If you want to eat after eating. What to do if you constantly want to eat, how to reduce appetite? The balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is disturbed

Excessive appetite: constantly wanting to eat

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Hunger and appetite are different phenomena

Hunger is an objective and unambiguous reaction of the body to a lack of nutrients. Thus, the body signals that for further functioning in the usual mode, it is required to replenish energy reserves that have come to an end since the last meal. If there is no new replenishment, the body begins to rebuild almost immediately, first consuming the most accessible type of energy reserves - glycogen from muscle tissue, and then changing the hormonal balance.

That is why hunger should be avoided, even if you are on a diet and trying to lose weight.

Another thing is appetite. Most often it is caused by psychological factors, and in some cases by diseases. It is not the appetite that you experience when you enjoy food that is dangerous, but the one that makes you eat much more than what is necessary for the normal functioning of your body.

Increased appetite - health problems

If you look from the point of view of physiology, increased appetite is also due to physiology: it is a protective mechanism that the body turns on when there is a threat of hunger. The body creates an excess supply, which will be used up later, when food restrictions begin. Such a malfunction in the body is most often a sign of disease. The cause of false appetite in most cases is a violation of the functions of the endocrine system, including diabetes and pathology thyroid gland. Excessive appetite can also be caused by helminthic infestations, as well as diseases of the digestive system, a brain tumor, and hypoglycemic syndrome.

Some medications, including hormonal contraceptives, hormone- and insulin-containing drugs, including synthetic glucocorticoids, can also provoke an increase in appetite.

If you are really concerned about an unexplained increase in appetite, before taking any action, you should check with a doctor and take the appropriate tests to rule out these objective causes and address health problems.

Psychological causes of increased appetite

If you are constantly hungry, it can be triggered by psychological problems such as:

  • chronic depression and apathy
  • nervous exhaustion
  • overwork
  • severe nervous shock
  • constant stress

When you feel that you are on the verge of nervous exhaustion, compensating for it by overeating, and you cannot overcome psychogenic hunger on your own either by self-control or by resolving the current difficult situation, you should contact a psychotherapist. Do this without waiting for obesity and health problems to add to your psychological problems.

Other causes of false appetite

Fortunately or unfortunately, most cases of uncontrolled appetite are explained by completely different reasons, and these reasons are associated with a disregard for one's health.

In these cases, false appetite may be the result of:

  • improper diet
  • dehydration
  • lack of sleep

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Some people are just used to eating a lot and have accustomed their body to this, for which even a slight reduction in calories consumed becomes a real stress. Wrong eating habits and a distended stomach are the explanation for the increased appetite that some ladies suffer from.

When you eat in fits and starts and postpone the main meal until the evening, you feel hungry all day, and by night you have an increased appetite, aggravated by the absorption of food while sitting in front of the TV

Craving for sweets - buns and chocolates also contributes to the fact that these "fast" carbohydrates, although they bring saturation, but not for long, because they are digested as quickly as they are called. To reduce appetite, eat unrefined foods rich in fiber - the feeling of hunger and appetite will disappear for a long time. In addition, you should drink more water - sometimes dehydration is confused with the desire to eat. Follow the regime proper nutrition and the right lifestyle, include in your daily routine physical exercise, go to bed on time and sleep enough to get enough sleep, and after a month you will lose the desire to constantly “sharpen” something.

Do not use express diets for fast weight loss. You will provoke a hormonal failure and, as a result, an increase in appetite. By returning to a normal diet, you will quickly gain your previous weight.

Another cause of increased appetite is premenstrual syndrome and pregnancy. If this is due to PMS, it will be difficult to fight your appetite, put up with it and give yourself a couple of fasting days when you can eat normally. During pregnancy, you should control your appetite, based on the fact that, having gained more than normal weight, you are guaranteed to have problems with delivery. But in order not to starve and deprive the fetus of essential nutrients, eat the “right” foods, your menu should be balanced, rich in vitamins and minerals.

Imagine how many people would have a beautiful figure, would not suffer from metabolic disorders, respectively, obesity, if it were not for the disgusting sensations of acute hunger that sometimes occur only after 2 to 3 hours after dinner.

Why do you constantly want to eat if the stomach is almost full and the food has not had time to be digested?

Factors that cause the desire to eat something urgently: heartburn, stomach cramps, pulling pain are sometimes not associated with a physiological lack of food. The circumstances by which the brain incorrectly signals hunger can be associated with many habits acquired since childhood, illnesses, as well as a simple misunderstanding of the true desires of the body, which needs not food at all, but additional vitamins, water, as well as dissatisfaction with the self-created model of the image life.

How to figure out why you constantly want to eat in order to get rid of the numerous snacks that lead to excessive fullness?

The reasons are manifold.

Prolonged stress and depression

A person who constantly experiences anxiety, torments himself with a sense of guilt or dissatisfaction receives an excessive amount of the hormone cortisol, which causes an increase in appetite. In addition, the desire to get the missing pleasure, momentary joy, leads to the absorption of an incredible amount of sweets, which contribute to the production of serotonin, which briefly gives a semblance of happiness.

What to do with stress?

It is impossible to refuse sweets, this will lead to aggravation of nervousness. Yes, and you don’t need to deprive yourself of pleasure, there are so many useful carbohydrates in the world contained in berries and fruits. And if you don’t want fresh fruits and juice, culinary simple meals of which: meringue, marshmallow, baked berry delicacies, marmalade, home-made dried fruits, without harmful additives.

Constant lack of sleep

With insomnia, intermittent incomplete or short sleep, the body suffers from a lack of the hormone leptin, which is responsible for satiety. At the same time, the production of the hunger hormone ghrelin increases, which is why a person eats much more than normal. In order not to gain, you need to establish a sleep pattern, and if this does not work on your own, consult a doctor.


Sometimes the feeling of thirst is disguised as a hungry state. Enough to drink water or unsweetened green, black tea, cramps and pain in the stomach disappear. However, you should not consume sweet sodas, which are oversaturated with fructose, which causes even more appetite. In addition, commercially produced fruit gas water is very high in calories and enriched with additives that make you drink it more and more many times in a row.


When the body suffers from an excess of harmful substances and receives little natural vitamins, natural minerals from products, the functions of the thyroid gland, kidneys, stomach, and other organs begin to malfunction, which causes carbohydrate starvation of brain cells. There is a spontaneous feeling of hunger. That is why you constantly want to eat, even if the stomach is full of food.

It is important to include in the diet as much as possible natural products and completely abandon fast foods, sausages, imitations of cheese and cottage cheese, as well as industrial food products containing gluten and other harmful components. Be sure to increase the consumption of vegetables, herbs, fruits rich in vitamins, fiber and mineral elements.

Energy depletion

What to do if you constantly want to eat with mental overstrain?

The brain signals the need for food, but in fact it does not have enough energy. You need to replenish the amount of carbohydrates. To do this, it is better to eat the fruits of plants rich in glucose and vitamins, which help to speed up the process of cell nutrition.

Self-chosen diets necessarily cause a persistent feeling of hunger, the advice of a nutritionist is required. Eat often, but limit portions.

Idleness and boredom are another reason why you constantly want to eat.

We must learn to get rid of laziness, find activities that are pleasant to the soul, bring a touch of joy to boring routine work. Even if you have a boring one, turn on a cheerful bravura march, start acting, this will get rid of the desire to eat tightly. You can go for a walk, to the cinema, the theater, a change of scenery will save you from the annoying thought: "What else to eat tasty." If, with forced loneliness, there is not enough love and care, get a cat or a puppy, a pet with funny and touching antics will relieve the feeling of inferiority and tragedy of being, which causes a desire to constantly chew.

Waiting child

Why do you always want to eat during pregnancy?

  • change in the balance of hormones
  • body restructuring,
  • , mineral elements, as well as a certain disorder nervous system, in particular anxiety, an imaginary feeling that there is not enough love, attention.

How to overcome all psychological symptoms?

Walk as much as possible in nature, balance the diet, avoid long breaks between each meal. It is very important that people of an optimistic warehouse constantly surround you, exclude communication with whiners and eternally dissatisfied relatives, neighbors, and also lovers of grief.


The most dangerous reasons why you constantly want to eat are a variety of health problems.

What diseases cause an enduring feeling of constant hunger?

  1. Diabetes.
  2. Bulimia.
  3. Disease of the pancreas and thyroid glands.
  4. Helminths.
  5. Alcoholism.

Any imbalance of the hormonal and nervous system leads to a violation of carbohydrate, fat, protein metabolism, the development of diseases, as a result of a false signal from the brain about hunger, which forces you to open the refrigerator and eat after hours.

Kryazhevsky Olga

Hunger is your brain's way of telling you to eat so your body can generate useful energy. But if your stomach is growling even after a heavy meal, something is clearly wrong. Feeling hungry is a good sign of a healthy metabolism, but often feeling undernourished and wanting to nibble all the time are not good signals. Dr. Susan Pierce Thompson, author of the NY Times bestseller, Bright Line Eating, calls this hunger "an insatiable hunger." And there are reasons why you and other people suffer from it. In this article, you will learn why you are constantly hungry and what is the solution to this annoying problem.

  1. You are eating too many carbohydrates

I'm not saying that all carbohydrates have a bad effect on the body. But simple carbohydrates, such as flour and refined sugar, are definitely unhealthy. And the reason why you feel hungry, even after eating simple carbohydrates, is that they are digested and quickly absorbed by the digestive system. As a result, immediately after eating, your stomach feels empty and you feel hungry again. So the best way to deal with this is to avoid simple carbohydrates entirely and focus on healthy and nutritious foods.

  1. You eat according to calories, but do not pay attention to the ratio of nutrients

I think we all make this mistake from time to time. Okay, let me give you an example. Diet Coke contains 0 calories. And you drink it thinking you are not consuming any calories. This is true, but not all. Many unhealthy foods are low in calories, but they have zero nutritional value, which means that they do not contain any essential nutrients. And when the body lacks nutrients, the brain signals that you need to eat. Thus, counting calories is not the most effective way to determine what to eat and what not. A cup of freshly squeezed fruit juice is much better than diet coca-cola.

  1. Are you stressed or depressed

Tension or depression is draining. And when you're anxious/depressed, cortisol levels are constantly on the rise. This encourages you to eat more often to feel better. A bag of crisps, a huge box of ice cream are "convenient" products that will do you an unpleasant favor in the future. The best way to deal with this type of stress response is to find a real solution to the problem. If necessary, talk to someone you trust, or even a complete stranger, to vent negative emotions. Because it is impossible to control external manifestations when you are not in order inside.

  1. you just want to drink

This is actually the reason why many people are constantly hungry. Dehydration can "spoil" brain signals. And instead of drinking water, you go to the refrigerator or kitchen cabinet to eat something tasty. Just drink water and, of course, you will stop feeling hungry. In fact, drink 500 ml of water right after waking up. And then, drink 1-2 glasses of water every 1-2 hours. Make detox drinks and wear them to work or school. All your problems with skin, hair, nails and weight will soon be forgotten.

Yeah. You read it right. I can say this from my personal experience that looking at food photos or watching cooking shows on YouTube or TV can stimulate your brain to signal your body to eat. You either have to be very strong mentally and morally not to be lured into these delicious foods or you have to stop or limit your time on social media/TV. The latter option seems more practical and feasible.

  1. you have hyperthyroidism

Another reason why you are constantly hungry is that you may be suffering from hyperthyroidism, which makes you feel hungry all the time. This hormonal disorder causes various problems associated with obesity, especially for women. So check your thyroid hormone levels and change your lifestyle by eating healthy and exercising regularly.

  1. You are not eating enough protein

Did you know that you should have a protein source at every meal? This is because proteins are the building blocks of your body. Your hair, hormones, enzymes and cell membranes are made up of protein. And they are constantly being destroyed due to wear and tear and shifts in energy metabolism. So, if you don't replenish the protein stores in your body, then you will feel weak and hungry all the time. Proteins take longer to digest and therefore make you feel full for much longer. Eat fish, mushrooms, chicken breasts, turkey, beans and legumes, tofu and broccoli to meet your body's protein needs.

  1. Your diet is missing dietary fiber

If simple carbohydrates are your enemy, your best friend dietary fiber or complex carbohydrates. This is because complex carbohydrates take longer to digest in the body as they form a gel-like layer in the stomach, which slows down the passage of food through the digestive system. This leads to an increase in the saturation level.

  1. You are avoiding healthy fats

Like carbohydrates, not all fats are bad. In fact, good fats are an integral part of the structure of the cell membrane, they also reduce inflammation in the body and hunger, and help various bodily functions. So don't avoid fat entirely. Consume healthy or good fats such as olive oil, avocado oil, avocado itself, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, walnuts, almonds, pecans, pistachios and ghee.

  1. You get distracted when you eat

There are two types of distractions—bad ones and good ones. Not paying attention to what you eat is a bad distraction. When you get stuck in social media, emails, work from home/cafe, you don't actually look at your plate to give your brain a visual cue of how much you've eaten. As a result, after half an hour, you feel hungry again.

  1. Are you leptin resistant?

Leptin is a hormone secreted by fat cells that prevents overeating. But when you eat too much and accumulate a lot of fat in your body, your brain stops responding to leptin released by fat cells and you become resistant to it. So, you now completely miss the signal to stop eating and feel hungry all the time. Talk to your doctor to make sure you are leptin resistant and follow a healthy lifestyle.

  1. Do you have signs of diabetes?

Constant feeling of hunger can also mean that your body is resistant to insulin, which is one of the causes of diabetes. Insulin is a hormone secreted by the beta cells of the pancreas that helps move glucose into the cells, where it is converted into usable energy. When you overeat, your insulin levels go up all the time. And that causes insulin resistance. As a result, glucose molecules cannot enter cells. When this happens, your body is depleted of energy and your brain is signaling you need to eat more. And all you feel during the day is hunger. Check with your doctor before jumping to conclusions. Don't be afraid if you are diabetic. Just follow a healthy lifestyle.

  1. You skip meals

Skip uninteresting meetings, but not your meals. Many people skip breakfast, lunch or dinner either because they are busy or they want to lose weight. Skipping meals for weight loss doesn't work. And if you're super busy, carry liquid meals like energy or protein shakes with you. You will always have 2 minutes to cook them. When you skip meals, especially breakfast, your brain and body go into lethargy mode and you feel tired and stressed. As a result, you feel permanent hunger and overeat.

  1. You don't get enough sleep

Sleep is a natural way to help your brain, bones and muscles relax and rejuvenate. If you don't have enough rest and sleep, then your stress level increases. This can lead to an increase in oxygen free radicals. And this means that they attack the cells on molecular level and interfere with basic bodily functions, leading to metabolic syndrome and disease. All this makes you feel hungry and stressed all the time. So, 6-7 hours of sleep is enough for you not to feel irritated, tired and hungry 24/7.

  1. You are pregnant

If you suddenly start feeling hungry all the time, miss a cycle, feel nauseous, and your breasts are enlarged, then you may be pregnant. Most women want to eat all the time in the first trimester. Consult with your physician.

  1. You have one of the extreme degrees of obesity

Extreme obesity can also make you want to eat more and more. This is because a) you are leptin resistant, b) insulin resistant, c) you suffer from metabolic syndrome, and d) you are depressed. These are all stress responses that make you eat more. This will not change unless you decide to start changing your life. Ask your loved ones for help, talk to a specialist, and plan your “weight loss journey.”

  1. you drink a lot of alcohol

Drinking too much alcohol can also make you feel constantly hungry and overeat. When you are already a little drunk, you forget to keep track of how much food you eat. In addition, alcohol dehydrates the body. And instead of drinking water, you tend to eat because you misread your brain signals. So, if you're going to a party, eat before you drink. And keep drinking water nearby so you don't get dehydrated.

  1. you eat fast

Chewing food quickly prevents you from realizing how much you've actually eaten. And it also prevents your brain from getting a visual signal about the amount of food. Eat slowly and chew properly to prevent this from happening.

  1. You are overtrained

Excessive physical activity interferes with the proper construction of muscles. As a result, the levels of inflammation and stress in your body increase and your energy levels are always low. When this happens, you feel like you need to eat all the time to raise your energy levels and feel better emotionally. Do a mixed workout, i.e. cardio + strength. Training should take 5-6 hours a week and no more. If you want to exercise more, seek professional help.

  1. You are taking certain medications

Some medications, such as antidepressants, allergy medications, and birth control, can make you go crazy with hunger. So, if you are taking a certain type of medication, then you must control your increased appetite constantly.

These were the very 20 reasons that can be the answer to the questions: “Why do I eat a lot? Why am I not eating?" Yes, hunger is difficult to control, but it becomes much easier if you know the reasons for this condition. If you are not drinking enough water, then drink more. If you have a sedentary lifestyle, then start actively exercising. Every problem has a solution, but only if you are looking for it. Move forward and kill this constant hunger with an effective antidote. Good luck!

Problem excess weight every year not only does not lose its relevance, but also becomes more common and intractable. Fighting it is not so easy - the modern rhythm of life forces most of us to prioritize far from our figure and health. Constant obsessive hunger, brutal indomitable appetite, tormenting many fat people, only aggravate the situation and lead to a dead end, because not everyone knows how to lose weight if you constantly want to eat. We will talk about the causes and ways to solve this problem below.

Why do you want to eat all the time

The human body is a smart natural system for which food is the main source of energy. A small part of the brain, the hypothalamus, is responsible for controlling energy levels. Every time the brain feels threatened by the rapid waste of energy reserves, it turns on a protective mechanism in order to make up for the false energy deficit: the hypothalamus sends a signal to the body's systems about the need to eat, in response they synthesize hunger hormones. That is why you want to eat in various conditions that are unfavorable for our brain, described later in the text.


The first reason why you constantly want to eatbanal lack of fluid. The signals of the brain about the need to drink are very similar to the feeling of hunger, so often we simply cannot differentiate these two urges to eat food and instead of the right liquid we put the usual solid food in our mouth. The lack of liquid remains unreplenished: again we feel thirsty, and again we think that we are hungry and once again head to the refrigerator. How to lose weight if you constantly want to eat? Check whether you really want to eat, not drink, and learn to understand your body.

Lack of sleep and rest

If you don’t sleep enough all the time, the energy balance simply does not have time to recover, so the brain perceives another lack of sleep as a signal of an urgent replenishment of energy reserves for the normal functioning of the body and starts the recovery process, the first point of which is gastronomic reinforcement of forces. A false feeling of hunger appears, and we are in a hurry to satisfy it with a piece of cake or candy, because most of all after lack of sleep we want sweets. The only right solution to eliminate such an obstacle on the way to harmony is to get enough sleep.

stressful situations

During the next shake-up of the nervous system in the body, an instant increase in the level of stress hormones occurs, and the brain perceives this as a danger of quickly wasting energy and immediately attempts to ensure its maximum production. The person again feels an obsessive appetite and simply begins to eat, forgetting about the desire to lose weight, sweeping away all the products in the house. Constant stress leads to overeating, which in this case is called compulsive eating and often requires qualified help from a specialist.

The balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is disturbed

Another reason why you constantly want to eat is an irrational, unbalanced diet.. It is a well-known fact that for a healthy long life and in order to lose weight, you need to eat right, keeping the balance of substances important for the body - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, but not everyone puts this principle into practice, because they cannot give up their favorite sweet or salty snacks in favor of healthy cereals, vegetables and fruits. As a result, not only the figure suffers from this, but also health. To lose weight, if there is a constant desire to eat, with an imbalance of BJU, you should:

  • Exclude fast carbohydrates from the usual diet or reduce their amount as much as possible - they contain a lot of calories, but the feeling of fullness passes very quickly.
  • Include enough protein in the daily menu - it saturates well, for a long time relieves the constant feeling of hunger.
  • Be sure to include unsaturated fats in the diet - they have a beneficial effect on all body systems, dulling appetite for a long time.
  • Provide your body with vitamins in order to lose weight qualitatively - their lack is also a frequent companion of a constant feeling of hunger.

Constantly want to eat - health problems

The state when the desire to eat is constantly present is sometimes a sign of certain diseases. The disease directly related to acute food addiction is bulimia, but other health problems that are not related to eating disorders can be the cause of constant compulsive hunger. Constant desire to eat when:

  • hypoglycemia or low blood sugar;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • thyroid diseases, especially hypothyroidism;
  • violations of the regulatory function of the hormonal system;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Psychological causes of increased appetite

Not only stress can provoke the appearance of a constant feeling of hunger, there are other psychological reasons for such an unpleasant phenomenon as increased appetite. I constantly want to eat with such problems as:

  • frequent depressive states;
  • severe depletion of the nervous system;
  • prolonged absence of positive emotions;
  • hard mental work;
  • dissatisfaction with oneself, one's life and the world in general.

What to do if you want to eat all the time

Getting rid of the obsessive desire to eat is not easy, but quite real. First you need to realize your problem, and then build a program of action to eliminate the constant feeling of hunger. If you decide to start a fight against immoderate appetite in order to lose weight, you must understand that you will have to control yourself very strictly, limit yourself in some ways, give up something completely. If you always want to eat psychological problems, you need to try to competently resolve them, up to contacting a specialist.

After workout

After increased physical activity, not only energy reserves are exhausted in the body, but also liquid ones, so it tries to quickly replenish them and sends signals that you want to eat. You should not run to the refrigerator immediately after exercising in the gym, it is better to normalize first water balance and then start eating. Ideally, dinner after a workout should be protein, no later than 19-20.00. If enduring excruciating hunger is an impossible task for you, you can eat a handful of nuts, dried fruits, an apple or a protein bar.

Before bedtime

With the wrong diet, many people with an increased sense of appetite constantly want to eat before bed. A tired body does not receive the nutrients it needs throughout the day, so late in the evening it stimulates the emergence of a strong feeling of hunger. If there is a desire to eat, but losing weight is more important for you, you should not be led by your desires - a slender figure and snacks before bedtime are incompatible concepts. To cope with an obsessive evening appetite will help:

  • 1 st. warm water with honey;
  • 1 st. skimmed milk or kefir;
  • herbal soothing tea.

On a strict diet

A sharp diet restriction can do more harm to the figure than good. The body, with a simultaneous decrease in the usual daily calorie intake to critically low numbers, regards this as a great danger to its normal functioning and turns on a protective reflex: you need more energy, which means you constantly need to eat more. If you still decide to lose weight on a strict diet, remember how you can tame the constant obsessive appetite:

  1. Do not forget about water - drink with every bout of severe hunger.
  2. Don't skip meals, even if you don't feel like eating.
  3. Try to have breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time.
  4. Chew all food thoroughly.
  5. Stop eating for any interesting activity.
  6. Find yourself an exciting hobby and give it all your free time to get distracted from constant thoughts about food.

Foods that reduce appetite and suppress hunger

A good way to lose weight if you are constantly hungry is to include in your diet foods that can quickly bring a feeling of satiety, but at the same time contain few calories. Yes, they help to improve metabolism and lose weight, but to speed up the result, you should not go to extremes: if you constantly want to eat, you can’t eat only foods from the groups described below, so as not to harm your health, because our body needs a rational, healthy, balanced diet.

Slow carbs

Fast carbohydrates have a detrimental effect on the figure - they contain a lot of calories, but are digested very quickly, and therefore saturate a short time. Another thing is slow carbohydrates, the energy value which is not very high, but they depress the feeling of hunger for a long time. To lose weight, if you constantly want to eat, you need to replace the first group of carbohydrates with the second. It is not easy to refuse rolls and sweets, but for the sake of a slender figure it is possible. The list of slow carbohydrates is not very large, but there are plenty to choose from. This:

  • legumes;
  • cereals and cereals;
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • unsweetened fruits and berries;
  • vegetables;
  • mushrooms;
  • whole wheat bread.


Fiber is a good tool in the fight against increased appetite.. Once in the stomach, it swells greatly, imitating the feeling of satiety and for a long time eliminating the desire to eat. Be sure to build your menu on foods rich in this valuable substance (most vegetables and fruits), and also purchase a pack of fiber from the pharmacy and eat a teaspoon several times a day some time before a meal or every time an appetite wakes up.

Protein diet

They are the backbone of proteins building material our muscles, which is why they are so important to the body. They saturate well and stop hunger pangs for a long time. For this reason, most effective diets are based on a protein diet. If you need to lose weight, but you constantly want to eat, you should enrich your menu with protein foods (lean meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese), but cook them without seasoning, because sharp, bitter, spicy spices whet your appetite even more.

Restoration of water balance

The human body is 70% fluid. If there is little of it, the process of dehydration begins, which is dangerous not only for gaining excess weight, but also for serious health problems. To restore water balance in order to lose weight and maintain it at the required level, you need to remember a few important points:

  1. The body's daily need for water is 25-30 ml per kilogram of weight (from 1.5 to 3 liters), so if you want to lose weight, but you constantly feel hungry, you will have to drink your daily norm.
  2. Alcohol molecules bind and remove water molecules very quickly, causing dehydration, therefore, in order to lose weight, it is better to completely abandon strong alcoholic beverages.
  3. Develop a habit before breakfast, at night, before every meal and every time you feel hungry, drink a glass of water.

Fractional nutrition in small portions

One of better ways lose weight is a fractional food. Its essence lies in short breaks between meals (about three hours) and limiting the size of single servings to 150-200 grams. Regularly receiving a small dose of nutrients, the body simply does not have time to be very hungry before the next meal.

Decreased appetite folk remedies

Relevant for many ladies suffering from excess weight is the question of how to lose weight and eat whatever you want? It is difficult to answer it, because in the struggle for a slender figure, an integrated approach is needed. Good aids for taming increased appetite are folk recipes, which have a beneficial effect on the body, prolong the feeling of satiety and stimulate the elimination of toxins. To overcome obsessive hunger in order to lose weight, if you constantly want to eat, you can use:

  • decoction of parsley;
  • peppermint tea;
  • linseed oil;
  • apple cider vinegar;
  • infusion of wormwood;
  • chamomile tea;
  • pine nuts;
  • raspberry infusion;
  • essential oils (inhale).


If your stomach constantly "growls" asking for food and feeling empty, it does not always mean that you are really hungry. There are many reasons why you cannot find the feeling of fullness and feel hungry even if you have recently eaten. Visiting the refrigerator at night can be a simple sign malnutrition or a warning about a health problem that you need to address.
1. Eat too many refined carbohydrates. Refined carbohydrates can be found in any processed foods, especially pasta, baked goods, and sugary foods. A lack of fiber causes your body to digest them quickly, so you feel hungry immediately, while the feeling of fullness that comes with eating is temporary.
2. Diabetes. Diabetes, especially type 2 diabetes, is a disease that can make you feel hungry all the time. Due to diabetes, glucose, our source of energy, remains in the blood rather than being distributed to our cells. This makes a person who has diabetes feel hungry. Many celebrities, including Tom Hanks, have diabetes and still enjoy a wonderful life.
3. Work hard. This is one of the good reasons why you often feel hungry. If you work out a lot, you burn a lot of calories, and as a result your body craves more calories. People who exercise regularly and for a long time develop a faster metabolism and increase their appetite.
4. Too much stress. It is well known that constant worry has a serious impact on our health and increasing our appetite is one of them. Excess stress is associated with our feeling of hunger. Scientifically, anxiety causes an increase in the hormone cortisol and leads to overeating and food cravings.
5. Eat too fast. In our busy lives, many of us prefer to eat quickly while we do other things. While this may save you time, this habit is not good for your health at all. Scientists say that distracted or fast food negatively affects our appetite, increases the amount of calories we take in, and leads to weight gain and constant hunger.

6. Hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism is a dysfunction of the thyroid gland, the gland that controls our metabolism with the help of hormones. These hormones enter the bloodstream and control metabolism. The presence of hyperthyroidism means that this gland produces too much thyroid hormone. Increased feelings of hunger are part of the symptoms.
7. Sleep deprivation. Never underestimate a good night's sleep. Ghrelin is the so-called "hunger hormone" that controls our sense of appetite in the brain. Sleep deprivation plays very important role, as lack of sleep has been shown to increase ghrelin levels and, as a result, cause hunger.
7. Sleep deprivation. There is also a pregnancy scenario. In this case, your body is craving more food for one simple reason: your baby needs more nutrients to grow. in a healthy way. Increased appetite can be one of the symptoms of pregnancy, such as missed periods and nausea, among others.
9. Consume too much alcohol. Alcohol seriously affects our appetite. Alcohol lowers levels of leptin, the hormone that makes you feel full, especially when consumed before or with meals, the researchers said.
10. Insufficient water intake. There are so many reasons why drinking water beneficial to our health, including a healthy digestive system, heart, brain, and healthy skin. Water also helps reduce hunger. Studies have shown that people who drink water before meals eat fewer calories but feel just as full.
11. Lack of fat in your diet. Not getting enough fat in your diet can be as much of a problem as eating too much. When you consume fatty foods, you slow down your gastrointestinal tract, which basically means that food stays in your stomach longer, resulting in an increased feeling of satiety.
12. Not enough protein. Lack of protein in your diet may be another reason why your appetite is constantly growing. Certain qualities of protein help reduce hunger-causing hormones while still making you feel full. Athletes choose a protein-rich diet because it helps control weight and improves metabolism.