Crimson dynamo marvel. Red dynamo. Red Dynamo after the Cold War

Red Dynamo

Anton Vanko - The Original Red Dynamo
Publication history
Character characteristics

Varies depending on the wearer of the costume.

Teams and organizations

Masters of Evil, Winter Guard.


Young Anton Vanko appeared in episode 1 of season 1 of Agent Carter. He was played by Costa Ronin.


Red Dynamo appeared in several episodes of the cartoon "Iron Man: Adventures in Armor (2010)" in a suit and Ivan Vanko without a suit. He also appears in several episodes of the animated series, Avengers: Earth's Mighty Heroes, where he is a member of the Lords of Evil team. Also, the red dynamo appears in the animated series "Super Hero Squad" and "Avengers Squad"


The Red Dynamo appears in Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, where he is one of Doctor Doom's allies.

The Red Dynamo appears in Iron Man 2 as a boss.

Lego Marvel Super Heroes as Whip

Is a playable character in Lego Marvel's Avengers



Red Dynamo figures for sale in Marvel Legends

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Notes (edit)


An excerpt characterizing the Red Dynamo

Prince Vasily, Lately especially often forgetting what he was saying, and repeating the same thing a hundred times, said every time he happened to see his daughter.
- Helene, j "ai un mot a vous dire," he said to her, pulling her aside and pulling her hand down. - J "ai eu vent de certains projets relatifs a ... Vous savez. Eh bien, ma chere enfant, vous savez que mon c? Ur de pere se rejouit do vous savoir ... Vous avez tant souffert ... Mais, chere enfant ... ne consultez que votre c? Ur. C "est tout ce que je vous dis. [Helen, I have to tell you something. I heard about some species about ... you know. Well, my dear child, you know that your father's heart is glad that you ... You have endured so much ... But, dear child ... Do as your heart tells you. That's my whole advice.] - And, always hiding the same excitement, he pressed his cheek to his daughter's and walked away.
Bilibin, who has not lost his reputation as the smartest man and was a disinterested friend of Helen, one of those friends who always have brilliant women, friends of men who can never go into the role of lovers, Bilibin once expressed to his friend Helen in a petit comite [small intimate circle] your view of the whole thing.
- Ecoutez, Bilibine (Helen always called such friends as Bilibin by their last names), - and she touched his white ringed hand to the sleeve of his tailcoat. - Dites moi comme vous diriez a une s? Ur, que dois je faire? Lequel des deux? [Listen, Bilibin: tell me, how would you tell your sister what to do? Which of the two?]
Bilibin gathered the skin above his eyebrows and pondered with a smile on his lips.
“Vous ne me prenez pas en is bad, vous savez,” he said. - Comme veritable ami j "ai pense et repense a votre affaire. Voyez vous. Si vous epousez le prince (it was a young man), - he bent his finger, - vous perdez pour toujours la chance d" epouser l "autre, et puis vous mecontentez la Cour. (Comme vous savez, il ya une espece de parente.) Mais si vous epousez le vieux comte, vous faites le bonheur de ses derniers jours, et puis comme veuve du grand ... le prince ne fait plus de mesalliance en vous epousant, [You will not take me by surprise, you know. As a true friend, I have pondered your case for a long time. You see: if you marry a prince, then you are forever deprived of the opportunity to be the wife of another, and in addition the court will be dissatisfied. (You know, after all, kinship is involved.) And if you marry the old count, then you will make up the happiness of his last days, and then ... the prince will no longer be humiliated to marry the widow of the nobleman.] - and Bilibin loosened his skin.
- Voila un veritable ami! - said Helen, beaming, once again touching Bilibip's sleeve with her hand. - Mais c "est que j" aime l "un et l" autre, je ne voudrais pas leur faire de chagrin. Je donnerais ma vie pour leur bonheur a tous deux, [Behold a true friend! But I love both, and I would not want to upset anyone. For the happiness of both, I would be ready to sacrifice my life.] - she said.
Bilibin shrugged his shoulders, expressing that even he could no longer help such grief.
“Une maitresse femme! Voila ce qui s "appelle poser carrement la question. Elle voudrait epouser tous les trois a la fois." - thought Bilibin.
- But tell me, how will your husband look at this matter? - he said, due to the firmness of his reputation, not afraid to drop himself with such a naive question. - Will he agree?
- Ah! Il m "aime tant!" Said Helene, who for some reason thought that Pierre loved her too. "Il fera tout pour moi. [Ah! He loves me so much! He is ready for anything for me.]
Bilibin tucked up the skin to mark the upcoming mot.
- Meme le divorce, [Even for divorce.] - he said.
Helen laughed.
Among the people who allowed themselves to doubt the legality of the marriage being undertaken was Helen's mother, Princess Kuragin. She was constantly tormented by envy of her daughter, and now, when the subject of envy was the closest to the princess's heart, she could not reconcile with this thought. She consulted with a Russian priest about the extent to which divorce and marriage with a living husband was possible, and the priest told her that this was impossible, and, to her delight, pointed out to her the Gospel text, in which (the priest seemed) outright rejected the possibility of marriage from a living husband.
Armed with these arguments, which seemed irrefutable to her, the princess early in the morning, in order to find her alone, went to her daughter's.
After listening to her mother's objections, Helen smiled meekly and derisively.
- Why, it is directly said: who marries a divorced wife ... - said the old princess.
- Ah, maman, ne dites pas de betises. Vous ne comprenez rien. Dans ma position j "ai des devoirs, [Ah, mamma, don't be silly. You don't understand anything. There are responsibilities in my position.] - Helene spoke up, translating the conversation into French from Russian, in which she always seemed to have some kind of ambiguity in her case.
- But, my friend ...
- Ah, maman, comment est ce que vous ne comprenez pas que le Saint Pere, qui a le droit de donner des dispenses ...
At this time, a lady companion, who lived with Helene, came to her to report that His Highness was in the hall and wanted to see her.
- Non, dites lui que je ne veux pas le voir, que je suis furieuse contre lui, parce qu "il m" a manque parole. [No, tell him that I don’t want to see him, that I am furious against him because he didn’t keep my word.]
- Comtesse a tout peche misericorde, [Countess, mercy on every sin.] - said, entering, a young blond man with a long face and nose.
The old princess got up respectfully and sat down. The young man who entered did not pay attention to her. The princess nodded her daughter's head and swam to the door.
“No, she is right,” thought the old princess, all of whose convictions had collapsed before the appearance of His Highness. - She's right; but how did we not know this in our irrevocable youth? And it was so simple, ”the old princess thought as she got into the carriage.

In early August, Helen's case was completely determined, and she wrote to her husband (who loved her very much, as she thought) a letter in which she informed him of her intention to marry NN and that she had entered the one true religion and that she asks him to fulfill all those formalities necessary for divorce, which the person who sent this letter will give him.
“Sur ce je prie Dieu, mon ami, de vous avoir sous sa sainte et puissante garde. Votre amie Helene ".
[“Then I pray to God that you, my friend, be under his holy strong cover. Your friend Elena "]
This letter was brought to Pierre's house while he was at the Borodino field.

The second time, already at the end of the Battle of Borodino, having escaped from the Raevsky battery, Pierre with crowds of soldiers went along the ravine to Knyazkov, reached the dressing station and, seeing blood and hearing cries and groans, hurriedly walked on, mixing in the crowd of soldiers.
One thing that Pierre now wanted with all the strength of his soul was to get out as soon as possible from those terrible impressions in which he lived that day, to return to normal living conditions and sleep peacefully in his room on his bed. Only in ordinary life conditions did he feel that he would be able to understand himself and all that he saw and experienced. But these ordinary living conditions were nowhere to be found.
Although the cannonballs and bullets did not whistle here along the road along which he walked, but from all sides it was the same as there on the battlefield. The same suffering, exhausted and sometimes strangely indifferent faces, the same blood, the same soldier's greatcoats, the same sounds of shooting, albeit distant, but still terrifying; besides, there was stuffiness and dust.
After walking three versts along the great Mozhaisk road, Pierre sat down on the edge of it.
Dusk descended on the ground, and the rumble of the guns died away. Pierre, leaning on his arm, lay down and lay for so long, looking at the shadows moving past him in the darkness. Incessantly it seemed to him that a cannonball was flying at him with a terrible whistle; he shuddered and got up. He did not remember how long he had been here. In the middle of the night, three soldiers, bringing in twigs, settled down beside him and began to make a fire.
The soldiers, looking sideways at Pierre, lit a fire, put a kettle on it, crumbled crackers into it and put bacon. The pleasant smell of edible and fatty food merged with the smell of smoke. Pierre got up and sighed. The soldiers (there were three of them) ate, not paying attention to Pierre, and talked among themselves.
- What will you be from? One of the soldiers suddenly turned to Pierre, obviously by this question meaning what Pierre thought, namely: if you want to eat, we will give, just tell me, are you an honest person?
- I? me? .. - said Pierre, feeling the need to belittle his social status to be closer and more understandable for the soldiers. - I am really a militia officer, only my squad is not here; I came to battle and lost my own.
- You see! - said one of the soldiers.
The other soldier shook his head.
- Well, eat, if you want, mess! - said the first and gave Pierre, licking it, a wooden spoon.
Pierre sat down by the fire and began to eat kawardachok, that food that was in the pot and which seemed to him the most delicious of all the foods he had ever eaten. While he eagerly, bending over the pot, taking the large spoons, chewed one after the other and his face was visible in the light of the fire, the soldiers silently looked at him.
- Where do you want that? Tell me! One of them asked again.
- I'm in Mozhaisk.
- You become, master?
- Yes.
- What is the name?
- Peter Kirillovich.
- Well, Pyotr Kirillovich, let's go, we'll take you. In complete darkness, the soldiers, together with Pierre, went to Mozhaisk.
The roosters were already singing when they reached Mozhaisk and began to climb a steep city ​​mountain... Pierre walked along with the soldiers, completely forgetting that his inn was below the mountain and that he had already passed it. He would not have remembered this (in such a state of loss he was), if he had not been bumped into half of the mountain by his bereader, who went to look for him around the city and returned back to his inn. The raider recognized Pierre by his white hat in the dark.
“Your Excellency,” he said, “and we are already desperate. Why are you walking? Where are you, please!
“Oh, yes,” said Pierre.
The soldiers paused.
- Well, did you find yours? One of them said.
- Well, goodbye! Pyotr Kirillovich, I think? Goodbye, Pyotr Kirillovich! - said other voices.


(Dmitry Bukharin)

Dmitry was born in Kuibyshev, Russia (some sources say Moscow). He was a KGB officer who became the fifth Red Dynamo when the KGB stripped the previous Red Dynamo of his armor and gave it to Dmitry. Dmitry was sent to work with the Soviet Super-Soldiers, teaming up with teammates Dark Star and Vanguard. On their first recorded mission, they went to investigate a signal from the Blue Region of the Moon and were attacked by the Rigelians, who mistook them for their enemies, the Knights of Wundagor. When the Knave of Hearts and Iron Man arrived to investigate, Red Dynamo thought it was they who attacked and fought against the heroes. When the Super Soldiers received a new assignment from their superiors, they worked alongside Iron Man and SHIELD against the Rigelians. The conflict came to an end when one of the Rigelian Chroniclers freed the commander of his team's fleet.

Later, the Super Soldiers invaded the United States to kidnap Dr. Daniel Ironwood on behalf of the KGB, to help Nikolai Kutsov build an anti-swearing bomb, and also captured his daughter Sissy. They were defeated by Alexei Vazhin, Spider-Man and Bruce Banner.

Colonel Yuri Brevlov added the Big Dipper to the ranks of the Super Soldiers and sent them to the site of the nuclear explosion by the Presence. When Darkstar teleported them to their location, they confronted the Hulk and fought against him, although he defeated the whole team. The Super Soldiers discovered Dmitry was a KGB agent and kicked him out of the group.

Dmitry was later hired as a defender of the Doppelganger laboratory in Siberia. Wearing a giant version of the Red Dynamo armor, he fought against the X-Factor but was defeated.

When the other Soviet Super Soldiers leave their jobs for the Russian government, they teamed up with the mutant Gremlin, who used the Titanium Man's energy armor. Dmitry convinced them to help him on a mission to investigate the disaster of Asteroid M Magneto, although the team no longer trusted him due to his KGB connections. The X-Men and Avengers found Magneto first, and when they refused to hand him over, the Super Soldiers attacked. Although Dmitry's armor was badly damaged by Captain Marvel, the Russians pursued American heroes once again. When the X-Men and Avengers revealed to the Super Soldiers that Red Dynamo was responsible for the disaster, they turned Dmitry over to the authorities in the first place.

Later, Red Dynamo and Titanium Man were informed by the Russian government that Iron Man was attacking people in energy armor. Dmitry sought to serve the government, but Gremlin refused to cooperate, so the government used him as bait. When Iron Man finally caught up with them, he destroyed the armor of the Titanium Man with the Gremlin inside and destroyed the armor of the red Dynamo.

Red Dynamo's armor was restored and he joined the Supreme Soviets, a group of superhumans who were loyal to the Soviet government. Meanwhile, the Soviet Super-Soldiers requested asylum from the Russian government at the Avengers headquarters. Red Dynamo, along with the Supreme Soviets, disguised himself as a member of the Avengers and brutally attacked his former teammates, leaving them for dead. The spirits of these three heroes took the energy form of the "Great Beast" and attacked Moscow, while the Supreme Soviets tried to stop the creature, but were absorbed into it. The dying heroes intended to take revenge by killing their killers, but Captain America convinced them to let others live.

Colonel General Valentin Shatalov ordered Red Dynamo to cure the original Titanium Man in New York; Bullski was on a mission, working with members of the Green Liberation Front who included him. Z.O.F. discovered the Red Dynamo mission and attacked him, and he reactivated the Titanium Man, which killed the ZOF members. The massacre scandal allowed Colonel-General Valentin Shatalov to use his rank to get the Red Dynamo armor from Dmitry Bukharin for his own use... Dmitry became an apostate from the KGB.

By this time, his former teammates had called themselves the People's Protectorate. Dmitry told them what had happened and they accepted him into the new team as an Air Strike, and the rest Supreme Soviets also teamed up with this team.

other versions

(Tesla Dynamo)

The Russian mafia ordered a special suit from the army, pretending to be foreign partners. Then the Mafia got it and used it for robberies. Differs in black and yellow coloring and the presence of a lightning generator on the right hand.

KSEB-N was created for conducting experiments in space (N stands for scientific). Can withstand extreme temperatures. Equipped with scientific equipment. Differs in the presence of scientific equipment.

outside the comics

In the 2010 film Iron Man 2, Mickey Rourke's Ivan Vanko is the main antagonist. In the film, he is represented by a talented physicist, the son of the Soviet engineer Anton Vanko, one of the creators of the atomic cold fusion reactor, which underlies the Iron Man armored suit. In the film, Vanko has elements of images of both the Red Dynamo and another enemy of Iron Man - the Whip. The fake passport with which Ivan Vanko travels to Monaco was issued in the name of Boris Turgenov.

Young Anton Vanko appeared in episode 1 of season 1 of Agent Carter. He was played by Costa Ronin.

Red Dynamo
Publication history
Publisher Marvel comics
Debut Tales of Suspense # 46 (October 1963)
Authors Stan Lee
Don Heck
Character characteristics
Position Evil
Alter ego 1. Anton Vanko (original)
2. Boris Turgenov
3. Alex Nevsky
4. Yuri Petrovich
5. Dmitry Bukharin
6. Valentin Shatalov
7. Gregar Walsky
8. Gennady Gavrilov
9. Unknown
10. Unknown
11. Unknown
12. Boris Vadim
13. Galina Nemirovsky
View Human
Place of Birth the USSR
Citizenship the USSR
Occupation Varies depending on the wearer of the costume.
iron Man


Anton Vanko

  • The first incarnation of the Red Dynamo was its creator: professor Anton Vanko... A Soviet scientist of Armenian origin, he had a doctorate in physics, but above all he was an expert in the field of electricity. At the request of the Soviet government, he constructed a power exoskeleton that was capable of performing incredible feats. The Red Dynamo armor gave Vanko the ability to generate and control electricity in all its forms, allowing him to shoot lightning and fly with electromagnetic motors.

Boris Turgenov

  • Boris Turgenov, a KGB officer, is considered the second owner of the Red Dynamo armor. Single appearance in Tales of suspense# 52 (April 1964). Turgenov came to the United States with the Black Widow to kill dissident scientist Anton Vanko, who became an employee of Stark Industries, as well as Tony Stark and Iron Man, who was considered one of his bodyguards. Turgenov almost fulfilled his mission, effectively defeating Iron Man with the help of the stolen armor of the Red Dynamo. He was killed by Anton Vanko, who, sacrificing his life, fired an experimental laser pistol at Boris, but the weapon turned out to be unstable and exploded, killing both Vanko and Turgenov.

Alex Nevsky

  • Alex Nevsky, was the third Red Dynamo, appearing for the first time in Iron man# 15 (July 1969).

Born Alex Nevsky, Niven worked with Ivan Vanko. He was proud of his leader and tried to be like him in everything. When Vanko fled to America, everyone who worked with him fell under the suspicion of the KGB. Nevsky's career and life were destroyed. Hatred of his native government began to ripen in Alex. He longed to destroy Iron Man and Tony Stark, who deprived the homeland of the great scientist. Nevsky moved to America, taking the pseudonym Alex Niven, and thanks to his own talents, he found a job at Cord Industries.

Alex's plan was simple: use his knowledge to knock Stark Industries out of the market. Then, thanks to the resources of his company, improve the armor of the Red Dynamo. With every attempt to defeat Iron Man, Nevsky failed. But not only on the battlefield, he was looking for a way to victory. Alex courted the head of Cord Industries Janise Cord, but did not notice how he fell head over heels in love.

The capitalist system destroyed the inner world of the young genius: desiring glory, Red Dynamo revealed his true personality. But he did not take into account the Soviet government, which does not forget its debtors. The USSR secretly sent another armored soldier to America - the Titanium Man (I will talk about him a little later, do not worry). Nevsky could not protect his beloved woman from the hands of the killer, and fled, leaving Janiz's cold corpse. Having lost the ability to think clearly from grief and danger, Alex began to blame Iron Man for the death of the girl, completely forgetting about the Titanium Man.

Later, already in Vietnam, Nevsky had to join forces with Titanium and Radioactive Man (a Chinese scientist who controls different waves of radiation). Their group of ex-communists was called the Titanic Three. When this mighty bunch fell apart, Alex stayed to live in Saigon. Only KGB agents caught up with him there too. Nevsky was executed and the armor confiscated.

Yuri Petrovich

The fourth Red Dynamo, of course, also comes from the USSR. The Black Widow had several partners over the long years of service in the KGB. One of them was named Ivan Petrovich (“Petrovich” in this case is his surname). Ivan's life went downhill when some Western intelligence agents (presumably Americans) got in touch with him. But when the agent refused to flee, his wife was killed. Petrovich managed to save only his son Yuri, but due to confusion they lost each other. Yuri, deprived of his parents, was captured by Soviet agents and transported abroad.

Without revealing their true intentions, Yuri was raised in an atmosphere of complete hatred of the entire capitalist culture. When his father and Black Widow deserted themselves, Yuri was "rescued" by Soviet agents and returned to his homeland. Yuri became a full-fledged KGB agent and received the Red Dynamo armor along with the task: to kill dissidents. While in America, he found out that the Soviets were to blame for the death of his mother. In a rage, the Red Dynamo began to destroy everything, but was stopped by the Black Widow. Yuri Ivanovich Petrovich returned to the Union, was stripped of his armor and exiled to Siberia.

Dmitry Bukharin

The fifth pilot of the armor was agent Dmitry Bukharin. Red Dynamo became part of a team called Soviet Super Soldiers. After an unsuccessful mission (and meeting with Iron Man), the team was betrayed by their own government, and Bukharin was expelled from its ranks when he announced that he still trusts the Soviet government. Dmitry received new, improved Dynamo armor, and joined the Supreme Councils detachment that existed before perestroika. Under the new government, the Red Dynamo suit was seized, and Bukharin received completely new technologies. Now his name is Air Strike. But this is the story of a completely different character.

Valentin Shatalov

The armor received from Bukharin was used by General of the Soviet Army Valentin Shatalov. When the fight with the Soviet Super Soldiers ended in defeat for him, and the first Titanium Man died through his fault, Shatalov was stripped of his rank and costume.

Red Dynamo after the Cold War

Gregar Walski

After Shatalov, Gregar Valski became the pilot of the Red Dynamo. A man clearly inexperienced, he was soon removed from this position.

Gennady Gavrilov

While the armor was gathering dust in the warehouse, student Gennady Gavrilov accidentally discovered a prototype helmet designed by Anton Vanko. Deciding that it was a gaming helmet, Gennady launched the original Red Dynamo armor. Leaving a trail of destruction behind it, the armor reached the helmet, and the young man received the suit. After a small skirmish with the armed forces, Gavrilov disappeared from view. The fate of the prototype and the student is still unknown.

Red Dynamo IX

Red Dynamo X

Red Dynamo XI

Boris Vadim

Over the years since Walski's failure, armor has passed from one pilot to another - often their names did not even have time to flicker. Only the name of the twelfth Red Dynamo is known - Boris Vadim. Which, in principle, also did not last long in this rank, and was eaten by the Russian mutant Igor Drenkov.

Galina Nemirovsky

Powers and abilities

Other versions

Red Dynamo outside the comics



Red Dynamo appeared in several episodes of the cartoon "Iron Man: Adventures in Armor (2010)" in a suit and Ivan Vanko without a suit.




Notes (edit)


The armored suit called "Red Dynamo" was worn by more than a dozen people. The first of these was the Russian inventor Anton Vanko. He gathered up his armor and challenged Iron Man, but soon moved on to Tony Stark for work. The second Dynamo, Boris Turgenev, was sent to kill Vanko, but Anton managed to take the attacker with him to the next world.

At first, Nemirovskaya wore traditional armor, but then the armor began to look more like women's clothing.

The third Dynamo was Vanko's protégé Alex Nevsky, who was soon killed by the KGB. Further, the costume was worn mainly by Russian agents, with rare exceptions. So, the eighth Dynamo was a student who accidentally turned on the armor, and the tenth was a bank robber who bought armor on the black market. Some Red Dynamos were on the Winter Guard team.

Wears an armored suit that makes him much stronger and more resilient and equips him with the most different kinds weapons; machine gun, rocket launcher, electric generator

During the Dark Reign, Tony Stark even briefly borrowed armor from Dmitry Bukharin, the fifth and most famous Red Dynamo. Well, the last one at the moment was a woman - Galina Nemirovskaya. After leaving the Winter Guard, she joined the Mandarin and Ezekiel Stein team and fought Iron Man, but was defeated.

THE PRESENT NAME: Dmitry Bukharin.

OCCUPATION:Russian hero.

LOCATION: Moscow, Russia.

HEIGHT: 183 cm.

WEIGHT: 91 kg.

EYES: hazel.

HAIR: absent.

Red Dynamo,or (Crimson Dynamo)- a firm and constant enemy, under the guise of Dynamo, a whole crowd of people has already changed. And the first was the Soviet scientist and inventor Anton Vanko. He created armor that allows him to generate powerful electrical discharges, fly and withstand powerful attacks. Anton fought Iron Man, lost, scared of the harsh Soviet punishment and deserted, going over to the side of the United States and getting a job at Stark's firm. Over time, he and Tony Stark became friends. Anton Vanko sacrificed himself to save Tony from the Black Widow and the new Red Dynamo, Boris Turgenev.

Boris Turgenov himself did not last long at the post. Arriving with the Black Widow in the United States to kill Vanko, Tony Stark and Iron Man (then the whole world believed that Iron Man was Stark's guard), Boris defeated Tony in a fight, but died when Anton Vanko shot him with an unstable laser.

The third Red Dynamo was Alex Nevsky, a protégé of Anton Vanko and a talented scientist, resentful of Vanko. Alex's career was ruined due to cooperation with a traitor. Having built his own armor, Alex set out to kill Tony Stark for allegedly forcing Vanko to desert. He did not succeed, despite being assisted by Titanium Man and Radioactive Man. As punishment for the failure, the KGB killed Alex and confiscated his armor.

Alex's armor went to Yuri Petrovich, the son of the inventor Ivan Petrovich, who went over to the side of the United States. Yuri received a suit with a task - to destroy the Black Widow, who betrayed the Soviet homeland. Having fought with the Widow and lost, Yuri fell into a rage when he learned that his superiors were hiding from him some Interesting Facts... Returning to his homeland, Yuri was convicted and exiled to Siberia.

The fifth and one of the most famous Red Dynamos is Dmitry Bukharin, a former KGB agent. He was a member of a group of Soviet Super-Soldiers and repeatedly faced the Avengers and the X-Men, but at the same time he was not one hundred percent supervillain and understood that the Avengers were generally good guys, just ideological opponents. Once Dmitry even helped Iron Man when he was in trouble. Dmitry Bukharin spent the longest time in the “position” of the Red Dynamo, and in most cases, when Dynamo is mentioned, they mean it.

When General Valentin Shatalov, taking advantage of his position, took the armor from Dmitry, Bukharin changed his costume and nickname, becoming Aviadar (Airstrike)... As Airstrike, he joined the battered Super Soldiers from the Titanic Man's rampage.

After Bukharin, the new Red Dynamo (already the sixth) was General Valentin Shatalov, who received an improved version of Dynamo armor. Valentine was firmly convinced that all the previous carriers of the armor were simply unworthy of her, and only he was the only one - the correct Dynamo. However, Valentin also had to be, if not a friend, then at least an involuntary ally of Iron Man, when the Titanic Man (another Soviet hero-villain) raged, unable to endure the transformation of the mighty USSR into some kind of Russia.

After the "resignation" of Shatalov, the Red Dynamo rolled down. A lot of people have changed in the armor, most of them appeared in literally one or two issues, many were not even given a name. It is worth mentioning the eighth Dynamo - Gennady Gavrilov. Gena found a helmet created by Anton Vanko, thought it was a virtual helmet for some kind of video game and put it on, after which the armor associated with the helmet was activated and flew to put on it. Gennady, having mastered the armor, fought a little with the military and sank, leaving the armor for himself.

The twelfth Red Dynamo, Boris Vadim, distinguished himself not only with a surname that is strange for a Russian (but normal for Americans who do not really know Russian). He was also a member of the team of Soviet superheroes, but at the same time he did not obey the orders of the government and helped the Warmaster (War Machine) defeat the invading Skrulls, after which he fled to the United States, seeking political asylum. Boris (or is it Vadim?) Was consumed in a battle with a mutated Soviet scientist.

Well, how can it be without rule 63. Galina Nemirovski, an expert in managing Dynamo armor, the thirteenth Red Dynamo and the first Dynamo with a chest. She was fired for breaking the chain of command, after which she joined Mandarin, who collected the enemies of Iron Man (not at all in order to drink tea with them).