How to get rid of despondency and sadness. What is the danger of despondency and how to deal with him. Despondency in modern society

The despondency is the state of a person when nothing pleases is not happy, does not give him pleasure. In this case, complete apathy and depression is observed. Usually such spiritual experiences are reflected on health. In religious literature, this state of the human soul is described, the spiritual persons refer it to mortal sins. Therefore, to fall into the despondency is considered to be bad. Why should not be fused on the negative? Consider the topic both from a religious point of view and with psychological.

Negative influence

What dangers for a person hides ugly?

  1. The main thing is that the longing is applied to the spiritual and the physical state man. He does not want to do anything, to meet with anyone, talk and so on.
  2. As a rule, the people of the egoistic warehouse of character are subject to this state, since most of their time they are engaged in their person. They think about themselves, they are engaged in self-confidence and so on.
  3. The danger is that if you do not attempt to get out of this state, you can go to complete despair.
  4. One of the symptoms of despondency is depression. This state in some countries is considered a disease. From him should be treated under the supervision of specialists.
  5. If you do not manage to get out of such a state, like a despondency, it can lead to thoughts about suicide.
  6. In the oppressed state of the thoughts of a person can conclude that he does not represent anything to itself and does not make sense.
  7. This state leads to a decrease in working capacity. It also gives a lot of trouble to others. Communicate with a person who is in a state of despondency is quite difficult. Not everyone is able to patiently treat a person with such a set.

What features can you determine that a person is in sorrow?

Sadness is a state that can be revealed both by external and internal signs. There are two main gradations. You can also determine the presence of despondency. To first include emotional featureswhich are inherent in this state. The second one can attribute physical manifestations.

What is the emotional state of a person when disintegrating?

  1. Feeling pity and resentment for himself.
  2. The impossibility of waiting for something good. In a person who is experiencing ugly, everything is bad.
  3. Anxiety.
  4. Bad premonitions.
  5. Understated assessment of himself. Man thinks not in the life of happiness.
  6. What had previously brought positive emotions is in a state of despondency, it does not give any joy.
  7. There is an indifferent attitude towards everything that is happening.

What physical characteristics appear when dismissed?

  1. There are problems with sleep.
  2. The person begins to eat much either, on the contrary, falls appetite.
  3. Fast fatigue appears.

Change behavior

What features of behavior are present in a state of disintegration?

  1. Passive life position.
  2. Unwillingness to communicate with relatives and loved ones.
  3. Abuse of alcohol or narcotic substances may begin. This is done in order to get away from reality.

Changes in thoughts

What changes in consciousness may occur in a person who dwells in despondency?

  1. It becomes difficult to concentrate on something.
  2. A person cannot make decisions, hesitated. Even after the selection made, he doubts whether he did right.
  3. Pessimistic attitude, no in the life of happiness.
  4. There appears in conception in mental processes.

We defeat Nedug

What way can you defeat the despondency? This can be done through three basic practices that can help a person cope with this state.

  1. Specialist help, namely a psychologist. If a person plunged into despondency, the doctor can prescribe special drugs. They will help to get out of this position.
  2. Religion and faith in God help people to reassess values \u200b\u200band look at life differently.
  3. Support for the Spirit through sports activities. It is necessary to engage in physical education and lead healthy image Life.

The despondency is a state at which a person feels depressed and no one needed. In the first manifestations, effort should be done to get out of apathy. It is impossible to succumb to madness, it is necessary to force yourself to switch to other classes and stop engaged in self-confidence.

Despondency in modern society

Unfortunately, today it is not uncommon that, with all the external well-being of a person, he does not feel the feelings of joy. There are cases when a citizen is materially secured, he has a family, he drives on expensive resorts, but nothing gives a feeling of satisfaction. Moreover, people who have more money, despondency and depression are more often observed than those who experience any material difficulties. There are also situations when a person is always unhappy. For example, it seems to him that he has a bad wife or that if he had a car, he would be happy, and so on. But in fact, it turns out that the change of residence, buying the car and the appearance of a new spouse still do not bring satisfaction.

From the point of view of psychology, this state of a person is called depression. To date, it is considered the most common mental disorder. There are services psychological assistance People. If the despondency is at the initial stage, the psychologist will help to find a person out of his condition. But it happens that psychological support can only have a temporary effect. Therefore, after some time, everything returns to person again. If we talk about religion, then the despondency is considered mortal sin. In this regard, there are certain explanations for the reasons for the emergence of it and how to deal with it.

Ugly - sin. Religious point of view

There are two types of despondency. The first type refers to a condition that completely absorbs a person, the spirit decline occurs. And the second type of despondency is associated with malice and irritability. Regardless of the type, despondency - sin.

A person who stays in this state can begin to accuse other people in his misfortunes. The more he immersed in himself, the more accuses others. Also the number of people who are considered the culprits increases. A person appears anger and hatred to all people with whom he can contact anyway.

It should be understood: everything that happens to us is a consequence of our actions. If anyone was in a situation that gives him discomfort, then he created her himself. In order to get out of it, you should start acting differently.

It also needs to be remembered that the stronger is to be angry with the circumstances or the unfavorable situation, it will be worse. And if you take everything humbly, the situation will be resolved by itself. No need to bring yourself to despair. It can lead to thoughts about suicide.

Exterior signs

A person who stays in despondency can be found in external signs. Him sad facethat expresses sadness. Also, such a person will be lowered shoulders. He will have reduced pressure, lethargy. If he sees another person in a good arms of the Spirit, it can cause bewilderment.

Causes of appearance

What could be the causes of despondency?

  1. Pride. If a person painfully perceives any failures or saying to his side, he can easily go into despondency. It hurts the feeling of his own dignity. But if a person does not perceive everything close to the heart, he does not fall into despair. Then he calmly refers to what is happening around him.
  2. Wishes dissatisfaction can also introduce some people in a state of despondency. Moreover, the more the person succeeds, the more the desires themselves lose their meaning.
  3. In addition to the above causes of despondency, there are also those that may appear in humans, strong in spirit. These include the lack of grace, the cessation of a person of any activity. May occur boredom. Also, sad incidents may cause despondency. For example, care close man or loss of something. And even in this case, you should not fall into sad meditation about the injustice of the world. Death is the natural completion of life, and we all lose something in life or somehow.
  4. Ugly may arise due to diseases that accompany man.

What are the ways in order to cope with this state?

The main drug from despondency is faith in God and work. Even if a person has no strength, you need to start something to do, act. Over time, the desire to live on, sadness will leave.

What is the danger of despondency?

First of all, you should know that a person in despondency cannot realize its capabilities. This is due to the fact that he does not see what horizons reveals life in front of him. Since all thoughts of a person are associated with depressive experiences, he sees in all the negative moments and sadness. A man will definitely deprive himself the opportunities to lead a full life and enjoy the easiest thing.

How to defeat this condition?

How to defeat despondency? Receptions will now be listed:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to understand that negative thoughts can be "removed" to positive. It does not matter, as a result of which a person began to think that everything is bad. Perhaps someone inspired him, or thoughts rotate around children's experiences. It should be found out why desire and depression arises. To do this, you need to ask: "What thoughts bring me to the state of sorrow and longing?" The answer to this question must be recorded. Next, you need to read what was recorded. After you should convince yourself that this list is limited to your perception. In fact, the world is much wider. It is not necessary to think only about the clouds in the sky, it is better to remember that there is the sun, the blue sky and white air clouds. Then you need to cross the bad idea and replace it with a good, which is filled with positive and joy. Next, you should repeat positive statements until you believe in them. If it is difficult to do this, you can say myself that this is a game, and you will imagine that believe in these thoughts. It is necessary to convince yourself and set up on positive thinking.
  2. It should be learned to understand that if hopeless sadness comes, it is connected only with your narrow perception of reality at the moment. In fact, everything is not so bad. As soon as sadness comes, it is recommended to think that this is a temporary phenomenon, and it will soon pass. You also need to take care and care yourself, pamper yourself to what can distract from the sad mood. Water procedures help very well. They will help relax physically and distracting from sad thoughts. You can also take a walk in the forest, walk the fast step in the fresh air.
  3. Ugly, longing is a fairly bad state. Do not fall into them, even if it seems to you that something is wrong been done in the past. Past is our experience, lesson. From it should extract positive conclusions. A positive attitude is needed about the past. It should be removed from all the instructive moments. For example, a person thinks about some episode from life that he broke it or halled. Such a conclusion is incorrect. You need to change a tolerant. It should be thought of any incident from such positions: "It made me stronger, I acquired an experience, thanks to which I can overcome such situations with ease."
  4. It should be learn to rejoice at every moment. Probably, many have heard that in old age people talk about how quickly life has passed, and remember positive moments. This means that it is not necessary to waste yourself for depressing thoughts that lead to self-dispersion. It should be treated with joy and smile. Then there will be no time for longing and sadness. It is necessary to remember that the thoughts about the past or plans for the future do not allow rejoice. First of all, you should relax and live in this time. It is necessary to give yourself such a setup: no matter what happened in the past and do not be afraid of the future or live in anxious waiting for anything. Need to live currently With a sense of joy and gratitude, enjoy every moment.

Little conclusion

Now you know what is despondency. As you can see, it is a bad condition. It negatively affects a person, his psychological and physical health. In our article we gave good advicethat will help you get rid of despondency. Thanks to them, you can cope with such a state. And remember that best way Fighting sadness is a work. Therefore, do not spare forces, work for myself and people. We wish you good luck and positive mood.

Sadness is a mood that is characterized by the lack of motivation, obese and common dissatisfaction. As a rule, this state is less serious than depression or anxiety, but it can last weeks or months, if not trying to get rid of it. If you exercise physical and mental changes, as well as make changes to the environment around you, it may improve your globility and breaks you out of the paw of despondency.


Change the surrounding environment

    Get out of the sun. The lack of vitamin D can lead to an easy depression (Handra), which is sometimes associated with the change of seasons. Fortunately, the sun's rays will provide you necessary quantity Vitamin D.

    Arrange a day for yourself. Instead of using all vacation days on vacation by the sea or at the cottage, dedicate one day with your favorite classes. Perhaps you are mired in work affairs and forgot what it is, to enjoy the moment.

    • Dream yourself in a restaurant, theater or sporting event. If you charge stores to go shopping, try to go through a small shopping therapy, but avoid it if after that you usually feel devastation or depression.
    • Think about using a free day to start or completing the project that you wanted to do, but did not find time, for example, to work in the garden or repair room.
  1. Make the permutation of the house or in the office office. Changes will give you a new look at the world. Do not just move things on the table, and stop the table to another end of the room.

    Go beside the city. Although you should not run away from my problems, the temporary change of the situation can be useful. Buy a plane ticket or schedule a trip for two days or more.

    Make physical changes

    1. Leave the car at home. Replace walking driving when possible. Every time you perform physical exercisesThe body releases a large number of endorphins that make you happier.

      Stop drinking alcohol and drugs. Alcohol is a substance that causes depression, and after use, mood and motivation is often reduced. Many drugs have the same effect. Try to refrain from alcohol for several weeks to check whether it is the cause of your problem.

      • If you need help or tips to throw a drink, maybe you useful. Similarly, if you need help to combat drug addiction, you may be suitable. If you suspect that you have problems with narcotic or alcohol addiction, immediately consult a doctor. It will help you get rid of these habits in a safe way.
    2. Get up early. Change your schedule to play sports in the morning or go for a walk before work.

      Treat yourself to a haircut, manicure, massage or spa day. And even better, plan to do these trim together with a close friend (or girlfriend).

      Put the correctly for a few weeks. Fast food and harmful food can eventually influence your health and mood. Make sure that half of each food intake consisted of fruits and vegetables, and the rest of the part fill in whole grain products and products with a high content of lean protein.

    Make emotional changes

      Set targets. People often experience the despondency after reaching goals and suddenly turn out to be without any particular desire that will motivate them. Install short-term and long-term goals, as well as assign remuneration for their execution.

      • Think about talking about your goal to a friend, - you can read about your progress towards a goal, and it will motivate you not to go from the distance. If you set a target to run 5 km in two months and share it with another, he can ask about your success in training or how the race passed. If you do not tell anyone, it will be more difficult for you to leave the house and train to achieve your goal.
    1. Examine your relationship. If you find yourself surrounded by negative or cynical people, you risk losing motivation and craving for life because of their influence. Limit the time spent with these people, or ask them to be more positive for mutual benefit.

Encyclopedia of sayings
  • pS
  • sacra. Pavel Gmer
  • pS
  • prot. Sergiy Filimonov
  • schiigumen.
  • pS
  • prot. Andrei Lorgus
  • sacra. Sergius Dergalov
  • Sadness - a temporary state or rooted sinful, manifested as a sense of pronounced dissatisfaction and emptying (in contrast), which consists in relaxing human and unwillingness to work for his sake.

    Forms of manifestation of despondency:

    1) indifference to prayer, temple worship;

    2) Laziness, weakening spiritual; In the framework of the monocarbage, monasticism - cooling to the mobilical life, until complete disappointment and the occurrence of the desire to leave the monastery;

    3) bustle, busy, entertainment, even the work for the benefit of the near, the desire of external does to escape from the inner spiritual life.

    From the experience of the life of the Church, it is known that the ugliece can be exposed and rather persistent, zealous Christians. With this in mind, the apostle Paul, referring to his fellows in faith, deliberately turned their attention to them, looking at his grief, did not dilige ().


    Even by the standards worldly, everyday life The despondency is recognized as a rather dangerous psychological state.

    Ugly may contribute to fast fatigue, memory scattering and attention, loss of interest in urgent problems, professional and family responsibilities. Often it serves as a factor provoking depression or, worse, suicidal moods.

    A sufficiently common satellite desire is a desire to drown sadness in a glass, pour intoxicate alcohol, distracting, forget in pleasure places. However, that folk remedy "Helps" only for a while. In some cases, this leads to long-term stuff. Drinking is already destructive and for spiritual, and for physical health, and accompanied by passion of despondency often leads to a much more planning result: emotional burnout, identity degradation, conflict, etc.

    As part of the religious activity, the despondency prevents the proper execution of Christian doing. During private prayer or temple, it interferes with internal concentration, contributes to wandering and dispersion; in more acute forms Ugly may turn into and even distract a person from.

    Methods of struggle:

    Methods of struggle with despondency can rely on both psychological and ascetic products.

    As psychological means it is recommended: not to lower hands; load yourself, as far as possible, useful work (including - like a favorite thing); try to stick to the day, schedule; do not get into yourself, do not remove from communicating with loved ones; Do not focus on the subject of sorrow, try to be distracted from depressing, gloomy thoughts through useful and interesting activities (reading, physical education, walking in the fresh air); Avoid malicious advisers - Tuneevans, etc.

    The most important Christian (ascetic) means to overcome the despondency is prayer (at least it was carried out through effort, through "I do not want"). In the gospel of prayer is directly opposed to this sin: "It should always pray and not lose heart" (). In addition, despondency, like any, requires. If possible, you need to try to go to the temple, participate in public prayers, in the sacraments of the Church, to ask for prayer commemoration from neighbors.

    Archpriest Valerian Dresses:
    - How to deal with despondency, if there is no strength on prayer?
    - Well, what does it mean, no strength on prayer? It is impossible to pronounce "Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, have mercy with me, sinful"? Quite possible. Or: "God, merciful to me, sinful." And it is possible. Well, if you fall asleep - sleep. Write, pray again. And what to lose heart? Everything goes here. Remember the Solomon Ring: "Everything passes, it will pass and it." Every moment - here we are now saying - and he is already going. And so all life. Therefore, torture yourself with what is already passed, it is not worth it. By the fact that it was completely insane. And what has not come yet, all the more. This is not yet, why suffer?

    Each of us throughout life falls in a situation when it seems that an hopeless dark strip will never shine bright colors. We lower your hands, fall into depression and cease to rejoice at the things around us. Biblical commandments classify such a state as invalid and not suitable for a well-developed person. Therefore, believers are trying to find an answer to the question why ugly mortal sin, how to fight And do not succumb to temptation.

    In the commandments, it is clearly indicated which sins are the most severe:

    • the formation of his own I am over the surrounding (arrogance);
    • not a desire to share the goods provided by the benefits (stale);
    • severe attraction to sexual pleasures (Sweistance);
    • emotional state aimed at combating injustices (anger);
    • excessive passion for food and alcoholic beverages (curd);
    • negative feelings arising in relation to those who own certain material values \u200b\u200b(envy);
    • excessive idleness and rest (idleness).

    The sin of despondency is protected by one of the demons, which is trying to prevent a person to harmonize with himself and full reconciliation with the Lord.

    His actions bring a person to:

    • apathy
    • reduced vitality,
    • feelings of their own closerness,
    • loss of interest in what is happening around us events.

    His love and oblivion to him.

    These are two other strongest giant demons.

    • Still a state of despondency call evil manifestation.
    • Handra holds a person from hiking to church, prayers and other saving awakeners.
    • It covers hopeless feelings of indifference and indifference.
    • In any actions and deeds he does not find joy and consolation.
    • In such a situation, there is often rejection of the environment, a man is not nice to a person, he does not want anyone.

    Ten God's commandments list the actions and distillation that retreat from righteous life.

    Why is despondency considered to be sin

    He is serious enough from the point of view of the Bible.

    This is such emotional gusts when a person feels exhausted, he constantly sorry. It may occur as a result of a spray attitude to his own person.

    Because of which the despondency rank to sin:

    • Many want to get an accurate answer to this statement. In Orthodoxy, the synonymal words are considered depressive and dull condition. They are connected to the idleness, idleness and bodily relaxation, which can not be allowed to believe people.
    • The priests are confident that most often such a state of affairs visits a person closer to noon. Therefore, and wears the name "midday demon."

    How to disgrace the church

    During this period, we most often want to sleep, there is no desire to do business and pray.

    Since since ancient times, all the monks got up before sunrise, then 12 hours were always considered half the day. And the meal took place twice a day - at lunchtime and evening. And when a boredom suddenly overwhelmed with any actions, it was ranked for sadness.

    • This was repeatedly mentioned in his writings, Feofan Navitnik. Moreover, relaxation comes not only in relation to everyday affairs, but also to everyday or prayer.
    • Due to the fact that the depression pushes us to abandon all cases, it becomes necessary to study the concept of despondency as death sin and how to deal with him.

    As one of the main methods, the spirit of the Spirit is often suggested, which will help become active and achieve a certain position in society.

    History about the monk

    Known story about one monk described by St. Ignatius. She tells how the servant of God fell into a despondency and made attempts to leave prayer prescriptions. His feeling comprehended was so strong that he had no strength to continue to make his monastic activity. For advice, he turned to the old man who had his famous parable.

    "One person has a thorough field. He called for help his son, so that he removed the weeds until the sowing work would be necessary. The young man gathered with enthusiasm to take the case, but, looking, in what condition the field is located, upset and fell right on Earth.

    The Father, who came to check how the work was promoted, saw the sleeping son and began to wake him. He accused the young man in disobedience and suggested cleaning the field every day at least small parts. The son listened to his father, and soon the field was sown and a large harvest was obtained.

    The old man was told the monk at the end of his narration: "So you do not need to lose heart, there are a little chambers of God, then your former state will return to you back."

    Emotional manifestations of longing, sadness, sadness, apathy covers us completely and do not realize how devastating them and exterminate all the good thoughts on their way.

    Many people prescribe this peculiar and unknown Russian soul. The small share of truth in this is there. But psychotherapists-practitioners are confident that long-term foundation in a state of depression is a rather dangerous phenomenon that can lead to irreparable consequences of suicide.

    Therefore, the inaction and decay of the spirit church refers to grave sins.

    Sadness, depression, despondency - what is terrible

    Orthodoxy allocates this type of temptation to the distinctive type, while Catholicism emphasizes the presence of still sadness. The differences between these two components are practically invisible.

    • But sadness is a negative painted emotion, which is temporary and is associated with a bad event or action.
    • And for despondency, a special reason is not needed. It visits us unexpectedly, although, however, it goes away.
    • A person begins to worry about any reason and cannot stabilize his emotions, even with a prosperous outcome of all the cases started.

    Nevertheless, representatives of the Church believe that we are not given tests more than we can bear. Therefore, all the burdens we must perceive optimistic, confidently expecting the best outcome. Otherwise, it turns out that a person does not trust the Unified Teaching about God and the World. As a result, the soul is granted itself and experiencing suffering and torment.

    • A man who serves sadness does not believe in good.
    • In this case, he absolutely does not have the strength to carry out saving actions, since the hope is lost and all dreams are broken.
    • In the end, it is destroying for the human soul, which is negatively reflected on his body.
    • Flame in despondency is to tire your mind, relax the soul and begin to accuse God in a mercouch and the lack of love for the entities created by them.

    The main signs of a dull condition

    In order not to give the development of destructive processes, you need to identify the basic symptoms of manifested.

    The table shows the most common and common types of Handers, describing the despondency as a mortal sin, how to deal with him and do not succumb to despair.

    Symptom Description
    Sleep disorders If a person can not sleep well at night, in his head constantly fading anxious thoughts, or, on the contrary, he sleeps in a day, it can be safely attributed to anxious bell.
    Intestinal problems Normal chair is individual for each person.
    • But when you have constant delays in emptying or constipation, then it should be started to apply medication treatments with drugs.
    • Otherwise, this is reflected in the general emotional state.
    Disruption of appetite You suddenly noticed the tendency to overstatura or the use of cooked dishes do not cause you pleasure.

    Be sure to pay attention to this fact that is one of the symptoms of the impending state of apathy.

    Reduced sexual activity
    • The carnal pleasures do not bring you to have been satisfied, and you have no sexual desire.
    • Expect a feeling of devastation, you will stop enjoying life.
    Tired You can quickly get tired of physical or mental loads subject to the achievement of a certain age.

    But, if you noticed that it happens instantly, here it should be alened and make every effort to prevent the development of this state.

    Development of diseases Pain symptoms, felt in the stomach, muscles or heart - the first swallow, provoking the decline of strength and spirit.
    Development of negative emotional surges Character features from which you need to try to delight first:
    • helplessness
    • lethargy
    • bravery
    • softness
    • loss of forces and life goals.

    Sadness as a disease

    The feeling of the internal conflict between your soul and God may subsequently grow into an organic disease.

    • Frequent shifts in the mood, redundance lead to a general exhausted state.
    • Gradually, sin begins to grow into a person's body, threatening their deterioration and necessity to seek help from medicine. Recovery is possible.
    • The church suggests in this case to reconcile with our inner nature and God.

    How not to lose heart in a difficult life situation

    Only a person dealing with constant self-development and self-improvement can correct this state of affairs. When one's own forces do not break the depressive state, you can turn to the confessor from the monastery.

    He is able to find ways out, applying psychotherapeutic techniques and methods. Get ready for the fact that your conversation will be long, as it is not so easy to identify the source of spiritual grief, as it seems at first glance. But, ultimately, you will cure the soul, since the despondency is a disease that can not be allowed on samonek.

    Negative in your head

    Realizing the need to fight bodily and spiritual ailment, should be tried to reorient their lives and to direct its flow into another direction. The main thing is to free yourself from sinful aspirations and hopes, as they destroy the body and soul. Sometimes you need to resort to the methods of modern medicine. It is not worth refusing to give up such a possibility, as in this way you turn the creator.

    How to resist sadness

    Orthodox believers, as mentioned above, consider the state of ugly akin to depression. Most likely, this assumption is not in vain. It is it that leads to the state of general depression, from which it is very difficult to exit without any assistance, and, sometimes, simply impossible.

    Modern psychology and medicine in their arsenal has many techniques analyzing the despondency as a mortal sin, knows how to overcome it and eradicate this ailment.

    What prohibits the church

    At the same time, do not forget that the church at all times had a negative impact on such people. According to installed canons, priests did not welcome the application drugs Treating such a sinful state. Accordingly, the believers always emerges a reasonable question, how to get out of it, without disturbing the commandments?

    Prayers from solitude

    • The only exit is permanent prayers and avoidance of loneliness.
    • In no case is not recommended to close it, but, on the contrary, start moving more active image Life.
    • Attend new places, resting in nature with friends, go to the cinema, theaters or exhibitions.
    • Psychologists agree in a single opinion that it is possible to avoid starting depression only in sports activities and a moving lifestyle.
    • Exercise are able to deliver from the accumulated negative burden on the brain, helping to become self-confident man.
    • The church, for their part, calls to let the faith in his heart, sincerely turning to God daily with the words of prayer.

    In church canons for this there is a special prayer:

    Risk of suicide

    Insufficient confidence in their abilities, rejection of attempts to improve the position of things or inability to change your life paralyzes us with such a force that we ourselves refuse to fight.

    If these sensations are deeply penetrated into our brain, then the risk of suicidal inclinations arises.

    How not to lose heart in a difficult life situation and learn how to deal with arising non-vitality, which are incomprehensible from where they arise and where do they leave? And something must be done, as in the end, in our consciousness, the idea may be deeply sitting that all the attempts made are useless, and nothing can be changed.

    Find the reason for depression

    Before you begin to get rid of negative emotional bursts, you should identify the cause of such a state of affairs.

    It can be quite serious:

    • long disease
    • drop by the career ladder,

    or the most ordinary:

    • daily routine at work or house that no longer pleases.

    How to deal with depression

    These cases postpone or not to fulfill there is no possibility. They suck and cause boredom, accompanied by the absence of a desire to change the current state of affairs. We seem to be stuck in the bog, we do not see the environment and cannot understand what is happening around us.

    The motivation reduction leads that there is no definite result from the work performed. We, as robots, are immersed in the process itself without receiving feedback.

    As a result, the thoughts on their own closure, unpleasution and abandonment.

    • Do not dismiss in your life, constantly change the quality of the action, the image of thoughts and actions, the development of the situation in the opposite direction.
    • When you are constantly working, without raising your heads, you need to relax.
    • Change the situation - go to the museum, spend your vacation by the sea, visit Mountains with friends, etc.
    • If you have a slight load, and you are wearing idleness, on the contrary, start to act: change the scope of activity to the absolutely opposite, get acquainted with new people, start the rapid social activity, yes, change the satellite of life, in the end.
    • You need emotional shake, new impressions and interests.

    Accordingly, a serious approach to the consideration of the situation is ugly mortal sin how to deal with and look for the right way out of a negative state, it will overcome all the symptoms on their own.

    How not to break

    The main thing is not to give the process to switch to the phase of the sloppy disease. Like other forms, it should be treated immediately, immediately, with starting manifestations.

    Do not let go to depression, the way out of it is quite difficult to find it. Take care with all your care and attentiveness.

    Ten ways to combat despair

    Developing despondency causes pessimistic moods and constant irritation.

    Ways to deal with them are pretty simple. You need to try to improve your mood by all possible methods.

    Below you cite a list of the most optimal, from which you choose the appropriate specifically for you.

    Brief description of the method How to deal with despondency
    A successful solution to the problem depends only on you No practitioner psychologist is able to look into the depths of your soul in order to manage it.
    • You need to learn to avoid the appearance of apathy and mood deterioration yourself.
    Faith in successful outcome
    • Constantly bring arguments that guarantee the short-term black strip in your life.
    • Learn to believe that positive and happiness are already on the threshold, you can only open the doors to them.
    Create examples of positive moments from the past He will be able to identify all the good things that happened to you in the past by transferring it to the events of the present.

    Even the most cruel experienced tests are not devoid of positive sides.

    No one will argue that it is quite difficult to see a positive when everything around seems dark and gloomy. However, attach all your efforts to this, and you will definitely work out.

    Then it will just come up with the most joyful scenarios for the development of further events.

    Let them be incredible, but with a good end.

    • Complete reconfiguration of his thoughts will lead to the fact that you will no longer think about the troubles around you, and with confidence look at tomorrow.
    Fill your life with interesting activities Remember your hobby
    • It can be a journey, excursion, cooking, passion for musical compositions, embroidery or reading books.
    • Separate yourself for several hours of ourselves from the problems invisible barrier and fully plunge into your hobbies.
    • After a while you will notice that your mood has improved, and you are ready for further exploits.
    Breathing exercises Worried or something frustrated man breathes shallow and with effort.
    • To save your brain from negative thoughts, breathe deeply, hold your breath and exhale all your negative emotions.
    • Thus, you not only improve your mood, but also enrich the organism with oxygen, having ceased to think how not to lose heart and enjoy life.
    Massage of bioactive areas on the body On our body there are points, the massing of which will allow us to save us from sorrow.

    No need to skeptically refer to this recommendation.

    • In heavy moments, try to put a thumb of one hand to the depression of the palm of the other or massate the ears.
    • After a few seconds, you will feel a tide of cheerfulness and get rid of despondency.
    Sport classes The protracted nature of bad mood will help to overcome exercise.

    When they conduct them, you will feel muscle fatigue that will switch your thoughts to the other side of the negative.

    You can sign up in gym, go to the pool or just do hiking outdoors.

    Aromatherapy Mint smell or essential oil From the orange will perfectly work as a switch of unfavorable moments.
    • You can apply a few drops on the wrist or on a handkerchief, which put under the pillow.
    • Inhaling their smell, try to relax and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of bliss and euphoria, which is so destructive for stress and devastation.
    Plow trouble on paper Take the leaf and try to portray everything that causes you negative emotions.
    • You can simply draw, and you can list in the form of a list of problems.
    • After you throw everything out, just brush the paper and burn her remnants.
    • Imagine that all your sorrows and troubles dissolve in the flame.
    Use hormone pleasure Let the events that deliver you joy in your life.
    • Perhaps this is a gentle touch of your favorite when watching movies on the sofa.
    • Are you a sweet lover? Buy cake, chocolate or favorite cupcake and eat.
    • Change your menu by including fish in it. It contains all the necessary substances that generate a hormone of pleasure.
    • The main thing, do not get closed in your problem.
    • Arrange a romantic date or cover festive table For loved ones.
    • You will immediately feel cheerfulness, and the desaption will disappear without a trace.

    Strive to find bright parties in any event, even sometimes, apparent meaningless and ridiculous. Do not attempt to avoid trouble, they temper our spirit, help become cleaner and noble. Take your life under full control to prevent destructive power Depression, apathy and longing.

    It is enough to give yourself a clear installation that despicable mortal sin how to fight and get rid of a dangerous feeling so that it cannot bear your physical and mental state of significant damage.

    More useful Soviets From despondency.

    The world is now such that everyone heard about such a problem as depression.

    Do not everyone know what it is, on own experienceBut the problems of bad mood, the emotional downturn familiar to everyone.

    Anyway, a resident of the Earth in the 21st century is asked: how to defeat depression, despondency and longing?

    Depression is a mental illness, disturbing the spiritual, emotional, physiological state of a person. It is still defined as an affective syndrome, that is, a disease that deforms the emotional sphere of personality.

    By the beginning of the 21st century, depression comes out in the first place among the most common diseases.

    It is believed that this is a disease of the 20-21 centuries, and this is true. She acquired a mass character at this time.

    But, another ancient Greek doctor Hippocrates described a person's disease with such symptoms. In his terminology, this disease was called melancholy.

    Causes of the disease Hippocrates associated with a lifestyle, various life situations, shortage in the body of certain elements.

    The longing is characterized as an emotional, alarming state of a person, accompanied by a feeling of sadness and boredom. Usually in a state of longing, a person is falling out of the present, concentrating on the past or future.

    The despondency is determined in the Christian religion as one of the mortal sins. The despondency is characterized as an oppressive boredom, disappointment in everything, depression.

    And longing and despondency refer to the symptoms of depression.

    Types of depression

    Many types of depression are known to modern doctors, depending on the criterion of their classification.

    For reasons, the appearance of depression is:

    • exogenous - the reason in the external situation;
    • endogenous - reasons for inner condition man.

    By the nature of the symptoms of depression are shared as follows:

    • Smiling.
    • Dairy.
    • Grinding.
    • Night.
    • Gloomy.
    • Depression with the "sense of insension."
    • Anxious.
    • Anxious-beyond.
    • Mounted.
    • Hidden depression.

    Risk factors

    There are several risk factors groups:

    Lifestyle related:

    • Alcoholism and drug addiction.
    • Chronic fatigue syndrome.
    Associated with the period of life:
    • Elderly age.
    • Postpartum period.
    • Termination or start of medication.
    • Mental injuries.
    • Tragic events.
    • Conflicts.
    • Criticism.
    • Autumn-winter period.

    Related with physiological condition:

    • Heredity.
    • Heart injuries.
    • Various neurological, endocrinological, oncological, infectious diseases.
    • Lack in the body of any elements.

    St. John's wort is known for its antidepressive impact. The drugs from the depression are described.


    Symptoms of depression are divided into typical or basic and additional symptoms. To diagnose depression, doctors are focused on this list.

    Basic symptoms:

    1. The depressed mood for two weeks and more when there are no visible reasons for this.
    2. The feeling of fatigue, the decline, and sometimes complete impotence within a month.
    3. Angedonia. This is the word of Greek origin, which means denial of pleasure. For a person, this is manifested as the lack of joy and passionism, even those affairs that have always brought pleasure.

    Additional symptoms:

    They manifest themselves in the overall pessimistic setting, depreciation of their life experience, as a result, a low self-esteem is formed.

    The feeling of his uselessness, demotivation, inability and unwillingness to decide something, and even more so to act. Man does not leave fear and anxiety.

    Symptoms are manifested at all levels of human life: emotional, cognitive, behavioral, physiological.


    • Bad mood.
    • Despondency.
    • Sadness
    • Yearning.
    • Flameness.


    • Gloomy thoughts.
    • Slow thinking, understanding.


    • Apathy.
    • Blues.
    • Demotivation.
    • Counted movements.
    • Slow steps.


    • Bad state of health.
    • Vital feelings (feeling of real pain, for example in the heart).
    • Sleep disturbance.


    • Phobia of various nature.
    • Recurry.
    • Suicide.

    Depression, mastering a person, applies to all spheres of his personality.

    Awareness of the cause of sadness

    Sadness is one of the emotions inherent in man. The appearance of sadness is normal, everyone is experiencing this feeling from time to time.

    Sadness even gives life to his charm. But all the way. If the feeling of sadness comes too often and for a long time, it should be an alarm signal and for the most sad and surrounding.

    The first step in solving the problem should be awareness of the cause of sadness. Need to sort out yourself, in life circumstances And try to answer the question: what makes me sad?

    Causes can be very different, they can be obvious, and can be hidden and incomprehensible, both for others and for the person himself. There are objective reasons: separation, separation, conflicts, severe memories, unpleasant events. In this case, sadness is a normal reaction.

    If there is no objective reason, it seems to be, then try to analyze all aspects of your life. Just move the life roles (mothers, daughters, professional, student, etc.) that you have to perform, fix your attitude towards them. Is the fact that you demonstrate externally, when performing a certain role, matches your inner sensation?

    Does the reality in which you live, your aspirations and dreams? Do you get the pleasure of what you do? Do it from the urge "I want", or from the impulse "necessary"? Title the number of cases that you and those you do, forcing yourself to this. Try to understand why you are so pulling. Is there any benefit for you? Sadness good excuse for inaction. Is it not the reason for your sadness?

    The appearance of sadness is not yet a reason to turn to a psychologist. But, deal with the reasons when they are not obvious, better with the help of an experienced psychologist or psychotherapist.

    Traditional treatment

    Traditional depression treatment includes pharmacotherapy, psychotherapy (behavioral, cognitive, interpersonal) and social therapy.

    Pharmacotherapy - It is treated with drugs and is assigned only by a doctor.

    It is impossible to register yourself or on the advice of familiar drugs, as you can exacerbate the situation.

    Treatment is carried out in the form of monotherapy, that is, one medicine and combined therapy, when the doctor, depending on the state, selects several drugs.

    All means for treating depression are divided into three groups, depending on the effect produced by them:

    1. Psychostimulating, prescribed in the presence of symptoms of inhibition, apathy.
    2. Timoleptic (thymoleptics from the Greek words "Timos" - mood, "lpetic" - take perception), that is, improving mood is prescribed when the longing is sensitive.
    3. Sedative-thymoleptic or simply sedatives are prescribed with anxiety, irritation.

    Psychotherapy -treatment aimed at working with a human soul, its inner world and regulation of a somatic, behavioral, cognitive state.

    Psychotherapy includes:

    • Behavioral therapy aimed at regulating human behavior, adapting it to social conditions.
    • Cognitive psychotherapy is aimed at working with self-consciousness and human thinking. There is a reconfiguration of mental activities with negative thoughts on positive. There is a skill to see good, tune in to him, live here and now.
    • Interpersonal therapy - treatment aimed at the regulation of a person's relationship with its environment, as it is precisely close people and relationships with them are capable of affecting a person. We provoke not only temporary experiences, but also to bring to the state of depression.
    • Social therapy - work with the patient and his surroundings. In addition, art therapy (treatment with the help of art), music therapy, aromatherapy, light therapy, acupuncture, meditation, magnetotherapy, electrical inspection, and electrical therapy are used to enhance the psychotherapeutic effect.

    Modern Pharmacology provides a huge selection of drugs with a variety of action spectrum. When choosing a medicine, you must necessarily contact the doctor. But the most important thing is the desire of a person to cope with depression and return to the life of a happy man.

    Folk remedies

    As preparations, soothing and raising the mood, traditional medicine advises St. John's wort, a chinese lemongrass, mother-in-law, mint, Valerian's root.

    St. John's wort is considered to be the means that the mood is best and treats light forms of depressive nature.

    All herbs can be brewing both tea and drink. But they do not give soon effect, treatment must be long and consistent. When using herbs, you need to control the reception of drugs, especially abide by the bearer.


    SAMI best Prevention Depression is love for life and satisfaction from their work, life activity at all.

    The feeling that in life a person does what the tendency and calling is, very well protects against depression.

    Standard methods serving prevention for any disease, and in the case of sadness, longing, despondency, depression will be relevant. This observance of the day mode, healthy sleep, full and healthy nutrition, physical activity.

    Protects from depression ability to be grateful for what you have, the ability to empathize and help other people, live here and now, is not a point of the past and is not disturbing for the future.

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