What is Vitamin A. Vitamin A in kind: Rich products rich in retinol. What is retinoids

Vitamins are valuable substances for the human body. That is why people are important to use them not only in the form of drugs, but also in the form of food. In which products a lot of vitamin A and B will be considered in the article. Moreover, it is important to use them to normal, not allowing shortages and overdose.

The simplest method of obtaining the necessary vitamins is considered proper nutrition. The necessary components come to the body. To balance the diet, it must be taken into account in which products most of all vitamins. Each substance has its own value for the body, so they are needed for each person. It is only necessary to take into account the norm.

The benefits of vitamin A.

Retinol is required for the prevention and treatment of illness, bones, skeleton, mammary glands, respiratory system, cirrhosis, hypertension, atherosclerosis. Products with this vitamin allow you to normalize the exchange processes in the skin, improve the resistance to colds and infections. Therefore, if in everyday life you have to deal with a voltage of view, then you should know in which products a lot of vitamin A. In this case, animals and vegetable products will be required.

If retinol goes with food in the required quantity, it improves the permeability of cell membranes, synthesis of hormones of adrenal cortex. The component improves the sexual function, the operation of the thyroid gland. Food with vitamin A lowers the action of carcinogens, restores immunity, suppresses malignant education.

Where is Vitamin A

In which products a lot of vitamina? There are no retinol in plants, but it is in animal products:

  • cream;
  • creamy oil;
  • yolks;
  • kidneys;
  • fermented milk products;
  • liver fish.

Which products are many vitamina? For the treatment of chicken blindness, dishes from a liver semi-seater (beef and pork) are used. Retinol is present in fish oil. What products contain a lot of vitamin A or Caratinid? This component is in red, orange vegetables, fruits. In Retinol, the caphintaries turn into the body. Beta-carotene is rich in spinach, parsley, salad, tomatoes, red peppers, zucchini, green peas, cabbage, sea buckthorn. The component is in rosehip, pumpkin, peaches.

Daily rate

To establish a dose of matter, international agreements created a unit of me. Daily in the human body with products, 5,000 meters of vitamin A are coming, which is 1.5 μg. When drafting the diet, it is necessary to know that the level of retinol is 1/3.

The remainder of 2/3 of the daily rate in the body should flow with plant products in which there is a carotene. The biological activity of such food is 2-3 times lower, due to which the use of carotes is compensated 2-3 times with greater quantities. There are specialists who believe that for prevention and treatment can exceed the limit level 3-4 times, but long-term overdose should be excluded.

Excess and shortage of vitamin A

The abundance of retinol is evidenced by headache, itching the body, nausea, swelling, nervous excitability. With the use of conventional overdose products is not observed. If there are signs of excess, then you need to abandon products with vitamin A, but you need Vitamin V.

According to the studies, it was revealed that due to the long-term overdose of retinol and fish oil, malignant education appear. Retinol has accumulation property between cell membranes, which contributes to the violation of their function. Overdose with synthetic means is dangerous during pregnancy.

With a lack of vitamin A, there is a violation of the organ of vision, immunity is reduced, dry skin, rash, acne appears. This is evidenced by hair fragility, skin roughness, high fatigue. Due to the lack of products with vitamin A, cellulite appears, the work of the nervous system, digestion is disturbed.

Vitamin B1.

This component is required by the body as well as the other vitamins. Its presence will allow the body to function normally. Vitamin B1 (thiamine) helps convert food into energy. Its presence is required for skin health, hair, muscles, brain.

The daily rate is considered 1.2 μg for men and 1.1 μg for women. But indicators may vary depending on age, lifestyle. Due to the lack of a component, nausea can manifest, constipation, insomnia, federation, deterioration of performance.

Currently, the lack of component is rare. Most of all he is present in food. In which products a lot of vitamin group B? It is in vegetable food: soy, peas, spinach, beans, products based on coarse grinding flour. Less thiamine is present in potatoes, cabbage, carrots. From animal products this valuable component is in the liver, brains, kidneys, pork and beef meat. Such products must be powered by each person.

Riboflavin. AT 2

It is also called Riboflavin. The component is involved in the exchange, necessary for the normal operation of the visual system, skin and mucous membranes. It is needed in the synthesis of hemoglobin. The lack of vitamin helps to reduce appetite, pain in the head, skin burning. Also, because of this, there are cuts in the eyes.

To avoid unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to include in the menu of food, a 1.2 μg of the component will be enough per day, and women are 1.1 μg. Most of all riboflavina is present in the liver, kidneys, in yeast. The smaller amount is present in the eggs and almonds. There is also a substance in mushrooms, cottage cheese, cabbage.

A nicotinic acid. IN 3

Thanks to vitamin B3, or nicotine acid is released from all food components. The substance synthesizes proteins, fats, participates in the production of various hormones. When lacking, Pellagra appears. Symptoms include aggressiveness, dermatitis, scattered, paralysis and diarrhea. The lack of a substance is the cause of the intestinal microflora.

To replenish vitamin men and women on the day, 20 μg of the component will be enough. It is in meat, whole grains, mushrooms, potatoes, nuts, egg yolk, green vegetables. They are rich as yeast.

AT 5

The component is called pantothenic acid. Wounds are healing, it synthesizes the antibodies and the metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates is performed. With a lack of burning legs and other neurological symptoms appear.

The norm for men and women is 5 μg. The need for this component is satisfied with non-specialized nutrition, since it is in many animals and plant products. The substance is also generated by the body. It is in peas, hazelnut, garlic, milk, fishing calamity.

Podoxin. AT 6

The component is necessary for the synthesis of hemoglobin and polyunsaturated fatty acids. With a shortage of Porodoxin, depression is observed, dermatitis, degradation of appetite. The norm of men is considered 1.7 μg, and in women - 1.5 μg.

In which products a lot of vitamin B6? Most of this component is in the hazelnut, walnuts, potatoes, butt. They are rich in vegetables, fruits, berries.

Biotin. AT 7

Biotin releases energy from components having calorie content. With a lack of substance there will be dermatitis, hair loss, an increase in blood sugar, insomnia, muscle pain.

The daily rate for a healthy person is 30-100 μg. In small quantities, the component is present in bean, cauliflower, nuts, yeast, liver, kidneys. A small amount of substance is in tomatoes, spinach, mushrooms.

Folic acid. AT 9

Need in cell division. Because of its deficit, anemia, apathy, digestive complexity, memory deterioration, possession, is observed.

Need during pregnancy. The daily rate is 200 μg. Folic acid is in green leaf vegetables, citrus, legumes, honey, flour products.

AT 12

Cyanocobalamin is necessary to create erythrocytes, maintaining the growth and activity of the nervous system. The shortage of the component becomes the cause of digestion disorders, expanding the liver, nervous disorders. The daily rate is 3 μg. The substance comes with food. Therefore, it is important to remember which products a lot of vitamin in 12? This will allow the organism to saturate the necessary substances.

In which products a lot of vitamin B12? Most of this substance found in the beef liver. It is also in chicken hearts, pork liver. Which products are contained many vitamin B12? It is in seafood, dairy products.

There are many other vitamins important for human health. These include C, RR, D. Each of these substances is necessary for the full development of man. You should not allow the lack of useful substances so that hypovitaminosis does not appear. Therefore, food should be balanced, which involves the admission of all necessary substances. Then the organism does not threaten various ailments.

Many underestimate the useful effect of organic compounds rendered to the human body. In particular, if you know what products is contained vitamin A, you can make a full-fledged menu and restore your health. It is important that this fat-soluble substance is favorable practically to all human bodies, and its deficit leads to violations of their work. It is known that vitamin A accumulates in the body. And this means that to replenish the reserves, only a small amount of products with its content can be used.

What is Vitamin A?

In essence, vitamin A represents a group of compounds that are similar among themselves by chemical structure. Retinol and beta-carotene are most appreciated. The first is the most fat-soluble vitamin A, and the last - provitamin transforming in the liver into retinol.

On a note! The maximum number of retinol is contained in livestock products, while carotine is often present in vegetable food.

Beneficial features

It is difficult to overestimate the beneficial properties of vitamin A. They are as follows:

  • therapy of eye diseases, bones, liver and respiratory organs;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • warning development of malignant tumors;
  • reduction of pressure;
  • assistance in the treatment of atherosclerosis.

Due to the effects of retinol and carotene, metabolic processes in the human body are stimulated. A person is smaller with colds with colds, as immunity is strengthened. In addition, vitamin A contributes to strengthening with vision, allows you to see with bright lighting and twilight.

Upon admission of retinol and beta-carotene in sufficient quantities, the work of adrenal glands is restored, which synthesize a hormone-important person for the human body. The beneficial effects affects the sexual functions, as well as the activity of the thyroid gland. Useful properties of vitamin A manifest themselves in the successful fight against carcinogens.

Daily doses

To say exactly how much vitamin A daily requires a person to maintain health, quite difficult. Dosages depend largely on the individual characteristics of the body and a number of factors. But you can announce the average daily norms.

Dosages are as follows:

  • male - 900 μg;
  • woman - 800 μg;
  • child up to six months - 400 μg;
  • a child from six months to a year - 500 μg;
  • child from 1 year to 3 years - 300 μg;
  • a child from 4 to 8 years old - 400 μg.

The maximum dosage should not exceed 3,000 μg per day.

During pregnancy, the female organism requires a greater number of retinol and carotene (about 2,800 μg per day). Also, daily norms increase during lactation. The fact is that part of the valuable components is transmitted to the child during breastfeeding. This means that in the lactation period you need to provide necessary retinol and carotene both female and a children's body.

List of products with vitamin A

Natural sources of retinol in pure form, which is so necessary for the body, are extremely animal husbandry products, namely:

  • butter;
  • chicken eggs (direct yolks);
  • cream;
  • kefir, cottage cheese and other fermented milk products;
  • fish fat;
  • liver;
  • kidneys and others.

On a note! To get rid of the disease with the name "chicken blindness", it is recommended to use a half-liver. With long-term heat treatment, most of the valuables are lost. And in raw products of retinol p maximum.

Vegetable products containing vitamin A are presented in the list:

  • carrot;
  • red pepper;
  • pumpkin;
  • cabbage;
  • salad;
  • tomatoes;
  • zucchini;
  • black currant and others.

More carotene contains greens, as well as vegetables and fruits of orange and red colors.

It can be concluded that vitamin A is contained in a significant amount in food products, the table confirms this.

Tables of products with vitamin A

Table of vegetable products with high content of vitamin A

Table of products of animal origin with vitamin A

The product's name

Number of retinol in 100 g (mg)

Fish fat

Liver animals and birds

Liver fish

Chang grainy


Egg yolk

Sea fish

Whole milk

Sprots (canned in oil)

Sour cream with a high fatness percentage

Solid cheese

In order to correctly make a diet, you must carefully read the tables. This will help to avoid deficit and overdose, as well as many problems associated with them.

The rate of transforming beta-carotene in retinol, in particular, has an impact a combination of products in the diet. For example, vegetable food with a content of vitamin A in large quantities is useful to combine with fats. This means that it is recommended to cook vegetable salads and refuel them with sunflower, olive or other plating oils. In addition, this dish contains many vitamins and beneficial substances, it is considered low-caloriene, and therefore safe for the shape.

Overdose Vitamin A.

As a rule, overdose of vitamin A is possible in the case of additional reception of drugs based on high doses. It is almost impossible to achieve a similar effect by using retinol content in large quantities.

Overdose of vitamin A manifested by such symptoms:

  • strong migraines;
  • formation of cracks in the corners of the mouth;
  • nausea, which is sometimes accompanied by vomiting;
  • itching on the skin;
  • nervous excitability;
  • powder on the body, which sometimes manifests itself so much that it causes pain.

On a note! Despite the fact that an overdose when using ordinary foods does not occur, once the lethal case was recorded when eating a single carrot for a month. Although it has not yet been proven that it was led to death. It is likely that the reason was not precisely the overabundance of retinol, but another consequence of the monodi.

At the first symptoms of the re-payment of vitamin A, it should be discarded from the use of products with its content. If it still had to face overdose, it is recommended to include food rich in vitamin C, as well as consult a doctor in a timely manner. According to the results of the analyzes, it becomes clear what to do next.

On a note! It is especially important to follow health during pregnancy, since the threat is created not only for the body of the mother, but also the fetus.

Vitamin A deficiency

Not only an oversight, but also a shortage of vitamin A adversely affects health. Retinol deficit is easy to determine by such signs:

  • failures of the functions of organs of vision;
  • decrease in immunity;
  • dry skin and pale
  • excessive sweating and fatty skin, which is associated with a violation of sweat and sebaceous glands;
  • strong fatigue even after minor physical exertion;
  • delay in childhood development.

Frequent consequences of vitamin A deficiency are diseases of the organs of vision. For example, "chicken blindness", conjunctivitis and others. Possible turbidity and dryness of the cornea.

Due to the decrease in immune functions, the body becomes vulnerable to colds and other diseases. In addition, with a lack of retinol, the slowness of the reactions and a decrease in the concentration of attention are binding.

When vitamin A is received, cellulite, referred to as the "orange crust", is often formed to the human body in insufficient quantity. It manifests itself in the form of characteristic tubercles, which are noticeable on the skin. With the lack of retinol, the failures in the work of the liver, CNS, the respiratory system and digestive bodies are not excluded.

On a note! There are no cases when vitamin A deficiency occurs when regular use of preservatives, lack of vegetables and fruits.

Vitamin A preparations

If the food product does not help cope with the lack of vitamin A, preparations come to the aid. However, before their reception, consult with the doctor, because only he will be able to pick up optimal dosages.

For medical purposes, retinol in the form of synthetic drugs are prescribed for diseases of the eyes, skin, ulcers, failures in the work of the thyroid gland, and hair problems.

Famous preparations based on vitamin A:

  • Aeucon in the form of an oil solution;
  • Aevit (vitamin complex, which consists of retinol and tocopherol);
  • Betorvers.

There are other drugs in which Retinol is represented separately or in combination with other vitamins.

Video about what products contains vitamin A

Retinol is a natural antioxidant that penetrates the cell membranes and protects them from the destructive effects of free radicals. But this is not all the most positive properties for which Vitamin A. It is responsible for immunity and the work of the human body as a whole. Without retinol, no authority cannot fully function. Especially positive this substance affects the vision, skin condition, nails and hair.

To replenish the reserves of vitamin A in the body, it is necessary to properly compose a diet. And find out which foods it is contained, you can learn from the video.

Retinol, or vitamin A, is known in pharmacology as one of the most useful fat-soluble substances. But why does he wear this name that means "Vitamin A"?

The famous in modern pharmacology received its name is not by chance - this is the first vitamin, an open person, and from the beginning of the last century it is referred to in the Latin language of the first letter of the alphabet. Properties and biochemical functions of retinol are so wide that it is probably easier to name those industries where he did not find its use than the areas of use. But still we will try to tell as much as possible about the beneficial properties of vitamin number one.

History opening

The history of the opening of vitamin A originates in 1909, when the German scientist launcher launched a series of experiments on mice. Animals were first fed with bread, smeared on milk, but it was worth introducing food to the diet after extraction with alcohol and ether - the growth of experimental stopped and they died. This made it possible to make a scientific discovery: the extraction of bread with organic solvents removed from it necessary for animal lipoids.

In 1913, two more researchers have made another conclusion: without lipoids (there are in chicken yolks and butter) the development of mammals is impossible. After another year, after studying the chemical structure of the oil, scientists found an element later called "fat-soluble factor A", or "growth factor". If briefly and by a simple language, the main conclusion of perennial experiments was that the body is able to absorb retinol only if there are fat. Another important discovery of scientists: a substance that is included in the composition of carrots, pumpkins, persimmon and other yellow-orange fruits, contributes to the growth of mammals and renews the development process. This pigment was named Daucus Carota, or carotene (which means in Latin "Carrot"), then vitamins of groups and began to call carotenoids. In 1916, the first chemical formula of the open substance was the subject of a detailed study. Scientists were interested in which it consists, where it is, for which it is useful and how to withdraw vitamin in laboratory conditions. After World War II, the process of industrial production of retinol started, the chemical nature and structural formula of the substance became known.

Today, chemical biological processes are examined by vitamin A biotechnology. We will not affect the narrow-professional terminology and study that it is a coenses or to remember the empirical name of vitamin. Let's talk about retinol properties easier and affordable, but based on facts from different sciences.

Interestingly, entitled "Vitamins of Group A" pharmacology implies several substances:

  • retinol, or, as it is called vitamin A in oil, retinol acetate;
  • dehydroretinol;
  • retinoic acid;
  • retinal (active form A1).

They are different forms of vitamin A from the general group - retinol. The functions of dehydroretinol and retinol are to promote the formation of tissues and adequate operation of the sexual system. Retinal is indispensable for eye health, and retinic acid improves the development of the epithelium. But more often, group vitamins are not separated, and when used, the physico-chemical properties characteristic of the entire group of substances take into account.

Properties of Vitamin A.

  1. Retinol in pure form is a substance with a crystal structure. Its color is light yellow. Actually, therefore, fruits and vegetables with a yellow pigment are known as food rich in vitamin A.
  2. It has the ability to dissolve in fats and does not dissolve in water.
  3. There are different types of vitamin: natural and artificial. Manufacturers took care that in synthetic isomers the useful properties of retinol appeared more brightly. But such, at first glance, a positive moment carries the main danger in itself: an overdose when using pharmaceutical vitamins is not uncommon, since retinol in tablets or in capsules more concentrated than its natural analogue.
  4. When the products containing retinol are heated, 15-20% of vitamin is destroyed. The "growth factor" is affected by the storage of food in the sun: the structure of the molecule is rapidly destroyed under the influence of ultraviolet and oxygen.

Before starting a story about the natural sources of vitamin A, study in what food it is most, it is important to emphasize that there are two forms of "growth factor". The first is the actual Retinol, so to speak true "ready" vitamin. His body receives from animal products. The second form is beta-carotene, or the so-called provitamin A, and already in the liver, as a result of the oxidative splitting reaction, retinol is produced. Sources in nature for beta-carotene - vegetable food.

By the way, the oarsaturation or poisoning of vitamin is almost impossible if its reserves are replenished solely from fruits and vegetables.

Possessing these basic knowledge, it is possible to study in more detail, which products contain substances of the group A.

Rich products rich in retinol

As already noted, the most natural retinol is in animal eating. Large vitamin value have:

  • fish fat;
  • caviar;
  • liver (beef), heart, brain;
  • fat milk, cream, cottage cheese, cheese;
  • yolk chicken.

Products containing beta carotene

Remitimal A is part of such plants:

  • yellow vegetables, green;
  • yellow fruits, red;
  • spicy greens;
  • herbs (nettle, plantain, dandelion, horsetail, sage, hops, mint, tolnaya, clover, alfalfa);
  • burdock root;
  • leaves of violets, raspberries;
  • rosehip fruits, hawthorn.

If you create a rating of products where vitamin A is contained, then the first place, unconditionally, will take the food of animal origin. Find out which products contains the largest number of retinol, perhaps having studied the chemical composition of food.

So to speak, the shock dose of natural vitamin A is found in the liver, calamity, quail and chicken eggs. Among the products of plant origin of the record holders - a hawthorn and dandelion, 100 g of which are capable of providing a body of 160 percent of the daily rate of beta-carotene. The daily need of provitamin will provide 100 g of fresh carrots or 200 g of Cheremshi. Also do not forget about the presence of carotenoids in vegetables and fruit bright coloring.

Daily rate

In addition to natural sources, the synthetic derivatives of Vitamin A. The synthetic derivatives of Vitamin A. It would seem that biochemistry will take care of the heyday of pharmacology about the health of a person: adopted a complex of vitamins, whose chemical properties correspond to natural analogues, and you can not be afraid of avitaminosis, to forget about the need to think through the diet. But before drinking vitamin A in capsules, it is important to realize that in fact everything is not so simple. For full-fledged work, the body should receive vitamins and trace elements in the main share of natural sources, and only for "pull-ups" of daily performance from time to time it is allowed to use a synthetic analogue.

It is logical that the daily need of vitamin for men, women and children is unequal. For people of different age categories, the vitamin rate is also different. Moreover, the daily rate in mg is determined differently for residents of different climatic belts working in different conditions. The comparative table contains information about the daily need of vitamin for residents of our latitudes.

The numbers collected in the table show how much the vitamin A per day during certain periods of development of the body. Traditional daily rate in some cases can change. For example, the dosage is adjusted for people with obesity, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, patients with viral and bacterial ailments. The doctor can register an increased dose of Retinol to people regularly conducted several hours a day at a computer working mentally or in the premises, as well as with an increase in physical exertion. Climatic conditions can affect the use of vitamin and its dosage. A moderate and cold climate usually does not require a daily vitamin dose correction (of course, if we are talking about healthy people). But the residents of solar, hot regions should take care of increasing the consumption of retinol.

Another important remark regarding dosages. Experts from the World Health Organization are convinced that the source of the vitamins of the group A should be the food of animal origin, the rest of the plants.

The fact that the balanced consumption of a complex of vitamins is of great importance for the body, it is known to everyone. But still, what is needed for what is responsible for and what vitamin A is affected? In order to understand how important the function in the human body performs vitamin A, it is necessary to understand which processes adjusts retinol.

The biological role of vitamin consists of several aspects. Carotenoids have no equal when it comes to restoring skin cover, eye treatment, prevention of cancer. This vitamin antioxidant participates in the process of activating the immune system, has a beneficial effect on bone tissue, its positive effect on the sexual system is proved. Multifunctionality and useful features of Retinol made it one of the most famous and most used vitamins.

Where and how do Retinol use?

  1. Vitamins of group A are involved in metabolism, regulate metabolism.
  2. Retinol contributes to the process of the formation of proteins and the growth of new cells. Indispensable for babies during the formation of bones and teeth, for teenager growth. In sports is known as a substance, which is beneficial affecting the muscles (accelerates growth).
  3. It is important for the eyes - prevents a number of ophthalmic diseases, helps maintain acute vision in poorly lit rooms.
  4. Anti-infective vitamin improves immunity, protects against colds and viruses, is used to prevent ORZ.
  5. Well known beneficial properties for acne and acne treatment. Vitamin A excellent medicine at psoriasis, quickly heals the wounds, including the post-comjury. Ensures wrinkles and from stretch marks of the skin after a sharp weight change. In cosmetology, vitamin A has found an application as a universal means for beauty.
  6. It is part of comprehensive infertility treatment programs, the prevention of cancer, indispensable for the gastrointestinal tract - good medicine for the gastritis mucous membrane.
  7. Vitamin antioxidant is an important component of drugs for vessels and heart disease.
  8. Found a practical application in veterinary medicine.

When vitamin little ...

The lack of retinol can cause many diseases. Laboratory diagnostics will help to find out the actual amount of vitamin A in the human body, for example, a normal blood test. Although in most cases, especially if avitaminosis "Raised", symptoms of the disease, as they say, on the face. So, what occurs in the absence of vitamin A in the body, what signs of hypovitaminosis?

The consequences of the lack of vitamins of group A - more than serious. In particular, retinol deficiency leads to a disease known as "chicken blindness".

Weak vision, drying the mucous cover of the eyeball, clouding of the cornea, the feeling of "sand" in the eyes and discomfort in dark rooms - such symptoms in adults and children causes the lack of carotenoids. If you do not use eye drops, the unpleasant effects of the disease will only progress.

Hypovitaminosis and neuralgic problems also go together. The most common violations are insomnia.

The lack of an adequate dose of retinol affects the quality of the skin (the early appearance of wrinkles, follicular hyperkeratosis - "Zabia Leather", UGR), teeth (enamel), hair (dry and lifeless), dandruff appears, the urinary and digestive system suffers.

In gynecology, signs of lack of vitamin A are considered in such manifestations as erosion, polyps, mastopathy and even cancer. Also, the male genital system suffers from the lack of carotenoids: the potency is reduced, the erection is weakened, the spermatozoa is not visible, the risk of cancer ailments is growing.

When there is not enough vitamin A, immunity weakens, the body becomes more sensitive to viral diseases, colds. In addition to the tendency to frequent ORZ, there are signs of a slowdown in physical and mental development, growth is stopped.

At the first signs of reducing the level of vitamin A in the body, it is better to immediately adjust its diet than to replace the natural retinol on its chemical analogue.

Causes of lack of vitamins

But what are the reasons for the lack of carotenoids in the body and how to protect yourself from such unpleasant consequences? The most common foundation for the occurrence of hypovitaminosis A is scanty nutrition (insufficient consumption of protein and fatty products). In second place - the ailments of the digestive system (incorrect operation of organs, in particular the modified structure of the liver prevents the absorption of vitamin). The third equally important reason is marriage, which also affects the digestibility of retinol. In the risk zone - adhered by a low-calorie diet for weight loss. Usually a diet is food, devoid of fats, and with a deficiency of lipoids, the absorption of carotene is impossible.

Realizing the malfunction of the diet, you can take on the "helpers" a complex of synthetic vitamins - pharmacy analogues of retinol. It would seem that in this bad? But, trying to compensate for the lack of vitamin with medical preparations, easy to fall into another extreme - provoke an excess substance. In addition, it is possible to achieve this rather quickly: pharmacy retinol accumulates in the body several times faster than organic.

Hypervitaminosis disrupts most of the systems, and the disease in excess of vitamin is also dangerous as avitaminosis.

There are two forms of hypervitaminos A - acute and chronic. The first form is a consequence of a disposable intake of vitamin before eating or after eating in a particularly large dose.

Symptoms of acute hypervitaminosis:

  • pain in the joints, bones, abdomen;
  • mouth corners in cracks;
  • hair loss and destruction of the structure of nail plates;
  • weakness, sweating (mainly at night), irritability;
  • headache is accompanied by vomiting;
  • women have a disruption of the menstrual cycle;
  • the deterioration of the digestive system, the increase in the liver and spleen.

But is it possible to achieve hypervitaminosis exclusively food food? Answer: No, it is almost impossible. Exception - residents of polar latitudes. Only regular use of northern animal liver, in which there is a large amount of vitamins A, can cause natural rejunction of retinol.

Chronic excess is a consequence of systematic use of it in oversized doses. This form of hypervitaminosis occurs more often. It is possible to understand that vitamin A in the body in excess can be in different symptoms. The intensity of their manifestation depends on the number of accumulated substance.

Signs of excess (chronic form): Allergic reactions (itching, redness), peeling of the skin, pigmentation, insomnia or vice versa - drowsiness, confused, irritability, swelling along the bones, mouths in the mouth, the bleeding of the gums, irregular periods, digestion, nausea, Pseudo-free, bias in the eyes, hair loss, dandruff. The newborn with hypervitaminosis threatens hydrocephalus. The exceedable maximum daily dose of vitamin, used daily for several years, is the key to the liver cirrhosis.

It is extremely dangerous to exceed the permissible norm of retinol pregnant. Regular receipt of more daily dose leads to the wrong formation of the genitourinary fetus system, slows its growth, the child can be born with serious vices. The correction of the daily dose of vitamins is carried out in the planning of pregnancy. The method of using the drug is exactly the instruction.

Combination with other substances

A pharmaceutical range offers a variety of multivitamin combinations that promise to restore the reserves of all useful substances for the body. But to resort to the help of tableted vitamins is the second step. The first is to adjust the diet, replenish the menu with products rich in retinol. It is easiest to do it in the summer when plants containing beta carotene are available.

However, it is often necessary to deal with a strange situation at first glance: the daily diet is diverse, full of valuable products for the body, but blood tests are still not the best. So why isn't Vitamin A digested?

First, as already noted, it is important to know what the retinol is best suggested. And the regulation of this indicator depends a large extent from fats. The absence in the diet of greasy food levels all attempts to replenish the stocks of carotenoids. That is why even the pharmacy counters have fish oil with vitamin A.

Secondly, making up a menu, combining products, it is important to know how to drink vitamins correctly, that is, the principles of their combination. As for carotenoids, the best of all, they are absorbed in conjunction with vitamin E or. A good option for combinations - vitamin A and iron, in this case the body will get the maximum benefit from both substances. But with acetylsalicylic and chloride acidic acids, retinol should be taken separately. And it is not necessary to think about whether it is possible to drink with sorbents - with such a combination, the carotene is not learned.

For female health

Retinol, along with vitamin E, is indispensable for women's health. Creating a positive effect on the hormonal balance, contributes to the normal functioning of the sex glands, adjusts the menstrual cycle. Vitamin A is necessary for breasts when mastopathy, as well as important in the fight against benign formations in lactic glands. Retinol in combination with folic acid is an effective tool for eliminating climatic symptoms.

During pregnancy

Pregnancy planning is a responsible stage for the future mother and child. For another six months before conception, it is worth taking care of the balance of vitamins, because the next 9 months, the female organism will have to provide the necessary trace elements and the fruit. At this stage, the daily dose of vitamin A for a woman was calculated by the doctor and in no case cannot adjust the dose on their own. Better, if important vitamins and trace elements are accumulated with food, and pharmacy medical preparations and biojugaving, if there are no contraindications. Nevertheless, to eliminate the negative effect of vitamin A on the fruit, synthetic substances are preferably avoided.

The benefits of retinol during pregnancy:

  • promotes the formation of Rhodopsin (visual pigment), the development of the placenta and the fetus;
  • strengthens immunity;
  • beneficial effects on sleep, heart work;
  • strengthens nails and hair, improves skin condition.

During lactation

As research results show, avitaminosis is the main reason for reducing lactation. For nursing mom, the rule number one is to monitor the level of vitamins in the body: the quality of milk depends on this indicator. Breasts, whose body develops rapidly and grows, it is especially important to obtain when feeding a sufficient daily dose of vitamins, in particular "growth factor" - Vitamin A.

But the intake of vitamin inside is not the only use of retinol with nursing mothers. Apply it and externally. Many women during lactation and feeding the baby came across such a nuisance like cracks on the nipples. And again to the rescue will come vitamin A - its oil solution. Using it for nipples with breastfeeding, almost you can get rid of the problem: it is enough to 5-6 times a day to treat the seeded area with vitamin oil, whose chemical name is retinol acetate.

For kids

You can tell a lot more than retinol for babies. In the first years of life, when active processes of the development of the body, the structure of the skeleton, vitamins are important in the diet for the growth and proper development of bone tissues. But when there is a child in the house, Vitamin A must be present not only on a plate in the form of food.

Parents should take care, so that retinol in liquid form disappear from the family aid kit, as it is capable of recovering more than once to help faster any ambulance, replacing ointment and drops into the nose.

For example, during stomatitis, retinol in oil will quickly eliminate the painful sensations, the healing properties of vitamin will help healing the wound on the lips or heaven, the liquid retinol is indispensable when dripped in babies (dripping 1-2 drops in the nose to the child twice a day).

Why do you need a retinol to children's body?

  • for the growth and development of the skeleton;
  • for the formation of the reproductive system;
  • to protect the mucous covers from microbes;
  • for the prevention of diseases of the respiratory system;
  • for acute view;
  • from acne in adolescents.

There is a need to receive pharmaceutical retinol - it is better to ask the pediatrician what a vitamin capsule course is best suited to a child.

For eyes

On the role of carotenoids for vision is known to even children. From the earliest age, we were repeated, which means for the health of the eyes. However, beta-carotene contained in plants is good only for prevention. When the disease comes to full for the rescue, another form of vitamin A - retinol in drops. Moisturizing eye drops with vitamin A (antiquerophthalmic vitamin) are good not only for treatment, but also for prevention, in particular for people whose work is connected to the computer.

Interestingly, it is the lack of retinol that causes the distortion of the color perception, drying the corneal cells and conjunctiva. Also proven vitamin A participation in the process of light.

The investigation of avitaminosis - the visual analyzer loses the ability to perceive and distinguish between light brightness. Light distortion is the reason for the weakening of other possibilities of the visual apparatus.

Therefore, it is important at the first symptoms of the disease, and discomfort will turn to the doctor, and at hand you always have eye drops with vitamin A.

Impact on the endocrine system

Recent studies have opened interesting facts about the effect of vitamin A on the body of patients with diagnosis. Under the influence of retinol, insulin production in diabetes is enhanced, as a result of this, blood sugar is stabilized. It helps if not completely cancel insulin injection, then at least reduce the dosage of the drug.

The lack of vitamin A and magnesium adversely affects the work of the thyroid gland: it loses its protective properties, and failures in the endocrine system cause a disruption of metabolism, a decrease in immunity.

When they talk about what is dangerous hypovitaminosis and for the body, the most serious problems are called the BELOKROY - a disease, often developing against the background of the illness of the thyroid. Best prevention of diseases - proper nutrition. It is important to make a list of products rich in vegetable beta-carotene and animal retinol in the daily diet.

Oncology and retinol

Useful properties of vitamin and modern medicine uses often and efficiently. One of the last revolutionary discoveries is the beneficial effect of retinol on the process of treating cancer. Experiments have shown that the daily use of retinol during the year slows down the formation of metastasis in the postoperative period. The course of receiving vitamin as prevention is able to protect against the formation of malignant tumors. Retinol acetate is known as the drug that treats skin cancer.

By the way about cancer. It has been proven that smokers are 25 times more in danger of cancer than people leading a healthy lifestyle. Smoking can cause cancer of the throat, lips, larynx, nose and even the pancreas and bladder. And about the dangers of tobacco smoke for the lungs known even to children. Therefore, for smokers, it is especially important to monitor the level of vitamin A in the body. Daily use of retinol for half a year will save from such a disease as leukoplakia (tobacco chewing).

For teeth and bones

Retinol synthesizing in bone and cartilage tissue is indispensable during the growth of children and teenagers. Vitamin for teeth is important (makes them strong, smooth, snow-white) and for gums (strengthens, makes smooth, healthy pink color). Hypovitaminosis becomes the cause of stomatitis, periodontal (alarming signal - the bleeding of the gums), destruction of dental enamel.

There are two ways to fill the lack of retinol in the children's body: resorting to synthetic analogues of vitamin and adjusting the diet. On a children's plate, eggs, liver fish, caviar, carrots, fatty milk, broccoli, Bulgarian pepper, that is, everything belongs to Vitamin A.

In infectious diseases

Anti-infectious properties of vitamin A were known long before vitamin C and in the fight against infections without immuno-blowing retinol. The argument in favor of vitamin A is the results of studies that showed: in more developed countries, children are not dying from banal infectious diseases, such as cortex, and regular use of retinol can eliminate complications in case of a chickenpasal disease. Undoubtedly, resistance to infections is achieved by different paths: it is vaccination, and personal hygiene. But it is also maintaining a vitamin and mineral balance.

Speaking about anti-infectious and immunostimulating properties of vitamin A, it is impossible not to recall the AIDS. The description of scientific experiences convinces that even minor, but regular use of retinol is able to slow down the development of the disease. It is possible to receive vitamin and HIV-infected with food, but it will not be enough. AIDS is that the disease, when not to do without additional reception of retinol in the form of pharmacy drugs or food biographic supplies. It is important to regularly measure the level of vitamin in the patient's body to avoid overdose.

In sports nutrition

Regular restoration of energy reserves is essential for the full and qualitative functioning of the body. Especially if we are talking about people who are intensively engaged in physical exertion. Special nutrition for athletes usually consists of carefully calculated propheted proportions, vitamins and microelements that contribute to the increase in muscles.

And since Retinol occupies an important part in sports nutrition, there is an opinion that from vitamin A corrected. In fact this is not true.

Vitamin A in bodybuilding and in fact, the reserved substance used in the complexes for a weight gain, but in this case the change in body weight does not occur at the expense of fatty deposits, but thanks to the growth of the muscles. Sports nutritionists, knowing about the abilities of retinol, accelerate the formation of new cells, used this feature for building muscle tissue. In addition, vitamin A is an indispensable substance in the process of protein synthesis.

But novice athletes should be known: during the period of intensive loads it is important to use retinol regularly and in large doses - with food (making up a menu for a week, to consider which products in themselves vitamin A), drinking its pharmacy analogue. Overdose can not be afraid, since with intensive burning calories absorbing vitamin A worsening.

The sports menu, rich in vitamins of the group A, should consist of milk, eggs, spinach, carrots, fish, liver, tomatoes, peppers, apricots, parsley, dill.

In cosmetology and skin problems

In cosmetology, Vitamin A has found its application as a rejuvenating component. Due to the low molecular weight, it is capable of deeply penetrating into the skin, protecting and restoring its structure.

Retinol Acetate for leather is used as a remedy for pigment spots and against stretch marks.

For cosmetics purposes, vitamin A is used in creams:

  • for the body (tones, relieves irritation);
  • for hands (softens, nourishes);
  • for legs (from cracks on heels);
  • for face (with acne rash).

Also in cosmetics, the properties of retinol are used in hair masks (improves the structure, treats from dandruff), in means for cuticle and for nails, for eyelashes, for eyebrows, lips.

Use for cosmetic purposes, provides a combination of vitamin A with other useful components. The most popular mix is \u200b\u200bthe complex of vitamins A and E. If adding several drops of vitamins in the oil base (for example, from wheat sprouts), it turns out an excellent eyelash tool. The same mixture can be used for eyebrows. To prepare creams, add vitamins A, E, in liquid form (in ampoules or in the form of an oil solution) to the finished base. The finished mixture can be equally efficiently used as for heels - retinol acetate heals the cracks and micro-damage of the skin and for the face - will provide the treatment of acne. Also, a zinc oxide can be added to the cream vitaminized cream - suitable for oily skin, acne will dry. But it is worth remembering the school curriculum, for example, as the reaction of vitamin A with sulfuric acid looks like, to understand: retinol is absolutely incompatible with acids.

Vitaminizing cream, to introduce retinol to it (especially if the drug is prepared for sensitive skin) minimal portions - no more than 0.1-0.5% of the total. I am addictive to the skin, the amount of vitamin can be slightly increased.

The liquid solution of retinol is good and when soaping. But that the substance during cooking has not lost its useful properties, add to the already finished soap mixture.

Recently, the popularity of mesotherapy is gaining - rejuvenating injections by vitamin A.

For nails and cuticles

Well-groomed hands - a woman's business card. Would you like to be proud of healthy and beautiful marigolds? Then among the cosmetic means, the main place is to remove for Vitamin A. Retinol in combination with vegetable oils contributes to the rapid growth of nails, restores and protects them, moisturizes and softens the cuticle. It is enough in the evenings to rub a few drops of the oil mixture into the tips of the fingers, and already in the morning to compare what the nail looks like - the result will exceed all expectations. Do not know how to choose an effective tool for nail care? Why not cook it yourself?

Recipe number 1 for nails and cuticle

Mix oils:

  • vegetable (almond, coconut, from grape bones, apricot or other);
  • essential (lemon, rosemary, orange or tea tree);
  • vitamins E and A in oil form.

Mix ingredients thoroughly. Store in the refrigerator in a dark bottle. Rub daily for a month.

Recipe number 2.

Mix in a bottle (glass, dark color) in 1 ml of vitamin A and E, add 3 ml of apricot oil and 6 ml - from jojoba. Mix. Pour 2 drops of lemon essential oil and 4 drops of essential oil from rosemary. Rub daily into the cuticle and nail by massaging movements. The tool creates a firming effect, regular use will provide healthy marigolds, relieve the plate bundle, dry the cuticle, spots on the nails.

Retinol for peeling

The active form of vitamin A, or as it is called retinic acid in chemistry, found its applications in cosmetology as an effective preparation for peeling. Retinoye yellow peeling - a procedure that stimulates the process of updating the cells of the epidermis and skin rejuvenation.

What helps peeling vitamin e?

Indications for peeling: uneven skin color on face, acne, sagging cheeks. Well established himself in dermatitis, accelerates acne treatment. Frequency procedures - 1-2 per month and a half. Depending on the additional components, the peeling mixture is left on the skin at different periods: sometimes not longer than an hour, in other cases - for the night. The result of the incorrect procedure is allergic and intoxication.

The beneficial properties of yellow peeling:

  • rejuvenates;
  • enhances skin protective functions;
  • strengthens local immunity (creates a barrier for bacteria);
  • reduces the risk of guns;
  • accelerates wound healing;
  • brightens the skin (in places of pigment spots);
  • promotes cleansing from dead cells.

But besides a plurality of positive moments, peeling vitamin A in some cases can cause side effects. In particular, the procedure is prohibited by pregnant women, taking into account the easy toxicity of auxiliary cosmetics.

From warts

Dosage form of vitamin A (Retinol acetate) - an effective means to combat warts. The course of treatment is from several weeks to six months, and the procedure itself is easier: to rub the oil-vitamin daily into warts. It is enough to do once a day, better - for the night.

In veterinary medicine

Only two of the known 13 vitamins in the oppression can be hazardous to human health and animal. We are talking about the vitamins of the group A and D. It is important to remember the owners of pets if they decide to artificially vitaminate the animal menu.

For the normal development of a cat or a dog, a very small dose of retinol is quite a short, but the deficit or oversight of vitamin causes serious violations, in particular bone disease. For animals, vitamin A is an excellent protection against infections, a substance to increase immunity, improved vision, recovery of the epithelium; We are necessary for the normal development of embryos. In short, the application in veterinary medicine is so wide as in medicine.

Course treatment for dogs and for cats is different. In particular, cats replenish the reserves of vitamin A from substances of animal origin, that is, "ready" vitamin-retinol. Dogs are able to synthesize the required substance from beta carotene. These features are explained by the difference in the metabolism of different groups of animals. But the vitaminization rate should determine the veterinarian, because hypervitaminosis is extremely dangerous to animals, therefore the rate of consumption of synthetic retinol must be carefully observed.

Symptoms of hypovitaminosis in animals: violation of coordination, xerofthalmia, cornea closer, the defeat of the epithelium.

Hypervitaminosis leads to diseases of the musculoskeletal system (chromoty, fragility of the paws, loss of teeth).

Application of various dosage forms

Pharmacy analogue of retinol is prescribed as a therapeutic agent and for prevention, adopted externally, intramuscularly and inside. The form of release of retinol is determined by the target with which the drug will be used.

What is sold in pharmacies?

Release form:

  • capsules;
  • tablets of different dosages, including effervescent;
  • dragee;
  • injection solutions;
  • oil solutions for intake;
  • oil extract (yellow liquid with a specific smell - as the fish smells);
  • vitamin A concentrate;
  • ointment;
  • powder (in granules).

How to use different vitamin forms?

  • oil solution. Externally. For bandages, lotions with eczema, ulcers, burns, frostbite, for wound healing. Out of the wound surface, apply an oil solution on it and cover the treated place sterile gauze folded in 2 layers. Repeat the procedure 6 times a day. It is also possible to receive an oil solution inside, but it is important to know how to use the drug correctly. To do this, it is necessary to pour 10-20 drops of oil on a piece of black bread. Take three times a day after meals. The duration of the course is from 2 weeks to 4 months;
  • tablets, Dragee. For the prevention and treatment of avitaminosis and with cardiovascular diseases. Take 3-5 dragees after eating for a month. Then 2-month break and repeat. The method of reception is the same;
  • ointment with vitamin A. is applied to wounds, problem areas of the skin, when goug. In parallel with the external use of retinol, to enhance its action take inside (in the form of tablets, dragee or capsules);
  • syrup with vitamin A - with hypovitaminosis in kids;
  • capsules - in diseases of the digestive, urinary, respiratory system;
  • injection intramuscularly - only in the hospital under the supervision of the doctor (with chicken blindness, strong avitaminosis).

How to store and use it?

The biochemical properties of synthetic vitamin A possibly to save for a long time only with proper storage of the drug. Each medicine or biodevice provides instructions for use, where it is indicated how to receive and save. Here we will list the common rules for all.

  1. Oil solution is stored in a cool place.
  2. Do not apply retinol and cream containing vitamin A, at night - the emergence of edema.
  3. Extra cream or oil remove from the skin with a napkin.
  4. Do not use oil solution before visiting a solarium: such a tan can turn into a burn.
  5. Do not use drugs in which the expiration date has expired.
  6. Take a break between application courses.
  7. Do you use the cream with retinol for the first time? Test it with a small piece of leather to turn off allergic reactions.

Vitamin A one of the most important for our organism, so naturally many want to know in which products vitamin A Is it contained? But, firstly, this is not one substance, but a group of similar structure and the action of fat soluble compounds with different activity. Secondly, they are only in animal products.

This is dairy products with natural fat content: solid milk and cottage cheese, cheese, cream, sour cream, butter, fatty yogurts and kefirs. All types of meat, especially pork, and all kinds of liver. But, of course, fresh or unaccomposed once.

Eggs of any birds, and even one chicken homemade egg contains half (factory), and even the daily (village home) Norma Vitamin A. fatty varieties of fish in the number of vitamin is much superior to less fatty. Well, of course, everyone knows the fish oil - even a teaspoon, which contains a three-day norm of vitamin A.

Retinol has the strongest biological effect of vitamins. Its effectiveness is so high that the body is sufficient even its minimum number per day - 0.8 - 1 mg or 800 - 1000 μg.

In which products vitamin A - Table:

Food - 100 gr Vitamin A content, μg % of the day norm (800-1000 μg)
Milk cow 35% fat 35 μg 4%
Milk goat 74 μg 9%
Cream 30% fat 339 μg 42%
Cream 40% fat 433 μg 54%
Degreased cottage cheese 2 μg 0,5%
Butter 653 μg 81%
Melted butter 883 μg 110%
Egg 272 μg 34%
Duck egg 740 μg 92%
Goose egg 667 μg 83%
APENZELLER 397 μg 49%
Gaduda 45% fat 260 32%
Garzer 282 μg 35%
Gorgonzola 257 32%
Camembert 45% fat 362 μg 45%
Limburger 40% fat 380 47%
Parmesan 45% fat 340 μg 42%
Melted cheese 45% fat 300 μg 37%
Romadur fat 397 μg 49%
Roquefort 310 μg 39%
Cheese creamy 60% fat 325 μg 41%
A fish
Mackerel 100 μg 12%
Acne 980 μg 122%
Trout 32 μg 4%
Carp 44 μg 6%
Salmon 41 μg 5%
Oysters 93 μg 11%
Mussels 54 μg 7%
Black caviar 561 μg 70%
Duck 47 μg 6%
Goose 65 μg 8%
Hen 39 μg 4%
Turkey 13 μg 1,5%
Beef File 19 μg 2%
Pork File 325 μg 41%
Liver Barans 9500 μg 1187%
Beef liver 21900 μg 2737%
Pig liver 39100 μg 4887%
Chicken liver 12800 μg 1600%

What other products contain vitamin E?

Why is this useful substance contain only in animal organisms? Very simple - they produce it from special plant pigments - carotenoids - they are accepted by provitamin A. in the body of animals and, of course, with you, in the liver and intestines, they turn into Vitamin A.

Carotenoids are rich in many vegetables (carrots, yellow trouser, pumpkin, pepper Bulgarian sweet, celery root, asparagus, tomatoes, jam and leaf salads, etc.), greens (spinach, sorrel, dill, nettle, dandelion leaves and other greens) , fruits and berries (apricots, especially dried (dried apricots), peaches, grapefruit, rosehip, rowan, etc.).

Of course, carotenoids are not as strong on biological action as retinol, but they are vital for us. Studies of scientists have shown that carotenoids have the ability to associate aggressive free radicals and neutralize them. And it is precisely that their property interests science lately.

Numerous studies show that in the cells of elderly free radicals several times more than 25-year-old cells. Some scientists associate this fact with an evolutionary created form of aging - to accelerate the change of generation. Other these data are explained by improper power, a sedentary lifestyle and inculcation of our thoughts.

But those and others converge in one that carotenoids (provitamin a) are really able to reduce the number of free radicals in cells. Protecting us, thus, from rapid aging, and even from certain types of cancer. In particular, it is noticed in those countries where carotenoids in daily use of the population is much less commonly occurring breast cancer.

Action Vitamin A.

The main purpose of vitamin A in its need to retina is a retine to distinguish light and darkness. Hence the name of one of the vitamins of this group - Retinol.

In the retina (namely, in Kolodskok), there is a process of constant decomposition of the visual pigment under the action of light. To restore it, Vitamin A. If its amount in the blood is not enough, the process of resuming pigment is not fully and the retina reduces the sensitivity to the light. So there is a violation of vision.

The next task is the content in the order of the skin, hair, mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, digestive and genital organs, i.e. The surface of all internal organs. Without vitamin A, skin cells cannot be constantly updated, so dry skin appears, its ability to protect us from microbes is reduced, as well as from the effects of harmful substances (eg contaminated air).

The same processes begin to prevail on the mucous respiratory tract and the gastrointestinal tract. We often catch on, and it is noted that during the disease the body loses up to 60% of Vitamin A. stocks

Fortunately for us, this vitamin has a rare among vitamins the ability to accumulate in the body. Usually its biennium is in the liver.

With sufficient reserves, the absorption of vitamin from the intestine decreases, and with deficiency increases. But this ability to accumulate can play a keen joke with lovers of the uncontrolled use of various vitamin preparations. Its excess is also harmful, as well as the disadvantage, because the cells lead to disorganization.

However, the last surveys of people (even in economically developed countries) showed that almost 30% of the population possess vitamin A reserves at the limit of risk. And the deficit of this vitamin leads:
- By night blindness with a loss of visual acuity in the evening at dusk
- The skin is amazed, dry, peeling, acne appears
- increhensive incidence increases

Who has at least 1-2 of these phenomena, it is advisable to pay attention to your nutrition - how often you use foods with vitamin A or carotes in food. If everything is in order, then it is possible that the suction process in the gastrointestinal tract is disturbed due to severe slapping (pollution) or problems with the bubble bubble or pancreas.

Although, perhaps you just do not eat fat, and vitamin is poorly absorbed, because He is fat-soluble.

Now you know in which products of vitamin A and carotenoids (Provitamin a) - it remains for small - try to regularly use them.

Vitamin A (Retinol), due to its impacts on the body, is the most famous vitamin. It refers to 4 fat-soluble vitamins (comprising D, E, K), is present in products containing fat (consequently, animal products).

What it is?

Vitamin A (professionally called Acheroftol) is found in 2 forms. The most famous retinol (A1), a less well-known form - 3-dehydroretinol (A2). In a broader sense, this group includes carotenoids, of which vitamin A is formed in the body (in the small intestine and liver).

The current presence of fats in the diet (due to oil solubility) increases the absorption or transformation of carotenoids in Vitamin A. There are several hundreds of hundreds, most important of which are -? -Karotin, Lutein, Licopene. Lutein is an important component of the eyes.


β-carotene is provitamin A (the organism can produce retinol from β-carotene) relating to the carotenoid group. It is present in both plant and animal sources.

The highest content is in carrots, tomatoes, green leaf vegetables, spinach, some fruits (apricots, peaches, oranges), egg yolk, liver. Part of β-carotene in the body turns into retinol, the amount of conversion depends on the content of vitamin A in the tissues. The rest is stored in different organs without conversion.

For a good use of β-carotene in the body, consumption of grease-containing food is necessary.

Right of Retinol in Health

Vitamin A was first used in 1940 for the treatment of skin diseases, including acne and psoriasis, but the doses were too high and toxic. Later, scientists managed to develop its safer derivatives (mainly retinuous acid), which today are sold as prescription drugs released by the recipe for the treatment of acne and eliminate wrinkles.

Lower doses (7500 μg per day) can be used to eliminate acne, dry skin, eczema, rosacea and psoriasis, but only under the supervision of the doctor. If the level of vitamin A in the body is favorable, the wounds, abrasions, accelerates the healing of muscle stretching accelerates well on the skin.

The favorable level of the required substance is important for the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, where it helps to eliminate inflammation and ulceration of the colon. His wealth speeds up recovery after strokes.
In women, the lack of retinol is sometimes manifested by long menstrual bleeding.

A1 is necessary for good vision, strong immune system, proper growth, reproduction and differentiation of cells of different tissues. Supporting immunity, it significantly increases resistance to infections, especially with respect to colds, influenza, bronchitis, herpesvirus, eye and vaginal fungal infections.

According to some experts, Retinol is effective in combating breast cancer and lungs.
For its optimal positive effect on the eyes, zinc is needed. Retinol is important for skin health, it contributes to the treatment of skin diseases, and thanks to the stimulation of collagen generation, helps to keep the softness and elasticity of the skin, slow down its aging.