Colpitis its symptoms. Colpitis what is it in women. Vaginitis in little girls

Colpitis- This is an isolated inflammation of the vaginal mucosa in women, caused by various external or internal factors. Colpitis is also often called vaginitis. In addition, this pathology is often combined with inflammatory processes in neighboring anatomical regions. In particular, in some sources colpitis is identified with vulvovaginitis, in which not only the mucous membrane of the vagina is affected, but also the vulva.

Colpitis is considered one of the most common diseases in gynecological practice, and most women have encountered this problem at least once in their lives. Its prevalence is ubiquitous and covers all geographical areas and all countries of the world. Colpitis is not considered a dangerous disease, however, if you seek medical help late or try to self-medicate, severe complications can occur.

Normal microflora of the vagina

The normal microflora of the vagina is represented mainly by microorganisms that do not require oxygen for life ( so-called anaerobes), and to a lesser extent - by microorganisms that consume oxygen in the process of life ( aerobes). Together, these bacteria perform a number of functions necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

The microflora of the vagina has three main functions:

  • Enzymatic. This function consists in the splitting of a number of foreign substances and their transformation. This also includes the maintenance of an acidic pH characteristic of the vaginal cavity.
  • Vitamin-forming. As a result of the vital activity of microbes, a number of vitamins are formed that are necessary for the vaginal mucosa. With violations in the balance of the vaginal microflora, the mucous membrane begins to thin and bleed.
  • Protective. This function is based on the mechanism of competitive suppression of foreign bacteria. Microbes brought in from outside will not be able to develop normally, as they will not have enough nutrients.
From the point of view of microbiology, the microflora of the vagina is represented by a large number of different microorganisms. The proportions may vary depending on the age of the patient, the phase of the menstrual cycle or a certain physiological status ( pregnancy, menopause). Since colpitis occurs mainly in childbearing age, it is advisable to consider in more detail the microflora observed in this period.

The microflora of the vagina in childbearing age is represented by:

  • resident microorganisms;
  • random microflora.

resident microorganisms

First of all, the so-called Doderlein stick belongs to these microorganisms. This is a type of lactic acid bacteria that normally inhabit the mucous membrane of the vagina. The ratio of these bacteria to other microorganisms in healthy patients is at least 95%. Their main function is to maintain an acidic environment ( due to the release of hydrogen ions in the process of life) and competitive suppression of other microbes. In addition to the usual competition, lactic acid bacteria can produce hydrogen peroxide and a number of other substances with antimicrobial properties in small quantities.

Lactobacilli are dependent on the level of estrogen in the blood. Their number may vary slightly depending on the phase. menstrual cycle or pregnancy. Doderlein sticks do not pose a danger of developing colpitis under any conditions, but, on the contrary, protect women from this disease.

Random microflora

Random microflora includes all other types of bacteria. According to various sources, the vagina of a healthy woman can normally contain up to 40 various kinds microorganisms. However, their total number is approximately 2 - 5% of all microorganisms living in the vagina.

Most often, in addition to permanently inhabiting microorganisms, the following types of bacteria are found:

  • Staphylococcus;
  • Corynebacterium;
  • Bacteroides–Prevotella;
  • micrococcus;
  • Gardnerella vaginalis;
  • Mycoplasma hominis.
Almost all of these microbes from the point of view of microbiology belong to the opportunistic pathogenic group. In other words, they can potentially cause the development of colpitis. For their activation and excessive reproduction, a decrease in the number of lactobacilli, weakening of the immune system, or the presence of other provoking factors is required. However, the complete destruction of these microorganisms in the vaginal cavity is not carried out, since they take part in the formation of a number of vitamins, thus bringing certain benefits.

Under normal conditions, the following factors influence the microflora of the vagina:

  • production of female sex hormones;
  • the rhythm of sexual life;
  • pregnancy;
  • abortion;
  • the use of antibiotics;
  • some diagnostic and therapeutic procedures;
  • taking hormonal drugs;
  • gynecological operations.
Thus, the normal microflora of the vagina is a dynamic system that can change over time. First of all, this happens when the phases of the menstrual cycle change. In the first days of the cycle, the pH of the vaginal environment increases to 5.0 - 6.0 due to a decrease in the total number of lactobacilli. By the end of menstruation, the number of lactobacilli is restored and reaches its maximum, which leads to a decrease in pH to normal levels ( 3,8 – 4,5 ). With menopause, a growing estrogen deficiency leads to a decrease in the number of lactobacilli or their complete disappearance, which alkalizes the pH to 5.5 - 7.5. As a result, an increased reproduction of opportunistic bacteria begins in the vagina.

Causes of colpitis

As mentioned above, a number of different reasons can lead to the development of colpitis. Among them there are both internal factors, which are disturbances in the functioning of the body, and external ones, which include injuries and infections. Ultimately, each of the causes, one way or another, leads to an acute inflammatory process and an imbalance in the bacterial microflora of the vagina. The latter contributes to a delay in recovery and requires especially careful treatment.

Determining the causes of the development of colpitis is important from several points of view. Firstly, it will help to choose the right treatment and eliminate the disease. Secondly, finding out the causes of colpitis often indicates the presence of sexually transmitted diseasesthat affect the entire reproductive system. Thus, it is possible to quickly stop the pathological process and avoid serious complications. Thirdly, infectious colpitis poses a risk of infection for all sexual partners of the patient, which indicates the need for preventive testing of potential patients.

From the point of view of developmental mechanisms, there are the following types of colpitis:

  • mechanical damage to the mucous membrane of the vagina;
  • malnutrition of the mucous membrane;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • allergic reactions;
  • non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • decrease in immunity.

Sexually transmitted infections

There are a number of diseases that are predominantly transmitted through unprotected sexual contact. As a result of this, there is a direct entry of pathogenic microorganisms from the infected mucous membrane of the sexual partner to the vaginal mucosa. Normally, your own normal microflora inhibits the growth of microbes. However, in the case of weakened immunity, concomitant microtrauma or dysbacteriosis, an inflammatory process begins in the mucous membrane. In addition, some particularly pathogenic microorganisms can lead to the development of the disease even under normal conditions without concomitant complications.

Colpitis can be caused by the following sexually transmitted diseases:
In each case, the causative agent of the disease enters the vaginal mucosa during unprotected sexual contact. Thus, the leading role in the prevention of this type of colpitis is played by limiting the number of sexual partners and the use of condoms.

Mechanical damage to the vaginal mucosa

Mechanical damage is a microtrauma of the mucous membrane, which can have various causes. The most common of these are uncomfortable conditions during intercourse ( insufficient moisture, poor slip). This causes the mucous membranes of the glans penis and vagina to overstretch and tear. A similar mechanism for the appearance of microtraumas can be observed when foreign objects or medical instruments are introduced into the vagina during diagnostic or therapeutic procedures. The end result is a violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane. Normally, it is an impenetrable barrier for most microbes and prevents them from developing in the thickness of the walls. With the appearance of microtraumas, bacteria enter more favorable conditions - into the thickness of the tissues, so they begin to multiply faster, disrupting the normal balance of microflora. In such cases, it is not necessary to introduce microbes from outside. Opportunistic microbes that were harmless to healthy mucous membranes easily cause serious inflammation when they penetrate into the thickness of the tissues.

Mucosal malnutrition

As mentioned above, the normal vaginal mucosa is the best protection from most pathogenic microbes. However, its integrity can be violated not only as a result of microtrauma during sexual intercourse, but also due to some internal factors. These include, for example, circulatory disorders. As you know, oxygen and all the necessary nutrients enter the tissues with blood. With insufficient blood flow to the tissues of the vaginal wall, the mucous membrane simply becomes thinner and weaker, which increases the risk of microtrauma. In addition, the work of mucous cells is disrupted. They stop producing normal physiological secretion, which can change the pH in the vagina.

Most often, colpitis due to malnutrition occurs after massive bleeding. For example, the risk of such situations in the postpartum period in young mothers increases. Clamping or thrombosis of the arteries supplying the walls of the vagina are extremely rare.

Nutritional disorders can also include a lack of certain vitamins that are necessary to maintain the integrity of the mucous membranes. First of all, it is vitamin A. It is formed in the intestine when it receives provitamins, the so-called free carotenoids. As a result of biotransformations, carotene from food turns into vitamin A, which is necessary for the mucous membranes of the body. With its deficiency, women tend to both colpitis and inflammation of other mucous membranes.

Hypovitaminosis A is observed with insufficient consumption of the following foods:

  • carrot;
  • spinach;
  • tomatoes;
  • legumes;
  • gourds;
  • fruit.

Of course, hypovitaminosis requires a very long-term shortage of these foods, which in practice is quite rare. However, it increases the risk of developing colpitis, especially when combined with other risk factors.

Diseases of the endocrine system

Some diseases of the endocrine system can seriously affect the condition of the vaginal mucosa. First of all, we are talking about female sex hormones - estrogens. They have a wide spectrum of action on various fabrics in organism. One of the functions is the regulation of the work of the glands in the vagina and the regular renewal of its mucous membrane. Estrogens are formed in the ovaries, so many diseases of this organ can lead to the development of colpitis.

Most often, as a result of a decrease in the level of estrogen, a special form of colpitis develops - atrophic colpitis. It has a number of characteristic differences from other forms of this disease. Other hormonal disorders have a lesser effect on the condition of the vaginal mucosa, however, diseases of the thyroid and pancreas, adrenal glands can also predispose to inflammatory processes.

Long-term use of antibiotics

Long-term use of antibiotics can directly affect the state of the bacterial microflora of the vagina. Many antibacterial drugs have a fairly wide spectrum of action and, in addition to the main causative agent of the disease, also kill normal microorganisms. In the case of intestinal dysbacteriosis, special medications are usually prescribed to restore the normal balance of bacteria. The microflora of the vagina in this regard is given much less attention. Preventive treatment they are usually not prescribed simultaneously with antibiotics, but dysbacteriosis is diagnosed after the development of colpitis and the appearance of specific symptoms.

Thus, an increased risk of developing colpitis can be observed after pneumonia, tuberculosis and other serious infectious diseases that are treated with a long course of antibiotic therapy. Dysbacteriosis caused by antibiotics is especially dangerous in case of their uncontrolled intake. Self-medication with antibiotics, unfortunately, is quite common. At the same time, only a competent specialist can choose the right drug, its dose and regimen. The result of self-medication with antibiotics in women often becomes a protracted colpitis, which hardly responds to treatment. The problem is that only a fraction of the antibiotic-sensitive bacteria died. The remaining microbes have become resistant to the drugs they encountered. It is these microorganisms that begin to grow intensively in the absence of competitors, causing an inflammatory process. It is very difficult to treat such patients, since pathogens are often resistant to the most common antibiotics.

allergic reactions

Colpitis can also be the result of an allergic reaction of a local nature. This is due to the individual intolerance of the patient's body to certain chemical compounds. First of all, we are talking about those complex chemicals that come into direct contact with the vaginal mucosa. Often the cause of inflammation are condoms, lubricating fluids, medicinal ointments and suppositories.

The mechanism of development of allergic colpitis is reduced to the work of the cells of the local immune system. Getting on these cells, the allergen ( allergy-causing substance) starts a chain of biochemical reactions. The body begins to fight the introduction of foreign material. From a clinical point of view, this is manifested by acute intense inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. Such colpitis usually respond well to treatment, and for their prevention it is only necessary to limit the body's contact with the allergen.

Non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene

Unfortunately, even in a modern developed society, there are often cases of banal non-compliance with the simplest rules of personal hygiene. With regard to the genitals, they imply regular rinsing of the mucous membranes with warm boiled water. If you do not carry out this simple procedure, over time, plaque accumulates on the mucous membrane of the vagina from the remnants of urine, semen and spotting after menstruation. It is an extremely favorable environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria. Thus, the balance in the vaginal microflora is disturbed.

In addition, the accumulation of organic matter leads to the banal process of decay. This weakens the mucous membrane, it becomes thinner and more sensitive to mechanical stress. In particular, we are talking about the early appearance of microtraumas with the development of an infectious process. Without observing the basic rules of personal hygiene, the treatment of colpitis with antibiotics can drag on for a very long time, without bringing a tangible effect.

Decreased immunity

Weakening of general immunity rarely becomes a direct cause of the development of colpitis, but is a serious factor that predisposes to the appearance of this disease. The immune system in healthy people is responsible for recognizing infection and timely destruction of pathogenic microbes. It is a protection no less reliable than, in fact, the mucous membrane of the vagina.

In some diseases, immunity can be weakened. The result is an easier reproduction of opportunistic and pathogenic microbes. Their growth is not limited to antibodies circulating in the blood. Without strengthening the general immunity, the treatment of colpitis also rarely gives good results.

Causes of a weakened immune system can be:

  • severe infectious diseases;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals in food;
  • some oncological diseases of the blood and hematopoietic system;
  • bone marrow transplantation;
  • long-term antibiotic treatment;
  • long-term treatment with corticosteroid drugs.
When managing patients with similar problems, it is necessary to first carry out a full correction of existing disorders, and only after that proceed directly to the treatment of colpitis.

Symptoms of colpitis

The intensity and nature of the symptoms of colpitis may be different. This is largely determined by the prescription of the disease and the reasons that led to its appearance. Regardless clinical form colpitis, the symptoms are usually local. Such common manifestations diseases such as fever, muscle or headaches are rare, mainly with purulent forms of colpitis. Often there are asymptomatic or mild forms, when the patient is almost not bothered by anything, so she delays going to the doctor.

The most common symptoms of colpitis are:
  • smell;
  • moderate pain or discomfort;
  • symptoms of specific complications.

Vaginal discharge

Vaginal discharge with colpitis can occur in any phase of the menstrual cycle and rarely depends on it. The nature of the discharge may be different depending on the cause of the disease. Light or milky discharge may be normal. For bacterial colpitis caused by opportunistic microorganisms, abundant homogeneous discharges are characteristic, which may contain gas bubbles. With candidiasis ( fungal infection) the secretions usually contain flakes, and the color and consistency are cheesy. characteristic feature trichomoniasis discharge is dirty green, sometimes frothy. The duration of discharge can vary from a few days to several years.


The smell can also be different depending on which bacteria led to the development of colpitis. The mechanism of its appearance is quite simple. Pathogenic microbes in the course of their life activity decompose a number of chemical substances (mostly sugars and proteins), releasing gaseous substances. It is these substances that cause the appearance of a characteristic odor. It can be different - from the smell " rotten fish» to sweetish, indicating an intense process of decay. With candidiasis, the smell is usually absent, and with bacterial infections, it is most pronounced during heavy discharge.

Moderate pain or discomfort

Severe pain in colpitis is rare. Most often, patients complain of a burning sensation that increases with urination. It appears due to irritation of the inflamed walls of the vagina with toxic substances contained in the urine. Pain during intercourse will be even more pronounced.

Discomfort is most often characterized by severe itching in the groin or a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen. Directly pain more typical for bacterial colpitis and colpitis that developed after trauma to the vaginal mucosa.

Symptoms of specific complications

Usually, colpitis does not pose a serious health risk, since specific complications are rare. The threat may arise from the untimely provision of medical care. Then the infection begins to spread up the birth canal, affecting successively the cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries. This, in turn, can lead to symptoms such as menstrual irregularities, cessation of menstruation ( amenorrhea), difficulty conceiving a child, severe pain in the lower abdomen. With a pronounced and deep lesion of the mucous membrane, short and slight bleeding from the vagina can be observed.

Types of colpitis

Depending on the reasons that led to the development of colpitis, there are several forms of this disease. Each of them is characterized by certain clinical manifestations and requires an individual approach to treatment. In addition, depending on the form of the disease, the doctor can make predictions for the future regarding the timing of recovery and the likelihood of complications.

There are the following types of colpitis:

  • candidal colpitis;
  • atrophic colpitis;
  • trichomonas colpitis.

Candidal colpitis

candidal colpitis ( yeast colpitis, thrush) is a specific inflammation of the vaginal mucosa caused by a fungus from the genus Candida. These fungi are opportunistic pathogens and can be found not only in the vaginal cavity, but also on the oral mucosa or in the large intestine. Thus, infection may occur after an episode of oral or anal sex, if additional risk factors are present ( dysbacteriosis, weakened immune system).

Often the cause of the development of candidal colpitis becomes a course of antibiotic therapy. The fact is that fungi are not sensitive to antibacterial drugs, so antibiotics do not affect their growth and reproduction. The course of treatment reduces the population of bacteria ( both lactic acid and conditionally pathogenic) in the vagina, which becomes an impetus for the intensive development of fungi. Also, candidal colpitis is often observed in pregnant women, especially in the third trimester.

Diagnosis and treatment of this type of colpitis is usually not difficult due to the characteristic symptoms and simple microbiological confirmation of the diagnosis. Treatment is reduced to the use of antifungal drugs, which will reduce the population of the causative agent of colpitis.

Atrophic colpitis

Atrophic colpitis or atrophic vaginitis is an inflammatory process in the vaginal mucosa, caused by a serious decrease in estrogen levels ( female sex hormones).

For reasons of appearance, atrophic colpitis is divided into three main types:

  • postmenopausal ( in older women);
  • in patients with artificial menopause ( who have had ovarian or uterine removal);
  • colpitis while taking certain medications.
The main cause of atrophic colpitis is the lack of estrogens, female sex hormones, in a woman's body. The lack of estrogens in the body causes thinning of the vaginal epithelium, which leads to a decrease in the colonization of the vagina by lactobacilli. Normally, they create an acidic environment that protects the vagina from damage by dangerous pathogenic microbes. With a decrease in the number of lactobacilli, the acidic environment is replaced by an alkaline one, thereby creating favorable conditions for the development of infection.

Clinically, atrophic colpitis is manifested by dryness, itching, burning in the vagina and painful sensations during intercourse. All these manifestations usually appear 5 to 6 years after the onset of natural menopause ( in old age). Similar symptoms can be observed against the background of artificial menopause.

Diagnosis of atrophic colpitis is based on data on the onset of menopause, patient complaints, determining the pH of the vagina, colposcopy and microbiological examination.

Trichomonas colpitis

Trichomonas colpitis is one of the most common forms of this disease. The infection is caused by the microorganism Trichomonas vaginalis or ( less often) other types of Trichomonas. Infection most often occurs during unprotected intercourse, but it is impossible to exclude the possibility of infection through household items. When it enters the vaginal cavity, Trichomonas begins to multiply actively, affecting the cells of the mucous membrane. This quickly leads to the formation of a characteristic plaque and the appearance of secretions. If you seek medical help late, the infection may become chronic. Then the disease will proceed with periods of exacerbations and remissions ( subsidence of symptoms), difficult to treat. Diagnosis of trichomoniasis usually does not present serious difficulties. The main risk is associated with the spread of infection to other organs of the reproductive system, and the most severe consequence of trichomoniasis is infertility.

Diagnosis of colpitis

In the vast majority of cases, the diagnosis of colpitis is not particularly difficult. The first suspicions of this disease may appear at the doctor after getting acquainted with the patient's complaints, and to detect an inflammatory process, it is enough to conduct an ordinary gynecological examination. The problem is that for a full diagnosis, it is important not only to detect the inflammation itself, but also to establish its causes. Colpitis often occurs in combination with other gynecological diseases and may be the result of disturbances in the functioning of other organs and systems. Thus, the task of a doctor examining a patient with colpitis becomes somewhat more complicated.

The main tasks in formulating a diagnosis are:
  • determination of the boundaries of the inflammatory process;
  • detection of concomitant inflammatory processes in other organs of the reproductive system ( cervix, uterus, uterine appendages);
  • determination of the causative agent of the disease in case of infectious colpitis;
  • analysis of dysbacteriosis that accompanies colpitis;
  • determination of the resistance of microbes that caused colpitis to various antibiotics;
  • hormonal background check blood estrogen levels);
  • determination of the nature of structural changes in the mucous membrane, if any;
  • detection chronic diseases and determination of their influence on the appearance of colpitis.
In order to find out all the subtleties during colpitis, the doctor may prescribe a variety of examinations. They will give a variety of information, which, in turn, will affect the tactics of treatment. Thus, the fulfillment by the patient of all diagnostic procedures prescribed by the attending physician plays an important role for a speedy recovery.

To collect information for colpitis, the following diagnostic procedures are used:

  • standard gynecological examination;
  • colposcopy;
  • rectal examination;
  • cytological analysis;
  • bacteriological analysis;
  • aminotest;
  • general blood test and biochemical blood test;
  • general urinalysis and biochemical analysis of urine;
  • blood test for hormones.

Standard gynecological examination

An ordinary examination at a gynecologist's appointment implies a visual acquaintance with the symptoms of the disease. To detect an inflammatory process or other pathologies in the vaginal cavity, special gynecological mirrors are used. This is the name of a medical instrument that helps to push the walls of the vagina and make its cavity more convenient for inspection. Usually this procedure is painless and causes only mild discomfort, but for patients with colpitis, it can cause pain.

The problem is that the inflamed vaginal mucosa itself causes soreness. In contact with medical instruments ( in particular with a speculum) the pain gets worse. In rare cases, painkillers have to be used for gynecological examination in such patients.

For a more complete collection of information, it is not recommended to remove discharge or plaque from the walls of the vagina before going to the gynecologist. This can cause an incomplete picture of the disease and lead to errors in the diagnosis. Also, do not wash yourself before taking a bacteriological and cytological analysis. Discharges and raids are usually waste products of the vaginal microflora and carry valuable diagnostic information.


Colposcopy is an alternative to the standard gynecological examination. The difference is that in a colposcopy, the doctor uses a special technique to look inside the vaginal cavity. Ordinary colposcopes are binocular loupes with a directional light source. This helps to examine the surface of the vaginal walls in more detail and to better understand the nature of the damage.

More modern models of colposcopes are equipped with a special video camera that is inserted into the vaginal cavity. This procedure is less painful for patients and more informative for the doctor. Usually, a colposcopy is enough to make a diagnosis of colpitis, and doctors stop at this stage. Other studies are prescribed only in cases where the cause of the development of inflammation is not clear to the specialist.


ultrasound ( ultrasonography) of the small pelvis is required only for those patients who have signs of inflammation outside the vaginal cavity or any complications of colpitis are observed. Most often, they look for signs of inflammation of the uterus or ovaries. In particular, an ovarian cyst can cause a hormonal imbalance that will affect the condition of the vaginal mucosa.

Of the complications of colpitis, which are diagnosed using ultrasound, first of all, pathological fistulas and abscesses should be noted. Fistulas are formed in patients with advanced chronic colpitis. The inflammatory process in such cases lasts for years, leading to the formation of deep defects in the vaginal wall. A fistula is an abnormal connection between the vagina and another hollow organ. usually rectum). She demands surgical treatment to close the gap. Ultrasound helps to establish exactly whether the fistula is connected to another organ, or is a blind protrusion of the wall.

Abscesses in the wall of the vagina can form due to the multiplication of specific pyogenic bacteria. They are localized in the submucosa of the organ or in the tissue of the vaginal glands. In most cases, we are talking about the Bartholin gland, located on the eve of the vagina. Ultrasound shows the size of the cavity with pus and its exact location. This gives the surgeon the information to successfully carry out the surgical treatment.

Depending on the localization of pathological processes, the following ultrasound options can be prescribed:

  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity to assess the work of internal organs;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvis to detect pathological processes in this area ( endometritis, ovarian cysts, neoplasms, etc.);
  • Ultrasound through the vaginal cavity, in which the sensor will be inserted directly into the vagina to obtain a clearer picture;
  • Ultrasound through the rectal cavity.

Rectal examination

A rectal examination is a digital or visual examination of the rectum. This examination is recommended for all patients with colpitis. In this case, the doctor will look for pathological holes ( fistulas mentioned above) or signs of neoplasms.

The following methods are used to examine the rectal cavity:

  • Finger examination. In this case, the doctor inserts the index finger into the rectum, carefully probing the walls of the organ. During this examination, lumps or abscesses in the intestinal wall may be detected. This will provide indirect information about possible reasons development of colpitis.
  • Colonoscopy. Colonoscopy involves inserting a special camera attached to a flexible cable into the rectum. This allows you to carefully examine the walls of not only the rectum, but also the higher located sections of the large intestine.
  • Sigmoidoscopy. Sigmoidoscopy consists in introducing a sigmoidoscope into the rectum - a hollow metal tube that facilitates examination of the walls of the organ.

Cytological analysis

Cytological analysis is a study of the cellular composition. To do this, the doctor during a gynecological examination takes a smear from the vagina or scraping from the wall of the vagina. During examination under a microscope, characteristic changes in cells can determine the nature of the pathological process. Cytological analysis is carried out mainly with atrophic colpitis or with concomitant pathology of the cervix.

Bacteriological analysis

Bacteriological analysis is aimed at recognizing microorganisms in the vaginal cavity. For its implementation, a special smear is taken. In the presence of vaginal discharge, they can also become material for bacteriological analysis. Taking a smear or a sample of secretions is an absolutely painless procedure and lasts only a few minutes. Usually the doctor tries to take several smears from different areas. This eliminates the possibility of missing focal inflammation ( inflammation that affects only a small surface of the vaginal wall).

The material received from the patient can be examined in various ways:

  • Bacterioscopy. This analysis involves staining bacteria with special dyes and studying under a microscope. An experienced doctor can determine their type by the shape and color of microorganisms and draw a conclusion about the cause of inflammation. Usually, it is an opportunistic microorganism that has multiplied due to an imbalance in the microflora.
  • Cultural study. Culture research is the sowing of microbes on nutrient media that stimulates their growth. Over time ( usually 12 – 48 hours) characteristic colonies appear on the nutrient medium. By their shape, an experienced doctor can also tell which particular microorganism formed them. This analysis takes a little longer, but it allows you to get the bacteria of the pathogen in its pure form.
  • Antibioticogram. An antibiogram is a study of the sensitivity of microorganisms to various antimicrobial drugs. For its implementation, the isolation of a pure culture of the causative agent of the disease is required. This analysis provides the most important information necessary for the appointment of antibiotic therapy. A similar study is carried out in the case of colpitis of fungal origin. Obtaining the results of an antibiogram can take several days, so it is not prescribed to all patients. This analysis is indicated only for women with chronic colpitis, which are not treatable with standard antibiotics and require individual selection of drugs.


Aminotest is a method for the rapid detection of bacterial colpitis. It is based on the determination of a specific odor that appears as a result of the vital activity of most pathogenic microbes. To conduct an aminotest, the doctor takes a scraping from the back wall of the vagina and, under laboratory conditions, adds potassium hydroxide to the obtained sample ( KOH). The test is considered positive if the resulting mixture emits a pronounced smell of rotten fish. This test can be carried out by dropping the aforementioned solution onto a speculum after a routine examination. This method does not give a 100% correct result, since some opportunistic microorganisms ( e.g. gardnerella) will give a false negative result.

General and biochemical analysis of blood and urine

Blood and urine analysis is a standard procedure for most patients with gynecological diseases. Based on the results of these studies, the doctor makes a conclusion about the physiological ( normal) and pathological processes in the body and the work of various organs and systems. This is necessary to detect any associated diseases and disorders. The detection of chronic pathologies requires a more careful approach to treatment, as they are contraindications to the appointment of a number of drugs.

With regard to the diagnosis of colpitis, the intensity of the inflammatory process can be determined by a general and biochemical blood test. This is usually manifested by an increase in the level of leukocytes and a shift of the leukocyte formula to the left ( the appearance of immature forms of leukocytes in the blood), an increase in ESR ( erythrocyte sedimentation rate), the appearance of C-reactive protein in the blood. It should be noted that it is impossible to focus only on the results of a blood test. The above changes appear only with severe inflammation. Sluggishly current colpitis with poor symptoms may not cause an increase in leukocytes or ESR.

Blood test for hormones

As noted above, atrophic colpitis may be the result of a lack of estrogen in a woman's body. In these cases, hormonal drugs are prescribed as the main treatment. To accurately select the dose, the doctor needs to know how low the level of sex hormones is. It is for this purpose that the patient may be prescribed a blood test. Depending on the specific situation, this may require a temporary discontinuation of combined oral contraceptives ( if the patient takes them). In each individual case, you need to consult a gynecologist or endocrinologist about this.

Colpitis treatment

Treatment of colpitis of any origin should be complex, that is, include both local and general therapy. The emphasis in it is not only on the elimination of the symptoms of the disease, but also, mainly, on the fight against the infection that caused the pathology. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the elimination of concomitant diseases and increase immunity ( to prevent exacerbations).

A particularly important role in the treatment of colpitis is the timely diagnosis, because the sooner the treatment of the disease begins, the greater the likelihood of a quick recovery. An accurate determination of the microbe-causative agent of the disease, its sensitivity to antibiotics or the identification of other forms of colpitis will help prevent the occurrence of relapses and complications, as well as the transition of an acute form of colpitis to a chronic one.

The general principles of colpitis treatment are:

  • etiotropic therapy;
  • treatment of the patient's sexual partners;
  • restoration of normal microflora of the vagina;
  • treatment of concomitant diseases;
  • dieting;
  • the use of physiotherapy;
  • folk methods of treatment.

Etiotropic therapy

Etiotropic therapy is a method of treatment aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease. In the treatment of colpitis, etiotropic therapy is the basic method. Treatment is carried out with antibacterial, antiviral or antifungal drugs, depending on which microorganisms caused the disease. In some cases, combined preparations are used.

As mentioned above, colpitis is divided into two types - specific and nonspecific. Depending on the type of colpitis, appropriate treatment is also prescribed. Treatment of nonspecific colpitis is carried out using combined preparations with an action aimed at eliminating bacterial and fungal infections. The main place in this case is given to drugs with a wide spectrum of action.

Local etiotropic treatment consists in the toilet of the external genitalia and douching of the vagina with various solutions of antiseptics ( potassium permanganate, furatsilin, chlorhexidine). Also, for local treatment, vaginal tampons moistened with galascorbin, sea buckthorn oil can be used. In the presence of anaerobic or mixed microflora, drugs such as metronidazole, betadine, dalacin can be prescribed, and in case of fungal etiology, diflucan, clotrimazole, terzhinan.

Treatment of specific colpitis is carried out depending on the causative agent of the disease:

  • with colpitis with fungal etiology ( most often Candida) prescribe antifungal drugs;
  • if colpitis is caused by a bacterial infection ( e.g. gonococcus), antibacterial drugs are prescribed;
  • with colpitis caused by Trichomonas, metronidazole is prescribed - a drug that has a strong antimicrobial effect. However, metronidazole is contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy. If necessary, metronidazole can be used in the second and third trimester of pregnancy, but with caution, as the drug passes through the placental barrier and can potentially harm the baby.

Drugs used most often in the treatment of colpitis

A drug Release form Dose Receive mode The duration of the course of treatment
Nystatin vaginal suppositories 500 000 units 2 times a day 10 -14 days
Ketoconazole cream 200 mg 1 per day 5 days
Fluconazole (Diflucan) tablets 150 mg 1 per day 1 day
Metronidazole tablets 250 mg 3 times a day 7 - 10 days
Cefalexin capsules 500 mg 4 times a day 7 days
Ampicillin, tetracycline tablets 2 g 1 per day 7 days
Metronidazole vaginal tablets 500 mg 1 per day 7 – 10 days

Antibiotic therapy is recommended to be used after an antibiogram - determining the sensitivity of identified microorganisms to antibiotics. Conducting an antibiogram is very important, since an incorrectly prescribed treatment, firstly, is not effective, and secondly, can lead to changes in the normal microflora of the vagina.

Treatment of sexual partners

Often colpitis is caused by sexually transmitted infections. In this case, it is advisable to treat both sexual partners at the same time. This is done to avoid re-infection and recurrence of the disease. In most cases, with colpitis, the patient's condition allows you to have sex, so there is a risk that the partner during unprotected sexual contact will bring a new portion of pathogenic bacteria onto the mucous membrane. For these reasons, after diagnosis, during treatment and until the end of the course of treatment, it is necessary to refrain from sexual intercourse. The continuation of an active sexual life is often recommended only after a control analysis, which is carried out simultaneously for both partners.

Restoration of the normal microflora of the vagina

It should be borne in mind that prolonged use of antibacterial drugs negatively affects the vaginal microflora. Therefore, after the course of treatment, it is necessary to restore normal biocenosis ( composition of microflora) vagina. This is done with the help of special preparations - eubiotics. They are a portion of normal lactic acid bacteria that inhabit the vaginal mucosa. With their intake, the normal acidity of the vagina is restored, and the reproduction of pathogenic microbes stops.

The most common in gynecological practice are the following eubiotics:

  • vagilak;
  • lactobacterin;
  • biovestin.

Treatment of comorbidities

Also, at the same time, treatment of concomitant diseases and the exclusion or reduction of the influence of predisposing factors should be carried out. Thus, in the presence of ovarian hypofunction, it is necessary to correct their activity, that is, to regulate the deficiency or excess of sex hormones in the body. If the patient has serious chronic diseases that affect the metabolism in general ( thyroid disease, diabetes mellitus, etc.), it is necessary to achieve a stable remission of the disease. This will allow you to fully conduct a course of treatment without fear of complications from other organs and systems. In particular, when bacterial colpitis diabetes may contribute to the spread of infection and inhibit the recovery of the mucous membrane. With the correct intake of insulin preparations and regular regulation of blood sugar levels, recovery will come faster.


Compliance with the diet is necessary to strengthen the general condition of the body, the immune system, and the speedy recovery of damaged tissues. With colpitis, diet is not a mandatory item in complex treatment, so it comes down to some general recommendations.
  • dairy products;
  • foods containing polyunsaturated acids ( fish oil, shrimp, cod, tuna);
  • foods high in fiber vegetables and fruits, cereals);
  • foods rich in B, E, A, C vitamins and minerals.
It is necessary to exclude, first of all, alcohol and heavy food ( fatty and fried foods). They worsen the functioning of the liver, lead to exacerbation of chronic diseases and, as a result, inhibit the recovery processes in the mucous membrane.

Application of physiotherapy

Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment are not very popular in the treatment of colpitis, but in the chronic course of the disease they can seriously help. Most of them are painless and have almost no contraindications. On average, to supplement the antibacterial treatment of colpitis, a course of 3-5 sessions is prescribed ( depending on the intensity of the symptoms).

Physiotherapeutic methods for the treatment of colpitis have the following goals:

  • reduction of bacterial or fungal intoxication;
  • relief of inflammation;
  • relief of itching;
  • stimulation of local immunity.
To reduce bacterial and fungal intoxication, bactericidal ( directed against bacteria) and mycocidal ( directed against fungi) methods:
  • UV irradiation ( shortwave ultraviolet irradiation a) vaginal mucosa;
  • half-baths with potassium permanganate, which is a strong oxidizing agent, sanitizing infected areas and having a disinfecting effect;
  • zinc electrophoresis - zinc ions cause the destruction of fungal mycelium.
An anti-exudative method is used to stop inflammation. It is a low-intensity UHF therapy, which helps to weaken the destructive effect of microorganisms on the vaginal mucosa, reduce the activity of inflammatory mediators.

To increase immunity and reactivity of the body, the following methods of stimulating immunity are used:

  • heliotherapy;
  • air baths;
  • thalassotherapy;
  • LOC ( laser blood irradiation);
  • UV irradiation ( medium wave ultraviolet irradiation).

Folk methods of treatment

Considering the fact that in most cases colpitis is a moderate non-specific inflammation of the mucous membrane, many patients successfully use folk remedies for treatment. Most of them are based on the effects of various medicinal plants. For a more effective combination of traditional and alternative medicine, it is recommended to warn the attending physician about the folk remedies used. This must also be done when the woman has been unsuccessfully treated with herbs in the past. Some of the folk remedies can affect the therapeutic effect of medications, which should be taken into account by the doctor when prescribing a course of treatment. Usually, experts do not insist on the indispensable abolition of herbal treatment, but, on the contrary, give valuable guidance on the regimen for taking funds.

Folk remedies used in the treatment of colpitis

Means Cooking Suggestions Therapeutic effect Receive mode
Infusion of calendula 1 teaspoon of pharmacy 2% calendula infusion is diluted in 1 glass of warm water. It has a disinfecting effect, especially effective for trichomonas colpitis. Douching is carried out 1 - 2 times a day.
Sea buckthorn oil Ordinary cotton swabs are soaked in oil and gently squeezed out. Promotes the restoration of damaged epithelium. With the permission of the attending physician, it can be used in the treatment of not only bacterial, but also atrophic colpitis. The installation of tampons is carried out 1-2 times a day for 10-15 minutes. The course of treatment is continued for 10-14 days, after which, usually, epithelization of the damaged areas occurs.
Mummy In 1 glass of warm boiled water dissolve 4 - 5 grams of the substance. In the resulting solution, an ordinary cotton swab is moistened. Improves local metabolism in the vaginal mucosa, has a weak antimicrobial effect. Swab insertions can be done 1-3 times a day ( preferably in the evening before bed). The duration of treatment is usually several weeks, depending on the severity of the disease.
Eucalyptus In 1 glass of warm boiled water, dilute 1 teaspoon of ready-made pharmacy tincture. It has a moderate anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and nourishing effect on the vaginal mucosa. The solution is used for douching several times a day. The duration of the course of treatment is discussed with the attending physician.
St. John's wort To prepare the infusion, pour 2 tablespoons of dry grass with 1 liter of boiling water. The mixture is boiled for 10 minutes over low heat and infused for another half hour. St. John's wort has a pronounced antimicrobial effect, inhibiting the growth of pathogenic bacteria. The decoction is used for douching several times a day ( 2 - 3 times). At the same time, the regularity of the procedures is important. Douching is carried out until a visible improvement in the general condition.
mistletoe For 1 liter of boiling water, 4 - 5 tablespoons of dry grass are needed. Mistletoe improves the regeneration of damaged epithelium and improves tissue nutrition. The course of treatment lasts from several days to several weeks, depending on the severity of the disease. Douching is done several times a day.

Some features are the treatment of colpitis in pregnant women. Treatment should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a physician. The difficulty is that many methods that are very effective are simply unacceptable for the body of a pregnant woman and can harm the baby in the womb. At the same time, some drugs that are harmless to pregnant women do not have the desired effect.

Drugs that are used to treat colpitis during pregnancy can conditionally be divided into two groups:

  • Drugs that can be used in the first trimester. These are nystatin, pimafucin, terzhinan, vagotil, hexicon.
  • Drugs that can be used in the second and third trimester. These are metronidazole, meratin combi, clotrimazole.

Prevention of colpitis

Specific prevention of colpitis ( vaccines) does not exist, since this disease can be caused by many different causes. Nonspecific prevention includes a number of measures that significantly reduce the risk of developing colpitis.
  • regular visits to the gynecologist;
  • compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • treatment with antibiotics only as prescribed by a doctor;
  • contacting a doctor at the first sign of colpitis;
  • strengthening general immunity.

Regular visits to the gynecologist

The best way to prevent colpitis is to regularly visit a gynecologist for a standard gynecological examination. This will help to timely identify signs of any violations in the reproductive system. Elimination of these violations can prevent the development of colpitis.

Currently, it is believed that women of reproductive age should undergo a preventive gynecological examination at least once a year. In the case of pregnancy, in the postpartum period and during menopause, preventive examinations can be increased, since at this age women are most prone to colpitis of various etiologies ( various origins).

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene

This item involves caring for the vaginal mucosa, regular washing with warm water or the use of special disinfectants. Particular attention should be paid to the problem of entering the intestinal microflora into the vagina. Often it is these errors that cause the development of bacterial colpitis. The introduction of intestinal bacteria into the vagina can occur with improper use of toilet paper ( movement should go from front to back, from the labia to the anus). This mechanism most often causes colpitis in girls. In women of reproductive age, E. coli can enter the vagina if traditional intercourse took place immediately after anal sex. In general, for the prevention of colpitis, it is recommended to clean the vaginal mucosa after intercourse ( unless you are trying to conceive a child).

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene also implies a regular change of underwear and skin care in the inguinal folds. Otherwise, microbes that normally live on the surface of the skin can multiply and, once in the vaginal cavity, cause an inflammatory process.

Treatment with antibiotics only as prescribed by a doctor

As noted above, self-medication with antibiotics is the cause of dysbacteriosis in the vaginal cavity. The use of any antibacterial drugs should be agreed with a specialist. In this case, if necessary, drugs will be prescribed that will support the normal microflora of the vagina. Patients who take antibiotics at their own risk do not do such medical prophylaxis, which increases the chances of developing colpitis.

Consulting a doctor at the first signs of colpitis

From the general scheme of treatment of colpitis, it can be understood that in the early stages the disease is treated much easier. By and large, any of the types of colpitis sooner or later comes down to the excessive reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. If you do not consult a doctor at the first symptoms, then the inflammatory process can become chronic and lead to morphological changes in the mucous membrane. The result is a decrease in the elasticity of the vagina, a decrease in sensitivity, dryness, as well as the development of serious complications - fistulas and abscesses. In addition, an infection without timely treatment can quickly spread upward into the uterine cavity, leading to more serious disorders in the reproductive system. For these reasons, you should consult a doctor at the first obvious signs of colpitis - the appearance of stable itching, pulling pains in the lower abdomen or vaginal discharge.

Strengthening general immunity

Strengthening general immunity lies in the sufficient use of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. A healthy diet, along with avoiding alcohol and smoking, contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system. In such patients, the body reacts faster to the ingestion of any specific pathogens. The cells of the vaginal walls are more resistant to infection, which reduces the likelihood of developing colpitis.

Colpitis (aka vaginitis) belongs to the category of inflammatory diseases that affect the mucous membrane of the vagina. They share acute, chronic colpitis in women, the symptoms and treatment of which can vary in a significant range. This is explained by the fact that the disease, according to etiology, even if it has a single infectious character, many pathogenic bacteria (but not viruses) are capable of causing colpitis.

Vaginitis is referred to as an infectious and inflammatory pathology of the mucous membranes of the pelvic organs (especially the genital organs). Both sexes suffer from such infections, but vaginitis, for obvious reasons, affects only the female sex.

The main manifestation of colpitis is nonspecific - there is hyperemia and swelling of the vaginal walls. The inflammation is accompanied by a whitish, pasty discharge, sometimes with pus. The disease occurs against the background of a weakened immune system of the body, when even a small percentage of pathogenic microorganisms can lead to physiological disorders.

You should immediately warn against self-diagnosis. If you suddenly began to worry about discharge from the vaginal opening, itching, pain, it is not recommended to immediately take drugs against colpitis. Let your gynecologist confirm your assumption.

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the vagina is provoked by the following bacteria:

  • various streptococci, staphylococci;
  • chlamydia (Chlamydia Trachomatis);
  • bacteria of the mycoplasma class;
  • Trichomonas vaginalis (Trichomonas vaginalis);
  • bacteria of the Pasteurellaceae family (hemophilic bacillus, Pfeiffer bacillus);
  • conditionally pathogenic bacteria of the genus Proteus (Proteus);
  • some fungal infections (mainly the genus Candida) and other pathogenic, opportunistic representatives of the microflora.

Increasingly, there are cases when colpitis in women is caused by a pair of exposure to chlamydia and mycoplasmas.

More than half of all cases of diagnosing this disease occur in women of young, middle age (20-45 years), that is, in the reproductive category. However, there are cases of lesions of older women (over 50 years old), adolescents (13-17 years old), girls under 10 years old.

The causes of vulnerability to the disease are different for different ages. If in 20-45 year old women a number of factors can lead to infectious inflammation, then in children and the elderly, the onset of the disease is associated with a weakening of the main line of defense against colpitis - the acidic environment of the vagina, which is created by Doderlein sticks that produce lactic acid.

Lactic acid has powerful antibacterial properties, which inhibits the reproduction of pathogenic, opportunistic microflora on the walls of the vagina.

Vaginitis in little girls

If in older women the line of defense may weaken due to age-related atrophic changes, then colpitis in young girls is due to the general vulnerability of childhood.

The mucous membrane inside the vagina and the entire vulva as a whole in the prepubertal period are highly sensitive to negative environmental factors. The mucus cell layer is thin, and antimicrobial mucus production may be inadequate.

Among the most common causes of colpitis in children are:

  • systematic non-compliance with personal hygiene and, as a concomitant factor, helminthic invasions of the lower intestines (especially pinworms);
  • transmission of pathogenic bacteria that cause genitourinary infections, even during childbirth from the mother (in this case, a sluggish chronic form is almost always determined in the anamnesis);
  • for children, visiting swimming pools, baths, saunas is potentially more dangerous than for adults, since the infection threshold (the maximum allowable number of bacterial units entering the body) is lower for them, therefore, all sanitary standards must be observed;
  • regular, frequent ailments - as a rule, these are acute respiratory infections, influenza, tonsillitis, bronchitis, may indicate an initially weak immunity, but may lead to a weakening of the immune defense due to its constant tension with acute respiratory infections, SARS;
  • regular, severe stress experienced by a child can reduce immune defenses.

However, not only a child can get a disease of the mucous membrane of the vaginal cavity, if the listed factors take place. It's just that in children, it is these reasons that most often lead to illness.

Caution during pregnancy

Colpitis during pregnancy can happen with the same probability as outside this condition. On the contrary, during the period of gestation, the risk of this disease increases due to the inevitable hormonal failure in the woman's body and the likely weakening of the immune system.

Gynecologists-obstetricians advise women during this period to be more careful and consult a doctor at the first signs of the disease.

There are two reasons here:

  • increased risk of an inflammatory process due to possible damage to the fetus, for example, intrauterine infection;
  • increased vulnerability of the mother's body and a number of additional contraindications when some effective drugs are highly undesirable for use during such a period.

During pregnancy, an emphysematous variety of colpitis may occur. Expressed in moderate inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, but most importantly, in the formation of transparent bubbles on it (filled with gas or a clear liquid), it is believed that this is a physiological reaction to pregnancy, should pass by itself by the end of the second week after childbirth.

The yeast (candidiasis) form of the disease often occurs due to a hormonal failure, which is a normal reaction of the mother's body to the appearance of foreign fetal tissue inside.

In the same way, the immune system is strained, for which the fetus is a foreign element. And the body always reacts to a foreign body in the same way - with inflammation.

As a result, the sensitivity of the body to any infection, including sexual, increases. Therefore, trichomonas or gonorrheal colpitis during pregnancy is easier to pick up.

Complications and consequences for the child and mother may be as follows:

  • infection of the fetus with an infectious form of the disease;
  • complications during childbirth, since the mucosa may already be injured by erosion and inflammation;
  • premature birth and prematurity of the fetus due to the produced inflammation;
  • weakening of the child's immune system, not only because of the risk of infection, but also because of the weakening of the mother's immune system;
  • an extremely severe course of the disease can lead to miscarriage.

The threat of miscarriage with the same colpitis is as high as possible in the first trimester of the week until the 13th. It is during this period that the most rapid embryonic development occurs, ending with the formation of the fetus. In the second and third trimesters, colpitis for a child is no longer so dangerous, but it can still cause problems.


It is already clear that the etiology of vaginitis is complex. This means that the disease in medical practice will have varieties, with specification of a specific etiology. However, there are also several classifications.

According to the most common of them, all colpitis are divided into:

  • chronic (it proceeds sluggishly, sometimes asymptomatically for years, but exacerbations can occur);
  • acute (manifested sharply, with pronounced symptoms);
  • , it is also age-related (it proceeds from asymptomatic to acute, it is distinguished by the fact that it is more difficult to treat due to specific causes of occurrence, in 99% of all cases it occurs in older women).


Of course, there are many more forms of the disease. Acute and chronic forms include colpitis of various etiologies:

  1. Candidiasis colpitis (caused by a fungus of the genus Candida), better known as "thrush".
    - A very common form that occurs when few normal opportunistic bacteria remain in the microflora (for example, after a course of antibiotics).
    – But there are many opportunistic fungi that are not sensitive to antibiotics (Candida is in the mouth, in the large intestine, which implies the risk of infection through oral / anal sexual contact, or self-infection).
    - It is treated easily and quickly, in some cases it passes without treatment as a result of the normalization of immunity and microflora.
  2. is the causative agent Trichomonas vaginalis.
    - A common form, transmitted in 95% of cases through unprotected sex and 5% through household items.
    - Timely treatment completely eliminates the infection.
    - Ignoring the disease increases the risk of transition to a chronic form, which is very difficult to completely eliminate.
  3. Gonorrheal colpitis is caused by gonococci.
    - The acute form, in the absence or insufficiency of treatment, can also turn into a chronic one, which with a 20% probability will lead to complications (penetration of gonococci into other tissues and organs, therefore, the appearance of new foci of inflammation).
  4. Chlamydial / mycoplasma colpitis.
    - Has a characteristic feature of asymptomatic course.
  5. Nonspecific colpitis or unspecified.
    - Associated with the pathological reproduction of opportunistic microflora, but does not have a specific pathogen.

If colpitis is provoked by a genitourinary infection, then it is considered specific, and if the key reason is different, then non-specific.

The classification according to the location of infection is also applied:

  1. If the inflammation begins with the clitoris, the labia only after it passes into the vagina, then vulvovaginitis occurs.
  2. But it happens that the inflammatory process begins in the overlying sections (uterus, ovaries), and then descends below. Inflammation can move from the urinary tract.

Colpitis is also isolated during and after pregnancy, but in this case it is not a separate species. Since the cause is not the pregnancy itself, but a possible weakening of the immune system and hormonal failure during it.


There are many causative agents of colpitis, however, in most situations, additional factors are required to facilitate the task of pathogenic, opportunistic microorganisms.

Vaginitis may present with the following pre-existing conditions:

  • infection with various pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia, Trichomonas, gonococci);
  • inflammatory reactions of any etiology in nearby tissues and organs (in the uterus, ovaries, rectum, urinary tract);
  • endocrine disorders of any etiology - when the hormonal background of the body changes (autoimmune diseases, metabolic disorders, taking hormonal drugs, pregnancy);
  • long-term or systematic use of antibiotics (drugs whose names end in "qin" or "qilin");
  • traumatization of the vaginal mucosa of any kind - mechanical, thermal, chemical (occurs with poor-quality abortion, douching);
  • the immune system is overwhelmed by numerous factors: frequent infectious diseases, taking immunosuppressants, poor nutrition, regular stress, increased physical exercise, lack of sleep;
  • mechanical trauma to the pelvic area (which can lead to a change in the anatomy of the vagina, ruptures of its walls);
  • age-related anatomical changes (decreased muscle tone of the walls);
  • non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • individual allergic reactions (if you use tampons, condoms, dildos, ointments and lubricants containing the appropriate chemical irritants).

The appearance of the cause of vaginitis often occurs unnoticed by the patient.

Is colpitis transmitted from woman to man?

Poorly versed in medicine is confusing that colpitis is kind of like pure women's problem. Yes, but what causes vaginitis can also be dangerous for the male body.

We are talking about the causative agents of venereal diseases.

  1. If the disease is caused by purely internal factors (hormones, age, weak immunity), then there is no danger for the sexual partner.
  2. When a man himself has normal immunity and the microflora of the mucous membranes, contact with large generations of Candida and opportunistic bacteria is not terrible.
  3. If it is a consequence of the action of a sexually transmitted disease (gonorrhea, chlamydia), then there is a danger.

With unprotected sexual contact. Therefore, in answering the question, it is first important to classify the disease, to find out its root cause.

Symptoms of the disease

The disease has several symptoms. The problem is that some of them can be confused with symptoms of other pelvic diseases.

The main manifestations that are observed in most patients:

  • vaginal discharge;
  • itching, burning, feeling of hyperemia in the vulva;
  • redness, swelling of the vulva, as well as hyperemia and swelling of the vaginal mucosa (clearly noticeable both with colposcopy and with a simple examination using mirrors);
  • pulling pains in the lower abdomen, a feeling of bloating;
  • discomfort when urinating.

Much depends on the immune responses in the woman's body. Often, low-grade fever, a constant feeling of weakness are added to the listed symptoms. It depends on the immune status when exactly the first signs of the disease appear.

A specific type of disease adds specificity to the symptomatic picture:

  1. Gonorrheal vaginitis.
    - Provides abundant purulent discharge whitish to yellowish-greenish.
    - Severe swelling, soreness of the mucous membrane.
    - Feeling of "tickling" during and after urination.
    - When you enter the chronic phase, the amount of discharge decreases.
  2. Vaginitis caused by Trichomonas.
    - Due to the dissolution of mucosal proteins by bacteria, it gives a foamy discharge, similar to saliva, with an unpleasant odor.
    - The chronic form is extremely unpleasant because Trichomonas have receptor mechanisms for disguising themselves as epithelial cells, the immune system “does not see” them.
  3. Candida vaginitis.
    - Very recognizable due to abundant curdled discharge.
  4. Nonspecific form of the disease.
    - It is characterized by the fact that the pain syndrome almost never occurs, and the discharge is liquid, transparent, odorless.
  5. atrophic vaginitis.
    - Accompanied by a feeling of dryness in the vagina, the release of blood and lymph during any mechanical action (for example, during sexual intercourse), often with severe burning pain caused by damage to the atrophied vaginal mucosa.

Diagnostic methods

Four lines can be distinguished:

  • simple inspection with mirrors;
  • biochemical, cytological studies of biomaterials;
  • ultrasonography.

The first line of diagnostic examination is a simple examination with the help of mirrors. An experienced gynecologist (and a venereologist) can immediately make a preliminary diagnosis by swelling, mucosal secretions. This diagnosis is confirmed in 90% of all cases.

Then comes a colposcopy, which allows you to more accurately study the disease. Colposcopy with suspicion of colpitis is usually carried out in an expanded version, that is, with monitoring of the cervical mucosa and various biochemical tests, fences.

Be sure to do a PCR smear and examine cytology. Bacteriological culture is carried out in order to determine the bacterial composition of pathogenic microflora. Select the type of bacteria that are responsible for the inflammatory process. Microscopy of epithelial samples will allow assessment of tissue-cellular morphology. Colpitis is accompanied by an increased content of leukocytes and a low content of lactobacilli.

Sometimes blood tests (general, biochemical) are prescribed to assess possible changes in the body.

An ultrasound of the pelvic organs and the abdominal cavity is performed if there are suspicions of complications or another disease. Moreover, ultrasound can be prescribed through the cavity of the vagina or rectum to obtain the most detailed picture.

It is impossible not to mention such an important study as an antibiogram. It is prescribed to patients with a chronic form of the disease when bacteriological resistance to antibiotics is detected (for example, gonococci can be covered with a hard capsule that protects against antibiotics). An antibioticogram allows you to determine which drug a given bacterium is most sensitive to.

There is no strict treatment regimen. It is selected individually. In principle, it is quite possible to cure colpitis by 100%. The main thing is to start the course of therapy in a timely manner and use the services of a good specialist. Self-medication is not recommended. The doctor should decide how to treat.

  1. When colpitis is of an infectious nature (and this happens most often), then the backbone of treatment consists of antimicrobial therapy.
    - Antimicrobial vaginal suppositories (Hexicon, Gynoflor, Lomexin) and tablets, disinfectant tampons (for example, soaked in sea buckthorn oil).
    - With a pronounced microbial attack, general and local antibiotics are prescribed (Levofloxacin, Metronidazole).
  2. Treating the atrophic form is more difficult than bacterial vaginitis. After all, the point here is age-related changes organism.
    - Here, therapeutic measures are aimed at restoring the nutrition of the mucosa, its vascularization.
    - In case of hormonal disorders, first (or in parallel) it is necessary to deal with the treatment of the endocrine system.
  3. To restore the normal amount of lactobacilli, prebiotics, probiotics can be prescribed.
    – The duration of treatment should be determined by the doctor individually.
    – Control of treatment is carried out using smears on the 5th day of menstruation in women of reproductive age, or immediately in menopausal women and children.

With infectious colpitis, all sexual partners of the patient should undergo antimicrobial therapy.

You can have sex during the treatment period, but it is highly recommended to use contraceptives to avoid possible mutual infections.

Don't neglect simple methods. For example, the introduction through a special enema (douching) decoctions of sage or chamomile. You can wash yourself with the same decoctions, and even better - do sitz baths (30 minutes are enough). Sitz baths can be done using a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Douching, by the way, many do not trust. For the uninitiated, this is the injection of various healing solutions and liquids into the vaginal cavity by inserting a short thick catheter attached to a small medical enema.

Sometimes a syringe for 20 "cubes" is used for douching instead of a rubber bulb. Distrust stems from fear of doing more harm by douching. However, the method itself is quite safe.

It is enough to follow a number of simple measures:

  • use only moderately warm water for the solution, do not inject liquid under excessive pressure (here it would be good to replace the “pear” or syringe with an Esmarch mug for softer irrigation of the vaginal walls);
  • do not carry out the procedure too often, in a long period, be careful.

Thanks to douching directly on the walls of the vagina and cervix, you can apply agents that have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anesthetic, nourishing effects. This is especially important for the treatment of infections that can lead to erosion. It is best when the procedures are performed in a hospital setting.


This treatment is prescribed for a course of up to 5 days. The course of therapy is prescribed depending on the type of colpitis and the severity of its course. Although the method cannot be considered a primary treatment, it is important as an adjuvant therapy. Plus, it is absolutely safe, which is also important for pregnant patients.

Physiotherapy helps:

  1. Suppression of bacterial and fungal activity (relative to pathogenic forms).
  2. Reduction of inflammatory processes.
  3. Activation of local immune responses.

Types of physiotherapy:

  • short-wave UV irradiation has bactericidal properties;
  • UHF - a high-frequency electromagnetic field leads to the launch of anti-inflammatory processes;
  • phonophoresis - ultrasonic exposure improves the penetration of pharmaceuticals into tissues, enhances blood supply and lymph flow;
  • laser irradiation is used to accelerate regenerative processes;
  • SMW - long-wave electromagnetic irradiation improves tissue trophism, secretory functions in the endocrine system.

These important ancillary treatments should not be neglected.


In another way, it is called etiotropic therapy, that is, aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease.

Preparations for the treatment of colpitis are prescribed by the attending gynecologist, venereologist. As a rule, the basis of etiotropic treatment is a tandem: vaginal suppositories and tablets (usually antibiotics or antimicrobials).

There are a huge number of vaginal suppositories:

  • Betadine;
  • Terzhinan;
  • Polygynax;
  • Vaginorm.

In the treatment of the atrophic form of the disease, hormonal preparations are of considerable importance:

  • Femoston;
  • Angelique.

The choice of the treating drug often has to be made already during therapy, based on the results of the tests and self-observation of the patient. However, drugs should be used with caution. First of all, we must not forget about the column "Contraindications".

Medications during pregnancy

The organism of an intrauterine child is very sensitive and is not suitable for testing pharmacological preparations on it.

The most vulnerable period is the first trimester, when tissue bookmarks are formed in the embryo.

Therefore, the most contraindications are in the first 13-14 weeks of pregnancy. Although there are drugs that are contraindicated for all 9 months and even during breastfeeding.

Examples of such drugs (taken by mouth as tablets):

  • Nolicin;
  • Dalacin;
  • Clindamycin and other antimicrobial agents.

The most offensive thing is that the most harmful anti-colpitis drugs for a pregnant woman turn out to be the most effective. However, in severe cases, with severe exacerbations, under the strict supervision of a doctor, any drug can be prescribed.

  1. For the treatment of candidal colpitis in pregnant women, the most famous antimicrobial and antiprotozoal - Metronidazole is used.
    - But in the first trimester it is contraindicated to take it, only in the second and third - with caution.
  2. Betadine - popular suppositories for colpitis during pregnancy can be put, on the contrary, only up to 3 months, and at a later date it is no longer recommended.
    - The same applies to Hexicon vaginal suppositories.
    - Betadine contains the active substance - iodine compounds, and Hexicon - chlorhexidine.
    Both of these substances have powerful disinfecting properties.
  3. But other suppositories, for example, Terzhinan or Vagotil, are allowed for use at any stage.
  4. Among systemic drugs (taken orally and absorbed into the blood through the gastrointestinal tract), Nystatin and Pimafucin are considered the safest, but they are much inferior to many other drugs in terms of effectiveness.

Folk remedies

It is difficult to completely cure colpitis at home, when decoctions, infusions are used. It is better to use traditional medicine as an addition to the main treatment regimen. Do not forget to notify your doctor about this.

  1. Chamomile herb is a wonderful remedy, which is suitable for colpitis for douching, for ingestion (as a drink).
  2. An infusion of celandine grass is very good (2 tablespoons of grass per liter of boiling water, leave for 3 hours in a thermos).
  3. With an atrophic form, an infusion of licorice root will help.

But it is better to use a mixture of herbs. During the day, chamomile decoction can be douched up to 3 times and take 100 ml of decoction inside up to 5 times.

wonderful folk remedy, which is also preventive, is laundry soap. Washing with simple laundry soap at least a couple of times a week creates a good protective barrier.

Folk remedies are of particular importance for those who suffer from a chronic form of the disease.


Complications occur in cases where there has been insufficient or incorrect treatment. Or its complete absence.

The consequences can be quite sad:

  • the transition of infection and inflammation to the upper sections, such as the fallopian tubes (when opening access to the pathogenic microflora to the fallopian tubes, salpingitis develops);
  • salpingitis, in turn, can lead to blockage of the fallopian tubes, and this leads to such unpleasant, tragic things as ectopic pregnancy and infertility;
  • inflammation can spread to the ovaries, and this is fraught with neoplasms in the tissues of these organs;
  • erosive processes of the vaginal mucosa and prolonged inflammation of the walls can lead to their fusion.

Severe, prolonged pain in the lower abdomen may indicate an increase in the source of infection.

Restoration of microflora through diet

The processes that occur during the activation of vaginitis destroy precisely the first natural line of defense of the body - the beneficial microflora (the same Doderlein sticks). Normal (useful) microflora with vaginitis leaves with vaginal discharge, is suppressed by pathogenic microflora, and is poorly synthesized again.

The vaginal microflora is normal if immunity, nutrition and digestion processes are normal.

Therefore, it is necessary to add active biological additives to high-quality nutrition:

  • Bifiform;
  • Eubicor (contributes to a significant increase in immunity);
  • Enterol;
  • Bificol;
  • Bifilong;
  • Polybacterin.

The growth of beneficial microorganisms can increase with the exclusion of certain foods from the diet - the active inclusion of others.

Exclude (at the time of treatment):

  • alcohol;
  • acute;
  • smoked;
  • overly oily.

Actively consume:

  • all dairy products;
  • legumes, liver, spinach, wholemeal flour - all these are foods rich in vitamin B;
  • increase the intake of foods rich in vitamin C (rose hips, citrus fruits);
  • boiled meat, fish, eggs (protein sources);
  • fresh vegetables, fruits as the main source of fiber;
  • honey is a storehouse of vitamins (but do not forget that honey is a potential allergen).


You can generally reduce the risk of disease to a minimum, if you do not forget about simple preventive measures:

  1. Carefully monitor personal hygiene, especially intimate (labia, clitoris), in this case, one of the best helpers is laundry soap, for example, from the Saratov Fat Plant.
  2. To eat well.
  3. Do not get involved in casual sexual intercourse, and in case of such, be sure to use a condom.
  4. Use maintenance therapy for forced long-term antibiotics.


In general, colpitis will not become a serious problem with a responsible approach to it. With a timely and adequate therapeutic course, complete recovery occurs in about a month.

Colpitis is one of the most common gynecological diseases in women of reproductive age. It is characterized by the development of inflammation in the mucous membrane of the vagina and is manifested by itching, pain and unpleasant discharge. The definition of symptoms and treatment of colpitis is carried out by a gynecologist, who should be contacted at the slightest discomfort. If you do not start fighting the infection in time, it will move to neighboring organs (uterus, urethra) and can cause complications.

Inflammation of the vagina - colpitis or vaginitis - develops due to contact with the delicate mucous membrane of pathogenic microflora. Often the infection covers not only the vagina, but also external organs - the vulva. In such cases, a complex disease occurs - vulvovaginitis.

In gynecology, pathology ranks first in prevalence. Colpitis is found in every 3-4 women, this is associated with an insufficient level of intimate hygiene and a decrease in the supporting forces of the immune system.

Depending on the pathogen that provoked the appearance of inflammation, several types of colpitis are distinguished, for example, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, candidiasis. If a bacteriological examination of vaginal discharge reveals several different gram-negative or positive bacteria, they speak of nonspecific vaginitis.

Treatment includes a set of measures that are aimed at destroying the pathogen, neutralizing unpleasant symptoms and preventing complications. Various forms of preparations and medical procedures are used - suppositories (rectal and vaginal), tablets, douching.

Causes of colpitis

For the occurrence of colpitis, a prerequisite is the presence of a pathogen - pathogenic microflora. It can be introduced into the vagina from the external environment or hematogenously from foci of infection in the body, which is often found in children. Also, in the presence of favorable factors, the own microflora of the vagina, which is normally always located on the mucous membrane, can become pathogenic and cause inflammation. This usually happens with hormonal surges, for example, during pregnancy, or due to uncontrolled medication.

Factors that increase the risk of vaginitis:

  • Promiscuous sex life and the use of contraception that does not protect against diseases transmitted during sexual intercourse.

During sex, pathogens can easily pass from a man's penis to the vaginal mucosa and cause inflammation. Frequent partner changes significantly increase the risk of developing colpitis, since the microflora of a woman does not have time to recover, and her immune abilities are reduced.

  • Suppression of the activity of normal flora.

It occurs due to poor environmental living conditions, frequent stress and after prolonged use of antibiotics or hormonal drugs. The normal microflora of the vagina becomes dangerous, and provokes vaginitis itself. In addition, the body's ability to resist pathogenic microbes that penetrate from outside is reduced.

  • Mechanical effect on the mucous membrane.

If the integrity is damaged, the supporting ability of the mucous membrane decreases, the microbe easily penetrates into the resulting wound. This is possible with inaccurate gynecological examination, violent intercourse without sufficient lubrication, after operations or examinations that are carried out through the vagina (curettage, hydrotubation).

If medical personnel do not adhere to the rules of asepsis, they can introduce an infection into the woman's vagina. Often this happens during criminal abortions, which are carried out outside the honey. institutions. It is characteristic that the infection spreads to all organs and causes not only colpitis, but also endometritis, parametritis and even peritonitis.

  • Neglect of hygiene.

Neglecting the rules of hygiene, the girl creates in her intimate area favorable conditions for the existence of pathogenic microorganisms. This is especially true of the period of menstruation, since in an environment with blood, microbes are activated and multiply faster.

Symptoms of colpitis in women. Diagnostics

The intensity of the manifestation of symptoms and the nature of the discharge varies depending on which microbe caused the inflammation.

The main symptoms include:

  • pathological discharge;
  • discomfort in the vagina - soreness, itching, burning;
  • inability to have sex;
  • increased pain during urination.

Diagnosis is based on the patient's complaints, examination data in the mirrors and bacterioscopic examination (smear for the purity of the vagina). Also, in order to determine the specific pathogen (trichomonas, chlamydia), a bacteriological study is carried out - the discharge from the patient's vagina is applied to a special medium, where the pathogen is cultivated after a few days.

During a gynecological examination in the acute stage, the mucous membrane is edematous, red in color, covered with a purulent or serous coating. In severe cases, when touched, it can bleed.

If colpitis becomes chronic, the clinical picture fades, the manifestations become invisible. It is characterized by slight discomfort and slight redness of the vagina. During an exacerbation, symptoms of acute vaginitis develop.

Types of colpitis

There are many different classifications of colpitis, but one of the main ones is according to the type of infectious agent that caused the development of inflammation. Allocate a specific and nonspecific form of the lesion.

The cause of specific colpitis is infection with a certain, always pathogenic pathogen:

  • gonococcus;
  • chlamydia;
  • pale treponema (syphilis);
  • trichomonas;
  • Koch's bacillus (tuberculosis).

Nonspecific vaginitis appears due to the vital activity of bacteria, which are normally always present in the secret of the vagina. Under certain conditions, its own microflora becomes pathogenic and provokes the appearance of the disease.

These microorganisms include:

  • streptococcus, proteus or E. coli - a bacterial lesion;
  • Candida mushrooms - fungal colpitis;
  • herpes, papillomavirus - viral etiology of the disease.

A mixed form is also possible, when several pathogens are found in the vaginal discharge at once. If at least one of the specific ones is found among the association of microorganisms, then the colpitis is considered specific, despite the presence of different flora.

The manifestations of different types of vaginitis are similar to each other, only the treatment of diseases differs.

Atrophic colpitis

The female hormone - estrogen - has a huge impact on the genital area, including the vaginal epithelium. If its level changes, the mucous membrane lends itself to structural and functional changes. With a decrease in the concentration of estrogen in the blood, the epithelium becomes thinner and atrophies. Usually this type of colpitis is observed during and after physiological menopause (senile colpitis) or after an artificially provoked hormone deficiency.

Symptoms of atrophic colpitis are similar to those of other vaginitis. hallmark is the development of the disease at an older age and the absence of discharge. Patients, on the contrary, complain of excessive dryness.

For the development of atrophic vaginitis, the penetration of a foreign agent is not necessary, but since the epithelium loses its protective properties, the pathogenic microflora joins the normal microorganisms of the vagina.

Trichomonas colpitis

Trichomonas colpitis is a specific form of vaginitis. It refers to infections that are contracted during sexual intercourse with a carrier of the pathogen. The first symptomatology begins to appear 5-15 days after the pathogenic microorganism (Trichomonas) enters the body.

Patients complain of the appearance of foamy discharge, which have bad smell, burning and itching of the genitals. On examination, significant redness and swelling of the vagina is visible, erosion may appear on the cervix.

Treatment of colpitis should be carried out immediately for both partners so that they do not in turn infect each other. Also, until recovery, it is forbidden to have sexual intercourse.

candida vaginitis

Candidiasis refers to non-specific, fungal infections. Mushrooms of this genus are normally found in the secret of the vagina, but under certain conditions (taking antibiotics, pregnancy), they change their vital activity and cause inflammation.

With candidiasis, the symptom that brings the most discomfort is unbearable itching. Patients also note the appearance of discharge, which resembles curd mass and have a sour smell. Intensity clinical picture may then weaken, then increase throughout the disease.

Colpitis during pregnancy

During the bearing of a child, a woman's body lends itself to constant hormonal and physical changes. The development of colpitis during pregnancy is not uncommon; a nonspecific lesion is usually found. Due to jumps in hormones, the physiological microflora becomes pathogenic and provokes the development of vaginitis. Candidiasis is more common than other types.

It is important to identify and treat colpitis in time during pregnancy, especially if it occurs in the third trimester. Since a child will pass through the birth canal, including the vagina, and he risks becoming infected with microorganisms that have not been neutralized.

Only an obstetrician-gynecologist can prescribe medications and methods of taking them, since it is forbidden to use most of the usual drugs during pregnancy.

Colpitis treatment

It is important not to ignore the symptoms and start treating colpitis, since microorganisms can multiply and spread to neighboring organs, which will lead to the development of complications.

For local therapy, douching with antiseptic solutions is prescribed - potassium permanganate, Furacilin, chlorhexidine. For the procedure, too concentrated solutions should not be used so as not to damage the delicate epithelium, for example, potassium permanganate should be pale-pale pink. You can douche no more than once every two days, the course of treatment should not exceed 7 days.

Chlorophyllipt has proven itself well, it is used for douching and therapeutic tampons:

  • douching - take 1 tablespoon of a 1% solution and dilute in a liter of boiled water, then douching;
  • tampons - take a 2% oil solution, moisten a tampon in it and insert it into the vagina for 3-4 hours.

Of the medicines, rectal or, more often, vaginal suppositories are prescribed, which have an antimicrobial effect - Terzhinan, Metronidazole.

Antibacterial therapy is chosen depending on the pathogen that caused the colpitis.

In traditional medicine recipes, decoctions of chamomile, sage, and oak bark are often found. Decoctions from these plants are recommended to douche, make baths and moisten tampons. One of the specific methods of traditional medicine is douching with one's own urine, but its effectiveness has not been proven, and its safety is questionable. In any case, before resorting to non-traditional health recipes, it is advisable to consult with your doctor.

Complications and consequences of colpitis

Colpitis is not a dangerous disease, but if symptoms are ignored for a long time, it leads to unpleasant and serious consequences:

  • spread of infection - endometritis, pelvioperitonitis, sepsis;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • increased risk of spontaneous abortion or premature birth;
  • intrauterine transmission of infection to the fetus.

With proper treatment, colpitis passes quickly and without a trace, without attracting any trouble.

Prevention of colpitis in women

In order not to face such a problem as vaginitis, every woman must adhere to several rules:

  • observe intimate hygiene;
  • use condoms with every sexual intercourse;
  • have a permanent partner;
  • take hormonal and antibacterial medicines only as prescribed by the attending physician;
  • avoid injury to the walls of the vagina.

To increase the resistance of the mucous membrane to the development of colpitis, it is necessary to increase the amount of fresh vegetables, fruits, and dairy products in the diet. But it is better to limit sweet and starchy foods. This will help to form a stable microflora of the vagina.

Colpitis is recognized as the most common disease in gynecology. At least once in her life, every third representative of the fair sex endures it. If therapy is not started on time or incorrectly, the risk of complications increases, up to problems with conception. Therefore, every woman needs to remember a few simple techniques on how to get rid of colpitis forever.

Anxiety symptoms

Colpitis is a lesion of the mucous surface of the vagina, which is infectious and inflammatory in nature. Women of childbearing age are more likely to encounter such a problem, but even little girls are not immune from it. Symptoms of the disease may vary depending on the cause of its development. Experts identify several common manifestations:

  • The appearance of unnatural secretions. They can be too liquid, mucopurulent, in severe cases, blood clots are found in them. When infected with pathogenic microflora, the separated secret will have a sharp repulsive odor.
  • In the genital area, itching and severe burning are diagnosed.
  • Symptoms of colpitis are redness and swelling of the vagina.
  • There are discomfort in the pelvic area. Feels fullness and pressure in the genitals.
  • There is pain in the process of emptying the bladder.

If the disease is not treated in a timely manner, then it passes into the chronic stage. At the same time, signs of colpitis practically do not appear. Periods of exacerbation come periodically.

When the first symptoms appear, you should consult a specialist. Self-medication in such a situation is strictly prohibited.

Making an accurate diagnosis

Before proceeding with treatment, it is necessary to accurately determine the diagnosis. To do this, a woman needs to undergo a full medical examination. Specialists carry out the following diagnostic measures in such a situation:

  • Inspection. The doctor assesses the condition of the mucous surface of the vagina, notes the presence of foci of inflammation. Sometimes touching with gynecological instruments is so painful for a woman that anesthetic medications have to be used. During the examination, the specialist takes a smear for subsequent examination in a laboratory.
  • Ultrasound examination of the small pelvis. Such an examination reveals inflammation in the organs of the reproductive system. This will indicate a severe advanced stage of colpitis.
  • Cytological analysis. A smear taken from the vagina is examined under a microscope. The specialist evaluates the characteristic changes that have occurred in the cells.
  • Bacteriological culture. Allows you to detect pathogenic microflora, which served as the causative agent of the disease.
  • Aminotest. With its help, a bacterial infection is detected, which caused colpitis.

Women are required to take blood and urine tests. This helps to determine the presence of an inflammatory process. A study is also carried out on the state of the hormonal background.

Basic principles of treatment

Women often wonder if it is possible to recover from colpitis without the use of any drugs. Cases when the disease disappeared on its own are recorded, but they are extremely few. This is possible only with nonspecific colpitis and in women with a strong immune system.

Sometimes ladies do not turn to a specialist in the hope that the disease will go away on its own. Symptoms disappear after a while. But this only means that the disease has become chronic. This is fraught with the fact that the inflammation will spread to the uterus and other organs of the reproductive system.

When treating colpitis, several basic recommendations must be observed:

  • To cope with the causative agent of the infection, you need a good immune system. Will help to increase the protective functions of the body proper nutrition, sufficient physical activity, rejection of bad habits, walks in the fresh air. Playing sports with colpitis will be beneficial. It is not worth giving up on them. Good effect gives cycling and swimming.
  • You will have to limit the number of sexual acts. With this disease, the amount of natural lubrication that is produced during arousal is reduced. This can provoke injury to the already damaged mucous surface of the vagina.
  • Perform daily hygiene procedures. For washing, you can use only specialized products that do not contain aggressive chemical components.
  • Avoid wearing underwear made from synthetic materials. It creates a favorable atmosphere for the reproduction of pathogenic microflora.

The key to a successful cure will be strict adherence to all prescriptions of the attending physician. It is strictly forbidden to arbitrarily interrupt the course of treatment, even if the symptoms have disappeared.

If the cause of colpitis was exposure to harmful microflora, then treatment is necessary for both sexual partners. Otherwise, re-infection will occur.

Medical treatment

The main method of how to treat colpitis is the use of medications. The choice of specific drugs depends on what caused the disease. More often used:

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What are the signs and how to treat inflammation of the vagina

  • Antifungal. With their help, therapy of candidal colpitis is carried out. One of the most effective drugs is Diflucan. It is available in the form of capsules or powder for suspension. The daily dose of this medication is 150 mg. side effects this remedy does not. In rare cases, hearing disorders have been reported in patients. Diflucan is forbidden to be taken simultaneously with terfenaddin or cisapridine. Analogues of this drug are considered: Flucostat, Vagisept, Vagiferon and others.
  • Anti-peritoneal. Such drugs are used for trichomonas colpitis. The most commonly prescribed is Metronidazole. Available in the form of tablets and solutions. For the treatment of a chronic severe form of the disease, intravenous administration of the drug is indicated. The course of therapy is at least 10 days. Metronidazole is contraindicated in leukopenia, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, CNS damage, liver failure and pregnancy.
  • Antibacterial. With their help, it is possible to cope with colpitis of bacterial origin. More often, drugs from the group of lincosamides or cephalosporins are prescribed. For the treatment of nonspecific vaginitis, the use of clindamycin is indicated. This tool quickly acts on pathogens, prevents their growth and reproduction. Contraindicated in meningitis and hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Good result Cefazolin, which belongs to the cephalosporins, is also demonstrated.
  • Antiviral. They are used for colpitis, the causative agents of which are viruses. The most effective drug is Acyclovir. It is contraindicated during lactation, under the age of three years, as well as with individual intolerance to the components of the remedy. Among its analogues, Zovirax, Cyclovir, Acik and others are distinguished.
  • Hormonal. With their help we treat atrophic colpitis. Hormone therapy in this case allows you to restore damaged cells of the vagina and relieve unpleasant symptoms. Estradiol is recognized as an effective remedy. It is taken for 21 days. If necessary, the courses are repeated several times. The main contraindications include: bleeding, malignant neoplasms, thrombophlebitis. Angelique, Klimodien, Kliogest and others are considered analogues of this remedy.
  • Probiotics and prebiotics. Such funds help to restore the normal microflora of the vagina. The use of Bifidumbacterin, Bifiol is shown. Lactobacterian and others.

To maintain immunity, experts prescribe immunomodulators: Viferon, Anaferon and others. The use of various vitamin and mineral complexes is also allowed.

Specific drugs and their dosages are chosen by the doctor, based on the severity of the disease and the characteristics of the patient's body. Before starting treatment, carefully read the instructions for the medication.

Local therapy

Simultaneously with the use of oral medications, experts recommend using and local funds. The active substances from them reach the focus of inflammation faster and have a therapeutic effect. The following methods are used:

  • Candles. Colpitis at home is effectively treated with the help of Polygynax, Terzhinan, Hexicon and others. They have an anti-inflammatory effect, help fight pathogenic microflora and yeast fungi. Candles are inserted deep into the vagina, one piece daily. Such therapy is contraindicated in the manifestation of allergic reactions to the components of the drug.
  • Ointments. Dalacin has a good effect. Fights most types of pathogens. Using the applicator, the ointment is inserted into the vagina. It is better to carry out this procedure before going to bed. The duration of treatment is about 7 days.
  • Solutions for douching. If colpitis is accompanied by purulent discharge, douching with potassium permanganate is indicated. To prepare a solution, it is diluted in pure water in a ratio of 1:5000. When the separated secret is too thick or an admixture of blood is found in it, it is better to douche using Chlorhexidine 0.5%. Such procedures can be repeated daily, but not longer than 4 days.

The prognosis will depend on how quickly you start therapy. More often, the disease can be completely defeated. But immunity to it is not developed, so the likelihood of a relapse is not excluded.

Colpitis is a common gynecological disease. They mainly affect women of reproductive age.

Occurs under the influence of factors of both general and local order. This is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the walls of the vagina.

In medicine, the disease has another name - vaginitis. Before starting treatment, you need to understand the causes, risk factors, consequences and precautions.

Risk factors

At any age, the cause of the disease lies either in its own pathogenic microflora, or in the action of infection ( when bacteria, viruses or fungi enter the vagina).

Causes of colpitis are:

What risk factors predispose to the development of the disease? The main disadvantage is inadequate intimate hygiene.

Women's genitals should be washed 2 times a day. To do this, it is better to use special means of intimate hygiene.

Ordinary soap leads to an acid imbalance and the multiplication of bacteria in the vagina.

Improper sexual hygiene significantly increases the risk of pathogens.

Pathological disorders of the endocrine system ( diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, ovarian disease) can also become serious factors in the development of the disease.

Injuries to the vagina and damage to the genital organs contribute to the pathogenic activity of pathogens.

Symptoms, signs

The disease can have both specific and non-specific origin.

Specific pathology is caused by:

  • Viruses.
  • candida- fungi that exhibit pathological activity during reproduction. The process is accompanied by itching and curdled discharge. Fungi can begin to multiply due to a weakened immune system, as well as sexually transmitted.
  • Trichomonas, gonococci, chlamydia - penetrate the vagina through sexual contact. As a result, abundant foamy discharge appears, which has an unpleasant odor.
  • Mycoplasmas. General symptoms of specific colpitis: swelling and velvety of the walls of the vagina, bloody discharge when touched.

Nonspecific colpitis is caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli, staphylococci, streptococci.

The ways they enter the vagina can be different.

At the same time, the woman feels weak, lethargy. Body temperature can rise to subfebrile (from 37 to 38).

Painful symptoms extend to the external genitalia. There is purulent plaque and edema.

Possible Complications

Many women consider colpitis to be a mild illness that can go away without treatment. but if the symptoms are ignored, it will go into a sluggish form.

The signs will become less pronounced, but this does not indicate a healing process at all. At the first symptoms, you need to go to the gynecologist to find out the cause and prescribe treatment.

In the complete absence of treatment, cervicitis may appear - inflammation of the cervix. Possibility of endometritis(inflammation of the uterine mucosa) and salpingo-oophoritis (diseases of the appendages).

Such pathologies lead to infertility and increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy.

If symptoms are ignored, there are many dangerous consequences:

  • the chronic form is more difficult to treat with medications;
  • provoking diseases of the genitourinary system, for example, urethritis, cystitis;
  • in girls, the lack of treatment is fraught with fusion of the internal or external labia.

The likelihood of spreading infection in the genital tract increases with sex during menstruation.

When, to which doctor to go

Colpitis usually indicates other pathologies. in a woman's body. If the immune system is weakened, bacteria multiply, causing inflammation of the vagina.

As soon as itching or burning appeared in the perineal region, the external genitalia turned red or uncharacteristic discharges began to bother (white, creamy, curdled, with pus), you should immediately contact a gynecologist.

The doctor will conduct an examination, prescribe tests, interview the patient. During laboratory research, types of pathogens will be identified.

What experts say about colpitis:

How to treat: features of therapy in gynecology

Treatment of colpitis consists in general therapy carried out at home. The emphasis is on elimination of inflammation of the vaginal mucosa.

Tampons with antiseptic agents are used. If the endocrine system fails, the patient is prescribed pills that restore the hormonal background.

In gynecology, with the detected symptoms and the correct diagnosis of chronic or acute colpitis, the treatment is complex.

Restorative, antibacterial therapy does not stop until the doctor himself cancels it.

During the recovery it is necessary to refrain from sexual intercourse. The sexual partner is also prescribed antibacterial baths.


Colpitis or vaginitis is an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the vaginal walls. It develops as a result of the spread of infection.

Women with weakened immune systems are especially susceptible to the disease.

Key points to consider:

  • the most common cause of vaginitis is insufficient hygiene of the intimate area;
  • disruption of the endocrine system, perineal injuries can provoke the disease;
  • at the first suspicion, you need to contact a gynecologist;
  • treatment is carried out both with tablets and local remedies;
  • with specific colpitis, treatment is necessary for both the woman and her sexual partner;
  • you can not self-medicate;
  • to prevent the disease, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system;
  • the disease quickly becomes chronic.

If these provisions are taken into account, recovery will be painless and quick.

It is also important to remember about disease prevention.