Does the damage return to the one who brought it. Prayer from corruption return to the one who did. Ritual of getting rid of lining with a broom

If you think that you have been spoiled, you need to get rid of it as soon as possible. Reading conspiracies and performing rituals to get rid of corruption will not be enough. You need to send it back to whoever made it. It is very important. Because you can endlessly remove damage, spend money on healers, and damage will return to you every time. To avoid this, you need to carry out a series of actions that will send it back to the one who made it.
How to send damage to the one who made it? When should it be done? And what is needed for this?
On our website, we wrote how to remove damage. We described the removal of spoilage using black beans. They talked about how to remove damage with the help of bread. and also told how to roll out damage with the help of an egg.

After you have performed the ritual to remove the damage, it is time to send it to the one who did the damage. After that, all his magical actions return to him by return.
To send damage back, you need holy water, seven church candles and the seven-shooter icon. The ritual to return the damage to the one who brought it to you must be performed within 7 evenings.
Light a church candle in front of the Seven-shot icon. Place an open bottle of holy water nearby. Read the prayer "Our Father" and "Virgin Mary, rejoice."
Now you can read a conspiracy that sends damage back to the one who made it.
Here are his words.

“Good afternoon, soon.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
A holy man will depart from Adam,
Take the bow from Christ Himself
He will take arrows from the thunder itself,
Shoot every bad person.
Save and shield from the sorcerer and sorcerer,
From the sorcerer and sorceress, from the whisperer and whisperer,
From the old and the young, from anyone and everyone,
Who harbored evil on the servant of God (name),
In whom hatred for the servant of God (name) settled
Out of ignorance and to whom, in deeds and words, this slave did not please.
From all whom I crossed the road, whom I offended,
Whom I know and whom I do not suspect.
Save, Lord, from human evil
And save the words of the witch.
Mother of God, defend with your strength,
Evil to the one who did not please, return.
Let his black corruption twist,
Doesn't let go day or night
And to me (name) will forever forget the road,
Will leave me forever.
Mother of God protects me
Covers with a shroud from enemies and enemies.
No one will take my strength
Happiness will not destroy, life will not take away.
My first and second word
And no enemies of mine.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

After reading the plot, in order to return the damage to the one who did it, wash yourself with holy water and drink three sips.
So you need to do for 7 evenings.
After that, the damage will return back to the one who sent it to you and did it.

There are times when you feel like you've been spoiled. There is a way out of this situation and you can find it yourself. Corruption is a kind of negative energy, and not a sentence for life. To the question of how to return damage, there are answers and more than one. There are many methods that have been known since ancient times and have been passed down from generation to generation. Mages who are specially trained are able to dissolve the energy regiment and remove damage. But if there is no one to turn to, you can independently try to return it back to the one who sent the evil eye, or simply leave it to chance.

Corruption is a kind of negative energy, and not a sentence for life.

There is a statement, but no one knows how true it is. The evil eye cannot be applied to someone who is completely energetically pure. This means that if you were able to do it, you need to reconsider your life path. When envy passes over or is passed on, this is also a kind of sin, because in this way you also stab the person back. Everything will have to be answered. But if this does not frighten you, and you are determined to strike back or just teach a lesson for the action you have committed, then the first thing you need to do is to tune in correctly. Returning the evil eye, you can not show your anger, hide hatred and anger. Only with the right attitude and a pure soul can the evil eye be returned. Be sure to find out who pointed you in order to transfer it back to that person.

How to find out who spoiled you

Jokes are bad with magic, so before you make the damage return, you need to determine the person who was the initiator. You can get as much information about a person as possible using three methods. In the first option, you need to lament a conspiracy, and as a result, this person himself will appear before you. The second method will lead you to the person who suggested the evil eye, magician or sorcerer:

  1. Ritual with nails. You need to take an ordinary nail and hammer it near the house (near the threshold) and read the plot:

    “Who spoiled and harmed me, I call with a nail. If you don’t come in three days, then you will go to the grave in six months.”

    These words connect magic, and for three days you are waiting for your ill-wisher to visit.

  2. This option is more difficult and will require additional preparation. You will need a bowl of filtered water and beeswax, not paraffin. The wax must be melted in a steam bath and slowly immersed in water while reading the plot:

    "I pour wax, I pour out the enemy."

    Remember, you should not wish harm to a person, but only concentrate on the process itself. Once the wax hits the water, it takes on a specific shape that you'll need to determine. If as a result you saw the figure of a woman, flowers or the moon, this means that the one who instilled the evil eye was female. If on the contrary, then in the water there should be wax figures in the form of a rhombus, a square, a raven or a tiger. You can repeat the ceremony if the first time you could not see a clear figure.

  3. The third rite is associated with black magic, so it is better not to turn to it for help, or only as a last resort. Find the old keys, there should be exactly seven of them. Next, bring some water to a boil, immerse the keys in it and at the same time read the plot:

    "Who harms the slave (your name), the devil will bring him tomorrow morning."

    The next morning, this person will definitely come to visit you.

After performing the ritual with nails for three days, wait for your ill-wisher to visit

We return damage (option number 1)

Envy passes or is transferred back to the one who induces with the help of a magical ritual, which must be carried out from the twenty-sixth to the twenty-seventh lunar day. Before holding it, you need to eat a minimum of food, fast for at least three days. After preparation, you will need fresh meat and read a plot on it three times with the following text:

“Just as in a dead city they don’t know longing - they don’t know, but its inhabitants don’t dine, they don’t suffer from longing, they don’t shed tears, so I, the servant of God (my full name), I will be freed from the black spell through this meat and blood!

The meat must be buried in the cemetery and there must be a grave with your name. You must do this and mentally ask for forgiveness from the owner of the grave for disturbing his sleep. Be sure to bring some apples and candy as a memorial gift. When you leave the ritual, after which the evil eye returns, you cannot turn back under any pretext. Just look ahead and go straight. On the way home at the first intersection, throw a coin and say the words:

"Paid in full!"

On the second day, you need to go to church and be sure to put a candle for the repose of the person whose grave you had to disturb, to perform a ritual, after which the evil eye passes or is passed on. When leaving the church, make donations. The fact that you are returning the evil eye back cannot be told to the one who made it to you. For three days from home, do not give your things to anyone and do not take anything from others.

We return damage (option number 2)

You can return damage to the one who brought it on you if you use another option. Take a frying pan and sprinkle with salt so that its bottom is completely covered. On the sprinkled salt, draw a cross with a kitchen fork across the entire surface. As a result, it will turn out that you will have the surface of the pan divided into four more parts. On its parts draw four crosses. Start drawing crosses from the lower right corner counterclockwise. After it, put it on a small fire and warm it up for about fifteen minutes. The evil eye passes or passes on when they continue to stir with a fork in a circular motion and read the text of the conspiracy:

“As this salt is fried, so let my enemy (name) be fried. Go away, my illness, my sorrows, go away, envy, hatred, evil witchcraft, to where you came from, to the slave (slave) (name). I do not burn salt, but my enemy. You did (did) to me, and I give it to you. Amen".

The salt that you spoke to return the evil eye must be poured along the route that the one who directed you at you passes daily.

Salt, to return the evil eye, you need to pour out along the route of the ill-wisher

We return damage (option number 3)

The evil eye passes or returns to the one who brought it, if the following magical ritual of an occult attack is carried out. Before that, you need to buy or harvest and dry your own thistle grass. It is better to tear it and prepare it yourself, but if it is not possible, then buy it at a pharmacy. But there is a claim that its effect is not so strong. The next step is to pour some of the prepared material into a wooden container on Friday night, then add a little salt. We mix everything and during this time think about your enemy and his future. To him you must send misfortunes and hardships that harm him. Passes or transmits the evil eye when they come to the threshold of the enemy and pour the mixture so that it is sure to come. While doing this, repeat the words:

“Damn you (name) will pour salt into your eyes, burn your thoughts with thistles! Whatever you desire for others, you will find yourself. As soon as you step over the charmed salt!

How to return damage to the one who made it? This question stirs the hearts of many victims of black magic. Nobody wants to face magic. That is why the return of negativity is common. The performer is always trying to ruin the other person's life. Therefore, it is necessary for him to return the negative back. Let him live with what he wished for another.

Whether the damage you have induced will return and how to return a strong evil eye - we will analyze these and many other questions in the article. Such information will be useful to people who in one way or another are faced with unpleasant life situations, suspecting that it is magic that has communion with them.

How to understand that something is wrong with you?

The evil eye can be returned - this is true, but initially you must clearly understand that this is the cause of some of your troubles. It is much easier to immediately take the necessary measures than to suffer and suffer from the consequences later. Consider the most common signs that a person may have “problems”:

  • for no reason, a person can suddenly start to get sick, although most recently he was cheerful and happy;
  • thoughts are confused, insomnia appears;
  • there is not enough energy, the person is in a continuous depressive state.

If you notice such phenomena behind you, it makes sense to think about how to return the damage to the offender back. Of course, you can ask professionals to simply remove this “curse” from you, but you can also punish an evil person - return the negative to him back.

Return rituals severe spoilage professionals are capable of doing it qualitatively, but this does not mean that they are unable to cope on their own. With sufficient faith and all the necessary components, you will overcome this disaster.

Determining the performer of the ritual is an important point

In order to return the damage back, you need to understand who could bring it. You should not wait for the moment when the situation worsens and your health worsens. Returning damage to the one who sent it is a prerequisite in order to improve your condition. The main thing is to believe in the power of magic, and that it can help you. In this situation, it is necessary to acquire cleanings to remove damage with a return. A magical love spell may have been cast by your close friend, who carries only a negative wish addressed to you. Sometimes it happens that a loved one brought a curse on a person, after an ordinary quarrel. Most often, it is customary to use a lining. After all, the lining is the hardest thing to look for in the house. A dead chicken or a rusty fork is used as such attributes.

If you have begun to notice that you have been sent negativity, then you should think about it and make one of two decisions. The first is to completely get rid of the unpleasant magic. The second is to conduct a ritual of removing damage with a return.

Returning damage to the one who made it is quite easy. To do this, you need to find a way that maximizes better fit to you. For example, return damage to table salt or other options. You can either perform a ritual at home on your own that allows you to return the induced damage, or you can find a specialist who will do everything for you. It is important to remember the fact that it is necessary to look for a sorcerer quite carefully, because you can stumble upon a scammer who will not be able to return damage to the customer, but will only take money for outstanding work.

If you believe the professionals, then the return of damage is considered a huge sin. You become no better than the one who brought negativity or the evil eye on you. In the same way, you resort to the help of black magic, which will have negative consequences on you. Returning damage to the one who did it is easy, but getting rid of the consequences will be more difficult. But, on the other hand, the removal and return of severe damage are different concepts: you must clearly determine for yourself whether you are ready to take such a sin on your soul.

In order to determine who sent magic on you, you can use several methods. The first is that you need to read a certain plot. His strength will attract the performer. The second method is based on calling otherworldly forces. It is the spirits that will bring you the culprit of the situation, and you can give back the damage. There are a large number of strong conspiracies from spoilage with a return. You just need to choose the one that suits you the most.

Before proceeding with the ritual, think carefully and delve into the problem. Are you ready to punish the enemy in this way and give him everything back? How can such a ritual respond and how safe is it for loved ones? Will luck leave your family after the ceremony?

Ritual for a nail

Such a rite has long been especially popular among those who have long devoted their lives to magic. Why is it unique and what makes it special? Can I do the ritual myself? How to return damage back using a nail? If you are interested in this question, then you are on the right track. To return the damage back, you need to take a nail, and read a special slander on it.

“Whoever decided to inflict harm on me, I wish him to give back the damage. I do not need black magic, because it completely destroys my life. I, the servant of God (name), use a nail to return damage to the enemy. On the ordinary person sent a curse, and I ask you to return it to the offender. I am a victim who was sent an undeserved negative. Whoever sent him, let him take it back. The Lord created us with equal rights. And I'm trying to return the negative with candles. I will only give back to the enemy what he sent me. Let him know who he sent the evil eye on. Let the negative return to the owner who conjures me. You know, Lord, I want kickback could destroy the forces of evil. I want to cleanse myself, and return my former life. Amen".

These words have great power, so in the near future you will be able to give damage to the performer. No one thinks who he is sent to, and the energy deteriorates. Even the enemy should not take revenge with magic. Always remember that there are two sides to the coin. How to do the right thing is the decision of the one who faced such a problem. Punish magicians or hope that someday, the magician will be punished? It's up to you to decide.

Ritual using wax

To the question of how to return damage, the answer is quite simple. You need to prepare a few ingredients.

  1. A container for collecting clean water. Don't use tap water. It will be better if holy water is used.
  2. Wax. It is forbidden to use paraffin. Must be pure wax.

You can get rid of the negative impact and return it to the customer in a very simple way. First of all, melt the wax to a liquid state. Pour a small amount into the water. In this case, be sure to read the following conspiracy:

“I pour wax for one purpose. I wish the damage to return to the one who sent it to me, the servant of God (name). I don't want negativity in my life. He only spoils her. I wish to remove the damage and give it to the witch with a boomerang. My strike will remove the forces of evil. I am someone who cannot be offended without consequences. To you, sorcerer, I return the blow, and I try to remove it from myself. Amen".

This rite will not only make the damage go to the one who brought it, but will also point you to the performer of the ritual. You can return the negative to the enemy, only then you will be no different from him. You can try to be smarter and not stoop to the level of your enemy.

How will the offender manifest himself after the ritual? There is no definite answer to this question. It all depends on how experienced magician caused damage. Everyone reacts to honing in different ways: some come straight to the house, others torment them with calls. This is because damage comes to them very painfully. Such people are ready to do anything to get rid of the negative impact that they themselves have brought.

The call of otherworldly forces

A very dangerous ritual. Especially for those who are new to magic. It is not recommended to carry it out on your own. Here you need to clearly know the sequence of actions and the subtleties of the ceremony. It happens that after calling otherworldly forces, they remain in our world, which is a very bad sign. This rite will allow you to learn how to return the evil eye to the one who evil eyed. This ritual is based on summoning devils. It is they who act as assistants, allowing you to give away the evil eye. You must prepare the old keys. Boil the water and throw the prepared keys into it. Now you need to read a special plot.

“Whoever has sent the evil eye on me, the servant of God (name), will deal with otherworldly forces. I wish to give my own after damage - as karma always comes back. I need to restore my health, and never lose it again. Whom the otherworldly forces are now embracing, let all the negativity be removed from him. Amen".

The ritual can even get rid of sent obesity. Most often, in order to eliminate a rival, women send a negative to her, which spoils appearance. They believe that in this way they will be able to return the husband from his mistress. If you return the evil eye, then you need to remember your own protection. Since you resort to black magic, the consequences will be negative. That is why, before passing on the evil eye, it is important to protect yourself from otherworldly forces. So you will not only minimize the likelihood of energy damage, but also strengthen the rite itself, because your energy will be higher than usual.

The return of negativity to the lunar phase

Many are interested in the question of how to make the damage return to the customer. Everything is simple. Prepare moon calendar, in which mark the twenty-seventh lunar day. It is important to note that the removal of damage with a return requires some preparation. You must remember that you should not drink alcohol and meat products for seven days before the ritual. If you do not adhere to this requirement, then the moon will not give evil to the customer, because you ignored her requirements. To remove damage with a return, it is necessary that your aura is clean. You must not use profanity, communicate a lot with people, feel unpleasant emotions and treat everything negatively. All these factors only clog your energy, which will negatively affect the result.

After you fast, take raw meat, and read the slander:

“I never knew how to say goodbye to negativity. And at some point, higher powers decided to save me from suffering. The dead never shed tears, and never regret what they have done. Let the dead take over all the nagativ that was sent to me, the servant of God (name). Let all illnesses and bad health disappear and never return. For a long time I was looking for a way to give away the negative, and finally I found it. I adhered to a strict fast, and I ask the moon to help me in fulfilling my request to win back the damage. Amen".

It is necessary to read the plot twice. After that, the meat must be buried at the crossroads. A few days later, go to church and put a candle on the health of the one who sent the evil eye on you. Yes, it will be unpleasant, but the ritual requires it. This method will allow you to quickly give the negative back to the customer.

Salvation through salt

You have probably heard that salt has some magical effects. In any case, it is often used in magic. This ceremony was created by Natalya Stepanova herself. In order to return damage through salt, you must use the following rite. Salt needs to be fried in a pan for about half an hour. After that, the salt is poured under the first tree. Next, you must look at the night sky and count twenty-one stars. Turn to heaven to help you pass on the evil eye to the one who has the evil eye. Salt is considered the most effective way to purify energy.

Now the questions about how to return the negative or how to give away the imposed damage should be completely resolved. Tatar methods will help you protect yourself from magical influence for a long time. With the help of a photo, it is easy to remove the witchcraft sent to you, because you need to urgently restore the energy of the victim. Otherwise, you can suffer quite a lot that even prayer will not be able to cope. It is necessary to understand not only the fact to whom the evil eye is made, but also to whom it will return.

This article contains: prayer for the return of evil to the enemy - information taken from all over the world, the electronic network and spiritual people.

Everyone deserves to be treated the way they treat others. And the one who does bad deeds must understand: sooner or later, evil will return to him. Magic will help.

White prayer to bring back the evil

The ritual refers to the techniques of light witchcraft and allows you to “pour out” the offender exactly as much evil as was received from him. No more, no less. You should sit in front of a lit white candle and read the conspiracy-prayer:

“I call on the Mother of God! You, that you never abandon your children, hear my voice, the evil that has been created for me, see, do not scold my enemy and do not scold, but in truth, make me keep the answer, so that the evil that came to me from him will return to him and with left to him. Mother of God, do not be angry either at me weak or at my sinful enemy, but revive justice, punish evil with evil - for distant science, for pure repentance, for repentance of the heart, so that my enemy does not amuse my misfortune, but copes with his own.

The candle is blown out and hidden behind the icons. After two weeks, the effect of the spell will appear, and negativity will disappear from the life of the rite operator. To achieve maximum effectiveness, it is recommended to go to church and light candles for both yourself and your offender. In the future, the enemy will not be able to harm the caster, since he will be protected by light energies.

Return evil to the enemy before the third generation

The rite allows you to take revenge on the offender, not only returning the induced negative, but also extending it to the next three generations in the male or female line, depending on the gender of the enemy. They work during the full moon.

  • a bottle of good vodka;
  • raw meat;
  • black wax candle;
  • round mirror, not used in everyday life;
  • dark fabric.

Start the ritual at midnight. You need to spread a cloth in front of you, put a mirror on it, and put a lit candle on it. Watching the flame, you need to monotonously recite the plot until the fire goes out on its own:

“Having denied God, having prayed to the devil, I will get on my knees, I will blaspheme the enemy, so that the evil created by him will come down from me and come to him, enter his intestines and head. Up to the third knee on the shoulders of the enemy, evil sits, crushes its back with a hump, muffles its ears with a cry, twists its stomach with pain, breaks its legs and arms, obscures its eyes, only the blackness of the offspring of the enemy to know. Do not take away my word until the enemy atones for his sin, walk the line behind his back, step on his heels, scare hard, lead to the very grave, go to the children.

The mirror needs to be wrapped in fabric and broken into pieces in this form. Without unfolding, the bundle should be taken to the footpath and put there. Together with him, it is recommended to leave meat and an open bottle of vodka at the crossroads, saying: “Paid”. Whoever was the offender, punishment will overtake him within a month. It is possible that this person will try to get in touch with the caster, but any communication with suspicious people better to nip in the bud. After the ceremony, it is useful to burn wax candles: the fire will help cleanse the remnants of negativity.

Return evil to the offender by name

  • church candle;
  • sheet of paper and pen;
  • aspen twig;
  • fireproof bowl.

It is required to wait for the evening and retire. You need to put a bowl in front of you, and put a twig broken in two on it, forming a cross. In its center should be placed a piece of paper on which the name of the enemy is written. Next, you need to light a candle in an inverted position and set fire to the paper from its flame. In the light of fire, you need to have time to pronounce the conspiracy three times:

“Neither to the beast, nor to the bird, nor to the snake, nor to the titmouse, but to (name) the accursed one, that he did evil to me, that he caused me offense, that he ordered me to suffer! From now on, (name) will burn in the fire of hell, in the flame of repentance, in the unbearable heat, until my evil suffers, until my grief entices itself!”

Ashes need to be scattered in the wind with the words:

"You fly, sweep away evil from me, return the enemy."

The spell works in three days: the situation improves for the caster, and his enemy faces corresponding problems.

Return evil to man through the water

The rite allows you to ward off any evil from yourself and return it to the offender, no matter how strong the enemy is from a magical point of view. The ritual is performed during the new moon. You will need:

  • earthenware jug filled with spring water;
  • rowan twig;
  • a stone raised on the road leading to the churchyard.

You need to retire and focus on the problem. If the enemy is known, you should visualize his image in front of you and mentally refer to him:

“I remove your protection, I return your evil - not for a second, not for an hour, but for all eternity.”

It is required to throw a stone at the bottom of the jug and, stirring the water in the vessel counterclockwise, repeat the plot:

“In the field, a black wall stands, under it a witch sits naked, with her hair uncut, with prickly claws, with bottomless eyes, with her skin torn. And under the black wall in the hands of the witch, my eternal enemy is naked, that he does evil to me, that he offends me strong, that he does not let me pass. Let my enemy sit under that black wall until he prays for the evil done to me, until he asks for forgiveness, and until then he can neither sleep nor eat, but shake all the black evil, sing lullabies.

Water from a jug must be thrown out on the street along with a stone: if the offender is known, then to his doorstep, if not, then at any pedestrian intersection. The container is broken, and the fragments are buried near the cemetery wall (but not on the territory of the churchyard). The rite will work for a week.

Bring evil back with salt

The ritual quickly exposes hidden enemies, while at the same time returning negative to them. It is recommended to conjure during the full moon phase.

You will have to work with a flame - by a fire or stove. It is necessary to fill the saucepan halfway with salt and put it on fire. It is required to stir the contents of the vessel with a spoon and whisper:

"Where it came from - it will go there, it will pass potholes, it will bypass swamps, it will return to its father-mother."

Hot salt should be poured from your doorstep into the street. During the day the enemy will make contact, and in another week he will completely “inherit” his own evil. The rite can be repeated regularly for prevention purposes: it is safe for the caster and can harm only those who deserve it.

Return the evil to the opponent

The ritual is purely feminine and is intended to return the negative made by the competitor. Most often, the “struggle” takes place in the sphere of feelings and romance, but sometimes the ritual is also used to solve work-related problems. You can conjure whenever you want.

You should go to a deserted crossroads, where there is a minimal chance of meeting other people. You need to stick a candle in the ground and light the wick. Around it is required to plunge nails into the soil up to the very hat, forming a triangle. At the same time, you need to think about your rival, wanting her to suffer a well-deserved punishment. On each of the nails it is recommended to pronounce the following conspiracy:

“There are three crosses on the mountain, black crows sit on those crosses, demons dance under those crosses, they blaspheme Jesus, waving their tails. The first cross - so that evil returns to my enemy, the second cross - so that he clings to her with his hands, the third cross - so that he bites into her neck with his teeth. Three crosses stand on the mountain, black crows sit on them, tailed demons dance under them, and my enemy cannot avoid retribution.

While the candle is burning, look at it. As soon as the fire dies out, you should turn towards the house, throw coins over your shoulder and say: "Paid." After three to five days, the opponent will face the negative that she herself directed at the conjurer.

There is nothing shameful in returning evil to the one who did it. A person will receive only his own "creation", perhaps in a slightly enhanced version. But this is how justice is restored, and you should not be afraid to help it happen.

Each of us has enemies, or at least ill-wishers, and each of us has faced a situation where the people around us were aggressive. Quarrels and conflicts are part of our life. Difficult situations are sent to us by God for our spiritual growth.

Strong prayers have been given to help us: when we read them, we call for help from higher powers that are able to improve and mitigate the situation, reduce human anger.

How to ask help from evil people?

Prayer for protection from enemies is a very serious thing. The one who prays should not be seized with malice. During prayer, try to overcome evil feelings in yourself, get rid of hostility towards your ill-wishers, even if they really brought you a lot of evil.

Prayer should be offered in the most calm state, concentrate not on the image of your offenders, but on the images of the saints.

Most strong way fighting enemies is forgiveness. Jesus Christ said that we must love our enemies, and then all our troubles will be solved.

Forgiving enemies is the strongest personal growth which is only possible. Remember that violence can only give rise to aggression in response, only sincere love can stop it.

Coping with a difficult situation, we become smarter, kinder and stronger, in our life there is less aggression and anger.

But this is an ideal situation, and in life it can be very difficult to love “those who hate us”. Forgiveness takes a lot of time and mental strength, you will need deep inner work on self-improvement.

But what to do if you feel hostile influence right now? In this case, sincere prayer will help, addressed to God or his saints, as well as to the Archangel Michael- a defender from injustice and any attacks, up to demonic ones.

You can also pray Mother of God(prayer "Softening of evil hearts") and Saints Cyprian and Nicholas the Pleasant.

Prayers from enemies visible and invisible

Are there too many dark, difficult events in your life? Perhaps this is the reason for turn to God with a prayer for protection. What could be the signs of the influence of dark forces?

For example, you can’t get out of a series of troubles in any way and you feel that some kind of trouble is constantly happening in your life, you encounter aggressive people, you are surrounded by gossip and bad conversations, you have nightmares.

In this case, pray to Jesus Christ, ask him for protection and blessings, the detention of all evil.

Here is the text of a very strong protective prayer that is read both under the influence of invisible forces, and with strong aggression from very real people:

Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, protect me with Your holy Angels and the prayers of Our All-Pure Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, by the Power of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross, the holy Archangel Michael of God and other incorporeal Heavenly Powers, the Holy Prophet and Forerunner of the Baptist of the Lord John, the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian, Hieromartyr Cyprian and Martyr Justina, St. Nicholas Archbishop of Mir Lycian wonderworker, St. Leo Bishop of Catania, St. Iosaph of Belgorod, St. Mitrofan of Voronezh, St. Sergius Abbot of Radonezh, St. Seraphim the Wonderworker of Sarov, Holy Martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia, the holy and righteous Godfather Joachim and Anna and all Your saints, help me, your unworthy servant (the name of the prayer), deliver me from all the slander of the enemy, from all witchcraft, magic, sorcery and from evil people, may they not be able to hurt me some evil. Lord, with the light of your radiance, save me for the morning, for the day, for the evening, for the dream to come, and by the power of Your Grace, turn away and remove all evil wickedness, acting at the instigation of the devil. Who thought and did - return their evil back to the underworld, as Yours is the Kingdom and the Power, and the Glory of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Always a great help archangel Michael, the head of the forces of light, protecting people from any demonic influences.

Lord, Great God, King without beginning, send Your Archangel Michael to help Your servants (indicate names). Protect us, Archangel, from all enemies, visible and invisible. O Lord Great Archangel Michael! Demon crusher, forbid all enemies fighting me, and create them like sheep, and humble their evil hearts, and crush them, like dust before the face of the wind.

O Lord Great Archangel Michael! The six-winged first prince and governor of the Heavenly Forces - Cherubim and Seraphim, be our helper in all troubles, in sorrows, in sorrows, in the desert and on the seas a quiet haven!

O Lord Great Archangel Michael! Deliver us from all the charms of the devil, when you hear us, sinners, praying to you and calling your name sacred. Hasten to help us and overcome all those who oppose us, with the power of the Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, with prayers Holy Mother of God, with the prayers of the holy apostles, the holy hierarch Nicholas, Andrew, Christ for the sake of the holy fool, the holy prophet Elijah, and all the holy great martyrs: the holy martyrs Nikita and Eustathius, and all our venerable fathers, who have pleased God from time immemorial, and all the holy powers of heaven.

O Lord Great Archangel Michael! Help us sinners (the name of the rivers), deliver us from the coward, flood, fire, sword and vain death, and from all evil, from the flattering enemy, from the storm that comes, from the evil one, deliver us always, now and forever, and forever and ever . Amen.

Holy Archangel of God Michael, with Your lightning sword, banish from me the evil spirit that tempts and torments me. Amen.

Not everyone believes that corruption exists. However, those people who are on their own life experience faced with this trouble, I no longer want to argue whether damage is possible or not.

There is one desire - to get rid of the delusion as soon as possible. Since you won’t go to the doctor with damage (he won’t help anyway), then there is only one way out: go to the temple, tell the priest about your problem and follow all his instructions.

In home prayer, it is worth asking for help from Saint Cyprian- he has power over evil spirits and never leaves the one who asks him for intercession in trouble.

Read the motive of Cyprian in the morning (your confessor can indicate the regularity of reading a prayer), you can also ask Archangel Michael or Saint Nicholas.

There are several very strong psalms (90, 3, 11, 16, 34, 57, 72, 139) that can protect us from envious people, from aggressors, from people who do not give life, from invisible influences. Among them is the famous 90 psalm. It is no coincidence that believers wear the text of the psalm on their bodies and know that it is - best defense from evil.

The text of the psalm is very beautiful, it gives the reader a solemn, pious attitude, makes you think about the frailty of life and the greatness of God, gives strength in difficult situations.

In case of emergency

In an emergency, you need a quick and strong prayer . Ideally, such a prayer should be known by heart, so it is desirable that it be short.

In addition, there are situations when you are in danger in the very near future.

You simply do not have time to read a long prayer (in cases such as an attack, unexpected aggression, an attack of causeless fear, and also the need to cross some dangerous area at night or evening hours). Say the following short conspiracy prayer:

Protect me, Lord, by the power of Your Honorable and Life-Giving Cross, and save me from all evil.

You can also ask your Guardian Angel to protect you from evil people.. And protective prayer will definitely help you. If the request was sincere, higher powers will not leave you, send help or soften the situation.

You yourself are slaves if you read this. All children of God. brothers and sisters…


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How to return evil by conspiracy to where it came from

Even if you have a lot of friends and intercessors, it may turn out that there will be no less enemies. But by and large, sometimes one insidious and cunning enemy is enough to ruin someone's life and disturb his peace. If you are successful in something, you get a much higher salary, your boss appreciates you, it’s easier to find guys (girls) mutual language, lucky in money or in love, and so on and so forth. It is possible that you will even make an enemy among people close to you, there is such a word as envy.

Nevertheless, conspiracies to punish the offender should not be used when you want to teach the enemy a lesson, but when there is no other choice. When you need to defend yourself or restore justice.

How to return the evil conspiracy to the offender

In order to punish the offender, it is not at all necessary to involve any complex rituals to help yourself. Especially when simple ones have long been tested, but, nevertheless, effective conspiracies on the offender.

So that all evil returns to the one who constantly tries to conjure you and wishes you harm, take needles, one of them is simple, and the second is gypsy.

Then insert a simple needle into the eye of the gypsy needle (eye to eye) and fasten both of them in this position with a dense black thread, saying on them:

“Although your needle is long, mine will be sharper,

You do evil, and I do good,

All the evil and bad that you planned against me (a), it will return to you,

All the bad things that you have prepared for me (a),

And all the evil that you have prepared for me (a),

I return everything that is yours back to you,

This very minute, right now and forever!”

Then go to the house of your offender and stick the gypsy needle into the door frame so that the tip of the small needle is directed towards the door (entrance). Then read again in a whisper strong conspiracy on the offender and quickly leave.

In the old days, they also did evil, the so-called “linings” were popular in the villages, that is, as in the case described above, something like needles tied with black threads. Also, a rusty spoon can serve as a lining - for poverty, a bead - for a love spell, a watch - for the theft of vitality and energy.

A torn card - for ruin, a wreath or cemetery land - for death, any products such as apples, meat, cheese, radishes - for quarrels in the house, divorce and childlessness. Clay - to damage all the cloisters of the house, perhaps even to death. Dried melon - for a miscarriage, fish bone - for a love spell, plus infertility and serious damage to health. Dried butterfly - usually speaks of loneliness and so on and much more.

Linings according to their orientation and ultimate goal are conditionally divided into two main types. Some are created and thrown up so that the victim cannot find him for as long as possible, for this they are thrown into hard-to-reach places, for example, into some kind of gap. So the charmed object, being not found, will affect its victim for a very long time. And if the plot was really strong and worked good mage, then the spell will be very difficult to remove, at least until the charmed object is found and neutralized.

The second type of lining is more likely designed for the inexperience of the victim, the object is spoken with the expectation that the victim will find it and be sure to remove it with their own hands or touch it. That will give the conspiracy another additional impetus and strength. Therefore, it is very important not to take any suspicious objects or things with your own hands.

But any charmed object can play a cruel joke on the one who deliberately created it, if the object is found in time and, without touching it with your own hands, throw it back. In this case, evil will return, everything that the enemy wished for you and everything that he tried to direct at you will return to him. But what it will already be depends on what exactly your ill-wisher wanted to achieve. There were cases when people who conjured died within a year, but before their adult children died.

So from my practice there is a case when a woman of about fifty lost her son and daughter within one year, and she herself also died, approximately during the same period. But for some reason, death spared her three minor grandchildren, which cannot be said about fate.

Here, the fate of her grandchildren just did not spare, and death showed its mercy, most likely only temporarily, since they all died early, without marrying or getting married, and without having children of their own. Of all three of her grandchildren, who lived the longest, lived only to 27 years old, or rather lived, it was a granddaughter.

With regards to the above-described conspiracy with two needles, even if the enemy guesses what’s what and from where, and throws it back to you, then you shouldn’t be particularly afraid. Since you only wanted to return evil, and not bring it on, especially to death.

If you do not know the name of the offender, how to return evil to him

Hidden and cunning enemies are very dangerous, but you can also fight the negativity coming from them. The ritual is recommended to be performed on the full moon, so that the return of all the evil that they wished you would be the most powerful.

And for this you will need:

A simple wooden spoon.

Salt and coarse grinding is best.

In the old days, they worked by the fire, but you can stand by the lit stove. Fill a small saucepan halfway with salt and heat it up. Then, when the salt warms up a little, start stirring it with a spoon, while condemning a conspiracy to salt on the offender:

“Where the evil came from, let it return there, let it pass all the bumps safely and without hindrance, carefully bypass all the swamps, and return to the one who gave birth to it”

After that, in the old days, salt, as a rule, was scattered from their doorstep into the street. In ancient times, there were no particular problems with this, since most people lived in villages and villages, and rich city dwellers, if necessary, turned to the help of sorcerers and witches. And then, if you, like me, were born a long time ago, then you probably remember that in the old days in small towns in private houses the exit and entrance to the house, and, accordingly, the threshold with steps in many houses did not go out into the courtyard, but immediately onto the street.

In today's current conditions, when so many people live in apartments, and if you are too, then you will have to leave the entrance and sprinkle salt on the street there. In the coming days, the enemy will give himself away and a little later, all the negativity induced by him will begin to influence him with all his strength. If necessary, you can repeat this conspiracy to the offender at a distance until you feel completely safe.

Water conspiracy on the offender

But for this rite, you will already need to know not only who exactly brings evil to you, but also where he lives. Pour some holy water into a small container, such as a glass, then place the glass on top of the Bible and in front of a mirror. Place a church candle between the mirror and the Bible (water), then say:

“Whoever comes to me with goodness will leave with goodness,

Who comes to me with evil, he will receive all his evil back,

Who comes with a bad and filthy word,

Let that one with his own, will inevitably choke on the word "

If you know for sure that you have become a victim of damage to scandals, drunkenness, a depraved lifestyle, do not rush to immediately turn to sorcerers and psychics. We recommend that you try a great ancient technique that will return evil to the one who sent it.

Removing spoilage on a chicken

On the waning moon, you need to buy already gutted chicken in a store or in a bazaar. Under no circumstances should you bargain or take change. The size of the chicken is not important, but you need to make sure that it has whole wings (there should be no tears in the skin and bluish spots).

Bring the chicken home, rinse the carcass under running water. Using a sharp knife, separate the wings, then put them on a fork. Light a thick church candle, bring a fork with wings to its flame and singe, turning evenly at the same time.

On each turn of the fork, the following spell should be said: “The Twelfth summons the Fifth Legion, followed by the Ninth Cohort. Now - the Twelfth in the rays of the Pentagram, all rati in the name of the Lord's glory!

Once the meat is browned, remove it from the fork and place inside the chicken. The existing hole should be sewn up with a gypsy needle, into which a black thread is threaded.

As you sew up, pronounce the words of such a spell: “I sew, I measure with a black step. In the names of Michael, Urdariel, Samaniel, Rafaniel, Nathanael, I print, I put a patch. On this and that limit, on a black, on a white body, on every diabolical deed. Amen".

As soon as you finish sewing, do not break the thread, but stick the needle into the chicken. As you do so, say these words: "Get a steel stake, the enemy's throne! In the name of Christ the Savior, corruption amen. Thrice amen!"

In the evening, at sunset, the chicken should be thrown out at the crossroads with the following words: “You, carrion-bird, do not fly without wings, but the slave (e) (name) with the Lord's power abide. From now on and forever, at every hour, ordered! Turn over your left shoulder and go home.

The forks that were used in the ritual must be disposed of. To do this, you need to get up at dawn, wrap the cutlery in black cloth and tie a small “weight” to them. After that, go to the nearest body of water from your house and throw the forks into the water (you need to throw with your left hand over your right shoulder). There is no need to say any conspiracy. Corruption will strike the one who created it.

How to return damage to your creator

First way

In order to return damage to your creator, try reading the following plot:

"On the bright head,
Straight on the back
On the frisky legs,
By the swan's hands,
With a fiery heart
White body.
Dirt, yes ailment rides on (fire, egg, broom, etc.) is collected.
I collect the German to the grain,
Who sent it to him will return,
Who made the girl (lady, child ...) suffer,
Let him curl up with an evil tourniquet from the disease.

While reading this conspiracy, you can perform the following manipulations: drive a candle over the body, roll it out with an egg, wipe the body with wormwood. Throw away the items you used.

Second way

You can also use this method to return the energy negativity to the "spiteful critic". Pour boiled water into a glass, and let the water stand on the windowsill on the night of the new moon. First of all, read the "Lord's Prayer" - "Our Father", and after that the conspiracy:

“I will burn out the eyes of an evil person (light a match and throw it into the water).
I will fill the eyes of an evil person with salt (throw salt into the water).
I will cut an evil person with a knife (cut through the water with a knife).
I will mix all the evil and return it to him.

Throw the water out of the glass outside.

Third way

Let's consider another way that allows you to get rid of the damage yourself and send it to the one who let it loose on you. Open all the windows in your house. Stand right in the middle of the room and read the plot loudly and clearly:


Having said these words, cross yourself 12 times. For 12 times, damage will go to its creator.