Forensic investigation of footprints. Our footprints Footprints of a hippopotamus footprint

Exploring one's past is one of the main tasks facing modern science. Often, it is by studying your history that you can find the missing links that will help you make important discoveries in the future. An important area of ​​archeology is the search for traces of stay left by ancient people. They help to understand more about culture, the stages of development and the formation of human society.

An ancient man, moving carefully and silently, may not leave any traces on the walls of caves, not put tools and jewelry in a secluded place, but he will certainly leave prints of his feet. And if they are left in a viscous, soft material that subsequently hardens, they can last for a long time. That is why the chances of finding a footprint of a person whose age is tens of thousands of years are much higher than, for example, the chances of finding.

Archaeologists have found many footprints left by people who lived several thousand and even tens of thousands of years ago (mostly these discoveries occur at the excavations of the sites of ancient people), but Professor Cynthia Liutkus was lucky: she managed to find a footprint left by a man about 120,000 years ago !

The discovery was made during excavations in Tanzania, East Africa, when a professor and her assistant saw a fossilized human footprint imprinted in the ashes. Radiocarbon analysis showed that the find is about 120,000 years old, and the anatomical structure of the footprint indicates that the foot that left it belonged to Homo sapience - Homo sapiens. At the moment, this print is the oldest among the found prints of homo sapience.

Science also knows more ancient footprints, but they only belong to earlier species -. If we talk about bipedal creatures, then the most ancient footprints are "prints" Laetoli ", discovered during excavations in the area of ​​Laetoli, Tanzania. Several million years ago, a nearby volcano erupted, causing the surroundings to be covered with ash, which eventually softened and thickened due to the passing rains. It was this mixture that helped preserve the prints of two walking upright creatures walking next to each other. The chain of traces has about 70 prints, and then is interrupted. According to scientists, history has preserved traces of two Australopithecus, and radiocarbon analysis has shown that their age is about 3.6 million years. Thus, the Laetoli prints are the most ancient of the discovered prints of upright hominins.

These imprints are about 3.6 million years old |

The suggestion that the footprints belong to Australopithecus is confirmed by fossilized teeth found nearby, anatomically belonging to Australopithecus and belonging to the same time period.

But that's not all. There are even older prints. True, where they came from and to whom they belong, modern science is not able to say: after all, if they are really real, then this destroys the entire modern scientific theory. The fact is that in 1922 in the state of Nevada, geologist John Reid, who was engaged in geological exploration, discovered a piece of stone in one of the mines, on which the imprint of the sole of a boot was clearly visible.

Boot print from Nevada

The lines of the sole were preserved so clearly that even the ties that fastened the sole to the sole were visible. top. The fossil was originally believed to be about 5 million years old, but more detailed studies have shown that its age is about 230 million years. However, neither 5 million years ago, nor even more so 230 million years ago, there simply could not have been a person on Earth. What is a Nevada boot print? Looking for answers to questions


It is no coincidence that human life is compared to a road or a path. By analogy with physical movement in space, our life path there are also long passages and stops, obstacles and respite. Living our life, we leave spiritual traces by which we can judge the fruits of our existence. In the footsteps of a physical person, a knowledgeable person can tell a lot about who has passed here, just as an experienced hunter, looking at the footprint of an animal on damp sand, can tell a lot about his character and even about his mood.

The size and depth of the trace

For example, looking at various footprints in the sand, you will notice that some of them are very heavy, deep and clear, while others are light and barely noticeable. Heavy traces are usually left by people with a large life experience bearing the burden of life's problems. On the other hand, deep and clear footprints can betray a very solid person who loves to win over other people and stay on top in any situation.

Light traces testify to dreaminess, a cheerful and light disposition, or to the enlightened nature of the person who left them.

Large footprints most often belong to a person who can make a big impression on others. Traces of small size indicate that, despite the possible serious achievements of its owner, he is not able to make a significant contribution to the development of events.

Imprint form

It is also important which parts of the feet are imprinted deeper than others.

If the pad on the print is barely visible, and the heel area is pressed into the sand quite deeply, then it is very likely that the person who left the footprint has religious problems related to members of his family or the religious community to which he belongs.

If the footprint is flat, this indicates that the person is firmly on his feet or, at least, has a great desire to gain a stronger foothold in life. If the edges of the feet are imprinted deeper, then perhaps he has an internal need to constantly control the situation.

If the ball of the foot is imprinted deeper, this person may be suffering from heart problems that have weighed heavily on him. Moreover, the same problems may look different on different feet. For example, a clearer imprint of the right foot indicates problems in the past associated with the masculine principle, and, conversely, a more pronounced imprint of the left foot indicates problems in the present related to the feminine principle.

If the toes stand out more clearly on the footprints, this means that the traces were left by a thinker or someone who wants his ideas and thoughts to impress others.

Sometimes on the prints of some feet one can see a somewhat advanced thumb. This is evidence of a person's approach to the divine, or a sign that he purposefully moves forward, promoting new concepts, ideas and plans.

If the prints of both feet are turned inward, then perhaps such a person is afraid to look for a way out of the situation he is in. When the prints of both feet look clearly turned outward, then this person is probably very attached to his family or to the community to which he belongs. Or maybe he just wants to attract the attention of his family members.

If only one of the footprints is turned outward, say the right one, this indicates that the person lives in the past or is strongly attached to it. The imprint of the left foot turned outward indicates a tendency to run far ahead in one's life, that is, to live in hope for the future.

The degree of soiling of the feet

Speaking of footprints, one cannot avoid such an interesting question as the dependence of the degree of soiling of the feet on emotional state their owner. It would seem that after several people walk barefoot in the same place, their feet should be equally dirty, but meanwhile this is not at all the case. At different people there will be a different amount of dirt on the soles, that is, the feet of one person will be much cleaner than the feet of another.

Is it by chance? No, there are simply people with increased susceptibility, who can literally attract all sorts of problems to themselves. Their heavily soiled feet say just that. But people with clean feet are usually calm, balanced, very pleasant to talk to. True, they are not particularly sensitive to what is happening around them, which can cause discontent and irritation of their loved ones.

This text is an introductory piece. by Steven Juan

From the book Oddities of Our Body. Entertaining anatomy by Steven Juan

From the book Oddities of Our Body. Entertaining anatomy by Steven Juan

by Steven Juan

From the book Oddities of Our Body - 2 by Steven Juan

From the book How to stop snoring and let others sleep author Yulia Sergeevna Popova

From the book Dream - secrets and paradoxes author Alexander Moiseevich Wayne

From the book Your life is in your hands. How to understand, beat and prevent breast and ovarian cancer written by Jane Plant

From the book To make life a joy. Wellness tips for those over 50 author Larisa Vladimirovna Alekseeva

From the book 5 of our feelings for a healthy and long life. Practical guide author Gennady Mikhailovich Kibardin

So traces humanoid creatures in general there is a complete leapfrog ...

For example, in national park "Valley of the Dinosaurs"that in the US state of Texas a little south of Dallas, a river flows Palexy. In the hot summer months, it becomes very shallow, and a strange picture appears: the bottom of the river is littered with petrified prints of the three-toed paws of dinosaurs, next to which equally distinct footprints five-fingered human-like feet. You can’t call them giant, but by the standards of modern people they are too big: in length, many footprints reach 55 centimeters, although there are smaller ones. The Palaxie River footprints are approximately 140 million years old. Coexistence of man and dinosaurs from the point of view modern science so improbable that most scientists prefer to believe that human footprints in the Palaxie River bed are fake. Meanwhile, in the "Valley of the Dinosaurs" year after year, more and more new human footprints, raking them from layers of silt and fragments of rocks ...

Despite all the absurdity, from the standpoint of modern
official history, the simultaneous existence of man and dinosaur, in addition to strange traces there are other indirect evidence in favor of this hypothesis - see and.

According to Dr. Johannes Fibag from Germany: "If the impressions on the Paleksi River and other similar formations of geological age are authentic, then we can only talk about traces of extraterrestrial intelligent beings." The opinion is weighty, since it belongs to, perhaps, the best foreign researcher of the problem of "ancient astronauts" today, who is also a professional geologist. There is, however, a very simple, but extremely inconvenient question for this version: did alien astronauts walk the Earth barefoot?

Another thing is prints that look like footprints of shoes, but which have come down to us again from those times when not only a “man with shoes”, but also a person could not exist on our planet at all. Such finds are rare, but they do happen. For example, in the Gobi desert, an imprint was found that looks like track grooved sole with heel. In the USA, in the state of Utah, a pair of fossilized prints of "shoes" of quite human size was found - 32.5 centimeters in length, also with heels ... and
at least 400 million years old. In a seam of coal from the state of Nevada, preserved track from the sole, on which the seam allegedly even imprinted. Human footprints in the environment traces dinosaurs were recently discovered in Turkmenistan. And the most elegant mystery of this series of facts is presented by the same bed of the Paleksi River: the imprint of a bare foot, and just a meter from it - track shod feet ... The size of the foot of the one who walked barefoot is almost half the size.

Shoe sole from Nevada

On October 8, 1922, New-York Sunday magazine published under the heading "Events of the Week in America" ​​a sensational article by Dr. W. H. Ballou under the heading "The Sole of a Shoe - 5,000,000 Years". The author wrote: “Some time ago, a prominent mining engineer and geologist, John T. Reid, while exploring for minerals in the state Nevada, suddenly stumbled upon a piece of stone, which led the researcher into indescribable amazement. And there was something: on the stone lying at the feet of Reid, the imprint of a human sole was clearly visible! As it turned out on closer inspection, it was not just track bare feet, and apparently shoe sole which time has turned to stone. And although the front part of the sole was missing, at least two-thirds of its area was preserved, and along its perimeter there were clearly distinguishable thread stitches, obviously fastening the welt to the sole. Then another row of stitches followed, and in the center, where the foot should be, if it were really a shoe sole, there was a recess, completely corresponding to what the human heel bone usually forms in the heel part of the sole of the shoe when it is worn for a long time. This find is in all likelihood the greatest scientific mystery, for the fossil is at least 5 million years old ... I turned to specialists in microphotography and chemical analysis from the Rockefeller Foundation, who privately took photographs of the find and subjected it to analysis, the results who confirmed [crossed out] any doubt that we are talking about the sole of a shoe that was petrified during the Triassic period... Microphotographs taken at 20x magnification clearly show the smallest details of twisted threads of stitches, their deformations and warps, thereby convincingly confirming that this is a human handmade work, and not its natural imitation. All the features of the threads can be easily seen even with the naked eye, and the sole contours themselves are definitely symmetrical. Inside them, strictly parallel, runs a line consisting of small holes made, obviously, to skip stitches. I can add to this that at least two prominent geologists, whose names have not yet come to publicity, identified the find as a shoe sole that underwent a natural process of petrification in the Triassic period. currently accepted geochronological scale, according to which the Triassic period lies within the boundaries from 248 to 213 million years ago.

In the early 1930s, 20 kilometers southeast of the city of Beria, Kentucky, USA, professor of geology, Dr. Wilbur Burrow and his colleague William Finnel, discovered human footprints on fossilized sandstone in the layers of rocks of the Carboniferous period ( or very similar to human) feet. Twelve traces 23 centimeters long and 15 centimeters wide - in the area of ​​\u200b\u200b"spread" fingers - looked like someone had walked barefoot on wet sand, which subsequently hardened and petrified. And he petrified, by all geological standards, no later than 250 million years ago.

In 1988, the Soviet magazine Vokrug Sveta published a report that similar prints were found in the Kurgatan Reserve, located in the Chardjou region of Turkmenistan, most reminiscent of footprints bare feet of a person or some humanoid creature. The length of the print is 26 centimeters. Age traces, according to scientists, at least 150 million years.

There were similar finds in other regions, in particular, in Slovakia. At the same time, it should be emphasized that next to traces"legs" traces of "hands" were not found in any case.

But even more mysterious prints are known. In 1976, Thomas Andrews published We Are Not the First in London. In it, the author reports that in 1968, a certain William Meister saw in the state of Utah, USA, at the site of a rock fracture, two clear prints ... of shoe soles. At the same time, the rear part of the imprint with the heel trace is deeper, as it should be in accordance with the distribution of gravity when walking. Geologists who examined the find site confirmed that at the time when the impression was formed, the formation was on the surface and only subsequently was buried under layers of other rocks. Rocky rock, at the fracture site of which it turned out track, dates from the Cambrian period, which began 570 million years ago and ended 80 million years later.

In the quarry of a brick factory near the town of Odintsovo near Moscow, an excavator scooped up sand with a bucket, in which the builders found a petrified model of the human brain. So what? - you ask. And the fact that Moscow scientists have accurately established that the find dates back to those times when there was no life on Earth at all!

Is it possible? How else is it possible! - say modern Russian and foreign archaeologists and paleontologists.

Track from a shoe that is… 600 million years old!

According to the point of view prevailing today in the scientific world, the first ape-like creatures appeared on Earth during the Oligocene period, which began 38 million years ago. The branch that led to humans in the process of evolution originated in the Miocene period, covering the interval from 25 to 5 million years ago.

At the beginning of the next period, the Pliocene, the first fossil hominids lived on the planet - upright human-like primates. The oldest known hominin, the Australopithecus, or southern great ape, is about 3 million years old.

Approximately 2 million years ago, at the beginning of the Pleistocene period, one of the branches of Australopithecus developed into a "handy man."

Before "homo sapiens" it was already "within a stone's throw", but he managed to inherit everywhere, including at a time when his immediate ancestors (according to science) included only primitive reptiles. And on track in the literal sense of the word: the prints of bare human feet were found even in the layers of the Carboniferous period, which began 320 million years ago.

In the summer of 2006, schoolchildren found three prints of a human foot in a piece of granite near Korzhevoy Kut in the Umanshchina of the Cherkasy region.

The valley in which the stone was found has the shape of a regular semicircle. Along the edges, like guards, red rocks rise. You can get here along the only path, passing by these "guardians". A stream flows below and, when it overflows, closes the entrance to the valley.

When the schoolchildren washed the stone from dirt, they even sat down in surprise - three prints clearly stood out on it! Two - left and right feet of the same size and one imprint of a smaller foot.

The children began to try on their feet and came to the conclusion that the big ones were the footprints of a woman. The clearest trace was so well preserved that even the impressions of the fingertips were visible. There was an impression of a dog's paw nearby.

The director of the Uman Museum of Local Lore photographed the traces and sent them to the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Did frogs prefer to jump with their shoes on?

But archaeologists find fossilized prints not only of bare feet. Some people preferred to walk hundreds of millions of years ago shod.

The most sensational discovery of this kind was made in 1927 in Nevada, when a fossil was found in deposits that are 160-195 million years old. track from ... a boot. The footprint was clearly visible, and even a double seam was visible on it! The most interesting thing is that this is not the only imprint of the oldest shoe in the world.

Dr. Wilbar Burrows, head of the Department of Geology at Bury College in the US state of Kentucky, announced the discovery of human traces in coal sandstone. These were footprints shoes - 24 cm long and 15 cm wide. Even with the latest equipment to detect facts of engraving, carving or intricate stamping in or around traces failed. Geologists estimate the age of the mountain where the prints were located at 240 million years.

In the summer of 1968, in an area called Antelope Well, amateur archaeologist W.J. Meister, searching for petrified trilobites, discovered another human footprint inside the rock, under which a trilobite froze.

Scientists determined that it was track Feet modern man, shod in sandals. But trilobites - ancient mollusks that became the first inhabitants of the ocean - lived on Earth 600 million years ago, 300 million years before dinosaurs appeared. How did our contemporary get there, crushing a trilobite with a sandal? I wonder what the heel of the shoe wore footprints wear characteristic of the right leg.

Scientists have come to considerable embarrassment from petrified human traces, which were adjacent to dinosaur footprints. Chains of petrified human traces at least 100-150 million years old were found in the Transvaal, Ceylon, in the Gobi desert. In Texas, in the bed of the Palaxy River, where the world's largest location is located traces dinosaurs, K. Strenberg discovered in 1930 the footprints of a man who, apparently, was chasing a dinosaur!

Another ancient footprints human bare feet were found by the American geologist G. Burru in 1931, a few miles northwest of Mount Vernon. Ten traces humans are captured in layers that are 250 million years old!

How do these explain footprints conservative scientists? Some believe that footprints, discovered in the USA, were skillfully carved into stone by the Indians, others consider anomalous prints traces ancient giant frog ... However, it should be noted that the petrified track The shoe has also been studied by scientists who have determined that it is authentic.

Of course, if only anomalous prints existed, one could assume that hundreds of millions of years ago there lived some kind of strange frog with human feet, which sometimes also wore factory-made boots for a change. However, in addition to fingerprints traces archaeologists find other material evidence that in very distant times, before and during the era of dinosaurs, creatures permanently or temporarily inhabited the Earth, who, among other things, owned firearms, and maybe laser weapons.

This is evidenced by the finds of dinosaur skulls with perfectly even, bullet-like holes, as well as the discovery of a Neanderthal skull in Rhodesia in 1928 with a similar hole, and a 40,000-year-old bison skull from Yakutia, which had a perfectly round hole, overgrown during his lifetime. .

During excavations in the Gobi desert, the Russian paleontologist and writer I. Efremov discovered, next to the skeletons of dinosaurs, the bones of a humanoid creature and several metal objects. The latter were made using high technology. In addition, clearly bullet holes were found in the bones of the dinosaur.

In many places of the world, bones of such fossil specimens with holes have been found. But there was also found the one who supposedly made these holes.

Footprints giant

EARLY this year, a group of Russian scientists set off from Ufa on an expedition to Syria, Lebanon and Egypt. Having visited many historical places, scientists have tried to unravel the main mysteries of our civilization. The results were sensational. But in any case, they were not based on desk research, but on material collected by specialists from various fields of science. "AiF" could not pass by the results of this expedition and silence them. Of course, some may disagree with them. Our weekly is open to debate and is ready to listen to any point of view. So, what did our scientists in the East see? "AiF" begins a series of publications in which the leader of the expedition, Professor Ernst MULDASHEV, talks about incredible discoveries.

- ERNST Rifgatovich, what do you remember most about the expedition?

Photo 1 - Perhaps footprints giant. We learned about the existence of traces of a giant man from a letter from a Russian girl living in Syria. Footprints these we found in the town of Ain Dara in northern Syria. On top of an artificial hill, we saw a dilapidated temple, the statues and monuments of which were made of basalt, brought here for more than six hundred kilometers from a quarry in southern Syria. Among the multi-ton black statues depicting mythical animals, we saw a perfectly flat area of ​​white stone, on which three trace giant man (see photo 1).

- Maybe these are natural patterns of stone, reminiscent of footprints human?

- Well no. Footprints were visible so clearly that none of the members of the expedition had any doubts about their origin. We, as physicians, have carefully analyzed these footprints and came to the conclusion that it was impossible to specifically carve them in stone with the help of even the most modern tools. Consultations of anatomists showed that these footprints have a natural relief of footprints of a person, but ... a giant person. Only one thing confused anatomists - the structural features of the feet were somewhat different: the foot of a giant man was flattened and had a flipper-like character, the length of the fingers was approximately the same, and their pads protruded not only on the terminal, but also on the middle phalanges. [

- What are the dimensions traces giant man?

Photo 2- Length trace giant man (see photo 2) was exactly 90 cm, the width at the base of the fingers - 45 cm, in the heel region - 20 cm, the length of the thumb - 20 cm, the length of the little finger - 15 cm. For comparison, I will give the dimensions of the foot of a person wearing shoes Size 42: foot length - 27 cm, width at the base of the fingers - 9 cm, width in the heel region - 6 cm, thumb length - 4 cm, little finger length - 2 cm.

- If it's natural footprints giant, how could they be imprinted on the stone?

- On this occasion, we have an assumption that the white stone, unusual for these places, was once something like a cement mortar, on which a giant man stepped in order to ... specially leave his footprints. It cannot be ruled out that the ancient giant people possessed stone softening technologies. By the way, the maximum immersion depth trace in the heel area was 3 cm.

- You found only three of them. trace? Other traces did not have?

- At some distance from the white stone platform with three giant footprints there is another similar site with another giant next. We got the impression that the giant man first stood with both feet on the first platform, then stepped forward with his left foot and jumped to the second platform, where his right foot imprinted. The length of the jump - from a place, without a run - was ... 11 meters!

- Probably, in anatomy there are methods for calculating the height and weight of a person, depending on the size of his feet?

Perhaps this is how our distant ancestors looked like. - Professor-anatomist Rafik Talgatovich Nigmatullin made such calculations and got this: a person with such foot sizes should have weighed 3.5–5 tons and had a height of about 6.5–10 meters. This is incredible, but it turns out that giant people once lived on earth, in comparison with which we are just pygmies.

Going in search of others traces giant ancestors, scientists have discovered their graves. So far, none of them has been opened, because the graves are guarded by an energy of unknown origin, periodically escaping from under the gravestones. Read about what the expedition saw in the places of ancient burials in the next issue of AiF.

In 1912, Stofel Coeten, a farmer in the South African province of Transvaal, discovered the imprint of a giant human foot on a granite rock in the jungle. The length of the imprint was about 130 centimeters, width - 60. It is estimated that a humanoid creature that had a foot of this size must have been ten meters tall. The imprint was so distinct that even the “combs” of soil pressed between the fingers were visible. It is pressed into the rock by as much as 15 cm, while the granite seems to have melted. But the plate itself turned out to be located vertically! Some of the experts suggested that the giant track- just a game of nature.

But the jokes of nature did not end there. An imprint of the left foot was found in the Transvaal. And the footprint of the right foot was later discovered 44 miles from Colombo, the capital of Sri Lanka. And also in granite rock. The famous 14th-century Arab traveler Ibn Battuta, who visited Ceylon, described this track. "I had only one desire to visit the holy foot of Adam." In Ceylon there is the famous Adam's Peak, at the top of which stands a black rock. It is on it that "the imprint of the foot of our father Adam" is located. Ibn Battuta determined its dimensions: the length of the foot is 1.5 m with a width of about 80 cm. Scientists later determined the growth of the giant - 10.2 m.

Found in the US state of Nevada footprints human feet 51 cm long with a distance between adjacent footprints of 1.5-2 m.

Giant bare foot print

Giant footprint discovered in South Africa. It is located near the town of Mpalusi, close to the border of Swaziland. The time this imprint was made is estimated to be at least 200 million years, due to our current understanding of how the granites were formed. Geologists marveled at this giant footprint in granite, about 120 cm long.

In the video below, Michael Tellinger says that this may be one of the best evidence that giants existed on Earth in time immemorial.

In that, track now located in the vertical plane, there is no surprise - this is due to the shift of tectonic plates. Several similar formations are found in India and Australia. Footprints most often located at such angles, .

Which were displayed on separate surfaces of material objects as a result of contact with the plantar part of the human foot.

Depending on what was the direct trace-forming object, there are traces of bare feet dressed in a stocking or sock and footprints of shoes, as well as a display of feet inside shoes.

By footprints, one can judge the situation at the time of the crime and the way it was committed, the person (approximate height, signs of gait, age, physical disabilities), the signs of shoes (size, style), the direction, speed and nature of movement, etc. d. Footprints can be used to identify a person or their shoes. The footprints can be used to determine how the perpetrator entered the scene and how he left it.

Classification of footprints

Quantitative characteristic

Removal of voluminous footprints

Fixation of volumetric footprints of shoes is carried out by making plaster casts. The trail must be prepared for this: all foreign objects (leaves, lumps of earth, pebbles, etc.) that have fallen into the trail after trace formation must be removed from it. Depending on the soil on which the trace was found, three methods of making casts are used:

  • bulk.

To make a cast in bulk, gypsum powder is diluted in water to the consistency of sour cream. The resulting mass is poured into the trace with a layer at 1/3 of its depth. Then a reinforcing frame made of wire or other material is placed and the remaining mass is poured.

1) it is necessary to remove all extraneous inclusions (particles) from the trace.

2) if the track is shallow, you need to make a roller of soil or planks around the track.

3) it is necessary to make a frame of branches or wire to keep the shape of the track. A tag is attached to the frame, on which all the information is indicated (tags are made of cardboard or plastic).

4) then a gypsum mortar is prepared. Gypsum can be medical, construction, alabaster. The ratio of gypsum and water should be 1:1 (the consistency of the gypsum solution should resemble sour cream). Gypsum is poured into water (and not vice versa), stirring constantly to form a homogeneous mass.

5) gypsum mortar is poured into the trace so that the bottom of the trace is filled. Then the frame is laid and the rest of the solution is poured. At a temperature of + 15-20 ° C, the gypsum mortar hardens within about 20-30 minutes.

6) then you should take out the cast and wash off excess particles from it.

  • bulk.

It is used when the trail is left, for example, on melted snow, i.e. when water constantly seeps into the trail and pumping it out does not work. In this case, the gypsum is poured into the trace, its natural setting occurs, after which the cast is removed and washed off.

Snow can be different (hard, loose, melted), the ground can also be different (earth, sand, etc.) - this affects the way you work with traces left on such a surface.

For loose soils, it is recommended to fix the trace before preparing the gypsum mass. In some cases (when a trace is left on a loose substance), it is possible to remove the entire trace - the trace is fixed and removed along with the soil.

With the bulk method, a layer of dry gypsum 1–2 cm thick is poured into the trace through a sieve, then the frame is laid and covered with gypsum to the brim. After that, the gypsum is moistened with a spray gun.

  • combined.

When combining the bulk method with the bulk method, a combined method is obtained that is suitable for fixing voluminous footprints of shoes on all surfaces. If traces remain in the snow, gypsum is bred in cold water, the temperature of which is brought to 0°. To do this, add snow to the water until it stops melting.

The choice of one or another method depends, firstly, on the trace-receiving surface, and secondly, on the weather conditions and season.

Fixation of superficial footprints

Superficial shoe marks formed by layering can be transferred to trace film or sticky paper, damp photographic paper, as well as to sheet rubber, previously sanded with coarse-grained emery cloth.

Fossilized footprints are quite rare on our planet, and therefore are of particular interest to archaeologists.

After all, ancient fossils can reveal secrets about the ancestors of people, and about what happened on our planet in the prehistoric period. This review contains an incredible dozen of fossils that will be of interest even to people far from scientific research.

1. Laetol traces

In 1976, anthropologist Mary Leakey discovered the world's oldest human footprints in Laetoli, Tanzania. They were extruded in a layer of volcanic ash 3.6 million years old. Scientists attribute these footprints to Australopithecus afarensis, an ancient hominid whose remains were found in the same layer of sediment. The subsequent volcanic eruption buried under itself and preserved these imprints for centuries. Initially, scientists believed that the footprints belonged to two people (more precisely, their ancestors), but now it is believed that they belong to four different Australopithecus.

These footprints are the earliest example of a hominid erectus, which was a real leap in evolution. The legs of Australopithecus afarensis were more like the legs of modern humans than monkeys. However, their average stride length was significantly shorter (long lower limbs developed only in Homo erectus).

2. Traces of the devil

On the western flank of the Roccamonfina volcano in southern Italy, one can find the "Footprints of the Devil" - ancient footprints in a frozen volcanic stream, approximately 385,000 - 325,000 years old. These footprints were left by humanoids descending the steep slope of the volcano, with even rare handprints preserved where they leaned against the slope for balance. No one knows who made them, but scientists suspect that the most "likely candidate" is Homo erectus, or Heidelberg Man.

3. Footprints of Eve

Footprints that were found in 1997 on a deserted stretch of the west coast South Africa, are the oldest known fossil footprints of Homo sapiens. They date back to 117,000 years old and are called "footprints of Eve". Interestingly, they are almost indistinguishable from the footprints of modern humans, except that the hominid who left them was about 140 centimeters tall (moreover, it is believed that it was an adult).

4. Footprints in Hapiesberg

In 2014, a storm on an English beach exposed the oldest human footprints outside of Africa. The prints are 850,000 years old, that is, they are half a million years older than the most ancient people (as scientists previously assumed) who began to populate Europe. Experts believe that they were made by some of the predecessors of humans. At that time, England was connected with continental Europe by a land isthmus, and the climate in it was similar to modern Scandinavian.

This raises questions about when clothing, shelter, and fire were actually invented. Also, these prints change the whole picture of how humanity migrated from Africa. Experts now believe that hominins may have colonized Britain as many as ten separate times.

5. Turkana Hunters

In 2009, researchers discovered human footprints near Kenya's Lake Turkana that date back 1.5 million years. The footprints were too old to belong modern people, therefore, the researchers considered that they belonged to Homo erectus, which are considered the first hominids with long legs and short arms - that is, adapted for vertical walking.

The presence of prints of several males nearby indicates that these hominids were engaged in joint work, presumably hunting. The researchers studied other animal tracks in the area and determined that there used to be meadows near the lake. Herbivores usually moved in a straight line from grass to water, while humans lived along the coast like predators. It is likely that they were more carnivorous than modern humans.

6. Footprints on Calvert Island

Footprints on Calvert Island in British Columbia may be the oldest human footprints in North America. Their age is 13,200 years, and they belonged to three individuals, which, according to scientists, were a family. The study of prints is extremely difficult because they are located in the intertidal zone. More research needs to be done to authenticate their age, as neighboring rocks date back as little as 2,000 years.

However, previous radiocarbon dating showed the footprints to be 13,000 years old, which is proof that North America was first settled along the coast Pacific Ocean. Previously, experts believed that people settled south through an ice-free corridor east of the Rocky Mountains.

7 Hohokam Footprints

In 2015, a construction crew unearthed fossilized ancient footprints near Tucson, USA. They are 2500 - 3500 years old and belong to people from the settlement of the Hohokam culture (which is considered a transition between hunter-gatherers and agriculture). The prints belong to men, women, children and dogs. They were deeply pressed into the soft earth of an irrigated field, which was subsequently flooded.

There is now debate as to whether irrigation in agriculture is the Hohokam's own invention or whether this technique first appeared in Mesoamerica. Some even believe that this settlement is migrants from Mexico. Others disagree with this theory, pointing out that there is no evidence for ancient irrigated agriculture in Mesoamerica.

8. Imprints near the mountain of God

In the shadow of a Tanzanian volcano, known to the Maasai as the "Mountain of God", researchers have discovered 400 fossilized ancient footprints that date back 19,000 years. Some of the footprints show people jogging, other people who left these footprints had broken fingers, and still others belong to mothers with children. The researchers initially thought that the footprints were made in the ash that fell from the sky after the volcanic eruption. This would mean that the prints are 120,000 years old, but their age was later revised.

9 Stone Age Fishermen

5,000-year-old footprints of two people on the island of Lolland in Denmark show how ancient people migrated along the sea and encountered it destructive force. The prints show the life of two Stone Age fishermen who set traps for fish on the shallows. The footprints also indicate that fishermen were forced into the icy waters of the Baltic in an attempt to save their traps from flooding (at the time the footprints were made, the Baltic Sea had risen sharply due to the melting of northern European glaciers).

10. Footprints near Lake Willandra

In 2003, local Aboriginal people found the oldest known footprints in Australia. Found among the dunes of the dry lakeside of Willandra, the prints date back 20,000 years. They are the largest collection of Pleistocene human footprints in the world (almost 700 footprints have been found, 400 of which are grouped into 23 chains). The smallest details survived: the dirt that seeped between the toes, the hole from the spear on which the man leaned, and the squiggles that could have been drawn by a child.