Sign language dictionary. All the secrets of sign language. Distinctive features of the structure of sign language

In our classes, we increasingly devoted time to the history of the creation of writing. But this time I wanted something different, more unusual and modern. So the idea came up to tell children about other languages. Already in the plans are:

Sign language;
- the language of spies;
- programming languages;
- Braille cipher.

Gestuno is the language of people with hearing impairments.

Deaf people communicate using gestures - quick hand movements accompanied by a lively facial expression. These gestures, like any other language, need to be learned. They quickly convey information to the interlocutor. Where hearing people need many words, for example: Shall we go across the bridge?, one gesture is enough for deaf people.
This possibility is also used where it is impossible to hear: under water by divers or in space by astronauts working outside the spacecraft.
International alphabet of gestures. Each language has its own system for naming letters or sounds.

The sign languages ​​of the deaf and dumb differ in different countries. There are TV programs in which the text is "translated" for the deaf. Then, in the corner of the screen, you can see the announcer, who silently gesticulates, i.e. speaks in sign language.
There are more than 13 million deaf and hard of hearing people in Russia. The birth of a child with hearing impairment in the family is a difficult test both for parents and for the child himself, who needs special teaching aids and, most importantly, communication with peers and relatives. Fortunately, the Russian Society of the Deaf is actively working on this front. Thanks to the activities of its branches, people with hearing impairments unite and communicate with each other without feeling excluded from the social process.

There are also problems: lack of educational institutions, where people with hearing impairments are accepted for training, the lack of sign language interpreters and teaching aids, allowing to master the sign language.
Russian Sign Language is an independent language unit used for communication by people with hearing impairments.

Sign language does not consist only of a static figure shown by hands - it also contains a dynamic component (the hands move in a certain way and are in a certain position relative to the face) and a mimic component (the speaker's facial expression illustrates the gesture). Also, during a conversation in gestuno, it is customary to "pronounce" words with your lips.

In addition to this, when communicating with people with hearing impairments, you should be extremely attentive to your posture and involuntary hand gestures - they can be misinterpreted.
basis sign language is a dactyl (finger) alphabet. Each letter of the Russian language corresponds to a certain gesture (see picture).

Knowing this alphabet will help at first to overcome the "language barrier" between you and a person with a hearing impairment. But Dactyling (spelling) is rarely used by the deaf in everyday speech. Its main purpose is to pronounce proper names, as well as terms for which their own gesture has not yet been formed.

For most words in Russian Sign Language, there is a gesture that denotes the whole word. At the same time, I want to note that almost all gestures are intuitive and very logical. For instance:

"Writing" - we kind of take a pen and write on the palm of our hand. "Count" - we begin to bend our fingers. "Grandfather" - very reminiscent of a beard, right? Sometimes in gestures for complex concepts, you simply marvel at how accurately the essence of the subject is noticed.

The structure of sign language is not complicated at all. The word order corresponds to the usual sentences of the Russian language. For prepositions and conjunctions of one letter, their dactyl gesture (a letter from the alphabet) is used. Verbs are not conjugated or declined. To indicate time, it is enough to give a marker word (Yesterday, Tomorrow, 2 days ago) or put the gesture "was" before the verb.

Like any other language, Russian sign language is very lively, changes all the time and varies greatly from region to region. Benefits and educational materials updated at a snail's pace. Therefore, the recent publication of a primer for children with hearing impairments has become a real event.

The basic gestures with which you can communicate with deaf people are quite elementary:

The main difficulty is not even in mastering gestures, but in learning to "read" them from the hands. Gestures are complex - they consist of several positions of the brush, following one after another. And out of habit it is difficult to separate the end of one gesture and the beginning of another. Therefore, learning gestuno takes no less time than learning any foreign language, and maybe more.

We often see people with hearing impairments in the subway and on the street, in cafes. These are cheerful, shining people, completely ordinary, just having other ways of communicating. Deafness does not prevent them from being happy - having friends, a favorite job and a family. They can even sing in tin and dance - yes, yes, people with hearing impairments still hear music,

Our world is diverse. It cannot be said that there are people who are one to one friend to another, both externally and internally similar. So, another universe, which has its own properties, is also inhabited by those who are commonly called deaf and dumb people. Their perception environment at times different from how a person who does not have such physical deviations understands reality.

But it is important to note that the sign language of the deaf and dumb has the same versatility and colorfulness as that of a healthy person. There are more than 2,000 gestures in the dictionary. And sign signs are whole words, so showing yes and learning some of them will not be difficult.

Non-verbal sign language

Before proceeding to the dictionary of sign language, it will be appropriate to note that one of the misconceptions about it is the opinion that it depends on the verbal language that we use every day (sound and written) or that it supposedly evolved from the latter, and even that the language of the deaf and dumb was founded by a hearer. Not only that, it is commonly misunderstood that the gestures of a silent language are accepted as dactyling of letters. That is, letters are depicted by hand. But it's not.

In this language, dactylology is used to pronounce geographical names, specific terms and proper names. It is very easy to get acquainted with its basics, since there is a well-established alphabet. And you will be able to easily communicate with a deaf-mute, pronouncing the word with the help of gestures by letter. The sign language for the deaf in Russian dactylology has 33 dactyl signs.

Sign language lessons

More detailed information about the language of the deaf and dumb can be found in the book by Zaitseva G.L. "Gesture speech". Let's take a closer look at the most common gestures.

If you ask the question: “Do I, a healthy person, need to know such a language?”, The answer is simple - there is not much knowledge sometimes, sometimes they are unclaimed. But perhaps someday, thanks to them, you will be able to help, for example, a lost deaf-mute.

A concise sign dictionary will help you, dear reader, to master the vocabulary of sign speech. This is a small dictionary, it contains about 200 gestures. Why were these gestures chosen? Such questions inevitably arise, especially when the volume of the dictionary is small. Our dictionary was created in this way. Since the dictionary is intended primarily for teachers of the deaf, teachers and educators of schools for the deaf took part in determining the composition of the dictionary. For several years, the author has been offering students of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute working in boarding schools for the deaf a list of gestures - "candidates" for a dictionary. And he turned to them with a request: to leave in the list only the most necessary gestures for the teacher and educator, and delete the rest. But you can add to the list if needed. All gestures that were objected to by more than 50% of expert teachers were excluded from the initial list. Conversely, the vocabulary included gestures proposed by experts if more than half of them believed that it was appropriate.

The gestures included in the dictionary are mainly used in both Russian sign speech and calque sign speech. They are grouped by topic. Of course, the attribution of many gestures to a particular topic is largely conditional. The author here followed the tradition of compiling thematic dictionaries, and also sought to place in each group gestures denoting objects, actions, and signs, so that it would be more convenient to talk in given topic. At the same time, gestures have continuous numbering. If you, the reader, need to remember, for example, how the gesture INTERFERE is performed, but you do not know which thematic group it is in, you must do so. At the end of the dictionary, all gestures (of course, their verbal designations) are arranged in alphabetical order, and the ordinal index of the gesture INTERFERE will make it easy to find it in the dictionary.

Symbols in the figures will help to more accurately understand and reproduce the structure of the gesture.

Wishing you success in learning the vocabulary of sign language, the author expects from you, dear reader, suggestions for improving the concise sign dictionary.


greetings acquaintance

1. Hello 2. Goodbye

3. Thank you 4. Sorry (those)


5. Name 6. Profession

7. Specialty 8. Who


9. What 10. Where

11. When 12. Where


13. From where 14. Why

15. Why 16. Whose


17. Man 18. Man

19. Woman 20. Child

21. Family 22. Father

23. Mother 24. Son

25. Daughter 26. Grandmother

27. Grandfather 28. Brother

29. Sister 30. Live

31. Work 32. Respect

33. Take care 34. Help

35. Hinder 36. Friendship

37. Young 38. Old