Corrective and developmental feedback. We establish feedback with employees. We receive feedback

Feedback is an essential tool for determining the health of your company. Perhaps it is because of the feedback that managers are not ready to receive such information and each time they postpone the survey until “better times”.

Here are the reasons why management does not want to participate in the feedback process with employees:

1. Oftentimes, leaders don't think it's interesting, relevant, or related to them.

It's a delusion. We all know that there is a connection between management and employees. The team is a single mechanism, employees are its main link, on which the productivity and productivity of the company depend. If you know what problems can be changed, then you will help the organization move and grow.

  1. Self-preservation. Management is afraid of what it might hear from employees and does not take feedback (this is how it supposedly protects itself).

Both situations are complex and require solutions. It is within your power to engage your leadership team and help them act effectively in relation to employee feedback.

How exactly do you need to act?

Step one.Consider if action is being taken based on employee survey results

As a rule, company managers (mostly from the HR department) are responsible persons in providing feedback. If they don't pay attention or do nothing about the results, then the polls become ineffective. Managers should feel their responsibility, provide timely feedback to management, and make improvements based on survey results together with management.

Step two.Get involved in the feedback process

Consider how effective feedback can be.

In a Western company, an HR specialist presented to the CEO a report on the acquired company, which also included an employee section. Some demographic indicators stood out. The HR manager noted that only a few of this team planned to be with the company in two years. This immediately caught the attention of the manager, he realized the risks for his key investments.

Be involved in the process and evaluate the feedback as a tool to influence your business.

Step three.Accept any feedback

Often, after seeing the results of feedback, management and management begin to give up. This is normal for leaders who feel pain and frustration. You need to understand that everything is in order, that such a vulnerability is a step towards taking responsibility for improving the organization's performance. It is an opportunity to build trust and strengthen the corporate culture of the organization. Your people don't want you to tell them the best version status quo, they want you to acknowledge what's really going on.

In the practice of one of the domestic companies, there was an example when employees believed that the company was focused on growth, income and headcount, and not on building their own culture. This surprised the head of the company because he had a vision that people were committed to the values ​​of the organization and contribute. His initial reaction was to move away from feedback and ignore it. But it was feedback that happened, and it needed a response from the management. Since the survey was anonymous, the manager did not have any context for comment, but shared his reaction through an internal presentation and confirmed the feedback.

After this incident, employees admitted that it was important for them to see that the leader is able to perceive both good and bad sides. Leaders often feel as if they have to twist the story to present it positively, thinking that people do not see the true state of affairs. Don't pretend. People just want to know if there is a problem or something is not working, hear their feedback and take it accordingly.

Employees' use of such tools allows them to monitor their development. Employees can discuss related feedback in a one-on-one meeting with their line manager and conduct a so-called “growth review”. This approach takes away much of the stress associated with traditional performance reviews. Also, such feedback forms the habit of constantly monitoring one's position and motivation for professional development.

For you, as a leader, these tools can go a long way towards supporting your organization and increasing its productivity and productivity. Feedback is not just the opinion of employees, it is usually the “pain points” of the company, allowing you to look from a different angle on the current situation and prevent problems.

In American business practice, weekly communication between a direct manager and an employee of his team is considered the norm, they understand: “Prevention is best remedy preventing problems ”.

Keep your finger on the pulse. Be involved in the feedback results. Look at feedback as an opportunity to improve your business and increase its productivity. Don't be afraid of negative feedback - it can reveal things that you never thought about.

Remember that every company and every leader is vulnerable, but it is within your power to use the feedback in the best interest of your company. We've researched many companies and we know that employee engagement and motivation are powerful indicators of a company's performance and productivity.

In order to hear your employees, we suggest using Pulse Poll - a platform for regular employee feedback!

The term "feedback" means that which comes back to us from the outside world as a result of our action. With regard to management, this is usually the reaction of a manager, employees or other people to something that you did, did not do (but should have done) or said. The very concept of "feedback" was introduced back in the 19th century and gradually from industry, where it was first formulated, moved to other areas - cybernetics, management, psychology, etc. It is known from physics that the force of action is equal to the force of reaction - this is the simplest example of feedback. If we put pressure on one of the employees, he usually begins to resist. And the harder you push, the stronger the resistance will usually be. In extreme cases, this escalates into conflict or dismissal. But it often starts with little things - all that was necessary was to slightly correct the employee's erroneous action. Let's talk about what tools should be used in order to achieve goals and not spoil the relationship.

We talked about the importance of feedback in training in the articles "Secrets of feedback in training" magazine No. 4 ’2015,“ Communication training: learning, reinforcement, feedback ”magazine No. 10’ 2015 (communication training), "Team building training: training , consolidation, feedback ”magazine No. 2’ 2016 (team building training)

What types of feedback are there?

Conventionally, the types of feedback can be depicted as the following diagram:

Scheme 1

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In the middle is neutral and constructive feedback. On the right is motivating and positive. Left - criticism (demotivating) and negative.

Feedback is what we receive from the external environment as a reaction to our actions. If you have done a good job this month, fulfilled the plan and are counting on a bonus, then the praise from the leader and the bonus will be considered as positive feedback and, most likely, they will please you and motivate to further improve their work. but typical mistake many leaders are stingy with praise, including intangible ones - i.e. verbal.

Much more often we are faced with negative feedback, those. criticism of what has been done. Grossly expressed dissatisfaction with the results of work can not only be strong demotivate, but also lead to different undesirable consequences- the emergence of a conflict in the team, resentment, gossip, deliberate sabotage, etc.

Neutral or constructive criticism- this is the golden mean, which is quite difficult to find. If everything is good, then it seems to go without saying, and it is often not customary to praise employees simply for the fact that they work properly. But if they do something wrong, it is necessary to learn how to convey their ideas in such a way as not to offend the interlocutor, but to help him want to change his behavior in the right direction.

Feedback rules

To make it easier for the interlocutor to perceive the feedback, you must adhere to a few simple rules:

1. Think about what you want to say and why. For example, an employee is regularly late for work. The purpose of the conversation is to correct behavior, to make sure that this employee observes labor discipline, i.e. came on time.

2. Think about who you are saying this to. People are different. They differ not only in psychological types, but also by position, social status, education, interests, etc. So, if you choose the wrong words to give feedback to an applicant who was refused admission for a vacancy, this can cause various complications, up to a lawsuit.

3. Find the right intonation. In Russian, the same phrase, depending on intonation, can completely change its meaning. For example, the phrase: "You are not a stupid person", said with an interrogative intonation, takes on an offensive meaning.

4. What conditions will help you? You can give positive feedback in front of witnesses. But neutral or negative is better in private. If you know that the conversation will not be particularly pleasant, make sure that the conversation takes place without unnecessary witnesses - this will make it much easier for the interlocutor to hear you, otherwise he will begin to defend himself in the eyes of strangers, and this will distract him from the essence of the conversation.

5. Let the person speak for themselves. He probably has his own opinion. Take a few minutes to hear it.

6. Use the sandwich technique. If you want to say something unpleasant, first make a small compliment, talk about what this person is good at. Then move on to constructive criticism. It is better to end the conversation on a positive note.

7. Be constructive. Don't get personal. Phrases like: "Only an idiot could do this!" insult the interlocutor, and he is unlikely to hear what you wanted to convey to him. Be as specific as possible about what needed to be done and how what was done was different from that. For example, a courier was sent to the tax office, and he confused offices, time, building, etc. Indicate what exactly you need to pay attention to next time to avoid repeating similar mistakes.

8. Give feedback as soon as possible. You should not wait a month to tell an employee that he has not passed the probationary period, if you already understood this on the first day and are absolutely sure of the result. People tend to forget their mistakes. The more time elapsed between the error and the corrective feedback, the worse. Ideally, when a person goes through a period of adaptation to a new position, there should be someone with him who will immediately indicate what was done correctly, and what needs to be corrected and how.

9. Remember the purpose of giving feedback. Your task is not to instill in the interlocutor an inferiority complex, but to achieve a specific result. So don't forget what you wanted. Often, in the heat of a dispute, the parties generally forget how this conversation began and why it was needed. Therefore, do not turn the feedback process into a dispute. If the interlocutor has objections or excuses - listen to them, explain (if necessary) what caused your position. For example, an employee is late all the time, referring to the fact that he - “ creative person". If it is important to the business that all employees adhere to work discipline, communicate this message. If the outstanding performance of this particular employee is more important than the fact that he comes later than others, it may be necessary to discuss an individual work schedule for him.

10. Be polite. Any rude or offensive word can backfire, but courtesy formulas cannot.

Make your own rules based on your life experiences. During your work, you, for sure, have accumulated several useful life hacks and use them with success. Watch how others do it, you can learn something useful from them.

Scheme 2

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Common mistakes in giving feedback and how to avoid them

Any of the points of giving feedback, if violated, will most likely lead to an error. For example, if you do not let the interlocutor speak, he will not be able to justify himself. And he will be angry about it. If you go personal, then instead of thinking about what needs to be improved next time, the person will only think about how to take revenge on you. Etc.

Here are a few mistakes to avoid:

1. Lack of specificity."You did everything bad again!" Be as specific as possible. Consideration must be given to the circumstances. For example, an employee replaced another specialist during a summer vacation, these are not his job duties, so he does not know any nuances. Or the employee, in principle, is not suitable for this position, then it is your problem that you picked him up there.

2. Equalization of abilities. People have different basic levels of education, different abilities, talents, skills and abilities. What is easy for one person can be difficult for another. One and so it is clear, for another - a secret sealed with seven seals. If you are forced to put up with the fact that for some reason the employee does not reach the position he occupies in terms of his capabilities, think about what and how to fix it. So, you can hardly teach the Russian language to someone who was not able to teach this at school and institute. But you can ask to click on the spell check button in a text editor before sending a document or letter further.

3. Excessive emotionality. If an employee caused serious trouble, did not understand what you have tried to explain to him 10 times in a row in different ways, this is certainly upsetting, but it is not a reason to shout at him. It is unlikely that your emotions will help the employee understand his mistakes and correct the situation in the future. Therefore, learn a useful skill to control yourself.

4. Comparison with others."But Raisa ...". If you could entrust this matter to Raisa - so you would! If you yourself gave the task to an employee who can hardly cope with it, it was your choice. There is no need to manipulate people unnecessarily. Apart from resentment, this will give little.

5. Lack of feedback. If you think that the person who made a mistake will understand it himself, and even want to fix it, this is not always the case. Yes, indeed, for some people this approach will work, but for most it is unacceptable. Do you want to teach an employee how to do well in a certain category of tasks? Then you have to give him feedback. Trust me, the chances of success will increase dramatically when you do it right.

6. Petty nit-picking. If you look at the work of an employee under a microscope, looking for the slightest flaws and not paying attention to what was done well, this approach is unlikely to motivate you to successful work. There are always flaws. Your task is to determine the minimum acceptable level of quality and, together with the employee, achieve it. You should not suffer from perfectionism and strive to perform any task “as best as possible”. This usually results in unnecessary waste of time and energy.

7. Espionage. Modern systems allow a lot - for example, to monitor in real time what an employee is doing during the working day, monitor his movements inside the office, intercept keystrokes on the keyboard, etc. If there is no production need, do not use such products. They demonstrate to the employee that you do not respect or trust them. It is unlikely that this will improve his attitude towards you.

8. Demotivation. When giving feedback, keep the purpose of your conversation in mind. If from this conversation a person will have only resentment and anger, then it is unlikely that he will work long and well in this company. Avoid things that can demotivate the employee. However, do not forget that sometimes some degree of displeasure is acceptable, otherwise the employee will not understand that he is wrong and will not want to correct his mistakes.

9. Empty chatter. Don't say too much. Taking feedback is usually painful for most people. The shorter such a conversation will be (within reason), the better.

10. Lack of adjustment to the future. Any such conversation should end with the employee agreeing with the suggested recommendations and you agree on what will be done next. Negative feedback is not needed to offend or hurt a subordinate, but so that he can grow and develop. Therefore, if he realizes what needs to be done and how, and wants to do it, then you have achieved your goal.

Scheme 3

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How to receive feedback correctly?

Sometimes the HR officer has to not only give feedback, but also accept it. How to do it correctly? Positive feedback is usually pleasant, no advice is needed here. But negative feedback can be very painful. Here are some guidelines for taking criticism properly:

1. Be positive. Separate yourself, your personality, from criticism. Anyone can be wrong. Learn to use stress management techniques to maintain a poker face (ie, the face of a poker player when emotions are not visible to the observer). This means that if you are being scolded, you must maintain the facial expression that will be most appropriate for the situation.

2. Don't mind. Most of the time, your excuses will get you nowhere. Most likely, they will either not be heard, or, conversely, will be perceived as your unwillingness to perceive feedback. It will not bring anything good in either case. Subsequently, if you were actually right, you may be able to explain this. But not at the moment of criticism from the leadership.

3. Demonstrate understanding. No one is interested in talking to a person who hears nothing. Use active listening techniques so that the interlocutor sees that you are thinking next to him, and not a thousand kilometers away.

4. Admit your mistakes. If there are specific mistakes you've made, it's much easier to admit them right away. This will knock the ground from under the critic's feet. If you try to shift the blame onto someone else, in most cases this will not work, but will only worsen the situation.

5. Make a promise. If you can really fix what you've been told, promise to do it in the near future. This will give the person criticizing you a sense that they have achieved their goal, and the conversation will soon end.

6. Take a time out. If you need time, for example, to think about ideas from a member of staff, take a break. This will give you the opportunity to postpone the decision until later, think over the arguments, consult with the right people etc.

If what was discussed is really important, outline a plan for the future. What should be done in order not to repeat the mistakes made? Do you need to adjust something in your ideas or actions? Think about one or two simple steps that will allow you to implement the received feedback into your work and not face similar situations in the future.

Scheme 4

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Feedback from subordinates to the head

Feedback in the organization goes not only from top to bottom, but also in other directions. Sometimes a personnel officer is the person who brings the opinion of the work collective to the manager. This happens in cases where people are dissatisfied with the wage system, working conditions, etc. Feedback can also be positive. Use the Carrier Pigeon Praise technique when you convey to the manager those words of subordinates that he can perceive as a compliment to himself.

It is not always easy to convey negative information to the manager. On the contrary, it is usually a difficult task. Think carefully about what and how you will speak. Pick up the pros and cons. Choose a suitable time and place to talk. It is better to conduct such conversations in private, without strangers. If possible, suggest measures that might defuse the situation.

Feedback after the interview

Interviews are usually attended by significantly more people than are necessary to fill a vacancy. The more precisely the criteria for the employee you are looking for are defined, the easier it will be to find the right person. However, job seekers' views of themselves and their capabilities can be very different from the views and needs of your organization. If you hire an employee, feedback is usually not required. And those to whom you refused, it is sometimes necessary to politely issue this refusal.


  • indications of what is prohibited by law (discrimination based on sex, age, etc.);
  • knowingly false information that can be easily verified (you say that you have already found a candidate, but your resume continues to hang on the job site);
  • offensive assessments for the candidate (appearance, skills, knowledge, etc.);
  • humiliation of the candidate (during stress interviews, during group selection, etc.).

Prepare a sample text that you will send to those candidates who have not been selected. Please note that in some situations, when the selection criteria are not clear, the refusal can cause a wide public outcry and get further development and discussion in social networks, word of mouth, etc. For example, if one of the applicants was offended and decided to “settle scores” with your company. This spoils the image and PR, in the future, some of the suitable specialists may not go for interviews, having read on the websites of the reviews about the company that you are cheating, take "friends", etc. Monitor these sites regularly and remove such reviews if possible.

Dismissal feedback

When an employee quits, it's not the end of the relationship. Sometimes they come back. Therefore, try to make the separation process not too painful. If a bad employee left you - rejoice, this is enough, it is not necessary to give him detailed feedback on how poorly he worked. If a good employee leaves, ask what is the reason? This may allow you to see hidden problems within the organization and discuss with your manager if necessary. It is much easier to keep hesitant employees than to find new ones, train them, and adapt them in the workplace.

Think carefully about what and how you will say upon dismissal, if it does not happen on the initiative of the employee, but on instructions from above. Remember the phrase, often repeated in American films, that any spoken word can be used against you. People usually don't quit the good life. If, in addition to all other troubles, you still offend them with your feedback, they may begin to take revenge. The easiest and most common way is to write negative things about your company on the Internet. Therefore, try to disperse amicably.

If an employee asks you for a recommendation, think about whether you can give it? How willing are you to recommend this person to others? If you are not ready, you have the right to refuse or say what you really think about his work. In practice, recommendations are rarely asked. In some cases, you can prepare a letter of recommendation for a really good employee, this will help him in future employment.

Discipline Feedback

Most often these are questions such as arriving at work on time, absence of absenteeism, etc. Sometimes there are cases of coming to work drunk, failing to fulfill their direct duties, and so on.

It is very important to understand what interventions you have. It is desirable that they be written in writing and known to employees. For example, this can be done in the form of a table (Example).

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Recall that the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in Art. 192 provides for only three types of disciplinary sanctions:

  • comment,
  • rebuke,
  • dismissal.

The application of a disciplinary sanction requires a special procedure, which includes requesting a written explanation from the employee, meeting deadlines, etc. If you have introduced “depriving employees” for any misconduct, then the procedure for reducing the bonus should be clearly spelled out in local acts. It is not a disciplinary sanction, however, violations of labor discipline may affect the amount of the bonus payment.

Regardless of whether you punish an employee for the first offense or prefer not to notice the first few times, be sure to discuss the situation with the employee, tell them what was violated and how it should be corrected.

It is very important not to exaggerate the severity of the wrongdoing. Losing a good employee is easy, but finding it is difficult. If there is hope, it is better to give a chance to improve. Be careful in words and intonations when talking to an employee, remember what goal you want to achieve.

Personal criticism

Sometimes difficult situations arise when one of the employees does not observe hygiene standards, he smells bad, or he can walk for a week with greasy hair, in unwashed clothes, which makes an undesirable impression on visitors or even on the employees of the company themselves. Often these are people who do not interact directly with clients, but their very presence in the office causes inconvenience to everyone who has encountered such a person.

This is a very complex and delicate issue. Of course, it is better if his immediate supervisor is engaged in this, but he can easily delegate this matter to a personnel officer.

There are several ways to solve the problem:

1. Talk to this person face to face. No matter how delicately you approach the question, it will still be perceived sharply painfully. Explain what the point is. Say that this is not only your personal opinion, but other people also share it. It is much better to eliminate the problem than to gossip about it behind his back. In some cases, such conversations help, and once is enough.

2. Conduct a small training on etiquette and dress code for company employees. State clearly the minimum required requirements. Better yet, do it in writing so that employees can sign the document. This will allow, if necessary, to talk about non-compliance with the requirements for the position held, since otherwise, you have no reason to dismiss such an employee.

3. If no measures help, then you can ask the person to quit. This is an extreme measure that has to be resorted to in situations where other forms of influence have exhausted themselves.

In case of personal criticism, use the sandwich method. First, talk about how you value this employee for their professional achievements (if this is really the case). Then briefly highlight the essence of the problem, not getting personal, but talking about the essence of the issue and what measures can be taken to solve it. And end in a positive way whenever possible. In some cases, one such conversation is enough or after a while it has to be repeated.

In this article, we have sorted out the question of how to properly give and receive feedback. We focused on questions of feedback upon dismissal, after an interview, in case of non-observance of labor discipline and from subordinates to the manager. Practice giving feedback, this is a very rewarding activity, because it allows you to correct the actions of people without destroying relationships with them.

Ability to give and receive feedback, i.e. communicate with subordinates, colleagues, managers. This tool of a successful leader does not lose its relevance to the present. Feedback is a "mirror" of an employee's actions through the prism of established standards in the company and the emotional maturity of his immediate supervisor.

  1. Ability to delegate authority.
  2. Ability to receive support from top managers of the company.
  3. Ability to give adequate feedback to subordinates.
  4. Ability to accept feedback from the environment (colleagues, managers).
  5. Demonstration of confidence to your environment and yourself.
  6. Skills public speaking(meeting, conference, meeting within the department, presentation of your opinion, etc.).

Today, points 3 and 4 are in our field of vision - the ability to give and receive feedback.

Feedback is a "mirror" of an employee's actions through the prism of established standards in the company and the emotional maturity of his immediate supervisor. I purposefully use the term "manager's emotional maturity" because I am sure that this is a key concept, that it is the context that matters and is decisive in the ultimate influence on the emotions and actions of the employee.

Once I read the phrase - "A leader is strong with his team" - she responded very much to me, because, as practice shows, there are no ready-made teams, they are created by talented strong people... The creation process does not stop for a minute, it is always active. Highly effective feedback becomes an important tool of the leader in this work.

The most important prerequisite for good cooperation is precisely constant and open two-way feedback. This is the ability to communicate with your subordinates. This quality has traditionally been attributed to the professional skill of a manager of any level.

An employee can only fully demonstrate his abilities and adapt to the requirements imposed on him, when he has information about the quality of his work, about personal KPIs, about how he is perceived in the team.

What types of feedback exist:

  1. On the results of his current activities (KPI).
  2. Compliance with the corporate culture of the company.
  3. About suggestions and initiatives of the employee.
  4. Interaction with colleagues and the manager.
  5. About the current and strategic plans of the company.

Feedback Formats:

  1. Positive feedback.
  2. Negative feedback.
  3. Neutral feedback.
  4. Constructive feedback.
  5. Motivating feedback.
  6. Demotivating feedback.
  7. Criticism.

All of the above actions always have a specific goal. We do not just inform a person about the actions he has committed, we always have a purposeful task to convey specific information to him.

What can be the goals of feedback:

  • motivation of the employee (s);
  • support of the employee's actions, direction to achieve, for example, better results;
  • awareness of their strong and weak skills, motivation to improve their qualifications;
  • help in understanding the mistakes made and planning steps to correct them.

What are we doing for this?

First of all, before giving feedback to the employee, we mentally ask ourselves the question: "Why am I saying this now?" Remember technique "Reasonable dialogue", which was discussed in my previous article "How to get support from top managers." This technique is the basis for all other speech techniques, and this is why it is valuable.

Important! So that employees hear you and understand your message exactly as you put it into it, without distortions and personal interpretations.

How do we do it?

The principle of operation of this model is as follows:

  • start in a positive way, find positive moments in the employee's actions;
  • the middle is what requires adjustment in the actions of the employee;
  • we end the conversation again in a positive way, as a rule, we set the employee up for new actions and express our confidence that he will succeed.

This is a basic method that many know and apply, but from my personal practice I want to add the following observation - changes in the actions of employees occur only in one case, if you, as a manager, believe that this employee will succeed.

If you make a positive motivating speech, but internally remain confident that nothing will work out for the employee, then the situation will change in a negative direction. A leader who does not believe in his team or individual employees on a non-verbal level demonstrates to them what he is silent about, and gets the result that he himself believes in, i.e. low result. The employees will meet his expectations exactly.

Why? Because verbal information is complemented by non-verbal information, and at the level of intuition, the employee considers your disbelief (non-verbal information) in him and begins to meet your expectations. This phenomenon is described in detail in the psychological literature.

for example, an experiment was conducted with students. The class was divided into two parts. One group of teachers was told that they would teach gifted children and asked them to be very responsible. Other teachers were told that I'm sorry, but it so happened that you got the lagging students. In fact, the children were absolutely equal in terms of knowledge. As a result of the experiment, a group of schoolchildren with whom the teachers studied, who believe that they teach gifted children, showed very high results. The other half of the students showed lower results than before the experiment.

In practice, there are more such examples, when belief in a person's capabilities pushes him to achieve high results, and vice versa.

In the event that you are sure that the employee will definitely not cope with the task, there is no need to make a “good face with a bad game”, appoint another specialist for this task, or change the employee.

There is also such an option, on the one hand, you are not completely sure of the sufficient qualifications of the employee, but you give him a chance to try his hand. The results can be unexpected. However, this still implies a small percentage of faith in the positive outcome of the experiment. It is possible that such an experiment will become a growth point for an employee.

And now for other effective techniques.

Express method - Model B.O.F.F.(most often used in coaching management).

Behavior - Outcome - Feelings - Future

How to apply? Structure of a conversation with an employee:

Behavior (actions)- we mark only the facts (event, action, data, etc.). Important! Do not give an emotional coloring to actions, only objective information.

Example:“You're 30 minutes late for a workshop today.

Result (the effect of these actions) - we list the consequences that occurred or could occur as a result of these actions.

Example: - Your lateness resulted in the failure to sign a supply agreement with client A.

Feelings - we describe only our feelings, emotions that were your reaction to these actions.

Example:- It was unpleasant for me that because of your lateness ...

Future Orientation - Discuss specific steps the employee is willing to take to avoid repeating these actions.

Example:- What can you do to avoid being late for important workshops?

In the case when the employee's actions are repeated, it is advisable to move on to administrative consequences.

In the classic version B.O.F.F. there are two more steps like:

  • Repeated violation entails logical consequences, i.e. Agreements are agreed with the employee on what measures will be taken against the employee when the situation repeats. Moreover, the employee himself assigns himself a measure of responsibility.
  • If the violation is repeated again after the agreed logical consequences, then they are already moving on to administrative consequences - a fine, reprimand, dismissal, etc.

In my practice, I have rarely seen the last two steps in Russian companies. Most often, the manager determines the degree of responsibility for violation of agreements immediately after revealing any violation / action.

I will not describe in detail the next two models, I am sure that you understand the principle of operation of such models, and there is enough information on this topic on the Internet.

Model S.O.I.

Standart - Observation - Result

It is most appropriate to use in situations where an employee has committed any violation, violated corporate rules or standards.

SLC model

Successes - Learn - Change

This feedback model works effectively in group actions - design work, summing up the intermediate results of the team's activities or the final work of the team.

During my work with managers of different statuses in Russian companies, I have collected and summarized in a small table conclusions that characterize highly effective feedback, I think this information will be useful to you.

Highly effective feedback



Direct attention to employee behavior

Direct attention to the personality of the employee

Rely on objective data / observations / facts

Rely on reasoning / assumptions / emotions

Analyze event / action

Evaluate an event / action

Exchange ideas / co-creation

Give advice / guidance

Concretely and clearly express your thoughts

Generalize your thoughts

Fast reaction to event / action. Show your attitude quickly

Delay the manifestation of your attitude

Solve tasks that can be really influenced

Strive to solve problems that cannot be influenced

Carrot and stick method

Apply the method of either praise only or criticism only

Believe in the improvement of the situation

Do not believe in the improvement of the situation

I think every successful leader is interested in what thoughts are born in the head of his employees and what questions they are waiting for answers during feedback. Again collected material in practice:

  • The biggest discomfort for employees is the "information vacuum".
  • How does my job meet the manager's expectations? How does he assess my results?
  • How does he assess me as a person? How valuable am I to my manager?
  • What are the work standards (KPI) in the company? Do I meet these standards?
  • How does the manager / company assess my contribution to the overall performance of the department / company?
  • What do I need to do to move on to the next career step at this company? What skills need to be improved? What skills do you need to develop?

How do you measure the effectiveness of feedback?

First of all, the definition of effective feedback. The most common definition is that effective feedback is feedback followed by appropriate behavioral change (Jewell, 2001). Behavioral regulation, along with the regulation of interpersonal relationships and self-knowledge, are the main functions of feedback (Russell, 2002).

In this regard, within the framework of the issue discussed in this article, it is advisable to distinguish three levels of feedback effectiveness:

  • Behavior level- when we observe the intention of an employee to adjust his behavior / actions in accordance with the feedback received.
  • Relationship / communication level- when the employee has an intention to change the relationship with the manager and participants in the event / actions in accordance with the feedback received.
  • The level of personal attitude to OS (individual reaction to OS)- when an employee has specific actions to change his attitude towards himself in accordance with the feedback received.

We covered the topic of how to give feedback to subordinates.

How do you receive feedback? And again, a collection of recommendations collected as a result practical work with the leaders.

Firstly, they were once also novice leaders and just like you learned this powerful tool of work, so first of all it is important to understand the mechanism of feedback.

Secondly listening carefully to the feedback. What not to do - object / interrupt.

Thirdly, ask clarifying questions, collect lens. What not to do - look for hidden meaning.

Fourth, recognize objective data. What not to do is ignore the lens.

Fifth, join the discussion. What not to do - refuse to answer, evade discussion.

At sixth, take information without judgment. What not to do is to defend yourself.

The material in this article will help you navigate your first management steps. Next, you will develop your unique experience and complement this piggy bank useful tips with their individual solutions.

In practice, of course, there are many different variations and it is not always necessary to act according to any particular feedback model. Try it, do it!

If you wish, study additional techniques of neurolinguistics, for example, speech metaprograms, E. Bern's transactional analysis (Parent-Adult-Child), in order to more deeply understand and measure the level of feedback effectiveness.

In order for employees to understand you and want to achieve results with you, it is important to competently discuss their strengths and weaknesses with them and set goals for them. In this tutorial, you will find techniques, guidelines, and examples for giving feedback to salespeople.

Feedback goals

  • help the employee to understand their strengths and weaknesses;
  • support actions that improve work efficiency;
  • help to learn from mistakes.

What does correct feedback mean?

  • assessment parameters are transparent, understandable and known to employees;
  • the assessment procedure is objective, not based on personal likes / dislikes - for this, an outside specialist is often invited;
  • situations that have occurred recently, for example, within one reporting week, are subject to analysis;
  • criticism should be justified by the results of the assessment;
  • criticism should be constructive, that is, offer ways to solve problems;
  • there should be a system of incentives for distinguished employees;
  • statistics should be kept by which progress can be monitored.

Service "Quality control of sales departments": who will need it, and how we do it

How to give feedback to managers

Model "Sandwich"

The error parsing block (developmental feedback) is located between the positive feedback blocks. It is used in conversations on setting goals, adjusting results, developing employees:

The manager Sergey has corrected the mistakes of the last week, but the sales plan has not yet been fulfilled. We give Sergey feedback.

Let's start with the positive. “Sergey, this week you succeeded and corrected the mistakes that we encountered in your conversations throughout the month. Now, while talking on the phone, you address customers by name, engage in a dialogue with interest, and set the next sales step. "

We will discuss what needs to be corrected, we will discuss an improvement plan. “At the same time, there is room to grow. Pay attention to the presentation of the product, company. Our clients apply to dozens of companies, we need to stand out among them, to interest the client with our offer. Let's discuss what you can do for this. " There is no open criticism, we discuss with the employee a plan to improve his performance.

We end the conversation positively. “Excellent, the action plan has been agreed, and we are getting down to work. Try to call current customers using the plan we discussed. If you have any difficulties and questions, please contact us. "

SOR model

Suitable in cases where an employee has violated the company's work standards, has committed a misconduct:

Manager Alexey did not respond to the client's request within the specified time, the client terminated the service contract.

We remind you about the Standard. “Alexey, in our company there is a rule - a request for a service should be processed as soon as possible, within a maximum of 30 minutes. The client should know within 30 minutes that we have accepted the application and started working. "

Setting out the facts and observation (Observation). “Yesterday at 10:15 am we received a request from our client, but you only called back at 15:00. The client waited a long time and tried to fix the problem on his own. "

We discuss the impact on the business, the result of the employee's deed (Result). "As a result, the customer decided to terminate the service contract because he did not receive assistance at the specified time."

The next step is the employee's awareness of their actions and the acceptance of obligations for the consequences of their behavior.

Model BOFF

The new manager Irina regularly violates the standards of quality service: she communicates impolitely with clients, processes requests late, forgets to call back on time, and is delayed during lunch breaks.

Behavior. Tell Irina your observations about her work. Specifically, in the language of facts, preferably with details, dates of observations. Discuss the reasons. Sometimes it happens that an employee is not fully aware of what is expected of him.

Outcome. Discuss with Irina how her behavior (irritation and rudeness in communicating with clients, ignoring requests, long absence from the workplace after a break) affects business results, the number of clients served, and the number of complaints from clients.

Feelings. Talk about how you feel knowing that Irina works this way. You are upset, upset, not very happy, it is unpleasant for you to be aware. Discuss how other managers feel when Irina is away from work for a long time and they have to handle additional calls. Thus, you will help Irina realize the unacceptability of her behavior.

Future (Future). Discuss with Irina how she can change her behavior. It is best to ask questions and get answers from the employee. This will allow her to take responsibility for decisions and actions in the future. At the end of the conversation, agree on specific actions and deadlines, outline a plan of action for the future. It is advisable to schedule a date for the next meeting to monitor and discuss Irina's progress.

  • listen to the call together;
  • ask the operator what he generally thinks about this call;
  • ask the operator what he thinks he did best;
  • ask the operator what they think of the customer experience and if the customer will use the service or products of the company again;
  • ask the operator what he would like to improve on this call;
  • now express your opinion about this call, using, for example, the “sandwich” model;
  • pick one narrow area to focus on using the SMART technique. Don't go with the topic of "customer service" - it is too broad for one session;
  • replay the situation again: you are a client, and the manager will try to take into account his mistakes and build communication taking into account the comments.

Feedback(feedback) - information that the employee receives about how the manager perceives and evaluates his actions.

Why you need feedback:

  1. With its help, the leader manages the activities of his subordinates, that is, encourages the desired behavior and limits the unwanted. Praising the employee, thereby he confirms the correctness of his actions, compliance with the plan, the ideas of the manager. If it is necessary to change the actions of the subordinate, the manager gives corrective feedback. Thus, the main thing is achieved - the effectiveness of the subordinate's actions is ensured.
  2. Feedback serves as a teaching function. It allows the employee to find out what is expected of him, what are the criteria for evaluating his work, to what extent his actions correspond to the correct technology for performing work.
  3. She performs a motivating function. The manager praises, encourages the employee and recognizes his achievements, thereby forming motivation for further work. With the help of corrective feedback, the leader forms a desire to correct the situation.
  4. Providing detailed feedback is a manifestation of attention from the manager of the employee, which has a beneficial effect on the relationship between people working together.

Thus, feedback is the most important component of such management processes as control, mentoring, motivation, it has a powerful potential as a tool of managerial influence. For this potential to be realized, the following conditions must be met. Feedback should be:

  1. Specific. The leader should not generalize and make global conclusions like: "You are constantly late for work" better to say ... In feedback, it is necessary to operate with specific facts, and not general judgments.
  2. About actions, not about personality. Permissible statement "You were 15 minutes late today", but not "You are an undisciplined person"... An act can be corrected, but character is almost impossible to correct. Therefore, a person is ready to accept information about an act, but is not ready to agree that he is some kind of wrong person, and will defend himself, argue.
  3. Timely. Feedback should be given immediately after the action you want to encourage or change. This is also called the "hot plate rule" (if you touch, the burn occurs immediately, and not later).
  4. Developing. One of the tasks of feedback is to develop the employee's ability to self-analyze, to independently highlight his successes and shortcomings, to correctly search for their causes. To do this, the leader uses open, helping the subordinate himself to formulate the correct conclusions about his work. Self-made conclusions are accepted and remembered much better than those spoken by another person.
  5. Adapted. All people are different in terms of sensitivity to criticism, readiness for self-development. The leader needs to adapt his feedback to the level of understanding of his subordinates: not to give a lot of corrective information at once, if the person is able to realize and implement only part of it.

There are several models for structuring feedback, of which the following are most commonly used:

  1. The Sandwich Rule. Feedback is provided according to the structure "Positive - Corrective - Positive". Such a structure is necessary for those employees who may not be emotionally ready to perceive the need to adjust their actions. So that the employee does not take a defensive position in communication with the manager, feedback begins and ends with positive aspects in his activities (achievements, successes, strengths).

... In one of the companies, the supervisor had a tough, hard-hitting conversation with a sales representative about the unconvincing dynamics of the fulfillment of planned targets. At the end of the conversation, suddenly remembering about the "sandwich rule", the supervisor lowered his voice and said: retail outlets clients speak well of you. Go to work". To which the sales representative, leaving, plaintively remarked: "Uncle Fyodor, your sandwich is somehow wrong ..."

  1. Model BOFF (Behavior - Outcome - Feelings - Future), in the Russian version of the PRCHB (Behavior - Result - Feelings - Future). First, the manager describes the employee's behavior and the result to which this behavior led. Further enhances the emotional impact, mentioning the feelings that he (or the employee's colleagues, the employee himself, other persons) experiences about this. Feedback ends with a description of the desired behavior that the employee should demonstrate in the future. The model is used when the manager has doubts that the usual feedback will be effective for a given employee.
  2. SOR model (Standard - Observation - Result, Standard - Observation - Result). Designed to orient the employee to the correct technology of action. First, the manager reminds the employee of the actions existing in the company, then discusses with the employee his observations about his behavior, reaches the employee's understanding of the results that his behavior can lead to and achieves the employee's readiness to comply with it in the future.

In addition to the ability to provide feedback, you also need to learn yourself and teach your subordinates to accept it correctly. To do this, it is important to follow several rules:

  1. When receiving feedback, do not make excuses, avoid defensiveness.
  2. Ask questions for clarity, ask for examples of behavior, summarize the information received, and get confirmation that you understood it correctly.
  3. Thank you for your feedback.
  4. Make an action plan for what can be improved and how.

In the field of FMCG, a lot of attention is traditionally paid to managers' compliance with the rules for providing and receiving feedback, which can be enshrined in, and a number of other processes. For example, one of the functions of a meeting is to take stock, i.e. providing feedback to the team, which should also be carried out taking into account the rules described above. This means that during the meeting he must operate with specific, relevant figures and facts (the rules of "concreteness", "timeliness"), start with the positive and achievements of the team (the "sandwich" rule), focus on what needs to be improved today ( the rule of "adaptation"). At the same time, he should never "chew" individual subordinates in the presence of others, that is, it is necessary to praise in public, but criticize one by one.