How the name Olesya is translated from Greek. Old Slavic name Olesya: how to decipher the meaning of the name and what to expect from fate. The meaning of the name Olesya - character and fate

According to Higir

In childhood, Olesya is prone to colds, bronchitis. At school, he is friends only with girls, not noticing the boys who are often secretly in love with this independent, slender, athletic girl. She inherited her stubborn and independent character from her mother, and her good looks from her father, to whom she is more attached.

Adult Olesya is straightforward and jealous. She is attached to the family, and she should be attributed to the type of people who are said to be monogamous. However, this woman is eccentric. She will certainly commit acts that plunge loved ones into amazement, and even into fright. In her youth, she, quite possibly, will stun her parents with the message that she jumped with a parachute or is going to go to conquer the Himalayas. The profession will be chosen, if not rare, then unsuitable for a woman - a geologist, a surgeon, or, say, a sea captain. Do not be surprised if, after returning from vacation, you see that your kitchen has been converted into a photo lab - this means that your daughter has decided to become a photojournalist. Don't argue with her. In the end, Olesya is smart enough to listen to reasonable advice from her parents, to become a normal engineer or accountant. She is not self-critical and will always think that she is simply unlucky, and that is only why she is not a world movie star.

Olesya does not lose heart from failures and does not retreat from her intentions. The first marriage of "winter" owners of this name is not always successful (they should not marry "winter" men).

Most likely, Olesya's marriage will be happy if Igor, Rodion, Rudolph, Arkady, Valery, Vasily, Adam, Daniel, Lazar or Walter become her chosen one. Less suitable: Artem, Stanislav, Nikolai, Svyatoslav, Timur, Adolf.

Sexy portrait of the name (by Higir)

She is very affectionate, soft, picky about men. He rarely achieves an advantage over his partner, but will not give himself up to insult himself. Olesya is an addicted person, curious about everything related to sex. She is far from indifferent to erotic games, she is susceptible to male caresses, to the touch of a loving male hand to her body, she is especially sensitive to breast caresses. Not any partner can bring Olesya to a climax in order to give her the highest pleasure, he must be especially gentle and inventive in a love game, which for Olesya can mean more than the sexual act itself.

Just loving Olesya is not enough, you still need to master all the difficult art of intimacy. Olesya is able, unexpectedly for her partner, to amaze him, to show previously unknown sexual abilities. She always enjoys the feeling of novelty in dealing with a man. If something goes wrong with Olesya in an intimate relationship, she withdraws into herself, suffers, but cannot clarify them in an open conversation with a partner. She would rather end all relations with him, although she will not stop tormenting and worrying.

Attaching to a man, she remains faithful to him, Olesya's devotion to her beloved is worth high compliments. "Winter" Olesya is a narcissistic, stubborn creature, she has an increased sex drive, but this woman has strict rules and, having married, in any case keeps her husband loyal - though sometimes waving her like a banner when she wants to crush her husband under her. For her marriage to be durable, it is better for her not to marry a "winter" man.

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Olesya (Alesya), its origin, history, learn about the options for interpreting the name.

  • Zodiac Olesya - Aquarius
  • Planet - Uranus
  • The color of the name Olesya - sea wave
  • Auspicious tree - willow
  • Treasured plant of Olesya - sea anemone
  • Patron of the name Olesya - jellyfish
  • Olesya's mascot stone - coral

What does the name Olesya mean (Alesya): "Forest" (the name of Olesya is of Slavic origin).

The short meaning of the name Olesya (Alesya): Lesya, Lesenka, Lesyunya, Lesyusha, Lesena.

Day of the angel Olesya: The name Olesya does not appear in the Saints, but Olesya celebrates the name day together with Alexandra - April 2, May 6, 31, November 19 ..

Signs of the name Olesya (Alesya): If on this day a blizzard comes from the south - be a terrible summer!

The nature of the name Olesya (Alesya): Olesya (Alesya) is energetic, easy-going; this is a bright personality who loves to be in sight and bask in the rays of universal love and worship. Olesya is sensible, but capable of throwing herself headlong into the pool. Olesya (Alesya) is a purposeful and patient person. Little gives in to other people's influence, rarely trusts other people and relies on himself in everything, but he often overestimates his strength and abilities. Straightforward, eccentric, optimistic. Oles' is characterized by the desire to be different from everyone else to stand out sharply against the background of others. This can be expressed in different ways - extravagant clothing, a rare profession. Girls with the name Olesya are open, they are not peculiar, but to dissemble, to bend their souls - they express their opinion without thinking about the consequences. As a rule, they are respected by those around them, although they are recognized as "inconvenient" in communication. Olesya is a cheerful person, one of those who are ready to start all over again in case of failure, and not complain about fate and look back. The career of the name Olesya is going well if she herself wants it and makes an effort. However, some Olesya put family first and devote themselves to home, husband and children. The first marriage named after Olesya may be unsuccessful, but in the second everything will surely turn out well. The profession will choose, if not rare, then unsuitable for a lady - a geologist, a surgeon, or, say, a sea captain. Do not be surprised if you see that the kitchen is suddenly converted into a photo lab - it means that she decided to become a photojournalist. There is no need to argue: in the end, Olesya will be smart enough to listen to reasonable advice from her parents, to become a normal engineer or accountant. She is not self-critical and will always think that she is simply unlucky, and that is only why she is not a world-famous movie star.

What does the name Olesya mean? The name Olesya is under the "patronage" of the number 6. It foreshadows its owner success in those matters where you must first win the trust of other people. Often Olesya shows herself well in politics and the diplomatic sphere. The meaning of the name can make an excellent government official. In society, she is distinguished by philosophical views and an analytical mindset. But it is important to understand that everything said and promised will have to be fulfilled, because otherwise others will simply be disappointed in Olesya's name, which will prevent her from achieving her main goal. Therefore, at an early age, Olesya already understands that honesty and ambition are fundamentally different things.

A girl named Olesya literally exudes cheerfulness and optimism. Despite the fact that she is a purposeful person, Olesya does not always want to reach career heights - she has very few ambitions, and her dreams are concentrated in a completely different direction.

Health and talents named after Olesya: The name of Olesya is growing very independent, often goes in for sports. Although in childhood she suffers from bronchitis, tonsillitis and in general, she cannot be called healthy. In the future, it is physical activity that can significantly improve Olesya's condition. In her habits and manners, she is very similar to her father, but her character, on the contrary, inherits from her mother. Sometimes she behaves too eccentrically, which can surprise and even scare the people around her. A girl named Olesya is prone to spontaneous actions. So, she can get together and at one point jump with a parachute, or go rock climbing. By the way, she also chooses extreme professions. Sometimes even those that do not suit her. And then, having suffered defeat, the name Olesya continues to sacredly believe that she was simply unlucky - she does not draw any conclusions. Tellingly, this does not allow Olesya to lose confidence in her own talents.

Olesya's love and marriage: Olesya is a real one-man woman, and she is very attached to her family. In relationships, he is always too straightforward and often shows jealousy. The first marriage named after Olesya, as a rule, is unsuccessful. But, having made the appropriate conclusions, the name of Olesya next time will more carefully approach the choice of a life partner and will be able to create a strong, friendly family with him. By the way, Olesya herself, despite her jealousy, will not cheat on her husband. However, the main problem in relations with him will be that the name Olesya will not always be able to express what she thinks. The resulting misunderstandings sometimes lead to conflicts.

The fate of the name Olesya (Alesya) in history:

  1. Olesya Sudzilovskaya is a Soviet and Russian theater and film actress.
  2. Olesya Zheleznyak is a Russian theater and film actress.
  3. Olesya (Olga) Nikolaeva - (born 1955) Russian poet, prose writer, essayist.
  4. Alesya - (born 1976) real name - Olga Yarmolenko; Belarusian pop singer, soloist of the "Syabry" ensemble.
  5. Olesya Forsheva - (born 1979) before marriage - Krasnomovets; Russian athlete, vice-champion of the 2004 Olympic Games, world and European champion, Honored Master of Sports of Russia.
  6. Olesya Barel - (born 1960) Soviet basketball player, International Master of Sports (1980), Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1984).
  7. Olesya Lyashenko is a Russian singer, musician, songwriter.
  8. Olesya Zykina is a Russian athlete, world champion, Olympic medalist. She competes in the running disciplines of 200, 300 and 400 meters. Her main discipline is 400 meters. In 2001, as a member of the Russian track and field team, she becomes the World Champion in the 400 meters race, next year she wins gold at the European Championships. At the Olympic Games in Athens as part of the Russian relay team in the 4x400 race, he won a silver medal.
  9. Olesya Abdullina - Russian Bashkir athlete (Russian and international drafts), bronze medalist of the World Blitz Championship (Berlin, December 2009), bronze medalist of the European Women's International Drafts Championship in blitz tournament (Stockholm, Sweden, August 2009), champion Russia in the national team of Bashkortostan in 2009, winner of the 1st World Mind Sports Games among girls, 4-time European champion among girls. International Master in International Drafts.)
  10. Olesya Stetsenko is an artist.
  11. Olesya Vladykina is a Russian athlete, champion and world record holder of the XIII Summer Paralympic Games in Beijing 2008 in the 100m breaststroke.
  12. Olesya Aliyeva is a Russian alpine skier, multiple champion of Russia, a master of sports of international class, sports nickname - "Ali".
  13. Olesya Ivanova - (1925 - 1995) real name - Lyudmila Ivanova; Soviet film actress, performer of cameo roles. Best known for her role of Nadezhda Tyulenina in the film "Young Guard". In the early 1960s, she took the pseudonym Olesya Ivanova, which began to be indicated in films.
  14. Olesya Kurochkina is a midfielder and / or striker of the Russian women's national football team.

What does the name Olesya mean: characteristics, compatibility, character and fate

Self Cheerful Active

Olesya Sudzilovskaya, actress

  • Meaning of the name
  • Influence on the child

Origin of the name: Greek

When lucky: Wednesday, Friday

When there are problems: Tuesday

Important years of life: 18, 36, 54

Zodiac Sign: Libra

Lucky number: 14

What does the name Olesya mean?

The name Olesya is very gentle and feminine. Now, in modern families, it is not very popular. The meaning of the name Olesya endows her bearer with optimism, sociability and energy.

Olesya has the gift of foresight, worldly wisdom and subtle intuition. She will always give practical everyday advice, suggest a way out of a critical situation.

Speaking about what the name Olesya means, it is worth noting that her energy is very strong and mainly manifests itself in independence, dedication and willpower.

Her patronymics are perfect: Makarovna, Aleksandrovna, Yaroslavovna, Andreevna, Igorievna, Viktorovna or Kirillovna.

It is very important that each patronymic gives the owner of the name its own unique aspect. So, for example, Olesya Alekseevna is more sociable and communicative, besides, she is an excellent hostess. For the bearer of the middle name Andreevna, kindness, responsiveness, loyalty in friendship and in the family are characteristic. Evgenievna is distinguished by the fact that she is a pleasant companion, a hardworking and hospitable hostess, while Dmitrievna is jealous, quick-tempered, but at the same time cautious.

Would you name a child by that name?
Not really

This name has caused controversy among researchers about its origin.

According to one version, it came from the Slavic lands. Analyzing what the name Olesya means, one can come to the conclusion that, most likely, its meaning is "forest".

According to the second assumption, it first appeared in Ancient Greece. Translated from Greek, the name meant "protector". This interpretation originally meant spiritual protection.

Knowing the meanings of the male names Alexander and Alexei, they can to some extent be correlated with the name Olesya, since these words have common roots. It is likely that "Olesya" came from these ancient Greek names and is their short form.

History suggests different versions of the origin of this name. Nevertheless, now in the Russian nomenclature it appears as one independent name.

In Orthodoxy, there are no patrons of all Oles. Usually her name day is celebrated on the day of memory of Alexandra.

The origin of the name Olesya recalls famous personalities, her namesakes: actress Sudzilovskaya, basketball player Barel, athlete Zykina, artist Stetsenko, film actress Ivanova, teacher and founder of educational games for children Emelyanova, actress Mankovskaya and others.

Name forms Simple: Lesya Complete: Olesya Old: Olesya Affectionate: Oleska

As a child, Olesya is athletic, attractive and slender like an angel. Since school years, many fans secretly sigh for her, and she gives her attention to her friend. Olesya, as a rule, does not pay enough attention to guys.

The characteristic of the name Olesya tells that its owner is a loyal and reliable friend. She will always congratulate her friends on the occasion, she will not forget anyone. Olesya will listen and support her friends in difficult times, she is generally happy to help people in critical situations.

Olesya is an enthusiastic and inquisitive person: she is interested in a lot. She is curious about almost everything.

When choosing a profession, first of all, she takes into account the material side of the work, the career itself is of little interest to her.

She can be successful in trade or in the service industry. Also, the choice of a completely "non-female" profession is not excluded: a surgeon, sea captain, machinist, geologist, programmer or mountaineer.

On the other hand, under the influence of parents, he can become a completely ordinary engineer or economist. Due to a lack of self-criticism, she will believe that fortune has not smiled at her in life, so she has not reached heights in show business.

Olesya is a straightforward and jealous person, she always says what she thinks to her face. She is not afraid to express her point of view, different from others. This girl is eccentric. She is capable of doing things that shock others.

The secret of the name Olesya suggests that her bearer has an optimistic outlook on life's problems.

She also captivates other people with her optimism. Olesya never gets discouraged even in the most difficult life circumstances. In addition to all this, she is reasonable, able to calculate everything one step ahead. After all, the owner of this name is used to relying only on her own strength.

In general, for Olesya it is quite suitable following description: Affectionate, benevolent and kind-hearted personality.

However, do not forget that she has an impulsive and quick-tempered character. She may suddenly become angry and quickly return to a calm state. Olesya also strives to be original in everything, tries to stand out from the general mass of people. This woman can wear extravagant clothes, although sometimes not typical for the chosen profession.

This is a purposeful and energetic person. To achieve her goal, she can cheat, but at the same time she will not do anything bad to anyone. She always moves forward, forgetting about past mistakes and defeats: failures will not move her off the intended path. By her nature, she is ready to fight for her own destiny.

Character traits Optimism Activity Goodwill Openness Purposefulness Selfishness Impulsivity Eccentricity Self-confidence Self-love

When choosing a life partner, Olesya makes high demands on the opposite sex. In guys, the girl is looking for reliable support in material and spiritual terms.

Good and bad pairs Valery Daniil Igor Savely Alexander Nikolay Artem Svyatoslav Anton German

She is very selective, analyzes for a long time and looks closely at the young man before deciding on the design of the relationship.

In the characterization of Olesya, one can draw attention to the fact that she is a monogamous and jealous. A girl with this name is very attached to her family, although she will not devote herself to her completely.

She prefers to lead in family relationships, although she chooses a man with a strong character. Faithful and devoted to her husband, she tries to become a support and support for her children. Olesya often surprises her loved ones with extraordinary actions.

The meaning of the name Olesya for a girl

The name Olesya is of ancient Slavic origin and means "a girl from Polesie". In ancient times, our ancestors used this name as a sign of a happy lot. Now this name is not very popular in Russia.

The meaning of the name Olesya suggests that the baby is friendly, benevolent and positive. The main negative trait of her character is selfishness.

In childhood, Olesya is energetic. The girl always strives to be the first. She adores her family and helps them.

Olesya has a proud disposition. This child is capable of eccentric behavior. She can surprise loved ones with her extraordinary behavior.

In relations with people, Olesya is straightforward. With people pleasant to her, she transforms and flourishes. This is a humble and grateful child.

Where will Olesya be successful? IN school years Olesya is active, this child is an excellent student. Favorite subject is physical education. He takes an active part in amateur competitions. When choosing a profession, the girl has special requirements for her future work. She is interested in material wealth. But the profession should also be interesting. Olesya will be successful in trade or in the service sector. She can also choose a "male" job.

Do not press on the girl, do not raise your voices. Talk to your child more, convince him. It is important to always listen to the girl, develop her intellect, control the child's social circle and in no case allow communication with dubious people. It is worth checking your homework on a regular basis.

What games will Olesya like? Schoolgirl Olesya loves to communicate with people who are pleasant to her. She is interested intellectual games, often plays music or painting. In adolescence, he can choose extreme hobbies. For example, go skydiving or join a motorcycle club.

When is the name day?

April 2 6, May 31 November 19 © Author: Alexey Krivenky. Photo:

What does the name Oles' mean: characteristics, compatibility, character and fate

Origin: Oles from Greek means "defender".

Characteristic: Melancholic by nature. Very nervous, sensitive to the slightest trouble. Difficult to bear failure. Not able to take decisive action to overcome difficulties. He completely surrenders himself into the hands of fate, without trying to change anything. Parents need to make sure that the boy actively participates in the life of the children's collective and family, does not stand aside, is not a passive observer. Oles is easily influenced. He is objective in his judgments, but unsure of himself, although sometimes he can take a fighting position. But such a manifestation of character is short-lived and usually ends in deep despair. Oles' will is weak, it should be developed from an early age. All his life he has been haunted by excessive nervousness, which gives his character the traits inherent in women. He tries to suppress excessive excitability in himself, to blur the strength of the reaction to what is happening, instead of getting his way and directing his feelings in the right direction. Needs constant self-affirmation and therefore often looks funny. He does well only what he is truly passionate about. His interests are constantly changing, and therefore he will visit several educational institutions while he receives his education.
Chooses professions associated with frequent travel, change of environment: musician, sales representative, missionary. Too vivid imagination and intuition only increase his nervousness and restlessness. Oles is a good diplomat, adapting well to the current situation. Has a synthetic mindset. Knows how to determine the situation at a glance. However, you need to learn to avoid small things, do not get stuck on them. Due to the inability to separate the important from the secondary, he has various problems.
Too excitable. He is characterized by impulses of feelings, but after that he withdraws into himself and for a long time. He is having trouble understanding the moral code. He cannot decide what to do and is able to compromise with his conscience.

In childhood: Oles' health is not very good. He often suffers from respiratory diseases and is prone to various infections. While he is busy with something, he feels fine. As soon as he is inactive and begins to get bored, feelings of depression, fatigue, and self-doubt appear. He must adhere to a measured lifestyle, avoid excessive alcohol consumption, spare nervous system... Weak spots - eyes, throat. An unstable psyche is reflected, first of all, in his sexuality. WITH early years you should develop masculine traits in him and instill constancy and fidelity.

In communication: pleasant, but speaks more than acts. In friendship he is capricious. Today he is sincere and open, and tomorrow he is closed and dissatisfied with everything. Oles is a person with great potential, capable of much, provided that he clearly defines his goal. This name should be given to a boy born in winter or autumn, and "summer" and "spring" - undesirable or only with middle names: Bazhenovich, Bogdanovich, Boleslavovich, Arturovich.

"Winter" and "autumn" Olesya: patronymics are more suitable: Fedorovich, Alekseevich, Timurovich, Tikhonovich, Petrovich, Konstantinovich. You should choose creative professions: writer, artist, TV director, circus performer. Can become a priest.

Where did the name Olesya come from?


Olesya's name is Russian, Ukrainian Orthodox. Origin - Slavic roots, appeared as a variant of the name Lesan, Les - a girl from the forest, forest, living in the left. The second variant of origin comes from Western Ukraine, Poland - a variant of the female name of Alexander, where it was converted into Olesya. Olesya is an independent person, she loves extreme sports very much - parachute, for example. She can choose a rare profession for a woman, for example, a geologist or a sea captain (I have never met a sea captain named Olesya!) Monogamous, very attached to the family, but together with so and very jealous.

IN recent times given name became popular - this is even mentioned in one of Akunin's novels. Is this good or bad? Will the owner of this feminine name fanned by Polissya legends be happy or unhappy?

The main version of the origin is considered to be Slavic. Our ancestors held in high esteem the name Lesana (it meant "forest", "living in the forest"). Philologists are sure: later this name had many options: Lesya, Alesya, Olesya.

It is also believed that this is simply an abbreviated form of longer female names. Let's say ("protector" from Greek), ("shining", also from Greek).

A friendly appeal to the bearer of this name: Olesechka, Lesechka, Lesya, Olya. And when they get angry, they exclaim: Leska or Olka!

What character does the name give to its mistress?

Advantages: Lesya is very active, loves sports. This is an independent, standout personality. She always believes in herself, and no failure can unsettle her. She is honest, always says what she thinks. An optimist.

Disadvantages: the girl is prone to eccentric actions, in her youth she brings fear to her parents, and in a more mature age - to her spouse or children. She does not trust others, relying only on her own strengths in everything (although she often overestimates them).

Life, that is, the fate of Olesya

  • Childhood. Outwardly, the girl resembles her dad, but in character she is a poured mother. She prefers to be friends with girls, and she defiantly does not notice guys (even fascinated by the beauty and independence of this baby).
  • Youth. While her peers dream of becoming teachers, singers or hairdressers, this girl is interested in typically male professions. No matter how persuaded her parents, she will submit documents to the "sailor" or to the geological faculty. True, after studying for a couple of years among the guys, she can understand that she was still wrong, and transfer to economics in order to become an accountant.
  • Maturity. This bright girl does not ban herself near the stove - she loves to be among people, as they say, to show herself and see others. Most of all, she loves to be "such", so she can master a strange profession (say, pathologist, mountain climber), adhere to a special style of clothing.

Interesting facts for lovers of esotericism and astrology

  • Ideal Zodiac Sign: Aquarius. So if your daughter was born from January 21 to February 21, this is a sign: it is the name Olesya that "asks" for her!
  • Talisman stone: coral.
  • Patron planet: Uranus.
  • Name color: shade of aqua.
  • Totem animal: jellyfish.
  • A plant that serves as a source of strength for the bearer of the name: willow and anemone (aka sea anemone, the closest relative of the coral polyp).

Olesya's birthday: they are not, because in the calendar there is no such saint or martyr. At baptism, Les can choose different names, but most often the father will advise the name. Angel Day for women who have chosen him: in spring - April 2, as well as May 6 and 31, and in winter - November 19.

Various aspects of life

  • Love. Most often, a girl is a one-man woman, loyal and gentle. In a relationship, she never "wags", but she often turns out to be jealous. A partner will choose a strong one, and all his life will be drawn to his "bar". Her boyfriend or spouse needs to be prepared for the fact that Lesya will always want something new: today, a romantic dinner in a restaurant is enough for her, and tomorrow there will be little love on the roof.
  • Family. Olesya's first marriage may burst, but the second is guaranteed to be strong. In general, the family for this bright girl plays a very important role. For the sake of the children, she can even abandon her work - in this case, mom will throw all her originality into education (say, starting to temper her little ones according to the Nikitin system, or teaching them English from the age of two).
  • Health and disease. As a little girl, she does not "get out" from tonsillitis and bronchitis. In adolescence, she outgrows these misfortunes. In many ways, sports help her to be in a good physical company.

With what man is Lesya destined to know happiness, and with which - bitterness?

  • A happy marriage for a girl is guaranteed with: Andrey, Anton, Dmitry, Denis, Vitaly, Vadim, Eugene (this is not only the ideal husband for Lesya, but also the best business partner), Nikita, Roman, Ilya, Igor, Oleg, Kirill, Konstantin , Leonid.
  • More or less equal relations (though not without "jambs") will develop with: Alexander, Vladimir, Marat.
  • And these guys will not be able to make Olesya happy:, Yuri. or - a good lover for Olesya, but their bright relationship will not last long.

Namesakes, famous all over the world

  1. Olesya Sudzilovskaya (1974) is a Russian actress. She starred in the films and TV series "Silver Lily of the Valley", "Stop on Demand", "Gangster Petersburg".
  2. Olesya Fattakhova (1989) is a serial actress from Russia (Doctor Tyrsa, How I Met Your Mother - Russian version).
  3. Olesya Zheleznyak (1974) - actress. Theaters (Lenkom, Theater on Malaya Bronnaya), cinema ("My Fair Nanny", "Love in the Big City").
  4. Alesya (1976) is the creative name of the soloist of the Syabry group from Belarus.
  5. Olesya Lyashenko (1979) - singer, former backing vocalist of the Mumiy Troll group. At the present time, she is busy with a solo career.
  6. Olesya Malibu or Kozhevnikova (1989) is a well-known person in show business circles. She is called wet (a girl who has had many plastic surgeries). She became famous thanks to the popular shows "Let's Get Married", "Dom-2".
  7. Olesya Forsheva (1979) - athlete, Olympic champion.
  8. Olesya Barel (1960) - basketball player, master of sports.
  9. Olesya Zykina (1980) - athlete from Russia, world champion in running, Olympic champion.
  10. Olesya Abdullina (1989) - Latvian chess player, world and European champion. She was born in Bashkortostan.
  11. Olesya Vladykina (1988) - Russian swimmer, paralympic athlete, champion and record holder.
  12. Olesya "Ali" Alieva (1977) - champion skier from Adygea.

And in the end, of course, we cannot but recall the famous Soviet song of the Syabry group “Olesya”. Interestingly, the clip was created from the frames of the film of the same name, based on Kuprin's story.

Olesya ... This name is like the quiet rustle of the forest on a sunny day, melodious and beautiful, gentle and feminine. Choosing it for your daughter, you should first find out what the name Olesya means.

Where did it come from and what character traits did it award its carriers? How favorable is the fate of its owners? How to write it correctly - Olesya or Alesya?

Olesya (Alesya) is a full female name. In one of the variants, the origin of the name Olesya, which Wikipedia mentions, is associated with Greek name Alexandra. According to this version, the name Olesya came to us from Ukraine and is a common form of the Greek name.

Ales are called children in Belarus and Poland. So both are correct. But there is another version, according to which the name Olesya (Alesya) is the modified names of Alena, Olena, Elena and Alisa.

Often the meaning of the name Olesya is associated with the forest, nature, interpreting it as "forest", "girl from the forest"... Although most people associate the meaning of the name Olesya with the forest simply by consonance. There is also a male form - Oles.

You can form quite a lot of different diminutive forms: Leska, Lesana, Osya, Lesnka, Olesenka and others.

Basic traits, temperament and destiny

Character Strengths:

  • Optimism.
  • Determination.
  • Love for sports.
  • Family.
  • Focus on results.

Weaknesses of character:

  • Excessive jealousy.
  • Lack of self-criticism.
  • Disregard for the opinions of others.

From an early age, girls named Olesya conquer those around them with their kindness and openness. Like a little sun, she gathers around her friends and acquaintances, of whom she has a lot during her school years.

Differs in ease of lifting and sporty character. Sociable and "lively" girl will not leave anyone indifferent, charging her with her positive and optimism. But this does not mean at all that the girls Olesya (Alesya) will someday look at the world through rose-colored glasses.

Girls and women are pragmatic and hardworking, but sometimes excessive self-centeredness prevents them from communicating with people. Self-criticism is not peculiar to them, so they are ready to blame anyone for their failures - bad fate, fate - but not themselves.

Alesi, by virtue of his character, rarely succumb to outside influence. They are difficult to control, but easy to manipulate, playing on their feelings, especially on feelings of jealousy. Sometimes they are too self-confident and straightforward natures - they can express their opinion in the heat, and then think about the consequences.

Their actions are often astonishing. They are characterized by a kind of adventurism: sometimes the desire to visit the bottom of the sea or jump with a parachute suddenly appears for the people around Olesya, and for her too.

However, fate is favorable to her, and innate optimism does not allow her to lose heart. Quickly finding a way out of the most confusing situation, relying only on her vitality, is what she does best.

It is not for nothing that the meaning of the name Olesya presupposes features inherent in forest creatures. She is hardworking, in business and career, she always seeks to calculate situations and benefits, not relying on chance. The doors of her house are open for guests, Olesya is a good, caring hostess, but she herself goes to visit with reluctance. She is wary of unfamiliar companies, but in the circle of friends, she, as a rule, turns up.

The name Olesya (Alesya) is also characteristic of romantic and sensitive natures. Many of them enjoy reading, although for the most part these are novels about love and adventure. They often have an ear for music, but they rarely sit down at the instruments due to their irrepressible character, which makes them stand out and not like everyone else. This desire can be expressed in different ways: for example, in the style of clothing and hairstyle, which are often not typical of other women.

Owners of the name Olesya often choose unusual, “non-female” professions. So, some of them want to become a sea captain, and someone - a geologist or climber. They will also find their place in service and trade-related professions.

When choosing life path Alesya will rather give preference to the material side of the issue than to a career. When choosing a profession, he will listen to the opinion of parents only if they correctly approached the upbringing of a girl. Among the famous people with this name, there are actresses and artists, but most of them associated themselves with sports.

Compatibility and relationships

Family for Olesya is sacred. Her household will always be well-groomed, warmed by the attention and love of their mother and wife. These women tend to think that they always do the right thing in everything, and if something does not go well, then most likely the villainous fate is to blame. If her goal is to create comfort and well-being in the house, then no petty squabbles and her husband's objections will prevent her from doing this!

Those bearing the name Olesya are monogamous, but in marriage, as in everything else, they are looking for great benefits, and candidates for husbands pass a tough selection. A man should become a support for them not only in the material, but also in the spiritual plane.

These women love to command and dominate family relationships, although they rarely succeed. Despite bouts of jealousy, Olesya's husband can be calm. By virtue of her character, she will never cheat on him.

Olesya (Alesya) shows her unique character everywhere. Love relationship not an exception. She will improvise and surprise her husband, constantly inventing something new.

Relations with Valery, Daniel, Igor, Vasily, Julius, Arkady, Trofim, Oscar and Nathan will develop well. It will be a little more difficult to build a marriage with Nikolai, German and Svyatoslav.

Conducting the rite of baptism in the church, the father gives the child a new one, church name, indicated in the calendar. However, the name Olesya does not appear in the Orthodox calendar, and the question arises before the parents - what to do in this case?

Usually, Olesya is named Alexandra at baptism, but you can choose another Orthodox name indicated in the calendar and coinciding as much as possible with the date of birth of the child. Another variant of a suitable Orthodox name can be suggested by a priest. In this case, the name day will coincide with the name day of the saint in whose honor she was baptized. Author: Alexandra Alekhina

Meaning of the name

Olesya is a strong, modest, intelligent, noble, sympathetic and kind nature. She knows how to sympathize and respond with good to good, but at the same time she will never forgive the wrongs caused. With her optimism, this woman is able to "infect" others, and this quality of her has nothing to do with daydreaming: for example, Olesya does not tend to look at the world through the prism of rose-colored glasses. She shows rationality, pragmatism and seriousness when making any of her decisions. She also has negative traits character, namely indecision, self-confidence and selfishness, because of which it is not easy for her to competently build personal relationships.

Characteristics of the name Olesya (Alesya)

Winter Olesya vulnerable, quick-tempered and unbalanced. She takes any setbacks to heart, because of which she is very worried. Fearing to seem insecure, she avoids noisy companies, preferring to spend her free time with loved ones. The smart and perceptive winter Olesya makes high demands on everyone around her, since she herself is constantly improving: she lives in accordance with the motto "movement - life". It is not surprising that in any company she is welcome, because she knows how to support any topic.

Spring Olesya frivolous and windy, she does not know how to manage either her time or means, therefore her life is often a race for material well-being. However, due to her squandering, she rarely comes to the finish line first. But the personal life of the spring Olesya is filled with feelings and emotions, because men love light, open and charming women, next to whom they feel like real knights.

Summer Olesya possesses perseverance and hard work, thanks to which her life is prosperous and stable. She steadily goes to her goal, believing that haste harms any business. And in general, this woman is used to living according to a schedule, which is not always advisable, because life without surprises and reckless actions is boring. In terms of relationships, summer Olesya also prefers solidity, so she pins too much hopes on any relationship.

Autumn Olesya noble and tactful. She lives in harmony with the world around her, so fate spoils her with pleasant surprises. She is devoted to family and friends, there is a place in her schedule for everyone who needs help and support, and she never expects anything in return from those around her. For her man, autumn Olesya will become that reliable and cozy grotto where you can hide from any troubles, storms and misfortunes.

Stone - talisman

Coral is a mascot stone named after Olesya. It symbolizes longevity, intellectual growth, prudence and material well-being.

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This skeletal formation (and this is exactly what the coral is) gives energy, strengthens memory, develops intuition, increases vitality, relieves fatigue and tension, eliminates fears and depression.

It is believed that coral can not only attract good luck, but also effectively protect against the evil eye and damage. In addition, it promotes well-being living together and protects its owner from bad people.

In ancient Greece, coral symbolized immortality and happiness, while in Europe - modesty and purity.

In the Christian tradition, the coral branch depicted on the neck of the little Jesus personifies protection from evil forces.

Coral is, first of all, a talisman for travelers, eliminating the negative effects of natural phenomena and unpleasant encounters.

Important! In order for coral products to fulfill their protective functions, two conditions must be adhered to:

  • the coral must be untreated;
  • coral should be kept visible.




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Animal - symbol

Totem animals for Olesya are a jellyfish and a bull.

It is a symbol of the danger hidden behind a fragile shell. At the same time, jellyfish is the personification of calmness, grace and constant movement.

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This talisman patronizes people whose life or profession is associated with the sea.

This animal symbolizes strength, cruelty, fertility, power, divine origin and royalty.

The bull is a dual symbol: so, it can mean simultaneously the moon and the sun, good and evil, drought and rain, strength and weakness.

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In the East, the bull symbolizes courage, patience, revenge, power and overcoming.

In Egypt, this animal personifies rebirth, masculinity, power and life-giving force of nature.

Among the Slavs, the bull is a sacrificial symbol, because it was this animal that was sacrificed to the gods in order to appease them and bring good luck into life.

In China, the bull is revered as an animal symbolizing spring and rebirth.

In India, the bull is identified with justice and abundance.

In the Christian tradition, the bull represents the sacrifice as well as the denial of Jesus.



Plants-symbols of Olesya - willow and cornflowers.

This tree in Europe symbolizes humility, immortality, zeal, but at the same time forbidden pleasures. Weeping willow is identified with such concepts as grief, sorrow, unhappy love and death.

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The Chinese consider willow to be a symbol of spring and a tree that awakens erotic desire.

In the East, willow is identified with meekness, patience, perseverance, femininity, charm and grace.

For Jews, willow is a symbol of sorrow and misfortune.

For Christians, the willow symbolizes the Gospel of Christ, which remains unchanged, despite the fact that it has spread widely among the peoples of the world.

Willow is opposed to trees such as pine and oak, which cannot withstand storms, because their branches break under strong gusts of wind. But the willow branches, even giving in to the impulse, not only return to their previous position, but also remain intact.

In the West, cornflower is considered a symbol of trust, fun and beauty of life, while in the East - simplicity, honesty and loyalty.

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In ancient Egypt, this plant symbolized life and abundance.

In Christianity, the cornflower is a talisman that protects against the tricks of the devil. It is a flower that symbolizes tenderness, devotion and reliability.

During the Middle Ages, the cornflower acted as a symbol of power and greatness.


Iron, considered Olesya's talisman metal, is a symbol of strength of character, endurance, fortitude, as well as invincibility and toughness.

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In turn, in the Christian tradition, iron personifies war, tough opposition, justice, honesty and power.

Auspicious day


The origin of the name Olesya (Alesya)

Name translation

The name Olesya is translated from Old Slavonic as "forest", "girl from the forest", "living in the forest".

The name Olesya has several versions of its origin. So, according to one of them, this name comes from the names of Lesan and Les, whose etymology is associated with the word "forest".

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If you believe the second version, the name Olesya is an abbreviated version of the ancient Greek name Alexander, translated as "protector" or "protecting humanity."

Forms (analogs) of the name

The following forms of the name Olesya are most common: Alex, Leska, Lesechka, Lesenka, Olesechka, Olesenka, Lyusen, Lesya, Lesana, Oleska, Osya.

The mystery of the name Olesya (Alesya)

Patrons of the name

There is no name for Olesya in the Holy Calendar, so the owners of this name often celebrate their name days at the same time as Alexandra.

Angel day (name day)

Name days of Alexandra (namely, this saint is revered by Olesya) fall on April 2, May 6 and 31, June 26, October 18, and November 19.

Famous people

Famous actresses named Olesya:

  • Olesya Sudzilovskaya;
  • Olesya Zheleznyak;
  • Olesya (Lyudmila) Ivanova;
  • Alesya Mankovskaya;
  • Alesya Shestovskaya.

Famous singers named Olesya:

  • Alesya (Olga Yarmolenko) - soloist of the Belarusian group "Syabry";
  • Olesya Lyashenko is the backing vocalist of the Mumiy Troll group.

Famous athletes named Olesya:

  • Olesya Forsheva - Russian athlete;
  • Olesya Barrel - Soviet basketball player;
  • Olesya Zykina - Russian athlete;
  • Olesya Abdullina - Russian-Bashkir sportswoman (plays checkers);
  • Olesya Vladykina - Russian Paralympic athlete;
  • Olesya Aliyeva - Russian alpine skier;
  • Olesya Kurochkina is a Russian football midfielder.

The meaning of the name Olesya (Alesya)

For a child

Little Olesya is sweet, agreeable, open and sociable, so she is often compared to an angel. And this is not surprising, because she looks at everything positively and with optimism. Moreover, from any trouble she tries to take out the maximum lessons in order to avoid such situations in the future.

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But like any other child, this girl can be quite selfish, especially if her parents do not pay attention to her upbringing. It is interesting that, despite her gentleness and kindness, Olesya can also show her inherent masculine character traits, including courage, perseverance, adherence to principles and assertiveness.

At school, Olesya studies well, but does not feel much zeal for the educational process, and therefore often lets her studies take her course. She prefers school theatrical performances and various kinds of events, for the organization of which she undertakes with enviable zeal.

From childhood, this sympathetic girl knows how to be friends, so she enters into adulthood not alone, but with people who will never betray her or offend her. At the same time, among her friends (especially those who know her from childhood) there are practically no men who are afraid of her independence and independence.

For girl

Young Olesya is a cheerful nature: she never gives up and does not grumble at fate, no matter what surprises she presents to her. Growing up, this girl becomes tougher, male character traits begin to dominate in her. Therefore, you should not be surprised that she will exchange feminine dresses and trips to a beauty salon for ordinary jeans, in which she feels comfortable and comfortable.

Most often, the freedom-loving Olesya looks like her father, while her mother's character inherits. Sometimes her behavior is characterized by excessive eccentricity and emotionality, moreover, this girl is prone to spontaneous actions. She attributes all her failures to bad luck and bad luck, not trying to look for flaws in herself. Lack of self-criticism in the future can negatively affect her career.

Haste, restlessness and inability to calculate further actions prevent Olesya from achieving her goals. But if necessary, cunning wakes up in her, thanks to which she knows how to catch up.

In her youth (and in adult life, too) Olesya is not distinguished by vindictiveness and rancor, although sometimes she regrets it, because her closest people often betray her.

For woman

Olesya's prudence and practicality, combined with optimism and self-confidence, not only contribute to her career growth, but also help to surround herself with interesting, successful and promising people who are ready to cope with any difficulties.

© Oleg Baliuk

Straightforward Olesya loves to stand out not only thanks to her oratorical skills, but also through appearance: she doesn't care much about fashion trends, since she is a trendsetter for herself. Due to a certain originality and brightness, others do not always understand it, and therefore at first they avoid it. But as soon as they get to know this woman better, they can no longer believe that they were once careful with this extravagant lady.

Despite her prudence, Olesya can throw herself headlong into the pool without a twinge of conscience, because the risk, as you know, is a noble cause. But it is extremely difficult to give in to someone else's opinion and influence, and it is also impossible to influence her with flattery.

Open Olesya absolutely does not know how to dissemble, so she tries not to deceive others, especially since she is bad at it. Honesty and loyalty are the qualities that she values ​​in people above all else.

Description of the name Olesya (Alesya)


Olesya is a real moralist who tries to live in accordance with the norms of public morality, while she expects the same from those around her.

Olesya is in excellent physical shape. She goes to the gym regularly and does not forget about walking.

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Its only weak point is the respiratory tract.


Olesya is a monogamous woman. She is ready to give her chosen one affection, tenderness and care. This romantic woman will not pretend, because feelings for her are more priority than any material gain. She is not capable of deception and betrayal, so she will never forgive betrayal or lies to her beloved man.

She makes rather high demands on the representatives of the strong half of humanity, one of which is the ability to bring diversity and romance into her life. If she becomes uninteresting with a man, then she will immediately break off relations with him. Olesya will take a long look at her boyfriend before entrusting him with her vulnerable heart.

Men are attracted by this bright, interesting and cheerful woman who has an easy attitude to life and knows how to look at everything with optimism. But Olesya can submit only to a strong man who is ready to take responsibility.


Most often, Olesya gets married twice. For the first time, the family is destroyed, firstly, by the haste of the decision to marry, and secondly, by age (for the first time Olesya can get married before reaching the age of 20). A failed man will not be able to give this woman the care and protection she needs.

Having made conclusions and working on mistakes, Olesya enters into a second marriage fully armed, stopping the choice on a serious, responsible and strong man, on whose shoulder you can always rely. The main thing is not to idealize a man, which will help avoid disappointments in his personal life.

Divorce for impressionable Olesya can turn into depression.

Olesya, having created a family, devotes all of herself to the arrangement of the family nest. She is attentive to her husband, kind to children, caring with parents. But she will not tolerate criticism in her address, and therefore her main condition for her husband is to live separately from her parents. And even if at first it will be difficult for her to cope with her duties (especially if there are children in the family), but she will do everything to become the best in all respects for her husband: she will learn to cook deliciously, and will master the secrets of baking, and will master budget management ...

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Olesya's main drawback, which prevents her from enjoying the arrangement of her family life, this is jealousy that can lead to divorce.

Olesya prefers to solve all household issues on her own, since she considers herself a good housewife, able to correctly distribute both her time and money. At the same time, the husband will never feel like henpecked, which is very important for maintaining harmony in the relationship.

Children are Olesya's main asset. For their sake, she is ready for anything.


Affectionate, soft, gentle, but at the same time temperamental and passionate Olesya great importance devotes to the sexual side of living together. Therefore, her partner should be not only a wonderful person, but also a skillful lover who can bring sensuality and romance into the life of his chosen one.

Tenderness and ingenuity on the love front are able to conquer Olesya, who is ready for any experiments, just to diversify intimate relationships with a loved one. A sense of novelty invariably attracts this vibrant nature.

Mind (intelligence)

Olesya is smart and practical. It is also important that she is able to competently synthesize the information received, approaching in a non-standard way to solving a particular problem, which helps her to rapidly climb the career ladder.

Olesya's non-standard thinking also affects her choice of profession: for example, she chooses rare and mostly male specialties, in which she perfectly realizes her talents, strengths and capabilities. The professions of an engineer, a doctor, a geologist, a military man are suitable for her.

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The main thing is to exclude monotony (routine office work is not for the temperamental and energetic Olesya). It is important for this woman to communicate with people and benefit society.

Such qualities as hard work, responsibility, initiative and perseverance help her to move up the career ladder. Olesya knows how to lose with dignity, so any defeat only hardens her and makes her stronger.


Despite her fighting qualities and enviable zeal, the business woman from Olesya will not be the best, and her inability to competently manage the family budget is to blame. She can generate a lot of ideas aimed at the development and prosperity of the business, but she does not always succeed in putting them into practice.

If Olesya nevertheless decided to become an entrepreneur, then it is better to acquire a reliable and rational partner who will bring her ideas to life.


Olesya loves to actively spend her free time, so her main hobby is traveling. At the same time, it is absolutely unimportant where she will go - to Yerevan, Rostov-on-Don, Odessa or Egypt.

Character type

Philosophical views on life, combined with an analytical mindset, make Olesya an interesting companion. She is open and honest, and therefore people often trust her with their innermost secrets, which she will never give out.

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Olesya's optimism and cheerfulness are the traits that help her to cope well with various life troubles. But! The owner of this name also has negative sides, among which optional attention deserves special attention. So, at work, Olesya is responsible and executive, but outside of it she often does not fulfill the given promises.


Olesya's intuition is not very developed, and she does not know how to use it and does not want to.

Horoscope named Olesya (Alesya)

Olesya - Aries

This is an impulsive and temperamental woman who does not know how to stay idle: so, even she prefers active and varied rest. But loneliness is sickening for Olesya-Aries, who is constantly surrounded by friends and loved ones. In love, this woman is also fickle: she falls passionately in love, but very quickly cools down to her chosen ones. The family Olesya-Aries creates quite late, while for her man she will become an ideal wife, and for children - a wonderful mother.

Vulnerable, good-natured and sentimental Olesya-Aries was created in order to become an ideal wife. She is loyal, honest and sincere, which attracts those men who strive to create a strong and harmonious family.

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Olesya-Aries herself dreams of true love, only this woman will never scream about her feelings, because she is afraid to seem overly sensitive. She will love her man all-consuming, but without further ado.

Olesya - Gemini

The life of Olesya-Gemini resembles a noisy party with bright emotions and fun. It is not surprising that many are not serious about this emotional and frivolous woman. Men see her as a wonderful friend with whom they can have a good rest, but not a reliable companion with whom they want to build a family. Olesya-Gemini needs a practical and solid man who can control the unbridled nature of his chosen one.

Olesya - Cancer

She is a realist who clearly assesses her capabilities, and therefore always achieves her goals. The concept of "friendship" for her is more important than love, therefore she is looking for a man who will become for her first of all a faithful and reliable friend, and only then a temperamental lover. Olesya-Cancer is loyal and diplomatic, she does not make high demands on others, does not criticize anyone, but she will not tolerate criticism and moralizing in relation to herself.

Olesya - Lev

Balanced, restrained and self-confident, Olesya-Lev knows how to control her emotions, therefore she copes well with the role of a leader, and not only at work, but also in her family. She takes criticism quite hard, although she will never show the mind that she is offended. Olesya-Leo will connect her life only with a man who will be tested not only by time, but also life circumstances... In general, trusting a man to this woman is very difficult.

Olesya - Virgo

Impulsive, tough and straightforward Olesya-Virgo often suffers from the fact that, succumbing to emotions, she goes on rash acts, which she later regrets. She can get involved in some kind of adventure, but she will never back down and will not admit that she was wrong. This woman appreciates the mind, sense of humor and the ability to perceive the surrounding reality with optimism. Olesya-Virgo is waiting for a sincere man who will accept her without any "buts".

This is a comprehensively developed personality who can make a brilliant career both in the scientific field and in the field of art. An unconventional approach to solving issues makes her an indispensable employee in those areas where creativity is needed.

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Olesya-Libra is in love, but due to her inability to understand people, her heart is often "broken", which does not diminish her desire to find her soul mate. An attentive and gentle man will be able to reveal the sensuality and temperament of Olesya-Libra.

Olesya - Scorpio

Intelligence, concentration and practicality help Olesya-Scorpio to easily cope with all the difficulties that fate has prepared for her. At the same time, thanks to her imperiousness and the presence of leadership qualities, she always comes out on top. For this woman, it is important not to miss a single trifle from her field of vision and to control not only her own, but also other people's lives. This position is fraught with the lack of real friends. A frivolous and dependent man will never attract the attention of Olesya-Scorpio.

Olesya - Sagittarius

This is a woman leader who will achieve her goal by any means, because secondary roles are not for her. Even in his personal life, Olesya-Sagittarius is not ready for equality, not to mention the fact that a man dominates. As a result, she may be left alone, because not every man will agree to become the shadow of his domineering wife. Such qualities as sharpness, rigidity and straightforwardness do not add to Olesya-Sagittarius's attractiveness.

Olesya - Capricorn

Cheerfulness, sincerity and spontaneity of Olesya-Capricorn dispose to themselves. Therefore, this woman has a huge number of friends and acquaintances who adore the cheerful Lesya, ready to help out in any difficult situation. An open, kind and honest Olesya-Capricorn appreciates loyalty and responsiveness in people, moreover, she believes that it is spiritual beauty that will save the world. She will connect her life with a strong and reliable man, who at the same time has an easy disposition.

This woman, endowed with an analytical mindset, knows how to "control herself". She rarely shows her true emotions, trying to smooth out any conflicts. She will always prefer a peaceful solution to any showdown.

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Olesya-Aquarius is fluent in the art of communication, so she can easily find an approach to any person. She prefers to keep her personal life secret, since she values ​​her relationship with her beloved man very much.

Olesya - Pisces

The naivety, sentimentality and vulnerability of Olesya-Pisces make her vulnerable, so she tries her best to hide her feelings and emotions, which is bad for her. The fear of being in an awkward position makes Olesya-Pisces put on a mask of indifference and arrogance. This woman needs a relaxed man who can relieve Lesya of complexes, thereby awakening her femininity, sensuality and temperament.

Compatibility of the name Olesya (Alesya) with male names

Olesya and Dmitry

Lesya is an excellent hostess, a faithful and caring wife, while Dmitry is a real support and protection, you can always rely on him in everything. This couple will definitely be happy, and their union will be safe and prosperous.

The duration of this relationship depends on the ability of both to compromise.

Olesya and Eugene

Practicality, assertiveness and ambition are inherent in both partners who strive to create an ideal family model. And in this Evgeny and Olesya succeed, and all thanks to their love, as well as the ability to listen and understand each other.

Olesya and Sergey

In this couple, there is neither understanding nor agreement, therefore, between Olesya and Sergei, disputes do not subside as to who will take out the garbage or take the children to school today. The outcome of such an uneven relationship is not difficult to predict.

Olesya and Andrey

Honesty, loyalty, love and passion are the unshakable foundation on which the relationship between Andrei and Olesya is built, who are able not only to understand each other, but also to enjoy the most ordinary things in a childish way and sincerely.

Olesya and Alexey

The contradictory character of Alexei can play a cruel joke on him, because loving Olesya often does not understand what to expect from her impulsive chosen one. A misunderstanding leads to the collapse of this memorable, vibrant, but short-lived relationship.

Olesya and Ivan

In this alliance, everything is subordinated to emotions, while the mind is assigned the role of an outside observer, which plays a fatal role in the development of Olesya's relations and. These two solve all their problems with the help of quarrels. As a result, the family breaks up.

Ambitious Olesya, like the purposeful Maxim, knows exactly what he wants from life.

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It is not surprising that by rallying, this couple can not only create a strong family, but also become the head of a thriving business.

Olesya and Roman

An ideal family is the goal of Lesya and Roman. However, in order to achieve it, both will have to pacify their authority and remember that a family is the work of two people who look in the same direction, and do not try to prove who is more important.

Olesya and Vladimir

This tandem is extremely harmonious, although both partners have independent characters. But as long as there is trust and love between Lesya and Vladimir, nothing threatens their relationship.

Olesya and Denis

Identical outlook on life, desire to improve and learn the world in all its manifestations - all this brings Olesya and Denis closer together, who are ready to overcome any difficulties together, because this is the purpose of the family.

Olesya and Artem

These two can be great friends and passionate lovers, but they cannot be called an ideal family. And it's all the fault of the unwillingness to give in, as well as the inability to listen and understand each other. Both flirt with leaders and lose each other.
Artem - the meaning of the name, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Olesya and Anton

Olesya in her man values ​​first of all reliability and responsibility, because she understands that family life is based on trust and the ability to negotiate. Serious Anton is a great couple for the cheerful Olesya.

Olesya's straightforwardness can become an insurmountable obstacle on the way to her family happiness with Mikhail, who is very vulnerable.

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We should not forget that a man in these relationships wants to be a leader, for which Les is not ready.

Olesya and Nikolay

A storm of passions and emotions rages in the relationship between Olesya and Nikolai, only such temperament cannot strengthen, let alone save this short-lived union, in which partners are bound exclusively by feelings on which it is not always possible to build a family.

Olesya and Igor

Easy to communicate, cheerful and energetic Igor will make Olesya's family happiness, who herself cannot imagine her life without bright colors, despite her isolation and vulnerability. Both partners do not try to remake each other, which is beneficial to their relationship.

Olesya and Ilya

Les supports all the undertakings of the ambitious and stubborn Ilya, for which he is very grateful to her, since he belongs to the category of men for whom it is important that there is a reliable shoulder nearby, on which you can always rely.

Olesya and Vladislav

This union can rarely boast of duration and strength, because in it people meet with different goals and opposing views regarding what a family should be. Vladislav's unwillingness to develop leads to the rupture of these relations.

Olesya and Vitaly

Persistence in overcoming life's difficulties, optimism and, of course, love make the union of Olesya and Vitaly not only strong, but also happy. Their house is always warm, cozy and comfortable at home, and this is important for family well-being.

These two halves of one whole are always easy and comfortable with each other, so there can be no talk of the breakup of their couple.

Olesya and Vadim

This couple does not know the feeling of jealousy, because initially their relationship was built on complete trust and the absence of secrets. This union is united by an incredibly reverent attitude towards each other, which, unfortunately, is very rare in family life.
Vadim - the meaning of the name, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Olesya and Oleg

Olesya and Pavel

Impulsive, emotional and straightforward Olesya considers herself a fighter for justice. But Paul prefers to act deliberately, because he believes that emotions only harm relationships. Lesa lacks romance and sensuality, so this union may fall apart.

Each of the partners has their own well-established views on life, and most often these very views do not converge, which is why scandals flare up between Olesya and Yuri.

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One of these scandals may end in divorce sooner or later.

Olesya and Stanislav

The fragile union of Olesya and Stanislav is based primarily on passion, but when the feeling of novelty passes, then gradually an insurmountable wall of misunderstanding grows between these people, which is due to the different characters of the partners.

Olesya and Leonid

These two look at the world easily and naturally, they never quarrel over money, because they consider the material side of family life a secondary factor. The main thing for Olesya and Leonid is sincere feelings.

Olesya and Marat

Love and friendship are combined in this interesting and vibrant union, in which happiness reigns. The rare conflicts that arise between Lesya and Marat always end in a quick reconciliation. It is also important that grievances in this tandem are quickly forgotten.