Sprouted wheat decoration for Easter. Wheat germination. A few simple rules

The site "Beautiful and Successful" devotes today's article very much useful product- wheat. We will tell you how to germinate wheat, as well as how to prepare the so-called "Easter slide" from already germinated wheat and colored eggs.

Before you can properly germinate wheat for food, you need to prepare glass, porcelain or enamel dishes.

The main thing is that you cannot use aluminum dishes.

For soaking, use only clean drinking water. In no case should the wheat be poured with tap water, otherwise the grains will absorb all the harmful substances.

On average, wheat germinates in 10-12 days. And if you want wheat germination with green stalks, start sprouting 3-4 weeks before.

How to choose wheat?

Try to choose soft wheat varieties. For example, Moskovskaya-39, Nemchinovskaya-57, Arnautka will do.

The grains must be clean without cracks, stones and small debris. There should still be no green unripe specks. That is, the wheat should be grain by grain.

It is better to buy wheat by weight so that you can see and visually evaluate the quality of the wheat.

How to germinate wheat?

First, we sort out the wheat and prepare everything you need:

  • dishes;
  • 2 gauze;
  • water.

Then the water must be carefully drained, and the grains must be rinsed again with warm boiled water.

The next step is transferring the beans onto a plate. At the bottom you need to put cheesecloth folded in half. Next, spoon out the wheat. Try to spread it out evenly. The wheat layer should not be very thick (about 2.5-3 centimeters).

Then you need to cover the grains with a second damp gauze. This completes the main stage of germination.

Now you need to moisten the gauze every 8-10 hours (for example, in the morning and in the evening). And the grains need to be washed with warm water. The first shoots should appear in a few days.

And here you can already think about how to use sprouted wheat. Many people like to just chew it. And also quite a lot of interesting dishes can be prepared from this cereal culture.

What to cook with wheat?

  • 1 cup of grains
  • 2 tablespoons of honey;
  • any greens;
  • 3-5 walnuts.

Chop nuts and greens. Then all the ingredients must be thoroughly mixed - and that's it! A delicious and very healthy salad is ready.

Also, grains can be added to various cereals. Dishes turn out to be more interesting, tastier and healthier.

Or you can pour wheat (1 glass) with clean water (12 glasses) and leave for 3-4 days. The result is an excellent drink that enriches the body with useful substances.

Note! It is undesirable to store sprouted grains for more than a day.

So, we have described how to germinate wheat grains. As you can see, this is not difficult. Now let's prepare the "Easter Hill".

What is the Easter Hill?

Since ancient times, wheat or oats have been germinated in Christian countries for Easter. From above, small stems were decorated with small toys, paper clippings, flower inflorescences.

The Easter slide is one of the symbols of the holiday and a beautiful reminder of spring and the awakening of nature.

Also, it used to be customary to lay 12 painted eggs around the wheat, symbolizing the apostles. And one unpainted egg, symbolizing Christ, was placed in the center of the hill. A truly beautiful tradition!

We will tell you how to properly germinate wheat for the Easter Hill.

As soon as the first sprouts appear, the wheat grains should be planted in the ground to a depth of about 1-2 cm. It is advisable to take a beautiful tray or dish.

The earth must be slightly watered and put into the light. Very soon, green stems should appear, which always reach for the sun. Remember to turn the dish occasionally so that all the stems have enough sun and warmth. And you need to water as the soil dries up.

You can decorate the Easter Hill for the holiday as you want. Better yet, entrust this interesting business to children. And it is advisable that the green stems complement the eggs.

Read our more tips for decorating the Easter table.

By the way, in the same way you can germinate an excellent plant - watercress. In just a few weeks, it grows on gauze. And it perfectly replaces sprouted wheat on the Easter Hill.

As you can see, the answer to the question: "How to sprout wheat at home for Easter?" pretty simple. And the result is a very valuable product.

By the way, what is germinated wheat good for?

The benefits of sprouted wheat

  • impaired metabolism;
  • obesity;
  • weakened immunity;
  • avitaminosis;
  • brittle nails;
  • weak and lifeless hair;
  • visual impairment;
  • bloating;
  • constipation;
  • diarrhea.

The properties of the grains are due to their rich composition. There are many elements in grains (selenium, manganese, copper, zinc, and so on). Wheat is also rich in various vitamins.

As you can see, wheat is a very valuable product for health. You can germinate wheat and add it to food all year round, and not only in the spring, when the body suffers from a lack of vitamins.

Health to you and your loved ones and comfort to your home!

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Germinating wheat germ is not only an alternative way to transform and refresh your home for the spring holidays, but also a good opportunity to improve your health, correct your figure and saturate the body with useful substances and life-giving energy.

You will need:
  • wheat grains (better to buy in the market, worse in supermarkets);
  • soil for flowerpots or simple sawdust;
  • spacious container at least 5 cm deep;
  • paper napkins or cling film.
Put the grain in a prepared container and fill it with water at room temperature (but not boiled) so that the water covers the wheat by a few centimeters. In this state, the wheat remains for a day (we do not cover with anything).

At the end of the day, filter the grains by throwing them onto a sieve. Cover the previously used container with a paper napkin, sprinkle the wheat back, cover with cling film or paper napkins on top and sprinkle with water so that the napkin is completely wet. Watch carefully for sufficient moisture levels by spraying or lightly sprinkling water on the wheat. Thus, we continue to moisten the grains until the tiny white shoots sprout. The sprouts will appear very quickly, literally within a day.

Fill baskets or other containers with soil. The cover layer must be at least 3 cm. Cover the bottom with food or plastic wrap beforehand so that the earth does not crumble and water does not flow out. Pre-moisten the earth with water and then evenly spread the grains in a thick layer.

After that we cover with a paper napkin, sprinkle it with water and cover with polyethylene (make several holes for air exchange). The next day, spray the napkin again with water and keep it under plastic. In another day, we remove our greenhouse, otherwise the wheat will be covered with mold, but we don't need this. Then we continue to spray the sprouts with water every day, and a miracle will happen before your eyes.

If you wish, you can decorate your plant in the simplest way - trim, shape, decorate with eggs or flowers.

Since wheat germinated is marked by the Green Hill, 12 easter eggs, which symbolize the apostles, and in the middle there is one large and specially decorated egg, symbolizing Christ.

Sprouting wheat at home light conditions, cheap and fast enough process. Juicy green sprouts can be a good basis for decorating your home or a source of good health.

To grow wheat at home I need:
1. Wheat grains
2. Soil for flowers or sawdust
3. Containers with a depth of at least 5 cm
4. Paper napkins and polyethylene

Day 1. I pour the wheat into a container and fill it with unboiled water at room temperature so that the water covers all the grains at a level of 1-2 cm. The wheat should be in the water for about a day.

Day 2. I discard the wheat grains in a colander. I put paper napkins at the bottom of the container, put the grains back asleep and cover them with napkins. Then I pour a small amount of water into the container, literally to completely moisten the napkin and leave it for a while, until tiny white shoots appear. As it dries, the napkin should be moistened periodically.

Day 3. I fill the prepared containers with soil. The ball of earth should be at least 3 cm. I cover the bottom of the wicker basket with polyethylene so that the water does not leak out during watering. I spray the surface of the earth with water and distribute wheat grains in an even dense layer, which do not need to be pressed in or covered with earth from above. I cover with napkins moistened with water and polyethylene, in which I make a couple of holes for air circulation. I put all the containers on the windowsill.

Day 4. I moisten the napkin abundantly with water in the morning and in the evening.

Day 5. I remove the plastic and the napkin from the sprouts. I water it once a day. It is not worth pouring over the wheat, otherwise it will become moldy.

Day 10. Wheat sprouts have grown enough and now I can start decorating them. By the way, the height of the wheat can be safely adjusted with scissors, because the tips will not turn yellow and fade.

Sprouting wheat at home can be not only an aesthetic goal, but also a source of health. Wheatgrass juice is able to rejuvenate and cleanse the body.

The main decoration of the festive Easter table is, of course, cakes, Easter cottage cheese and bright, elegant eggs. All this is very beautifully combined with the bright green grass. From one glance, which lifts the mood, and it becomes good at heart.

How to grow green grass for a significant day? To do this, we need time, seeds, soil and a container where the grass will grow.

It is better to use oats as seeds, the grains should not be peeled (not for porridge). Wheat and millet will do. The seeds can be bought at the pet store as food for birds, grass for cats is suitable.

We use the soil for indoor plants, and also use a hydrogel as a soil. But the capacity can be absolutely any, for which you have enough imagination. It can be egg shells, baskets, plates, cups, interesting bowls.

So, fill the pot with soil, about three quarters, slightly moisten.
Then we sprinkle the seeds in a dense layer, for the density of the seedlings.
We cover the seeds with a small layer of soil (for quick germination) and lightly crush them so that they do not float up during watering.
It remains to wait for the first shoots, while moistening the soil moderately.
The pot can be left on the windowsill, or it can be removed to a warm, dark place before the first shoots, covering it with a film.
The weed may appear the next day or in 1-2 days.
On day 4-5, the grass reaches the desired height and density.
Overgrown grass can be trimmed neatly. Good luck.

While preparing for Easter, I came across a wonderful idea for Easter decor on the Internet: sprouting cereal grains in eggshells.

Germinating grain is a very simple process and, moreover, very exciting and educational. Therefore, this bright craft for decoration festive table for Easter we decided to do it together with our three-year-old daughter.

We bring to the attention of all creative mothers and grandmothers our small master class:

Easter decor: barley sprouts in eggshell

Time for making crafts: 7 days.

Tools and materials:

  • cardboard tray with 6 large chicken eggs(preferably with a white shell);
  • watercolor paints;
  • brush;
  • a jar of water;
  • barley grains (you can also sprout wheat, corn, millet, oats, soybeans, watercress or use a special germination mixture for parrots for Easter);
  • cotton wool;
  • saucer;
  • soil for indoor flowers or seedlings;
  • small plastic spoon;
  • a watering can or plastic bottle with a narrow spout;
  • magnifying glass.

The first day: Preparatory chores.

On the morning of the weekend, my daughter and I went to the market, where, on the advice of a neighbor, who every year sprouts cereal grains for Easter, we bought barley.

Upon returning home, we prepared a flat saucer, covered its bottom with a thin layer of cotton wool, which we moistened abundantly with water, and put the barley grains in one layer on the saucer.

After soaking the barley grains for germination, we started preparing the eggshell:

  • washed thoroughly raw eggs warm water and soap;
  • knocking on the sharp end of the egg, carefully freed the shell from the contents;
  • removed small fragments, leaving about 2/3 of the eggshell intact;
  • again thoroughly washed the shell, this time from the inside, trying to remove the thin film from the walls as much as possible;
  • dried the shell.

Second day: Freedom of children's creativity.

The next morning, I had to get up early and get ready for kindergarten. As usual, the daughter was not influenced by any persuasion or strong arguments in favor of the need to attend a preschool institution. But our child immediately responded to the offer to look at the germinating grains of barley, jumping out of bed with one light jump.

To finally banish sleep, we decided to look for a magnifying glass among our natural science tools. And what did we see when we looked through the magnifying glass? A few grains released tiny white sprouts as the first roots of the barley began to break through. The day started with good news!

To prevent the grains from drying out, we topped up some water in a saucer, so that the barley seedlings were constantly in a humid environment.

Inspired by the successful start of the seed germination process for Easter, in the evening of the same day my daughter and I began decorating eggshells, which will serve as pots for barley sprouts.

I confess that at first I really wanted to paint the egg shells with natural dyes: yellow with turmeric and blue with decoction of red cabbage leaves. But it turned out that natural paints are very poorly "taken" on the shell of raw eggs.

Without thinking twice, I invited my daughter to correct my mistake and paint the shells prepared for germination of barley with watercolors. And at the same time decorate the cardboard tray at your own discretion. And she happily set to work.

Soon we were already admiring the result of unrestrained children's creativity.

Day three: Great responsibility.

I think you have already guessed how our next day began. Of course! From contemplation through a magnifying glass of the germinated grains of barley, which by this time had already managed to sprout small roots.

In the evening we took up the most important part of the work of sprouting barley for Easter: planting the seeds in the ground.

To begin with, they placed the painted eggshells in a cardboard tray decorated using the free drawing technique.

Using a small spoon, filled the prepared shells ¾ with potting soil.

In each shell, sprouted barley grains were carefully placed in one layer.

Sprinkled on top of the sprouted barley with a small amount of soil.

Well, what no lesson to develop coordination of movements and fine motor skills of a child?!

They poured the planted seeds.

When watering, it turned out that a bowl from a baby mixer is not the best equipment for this purpose. And in the absence of a watering can with a narrow spout, we used a plastic bottle with a drinking attachment to water the seedlings in the future.

Day four: First shoots.

Again a quick rise in the morning and observing the progress of seed germination.

The magnifying glass came in handy again, without it we could hardly see well the first tiny sprout that appeared in one of the eggshells.

As a bonus for diligent growth, barley grains receive their daily dose of water.

Day five: Confident victory.

There is no doubt that our reverent concern for the growing seedlings has borne generous fruits: barley sprouts grow right before our eyes, adding 1.5 cm per day.

Remember for rapid growth grains need water! We water the seedlings so that the soil in the shell is constantly moist.

And at the end of the day, the barley sprouts are almost twice as tall as in the morning!

Day six: Informative retreat.

While our barley sprouts enjoy the warmth of the spring sun and the moist nutrient medium for germination, there is time to bring the scientific basis for our hitherto only creative experiment.

It is easiest for preschool children to learn educational material, offered in a visual form. For example, in the form of pictures.

After a short search on the Internet, a wonderful series of informative pictures was found from a set of demo material published by SP Burdina S.V. entitled "How the Living Grows".