. Their optimal growth is observed at 15-20 ° C with a long daylight hours and well-moistened soil.

The most common variety is Russian black beans. Usually, 6-16 curved wrinkled beans up to 8 cm long with 2-3 seeds are formed on their stem, which are suitable for food in milky-wax ripeness already 1.5 months after germination. They fully mature in 3 months and by this time they will acquire a black or dark purple color.

The early maturity of different varieties of beans can vary depending on climatic conditions. In addition to Russian black beans, Windsor white or green beans, Belarusian and Horse beans are cultivated.

Site organization and soil preparation

A site for beans is selected with good sunlight and protection from the wind. From autumn, it is advisable to plow to a depth of 22 cm and apply mineral fertilizers: potassium chloride, ammonium nitrate, superphosphate. In the spring, the soil is harrowed early to close the moisture, and before planting, it is cultivated with repeated harrowing.

Soils for growing beans can be any soil with the exception of sands. Light loamy soils with a high organic content are most favorable for beans. Loose soil contributes to the creation of optimal heat and air conditions for the growth of legumes.


Beans grow well after vegetable crops: tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers and cabbage. They feel good after continuous sowing of wheat or corn. But replanting after legumes - beans, soybeans, peanuts, peas or clover - will give a poor harvest. Re-sowing beans after such predecessors is possible only with a three-year break.

Sowing preparation and sowing timing

Bean seeds retain their ability to germinate for only 2-3 years. Before planting, they are soaked in a damp cloth or simply in water at room temperature until they swell or even peck at the sprout.

Seeds germinate at soil temperatures above 2 ° C. The optimal sowing time is considered to be the period from late May to early June, when the soil warms up above 8 ° C. But under favorable weather conditions, sowing is possible at the end of April. In order for the seedlings to be friendly, the planting material is sown in well-moistened soil.

Landing in the ground

The beans are planted either with soaked seeds or seedlings. If it is possible to drive out 30-day seedlings with hardening in a greenhouse or under a film, then they are planted after the May frosts in open ground in a wide-row way. The distance between the seedlings is 10-15 cm, the row spacing is 40-50 cm. It is convenient to plant the beans in a checkerboard pattern of 50x30 cm with seeding on light soils up to 7 cm deep, and on heavy soils up to 5 cm. After planting, the soil on the site mulch.

Since beans are a moisture-loving crop, the main care for them is reduced to periodic watering and loosening of row spacings to improve the "respiration" of the plant root system and constant weed control. At the moment when the 6th true leaf appears in the aisle, it is advisable to add nitrophosphate. For this, grooves are made, followed by their abundant watering and sprinkling with earth.

Water the beans at least 2 times a week. Particular attention is paid to soil moisture during flowering and bean formation. Watering rate is a bucket of water per 1 square meter.

When re-loosening, the bushes of the beans are spud. After the leaves close in the rows and close the aisles, the loosening is stopped. This usually occurs when forcing bushes to a height of 50 cm.

To slightly shorten the growing season, the tops of the main stems of the plants are removed. In this case, the beans ripen evenly, and it is also good way get rid of aphids during the flowering period.


A spider mite and acacia moth can damage the seedlings of beans and the beans themselves on the bush. It is also necessary to use insecticides at the stage of fruit formation against the pea stalk and downy mildew.


Unripe beans are tastier and richer in nutrients. In terms of ascorbic acid content, beans at this time are comparable to green peas.
Ripe beans are harvested in August or September after the yellowed leaves fall from the bush. The beans are dry at this time, their seeds make a noise when shaken. Legume tops are usually not thrown away. If crushed, then it will serve as a good compost for the subsequent harvest.

The cultivation of each agricultural crop has its own characteristics, it requires strict adherence to the rules of care. Only then can you get a good harvest and provide yourself with food for a certain period. Next, let's look at growing and caring for beans outdoors.

There are many varieties of this plant, which is a storehouse of fiber and plant proteins for humans. Legumes have been known for a long time. They were grown by our ancestors in large quantities, as they were the main source of food. Being very nutritious and useful, they deservedly occupied most of the area in the gardens of people in the countryside.

In addition to the large number of beneficial trace elements, the legume plant provides another benefit. After the autumn digging of the soil, together with its stem and root parts, the earth is perfectly fertilized.

Legumes are annual plants. They have an erect stem, they can grow from 40 to 120 cm.

Leaves are unpaired or paired, depending on the variety. As the beans grow, they develop a powerful rhizome. During flowering, whole inflorescences are formed. The fruits appear as pods. They can be of various lengths and widths. It depends on the variety and the adequacy of the nutrient supply during growth. Seeds are found inside the pod and gradually ripen. Their color range, overall yield, ripening period of fruits, resistance to cold and temperature extremes vary depending on the crop.

Types and varieties of beans

Legumes popular today are valued for their exceptional taste, along with nutritional value and benefits for the human body.

There is a conditional modern gradation of legumes into main groups:

  1. Northern varieties. Such species give high yields in regions with moderate and colder climates.
  2. Western European. Occupy fields in hot, southern regions, where dry conditions are frequent companions in growing crops.

Depending on the region, the degree of ripening and other parameters, you can choose the variety that is most suitable for growing in a particular area. At the moment, some preferences have formed among the consumers of legumes. Which, of course, affects the development of agriculture in this direction.


The name comes from the country of origin of the culture. The variety appeared in 1950. Mid-season peeling species. From the moment of sowing to the appearance of fruits, approximately 100 days pass. Flowering occurs 25 days after germination. The stem reaches a height of 50 to 100 cm. The length of the pod is about 10 cm. The seeds are elongated and have a pale brown color. Perfect for canning.


There are white and green subspecies. Bred more than two centuries ago by breeders from England. Medium ripeness. From sowing to fruit ripening, it takes about 120 days. The white variety ripens 10 days longer. The stems of these crops often exceed one meter in height. The pods are small. Their shape is slightly curved and swollen. Inside there are usually 2 large flat green fruits. It is rare to find 3 or 4 pieces.

Russian black

The name was given to legumes in 1943 for the color of the seeds - dark purple. Fruits are oval, slightly oblong, wrinkled, of medium early ripeness. Ripen 90 days after sowing. The pod is about 8 cm long, slightly curved. Due to the absence of the pigment layer, it can be eaten whole.

Due to its cold resistance, the variety is planted in the northern regions. The height of the bush sometimes reaches 110 cm, but there are also lower - from 60 cm;


Medium early grade. The stem is erect, reaching a height of 1 meter. There can be 3-4 fruits in a pod. Large matte, milky or lemon yellow in color. The bob itself is slightly curved. Its length is 9 cm. Seeds ripen 100 days after sowing. The stem part of the culture can be 80-90 cm high. Resistant to many diseases.

Features of growing beans

The beans are hygrophilous. They give high yields with good watering during the flowering of the crop. They can grow even on heavy soils with a dense structure.

The main requirement for it is sufficient fertilization. Soil rich in organic matter will help you get a high yield.

Before growing, you should prepare the seeds themselves. This implies some growth stimulation and decontamination. That after planting in open ground will lead to the early germination of the bean and relieve the attacks of the pest during the development of the stem part of the plant.

Legumes can be planted outdoors in early spring due to their cold tolerance. But it is still better to wait for the earth to warm up a little, while remaining sufficiently moist. Sowing dates will vary in different regions. Here you have to independently choose the optimal conditions and time.

In order to get an increased yield in the future, you should carefully consider the observance of some rules for growing legumes:

  1. Choosing a place for sowing. A site where cabbage, potatoes or cucumbers were previously grown is suitable. It is not worth planting legumes in one place for two years in a row. It is necessary to ensure crop rotation.
  2. Autumn composting into the soil. Humus or mullein will do. For 1 sq. m to scatter 3 kg of substance. Fertilizers with a high nitrogen content are not suitable for legumes. Therefore, you must be careful with the use of chicken manure. The introduction of superphosphates will be very useful.
  3. Seed preparation. It is not a complicated procedure. Can be easily dealt with at home. First you need to select mature ones. By eliminating seeds with pests. These can be identified by the presence of a hole on the surface of the bean. An insect or its larva often hides there. Then it will be enough to soak the selected seeds in warm water for at least 10-15 hours. The optimum temperature will be +50. You can leave them there for a day. This will help the thick coat of the bean open up faster after sowing. It will also be useful to carry out disinfection. For these purposes, specialized stores sell various formulations with which instructions are attached.

Preparing the soil for planting

Spring soil preparation involves loosening the top layer and spreading the rows. The row spacing should be 45-50 cm. This will facilitate further care of the crop and will enable the rhizome to develop normally. In a well-moistened soil, spread the seeds at a distance of about 15 cm.Calculate the depth within 5-7 cm.

For legumes, you can use a combined planting with other vegetables. Then the seeds are planted in the aisles. This approach will ensure the disposal of garden crops from aphids. For some time after sowing, it is necessary to regularly moisten the soil until the shoots appear.

Seed planting dates

Legumes are not very heat demanding, but they do like good light. Seedlings will appear in cool climatic conditions. Therefore, the beans can be sown outdoors in early spring. They are not afraid of even small frosts. Resistant to -4 ° C. Comfortable conditions for the development and formation of fruits + 22 ° C. High temperature is detrimental to the culture - leaves fall off, fruits do not ripen.

The legume patch should be weeded periodically. Although their root system does not allow the appearance of a large number of weeds around the bush, it will still be useful to loosen the soil around the crop. When the plant reaches about 50 cm, you can huddle it. That will ensure sustainability of the culture.

The second such hilling should be done before the formation of fruits. In this case, you contribute to the protection of the culture from possible diseases.

How and with what to fertilize?

After weeding, complex liquid organic mineral compositions are introduced into the aisles. Fertilize the culture per 1 sq. m of soil, a maximum of 10 g of superphosphate, 5 g of potassium salt and the same amount of ammonium nitrate.

How to tie?

Cultivars that are tall should be tied up for more stability to keep the pods from sticking to the soil. Their close contact with the ground can lead to rotting of the fruit. Effective tying involves attaching the raised stem to stakes inserted into the soil next to the bush. They will become a pillar of culture.

You can additionally pull a strong cord or wire through the entire row of pegs for greater stability of the structure.

It is important to pinch the tops of the plant during the flowering period. This will effectively protect the shoots from aphids. The insect feeds on the juice of young legume shoots. The tops are cut by about 10 cm. This will also help to evenly ripen future fruits.

If aphids do appear, it is necessary to urgently treat crops from these pests with a solution of "Karbofos", other compositions, or a decoction of dandelions. Cut off heavily infected parts of the plant.

The beans can be attacked by the pea moth. It looks like a brown butterfly. The danger is that the pest lays eggs not only on the leaves, but also inside the fruit. From which emerge yellow caterpillars eating beans. "Fentiuram" and "Phosphamide" will save from these insects. Spraying is carried out according to the instructions.

You can ward off the moth in advance by sowing legumes with mustard. Legumes are also susceptible to a fungal disease called anthracosis. It affects the above-ground part of the cultures. A sign of the appearance of the disease is brown-red spots on the surface of the leaves. If you do not take up treatment, the plant will shed its foliage.

Watering the beans

It is important to ensure regular watering during the flowering period. Further care must be taken to avoid constant waterlogging of the soil. This threatens the appearance of a "black leg" - rotting of the stem of the plant.

When and how to harvest the beans?

The ripening period of a crop differs depending on the region. The harvesting periods of legumes are different due to the purpose and further use of the fruit.

Based on this, several stages can be distinguished:

  1. For eating green pods. They should be juicy and tender. Such fruits are harvested during milk ripeness, which occurs 12-14 days after flowering. Harvesting begins at the bottom of the stems, where the beans ripen first. These pods are suitable for salads, side dishes.
  2. For further storage or for planting seeds. Such a crop is harvested from the garden when the pods begin to darken and crack right on the stem. Dried beans are used to make soups or side dishes.

The seeds retain their similarity for 5 or even 10 years. For greater safety, it is recommended to store them in a dry and dark place.

How to store beans for the winter?

When the entire crop is harvested, the remaining stem is cut off. The earth with the rhizome is dug up before wintering. The root and stem of the beans is a good compost for the soil, which will enrich it with nitrogen. Beans are stored in a variety of ways.


Thus, you can prepare ripe pods, fruits. Do not dry them in direct sunlight. The crop should be spread out in the shade, in a well-ventilated area or outdoors, but brought into the house at night.


Only green pods or fruits are frozen. They are washed, blanched, hermetically packed and sent to freezers. They can be stored there for 8-12 months.


Green legumes and pods are also used. After blanching, they are placed in a sterile container. Then it is poured with hot brine, prepared to taste, and pasteurized for about 1.5 hours at + 80 ° C. Can be canned not separately, but in the form of a variety of salads, combining with any vegetables and herbs. There are many similar recipes that can be found in cookbooks or on the internet.

If you have a plot of land that is suitable for growing vegetables. Sowing the beans is worth trying. You will benefit twice. Harvest this highly beneficial crop and at the same time enrich the soil on the site thanks to the ability of legumes to fertilize the soil.

Beans are an excellent crop with a high content of beneficial micronutrients, proteins and a pleasant taste that gives a feeling of fullness. As an “energy drink for nutrition,” beans are 3 times more caloric than potatoes and 7 times more than cabbage. It is very useful for children to eat both young unripe beans (raw) and fully ripe, dried up. Due to their high-quality hardness, they already need to be boiled or stewed.

Beans are not picky about their predecessors in the garden, like soybeans or peas, but after them, in the next season, any vegetables and plants (except legumes) grow well. But at the same time, like any other vegetable crop, in the process of their growth, they need timely and proper care, proper planting. But how all this can be done, we will describe in detail in this article.

The content of the article:

Site requirements

Beans can demonstrate higher yields on fertile loose loamy soils with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction. But they can also grow and bear fruit successfully in nutrient-poor soil.

For full development, they also need potassium, and in cases where this element is still not enough in the ground, then it will have to be artificially introduced before planting. Experienced gardeners recommend fertilizing the beds with wood ash or organic compounds.

Plants also need a lot of light, and therefore, whenever possible, we plant in a sunny section of the garden. It is not recommended to plant them in cold and too wet sandy soil, since the seeds sown in it will not only not sprout, but will simply rot.

The ideal place for growing beans is a small hill, warmed by the sun's rays, freed from snow early, and from which water will drain during heavy rains.

Beans react badly to an excess of nitrogen in the soil.

A fairly important condition for this culture is also the observance of crop rotation. That is, in the area where family relatives were grown last season (peas, beans, chickpeas, soybeans, peanuts, lentils), beans cannot be planted.

A site is suitable for them, where the predecessors were crops such as potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkin, cabbage. But after the beans, it will be possible to grow almost all types of crops, except for legumes.

When to plant beans?

To germinate the beans, 2-5 ° C heat is enough. Spring frosts are not terrible for them, since the planting material is able to withstand temperatures up to - 4 degrees.

Therefore, it will be possible to start sowing as soon as the soil starts to warm up. But for friendly seedlings, the soil must be warmed up to at least 5 degrees Celsius. In most regions, sowing of this culture is carried out from the end of April to the second decade of May.

The beans will feel as comfortable as possible at a temperature of 20-22 ° C. But at temperatures above 25 ° C, they will already suffer: the set flowers fall off and the fruits do not ripen.

In regions with cold climates, it is practiced to grow beans through seedlings. In this case, sowing should be carried out in separate containers, which must be done 30 - 35 days before planting plants on the beds, but before planting in a permanent place, the seedlings are still hardened. As a rule, this method is used to obtain an early harvest.


Before planting, the seeds are placed in water for about 5-6 hours or in a growth stimulator for 2-4 hours. To hatch, you can wet a piece of cloth and wrap them in it. If the seeds are very dry, they need more time to soak - it is better to leave them for 12-20 hours, changing the water periodically.

Sowing seeds can be done in two ways:

  • On a flat area, leaving 40 cm of free space between the seeds;
  • On the beds, reducing the distance between adjacent beans to 20 - 25 cm for dwarf varieties and up to 10 - 12 cm for tall ones;

The row spacing should be at least 45 cm. The planting itself, as a rule, is carried out in two rows, which is due to the fact that in this way the plants will bear more fruits, and it will be easier to care for them.

In cases where black Russian beans are used for planting, the row spacing is reduced to 30 cm, and the seeds are laid out with a small interval - about 3-5 cm. Sowing is carried out in moist soil. It will not be superfluous to water the beds after it ends.

The seeding depth depends on the quality of the soil. On light soils, the depth of the hole for the seed is 6-7 cm, on heavy soils - 3-5 cm. Having dug in the seeds, we mulch the surface of the bed. Seedlings will appear in about 14-20 days. After that, the main task will be to properly care for the plants.


Watering ... The beans can withstand long enough without watering, but at the beginning of the growth, a lot of water is needed. In cases where there has been no rain for a long time, then the planting must be watered. As a rule, it is watered 2 times a week, at the rate of at least 10 liters of water per 1 sq. meter.

Loosening ... The land around the plants must be periodically loosened and weeds removed. Row spacing is processed several times to a depth of 8-12 cm; the first loosening is carried out after the appearance of the second leaf, then they are repeated as the soil crust forms and is stopped at a plant height of 50-60 cm.

During the second and third loosening, the plants are spud, which helps to strengthen the root system, increase the resistance of plants to winds.

Top dressing ... If the plants grow slowly, they are fed with potash and nitrogen fertilizers - 10-15 g per 1 sq. m.

Garter ... Only tall varieties need a garter (to facilitate the process of caring for them).

To do this, we install a trellis on them, which can be done as follows:

  • After planting in the soil at the edges of the rows, we drive in stakes - supports (height 1-1.2 m);
  • When the seedlings grow a little, we pull the wire on the stakes with an interval of 30 cm;

Collection and storage

They start to remove the beans when the seeds in them are almost completely developed, but they have not yet lost their tenderness and "black grooves" have not formed at the place of attachment to the fruit. First of all, we remove those fruits that are located at the bottom of the stem. We break them out, free the seeds from the valves.

In cases where the fruits will be consumed whole (grains with valves), we remove them when the valves are still juicy, and the grain size reaches about 1 cm.In cases where the grown grains will be eaten raw, the beans should be harvested when the seeds in milk ripeness, they reach the full size for the given variety.

We harvest the crop in 3-4 doses with an interval of 8-10 days. We remove along with the tops; tied in sheaves, they ripen well in a barn or in an attic. We hang the sheaves with the roots up. Threshing is carried out manually, hulling seeds from the valves.

One plant can collect 30-50 g of seeds.

Growing beans with potatoes

Beans can also be planted with potatoes. But not in the potato hole itself, but on the surface and on the edge.

What is the logic here? A bean, in conditions of sufficient moisture, will sprout in a few days and begin to grow quickly. Until the potatoes emerge from the ground, the bean will already reach 10-15 cm and will not prevent our main root crop from developing.

And the potato is not inhibited, and the soil, due to the presence of beans, is enriched with nitrogen, and therefore its structure improves.

But the benefit is not only this: there is no need to occupy the beds with beans.

Diseases and pests

Blackish spotting ... Signs of the disease are the appearance on the leaves of large blurry spots of a dark brown color, which can gradually cover the entire leaf surface. Diseased plants look depressed, have diseased beans, from which, when threshed, the fungus can pass to seeds.

Bacteriosis ... May cause great harm to legumes. It can be caused by various pathogenic bacteria. Signs of the disease are the appearance of large (on leaves, stems and beans) and small (on leaves) spots. Severe damage, especially in wet weather, can kill the entire plant.

Dry rot of fruits and seeds ... Signs - the formation of a whitish-pink coating of a fungus on the fruits that can penetrate the valves and beans and infect the seeds. At the same time, the seeds lose their shine, areas with a lighter color, in some cases a pinkish tint, appear on them.

White rot ... Causes wilting and drying of individual shoots or the entire plant. A white, thickened, cotton-like plaque of the mycelium appears on the affected tissues. The stems turn yellow, quickly rot (wet rot), the tissues become soaked, become brittle and die.

Gray rot ... Signs - brownish-greenish blurry rotting spots. Soon, a kind of short-cropped, powdery bloom of a grayish (mouse) color appears on them. Then, on the affected tissues, first small white, then black dense formations in the form of irregular balls (sclerotia) are formed. Tissues turn brown and soften.

Viral diseases ... Signs of viral diseases: dwarfism, discoloration, chloroticity, curliness, mosaicism, waviness or curl of leaves, dying off of the tops of the stem. They can manifest themselves both jointly and each separately. Some viral diseases can also be transmitted by seeds. The cause of such diseases and their strong development can be warm, dry weather, lack of moisture in the soil. Viruses are carried from plant to plant by insects.

Control measures ... First of all, we start by looking at the seeds, and in cases of detection with signs of the disease, we discard them. We take seed material only from healthy plants, dry them well and store them in a cool dry place, avoiding mold.

We sow vegetable seeds at the optimum time. When diseased seedlings appear on the site, we remove them so as not to infect other plants. The reason for the rapid spread of diseases can also be the thickening of crops, which must also be avoided.

Throughout the growing season, we carefully remove all weeds, as they are the source of many diseases. After harvesting, we dig up the plot - autumn (autumn) processing. We return legumes to their original place not earlier than in 2-3 years.

But as for pests, then vegetable beans in central Russia, as a rule, suffer from black aphids. They struggle with it by spraying with a 2-4% emulsion of green soap (200-400 g per 10 liters of water). The signal for spraying will be the appearance of pests on the plants.

But the most dangerous pest of beans is the nodule weevil, which eats leaves of young shoots, and its larvae feed on nodules on the roots. Seedlings are especially affected in dry weather.

Sown seeds, as well as young seedlings, must be protected from rooks.


The benefits of growing legumes are huge. In this case, we can not only get a useful, nutritious, and most importantly environmentally friendly product, they can also bring considerable benefits to the soil, neighboring crops, as well as plantings of the next year.

  1. They are able to enrich the soil with nitrogen, and therefore there is no need to use artificial mineral fertilizers;
  2. They will help get rid of moles - invisible, but very annoying pests.
  3. Able to improve the structure of the soil;
  4. Sowing them mixed with mustard, rye or lupine, you can grow these plants as siderates.

As you can see, there are many benefits of beans, but growing them is not so difficult, and therefore I recommend planting at least a few rows in the garden.

Vegetable beans are useful to grow in the garden, not only for consumption, but also for the nutrition of other crops. In growing beans, the culture is unpretentious. Caring for them in the open field involves only timely watering, loosening and hilling.

Planting beans in open ground is carried out by seeds. in early spring... To grow beans correctly, get a good harvest and enrich garden soil, it is enough to observe simple rules agricultural technology.

Conditions for growing beans

The conditions for growing beans are largely due to their cold resistance, and the technology is similar to the principles of growing other legumes.

  • Bean seeds begin to germinate at positive temperatures of 3-4 ° C.
  • Beans start sowing at the earliest possible date. in the spring.
  • The grown plant can easily withstand short-term frosts up to 4 ° C below zero.
  • A temperature of 17-18 ° C will be sufficient for optimal growth of the vegetable beans. The beans will feel as comfortable as possible at a temperature of 20-22 ° C.
  • But at temperatures above 25 ° C, the beans suffer: the set flowers fall off and the fruits do not ripen.

Vegetable beans are practically not demanding on heat and are considered one of the most cold-resistant crops among other legumes, slightly second only to peas.

Soil for growing beans

  1. The beans are prescribed fertile, loamy and clayey soils.
  2. They need a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction of the environment.
  3. Also, beans tolerate poor soil relatively well.
  4. At the same time, they are demanding on moisture, prefer a well-moistened soil.

Unpretentious beans also have their own requirements:

  • they need a bright place, this long day plants.

Therefore, they do not tolerate a plot in the shade and do not do well on acidic and sandy soils.

Growing beans from seeds

Bean seeds can be sown directly into the open ground, having previously well moistened the planting site. But if you want to help the seeds germinate faster and more reliably, as well as get rid of possible pathogens, the seeds can be processed before planting.

  1. First, the seeds of beans are soaked in water at room temperature for 5-6 hours (you can overnight).
  2. If the seeds are very dry, they need more time to soak - it is better to leave them for 12-20 hours, periodically changing the water.
  3. after soaking for 5 minutes, they are heated in hot water at a temperature of approx. 50 ° C.
  4. Then they are immediately lowered into cold water.
  5. After this treatment, the seeds can be sown.

Bean seeds remain viable for a very long time: from 5 to 10 years, of course, if stored correctly:

  • in a dry place,
  • without temperature drops,
  • away from heating appliances,
  • avoiding direct sunlight.

Planting beans outdoors

When growing beans from seed, you need to know the best time to plant them.

Planting dates for beans

The timing of planting beans in open ground is the same as for: end of Aprilearly May.

  1. The sooner the beans are sown, the better - they will have higher yields, the seeds are larger and higher in protein and starch, and the plants themselves will be more resistant to aphid damage.
  2. The timing of planting beans for fruit in technical ripeness is quite extended - they can be sown until the end of June.

Bean planting scheme

  • distance between belts 70 cm,
  • about half a meter is left between the rows.
  • Seeds are sown from each other at a distance of 12-15 cm.
  • 2-3 seeds are placed in the nest and embedded to a depth of 6-8 cm.

At two-line fit the seeding density is observed on the ridges:

  1. for tall varieties 20 seeds per 1 m² according to the scheme 20 by 20 cm,
  2. for undersized (dwarf) varieties - 28 seeds per 1 m².

Applies and square-nesting method sowing (70 by 70 cm), when 5-6 seeds are placed in one nest.

Preparing the soil for planting beans

The key to proper farming is thorough preparation and fertilization of the soil for growing beans. When preparing a place for planting beans, it is advisable to add mineral or organic fertilizers.

  • Beans grow well on soils flavored with organic matter, therefore, in the fall, it is recommended to add 5-9 kg for planting beans organic fertilizers for 1 m².
  • According to the rules of agricultural technology, beans are planted after any crop in 1-2 years after application manure.
  • The beans are very good at protecting any planting and crops from the wind.
  • Therefore, if we consider joint planting, then it is better to plant beans around the perimeter of the beds and potato field.
  • Some summer residents even note that such circular closed plantings of beans scare away moles. In this case, beans of the variety are considered especially effective Black Russians sown at a distance of 12-15 cm from each other.

The beans are ideal for crop rotation. Beans are an excellent precursor for any crop because saturate the soil with nitrogen from nodule bacteria.

Outdoor Bean Care

Bean care is minimal and includes watering, loosening and hilling, rarely weeding and feeding.

Care of young beans

  • Young plants need a single feeding and regular loosening.
  • Young plants need a little help and make sure that weeds do not interfere with them. Therefore, in the first time after sowing, attention should be paid to weeding.
  • When the seedlings grow up and gain strength, the weeds will not be a hindrance to them, the beans themselves will begin to inhibit the growth of weeds.

Hilling beans

  1. When the beans reach a height of 50 cm, they are spud.
  2. During the planting season, the beans will need to be loosened and pushed 2-3 times.
  3. Podkuchenie simultaneously with loosening increases the resistance of plants and helps to withstand the winds.

Watering the beans

  • Watering the beans before the mass flowering begins is necessary only during dry periods.
  • As soon as flowering begins, watering should be regular.
  • At the same time, make sure that there is no waterlogging, otherwise the vegetative mass will begin to actively grow in the beans to the detriment of the development of flowers and fruits.

Bean feeding

  1. If you fertilize the soil well before planting the beans, they do not need additional fertilizing.
  2. If the soil is poor, you can treat the plants with a slurry treat - but no more than once per season.

Pinching the tops of the beans

  • As soon as the beans begin to bloom en masse, they need to be pinched - this effective method protection against aphids that eat young shoots.
  • The tops 10-15 cm long are cut, buried or burned.
  • Pinching also promotes uniform ripening of the fruit.

Supporting and tying the beans

The beans have a straight, non-leaning stem, which can be either low in height, only 20 cm, or rather tall - up to 180 cm. Therefore, it is necessary to provide a support for tall varieties.

  1. You can stick meter-long pegs at the ends of the garden bed and stretch the twine between them through 25-30 cm, and tie the plants to it.
  2. It will be easier and easier than tying each bush to a free-standing peg.

Bean diseases and pests

The uninvited guests of garden plots - crows and rooks - are very fond of pulling out young seedlings of beans. Here you will have to provide methods for protecting and scaring birds away from the site.

When using quality planting material and proper care beans rarely get sick... However, their plantings are susceptible to attack by fungal diseases:

  • root spot,
  • black leg,
  • ascochitosis,
  • rust,
  • fusarium.

One of the most dangerous pests is considered root weevil... Its larvae eat nodules on the roots, and the pest itself feeds on young leaves, from which the plant weakens and dies.

Also attacked by different types of beans aphids- their activity falls on the second half of the summer. Long shoots of beans are more susceptible to black melon aphid which attacks the planting in August. To combat such pests, you can use Fitoverm .

Collecting beans

Start cleaning from the beginning july and are harvested many times in a season.

  1. For direct consumption, the fruits must be harvested in technical ripeness, when the pods are juicy, soft, tender.
  2. Milk ripeness grains approx. 1 cm - it comes about 2 weeks after flowering.
  3. Harvesting begins from the bottom of the stem - there the fruits ripen faster.
  4. With more early dates collection, the seeds are not so tasty and even have a bitter taste.

Remember that eating raw beans is hazardous to your health, as are undercooked beans. they contain toxic substances... Therefore, only carefully thermally processed legumes can be eaten.

  • The darkening of the valves will indicate the biological maturity of the beans - they become black or brown.
  • It is time to harvest fruits in biological ripeness when the pods dry out and begin to hang down.
  • They can be broken out by hand or uprooted (easier to do in wet weather), tied in bunches and hung in the shed for ripening.
  • When the fruits are dry enough, they are easy to peel and store.

After harvesting, the above-ground part of the beans is cut and burned, and the underground part is used for digging or composting. Nodule bacteria located on the roots will be a good green manure, saturating the soil with nitrogen.

Beans are an unpretentious vegetable crop from the Legumes family, which has been known in Russia for a long time. Nowadays, beans are undeservedly forgotten, although among our ancestors they were the main vegetable garden crop, which was grown everywhere, eating in huge quantities. Beans were the main ingredient in many dishes, later replaced by potatoes. Beans are a valuable nutritious food rich in protein, trace elements and vitamins that tastes great and quickly saturates the body. Beans can be classified as plants that summer residents grow in their gardens not only for eating, but also for fertilizing the soil. The plant perfectly coexists in the beds with all vegetables, with the exception of onions and garlic, does not require special care and gives a high yield. Read on how to properly grow beans in your summer cottage and what are the features in growing beans.

Beans: plant description

Beans are a herbaceous annual plant in the Legume family. The stem of the plant is erect, thickened, reaching a height of 30 to 120 cm. The leaves are unpaired and paired, the color is green. It has a developed powerful root extending into the soil up to 1.5 meters. The bean inflorescence is a raceme with 4-12 flowers, 2.5-3.5 cm in size. The bean blooms white, with a black spot on the wings of the petals, flowers. The opening of flowers takes place in the afternoon. During flowering, the beans look attractive.

The fruit of the plant (pod) is a pod up to 30 cm long, which contains from 2 or more seeds of yellow, green, brown, purple, black, the size and shape of which depends on the plant variety. There are small-seeded, medium-seeded and large-seeded varieties of beans, which differ not only in color, size, but also in yield and ripening times. Of all garden crops, beans are the most cold-resistant and not demanding on the thermal regime. The seeds of the plant sprout already at a temperature of 3-4 degrees Celsius, and adult specimens can withstand frosts up to 4 degrees. At an air temperature of 19-22 degrees, young plants begin to actively grow and develop.

Bean varieties

Modern varieties of beans have a high nutritional value and excellent taste. Breeders like beans are divided into two main groups: northern and western European varieties. Northern varieties produce high yields in temperate regions, while Western European varieties are grown in southern regions with hot, arid climates.

  • Russian black... One of the most famous mid-early varieties, widely used for planting in the northern strip of Russia. The bush reaches a height of 60 cm, blooms with white flowers and black spots. The shape of the beans is slightly curved, the length of the pod is 7-8 cm. The dark purple seeds have an oblong oval shape; when ripe, the valves of the beans do not open.
  • Belarusian. They belong to a mid-season variety, the height of the shoots is from 60 cm to 1 meter. The flowers are white, spotted. The pod is straight, up to 11 cm long; when ripe, the shutters of the fruits crack. The seeds are light brown in color, elongated. The variety is widely known in Ukraine and Belarus, Latvia.
  • Windsor greens and whites... Mid-season varieties. The plant is compact, the height of the stem is 0.6-1 m. The shape of the beans is elliptical, slightly flattened, with fleshy, green valves that open when ripe, contains 3 seeds. The varieties are distinguished by the color of the seeds.
  • Virovskie... The beans are medium early. A plant up to 1 meter high with an erect stem. The flowers are large. The bean pod has a curved shape; 3-4 large, milky seeds ripen in it.

Beans: cultivation features

Beans are low-heat plants during daylight hours. Bean seeds begin to sprout actively at low temperatures and are not afraid of frosts up to 4 degrees, so the seeds are sown in the spring, at the earliest possible date. The plant feels as comfortable as possible at a moderate temperature up to 22 degrees Celsius. More heat air can lead to dropping of flowers and barren flowers, and therefore - to non-ripening of fruits.

Beans love moisture and are painful to tolerate drought. It has been noticed that the highest yields of beans are observed when a large amount of precipitation falls during their flowering period.

Beans are not only a tasty and nutritious product, but also a healthy vegetable garden. As with all plants of the legume family, the roots of beans form nodule bacteria that enrich the soil with nitrogen and make it looser and suitable for the full growth and development of other vegetable crops. The root and stems of the beans, buried in the ground after ripening and harvesting, are a valuable fertilizer for the site. Also, a powerful branched root system of beans does not allow weeds to develop, reliably protecting the fertile soil layer from being washed out by heavy rainfall.

Choosing a site for planting beans

When choosing a place for planting beans, you should give preference to an illuminated section of the garden with loamy fertile weakly acidic or neutral soils. A very important criterion for choosing a planting site for beans is soil moisture, therefore lowlands, aisles of other vegetable crops, as well as small hills from which snow melts early are taken away for planting. However, there should be no stagnation of moisture in the soil. Cold and too wet soil is completely unsuitable for growing vegetable beans - most likely the seeds will rot and do not germinate. For planting a plant, areas where potatoes, cabbage, and cucumbers were previously grown are suitable. Areas of the vegetable garden where legumes were previously grown are not suitable: beans, peas, soybeans, lentils, in order to ensure the crop rotation of the vegetable crop.

Planting beans outdoors

Vegetable beans are an unpretentious crop that can withstand fairly low temperatures, so it can be planted in early spring, when the soil begins to warm up and the threat of freezing of the soil passes.

Preparing the soil for planting beans with seeds

Preparing the soil for planting beans is carried out in the fall. The soil should be dug well, on a shovel bayonet, since the plant has a powerful root system. When digging, organic fertilizers are introduced: compost, mullein, manure (3-4 kg per 1 square meter). The exception is poultry manure, as it contains a large nitrogen content. Also, the soil is enriched with phosphorus fertilizers, ash, which reduces the acidity of the soil. In the spring, before planting the seeds, the soil, which has compacted during the winter, is dug up, adding 10-20 g of superphosphate, 20 g of potassium salt.

Dates for planting beans seeds in open ground

Sowing seeds of beans in the ground is carried out in the last days of April - early May. The ground should be warm enough, but moisturized, retaining most of the melt water. For central Russia, the optimal period when planting beans in the ground is from May 7 to May 14. With a later planting, the development and growth of seedlings is weaker, and the plant becomes susceptible to fungal diseases and the attack of harmful insects.

Less commonly, the seedling method is used for planting, which is used to obtain an early harvest and is suitable for regions with late spring. For this, the seeds are soaked in water for up to 15 hours and planted in separate containers in early April, growing in greenhouse conditions. After 30-35 days, the seedlings are ready for planting in open ground.

How to ensure high germination rate of beans seeds

Bean seeds germinate at low temperatures (4 to 10 degrees), but night frosts can cause them to die. Before planting, it is necessary to inspect all seeds and select only mature ones, ready for planting. When examining, pay attention to seeds with a small hole - this seed is damaged by a grinder. By breaking the seed, you can find the larva of the pest.

Both dry and soaked seeds can be planted in the ground. Before sowing, the seeds should be soaked in a saucer with damp gauze in two layers, for 24-48 hours. It is not worth delaying the planting of seeds swollen in water, as they can "choke" and not germinate.

How to plant beans outdoors with seeds

  • The beans are planted immediately in moistened soil, in 2 rows, observing a wide row spacing, at least 45 cm, to make it easier to care for them.
  • For a variety of black Russian beans, the row spacing can be made less to 30 cm.
  • The seeds are deepened to a depth of 5-7 cm, keeping a distance of 10-15 cm between them. It will not be difficult for a powerful sprout to break through to the light. After planting, the beds need to be watered.
  • For beans, you can select separate beds in the garden, or you can combine with other vegetable crops by planting seeds in the aisles. Combined planting protects garden crops from aphid attack.

Beans: caring for your garden crop

It will not be difficult to take care of the beans, it is enough to provide the plant with regular watering, loosening the soil, hilling. It is necessary to ensure that weeds do not interfere with the active growth and development of young seedlings, therefore it is necessary to carry out weeding more often. When the plant grows up and gains strength, it will itself inhibit the growth of weeds and the need for weeding will disappear by itself. As soon as the stalks of the beans reach a height of 50 cm, they are hilled; throughout the season, hilling is carried out 2-3 times. Hilling protects the bean stems from wind gusts and makes the plant more resilient.

Bean feeding

In the process of loosening the soil, liquid complex organic-mineral fertilizers are introduced into the aisles (up to 10 g of superphosphate, 5 g of ammonium nitrate and 5 g of potassium salt must be added per square meter of soil).

Watering the beans

Regular watering is an important part of bean maintenance. The plant especially needs abundant watering during the flowering period, when fruit is set. However, an excess and stagnation of moisture in the soil should not be allowed, which can lead to root rot or active growth of the vegetative mass of the plant, which will lead to low yield.

Pinching the tops of the beans

Pinching the top of the plant during the flowering period is an effective method of protecting young shoots from the attack of aphids, which love to feast on the juice of a young plant. The tops of the stem 10-15 cm long are cut off. Pinching also helps the fruit ripen evenly.

Tying beans, creating support for shoots

Depending on the cultivar, the erect, branched stem of the bean can reach over a meter in length. For the stability of tall varieties, a support is used to which the stems of the plant are tied. Pegs 1 meter high are used as a support, between which a string or rope is pulled, you can also tie the stem directly to a free-standing peg.

Harvesting beans

The beginning of the harvest of the first crop of beans is summer, the crop is harvested several times per season. Green, juicy and tender beans are harvested for fresh consumption. Green beans are milky about 2 weeks after flowering. Harvest from the bottom of the stem, where the fruit ripens faster.

  • Green (unripe) beans are ideal for salads, side dishes. And more mature fruits with ripe seeds are suitable for making soups.
  • Collecting the seeds of beans for storage and subsequent propagation is carried out after the shutters of the fruits darken and begin to open. Viable seeds are chosen for storage. To determine their germination, the seeds are sent to a saline solution. This will cause the empty beans to float to the surface, while the mature ones will remain at the bottom of the dish.
  • Bean seeds remain viable for 5-10 years. They are stored in a dry, dark place, away from heating appliances, where a stable temperature is maintained and there is no humidity.
  • After harvesting, the ground part of the plant is cut off and burned, and the soil, along with the roots, is dug up.
  • The root system of the beans is an excellent compost and ideal soil fertilization. To enrich the soil with nitrogen on the site, the roots of the beans can be pulled out of the ground and buried in the ground during the autumn digging.

Bean disease and pest control

Beans are a vegetable crop that is resistant to various types of diseases and pests. Among the common plant diseases are:

  • Black bean aphid... A pest that attacks the stems of a young plant in the summer. Most often, aphids attack the top of the stem. Leads to deformation and curvature of the stem. During the active growth of the stem, it is recommended to pinch off all the tops of the plant up to 15 cm long, so as not to give the opportunity to appear aphids. For prophylaxis, treatment of the plant with karbofos or Fitover is used.
  • Sprout fly... Often, beans are attacked by a small pest - a sprout fly, which lays eggs in the soil, under the shoot. The fly larvae feed on the bean root. To protect the plant from the pest, it is necessary to regularly remove weeds and loosen the soil under the bushes.
  • Nodule weevil... It looks like a small gray bug. This is one of the most dangerous pests of beans that can destroy the entire plant. Insect larvae feed on root nodules, and the weevil itself eats young foliage, as a result of which the plant becomes weaker and dies over time. If a pest is found, the plant should be sprayed with dust, at the rate of 10 grams per square meter.
  • Bean weevil- an insect that harms the plant during the flowering period, when the fruit is ovary. It lays the larvae on young ovaries, after a few days the larvae penetrate the seed and feed on its contents, thereby harming the future harvest. Caryopsis larvae are dangerous because one hundred can overwinter in seeds intended for planting in spring. To prevent infection of young seedlings, the seeds are soaked in a saline solution.

In addition to pests, young seedlings are susceptible to certain diseases, which, as a rule, are associated with waterlogging of the soil. Among them are:

  • Blackleg... A disease characterized by the formation of a dark plaque on the root collar of a plant. Leads to rapid wilting and death of the shoot. The culprit of the disease is a fungus that infects through the soil. The disease progresses in a cool, damp spring, observed with late sowing of seeds in open ground.
  • Chocolate (brown) spot... A disease characterized by the appearance of dark brown spots on the leaves and stem of the plant. If chocolate spot is found on the leaves, they must be removed so that the disease does not spread throughout the shoot. In processing chemicals the plant does not need.

In addition, the uninvited guests of vegetable gardens - rooks and crows, who pull up young shoots along with the root - cause a tangible damage to the bean crop. In order to prevent the attack of birds, it is necessary to provide methods of scaring them away.

Beans are a healthy and nutritious vegetable crop for our body, planting which in the garden, we get a double benefit. In addition to the high yield of tasty fruits, the soil on the site is fertilized, saturated with nitrogen. Particular attention should be paid to choosing a site for planting legumes and knowing when to plant the beans outdoors in order to obtain high yields. Delicious, nutritious bean dishes are a source of vegetable protein and valuable nutrients that will diversify your diet and fill your body with vitamins and minerals for the whole year.

Vegetable beans are useful to grow in the garden, not only for consumption, but also for the nutrition of other crops. In growing beans, the culture is unpretentious. Caring for them in the open field involves only timely watering, loosening and hilling.

Planting beans in open ground is carried out by seeds. in early spring... To properly grow beans, get a good harvest and enrich garden soil, it is enough to follow simple rules of agricultural technology.

Conditions for growing beans

The conditions for growing beans are largely due to their cold resistance, and the technology is similar to the principles of growing other legumes.

  • Bean seeds begin to germinate at positive temperatures of 3-4 ° C.
  • Beans start sowing at the earliest possible date. in the spring.
  • The grown plant can easily withstand short-term frosts up to 4 ° C below zero.
  • A temperature of 17-18 ° C will be sufficient for optimal growth of the vegetable beans. The beans will feel as comfortable as possible at a temperature of 20-22 ° C.
  • But at temperatures above 25 ° C, the beans suffer: the set flowers fall off and the fruits do not ripen.

Vegetable beans are practically not demanding on heat and are considered one of the most cold-resistant crops among other legumes, slightly second only to peas.

Soil for growing beans

  1. The beans are prescribed fertile, loamy and clayey soils.
  2. They need a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction of the environment.
  3. Also, beans tolerate poor soil relatively well.
  4. At the same time, they are demanding on moisture, prefer a well-moistened soil.

Unpretentious beans also have their own requirements:

  • they need a bright place, this long day plants.

Therefore, they do not tolerate a plot in the shade and do not do well on acidic and sandy soils.

Growing beans from seeds

Bean seeds can be sown directly into the open ground, having previously well moistened the planting site. But if you want to help the seeds germinate faster and more reliably, as well as get rid of possible pathogens, the seeds can be processed before planting.

  1. First, the seeds of beans are soaked in water at room temperature for 5-6 hours (you can overnight).
  2. If the seeds are very dry, they need more time to soak - it is better to leave them for 12-20 hours, periodically changing the water.
  3. after soaking for 5 minutes, they are heated in hot water at a temperature of approx. 50 ° C.
  4. Then immediately immersed in cold water.
  5. After this treatment, the seeds can be sown.

Bean seeds remain viable for a very long time: from 5 to 10 years, of course, if stored correctly:

  • in a dry place,
  • without temperature drops,
  • away from heating appliances,
  • avoiding direct sunlight.

Planting beans outdoors

When growing beans from seed, you need to know the best time to plant them.

Planting dates for beans

The timing of planting beans in open ground is the same as for: end of Aprilearly May.

  1. The sooner the beans are sown, the better - they will have higher yields, the seeds are larger and higher in protein and starch, and the plants themselves will be more resistant to aphid damage.
  2. The timing of planting beans for fruit in technical ripeness is quite extended - they can be sown until the end of June.

Bean planting scheme

  • distance between belts 70 cm,
  • about half a meter is left between the rows.
  • Seeds are sown from each other at a distance of 12-15 cm.
  • 2-3 seeds are placed in the nest and embedded to a depth of 6-8 cm.

At two-line fit the seeding density is observed on the ridges:

  1. for tall varieties 20 seeds per 1 m² according to the scheme 20 by 20 cm,
  2. for undersized (dwarf) varieties - 28 seeds per 1 m².

Applies and square-nesting method sowing (70 by 70 cm), when 5-6 seeds are placed in one nest.

Preparing the soil for planting beans

The key to proper farming is thorough preparation and fertilization of the soil for growing beans. When preparing a place for planting beans, it is advisable to add mineral or organic fertilizers.

  • Beans grow well on soils flavored with organic matter, therefore, in the fall, it is recommended to add 5-9 kg for planting beans organic fertilizers for 1 m².
  • According to the rules of agricultural technology, beans are planted after any crop in 1-2 years after application manure.
  • The beans are very good at protecting any planting and crops from the wind.
  • Therefore, if we consider joint planting, then it is better to plant beans around the perimeter of the beds and potato field.
  • Some summer residents even note that such circular closed plantings of beans scare away moles. In this case, beans of the variety are considered especially effective Black Russians sown at a distance of 12-15 cm from each other.

The beans are ideal for crop rotation. Beans are an excellent precursor for any crop because saturate the soil with nitrogen from nodule bacteria.

Outdoor Bean Care

Bean care is minimal and includes watering, loosening and hilling, rarely weeding and feeding.

Care of young beans

  • Young plants need a single feeding and regular loosening.
  • Young plants need a little help and make sure that weeds do not interfere with them. Therefore, in the first time after sowing, attention should be paid to weeding.
  • When the seedlings grow up and gain strength, the weeds will not be a hindrance to them, the beans themselves will begin to inhibit the growth of weeds.

Hilling beans

  1. When the beans reach a height of 50 cm, they are spud.
  2. During the planting season, the beans will need to be loosened and pushed 2-3 times.
  3. Podkuchenie simultaneously with loosening increases the resistance of plants and helps to withstand the winds.

Watering the beans

  • Watering the beans before the mass flowering begins is necessary only during dry periods.
  • As soon as flowering begins, watering should be regular.
  • At the same time, make sure that there is no waterlogging, otherwise the vegetative mass will begin to actively grow in the beans to the detriment of the development of flowers and fruits.

Bean feeding

  1. If you fertilize the soil well before planting the beans, they do not need additional fertilizing.
  2. If the soil is poor, you can treat the plants with a slurry treat - but no more than once per season.

Pinching the tops of the beans

  • As soon as the beans begin to bloom en masse, they need to be pinched - this is an effective method of protection against aphids that eat young shoots.
  • The tops 10-15 cm long are cut, buried or burned.
  • Pinching also promotes uniform ripening of the fruit.

Supporting and tying the beans

The beans have a straight, non-leaning stem, which can be either low in height, only 20 cm, or rather tall - up to 180 cm. Therefore, it is necessary to provide a support for tall varieties.

  1. You can stick meter-long pegs at the ends of the garden bed and stretch the twine between them through 25-30 cm, and tie the plants to it.
  2. It will be easier and easier than tying each bush to a free-standing peg.

Bean diseases and pests

The uninvited guests of garden plots - crows and rooks - are very fond of pulling out young seedlings of beans. Here you will have to provide methods for protecting and scaring birds away from the site.

When using quality planting material and proper care beans rarely get sick... However, their plantings are susceptible to attack by fungal diseases:

  • root spot,
  • black leg,
  • ascochitosis,
  • rust,
  • fusarium.

One of the most dangerous pests is considered root weevil... Its larvae eat nodules on the roots, and the pest itself feeds on young leaves, from which the plant weakens and dies.

Also attacked by different types of beans aphids- their activity falls on the second half of the summer. Long shoots of beans are more susceptible to black melon aphid which attacks the planting in August. To combat such pests, you can use Fitoverm .

Collecting beans

Start cleaning from the beginning july and are harvested many times in a season.

  1. For direct consumption, the fruits must be harvested in technical ripeness, when the pods are juicy, soft, tender.
  2. Milk ripeness grains approx. 1 cm - it comes about 2 weeks after flowering.
  3. Harvesting begins from the bottom of the stem - there the fruits ripen faster.
  4. At an earlier date of collection, the seeds are not as tasty and even have a bitter taste.

Remember that eating raw beans is hazardous to your health, as are undercooked beans. they contain toxic substances... Therefore, only carefully thermally processed legumes can be eaten.

  • The darkening of the valves will indicate the biological maturity of the beans - they become black or brown.
  • It is time to harvest fruits in biological ripeness when the pods dry out and begin to hang down.
  • They can be broken out by hand or uprooted (easier to do in wet weather), tied in bunches and hung in the shed for ripening.
  • When the fruits are dry enough, they are easy to peel and store.

After harvesting, the above-ground part of the beans is cut and burned, and the underground part is used for digging or composting. Nodule bacteria located on the roots will be a good green manure, saturating the soil with nitrogen.

all forms of growing cereals, legumes and oilseeds in the open field
The cultivation of these crops is often combined in various agricultural units.
growing grain crops, such as wheat, corn, sorghum, barley, rye, oats, millet, buckwheat and other cereals not included in other categories;
growing leguminous crops such as: peas, lupine, lentils, beans, horse beans, chickpeas (mutton peas), cowpea, vetch and other legumes;
growing oilseeds, such as: sunflower, soybeans, rapeseed, oil flax, peanuts (groundnuts), castor bean, mustard, oil nougat, safflower, sesame and other oilseeds

Does not include:
growing of sweet corn, see 01.13
growing of feed corn, see 01.19
growing of oilseeds, see 01.26

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The hierarchy diagram in the OKVED classifier 2 for code 01.11:

OJSC "Alexandriyskoe" | Products from environmentally friendly raw materials from the manufacturer

The scope of activity of OJSC "Aleksandriyskoye" is extensive - the cultivation of grain and leguminous crops and their processing for animal feed and poultry in dry feed workshops; growing, pigs, poultry and production of meat and meat products in slaughter and sausage shops; growing cattle and milk production, growing apples and black currants; growing trout; growing mushrooms "Oyster mushroom"; retail and wholesale trade and more. All this creates a single indivisible complex, which occupies a leading position in the Republic of Belarus!

Plant growing

The total land area of ​​OJSC "Alexandriyskoye" is 15.7 thousand hectares, of which farmland - 14.4 thousand hectares, including arable land - 10.4 thousand hectares. The main task of crop production is to provide the livestock and poultry industries with their own feed, as well as the cultivation of grain crops for seeds.


OJSC Alexandriiskoye has six dairy complexes with over 16,113 head of cattle, including 4,664 head of dairy herds. Every day the farm receives 93 tons of milk with the best quality indicators - the "Extra" variety.

Pig breeding

JSC "Alexandriyskoye" has a pig-breeding complex with a capacity of 50 thousand pigs per year. The pig breeding complex includes two reproducers and two pig fattening plots, where over 28 thousand livestock are kept at a time. Average daily weight gain per head is more than 700 grams.

Meat processing

The processing of pork meat is over 120 tons per month. The assortment of products includes more than 250 names of semi-finished products, including a large assortment of natural sausages and minced meat, as well as more than 70 types of sausage products.


The existing facilities allow receiving 12,000 tons of poultry meat, 20 million day old broilers, 25 million eggs per year.

Social sphere

More than 50 settlements are located on the territory of OJSC "Alexandriyskoye", where more than 3000 people live.

A well-developed infrastructure has been created in the settlements: there is a universal sports center, two secondary schools, a kindergarten, 2 kindergartens, one of which has 75 places, 2 outpatient clinics, 3 paramedics and obstetric points, 3 houses of culture, 6 libraries, 16 shops, cafes, hotel.

The housing stock of OJSC "Alexandriyskoye" has 335 residential buildings and 2 hostels.

Fruit storage, garden

The area of ​​the orchard is 250 hectares. Early and late varieties of apples, as well as black currants are grown.

A complex for the storage and sale of apples with a capacity of 6,500 tons per year.

Growing legumes

Vegetable beans are cold-resistant plants. They require the least heat among pulses. A temperature of 17 - 18 ° C is optimal for the normal growth of beans. Although the emergence of seedlings can occur even at a temperature of 1 ° C, and an adult plant, like a young one, can withstand a short-term frost up to -4 ° C. For this reason, sowing beans can be done early.

Growing beans should be carried out on clayey, heavy soil that retains moisture well, which has been fertilized with manure before sowing. For cultivation in peatlands, additional application of micronutrient fertilizers, especially copper, is required. This culture is completely unsuitable for shaded areas, as well as acidic and sandy soils.

In principle, sowing beans can be dry seeds in moist soil, but it is better to soak the seeds in water for 5 - 6 hours, since the beans have a rather dense shell. Moreover, after 5 - 6 hours, the seeds must be warmed up in hot water (about 50 ° C) for 5 minutes. This is necessary in order to remove all pathogens from the surface of the grains.

After warming up, the beans should be immediately immersed in cold water and sown in prepared soil. Preliminary soil preparation involves the introduction of 1 tablespoon of potassium chloride and double superphosphate, 1/2 bucket of organic matter and 2 glasses of ash for digging for each square meter.

The distance between the beans in the rows should be 5 cm, and between the rows - 30-40 cm.

Planting beans with potatoes, as is sometimes recommended, DO NOT! ... This will primarily shade the young seedlings of the potato as the beans grow faster. And we remember that potatoes are a very light-loving crop. Secondly, along with potatoes, beans are a lover of potassium, so they will "eat" it. Thirdly, the roots of the beans have nodule bacteria that supply the plant with nitrogen, which is very often the cause of scab damage to potatoes when planted together with beans. This, of course, is not fatal, but I would not really like it. Fourthly, the joint planting of beans and potatoes leads to a decrease, not an increase in the yield of the latter.

In this case, the beans can be used as a curtain protecting from the cold wind. To do this, they are planted around the perimeter of the potato field, as well as any other plantings.

By the way, it was noticed that moles are afraid of a closed loop of beans, which are sown at a distance of 12-15 cm from each other. In this case, there must be black Russian beans.

The beans require minimal care, which includes, at a young age, one-time feeding with infusion of weeds and regular loosening of the soil. As soon as the height of the plants reaches 50 cm, they need to be tucked up and you can no longer loosen them. Hilling is necessary for greater stability.

The top of the beans should be cut off at the beginning of the mass flowering. Thus, you will stop the further growth of the plant upward, and it will also prevent the attack of the black melon aphid on the young tops of the beans in August.

Before flowering, the beans will only have enough watering in dry weather; from the beginning of flowering, watering should be regular.

It is worth noting that young shoots like to pull out birds. Especially they need to be protected from rooks and ravens.

Common bean diseases include root spot, blackleg, ascochitis, rust, and fusarium. Watering the soil and plants with a solution of "Fitosporin" helps well against all these diseases. Although when sowing with healthy seeds and good care, the plants do not get sick.

Growing beans may be accompanied by an attack by the root weevil, which is the most dangerous pest. The larva of this pest feeds on nodules on the roots, and the pest itself eats up young leaves, which, as a result, leads to the death of the plant. In the second half of summer, different types of aphids attack the plants. Can be used against pests "Fitoverm".

Cleaning should be done as it matures, as evidenced by the blackening of the valves. Seeds should be dried and stored in a dry place. Seed germination lasts 10 years.

JSC "Gomel Poultry Farm" is one of the largest enterprises in the republic for the production of eggs with a closed production cycle. The capacities of the enterprise make it possible to provide 100% of the city of Gomel and the Gomel region with eggs and products of its processing.

The main activities of the enterprise
egg production;
growing replacement hens;
hatching egg production;
production of poultry meat and semi-finished products from them;
production of egg powder; ...
milk production;
grain production;
growing cereals, legumes and forage crops;
wholesale and retail trade.;

The main sales market for the products of JSC "Gomel Poultry Farm" is the market of the Republic of Belarus (mainly the city of Gomel and the Gomel region). In the Gomel region, 80% of eggs, 80% of poultry meat and 85% of egg powder produced at the poultry farm are sold.

The total land area of ​​the farm is 9521 hectares, of which farmland is 6332 hectares, incl. arable land - 4444 hectares. The main task of the crop growing industry is to provide livestock with fodder from its own production. In 2016, the total gross grain harvest after processing at the enterprise amounted to 13,509 tons, incl. corn grains - 9100 tons, grain crops - 4409 tons. Grass fodder was prepared for 1 conventional head of cattle 26 c.u. units, which is 4.3 c.u. units. above the 2015 level.

In 2016, OJSC "Gomel Poultry Farm" produced more than 241 million pieces. eggs. According to this indicator, the poultry farm took the 3rd place in the republic. Egg production for an average laying hen in 2016 was 331 pieces, 2nd place in the republic.

Milk production in 2016 amounted to 6859 tons, which is 885 tons more than in 2015 or 114.8%. Milk yield per cow was 7147 kg. which is 790 kg. more than last year.

In 2016, the growth rate of gross output to the level of 2015 amounted to 104.7%

The enterprise has a branch of the Milcha Trade House, which has 7 shops, 14 pavilions, 6 trade places in the markets and 5 off-site vehicles. The geography of trade is constantly expanding.
The poultry farm is an energy-rich enterprise with 28 thousand hp. energy capacities. The vehicle fleet includes 70 vehicles and 34 tractors of all brands. On average, about 7 million kWh of electricity are consumed per year, 5 million cubic meters. natural gas, 300 tons of gasoline, 500 tons of diesel fuel.

Currently, the main workshops are located on the territory of the industrial site of the enterprise:

Shop for the production of industrial eggs;
workshop for keeping parent stock;
processing shop
shop for in-depth processing of eggs;
milk production workshop
workshop for growing young cattle
plant growing workshop

The company is engaged in rearing laying hens and has a hatchery for hatching chickens. There are two poultry houses for keeping parent stock of hens and 20 poultry houses for keeping an industrial herd of laying hens, two egg storage facilities for sorting and storing eggs, a slaughterhouse and an industrial processing workshop, a workshop for the production of egg powder. To meet production and social needs, there are two boilers operating on natural gas. All production facilities are equipped with rest rooms and showers.

base of agricultural enterprises and farms of Ukraine!

Directory of Ukrainian agricultural producers

The agricultural business today is one of the priorities in Ukraine. Not only large companies are involved in the production of various agricultural products, but also small farms, as well as individuals who have their own household plots. Information posted on our website base of agricultural enterprises , where anyone can get the necessary information about the company itself, the type of its activity, etc. The base of agricultural enterprises fully reflects not only the activities of large agricultural structures, but also farms. For the convenience of users, there is a list of those enterprises that are successfully, and most importantly, long-term work in the agricultural market of Ukraine. The base of agricultural enterprises is the guidebook, turning to which any, even a novice businessman, will find all the necessary information.

Base of agricultural enterprises of Ukraine contains a complete list of all companies that work in the field of agribusiness. It contains information on each of the regions of Ukraine. Using the database of agricultural enterprises, each user can get all the information of interest for doing business.

1. The proposed base of agricultural enterprises in Ukraine is intended for investors, those legal entities who wish to enter agricultural enterprises in Ukraine. All business people, without exception, can use the services of our website.

2. Directory of agricultural enterprises (database) will allow the user to quickly navigate among agricultural producers in Ukraine. Our business directory will help you find and occupy your niche in the agro-industrial business.

Farms of Ukraine

In addition to large enterprises, the base of agricultural enterprises of Ukraine contains farms... Farmers are actively working on the country's agricultural market. Our base of agricultural enterprises is divided into regions of Ukraine. Each region has a division into districts, which is very convenient! Purchase our guide and Together with us, your business will reach a new level of development. Agrarian companies of Ukraine offer mutually beneficial cooperation to all businessmen. Our database is constantly updated with new companies. You will always be aware of all the new products of the Ukrainian agro-industrial complex. If you want to find new markets for your products, use our database. We are always glad to business cooperation.

Branches of agriculture of the regions of Ukraine

Crimea (temporarily occupied territory)

Growing grapes is one of the oldest branches of agriculture in the Republic of Crimea. These are mainly technical varieties that are used to make wines, cognacs, juices, etc. Thanks to the warm climate, it is possible to collect significant harvests of strawberries, gardening and vegetable growing are well developed. About half of the sown area of ​​the republic is used for growing sunflower. Rapeseed and soybeans are also grown. Essential oil crops are represented by the cultivation of lavender, rose, and sage. Cereals - wheat, corn (feed), rice, millet. IN recent times the traditional branch of the republic is reviving - silkworm breeding.

All branches of agriculture of Ukraine are implemented on the territory of Vinnitsa region. But among agricultural enterprises, the main ones are still the production of milk and meat (animal husbandry), the cultivation of sugar beets, barley, wheat, corn (crop production). Almost 25% of Ukraine's sugar crops are in the Vinnitsa region. The leading indicators among the regions of Ukraine are also occupied by the production of vegetables. Viticulture and horticulture are well developed. There is also a rarity among other regions of Ukraine - the cultivation of hops.

In the economy of the Volyn region, 50% of the total product is provided by the agrarian-industrial sector. Cereals and vegetables (plant growing) are the main specializations in the region's agriculture. Flax is grown. Animal husbandry is based on the meat and dairy industry.


In the Dnepropetrovsk region, agriculture, in the production of goods and services, is in second place after industry. The most active areas in the agriculture of the Dnipropetrovsk region are poultry growing, meat and dairy products (animal husbandry). In plant growing, grain, industrial and vegetable crops are most actively grown. Many enterprises working in the field of agriculture are working on innovative technologies for soil cultivation and crop cultivation. Basically, these technologies are used in the cultivation of sugar beets, as well as grain crops and sunflowers.

Crop production in the Donetsk region is the most significant branch of agriculture due to the large amount of black soil. The main directions in plant growing is the cultivation of sunflower and grain, vegetables and fruit and berry crops. In animal husbandry, the meat and dairy sector predominates, but the raising of pigs, poultry and sheep is also not uncommon. The development of animal husbandry in the region is due to organic (environmentally friendly) production of products and the introduction of progressive methods of management and development of the economy.

The agrarian potential of the Zhytomyr region is represented, first of all, by crop production. The main product is grain crops (growing winter wheat, oats, spring barley) as well as growing potatoes. Pulses, sugar beets, flax, chicory and hops are also grown. The first place in Ukraine for the use of forest resources belongs to the Zhytomyr region. Forests occupy about 30% of the territory. Coniferous species predominate (about 60%). Hard-leaved and soft-leaved species account for about 20%. Most of the products are exported outside the region.


Agrarians of the Transcarpathian region, despite the relief of the territory, have the opportunity to engage not only in plant growing and animal husbandry, but also in beekeeping. And grapes on an industrial scale began to be grown here in the III century. AD Meat and dairy cattle breeding, pig breeding, sheep breeding and poultry breeding - these are the areas of activity of the region in animal breeding. Crop production is represented by: grapes, potatoes, early vegetables, fodder beets, sunflowers, corn, rye, flax, oats, as well as herbs, fruits and tobacco. The region has a well-developed timber industry complex - timber reserves are several times higher than the average in Ukraine. This makes it possible to engage in logging and the manufacture of wood products (furniture, plywood, chipboards and lumber, as well as wood chemistry products).

In the agriculture of the Zaporozhye region, the direction of plant growing prevails. Grains and industrial crops (sunflower) prevail in this. Favorable climatic conditions also make it possible to grow vegetables and melons. Livestock breeding is dominated by poultry and pig breeding, although much attention is paid to raising cattle.


In the structure of agricultural production in Ivano-Frankivsk region, meat and dairy cattle breeding prevails. In plant growing - horticulture and growing berries, grapes and hops are poorly developed. Grain crops, fiber flax and sugar beet cultivation prevail.

Agriculture in the Kiev region, due to its geographical position, is characterized by the highest level of development than in other regions. And territorial and climatic factors and natural characteristics allow working in various directions. But the main specialization is focused on the cultivation of beets and grain crops. Meat and dairy and poultry are the main areas in the region's animal husbandry.


Agricultural production in the economy of the Kirovograd region, due to natural black soil and climatic conditions, occupies a leading position. The main directions in crop production are the cultivation of barley, winter wheat, legumes, buckwheat and millet, as well as corn for grain. Industrial crops are mainly represented by the cultivation of sugar beets and sunflowers. Soybeans are also grown. Horticulture is actively developing. Directions of growing cherries, pears, apples, plums prevail here. The cultivation of berry crops is developing. Poultry farming is actively developing in animal husbandry. Pigs, cattle and sheep are raised. There are enterprises engaged in the breeding of pedigree horses.

The main specialization of agriculture in the Luhansk region in crop production is cultivation, mainly in the cultivation of corn and winter wheat and sunflower. Vegetable growing is developed. In animal husbandry, he specializes in poultry and meat and dairy cattle breeding. Sheep breeding is developing.

The main emphasis in the agriculture of the Lviv region falls on meat and dairy cattle breeding (cattle breeding, pig breeding). Livestock breeding accounts for about 60% of the region's gross agricultural production. Also present are: poultry farming, sheep farming, fish pond farming and beekeeping. Crop production mainly specializes in the cultivation of grain crops (winter wheat - about 20% of the sown area, spring barley). Industrial crops are also grown (sugar beet, fiber flax). Areas for growing potatoes and vegetables are increasing.

Favorable climatic conditions in the Nikolaev region make it possible to actively develop the direction of crop production in agriculture. The main crops here are grain (spring barley, winter wheat and corn), industrial (sugar beet, sunflower) and melons. Horticulture and viticulture are well developed. Livestock is represented by meat and dairy products. Poultry farming is developing.

Almost all productive lands in the Odessa region are assigned to agricultural producers. In crop production, grain crops are the main ones. Sunflowers and grapes are also grown. Livestock is mainly represented by poultry and pig breeding.

The production of milk, grain and industrial crops characterizes the agriculture of the Poltava region, which forms the basis of the agro-industrial complex. Chernozems are the most widespread soils, occupying about 90% of the area, and the traditional industry for the Poltava region is animal husbandry. One of the largest breeding bases in Ukraine is located here. Pedigree farms engaged in cattle breeding and pig breeding are successfully operating. The Dubrovsky stud farm is located in Mirgorodsky district, known for its record holders far beyond the borders of Ukraine.

A number of activities aimed at maintaining and increasing productivity in agriculture are carried out in the Rivne region. In the southern regions, a high level of soil erosion, waterlogging and waterlogging of the soil is found throughout the territory. There are a number of factors caused by the Chernobyl accident. The main areas of activity here are the cultivation of potatoes and sugar beets, grain crops and fiber flax (crop production) and meat and dairy (animal husbandry).

One of the leading sectors of the economy of the Sumy region is the agricultural sector. The region's agriculture specializes in grain and industrial crops in plant growing and in the production of cattle and pig meat, as well as milk in animal husbandry. Arable land is more than 1 million hectares, and the total area of ​​agricultural land in the region is over 1.5 million hectares.

Ternopil region is a developed industrial and agricultural region. More than 50% of the gross output in agriculture is accounted for by crop production. The main focus is on the cultivation of grain crops. Sugar beet occupies a large part in the production of industrial crops. The basis of the livestock industry is the meat and dairy industry. The leading direction in Ukraine Ternopil region is in the production of birch sap, doctor's herbs, berries and wild fruits.

Soils rich in black soil and a high level of automation and mechanization of agriculture are the main reasons for the high productivity of agriculture in the Kharkov region. In crop production, preference is given to the cultivation of sunflower, wheat, rapeseed, barley, millet and sugar beet. In vegetable growing, potato cultivation prevails. In animal husbandry, poultry, pigs and cattle are raised in equal shares.

Favorable climatic conditions and high soil fertility explain the great potential of agriculture in the Kherson region. This is due to favorable climatic conditions and high soil fertility. Much attention is paid to the cultivation of sunflowers, rice, corn, winter wheat, watermelons and tomatoes. Horticulture and grape growing are well developed. The processing industry is also well developed in the region.


Most of the agricultural production of the Khmelnytsky region is accounted for by crop production. The largest number of sown areas is wheat. Many winter crops are grown, as well as legumes, corn, buckwheat, millet, barley, rye, oats, sugar beets and other fodder crops. Gardening is well developed. In livestock breeding, the main one is the meat and dairy direction, there is also sheep breeding, poultry farming, rabbit breeding, beekeeping, and fish farming.

In the Cherkasy region, the total area of ​​agricultural land is almost 90%. The region occupies leading places in terms of soil fertility. Traditionally, in the Cherkasy region, the cultivation of grain crops and sugar beets predominates in the plant growing industry. And animal husbandry is represented by meat and dairy products.

Chernihiv region is one of the largest agricultural regions of Ukraine. In crop production, the main focus is the cultivation of cereals. Flax and potatoes are grown in the Polesye part of the region, and grain and sugar beets are grown in the forest-steppe part. In animal husbandry, the main direction is meat and dairy. Poultry farming is actively developing.

The agriculture of the Chernivtsi region is diversified. The most actively cultivated here are cereals, sugar beets and potatoes, to a lesser extent sunflowers and vegetables. Livestock enterprises produce milk, meat, eggs and wool.

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01.11 - Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oilseeds

Click on the "star" to add this code to your list.

OKVED code 01.11: Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oilseeds

This class includes:
- all forms of growing cereals, legumes and oilseeds in the open field
This class also includes:
- growing grain crops, such as: wheat, corn, sorghum, barley, rye, oats, millet, buckwheat and other grain crops not included in other groups;
- growing leguminous crops such as: peas, lupine, lentils, beans, horse beans, chickpeas (mutton peas), cowpea, vetch and other leguminous crops;
- growing oilseeds, such as: sunflower, soybeans, rapeseed, oil flax, peanuts (groundnuts), castor bean, mustard, oil nougat, safflower, sesame and other oilseeds
This class does not include:
- growing of sweet corn, see 01.13
- growing of feed corn, see 01.19
- growing of oilseeds, see 01.26

OKVED code 01.11.1 - Cultivation of grain crops

01.11.1 - Cultivation of grain crops

OKVED code 01.11.1: Growing cereals

This OKVED code does not contain a detailed and extended description

This OKVED code includes:

? 01.11.19 - Cultivation of other grain crops


When choosing your main activity, consider:

For the correct choice of the main type of activity, it is necessary to take into account some points:

Whether or not the selected type of activity is subject to licensing. If the main type of activity is subject to compulsory licensing, then it is prohibited to carry out such activity without a corresponding license. See the list of licensed activities.

Organizational and legal form of a legal entity. Some types of activity do not fit certain organizational and legal forms. For example, an audit organization cannot be created in the form of an open joint stock company.



Region: Dubovsky district (Rostov region)

Legal address:

Organization leadership:
Chairman Popov Vyacheslav Nikolaevich

Organization "VOSKHOD", SPK KOLKHOZ carries out the following activities:

Branch of the national economy (according to the OKONKh classifier)
Grain production
(Agriculture / Agricultural production / Crop production)

OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1026100853855

Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Ministry of Taxes and Tax Collection of Russia No. 9 for the Rostov Region, territorial section 6108 for the Dubovsky District.

reference Information

TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 6108000487

Ownership (in accordance with OKFS):
Private property

Production cooperatives

Joint-stock companies, partnerships, agricultural production cooperatives formed during the reorganization of collective and state farms and the privatization of individual agricultural enterprises

Organization address:
347420, ROSTOV region, DUBOV district, x. SHCHEGLOV, SADOVAYA st., 32

Organization SPK KOLKHOZ "VOSKHOD": general summary

The main activity of the organization is indicated as "Cultivation of grain and leguminous crops" (upon registration of the company), the branch of the economy - "Production of cereals". Legal entity "VOSKHOD", SPK KOLKHOZ is registered in the region Dubovskiy district (Rostov region) at 347420, ROSTOVSKAYA region, DUBOVSKY district, x. SHCHEGLOV, SADOVAYA st., 32. The head of the enterprise is Popov Vyacheslav Nikolaevich (Chairman). The organization was registered on December 29, 1992 under registration number 1026100853855 (OGRN) in the state body. registration Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of Russia No. 9 for the Rostov region, territorial section 6108 for the Dubovsky district


General information

Legal name of the organization:

Region: Prokhorovsky district (Belgorod region)

Legal address:

Organization leadership:
Head Korzhova Elena Alekseevna

Main activity (according to the OKVED classifier)
Organization "VEKTOR", KFH carries out the following activities:
Growing cereals and legumes
(Agriculture, hunting and provision of services in these areas / Crop production / Growing of cereals, industrial and other crops, not included in other groups)

Information about state registration

OGRN (Primary State Registration Number): 1023101121438

State registration authority:
Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Levies No. 4 for the Belgorod Region (Yakovlevsky District).

TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number): 3115002970

Organizational and legal form (in accordance with the OKOPF):

Organization type according to the OKOGU classification:
Peasant (farm) farms

Organization location

Organization address:
309030, BELGOROD region, PROKHOROVSKY district, s. BELENIKHINO

Organization of the farm "VEKTOR": general summary

The main activity of the organization is indicated "Cultivation of cereals and leguminous crops" (when registering a company). Legal entity "VEKTOR", a farm is registered in the region Prokhorovsky district (Belgorod region) at the address 309030, BELGORODSKAYA region, PROKHOROVSKY district, s. BELENIKHINO. The head of the enterprise is Elena Alekseevna Korzhova (Head). The organization was registered on March 9, 1994 under registration number 1023101121438 (OGRN) in the state body. registration Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Levies No. 4 for the Belgorod Region (Yakovlevsky District).

OKVED 2: code 01.11 - Cultivation of cereals (except rice), legumes.

all forms of growing cereals, legumes and oilseeds in the open field
The cultivation of these crops is often combined in various agricultural units.
growing grain crops, such as wheat, corn, sorghum, barley, rye, oats, millet, buckwheat and other cereals not included in other categories;
growing leguminous crops such as: peas, lupine, lentils, beans, horse beans, chickpeas (mutton peas), cowpea, vetch and other legumes;
growing oilseeds, such as: sunflower, soybeans, rapeseed, oil flax, peanuts (groundnuts), castor bean, mustard, oil nougat, safflower, sesame and other oilseeds

Does not include:
growing of sweet corn, see 01.13
growing of feed corn, see 01.19
growing of oilseeds, see 01.26

The entry in the classifier with code 01.11 contains 3 clarifying (child) codes.

Quick jump to the classifier record by code:

The hierarchy diagram in the OKVED classifier 2 for code 01.11:

Laws of the Russian Federation 2018

The order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated May 25, 2016, amended the codes for the types of economic activities. The second edition of OKVED 2018 with decoding by type of activity entered into force on July 11, 2016. Untimely change by an entrepreneur of the code of the main type of activity threatens him with an increase in expenses (taxes, fees, etc.).

New code classifier

When a citizen decides to start a business, he must register with the tax authority. To correctly indicate the type of planned activity, there is a special classifier of codes for different types economic activity - OKVED.

Important! The law does not prohibit changing or adding new activities. To register changes with the tax authority, form P14001 is used, the state duty is not paid.

The classifier consists of:

  • 21 sections (letter designation);
  • 88 subsections (digital designation);
  • codes.
  • Each code consists of several digits - from two to six, where 00 means the class, and 00.00.00 - the type. Thus, the more values, the more detailed the activity is indicated. However, to register as an entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur or LLC), it is enough to indicate at least four numbers.

    Example of decoding OKVED (2):

    A section is denoted by a Latin letter from A to U. The section name is always extensive and serves to navigate by the classifier. For example, section A indicates those activities that are related to agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing. The following are subsections that separate the above actions: subsection 01 in section A - “Crop and livestock, hunting and related services in these areas”. Crop activities are also divided into types: annual and perennial crops, which, in turn, have a more detailed code. If an entrepreneur plans to start growing wheat, then he needs to indicate not just a subsection about crop production, but a specific code: 01.11.11.

    Table of comparison of old and new codes

    The new codes did not replace the old ones, but made them more detailed. To compare the changes, a table is presented comparing with the old OKVED and the new OKVED (2):

    As the table of correspondence of codes shows, the new edition describes the activities in more detail. If earlier it was enough to indicate, for example, "01.1 crop production", now it is necessary to choose annual, these will be plants or perennials. The law allows you to specify short codes, from four meanings, but the more detailed the type of activity is, the better. At the same time, there are no restrictions on their number - you can specify one code or ten.

    Latest news on changed codes

    A year ago, in the summer, an order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation came into force on changing the OKVED codes. Thus, at the moment there are two editions of the classifier, however, you need to use the codes from OKVED 2 (second edition).

    At the same time, the businessmen had a question - what code, "old" or "new", should they indicate to determine the rate of contribution for "injuries"? Since the fee is paid to the Social Insurance Fund of Russia and tariffs are set there, the department published a letter of explanation, which indicates that it is necessary to use the old code (OKVED 1) in the following documents:

    • statement;
    • confirmation certificate;
    • a note to the balance sheet for the previous year (copy).
    • These documents are submitted to the territorial body of the FSS for the annual confirmation of the main type of activity (the type for which the company received the highest income (provision of services or production of products) in the last year).

      The letter of the department clarified the situation, since if the entrepreneur does not provide the relevant documents, the FSS has the right to charge the maximum tariff. At the same time, the foundation is not obliged to double-check whether the company is actually conducting this activity.

      Also, the latest accounting news reports that an incorrectly specified code can cause claims from tax inspectors for a reduced tax rate and benefits. In the regions, the practice is widespread when a reduced tax rate for the simplified tax system is introduced with certain codes. And if in the unified register of legal entities there is a code that does not correspond to the list in the regional law, then the tax inspector will be interested in the reduced rate.

      The largest companies in Kazakhstan: growing grain and legumes

      In Kazakhstan, the ICC provides for 3 classes of enterprises in terms of their size from the average number of employees: small (up to 50), medium (51-250), large (over 250 people). Each class includes subclasses. In the class of large enterprises there are 3 subclasses: 305, 310, 311.

      The total number of organizations and enterprises in Kazakhstan

      In total, 421,599 legal entities were registered in the directory as of March 27, 2017, classified into large, medium, and small enterprises; as well as by types of economic activities: JSC, LLP, branches, government agencies, with the exception of individual entrepreneurs.

      Companies engaged in the cultivation of cereals and legumes in Kazakhstan: large, medium and small enterprises

      In total, 5050 companies are registered in Kazakhstan, engaged in the cultivation of cereals and legumes, of which 2621 are statistically active. Of the total number of companies involved in the cultivation of cereals and legumes:

    • Large enterprises (with more than 250 employees) - 43;
    • Medium organizations (from 101 to 250 people) - 176;
    • Small businesses (from 5 to 100 people) - 2581.
    • Geography of agricultural companies growing grain and legumes in Kazakhstan

      Most of the registered companies are in SKO (717), North Kazakhstan region (560), and in Akmola region (527).

      The smallest number of companies is located in the Kyzylorda region (5), in Astana (5), and in the Mangistau region (1).

      The number of agricultural companies involved in the cultivation of cereals and legumes in Kazakhstan by region as of March 27, 2017

      All producers of cereals and legumes in Kazakhstan by type of activity

      The catalog database contains not only active, but also inactive companies that are registered, but are in the process of liquidation, freezing, or new ones (have not yet started activity).

      The production of grain and leguminous crops in Kazakhstan is carried out by companies registered under the OKED code (the number of enterprises is indicated in brackets):

      • 01111 - Growing of grain and leguminous crops, including seed production (4803);
      • 01112 - Growing of oilseeds and their seeds (817).
      • 2
        Number of companies growing cereals and legumes in Kazakhstan by enterprise size as of 03/27/2017

        The report was made using the "Organizations" module. Use the catalog online to get the latest data on the organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

        The largest producers of cereals and legumes in Kazakhstan

        Below are companies with more than 501 employees.

        Table No 1
        The largest producers of cereals and legumes in Kazakhstan as of 03/27/2017

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