Criteria and indicators of foreign economic security of the state. Foreign economic security of the Russian Federation. Criteria for determining regional priorities for foreign economic security of the Russian Federation

Effective WED safety activities involves the accounting of the entire variety of generating economic risks of factors and conditions, knowledge of the nature of the mechanisms and tools for regulating the situation in this area.

Direct Risk Management of WEDs is a function of the VED participants themselves, which are indicated, as indicated in the Federal Law No. 183-F3 "On Export Control", business entities - legal entities and individuals engaged in international exchange of goods, information, services, intellectual activities (or rights to them).

State policy in the field of foreign economic activity is aimed at the formation of a favorable entrepreneurial climate, to harmonize the interests of the participants of the WED. Thus, the state indirectly affects the minimization of risks in the field of foreign economic activity.

Foreign economic partner States conduct their foreign economic policies in which elements of competitive confrontation and partnerships are intertwined. This is how specific connections and relations in the field of foreign economic activity are formed at the supranational level.

Consequently, ensuring economic security and countering risks in the field of foreign economic activity covers micro-weather and macro levels. Each of them has its own specific risks and threats, special complexes of measures to protect against them are applied. At the same time, the conflict of interests, and the coincidence of interests, and their mutual neutrality, which significantly complicates the interaction of the parties in the process of foreign economic activity.

Extremely important is the factors of the occurrence of foreign risks associated with the entry into the era of the new technological direction of the information society. Organizational assurance of WED safety must increasingly be focused on special requirements due to the officially proclaimed strategic goal of Russia - the transition of the country in perspective to the model of the information society, which involves the creation of a digital economy in Russia. The primary security is the legal framework.

Legal support of foreign economic security is represented by the entire set of regulatory legal acts regulating the order of legal relations in this area from the standpoint of creating conditions opposing the occurrence of security threats. The circle of such legal relations includes two levels of relations: 1) the interaction of state bodies and participants of foreign economic activity and 2) intercountry contractual relations in this field - bilateral, multilateral, international.

The subject of legal regulation of the first level is the relations of the state and other subjects of foreign economic activity (legal and individuals), in respect of which the norms of customs, tax and currency regulation are envisaged. They are aimed at ensuring the effective functioning of infrastructure that ensures export-import operations, for preventing offenses in the foreign economic sphere, to support and create favorable WED conditions. Customs tariff and non-tariff regulation tools are applied. In the second direction, the state regulates relations with other states in order to ensure the rule of law and safety in the foreign economic sphere. Customs legislation comprehensively regulates all the main aspects of legal relations in the foreign economic sphere. It presents a group of norms that determine the methodological aspects, including the procedure for determining the customs value, the procedure for establishing a country of origin of goods, methods for providing tariff preferences, etc. Another group of norms is customs and tariff parameters - customs duties. Another group is represented by the standards that comply with the law enforcement established in the customs and order, which provides for responsibility (criminal, administrative, economic) for committing offenses in the customs-tariff area.

One of the main qualities of customs legislation should be stability providing participants of the WED sustainability and predictability of the conditions for export-import and other economic operations. The publicity and transparency of the norms of customs law are just as important. But at the same time there are norms with a vulture "Secret", "for official use." These include, for example, norms regulating customs control technology.

An important part of the legal regulation of the foreign economic sphere is economic and administrative measures of non-tariff regulation. Economic measures include customs and tariff control, subsidies and subsidies, anti-dumping duties, etc. Administrative non-tariff regulatory measures include embargo, licensing, quotation. Non-tariff measures differ in the degree of hardness of the means of exposure. The most stringent includes a customs blockade and embargo, used in the conditions of extreme forms of confronting countries in world markets. In connection with the enforcement of these legislation, problems may arise that bearing threats of foreign economic activity.

Legal relations in the field of non-tariff regulation are determined by the norms of the right of each country and international law. The objectives and nature of legal regulation of the WAD are different in different countriesoh, which causes contradictions in world markets of goods, services, works. It complicates the situation for the participants of the WED, the tendency of the gradual transition of some functions of regulating markets with the national on the nasal level. Regulation of foreign economic relations can be used as a means of political pressure.

Above was noted only by separate private examples of how security threats in the foreign economic sphere may occur. Measures to ensure the safety of foreign economic relations should be able to withstand the entire complex of threats and risks. A long-term strategy is necessary in the field of national security, the obligatory component of which is the regulatory framework. The multidimensity of economic security problems determine their interdisciplinary.

Although the Special Regulatory Document on this issue does not exist in the Russian Federation, but in a number of fundamental legal acts, the provisions relating to the issues of state regulation of foreign economic security are fully presented. Obviously, only the creation of a full-fledged legal framework to ensure foreign economic security is not enough. It is also necessary to organizely ensure the practical implementation of the provisions enshrined in regulatory acts. It is important to differentiate norms relating to different types and forms of foreign economic activity, such as import and export of strategically important goods, import of goods and services for state needs, cross-border trade, transit operations, infrastructure, informational support, re-export and reimport, international Humanitarian aid, foreign investment, etc.

In general, the legal regulation of foreign economic security in Russia should be represented by a number of requirements: a) to ensure the effective protection of the national interests of the country; b) respond to interests and do not create an overpressure on participants in foreign economic activity; c) comply with the norms of international law and the conditions of intercountry agreements concluded by the Russian Federation.

As the Russian Federation In the direction of the formation of the basics of the information society, the requirements will be becoming increasingly relevant to lead the legislative base of foreign economic relations in accordance with the new conditions for the functioning of this sphere.

In the formed complex of official documents that determine the goals and ways of safe development national Economy Russia does not submit any act that defines the strategy and policy of the state in the field of WED safety. But this block of questions is fully presented in the documents of a higher orientation.

Strict continuity and sequence in the formation of a regulatory framework that determines the prospects for the development of the country and how to achieve their goals, and the development of foreign economic relations, including. The legislative framework was the Federal Law of December 28, 2010. "On Security" and the Federal Law "On Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation" of 28.06.2014

The following should be approval by the decrees of the president of three strategies. This is the strategy of the national security of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2015, in May 2017, synchronously was approved by the Presidential Decree of two strategies for the period up to 2030: "The strategy for the development of the information society in the Russian Federation for 2017-2030" and "Economic Security Strategy Russian Federation for the period up to 2030. "

From the point of view of the state of the legal field for the development of the Russian economy, 2017 is a turning point in the sense that the regulatory and legal framework for the country's transition to the secure information society phase is laid. Two months after the adoption of the two "May" strategies of 2017 - in July 2017 - the requirement of a strategy of economic security was fulfilled - the Department of Development Program was approved by the Government of the Russian Federation - "Digital Economics of the Russian Federation". The program presents a detailed roadmap of its practical implementation. The next step should be the formation of a complex of legislative and regulatory acts, providing for the creation of specific mechanisms and tools, the resource base and the corps of the performers who provide the phased movement of the country's economy to the objectives planned in strategies.

It is noteworthy that for the first time in Russia, such a powerful synchronized and balanced set of regulatory acts, which determine the future of the country for the long term. This regulatory framework will be the basis for real transformational processes - the question of the will of the institutions of the authorities, the readiness of economic actors, the adequacy of the resource base to the ambitious tasks, the presence of positive conscious perception by the civil society of new goals and development programs.

Unfortunately, a semi-year period since the adoption of the above strategies, there is no real shifts in socio-economic processes, nor adequate to the grand targets of public resonance. There is no information on the start of any institutional transformations aimed at practical implementation of tasks put forward by strategies. Most likely, the reformation of the legal field spent in 2017 is perceived in all layers of Russian society as another fruitless attempt to radically reflect the situation, to implement a new progressive model of the country's development. Probably the most difficult in realities russian life - It is overcoming the inertia and skeptic attitudes of a significant part of civil society, but, above all, officials in the structures of the power of a different level, from the federal to the municipal.

The viability of new initiatives of the highest authorities, aimed at creating the legal framework for the development of a secure information society in Russia by 2030 will be determined by the coherence and effectiveness of the actions of all participants in the process, in which one of the responsible components is the safe development of the foreign economic sphere.

In all the above official documents with the necessary fullness, provisions relating to the foreign economic sphere and the issues of ensuring its safety are presented. We hereby restrain the consideration from this aspect of regulatory regulation only in one document - the economic security strategy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030. The following three problems reflected in this strategy, directly or indirectly related to the fundamentals of Russia's foreign economic security:

  • 1. In the first section, the "General Provisions" strategy presents the following position, which discloses the meaning of the concept of "economic security" (Article 7, paragraph 1): "Economic security - the state of the protection of the national economy from external and internal threats, in which economic sovereignty is ensured Countries, the unity of its economic space, the conditions for the implementation of the Strategic National Priorities of the Russian Federation. " IN this definition It is clearly represented by the foreign economic component, "security from external threats" and "Economic sovereignty", which is ensured as part of the protection of the economy from external threats. This is revealed in the following wording adopted in the strategy - "The Economic Sovereignty of the Russian Federation ... Objectively existing state independence in conducting internal and foreign policy, taking into account international obligations." It should also be paid to mentioning national priorities, which, as follows from another document, the strategies for the development of the information society in Russia, are the goals marked with a single term - "digital economy".
  • 2. In the second section of the economic security strategy of Russia in Art. 12 Named 25 types of challenges and threats, among which 12 refer to the foreign economic sphere. Therefore, it is possible, an extremely simplifying situation, to state that by almost 50% of Russia's economic security should be provided by protection against external threats. Thus, it is confirmed extremely high relevance of problems of providing foreign economic security. It should be especially noted that out of 12 external risks of threats only 4 are directly related to the state of the Russian economy and, therefore, can be regulated at the national level. The remaining 8 external risks and threats are determined by the global economic situation or one-sided effects of other countries of the world. The possibilities of opposition to them are limited only by measures to create appropriate balances and to neutralize the negative effects of their impact.
  • 3. The third section of the strategy that determines the goals, directions and objectives in the field of ensuring the economic security of the Russian Federation also has a weighty component relating to the problems of ensuring foreign economic security. In this section, the provisions that reveal the goals of the strategy in the foreign economic sphere are essential. All four objectives listed below are the number of necessary conditions for the formation of the basics of the information society in Russia. These include:
    • - strengthening the economic sovereignty of the country;
    • - increase the sustainability of the economy to the effects of external challenges and threats;
    • - maintaining scientific and technical potential at the global level;
    • - maintaining the potential of the defense and industrial complex at the level required to solve the tasks of the country's military economics.

In economic security strategies, among the main directions of state policy in the field of ensuring the foreign economic security of the Russian Federation, the direction "Improving efficiency externally economic cooperation and the implementation of the competitive advantages of export oriented economy sectors. This direction of public policy directly discloses the main conditions for ensuring the safety of the foreign economic sphere, especially relevant to Russia in the formation of the information society.

The implementation of this area is noted in Art. 21 strategies should ensure a solution to specific tasks:

  • 1. Laying the relevant international legal system of economic relations.
  • 2. Expanding partnership and integration links within the CIS, EAEU, BRICS, SCOs and other international organizations.
  • 3. Creation of regional and transregional integration associations.
  • 4. Assistance russian organizations In the shuttle and introduction of advanced technologies.
  • 5. Expansion of the nomenclature and volume of non-surname exports, geography of foreign economic relations.
  • 6. Legal advisory support for exporters abroad.
  • 7. Conclusion of intergovernmental treaties and the expansion of international economic cooperation and other forms of promoting Russian participants of the WED.
  • 8. Promoting the development of non-religious enterprises in achieving the level of global world economy leaders.
  • 9. Development of market infrastructure in order to promote the promotion of Russian products to overseas markets.

It should be noted that for a number of other areas of state policy, the tasks directly related to the sphere of foreign economic relations are also presented. Thus, in the Strategy section "Assessment of the State of Economic Security", a list of estimated indicators is given, including the following characteristics of the foreign economic sphere: the foreign debt of the Russian Federation and the public, including; Clean importation (exportation) of capital; index of physical exports; index of the physical volume of import; trade balance; the proportion of machines, equipment and vehicles in the total volume of non-sirous exports in the total import volume; share of innovative goods, works, services in total exports; The share of imports in the scope of food resources. These are the most significant aspects of foreign economic security, the state regulation of which is provided for by the economic security strategy of Russia for the period up to 2030.

Common for the national economy, the problem of ensuring the safety of the WEDs is specially refracted in each individual region of the country. For example, within the Far Eastern region, the decision of the following most relevant problems is required to ensure its economic security: a reduction in the scale of dependence on food imports and high-tech products; streamlining on a parity basis of international financial transactions; exporting in exports of products of manufacturing sectors of the economy; Optimization of the model of foreign economic relations with the countries of the Asia-Pacific region (ATP). Consider the problem of ensuring the safety of the WED on the example of the Far Eastern region.

Movement in the direction of resolving the problems of countering risks is defined by both the participants of the VED and the institutions of the regions of the region. The latter, acting within their legislatively enshrined powers, form and implement territorial programs for the development of foreign economic activity, coordinate and control the work of the VED participants, enter into intergovernmental agreements on foreign trade relations,

The special significance of state regulation of foreign economic regions is due to such circumstances as: the possibility of operational solutions of emerging problems; Higher awareness of the situation; Advantages of an organizational nature when creating inter-derticory centers and programs for the development of foreign economic activity and a decrease in economic risks in this area. An example of this may be the creation of a macroregion, which includes the Far Eastern and Baikal regions. Such Commonwealth is designed to facilitate overcoming elevated levels of risks of foreign economic activity due to such factors as harsh climatic conditions, a weakly developed infrastructure, a personnel shortage, a relatively low level of socio-economic development as a whole.

General trends in the development of external trade and economic relations in the Far Eastern region are estimated according to the current statistics. For example, in the Khabarovsk Territory, foreign trade turnover in 2016 as a percentage by 2015 amounted to 121.1%. In the first quarter of 2017, foreign trade turnover increased in comparison with the corresponding period of 2016 by 25.3%. The share of exports in foreign trade turnover was 78%. 99.3% of foreign trade turnover were accounted for the share of foreign countries and only 0.7% - to the share of the CIS countries. These data indicate the positive directivity of the development of foreign trade in the Khabarovsk Territory.

New opportunities for WED development in the Far Eastern region should occur as the provisions of the complex of state program documents - "Far Eastern hectare", the concept of demographic policy of the Far East, a portfolio of agreements on the involvement of Korean investors in DFO, projects of an agreement with China on the development of transport corridors, the development of the territory The leading development "Nikolaevsk", the introduction of the rules of the simplified entry of foreigners into the territory of the Far East, etc.

The expected new stage in the development of the Far East will not only create new opportunities for the VID sphere, but also will require special attention to the issues of WED safety. The structure of the risks of the VED will vary. Maybe, for example, increase the proportion of out-economic risks associated with foreign economic activity. The situation in the field of risks caused by the human factor may be aggravated, since the expansion of activities is associated with the involvement of new personnel, the professionalism and reliability of which are not always amenable to the necessary control. These are the regional features of the conditions for foreign economic activity, shown in the example of the Far Eastern Federal District. They confirm the need to take into account territorial specifics in the formation of a complex for risk management measures in the field of foreign economic activity.

The specifics of the conditions for the development of the Far Eastern Federal District are determined by the following major circumstances:

  • 1. On all the economic space of Russia, and the territory of the Far East, among other things, there are uniform mechanisms for the country and the laws of the formation of the current situation and trends of the dynamics of socio-economic potential, the implementation of the goals and principles of foreign economic activity.
  • 2. As part of these general trends, the specifics of the Far East, due, above all, such well-known objective determinants, as its historical and cultural, ethno-national, demographic and economically scientographic position are distinguished.
  • 3. The impact of these objective determinants as the main conditions for the development of the region is extremely ambiguous. They can act at the same time both as powerful incentives of a leading sustainable socio-economic development, and as difficult obstacles to the action of positive incentives for the implementation of the Complex Development Programs of the Far Eastern Zone of Russia. The ratio of these two vectors of the impact of objective factors depends, first of all, from: a) the nature of the impact of the subjective component of the Determinant system (especially, the human factor in the whole manifold of its manifestations); b) institutions of state power of the region and the federal center forming the current model of controlling the region and the long-term strategy of its development.
  • 4. The influence of the human factor can be represented by various variants of the combination of three main components: a) the system of values, needs, behavioral standards of the population of the region, which determine the dominant preferences in the field of employment and meeting the needs of personal life-supporting households; b) a conscious choice of style, the directionality and instruments for regulating public relations in the region by state and municipal authorities; c) features of the formation of the composition and choice of methods for the implementation of business plans by representatives of the entrepreneurial sector of the economy of the Far East.
  • 5. The target plant for the effective development of the Far Eastern region has a particular importance for the effective development of the Russian authorities for the priority development of this region and the creation of a complex of organizational and legal, material and technical and foreign policy conditions for solving this problem. The main official documents on this issue are: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 17, 2013 No. 819 (Ed. From 11/15/2016) "On the Government Commission on the Socio-Economic Development of the Far East and the Baikal Region"; Approved by the Regulation of the Russian Federation of March 29, 2013 No. 466-p State Program of the Russian Federation "Socio-economic development of the Far East and the Baikal Region", calculated for the period 2014-2025. and etc.
  • 6. When ensuring the economic security of the Far Eastern region, it is necessary to carry out a system of measures to counter the main risks associated with: a) the problems of implementing the development programs of the Far Eastern region - the risks of insufficient financing of socio-economic programs for the development of the region; risks of the emergence of problems of regulatory legal and scientific and methodological support of state programs for the development of the region; risks of poor quality planning of the region's development; risks of ineffective management of the process of implementing state programs for the development of the region; b) risks associated with the instability of the international political economy; c) internal macroeconomic risks of the Russian Federation; d) risks caused by the elements of the resource base elements unfavorable for the Far East.
  • 7. The economic security mechanism must be submitted by a set of interrelated and balanced measures to counter the challenges and risks of an economic, political, social, legal and organizational nature. For more details on this issue, see.
  • 8. A set of measures to ensure economic security must be integrated into a single management system. socio-economic See the region in more detail on this issue, see.

Dissertation thesis: Content author of the dissertation study: Candidate of Economic Sciences, Borodovskaya, Marina Borisovna


Chapter 1 Foreign Economic Communications of Russia: Modern Stage.

1. Foreign economic relations as a factor in the country's economic development.

2. Foreign trade: development trend.

3. Capital migration (investment in Russia; capital flight from Russia).

4. The role of international economic organizations.

Chapter 2. National Economic Security: Foreign Economic Parameters.

1. Foreign economic security as the most important component of economic security.

2. The main directions and indicators of ensuring the foreign economic security of Russia.

3. Foreign economic sphere of Russia and financial security.

4. Interrelation of the openness of the country and its economic security.

Dissertation thesis: Introduction in economics, on the topic "The economic security of Russia in the field of foreign economic relations"

Currently, Russia stands on the way of the formation of a qualitatively new organization of economic relations and connections, economic mechanisms and institutional structures. Russia's inclusion in the global management system is an objective process of the country's integration into the system of world-economic relations, the need to "open" Western markets for domestic products and increasing the competitiveness of our industry. It was the potential for this increase in the context of the non-alternativeness of the task of implementing the comparative advantages of the Russian economy, the possibility of the development of competitive industries of the national specialization of C. Here is the main benefit that Russia will receive from inclusion in world-uphetrant processes.

Following the trazification of the previous socio-economic relations, the evolution of views takes place that it is an economy as a self-developing system, what tasks in the field of foreign economic relations and economic security should decide the state and what means.

The situation that has developed in the domestic economy determines the relevance of the systematization of the preliminary results of the economic development of Russia at the turn of the centuries, allows you to compare a place in the global economy that the country has previously occupied and occupies today, assess the scale of Russia's involvement in world economic relations and its degree of security.

In this regard, it is important to distinguish four main directions that require the greatest attention as part of the study of economic security.

First, foreign trade and its impact on the economic development of the country. It has become almost generally accepted that foreign economic relations act as a powerful amplifier of development trends. In the conditions of the rise, these bonds enhance the favorable conjuncture, stimulate technological progress in the country, lead to a decrease in costs and improving the quality of products, promote progressive changes in the sectoral structure; In periods of recession and crisis - on the contrary, aggravate economic difficulties.

Secondly, capital migration and financial security problem. Consideration of this problem allows us to talk about the reasons, motives and consequences of the flight of capital, as well as to investigate the number and quality of foreign investment, methods for their involvement and causes of their low volume.

Thirdly, the impact of participation in international economic organizations on the development of the country's economy. Russia's economic relations with different regions of the world have their own specifics, especially today, as a result of changes in Russia itself, and in the outside world, as well as the fact that structural adaptation to the world economy of Russia occurs in much more difficult conditions than in Western European or East Asian states .

Fourth, the relationship of the country's openness and its economic security. Modern facts suggest that even successfully developing and integrated with world economy of the country are very risking, replacing its economy for international capital flows. But this does not mean a call for closures, but only to the optimal opening of the country's economy.

In the domestic economic literature, recently, issues related to foreign economic relations and economic security are quite widely covered. The traditional is the consideration of certain aspects of these processes, while, however, the systematization of all issues into a single interconnected whole is not achieved.

The problem of studying foreign economic relations between Russia and its economic security is presented in detail in the works on the general problems of world economy and security issues of domestic authors: Abakina JL, Anikina A., Vasilyeva N., Glazyev S. Gusakova N. Ilarionova A., Kireeva A., Oleinikova E., Olsevich Yu. Popova V. Porokhovsky A., Senchagova V., Sidorovich A. Familsky I. Cherkovtsova O. Yasina E., and others, as well as foreign authors: Linderta P., Pedboy M. Saks J., Fisher S. et al. "

Official publications of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation, publications in scientific journals, the work of leading Russian and Western economists were attracted as the basis for analysis and systematization. The study used the official documents of the Russian government, the materials and statistics of the Customs Committee, the Bank of Russia and other departments of the country.

The subject of the study is the economic security of Russia in the field of foreign economic relations. At the same time, the object of study is concrete phenomena allocated for a detailed study in this work: external trade and its impact on the economic development of the country; Capital Migration and Financial Safety Problem; the impact of participation in international economic organizations on the development of the Russian economy; The relationship of the country's openness and its economic security.

The purpose of the study is to analyze and systematize general trends in the functioning of foreign trade, capital migration and their impact on the economic security of the Russian Federation.

The implementation of the study goals provides for the solution of the following tasks:

Explore, summarize and systematize the main approaches to the problems of foreign economic relations between Russia and the economic security existing in domestic and foreign literature;

Identify and analyze the main trends in the development of foreign trade in Russia and its impact on the economic security of the country;

Establish the importance of financial security for countries with economies;

Determine the role of international economic organizations in the development of the country's economy;

Explore the possibility of forming an open economy in the conservation of the country's economic security.

The purpose and objectives of the study suggest the use of a dialectical method, which allows to systematize the problems of foreign economic relations and economic security not only at the moment, but also in development. At the same time, an economic analysis of the country's country specifics is subject to foreign trade, capital migration and their relationships with economic security.

The theoretical research base is fundamental work in the field of economic theory, monographs and articles of domestic and foreign scientists on methodological, theoretical and applied issues of foreign economic relations and economic security. In order to comparative analysis, legislative and regulatory documents were widely used, the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation. Decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation, State Duma, ministries and departments of the Russian Federation, the Central Bank and other government bodies of the Russian Federation.

The information base of the work was the reference and stogistic materials of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation, the materials of periodic press, analytical reports.

The dissertation made an attempt to systematize a variety of approaches to the development of economic security in the field of foreign economic relations.

The scientific novelty of the topic is as follows:

1. The main trends of the development of foreign trade and its impact on the economic security of the country, which makes it possible to talk about the importance of foreign economic relations in ensuring the security of the country. The tendency to a gradual decrease in the share of raw materials and materials and an increase in the share of machine-technical products in the export of Russia is determined.

2. Established the special significance of financial security for countries with economies in transition, prohibited comparative analysis Relationships of capital and financial security migration in the transitional economy of Russia. Several main reasons for the low volume of foreign investment in the Russian economy are highlighted.

3. Analyzed the role of international economic organizations in the development of the country's economy and has proven a significant impact of international organizations on the economic development of Russia and on its relations with different countries. Priority country areas are defined for Russia on modern stage.

4. Investigated and theoretically substantiated inconsistency in the opening of the economy and strengthening its economic security, especially in countries with economies in transition.

The main provisions and conclusions of the thesis can be used in educational process When reading courses, the global economy, international economic relations, as well as special courses on economic, financial and international security issues.

The main provisions were reported at a scientific-practical conference New trends in political life and the economic security of Russia at the Economic Faculty of the Russian University of Friendship of Peoples and were published in the form of abstracts in the conference materials in 1998; At the Department of Economic Theory of the IPPK MSU, where two articles were also published in collections of transitional economies - issues of the second and third; At the Department of Political Savings of the Economic Faculty of Moscow State University.

Conceptual approaches and conclusions of research are reflected in publications on the topic of the thesis, total volume of 1.5 pp.

The logic of the presentation of the material in the dissertation work is due to the goal and objectives of the study. It allows us through the prism of foreign economic relations and economic security to show their relationship. For this, four main directions were allocated, which were analyzed in each of the chapters in accordance with the influence of them on the foreign economic relations and the economic security of the country. Special influence is paid to the problem of including Russia into world economic relations and the impact of this inclusion on the economic security of the country.

The coming border of the centuries seems to be although somewhat formal, but a very convenient reason for bringing the preliminary results of Russia's economic development in the outgoing century, to compare a place in the global economy, which the country occupied the century ago and occupies today, assess the scale of truly huge shifts that have occurred for This time, formulate the most important lessons.

Dissertation thesis: Conclusion on the topic "Economic theory", Borodovskaya, Marina Borisovna


Radical economic transformations, fundamental changes in the geopolitical position of Russia after the collapse of the USSR, the formation of a qualitatively new basis for the interaction of the domestic economy from the world, the implementation of a complex of measures to conclude an economy from the crisis has significantly strengthened the relationship of economic security directions in the field of foreign economic relations.

The inclusion in world economic processes is a complex and long-term process for each national economy, including the Russian, but it corresponds to the leading trends of world development and national interests.

With the internationalization of production, national economic security is increasingly associated with international economic security. This clearly demonstrated not only the financial crises of the vones diverged around the world, not loyalty to the level of development of the country's economy, which affects, but also military conflicts, the overwhelming European and Asian continents over the past three layers. It should be noted that military operations are often a certain background of surges and drops of quotations on stock and commodity exchanges of leading countries of the world.

The concept of the internationalization of economic life today is the effective functioning of a multi-level world system of economic relations, which unites individual countries into a global complex, in which the degree of crosses of their economic interaction is in accordance with the level of economic progress achieved. The study of the patterns of the formation of these connections and the prospects for their further development gives grounds to assert that the general trend of the world economy is to move towards the economic rapprochement and association of individual countries into a single global economic complex.

As a result of the expansion of world economic relations, the total amount of resources that the country has, their material and real form is converted, the possibilities of knowledge borrowing are converted.

The development of the concept of economic security is necessary, which relies on the highest agreements on national-state interests. In this regard, it is inextricably linked with the ideas about the future of the country, about the socio-economic model, which is free to form as a result of what is happening and which acts as a social ideal.

When determining the specific tools and mechanisms for ensuring economic security, it is necessary to take into account the threats of economic security formulated above, as well as take into account the short-term or worst nature of these threats, the possibilities of preventing them in the present period and not admission in the future, given, the Russian Federation is on the basis of formation open economy, liberalization of foreign trade.

The paper presents an analysis of a number of current trends in the development of foreign economic relations and economic security. It is necessary to emphasize that the analysis is based on both the works of Russian and foreign scientists, exploring this problem over several years. and also on systematization of statistical data published by official Russian and foreign publications.

The current trends allocated by the author indicate that. Despite the predominance of fuel and commodity products in Russian exports, which, of course, is a reflection of the real competitive advantages of the country in the international division of labor in the last decade. Russia began to enter the international market of goods and services with modern machine-technical products, finished products and, of course, highly qualified specialists in applied and theoretical areas.

When developing promising externally economic Policy It should be in a new way to formulate import policy. The approach to imports is free to be differentiated depending on the national economic and social significance of a product, we need a decisive course on the development of import-substituting and vital industries on goods that Russia may and free to produce in sufficient quantities.

The highest breeding of the state and its key function is to ensure the stability of society, its self-preservation and development, reflect possible threats to the country's security. At the same time, there is still a decisive importance of emerging hazards, and not a passive adherence for events. In order to implement such an approach in practice, it is necessary to clearly define the system of indicators, or indicators of economic security. Development of a system of such indicators is one of the most important instruments for the country's economic security policy.

The problem of Russia's security in the foreign economic sphere is directly related to the success of solving the problems of financial stabilization and access to the trajectory of economic growth.

This is especially important at the stage of the transitional period to the market economy, characterized by the weak security of Russian producers from expansion of imported goods to the Russian market, discriminatory restrictions in exporting their own products and the flight of Russian capital abroad.

One of the most important criteria for the economic security of countries with economies in transition is their financial security, which consists of such components as, currency and credit safety, including the entire complex of foreign currency relations of the state with the outside world and its internal case, between which a certain relationship is traced; Attracting foreign investments, which, in spite of the unfavorable investment climate, the rate of Russian capital from the domestic economy, the low level of transport and telecommunication infrastructure and corruption, began to increase after the 1998 crisis; Capital outflow abroad, the causes of which are diverse and affect both the basic foundations of the transition economy, the specifics of foreign currency and financial instruments for regulating foreign economic activity and the psychology of the behavior of the entities of RNMK. Investors, their confidence in the politics of the Government, to the stability of the national currency, etc.

One of the main problems of countries in transition is their special financial instability during periods of global crises and cataclysms. As a result of which they suffer colossal financial losses. It is possible to prevent this using preventive measures to improve the economic, legal and political situation in the country. Otherwise, the aggravation of this problem, delay in making the necessary decisions and documents may cause harmful reforms in the country, undermine its economic security and independence.

Skillful and timely adoption of comprehensive measures on the above-mentioned issues can help reduce the needs for attracting foreign capital, the union of non-payment, the rapid repayment of the external dog, the revival of the investment process and the structural restructuring of the economy, expand the tax base and the growth of tax revenues to the budget.

The work was analyzed the role of international organizations in the development of the country's economy. It should be noted that the economic relations of Russia with different regions of the world, of course, have their own specifics as a result of change in Russia itself, and in the outside world.

By the end of the XX century, several dozen integration economic groups appeared in the world. Thanks to these, real and efficiently functioning integration groups can be assumed that in the near future, world-economic bonds will be a set of macroeconomic groups using the benefits of economic integration in various combinations of species and forms.

In the work, several priority country and integration directions in Russia's foreign economic policy were allocated. Of course, one of the main directions are the countries of the Asiarskotihokean region and integration groups, including these countries - APP, APEC, ASEAN. Interaction with these countries and groups allows Russia not only to improve the export structure (high-tech technologies, weapons, machinery and equipment), but also to act as an equal partner in relations, which is not to say about relationships with leading Western powers.

The next, undoubtedly important, the direction is the relationship within the CIS, where Russia acts not only as a partner, but also as a leader. The export structure, of course, includes not only raw materials and materials, but also high technology, weapons, machinery and equipment, component parts.

Russia's participation in international economic integration groups means consent not just to comply with certain world-moving standards, but also to significant changes in the country: in its economy and economic policy, including in the legal provision of entrepreneurial activities, support for competition, in protecting property rights in all Its forms and manifestations.

The interrelation of the openness of the country and its economic security is clearly manifested in periods of world crises, the exacerbation of military conflicts and other worldwide cataclysms. Due to the fact that the opening of the country implies the liberalization of its economic policy, free access of foreigners to the domestic market and domestic entrepreneurs on the world, mutual care of capital, i.e. The removal of almost all previously existing restrictions is the question of the optimality of the opening of the country's economy due to ensuring economic security as a guarantee of the independence of the country, the conditions of stability and the effectiveness of the life of society.

The main principle that governments are guided by the balance between the liberalization of the economy and ensuring the sustainability of credit and financial institutions, it is possible to formulate as follows: Depending on the specific conditions in a particular country, the Government has no moral right to postpone the abolition of restrictions (such as ceiling percentage Rates that force the lender to lend only reliable borrowers or control over the influx / outflow of capital, which makes it difficult to access all external financing to cheap and seeming bottomless sources), if there are doubts about the ability to provide a family supervision of credit and financial institutions and their sustainability.

The laws of the market economy do not automatically provide prosperity, including in the sphere of foreign economic relations. In addition, in the current conditions, the fast liberalization of the foreign trade regime was not justified.

The implementation of measures aimed at improving foreign economic policies and economic security should be found in the direction of the implementation of active structural and social policy, strengthening the state's activity in the investment, financial, monetary sphere and the restoration of institutional transformations.

The economic policy has been on the creation of the basic elements of the effective financial infrastructure and ensuring the financial sustainability of the state on the basis of a balanced budget system and a set of monetary policy tools that allow to guarantee protection against adverse external influences. The implementation of measures in the field of structural policy will give the Russian economy a new impetus, providing the accelerated development of industries with new technological entry, the active use of the results of innovation activities, closer integration of Russia into the international system of division of labor. A targeted and consistent movement in all these areas will make it possible to preserve the high rates of economic growth, a consistent increase in the standard of living of the population, intensifying the country's intellectual potential, increasing the degree of openness of the Russian economy, as well as the creation of the necessary prerequisites for ensuring the conceit economic sustainability of the state.

Dissertation thesis: Bibliography in economics, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Borodovskaya, Marina Borisovna, Moscow

1. Monographs, reference books.

2. Avdokushin E. International Economic Relations M. 1996.2. Alternatives to the modernization of the Russian economy ed. Buzgar

3. A., Koganova A., Schulza P., M., 1997.

4. Babin E. Basics of Foreign Economic Policy, M., 1997.

5. Bogdanov I.Ya., Kalinin A.P., Rodionov Yu.N. Economic security of Russia: figures and facts (1992 1998), M., 1999.

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7. Buzgalin A. Transition Economy, M., 1994.

8. Vasilyeva N. Overseas Investment and Russian Investment Climate: problems and prospects, M. 1998.

9. Davidov O. Foreign Trade: Time for Change, M., 1996.

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11. B. Shenaeva V. et al. M, 1996.11. Foreign investment in Russia. Modern condition and prospects are ed. Faminesky I., 1995.

12. Kireev A. International Economics, 2 tons, M., 1997.13. The course of the transition economy is ed. Abakina L., M. 1992.14. Course of economic theory ed. Sidorovich A., M., 1997.

13. Lebedeva S., Schlichter S. World Economy. M., 1994.

14. Lindert P. Economy of worldware relations, M. 1992.17. International economic relations are ed. Khasbulatova R. M. 1991, t.1.2.18. International economic relations are ed. Rybakina V., M, 1997.

15. Meekin N. World economy and its regulation, M., 1994.20. World economy ed. Lomakina V., M., 1995.21. World economy since 1945 to our days. With Fr., M., 1996.

16. Monties M., Popov V. Asian crisis or a Gold disease? MD 1999.

17. Nukhovich E., Smithienko B., Eskandarov M. World Economy at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries, M., 1995.

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Basic principles for ensuring the foreign economic security of the region in the legal field of customs tariff regulation

Economic ties between states have a centuries-old history. For centuries, they existed mainly as foreign trade, solving problems of providing the population with goods that the national economy did not effectively or did not produce at all. During the evolution, foreign trade relations turned into foreign trade and turned into a complex set of international economic relations, which are built on the basis of certain principles for ensuring the economic security of the subjects of these relations corresponding to the legal field of the country to which they belong.

In Russian practice, the most important legal instruments include, in addition to the Constitution and the Civil Code, federal laws. The federal law "On the basics of state regulation of foreign trade activities" (hereinafter law), in which the principles of state regulation of foreign trade activities are enshrined.

These principles are an initial base in the mechanism for the formation of foreign economic security approaches to macro- and micro levels. They guarantee the continuity and sequence of the rule-making process, ensure the relationship of foreign trade legislation and foreign trade policy, and in particular, customs policies. The principles play a special role in the formation of judicial and administrative practice. They also contribute to the abolition of obsolete and adoption of new legal norms, interpreting legal acts and eliminate gaps in legislation to ensure foreign economic security of the national and regional economy.

Among the principles of ensuring the foreign economic security of the national and regional economy underlying its state regulation, they allocate general (respect for the rights and fundamental freedoms of man, legality, federalism, legal equality and judicial protection of subject rights, etc.) and special. Special principles found their consolidation in Article 4 of the Law.

The principles of legal regulation of the external economic security of foreign economic activity of the regions include the following:

  • · First principle of unity of foreign trade policy as an integral part of foreign economic policy on macro and micro levels. This is the basic principle of regulating foreign economic security in the legal field. The foreign trade policy of the region is subject to the goals and requirements of the state's foreign policy and cannot contradict them. This implies the need to harmonize specific decisions in the field of foreign trade in the region with the general installations of the state's foreign policy. In this regard, foreign policy interests can push the arguments of the economic efficiency of a specific foreign trade transaction to the Second Plan. For example, the accession of the Russian Federation to international sanctions against any state entails an immediate termination of foreign trade operations with this country, no matter how profitable they are for business entities - participants of the WED.
  • · The second principle is the principle of unity of the system of state regulation of foreign trade activities and control over its implementation at the national and regional levels. This is the second most important principle of legal support for the region's foreign economic security. The unity of the system of state regulation of foreign trade activities at the national and regional levels is due to a number of factors, among which, above all, should be mentioned:

unity of the goal of foreign trade regulation: protection of economic sovereignty, ensuring the economic security - security of the Russian Federation, stimulating the development of national and regional economies in the implementation of foreign trade activities and. Supporting the conditions for effective integration of both the Russian economy as a whole and its regions of the world economy;

lity of foreign trade national and regional policies;

the assignment to the management of the Russian Federation of the following areas of activity: the establishment of the legal foundations of the single market; Financial, currency, credit, customs regulation, monetary emissions, pricing fundamentals; Federal Economic Services, including federal banks, etc.

lity, the customs territory of the Russian Federation.

This principle is legally complementing the requirement for establishing a unified system of customs control of foreign trade activities. According to Article 35 of the Law, control over the implementation of foreign trade activities is conducted by the relevant state authorities of the Russian Federation and the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation within their competence. The third most important principle of ensuring foreign economic security is the principle of the Unity of Export Control Policy, as the most important principle of legal support for the foreign economic security of the state and its regions.

The export control system, both at the national and regional level, is a combination of measures for the implementation by the federal executive authorities established by Russian legislation, the procedure for exporting of the Russian Federation of weapons and military equipment, as well as certain types of raw materials, materials, equipment, technologies and scientific Technical information that can be used in the creation of arms and military equipment (the so-called dual-use goods), to prevent the export of weapons of mass destruction and other of the most dangerous types of weapons and technologies of their creation, as well as measures to identify, prevent and curb violations of this order .

Export control policies are carried out in order to implement government assurances, both in general national security and economic security of regions, political, economic and military interests, as well as the implementation of international obligations of the Russian Federation.

One of the necessary conditions for achieving the tasks is to ensure the unity of export control policies. The guarantor of the Unity of Export Control Policy is the President of the Russian Federation, which regulates cooperation in the military-technical field, approves the lists of goods to be exported.

The procedure for the export of goods, works, services, the results of intellectual activity, subject to the export control system, is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. In 2001, the Federal Law on Export Control was adopted, which established the principles of public policy, the legal framework for the activities of the state authorities of the Russian Federation in the field of export control, and also determined the rights, obligations and responsibilities, participants in foreign economic activity to ensure economic security. In accordance with Article 3 of this Law, issues of export control are in exceptional jurisdiction - the Russian Federation. The principle of unity of export control policies is closely associated with the principle of unity of foreign trade policy.

The fourth most important principle of the unity of the customs territory of the Russian Federation. The concept of "customs territory" is denoted by the territory on which the customs legislation of this country is in full. The customs territory of the Russian Federation is the territory on which the Russian Federation has an exceptional jurisdiction regarding the customs. The Customs Code of the Russian Federation, adopted in 2003, determines the customs territory of the Russian Federation as follows:

  • · The territory of the Russian Federation constitutes a unified customs territory;
  • · The customs territory of the Russian Federation also includes those in the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation and on the continental shelf of the Russian Federation artificial islands, installations and structures on which the Russian Federation exercises jurisdiction in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • · On the territory of the Russian Federation, special economic zones are created in accordance with federal laws, which are part of the customs territory of the Russian Federation. To determine the spatial limits of customs territories use the concept of "customs border". Under the customs border is a line limiting the customs territory. The customs border delineates the spatial limits of the actions of customs legislation this state and shares the customs territories of neighboring countries. The principle of unity of the customs territory is aimed at preventing the emergence of foreign trade and customs particularism and excludes the possibility of the emergence of internal customs borders.

The principle of unity of the Customs territory is consistent with the legal norms contained in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, where the unity of economic space is enshrined, the free movement of goods, services and financial resources, support for competition and freedom of economic activity; There is a ban on the establishment of domestic customs borders, as well as with Article 71, p. Well, in which the establishment of the legal foundations of a single market and customs regulation are assigned to the maintenance of the Russian Federation.

The next fifth most important principle is the principle of legal support for the priority of economic management measures to ensure foreign economic security of the national and regional economy. State foreign trade policy is carried out through the application of economic and administrative methods for regulating foreign trade activities in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

A one or another regulatory method involves the use of specific tools for state regulation of foreign trade activities that can be conditionally combined into the following groups:

First group - customs and tariff tools (import and export tariffs);

The second group is paratarithic (or quasitarithic) tools, the use of which is formally not related to customs and tariff regulation, but actually provides similar impact on foreign trade activities (customs fees and other customs payments of non-tax, excise taxes, VAT, charged by customs authorities);

The third group is currency and financial regulation (the procedure for making currency transactions, currency restrictions, currency monitoring of foreign trade activities, etc.);

The fourth group is anti-dumping and compensatory duties, with the help of which the interests of national producers are protected, the struggle against the pricing of exported goods and the use of export subsidies;

The fifth group is a state monopoly on foreign trade in separate goods;

The sixth group is to establish technical barriers to control import deliveries for their compliance with national safety and quality standards;

The seventh group is the contingenting (quotation) of foreign trade operations, meaning the restriction of export and / or import deliveries by a certain amount of goods or their total value for the set period of time;

The Eighth Group is licensing, which is supposed to be issued by authorized authorities with the executive authorities of permits (licenses) to carry out export and / or import operations. At the present stage of development, the state seeks to regulate foreign trade activities not by administrative prohibitions and restrictions, but through the creation of favorable economic conditions for the implementation of those foreign trade operations that contribute to the efficiency of the Russian economy, the implementation of the specific tasks of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation and its regions.

Conversely, for operations that threaten foreign economic security at all levels, less favorable economic conditions are created or forbidden barriers are erected. To this end, economic instruments of foreign trade regulation are used - a decrease in or increasing the rates of the imported customs tariff, changes in the order of currency transactions, etc.

Administrative measures can only be used if it is impossible to achieve goals with the help of economic measures. So, in accordance with Article 15 of the Law, quantitative restrictions on exports and imports, which are a kind of administrative restrictions of foreign trade activities, can be administered only for exceptional purposes (to ensure the national security of the Russian Federation, its regions, the implementation of international obligations of the Russian Federation, etc.).

The next sixth most important principle is the principle of equality of participants in foreign trade activities and their non-discrimination. C. closely connected constitutional principle legal equality, recognition and protection equally to the private, state, municipal and other forms of ownership.

This principle acquires particular importance in connection with the following circumstance. Russian Federation and its subjects (republics as part of the Russian Federation, the region, region, the city of federal significance Moscow and St. Petersburg, autonomous regions, autonomous districts) Speakers in the foreign trade sector in two basic qualities - as a carrier of state power (regulatory regulation of foreign trade activities, licensing of foreign trade operations, etc.) and as a subject of economic activity (becoming direct participants in foreign trade activities, they enter into civil-legal relations character with foreign foreign trade counterparties).

At the same time, the state (Russian Federation, the subjects of the Russian Federation), entering into civil law, relations in the foreign trade sphere, acts as an equal entity, along with other participants in foreign trade activities. The corresponding position is guaranteed by the norms of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The next seventh most important principle of ensuring the foreign economic security of the state and regions is the principle - protection of the state and legitimate interests of participants in foreign trade activities.

The state ensures the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of legal entities and individuals involved in foreign trade activities.

If the interests of the participants in foreign trade operations were injured due to the participation of the Russian Federation in international sanctions, they are entitled to compensation for damages in court at the expense of the federal budget.

To protect the economic interests of Russian persons affected by the actions of foreign countries, the Russian Federation. Maybe you can introduce retaliatory measures. In accordance with this, the annual Federal Program for the Development of Foreign Trade Activities in part of WEB should contain a list of cases of discrimination and violation of obligations against Russian persons, as well as a list of accepted or outlined responses.

Thus, the boundaries of state regulation of the mechanism for ensuring the economic security of foreign economic activity are determined, on the one hand, the need to expand national exports and the development of forms of international cooperation; And on the other hand, the rules of international organizations for regulating foreign trade activities of states.

World practice of the market economy has developed enough effective methods State regulation of the mechanism for ensuring foreign economic security both on the federal and regional levels, although there are still two contradictory trends in this area: protectionism (protection of own production from foreign competition) and liberalism (provision of greater freedom of access of foreign goods and services per domestic market).

Summing up the foregoing, it should be stated that the effectiveness of ensuring the external economic security of the region only will be achieved when an effective barrier will be ensured by the threats to the regional economy based on the most complete accounting of legal requirements, norms and regulations.

Melnikov Alexander Borisovich

doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Economics and WEDs of the Kuban State Agrarian University [Email Protected]

Svitenko Mikhail Alexandrovich

graduate student. Kuban State Agrarian University [Email Protected]

Essence I.

Features of ensuring foreign economic security of the Russian Federation in modern conditions

Aleksandr B. Mel'nikov.

Doctor of Economics, Professor,

Head of the Department of Economics and Foreign Trade Activities, Kuban State Agrarian University [Email Protected]

Mikhail A. svitenko.

graduate Student.

Kuban State Agrarian University [Email Protected]

Essence and Features Of

Ensuring The Foreign Trade Security of the Russian Federation in Modern Conditions

Annotation. This article discusses theoretical approaches to the definition of foreign economic security of the country, their essence and features of its ensuring in the context of globalization are detected. The main key concepts that characterize the ability of the state to resist the impact of foreign economic negative factors, maintain the independence of the national economy from the influence of the outside in order to meet their interests.

Keywords: security, independence, globalization, interests, competitiveness, sustainability.

Annotation. This Article Discusses Theoretic Approaches To The Definition of External Economic Security of the Country, Reveals Their Essence and Peculiarities of Ensuring and Peculiarities of Ensuring In The Context of Globalization. The Basic Key Concepts That Characterize The State "S Ability to Resist The Impact of External Economic Negative Factors; to Save Independence of National Economy from External Influences in Order to Meet Its Own Interests Are Detected.

Keywords: Security, Independence, Globalization, Interests, COMPETITIVITIVESS AND SUSTAINABILITY

In modern conditions, one of the main issues of the country's economic development is its economic security. The unevenness of socio-economic development, a different level of involvement in the international division of labor, the economic dominance of industrialized countries leads to a decrease in the level of protection of their own interests of states and creates the possibility of economic pressure from more powerful partners.

Therefore, the protection of the country's economic interests is an important priority of economic policies for almost all states of the world, including industrially developed. Identifying and analyzing risks and threats in the field of economic security, as well as the development of measures to eliminate the world, special attention is paid from the 40s of the XIX century.

In Russia, the definition of "economic security" was first given in 1996 in the formation of the State Strategy for the Economic Security of the Russian Federation, which characterizes

as "... Ensuring such a development of the economy, in which acceptable conditions would be created for the life and development of the individual, socio-economic and military-political

the stability of society and the preservation of the integrity of the state, successfully opposing the influence of internal and external threats. "

Moreover, such a state is supposed to be achieved due to foreign economic orientation, that is, " Effective implementation of the advantages of the international division of labor, the sustainability of the country's development in its equitable integration into world economic relations, preventing the critical dependence of Russia from foreign countries or their communities in vital issues of economic cooperation. "

The importance of foreign economic activity of any state in modern conditions, as the factor in ensuring the sustainable growth of the economy and its integration into the world economy as a holistic economic structure, is determined by increasing external challenges and threats.

Currently, a single understanding of the concept of "foreign economic security" is not developed, it is considered as an integral part of economic security, which

turn, the main element of the country's national security. The national security hierarchy of the state is presented in Figure 1.

Figure 1 - State Structure of National Security

National security of the country includes:

Military (defense) safety - protection of independence, sovereignty, state and territorial integrity of the country;

Economic security - ensuring the stable development of the country's economy, protection of national interests, resistance to internal and external threats;

Socio-political security - a high standard of living of the people in the stability of state institutions;

Environmental safety - life protection, health and environmental conditions of people and other types of safety. In addition, in each of the presented structural elements of national security, an external economic aspect can be distinguished, predetermined by the fact that in the context of globalization, almost any national interest carries a certain foreign economic content.

The scientific literature presents many approaches to the definition of the concept of "foreign economic security".

Fokin N.I. Offers the following classification:

Satellite approach. Foreign Economic Safety is determined by the competitiveness of the national economy (energy, food, raw materials, migration, currency and financial, food, environmental safety). This approach gives priority to strengthen foreign economic security to the market and proceeds from the fact that it depends only on external factors (conditions, resources, etc.).

Autonomous. Foreign Economic Safety is defined as an independent, independent concept with its own content, which characterizes the security of the country's economy from external threats, as well as the ability to respond to foreign economic challenges. The autonomous approach gives priority to strengthening foreign economic security to the state and proceeds from the fact that it depends not only on the economic, but also political, social, environmental, cultural, innovative, and pr. Processes occurring in the country.

Probabilistic. Combining the situation both previous approaches and characterizing foreign economic security as a set of influence of external and internal factors, ensuring the sustainable development of the country and the security of its economy from external threats. The situational approach allows to determine foreign economic security as the competitiveness of the national economy, which allows to defend themselves from threats, respond to new challenges and on this basis - to develop steadily.

Such a classification characterizes the state of the national economy, depending on the external and internal factors, but does not take into account the interests of the real sector of the country's economy, which pays great attention to Senchagov V. K.

It defines foreign economic security as the safety of economic entities in the global market - "... for the stability and civilization" hidden "are not in the prosperity of the speculative and financial sector, but in the real production of benefits, efficient work, employment, the participation of its needs and safety of life. .

Thus, conducted to strengthen the foreign economic security of the country of reform should be focused on ensuring

vital national interests. As a result, the country's economy should acquire the ability to function in expanded reproduction mode, the country should have sufficiently developed industry and production, which are vital for the functioning of the state, both in conventional and extreme conditions that provide reproduction independently of external influence.

Reforms should lead to a real and civilized entry into the global economic community, creating a rational structure of foreign trade, ensuring the access of domestic products of the processing industry to the external market, the maximum allowable level of domestic needs at the expense of imports (taking into account regional characteristics).

The real sector of the economy pays attention to both Symenchikova I.V. Considering the approaches to the definition of foreign economic security, it writes: "Currently, the concept of foreign economic security can be considered bicon.

First, as the economic security of the new, supranational market in relation to sovereign, where the degree of integration processes, their cognitiveness has reached such a level that all processes flowing in it directly or indirectly subordinate to their influence the sovereign processes of a separate country.

As an example of the market for a similar type, the EU countries can be brought, with an indispensable indication that the inconsistent activities of a separate state in such a system can become a source of threat.

Second, as economic security, which includes a set of national interests and a system of measures to protect them, related to the implementation of the foreign economic policy of the state integrated to one degree or another to the global market. The countries of this type include primarily the PRC and India.

The current concept of foreign economic security used by the most developed countries belongs, as a rule, to the first direction in the field of foreign economic security. "

Stasev MA Determines foreign economic security as follows: "... This provision of such a development of economic processes in the country, in which the necessary (acceptable) conditions and resources were created for the economic stability and development of society, preserving the integrity and unity of all subsystems (including monetary, budget, credit, Tax and currency system), successful opposition to internal and external threats. "

Gusakov V.G. characterizes foreign economic security as "... creating conditions for the entry of the national economy in international

native division of labor and achieving the balance of economic interests in the foreign economic activity of national entities and foreign partners. "

One of the directions of foreign economic security V. G. Gusakov considers attracting foreign investment, which will allow to introduce and use new technologies, to increase the competitiveness of domestic products.

A number of authors - Zubkov M.L., Wildow E.N., Ivanova S.V., Goncharov V.D., Koteev S.V. Considers foreign economic security in direct communication with foreign economic activity. However, subjects of foreign economic activity in these works are summarized and as the carriers of the special interests of the country for analysis are not allocated. And foreign economic activity is considered by the authors as a set of organizational and economic, production and economic and commercial functions of economic entities focused on the global market.

The list of possible definitions of the category "Foreign Economic Safety" can be continued, but due to the global changes occurring in our country and in the world in the field of international economic relations, mechanisms and institutions, the methods of their implementation arises the need to clarify and add found definitions of the characteristics of foreign economic security .

As a result of the changes that have occurred, both within the country and in the world economy as a whole can be revealed to some features of foreign economic security:

Offensive nature of challenges and threats;

Exterriting of threats and protection objects;

Strengthening the cognitiveness of information and the standardization of foreign economic processes;

The growth of the innovative component in commodity (goods-services) streams;

- "Virtualization" of financial flows, the growing of their isolation from real reproductive processes; - low transparency of sources of interest;

Increasing the role of the state as a regulator of foreign economic relations;

Dynamic nature in the context of globalization, expressed in the essential transformation of foreign economic security as a functional system caused by the objective need to continuously improve the latter and increase its role in the national security system.

Thus, it is possible to formulate the main key concepts of the category "Foreign Economic Safety":

- "Interests" (national, state, public, personality);

- "Independence" (national economy from foreign markets, economic policies from the influence of the outside);

- "Competitiveness" (National


- "Sustainability" (national economy, socio-economic development).

The total above, the author proposes the following definition of foreign economic security - the ability of the state to resist the impact of foreign economic negative factors and minimize damage caused by them, to maintain the independence of the national economy from the influence of the outside, on the basis of the development of economic processes that would create the necessary conditions Enhance the competitiveness of the national economy and sustainable socio-economic development in order to meet their interests.


1. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 29, 1996 No. 608 "On the State Strategy for the Economic Security of the Russian Federation (basic provisions)".

2. Goncharov V.D. Problems of competitiveness of the agri-food complex of the Russian Federation and the factors of its increase / V.D. Goncharov, S. V. Ivanova and others // Encyclopedia of Russian villages Moscow, 2008, 384 p.

3. Gusakov V.G. Food safety, terms and concepts of encycle. Ref. [and etc.]. Minsk Belorus. Science, 2008

4. Zubkov M.L. Evaluation of the level of foreign economic security of the Murmansk region // Bulletin MGTU, Volume 14, No. 2, 2011 P. 441-446.

5. Winged E.N. Innovative investment factors of development and increasing the competitiveness of the meat and combination complex of the Russian Federation / E.N. Winged, k.g. Borodin, V.V. Rau, A.S. Strokes, E.M. Kelemetov, S.V. Cats

O.V. Artemenkov, S.V. Ivanova, V.D. Goncharov. Moscow: Viapi them. A. A. Nikonova, 2010, 217 p.

6. Snimshchikova I.V. Some theoretical aspects of foreign economic security of Russia / I.V. Snimshchikova, E.M. Makovka // Society: Politics, Economics, Law (2012, No. 1).

7. Stasev MA Modern trends and analysis of changes in the level of foreign economic security of Russia // Journal of Economic Regulation (economy regulation issues). Volume 2, No. 1. 2011

As for the foreign economic security of Russia, its provision, in our opinion, should be based on the following basic principles:

Protection of national economic interests and economic sovereignty;

The unity of economic interests of certain subjects of foreign economic activity and the economic interests of the state;

Timeliness and adequacy of measures to eliminate and neutralize threats to national economic interests;

Equality relations between subjects of foreign economic activity;

Compliance with generally accepted norms and principles of international law in foreign economic activity;

Solutions of trade disputes through consultations and negotiations;

Systemity and evolutionary openness of the national economy.

1. The Decree of the Russian President of April 29, 1996 N 608 "About the State Strategy of Economic Security of the Russian Federation (Basic Provi-Sions)".

2. Goncharov v.d. Problems of Competitiveness of the AGRARIAN AND FOOD COMPLEX OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION AND FACTORS OF ITS INCREASE / V.D. Goncharov,

S.V. Ivanov, et al. // Encyclopedia of the Russian Villages. MOSCOW, 2008. 384 p.

3. Gusakov v.g. Food Security, Terms and Concepts: Ensycl. REFERENCE BOOK. Minsk: BELARUSIAN SCIENCE, 2008.


5. Krylatykh E.N. Innovative and Investment Factors of Development And Increasement Of Competitiveness Of the Russian Federation / E.N. Innovativeness And Investment Of Complex Of The Russian Federation Krylatykh, K.G. Borodin, v.V. Rau, A.S. Strokov, E.M. Kelemetov, S.V. Koteev, O.V. ArteMenkov,

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Problems of ensuring the economic security of the state in the field of foreign economic activity

N. in. Beketov,

doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

m. e. Tarasov,

doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Yakut state University them. M. K. Ammosova

Economic security is the basis of national security and defines the prospects for the socio-economic, political and cultural Development Russia. In modern conditions, its provision is of paramount importance, since economic globalization means a qualitatively new stage in the development of international economic relations and the formation of a single economic space. It "pushes" countries with transitional economies to the scientific development and practical implementation of a new paradigm of economic security, which takes into account the features of the interaction of subjects of foreign economic activity (VED) in the context of globalization, including the criminalization of this sphere.

The criminalization of economic activities has always been considered as a serious threat to the economic security of the Russian Federation. With different approaches to determining the threats to the economic security, the overwhelming majority of scientists converge on the fact that the criminalization of economic relations is one of the most serious threats.

In the field of WED, criminalization took a wide range of a variety of factors of socio-economic, political, state-legal and cultural nature. In particular, they include ill-conceived market reforms, forced regime liberalization

WED, unfavorable investment climate, insufficient capital protection, high rates of inflation, imperfection of the regulatory framework (first of all, legislation on state regulation of foreign trade, customs, tax, currency legislation), low efficiency of state control over foreign economic operations, the results of intellectual activity, disadvantages In law enforcement, devaluation of non-profitable values \u200b\u200band reducing the level of legal consciousness.

For the last incomplete two decades, the policy of the Russian state in the field of WED has undergone indigenous changes. The initial stage of these transformations can be considered the publication of the decree of the President of Russia dated November 15, 1991 No. 213 "On the liberalization of foreign economic activity in the territory of the RSFSR", which was destroyed by a monopoly of state structures on foreign trade contacts. Then the regulatory and legal framework is gradually begins to be updated, the system of state (first of all, executive) of the authorities is being reserved, the powers of the state bodies involved in the regulation of foreign economic activity are redistributed. The process of restructuring and modernizing the system of government and control continues until now. However, to argue that the state mechanism has already been created, absolutely adequate new

Threats and security

economic, legal and cultural conditions, prematurely.

After the demonopolization of the foreign trade sphere, a large number of legal entities and individuals were involved in it. Currently, enterprises, regardless of the form of ownership, organizational and legal form, the size of the authorized capital and assets, the field of activity, the place of the institution, have the opportunity to participate in international economic exchange. Individual entrepreneurs are actively using such an opportunity.

At the same time, the divorce devaluation of the ruble, the change in the scale of domestic prices at the start of economic reforms, the elimination of a number of administrative barriers has created favorable conditions for the production of super-profile, rapid increases and export of capital, the legalization of criminal income. As a result, in the field of foreign economic activity, there were many firms with a dubious reputation, including those created for one-time speculative operations, and criminal. The sphere of foreign economic relations has become one of the most criminogenic.

The WED criminalization can be considered, on the one hand, as a process characterized by the gradual displacement of legitimate economic relations with their criminal varieties, and on the other, as a special social phenomenon due to the growth of foreign economic activity and the concomitant crime, the spread of divinted behavior in this field.

The Criminalization of the WED amazes and the entire system of social relations, norms and relations. Increased social danger of economic crime in general and crimes in the field of customs in particular, in a negative impact on the institutions of the Company, in violation of the established procedure for the functioning of the economy and activities of the state in the field of customs tariff and non-tariff regulation.

The extensive development of crime, which had a place in the first years after the liberalization of the WED, is gradually inferior to the place intensive. Specialists are stated by a noticeable increase in its "professionalism", which is expressed in the modernization of methods of training, committing and concealing foreign economic and concomitant crimes, careful planning of criminal activity and effective counteraction to the criminal justice authorities. Offenses often acquire multipice

character, which allows us to talk about the sustainable criminal orientation of individual subjects of foreign economic activity and indeed consider unlawful activities in this area as a professional and as an integral component of the shadow economy.

Scientific and technical progress and, above all, the widespread introduction of modern information technologies, improving computer equipment and communications tools contributes to the development of not only the legal, but also the shadow economy. The number of criminal law devices committed with the use of high technologies increases. Thus, the automation of the process of customs clearance, the transition to the electronic declaration of goods caused the appearance of crimes related to unauthorized access to computer networks and customs databases. In connection with the ongoing introduction of electronic declaration in the practice of customs, it is possible to increase the number of high-tech crimes, including those related to illegal access and amending the database of customs authorities. Often, criminal business relationships are developing higher rates than legal ones.

A rather complex mechanism for the commission of a crime is characteristic of such criminal law courtes related to the competence of customs authorities as evasion of customs payments, non-return from abroad in foreign currency, illegal exports or transfer of raw materials, materials, equipment, technologies, scientific and technical Information, illegal performance of work (provision of services), which can be used in creating weapons of mass lesions, weapons and military equipment. Separate types of smuggling are also characterized by the most complex schemes for the implementation of criminal purposes.

In some areas of criminal foreign economic business, increasing the volume of illegal turnover continues. Thus, over the past years, the amount of drugs and psychotropic substances, as well as concomitant, substantive, poisonous substances and precursors increase the threatening pace. The escalation of illegal drug management in most regions of the Russian Federation is apparent today. The results of criminal law, criminological and criminalistic studies indicate that for the modern international drug business, along with the trend

an increase in the number of psychoactive substances moved across the customs border is also characterized by a trend towards improving criminal activity.

The size of the amount of smuggling of the moved weapons increases. The number of international operations violating the rights of intellectual property is also growing.

"Traditionally" maintains a high level of corruptionalization of foreign economic relations. Almost all the largest illegal foreign economic operations are associated with bribing of officials of state bodies involved in the regulation of foreign economic activity, primarily customs. The participation of customs officers in crimes sharply complicates their disclosure. In addition, even the identified crimes committed by employees of customs authorities are not always properly punished.

Corruption is essentially a way to redistribute property, capital, material and intangible goods or rights to them, a way to suppress freedom, multiplicating relations of economic and social inequality and injustice. And as a social, or rather, the antisocial phenomenon is a special danger for society and the state, especially since it acquires a systemic, organized nature.

A noticeable increase in the organizedness of criminal structures specializing in the field of foreign economic activity should be considered as the most dangerous trend. Many organized criminal groups and criminal communities are complex systemic education with a clear hierarchy and role distribution, high levels Controlness, branched internal and external connections. This allows you to monopolize individual directions and legal, and illegal business.

The Criminal Metamorphose WED in the context of globalization is catalyzed by integration processes, creating free economic zones, customs unions, intensification of transboundary financial, commercial, passenger and information flows, an increase in the number of foreign economic operations. Globalization, unfortunately, has a shadow side. Criminal activities in the foreign economic sphere also acquired a global nature. The criminal network has significantly expanded, international criminal ties have strengthened, the mechanism of exchange of information between the criminal structures of different countries has been improved, the desire for the formation of transnational criminal diseases is pronounced.

communities whose goal is to maximize profits from illegal foreign economic operations. In the shadow economy, criminal WED occupies a leading position on the scale of financial transactions and profit size. This explains the desire of many criminals to enter the external market and consolidate on it. Criminal relations arising between foreign economic entities affect the criminalization of individual countries and entire regions of the global economy. The subjects of crimes in most cases are citizens of various states; Actively participate in the international exchange of goods, information, works, services, the results of intellectual activity. The structure and dynamics of foreign economic offenses, criminal logistics are determined by the situation that develops and in the exporting country, and in the importing country, and in the transit country. Criminal foreign trade transactions are committed under the influence of supply and demand in the global market. The emergence of sustainable and gaining trends towards globalization of criminal activity requires the state bodies of the implementation of a complex of measures to counter the exercise, especially in the foreign economic sphere.

Giant profits received as a result of this criminal activity, according to many specialists, are one of the financial foundations of the shadow economy. Crimes leading to an increase in foreign economic criminal activity make tremendous damage to the country's economy and make a compulsory integrated approach to the study of these destructive processes, an assessment of cumulative economic damage, an effective system of state and interstate control measures for multipactive crime, exciting a number of countries.

Today, when the globalization of economic relations occurs, the criminalization of foreign economic activity becomes the most serious threat to the development of Russia, complicates the tasks of ensuring the economic security of the country. In the established criminal-criminal conditions, the lack of effective state and socially valuable measures to combat the criminalization of foreign economic activity may lead to the fact that the large-scale distribution of criminal foreign economic operations and offenses associated with them, in particular corruption dealswill create a threat of destructive changes not only in the economy, but also a threat in general for the national security of Russia.