The benefits and harms of teeth whitening lamps. Teeth whitening lamp: how it works and how effective is the method of whitening with a led lamp

Recent advances in aesthetic dentistry offer cold light teeth whitening. We will write about the varieties, advantages, price and reviews in this article. After all, this method is quite popular due to its safety and painlessness.

Every year more and more people are thinking about how to lighten the dentition and achieve a beautiful smile. And dentists are developing new systems for home and office whitening, trying to make this procedure neat, simple and affordable for most people.

What is cold teeth whitening?

This enamel brightening system is based on the use of a gel with a special chemical composition and a lamp that can activate and accelerate its action. And if in different types photobleaching uses radiation that heats the tooth and can thereby harm it, then the cold light lamp takes care of the enamel structure.

Passing through many filters, ultraviolet and infrared spectra are removed from the directional beam, thereby whitening teeth with cold light is obtained. The patient will not feel the effects of the lamp, overheating, painful sensations, etc. Thanks to this, such methods quickly won their client.

Dentists and their patients, who have already tried this technique on themselves, highlight the following advantages of cold whitening:

  • safety for the enamel structure;
  • fast effect;
  • the duration of the whole session is not longer than an hour;
  • lightening can reach 6-10 tones;
  • absolute painlessness of the procedure;
  • simplicity in carrying out;
  • absence side effects;
  • the result will last up to a year.

Among the disadvantages, it should be noted that such a system will not be able to change the natural gray shade of the enamel, as well as affect some other cases of darkening of the teeth. The cost of such a procedure will not be affordable for everyone. And not everyone can have it, however, like many other dental services.

Indications and contraindications

It is advisable to apply such whitening in any case of darkening of the enamel. It will be especially effective when the teeth are naturally white, and have turned yellow due to smoking, plaque, poor oral hygiene and the frequent use of multi-colored products with coloring pigments.

With all the safety of this method of whitening, doctors indicate contraindications:

In any case, before carrying out such a procedure, you need qualified advice from a specialist who will determine the adequacy of its implementation. It should be borne in mind that when taking some antibiotics (tetracycline), a natural gray shade of enamel and tooth damage, no whitening system can significantly lighten the dentition.

Action chemical can affect the natural pigment of natural fabrics, so the color of artificial materials will not change. This should be borne in mind when a variety of orthodontic structures and healing fillings are installed. After bleaching, they will have to be replaced with lighter ones so as not to disturb the aesthetics of the smile.

Before and after photos

Types of technologies

Most of the varieties of modern whitening have come to us from the United States. Some have not yet been fully tested in the country, while others have already won a Russian client. Let us describe those of them that are based on the effect of cold light and ensure the safety of the procedure:

  1. - created on the special LightBridge technology. In this case, a halogen lamp is used, which completely excludes ultraviolet rays.
  2. Luma Cool is less known in our country, but has earned the trust of Americans. It uses diode lighting, although the action and result is similar to the previous one.
  3. - another novelty that came from afar. The activation of the chemical composition occurs by turning on the LED lamp. Moreover, in addition to the in-room whitening option, there are also home sets of this brand, which makes it possible to maintain the desired shade of the teeth on an ongoing basis and not go to the dentist for this.

The cost of all the described procedures is slightly different, and it may be difficult to find each of them in your city. After all, what has just come to the market does not appear everywhere at once. Therefore, sometimes it is not so much the desired method that is chosen as the more accessible for the patient.

And if in your city there is no option you have chosen, then try using a tool similar in action.

The nuances of preparation

Even before you start direct whitening, you need to go through some preparatory steps. And although they increase the price of the entire procedure, as well as the time spent in the dentist's chair, you cannot do without them:

  • Examination of the oral cavity and elimination of all diseases, inflammations and other troubles with teeth or periodontal tissues. Whitening is contraindicated in the presence of any defect.
  • It is also important to remove plaque, and especially so that the gel acts directly on the enamel. This achieves best result clarification.
  • For future comparison, the dentist will definitely evaluate the original shade of the teeth on the Vita scale. Cold light whitening promises to change the color of your smile up to 10 tones. And although in each case there will be its own effect, nevertheless, its effectiveness is interesting to know both for the doctor and for the patient himself.
  • Immediately before starting the procedure, a person must wear protective devices and install a retractor. Thus, nothing superfluous gets into the eyes or on the mucous membrane, and the whole process will be as safe as possible for health.

How is the procedure carried out?

Regardless of the lamp used and the specific method, all cold light systems will go through similar stages:

  1. Apply to the surface of the teeth chemical composition in the form of a gel, which is the main whitening agent.
  2. The action of the lamp is required to trigger the reaction. It is turned on and directed to the smile area. Withstand a certain amount of time, usually 10-15 minutes.
  3. Depending on the desired result, three consecutive whitening sessions can be performed in one visit to the doctor. Each time they evaluate the achieved result and decide whether to continue or not.
  4. At the end, the gel is rinsed off and recommendations on hygiene and diet are given to preserve the whiteness of the smile for a longer period.

If the patient, after three applications of the product, is dissatisfied with the lightening effect and wants to increase its intensity, then the procedure can be repeated in a week.

Video: my teeth were whitened! Cold whitening.


Each type of cold light whitening comes at a cost. To figure out how much your chosen option costs, you need to contact the clinic where it will be performed. The average cost of such a procedure in Moscow: Beyond Polus - 10-19 thousand rubles, Luma Cool - 6000-23000, and Amazing White - 10 thousand, if the cabinet method of whitening is chosen.

For Kiev, prices do not differ so much. Beyond Polus will cost 2200-3000 hryvnia, Luma Cool - 2500, and Amazing White also costs about 2500 hryvnia.

Although it is worth remembering that from preliminary preparation, professional cleaning, necessary treatment, changing fillings or other materials, the final cost of the entire procedure can significantly increase in each case.

Often, dental patients are offered a new method - lamp-based teeth whitening. Whitening is done with a cold LED lamp. Many people confuse this procedure with a procedure that uses an ordinary incandescent lamp, refusing to bleach in a similar way. Previously used lamps contributed to the cracking of tooth enamel, spoiling it and delivering a lot of unpleasant sensations. Exposure to tooth enamel by LED lamp is different. What is this whitening method, how does it work?

It would be wrong to say that teeth whitening led lamp is due to the light produced by it. In fact, light cannot affect tooth enamel. Its use is aimed at creating a chemical reaction between the applied reagent and the pigments that are inside the enamel and color it.

A special gel in the formula, of which hydrogen peroxide is in high concentration, acts as a reagent. Due to the light exposure, a special form of oxygen with a highly active action begins to form from it, which penetrates into the tooth tissue, oxidizing the pigments. Thus, the light emanating from the lamp is a kind of catalyst that stimulates chemical process... The main advantage of this procedure is the low temperature of the light waves. This allows the whitening procedure to be carried out painlessly for the patient and without harming the tooth enamel.

Carrying out the procedure

Teeth whitening with gel and lamp is an office procedure that should be done exclusively by a specialist with some experience. Otherwise, in addition to an unsatisfactory result, the patient may receive injuries to the oral mucosa. The procedure itself lasts about 1 hour, going through several stages.

  1. The preparatory stage is professional cleaning of the oral cavity. Existing plaque and tartar deposits are removed from the teeth. By itself, this procedure will help to make the teeth lighter, and this will allow you to maximize the tone of tooth enamel that the patient wants to see in the end. The original color is determined by application and if the patient is satisfied with the result, the dentist proceeds to the next whitening step.
  2. The second stage begins with the application of oral safety measures. Cheeks and lips, for minimal contact with the teeth, are isolated with a variety of napkins and films. So that the gums do not come under the aggressive influence of the whitening gel, and chemical burns do not occur on soft tissues, they are covered with a protective compound. Most often, this composition is. After application, it quickly hardens, forming a protective film.
  3. The third stage is the whitening procedure. The surface of the teeth is pre-dried, and then it is evenly covered with an active gel. After irradiation of the teeth with an LED lamp for 10 minutes, this gel is removed. If the result does not satisfy the patient, the whole procedure is repeated anew.

In one visit to the dentist, no more than three approaches can be carried out. All these stages will take about an hour. If this was not enough, the second visit to the dentist should take place only after a week.

LED whitening efficiency

Teeth whitening with LED lamp is sufficient effective method... In one visit to the dentist's office in order to whiten teeth, you can get a clarification of tooth enamel by 6-10 tones. This is with the condition if the tooth enamel has turned yellow from exposure to food dyes or from tobacco abuse. In the case when the tooth enamel has become gray, its lightening becomes possible only for a couple of tones. The minimum success in the performed procedure can be observed in those patients whose enamel has changed its shade under the influence of the tetracycline antibiotics used, as well as if there is an excess of fluoride in the body.

Speaking about the duration of the result, it depends on what natural shade of enamel the patient has, and how much further doctor's recommendations will be followed.

Causes of darkening of tooth enamel

In order for lamp teeth whitening to give the most positive result, you need to understand the reasons for the darkening of the enamel. In many cases, it will be sufficient to eliminate the negative impact factor for the enamel to acquire its natural shade.

The structure of the dental tissue is rather porous. The enamel that covers the base of the tooth is translucent and cannot affect its overall color. The dark shade comes from the dentin, which is visible through a thin layer of enamel. But why does it darken if the enamel itself is strong enough to pass negative factors through itself? The reason lies in the lack of hygiene and love for solid food. Seeds, nuts, roasted candies, sour drinks and all similar products contribute to damage to the upper layer of teeth, and then the dye easily penetrates into the tooth tissue, staining dentin.
The main factors contributing to the darkening of the enamel:

  • The most common reason is eating foods that contain a high concentration of natural dyes. It can be: beets, blueberries or currants, cranberries, or strawberries, coffee, strong tea, etc. In this case, careful hygiene will be the best way to get rid of the problem of darkening teeth.
  • The color of the enamel also changes in heavy smokers. The fault in this case is the tar that is in the cigarette. By settling on the surface of the tooth, they begin to gradually destroy the tooth enamel. The best solution would be to give up cigarettes, but if the patient is unable to do this, then it is worth paying more attention to hygiene procedures.
  • The tooth may darken due to trauma, during which the neurovascular bundle was damaged.
  • The color also changes due to the performed depulpation - when a nerve is removed from the tooth.
  • Staining can occur due to the specific type of filling material used, which was used to fill the nerve canal.
  • Progressive caries. At the initial stage of its development, this disease is manifested only by small black dots, but if it is not cured in time, caries begins to progress, first destroying the enamel, and then the dentin.
  • The teeth can have congenital lesions, which do not belong to carious lesions. In addition to the dark color of the enamel, they differ in a different structure and shape.
  • An excess of fluoride in the water used can provoke the development of such a disease as endemic. At the beginning of the development of fluorosis, dark areas, spots or chalky streaks form on the teeth. All this leads to the destruction of enamel, and then dentin.
  • Taking antibiotics of the tetracycline group during pregnancy negatively affects the condition of the child's teeth. The baby's teeth acquire a dark color even during the period of intrauterine development.

The first two causes of color change are easily eliminated, but only at the first stages of development. In advanced situations, the whiteness of the teeth cannot be returned. The problem is that the darkening becomes part of healthy tooth and now it is his natural shade.

LED lamp and its advantages

The main advantage of the application is the absence of a threat to the patient's health. This method passed all tests and is considered one of the safest. The rays that are reproduced by the lamp pass through a special filter, the task of which is to neutralize the harmful effects of infrared waves and ultraviolet radiation. Thus, the enamel surface is exposed to temperatures no higher than 37.6ºC. In addition, other advantages of this procedure can be noted:

  1. Short duration of the whitening procedure.
  2. The ability to get the desired result the first time.
  3. The applied gel contains components that contribute to a decrease in sensitivity to the procedure performed.
  4. The effectiveness of the system eliminates defects such as age-related darkening and darkening caused by fluorosis.

The disadvantage of teeth whitening with an LED lamp is the cost of the session, the price of which varies between 7,000 and 20,000 rubles and a large list of contraindications.

Indications for teeth whitening with LED lamp and possible contraindications

An indication for use may be:

  • uniform tooth pigmentation;
  • darkened enamel without whitish spots and dark stripes;
  • in cases where the tooth does not need to be given a certain shape or size.

For contraindications, the list is larger:

  • hypersensitivity;
  • defective enamel;
  • whitening is not recommended during lactation or pregnancy (although no special studies have been carried out);
  • special intolerance to hydrogen peroxide or other components that are in the composition of the gel used;
  • a large number of available fillings, crowns or the installation of fixed dentures;
  • problems with the temporomandibular joint;
  • limited age category of patients (under 16 years old is not recommended);
  • common diseases of patients: uncontrolled arterial pressure, asthma, tumors, etc.
  • teeth that have such damage as punctures, carious cavities, periodontitis, defects with fillings or crowns, etc.

The dentist can also refuse the whitening procedure for a certain category of patients. As a rule, it includes those patients who neglect the doctor's recommendations by not performing the prescribed procedures.

The largest number of teeth whitening procedures with an LED lamp contains 3 sessions. Each subsequent one can be completed only after a week. A positive result lasts 1–3 years. These terms depend on how much the patient adheres to the dentist's recommendations and on the natural structure of the tooth. You can prepare your teeth for the whitening procedure with the help of remineralizing therapy. But the main rule that will help maintain a positive result for a long time - after undergoing the procedure for a week, do not eat foods with a large concentrate of dye.

Among home remedies for whitening, there are many original and unusual devices, for example, LED-lamp for teeth whitening. It is believed that the kit allows you to quickly and painlessly create a Hollywood smile. Let's figure out how it works and how effective it is.

Very often, chemical reagents are used for cosmetic teeth whitening. In particular, it is carbamide peroxide. Lamp teeth whitening is another subtype of chemical whitening. To lighten the pigment, it is necessary to apply a special brightening gel, while the lamp is used to enhance and accelerate the reaction. In its normal state, the gel develops pigment in 8–12 hours, and with a lamp, in just 1–2 hours.

Before using the lamp, it is advisable to carry out a professional teeth cleaning. For example, clean the air flow. It is imperative to conduct a preventive examination at the dentist in order to exclude the presence of microtraumas in the gums and carious holes in the teeth.

Air flow cleaning

If you want to achieve an excellent result, you need to do a full cycle preparatory activities:

  • bring the oral cavity into proper condition;
  • renew old fillings;
  • get rid of mouth infections;
  • do an allergy test;
  • clean the top layer of enamel from pigmented spots.

After the preparatory measures, the gel is applied to the teeth and the lamp is turned on. Be sure to wait until the light segment is ready for use. A special indicator on the device will inform you about it.

The gel-treated areas are shone with a lamp for 45-60 minutes. After that, the gel is gently cleaned from the oral cavity.

Usually 2-3 lightening procedures are required to achieve optimal results.

Dmitry Sidorov


Do not get too carried away with such clarification, because the maximum effect is achieved only on the third day after the procedure. If you re-bleach before this, the final tooth color may appear unnaturally bright.

Only if the instructions are used correctly will the effectiveness of the procedure overshadow the side effects and harm from it.

Before and after lamp whitening

Harm and contraindications

All methods of chemical bleaching are harmful in one way or another. Peroxide (carbamide, hydrogen, etc.) penetrates the dentin through the enamel, disrupting its integrity. In addition, the LED teeth whitening lamp causes dentin to ossify. Due to this, its elasticity changes, and in some cases this can lead to a pinched nerve.

In addition, peroxide is an acid that causes serious allergic reactions and can lead to gum burns.

Allergy after using peroxide

The constant exposure to acid, including when whitening teeth with an LED lamp, leads to an increase in the sensitivity of the enamel. People suffering from this pathology are forced to give up sour, cold and hot foods and drinks, they constantly feel pain in their teeth. In this case, you will have to carry out additional prevention and treatment of nerve endings damaged by acid exposure. And if this does not help, you will have to remove the nerves.

The use of peroxides is unacceptable in the third trimester of pregnancy, because it can lead to a violation of the integrity of the dentition and cause health problems in the child.

Let's sum up

LED teeth whitening is a rather effective but expensive procedure. It requires not only an active composition, but also a special developer. It is much easier and safer to carry out such whitening in a dental clinic under the supervision of a doctor.

LED lamp for dentistry LED lamp for home whitening

This will help avoid side effects and unexpected troubles. In relation to folk remedies and other types of chemical lightening, the use of LED rays can significantly reduce the harm of peroxide, but not completely eliminate it.

In the video, a popular blogger reviews a home whitening kit with an LED lamp:

A beautiful smile can be called a business card modern people... You can make your teeth snow-white using special cold lamps. Professional light whitening provides the best possible result.

Interesting! Teeth whitening (not cold, of course) was invented in ancient Egypt. The Egyptians ground pumice and wine vinegar. Or they used improvised tools like a file. Yes, the teeth, undoubtedly, became lighter, but after a while they were struck by caries, because under the action of acid and abrasive particles of pumice, the enamel quickly and strongly collapsed. And the files completely removed the top layer.

Modern photobleaching technologies do not involve the use of improvised means and are based on the use of hydrogen peroxide and a cold beam of light.

In this article:

Method essence

Using a cold halogen glow in combination with a whitening gel. Does not have a heating effect like UV or LED lamps. That is why there are no painful sensations during the procedure.

The basis of the gel is hydrogen peroxide. The cool light that the LED lamp emits releases oxygen. When it enters the tooth tissue, pigments are split. The result is that the enamel is lightened.

But the process is not accompanied by heating of the enamel, as when using incandescent lamps. When heated, the structure of the enamel changes - it becomes porous, loose and fragile. These are all excellent breeding grounds for bacteria to settle and multiply.


Compared to other whitening techniques, cold teeth whitening has the following advantages:

  1. You will not feel the effects of the lamp, overheating, painful sensations.
  2. The method is not dangerous for the enamel.
  3. The duration of the session is 1 hour.
  4. The teeth are lightened by 6–12 shades.
  5. Long-term effect - teeth will be snow-white for two years without corrective procedures.

The main advantage of cold clarification- complete absence of any unpleasant sensations. Therefore, if you decide to make your smile perfect and Hollywood-like beautiful, this technique is what you need.

What lamps are used

The following types of cold lamps are used to whiten teeth:

  1. LED TE-600.
  2. C-Bright-II.
  3. Double White.
  4. Beyond Power Whitening System.
  5. Beyond Polus.

Each has its own characteristics, but not all of them are clear common people... They are united by one advantage - the lamps do not have a heating effect on the teeth, do not spoil the enamel.

Preparing for the procedure

Whitening with gel and Led lamp is carried out only in dental clinics. Portable compact devices for use at home have not yet been created.

Important! A week before lamp bleaching, it is not recommended to consume foods and drinks that contain natural dyes - coffee, wine, soda, berries, sauces, spices, beets, carrots.


  1. The first step is a thorough cleaning of the oral cavity: the existing plaque is removed from the teeth. Otherwise, whitening will not occur on teeth, but on plaque. At this stage, doctors perform fluoridation with the help of special preparations that create a protective film on the tooth and strengthen the enamel. One of the most common ways to remove plaque is the Air-Flow sandblasting technique.
  2. Then the dentist will select the shade of the enamel according to the Vita scale, depending on your wishes.
  3. The next step is to isolate the lips and cheeks from the teeth using special napkins and cream.
  4. To protect the gums from the effects of a reactive gel, a liquid cream is used that hardens after application and forms a protective barrier.

Brush your teeth with a fluoride toothpaste once a day, as high fluoride can lead to fluorosis. That is, for example, at night you should brush your teeth with a fluoride paste, and in the morning with a paste containing herbal extracts.

How is it going

The procedure is carried out using a lamp and gel:

  1. The surface of the teeth is dried.
  2. Then it is processed with a lamp.
  3. If all teeth are whitened, the exposure time is about 30 minutes.
  4. Then the dentist turns off the lamp, removes the gel, and you evaluate the results.

If for some reason you do not like the result, the procedure is repeated. During one visit to the dental office, you can undergo up to 3 bleaching procedures with "cold" light.

Which method to choose

Doctors suggest 3 methods of cold lightening.


Recognized leader in cold bleaching. In Russia, this technology is only gaining momentum in popularity, but it already has its own audience of fans. According to statistics, 78% of people choose it.

The advantages include:
  • lightening by 12 shades;
  • takes only 30 minutes;
  • the efficiency of the method is 30% higher than other technologies;
  • teeth remain snow-white for 2 years;
  • thanks to the point effect, selected areas or individual teeth are brightened;
  • special filters minimize the effect of the apparatus on internal tissues as much as possible, which is especially important if you have an increased sensitivity of enamel.

This whitening method is ideal for people with too dark teeth.

Luma cool

This is xenon halogen technology.

  • lightening by 10 shades;
  • painlessness of the procedure;
  • exposure time - 25 min;
  • 1 year warranty.

LUMA-COOL is one of the most effective, safe teeth whitening techniques.

Amazing white

  • the time of the procedure is 45 minutes;
  • the shade of the enamel brightens by 7 tones;
  • lack of re-whitening effect;
  • the result lasts up to 2 years.

As you can see, any of the cold lightening techniques is safe and painless. Technology does not harm the teeth.

The only disadvantage of this method of whitening is the high cost.


Unfortunately, like any medicine or treatment method, cold whitening has limitations:

  • enamel defects - cracks, chips;
  • the presence of a large number of fillings and crowns;
  • pregnant women;
  • lactation period;
  • age under 18;
  • allergy to the components that make up the whitening gel;
  • bruxism;
  • pathological abrasion of teeth;
  • diabetes mellitus, cancer, asthma, AIDS;
  • thinned enamel.

Some contraindications are relative. For example, with diseases of the oral cavity - caries, stomatitis, pulpitis, periodontal disease, after the treatment, you can perform the procedure.

Possible complications

As you can see, complications can arise against the background of the unprofessionalism of the dentist. Therefore, before choosing a clinic where you are going to do cold light whitening, you need to study the qualifications of doctors, read reviews about the clinic, watch videos.

Lack of desired effect

All people have different enamel in thickness and structure. Therefore, it does not always become snow-white. In some cases, you will need to do 2–4 more procedures. But basically, if the doctor is highly qualified, then such problems do not arise. The dentist, who has studied the technique perfectly, is able to correctly assess the condition of the tissues, calculate the time of exposure to the gel and the light beam.

Hypersensitivity of enamel

After the procedure, 2% of people develop an increased sensitivity of their teeth to hot and cold drinks and foods. But this is completely normal. In 3-4 days this inconvenience will disappear. If sensitivity persists for more than 4 days, you should contact your dentist.

Soft tissue burns

Such a complication occurs extremely rarely and only due to the unprofessionalism of the doctor. A trained professional will apply the correct protective cream to the gums to prevent soft tissue burns. But if it does arise, drug treatment will be needed.

Insufficient debridement and preparation of the oral cavity

If the doctor recommends bleaching, and you know that you have caries, it is better to contact another clinic. Before whitening, be sure to check the oral cavity. For example, if cold whitening is done during caries, then through the carious cavities the gel will penetrate deeply into the tissues and cause burns and inflammation.

A prerequisite is that after the procedure, do not eat food with dyes. This will maximize the lightening effect.


In clinics, prices vary. But on average, the price of the procedure is as follows:

  1. Beyond - from 8,000 rubles.
  2. Luma Cool - from 12,000 rubles.
  3. Amazing White - from 10,000 rubles.

The cost depends not only on the volume of work performed. If you preliminarily carry out the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity, then the price will accordingly be more expensive.

Adhering to simple rules, you can save the result for a long time:

  1. After the whitening procedure with a cold beam, you cannot lighten your teeth at home with hydrogen peroxide, salt, soda, and others. folk remedies... This leads to damage to the enamel.
  2. If you can't stop drinking coffee, red wine, and foods containing dyes, brush your teeth after every meal. No possibility? Use special mouth rinses, sprays, and irrigators. This will help prevent the formation of plaque, stone, which are harbingers of enamel darkening. This also applies to those people who smoke. Under the influence of nicotine, even the clarified enamel will turn yellow.
  3. It is imperative to cleanse the oral cavity twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.
  4. Visit dentistry once every six months.
  5. Don't use toothpicks. The alternative is dental floss.
  6. Eat fewer sugary foods. They promote the multiplication of bacterial infections in the mouth.
  7. Include green apples, dairy products - cottage cheese, milk, cheese in your diet. They are rich in calcium, which will help strengthen dental tissue.

Only careful oral care, diet and your efforts will help keep your Hollywood smile for a long time.

The most popular today are lamps powered by LED (LED) - diodes emitting cold light... LED lamps provide safer teeth whitening with special gels that are activated by light. Numerous studies have shown that LEDs minimize the temperature of the tooth tissues, thereby reducing the risk of complications.

Method essence

Teeth whitening is a chemical reaction that oxidizes pigments. When teeth are brightened with a gel and a lamp, hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide act as active components, which are activated by the light of the "LED lamp". Carbamide peroxide and hydrogen peroxide are able to penetrate the enamel and dentin, oxidizing the pigments that stain the tooth. As a result of the reaction, hydrogen peroxide decomposes into water, oxygen and perhydroxyl, while the oxidized pigments are washed out of the tooth tissues along with water.

Indications and contraindications

An important step before the whitening procedure is to assess the condition of the dentition and identify all possible contraindications. There are several main indications for bleaching with the "LED lamp":

  • Discoloration of teeth as a result of non-carious lesions - hypoplasia, fluorosis.
  • The presence of white spots on the enamel.
  • Change in color of teeth after pulp.
  • Tetracycline teeth (pathology associated with the accumulation of tetracycline in hard tissues).
  • Age-related discoloration of the enamel.
  • Food coloring.

There are a lot of contraindications to this technique, among them:

  • The presence of carious cavities on the teeth is a relative contraindication; the procedure can be carried out after sanitation of the oral cavity.
  • Large amount - known not to bleach, so the result may not be as expected.
  • Crowns on the front teeth - in this case, after that, the structures will have to be replaced with new, lighter ones.
  • Diseases of the oral mucosa - the procedure is carried out only after a complete cure.
  • Enamel too thin.
  • The presence of hypersensitivity, as after the whitening procedure, an increase in pain symptoms is possible.
  • Hypersensitivity to hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide.
  • The presence of malignant tumors in the human body.
  • Completion of a course of chemotherapy.
  • Pregnancy and period breastfeeding- temporary contraindication.
  • The patient is under 18 years of age.

How is the procedure for whitening teeth with a lamp

Teeth whitening always starts with the preparation of the oral cavity for the procedure. A special oil is applied to the lips, which prevents the appearance of cracks when putting on the mouth dilator. After that, a retractor is put on, pulling off the cheeks and lips, and they begin to isolate. Napkins are placed behind the cheeks so that the whitening gel does not get on the mucous membrane and does not cause irritation. The gums are insulated with a special light-curing material, which is carefully applied along the line of the necks of the teeth and illuminated with a lamp.

After complete isolation an active gel is applied to the dried dentition. You should be aware that only incisors, canines and premolars are whitened. After applying the gel, it is illuminated with a lamp for 10-15 minutes, then the composition is removed from the teeth and the result is assessed. If necessary, the procedure is repeated again, while the total number of approaches should not be more than three. On average, the whole procedure takes about an hour, the result is always individual - it is difficult to predict it in advance.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of a diode lamp over others is the almost complete absence of harm to hard dental tissues. This is due to the fact that the light beam passes through special filters that neutralize ultraviolet and infrared radiation. In addition, the temperature of the enamel surface practically does not increase, thereby there is no possibility of overheating of the pulp and thermal burns of the mucous membrane.

Other than that, cold bleaching has other benefits:

  • Short duration of the procedure.
  • In the process of lightening, the patient practically does not experience discomfort and pain.
  • The desired result can be obtained the first time.
  • The ability to eliminate even the most difficult discoloration.

There are few disadvantages of this method - it is a long list of contraindications and a rather high cost.

The difference between teeth whitening with a lamp and other methods

Teeth whitening with an LED lamp differs from other methods in several ways. For example, unlike chemical method, the duration of the procedure is 2 times shorter due to the presence of an activator in the form of a lamp. In addition, during the process of chemical lightening, the patient may feel some discomfort and painful lumbago due to the higher concentration of the active gel.

When oxygen gels are used in lower concentrations, therefore, the effect is not noticeable immediately, but only after a whole course of procedures. Photobleaching with hot light lamps is also carried out using a gel and a catalyst in the form of a lamp, however heat light waves can damage enamel and cause pain. In addition, with errors in insulation, there is a risk of developing a burn of the mucous membrane.

Unlike the cold light method, it takes less time and the effect can be more noticeable. This is due to the fact that the laser radiation flux is denser and is not scattered, therefore it acts directionally. The cost of teeth whitening with a laser is slightly higher than that of photobleaching.

Useful video about Zoom teeth whitening