It is necessary to complete training on skyforge equipment. Equipment of the character in the “New era. Ways to get equipment

We invite you to find out how the character's equipment will change in the "New Era". Despite the fact that the interface has not undergone global changes, the interaction mechanics will be simplified. The main idea of ​​the new approach to equipment was the slogan “More gameplay, less additional resources and manipulations in the bag!”.

How will this be achieved? Let's figure it out. So, firstly, the number of items of equipment will decrease. The new equipment will consist of 10 basic items instead of 16. It provides: 1 slot for weapons, 1 for an artifact, 4 for jewelry and 4 for stones of power. In addition, there will be slots for used items in it. Secondly, the equipment will no longer directly affect the characteristics of the character, it will be responsible for various additional effects that strengthen the character and increase his effectiveness. As a result, most of the equipment is equally relevant for all classes.

Whether you can use a thing or not is determined by your power.


The only item of equipment dependent on the selected class will be the character's weapon. Jewelry and artifact - in the overwhelming majority of cases are equally useful for everyone. The situation in which, when you receive a new class, you have to play a character who has neither additional weapons nor suitable amulets, and therefore is much less effective, is now excluded. The character's weapons have three main varieties, unique for each of the classes.

Weapon bonuses

Protection Bonus
Paladin, hero
  • Protection against strong blows (%).
  • Blocking damage equal to 1% of the character's maximum health (%).
Keeper of the light, alchemist
  • Support Aura Effectiveness (%).
  • The effectiveness of the shields (%).
  • Increased outgoing damage (%).
distant battle
Archer, stormtrooper, shooter
  • Damage at a distance (%).
  • Damage at the beginning of the battle (%).
  • Weakening the target's defense (%). Activated by basic attacks, increases incoming damage to the target (%). Doesn't work for bosses.
Magic attacks
Cryomancer, necromancer, kinetic, witch
  • Damage at a distance (%).
  • Damage at the beginning of the battle (%).
  • Control efficiency (%).
Close combat
Shadow Master, Berserker, Monk
  • Increased outgoing damage (%).
  • Shield penetration (%).
  • Damage at the beginning of the battle (%).

Jewels and stones of power

Instead of amulets and rings, the character will have jewels (in 4 slots) and stones of power (in 4 slots), and each slot will give 1 special effect. Characters will not be able to use the same jewels or stones.

Gems and Power Stones are great for any class and do not need to be replaced when changing the character's role. Each item will give 2 of 4 possible bonuses: increased damage, health, critical and impulse damage. The number of bonuses received by the character depends on their quality and rarity.

Please note that bonuses from specific equipment now do not give a fixed increase to certain characteristics. Two seemingly identical jewels can give a different multiplier or bonus percentage within certain limits.


The artifact is one of the many innovations that have appeared in the game after the update. it unique item, replacing an additional weapon. Thanks to him, you can significantly increase the efficiency of the character: for example, increase the damage received by the enemy if his health indicator fell below 30%, or increase the damage to the target if you yourself did not receive damage.

Equipment mining

All the necessary equipment can be obtained as trophies for defeating monsters. You will get the highest quality equipment in raid battles and in distortions. With the growth of the character's power, you will get the opportunity to wear high-generation equipment, which gives more tangible bonuses.

The maximum effectiveness of the consumable will be limited by the current Invasion Season. Each season will have its own gear generation... For example, the current equipment of the most powerful characters is now the 4th generation, and after the attack of the oceanids in the "New Era", the best items will be from the 5th.

All adventures have two difficulty levels:

  • A fixed difficulty adventure for the current Invasion Season. Here you can get rare and epic equipment of the latest generation.
  • Adventure with customizable difficulty, where you can only get equipment from previous generations.

While killing bosses in adventures, you can get items of equipment, but the number of such kills is limited. Every day the character is added one opportunity to get equipment from the boss, but such opportunities cannot accumulate more than 5. The restriction applies to each boss individually. For example, if today you received equipment from Lorro the Cold, then this will in no way prevent you from obtaining another item by defeating Alcyone and Melia. Thus, you can get one item from the boss every day, or accumulate attempts and complete the adventure 5 times in a row at once.

Upgrading equipment

The equipment upgrade system has undergone significant rework. Equipment boosters, previously affecting the characteristics that a character received from specific items, are a thing of the past. Their progress has been converted to the development level of the cathedral - a special building that you will find in the capital interface.

The main difference of the new system is that now the bonus directly affects main characteristic—The power of your character, not the items he uses.

The level of the cathedral can be increased by equipping the interior and exterior decoration of the building for loans. By improving the cathedral, you increase the character's power, and along with it, the damage and the number of health points increase.

The cathedral level of players who have already upgraded their equipment boosters will be calculated based on the number of credits and booster stones that were spent on raising the level of all three boosters before the update.

Special equipment boosters will disappear from the game, but all owners of such effects will receive an improvement for the cathedral, which increases the increase in the character's power.

The character's equipment no longer provides slots for trophies. They will disappear from the game. After the update, their role will be played by Flavius's laboratory, which you will find in the interface of the capital.

What happens to the equipment and bag of the characters after the update?

  • Weapon. Each character will have at their disposal one weapon item for each of open classes in the event that a character has at least one class weapon in his hands or bag before the update. Everyone will get the best of possible options... For example, if the bag contained a weapon of epic rarity that was not suitable in terms of dexterity, then after the update, this weapon will be in the hands of the character. Lower quality weapons will disappear from the bag and will be compensated with credits.
  • Rings and amulets. The transfer of jewelry will happen in a similar way. The best in characteristics amulets and rings of the highest rarity are converted into new jewelry, and the rest of the rings and amulets will be compensated for by credits.
  • Artifacts. Each player will receive a set of five artifacts. Their rarity and quality will depend on what rarity and quality the secondary weapon was.
  • Legendary rings and vibes. Instead of one of the legendary rings, the player will receive as many as three legendary artifacts. The rest of the rings and vibes will be converted into credits.
  • Trophies. The quantity and quality of trophies in the bag will affect the level of research in Flavius's laboratory.
  • The Tactical Sense Amplifier will disappear from the game. It will be compensated with credits depending on its level.
  • Tactical Sense Replicators, in turn, will be offset by the winner's medals.
  • Backpacks with random items obtained in adventures will also be compensated with credits.

Where to go for the best gear after the update?

To get up-to-date equipment after installing the "New Era", you should go to the interface of the current invasion. There will be a list of adventures where you can get the best quality gear at the moment. Check back often!

This material is dedicated to content in development. By the time the update is installed on the production server, there may be minor changes.

A redesigned gear system allows you to focus on the gameplay without being distracted by changing gear. In addition, it will make class switching even easier and more convenient, not depending on rings and amulets, and characters - equally effective against any invading army!

About this game earlier, but for those who have forgotten - we will repeat! In Skyforge, you become the immortal defender of the planet Aelion, overwhelmed by hordes of enemy armies hoping to enslave the locals. Why do they need this, you will be told during the game, and we will pay attention to how to resist these invaders! Your first and foremost task is to become a god. It's quite simple to do this: you need to go through the game campaign, simultaneously opening access to new instances, defeating hordes of enemies and thus increasing your own power! By the way, Skyforge has 11 classes (and 3 more will be added soon!), And you can switch between them at any time.

The general start of Skyforge is scheduled for April 11, but those who wish can get into the game now by purchasing one of three early access packs. They include, in addition to being able to start playing, in-game currencies, premium subscriptions, and instant access to classes that would otherwise not be available soon.

Questions and answers

Can I transfer a character from PC to PS4 version of the game?
No, the console version will have a separate server where the game will start from the very first season of the invasion!

Will there be a separate server for the Russian-speaking audience?
No, the PS4 server will be the same for the entire European region.

Will an active PlayStation Plus subscription be required to play Skyforge after the general launch (April 11)?
No, everyone will be able to enter the game without restrictions, and special bonuses await PlayStation Plus subscribers!

If you are one of the lucky ones to try Skyforge before the others, here are some tips on how to get up to speed with the game as quickly as possible!

At first glance, this is pretty mundane advice, nothing out of the ordinary. But the better you understand what and how it works, the faster you will learn to play well. Go through the tutorials thoughtfully, pay attention to the messages of the plot characters and the clues on the side of the screen.

By the way, if you are going to play with friends, keep in mind that the opportunity to join the group opens only after completing the basic training (completion of the adventure "Dunkit Island").

Campaign missions will guide you on a Wing-style adventure, designed to be completed alone, but don't let your journey through Aelion be limited to them. On the map of each of the provinces there is one or several areas - huge locations where the immortal will have a lot of tasks and, of course, rewards. Completing all the quests in each such zone will provide you with impressive income! And it is also very beautiful there!

After completing the first adventures, you will have access to the "Capital" screen, on which, among other things, there are 2 most important buildings - the cathedral and the tower of knowledge. Both of these buildings provide the immortal with power. The more developed they are, the stronger your character is.

The power you receive from the cathedral is provided by your followers. To attract more followers, you will have to spend credits (in-game currency) on decorating the cathedral. This building will become available as soon as you defeat the monsters on Ocky's Island.

The Tower of Knowledge is a research center where you give the second important game currency - knowledge about the enemy. Each contribution increases the power of the character, because now he has more information on how to deal with enemies. This building becomes available after passing Factory 501.

Buy improvements as soon as you have enough funds, because the more power you have, the better equipment can drop from monsters. And good equipment means high prestige!

As effective as the Cathedral and Tower of Knowledge are, the most beloved source of immortal development is the bastions. Do you want to know why? Firstly, there are many of them, and secondly, in addition to power, you can get a lot of additional opportunities here. Passive talents will strengthen the character, and active symbols will give new abilities. For example, the very first symbol of the "Satria" bastion significantly affects the combat system. Here's a description:

Targets you attack have a 50% chance of spawning Emblems of Pain. If you pick them up, you will have a charge of the Emblem of Pain, which makes it possible to use an ability that deals high damage to the enemy.

But if game currencies are needed for the development of previous buildings, then with the bastions it is not so simple! Once a day, you will receive a "Request for Help", which can be spent by taking tasks in one of the bastions. Complete tasks and you will not only increase the power of the character, but also increase the progress of obtaining the next character or passive talent.

It is important to keep in mind that the "requests for help" needed to improve the bastions do not accumulate more than 7 pieces, so be sure to spend them all at least once a week!

In addition to beautiful world Skyforge has very interesting story stories. Their passage does not depend on the main game. You can tackle the plot immediately after training, or you can develop to extraordinary heights without knowing anything about it. The stories tell what is happening on the planet, what the elder gods really are, and why you are the main hope of Aelion.

We hope these tips will be useful for aspiring immortals on the path to divinity. Soon, the first of you will complete the campaign and become lesser gods to devote themselves to fighting invasions. Great achievements and battles await them ... But we will tell about this next time! Until then, good luck in the vastness of Aelion!

Skyforge - new online game in the genre of MMORPG from Russian developers, which is in no way inferior to even the most famous projects of Western developers. The product was already balanced even in the alpha version, and a huge number of unusual game solutions and innovations will allow you to fully immerse yourself in the world of the Skyforge game and enjoy the process of exploring endless locations and mass extermination of creatures to the fullest. In the Skyforge knowledge base, you can see useful information about the passage, as well as tips for the game.

Skyforge Walkthrough

Gradually immersing the player in the world of Aelion, players watch small cutscenes, and also get involved in training bets, but it is quite difficult to say that this is full-fledged plot, because the clips are extremely short, and there is a huge amount of grinding between them. Although for those people who are generally not used to looking for some meaningful ideas in the plot, and play for the sake of the process, this moment should not worry.

The only way to earn sparks necessary for the development of your character is to complete various tasks, which are called the "call of mortals." To do this, you need to come to the Informatorium, where a whole planet will open to us, saturated with various marks. All of these markings represent a variety of instances that can be completed cooperatively or in solo, PvP battles, as well as large open areas. Over time, special events will also appear, the reward for completing which is especially valuable.

The list of tasks changes every 40 minutes, so if the globe has not provided you with the currency you need at the moment, you can just wait a little and get a more up-to-date offer. Over time, the game turns into a real grind simulator, because we are constantly moving from one dungeon to another, choosing only what we need to do - kill some big boss or just clear the location of hordes of mobs.

The number of values ​​that may be required to advance in various aspects is quite large. In addition to ordinary credits and special sparks, you have to accumulate all kinds of celestial threads, emblems of adepts, equipment for followers, as well as a huge number of other elements. Moreover, you need to understand that all this not only takes up the precious space of the backpack, but, among other things, also has a limit on saving per week.

Of course, reaching the maximum weekly mark is not so easy - you need to try hard enough, but in fact, for those who are ready to spend a lot of time developing their character, they will very quickly feel that the game offers them an endless grind - to work hard for several days in order to so that later you can simply wait for all limits to be reset.

Thus, we can say that Skyforge is not a full-fledged MMORPG in the form in which everyone is used to seeing them, the game is more like a cooperative session RPG. The whole game process comes down to passing various monotonous tasks, which, in combination with the limits, clearly distinguishes the game among the majority as a simple project for those who want to relax a little after work, but not for those who play a lot and for a long time.

  1. At the beginning of the game, only the class atlas is available. The development in it is quite simple, but already at this stage, we recommend that you pay attention to the fact that the peaks require a different amount of resources. For example, you can invest 50 sparks of creation, but you can 150. Look for optimal development strategies.
  2. Need a knack? Swing green and red tops. Also note that each type of vertex in the atlas affects some parameters of your character. The description will tell you which parameters will change.
  3. Almost any new open top of the atlas adds prestige to you. Are there many sparks of the same kind? See if you should distribute them somewhere.
  4. Replicators allow you to earn more sparks of insight necessary for character development. This will help you reach your goal faster.

Amplifiers in Skyforge

Available after completing the "Port of Naori" adventure. They allow you to make the character even stronger (and, of course, increase his prestige).

Amplifiers develop in two ways: with the help of enhancement stones of various ranks and with the help of particles of mastery. In the first case, you need to get stones (for example, when disassembling any unnecessary items of equipment or on the marketplace) and invest in the amplifier. It costs credits, but gives a significant increase to the characteristics of the character.

Stones cannot be invested indefinitely, after a few steps the green bar on top will fill up: you need to increase the rank of the amplifier. This is done with particles of mastery. As the rank increases, the character's stats will also increase. Pieces of Mastery are obtained through adventure. Than better result adventures (S or A are especially good) - the more of these particles you get at the end. Particles of Mastery are spent only on improving amplifiers - they can be safely used as soon as you accumulate a sufficient amount.

Amplifiers are a way to quickly improve a character and increase his prestige. This wastes credits, but the first steps are quite cheap and significantly improve the characteristics of the character.

More walkthrough tips are available in the download document

There you will find:

  • Class system.
  • PvP in Skyforge.
  • Adepts.
  • Professions.
  • Development of adepts.
  • Benefit from adepts.
  • Missionary work: we send adepts to free bread.
  • Pantheons.
  • The influence of the pantheon on character development.
  • Stronghold of the pantheon.
  • Battle of the Pantheons.
  • Raids General advice.
  • Equipment Equipment items.

The player's activities in Skyforge are determined by the invasion seasons. The season appoints the main enemy for 8 weeks, during which new opponents from this army appear on Aelion.

Invasions and equipment

Invasion Season is an eight-week activity during which players go on group adventures, collect equipment, increase their combat superiority over the enemy, and learn new skills and passives. The season consists of three phases, starting in the first, third and fifth weeks of the invasion. At the beginning of each stage, new distortions appear and access to new difficulties for group and squad adventures opens up.

Access to seasonal adventures is important not only because immortals need to knead their bones somewhere. This is where you can get the best quality gear.

Equipment in Skyforge has two main parameters - quality and generation. And if everything is simple with quality - the higher it is, the better the performance of equipment, then it is worth dwelling on generations in more detail. With each new invasion season, new equipment appears. The first invasion of phytonides is now active. Accordingly, the most affordable equipment belongs to the first generation. With the start of the next invasion, second generation gear will become available, etc.

Uncommon - can be obtained in groups and links.
Rare - Loot in Group Adventures.

Epic - any equipment of the current season can be obtained in distortions and units. Legacy weapons are obtained from Invasion adventures.

Legendary - artifacts with an extremely low chance can be dropped from any monster.

Each piece of equipment is obtained in a specific instance. The easiest way to find out where to get the equipment you need is by looking at the invasion screen or reading the description of a similar item in your bag.

But collecting high quality equipment is not the goal of the immortals, but only a means of achieving the main task - defeating the avatar of the invasion. The avatar of any great god is a dangerous foe. And if experienced immortals can defeat the training avatar on the first campaign, then the victory over the champion incarnation will be worth a lot of effort.

Beginning gods are not only worried about invasions - there are plenty of other things to do! For example, the threat of mechanoids and demons that attacked strategically important areas requires attention.

Anteyskaya wasteland

It's easy to get here. Access is open to all who have received divine form. Anteyskaya wasteland is an unusual area. Here the characteristics of the immortals are equalized, thanks to which the zone is always relevant for the players themselves different levels development.
The Immortals will have to fight the mechanoids and demons who have deployed their bases in the wasteland and dream of capturing the camp of the Wasteland guards. Here you will find many interesting tasks: complete orders of local residents, defend their bases, attack enemy parking lots and defeat the terrifying desert boss - Eternis.

Types of tasks

Basic - Classic missions from NPCs who need the help of the immortals. You can overfulfill as many times as you like. Reward: credits.

Public - Team up with all the players on the ground to complete a challenging mission. Reward: credits.

Weekly - once a week for completing a public task of each type, you will receive reward chests. As part of the chest: credits, knowledge about the enemy and, possibly, stimulants.

Anteyskaya wasteland- a great place to spend time for those who want to destroy enemies even while standing in line for another adventure!

Polygon "Ingar"

Another way to diversify your vacation from battles with invaders is the Ingar training ground. This is a rated PvE arena that you will never be able to complete. Literally. Enemies do not end here, and the successes of the immortals are calculated solely in the number of waves passed. The more you go, the higher you are in the ranking! There are two versions of the polygon: regular and pantheonic. They differ in how teams are built, duration, rewards for completing and difficulty. But in both of them there are restrictions on the passage: both versions cannot be visited more often than 3 times a week.

Every two weeks, the best players receive great prizes. Although, even if we do not take into account the rating rewards, the awards in Ingara are worthy. For every 5 tests, group members will receive credits and knowledge about the enemy. And in the regular version, you can also get equipment with the winner's medals.

Another way to have fun is PvP and the battle of the pantheons. But more on that next time.

Skyforge is an unusual online game that is difficult to understand even for those who have been playing for many years. There is only one server in this game, and you can only have one character on your account. With this character you have to go a long way- from immortal to god. We will help you understand the basic mechanics of the game so that you understand how best to pump your character so that he becomes as strong as possible as quickly as possible.

How to choose a starting class?

At the start, you have three classes available: cryomancer, paladin and guardian of the light. You can switch between these classes at any time (except for the battle), but first you need to choose one.

The choice of class depends on your preference. If you like to play alone and are attracted to PvE, the best choice there will be a cryomancer. This is a very strong fighter who attacks from a distance. For those who prefer to play in a group and want to instantly find a party, the Keeper of the Light will do. And if you prefer running in PvP in all games, choose a paladin.

What is prestige?

In Skyforge, characters have no level, but they have general indicator power, which is called prestige. Prestige is influenced by three main indicators: the development of the atlas, equipment and cult. All three are of roughly equal weight. You get prestige points when you buy new tops in the atlas, when you dress up more powerful equipment, or when you upgrade your cult.

How sparks and atlas work

Sparks are a special currency that is needed to upgrade your character. Sparks of creation, destruction and balance you get for completing quests in open areas and dungeons. You will need these sparks up to a certain point in order to pump your class. After 2-3 hours of playing, you will reach a level where leveling a class will be possible only with special class sparks. They drop from slain enemies.

You use sparks in the atlas. There are three levels of the atlas: class level, character level, and god level. They open sequentially.

What is the best way to spend sparks?

To make your character as strong as possible, do not forget to distribute the resulting sparks. Until a certain point, you will have no choice where to spend them. But after a few hours of the game, you will open the character atlas, and the choice will instantly become huge.

Please note that on the character atlas, you can pump vertices from any of the starting classes. That is, if you started playing as a cryomancer, you don't have to start from it: you can go along the peaks from the paladin or from the guardian of light.

When pumping, remember the following simple rules... If you want to be able to equip more and more powerful equipment, be sure to invest in green tops (increase your dexterity indicator). If you want to develop the cult as much as possible (and this is necessary for your character to become truly strong) - buy all available blue tops with a power indicator.

Is it better to invest in one class or in several?

Each of these methods has its own pros and cons. If you fully open an atlas of one class (buy all available vertices), then when playing with this class you will receive a currency that will allow you to pump any other class (if you have a premium). Leveling up any class takes about 50 hours of active play in full. A fully pumped class will give you access to all its capabilities and you can customize it more subtly by choosing the best available skills.

However, it makes sense to go through the chain in the atlas of each class at least until the moment when class sparks are required for further pumping. This will greatly increase your chances of successfully completing the dungeons. Sometimes it will be much more comfortable for you to play a game by taking a different class. For example, if you reach the boss and understand that he cannot be killed without a tank. Even minimal pumping is enough for you to "jump" into the paladin and help the group.

How to get to other classes faster?

There are 13 classes in the game now. Any of them can be reached through the character atlas. Examine it and find the pinnacle of the class you are interested in. Then use the "get directions" option. It will calculate the fastest route to the desired class for you. However, this path is unlikely to be optimal in terms of character strength. Try not to miss peaks with strong talents and take more peaks with dexterity and greatness.

You can evaluate any of the classes almost immediately after the start of the game in the training room (Science Center). In addition, you can complete adventures with the proposed classes - usually more rewards are given for this. Also, on the mission selection globe, it is possible to complete training in different classes, receiving awards for this.

Sparks don't fall to me, what should I do?

There are limits in the game: you cannot endlessly receive sparks for pumping. The limits are updated once a week on Wednesday. If you selected all the sparks before Wednesday, you will receive a different currency for completing dungeons.

The most valuable of the other currencies are those that are needed to pump your followers: provisions, ammunition, and scraps of manuscripts. These currencies have no limit, but you need a lot of them. Also, be sure to do missions for which they give a relic for the construction of a temple or chapel. Such missions are very rare and only appear every two days. Do thread missions only on a leftover basis.

Where to find the best equipment and how to upgrade it?

Generally, you will have no problem dressing your character. Consistently passing the storyline and dungeons by level, you will find the best equipment. Old and unnecessary equipment should be disassembled immediately. Amplifiers are made from it. You will need these amplifiers to improve the parameters of weapons, additional weapons and rings. The ideal order of improvement is weapons first, then rings, then additional weapons.

From time to time, you will be dropped weapons that are suitable for other classes. It is better not to disassemble it, but change it. So you will maintain other classes of your character in a more or less adequate state (in case you need to urgently switch).

Your character also has additional slots for equipment - amulets and trophies. They do not open from the beginning of the game (the first - after about 10 hours) and allow you to fine-tune the character's parameters. You will also receive them for killing monsters.

How to properly pump a cult

The cult does not appear from the very beginning of the game, and most players perceive it as just fun entertainment - but this is a full-fledged part of the game, giving a third of all the character's strength. Therefore, if your goal is to get maximum prestige, then you should not forget about the cult in any case.

Every day you will have new followers who want to join your cult. Take them all. Leave the best ones (to begin with, the best ones are those with the parameter “bring even more followers” ​​in their parameters). The rest are cast out as missionaries.

Whenever you enter the game, look into the cult tab first and send your followers on missions. For pumping a cult and followers, the most important missions are the ones for which you get followers. Perform Boon Missions last.

Build temples and chapels as soon as possible. Do not build many chapels near one temple at the very beginning of the game. It is better to have three temples and one chapel for each than one temple with three chapels. Temple over high level without a chapel is also bad.

Appoint the most powerful of your followers as abbots. They give you some of their powers. The more pumped and strong followers will be abbots, the stronger your hero will be. Pump your followers as soon as the opportunity arises.

What does the pantheon give?

The pantheon does not directly affect the character's strength. The biggest plus of the pantheon, as well as the guild in any online game, is that it allows you to collect a good permanent party (in Skyforge they are called "consts") to complete difficult dungeons.

What does premium give?

A premium account costs about 450 rubles (depending on the period for which it is purchased). The main bonus of the premium is that pumping goes twice as fast (the number of all sparks received is doubled), twice as many credits are given, plus the universal currency for pumping all classes drops. Also, owners of premium accounts can use teleports in open areas for free.

If you don't have extra money, but want to have a premium subscription, you can buy it with your local currency (credits). In principle, for a comfortable and fast pumping the premium is very useful, but it does not provide any "combat" advantage. Only costumes and other decorations are sold in the game store for "premium" money (argents).