New Elder God Card - Yogg'Saron. The best online games


If we compare its advantages and strengths, and talk about the disadvantages, then perhaps the high cost - 10 mana crystals can serve as a decisive factor. Although, judging by the practice and popularity of playing this card, there is every reason to recommend this legend to your friends.

As a rule, in the strategy where legendary card Yogg-Saron Hearthstone, it is considered to be a red button. This is one of the most important and responsible moments. As they say, an extreme measure, to which they came in connection with sudden new circumstances.

Old God Yogg-Saron in Harstone

When you have this card in your deck ancient god Yogg-Saron, you have complete control over your opponent's play. And also to wipe from the face of the Earth all its gained advantages. In the case when a very strong opponent came up against you, with the presence of this legend, you can turn the game around as you like.

It's very common to see Yogg-Saron in decks that aim to synergize the effects of many cheap spells. These can be strategies such as Token Druid or Tempo Mage.

It is also very cool to have this card in those situations when it becomes obvious that you are disastrously unlucky. Yogg-Saron may well do the opposite and be mega useful for you.

At this time, there are few tactics that have this strong Old God, but my personal opinion is that players simply do not want to learn how to play this card.

The last Old God Yogg-Saron has arrived in Hearthstone. This owner of numerous mouths is considered a true master of eloquence and is ready to bring down a maddening whisper on all visitors to the tavern.

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An ancient evil has awakened from centuries of sleep. With its tentacles flexed, it's ready to wreak havoc on the mortal realm in the new Hearthstone expansion, Whispers of the Old Gods! Well, it's time to get to know the owners of these tentacles better.

Thanks to the materials gleaned from our small library of horrors, you have learned about the cruelty of C'Thun, the malevolence of N'Zoth and the machinations of Y'Shaarj. We believe that you have already awakened your appetite for forbidden knowledge, and therefore we are pleased to present you a new informative dish! Today we will tell you about the secrets of Yogg-Saron.

Careless Whisper

Yogg-Saron is an ancient god who had many names (one trick of the other). He was called the beast with a thousand mouths, and That Which Must Not Be Named, and the demon with a thousand faces, and even the god of death - this was his favorite nickname. Despite the fact that this space monster will not get out of his personality crisis and will not overcome the craving for overly long and complex titles, you will not refuse him eloquence. However, nothing surprising - with such and such a number of tongues sticking out of gaping, full of teeth mouths! Be that as it may, Yogg-Saron did not like the eternal imprisonment in the bowels of Northrend. However, he managed to lure the jailers over to his side with only one insinuating whisper. He was able to set the titans against each other, subjugate them to his will and seize the territory of the prison.

While Yogg-Saron was preparing the longest escape in history, his corruption struck half of Northrend, sowing discord across the continent. The druids, led by Fandral Staghelm, thought they could stop the spread of corruption with the advances of modern landscape design, however, the roots of the Tree of Life they planted made their way through the earth to the very dungeon of Yogg-Saron. This epic failure * gave the ancient god the opportunity to seep into the Emerald Dream. The Tree died, but only after the Old Gods planted the seeds of the Emerald Nightmare in the ground**.

Infectious Madness

Yogg-Saron is simply Crazy about the possibility of infecting someone with madness, and his insidious whisper easily pushes mere mortals into the abyss of insanity. Of course, every good (and bad) warlock knows that a little bit of insanity is often necessary. La la la la la! La la la la la! We've gone crazy! What a shame!

Conspirator's Tome

The most numerous among the mortal worshipers of the ancient gods (including Yogg-Saron) were the Twilight cultists. Some believe that they called themselves that because they long for the onset of the twilight of the universe. In fact, this is just a club of lovers of ancient literature, in which everything went awry. Their tastes are very doubtful, but the fruits of their neglected graphomania abound in "interesting" passages. In addition, their books themselves lick your fingers when you turn the page.

We hope you enjoyed our stories about cool ancient gods. This concludes our cycle dedicated to the upcoming release of "Wakes of the Old Gods". In general, soak up the knowledge and prepare to meet your new masters by reading the previous articles:

Also, don't forget to brush up on previous reviews. Your future masters love to be obeyed with skill.


The beast with a thousand mouths has a story to tell, and you can help him in his hard work. Tell all your friends and followers about Yogg-Saron with the hashtag #OldGods in

Yogg-Saron is another Old God from the new expansion, and this spell-throwing machine will definitely keep you entertained.

Today we'll be bringing you the most popular Yogg-Saron decks, its visual history, and some fun Kibler moments with the Yogg-Saron Triple Play!

Yogg-Saron, the history of the map

Decks on Yogg-Saron

Yogg-Saron, Tempo Mage deck

The addition of new cards has made playing Tempo Mage even more unpredictable. Thanks to new map Conspirator's Tome you get 6 more additional spells(and we must not forget that the card itself is a spell), thus making the release of Yogg-Saron much more spectacular!

The strategy of your game will be very diverse. First of all, you will be able to focus on the Ready card! , hoping to get extra useful cards from its effect. If your plan fails, you have 2 Summoning Stones in your deck, which, combined with a lot of spells (24 to be exact!) will help you capture the board. What if both previous plans fail? This article contains only , which will cast a sea of ​​new spells upon entering the field! Maybe he'll be a finisher. Or maybe it will kill you...

Yogg-Saron, Shaman Control deck

After the demise of the Secret Paladin, the new annoying character is Aggro Shaman, who is not uncommon to meet on your way to legend. With the release of the expansion, Midrange Shaman has returned to the hearthstone meta, as his arsenal has been replenished with a large number of new good cards!

But the fantasy of the players does not end there. This deck is a Control Shaman build with the addition of the ancient god Yogg-Saron. We see that Shaman does not have a single minion until turn 5, but there are a huge number of spells, one of which is Far Vision, which makes the cost of the card that comes into your hand 3 mana cheaper. This way you can get Alexstrasza for 6 mana, Ysera , or even Emperor Thaurissan for 3!

Yogg-Saron, Rogue deck from Dog

This deck, like all olods on Yogg-Saron, contains a large number of spells. I would like to note that, like the Tempo Mage deck, this deck has the possibility of an early game thanks to SI:7 Agent, Xaril, Earthen Ring, and Edwin vanCleef. With the help of the Auctioneer Goblin and your cheap spells, you can quickly find the treasured god and play even more unpredictable effects.

In conclusion, I would like to say once again that everyone is very unpredictable and, of course, unstable. They are much more suitable for entertainment and will bring variety to the meta. And, undoubtedly, will become leaders in hitting the funny moments of Hearthstone.

The proof is in a video from Kibler, in which Yogg-Saron was played three times in just one match!

On the first day, a lot of new decks appeared, and here is one of them. Despite the fact that the deck has a fun character and brings a lot of fun and laughter from randomness, it performs well in most matchups.

This deck is, in a way, tempo with a huge amount of draw, spells, choice mechanics built on synergy with Brann Bronzebeard.

How to play Tempo as a mage in Hearthstone on Yogg-Saron.

We have a lot of early removals to start with. The deck itself is very standard tempo mag with many cheap, and most importantly effective spells, Arsonists, and instead of “sports” portals lies Arcane Blast. Don't worry about how many spells and cards you spend on clearing the board, in the end, when Yogg Saron comes out, you will most likely win.

Mage's Tempa muligan on Yogg-Saron.

Against almost any opponent, we look for cheap minions like Manaswyrm and play early removals. If the Pyro fell to us, we hold it in our hand.

Charomet- the standard choice for a tempo mage, in this deck it also has a direct effect on Yogg (the more spells were played, the better Yogg will go).
Emperor Thaurissan also affects how many spells we can play before our trump card comes out.

ancient mage in the deck for a variety of reasons. The most important is, of course, synergy with Brann, potentially granting 4 spell power. It also has a direct effect on Arcane Blast. In the worst case, this is a 2/5 body.

Conspirator's Tome- in itself one of the strongest cards of the expansion. For 5 mana, you take three spells and are guaranteed to get the opportunity to diversify your actions. Altogether there are four spells for Yogg Sarona. The only downside of this card is its cost, for the same mana you can cast AoE spells.

Yogg-Saron is our main card, creating madness on the board. She's not very good, but she's very funny. We have 24 spells in the deck, which is exactly the number that Yogg can potentially play. The ideal option or rather a dream would be to play Yogg with Brann, however, for this, Brann must lie on your board for 1 turn (which is almost impossible on 10 mana). But if this happens, then our god will play 48 random spells. If you take into account the tomes and torches, then in total 68.


1 - Why is there no Ice Barrier in the deck? Your own secrets cannot be activated on your turn, so if Yogg Saron sees fit to hit you with spells, he doesn't care if you have an ice block or not.

2- Why is there no AOE? Our solo removals in synergy with Pyro are often enough. In addition, our tomes and etherials can give them to us if necessary. It makes no sense to occupy slots with them, and we don’t need extra AOE that will fall in our hand.

As a result, this is an excellent deck, which gained great popularity in Europe and America on the first day. There is a lot of randomness in it, which makes it funny, interesting and unpredictable. At the same time, it is very flexible and allows players to change cards to those that are convenient for them, adding for example Experienced Hunter, Archmage Antonidas, Sylvanus or black knight.

I hope you enjoy this deck and bring a lot of fun.

Video of the mage on Yogg-Saron.