Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. List of organizations under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan

3. Abolish the Committee for the Commonwealth of Independent States with the transfer of its functions and property to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4. To recognize as invalid some decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with the appendix.

5. This resolution comes into effect from the date of its signing, with the exception of subparagraphs 65), 66) 67), 68), 69) and 70) functions of the central office of paragraph 16 of the Regulations, which come into force on April 11, 2019 in accordance with laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 5, 2018 "On standardization" and "On amendments and additions to some legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on ensuring the uniformity of measurements and standardization."

Footnote. Clause 5 as amended by the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 03.19.2019№ 131 .

on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Footnote. Regulation as amended by the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 13.03.2013 No. 233; as amended by the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 24, 2014 No. 128.

1. General Provisions

1. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a state body of the Republic of Kazakhstan that exercises leadership in the field of foreign policy and heads the unified system of bodies of the diplomatic service of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as in the implementation of state policy to attract investment.

Footnote. Clause 1 as amended by the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 29, 2018№ 936 .

2. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan has departments:

1) International Information Committee.

№ 989 ;

3) Investment Committee.

Footnote. Clause 2 as amended by the decrees of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 09.19.2014 No. 989; dated December 29, 2018 No. 936.

3. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan carries out its activities in accordance with the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, acts of the President and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, other regulatory legal acts, as well as this Regulation.

4. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a legal entity in the organizational and legal form of a state institution, has seals and stamps with its name in the state language, forms of the established form, in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, accounts with the treasury bodies of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and banks.

5. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan enters into civil law relations on its own behalf.

6. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan has the right to act as a party to civil law relations on behalf of the state, if it is authorized to do so in accordance with the legislation.

7. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, on issues of its competence, in the manner prescribed by law, makes decisions drawn up by orders of the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other acts provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

8. The structure and staffing limit of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan are approved in accordance with the current legislation.

Footnote. Part two of paragraph 8 operated No. 737.

9. Location of the legal entity: 010000, Nur-Sultan city, Dinmukhamed Kunayev street, 31.

Footnote. Clause 9 as amended by the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 31, 2019№ 561 .

10. The full name of the state body is the state institution "Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan".

11. This Regulation is a constituent document of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

12. Operated from 04.03.2016 to 31.12.2017 in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 24.11.2016 No. 737.

13. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan is prohibited from entering into contractual relations with business entities for the performance of duties that are functions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

If the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan is granted the right to carry out income-generating activities by legislative acts, then the income received from such activities is directed to the state budget.

2. Mission, main tasks, functions, rights and responsibilities
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan

14. The mission of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan is to ensure by diplomatic means and methods of protecting the sovereignty, security, territorial integrity and inviolability of the borders of the Republic of Kazakhstan, its political, trade, economic and other interests in relations with other states and in the international arena, as well as measures to implementation and monitoring of investment projects.

Footnote. Clause 14 as amended by the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 29, 2018№ 936 .

15. Tasks:

1) development of the concept and main directions of foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and submission of relevant proposals to the President and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) implementation of the foreign policy course of the Republic of Kazakhstan, assistance in the implementation of foreign economic policy and strengthening of the international authority of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

3) protection of the rights and interests of the Republic of Kazakhstan, its citizens and legal entities abroad;

4) implementation by diplomatic means and methods of the efforts of the Republic of Kazakhstan to ensure international peace, global and regional security;

5) ensuring by diplomatic means and methods of protecting the sovereignty, security, territorial integrity and inviolability of the borders of the Republic of Kazakhstan, its political, trade, economic and other interests in relations with other states and in the international arena;

6) development of proposals for the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on foreign policy and foreign economic strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and implementation of international initiatives of the President;

7) implementation of diplomatic and consular relations of the Republic of Kazakhstan with foreign states, international organizations;

8) coordination of international activities of other central state bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan in order to ensure the implementation of a single foreign policy, foreign economic course and investment policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in relations with foreign states and international organizations;

9) analysis of the political and socio-economic situation in the world, foreign and domestic policies of foreign states, the activities of international organizations and providing the central state bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the necessary information.

16. Functions:

functions of the central office:

1) representation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in relations with foreign states and international organizations;

2) implementation of the strategy of international policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

3) organization of negotiations and conclusion of international treaties of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

4) preparation of proposals on the conclusion, implementation, amendment, suspension and termination of international treaties, their submission in the prescribed manner for consideration by the President or the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

5) submission in the prescribed manner to the President, the Parliament and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan proposals and recommendations on the relations of the Republic of Kazakhstan with foreign states and international organizations;

6) ensuring the participation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the activities of international organizations, conferences, meetings, forums, promoting the enhancement of the role of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as a member of the international community, in solving global and regional problems;

7) assistance in the implementation of inter-parliamentary relations of the Republic of Kazakhstan with other countries;

8) implementation of consular functions on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad, regulated by international legal norms and the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

9) promoting the development of ties and contacts with compatriots living abroad;

10) assistance, within the limits of its competence, to a person recognized as a refugee in obtaining information about relatives living in the country of origin;

11) assistance to the functioning of diplomatic and equivalent representations of foreign states and international organizations and consular institutions on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, coordination of the activities of organizations serving them within its competence;

12) participation in ensuring the interests of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of international protection and rational use of water resources and the environment, the development of the resources of the World Ocean, the study of outer space;

13) participation in the development of measures to ensure the rights and freedoms of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, its defense and national security, the protection of law and order, the development and expansion of trade and economic, financial, scientific and scientific-technical, cultural, as well as other relations of the Republic of Kazakhstan with foreign states and international organizations;

14) participation, within the limits of its competence, in international actions to combat hunger and backwardness, international terrorism, religious and political extremism, organized crime and illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogues, precursors and weapons, as well as in the elimination of the consequences of emergency situations natural and technogenic character;

15) assistance, within its competence, in the effective use of the transit and transport potential of the Republic of Kazakhstan and participation in the development and implementation of a unified state policy on cooperation of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the world community in the energy and oil and gas industries;

16) interaction on issues of its competence with state bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other organizations;

17) assistance to improve the investment climate and the formation of a positive image of the Republic of Kazakhstan in international markets;

18) participation in attracting direct financial resources for the implementation of program documents, priority projects, including through loans and grants provided by international economic and financial organizations;

19) assistance in the promotion of Kazakhstani goods and services to the international market;

20) preparation of proposals for improving the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of international relations, bringing it in line with the international obligations of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

21) development, approval of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on issues of its competence;

22) ensuring the functioning of the unified state system of registration, accounting and storage of international treaties of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

23) assistance in the dissemination abroad of information about the foreign and domestic policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the socio-economic, cultural and spiritual life of the country;

24) informing the state bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the media about the international situation and foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

25) performing the functions of the depositary of international treaties concluded by the Republic of Kazakhstan;

26) implementation of protocol and organizational support of domestic and international events of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

27) implementation of general supervision and coordination of the activities of state bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the implementation of international treaties to which the Republic of Kazakhstan is a party;

28) coordination of compliance with the state protocol by state bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan when conducting domestic and international events;

29) ensuring the observance of diplomatic and consular privileges and immunities;

30) determination of the functions and powers of honorary (non-staff) consuls of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

31) giving opinions on the foreign policy expediency of concluding international treaties;

32) giving opinions on the compliance of the provisions of international treaties to which the Republic of Kazakhstan intends to become a party, as well as draft international treaties to international treaty and other obligations of the Republic of Kazakhstan and on other issues related to their entry into force and implementation;

33) determination of the types of international treaties concluded by the Republic of Kazakhstan;

34) relations with foreign states or international organizations on the issues of concluding international treaties;

35) confirmation of authority to perform acts related to the conclusion of international treaties by issuing certificates of authority;

36) submission of international treaties of the Republic of Kazakhstan that have entered into force for publication in the collection "Bulletin of International Treaties of the Republic of Kazakhstan", official publications of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

37) registration of international treaties of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the relevant bodies of international organizations;

38) exchange of instruments of ratification, documents of ratification, approval or acceptance of international treaties of the Republic of Kazakhstan, or the deposit of such instruments, instruments of ratification, approval, acceptance or accession with the depositary, sending documents on termination, suspension of the operation of international treaties or on their denunciation, or assignment of this function to diplomatic missions of the Republic of Kazakhstan or missions of the Republic of Kazakhstan to international organizations;

39) issuance, accounting, storage and destruction of diplomatic and service passports of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the manner determined by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

40) within the framework of its competence, ensuring the implementation of the agreements of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the heads of foreign states;

41) assistance to state bodies and organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan authorized to attract foreign investments and technologies in organizing relevant events abroad;

43) conducting analytical research in the field of foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

44) forecasting processes and events occurring in the international arena in order to effectively implement the foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

45) implementation of other functions provided for by laws, acts of the President and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

46) development of proposals on the political expediency of payment and the volume of voluntary contributions to international organizations, bodies for the implementation of international treaties and other international bodies;

47) organization of material and technical support for the system of bodies of the diplomatic service and personnel of the diplomatic service;

48) approval of the rules for the use of funds provided for in the republican budget under the program "Foreign business trips" and the specifics of 162 programs "Services for the coordination of foreign policy activities", "Delimitation and demarcation of the State Border" and "Providing special, engineering, technical and physical protection of diplomatic missions for abroad ", in order to send authorized persons outside the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

49) approval, in agreement with the central authorized body for state planning, of the procedure for developing proposals for the acquisition and lease of real estate, capital construction and repair of buildings (structures) of foreign missions of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

50) approval of the procedure for accreditation of representative offices of foreign mass media and their journalists;

51) conducting analytical research of an applied and fundamental nature in the field of foreign policy and international relations;

52) monitoring the international situation and identifying global trends in the world economy and politics, in the field of national and international security;

53) conducting specialized studies of target states and regions;

54) modeling foreign policy processes, forecasting crisis situations and developing practical countermeasures;

55) ensuring the development of scientific and expert contacts with key foreign authors;

56) analysis and development of relevant proposals on the Foreign Policy Concept of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

57) daily monitoring of the situation in the world and preparation of a digest;

58) generalization of operational information of foreign missions of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

59) preparation of comments on the most pressing problems of the international agenda;

60) development and approval of standards and regulations for public services;

61) provision of public services;

61-1) establishment of requirements for drawing up a business plan for an investment project attached to an application for the provision of investment preferences;

61-2) establishment of the form of semi-annual reports on the implementation of the investment contract;

61-3) establishment of the form of the act of the current state of execution of the working program of the investment contract;

61-4) approval of a joint order with state bodies responsible for the provision of public services, on the determination of responsible persons for interaction in the provision of public services to investors and support in state bodies;

61-5) determination of the procedure for issuing an application for an investor visa for persons who are non-residents of the Republic of Kazakhstan and carry out investment activities in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

61-6) establishment of the application form of a legal entity of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the provision of investment preferences;

61-7) determination of the procedure for accepting, registering and considering an application for the provision of investment preferences;

61-8) conclusion of an investment contract with a legal entity of the Republic of Kazakhstan implementing an investment project;

61-9) sending to the investor a notification of the early termination of the investment contract unilaterally;

61-10) approval of the procedure for accepting and registering an application for the provision of investment preferences as part of the implementation of a special investment project;

61-11) approval of the application form for the provision of investment preferences as part of the implementation of a special investment project;

61-12) approval of the procedure and conditions for the conclusion and termination of a special investment contract;

61-13) approval of a standard special investment contract;

61-14) preparation of a special investment contract;

61-15) organization of a specially designated place intended for receiving applications for the provision of public services and issuing their results to investors or their legal representatives, as well as the provision of public services in electronic form by obtaining information from information systems in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan to create and functioning of "one window" for investors;

61-16) submitting a petition to central and local executive bodies to consider an investor's application and submit investor documents to state bodies;

61-17) issuance of an application for an investor visa for persons who are non-residents of the Republic of Kazakhstan and carrying out investment activities in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

61-18) excluded by the decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 07/10/2019№ 497 ;

61-19) prepares and submits proposals for the development, amendment, revision and cancellation of national, interstate standards, national classifiers of technical and economic information, recommendations for standardization to the authorized body in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

61-20) develops national standards and national classifiers of technical and economic information in agreement with the authorized body in the field of standardization;

61-21) considers draft documents on standardization and the national standardization plan;

61-22) prepares proposals for the creation of technical committees for standardization;

61-23) participates in the work of technical committees for standardization and the national body for standardization, international organizations for standardization;

61-24) participates in the implementation of a unified state policy in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements;

61-25) coordination and monitoring of activities to support investors on the principle of "one window" for investors, carried out by a national company in the field of attracting investments and its regional representatives and representative offices, regional organizations in the field of attracting investments;

61-26) development of rules for organizing "one window" for investors, as well as the procedure for interaction when attracting investments;

61-27) determines, together with state bodies responsible for the provision of state and other services, responsible persons for interaction in the provision of these services to investors and accompanying them in state bodies and other organizations;

62) implementation:

accreditation of heads, members of staff of diplomatic missions, international organizations and (or) their missions, employees of consular institutions in the Republic of Kazakhstan;

63) approval of the order:

registration of a diplomatic mission, international organization and (or) its mission, consular post;

accreditation of heads, members of staff of diplomatic missions, international organizations and (or) their missions, employees of consular offices in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

functions of departments:

1) excluded by the decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 09.19.2014№ 989 ;
2) excluded by the decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 09.19.2014№ 989 ;
3) excluded by the decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 09.19.2014№ 989 ;
4) excluded by the decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 09.19.2014№ 989 ;
5) excluded by the decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 09.19.2014№ 989 ;
6) excluded by the decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 09.19.2014№ 989 ;
7) excluded by the decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 09.19.2014№ 989 ;
8) excluded by the decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 09.19.2014№ 989 ;
9) excluded by the decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 09.19.2014№ 989 ;

10) assistance in the dissemination of information on the foreign and domestic policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, socio-economic, cultural and spiritual life of the country;

11) informing the state bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the media about the international situation and foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

12) implementation of concepts, state and sectoral (sectoral) programs, projects aimed at forming, increasing and strengthening the positive image of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the international arena;

13) implementation, within its competence, of international cooperation in the field of dissemination of information on the foreign and domestic policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, achievements in political, economic, social, humanitarian, as well as other areas of activity in order to form a positive image of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

14) interaction with ministries and departments of the Republic of Kazakhstan, non-governmental organizations, with domestic and foreign mass media (hereinafter referred to as the media), analytical centers, rating agencies of the world on the dissemination of information on the foreign and domestic policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, achievements in political, economic, social, humanitarian, as well as other spheres of activity in order to form a positive image of our state;

15) implementation of outreach activities on issues within its competence;

16) preparation of information and analytical materials, provision of scientific and methodological assistance to state bodies and organizations within their competence;

17) development of image materials and products in order to strengthen the positive image of the Republic of Kazakhstan abroad;

18) monitoring and analysis of materials of domestic media, organization of informing the management, structural divisions of the Ministry and foreign institutions, issuing a digest;

19) monitoring and analysis of materials of foreign mass media coming from foreign missions, foreign counterparties and corresponding information of the management, structural divisions of the Ministry, as well as state bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

20) organization of information campaigns to explain program documents abroad (President's Address to the people of Kazakhstan and others);

21) interaction with counter-partners, government agencies, national companies for the implementation of information and image projects;

22) development of projects to promote the image of the economic, cultural-historical, territorial-geographical, intellectual potential of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

23) providing information support for international events abroad;

24) interaction with foreign media, consulting companies, PR agencies for the implementation of certain areas of information and image policy;

26) ensuring coverage of the activities of the Ministry in the media;

27) ensuring ongoing interaction with the media;

28) regular placement in domestic media of positive materials about Kazakhstan published abroad;

29) ensuring the functioning of the website of the Ministry;

30) accreditation of correspondents and other representatives of the mass media of foreign states;

31) work with delegations of journalists in the framework of official international events according to the program of the event;

32) formation of video and photo archive of the Ministry;

33) preparation of proposals for the distribution of financial resources of foreign missions of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the implementation of information and image work;

34) implementation of state support for investments;

35) reception and consultation of investors or their representatives on issues of existing public services;

36) rendering assistance to investors or their representatives in the preparation and execution of documents necessary for obtaining public services;

37) rendering assistance to investors or their representatives in registration of electronic digital signatures, electronic applications and other documents;

38) accompanying the investor or his representatives in central and local executive bodies when receiving public services in the manner specified in Article 282 of the Entrepreneurial Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

39) registration of an investment contract;

40) sending to the customs authority a notice of exemption from customs duties when importing technological equipment and components for it, provided for the duration of the investment contract, but not more than five years from the date of registration of the investment contract;

41) interaction with investors by creating and ensuring the functioning of a "one window" for investors;

42) ensuring the activities of the investment ombudsman;

43) assisting investors in securing a guaranteed order from interested legal entities in accordance with the investment contract concluded between the authorized body and the investor;

44) provision, in accordance with the procedure established by the Entrepreneurial Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in agreement with the authorized body for state property management and (or) the central authorized body for land management, as well as local executive bodies, state natural grants for temporary gratuitous use or on the right of temporary gratuitous land use with subsequent gratuitous transfer of ownership or land use in case of fulfillment of investment obligations in accordance with the investment contract;

45) making a decision on the provision of investment preferences in accordance with the requirements established by Article 293 of the Entrepreneurial Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and sending a written response to the applicant;

46) determination of the procedure for receiving, registering and considering an application for the provision of investment preferences;

47) control over compliance with the terms of investment contracts;

48) sending a written notification to the legal entity of the Republic of Kazakhstan that has concluded an investment contract indicating violations and setting a three-month period to eliminate violations in cases of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the investment contract work program;

49) conclusion, registration and decision-making on early termination of investment contracts;

50) development of rules and conditions for the conclusion and termination of a special investment contract;

51) making a decision on the gratuitous transfer of the provided state in-kind grant to ownership or land use;

51-1) development of a procedure for determining an investment project for the provision of land plots from state ownership;

2) to adopt binding normative legal acts within the limits of their competence;

3) request and receive the necessary information and materials from state bodies, organizations, their officials in accordance with the procedure established by law;

4) exercise other rights provided for by the current legislative acts.

3. Organization of the activities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan

18. The leadership of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan is carried out by the first head, who bears personal responsibility for the implementation of the tasks assigned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the exercise of his functions.

The first head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

19. The first head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan is appointed and dismissed by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

20. The first head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan has deputies, including one first, who are appointed and dismissed in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Footnote. Part two of paragraph 20 acted from 04.03.2016 to 31.12.2017 in accordance with the decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 24.11.2016№ 737 .

21. Powers of the first head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

1) represents the Republic of Kazakhstan in relations with foreign states and international organizations within its competence;

2) represents the Ministry in state bodies, other organizations;

3) determines the duties and powers of his deputies;

4) in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, appoint and dismiss the personnel of the diplomatic service, the labor relations of which are within the competence of the Minister;

5) in accordance with the procedure established by law, encourages and imposes disciplinary sanctions on the personnel of the diplomatic service, with the exception of personnel whose labor relations are attributed to the competence of higher state bodies and officials, as well as the executive secretary;

6) determines the need for personnel of the bodies of the diplomatic service;

7) exercise other powers in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The exercise of the powers of the first head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan during the period of his absence is carried out by a person replacing him in accordance with the current legislation.

21-1. Operated from 04.03.2016 to 31.12.2017 in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 24.11.2016 No. 737.
22. Operated from 04.03.2016 to 31.12.2017 in accordance with the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 24.11.2016 No. 737.

23. The staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan is headed by an executive secretary appointed and dismissed by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the proposal of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and in agreement with the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4. Property of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan

24. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan has separate property on the basis of operational management.

The property of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan is formed at the expense of property transferred to it by the state, and consists of fixed assets and working capital, as well as other property, the value of which is reflected in the balance sheet of the Ministry.

25. The property assigned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a republican property.

26. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall not have the right to independently alienate or otherwise dispose of the property assigned to it and property acquired at the expense of funds issued to it under the financing plan, unless otherwise provided by legislation.

5. Reorganization and abolition of the Ministry of Foreign
affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan

27. Reorganization and abolition of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

List of organizations administered by
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Footnote. The list as amended by the decrees of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 13, 2017 No. 644; dated 19.11.2018 No. 776; dated 03/19/2019 No. 131; dated June 25, 2019 No. 433.

1. Republican state enterprise on the right of economic management "Diplomatic Service" of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. Joint Stock Company "Institute of Foreign Policy Research".

3. Non-profit joint-stock company "Otandastar Foundation".

4. Joint Stock Company "National Company" KAZAKH INVEST ".

List of invalidated some decisions
Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan

1. Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 21, 1999 N 1578 "Issues of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (SAPP of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 1999, N 49, art. 472).

2. Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 21, 2000 N 421 "On the Committee for the Commonwealth of Independent States of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (SAPP of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2000, N 16, art. 164).

3. Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 31, 2001 N 166 "Some issues of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (SAPP of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2001, N 4-5, article 55).

4. Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 26, 2002 N 1060 "Some issues of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (SAPP of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2002, N 32, art. 345).

5. Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 30, 2002 N 1074 "On Amending the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 21, 1999 N 1578" (SAPP of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2002, N 32, Art. 351).

6. Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 11, 2002 N 1109 "On amendments and additions to the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 21, 2000 N 421" (SAPP of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2002, N 34, art. 365).


Educational and familiarization practice is the most important part of the training of highly qualified bachelors in international affairs. This form of training is a link between theoretical training at a university and independent work, it has the most favorable opportunities for practical application and deepening of all knowledge and skills acquired and accumulated by students in the chosen specialty and the development of professional skills. This puts students in front of the need to combine, transform the knowledge gained in the process of solving problems of various goals and complexity. The purpose of educational and familiarization is the formation and development of professional skills based on the study of the work experience of organizations of relevant specialties, ministries and departments of external cooperation; instilling the skills of independent work as future specialists in the conditions of a really functioning production.

During the practice, students must show the required level of knowledge in foreign languages, the basics of diplomatic, state and consular services, document management. Graduates who have successfully completed industrial practice can find application of their knowledge in the field of foreign policy and foreign economic activity, in the international relations departments of ministries and departments.

The main purpose of educational practice is to familiarize students with the activities of various departmental state and international structures, in-depth and expanded acquisition of knowledge in the history and theory of international relations; history of the studied region (Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Far East Asia, Central Asia, Western Europe and America), traditions and customs of the country and people; preparation of students to perform the functions of employees of consulates, embassies, cultural and national centers.

The student has the following main tasks:

    mastering knowledge of regional and global processes taking place in the modern world;

    familiarization with the documentation of basic organizations, including in a foreign language, acquisition of the skill of drawing up departmental and diplomatic documents;

    consolidation, deepening and practical application of general theoretical knowledge in the specialty;

    assimilation by students of knowledge, abilities and methods, taking into account the changing needs of the professional labor market;

    training specialists for the application of knowledge and the formation of responsibility for their activities in a free, democratic, legal, market state;

The main task of educational practice is to develop students' organizational, communication and research skills and abilities, foster initiative and resourcefulness when performing various tasks.

Characteristics of the activities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan- is the central executive body of the Republic of Kazakhstan as part of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and carries out foreign policy activities and heads the unified system of bodies of the diplomatic service of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The main task of the ministry is to develop a general foreign policy strategy, present relevant proposals to the President and implement the foreign policy course.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs carries out its activities directly and through diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Republic of Kazakhstan, representative offices of the Republic of Kazakhstan at international organizations, territorial bodies - representative offices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The MFA system includes:

central office;

foreign missions;

territorial bodies;

organizations subordinate to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which ensure its activities on the territory of Kazakhstan.

The Ministry is headed by a Minister appointed and dismissed by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

"Regulations on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (MFA)" Approved by the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 28, 2004 N 1118, this Regulation is a constituent document of the Ministry. At the same time, on October 28, 2004, it was decided to abolish the "Committee for the Commonwealth of Independent States of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (created by the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 21, 2000 N 421 "On the Committee for the Commonwealth of Independent States of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan") with the transfer its functions and property to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The minister has deputies who are also appointed by the President. Also, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has its own special structure. Although the structure is truly special, it is the same in many countries. The structure of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs includes divisions, which are mostly referred to as departments. Departments, in turn, are divided into divisions. Foreign Ministry departments are headed by directors, and their departments are headed by chiefs.

Outside the structure of the departments, there are special assignments ambassadors, each of whom is responsible for a specific problem of international relations. Ambassadors for special assignments report directly to deputy ministers.

Main functions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of each country has its own functions. There are enough of them to consider each function separately.

To solve the assigned tasks, the Ministry carries out the following main functions:

Submits appropriate proposals to the President on the development of a general foreign policy strategy in accordance with regulatory legal acts;

Organizes relations with foreign states and international organizations in accordance with the country's foreign policy;

Carries out, within its competence, a course for the comprehensive development of equal relations between the country and all foreign states, in accordance with the generally recognized norms of international law;

Ensures the participation of the state in the activities of the United Nations, the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and other international organizations, in the work of international conferences, forums, contributes to the enhancement of the role of the state as a member of the world community in solving global and regional international problems;

Coordinates the activities of other executive bodies in order to ensure the implementation of a single foreign policy of the state in relations with foreign states and international organizations;

Coordinates and controls the activities of other missions located in the host state, executive authorities of the country;

Participates in the work of government and interdepartmental coordination and advisory bodies on issues within the competence of the Ministry;

Promotes inter-parliamentary and other external relations

Promotes the implementation of the country's economic and social policy

Protects the rights and interests of individuals and legal entities of the state abroad, including migrants carrying out their labor activities abroad, in accordance with the norms of international law and the legislation of the country;

Promotes the development of ties and contacts with compatriots living abroad;

Develops projects and concludes, on behalf of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the state, international treaties with foreign states, international organizations and other interstate associations, submits proposals on the conclusion, implementation, termination and suspension of treaties for consideration by the President of the country and the Government;

Concludes international agreements of an interdepartmental nature on issues within the competence of the Ministry;

Coordinates the implementation of international treaties by the state authorities and government authorities, assists the relevant state authorities in the exercise of the rights established by these treaties, promotes the implementation of international norms and makes proposals for improving the legislation of the republic, bringing it in line with international obligations;

Carries out the functions of the depositary of multilateral international treaties;

Carries out general supervision over the implementation of international treaties;

Ensures the functioning of the unified state system for registration and accounting of international treaties;

Ensures permanent storage, accounting and use of originals (certified copies, official translations) of international treaties, as well as materials of foreign policy activities that are in the archives of the Ministry;

Within the limits of its competence, gives explanations and recommendations on issues of international law and the implementation of the country's foreign policy in connection with the requests of state authorities, deputies, local governments, individuals and legal entities;

Participates within its competence in the development of policies and measures of the Government of the country in such areas as defense, state security, conversion, environmental protection, scientific, technical, cultural, humanitarian and other relations with foreign states and international organizations;

Contributes to the maintenance of international peace, global and regional security based on the principles of equality and indivisible security for all;

Contributes to the advancement of the country's national interests in the field of regional security;

Studies and analyzes the international situation, foreign and domestic policies of foreign states, their legislation in the field of foreign policy, as well as the activities of international organizations, develops and submits appropriate proposals and recommendations to the President, the Government of the state to strengthen and improve these ties, and also provides this information to those interested government agencies;

Contributes to the implementation of the tasks of foreign economic activity, including the establishment and development of economic cooperation with foreign states and international economic organizations, the preparation and holding of international forums, exhibitions and other events in the country and abroad, the implementation of relations with the relevant administrative and territorial units of foreign states and their local authorities, the development of close ties of twin cities and the establishment of contacts with communities abroad, in the establishment of cultural and humanitarian ties;

Participates in the work of intergovernmental commissions and committees on trade, economic and scientific and technical cooperation, international economic organizations and their local working bodies in the part related to the competence of the Ministry;

Contributes to the development and expansion of trade and economic relations of the country with foreign countries, an increase in the inflow of foreign investments, including direct investments in the economy of the republic, the expansion of humanitarian and technical assistance from foreign states and international organizations;

Submits proposals to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the opening of diplomatic representations of the country and representations of the country at international organizations, as well as representations of foreign states and international organizations on the territory;

Carries out leadership and determines the main directions of activities of foreign missions;

Provides assistance in creating the necessary conditions for work in diplomatic missions and consular offices of foreign states, as well as representative offices of international organizations accredited in the country, coordinates the activities of organizations and enterprises serving diplomatic missions;

Monitors the observance in the country of privileges and immunities granted by the country in accordance with international treaties;

Ensures the secrecy of the developed foreign policy actions related to the national security of the state;

Organizes consular activities on the territory of the state and abroad;

Carries out the reception of the necessary documents from persons applying for citizenship, in the manner prescribed by law;

Carries out the selection, training, retraining of personnel of the diplomatic service, language training, including through the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry, staffing the central office of the Ministry and foreign missions with them, prepares proposals on personnel issues related to senior officials of foreign missions, the appointment and dismissal of which refers in accordance with the Constitution Kazakhstan and regulatory legal acts of the state to the competence of the President;

Provides assistance in the implementation of state migration policy, including through participation in the development and implementation of measures with the relevant government authorities to prevent and suppress illegal migration and the organization of migration control;

Carries out, on the basis of the decision of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the acquisition of real estate objects in the ownership of the state abroad for the placement of foreign missions and the execution of the relevant documents;


Diplomatic relations between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan established on October 22, 1992.

Bilateral cooperation is governed by an extensive legal framework (more than 300 contracts and agreements have been signed). Basic Russian-Kazakh documents- Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance of May 25, 1992, Declaration of Eternal Friendship and Alliance, Oriented to the XXI Century, of July 6, 1998, Protocol on Amendments to the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance of 25 May 1992, Treaty between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan on good-neighborliness and alliance in the XXI century of November 11, 2013 No.

Bilateral relations with Kazakhstan in the economic sphere are developing on the basis of Long-term economic cooperation programs between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2020 On October 4, 2016, the presidents of the two countries approved Joint Action Plan of Russia and Kazakhstan for 2016-2018- a strategic document defining the priority tasks of bilateral cooperation.

Intensive political contacts. Telephone conversations between the leaders of the two countries and heads of government are held regularly. In 2017, the presidents of Russia and Kazakhstan met 6 times, and the heads of government 7 times.

Supported inter-parliamentary ties... On February 24-28, 2018, a delegation of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan headed by the Chairman of the Committee on International Relations, Defense and Security D. N. Nazarbayeva paid a visit to Moscow. She held talks with the chairmen of the State Duma V.V. Volodin and the Federation Council V.I. Matvienko.

On May 20-21, 2018, the Chairman of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Z. Nigmatulin paid an official visit to Moscow, during which he had a conversation with the Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation V.V. Volodin in a narrow format, as well as a meeting of representatives party factions "Nur Otan", CPPK and "Ak Zhol" of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of Kazakhstan with the factions of the parties "United Russia", "KPRF", "LDPR" and "Fair Russia" in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

At the invitation of the Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Eurasian Media Forum (EAMF) D. N. Nazarbayeva, Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation K. I. Kosachev took part in the XV conference of the EAMF “15 years of Evolution: how the world is changing and how the world is changing us "May 22-24, 2018 in Alma-Ata.

On June 21-22, 2018, in the Altai Territory, a regular meeting of the Commission on Cooperation between the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation was held under the chairmanship of Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation I.M.-S. Umakhanov and Deputy Chairman of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan S. N. Gromov.

On June 4-5, 2018, a delegation of the Republic of Kazakhstan headed by Deputy Chairman of the Mazhilis of Parliament V.K. Bozhko took an active part in the international forum "Development of parliamentarism" organized by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia.

The parliamentarians of the two countries actively interact at the sites of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member States, the CSTO Parliamentary Assembly and the Interparliamentary Union.

Since 1997 it has been operating Intergovernmental Commission on Cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan (IPC). Co-chairs - A.G. Siluanov and First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan A.U. Mamin. The 19th meeting of the IGC took place on November 16, 2017 in Aktobe, the next one will be held in 2018 in Russia.

Within the framework of the IGC, there are subcommissions on transport, interregional and cross-border cooperation, investment and banking cooperation, military-technical cooperation, cooperation in the field of science and new technologies, in the fuel and energy complex, in the field of industry.

Key area of ​​economic interaction - fuel and energy complex. Cooperation is developing in the areas of electric power (the power systems of Russia and Kazakhstan operate in parallel mode) and nuclear power (joint development of uranium deposits in Kazakhstan), in the oil and gas industry (transit of Kazakhstani oil through Russia to foreign markets, purchase and marketing of Kazakhstani natural gas for supply to markets third countries, the implementation of joint projects for the development of hydrocarbon resources of the northern Caspian).

Implemented space cooperation... Russia leases located in Kazakhstan complex "Baikonur"... On the basis of bilateral intergovernmental agreements signed in 2004 and 2005, the Baiterek Russian-Kazakh space rocket complex is being created at the Baikonur cosmodrome. Actively works Russian-Kazakh Intergovernmental Commission on the Baikonur Complex... Kazakhstani co-chairman - First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan A.U. Mamin. Not appointed as Russian co-chairman. The fifth meeting was held on June 13, 2017 in Baikonur, the sixth is scheduled for 2018 in Russia.

Russia and Kazakhstan cooperate in military and military-technical areas. Arms of Russian production are being delivered to Kazakhstan, assistance is being provided in the repair and modernization of Kazakh military equipment, and Kazakh servicemen are being trained in Russian military educational institutions. Russia leases military test sites on the territory of Kazakhstan.

On December 24, 2013, the presidents of Russia and Kazakhstan signed Contract between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan on military-technical cooperation.

It has become traditional to hold thematic annual forums of interregional cooperation between Russia and Kazakhstan with the participation of heads of state... The XIV Forum on "Development of Human Capital" was held on November 9, 2017 in Chelyabinsk, during which the "Joint Statement of the Presidents of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan on the Occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between the Two Countries" was adopted. In the speech of the President of Russia, the high intensity of interregional contacts was noted (in 2017, Kazakhstan was visited by more than 20 delegations headed by the leaders of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation). Specific agreements have been reached aimed at expanding multifaceted regional cooperation, investment potential and cooperation. Particular attention was paid to the creation of joint university research centers, deepening the interaction of educational institutions, including vocational and technical ones.

The XV Forum of interregional cooperation between Russia and Kazakhstan on the topic "New approaches and trends in the development of tourism in Russia and Kazakhstan" will be held in Petropavlovsk (Republic of Kazakhstan) on November 9, 2018.

A significant contribution to the deepening of bilateral cooperation was made by the International Specialized Exhibition "Expo-2017" on the theme "Energy of the Future" with the participation of 115 countries (Astana, June 10 - September 10, 2017). Vladimir Putin was present at the opening of the exhibition. Numerous days and business missions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation took place at the "site" of the Russian pavilion "Russian Arctic". Within the framework of the exhibition, a meeting of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council was held with the participation of Dmitry A. Medvedev, the International Forum "Eurasian Week", the summit of the governors of the EAEU and the Day of Russia with the participation of high-ranking Russian representatives.

The coincidence or similarity of the positions of Russia and Kazakhstan on the main international and regional problems creates the basis for cooperation in the international arena, including within the framework of the UN, OSCE and other international organizations.

Interaction is carried out between Russia and Kazakhstan within the EAEU, CIS, CSTO and SCO, as well as in the CICA. Since 2010, Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus have merged into the Customs Union. Since January 1, 2012, the Common Economic Space has been in effect, which has given an additional impetus to broader integration processes in the post-Soviet space. Cooperation is actively developing within Of the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union, signed on May 29, 2014 in Astana.

Russia and Kazakhstan interact within the framework of the negotiation process of the Caspian states on the settlement of the legal status The Caspian Sea. In July 1998, the parties signed an Agreement on delimiting the bottom of the northern part of the Caspian Sea in order to exercise sovereign rights to subsoil use.

The delimitation of the border between Russia and Kazakhstan has been completed (the length is over 7.5 thousand km). On January 18, 2005 in Moscow, the heads of state signed Agreement on the Russian-Kazakh state border. Work is underway to demarcate the border, 81.8% of the entire length of the state border is marked on the ground.

The Russian Embassy in Kazakhstan operates in Astana. In Alma-Ata, Uralsk and Ust-Kamenogorsk - the consulates general of Russia. The Kazakhstani side, along with the Embassy in Moscow, has consulates general in St. Petersburg and Kazan, consulates in Astrakhan and Omsk.



State located in the north of Central Asia. On land Kazakhstan borders with Russia, China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, on the Caspian Sea - with Russia, Azerbaijan, Iran and Turkmenistan. Territory- 2724.9 thousand sq. km (the second largest country in the CIS after Russia in area and the ninth in the world). Capital(since 1997) - Astana (over 1 million people). The former capital, Alma-Ata, has retained its significance as a financial, economic, social and cultural center of the country. Large cities are Shymkent, Karaganda, Aktobe (formerly Aktyubinsk), Taraz (formerly Dzhambul), Pavlodar, Ust-Kamenogorsk. Population(as of April 1, 2018) - 18.212 million people. National composition(at the beginning of 2018): Kazakhs (67.46%), Russians (19.76%; 23.29% at the beginning of 2010), Uzbeks (3.18%), Ukrainians (1.53%), Uighurs (1.46%), Tatars (1.11%), etc. In total, over 120 nationalities live in the republic.

IN administrative-territorial The republic is divided into 14 regions and 3 independent administrative-territorial units - the capital Astana, the cities of republican significance Alma-Ata and Shymkent. Official language- Kazakh. In state organizations and local self-government bodies, the Russian language is officially used along with the Kazakh language. Religion(according to the 2009 census): Muslims (mostly Sunnis) - 70.2%, Christians (mostly Orthodox) - 26.3%, atheists - 2.6%.

Currency unit- tenge (as of August 7, 2018, 1 USD = 348.8 tenge). Annual inflation is about 6%. National holiday Independence Day, celebrated on December 16 since 1992.

According to the 1995 Constitution, Kazakhstan is a republic with a presidential form of government. The president- N.A. Nazarbayev, has been in office since December 1, 1991. In the early presidential elections held on April 26, 2015, he was re-elected, gaining 97.75% of the vote. He officially took office on April 29, 2015. From July 5, 2018, N.A. Nazarbayev has been assigned for life the position of Chairman of the Security Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan - one of the key executive authorities with broad powers in the spheres of national security, domestic and foreign policy, law and order and etc. Prime Minister- B.A. Sagintaev (since September 9, 2016). Foreign Minister - K.K. Abdrakhmanov (since December 28, 2016). Legislature - bicameral Parliament... The upper chamber is the Senate (47 deputies, of which 32 are elected from the regions at a meeting of maslikhats - local self-government bodies, 15 are appointed by the President of the Republic). 16 deputies of the Senate were elected on June 28, 2017. Chairman of the Senate - K.-Zh.K. Tokayev (since October 15, 2013, re-elected to this post on September 14, 2017).

The lower chamber is the Mazhilis (107 deputies, of which 98 are elected by party lists, 9 are from the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan). On March 20, 2016, early elections to the Mazhilis were held, the victory was won by the People's Democratic Party "Nur Otan" ("Light of the Fatherland"), headed by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev and gaining 82.2% of the vote. The new composition of the lower house of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan also includes the Democratic Party of Kazakhstan "Ak Zhol" ("Light Path", 7.18% of the votes) and the Communist People's Party of Kazakhstan (7.14% of the votes). As a result, Nur Otan received 84 deputy mandates, Ak Zhol - 7, CPPK - 7.

Chairman of the Mazhilis of the VI convocation - N.Z. Nigmatulin (since June 22, 2016). The term of office of the Mazhilis deputies is 5 years, the Senate - 6 years (half of the senators are re-elected every 3 years).

To other existing main socio-political associations include: the political party "Birlik" ("Unity"), the People's Democratic Patriotic Party "Auyl" ("Selo"), the National Social Democratic Party (NSDP) and the Democratic Party of Kazakhstan "Azat" ("Free").

The vector of long-term development of Kazakhstan in the XXI century is determined by the adopted in December 2012. Strategy "Kazakhstan - 2050".

Military establishment include military command and control bodies (Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan - President of Kazakhstan), Ground Forces, Air Defense Forces (Air Force and Air Defense Forces), Naval Forces, Missile Forces and artillery, Special Forces, Logistics of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, military educational institutions and military scientific institutions. The main tactical formation of the ground forces is a brigade, in a brigade there are 8-10 battalions (divisions). The Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan have about 77 thousand people. The ground forces are armed with about 1,000 tanks, 3,000 armored combat vehicles, the Air Force - about 200 aircraft, 100 combat helicopters and about 30 air defense systems. The naval forces being formed in the Caspian Sea include 18 patrol boats. In case of wartime, formations, units and subdivisions of the border service of the National Security Committee, the National Guard and the Emergency Situations Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Republican Guard, and the formation of territorial defense are transferred to the Armed Forces of Kazakhstan for reinforcement.

Economy... Leading industries - oil and gas, mining, coal, chemical, non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering, light, food; agriculture - grain production and animal husbandry.

Kazakhstan is rich in natural resources. The bowels of the country contain about 1/15 of the world's proven reserves of minerals. The republic ranks 12th in the world in terms of proven oil reserves, first in terms of uranium and tungsten reserves, second in chromites and phosphorites, third in manganese ores, and fourth in lead and molybdenum.

The economy of Kazakhstan continues to recover after a slowdown in 2015-2016, caused by a decrease in oil prices and the growth rate of external demand from the main trading partners (primarily Russia, China). GDP growth in 2017 was 4.0% year-on-year (1.1% in 2016, 1.2% in 2015), almost reaching the 2014 figure (4.3%).

As of June 2018, the average monthly gross salary was USD 455, the number of people employed in the economy was 8.6 million, the average pension was USD 204, and the number of pension recipients was 2.2 million. people Unemployment is 2.3%.

Structural reforms helped stabilize economic growth. The key role among them was played by the Nurly Zhol (Light Path) program launched in 2015 (transport, housing and communal services, social infrastructure), for which significant budgetary resources were allocated (about 3% of GDP in 2016). Since 2017, the state program "Nurly Zher" (Bright Land) has been in effect, aimed at increasing the affordability of housing for the general population.

On December 25, 2015, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan approved a new comprehensive privatization plan for 2016-2020 in order to improve the efficiency of the national economy. Currently, Kazakhstan is undergoing the second wave of privatization of state-owned companies, in which the National Welfare Fund Samruk-Kazyna JSC takes an active part as an operator of a large volume of state assets (Samruk-Kazyna manages 215 out of 877 assets sold within the framework of privatization).

In addition to these measures, on February 20, 2018, N.A. Nazarbayev approved the "Strategy 2025" aimed at improving the economic situation and raising the standard of living of the population by 2025.

Foreign economic relations... Kazakhstan maintains trade relations with more than 120 states. According to the Kazakh Ministry of National Economy, Russia is the largest trading partner of Kazakhstan with a 20.6% share in the republic's foreign trade in 2017 (39.2% in imports, 9.3% in exports). In second place is China (13.5% in foreign trade, 12% in exports, 16% in imports). This is followed by Italy (respectively, 12.4%, 17.9% and 3.2%) and the Netherlands (respectively, 6.5%, 9.8% and 1.0%).

The main types of products exported by Kazakhstan are ferrous and non-ferrous metals, ores, oil, etc. The structure of imports is dominated by machinery, equipment, vehicles, consumer goods.

Foreign policy... Kazakhstan has established diplomatic relations with 183 states. There are 92 embassies and diplomatic missions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 64 countries of the world. 69 foreign diplomatic missions and 28 representative offices of international organizations are accredited in Kazakhstan, most of which are located in Astana.

An active member of the CIS, the Collective Security Treaty Organization, the Eurasian Economic Union, the Customs Union, a member of the Common Economic Space, and a member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Kazakhstan is the initiator of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia. On November 30, 2015, Kazakhstan became a full member of the WTO.

Giving priority in the field of bilateral relations to relations with Russia and other CIS countries, Astana is actively developing cooperation with China, the USA, Germany, Great Britain, France, Turkey. Kazakhstan is the leader among the Central Asian countries in the development of military-political cooperation with NATO. In December 2015, an Agreement on Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation between Kazakhstan and the European Union was signed, aimed at deepening interaction in a number of areas and increasing funding for programs for Kazakhstan through the EU.

In January 2018, Kazakhstan chaired the UN Security Council. The central event was a meeting with the participation of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev on the topic: "Non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction: confidence-building measures." N.A. Nazarbayev's official visit to the United States was also timed to coincide with the performance in New York.

In January 2017, a platform was created in Astana for holding international meetings on a Syrian settlement with the participation of the guarantor countries (Russia, Turkey, Iran) and the involvement of delegations from the Syrian government and the armed opposition. 9 meetings were held.