Learning to work with a dowsing pendulum: selection, calibration, asking questions. Pendulum - the easiest and most dangerous method How to make the pendulum tell the truth

Hello my dear.

I present to you the long-promised "device" for working with the Higher Self.
In fact, these are just tips on how to use the most advanced device in existence - your own body.

The wizard's self-instruction manual
or how to use a pendulum to establish facts

Official science speaks harshly about dowsing, the use of a pendulum and a vine as research tools. This is, they say, pseudoscience, an esoteric practice that declares the dependence of the results on the personality of the operator and the irreproducibility of the effect by instrumental means (Wikipedia). Everything is correct here, except for "pseudoscience".

The personality of the operator is really very important. After all, it is he who is the "tool", and such technical "tools" in modern science really no. But about the impossibility of checking the results, the scientific officialdom is telling a lie: dowsers find water perfectly, and not only it.

The authors of Agni Yoga have a completely different attitude to the pendulum. For those who do not know - reference: "Agni Yoga" - information constituting several volumes from the Great Teachers of Shambhala, accepted Helena Ivanovna Roerich via channeling (http://www.roerich.com/7_18.htm). It was Helena Ivanovna Roerich who, in the most difficult conditions of the middle of the 20th century, under the leadership of the Great Teachers, passed the path of fiery transformation and paved the way for humanity to Ascension.

"The pendulum of life by its movement shows the change of psychic energy" ("Agni Yoga. Aum", §333).
“Some devices, which are accepted by Us (from the Great Teachers), show an indescribable variety of energies and substances of matter. The pendulum of life belongs to such devices. It can be used to show the qualities of psychic energy (synonym for the Primary Energy), to study the soil and to transmit thoughts. " ("Agni Yoga. Brotherhood. Supermundane, § 547).

Studying "Agni Yoga", I could not miss the instructions about the wonderful possibilities of the pendulum. I started trying and ... it worked! Not everything, but a lot. Perhaps because this tool was found useful application- food check. And most importantly, it was possible to obtain a completely objective and logical confirmation of the truth of the measurements. So there was a belief in this tool, or rather, in their own strength.

And then there were such opportunities for creativity that it just takes your breath away. With the help of a pendulum, as it turned out, you can get an answer to almost any question. Restrictions are minimal: the question should be about a fait accompli. There are a few more minor exceptions. In particular, there will be no answer if it interferes with the passage of your personal lessons in this incarnation.

Principle of operation

You ask questions to your Higher Self, getting answers to them with the help of a pendulum. The secret is not in the material of the pendulum, but in the fact that your Higher Self can give you the answer, using your body as a "guide". The signal to your muscles comes directly from your Higher Self, bypassing consciousness.

As I have seen, working with a pendulum is a type of meditation. It requires some knowledge, practice and, of course, faith. We often have problems with faith. I propose a scientific approach. In order to explore the unknown, scientists use a certain hypothesis. For research purposes, they take it for granted that the hypothesis is true, and then test it for consistency with already known data and theories.
So let's assume that the pendulum of life really works.


You need a small load of any material and a thread tied to it with a length of 20-30 cm. It is convenient to use a keychain made of natural stone, metal cone, etc. The shape is better oval - so that you are not distracted by the rotation of the weight on the thread.

Preparation for work

Physical, emotional and mental calmness is necessary. Sit comfortably with your back straight. You can stand, but then you have to lean against something or hold on to something with your hand so that the body does not sway.

Keep the pendulum in front of you. The arm is bent at the elbow and does not touch other objects.

First, you need to set the "conditions of the game". You say (out loud or mentally):
The answer is yes - back and forth.
The answer is "no" - movement "left-right".
The answer is "don't know" - clockwise movement.
The answer is "I can't say" - counterclockwise movement.

Check the accepted "terms of the game". Make sure that the pendulum hangs vertically and does not move. Then ask the question: “What is the term“ yes ”? The pendulum should start moving forward and backward. Check the rest of the settings in the same way. This training is carried out once; there is usually no need to repeat it later. But to calm the mind, it is useful to repeat these conditions - already as a “mantra”: “Yes: back and forth. No: left-right. "

Operating procedure

Ask (aloud or mentally) a clearly formulated question that can only be answered "yes" or "no."

To get an answer, you need to "turn off the mind", i.e. to exclude the influence of your own opinion on the answer. If you don't, the pendulum will show you the answer that you, willingly or unwillingly, have in your mind.

This point is very important. To “turn off the mind” you can use the following technique: after asking a question, repeat mentally: “I don’t know, yes or no”.
The pendulum will begin to swing in one way or another. The amplitude is small at first, then increases. It is important here not to "get caught" on the first movement and not replace the answer of your Higher Self with your first guess. Keep repeating, “I don’t know, yes or no,” until the movement of the pendulum stabilizes.

It is helpful to ask a security question to verify your result. For example, if you guess a white checker or a black one, first ask: "Is this checker black?", And for control, "Is this checker white?"

You can, of course, practice guessing checkers. But I recommend using the Pendulum of Life for serious matters. In my experience, with a frivolous approach, in those cases when I wanted to prove to someone that it works, the pendulum went on strike. I made a conclusion: do not show off with attempts to prove it to someone. Perhaps the strike is due to the fact that everyone must come to their own faith through their own experience.

Measurement of food

Many people know the way to check the quality of food with a pendulum. The simplest thing is to ask, "Is this product good for me?"
Research can be made more accurate by asking the pendulum to evaluate the quality of a certain product in the form of a number.

I recommend using a scale of 1000 units, where 1000 will mean the maximum possible natural quality of this product. Having established this rule in your mind, do some research, for example, chicken eggs... In a supermarket, for example, I found that a pendulum gives an egg a rating of 700 to 950. Moreover, more expensive eggs have more high level ratings (usually, but not always). But if you go to the market and can do your research there, you will see that the eggs are of higher quality (950 - 990). And by the way, cheaper ones.

Freshly baked bread is over 800, but over 950 is extremely rare. It is interesting that not the best bread becomes very good after the slices have passed the "fire test" in the toaster - above 950. It can be seen that yeast is not really useful. But wafer crisps are almost all higher than 980, or even 1000.

Interesting story with butter... In a Moscow store I checked everything that was on the shelf. Among the leaders are imported packs of oil (910-920), which, as it turned out, was made more than a year ago. And only one or two types of Russian are higher in quality. Which I will not say, so as not to be accused of advertising. And it will be more interesting for you to do it yourself.

Sunflower oil is also very different. There are 1000 visiting farmers in the market. 800-900 in the shop. With the addition of olive it is better.

Check the quality of the honey. Honey in factory jars - 500-600 (apparently diluted in half with syrup). Natural honey on the market has 950 units and more. There was even a case of 1000 - when honey was brought in a huge can directly from an apiary near Moscow.

My next discovery is connected with honey. I bought a little for a test, I liked it. Returning the next day with a large jar. Satisfied going home. I measure. No longer 1000, but 995. What's the matter? The honey is the same. The saleswoman, however, was different, rude. When she poured me honey, she grumbled something unkindly. Does contact with people who emit negative emotions really deteriorate the quality of products? As it turned out, exactly so!

The easiest way to be sure is to check the quality (energy level) of the soup you make at home. If you cook with passion, it will be 950 or more. Now think about measuring when the chef is out of sorts or, even worse, experienced a flash of anger. You will see: the level will drop sharply, possibly even below 300.

As for the lower permissible level of product quality, it seems to be individual for everyone. It is better if the level is not lower than 500 or, in extreme cases, 450. And when there is a choice, nothing will prevent you from finding the highest quality products.

How to make your food extremely healthy

Many peoples and many religions have a tradition to read a prayer before eating. As it turned out, the simplest prayer or mantra, during which you think about the food in front of you, and which you dedicate to God, makes food extremely useful for your body.

The mechanism is very simple: with such a prayer, the subtle vibrations of food rise almost to your own energy level. Thus, harmony is created between your body and those elements that are to become part of your body. And harmony is the ultimate efficiency.
You just need to remember that the increase in the vibrations of food does not happen instantly, it takes some time. The water is “charged” within seconds. Denser foods take longer, up to 1-3 minutes, depending on the density of the substance.

It is also important to know that products whose quality is below a certain limit level cannot be “charged” at all. In my opinion, such a lower level is 290, but it is better for everyone to check it themselves.

Prayer can be anything: even "Our Father", even "Allah Akbar", even just "Om". The main thing is that it should be pronounced (aloud or mentally) from the bottom of the heart, and should be aimed at a specific product or products. I will give an example of a prayer and its reading.

“Beloved Lord!
You give food, You take food, You are food Yourself.
I dedicate this food to Your lotus feet,
As well as everything that I will do during the day. "

After the words "this food" hand or mentally point to each food, repeating the words "this food". After thinking about each product, finish the prayer (“Like everything I’m going to do during the day.”).
After completing the prayer, you may feel (but not necessarily) goosebumps, as if from the blow of a cold breeze - characteristic feature the passage of high energies.

Measure your level

After prayer, the level of food will increase and will be almost the same as what you personally have. But for this you need to measure this level first.
It is useful to use the Consciousness Measurement Scale, which was developed by a scientist-psychologist. David Hawkins(David R. Hawkins). This Scale (from 0 to 1,000) shows the relationship between the prevailing emotional state of a person and his level of spiritual development. ... It can be briefly described as follows: up to 200 - serious condition, lack of growth; 200-310 - transient state; above 310 - awakening and accelerating growth; 700-1000 - stages of ascension.

Many people who own a pendulum or some other way of communicating with their Higher Self have successfully used this Scale. She worked! But only until the beginning of 2008. Using the 1000th gradation of Hawkins, I also watched the growth of energy (my own, loved ones). In April 2008, the indicators were within this coordinate system. Intensive growth began in May. Indicators "went off scale" well over 1000.

There was a need for a new coordinate system. Began to define. The result is a new coordinate system "Hawkins-Glorious Scale". It describes the growth of energy from one dimension to another. ... Using this Scale, today you can determine both your own energy level and the level of entire communities, up to humanity as a whole.

Proof of measurement truth

So now you know your own energy level. Measure the level of, for example, your bread - before and after prayer. The result will be impressive. The "natural" level of energy of the product will increase, most likely, thousands of times. I say this because today more than 2/3 of humanity has a level above 666 million radion.

I recommend that you periodically check your energy level. This is useful as a self-diagnosis method. Unfortunately, it happens that the level begins to decrease, and you need to take a closer look at your own thoughts and emotions.

Synchronously with the changes in your own energy, the energy of the products "consecrated" by you will also change.

The constant practice of prayer over food is beneficial in many ways. You provide yourself with the best quality food, and therefore health. In addition, you will be convinced from your own experience that the measurement with a pendulum gives a completely objective, testable result. You will truly believe that the Pendulum of Life really helps you connect with your Higher Self and receive invaluable information from it. Finally, you will see that regular pendulum meditation will increase your energy level.

Other ways to communicate with VY

It is possible to carry out measurements in other ways besides the pendulum. I'll tell you about two that I tried myself. They can be used by those people who have already mastered the pendulum. The fact is that it is possible to work with the Higher Self only in a state of complete balance, which I have already written about. And practice with a pendulum (let's call it "method one") gives the necessary skill.

Method two "Cams". Establish a rule. For example: "yes" - right fist, "no" - left fist. Extend two tightly clenched fists forward and close your eyes. Before you have time to ask a question, one of the fists, regardless of your will, will drop down a little.

Method three "Thought question"... Check mentally if you are in a state of complete balance. Mentally turn to God or to your Higher Self with a question to which you can answer “yes” or “no”. The answer, as a rule, comes before you have time to formulate a thought to the end or immediately after a question.
Methods two and three can be used for "rapid analysis". You can get an answer close to the truth (when working with numbers). But I strongly recommend then rechecking the readings with a pendulum. Errors are possible for many reasons. The pendulum, if used correctly, allows you to get an absolutely accurate result.

Pralaya rule

Before starting to work with a pendulum or to work with VL in another way, I recommend asking a question about whether it is advisable to do this now. The answer can be either positive or negative. If the answer is no, postpone the work with the VL. If you have not done this, and the time is unfavorable, then the pendulum itself may remind you of this. For me, for example, this manifests itself in the fact that the pendulum swings at a very small amplitude, as if through force. The alternation of periods of wakefulness and sleep, activity and passivity is natural and ubiquitous in nature - both above and below. Cosmic "day" also consists of "day" and "night". The period of cosmic manifestation is followed by pralaya. So your break from work with VY can be considered a little pralaya.

According to my observations, there are times when:

Bad weather: the sky is overcast, it is snowing or raining;

There is a strong flow of energy (apparently from space), which leads to a significant increase in your energy potential;

You are not in balance. The reasons can be different - both excitement and malaise.

If I remember something else, I will definitely add it. But what definitely does not happen is the influence of dark forces. During wakefulness, a person possesses an irresistible force for the dark: it is enough just to believe it, and if you want to, then repeat it.

Practical advice

In order to get a definite estimate, you must establish a logical "coordinate system" and its gradation. Hawkins' thousandth scale is one such possible coordinate system. Remember that during your measurements you set this coordinate system for yourself. Likewise, creatively using the ability to independently establish a "coordinate system", you can explore the most unexpected areas.
... In order to determine a digit, you do not need to iterate over all the existing digits. It is useful to use the “halved” method. It lies in the fact that you take the entire investigated series, for example, 1000 units, and ask about half of it: "More than 500?" Or "less than 500?" Having received the answer "yes", you ask: more than 750? "In half", of course, is a convention: you just specify each time on a smaller and smaller segment. With some practice, this allows you to get a specific figure pretty quickly. Although you have to work.
... The “halved” method can be successfully used to find a specific location on the map. Use a grid or legend horizontal and vertical "stripes" of a map or plan. And when you find a specific square, divide it with imaginary lines (vertical and horizontal) into four smaller squares. And so on - until you find any landmark. Then you can specify the distance from this landmark to the desired point and the direction of movement.

On the measurement of information by the Pendulum of life for its truth or falsity

100% lies are relatively rare in life: they are easy to recognize. Those who use lies try to spice up the lie with a certain amount of truth, and then the "half-truth" is swallowed by the people. It turned out that the degree of truth of the statement can be measured. It is noteworthy that the thousandth Hawkins Scale is applicable here, and with the same "characteristic points".

0-200 - absolute prevalence of lies;

200-310 is a skillful cocktail of lies and truth. Such a lie (and this is all she, dear) is especially difficult to discern, especially where the liar shows aerobatics. Here I recently dealt with one chen - 309! Why can't our hierarchs of Darkness exceed the level of 310? I think because the prevalence of truth will not reduce their efforts to brainwash customers;

310-700 - truth expressed less or more clearly;

700 - 100 is the truth in its ever better expression.


With the help of the pendulum, you will learn a lot. Before spreading this information, ask your Higher Self if it is advisable to do this.
The information you receive about other people, in particular their energy level, is personal information. Dissemination of this information without the consent of the person himself is a violation of the Supreme Law. Such a violation will entail corresponding karmic consequences.

I wish you all success in mastering the skill of a magician. You can do it, if you wish.
There is no difference between God and you.
There is only a mirror of maya illusion between you,
twisted by human consciousness.
Take away the mirror - what is left?

There are no people incapable of intuitive perception. But some of these abilities are more developed, while others are less. You can do very simple experiments to understand the extent to which you have such abilities.

Take some metal chain from jewelry with not very links large size... Place it between your middle and forefinger so that it hangs loosely by 15-16 centimeters, and squeeze lightly. Place your hand on any secure support. This is done so that she does not tremble in weight and cannot force the chain to move. The end of the chain must not touch the table.

Now focus, take it easy, and just wait without thinking about anything. You can put a needle on the table, a coin - any large metal product, but this is not necessary, but is done simply to improve focus on the behavior of the chain.

After a few minutes, you will feel that its end begins to swing and describe in a circular motion or walk back and forth. Then lower the palm of your other hand on top of the hand with the chain. The chain will slow down, stop and start in the opposite direction. Of course, this experience will not work for everyone and not immediately, because we are endowed with abilities of different strengths. But absolutely all people will experience, albeit barely noticeable, oscillation of the chain. The greater the vibration amplitude, the higher the ability to work with a pendulum and dowsing.

Try another experiment. For a minute, rub palm on palm firmly so that you feel hot. Then spread them apart and slowly begin to bring them closer to each other. What's between your palms? Emptiness? Or is there something causing a contender? People who are capable of dowsing have the feeling that there is an elastic object between their palms, like a rubber ball. For some, this sensation occurs earlier, and their "ball" is larger, for others - later. And some don't feel anything.

Even if you are among the latter and you do not have the ability, do not despair. If you do this exercise every day for a week, the feeling of emptiness will disappear, and you will also feel the resistance of space.

Now take a strip of paper about 1 centimeter wide and 2 centimeters long, secure it neatly on the tip of the fixed object, just do not pierce the paper with the tip. At a short distance, grasp with your palms your strip of paper, balanced on the needle, and imagine that it begins to move clockwise. Just do not touch the paper with your hands in any case and do not interfere with its movement with your breath.

Usually there are no people who have a strip of paper standing still. After a couple of minutes, it must definitely move. Well-trained people have the experience with a magnetic needle, which, instead of a strip of paper, is attached to the point of a needle. The arrow is much more difficult to move than the paper. But at the request of a gifted person, she will also move as she was mentally ordered.

What are these experiments talking about? That we are able to influence the movement of objects by our will, to subordinate them to our mental orders. And you don't even need to touch them with your hands at all. However, people working with the frame and the pendulum do not need the regulated movement of the indicators. Their task is simply to turn off consciousness and provide the indicator with complete freedom of action. Of course, it’s not very easy at first. After all, our thoughts are always busy with something. And our main task is to learn to think "on a given topic." Practicing meditation will help you achieve what you want.

How to negotiate with a pendulum

Usually, people who start working with a frame or a pendulum believe that the main thing is to ask a question, and they will be able to understand the answer. Yes, asking questions correctly is a great art, we will devote enough time to this. But it is equally important to be able to understand your indicator.

Once a friend of mine complained to me that she was receiving strange answers from the pendulum. If he asks him once, he will answer in the affirmative. The other asks - the answer is no. I asked her to do her operations with me. And so Marina sat down at the table, picked up a pendulum made from a piece of amber, and began asking him questions aloud.

Weird. She actually received two different answers to the same question. At first I thought that Marina was bad at asking the question. But she told me a situation about which she wanted to get advice from the pendulum, and the question, in my opinion, was posed correctly. Then I thought.

Marina, do you have any idea when you ask?

Yes, Marina absolutely clearly brought up the necessary picture before her eyes, and this picture, according to her description, was also what it should be. This puzzled me. I really didn't know what to think.

Marina, can I talk to him?

I took the same pendulum and started asking questions. To a question formulated in the same way, I received the same answer several times. It has not changed for me! I began to think that Marina herself was "pushing" the pendulum, making it oscillate incorrectly. I began to follow the slightest movements of her hand, but did not notice any "treacherous" push of the pendulum. Now I no longer understood anything.

And then a strange thought occurred to me.

Marina, - I asked cautiously, - and you asked your pendulum, which answer is positive and which is negative?

It was then that everything became clear.

What for? she wondered.

Many people are convinced that the pendulum answers "yes" if it swings clockwise and "no" if it swings back and forth. But this is not the case. The version of these "yes" and "no" depends on how you decide on the pendulum yourself.

It is very important at the beginning of working with the indicator not only to establish contact with him, that is, to understand that he hears you and is ready to work for you, but also to establish once and for all what will be considered positive and negative for him.

This is usually done like this. You take your pendulum in your right (if you are right-handed) hand, concentrate and say to him like this: "My dear pendulum, from this day on we will work with you, so I want you to be able to read your answers easily." After that, be sure to check how your pendulum understands you.

Ask him a series of simple questions that can only be interpreted unambiguously.

I am a woman?
- Am I ... years old?
- Is it winter outside?
- Now ... hours of the day?
- Can you hear me?
- Are we going to work well together?
- You promise me always and in everything to help?

As you can see, there is no ambiguous answer to such a list of questions. Therefore, the pendulum will answer "yes" or "no". And you will check how accurately he fulfills your instructions. But remember:

If you do not know which answer the pendulum considers positive and which is negative, you will never be able to understand it. And without this it is impossible to work.

There is a variant of answers when the pendulum cannot give them at all or does not understand the question. Necessarily agree on such a possibility. Say, for example, like this: "If my question cannot be answered positively or negatively, then show such an answer with a counterclockwise movement. If my question is posed incorrectly, then show it with your immobility."

Better yet, just ask your pendulum how it wants to answer.

Show me how you answer me yes?
- Show me how you answer me no?
- Show me how you will answer me "neither yes nor no" or "I do not know"?
- Show me how you answer me "did not understand the question"?

At first, every time you work with a plumb line, you need to start with testing it: ask him a number of these simple questions and get answers. If your agreement is valid, the answers will always be the same, if you have not yet established a relationship with the pendulum and you do not feel it, then sometimes you will reach contact easily, and sometimes you have to try. That is why it is necessary to carry out such a test before starting work.

And further. Do not forget that the real indicator is yourself, and the pendulum is just your working tool. Don't make your pendulum something mystical. So whenever you pick up an indicator, do it.

5-10 minutes before work, take a warm shower, knead your body with a towel or a special massager, breathe properly to cleanse your lungs and improve blood flow to the brain, sit quietly with closed eyes and only when you feel that your physical and mental state is at its best, you can start your classes.

Remember: the quality and accuracy of the answers depend on your condition. Therefore, if you are not sure of yourself, reschedule classes to another day.

The art of asking questions

And now you have a pendulum in your hands. You are ready to get started. Where do we start? First, as I said, you need to establish a permanent and full-fledged connection with him, that is, through simple questions and answers, find out which plumb bob movements will be positive, which will be negative. Then let's try to talk to the pendulum.

When using a plumb line to get unambiguous answers, you will have to learn how to accurately formulate your question. You can’t ask in extended sentences, it’s pointless. You cannot build a very vague question. Here's a small example.

The young man wants to get married. He has three girls in mind, each of whom can apply for the vacant position of his future wife, He asks:

Julia will be a good wife? And he gets the answer "yes".
- Will Masha be a good wife? And he also gets the answer "yes".
- Will Natasha be a good wife? Again, yes.

From which he concludes that the plumb line cannot be trusted.

But in fact, only the questioner is to blame for the wrong answers of the pendulum. He asked abstract questions. All three girls are probably drawn to family life, they are truly capable of becoming great wives. But ... for whom? He did not ask the most important thing: with which of these girls he is most compatible. Neither did he ask the other, if he still didn’t understand himself: which of them did he love? And further: should he marry right now and exactly on one of these girls?

Another example. Once a neighbor came running to me in tears:

Listen, I am terminally ill, the pendulum said I was going to die.

Such a response from the pendulum, of course, almost brought her to a heart attack. And why? It turns out that the unfortunate woman asked: am I going to die? All people are mortal, so the plumb line and answered her positively. This does not mean that my roommate will go to bed and not wake up. The pendulum answered the abstract question about the mortality of any person, including this woman.

So the question must be formulated in such a way as to get a completely clear and unambiguous answer. And do not forget that this should be the answer yes to your question, that is, to what you are concerned about now, and not the answer to the "question in general".

My sister, going to Sochi, asked the pendulum if she would have a good vacation there. Received a negative answer and went to the dacha near Moscow. There she became very ill. And if she continued to poll the pendulum, she would find out that the weather in Sochi would be rainy and she would not have to swim in the sea, so she could go to Crimea, where it would be sunny. This is common mistake all beginners: for some reason, when they receive a negative answer that crosses out their plans, they simply change their minds and believe that now they can ask anything at the pendulum, because they will receive a positive answer. And ... they are wrong.

Remember: having received a negative answer, you must find out why it is negative, that is, ask a series of questions that will outline your situation and clarify it.

Asking the right questions is a tremendous art, it is very difficult to master it right away, so you will go through a period of misunderstandings between you and the pendulum before it begins to give you the right advice.

Another mistake and another way to get incorrect answers is in the technique of working with a plumb line. Beginners hold it very stiffly, afraid to move, their hand is in an unnatural position, so the muscles get tired very quickly. And when the muscles are numb, the very wrong impulses appear, which are transmitted to the plumb line. Trying to restore the correct functioning of blood circulation, the brain sends impulses to your fettered hand that have nothing to do with the responses of your subconscious mind. And then the pendulum behaves strangely, it starts to "lie".

That is why, so that such mistakes do not arise, learn to hold the plumb line very easily, do not exert effort, do not pinch it in your fist, do not be afraid to interrupt your "conversation" for a minute. If you feel that your fingers are numb, immediately stop your activity, get up, walk a little, stretch your hand. Do not be afraid, with renewed vigor you will calmly enter the same rhythm, the quality of answers will only improve. And in general, at first, do not overwork yourself. It is impossible to conduct a dialogue with a plumb line for more than half an hour. You will have a rest for fifteen minutes, you can continue. And in order not to forget what was discussed, be sure to write down your last question and the answer of the pendulum.

(A. Semenova "Working with a pendulum and feng shui")

Some people easily make "acquaintances" in thin world, communicate with its inhabitants and receive answers to their questions without any intermediaries and devices. But such abilities are not given to everyone. And so sometimes we want to look beyond the limits of our vision ... In fact, all knowledge is in ourselves, and a magic pendulum will help to get to them.

What a magic pendulum can do

The magic mint is a tool for researching hidden phenomena occurring in the world around and in the person himself. And working with him is called biolocation. Moreover, radio aesthetics (specialists working with a pendulum) argue that the answers come not from the Higher Forces, but from the soul of the person himself.

Therefore, the most valuable and truthful are the pendulum's answers to questions related to a person. The pendulum also does an excellent job when searching for lost objects, identifying energetically dirty places and diagnosing the psychological and physical state of loved ones. That is, the pendulum can be successfully used to obtain objective information about the state of affairs in the present. But the pendulum is unlikely to tell truthfully about the future. Often he adjusts to his master and gives out the answer he longs for.

How to make a magic pendulum

To make a pendulum, you will need a thread (ready-made with a length of 12 to 25 cm) and any weight (ring, pebble, nut). However, it is best to use a gem suitable for the sign of the zodiac for the load. It is desirable that the stone-load has the shape of a ball, in extreme cases - a cone.

We fix the pebble firmly on the thread. Everything. You can work. Just don't put your pendulum in the hands of anyone. It should have exclusively your energy, and so that it is constantly filled with your thoughts and emotions, always carry it with you.

How to work with a pendulum

If we work while standing, bend the arm at the elbow. We hold the pendulum thread, without straining, with the thumb and forefinger, the rest of the fingers are relaxed.

When working while sitting, we put the elbow on the table in order to exclude unnecessary vibrations. Place the pebble at a level of 5-10 mm from the table top.

Before asking a question, calm the pendulum, mentally formulate and ask a specific question so that you can answer "yes" or "no" to it. Now we look at how the pebble moves. Received answer:

  • "Yes" - the pendulum moves back and forth.
  • "No" - the pendulum moves left and right.
  • "Rather, yes" - the pendulum moves in a clockwise circle.
  • "More likely not" - the pendulum moves in a circle counterclockwise.

It is also important to consider the intensity of the movement of the pendulum. The higher its speed, the more correct the answer.

First, ask the pendulum simple questions, the answers to which you know. Then complicate the task. After the session, be sure to thank the pendulum for its work.

5 rules for working with a pendulum

  1. Work with the pendulum in private, in complete silence.
  2. Speak only to the point. The pendulum doesn't like questions for the sake of curiosity.
  3. Eliminate selfish interests, do not ask questions about other people.
  4. Do not show the pendulum to anyone and do not tell about your communication with it.
  5. Don't ask about the future. Otherwise, the pendulum will stop telling the truth.

Evgeny Zhigunov, radio esthetics

Many people tend to ask the pendulum questions that it is unable to answer due to quite natural limitations. For example, a pendulum will not be able to answer your question: "Should I spend my summer vacation in New Orleans or San Francisco?" In this case, you should split the question into two parts and ask about each city in turn.

You could also reformulate your question as follows: "Will I get any satisfaction from my vacation if I spend it in New Orleans?" Then ask the same about San Francisco.

It is possible that in both cases you will receive a positive answer. Then you should ask a more specific question: "Will my vacation be more fulfilling if I spend it in New Orleans instead of San Francisco?" Whatever answer you get, it would be a good idea to refine it by asking the same question about a different city to see what happens.

When holding the pendulum, concentrate on the question. Repeat it over and over to yourself. If an extraneous thought occurs to you, drop it and concentrate on the question again. This is necessary because the pendulum can answer to a randomly flashing thought, and not to the originally posed question.

The pendulum can be of great benefit to you in terms of your work and career. There is good way save time by asking the pendulum questions that include expressions such as "instead of," "better," or "preferred," for example; "Should I go back to college and finish my education, or should I continue with my current earnings?" If the pendulum answers yes, you will know what to do. If the answer is no, you can ask differently: "Should I continue to work at my corporation instead of going back to college?"

In general, it is better to ask a whole series of simple questions than to formulate one complex one, which includes all aspects of the problem you are interested in. The time difference will be quite insignificant, but the answer in the first case will be much clearer.

Sometimes the pendulum will tell you with its movement: "I don't want to answer." If this happened, look at the form in which you asked him your question, and think if you can formulate it in some other way. It is possible that by dividing your original question into two or three simpler ones, you will eventually achieve the desired answer.

Possibilities of using a pendulum

The possibilities of a pendulum are almost endless. I sometimes like to ask him questions about the earliest part of my childhood. And the pendulum is able to tell me a lot of things that I have long forgotten. In doing so, I found out what my first words were, at what age I took my first steps and many other things that were interesting to me. If your parents are still alive, you can easily check the accuracy of this information. And over time, when you are convinced of the reliability of the information received, your faith in the possibility of a pendulum will surely increase. You can also ask the pendulum other personal questions: "Am I afraid to be too frank?" or "Am I worthy of the respect of others?" Of course, you need to rate each of the answers given to these questions. As you already know, your desires can influence the movement of the pendulum. Accordingly, the possibility cannot be ruled out that you will not receive a truthful answer, but the one that you hope to hear. It is no less interesting to ask the pendulum about your loved ones. Not so long ago, my distant relatives decided to spend their vacation in our city. Before they came to visit me, I asked the pendulum the most different questions,

remembering to ask what they like and what they don't. As a result, my relatives were greatly impressed by the fact that when I served them tea at the table, I already knew in advance which of them liked black tea and who preferred to drink with milk.

A few months ago, a friend of mine was recovering from a long illness. We both went on a little trip, giving his family some rest. On the eve of the trip, I used my pendulum to find out what movies he likes to watch and what travel activities might catch his attention.

If my wife and I are going to the movies, but we don’t know which movie is worth watching, I also turn to the pendulum for advice. I hang him over a poster in a daily newspaper or ask him questions about each film.

All these experiments are very simple and unpretentious, but they help to make your life richer and more interesting. And the more often you use the pendulum, the more applications you will discover.

Questions about the future

Nothing can stop you from asking the pendulum about your future. But if you start asking him questions about yourself, the pendulum will most likely tell you what you want to hear. This answer can be either right or wrong.

Let's say you want to know what the weather will be next Thursday. Ask the pendulum if the day will be sunny. Once you've found this out, ask about temperature, wind, etc.

Once you learn how to work with a pendulum, your friends will want to know with your help the outcome of certain events. They will not ignore various competitions and gambling. Based own experience I can say that the pendulum does not like these kinds of questions and prefers not to answer them (or it will give you the wrong information).

I know a man who, with the help of a pendulum, tried to determine the winner at the races. Everything went well at first, and he made bigger and bigger bets. But then the pendulum began to give him the wrong information, and he lost the money that he first earned. Finally he realized what was happening and stopped playing the races. And in the end, he ended up in the same financial position as before the races.

Richard Webster, The Beginner's Pendulum

Even before our era, people resorted to the help of a pendulum: the device was actively used in Mesopotamia and Babylon, in Ancient Greece and Rome. Everywhere practicing dowsing pendulum operators were honored and respected as possessors of secret knowledge. The instrument at the level of subtle bodies interacts with the owner's energy, helping him to lift the veil of uncertainty and look into the future and the past, make diagnoses and heal, look for missing people and treasures.

In this article


In fact, the most important rule for acquiring a pendulum is that the future owner should like it, literally ask for it himself. We do not recommend purchasing a product if it involves difficulties or a long wait - such a tool is clearly not for you, and the Universe simply protects you from unnecessary purchases.

One of the most popular forms is drop-shaped; it was used by medieval practices. It is ideal for predictions and dowsing sessions.

Teardrop pendulum

They are simple and unpretentious in use, oblong-shaped devices, similar to a rectangle, they can be ranked as universal tools, like crystal pendulums. When purchasing a ball-shaped tool, you need to be prepared for difficulties in working with the Ouija board and maps: their main purpose is to work on the ground.

The new pendulum must be held under the stream cold water (in this way he will be cleansed of extraneous energies). After water procedures, it must be carried in a breast pocket for several days so that it gets used to the energy of the wearer.

Olga Borovskikh will tell you in detail how to choose a pendulum for yourself in the video of her master class:


In this case, experts resort to using a simple topographic map: it can be either a world map or a map of a specific settlement, depending on the purpose. Before starting work, the pendulum must be asked a specific question, and then slowly and carefully begin to move it over the flat surface of the map and observe its behavior.

The pendulum, like a magnet, will attract certain places and repel others. If a specialist works according to the "yes-no" system, you need to stop at each specific point and ask the tool: "Here?", To which he will react with rotations, answering "yes" or "no" in a standard way for himself.

When working with a pendulum, maintaining impartiality is key.

If the owner of the instrument, asking a question, dreams of a specific answer, with a high degree of probability he will receive it - the pendulum will react in this way to the energy message of a person.

If the question on which the operator resorted to using the pendulum is too exciting, it is worth asking another person to ask questions, or do it with your eyes closed, moving the pendulum blindly across the table.

There are 2 classic schemes: table 1 will help in questions, the answers to which lie in percentages... The level of compatibility with the pendulum, the level of energy, the probability of obtaining a particular material resource.

Table 2 is more suitable for advanced users, as it is very difficult to read the results and work. But the results that can be obtained with its help are amazing: these are specific names, and accurate answers to questions, and even communication with spirits.

Olga Borovskikh will demonstrate how to work with fan diagrams:

To compile worksheets, you can use the special computer program Pendulo - with its help it is possible to create maps with any number of sectors and labels that suit you.

An alternative to working at a desk is placing the card on the floor. In this case, the operator stands and holds the pendulum on the lowered arm, or it can be bent at a right angle. The length of the instrument should not be less than 30 cm, and it is best to work this way with heavy pendulums.

How to ask questions

The art of asking questions is one of the hardest in communication theory. The ability to correctly pose a question to the pendulum is the key to successful and fruitful work, having mastered it perfectly, the operator can solve extremely complex problems from any area of ​​life. In no case should you ask a question built with the help of a union or: in this case, most likely, the owner of the device will not wait for absolutely any answer.

It doesn't matter if the operator asks questions out loud or silently: really only need maximum concentration and the absence of extraneous thoughts in the head. The only thing that should bother the owner of the pendulum at the moment of pronouncing the question is the question itself.

The question "Will a green or red jacket bring me luck?" can be divided into 2 parts, first ask: “Will the green jacket bring me luck?”, and then “Will the red jacket bring me luck?”, so the chance of a correct answer will be much higher.

The possibility of a positive answer of the pendulum to both questions at once is not excluded; in this scenario, one more manipulation is assumed with the question: “Will I be more successful if I go in a red jacket, and not in a green one?”, And then a second question with a change of colors. If the question is really important, it is worth including other color options in the list of questions.


If you have a pendulum recently, you should not start asking him about too complicated things: limit yourself to the everyday sphere and even elementary questions to which you know the answer. The main goal of this work is to study the habits of the instrument, its tuning.

Putting a burning question in front of the device, it is necessary to completely abstract from your own emotions about this, otherwise, with a high degree of probability, the pendulum will give out wishful thinking.

For example, you want to ask about the possibility of getting married with a specific person. If you with all the strength of your soul want the answer to be in the affirmative, the pendulum will not go against your will, although in fact this may turn out to be untrue.


Many practitioners abruptly ignore simple everyday issues, considering them unworthy of efforts, and completely in vain.

First, daily work with a pendulum is a great opportunity to debug the energy connection between a person and an instrument.

Secondly, it can make life more varied and brighter: a pendulum placed above a movie poster in a newspaper will certainly tell you which movie will bring maximum pleasure and whether it is worth going to it at all today, thereby saving the owner from unnecessary doubts and worries.

About future

One of the most controversial categories for working with a pendulum. On the one hand, the pendulum is capable of giving a fairly complete forecast of upcoming events for you on a number of leading questions. On the other hand, if you are interested in answering these questions, they may not be entirely accurate.

Maintaining neutrality is the main virtue when working with a pendulum.

About myself

By asking the instrument about itself, the owner of the pendulum is most at risk of inaccuracies. It's all about the system of the device: it connects to the subconscious of a person, and not only facts, but also dreams and desires live in the subconscious.

There is a great risk that the device will simply tell what the operator has vividly described to himself, fantasizing and reflecting on certain events. It is better to entrust such questions to a third-party person who is in no way interested in the device's answers.

About the weather

Having found a close connection with the pendulum, you can forget about the predictions of meteorologists: you can literally wave your hand to find out if Thursday will be rainy.

Leading specific questions will help to expand information about the coming day: “Will it be colder than today? Will there be hail? " etc.

Subconscious connection

In fact, the dowsing pendulum is just a transmitter. He is able to take out the answers already stored in the subconscious and transmit them to the central nervous system: it is the subconscious mind that affects the muscles of the arm, moving it in the right direction. The suspension of the device is a catalyst that enhances the ideomotor reaction, which a person simply cannot catch without the device, it is so thin.

Thus, it is not the device that supplies you with information - all the answers lie in your own subconscious, but in order to get them from the hidden depths, an external energy intervention is required, a conductor, the role of which is played with great success by the pendulum for dowsing.


Since it is not the instrument that controls the person, but the person controls him, the operator is able to act on the pendulum. To be convinced of this postulate, you can organize an experiment that is simple to perform.

Take a fully motionless pendulum in your hand, dampen its vibrations with your free hand, if necessary. Now mentally give a command to the device to start moving: the order is repeated over and over again, a specific direction is set. Surprisingly, within a few seconds, the device will begin to behave exactly as it was ordered.

Coue's experiment

French scientist of the XX century Émile Couet, many may know by the famous phrase

"Every day my life is getting better and better."

A well-known optimist loved this phrase and repeated it to himself and those around him every day, sometimes several times a day.

The psychologist's favorite experiment was to test concentration of attention: for this he took a circle 15 cm in diameter, drawn into equal sectors by two vectors intersecting in the center, and a dowsing pendulum.

French psychologist Emile Couet

Suspended over the very center of the circle, the pendulum, at the behest of the owner, begins to move first along one of the axes. After a complete stop of the oscillations, Coue directed his movements along the pattern of the opposite vector.

The experiment has certainly garnered rave reviews from the crowd, and a practitioner with a pendulum today can easily follow the path of the famous psychologist and test his ability to focus on a task.

Schedule for work

There is a favorable and unfavorable time for any procedure with energy flows or with the subconscious: the readings of the pendulum will be more accurate at some hours and may be depressing with their inaccuracy at others. In fact, there are no clear rules in choosing the time and day of work, but based on the experience of operators actively practicing with a pendulum, the hours and days were marked when the work would bring more benefit and pleasure, and vice versa.

Working with a dowsing pendulum is not fortune-telling, it does not imply an appeal to otherworldly forces, so the device can be safely used both on major religious holidays and during fasting.

Good and bad hours

Safe hours:

  • 10-12 noon;
  • 16-17 pm;
  • 00–01 o'clock in the morning.

Unfavorable hours:

  • 18-19 pm;
  • 22-23 o'clock in the morning.

Good and bad lunar days

Favorable lunar days: 8, 11, 14, 16, 21, 25.

Unfavorable days: 3, 5, 12, 13, 29.

What not to do while working

There is a strict system of taboo: if these rules are violated, not only incorrect readings of the device are possible, but also its complete failure.

If there is an urgent need for a forecast, it is more correct to use an interest card and formulate a question for the pendulum as follows: "What is the percentage probability of a certain outcome of events, based on the existing circumstances?"

  1. Trying to guess for the future: firstly, the pendulum will not show 100% of the result, and secondly, there is a danger of self-programming. Having fixed the readings of the device, a person gradually begins to behave in such a way that the predicted comes true, and the predictions are not always positive.
  2. Work with a pendulum in extreme emotional states... Whether these feelings are positive or negative, they will interfere with the accuracy of the readings.
  3. Ask the same questions many times, pulling the solution of the question necessary for the operator from the pendulum. Most likely, with a certain attempt, the device will catch the desired solution and point to it, simply by lying.
  4. Hurry. The pendulum needs to tune in, it will give the answer itself when it is ready.
  5. Trying to solve complex problems without having enough experience: a beginner cannot diagnose a patient and determine diseases in any way. You need to start small, simple everyday tasks are well suited for this.
  6. To turn to the pendulum too often and on small questions. It is better to ask about the dress in which you should go on a date, in front of the mirror or a friend. The pendulum is useful for solving more important problems. Operators should remember that this is not a magic wand, and it is still not worth uncovering the pendulum and the cards every time without special need.
  7. Discussing patients' problems with other people: this is rather an ethical issue. Like any doctor, the dowsing pendulum operator soon after starting the practice is faced with a large flow of personal information from strangers. Do not share it with friends and acquaintances.
  8. Do not use your skills: having acquired the ability and skills to work with a pendulum, it is necessary to apply them.
  9. Use someone else's pendulum or give your own one to work for other people: a pendulum is a thin device that adjusts to its owner, stores part of his energy. Before handing over the pendulum to a new owner, it is cleaned of energy residues.

Evgeny Green will tell you about incorrect work with a pendulum for dowsing:

The novice pendulum operator for dowsing should remember that it is just a tool that mediates between human energy and the universe. If the work does not go well, the problem is not always in the device: it is worth looking deep into yourself.

A little about the author:

Evgeny Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the keys to success in a perfect ritual. I will provide you with the information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don't worry, a little practice and you will succeed!