Diagnostics of temperament types of diagnostic methods. Determination of the izenka temperament. Department of "Economic and Socio-Humanitarian

Qunearies G.Aizenka
Method I. Stretch
Questionnaires V.M.Rrualova
Patocharacterological diagnostic questionnaire
Questionnaire Schmishek

1. Questionnaires G.Aizenka

A series of personal questionnaires intended for the diagnosis of neuroticism, extroversion-introversion and psychoticism. Designed by G. Aizenk with Sotr., Are the implementation of a typological approach to the study of the individual.

1. The first of the questionnaires of Aizenka - Moidlastle Medical Questionnaire (MMQ) 1947
it is intended for the diagnosis of neurotism and consists of 40 statements with which the examined is invited to agree ("Yes") or disagree ("no").
age Range: Adults, from student age.
A detailed analysis of the responses received for each MMQ statement showed that two types of neurotic disorders can be differentiated using a questionnaire: hysterical and distivic. Based on these results, G. Aizenk suggested that the Answers on MMQ approval make it possible to conclude and on the position of the person being examined on the scale of another personality, postulated by this researcher, an extroversion-introversion. This was started to work on the design of a new personal questionnaire. MMQ in psychodiagnostic studies did not find applications.

2. Following the MMQ was proposed "Mooreslah Personal Questionnaire" (MPI) published by B. 1956 It is intended for the diagnosis of neurotism and extroversion-introversion. MPI consists of 48 questions (24 for each dimension), which the examined must answer "Yes" or "No". MPI was developed in accordance with the theoretical representations of Aizenka on extroversion-introversion and neurotic and taking into account the data obtained using the first questionnaire. A reduced MPI option is developed from 12 questions. Age Range: Adults, from student age. The reliability coefficient of MPI, determined by splitting, for the neurotism scale was 0.85-0.90, for an extroversion scale-introversion - 0.75-0.85, the reliability coefficients of retest - 0.83 and 0.81, respectively.

3. Based on further studies of the city of Aizenka and employees aimed at analyzing the components of extroversion-introversion and neuroticism as basic personal dimensions, a new questionnaire was proposed, called " Aizenka Personal Questionnaire " (EPI) . Published in 1963 ., It consists of 48 questions intended for the diagnosis of extroversion-introversion and neurotism, as well as 9 questions that constitute a "lies scale", which determines the presence of the examined trend to present itself in the best light. The reliability coefficients of the retaent EPI for the extroversion factor - introversion are 0.82-0.85, for a factor of neuroticism - 0.81-0.84, the reliability coefficient by splitting - 0.74-0.91. Two equivalent forms of questionnaire A and V. Age Range: Adults, from student age, created options for examining children and adolescents.
Adaptation: 1970-1974 GG-Leningrad Institute of Psychoneurology. V.M. Bekhtereva. 1992 - Modification of V.M. Russian.

4. B. 1969 G. G. Aizenk and S. Eizenk publish a new questionnaire called " Aizenka Personal Questionnaire " (EPQ. ), which is designed to diagnose neurotism, extroversion-introversion and psychoticism. Just as in EPI, it includes a "lies scale". The questionnaire consists of 90 questions (on a scale of neurotism - 23, on an extroversion scale - 21, on the scale of psychotic - 25, on the "scale of lies" - 21). However, usually use the option consisting of 101 questions (of which 11 questions are "buffer", the answers to which are not taken into account). Reliability Reliability Reliability (monthly interval) of the questionnaire in various groups on the psychotic scale are 0.51-0.86, on an extroversion scale - an introversion of 0.80-0.92, on a scale of neurotic - 0.74-0.92, "Lie scale" - 0.61-0.90. Age Range: Adults, from student age, a version of the questionnaire has been developed for examining children and adolescents (from 7 to 15 years).

G. Aizenk in his works repeatedly pointed out that his studies were caused by the imperfection of psychiatric diagnoses. In his opinion, the traditional classification mental diseases Must be replaced by the measurement system in which the most important characteristics of the personality are presented. At the same time, mental disorders are a continuation of individual differences observed from normal people. Studying the works of K. Yung, R. Woodworth, I. P. Pavlova, E. Krechmer and other famous psychologists, psychiatrists and physiologists made it possible to assume the existence of three basic measurements of the personality: neuroticism, extra- and introversion and psychoticism.

Neurotism (or emotional instability) is a continuum from "normal affective stability to its pronounced lability." Neurotism is not identical to neurosis, however, people with high indicators on this scale in situations unfavorable, for example. Stress, neurosis can develop. The "neurotic personality" is characterized by inadequately strong reactions in relation to their definitions.

Borrowing from K. Jung The concept of extroversion and introversion, Aizenk fills them with a different content. In K. Yung, these are types of libido-diffusing element, for the city of Aizenka - complexes of correlating traits among themselves. Describing a typical extrovert, Aizenk notes its sociability, a wide range of dating, impulsiveness, optimistic, weak control over emotions and feelings. On the contrary, a typical introvert is a calm, shy, introspective person who is distinguished from everyone, except for loved ones. He plans his actions in advance, loves order in everything and keeps his feelings under strict control.

In the city of Aizenka, high extroversion and neurotic indicators correspond to a psychiatric diagnosis of hysteria, and high indicators for introversion and neuroticism - alarm or reactive depression. Measurements of extra-, introversion and neurotism, which operates by G. Aizenk, in the works of R. Kattella is considered as the second-order factors.

Psychotic, as well as neurotism, continued (norm - psychotic). In the case of high indicators on this scale, you can talk about the predisposition to mental deviations. The "psychotic personality" (not pathological) is characterized by G. Aizenk as a egocentric, selfish, impassable, non-contact.

2. Method I. Stretch

Authors: I. Stretch. Pavlovsky temperament questionnaire (PTS), 1982
diagnosis of the main characteristics of temperament based on the concept of I.P. Pavlova: the strength of the process of excitation, the strength of the braking process and mobility
134 Questions grouped into three scales with answers yes, no, I do not know.
age Range:teenagers, Youth age and adults
confirmed reliability of questionnaire validity.

Authors: I. Stretch, B. Zavadsky
methodology for diagnosing temperament (formal dynamic characteristics of behavior), FCB-TI, 1993
diagnostics 6 of the basic features of temperament - lively, perseverance, sensory sensitivity, endurance, emotional reactivity and activity.
120 questions (20 questions for each scale) providing for dichotomous answers yes / no
age Range: Adaptation on the Russian-speaking sample was held from 15 years
validity is confirmed by research data.

3. Questionnaires V.M. Russalova

1. Opsernik Telerament Structure (OST) , 1990
Designed by V.M. RUSAL, based on its own temperament concept.
Used to diagnose the properties of the "subject-activity" and "communicative" aspects of temperament.
Study of temperament structure by parameters: Ergicity, pace, plasticity and emotionality. Each of them is estimated in two aspects: subject (object-oriented) and social (subject-oriented)
OST has 105 questions with dichotomous (yes / no) score of answers,
adjusts individual and group use, without time limit.
there are 2 forms of the questionnaire: designed for adults from 18 to 55 years (in-east), and adolescents from 13 to 17 years old (D-Ost)
The test provides a small control scale designed to identify the trend of the subject to give socio-desired responses.

The following is allocated 8 temperament parameters (in author's terminology):

1. Subject ergic It is characterized by the level of need to master the objective world, thirst for activity, the desire for mental and physical work, the desire of involvement in labor activity.
2. Social ergic - The level of social contacts, the thirst for the development of social forms of activity, the desire for leadership, sociability, involvement in social activities.
3. Plastic - the degree of ease of switching from one object to another, the speed of the transition from some thinking methods to others, in the process of interaction with the objective environment, the desire for a variety of forms of objective activities.
4.Social plasticityb - degree of ease of switching in the process of communication from one person to another, a tendency to a variety of communicative programs, a variety of quantities of finished (unconscious, impulsive) forms of social
5. Pace - The speed of performing individual operations, the speed of objective motor acts when performing object activities.
6. Social Temp - high-speed characteristics of motor acts in the communication process (speech speed when communicating, etc.)
7. Emotionic - emotional sensitivity to mismatch (discrepancy) between the intended, expected, planned and results of real subject action, sensitivity to failures in work.
8. Social emotionality - Emotional sensitivity in the communicative sphere: sensitivity to failures in communication, to the estimates of the surrounding people.

There was a standardization of the OST on a sufficiently large sample of the subjects taking into account their age. Psychometric check showed that the temperature range of V. M. Rusalova has high reeted reliability and validity.
A questionnaire may be equally efficiently used in both individual and group testing.

2. Questionnaire of the formal dynamic properties of individuality (OFD-SI), 1996
It is used to diagnose the properties of the "subject-activity" (psychomotor and intellectual spheres) and "communicative" aspects of temperament.
Study of temperament structure by parameters: Ergicity, pace, plasticity and emotionality in psychomotor, intellectual and communicative spheres
age Range: Adults from 18 to 55 years

The questionnaire is based on the concept of biological conditionality of the formal dynamic properties of individual human behavior V.M.Rusalov as a particular version of the theory of functional and systemic organization of the work of the brain PK Zanokhin (a functional and systemic approach in psychophysiology).

V.M.Rrualov allocates four basal properties nervous system:

Ergicity is the endurance of a person, both in mental and physical terms;
Plasticity - the ability of the psyche easily adapt to changing, new conditions (in behavior, in cognitive processes). The opposite is rigidity.
Speed \u200b\u200b- the rate of reactions and behavior in which mental processes occur;
Emotionality is impressionable, impulsiveness, sensitivity to emotional impacts and a possible mismatch of an action with a planned sample.

Psychomotor ergity;
Ergicity is intellectual;
Ergichichom Communicative;
Psychomotor plasticity;
Intellectual plasticity;
Plasticity Communicative;
Psychomotor speed;
Intellectual speed;
Communicative speed;
Psychomotor's emotionality;
Emotionality intellectual;
Emotionality Communicative;
Control scale.

Diagnosis of character accentuation.

Character accentuation is an excessive severity of certain character traits that manifest themselves in the electoral vulnerability of a person with respect to certain situations and incentives.

4. Pathocharacterological diagnostic questionnaire (PDO)
Designed to determine the types of character accentuation and options for constitutional psychopathy, psychopathic development and organic psychopathy in adolescent and youth (14-18 years). It is a realization of a typological approach to the study of the personality. A. E. Pershko was proposed in 1970 P. D. about. repeatedly reviewed for the purpose of improving; Recent data on the main scales were published in 1983

The questionnaire consists of 25 sets of phrase-statements reflecting the ratio of different pathocharacterological types to a number of life problems ("well-being", "mood", "sexual problems", "attitude to parents", etc.). Each set contains 10-19 numbered statements. Total in questionnaire 351 approval.

The survey is carried out in two stages. Initially, the examined is offered in each set of statements to select the most suitable for it and the corresponding number to deposit into the registration list. At the second stage, from the same sets, they are asked to select the most inappropriate, rejected assertion and also note its number. The number of elections in the first and second case should not be more than three. It is allowed to abandon the choice. Seven or more failures in two stages are an indicator of the difficulty of working with a questionnaire due to low intelligence or negative attitude towards the survey. The results obtained are estimated by two scales: objective and subjective assessments.

The objective assessment scale is designed based on the comparison of the average frequencies of the elections with healthy adolescents and representatives of each of the types of psychopathies of accentuations, as well as comparing the frequency of elections by each of the types of psychopathies and accentuations with all the others. With the help of an objective scale, the following types of psychopathies and accentuations of character can be diagnosed: hypertension; cycloid; labile; asthenonevrotic; Sensitive; psychasthenic; schizoid; epileptoid; exteroid; unstable; conformal.

A. E. Pershko, in addition to the mentioned types, distinguished the mixed types, often found in character and psychopathy accentuations. They are two in nature and are determined by the author as:
a) intermediate types in which the combinations are due to endogenous;
b) amalgamy - forming during the lifetime due to the imposition of the features of the same type on the endogenous kernel of the other in the conditions of prolonged exposure to any adverse factors.

In addition to the diagnosis of types of psychopathies and accentuations of character, the objective scale P. d. O. It makes it possible to obtain additional diagnostic indicators. These include:
1) frank dissimulation indicators allowing to evaluate the accuracy of the results
2) index in indicating the possibility of changes in nature due to the residual organic brain damage;
3) an indicator of reflection of the reaction of emancipation - the desire to be freed from control, the evaluation of the elders;
4) an indicator of a psychological tendency to alcoholization;
5) the indicator of the psychological tendency to delinquency, i.e., offensive, offenses;
6) indicator of masculinity-femininity, allowing to judge the predominance of certain qualities in general System Personal relationships (see Minnesota Multi-Special Personal Questionnaire).

The scale of subjective assessments is intended to find out how the examined person sees its character (or what does it want to imagine). Based on the data obtained, it can be concluded that the correctness of self-esteem. A. E. Persially indicates that the coincidence of the results on this scale with the clinical characteristics of the type, i.e., the correct self-esteem depends on both the degree of psychopathization and the type of character. Using the scales of a subjective estimate, features may also be highlighted with reliably rejected types.

Theoretical basis of P. d. O. It is, as the author notes, the experience of psychiatry of the clinical and nosological direction and the concept of psychology of relations.

5. Questionnaire Schmishek

designed to diagnose the type of personality accentuation, is the implementation of a typological approach to its study. Published by G. Schmishek in 1970

The technique consists of 88 questions with dichotomous ("Yes" / "No") of the response. A reduced questionnaire variant has also been developed.

The theoretical of the questionnaire is the concept of "accentuated personalities" K. Leongard. In accordance with this concept, all identity features can be divided into basic and additional. The main features are the stem of the personality, they determine its development, adaptation processes, mental health. With significant severity, the main features characterize the identity as a whole. In case of exposure to adverse factors, they may acquire a pathological nature, destroying the personality structure. Persons who are pronounced brightly pronounced, called K. Leongard accentuated. Acquired personalities should not be considered as pathological. This is the case of "sharpening" of certain singularities inherent in each person, features. According to K. Leongard, in accentuated personalities, both socially positive achievements are potentially laid as the possibilities of socially positive achievements.

With this technique, the following 10 types of personality accentuation are determined (according to the K.leongard classification):

Demonstrative type. It is characterized by increased ability to oust.
Pedantic type. Persons of this type are characterized by increased rigidity, inertia mental processes, inability to displacing traumatic experiences.
Stitching type. Characterized excessive stability of affect.
Excitable type. Increased impulsiveness, weakening control over the entry and motivation.
Hyperthymic type. Increased mood background in combination with optimism and high activity.
Distimic type. Reduced mood background, pessimism, fixation of the shadowides of life, inhibition.
Anxiously fearful. Leaning to fear, timidity and bugness.
Cyclotymic type. Change of hyperthylic and distorty phases.
Affective-exalted. The ease of transition from the state of delight to the condition of the sadness. Delight and sadness are the main status related types.
Emotive type. Related affective-exalted, but manifestations are not so violent. Persons of this type are characterized by special impressionability and sensitivity.

There are children and adult options.



    Common Temperature Information
    Temperament diagnostics techniques
      Method of empirical signs (Methods of Obozov)
      Methods of a two-factor model of extrovertation and neuroticism of Aizenka
      Telephone diagnostics technique A. BELOVA

With the concept of temperament, we begin to encounter from childhood. Looking at the behavior of children, you can give some characteristic to everyone. We call one "choleric", the other - "Sanguine", the third - "phlegmatic", the fourth - "Melancholic". Yes, and we usually relate to one of the four categories.
It turns out that people most often consider themselves chorers or sanguinics. Flegmatics come across less often, and in melancholism, as if striding, rarely, who agrees to admit. Meanwhile, people of the most different temperament can achieve high achievements in the same form of activity. If you take the largest writers, then A.I.Grenz was a typical Sanguinik, I.A. Krylov - phlegmatik, A.S. Pushkin - Choleric, and N.V. Gogol - Melancholic. One era was famous for two outstanding Russian commander, having a different temperament - choleric A.V. Savorov and phlegmatic M.I. Kutuzov.
Acquaintance with the concept and methods of diagnosis of temperaments allow not only to satisfy cognitive interest. Knowledge in this area is necessary for the professional activities of the teacher when choosing an individual approach to the learning process, for the heads of all levels when building a business relationship tactics with subordinates, when choosing a profession, as well as with professional selection, when communicating people with each other, when working out professional skills. etc.
The abstract will describe several diagnostic methods, which, in my opinion, are the most significant and popular when determining the human temperament and group of people.

1. General information about temperament
The word "temperament" - Latin origin (Temperamentum), meaning proportionality, "proper ratio of parts". The teaching of the teaching about temperament is considered to be an ancient Greek Hippocratic doctor. (V-IV BB. BC. Er). Hippocrates believed that there are four liquids in the human body: blood (sanguis - lat.), Mucus (PHELGMA - Greek), bile (Chole- Greece) and black bile (Melaina Chole - Greek.). With the correct mixing of these liquids, the person will be healthy, with incorrect - sick. One of the liquids prevails, considered Hippocrat. This determines the type of human temperament (Sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric, melancholic).
In the future, the Roman doctor of Galen (II century AD), German philosopher I. Kant (End of the XVIII century), German psychologist V. Wondt (end of the XIX century) was made in the development of teachings about temperament. . Krechmer, American sociologist W. Sheldon, Russian physiologist I.P. Pavlov and other researchers.
In the middle of the XX century, the interest of scientists to the types of temperament awakened with a new force. This allowed N.N. notes Outowers, clarify and expand the ideas about the basic properties of the nervous system. Scientists of the school B.M.Teplova-V.D. Nebylitsin was found that the power of the human nervous system, acting as the level of its performance, has not only the main positive value, but also negative points. It has been proven, for example, that owners of a weak type of nervous system are significantly compensated by increasing sensitivity, which allows you to more clearly capture changes in the surrounding reality.
Temperament is the individual properties of the psyche that determine the dynamics of human mental activity, behavior features and the degree of equilibrium reactions to life effects.

2. Teem diagnostic techniques

How can I determine the type of human temperament without special means? There are also various temperature diagnosis techniques that allow you to determine its type. Consider the most famous of them.

2.1 Method of empirical signs (Methods of Obozov)
N.N. The sumports for this purpose proposes to use 15 empirical signs characterizing the types of temperament: balance of the behavior of the individual, the level of emotional experience, mood, speech, patience, adaptation, sociability, aggressiveness in behavior, attitude to criticism, activity, attitude to new, hazard attitude, The desire for goal, self-esteem, suggestibility. The degree of manifestation of these features for each of the temperament types is different (Table 1).
To determine the types of temperament, a lasting selection is made from table 1 degree of manifestation of each of the characteristic features. For example, in the string "balance of behavior" for the test, the value "Well-balanced", somewhat less corresponds to the value "perfectly balanced". In this case, the first value is assigned the rating "2 points", for the second value - "I score". The remaining values \u200b\u200bin this row are estimated at 0 points. Similarly, indicators are estimated in all other characteristic features. Then calculate the amounts of points on columns. The type of personality, according to which the highest amount of points is typed, is for the subject subject.

Table 1. Psychological characteristics of temperament types

Types of temperament characterological Sign
Sanguinik Phlegmatic person Choleric Melancholic
1. Euravenescence Behavior
Very unbalanced
2. Emotional experiences
Surface Weak Strong, short-term
Deep and durable
3. Mood Sustainable, cheerful
Sustainable, without large joy
and peoples
Unstable with predominance
Unstable S. the predominance of pessimism

4. Speech Loud, live, smooth
Monotonous, joyful
Loud, sharp, uneven
Silent with ripping
5. Patience Moderate Very big Weak Very weak
6. Adaptation Excellent Slow Good Hard (closed)
7. Comfectivity Moderate Little High Low (closed)
8. Aggressiveness in behavior Peaceful Restraint in behavior Aggressive Hystericality, care from difficulties
9. Relationship to criticism Calm Indifferent Excited Touchy
10. Activity in activities Energetic (business) Passion Behavior of tireless worker Uneven
11. Attitude to the new Indifferent Negative Positive Optimistic
12. Danger attitude Calculating, without much risk Cooked calm Combat risky, without a special calculation Anxious, depressed
13. The desire for the goal Fast, with avoidance of obstacles Slow stubborn Strong, with full return That is strong, then weak, with avoidance of obstacles
14. Self-satisfaction Some revaluation of their abilities Real assessment of your abilities Significant revaluation of their abilities Most often - underestimation of their abilities
15. Immixability and imperidity Small Stable Moderate Big

2.2. Methods of a two-factor model of extrovertation and neuroticism of Aizenka

This method of temperature diagnostics was developed on the basis of an analysis of the examination materials of 700 neurotics soldiers. This model uses the concepts of extrovertation and neurotism associated with temperament.
Extraverting is a kind of characteristic of individual-psychological differences of a person, the extreme poles of which correspond to the identity of the person or on the world of external objects (extroversion), or on the phenomenon of its own subjective world (introversion) (Fig. 2).
Neurotism is a concept that is characterized by emotional instability, anxiety, excitement, poor well-being, vegetative disorders. This factor is already bipolar. One of the poles has positive value, characterized by emotional stability, another pole - emotional instability. Emotional stability inherent in sanguinics and phlegmatic, emotional instability - choleric and melancholic.
Studies of Aizenka led to the conclusion that most people are between the poles developed by the two-factor model
Extravertation and neurotism and, according to normal distribution, closer to its middle. The result of this study was a clear assignment of a person to one of the four types of temperament, as indicated in Fig. 2 and 3.
Extraverters (Sanguins and cholerics) are characterized by sociability, impulsiveness, flexible behavior, a big initiative, high social adaptability, but low perseverance.
Introverts (phlegmatics, melancholics) are inherent in observation, closure, a tendency to self-analysis, the difficulty of social adaptation, the fixation of interests on the phenomena of its own inner world, social passivity in sufficient perseverance.
In order to determine the place of the type of temperament of the test in the two-factor model of Aizenka, the test in the form of questions is used. For each proposed question, you should answer "yes" or "no". The average value for the response is not provided.

Questions, Aizenka.

1. Do you often feel the new impressions to distract, experience severe sensations?
2. Do you often feel what you need friends who can understand you, express sympathy?
3. Do you think yourself with a carefree person?
4. Do you really hardly give up your intentions?
5. Do you think about your business in slow and prefer to wait before acting?
6. Do you always restrain your promises, even if it is unprofitable for you?
7. Do you often have a decline and mood lifts?
8. Do you usually act and speak and do not waste much time on thinking?
9. Do you ever have a feeling that you are unhappy, although there was no serious reason for this?
10. Is it true that in the process of dispute you are able to decide on everything? 11. Do you confuse when you want to get acquainted with the "opposite" floor that you are sympathetic?
12. Does it happen to get out of yourself?
13. Do you often act thoughtlessly under the influence of the moment?
14. Does you often worry you about what you should not do something or talk?
15. Do you prefer reading books with people?
16. Is it true that you are easy to offend you?
17. Amateur do you often have in the company?
18. Do you have such thoughts that you would not like to share with other people?
19. Is it true that sometimes you are so full of energy that everything burns in their hands, and sometimes you feel strong lethargy?
20. Do you try to limit your dating circle with a small number of closest friends?
21. How many are you dreaming?
22. When you scream, do you answer the same?
23. Does you often torment the feeling of guilt?
24. Are your habits are good and desirable?
25. Are you able to give will your own feelings and have fun to have fun in a noisy company?
26. Can I say that your nerves are often tense to the limit?
27. Do you consider you alive and cheerful?
28. After the matter is done, do you often come back to him mentally and think that you could do better?
29. Is it true that you are usually silent and restrained when you are among the people?
30. Does that you pass rumors?
31. Does it happen that you do not sleep from the fact that different thoughts climb into your head?
32. Is it true that you are often nicer and easier to read about what interests you, in the book, although you can quickly learn about this from friends? 33. Do you have a heartbeat?
34. Do you like the work that requires close attention?
35. Do you have attacks trembling?
36. Is it true that you always talk about friends to you only good, even when you are sure that they will not recognize about it?
37. Is it true that you are unpleasant in the company, where are you constantly fooling over each other?
38. Is it true that you are irritable?
39. Do you like the work that requires speed of action?
40. Is it true that you often do not give peace of thought about different troubles and "horrors" that could happen, although everything ended well?
41. Is it true that you are leopard in movements?
42. Have you ever been late for a date or to work?
43. Do you often dream nightmares?
44. Is it true that you are such an amateur to talk that never miss the chance to talk with an unfamiliar person?
45. Do you worry any pain?
46. \u200b\u200bWould you be upset if you could not see your friends for a long time?
47. Can you call yourself a nervous person?
48. Are there any people among your friends that you obviously do not like?
49. Does the criticism of your shortcomings or your work hurt?
50. Could you say that you are confident man?
51. Is it difficult for you to get real pleasure from events in which many participants?
52. Do you worry your feeling that you are something worse than others?
53. Would you make a recovery in a boring company?
54. Does that you talk about things in which you do not understand at all?
55. Do you worry about your health?
56. Do you like to make fun on others?
57. Do you suffer insomnia?

Treatment and interpretation of test results.

Test processing should be started with determining the accuracy of test responses. If the answers coincide with those specified in the key, 1 point is attributed to each of them. The key to questions is given below. If the amount of points in terms of the sincerity of the responses is 5 or 6, the results obtained are questioned.
If the amount of points is more than 7, then the testing data is considered unreliable and the further processing of the results is not performed.
With the amount of points from 0 to 4 - the answers are reliable.
On a pure sheet of paper, two mutually perpendicular axes of extrovertation and neurotism are drawn, with the scales from 0 to 24. The axis intersection point corresponds to the value 12.
The amount of points is calculated in the extroversion indicator - introversion. The answers for answers to this indicator are accrued in the same way as in the indicator of the "sincerity of the answers" (for each answer, which coincides with the extroversion rate in the key of the questionnaire is assigned to I score).

The key to the questionnaire

Performance indicators of temperament
Extraversion Neurotism Sincere response indicator
1.We 29. No. 2. Yes 31. Yes 6. Yes
3. Yes 32. No 4. Yes 33. Yes 12. No.
5. No 34. No 7. Yes 35. Yes 18. Note
8. Yes 37. No 9. Yes 38. Yes 24. Yes
10. Yes 39. Yes 11. Yes 40. Yes 30. No
13. Yes 41. No 14. Yes 43. Yes 36. Yes
15. No 44. Yes 16. Yes 45. Yes 42.No
17. Yes 46. Yes 19. Yes 47. Yes 48. No
20. No 49. Yes 21. Yes 50. Yes 54. No.
22. Yes 51. No 23. Yes 52. Yes
25. Yes 53. Yes 26. Yes 55. Yes
27. Yes 56. Yes 28. Yes 57. Yes

Suppose that when calculating points in the extroversion indicator, the amount turned out to be equal to 15. In this case, a vertical line is carried out through the value of 15 on the extraperation axis. Similarly, the amount of points in terms of neurotism is calculated. Let the amount of points on this indicator amounted to 19. Through the value of 19 on the axis of neurotism, a horizontal line is carried out. The intersection point of the horizontal and vertical lines will show the place of the test in the two-factor model of Aizenka. In this case, a choleric temperament is revealed, as indicated in Fig. 2.
Obviously, in the interpretation of the city of Aizenka, the test - obvious extrovert with a somewhat pronounced emotional instability.
By the extrovertation factor (extroversion - introversion) of the subjects can be divided into two groups. In the event that, in the extrovertation indicator, the subject scored the amount of less than 12 points, then the introversion is characteristic of it. If the amount of points is greater than 12, then the test is characteristic of the extroversion. The values \u200b\u200bof the points from 0 to 12 reflect the severity of introversion, from 12 to 24 - extracersion.
The calculation of points in terms of neurotism is made similarly.
With the amount of points, less than 12 subjects refer to representatives that are characterized by emotional stability (stability). With the amount of points, more than 12 subjects refer to emotionally unstable personalities. It should be borne in mind that the reliability of test results, as generally accepted psychologists, does not exceed 0.8 values \u200b\u200b(i.e. 80%).
We present the psychological characteristics of the above types of subjects, as described by A. I. Prawl.
Extraversion. Most likely, you are socially discovered, dissolved, good tying and support emotional contacts. It can be useful in situations where the ability to take the situation in their hands is required. For example, the work of a merchant, broker, trade worker, journalist. You are peculiar to community, initiative, behavior flexibility, the ability to find your place in society and adapt to its requirements. You are more inclined to act under the influence of sudden motivation than on the planned program. You, like a magnet, attract objects and objects of the outside world.
Introversion. Most likely, you are modest, do not need the permanent support of the group (self-sufficient), perhaps unnecessarily apparent in personal contacts are difficult to communicate.
These features can help in situations where concentration and execution of painstaking work are required. You have more inherent tendency to self-analysis, shyness, social passivity. It is not easy for you to turn on the process of group solutions to tasks, and you prefer individual work. Your interests are aimed at the inner world of a person who consider more significant than the world of objects and external circumstances, forcing to reckon with their existence.
Neurotism. With a greater share of probability, you can say that you are not satisfied with your ability to solve life problems and achieve the desired results. You have an increased anxiety about small everyday problems. Anxiety and about their health is possible, often not having real reasons. You are characterized by high sensitivity and increased sensitivity to the danger, so you tend to rely on the opinion of the majority. You are distinguished by a developed sense of responsibility, commitment, permanent experiences for the fate of loved ones. Feelings of compassion and empathy can fluctuate depending on the subject of affection. You are peculiar to question, checking even well-done work. Your self-esteem is most likely underestimated and does not coincide with an inflated ideal way "desired", which you consider it necessary to fit. And at the same time you do not have enough internal motivations to really want to achieve it.
Emotional stability. Your characteristic is the opposite to the portrait of those who are peculiar to neurotism. You are not inclined to concern, tuples towards impacts from the people and circumstances, prone to leadership, are able to arrange to themselves and cause confidence from most others. "

2.3 Methodology for diagnosing temperament A. Belova

In its pure form, the types of temperament do not exist. Between the four types of temperament, up to 16 intermediate forms, as variations of the main types. The ratio of various types of temperament in the same individual can be determined using the Test "Formulamperature" A. Belova.
The test allows you to determine the percentage ratio of temperament types inherent in a specific person. The subject notes the "+" sign, the quality of the temperament that is common for him is everyday.

So if you

1) nonsense, fussy;
2) are unbearable, hot-tempered;
3) impatient;
4) cutting and straightforward in relations with people;
5) are decisive and initiative;
6) stubborn;
7) Founded in dispute;
8) work jerks;
9) prone to risk;
10) unlockable;
11) have a fast, passionate, with a coming speech intonation;
12) are not balanced and prone to hotness;
13) aggressive gaby;
14) are not tolerant of disadvantages;
15) have expressive facial expressions;
16) are able to quickly act and solve;
17) tirelessly strive for the new one;
18) have sharp impetuous movements;
19) persistent in achieving the goal;
20) prone to sharp mood shifts - then you are clean choleric.

If you:

1) cheerful and cheerful;
2) energetic and businesslike;
3) often do not bring the work started to the end;
4) tend to overestimate themselves;
5) can quickly grab new;
6) unstable in interest and inclinations;
7) Easily experience failures and trouble;
8) easily adapt to different circumstances;
9) with hobby take over any new business;
10) Quickly cool if it ceases to interest you;
11) quickly turn into a new job and quickly switch from one job to another;
12) Through the monotony of everybody, painstaking work;
13) Sociable and responsive, do not feel stiffencies with new people for you;
14) hardy and able-bodied;
15) have a loud, fast, distinct speech, accompanied by gestures, expressive facial expressions;
16) Keep composure in an unexpected complex setting;
17) are always in the cheese of mood;
18) quickly fall asleep and awaken;
19) often unsolved, showing hasty in decisions;
20) tend to sometimes slide on the surface, distract, - then you, of course, sanguine.

If you:

1) calm and cold-blooded;
2) are consistent and thorough in affairs;
3) careful and judicial;
4) know how to wait;
5) silent and do not love to chat;
6) have a quiet, uniform speech, with stops, without sharply expressed emotions, gestures and facial expressions;
7) restrained and patient;
8) bring the started to the end;
9) do not waste for strength;
10) stick to the developed routine of the day, life, systems in work;
11) Easily restrain the impulses;
12) Maid-grave for approval and censure;
13) not zlobiva, show an indulgent attitude towards the invasions to their address;
14) constant in their relations and interests;
15) slowly turn on to work and slowly switch from one case to another;
16) smooth in relations with everyone;

Description: Methods for the diagnostic of the yana shooter is used for studying the three main characteristics of the nervous system: level (strength) of the processes of excitation, level (strength) of braking processes, the level of mobility of nerve processes.

Regulatory (regulating) Tevel theory Yana Shoot it was developed in 1974 on the basis of the concept of Pavlov that the temperament plays an important role in the adaptation of an individual to the environment, as well as on the basis of the concept of an optimal level of arousal developed by D. Hebb. Jan Archene determined that the properties of the Pavlov nervous system can be used to describe such temperament indicators as an extroversion - introversion, stability - neurotism. According to the theory of Yana, shooting in the structure of temperament is highlighted reactivity (sensitivity and endurance) and activity (The volume and coverage of targeted actions) at a given value of stimulation. The position of the theory of Teveling Yana Shooting:

  • There are relatively stable individual differences in the intensity (strength) and time (speed) in relation to the formal characteristics of behavior;
  • Temperament takes place both in animals and in humans;
  • Characteristics of temperament This product of biological evolution and the genetic basis determines individual differences in temperament.

Test - Personal Integrater Studying Tevel Yana Shoot:


The proposed questions belong to different temperament properties. Answers to these questions cannot be good or bad, as each temperament has its advantages. Answer questions follows the sequence in which they are located without returning to previously given answers. One of the three answers should be given for each question: "Yes," "No", or "I don't know." The answer "I do not know" should be given when it is difficult to stop on "yes" or "no".

Sprint Yana Shooting:

  1. Are you easy to converge with people?
  2. Are you able to refrain from a particular action until you receive the appropriate order?
  3. Are you enough short rest to restore forces after tedious work?
  4. Do you know how to work in adverse conditions?
  5. Are you abstaining during a dispute from weekly, emotional arguments?
  6. Do you easily get into work after a long break, for example, after vacation or vacation?
  7. Do you forget about fatigue if you work completely "absorbs"?
  8. Are you capable of charging someone a certain job, patiently wait for her endings?
  9. Will you fall asleep equally easily, go to bed in different time day?
  10. Do you know how to keep a secret if you are asked about this?
  11. Do you easily return to work that was not engaged in a few weeks or months?
  12. Do you know how to patiently explain?
  13. Do you like to work that requires mental tension?
  14. Do you have a monotonous job boredom or drowsiness?
  15. Do you easily fall asleep after strong experiences?
  16. Are you able to refrain from the manifestation of your superiority?
  17. Do you work back anger or irritation?
  18. Do you behave naturally in the presence of unfamiliar people?
  19. Is you able to own yourself in difficult moments?
  20. Do you know how to adapt your behavior to the behavior of others?
  21. Will you take care of responsible work?
  22. Is it usually an environment affecting your mood?
  23. Are you able to endure defeats?
  24. Are you talking in the presence of someone whose opinions are particularly valued, as free as usual?
  25. Do you cause irritation to unexpected changes in your routine?
  26. Do you have any ready-made answers?
  27. Is you able to behave calmly when you are waiting for an important decision (for example, the result of the exam, a trip abroad)?
  28. Do you easily organize the first days of your vacation, vacation, etc.?
  29. Do you have the so-called "fast reaction"?
  30. Do you easily fit your gait or a manner to have a walk or a manner have more slow people?
  31. Do you fall asleep quickly?
  32. Will you feel at meetings, seminars?
  33. Do you easily spoil the mood?
  34. Is it difficult for you to break yourself away from work?
  35. Do you know how to refrain from work if it interferes with the other?
  36. Do you really provoke anything?
  37. Do you easily work with people?
  38. Do you always have anything important to you think about your actions?
  39. Are you able to read the text, follow from the beginning to the end of the thoughts of the author?
  40. Do you easily enter the conversation with the fellowships?
  41. Are you refrained from an unnecessary dispute with a person who is wrong?
  42. Do you want to work for work that requires a big hand dexterity?
  43. Will you change already decision, given the opinion of others?
  44. Do you get used to a new system of work?
  45. Can you work at night if you worked in the day?
  46. Do you read fiction quickly?
  47. Do you often refuse your intentions if obstacles arise?
  48. Do you know how you keep yourself in your hands if circumstances require this?
  49. Do you wake up usually quickly and easily?
  50. Is you able to refrain from the instant reaction?
  51. Is it difficult for you to work with noise?
  52. Do you know how you need to refrain from "cutting the truth-uterus"?
  53. Have you been able to deal with excitement before the exam meeting with the boss?
  54. Are you getting used to a new environment?
  55. Do you like frequent changes?
  56. Does you restore the forces of a night rest after you hard worked all day?
  57. Do you avoid classes requiring in a short term of heterogeneous actions?
  58. Do you usually struggle with difficulties?
  59. Do you interpore interlocutors?
  60. Can I swim, would you jump into the water to save the imperressive?
  61. Is you able to work hard (engage)?
  62. Can you refrain from inappropriate comments?
  63. Does it matter for you a permanent place at work, at the table, lectures, etc.?
  64. Do you easily go from one lesson to another?
  65. Do you weigh all "for" and "against" before accepting - an important decision?
  66. Do you easily overcome obstacles?
  67. Are you not looking up in other people's letters?
  68. Are you boring during always equally occurring actions, classes?
  69. Do you comply with the rules of behavior in public places?
  70. Do you refrain during a conversation, speaking or answer questions from unnecessary movements and gestures?
  71. Do you like a lively atmosphere?
  72. Do you like activities requiring certain efforts?
  73. Is it possible for a long time to focus on performing a specific task?
  74. Do you like lessons (work), requiring quick movements?
  75. Do you know how to own yourself in difficult life situations?
  76. Do you get up if you need, immediately after you woke up?
  77. Are you able to, if required, completing the work entrusted to you, wait patiently until others finished their work?
  78. Is you able to see anything unpleasant after you see something clear as usual?
  79. Do you quickly view daily newspapers?
  80. Do you have to talk so quickly that you are difficult to understand?
  81. Can you not sleep, work normally?
  82. Is you able to work for a long time without a break?
  83. Is you able to work if you have a headache, tooth, etc.?
  84. Is you able, if necessary, calmly finish working, knowing that your comrades have fun or are waiting for you?
  85. Are you responsible, as a rule, quickly to unexpected questions?
  86. Do you usually say quickly?
  87. Can you work calmly if you are waiting for guests?
  88. Do you easily change your opinion under the influence of convincing arguments?
  89. Are you patient?
  90. Do you know how you adapt to the rhythm of the work of a slower person?
  91. Do you know how to plan work so to simultaneously perform several joint actions?
  92. Maybe funny company Change your depressed mood?
  93. Do you know how you do without much difficulty perform several actions at the same time?
  94. Do you preserve a mental balance when you are a witness of an accident outside?
  95. Do you like to work that requires many varied manipulations?
  96. Do you keep calm when someone from people close to you suffers?
  97. Are you in difficult life situations?
  98. Are you free to feel in a big or unfamiliar company?
  99. Can you immediately interrupt the conversation if required?
  100. Do you easily adapt to the methods of work of others?
  101. Do you like to change the way of work?
  102. Are you inclined to take the initiative in your hands if something out of a number of outgoing is happening?
  103. Are you refrained from inappropriate smiles?
  104. Do you start working intensively immediately?
  105. Do you decide to oppose public opinion if you think that you are right?
  106. Is you able to overcome temporary depression?
  107. Are you falling asleep with difficulty, strongly tired of mental labor?
  108. Are you able to calmly wait, for example, in line?
  109. Did you refrain from the intervention, if you know in advance that it will not lead to anything?
  110. Are you able to calmly argue during a sharp conversation?
  111. Is you able to react instantly in difficult provisions?
  112. Do you keep yourself quiet if you are asked about it?
  113. Do you agree without special internal oscillations on painful medical procedures?
  114. Do you know how to work intensively?
  115. Will you change the place of entertainment and relaxing?
  116. Is it difficult for you to get used to the new routine of the day?
  117. Have you hurry to help in accidents?
  118. Do you refrain from unwanted cries and gestures in sports games, the circus, and the like?
  119. Do you like to work (classes), requiring frequent conversations with different people?
  120. Do you own your faith?
  121. Do you like to work that requires frequent energetic movements?
  122. Do you think yourself bold?
  123. Do you have a voice (you are hard to talk) in an unusual situation?
  124. Do you know how to overcome the despondency caused by failure?
  125. If you are asked about this, are you able to stand for a long time (sit) calmly?
  126. Is you able to suppress your fun if it can hurt anyone?
  127. Do you easily go from sorrow to joy?
  128. Do you easily withdraw you?
  129. Do you do without difficulty obliging the rules of behavior in your environment?
  130. Are you lovers in public?
  131. Do you usually go to work quickly, without long-term training?
  132. Are you ready to help another risk of life?
  133. Are you energetic in movements?
  134. Do you want to work responsible?

Data processing. The key to the personal questionnaire Yana Shooting:

If the answer corresponds to the key - 2 points. If the answer does not match the key - 0 points. For the answer "I do not know" - one score.

The power of excitation processes

Answer "Da": Questions - 3, 4, 7, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 24, 58, 73, 61, 66, 72, 73, 78 , 82, 83, 94, 97, 98, 102, 105.106, 113, 114, 117, 121, 122, 124, 130, 132, 133, 134.

The answer "No": Questions - 47, 51, 107, 123.

Power of braking processes

Answer "Yes": Questions - 2, 5, 8, 10, 12, 16, 27, 52, 53, 59, 52, 53, 67, 69, 52, 53 75, 77, 84, 87, 89, 90, 96, 99, 103, 108, 109, 110, 112, 118, 120, 125, 126, 129.

The answer "No": Questions - 18, 34, 36, 128.

Mobility of nerve processes

Answer "Yes": Questions - 1, 6, 9, 11, 14, 20, 22, 23, 28, 42, 23, 43, 42, 42, 43, 43, 42, 42, 93, 43, 43-6, 42, 93, 43, 43, 42, 43, 43, 43, 42, 93, 43, 43, 42, 93, 43, 43, 42, 93, 43, 43, 42, 43, 43, 43, 42, 43, 43, 43, 42, 93, 43, 43, 42, 93, 43, 43, 42, 93, 43, 43, 42, 43, 43, 43, 42, 43, 43, 43, 42, 43, 43, 43, 42, 54 , 71, 74, 76, 79, 80, 85, 86, 88, 91, 92, 93, 95, 100, 101, 104, 111, 115, 119, 127, 131.

The answer "No": Questions - 25, 57, 63, 116.

The "raw" score for each scale is compared with the diagnostic statistical boundaries:

M ± S.

where M is the average regulatory sample,

S is a standard deviation.

The meaning of average (m) and standard deviations (s)

Interpretation (decoding) of the questionnaire shoot.

The level of excitation processes is normal from 25 to 49,

The level of braking processes - norm from 21 to 43,

Mobility of nerve processes - Norm from 24 to 48.

Description of scales

The level of excitation processes

High scores - a strong response to excitation, stimulus, fast turning in work, workability and achieving high performance; low fatigue; High performance and endurance.

Low points are a weak and late reaction to the excitement, quick braking is quickly achieved, slow: turning to work, workability and low productivity of labor; high fatigue; Low performance and endurance

Level of braking processes

High scores - strong nerve processes from braking; excitation, incentives are easily extinguished; Quick response to the response to simple sensory signals, good reaction; High self-control, collens, vigilance, composure in behavioral reactions.

Low points are the weakness of braking processes, impulsiveness in response actions on an incentive, weak self-control in behavioral reactions, defined disinhibition, undemanding and condescension to themselves; Slow or late, responding with response to simple signals.

The level of mobility of nervous processes

High scores are the ease of switching nerve processes from excitement to braking and vice versa; a quick transition from some kind of activities to others; Fast switching, determination, courage in behavioral reactions.

Low points are characteristic of people who are prone to work on a stereotype that do not admire fast and unexpected changes in activities are not suitable for work in rapid conditions.

Balance according to power

The equilibreence of strength R is equal to the ratio of force on the excitation of FB to the power of braking FT:

R \u003d FB / FT

The closer to one, the value of R is equalized.

A balanced person is the one for which the value of R does not go beyond the range of 0.85 - 1.15.

If R value is outside the interval, it can be argued that this individual is distinguished by the impassableness of its psychological activity.

Moreover, if the value of the fraction is greater than 1.15 - this means impassable in the direction of excitation, i.e. Excitation processes do not balance the braking processes. With a substantial shift of the balance of nerve processes towards the excitation, strong short-term emotional experiences are likely, an unstable mood, a good adaptation to a new, riskiness, the desire for the goal is strong with a complete return, a fighting attitude to danger without a special calculation, poor noise immunity.

If the value is less than 0.85 - this means impassable in the direction of braking, i.e. Braking processes do not balance the processes of excitation. With a substantial shift of the balance of nerve processes towards braking, balanced behavior is likely, sustainable mood, weak emotional experiences, good patience, restraint, cold-blooded, imperturbative attitude towards danger, real estimate of their abilities, good noise immunity.

Methods for diagnosing yana temperament shooting. Test is a personal interview of the study of temperament.

5 Rating 5.00 (3 votes)

What is the difference between the concepts of "character" and "temperament"? Temperament is that a person receives at birth. Properties, motives of behavior and skills that are genetically laid. The character is produced with experience, often in an attempt to change temperament. For example, a shy young man from childhood into adulthood becomes decisive, because attended acting classes and has developed the ability to safely perform in public. Here, shyness is the damning line. And the acquired decisiveness is the character trait. Diagnosis of own temperament contributes to becoming character, if you work on yourself. Self-knowledge on the psychological level allows you to reveal positive features of the person and work on negative. Parents diagnostics will give a key to his upbringing, will tell you how to handle the baby so that he heard and correctly understood.


Even with school benches, everyone knows four types of temperament to which people are divided. Differentiation is carried out depending on the behavioral responses to alleged events are added clear behaviors. Interestingly, character traits can manifest themselves in man regardless of the type of temperament. Many do not think about it, confused by the concepts or uniting them into one. But from these differences it is clearly seen that each person is unique, since events, everyday experience, childhood, social environment - all this is raising in nature.

Telerament properties

Manifestations of properties depending on the type of personality differ significantly. This is exactly what makes it possible to conduct high-quality diagnosis of temperament and character.

1. Sensitivity. This definition characterizes the reaction of the individual to external stimuli. Each of the types reacts in different ways, one will show a stormy reaction if it hurts it. Another will not pay attention.

2. Reactivity. It is characterized by an involuntary reaction to external or internal stimuli, such as sharp sounds, loud music or scream.

3. Activity. Refers to the reaction to the outside world. Pottleness, willingness to overcome difficulties, the ability to resist resist the vital trouble.

4. Plasticity (rigidity). Property adapt to changing circumstances. Life flexibility.

5. The rate of reactive activity. Speed \u200b\u200breaction. The ability to quickly respond to stimuli.

6. Intertainment (extroversion). The ability to make rapid decisions. The speed of perception of information.

7. External manifestations of response.

Based on the listed properties, complex diagnostics of temperament types are built. How to understand how to assign yourself? The properties of temperament types also associated with hormonal nature, physiological processes in the body, the structure of the figure.

The method of determining the type of temperament

The most extensive and popular method is the method of diagnosing aesenka temperament.

Hans Jürgen Aizenk is a British scientist psychologist. Developed a system of questions, responding to which "Yes" or "No" can be diagnosed with properties and types of temperament. The result of the passage of the questionnaire will be the identification of a valid own "I", taking into account introversion and extroversion. The technique also reveals the emotional stability of the individual. Aisenka Test is a classic method for determining the personality typology, one of the most used in modern psychology.

Questionnaire Aisenka

So, answer a number of questions. Do not think for a long time over the answers, act on the classroom of consciousness. Next to the issue number, put a plus if the answer is "yes." And minus, if the answer is "no".

Sprinkment text:

1. Do you often have a lot of new impressions, to distracting, experience strong sensations?

2. Do you often feel that you need friends who can understand you, encourage, sustain?

3. Do you think yourself with a carefree person?

4. Is it really hard for you to abandon your intentions?

5. Do you think about your business in slow and prefer to wait before acting?

6. Do you always restrain your promises, even if it is unprofitable for you?

7. Do you often have a decline and mood lifts?

8. Do you usually act and say?

9. Do you ever have a feeling that you are unhappy, although there was no serious reason for this?

10. Is it true that you are able to decide on "dispute"?

11. Do you confuse when you want to get acquainted with the person of the opposite sex that you are sympathetic?

12. Does ever happen that, getting angry, do you come out of yourself?

13. Does it often happen that you are working thoughtlessly under the influence of the moment?

14. Does you often bother you about what you have not followed something to do or talk?

15. Do you prefer reading books with people?

16. Is it true that you can easily hurt you?

17. Do you think often to be in the company?

18. Do you have such thoughts that you would not want to share with others?

19. Is it true that sometimes you are so full of energy that everything burns in their hands, and sometimes you feel fatigue?

20. Do you try to limit your dating circle with a small number of closest friends?

21. How many are you dreaming?

22. When you scream, do you answer the same?

23. Do you think all your habits are good?

24. Do you often have a feeling that you are to blame for something?

25. Are you able to sometimes give Will with your feelings and have a carefree to have fun in a funny company?

26. Is it possible to say that your nerves are often stretched to the limit?

27. Do you hear a person alive and cheerful?

28. After the case is done, do you often come back to him and think that you would be able to do better?

29. Do you feel restless while in a big company?

30. Does that you pass rumors?

31. Does it happen that you do not sleep because of the fact that different thoughts climb?

32. If you want to know something, do you prefer to find it in a book or ask people?

33. Do you have a strong heartbeat?

34. Do you like the work requiring concentration?

35. Do you have attacks trembling?

36. Do you always talk truth?

37. Do you unpleasantly located in the company, where do you get rid of each other?

38. Are you irritable?

39. Do you like work requiring speed?

40. Is it true that you often do not give peace of thought about different troubles and horrors that could happen, although everything ended well?

41. Is it true that you are leopard in movements and are somewhat slow?

42. Did you ever go to work or to meet anyone?

43. Do you often dream nightmares?

44. Is it true that you like to talk so much that you do not miss any incident to talk with a new person?

45. Do you worry any pain?

46. \u200b\u200bWould you be upset if you couldn't see friends for a long time?

47. Are you a nervous person?

48. Are there any familiar among your friends who do not like you?

49. Are you confident man?

50. Is it easy for you to criticize your drawbacks or your work?

51. Is it difficult for you to get real pleasure from events in which many people participate?

52. Do you worry your feeling that you are something worse than others?

53. Would you make a recovery in a boring company?

54. Does that you talk about things in which you do not understand at all?

55. Do you worry about your health?

56. Do you like to jerk over others?

57. Do you suffer insomnia?

Decoding results

All questions are divided into groups that belong to the personal qualities of the individual. Consider how many times you answered "yes" or "no" to questions about numbers in each group.

Processing results:

1. Extraversion - is the amount of answers "Yes" in questions 1, 3, 8, 10, 13, 17, 22, 25, 27, 39, 44, 46, 49, 53, 56, and no answers in matters of 5 , 15, 20, 29, 32, 37, 41, 51.

If the amount of points is 0-10, then you are introvert, closed inside yourself. If 11-14, then you are an ambiver, communicate when you need it. If 15-24, then you are extrovert, sociable, addressed to the outside world.

2. Neurotism - there is a number of answers "Yes" in questions 2, 4, 7, 9, 11, 14, 16, 19, 21, 23, 35, 28, 31, 33, 35, 38, 9, 31, 33, 35, 38, 31, 33, 35, 38, SERVICE 47, 50, 52, 55, 57.

If the number of answers "yes" is 0-10, you have emotional stability. If 11-16, then emotional impressionability. If 17-22, then there are separate signs of the separation of the nervous system. If 23-24, you have neurotic, bordering pathology, a breakdown, neurosis is possible.

3. Lies - there is the amount of answers "Yes" in questions 6, 24, 36, and no answers in matters 12, 18, 30, 42, 48, 54.

If the number of points scored 0-3 is the norm of human lies, you can trust the answers. If 4-5, it is doubtful. If 6-9, your answers are unreliable.

If the answers can be trusted, then a graph is based on the data obtained.

The result is in the balls in the scale of Aizenka. Check in which part of the circle it turned out the value of the result of your questionnaire.

Iizenka scale values

Interestingly, one hundred percent extroverts or introverts do not exist. Each person in different ratios combines the quality of both types of temperaments. Consider Read more The value of each of the dough poles to temperament in the aisenka circle.


The word in the pocket does not climb. Amateur Talk about everything in the world. Such a person is in every team, he attracts listeners to himself, ready to support any conversation. Loves to get acquainted with new people, makes a lot of friends. But he lacks each due attention to every due attention. Therefore, relations are superficial. Extravert likes to create traffic around itself. He is constantly calling on the phone, he is going somewhere, in a hurry. He likes to be in society, it fills his energy. Externally, an extrovert can be recognized on a loud voice, a ringing of laughter and active gesture. It is often difficult for him to stop, he can talk extra. He is boring to be alone with him. Even at home is one, the extrovert will communicate with someone by phone, correspond. Inclined to risk, impulsive in action. But cheerful and clockwork.


For him, some detachment from society is typical. The circle of friends chooses carefully, with the calculation for life. The introverts are reluctant to come into contact, only if necessary. These are rare guests at parties, and if they appear there, then under pressure, as they do not want to go according to their own will. Close introverts are proven for years, cute people. If he is not seen with them for a long time, the relationship is still sincere and friendly. The introverts feel comfortable alone, they always have something to do. The company quickly get tired. At the same time in society may be quite active lifeThey do not necessarily sit at home in four walls. The energy of the introvert receives from things: from good food, interesting literature, healthy sleep. For him, the inner component of his life, stability and tranquility is more important. As a rule, he is Pedantic, does not like to make quick decisions. Characteristic high degree Self-control, rarely is angry. It has high morality, prone to excessive pessimisticity.


It is characterized by increased excitability, irritability. This damner of the temperament gives the identity of uncertainty in everything (in itself, in others, in things and acts). In the diagnosis of the type of personality temperament, this property indicates a restless nature, varying and prone to depression. Reactions to external stimuli can be inadequate, which is fraught with the consequences in the form of stress and neurosis. A person is susceptible to external events, anxious. In psychology, they define it as an emotionally unstable type of personality. Individual with signs of neurotism all the time is experiencing about and without, unnecessary self-critical, fears public transport. Exaggerated fears about loved ones.

Neurotism is accompanied by a sense of guilt, defenselessness.

Emotional stability

Self-confidence, tendency to leadership. Calm and balance. Individual is ready to help everyone (and helps if possible). There is no tension, in stressful situations act clearly and quickly. Quickly adapts to new circumstances, easily absorbs information. A person does not pay attention to little things in life. Purposefully moving towards his goal.

Pavlov method

The Russian scientist-physician I. V. Pavlov allocated four famous personality typologies. Classification Next: Choleric, Melancholic, Sanguine and Phlegmatic. Rapid diagnosis of temperament Eysenck, in conjunction with the method of Pavlov gave the most accurate and disclose certain of these concepts. As a result, we can characterize people as follows:

Sanguine is a person with emotional stability and features of an extrovert.

Choleric - personality unstable emotionally and extrovert.

Phlegmatic - emotionally stable and introvert.

Melancholic - introvert prone to neurosu.

We study more each of the types.


In pronounced representatives of this temperament, emotions prevail over the mind. Any event in life is expressed at the emotional level of such a person. At the moment of joy, he will jump, shout, hug away and loudly laugh. At the time of disappointments, Gorky cry and tell others about their trouble. Moreover, it will be rapid from one state to another. The energy flow emitted in the enormity of emotions is quickly dried, it is constantly required to feed new sensations.

The choleric is vigorously taken for new things, all life is filled with actions that require its emergency urgent attention. If he has a favorite business, a choleric will give him all over passion. He has pronounced leadership qualities, he is able to become a leader leading to people. It has high stress resistance, because it is unable to delay attention to unpleasant moments. Holerich tend to throw an unfinished thing to the end if it is not interested. The mood is often changing, because for every moment I am emotionally reacting in life. Hot-tempered and incontinence. Choleric, preferring honest relationships will be before losing momentum protect unreasonably accused. Praldorba, rather from incontinence. We strive to be the main thing acting person In any event.


Wounded, prone to knowledge of the inner "I". If the temperament test showed that the individual means refers to melancholics - this does not mean that he is a sad pessimist. This type of temperament is brightly pronounced. Melancholic is developed spiritually and prone to deep emotional experiences. Able to look at the root of problems or events, notes the details. It is able to perfectly cope with any work that is particularly requiring perfection and care. Sees beautiful in the most common things. Mnightless, from this avoids contacts with people who do not trust completely. Reduced self-esteem, offended by statements to its address. Slowly, but hardy and capable of analyzing. Sensitive melancholic is inclined to long-term relationships with people. Having lost his trust, restore it, most likely no longer succeed.


Changeable type. If the temperament test showed that you are a sanguine - you need to carefully follow your emotions. Sanguine is changing the solution instantly, the same applies to commitment to hobbies and work. At the same time, the Sanguine is the most alive and cheerful of all types of temperament. He is active, artistic, has a rich faith. It is interesting to watch him. Quickly adapts to changing circumstances. It takes easy and joyful for work, from childhood is fond of various circles, clubs in interest. Sanguinik lives with pleasure, rejoices and work, and rest. In the event of a lack of attachments and interesting hobbies becomes superficial.

Phlegmatic person

This type of temperament is solid and consistent. Election is elected in hobbies, all things always brings to a logical completion. Life position is weak, not active. It is not inclined to impulsive actions, calm and assembled, does not like empty conversations. In the work of the worker, is ready to always help, take responsibility. Flegmatic has a deep inner world. In negative features, it is sluggish, incapable of decisive steps. But the most calm of all, inert. Persisted in achieving the goal. Stress resistant, conflicts avoid. It is hard to adapt to new conditions, not ready for sharp changes. Emotions are not subject to, does not express feelings directly. He is able to listen to another person, while his feelings do not apply. With self-esteem problems is not observed, it rarely happens slightly understated.

Personal typology in children

For parents know the type of temperament in a child is undoubtedly important. Definition of personality temperament in childhood gives a key to upbringing, building effective process learning. If you correctly understand what type your baby belongs to, there is a chance to use its positive features to maximize, give the possibility of favorable personality development. Having a concept about how a child thinks, and considering the characteristic temperament features, thinking adults can avoid causing harm to the child's psyche and minimize the formation of negative sides of the nature.

Child Choleric

This child is noisy, restless and active. May be aggressive, it is characterized by a quick mood change. Information perceives well, but often forgets what he was asked about. It is difficult to go to bed. Loves noisy games, quickly finds contact with other playing. The body works quickly, the baby is easily restored after the disease.

Parents need to fill out a choler's child's free time with some useful occupation. Better if it is a sports section. It needs to be taken to nature more often, it needs a lot of space. After ejection of energy in the section, you can engage in intellectual activities. The child must approach educational classes tired physically, then he will be able to perceive the information and will be perfected. At work of the brain, his fatigue will not affect the child choler's energy reserves of inexhaustible.


Extremely reasonable, leisurely. Neuly feels in an unfamiliar atmosphere, it is hard to converge with other children. But if you make friends with someone, then for a long time. Sensitive, from this too. You need to communicate with him carefully, since everything perceives to your account. Information digested for a long time, timid and uncertain when communicating. The change of residence or kindergarten is perceived by a melancholic kid hard. Sleep it is difficult to sleep, but in the morning he is cheating and ready for active actions.

Child-melancholic requires parental approval and support. He needs it more than anything else. From criticism and swearing closes, in the future it will bring him a lot of problems. It requires support for its initiative in any endeavors, stimulation of stimulants about their own feelings.

Sanguine baby

The shower of the company is open for both other children and adults. A little bit impaired, there is no sense of self-preservation. Grabs a lot of cases, but little does it takes to the end. Does not count forces. Does not remember the offense, without fail. Showing team games, loves sports and communication.

Parents are required to train persistence and hard work in a sanguine child. The joint lesson will house the child and will prepare the soil for trust relationships. Assembling a designer or puzzle, puzzle - this is what alone he will not be able to make, and along with his parents such an occupation will give the necessary educational effect. It is necessary to instill a child the basics of morality, so that it does not turn into a superficial attitude to life.


Leisurely, solid. Loves to find out what the essence of everything. Not emotional, so it often the feeling that he does not care what is happening around. It can independently play and actually play and do not interfere with adults. It falls asleep well, but it gets hard in the morning. Loves to soak under the blanket.

Parents need to learn to broadcast the child positive emotions. It will easily succumb to the hobby useful: care for animals, homely troubles. It is necessary to make a variety of in its everyday life: viewing cartoons and films, hiking in a circus and zoo. Home Swedish Wall or Rope is suitable for stimulation of physical development.


Psychological diagnosis The temperament affects not only the self-knowledge. Knowing what type you belong to you, it provides the opportunity to stimulate the development of the strengths of the personality. Realizing the weaknesses, you can fight them. Or, on the contrary, use for good. Teenage diagnostics in adolescents and children early age Allows parents to raise a child without breaking his worldview and minigration. Readiness to work and develop from Chad its strengths will definitely find a response.

Each type of temperament has its strengths and weaknesses, and the task of man throughout life becomes searching for harmony between them. The integrity of the individual is determined by the ability to find the verge of all the inconsisions and skillfully use them in their own life. Society consists of many individual personalities, and even the complete opposites of temperament can exist near without mutual claims.

All people can be divided into four major psychotype. Knowing the main features of each of them, you can easily determine which person now in front of you, how to talk to him and what a response to expect. Such skills will be useful regardless of your field of activity, because we all live in society. Let us understand and access to explain what key differences between them are and how to quickly determine the type of temperament.


The type of temperament is largely determined by heredity. But this does not mean that he cannot change during life. Under the influence of external factors and personal beliefs, you can largely adjust those behavioral models that are inherent in a person in psychotic.


"Yellow bile" prevailing in these people gives them a hot-tempered character. Such personalities physically cannot contain emotions, both positive and negative. Everyone heard the expression "lights up like a match." Such an awkward word is enough to remove the choleric from equilibrium. But their main advantage is the ability to quickly cool. Cholerics will not keep offenses and build a multi-purpose revenge plan. After some time, these people will forget the offender himself, and the reason that was a rapid reaction.

This is in nature strong people.They can be solved even difficult tasks. But the problem is that their instability often harms the cause. People of this type can be chained and throw the started or in the other project. Often leadership qualities trim, and still achieve their own. But the same qualities lead to the fact that cholerics seek to be the first not only in any matter, but also in any dispute. There are often instigators in different loud disputes and disassembly.

It is possible to determine the choleric in verbal signs: its movements are detaching, and the gait is rapidly.

This type is not inactivity at all, they speak quickly and speak a lot. In this case, it is painted emotionally, bright comparisons and exaggeration are used. Mimica is also very mobile and expressive. Such a person is literally everything "written on the face." He does not know how and does not want to hide his emotions.

Phlegmatic person

Flegmatics are calm and balanced people, are not subject to sudden flashes of anger and used to thinking well and weigh. Flegmatic will never take any important solution under the authority of feelings or sorry. Logic and reasonable approach is their bitch.

Because of this, many consider them quite slow.But it is thanks to such qualities of phlegmatics becomes good leaders. Phlegmatic will not find it difficult to find fault, his decisions are weighted, he gets well with others and is able to keep a sober look at the situation even with the most difficult circumstances. At the same time not subject to ambitions. Flegmatics adequately evaluate themselves and others, based on the facts.

Of the disadvantages of the psychotic, you can allocate inability to quickly adapt to new conditions.

If something went not according to plan, then they will need to be time to think carefully. It is very difficult for them to make a decision here and now. But on the other hand, very long look at people before starting to trust them. This is the key to strong relationships in the future. Such personalities are committed and appreciated friendship.

Sometimes it is very difficult to communicate with phlegmatic, as they do not show the tolik of emotions. It is impossible to understand whether you are interesting to him as an interlocutor. Such passivity and even indifference go only to harm. But come to compromise with them it is quite possible if you provide fairly facts in favor of your decision.

Parents are very easy with a child phlegmatic. The kids carefully listen to requests, differ in calm temper. By appearance You can find them in a slow tempo of speech (with pauses) and slowness movements. Often they take a pause before answering the question.


At first glance, it seems that this type of temperament got not the best qualities. They are very vulnerable, painfully perceive any criticism. Any non-standard situation can knock them out of the gauge. But due to the high sensitivity, they see the world in all colors. They will not escape the smallest manifestation of the beautiful (or impartial). This main quality allows them to achieve high results on creative field. Of these are excellent artists, musicians, sculptors.

Rich imagination sometimes does not play a hand. After all, even if nothing bad happened, they already "lost" the whole script possible consequences. And if he is sad, then Melancholic will begin to worry about it now. Often they are right in their forecasts, as they are able to see the problem long before its appearance.

Learn the melancholic is quite simple.They have a quiet voice, it is reasonable and deprived of emotional color. At the same time, melancholics will argue, although not so bright and aggressively as choler. His point of view accustomed to defend, albeit in a very calm form.

Melancholics are very devoted. The personality with a subtle mental organization is painfully experiencing not only its problems, but also the troubles of a loved one.

For the most part of Melancholics of Odnolyuba. The partner Melancholic will not have to doubt his sincere intentions and look for pitfalls.


These are very bright and memorable personalities. But they are very volatile. Now the Sanguinik can be sad and stay in despondency, and in a minute to get carried away and laugh loudly over the joke of the interlocutor. If something went not by their original plan, or they were defeated in something, then it would not be worked for a long time. Easy to worry and criticize in your address. From non-verbal manifestations, you can highlight an involuntary smile on his face.

Sanguinics try to achieve the goal easier and easy-to-see.Although personal data are good initiative workers, but often everything is superficial. Such employees will not dig for causal relationships, but simply make their work.

You should not count on the fact that these individuals will show increased zeal and take additional care. But direct job responsibilities will be fulfilled. Positive quality It is an easy adaptation to quickly changing conditions. This gives them a competitive advantage in many situations.

So far, the rest will reflect on the causes of what happened, the Sanguinik will already build a new behavior strategy.

Features of behavior

In addition to the main features of each of the temperament types, they are inherent in certain behaviors. Of course, it is not worth excluding the fact that the mixed types often meet, and then give an accurate characteristic is much more complicated. We will consider the main features of the behavior of psychotic. Based on them, you can make conclusions themselves about what type one or another person belongs to or you yourself.

Cholerics are not distinguished by a restrained character.Do not join with them into hot discussions, especially if you want to come to a compromise. Give him, and the choleric will quickly cool and can perceive the situation more adequately. Cholerics are not vertigany. It is an annoying factor to disappear "from sight," and choleric will quickly forget about their offense or annoyance.

These are strong personalities who often have a bright appearance. Achieve their own methods. Persons are capable of personality and overcome complex obstacles and difficulties. Being in leading positions for them is more important than temporary difficulties and deprivation.

The choleric is very difficult to take himself in hand and hold back. Knowing this feature, you adequately accept his sudden flashes of anger.

The psychological characteristics of phlegmatics speaks of his slowness and prudence. It is reflected in his behavior. Such personalities are conservative and hardly take new trends. For them, they are comfortable to act on the already familiar plan than to reinvent the bike every time.

Do not like when they impose their point of view.They have their own clear plan, from which phlegmatic women will not retreat even under the influence of external factors. At the same time, these individuals are logical and consistent, always adjusted to the end. One of the main features of Phlegmatic behavior is patience. Where cholerics go out of themselves, and Melancholics succumb to Apathia, phlegmatic will wait for its o'clock and remain indifferent to the difficulties that have arisen.

As for the characteristic behavior of melancholics, it is possible to distinguish their perfection and hard work. Deeply delve into the details of work and try to perform it on the highest level. Most perfectionists belong to this type of temperament.

Flegmatic and Sanguinikas are difficult to understand such slowness and non-painting in action. It will seem to them that this is a passive worker who does not show enthusiasm. But it is not. Just all your emotions of melancholic are used to leaving with you. Flegmatic is deeply experiencing any criticism, even if it is rational.

Child Melancholic can be found in his interest in various spheres of life. Thoroughly study everything surrounds, trying to understand the essence of all that is happening. But with peers, melancholic converge is very hard, until they find a relative soul, which will be able to trust completely.

Sanguines are pleasant interlocutors in all respects. First, these individuals will not lie, secondly, their stories are very interested to listen. They love to joke, but in the bulk it is harmless and even cute jokes. Sanguines often have friendships are not for the sake of deep relationships, but for quantity. Around them there are always many friends, acquaintances and other "Sweets".

Sanguinik perfectly manifests itself as a manager, and as a subordinate.Such an employee quickly turns on to work and raid grabs everything new. Can work in multitasking mode. It is interesting for him to solve complex tasks. But what the personality type will not tolerate, so these are routines. Boring work will quickly get bored and he will perform the work already "Sleeves."

Men of this type easily conquer women's attention. They are nice to communicate with them, they are quite causing and resourceful.

Methods for determining temperament

There are several proven diagnostic methods for determining temperament type. They are distinguished by the number of questions asked, and their orientation. Choosing one of them, you need to take into account who will pass it. Some are suitable for preschoolers and younger students, others are designed for adolescents and adults. The study of the child's temperament will allow you to build the most fruitful and correct relationships with it.

Questionnaire Aisenka

This test contains 100 questions. For a long time to think about each of them do not have to. It is enough to read the approval and agree with him or not. This will help determine the prevailing type inherent in you. Interestingly, with it, you can reveal the mixed type. This will be said about the interest ratio. Test must be held in a relaxed atmosphere. You should not set a temporary framework, but also it is not necessary to linger at any point.

Methods of Obozov

Pretty simple and interesting way to determine temperament. There are only categorical answers "Yes" and "no". For each sign there is a scale on which you choose the degree of manifestation of a certain feature. And if the presence of the subject itself is necessary for other tests, this test can be carried out in its absence. Just imagine a person and answer it. After all, you can objectively assess such parameters as speech, patience, equilibrium, etc.