How to play hila in wow. Who is the most enduring healer in WoW? Fast leveling of the restaurant

The shaman has three different specs, the choice of which depends on who the player wants to become in the end: specialization improvement corresponds to DPS melee class, branch elements– DPS to the ranged class, and healing useful for the future healer, who will be able to create special zones that heal the wounds of allies.

Ench fast leveling

Upgrade the shaman of the cultivation branch (Enha) is not difficult, the main thing is to know where you can go and where you shouldn’t. The basis of our arsenal will be one-handed weapons and instant spells. Previously, shamans up to level 40 competed with rogues, druids, and hunters for leather armor. Now you will only have to compete with hunters who also need chain mail. For effective shaman leveling you need to follow two basic rules of equipment: the first is that dexterity is the highest priority when choosing clothes, it is much more important than rating speed or crits; second - use slow weapons in both hands (the speed should be equal to 2.6, it can be less).

Unfortunately, really useful dungeons for Enkhov Not many low levels. IN Wailing Caverns you can get a good set in the form Embrace of a viper And stinging viper. Uldaman And Razorfen Labyrinths contain mobs from which good equipment with dexterity drops.

fast leveling element

Elemami called shamans pumping spec Elements. The priority characteristic for them is intelligence. Spirit, haste rating, and crits play a much smaller role, which is why elem characters spend much more time looking for the right clothes than other classes.

Useful advice for elems - try to keep the mobs as far away from you as possible. This will help you Earthgrab Totem And Glyph of Unleashed Lightning.

Fast leveling of the restaurant

Healing Spec the most difficult for pumping a shaman. Your journey through the levels will take place in stages. The first step is to get to level 10, where you can finally choose healing branch. After you get some useful spells like rapids And purity. The priority characteristics for restaurants are: intellect and spirit. The first increases the amount of available mana, and the second increases its regeneration.

Shaman Features

In battle, shamans can use the forces of the elements not only with the help of totems. In a hot battle, the master of natural forces can use incredible magic spells, incinerating enemies with searing lava and blinding with bright lightning. In addition to destroying opponents, the elements are able to provide invaluable support to allies and stop enemies, which makes shamans a rather popular class in any team.

Thanks to its universal abilities, it is not difficult to upgrade a wow character of this class. In battles and raids, he is able to perform various tasks in the party. Shamans can make excellent healers or damage dealers, dealing damage from both close and long range. But in any case, in order to successfully play for the shaman class, the player must carefully approach each battle, assessing the opponent's weaknesses and strengths.

To activate their spells, spirit guides use mana. They have cloth, leather, chainmail, and shields as armor materials, and their weapon choices include one-handed and two-handed axes, clubs, fist weapons, daggers, and staves. In battle, an experienced shaman can skillfully place special totems, supporting and healing allies or destroying and weakening enemies. All shaman talents are divided into three main specializations - elements, improvement and healing. The development of a certain branch helps the hero improve the effect of healing spells, increase the power of attacking abilities, or improve elemental magic. It is important to be wise in choosing one or another talent, as this will allow you to properly pump a shaman in Pandaria and grow a powerful warrior or healer out of a character.

Shaman totems

Shaman's Choice

In all their characteristics and abilities, shamans are very similar to the paladin class. Their similarity lies in the fact that both these character classes can perform many different tasks in a team, demonstrating their extreme versatility. Like paladins, shamans excel in both the role of healers and the role of damage dealers in the group. Only unlike paladins, shamans do not have access to plate armor from durable materials, so their benefits come from having strong elemental spells.

Order a shaman upgrade

Having decided to play for this class, you can ask for help from our professionals who, thanks to their experience, are able to quickly upgrade a shaman instead of you.

Good healers are not born, but made! How you start your slippery slope can also affect your future in the game. It all depends on the beginning, because the initial experience and impression will greatly affect your game in the future. The way you start playing as a healer will reflect on you. In order to thoroughly study your class, you need to start playing from scratch in order to study the work of all spells, put them on the shelves and understand whether you are ready to be a healer or not.
If possible, visit more easy 5-player dungeons with guildmates or friends to use as test subjects for your heal. Try to look for more people of your class and type in order to gain as much experience from them as possible, as well as to get as much practical advice as possible on what you should do in certain situations.

No need to memorize the sequence of button presses.

Remember that there is no action rotation here. If you previously liked to play as a damage dealer, then you should know approximately after what magic you need to buff the next one, and so on. As a healer, you won't have any action rotation, because here you are free to let your imagination fly, but don't get too carried away. To get the maximum benefit from your class, you need to thoroughly study all the spells that can always be used. Of course, some elements are not predictable, but you should know full list their AOE healing spells (massive and costly spells), for example.
An obvious thing, but it will differ between different healer classes. There will be times when it is necessary to use only targeted heals, and at other times only AOE heals will help you. The situations are best described in specific guides for each class of healer. Unlike a damage dealer and a tank, the healer does not have specific spell sequences, so assess the situation soberly and decide what and how best to use. Just remember that you are an incredibly strong class type for dungeons and do not forget about rotation, because you are not a paladin with his mego-tactic for each class:

Statistics are not important.

Many people think that if you quickly get a good bar in terms of healing, then they are considered the best. In fact, everything is not so. Never look at the stats of Recount or an addon like it, because you should be working for the team first, not the numbers. I saw a couple of such healers that at the beginning of the battle burned through all the mana and immediately shone the addon’s readings into the general chat. This is sheer nonsense. It is better to heal slowly, but for the benefit of the raid or group. If there are several healers, then try to work together, and not heal "I managed to heal him first." Distribute the role to everyone and then you can do everything!
It is worth remembering about the mana that needs to be protected. If your target has less than 50% health left, then use stronger heals, and if 70%, then calmly heal him with flash heals. Never heal more than you need, because it won't bring you anything other than a simple loss of mana. Overhealing data will always be available in any good addon and you will be immediately identified.

Follow your group.

If there are no more healers in your group, then the death of colleagues will be attributed to you first of all, and not to the heals of the raid. Try to heal the group at least a little. Of course it is not possible to heal players who are out of range of your spells. Of course, this is elementary, but still players very often forget about it and then they are surprised: “Heal! Where are you looking? Why didn't he heal?" Another interfering thing is doors and barriers. It may also be that the tank hurried up and aggroed the boss, and you were left behind the door, which immediately closed. What to do in this case? You can just stand and wait for the end of the fight, but if you are the main healer, then ask everyone to come as close to the door as possible. Some healers have abilities that apply to everyone around them, for example: healing totems for a shaman, a ring of light for priests, and so on. Of course, I'm not sure that everything will work out so well, but it's worth a try in such a situation.
Try to use the maximum benefit from the raid! Feel free to ask the mage to make you water or give you a couple of bottles for intelligence or mp. Don't forget about your mana respawn abilities, but try to use them during the fight, and not just for a simple mana respawn in front of the boss. Warn the group if you sit down to drink mana, because there are people who do not look at others at all and can easily start hitting the boss when your mana hangs at 2%.

Be mindful of your abilities.

Do not forget about your special abilities. If you are a PvP healer, then this is much more serious than PvE. Here you need to bring a lot more value to the team than just healing allies. You will need to slow down, stun, knock down, dispel and many, many other things that will help your team win the fight so much. The same can apply to PvE heals. In some situations, you will need to fir and stun mobs if there are large groups of them, but this will be less common than in PvP. And yet you must help your people stay alive as much as possible.

Learn addons for hills.

You may have seen what they write about addons. Some consider this complete nonsense, while others simply cannot live without them. In fact, addons are very useful thing, especially for a raid healer. In particular, you can use macros that replace addons, but this is for more experienced players. Addons will also interfere in situations that require quick action.

Primarily this article is intended for healer priests who rely on Holy or Discipline builds, but Shadow priests will also find interesting points in this article.

Abbreviations used:
OO5SR - Outside of the 5 second rule;
I5SR - During the 5 second rule;
MV (PoM) - Prayer of Mending;
MI (PoH) - Prayer of Healing;
IR (CoH) - Healing circle (Circle of Healing);
SVTS (RSTS) - Random Secondary Targeting System;
OSS (IHC) - Improved Holy Concentration (Light talent branch);
X / M (HpM) - The amount of heal per unit of mana (Healing per Mana), an indicator of effectiveness.

I. Build (set of talents)

Q: What build should a healer priest have?
A: It is much more difficult to answer this question now than it was in the past. The times Burning Crusade. With the release of the expansion, the talents of Discipline became mostly relevant for raids, respectively, with these changes, many different combinations were born that have the right to life. In this article, I will focus on the two main sets of talents - Light and Discipline.

The first set (build) - 57/14/0, leaving for Discipline. You can argue that you should have thrown 4 points into Improved Healing, but it would be better to spend them on other, more interesting things. In this build, you are primarily a tank healer. Also, due to pumped shields, you can control the amount of damage inflicted on the raid. The effectiveness of mass healing is almost zero, so try to have other healers do it. If you go into deep Discipline, then you don't have to fully pump Spirit (Spirit), since the main value for you is only as an auxiliary means of realizing the possibilities of the Meditation talent. Without the upgraded talents Spiritual Guidance and Spirit of Redemption, he is almost useless. The upgraded spirit could be useful if you are dressed as a paladin with a focus on 5 seconds of mana, crit and cast speed.

Another build is 14/57/0, leaving for the Light. Again, you can say that you had to roll 6 points in Discipline in order to get Mental Agility, but that's not the price to pay for this talent. In this build, you are an excellent raid healer with IHC and lots of mana regen. If you are fully pumping the Light branch, then Spirit (Spirit) is a very important indicator for you than in the situation described above with going into Discipline, since Spiritual Guidance and Spirit of Redemption increase the amount of Spirit.

Q: Is Lightwell a useless talent?
A: Even with buffs, this talent is not that important. You can easily take the Well for one point in Divine Providence or Test of Faith if you have the Light branch fully trained - but this is only rational if you are sure that you will use it often .

Q: Should I take the Spirit of Redemption?
A: As a Holy Priest, yes. Necessarily. As a Priest of Discipline, you just don't have enough points to get to him.

Q: Should I take Inspiration?
Oh yeah. There is almost no situation where the omission of this talent would be justified. In any build - Discipline and Holy - you need this talent as a tank healer. If you don't live in a world where you will never, never, ever need to heal a tank, then be sure to take Inspiration. This is not an optional talent.
You should be aware that if a priest and a shaman heal the same player, then Ancestral Fortitude and Inspiration effects overlap each other, reducing the effect of using these talents. On the other hand, combining the effects of these talents gives an almost constant effect of increased armor. +25% is a very strong increase. Besides, what else can you get for three talent points? There aren't many options in the Light, and even fewer in Discipline.

Q: How good is the Improved Holy Concentration talent?
A: When you wear Naxx-10 gear and get 20% crit chance under buffs, this talent becomes very powerful. With 6 out of 6 in CC+CC, 20% crit means 9% chance that you will get a CC buff. This means that in 2 out of 11 cases your healing spells (direct cast) will increase by 30%, and in 1 out of 11 the spell will be completely free.

Q: Holy Reach - yes or no?
A: It's not as useful as CoH now spreads to the raid. You can take it if you wish, but you will have to sacrifice passing or regenerating talents (usually two points are deducted from the Test of Faith). Alternatively, you may choose not to take two points in Improved Renew, as this spell has lost some of its usefulness in WotLK.

Q: Mental Agility or Divine Providence?
A: The PM effect is applied to all instant cast spells: IR, MW, Renew and Shield. Divine Providence reduces the cooldown of MP (PoM) and increases the effectiveness of the spells IR, Binding Heal and Prayer of Healing. I skipped Ring of Light and Divine Anthem spells as they are not that important for a raid healer.
In general, Divine Providence is more useful if 5 points are invested in it. However, Mobility of Thought wins in terms of pure efficiency. Spell cost reductions always carry more weight than healing bonuses. If you calculate the amount of heal per unit of mana, it turns out that reducing the cost by 10% by 1.1% gives more heal per unit. mana than 10% increase, in fact, to the amount of heal.

Q: What talents are low priority or useless right now? (for PVE)
A: Silent Resolve. Blessed Recovery. Focused Will. Blessed Resilience. Reflective Shield. Searing Light. Unbreakable Will. Improved Divine Spirit. Improved Mana Burn. Martyrdom (Martyrdom).
The first talents to pull points from in case you want to make changes and keep the build's key features are Improved Renew, Spell Warding, Healing Focus, and Lightwell.

Q: What about the Surge of Light talent?
A: Cool talent. "Must have" for priests of Light. You can easily proc with every cast of CoH. In the case of raid healing, it's just great when you can heal 6 targets for 2000 with one cast, and then get a free instant cast for 4000 heals, which can heal the target with the lowest amount of health. The only problem is the global cooldown of spells, so you need to keep a close eye on the timers in case of IR spam, so as not to lose healing by wasting time.

Q: What talents must a Discipline Priest have?
A: Rapture, Grace, Divine Aegis and Penance. Borrowed Time and Renewed Hope will synergize nicely with PW:S and Twin Disciplines, providing increased damage absorption and other perks. Enlightenment also in the highest degree an important talent that allows you to change the parameters of your items and instead of looking for items for reading speed and spirit, you can focus on something more interesting, for example, crit.

Q: What talents must a Holy Priest have?
A: IHC, Serendipity, Guardian Spirit and Spiritual Healing. Guardian Spirit - highly worthy of investing 51 points in it. Serendipity is the equivalent of Rapture in the Discipline tree, just a great mana-saving talent, and CSS is something you shouldn't ignore. With these talents, you greatly increase your healing speed and reduce your mana cost.

Note: Meditation is still required for both talent sets. This is silly, but Blizzard has indicated that they are concerned about this issue, and perhaps next spring we will have a solution. Hope for the best.

II. Regeneration

WotLK has once again revised the regeneration model. As we remember, in update 2.4 you calculated mana regeneration using the following formula:
5 * 0.0093271 * Spirit * Sq. root (Intelligence)
which makes Spirit an important parameter, as well as a little Intelligence.

With the onset of level 80, and according to the idea of ​​Blizzard, the coefficient was reduced, and now for level 80 the formula looks like this:
5 * 0.005575 * Spirit * Sq. root (Intelligence).

As a result, manaregen is cut by approximately 40%. This causes the weights of Spirit and Intelligence to equalize, especially considering the changes to the Replenishment effect.

Replenishment is a proc from spells available to Retribution Paladins, Survival Hunters, and Shadow Priests. Launches a buff lasting 15 seconds that restores 0.25% of their total mana every second. Valid for a maximum of 10 people. To balance the talent trees, the developers made it so that the Priest of Discipline gains 0.237 mana per 5 seconds (Mv5) for each point of Intelligence, while the Priest of the Holy receives 0.206 Mv5. As mentioned above, a Holy Priest also gets 1% crit for every 150 points of Intelligence, and a Discipline Priest gets the same 1% for 132 points.

Intelligence weight:
Discipline: 132 Intelligence = 1% Crit, 31.3 Mv5
Light: 150 intelligence = 1% crit, 30.9 Mv5

spirit weight:
Discipline: 132 spirits = 40 Mv5
Light: 150 Spirit = 46 Mv5 + 43 Spell Power
So it becomes quite clear that in terms of pure regen (ignoring mana regen during crits) when comparing spirit and intellect, the former still wins. However, the difference between the effects is negligible, so you can easily collect things by combining intelligence and spirit in equal proportions.

In section XI(b) you can find a brief discussion of how intelligence mana regen actually works. The combination of total mana, pet regen, and crits ultimately makes intellect a stronger stat than spirit. But if you are in the build of Light, then you can lose in the effectiveness of the heal, due to the fact that some of the talents are focused on the spirit, but if you are a priest of Discipline, then there is no need to worry much about the amount of spirit.

Q: How do I take advantage of breaking the 5 second rule?
A: If you're a priest of Discipline, then maybe not. In Discipline, you will not be able to often take long breaks between spells. In addition, the effect of the Grace talent lasts 8 seconds, so it will be quite difficult for you to wait for the rule to break. This means that it makes sense for a Discipline Priest not to focus too much on the spirit, while Holy Priests have a completely different situation.
If you're a Light Priest and use Inner Focus, CSS, and Burst of Light, you can easily "cheat" the 5 second rule. A large amount of spirit in this case will play into your hands, especially when Spiritual Healing also gives an increase in the amount of healing.

III. Cheating the 5 second rule

The main feature of deceiving the rule is to avoid it, that is, to get out by hook or by crook. The mechanics of this rule is that after you finish casting a spell that costs mana (an important point), you enter a five-second period (I5SSR) during which your regen is reduced. How much reduced - depends on how you distributed the talents (Meditation = 30% to I5SR manaregen).
Provided that the priest receives the main regen from the spirit, the amount of regen during and outside the 5 second rule differs by about two times. Depending on your clothing, the coefficient can range from two (things that only add to mana in 5 seconds) to three (things that only add to spirit). In any case, the mana tick in the 5 second rule is at least half as much as outside the rule.
So how do we break the rule?
Firstly, Inner Focus guarantees us a way out of P5S, as it makes casting the next spell free and, accordingly, does not trigger the rule. Typical sequence of actions:
1) We heal the tank to the end;
2) We wait 2 seconds;
3) Click Inner Focus;
4) We start casting Great Heal (Rank 9), but do not finish casting and press the button with the /stopcasting macro until the heal is really needed;
5) Cast a new heal - when it is cast, you will again enter the 5 second rule.
You can perform the same actions during IHC procs, the frequency of which can be equated to 1 out of 11 casts. Stopcasting is still important in WotLK!

There are several useful accessories (trinkets) for this type of game. One of them is the good old Earring of Soulful Meditation. Glass comes to replace him Spiritual world(Spirit-World Glass), which drops from Gothic in Naxxaramas-10.

IV. Proper use of Shadowfiend

If you have been playing as a priest for a long time, then you have already learned how stupid our mana regenerating pets are. They are slow, stupidly select targets for attack, and predicting the amount of mana that will return each time is almost unrealistic. Despite this, we still cannot completely abandon them.
If you are casting Fiend in a situation where the raid is constantly taking damage (for example, on Felmyst), you should use the following macro:
/target Shadowfiend
/cast Power Word: Shield
Although the shield costs mana, it often saves a pet's life, allowing you to win an additional 2-3 ticks of mana for you.

Please note that the Fiend mechanic was reworked with the release of the expansion so that it now regenerates 4% of your total mana per hit. This means that in theory you can recover up to 40% of your mana. If the pet is buffed by Windfury Totem, it can deal up to 12 hits, including misses. It usually turns out that on average the pet deals from 11 to 14 hits, allowing you to restore from 40 to 60% of mana, respectively.

V. Downranking and Odds for Spells

Q: Is the downranking technique still relevant?
Oh no. Blizzard changed the mana cost of all low rank spells to be the same as the maximum rank spells. Now there is no reason to use anything other than max rank spells.

VI. Participating in raids as a Holy Priest

Tank healing: Renew, Greater Heal (9), Prayer of Mending (PoM), Flash Heal (11) and, in some cases, Shield (PW:S). Basically, always keep the VI in the untwisted state in order to pour it in time, and throw the MV at the tank on cooldown. From time to time you can use the MW + Shield combo, especially when you are on the move - instant casts make us more useful than paladins in some situations.

Raid Healing: Predictable damage can be easily healed with Prayer of Healing (PoH) and Circle of Healing (CoH), provided the groups are set up correctly. Keep in mind that HPS (heal per second) of IR is less than HI, so if you need to heal a lot of incoming group damage, IR may not be fast enough, use Flash Heal (with Glyph). BI is more effective in WotLK than Refresh, due to the faster target healing speed and the ability to trigger the Serendipity effect.

If you're clearing trash and facing a lot of AoE, use whatever you can to keep the raid alive. Thrash is exactly the kind of situation where the amount of healing is much more important than saving mana. It's very rare to drain all your mana in a 3 minute trash fight, so heal the raid and keep people alive.

VII. Participating in raids as a Priest of Discipline

Q: What spells should I usually use?
A: Tough question. Each fight is different from the previous one. I will try to give examples with different situations.

Tank Healing: Shield (PW:S), Penance, Flash Heal, Prayer of Mending (PoM) and, in some cases, Greater Heal(9). Always keep the Weakened Soul shield debuff on the tank to trigger the Renewed Hope effect for increased crit chance. Try to work efficiently, as Rapture works on the amount of health you have healed, and not on the total amount of incoming healing (read, overhealing in this case will not work).

Raid Healing: Predictable damage can be easily healed with Prayer of Healing (PoH) (PoH), Flash Heal and Shield (PW:S), provided the groups are set up correctly. In case you know that a person will take damage, the shield will absorb him and you can throw him - this will save your mana. It will be quite effective to help heal the raid by throwing shields at people.

VIII. How to Cross Heal Effectively

Generally, there are two types of situations where a priest is required to cross-heal during a boss fight.

Situation 1: Predictable incoming damage with some spectacular randomness. Examples: Morogrim Tidewalker, High Warlord Naj'entus, Anetheron, Felmyst.

The key to combat is to not spam heals like crazy trying to heal everyone to the fullest. You need to know the total amount of incoming damage in order to understand when 20% of health can drop to 0 at the moment. You also need to be clear about your capabilities - part of your job is to save the right amount of mana to heal the entire fight.
For example, if you spam heals like a lunatic on Nugentus, you will run out of mana in 90 seconds. And the battle takes an average of 5-6 minutes. In other words, the people you have to heal will die in 2 minutes, since there will be nothing to heal them.

You must know the approximate amount of incoming damage and be prepared for non-standard situations. On Morogrim, the key is to get everyone up to 6500 HP. health as quickly as possible, and then hope that the healers on Water Tombs will finish your job. On the Nugentus, you know that it deals about 3500 damage during the AoE and that the tick of the spear is about 6000 damage. The first thing you need to do is get everyone up to 4k units. health. The second - up to 6,500. And lastly - to heal completely.

Those situations where you use all the opportunities that you have have the highest priority. On Nugentus, it will help to save mana by calculating the cast time for MI (PoH), so that he lays down exactly at the time when the shield is broken - as a result, you get about 15 units. sickle per unit mana is pretty good. For comparison, if you use BI (Flash Heal) on each of the people, then, firstly, it will take much longer to raise each of the five people to 2.5k, and the mana cost will double.

Constantly think about whether you need to raise the player to full health or you can do it in 5 ... 15 seconds. On Morogrim most of the time you can use Renew which is incredibly effective in this fight. Also, don't forget about the global cooldown of spells.

Learn to feel the dynamics of the battle and find out where the spears hit (Nugentus). If you see that the spear is on the tank and you are assigned to heal the raid, help the tank's healers if you have the mana and time to do so. Keeping a tank alive is a good thing. But don't interfere too much with other people's work, as you may miss out on lowering the health of your targets.
And the last. Watch out for other healers. Most of the time a tank healer can't stop and heal himself. And your Renew would help him a lot if it saves him 2 seconds when he has to stop the tank's heal and heal himself at the risk of losing the tank.

2 situation: a large amount of damage, concentrated on a small number of raid members. Examples are Gurtogg Bloodboil, Hydross, Solarian, etc. You know the amount of incoming damage, but you don't know who will next target, since the boss chooses it randomly.

Frost Tombs on Hydross, Solarian's Arcane Missiles are typical examples of bosses focusing on one target for a short amount of time and dealing massive amounts of damage. A 100% Water Tomb can lay down 30-40% of a raid, as they simply don't have enough stamina.

In the situations described above, the main priority is to heal the individual player. If you correctly guessed the time and location, use the spells rationally. For example, start casting VI:9 (GH:9) a few seconds before the Water Tomb debuff increases to 100%. But if you are late, then use any spells to raise the player's health as quickly as possible. If you are on the move and see a player in the Tomb, then throw a MW (PoM) or a Shield (PW:S) on him, which will be useful in case of helping other healers.

In such situations, it is important to maintain a balance between the survivability of people and the effectiveness of treatment (Heal per unit of mana). Often, saving lives weighs more than efficiency. Just keep that in mind and try to conserve mana.

IX. Threat Mechanics and You

With the release of the addon, the entire threat system (hereinafter referred to as aggro) has been changed. Tanks got a lot of abilities to keep aggro on a lot of mobs, and the Blessing of Salvation was removed from the game. Therefore, in 90% of situations, aggro will not be a problem for you. The remaining 10% are encounters where you will engage in massive healing in a room where mobs appear in random places and tanks simply do not have time to intercept them immediately. In these and only these situations, you should worry about your aggro.

Fade: Merging with environment, reducing the threat level... Note that the aggro lost with this spell will be fully restored 10 seconds after it subsides, and continues to accumulate during the Withdrawal. In WotLK, the spell's mechanics have been changed in such a way that your aggro is reset to zero during the actual duration of the buff. Thus, this is a very necessary spell and it must be on your hotkey.

Prayer of Mending: When the MT procs (i.e. the target takes damage and uses a MT charge), the aggro from healing goes directly to the caster of the MT. Don't use MV during the pool as you will have to cast Fade as well or you risk dying. Again, MW does not transfer aggro to other players. Be careful.

Note: Currently (3.0.3) MV procs give 0 aggro… to everyone. I think this is a bug and will be fixed in the next patches.

X. Chemistry and food

Food: Grilled Cuttlesteak, Spiced Wyrm Burger, Tender Shoveltusk Steak, Juicy Rhino Dogs.

Oil: no more.

Flasks: Flask of Distilled Wisdom - Flask of Pure Mojo is the best option.

Potions: Runic Mana Potion - Can be used once per battle. If you don't want to drink flasks: Elixir of Mighty Thoughts, Elixir of Mighty Mageblood, Spirit Elixir ([@player] Heal

At first glance, the macro seems complicated, but its mechanics are quite simple:

  • If you move the cursor (@mouseover) over a target that exists (exists), is alive (nodead), and is friendly (help), then you apply Healing (/cast Heal) to it.
  • If the above conditions are not met, you apply Heal to the current target if it exists, is alive, and is friendly.
  • In all other cases, Healing is applied to the caster himself.

If desired, the macro can be simplified:

  • #showtooltipHeal
  • /cast [@mouseover] Heal

However, it will have less functionality.

Using mouseover macros and hotkeys, you can heal allies without losing sight of the current target (for example, the boss or the monster he summoned).

It should be noted that addons like VuhDo allow you to heal allies on mouseover and without macros. In some cases (for example, if you need to actively heal on the go), such addons simplify the process a bit, but its essence does not change.

In any case, try not to resort to a sub-optimal healing method (clicking the target indicator + clicking the spell icon). Any improvement (hotkeys, macros, addons, or both) will take you a step in the right direction.

3.3. Equipment optimization

In this guide, we will not discuss specific stat priorities, because there are no recommendations that are common to all classes in this regard. However, it is worth noting that equipment plays an important role in effective healing.

For more information, we advise all interested readers to read the class guides.

3.4. Knowledge of combat mechanics

Each healer should be well aware of the mechanics of the battle in which he will participate. He must be ready for any ability that the boss or another monster can use that can damage allies (regardless of whether they have a chance to avoid damage).

A good healer must be prepared for anything that might happen. The abilities of most bosses have fixed cooldowns, so the process of using them is quite predictable. Thus, the healer has the opportunity to prepare for the moment of damage and decide in advance which spells he will cast.

When studying the mechanics, pay attention to the amount of damage coming from a particular ability, as well as its frequency. This will give you an idea of ​​the abilities that would be best suited to neutralize this damage better than others.

Example: you know that the boss has an ability that deals massive raid-wide damage at some point in time (say, roughly 80% of most players' maximum health). After this ability, the boss will melee attack the tank for 30 seconds. Thus, before using the ability, you must make sure that all members of the raid are healthy enough to survive it. After casting the ability, you will have enough time to heal allies with effective spells without spending too much mana. If you weren't aware of this feature of combat, someone could die due to the fact that at the time of the ability they had insufficient health, and after that you could panic and spend all your mana to quickly heal the wounded.

4. Features of the healing process

If you've followed all of the above recommendations, you should now have a well-configured interface with addons, macros, and hotkeys. Surely you have already learned how to click on the indicators of allies in a timely manner, keep track of the available cooldowns and effects acting on you, etc.

Knowing the mechanics of the class will help you control your character even more effectively. The subtleties of such mechanics are set out in class guides. However, there are common features Healer games that are independent of class and specialization, but refer to the role as a whole.

For the most part, they are set out in previous sections. Below we will tell you exactly how to treat, who to treat and who not to treat, as well as describe the most common mistakes.

4.1. How to treat?

The task of the healer in any battle is to support the allies until all opponents die.

In fact, you need to wait until one or more members of the raid take damage, and then cast your spells to restore their health.

At first glance, everything looks pretty simple, but you should consider that:

  • Different healing spells are designed for different situations (for example, some are very fast but require a lot of mana, while others are the opposite).
  • The damage a raid takes isn't always predictable. In addition, players sometimes make mistakes, and the healer has to correct their mistakes.
  • Some bosses have abilities that affect healers and change the functions assigned to them. Improvise and don't forget to communicate with allies.
  • Some spells (especially druid's heal over time effects) must be cast before the target takes damage.

To achieve your goals, you need to carefully plan your actions, manage your mana and use the right spells at the right time. Let's consider these questions in more detail.

4.1.1. mana management

All healers use mana as their main resource. Without mana, they cannot cast healing spells.

Mana regeneration is based on Spirit and is increased by various talents and abilities. Healers need to keep an eye on mana levels throughout the fight, as their mistakes can lead to the death of the entire group.

The art of effective healing, by and large, comes down to the ability to use the right spells at the right time. So, if the target's health drops to a critical point, you must apply a costly and quick spell, because in another scenario, you simply will not have time to help an ally. If the target's life is not in danger, you can turn to a cheap but slow spell.

Throughout the fight, you must maintain a perfect balance, performing your duties while being careful not to waste too much mana. To do this, you need to make the right decisions about choosing spells based on an understanding of the mechanics of the class and combat.

Efficient mana management involves minimizing overhealing. This concept will be discussed later. In short, you shouldn't spend mana healing characters at full health.

4.1.2. Prioritization

As a healer, you must not only keep all allies alive from the beginning to the end of the battle. In some cases, you may want to let someone die to save mana and heal other, more important party members more effectively. Before we develop this topic, we want to remind you not to forget to heal yourself. Many novice healers are so eager to help their group that they forget about their own health.

Unfortunately, in some situations, the healer cannot save everyone and everyone. Players take extra damage for various reasons - for example, due to the fact that the battle took too long, or because one of the allies made an irreparable mistake.

If this happens, do not try to quickly heal everyone who has been badly injured. Otherwise, you will quickly run out of mana. You will have to let someone die.

As paradoxical as it may sound, this is the only way to survive and end the fight. In the general case, it is difficult to describe who exactly needs to be sacrificed, since this choice is highly dependent on the characteristics of the battle.

As a rule, it is not worth sacrificing tanks, because. without them, you are unlikely to be able to kill the boss. When choosing fighters to keep alive, give preference to those who deal more damage, but do not forget that addons do not always show reliable data.

Finally, many healers try to keep other healers alive while losing fighters, which often does not lead to anything good. If the situation gets out of hand, only a quick death of the boss can help you, so a few living fighters sometimes save the day.

4.2. Tasks

Regardless of the content that you master, the leader of the group or raid will definitely set you a task.

In other words, he will tell you who and when to treat. As a rule, these instructions sound very simple, for example: "A heals the tank, B and C heal the raid." However, there are also exceptions.

Currently, all 6 types of healers are approximately equivalent. In the past, some specializations were considered better for certain tasks (for example, in WotLK, paladins only healed tanks, and otherids only healed raids).

Despite the balance, each specialization has features. A good leader considers all the strengths and weaknesses of healers and assigns them the work that they do best. If you don't feel like a task is right for you or doesn't fit the situation in general (for example, there are too few healers for a raid), be sure to talk about your concerns.

4.2.1. Tank treatment

Tanks take damage throughout the boss fight. The amount of damage and its frequency may vary from battle to battle, but in any case, tanks require at least one healer.

Most fights involve two tanks taking damage alternately rather than simultaneously. The amount of healing required for each tank depends on the level of its equipment, combat mechanics and other factors, which are determined solely by experience.

Try to find out in advance the details about the mechanics of the class to which your tank belongs (for example, paladins and warriors can block hits and thereby "smooth out" damage received, death knights rely on self-healing, etc.)

Lastly, don't forget to communicate with the tank so that both of you can use cooldowns in a timely manner.

4.2.2. For the raid

Raid healing methods change from fight to fight. In some cases, raids take very little damage, and in some cases, the damage is huge and unavoidable.

Depending on the type of damage the raid takes, you can change the principles of healing (as well as talents and equipment items). With rare exceptions, a raid requires multiple healers.

Thus, you can communicate with your partners and distribute responsibilities to everyone. Examples:

  • A heals raid members (not tanks) from group 1, and B heals from group 2.
  • A heals the wounded from left to right (make sure you have the same addons), and B - from right to left, so there is enough healing for everyone, and overhealing is minimal.
  • A heals the raid after the boss uses X for the first time, and B after the second time.

4.2.3. Cooldown rotation

In most fights, healers are also tasked with using raid cooldowns at a specific time.

The reason is simple - many bosses use abilities that simply cannot survive without cooldowns. Moreover, these abilities are often used interchangeably, and cooldowns from one healer are often not enough.

In order for each dangerous ability to be neutralized, healers must use cooldowns alternately, organizing an effective rotation.

If you are tasked with using your cooldown at a certain point in the fight, make sure that:

  • you correctly understand what and when to use, tk. a delay of a few seconds can cost the life of the entire raid);
  • you have planned your actions so that at the right time your cooldown will be available;
  • your cooldown is appropriate for the game situation (leaders sometimes get confused about some spells).

If you feel that you won't be able to use your cooldown at the right moment (for example, it doesn't have time to cool down), let them know in advance so that your allies have time to find a solution.

4.2.4. Attention to tasks

Each healer must pay special attention to the task given to him. Without this, the coordinated work of the team is impossible.

When distributing tasks, the leader assumes that each healer will be able to cope with his work without the help of partners. In practice, things often happen differently. There are many reasons why a healer may not be up to the task (for example, a large delay in the game, problems with the interface, peculiarities of the combat mechanics, mistakes of the healer and the players he is assigned to heal). If this happens, other healers may:

  • Ignore the situation, continuing to mind your own business (in this case, the targets of the first healer will die).
  • Help him by briefly leaving your targets unattended.

At first glance, it seems that the second option is preferable and can save the situation, but this is not entirely true. As a rule, a doctor who is distracted from performing his direct duties, himself finds himself among the lagging behind. After that, other healers have to help him, and this creates confusion. As a result, near the end of the fight, the healers suddenly run out of mana, and the raid dies.

We recommend that you stick to the tactics chosen at the beginning of the battle. However, this does not mean that in an emergency you should not help your teammates. Remember that the best healers are able to respond to unexpected turns of events and come out of any problematic situation with honor.

We advise you to avoid constant attempts to compensate for someone's shortcomings or improper distribution of tasks. In the long run, this tactic will not benefit the raid. Instead, you should discuss the problem that forces you to do someone else's work. For example, you can give advice to a lagging healer (or offer to replace him), suggest reconsideration of tasks, etc.

Careful attention to one's duties is also important because it (in theory) guarantees an even distribution of healing. As a rule, each raider is looked after by several healers. In this case, the entire raid gets healed in full. If any of the healers randomly select targets, some of them will be left without support, while others will receive overhealing.

4.3. Overhealing

The last mechanic we need to look at is overhealing. Overhealing occurs when a healer attempts to cast healing spells on a target with full health. As a result, he spends mana, but does not bring any benefit.

Above, we touched on a variety of aspects of the game as a healer. All of them, of course, are important, but if you follow these rules, you should not forget about excessive healing.

To avoid it, you need to know exactly how much health a particular spell replenishes. Moreover, you will need information about the features of the battle (in particular, the amount of damage caused by a particular ability).

The general rule is that you should not heal a character at full health, and if he is injured, you must cast spells on him that will not replenish his excess health.

In some cases, overhealing is unavoidable, especially if you're trying to set up a raid for a dangerous boss ability or have a critical heal mechanic triggered. Don't worry if your overhealing rate is in the 10-30% range. However, it is worth remembering that overhealing reduces the efficiency of mana spending, so if you are constantly lacking it, rethink your playstyle.

And finally, there is another, not too well-known way to reduce the amount of overhealing. You need to set up your UI to show all incoming healing (including periodic effects) on the gauges. This way you won't heal allies that other healers are already targeting, minimizing overhealing (both yourself and others).

5. Conclusion

It is impossible to overestimate the ability of the healer to anticipate incoming damage and cast spells that the best way suitable for neutralization.

After reading this guide, try to put what you learned into practice. Explore the interface and customize it, review your spells to understand how they work. Having gained experience, you will definitely become an unsurpassed doctor!

Remember that the game is not limited to one role. First of all, it is a team work. Be sure to look for new ways to interact!

We hope you found something useful for yourself. Good luck!

For the first time I will make the content to make it easier to read =)
1) How will we swing
2) How we treat, general points
3) Whom we treat
4) Difficult situations
5) Things
6) Professions
7) Advantages
8) Disadvantages
9) Optional

1 How will we swing.
It's simple - we go to the dungeons with the help of LFG on cooldown =) We put ourselves on a heal and go ahead. If there is an extra thousand and nerves - we take a double specialization and either help the kach with quests, or we tank the LFG with a bear. Personally, I decided that a healer is a healer, and not three-in-one. Now I need a cat to take some of the quest chains that I especially like, ending in insta.
When we're not dungeon crawling, we're standing in taverns or towns to accumulate double experience.
When developing a complete disgust for the "dungeon" I went to collect weed =)

2 How do we treat.
Point one - we refuse to use the hiltouch. There should not be any symbols and talents in the hiltouch. We are not making a flashspam paladin, but a tree. For the sake of interest, of course, you can try to cram a glyph and 5 talents and see what happens, but then we spec into a normal build and continue to develop it.

A druid's power up to level 60 is rejuvenation. This is an overpower healer, which, on average, is 80% enough for us to heal the group. The second place in my application is recovery. Third, when it appears, a quick recovery. All other spells are used when either everything is very very bad, or we decided to cry at the wrong time.

Depending on the clothes, it will be either very easy for us (indeed, at least drink tea, or heal by hitting your face on the keyboard), or quite difficult. There are several patterns here:
The better the tank, the lower the percentage of recovery from the total heal
The more clumsy the group - the greater the % recovery from the total heal
The better the clothes, the lower the percentage of recovery from the total heal
Well, here's the main rule:
The higher the % recovery, the stronger your mana costs.

When you have new spells and you get into good group- do not be lazy to experiment so that at least you know how they work.

3 Who we treat
We are treating the tank. Even if the tank is good and takes little damage, the clothes allow you to throw rejuves at least on mobs, and the mobs seem simple, anyway - we only heal the tank. At least at the beginning of the passage of each insta.
In addition, you can heal with rejuva after the battle of the locks - they often use a light-up - you will sit less and wait until the lock gets drunk. Well, that is, of course, if you don't merge in mana yourself.

The experience of the game shows that a person quickly gets used to the good and in 80% of cases, after 5 minutes after the start of the tank, the mobs are already casters, and the tank is a completely unnecessary cutlery at this celebration of life. AOEs fly everywhere, the group's total HP is below 50%, and a dog adopted from a dead mage by agro-inheritance rushes behind you and prevents you from absorbing innervate and flasks with blue liquid. A druid can quickly restore 2 people if he has fast recovery and haste with a healtach. The rest will be forced to survive the battle on recovery. In general, this is all - a quick drain of mana. And with a fast zerg dungeon (which is what is initiated in 80% of cases) by a group containing idiots, you will have little mana. By the way, you will learn that your mana should not merge even if you poured health into the group for a full minute, that's it!

Naturally, if the situation is random and complex, we treat everyone, especially since we, in principle, can. but we don't let go. In the end, with rare exceptions, they always hit only the tank. This is what it is for - so that they don’t get rags on the head, but a tank.

By the way, the most dangerous feature of such treatment is that people quickly get used to good things. I had a chance to hit two instas in a row with one var. Throughout the first campaign, I diligently poured this var into the tank, because he was extremely well equipped for damage (tore aggro), but extremely poor for defense (he had 4 times more damage than the tank included). The next campaign with the same var was supposed to end in five minutes, because the tank said that with this degenerate he would not go anywhere further. I got into the tanks (they are harder to find than healers), I got a bear, a healer paladin was found, we went to pass the mara. After another five minutes, a new attack of rabies began, already with the healer - it was very difficult to pull out the var and I had to pour everything not into me, but into him. After the var fell, a skirmish broke out, where I was called an imbohil, and the paladin was a noob.

This is all to the fact that you will treat the inst, only after you another 10 people (and, in fact, good ones) will be hit in the forehead for not holding the group.

4 Difficult situations
Keep an eye on how the tank gains aggro. Pre-pull Rejuve+Recovery can aggro the mob on you.
If the group begins to sink sharply, calmness can be applied. If the tank falls sharply - use BV abilities and swiftness + healtach. Always keep a rejuve on the tank so that there is a chance to instantly restore his health.
If one of the group sags, assess the situation. You must not allow the mob to jump from the attacked to you. Use abilities on a group only in exceptional cases. As a rule, a dead DD is 99% to blame for his death. Especially if she was fast.
Poisons can lead to a big ass, so it's better to remove them, as well as curses.
If you are not afraid to sag - use the recovery + rejuvenation combo. in 20 seconds you will be able to lift the whole group, yes, besides, gobble it up to its ears.
If the mob is very tightly hooked on the DD and it is unlikely that anyone will help him die - let the DD die by calling the tank to intercept the mob.
Remember - a dead DD is a much lower chance of a wipe than a dead tank, with rare exceptions.

5 things
Items are mostly taken from dungeons. Occasionally buy at the auction and get scraps from quests. Since you will be in the dungeons often, things will appear pretty quickly. Always ask to share quests at the beginning of the dungeon.

By hook or by crook, gain spirit and spell power. I got a fabric with SPD - thread. Magicians and loki will manage, the right word. If the roll is unsuccessful - do not despair and wait for the next trip. The value of the SPD, after all, is higher than the spirit, since your task is to keep the tank and you shouldn’t be too manipulative.

Go to the auction for enchantment scrolls and potions. Often come across cheap enchantments and medium-priced elixirs. They will help you in the dungeons.

6 Professions
The most ideal for you is skinning and enchanting. There are "leather" mobs in the dungeons and a good amount of green things drop - professions will not grow slower than you. The rest of the professions will have to be pumped either for gold or outside the dungeons.

On the other hand, these professions won't do much for you at level 80. More precisely, the enchantment will give at least rings, but the 5% crit from skinning for a druid can be replaced with something more useful. But there is not much choice here.

7 Virtues
Your progress will be very high, you will hone the ability to heal the group to perfection and approach the heroes of WotLK with skill. The quality will end faster than with questing.

8 Disadvantages
And where without them ... Firstly, with quests everything will be extremely disgusting for you. Secondly, you will not learn to be either a tank or a damage dealer. Thirdly, your reputation will grow quite sucks. Fourth, with achievements you will have to wait until level 80 or doublespec. And you're missing out on a huge part of what the game has to offer in the world. Well, and, perhaps, you will be drawn to yell at plumbing from "these instances", "this LFG" and "these PUGs" =)