War thunder when the ships come out. War Thunder fleet: news and highlights. What kind of game is it

Almost three years ago, the developer company Gaijin announced the imminent release of ships as the third available equipment for the player. Since then, on the forums and in in social networks From time to time there are topics about when it will be possible to fully enjoy a controlled naval battle. Take command of a battleship or submarine. Most often, topics are closed by moderators with the words "you have to wait." There is not even an approximate date for the release of the controlled fleet in War Thunder.

At the beginning of 2015, there were enough messages on the net that the ships could be controlled. However, this is only available in closed testing, only to a small number of human testers. And this is most likely true, since in the fall of 2014 some information sites close to Gaijin even posted video reviews about Japanese aircraft carriers from the Second World War.

At the same time, an approximate list of future equipment was announced - battleships, destroyers, aircraft carriers. However, given Gaijin's desire for realism, they will not be able to limit themselves to this technique. The above fleet will not do without smaller vessels. And don't forget the submarines. Without the famous wolf packs, it is simply impossible to imagine the fleet of Nazi Germany. But, more reliable and accurate information has not yet been provided.

However, there is still a fleet in War Thunder! The only pity is that while it is controlled by a computer. It is present on many sea and coastal charts. Such as Wake Island, Guam, Merchant Marine, Rocky Coast, etc.

Types of ships in the game.

The fleet in War Thunder is currently represented by the following ships - heavy cruiser, light cruiser, aircraft carrier, destroyer, battleship, cargo ship, landing ship (landing ship).

The role of the fleet in War Thunder.

Despite the fact that the fleet is still under the control of the game's artificial intelligence, it sometimes plays a significant role in the course of the battle. He plays like helper function for the attack, and the role of the protected object.

On maps like "secret Pacific base" dropships land tanks to capture a land point, which provides a win. If you miss the enemy ships to the shore, it will be much more difficult to destroy the tanks. And in the mission "merchant fleet" you need to protect your transports and destroy enemy floating targets.

It is worth noting that the role of the fleet is more visible in the arcade dogfights.

Introduced in War Thunder ships equipped with air defense. The shells of anti-aircraft guns and large-caliber machine guns, which ships are equipped with, can damage the structural elements of the aircraft, which will affect its flight characteristics. A leaky radiator, a broken oil pipeline, shot ailerons can lead to an early destruction by the enemy. But the ship's air defense itself is not bad at knocking down gaping pilots.

How to destroy the enemy fleet in War Thunder.

To prevent a tank landing on the coast, it is necessary to destroy enemy landing ships. They are equipped with weak air defense, but they can harm or shoot down. It is also worth noting that the landing force is almost always covered by enemy fighters. But this type of vessel is easily shattered into chips by aimed shots of 20 mm Berezin, ShVAK, Hispano and the like cannons. There is no need to talk about heavier aviation artillery, like the Yak9-K and the like. Large caliber destroys small vessels with a bang.

Destroying small landing craft brings the mission closer to victory and earns additional points for the pilot who destroys them.

And if it’s easy to destroy boats with landing forces, then it’s worth tinkering with a cruiser, battleship, destroyer. There is no need to fly headlong into the bristling vents of the ship's air defense with your machine guns and small-caliber cannons. Well, you can inflict some damage, as well as become an additional frag for artificial intelligence. It is optimal to destroy large ships with bombs from a height inaccessible to the air defense of the ship. Or torpedoes, launching them from the appropriate type of aircraft.

For the destruction of large enemy ships using torpedoes, you can be awarded the title "sea wolf", "sea hunter". For bombing strikes on ships, the titles "destroyer", "thunderer" are counted.

Still, it is worth hoping that the current modest presence of ships in War Thunder will not last long. And each of the players will soon be able to say to the other "seven feet under the keel to you."

Today, multiplayer computer games dedicated to the theme of war are gaining immense popularity. Gamers get into tanks and planes, lead entire armies or go into infantry combat themselves. military theme again becomes popular, as at the beginning of the century, but at the same time it takes on a new form - now it has the color of multiplayer. And one of the most popular computer games of this direction today is War Thunder. Here you can choose any of the sides that took part in World War II and fight for it against real opponents. However, more than once attention has been drawn to the fact that there are no sea battles here - the fleet does not exist in the game in principle. Therefore, it is worth answering a very important and interesting question for many - when will the ships appear in War Thunder?

What kind of game is it?

Before considering the question of when ships will appear in War Thunder, which is of such great interest to all gamers, you need to look at what constitutes this project. So, here you have to choose one of the parties that fought among themselves in World War II, and then start pumping on various units of military equipment, earning points for more advanced models. At the moment, a fairly large number of models of tanks and other combat vehicles have been implemented in the game, as well as aircraft have been introduced, which makes it very diverse and exciting. For many, this is enough, since other games like this one do not even offer such variety - for example, projects from Wargaming allow you to sit in a tank or plane, but only in two separate games. But in the case of War Thunder, everything is different, and gamers want to know when ships will appear in War Thunder.

Ship announcement

You are mistaken if you think that reflections on this subject are lengthy and groundless. In War Thunder, the ships have actually already been announced by the developers. Of course, it is worth noting that no one has named specific dates, and the work is just beginning, but the fact that the developers have listened to the opinion of gamers and started working in the right direction is important. Of course, this may have been their own initiative, but this will no longer play any role if the ships do appear in the game. So far, there is not a lot of information, but it is still there - and quite interesting. Of course, the developers do not admit when ships will appear in War Thunder, but they have already provided basic information about what exactly will be added to the project, so that gamers can guess how it will all be implemented.

in War Thunder

The question of whether there will be ships in War Thunder has already been answered in the affirmative, so it's time to take a deeper look at this question - for example, figure out what exactly will be added. According to the developers, three types will be available in the game - aircraft carriers, destroyers and battleships. You can choose any of these types, but at the same time, of course, you will have the opportunity to decide on the models that interest you. Naturally, no one has yet announced the specific names, so you will only be able to find out the models much later. But it has already become clear that, for example, there will be as many as ten aircraft carriers in the game - this gives us the right to believe that other types of ships will be presented in approximately the same ratio. However, some questions about the implementation already appear here, since this is a very important point, which in no case should be forgotten.

Implementation of ships in the game

As all gamers know very well, in this project realism decides a lot - all models of combat units are reproduced with maximum accuracy, and it will not be easy to do the same for ships. There is a very high chance that when the ships come out in War Thunder, there will be enough problems with the balance, as well as simply with their use in the game. It will be necessary to think over not only the specifics of the battles of ships among themselves, but also the features of the confrontation between aircraft and ships. In general, this puts developers in front of a very complex and large-scale work. And this brings us to the final question - when will ships be added to War Thunder?

date of release

So far, unfortunately, there is no concrete information about the release dates of the ships. They may appear quite soon, but so far this is very unlikely, since there is still a lot of work ahead of the developers. However, if we take into account the fact that on the Internet you can already find images of ship models in a fairly finished and playful version, then we can assume that there is not so much to wait. On the other hand, if we take into account all the features of the confrontation between the three types of ships, as well as all types of ships with aircraft, the work may be delayed - it is already very, very difficult to implement such a large-scale project. One can only hope that the developers will succeed, and gamers will eventually be able to enjoy new types of technology that until that time had not been competently implemented in any project, either modern or old.

Gamers' opinion

Initially, gamers supported a similar initiative to introduce ships into the game. Naturally, this is such an incredible step forward. It will allow you to get experiences that you could only dream of before. But over time, the fuse subsided a bit, and the reason for this was the game itself, or rather, the actions of the developers in the process of updating it. If earlier this project was considered the best and most realistic, now it is gradually starting to lose popularity. The reason lies in the fact that in the pursuit of entertainment and attracting large crowds of gamers to the project, the developers began to change the balance, and now some sides have become practically unplayable.

War Thunder fleet: news and first details

Fleet Developer Answers:

▪When will the closed testing of the War Thunder fleet start?
Closed testing of ship battles will begin this year.

▪How to get into closed testing?
Early access to testing will be given to the alpha testing team and other invitees, as well as to the owners of one of the two Naval Starter Packs with unique ships that are already available for pre-order in the game store. We will tell you about how to get into the closed testing team later.

▪When will open testing start?
Open testing is planned for 2017.

▪What types of boats and which countries will be added?
During the closed beta, we will gradually fill the ship lines, and by the start of the open beta, there will be enough of them to fill the research tree of each major nation. Also, during the CBT, new ship modes and locations will be added to the game.

▪Will there be controllable large ships (cruisers, battleships, aircraft carriers)? If not, why do we need torpedoes?
Larger ships will be featured in the game under AI control in some game modes. One of the main combat missions of torpedo boats will be their destruction.
Perhaps in the future there will also be large ships under the control of players - destroyers and others, in other game modes. This will be determined by the results of the PTA.

▪What will ship research look like?
Just like aviation and tank trees. In battles, you earn Research Points, through which you research new ships in the branch of the selected country, as well as modules on those ships that you used in battle.

▪Will there be special maps for ships?
Of course, for naval battles we are making new separate locations. All the main naval theaters of World War II will appear in War Thunder: the Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic oceans, as well as the Mediterranean.

▪When will the announcement of the starting lines of nations?
After Gamescom. It is worth adding that ships from all the nations that are in War Thunder will appear in the game. The game will implement a damage system. Ships will lose control rudders, get holes and sink like in real life.

Here are the main questions and their answers. Most of all, the players were interested in the item that says that there will be no battleships and cruisers. Rather, they will, but only under the control of AI. We present to your attention the answers of the developers on the topic of capital ships:

“A high level of realism is one of the key design features for War Thunder. We do not change the characteristics of the technique and create it as it was, as close as possible. Classic capital ship battles are a contest of patience and planning, lasting from hours to days. In our game, where the battles of all types of troops are joint, and players can control aircraft, tanks, and fleets, it is impossible to speed up time by 5-10 times or change the size and speed of ships. The development of the fleet in War Thunder began even before the development of tanks, and as tests showed, battles on a heavy fleet, ships larger than a destroyer, would be too long and uninteresting, or they would require ships to be completely unrealistic, only appearance and names reminiscent of real ships. Therefore, we decided to recreate that part of the battle fleet, which was rarely reproduced in games. Ships that are more suitable for the formula of our game are fast, impetuous, dangerous, real Knights of the Sea, worthy and equal rivals for aircraft in the air and tanks on the ground, ”says Kirill Yudintsev, creative director of Gaijin Entertainment.

Anticipating the indignation of the players, detailed material was posted on the official forum of the game in defense of such a decision. Here are the main theses of the developers about why it is impossible to add a "large" fleet. If you are interested, then a detailed topic is on the game forum.

  • There are no suitable cards for huge ships. The huge size of the machines requires a lot of time to play, as well as to maneuver.
  • The game between large ships will go until the first hit from a large-caliber volley.
  • The interaction of such ships with other pieces of equipment is hardly possible. The gameplay will be uninteresting.
  • The scoring system cannot be implemented. It seems to the developers that counting frags with the current damage system will not work. Moreover, the system of earning and pumping also seems to be complex and can hardly be implemented.
  • According to the developers, not all nations have large warships. According to KEOFOX, the USSR, in this case, simply will not have a decent aircraft carrier fleet.
  • According to Gaijin, there will be too many ships like the Yamato and Missouri in battles, even though they were unique vehicles. Developers do not want to introduce a system of restrictions.

In our opinion, these arguments are not essential. It seems that the developers were afraid of the scale of the fleet. There are huge maps in the game, the time spent on movement is huge and in realistic tank and aircraft battles. Problems of mechanics and pumping can be solved. By last argument ra zrabo tchikov and does seem stupid. What prevents you from introducing a limit on the number of ships of one type or another? Why can there be 10 Mouses in a battle, when none of them took part in the battles and was not really completed? Players are waiting for a large fleet!

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» » Ships announced in War Thunder: when...

Ships announced in War Thunder: when will the fleet be released?

The game War Thunder (), the so-called "beta test" of which has been going on since 2012, is inevitably approaching the release. Today the fleet was announced in the game. When will ships appear in War Thunder and what will they look like? Let's find out!

According to the developers, the closed beta test of the ships will begin in one of the next updates and will be held directly on the main servers, but only at certain hours. In order to get to the test and play ships, you will have to buy one of two starter marine kits:

  • Soviet armored boat project 1124 with MLRS "Katyusha", or
  • American torpedo boat PT-109.

If you don't want to wait until 2017 for the Open Beta to start and want to take part in naval battles this fall, hurry up! Until August 22, 30% discount is available for starting naval kits, so you can buy a kit with a Soviet Project 1124 armored boat for only 1,330 rubles. In addition to the ships themselves and access to the fleet closed beta test, Naval Packs include in-game gold, 3D decorators, stickers, and a title.

Now a little about what the ships will look like in War Thunder.

In War Thunder, the so-called "small fleet" is waiting for us: torpedo, artillery and missile boats, coast guard ships and patrol ships. During the Second World War, the small fleet made up most of the ships.

Players will not be able to control larger ships such as destroyers, cruisers, battleships and aircraft carriers. However, those who wish can familiarize themselves with where all this is already possible. Of course, pilots will also be able to take part in naval battles, no one canceled the War Thunder feature with joint battles!

PR director Gaijin Entertainment Alexander Trifonov shared fresh information regarding the upcoming global update. We will find out when CBT and MBT will begin, as well as the specifics of local water battles!

Hello Alexander. Tell last news your company. What can players expect from the project?

Our original idea was to make a realistic online game about all types of military equipment. That is, with aviation, armored ground equipment, and now warships. And all this within the framework of one game, even one server. In one battle, ships will fight with aircraft, and someday tanks with ships.

At the start of the beta test, about 30 ships for all nations in the game will be presented. Let me remind you that these are: the USSR, the USA, Germany, Great Britain, Japan, that is, all the main participants in the Second World War. Of course, then more and more new ships, fresh maps and game modes will be constantly added.

The other side of the project is realism. Of course, we do not make the game a hardcore simulator, but we provide the player with the degree of realism that is generally possible in mass game. So there is no reason to doubt that the ships will be made with real characteristics. We will not speed up their speed several times, as is done in some games, we will not change their physical parameters in order to simplify or "fun" the gameplay.

Which ships will appear first?

In reality, huge ships like battleships fought for hours or even days at vast distances, when even the enemy was not visible. We conducted various tests in narrow circles, and it turned out that excessive realism turns battles into many hours of boring suffering.

Instead of distorting the characteristics of large ships, at the start of the CBT we will focus on not the largest specimens: patrol ships, patrol ships, sea hunters, torpedo boats, etc. Most countries had plenty of them, a small fleet is a large and important page in history of the Second World War, which for some reason was little covered in computer games. In general, we recommend everyone to get acquainted with these ships!

What features of naval battles can you tell us more about?

The beta test is conducted in order to test different mechanics, collect feedback from the players. The damage model will be absolutely realistic, just like our tanks and planes. That is, no hit points and health bars - everything is based on the internal components of the ship. The defeat will come when a number of key links are damaged: the guns, the steering system, one of the engines. In general, you can set a fire and watch the ship burn down completely. Or, on the contrary, make holes below the waterline and watch how leaks lead to flooding.

Torpedo tubes can also be damaged, the detonation of stored shells is provided, as in our tanks. If you manage to get into the so-called "cellar", then the detonation will cause the complete destruction of the ship.

At the same time, the battles are dynamic and fast, however, as they were in life. Real analogues swam at the same speed, nothing new had to be invented. Water equipment fights aircraft on equal terms, they have powerful machine guns, they can use them to kill both ships and aircraft in separate joint modes.

When will it be possible to play? How to get access?

Wait for the news, draws and distribution of keys will be constantly held. If you wish, you can already buy a special set in the store, which gives a special ship that will be available both during the CBT and after the release of the OBT. So you will immediately have a good unique ship. I especially like the Soviet armored boat: it has a T-34 cannon in front, and a Katyusha complex with 16 missiles in the back - a beast of a machine! Such boats have done many things, and in our game they can be tried.

What about modes? What are available now, what is planned to be added in the future?

Well, while closed testing has not even begun, the modes are being worked out. Initially, there will be 10 vs 10 battles, where victory is achieved by collecting enough points (destroying ships, capturing points). You can also fly out on an attack aircraft to try to bomb someone from above.

In the future, we are planning such modes, where there will be large ships - cruisers, battleships. But they will be controlled by AI, and the task of the players will be to sink them while on boats. What, in general, boats most often did during the war. There will be a large number of modes, we will try out new ones so that players can appreciate them.

And there will be no submarines?

Currently not planned. Because, again, as in the case of large ships, if done realistically, then it will be too tedious strategic gameplay. In reality, submarines swim at a speed of 20-30 km/h, periodically surfacing to deal damage. It will be difficult to reconcile the current gameplay with such leisurely technique.

About graphics. What was done in the engine to get a feel for the water, its physics?

Last year, we added support for Nvidia GameWorks technology, which allows us to simulate various water surfaces, especially sea surfaces - key for water battles. The engine allows you to set the excitement, wind speed, as well as to realize a complete calm or a terrible storm. All this, of course, will have a direct impact on the gameplay. Not just beautiful waves around the ship, but real pitching, which often interferes with aiming. Small ships can even hide behind big waves from enemy fire - water will greatly slow down or absorb projectiles.

We have optimized water so that it is available on almost any hardware. This feature is not visual, but purely gameplay. Serious work has been done. People with a wide variety of hardware play it - someone on a computer, someone on a PS4, and someone on a laptop or macbook with integrated graphics from Intel (one of the most popular cards, by the way, among our players).

Will the weather change during the battle or is it set before the start?

Initially, the weather is set randomly on the server, then how lucky. You can swim out on a clear day, or you can swim at a gorgeous sunset or even at night (about 1 out of 1500 battles). Since the battles are not very long (15-20 minutes), the weather will not have much time to change, so the change in real time is not implemented.

When will the test be on PC and when on PS4?

CBT will start this year, and MBT is scheduled for next year. As for the simultaneity, it is still difficult to say, since on the PC problems and bugs are solved literally in one day, and in the case of the PlayStation everything happens through Sony with a delay of several days. Therefore, you may have to wait for the most stable version of the PTA and only then launch it on consoles.

We try to make the game as cross-platform as possible in order to unite players from different platforms on one server - it's always more fun this way, and there will be no problems with the number of players and matchmaking.

That's all, thanks for the interview! Do you have any advice for the players?

Good luck to everyone in the battles! See you on land, sea and in the sky!