Tale of the peoples of Tatarstan about animals. Tatar folk tales. Tatar fairy tales as a fool's mind searched

There were three brothers. The older brothers were smart, and the youngest is a fool.
Their father and died. Smart brothers shared the inheritance among themselves, and the younger did not give anything and drove out of the house.
"In order to own wealth, you have to be smart," they said.
"So I will find my mind," the younger brother decided and went on the road. How long was she, briefly, finally came to some selection.
He knocked in the first hiding house and asked him to take him into employees.

cartoon as a fool mind searched

For a whole year, a fool worked, and when it came to pay, the owner and asks:
- What do you need more - mind or wealth?
"I don't need wealth, give me a mind," the fool answers.
- Well, here's a reward for work: now you will understand the language different objects, "said the owner and let go of the employee.
There is a fool and sees a high pillar without a single bitch.
"I wonder what tree made this beautiful pillar?" - said the fool.
"I was a high slim pine," replied the pillar.
I understood the fool that the owner did not deceive him, was delighted and went further.
He became a fool to understand the language of various items.
How long was he, briefly, nobody knows - and so reached the unknown country.
And the old king in that country disappeared a favorite tube. The one who finds her, the king promised to give his little daughter in wives. Many tried to find the phone, but everything is in vain. Came a fool to the king and says:
- I will find your phone.
He came out into the yard and shouted loudly:
- Tube, where you come to!
- I'm lying under a big stone in the valley.
- How did you get there?
- The king dropped me.
Brought the younger brother tube. An old king was delighted, his daughter gave him a wives, and in addition - a horse with the golden dressing and rich clothes.
If you do not believe, ask your senior brother's wife. True, I do not know where she lives, but it's not difficult to find out - anyone will tell you her neighbor.

Tatar folk fairy tale

Tatar fairy tales as a fool's mind searched

In the long-standing time, one padisham lived. He had three daughters - one beautiful other. Once the daughter of Padishah went to walk in the field. They walked, they walked, and suddenly he rose a strong wind, picked them up and took them somewhere.

Tanned Padisham. He sent people to different ends, ordered anything to find his daughters. I was looking for a day, I was looking for night, they stipped all the forests in the possessions of this Padishah, they lazed all rivers and lakes, did not leave one place, and did not find the daughters of Padyshaha.

On the outskirts of the same city in a small house, a husband lived with a wife - poor-prebells. They had three sons. The older was the name of Kich-Batyr - Evening-Bogatyr, Middle-Ton-Batyr - Night-Bogatyr, and the youngest - - Zarya-Bogatyr. And called them so because the eldest was born in the evening, the middle day - at night, and the younger - in the morning, at the dawn.

listen online Tatar fairy tale Tan Batyr

Sons grew a day for a month, a month for the year and very soon became real jigs.

When they went outside to play, among the jigitis-peers were not equal to them in force. Who is pushed, that legs will fall; whom will be captured, that begging; Start fighting - certainly will overcome the enemy.

I saw one old man that the brothers do not know where to attach their power, and told them:

Than to wander without a case and it would be better to push the people without necessary, it would be better to go in search of daughters of Padishah. That's when we learned, what battles you!

Trought three brothers home and began to ask parents:

Release us looking for a daughter of Padisha!

I did not want to let go of their parents. They said:

Oh son, how do we live without you! If you leave, who will take care of us, who will feed us?

Sons answered:

Oh my father and mother! We go on Padishah's Affairs, he will feed you and help you.

Parents cried and said:

No, sons, from Padisha, we do not wait for any help, nor thanks!

For a long time, three battles of their parents were asked for a long time, they were begged for a long time and finally agreed. Then they went to Padyshah and said:

Here we go to look for your daughters. But we have nothing on the road: our parents live very poorly and can not give us anything.

Padishah ordered them to equip them and give them food on the road.

They said goodbye to three jigita with her father and mother and went on the road.

They come for a week, go a month and finally found themselves in the dense forest. The more they went through the forest, the way the road was already becoming, until finally, did not turn into a narrow path.

Batters are going on this path, go long and suddenly come to the shore of a large, beautiful lake.

By that time, all reserves from them ended and there was nothing.

Pan-Batyr had a needle. This needle gave him a mother before departing to the path and said: "It will be useful on the road." Tan-Batyr Razzling the fire, gang up a needle, bent and made a hook out of her. Then he descended to the water and began to fish.

By evening, he caught a lot of fish, welded her and faded his brothers. When everyone was saturated, Tan-Batyr said to his senior brothers:

Since we went to the road, it has already been a lot of time, and we do not even know where we go, and haven't seen anything yet.

The brothers did not answer. Then Tan-Batyr climbed onto a high-altling tree and began to look around. Suddenly the buoyed wind rose. The trees havegun, stunned, a lot of thick trees the wind pulled out with roots.

"Maybe this is the very wind that he took the daughters of Padishah?" - thought Tan-Batyr.

And the wind soon turned into a terrible whirlwind, began to spin, spinning, stopped on a high grief and took the appearance of the ugly, terrible diva. This diva descended to the ruine of the mountain and disappeared in a huge cave.

Tan-Batyr quickly tears from the tree and found the cave where Div was hidden. Here he found a big, heavy stone, drove it to the cave and laid the entrance. Then he ran to the brothers. The brothers at this time calmly slept. Tan-Batyr plunged them and began to call. And the older brothers do not think to hurry: they reached out, they wrote down the sponsors, rose and began to cook the fish, which Tan-Batyr caught. Welded, I walked away and only after that went to the cave in which Divo was hidden.

Tan-Batyr says:

Divo hid in this cave. To get to it, you need to push the stone that the entrance is laid.

Kich-Batyr tried to move the stone - she did not move from his place. He took over the stone Ton Batyr - too, could not do anything.

Then Tan-Batyr grabbed a stone, raised her head and threw. Flying a stone with a crash under the mountain.

After that, Tan-Batyr says to the brothers:

Some of us should be descended into this cave and find the diva - maybe it dragged the daughters of Padyshah.

So we do not go down in this cave, - respond to. - After all, this is a deep abyss! We must have a rope.

They went to the forest, began to fuck lyko. Many gave a lot. Brought to the cave and began to twist the rope from the scroll.

They wobbed three days and three nights and a long-pre-standing rope. One end of this rope was tied to the belt of Kich-Batyr and descended it to the cave. I descended it until the evening, and only late in the evening, Kich-Batyr began to pull the rope: Raise me!

Raised it. He says:

I could not go down to the bottom - the rope was very short.

The brothers sat down again and began to twist the rope. All day and all night witnesses.

Now they tied the rope to the ton-batyer belt and descended it to the cave. They are waiting, waiting, and there is no bottom and there are no news. And only when it passed the day and another night, Ton-Batyr began to pull the rope: Raise!

The brothers stretched out. Ton-Batyr and tells them:

Very deep this cave! So I did not reach the bottom - the rope is our short turned out.

The brothers again died a flashed, much more than yesterday, sat down, began to blame the rope. Wheel two days and two nights. After that, they tie the end of the rope to the belt of Tan-Batyr.

Before descending into the cave, Tan-Batyr says to his brothers:

If there is no news from me, do not leave the cave, wait for me exactly a year. If I do not return a year, do not wait again, go away.

Tang-Batyr said it, said goodbye to the brothers and descended into the cave.

Let's leave the older brothers at the top and together with Tan-Batyr go down to the cave.

Long descended Tan-Batyr. Potted sunlight, a thick darkness came, and he descends everything, everything could not reach the bottom: again the rope was short. What to do? I do not want Tan-Batyr to rise upstairs. He pulled his sword, crossed the rope and flew down.

Tan-Batyr flew for a long time, until he fell to the bottom of the cave. He lies, can not move his hand, either to move the foot or the words. Three days and three nights could not reach Tan-Batyr. Finally he woke up, slowly rose and went.

He walked, went and suddenly saw the mouse. I looked at him mouse, shook and turned around with a person.

I descended here to find a terrible diva, but I just don't know where to go now.

Mouse - Man says:

It is difficult for you to find this diva! When your older brother came down in this cave, Div found out about it and lowered her bottom.

Now you are at such a depth that without my help and you will not get out of here.

What should I do now? - asks Tan-Batyr.

Mouse-man says:

I'll give you four regiment of my mouse soldiers. They will undermine the earth around the walls of the cave, it will turn, and you will be completely covered with this land and climb. So you raise you to one side cave. You will go on this cave in full darkness and you will go seven days and seven nights. Go and do not be afraid! You will come to the seven cast-iron gates that close this cave. If you can break this gate, you will go to white light. If you can't break, you will be very bad. When you go on the white light, you will see the path and go through it. You will go again seven days and seven nights and see the palace. And there you will understand what to do.

Said these words mouse - a man, shook, turned out again in the gray mouse and disappeared.

And at the same moment, four regiments of mouse soldiers came running to Tan-Batyr and began to dig the land around the walls of the cave. The mice are digging, and Tan-Batyr pulls and raises and rises.

Long dug mice for a long time, the land of Tan-Batyr broke for a long time; Finally, he reached the side cave, which the mouse spoke - a man, and went on it. Seven days and seven nights walked in the complete darkness of Tan-Batyr and finally got to the cast iron gate.

Tan-Batyr came out on the white light and saw a narrow path. He went on this path. The further goes, the brighter becomes.

Seven days and seven nights, Tan-Batyr saw something red and brilliant. He came down and sees: glitters a copper palace, and a warrior rides on a copper horse near the palace on a copper horse and in copper armor. Survived this warrior Tan-Batyr and tells him:

About man, rather get out of here! You probably hit the mistake here. Reline Padishah - Div and eat you!

Tan-Batyr says:

It is still unknown who will overcome whom: Do he, I am him. And now I really want to eat. Bring me something!

Warrior says:

I have nothing to feed you. Here for the diva to his return was cooked bull breast, and one bake of breads, and one barrel of the Crown Honey, and nothing else. "Good," Tang-Batyr says, "I have enough and that's enough.

And your Vladyka - Diva will never have to eat anymore.

Then the warrior came down from the horse, took off his copper clothes, and Tan-Batyr saw that it was a beautiful girl.

Who are you? - asks her Tan-Batyr.

I am the eldest daughter of Padishah, "the girl said. - For a long time, I and my sisters took this terrible diva. Since then, we live in its underground ownership. When Div leaves, he orders me to guard his palace. Tan-Batyr said:

And I and my two brothers went to search for you - that's why I got here!

From joy, the daughter of Padishah was not his own. She brought food for Tan-Batyr; He ate everything without a rest and began to fit to sleep. Before bedtime, he asked the girl:

When will the diva come back?

He will return tomorrow morning and goes on this copper bridge, "the girl said.

Tang-Batyr filed Shilo and said:

Here you are awl. When you see that the diva returns, crumbs me so that I wake up.

He said these words and now fell asleep firmly.

In the morning the girl began to wake the batyr. Tan-Batyr sleeps, does not wake up. Pulls his girl - can't push. And shell to prick him is not solved - he does not want to hurt him. Long she walked him. Finally, Tan-Batyr woke up and said:

I ordered you to prick me with a selection! From pain, I would have awakened rather, and in battle with the diva would be anger!

After that, Tan-Batyr hidced under the copper bridge, which Div had to go.

Suddenly the wind rose, the storm was called: the diva to the copper bridge approaches. The first runs to the bridge his dog. She backed up to the bridge and stopped: it is afraid to stand on the bridge. Skilled a dog and ran back to the diva.

Washed Divo Rutchka, whipped the dog and drove up to the bridge. But the horse stopped him - he does not want to step on the bridge. Diva in a rage beat the horse with a spruce on the sides. Beats and shouts:

Hey, you! What was scared? Or do you think - Tang-Batyr came here? Yes, he was not born, probably!

Diva did not have time to speak these words, as Tan-Batyr ran out from under the copper bridge and shouted:

Tan-Batyr was born, and you have already managed to come to you!

Looked around his diva, grinned and says:

And you, it turns out, is not so giant as I thought! In half to eat, swallow the gaze - you will not be!

Tan-Batyr says:

Look, as if I didn't turn out to be ships, you didn't get stuck in my throat!

Div says:

Pretty talk, spend the words! Say: Will you fight or give me?,

Let your brother surrender, "Tang-Batyr says," I will fight!

And they began to fight. For a long time they fought, yes no one else can overcome. All the Earth they have swapped with boots - deep pits appeared around, and none nor the other give up.

Finally, the force began to leave the diva. He ceased to attack Tan-Batyr, only stealing from the blows and retreats. Here Tan-Batyr jumped to him, raised him into the air and left all the scope to the ground. Then he grabbed the sword, destroyed the diva to small pieces and folded them into a bunch. After he sat down on the horse's horse and drove to his palace.

The girl ran out to him and said:

Tan-Batyr says:

I can not take you with him! According to the promise of Padisha, you must become my older brother's wife. Wait me in this copper palace. How I will free your sisters on the way back come back here, then I will take you with him.

Three days and three nights rested Tan-Batyr. And then gathered on the road and asked the daughter of Padishah:

Where are your sisters, how to find them?

The girl said:

Div did not let me out from here, and I do not know where they are. I only know that they live somewhere far away and go to them should not less than seven days and seven nights.

Tan-Batyr wished the girl of health and well-being and went on the road.

He walked for a long time - and through the rocky mountains, and through the stormy rivers - and at the end of the seventh day reached the Silver Palace. It is worth this palace on the mountain, all shocks and shines and shines. I left Tan-Batyr warrior on a silver horse, in silver armor and said:

Oh man, you probably got here by mistake! While still alive, go away from here! If my Vladyka-Div arrives, he will eat you.

Tan-Batyr says:

I would rather come by your lord! It is still unknown who will overcome whom: He will eat me or I'll get it off! And you'd better at first feed me - I did not eat anything seven days.

I have nothing to feed you, "says the warrior in silver armor. - For my owner, the diva was cooked two bulls, two bull stoves and two bodies of the Crown Honey. I have nothing more.

Okay, - Tang-Batyr says, - while this is enough!

What will I tell my lord if you eat everything? - asks the warrior.

Do not be afraid, "says Tan-Batyr," your owner no longer wants to have anymore!

Then the warrior in silver armor began to feed Tan-Batyr. Failed, Tan-Batyr got drunk and asked:

Will your lord come soon?

He must come back tomorrow.

And on what road will it come back?

Warrior says:

Behind this silver palace the river flows, and the silver bridge is thrown over the river. Div always returns to this bridge.

Tang-Batyr took out Shilo's pocket and says:

Now I'm lying to sleep. When Div will approach the palace, you will wake me up. If I won't wake up, the rings of me with this selection in the temple.

With these words, he looked around and immediately fell asleep.

Tolen night and all day was sleeping Tan-Batyr without wake. Now it's time when Div should have come. Became a warrior to wake Tan-Batyr. And Tan-Batyr sleeps, nothing feels. He became a warrior crying. Here Tan-Batyr awakened.

Get up rather! - He tells him the warrior in silver armor. - Diving is about to come - he will then destroy both.

Tan-Batyr quickly jumped up, took his sword, went to the Silver Bridge and hid under it. And at the same moment a strong storm rose - Div home returned.

The first ran up to the bridge his dog, and I did not mess around the bridge: I bored, Passed the tail and ran back to the owner. Div was greatly angry with her, hit it with a spruce and crushed at a horse to the bridge.

The horse shot a cup to the middle of the bridge and. Stopped as inserted. Diva let's beat him with a spruce. And the horse is not going forward, it is five.

Became to marry a horse.

Maybe - says, - Do you think Tang-Batyr came here? So know: Tang-Batyr was not yet born!

Diva did not have time to speak these words, as Tan-Batyr jumped out from under a silver bridge and shouted:

Tan-Batyr not only managed to be born, but managed, how you yourself see, and come here!

Very good, what came, "says Div. - I will sing you in half and swallowing!

Do not swallow - bones I have solid! - answers Tan-Batyr. Will you fight with me or immediately give up? - asks Div.

Let your brother surrender, and I will fight! - says Tan-Batyr.

They grabbed and began to fight. For a long time they beat. Tan-Batyr Sillen, and the div is not weak. Only the diva of the force weaker became - he could not overcome Tan-Batyr. And Tan-Batyr was illuminated, grabbed the diva, raised him high above his head and threw him on the ground. Diva had all the bones. Then Tan-Batyr folded his bones into a bunch, sat down on his horse and returned to the Silver Palace.

Sung to him towards the beauty girl and says:

Well, "Tan-Batyr says," one will not stay here. You will be my middle brother's wife. And he told her that she went with his brothers to search for her and her sisters. Now, "says, it remains to find and help your younger sister. Wait me in this silver palace. I'll free her, I will come after you. And now tell me: Where does your youngest sister live? Is it from here?

If you go straight on this silver horse, then seven days and seven nights you will reach it, "the girl says.

Tang-Batyr sat on a silver horse and went on the road.

On the seventh day he counted to the Golden Palace. She sees Tan-Batyr: This golden palace is surrounded by a high, thick wall. Before the gate on the Golden Kone, a very young warrior sits in gold armor.

As soon as Tan-Batyr drove up to the gate, this warrior said:

Oh man, why did you come here? Div, the owner of this Golden Palace, eat you.

It is still unknown, "Tan-Batyr answers, - who will overcome whom: He will eat me; I'll cut it off. And now I really want to eat. Feed me!

Warrior in gold armor says:

The food is prepared only for my Lord: Three Breeding Breasts, Three Bread Furnaces Yes Three Barrels of Crown Honey. I have nothing more.

I and this is enough, "says Jigit.

If so, - says the warrior, - open this gate, enter, and then I will feed you.

One blow Tan-Batyr knocked a thick, strong gate and entered the Golden Palace.

The warrior was surprised by his unusual strength, brought food and began to treat.

When Tan-Batyr was saturated, began to ask the warrior:

Where did your lord run and when will it come back?

Where he left, I do not know, and it will be tomorrow from the side of that dense forest. There is a deep river flowing, and the golden bridge will be thrown through it. On this bridge, Div and will go to his gold horse.

Well, "says Jigit. - I am now a lying to rest. When it comes it, you will wake me up. If you do not wake up, holing me here is this seer.

And filed a young warrior Shilo.

As Loe Tan-Batyr, so immediately fell asleep firmly. All day and all night he slept without waking up. How did the deadline come back, the warrior began to wake him up. And Dzhigit sleeps, does not wake up, even wakes even. Then the warrior took Shilo and that was the strength cololidal him in the thigh.

Thank you for woken in time!

The warrior brought the full bucket of water, filed the Batyr and says:

I drink this water - she gives strength!

He took the Batyr bucket and dried it for one sip. Then the warrior tells him:

Go for me!

He brought Tan-Batyra to the room where two big barrels stood, and said:

See you these barrels? In one of them, water that takes strength to another - water that gives force. Stop these barrels for the diva to do not know which one is what water.

Tan-Batyr rearranged the barrels and went to the Golden Bridge. Hid under the bridge and began to wait for the diva.

Suddenly stuck, stumbled around: the diva is going on his gold horse, a big dog runs ahead.

Responed the dog to the bridge, and on the bridge it is afraid. Put the tail, bored and ran back to the owner. Div was angry at the PSA and from all over the scope hit it with a spruce. He drove the diva to the bridge, drove up to the middle. Here his horse became like the inspected. Div and pounded the horse, and he scolded him, and Stegal got a ripple - does not ride a horse, rests, does not want to step down. The diva hairs, shouted to the horse:

What are you afraid of? Or do you think Tang-Batyr came here? So this Tan-Batyr still was not born! He did not have time to speak these words, Tan-Batyr jumped out from under the bridge and shouted:

Tan-Batyr and I managed to be born, and it came here! Looked around his diva, grinned and says:

I thought you were grown great, healthy yes strong, and you, it turns out, what is small! I can only eat you to eat, but more with you and there is nothing more to do!

Do not hurry to swallow - chollow! - says Tan-Batyr.

Well, - asks Div, - Rather Rather: Will you fight or immediately give up?

Let your father give up, "Tan-Batyr replies," you will have to beat me. " I have already both your brothers; killed.

And they began to fight. Fight, fight - no way to overcome one other. Forces, they turned out to be equal. After a long battle, Diva has diminished.

Sees Div not overcome the enemy. He went down to the trick and tells Tan-Batyr:

Let's go to me to the palace, eat, eat and then we will fight again!

Well, Tan-Batyr replies, "let's go."

They came to the palace, began to drink, eat. Div says:

Let's drink on the bundle of water!

Burned the water bucket, taking force, and drank himself; Alpassed the water bucket, giving strength, and Tan-Batyr filed. He did not know that the barrels Tang-Batyr rearranged.

After that, they came out of the palace and went to the Polyana, to the Golden Bridge. Div asks:

Will you fight or immediately give up? I would fight if you have a courage stayed, "Tan-Batyr responds.

They threw the lot to whom the first hit. Lots of Diva fell. Diva was delighted, swung, hit Tan-Batyra, scored him to the earth.

Now my ceremony - says Tan-Batyr. He swung, hit the diva and driven it into the ground by the knee. Severated diva from the Earth, hit Tan-Batyra - drove him on his knee to the ground. Tan-Batyr hit the diva dish on the belt to the ground. I barely selected diva from the ground.

Well, - shouts, - Now I will beat!

And so he struck Tan-Batyra so much that he left the very belt to the ground. He began to get out of the ground, and Div stands, mocking him:

Get out, get out, flea! What are you so long sitting in the ground?

Bloch will come out! - says Tan-Batyr. - Let's see how you will be able to get out!

I gathered Tang-Batyr all his strength, it was pregnant and jumped out of the ground.

Well, - says, now beware!

He became before the diva and from all over the scope so hit him that he drove into the ground for the very thick neck and tells him:

How long will you hang around in the ground? Get out, the battle is not over!

How many dives neither tried, could not get out of the ground. Pulled Tan-Batyr Diva from the ground, cut off his head, and the body ruled into small pieces and folded into a bunch.

After that he returned to the Golden Palace. And there it meets the girl, so beautiful that the second is so nowhere to find.

Tan-Batyr says:

I know it. I and my brothers went to search for you. I already freed two of your sisters, and they agreed to marry my older brothers. If you agree, you will be my wife.

Girl with great joy agreed.

They lived a few days in the Golden Palace. Tan-Batyr rested and began to prepare on the way back. When they gathered to leave, Tang Batyr said:

They sat down on horseback and drove. When I drove a little from the palace, the girl turned to his face, pulled out a handkerchief and waved. And at the same moment, the Golden Palace turned into a golden egg, and then the egg rushed straight into his hands to the girl. She tied the egg to the handkerchief, Served Tan-Batyr and said:

On, jigit, take care of this egg!

They drove seven days and seven nights and drove to the Silver Palace. Sisters met after a long separation and so we were glad that it was impossible to tell.

Three days and three nights were located in the Silver Palace, and then they gathered and went on the road again.

When I drove off the palace, the youngest daughter of Padishah turned face to the Silver Palace and waved his scarf. And now the palace turned into a silver egg, and the egg rushed straight to her hand.

The girl was tied with a handkerchief and served Tan-Batyr:

On, jigit, and this is an egg, keep it!

They rode, they drove and got to the Copper Palace on the seventh day. I saw the eldest daughter of Padishah sisters and so glad that it was impossible to convey. She began to treat them and ask everything about everything.

They stuck in the copper palace for three days and three nights, gathered and went further into the path.

When I drove off the palace, the older sister turned face to the copper palace and waved the handkerchief. I turned the copper palace in the egg, and the egg rushed straight into the hands to the girl.

Tied girl egg in a handkerchief and filed :

And this egg you keep!

They went after that further. We drove for a long time and finally got to the bottom of the cave, in which he descended. Here Tan-Batyr saw that the bottom of the cave was rising and visited by a rope on which he descended. He jerked for the end of the rope - filed the sign to the brothers, so that he was pulled out. Previously, all the older sister tied to the rope. She was pulled out. As soon as she appeared on Earth, the Tan-Batyra brothers as if they were distracted. One shouts: "My!" Another shouts: "No, mine!" And they moved to a fight from the screams and began to strike one other blows.

Then the eldest daughter of Padishah told them:

In vain you stick, batyr! I am the older of three sisters. And marry older from you. My middle sister will come out for the average. We just need to raise it here from the dungeon.

Looked the brothers the rope in the cave and raised the middle sister. And again between the brothers began Brank and the fight: it seemed to everyone that the middle sister was more beautiful than the eldest. Then sisters told them:

Not time to fight now. In the dungeon there is your brother Tan-Batyr, who saved us from the dives, and our younger sister. We must raise them to the ground.

Stopped brothers to fight, launched a rope in the cave. As soon as the end of the rope reached the bottom of the dungeon, the younger sister said Tan-Batyr:

Listen, Jigit that I will tell you: Let your brothers first pull you out. It will be better!

Look, jigit, both will be bad! If the brothers finish you, you will help you get out. And if you pull me before, they can leave you in this cave.

Pan-Batyr did not obey.

No, "says," I can't leave you one underground, better and do not ask! First you raise you - only then you can think about me.

Tang-Batyr tied the end of the loop rope, planted the younger girl into this loop and pulled for the rope: you can lift! Padyshach's younger daughter, they saw, saw what her beauty, and began to fight again. The girl said:

In vain you stick. I still will not be yours. I promised Tan-Batyr, that I would be his wife, and this promise I would never break!

Girls began to ask the brothers to launch a rope in the dungeon and pulled out Tan-Batyr. Suspected brothers and say:

Well, do the way you ask.

They descended the rope in the cave, waited size sign From Tan-Batyr and began to raise it upstairs. And when he was at the exit, the brothers refunded the rope, and Tang-Batyr, stringly flew to the bottom of the abyss.

The girls were bitterly cry, but the brothers threatened them with swords, ordered to silence and gather on the road.

Let's leave the brothers and come back to Tan-Batyr.

He fell on the bottom of the abyss and lost his memory. He was lying for a long time without movement and only three days later and three nights barely rose to his feet and walked himself without knowing where. He walked himself for a long time and met with a gray mouse again. The gray mouse shakeped, turned into a person and said:

Tan-Batyr says:

Aleikum villages, mouse-man! It happened that it happened that I don't want to talk about him ... I am looking for now to enter the surface of the earth, but I can not find anything.

From here you just won't get married, "the mouse says. - Try to find the place where you fought with the last dam. From there you will go on the Golden Bridge and see a high mountain. Two goats will graze on that mountain: one is white, the other is black. The goats are very quickly running. Catch a white goat and sit on him with riding. If you succeed, the white goat will lead you to the ground. If you sit down on a black goat, you will be bad: he will kill you or kill, or takes even deeper to the ground. Remember it!

Tan-Batyr thanked the gray mouse and went on a familiar road. Long he went and finally got to a high mountain. Batyr looks: they graze two goats on the mountain - white and black.

He began to catch a white goat. He chased him, wanted to grab, and the black goat prevents himself, his hands climbs into his hands. Tan-Batyr will tear him down and runs again behind a white goat. And the black again here is like here - and climbs into his hands.

Tang-Batyr ran for a long time behind a white goat, for a long time he drove black, finally managed to grab him for the horns of a white goat and jump out on his back. Then the goat asked Tan-Batyr:

Well, Batyr, you managed to catch me - Your happiness! Speak now that you are needed.

I want me, "says Tan-Batyr," so that you put me on the ground. " I don't need anything more from you.

White goat says:

I will not be able to endure you to Earth, but it comes from where you come from this place to this place.

And how long will we have to go? - asks Tan-Batyr.

Long, - the white goat answers. - Keep very hard for my horns, close your eyes and do not open them until I say.

A lot of whether it was not yet time - it is not known what was - unknown, only the goat suddenly said:

Open your eyes, batyr!

Opened Tan-Batyr's eyes and sees: around light light. Tan-Batyr was delighted, and the goat says to him:

Do you see TU HOR? Near the mountain runs the road. Go on this road - you will leave on the white light!

Tried the goat these words and disappeared.

I went Tang Batyr on this road.

He goes, goes and comes to an extinct fire. He broke asha, found a big cake under the ash. And on the cake it is written: "Tan-Batyr".

"Yeah, Though Tan-Batyr thinks, then I go after the brothers, go to the side of the house!"

He ate this bread, lean, rest and went on.

Whether he walked a lot, if only, just after a while he again approached the extinct fire. I ruptured ash and here found a cake, and I saw the inscription on the lepeshka: "Tan-Batyr". "This shepherd was hot and still unfinished. Tang-Batyr had this cake and did not even stay on vacation - went further into the path.

He goes, goes and comes to the place where people had recently stopped, burned the fire and prepared food.

Tan-Batyr got a hot ash, and the cake was lying in asha, quite still raw, even to call it, it is impossible to call it - dough.

"Yeah, Though Tan-Batyr thinks, I can see, I catch up with my brothers!"

He goes forward a quick step and not even fatigue.

A little time passed, he reached the clearing near the dense forest. Here he saw his brothers and three daughters of Padisha. They just stopped at rest, and the brothers were built from the branches of the slas.

They saw the Tan-Batyra brothers - they were frightened, from the fear of numbings, do not know what to say. And the girls were crying from joy, began to treat him, care for him.

When the night came, we went to sleep everything in the slashes. Tan-Batyr as Lög, and fell asleep. And the brothers have become secret from the girls to settle.

Elder brother says:

We Tang-Batyr did a lot of evil, he will not forgive it - it will take care of us!

Middle brother says:

From him now do not expect anything good. We must somehow get rid of it.

They talked, talked and decided:

We will learn to the entrance to the slas, where Tang Batyr sleeps, the sword. Said - and did. At midnight, the brothers shouted wild voices:

Sawn, rescue, robbers attacked!

Tang-Batyr jumped up and wanted to run out of the chala, but came across the sword. And cut off to him with a sharp sword both legs kneeling.

Tan-Batyr fell on Earth, he could not even move from pain.

And the older brothers quickly gathered, took their things, grabbed the girls and went how they did not happen. Tang-Batyr's bride asked them, begged them to leave her here, but they did not listen to her, dragged with them. Okay, let them go their own way, and we will stay with Tan-Batyr.

Tan-Batyr woke up, climbing to the fire, which was laid off the brothers. The fire will plump - he will crash to the side, pulls the branches and threaten to the fire: the fire will get out, then it will be very bad - the predatory beasts will come, they will come off.

In the morning, Tan-Batyr saw not far from his man's shag. This man runs behind wild goals. He runs behind them, catch up with them, and can't catch anywhere. And the legs of this person are tied with heavy mill mills.

Tan-Batyr called a man to himself and asks:

And why are you, Jigit, tied to the legs of the millstone?

If I did not attach them, I could not keep in place: so fast I run.

Tang-Batyr met with a runner, made friends and decided to live together.

Three days later, the chalash had a third person. It was young, strong jigit, only he was awesome.

Where did you lose your hands? - asked him Tan-Batyr.

And Jigit told him:

I was myself strong manNo one could compare with me in force. My older brothers envied me and, when I slept hard, cut off both hands.

And they began to live three in great friendship. Food with bezek, and Tan-Batyr prepares her.

Once they talked among themselves and decided: "We need to find a real streaku, and Tan-Batyr will find another matter."

They went to the road. Tan-Batyr sat on the shoulders of griege jigita, and he would have taken it blindly behind them. When the helpless was tired, Tang-Batyra took the blind to his shoulders, and Bezheless walked around and pointed the way. So they went for a very long time, we passed many forests, mountains, fields and ravines and finally came to one city.

All residents of the city escaped to look at them. Everyone is missed, they show on them one other: such good, beautiful jigs and such unfortunate! It turned out to be among the inhabitants and daughter of the local Padishah. She liked our jigs, and decided they to carry it out. Grabbed and ran. Blind carries a girl, sleepless - Tan-Batyr. The inhabitants of the city were joining them, yes where there were all behind everything behind them and the trace lost them.

And the jigs came to the place where their chalashi stood, and they say to the girl:

Do not be afraid of us, we will not do anything thin to you. You will be for our sister, you will cook us food and follow the bone so that it does not go out.

The girl comforted, began to live with jigs, began to prepare them food, care for them.

And the jigs went hunting threesome. They will leave, and the girl cooks food, replete their clothes, will pick up in a halate and waiting for them. Once she prepared everything, the village wait for three jigitis and trisky. And the fire and the ground.

The girl woke up, saw the fire went out, and was very frightened.

"So what's now? - thinks. We will come brothers what I say? "

She climbed onto a high tree and began to be inspected. And she saw: far, far-far shine lights with mouse peephole.

Game a girl to this fire. Came and sees: standing a small hut. Opened the door, entered. Sits in the outskirts of the old woman.

And it was a witch - deceitment of carcchek. The girl bowed to her and said:

Oh grandmother, I have a fire! So I went out to look for fire and came to you.

Well, my daughter, - Says Acers Carryk, - I will give you fire.

Asked the old woman a girl about everything, gave her fire and said:

I live quite alone in this hut, I don't have anyone, I don't go through with anyone and the word. Tomorrow I will come to visit you, I will sit with you, I'll talk to you.

Well, grandma, - says the girl. - Just how do you find us?

But I will give you a bucket of ash. You go and clarify the rash for their ash. On this trave, I will find your home! The girl did and did. She brought fire, spread the fire, welded food. And here and the jigs from the hunt returned. They flooded, got drunk, slept night, and early in the morning they went to hunt again.

As soon as they left, the carrec activity appeared. She sat, talked to the girl, then she began to ask:

Well, a daughter, clearing my hair, it's hard for me to do it!

She put her head on his knees to the girl. She became a girl to leave her hair. And the deceit of Carryk began to suck her blood.

The girl did not notice it. The old woman was saturated and says:

Well, my daughter, it's time for me! - And left. After that, the carcicke was disturbed every day, as soon as the Jigites went to the forest, he was to the girl and sucking her blood. Saws, and myself scares the girl:

If you say Djigitam, you will shoot you at all!

Girl's day from the day began to lose weight, dry, left some bones and leather.

Djigitis alarmed and ask her:

What's with you, sister? Why are you so thin? Maybe you miss the house or are hard to eat, do you not want to tell us?

And I do not miss, and not with a rift, "the girl answers them," so just lose weight, and why, and I don't know myself.

She hid the truth from the brothers, because the old women were very afraid.

Soon the girl was so weakened that he could not walk already. Only then she opened the brothers all the truth.

When, "says, I have a smoke Fire, I went for the fire to the hut some old woman. This old woman began to go to me every day when you are not. Will come, my blood will go and leaves.

We must catch and kill this old woman! Jigites say.

The next day, two went hunting, and blinded left at home - wrap a girl.

Soon the old woman came, saw blind jigita, laughed and said:

A-ah! It can be seen, this blind stayed to put me up!

She walked out of his head hair and tied the hands and legs with blind jigita firmly. He lies, can not move her foot or hand. And the old woman drunk a girl and gone. The next day remained near the girl Nezheless Djigit.

Witch came, tied him with his own hair, got drunk girls and gone.

On the third day, Tan-Batyr himself remained near the girl. He hid under Nara, on which the girl lay, and said:

If the old woman comes and asks, who remained at home today, say: "No one, they scared you." And when the old woman starts to drink your blood, you are unnoticed by the strand of her hair under Nara.

Who stayed at home today?

No one, "the girl answers. - They scared you and left.

Put the old woman's head on the knees of the girl, began to suck her blood. And the girl gently lowered the strand of her hair in the gap under Nara. She grabbed Tan-Batyr old hair, pulled them, tied them tightly to the transverse board and got out of the Nar. I wanted to run the old woman, but it was not there! Tan-Batyr began to beat the deceleration of Carchek. She shouts, breaks out, but nothing can do anything. And here returned two more jigita. Steel and they beat the old woman. Until then, they beat until she requested mercy. She began to cry, ask for jigs:

Do not kill me! Release! I will make a blind mooring, the helpless will again become with his hands! Understand again there will be legs! A girl will make a healthy and strong! Just do not kill me!

Swear what you do, as promised! They say the brothers.

Old woman swore and says:

Which of you to heal first?

Heal Girl!

Rasped the old woman to fall and swallowed the girl. Jigites were alarmed, and the old woman opened the mouth again, and the girl came out of her; And such she became beautiful and ruddy, which one was not.

After that, the carcicke of the blind was swallowed. I left the blind from her mouth in vain. Swallowed the old woman of the root. He came out of her mouth with both hands.

Tan-Batyra has come. He says:

See, brothers, be ready! To swallow, she swallows me, and back, maybe not release. So far I will not appear alive, healthy, do not let her go!

Swallowed destruction of Carryk Tan-Batyr.

Will he come out soon? - Ask Djigites.

Night will come! - The old woman is responsible.

Steel Jigites beat the old woman. As neither beat, she did not release Tan-Batyr. Then they took their swords and destroyed the witch in pieces. And Tan-Batyra did not find it. And suddenly they noticed that the witch lacks a thumb on the hand. Began to look for this finger.

See, the witch finger runs to her hut. Caught him, cut, and came out from there Tan-Batyr, healthy, beautiful, even better than before.

Djigites were delighted, staged a feast on joys, and then decided to go on their homes, each in their country. Tan-Batyr says:

Let's spend first a girl home. I have done a lot for us.

They gathered for a girl of different gifts, put on the shoulders to quickly. He took her home to his parents and returned back.

After that, Jigites said goodbye, persuaded never to forget each other, and everyone went to her country.

Tang-Batyr passed many countries, many rivers and finally reached his native country. He came to the city, but did not appear to her parents nor Padyshah. He found poor Domisichko on the outskirts of the city, where the old man lived with the old woman, and asked him to shelter him. This old man was a shoemaker. Tan-Batyr began to ask the old man:

Whether the batyr returned, who went to look for the daughters of Padishah?

The old man says:

Batyr returned and brought daughters of Padishah, only one of them died, did not return.

And whether the Batyr wedded? - asks Tan-Batyr.

No, I could not more, - the old man answers. - Yes, now for a short time to wait: they say, the wedding will be every other day.

Then Tang-Batyr wrote on the gate: "I can sew soft boots - chitk to the wedding for the daughters of Padisha.

Why did you do that? - asks the old man.

Soon you will find out, - Tang-Batyr says.

They read this inscription, told the daughters of Padishah.

Senior and middle daughters came, ordered to sew three pairs of chittek tomorrow by morning.

Two, they say - for us, and the third for our younger sister.

There is nothing to do an old man - he agreed. And he himself began to reproach Tan-Batyr:

Look, will be trouble! Will I have time to sew three pairs of chittech by morning?

The old man was sat down for work, and he himself grumbling himself, Branit Tan-Batyr.

He tells him Tan-Batyr:

Do not be afraid, Babai, everything will be fine! You lie down and sleep quietly, I myself chittely!

The old man was smaller with the old woman to sleep.

When midnight came, Tan-Batyr left the house, he took three eggs out of his pocket, shoved them on the ground and said:

Let three pairs of chittech appear!

And immediately there were three pairs of chittek - some golden, other silver, third copper. Tan-Batyr took them, brought to the hut and put on the table.

In the morning, when the old man rose, Tang-Batyr says to him:

Here, Babai, I sewed three pairs of chittek, did not deceive you! When the daughter of Padishah come, give them, but do not say who she sewed. And if you ask, say: "She sewed." And about me - not a word!

Soon to the house of the shoemaker came the daughters of Padishah, called him on the porch and ask:

Li, Babai sewed, for us chittech?

She sewed, "says the shoemaker.

He made all three pairs, filed them.

Here, look - do you like?

They took the daughters of Padishach Chittech, began to look at them.

Who sewed them? Ask.

Like who? - says the old man. - I myself.

Paying the daughter of Padishah with a shoemaker, gave him a lot of money and ask again:

Tell the truth, Babai: who sewed chitte?

And the old man is on his own:

He sewed himself, and that's it! Daughters did not believe him:

Skillful you master, babai! We are very pleased with your work. Let's go now to the Father, ask him to postpone the wedding for one day, and you for this day there are three dresses without seams. See to be ready on time!

There is nothing to do an old man - he agreed.

Well, "says, - a silence.

And he returned to the hut, began to pronounce Tan-Batyr:

I brought me to trouble! Is I able to sew three dresses for daughters of Padyshah?

And Tan-Batyr comforts him:

You do not burn, babai, lie and sleep quietly: you will have three dresses at the right time!

When midnight came, Tan-Batyr went out on the outskirts of the city, she shoved three eggs on the ground and Military:

Let there be three dresses without seams for the daughters of Padishah!

And in the same moment there were three dresses without seams - one golden, other silver, third copper.

He brought these dresses in the hut, hung on the hook. In the morning, the daughters of Padishah came, the old man called:

Ready, babai, dresses?

He sentenced them the old man dresses, filed. Girls right away from surprise:

Who sewed these dresses?

Like who? I sewed himself!

We paid generously daughters of Padishah with an old man and say:

Once you are such a skillful master, will and another one ordered! There is nothing to do - you do not want to agree.

Okay, - says, order.

The eldest daughter of Padisha said:

Tomorrow by morning, build a copper palace on the outskirts of the city!

The average said:

Tomorrow by the morning of the city of Silver Palace on the outskirts of the city!

And the younger ordered:

And for me, Tomorrow is the Golden Palace!

The old man was frightened, he wanted to refuse, and he was hoping for Jigita, who also sewed chickens and dresses.

Well, "says," I will try!

As soon as the daughters of Padishah left, the old man began to reproach Tan-Batyr:

I brought me to death! Now I was gone ... where it is seen, so that one person overnight three palaces built!

And all shakes all, crying. And the old woman is crying:

We died! Our end came!

Tan-Batyr began to console them:

Do not be afraid, babai, lie and sleep quietly, and the palaces I somehow build one!

At midnight he came on the outskirts of the city, shoved three eggs at three sides and Mili:

Find three palaces: copper, silver and gold!

And only pulled, there were three palaces of unprecedented beauty.

In the morning, Tan-Batyr woke the old man:

Go, Babai, on the outskirts of the city, look, did the good palaces, I built!

The old man was gone, looked. I came running home joyful, fun.

Well, - says, - Now it is not executed!

A little later came the daughters of Padishah. He led the old man to the palaces. They looked at the palaces and talk among themselves:

It can be seen, Tan-Batyr returned. Besides him, no one could build these palaces! They suggested the old man and ask:

At least this time I tell the truth, Babai: who built these palaces?

The old man remembers the orders of Tan-Batyra to nobody talk about him and says:

I myself built, myself! And who else?

Daughted daughters of Padishah, began to pull the old man for the beard: maybe this beard is fake? Maybe it is Tan-Batyr his beard put on? No, not a fake beard, and the old man is real.

Then girls began to ask the old man:

Flek, Babai, our last request: Show us Jigita, who built these palaces!

Want you do not want - you need to show. He brought the old daughters of Padishah to his hut, Jigita clicked:

Come out here!

And he left the hut for Tan-Batyr himself. His girls saw, rushed to him, cried from joy, began to ask him where he was, as he began to be healthy again.

They ran to Padyshah and said:

Father returned Batyr, who saved us from the divov!

And his brothers - despicable deceivers and villains: they wanted to destroy their brother, and we were threatened to kill if we tell the truth!

He was angry with Padishah on deceivers and said Tan-Batyr:

What do you want to do with these cunning villains, then do it!

Tan-Batyr ordered brothers and told them:

You made a lot of evil, and for it it would be necessary to execute you. But I do not want to execute you. Leave from this city and never again shown to me!

Lose the heads of deceivers and gone.

And Tan-Batyr ordered his friends with whom he lived in the forest, and lead to him.

Now, says, you can protect the weddings!

Tan-Batyr married the youngest daughter of Padishah, quick-footed - on the middle, and Salo - on the eldest. They arranged a rich feast and drank forty days and forty nights. After that, I took my parents to myself, and they began to live together.

They live very well. Today I walked to them, came yesterday. With honey tea drinks them!

Tatar folk tale Tang Batyr

In a long-standing time, one poor woman lived in one distant city. And she had the only son who learned from Luke to shoot from Luke. Fifteen years began to walk in the forest and in the meadow: He will shoot to game and bring home. So they were interrupted.

listen online to Kras - Silver Spit

They lived, like all the poor, on the very outskirts of the city. And in the center of the city, next to the Padishah Palace, it was, they say quite a large lake. And once the son of this woman decided to go hunting to the same lake, which was splashing near the palace. "They will not hang me for it," he thought. "And if even hang," there is nothing to lose. " The road was not free. While he got to the lake, the sun was over Zenit overlap. Dzhigit sat in the reeds, attached an arrow, pulled the tent, began to wait. Suddenly, from the high reeds, the duck fluttered and flew right above the hunter's head. Yes, not a simple duck, but duck - pearl feathers. Dzhigit was not confused, he descended the tutor, and the duck fell - pearl feathers to his feet. Jigit thought, thought and decided to attribute this duck with Padyshah. As decided, I did. Padishah heard what kind of gift to him, ordered to skip Jigita to him. And seeing the duck - pearl feathers, so I was glad that she ordered to give a hunter a bag of money.

I clicked the tailings of the tailors, and they sewed him from the pearl fluff and pearl feathers such a hat, about which none of the Padishakh and dream of dreaming.

And the envious sights, though they were rich, it was a pity that they did not get the money bag. And they threw anger on jigita, they decided to destroy him.

About Padishah, "they said to their lord," the pearl hat is good, but what does the pearl hat mean, if there is no pearl fur coat?

I bought Jigit Horse the best, gentle to the saddle to the province, took my bow of the arrow, went on the road.

He was driving for a long time, lost his day. And he led his way to the dark forest to a small hut. He knocked on the door, entered, and there the old woman is gray, humpback, and the eyes are kind. Gigitus greeted with the hostess, told about his trouble. The old woman says him:

You, son, rest with me, spend, and though I myself can not help you, but I will show the way to my sister. She will help you.

He spent his good old Gigit, thanked her, jumped to the horse and drove further.

He rides the day of the track day, goes the night, shotklock, finally, to a black dusty field. It stands in the middle of the field of the Old Hut, and leads to it the trail.

He knocked Jigit to the door, entered, and there the old woman is so old, such a gray, all the bent, and the eyes are kind. Gigitus greeted her, about living - to be asked, and she answered him:

It can be seen, no reason, son, you came to such a distance. True, you have a difficult thing. It is rarely rarely who cares here. You do not waste. If I can, I will help you.

Dzhigit sighed and says:

Yes, grandmother, a difficult thing fell on my poor head. Far from here is the city where I was born, where my mother is now. My father died when I was not fulfilled by me, and Mother's Matushka raised me: Bayam was cooked, their clothes was launched, they closed their houses. And I, a little grew, the hunter became. I once shot, I once duck - pearl feathers, gave it to Padyshah. And now he needed a lamb - a pearl firm. "And this is, says my speech - bring or head from the shoulders." Here I am looking for this lamb - Pearl Strest. Do not live without him.

Uh, son, not sad, "says the old woman," in the morning there will come up with something. Repends, postpone. We get up early, you wonder what you will go, you will find.

So jigit and did. Fuck, I got, spent, I got up early, became more fun. He gathered on the road, thanked the old woman. And the old woman tells him for a farewell:

Drive, son, won on that track. My sister lives there. Her fields are ne-beam, the forests are unbarrous, the herds are inconspicuous. It will be found in those flocks of lamb - a pearl firm, will certainly be found.

Gigita's good old bowed, sat down on the horse and went. The day goes, the night goes ... suddenly sees - the herd desperate on the green meadow. He brought Dzhigit to stirruces, the lamb did not get a pearl fighter, grabbed him, wounded to the horse and rocked in the opposite direction. He was driving for a long time, lost his day and got and got, finally native city, headed right to Padishah Palace.

As the jagmy's Padisham saw - a pearl firm, so Jigita rewarded generously from joy.

Dzhigit returned home, happily met his mother, and they heal.

And Padyshah tailors sewed a wonderful fur coat from the skins of the lamb - a pearl sweerant, and he was even more caught up with his wealth and wanted to boast of other padishahs. He invited to himself with Padishakhov from all edges. Padishahi lost the gift of speech, seeing not only the cap from ducks - pearl feathers, but also a fur coat from the skins of the lamb - a pearl firm. So glorified his Padisha, the son of the poor once a woman that he could not invite And Jigita to himself on the feast.

And they understood greedy vizers that if they won't be free to jigita, Padisham could bring him closer to him, but for them to think about them. Let's go to Padyshah and say:

Oh, the great of the great, glorious of the glorious and wise of wise! Padyshahi of the whole edge believed to you, fear you. However, it would be possible to multiply your glory.

Why should I do for this? - surprised by Padishah.

Of course, "said Viziri," and you have a hat from ducks - pearl feathers, and a jumper fur coat: -Genently fastener, but not enough to you the most important pearl. Here I would have she, then you would have become more famous for ten times, and even a hundred times.

And what kind of pearl is this? And where to get it? - angry with Padisham.

Oh, Padishah, - Riziri were delighted, "no one knows what kind of pearl is such. But they say, she is. You can learn about her only when you add it. Let the most important pearl that brought you a pearl hat and a pearl fur coat.

He called on Padishai Djigita and says:

Listen to my will: You brought me a duck - pearl feathers, I got a lamb - a pearl firm, so get the most important pearl. I will not regret you with you, but if you don't get it on time to you, do not demolish your heads!

I went to jigit home saddened. Yes, there is nothing to do. Gigitus said goodbye to the old woman and went on the road, looking for the most important pearl.

How long, he briefly drove on horseback, until he led his way to the dark forest to a small hut, to a humpback old woman. She met him as an old friend.

He told her Djigit about his trouble. His old woman calmed down:

Do not burn, son, go on a familiar road to my sister, she will help you.

He sped his good old jigit, bowed low and drove further.

Do not burn, son, - said the old woman, - I will help you. Where you found a lamb - a pearl firm, there you will find the most important pearl. It is the girl Syl-Beauty, Silver Spit, Pearl Teeth. She lives at our older sister, the richest sister. She keeps her sister for seven fences, for family constipation, for family walls, for family doors, under the seven roofs, under the seven ceilings, for seven windows. There is a girl there, not seeing the light of the sunny, no lunar beam. So that's what you do: the guards of clothes are giving, the bone that lies before the bull, give the dog, and the hay, which lies in front of the dog, give the bull. As soon as you do all this, all the constipation will fall, the gate and the doors will open, and you will get into the dungeon, you will see the maiden, Silberry, Silver Spit, Pearl Teeth, take her hands, take it on the light, sit on the horse and drive Its that there is urine. And now drive, son, won on the track.

Gigit of the good old woman bowed and crushed. And the day grew, and the night is jumping. She shot up to a high fence, meets his guard - all in rags, the dog on the hay barks, and bone bone. Dzhigit the guards of clothes gave, the dog bone laid, the bull - hay, and all the gates and doors opened before him. Dzhigit ran into the dungeon, took the maiden for his hands, and as she looked at her, a little reason did not lose - such a beauty. But he immediately came to his senses, took the beauty of his hands, jumped out of the gate, jumped to the horse and rode along with the girl.

Let Gigit and Syl-Krasa go - Silver Spit, and we will look at the old woman.

The old woman woke up and sees: the girls and the next washed. She rushed to the guards, and those in new clothes are fed. She scolds them, and they answer:

We serve you faithfully, wear all the clothes, and you forgot about us. So we opened the gate to someone who dressed us in human.

She rushed to the dog, began to scold her, and the dog suddenly meets the human voice:

You walked in front of me and want me to silent you. And me good man The bone gave, and will I bark on him?

The mistress was attacked on the bull, and he knew himself hay himself, he had no attention to.

Then the old woman ran to her sister, flew to her with reproes:

To whom you, Syakaya, was the secret issued about Syl-Krasu - silver braid, pearl teeth? After all, no one except you knew about her!

Do not be angry, do not be angry, - the old woman answers her, - you did not give me from the wealth of yours and matches, and good jigit and the word affectionately, and gifts left. Do not sit in the dungeon to sit such a pearl, like Syl, and with brave jigitis to go to his homeland.

And there was no evil greedy old woman with anything.

And Jigit grew up with beauty in his city and everyone broke out, giving him the road. As Sylya-Krasu saw the Padisham, a little reason did not lose, I realized that she was really the main pearl. He convened his sightings here and announced his decision to marry her.

When the father died, the eldest son took an ax and went to arrange his life, he decided to experience whether he could help his craft and people to help themselves. Here it was walking and got to an unfamiliar village, one Bai lived there, he built himself new houseand there are no windows in it dark dark inside. He says in this village in any yard there was not a single ax, forced the then Bai of his two workers sunshine aside to the house wearing. Those worn are worn, everything swept, and the house of the sunshine will not be aslended. Surprised all this eldest son, went to the bai and asked:

If I enter into your house sunlight, how much money will you give me?

listen online Tatar fairy tale inheritance poor

If you can do so that the sunlight entered my house with a dawn, there was a whole day in it and went on the sunset to give you a whole thousand rubles - answered Bai.

He took the eldest son, the father's ax and from three sides of the Baysky house drove two windows, and even glazed them. The house turned out light-light, the sun came in the first two windows at dawn, the second shone during the day and in the latter at sunset I looked. He graduated from our craftsmen, thanked his Bai and gave him a thousand rubles. So returned to home the eldest son got rich.

The middle son, seeing what rich and satisfied his elder brother returned, thought: "Wait for ka, and I probably left a shovel just so left." He took a shovel and also went on the road. It was the middle son for so long that winter came. It reached one village, sees on the banks of the river at the very shore lies a big pile of swammy grain and all residents around her gathered.

In those days, before folded in the barn grain, people have drove it, dried thumping into the air until it dry, but the trouble, they say in this village. In no yard there were no shovels and the inhabitants have visited the grain with bare hands. And the day was cold windy, they had a hand with their hands, and they spoke to each other: "Well, if we grain it in two weeks." Heard these words of the Middle Son and asked these people:

If I spend your grain in two days, what will you give me? The grains were plenty and residents of the village promised to give him half. I took our craftsmen shovel and managed for one and a half day. People were very delighted, thanked him and gave half. So returned to say and the middle son home went rich.

The youngest son seeing both of his brother, too, took back, also took the Motok Mokha's father and not words, too, also went on the river. He walked and stopped next to the big lake, the locals were even afraid to approach this lake, said unclean water perfumes, sly peri. I sat down the younger son on the shore, dismissed my urine and became the rope rope from her. He rinses hersing and then he snapped out of the lake the youngest peri and asks:

Why do you touch this rope Agai?

The youngest son answers him:

I want this lake to heaven to hang.

The younger peri was worried, dived into the lake and straight to his grandfather. "We disappeared, there are one person at the top, wept rope, says that Lake our heaven wants to hang."

Soothed his grandfather peri, says "Do not be afraid of a fool, go, look at the length of His rope, if a long time is running with him, hang a man and you will have to throw this idea."

While the younger Peri ran to her grandfather on the bottom of the lake, the youngest son was also busy. He splaved both ends of his long rope so that they would not understand where it begins, and where it ends. Then he turned around and noticed like two hares of jump at each other and hid in one hole. Then he took off his shirt, tied two sleeves and covered the hole outside, and then shouted loudly "Tui". Both hare with fright jumped up and got straight in his shirt. He tied up with a hard hatch of the shirt, so that the hares would not be able to jump, and the ketman put on themselves.

At this time and the younger period arrived: "Let me look at Agai, is your rope length?". Gave him the rope younger son, and began to look for her end, glide his hands on the rope, and she does not erect. Then he says the younger peri:

Let's fly Agai with you chairs, who will come running, he will decide what to do with the lake.

Okay answered the younger brother, only instead my two-month son runs - and he released one hare from the shirt.

They touched the lands of hare paws and drove the hare because of all his might. I could not catch up with his younger peri, but until he ran to take the younger son from the shirt of the second hare. Ross returns and sees the younger brother of the hare strokes and sentences: "Tired pretty, my flower rest."

Amazed Peri and faster dived into the lake to his grandfather. He told his grandfather about his trouble and ordered grandchildren to go to fight. He again rose to the shore and says:

Come on Agay will fight with you

Go, you are per random to the fall tree, throw a stone and Krikni "Let's fight." There my old grandfather Lipa rides, first referring to him.

I threw the younger period stone and shouted. I got a stone in my head with a huge bear, the club was angry, rose from under a tree and rushed to growl on the offender. I barely escaped the younger peri and rather again to my grandfather.

Babai, this person has an old toothless grandfather, we began to fight with him, even he is overgrown. Grandfather gave him his forty powder iron staff and says:

Let each of you make this staff, who will learn above and will decide what to do with our lake.

Began to the competition, the first pursory staff took the first time. Thought so high that he died out of sight, and after some time fell back. And the youngest son will not even get drowned, it stands as stood.

What are you waiting for? - asks him peri - already, is not our victory?

Tatar folk tale inheritance poor man

Gray Wolf (Sarah Bure)

One of the players are chosen by a gray wolf. Seeded squatting, gray wolf is hiding behind a feature at one end of the site (in the bushes or in thick grass). The remaining players are on the opposite side. The distance between the lines of 20-30 m. In the signal, everyone goes into the forest to collect mushrooms, berries. To meets them leading and asks (children in chorus respond):

You, friends, where are you hurrying?

In the forest dense we go

What you do there want9

There are raspberries

Why do you need raspberries, children?

We prepare jam

If the wolf in the forest will meet you?

Gray wolf will not catch us!

After this roll call, everyone is suitable for the place where the gray wolf is hiding, and the choir say:

I will collect berries, and welcome jam,

Cute my grandmother will treat

Here are many raspberries, all and not collect,

And wolves, the bears do not see at all!

After words, not to see the gray wolf gets up, and the children quickly run behind the line. The wolf chases them and tries to stain someone. He takes the prisoners in the lair - where he hid himself.

Rules of the game. You can not pop up the depicting gray wolf, and to run away to all players earlier than the words will not see. You can catch the runaway only to the bottom of the house.

Sell \u200b\u200bpots (Chulmack Wen)

Playing are divided into two groups. Children-pots, put on their knees or sitting on the grass, form a circle. For each pot there is a player - the owner of the pot, his hands behind him. Walking is behind the circle. The drive comes to one of the owners the pot and starts the conversation:

Hey, friends sell a pot!


How much give you rubles?

Three Give

Driving three times (or so much for how much agreed to sell the pot of his owner, but not more than three rubles) concerns the hand of the host pot, and they start running in a circle towards each other (the circle ride three times). Who will get faster to a free space in a circle, he takes this place, and the lagging becomes leading.

Rules of the game. It is allowed to run only in a circle without crossing it. Runners do not have the right to touch other players. Running starts in any direction. If he began running to the left, the stained must run to the right.

Skok-Croskok (Kuchm-Kuch)

On Earth draw a large circle with a diameter of 15-25 m, inside it - small circles with a diameter of 30-35 cm for each participant of the game. Walking stands in the center of the Big Circle.

The leading says: "Cross!" After that, the words players quickly change in places (circles), jumping on one leg. Driving tries to take the place of one of the players, jumping also on one leg. The one who will stay without a place becomes leading.

Rules of the game. You can not push each other from the circles. Two players can not be in one mug. When changing places, the circle is considered to those who used to enter it.

Clappers (Abacle)

On the opposite sides of the room or platform there are two parallel lines two cities. The distance between them is 20-30 m. All children are built up at one of the cities in one Shing: left hand On the belt, right hand stretched forward back.

Choose leading. It comes to standing by the city and says words:

Clap and clap - a signal such

I run, and you for me!

With these words, driving easily slaps someone around the palm. Drinking and stained run to the opposite city. Who will faster will be faster, he will remain in the new city, and the lagging behind it leads.

Rules of the game. So far, the driven did not touch anyone else's palm, it is impossible to run. During running, players should not hurt each other.

Log place (Bush URS)

One of the participants in the game is chosen by leading, and the rest of the playing, forming a circle, go holding hands. Driving goes around in the opposite direction and says:

As forty arkoch

No one in the house.

Like goose gogoral,

You slapped on the shoulder


Having said the run, driving a slightly hit on the back of one of the players, the circle stops, and the one who hit, rushes from his place in a circle to meet with water. The circumferent circle earlier takes free space, and the lagging behind it becomes leading.

Rules of the game. The circle should immediately stop with the word run. Running is allowed only in a circle without crossing it. During running it is impossible to concern standing in a circle.

Fathers (Tych Wen)

At the signal, all players are running around on the site. Drinking tries to stain any of the players. Everyone he caught, becomes his assistant. Holding hands, together, then threesome, four of them, etc. they catch running until they caught all.

Rules of the game. Caught is the one who driven by hand to hand. Caught to catch everyone else, just holding hands.

Zhmurki (Kuzbalau Wen)

Draw a big circle, inside it at the same distance from each other makes mink holes by the number of participants of the game. Determine the leading, tie his eyes and put in the center of the circle. The rest occupy places in mink pits driving approaching the player to catch it. He, without leaving his mink, tries to dodge him, then leaning, then squeezing. The leading should not only catch, but also call the player by name. If he correctly calls the name, the participants of the game say: "Open the eyes!" And the caring becomes caught. If the name is called incorrectly, players, without uttering a word, make a few cotton, giving it to understand that the driving wrong, and the game continues on. Players change minks, jumping on one leg.

Rules of the game. Driving does not have the right to spy. During the game, no one can go beyond the circle. Exchange minks are permitted only when the drive is on the opposite side of the circle.

Interceptors (Kushu Wen)

At opposite ends of the site, there are two houses playing lines located in one of them in Shan. In the middle of the face to children is driven. Children choir pronounce words: We have quick to run,

Love jump and jump

One, two, three, four, five

For nothing to catch it!

After the end of these words, everyone runs a swarming through the playground to another house. Drinking tries to stain the sings. One of the stained becomes leading, and the game continues. At the end of the game there are the best guys who have never got any.

Rules of the game. Driving the players, touching their shoulder with his hand. Spotted departed in an agreed place.


Playing, holding hands, make a circle. Choose a leading - Timerbai. He becomes in the center of the circle. Ring says:

Five children in Timerbai,

Together, fun playing.

The river quickly bathed,

Outlooked, frowned,

True laundered

And beautifully dressed up.

And neither eat nor drinking

In the forest, under the evening came running,

At each other glanced,

Made like that!

With the last words, this is how the watering makes any movement. Everyone must repeat it. Then leading chooses someone instead of himself.

Rules of the game. Movements that have already been shown to repeat cannot be repeated. Shown movements must be performed for sure. You can use various objects (balls, pigtails, ribbons, etc.) in the game.

Chanterelles and chicken (Telki Ham Thavucklar)

At one end of the site are in the chicken coop of chickens and roosters. On the opposite - there is a chanterelle.

The chicken and roosters (from three to five players) walk on the site, pretending that they peck various insects, grains, etc. When a chanterelle is sneaked, roosters shout: "Ku-Ka-Re-ku!" On this signal, everyone runs to the chicken coop, a chanterelle is rushed behind them, which tries to stain any of the players.

Rules of the game. If you do not manage to stain someone from the players, it leads again.

Playing line up in two ranks on both sides of the site. In the center of the site there is a check box at a distance of at least 8-10 m from each team. At the signal, the players of the first ranks throw piles into the distance, trying to thorough before the check box, the same players do the players of the second rank. From each rank, the best thrower is revealed, as well as the Winner's Shernga, in whose team a greater number of participants honors the bags to the check box.

Rules of the game. Throw everything should in the signal. The account is leading commands.

Ball in a circle (Teenchek Wen)

Playing, forming a circle, sit down. The drivening stands behind the circle with the ball, the diameter of which is 15-25 cm. At the signal, driving the ball to one of the players sitting in a circle, and he leaves himself. At this time, the ball begins to move in a circle from one player to another. Walking runs behind the ball and tries to catch him on the fly. The player from whom the ball was caught.

Rules of the game. The transfer of the ball is performed by throwing with a turn. Catching should be ready for receiving the ball. When repeating the game, the ball is transmitted to the one who remains outside the game.

Connected horses (tyshauly atlas)

Playing are divided into three or four teams and lined up. Opposite the line put flags, racks. At the signal, the first team players start jumping, circling the checkboxes and return it back. Then run the second, etc. It wins the team that ended with the reinforcement first.

Rules of the game. The distance from the line to the flags, the racks should be no more than 20 m. Jump should be right, repulscing both legs at the same time, helping their hands. It is necessary to run in the specified direction (right or left).


Tatar folk tales

Magic Ring

In a long-standing time, there lived, they say in one village a man with his wife. They lived very poorly. So it is so poor that their house, unwinded clay, was just stood that at forty backups, and not that would fall. And they say, they had a son. People have sons as sons, and this son does not get off the oven, everything with a cat plays. Teaches a cat with human language yes on hind legs walk

Time goes, mother and father stare. The day is hiking, two will lie. Very birth steel, but soon and died. Buried their neighbors.

The son on the oven lies, bitterly crying, the cat asks his council, because now, besides the cat, he has no one left on all white light.

What we shall do? - He is a cat. - not alms to live with you. Let's leave where your eyes look.

And so, when it was silent, Djigit left with his cat from his native village. And from the house he took only the old father's knife, more and there was nothing to take.

They walked for a long time. Cat is mice at least catching, and Jigita from hunger the belly reduces.

Here they reached one forest, relaxed settled. I tried to fall asleep, and it does not go to the hungry stomach. Tosses with side on the side.

Why you do not sleep? - asks the cat. What a dream is here when you want. And the night passed. Early in the morning he was heard that someone is plaintively crying in the forest. - Do you hear? - fromi asked Dzhigit.- Does someone cry in the forest?

Let's go there, -, answers the cat.

And they went.

Nearby passed, went to the forest glade. And in the glade, high pine grows. And at the very top of the pine, a large nest is seen. Here is from this nest of crying and it is distributed as if the child moans.

I will climb on my pine, "says Jigit." Whether it will be.

And climbed into pine. It looks, and in the nest two cubs of the Birds of the grays (mythic magic bird of huge sizes) crying. They saw Jigita, spoke human voices:

Why did you come here? After all, every day, the snakes arrive. Two our brothers, he already ate. Today is our turn. And you will see - and you, eat.

Eat, since it is not suppressed, "Jigit answers." I will cut you out. Where is your mom?

Our mom-queen birds. She flew away for the kafa (on the belief, the mountains located on the edge of the world, the earth) of the mountain, at the collection of birds and soon should come back. With her, snakes did not dare to touch us.

Suddenly the whirlwind rose, the forest slaughter. Chicks pressed each other:

Won enemy flies.

True, together with the swirl, the monster flew and lowered pine. When the serpent raised his head to get the chick from the nest of chicks, Jigit and the father's knife in the monster was wondering. Snake immediately fell to the ground.

Picks were delighted.

You do not leave us, Jigit, - they say. - We will ask you and focus.

They got all together, drove and talk about it.

Well, jigit, - started chicks, - now listen that we will tell you. Our mother will arrive, asked who you are, why was it here. You do not say anything, we will tell you that you saved us from death. It will become you silver-gold to give, you do not take anything, say that you have enough goodness. Ask her the magic ring. Now hiding under the wing, no matter how bad it happens.

As they said, everything became.

Fit the grace and asks:

What is it like a man smell like a human spirit? Is there anyone else? Chicks answer:

There are no strangers, and our two brothers are not.

Where are they?

Their snakes ate.

The bird of the grace seal.

And how are you survived? - asks his young.

Us Dzhigit one brave saved. Look at Earth. See, snakes dead? It killed him.

I looks at the grace - and indeed, the snake lies dead.

Where is that brave jigit? She asks.

Yes, under the wing sits.

Well, come out, Jigit, - says the semise, - come out, do not fear. What do you give for the salvation of my children?

I don't need anything, the guy answers, "is it just a magic ring.

And the young birds are also asked:

Give, Mom, Ring Jigita. There is nothing to do, the queen of birds agreed and gave a ring.

If you are able to save the ring, you will be the lord of all Pary and Ginnov! There is only a ring on the thumb to wear, how they will arrive all of them to you and ask: "OUR PADISHAH, ANYTHING?" And order that you want. All will execute. Just do not lose the ring - it will be bad.

She put on the grace of a ring on his finger of his leg - immediately flew full of Pary and Jinn. The grace told them:

Now he will be your lord, he and serve. "And Jigita, handing a ring, said:" If you want, you don't go anywhere, we live with us. "

Thanked Jigit, but refused.

I'll go on my way, "he said and went down to the ground.

Here they come with a cat in the forest, we talk among themselves. When tired, sat down to relax.

Well, what do we have to do with this ring? - asks Dzhigit by the cat and puts on a ring on the thumb. Just put on, as Pary and Ginnes flew from all over the world: "Our Sultan's Padyshah, anything?"

And Jigit also did not come up with what to ask.

Is there, - he asks, - on earth the place where the human foot did not go?

There is, they answer those- in the sea Mojit is the island one. He is also beautiful, and fruit berries there is not difficult, and the human foot did not go there.

Here I am with my cat there and transfer. Just said he was already sits on his cat on Tom Island. And so here is beautiful: Flowers are extraordinary, Fruits are growing, and sea \u200b\u200bwaterHow emerald is overflowing. Dzhigit was posted and decided to live with a cat here.

Here the palace would still build, "he said, putting the ring on the thumb.

Ginnes and Pary appeared.

Build me a two-story Pearl Pearl Yes Yakhont.

It did not have time to dress up, as on the shore, the palace rose. On the second floor of the palace, a wonderful garden, between the trees in that garden is all sorts, right up to peas. And on the second floor it is not necessary to rises. I sat on a bed with a red satin blanket, the bed itself and raises.

Dzhigit came like a cat in the palace, good here. Only boring.

All we have with you, "he says the cat," what do we do now? "

Now you need to marry, - answers the cat.

He called on Jigit Ginnov and Pary and commanded bring him portraits of the most beautiful girls from around the world.

I'll choose someone from them to my wife, "said Jigit.

Genny and Pary of beautiful girls scattered. I was looking for a long time, but none of the girls liked them. Finally, flew to a flower state. Padyshah colors have a daughter of unprecedented beauty. Jeans showed the portrait of the daughter of Padishai Djigita to our. And he looked at the portrait, so said:

Here I will bring it.

And on the ground there was a night. Just told Dzhigit his words, looking - she is here, as if he fell into the room. After all, Ginny her straightly sleep was moved here.

Early in the morning wakes up the beauty and his eyes do not believe: went to sleep in his palace, and woke up in someone else.

Jumping out the bed, ran to the window, and there the sea and the sky is azure.

Oh, I disappeared! She says, sat on a bed with a satin blanket. And the bed goes! And there was a beauty on the second floor.

She resembled there among colors, wonderful plants, mowed an abundance of different foods. Even at the father of his father, the Padisha of the flower state, did not see anything like this!

"I can see, I got at all into another world, about which I not only did not know anything, but did not hear," the girl thinks. I sat on the bed, went down and only here I saw Sleeping Jigita.

Get up, Jigit, how did you get here? - asks him.

And Djigit answers her:

That I ordered to bring you here. You will live here now. Let's go, I'll show you the island ... - And they, holding hands, went to watch the island.

Now look at the father of the girl. Wakes up in the morning of the country's duchs, and there is no daughter. He loved his daughter so much that, having learned about whether he fell without memory. In those times - neither your phone nor you Telegraph. Sent equestrian Cossacks. Will not find anywhere.

Then I convened with Padisham to all the signs, wizards. Half of his condition promises to someone who will find. Everyone began to think-guess where his daughter could have been going. Yes, no one mystery solved.

We can't, "they said. - That's there, there is one sorceress there. Unless it helps.

Padishary ordered to bring it. She began to conjure.

Oh, my sovereign, she said, "Your daughter is alive. Lives with one jigite on the island of sea. And even hard it is, but I can deliver your daughter to you.

Padisch agreed.

Wrapped the sorcerer of the frozen bar, rolled to the sea, hit the wave and swam to the island. And on the island of Barrel turned into an old woman. Djigita at home was not. I learned about the old woman and went straight to the palace. She saw her girl, delighted with a new man on the island and asks:

Oh, grandma, how did you find himself here? How did you get here?

Old woman in response:

This island, daughter, is worth it among the sea. You were transferred to the island of Gigs to the island. Spears the words girl, bitterly cried.

And you do not cry, "the old woman says." My father told you back to the flower state. Only here I don't know the mystery of the magic.

How can you get me back?

But listen to me and do everything, as I vela. Jigit comes home, and you smile, gentlely meet it. He will surprise this, and you still caress. Him him, a kiss, and then say: "For four years already, tell me, you keep me here through magic. What if you happen to you, then what should I do? Cutting me the mystery of the magic so that I knew ... "

Here the girl saw the window that Djigit with the cat is returned.

Hold, grandmother, soon, the husband goes.

I turned the old woman in the gray mouse and ran under Seku.

And the girl smiles, as if it was really a very husband, he dates his gentle.

What are you so affectionate today? - Gigitis is surprised.

Oh, she cares even more to her husband, everything as the old woman taught, does. Hugs him, kisses, and then he says a quiet voice:

For four years, you still hold me through the magic here. What if you happen to you, what should I do then? Cut the mystery of the magic, so that I knew ...

And I have a magic ring that fulfills all my desires, it is only for his thumb.

Show me, - asks the wife. Gives her a magic ring jigit.

Do you want him to hide him in a safe place? - Asks wife.

Only please do not lose it, but it will be bad.

As soon as the dzhigit fell asleep at night, the daughter of Padisha, the old woman woke up, the ring on the thumb was put on. Ginnes and Pary got down, asked:

Padishah our sultan, anything?

This jigita, along with a cat in nettle, drop, and my grandmother in this palace to my father treat.

Just said, everything was done in the same moment. The sorceress immediately ran to Padishah.

He returned, "says you, about Padishah, your daughter, as I promised, yes in addition, and the Palace of Gemstone ...

Padishah looked, and next to his palace is another palace, and so rich that he even forgot about grief.

I woke up daughter, I ran to him, long since the joy was crying.

And the father can not tear away from the palace.

Do not cry, "says, - one palace this whole state is more expensive. Look, not an empty man was your husband ...

Flower Padishals ordered to give a wondering bag of potatoes as a reward. There was a hungry year, the old woman did not know from joy to where he had children.

Let them rejoice so much, and we will disconse that with our jigita.

Jigit woke up. It looks - he, together with his cat in Nettle lies. No palace, no wife, no magic rings.

Eh, we died! - says Jigit Cat. - What do we do now?

The cat was silent, thought and began to learn:

Let the raft build. Will the wave be wrong? We must be found in us for anything to find your wife.

So done. They built a raft and swam on the waves. They sailed, sailed and sailed to some shore. Steppe around: no village, no housing - there is nothing. Herbal stems eat jigitis, spilled. Many days they walked and see the city in front of them.

Jigit speaks his cat:

In whatever city we come with you, let's agree - not to throw each other.

I would like to die than you, "the cat answers.

They came to the city. Located in an extreme house. One old woman sits in that house.

Let us, grandmother. We will only rest a bit and drink a seagull, "says Jigit.

Come in, son.

The cat immediately began to catch, and Jigita Old woman became a treat, about living - to ask:

Where did the son come from, did you lose anything or looking for?

I, grandmother, I want to go to workers. And what is this city, where did I come?

This is a flower state, son, "says the old woman.

So the case brought Jigita and his faithful cat where necessary.

And what do you have a grandmother, heard in the city?

Oh son, we have great joy in the city. Padishah daughter has disappeared four years. But now the sorceress one found it and returned his father. They say that on the island of Sea Jigit, one of her through his magic kept. Now and daughter here, and the palace even in which she lived on the island, too. Our Padishah is so happy, so kind now: if you have bread - eat on health, and the legs go - go to health. Here.

I'll go, my grandmother, I will see the palace, and my cat let you get. The whisper cat himself says:

I look like a palace, if anything, you find me.

Gigs go past the palace, all in rags. At this time, Padisch with his wife on the balcony were. Seeing him, the wife of Padishah and says:

Look, what jigit is coming. We have the assistant chef died, will this not go? Brought Jigita to Padisha:

Where, jigit, go, where do you keep the way?

I want to go to workers, the owner is looking for himself.

We have a cook without an assistant stayed. Come to us.

Gigit agreed. In the bath washed, in white shirt Droinated and so beautiful was done that the Haybulla Padishah Vizier loved himself. He hurts Jigit reminded the son of his son, early deceased. Washed Haybulla Djigita. And that and cook affairs went well. He has a complete potato, never boils.

Where did you learn to this? - Ask him. Eat yes praise. And Jigit knew himself, and he watches yes he listens - whether they would tell.

Once he decided to convene guests to convene, the Overseas Palace update. Padyshahi pedishhah and rich venels-like from other countries. Feast Mountain began. And the sorceress was invited. And she, as Jigita saw, so everything was cut down, as well as handled from anger.

What happened? - Ask her. And she in response:

The head has something pain.

Put it. The feast went without it. When guests have risen, the flower country, the sovereign began to try again:

What happened?

Your cook is that jigit. He will destroy all of us.

He was angry with Padishah, told Jigita to grab, to put in the basement, to kill her death.

Haybulla's Vizier heard about it, ran to Jigita, he told everything.

Jigit twisted, and Hybullah and says:

Do not be afraid, I will reveal you.

And he ran to Padisha, because the Padishs called all the visits to the Council. Some say:

He's head to cut off. Others:

In the sea drown.

Haybulla offers:

Let's throw it into the bottomless well. And if your mercy will be yours, I myself will bother him.

And Padishah trusted Haybulle very much.

As you want to kill, do not leave alive.

Haybulla took from a dozen soldiers, so that the Padisham did not think, took himself at midnight Dzhigita Yes, he led to the forest. In the forest, soldiers and says:

I'll pay you expensive. But let's pull the jigita to the well on Arkan. And let no one know about it.

So done. Tied jigita, the food was given to him, the water in the jug was poured. Vizier hugged him:

You do not twist, do not whip. I will come to you.

And then on the Arcana of Jigita to the Well, the wells were launched. And Padisha said that Jigita to the bottomless well threw, he would never come out from there.

A few days passed. Cat waited, waiting for her owner, worried. Tried to get out - he does not produce her old woman. Then the cat broke the window and still ran away. She looked around the palace, where Jigit lived a few days, he worked as a cook, and then he was attacked for the trail and came running to the well. Going down to him, looks: the owner is alive, only mice are tormented by him. Quickly the cat dealt with them. Many mice went up here.

Survised by Mouse Padishah, saw all this, reported to his sovereign:

Some djigit appeared in our state and many warriors of our warriors.

Go, find out from him more than he wants. Then we will do everything, "said Mouse Padisham.

Vizier came to Jigita, asks:

Why pressed, why did our troops killed? Maybe you need it, all I will fulfill, just do not go away by my people.

Well, "says Jigit," we will not touch your soldiers if you can take a magic ring at the daughter of the Padishah flower state.

Convened mouse padishes of his subjects from all over the world, the order gave:

Lay the magic ring, even if you have to touch it all the walls of the palace.

True, the mice were overlooked in the palace and walls, and chests, and cabinets. How many expensive fabrics were dried in search of a magic ring! Finally, one small mouse climbed into the headboard of the daughter of Padishah and noted that the magic ring was tied to the node to her hair. Tried her hair, dragged the ring and delivered.

Djigit put on a magic ring on the thumb. Jeans and Pary here like here:

Padishah our sultan, anything? Jigit first told himself from the well to pull out, then said:

My cat and my wife, together with the palace back to the island, take.

Just said, and he was already in the palace, as if he never left there.

Padyshaha daughter wakes up, looking: she again on the sea island. What to do, does not know, wakes up her husband. And he tells her:

What punishment for you to come up with? And he began to beat her three times every day. What is this life!

Let them live so, we will return to Padyshah.

In the flower state again is a stir. Padyshah daughter disappeared with a rich palace. Padishary convenes the viziers, says:

Alive that jigit turned out to be!

I killed him, "Haybulla answers. Called a sorcerer.

Clelling the first time to find my daughter, Says and now. Will not find - Vella execute.

What does she have to do? She arrived on the island again. The palace rose. Djigita was not at home at that time. Daughter of Padishah and says:

Oh, grandma, go. For the first time I ruined ...

Yes No, daughter, help you out.

No, grandmother, now you will not spend it. He rings all the time with him, and at night puts in his mouth.

That's good, "the old woman was delighted. - Listen to me and do, as I vela. There are a snuff of tobacco. Husband will fall, you pinch and give him to sniff. He sneezes, the ring will pop up, you grab it soon.

The daughter of Padishah hid the old woman, here and Jigit returned.

Well, sleep lay down. Jigit took the ring in his mouth and fell asleep firmly. The wife brought a pinch of a sniffing tobacco to his nose, he sneezed. Ring jumped out. The old woman is rather a ring on his finger, yes ordered the Ginnes and Pari Palace in the flower state to transfer, and Djigita with his cat on the island to throw.

For a minute, Starukhin ordered was executed. Flower state's padisham was very happy.

Let's leave them, back to Jigita.

Jigit woke up. No palace, nor wife. What to do? Tanned jigit. And here and the cat from grief sick.

Look, my death is close, "she says Jigita." You have been bierful of me on our island. "

She said and died. At all silent jigit. One-dinner on all white light he remained. I buried my cat, I said goodbye to her. Built the raft and again, as the first time, swam on the waves. Where the wind drives, the raft and floats there. Finally, to the shore of the raft nailed. Dzhigit came ashore. There is a forest around. In the forest some wonder berries grow. And they are beautiful, such ripe. Jigit scored them and poked them. And immediately he got the horns on his head, all thick wool was covered.

"No, do not see me happiness," Jigit thought sadly. "And why did you only sing these berries?" They will see me hunters - kill. "

And Dzhigit ran into more often. Ran out to the clearing. And there other berries grow. Not quite ripe, pale.

"Worse than there is, I will not, probably," Jigit thought and root these berries. And the horns immediately disappeared, the wool did not become, he became apt for jiggered again. "What a miracle? - He is surprised. - Waiting, if they will be suitable for me? " And Djigit scored those and other berries, then went.

How long whether he walked briefly, and he came into a flower state. Knocked to the same old woman to which he came to the same time. Old woman and asks:

Where, son, so long?

I walked my grandmother, the ricers served. My cat died. I regained yes again in your edges leaned. What is heard in your city?

And we have a daughter of Padishah again disappeared, I was looking for it for a long time, they found again.

Where, grandma, do you know everything?

The girl in the neighborhood lives in the neighborhood, so she is serving the daughter of Padisha. So she told me.

Does she live in the palace or comes home?

Comes, son, comes.

Was it impossible to see her?

Why not? Can. Here comes a girl in the evening home, and the old woman calls her to himself, as if for the case. It enters the poor girl, sees: Jigit sits, he is good, facing the face. She fell in love with immediately. "Help me," Jigit says to her.

Everyone I can, I will help you, "the girl answers.

Just look, do not say anyone.

Okay, tell.

I'll give you three red berries. Somehow their mistresses of their mistress. And then what will happen, you will see.

So the girl did. Brought in the morning those berries in the bedroom of the daughter of Padishah and put on the table. I woke up that - on the table berries lie. Beautiful, ripe. She never seen such berries before. Jumping off the bed - Hop! - And ate berries. Just ate, and from the head the horns were climbed, the tail appeared, and the whole thick hair was covered with the whole thick wool.

Cruid saw - from the palace ran away. Padishah reported that they lived to such a misfortune: they were, they say, you have a daughter, and now Shaitan with horns, even talking to have learned.

Huggy padisham. I convened all the vise, the mystery of the magic ordered ordered.

Which doctors did not drive any professors of different! Others tried the horns of those to cut, but only the spoil they - the horns grow again. From all over the light of Shemptunov, sorcerers and doctors collected. Only none of them can help. Even that sorcerer was powerless. Padischov ordered her head to cut off.

He heard at the bazaar about the whole old woman, from which Jigit stopped, told him:

Oh oh-oh, what grief, son. They say, the daughter of our Padishah Rog grew up and she herself was covered with her sam. Pure beast what ...

Go, grandma, tell me Padyshah: To me, they say, I came to one, he, they say, knows from all diseases medication. I will treat her himself.

No sooner said than done.

The old woman came to Padisha. So, they say, the doctor came, he knows from all diseases.

Padishah quickly went to the medicine.

Can you cure my daughter? - asks.

Only I see her needed, "Jigit answers.

Looks down the padisham in the Palace. Leak and says:

It is necessary that no one remains in the palace. Everyone left the palace, only the daughter of Padishah in the animal bed and the leakage remained. Here Jigit and began his wife, grant, sticking sticks.

And then gave one berry, the one that is not quite ripe, her horn was disappeared.

She fell on her knees, began to begging:

Give me, please, still berries ...

Return my magic ring, then you will get berries.

Won in the chest box is. In that box, the ring lies. Take.

Jigit takes the ring, the berry wife stretches. That ate and gained its former appearance.

Oh, you, no book, "he says she," how much you brought me grief.

And here the padishas with their approximal appeared. It looks, his daughter began his beauty again.

What do you want, - offers Padishah, - all the ladies.

No, my Padisham, I don't need anything, "said Jigit and, abandoning the award, left the palace. Leaving, I managed to whispen Hybulle-Vizir: "You also leave, now this palace will not."

Haybullah-Vizier did it: went along with his family.

And Jigit put on the ring on the thumb and ordered the Ginnam da Pary attribution to the Padishah Palace and throw in the sea. Those did it.

The people were delighted that the evil Padisha no more. He began to ask Dzhigita to be their ruler. He refused. He began to rule the country a clever and kind man from the poor. And Jigit took his wife the girl who helped him.

There is now a feast mountain. All tables are stuck in food. Wine pours river. I could not get to the wedding, late.


They say, in ancient times, one poor-prebered man lived. He had three sons and one daughter.

It was hard for him to raise and feed the children, but he raised them all, and focused, and taught. All of them became skillful, skillful and clever. The eldest son could recognize any object on the distant distance. The Middle Son shot out of Luke as aptly, which could get without mishai in any goal, no matter how far it was. The younger son was such a strongman that could easily lift any weight. And the daughter-beauty was an extraordinary needlewoman.

The father of his children raised, was pleased for them for a long time and died.

Steel children live with her mother.

The girl watched the diva, a terrible giant. He somehow saw her and decided to steal. The brothers learned about it and did not let her sister alone.

One day gathered three jigs on the hunt, and the mother in the forest in the berries. One girl stayed at home.

Before leaving, they told the girl:

Wait for us, we will come back soon. And the diva does not kidnap you, we will replace the house on the castle.

Locked the house and left. Diva testified that there was no one in except the girl, came, broke the door and stole the girl.

Returned the brothers from the hunt, the mother returned from the forest, came to their house and see: the door is broken. They rushed into the house, and in the house empty: the girl disappeared.

They guessed the brothers that she was taken by the diva, began to ask the mother:

Let me go looking for sister! -

Go, sons, - says mother.

We went three jigitas together. Long walked, many high mountains passed. The older brother goes and everything sniffs. Finally, he squeezed his sister's smell and attacked the platter.

Here, - says, - where was the diva!

They went on this trail and came to the dense forest. They found the house Diva, looked into it and see: sitting in the house of their sister, and there was a diva and sleeping with a strong sleep.

They scratched the brothers carefully into the house and carried their sister, and so deftly everyone did that Div and did not wake up.

They went back to the way back. They walked the day, went on the night and went to the lake. Brothers and sister were tired during a long journey and decided to spend the night on the shore of this lake. They lay down to sleep and now fell asleep.

And the diva at this time woke up, had enough - no girl. He jumped out of the house, lasted the movement of the fugitives and set off behind them.

Diva flew to the lake, sees, the brothers are tightly sleeping. He grabbed the girl and soared with her under the clouds.

Middle brother heard the noise, woke up and began to wake the brothers.

Wake up Rather, the trouble happened!

And he grabbed his bow, aimed and put an arrow in the diva. The arrow swayed and torn off the diva right hand. Dusted Jigit the second arrow. Pierced the arrow of the divorce. He released a girl. She will fall on the stones - death to her. Yes, the younger brother did not give her to fall: jumped cleverly and took his sister in his arms. They went further joyful.

And to their parish, the mother sewed a beautiful Zilyan, an elegant robe, and thought: "I will give I zilyano from my sons who will save sister."

Come brothers with sister home. Mother began to ask them how they found her sister and took her from the diva.

Senior brother and says:

Without me, I would not know where our sister is. After all, I managed to find her!

Middle brother says:

If it were not for me, the diva would not mind sister. Well, that I shot it!

The younger brother says:

And if I had not picked up the sister on time, she would have crashed about stones.

Listened to their stories Mother and does not know who of the three brothers to give Zilyan.

So I want to ask you: and who of the brothers would give Zilyan?

Deaf, blind and legless

Three brothers lived in one ancient village - deaf, blind and legless. They lived poorly, and once decided to go to the forest to hunt. For a long time they were going to: there was nothing in their saak. The blind was planted by a non-good on his shoulders, deaf took the blind one and they went to the forest. Built the Slash Brothers, made onions from the Kizylovoy tree, from the reasons - arrows and began to hunt.

Once in the dark raw, the brothers came across the little savory, knocked on the door, a girl came down on the knock. The brothers told her about themselves and offered:

Whether we sister. We will go hunting, and you will take care of us.

The girl agreed, and they began to live together.

Once the brothers went hunting, and their sister remained in Sakle to prepare lunch. That day the brothers forgot to leave the house at home, and there was nothing to know the girl

hearth. Then she climbed to the high oak and began to look, whether the bonfire was harvested somewhere nearby. Soon she noticed the stream of smoke into the flow of the tree, peeling down and hurried to the place. For a long time, she made his way through the thick thickel of the forests and finally came to a lonely dilapidated saakle. The girl knocked, Sakley's door opened the old-pretaraya Eney. Her eyes burned like a wolf envying prey, her hair was gray, disheveled, two fangs were sticking out of his mouth, and her nails were reminded of claws of Barca. They were shortened, they lengthened.

Why did you come? - asked Eney Bas. - How did you find the road here?

I came to ask for fire, "the girl replied and told themselves.

So, we are neighbors, well, well, come in, be guests, "said Eney and grinned. She spent a girl in Sali, took a sieve with a nail, poured ash in him and pulled out of the center of burning coal.

The girl took a sieve with coals, thanked the old woman and gone. Returning home, she began to light the focus, but at this time they knocked on the door. The girl opened the door and sees: on the threshold there is an Eney.

It was boring to me alone, because I came to visit, "the old woman said right from the threshold.

Well, come to the house.

Eney went into Salu, sat on the carpet, disgraced on the floor, and says:

Neighbor, do I want to look in your head?

The girl agreed, sat down next to the guest and put her head on her knees. The old woman was looking-I searched for her in her head and soared the girl. When she fell asleep, Eney punked her head with a needle and began to suck the brain. Then the old woman dunted the girl in his nose, and she woke up. Annetics thanked for hospitality and gone. And the girl felt that she had no strength to even get up, and was left.

In the evening, the brothers returned with rich prey. They entered sals and see: their sister lies on the floor. Alarmed brothers began to ask her sister, and she told them everything. The brothers guessed that this is the work of Eney's hands.

Now she hikes to walk here, "said Necheless." But I came up with: Tomorrow you go to the hunt, and I stay in Sakle with my sister. Only you put me to Pokoloka, I will stay there. When Eney cross the threshold, I jump on her and blow it.

And the next day, barely Eneta crossed the threshold, a legless jumped on her and began to choke. But the old woman calmly dispelled the hands of a non-good, poured, punctured his head and began to suck the brain. Overall weakened and stayed on the floor, and Eney went.

When the brothers returned from hunting, legless and girl told them about what happened.

Tomorrow I will stay at home, "said blind," and you go hunting. " Just put me on the sodok.

The next day, Eney also came. As soon as she crossed the threshold, blindly jumped on her with sodes. For a long time they fought, but he was overcome by Eney, pushed to the floor and began to suck the brain. Passed by plenty, the old woman was gone.

Returned the brothers from hunting, and the sister told them about what had happened.

Tomorrow my turn stay at home, "said deaf.

The next day, barely in Sanches entered Eney, deaf jumped on her and began to choke. The old woman prayed:

You hear, deaf, spare me, I will do everything you will order!

Okay, - replied deaf, and he himself began to bind her. Came from hunting blind and legless and see: lies

on the floor connected by Eney.

Ask me what you want, just spare, "says Eney.

Well, okay, "says deaf." Do so that my legless brother began to walk. "

Eney swallowed a non-good, and when she frowned him, he had legs.

And now make my blind brother in vain! - ordered deaf.

Swallowed the old woman of the blind, and spacked it in mo.

And now cure deaf! - said the old brothers healed.

I swallowed Eney's deaf and does not spit.

Where is he? - asks her brothers, but the old woman is silent. Meanwhile, her left little finger began to grow. Eney bit him down and threw it out the window.

Where is our brother? - Ask again those two. And snakes laughs and says:

Now you have no brother!

But then the sister looked out the window and saw a flobs flew into the bushes.

Something lies in the bushes! - she says.

One of the brothers jumped into the yard and sees: a huge-premium finger of old women is lying. He grabbed the dagger and the folding finger, from there the brother came out, who was no longer deaf.

Three brothers and sisters were consulted and decided to kill and bury the evil old woman in the ground. So they did and got rid of harmful and cruel ana.

And after a few years, they say, the rich brothers, built themselves good houses, got married, and sister was married. And they all began to live yes, wait for the joy to each other.

Knowledge of everything is more expensive

Once in ancient times, one old man lived, and he had a son, a boy fifteen years old. Tired of young jigita sit at home without a case, and he began to ask his father:

Father, you have three hundred tangga. Give me one hundred of them, and I will go to other regions, see how people live there.

Father and mother said:

We caress this money for you. If they are needed in order to start trade, take and go.

Jigit took a hundred tangang and went to the next city. He began to walk along the city streets and went into some kind of garden. It looks in the garden worth a high house.

Looked out the window and sees: sit in this house for the tables young people and do something.

Interested in jigit. Stopped passerby and asks:

What is this house and what do they do here? Passer says:

This is a school, and in it we are trained in writing. I wanted to learn to write our jigita.

He entered the house and found a senior teacher.

What do you want? - asked the senior teacher from him.

I want to learn a letter - Dzhigit replied. Teacher said:

This is a commemable desire, and we willingly teach you to write. But we will teach not free. Do you have a hundred tanga?

Jigit immediately gave his one hundred tanga and began to learn the letter.

A year later, he mastered the literacy so well that he could write quickly and beautifully - the best student.

Now you have nothing more to do with us, "Teacher said." Come back home.

Dzhigit returned to his city. Father and mother ask him:

Well, son, tell me, have you a lot of good for this year?

Father, "says Jigit," the hundred tanga is not in vain, I learned a diploma for them. You yourself know, impossible without letters and trade.

Shook his head:

Well, son, you can see, not a lot of your mind in my head! Learn the literacy you learned, but what's the point? Do you think you will be prescribed for this big boss? One will say: you really are stupid!

Father, "Dzhigit answers, is not so! There will be benefit from my letter. Give me another hundred tanga. I will go to another city, I will start trading. In this case, the diploma is very useful to me.

He listened to his father, he gave him a hundred Tangang.

This time, Jigit went to another city. He walks around the city, everything inspects. Enters the garden. Sees: It is a big, high house in the garden, and music comes from the house.

He asks for one passerby:

What do in this house? Passer replies:

Here you learn to play the violin.

Dzhigit went, I found a senior teacher. He asks him:

What do you need? Why came?

Came to learn to play the violin, - answers Jigit.

We do not teach for nothing. If you can pay a hundred tanga a year, you will learn, "says Teacher.

Jigit, without thinking, gives him his one hundred tangang and begins to learn. For the year he learned how to play the violin that no one could compare with it. It has nothing to do here, you need to go home.

He arrived - father and mother ask him:

Where is the money you have helped trading?

Yves this time I did not care about the money, "the son answers," I learned to play the violin.

Father got angry:

Well invented! What do you want to wash everything in three years all that I have gone for my whole life?

No, father, - says Jigit, - I do not droke your money in vain. In life and music will need. Give me another hundred tanga. This time I have a lot of good fit!

Father says:

My last hundred tanga remained. Want to take, you want - do not take! I have nothing more for you!

He took the son of money and drove into the third city - good story.

He arrived in the city and decided to inspect him. Going everywhere, looks into every street. Entered in a large garden. There is a high house in the garden, and some people sit at the table at the table. They are all well dressed, and they all do something incomprehensible.

I called Djigit Passely and asks:

What do people do in this house?

They learn to play chess, - answers passerby.

I wanted to learn from our jigita. He entered the house, found the main thing. He asks:

Why did you come? What do you need?

I want to learn how to play this game, "Djigit answers.

Well, - says the main thing, - learn. Only we do not teach for nothing, you need to pay the master of Tanang to the teacher. There is money - you will learn.

I gave Jigit Sto Tangang and began to learn the game of chess. For the year he became such a skilled player that no man could beat him.

Gigitus said goodbye to his teacher and thinks:

"What should I do now? It is impossible to return to parents - with what I come to them? "

He began to look for some business. And he learned that from this city is some kind of shopping caravan in distant other people's countries. The young jigit came to the owner of this caravan - Caravan-Bashi - and asks:

Do you need a worker at caravan? Caravan-Basha says:

We really need a worker. Take you, we will feed and wear.

They agreed, and became young jigitis worker.

On another morning, the caravan came out of the city and went to a long way.

They walked for a long time, passed many places and got into the desert edges. Here the horses are tired of them, people looked around, everyone wanted to drink, and there is no water. Finally, they find one old, abandoned well. They looked into it - water can be seen deeply deep, wounds like a small stars. Bind the caravanger to the long rope bucket and descend into the well. Extended bucket - empty. Sleep again - water is not recruited. For a long time they were so tormented, and then the rope was completely bludging, and the bucket remained in the well.

Then the caravan Basha says to young jigita:

You're younger than all of us. We will give you and let's pull out on the rope in the well - you will get a bucket and find out why this water is not recruited.

Bind the rope to the belt and descend into the well. Until the bottom descended. Jigit looks: there is no water in the well, and the fact that glittered, turned out to be gold.

Jigit lasted the golden bucket and pulled for the rope: pull out! Extended the caravantes bucket with gold - they were delighted: they did not think that such wealth would find! Again the bucket again, Jigit again filled it to the edge of gold. Fifteen times lowered and raised bucket. Finally, the bottom of the well was darkened - there was no gold grain there. Now Dzhigit himself took the bucket and made a sign to raise him. Steel caravantes to raise it. And the caravan Basha thinks:

"Is it worth raising this jigita? He will say: "I found it, it belongs to me." And we will not give it away, take himself. So better so that it is not here! "

He cut the rope, and young jigit fell on the bottom of the well ...

When Jigit came to himself, he began to look around and saw the iron bracket in the wall of the well. He pulled behind the bracket - the door opened. He entered this door and found himself in a small room. In the middle of this room on the bed lay some dying thin and bearded old man. And near the old man was a violin. Jigit took the violin and decided to check whether she was working. The violin was good. He thinks:

"I still die at the bottom of this well - let me play for the last time!"

I set up the violin and began to play.

And only Jigit played how the bearded old man quietly raised, sat down and brought:

Oh my son, where did you come from, at my happiness? If it were not for the sounds of the violin, I would already be dead at this moment. You returned my life and strength. I am the lord of this dungeon and fulfill everything you want!

Jigit says:

Oh my father, I do not need neither gold, nor silver, no wealth! I ask you only about one thing: help me climb from this well and catch up with a caravan!

And only he expressed this request, as an old man picked it up, carried him out of the well and was brought to the other side where the caravan was gone. When the caravan was already in sight, the old man was spreading with Jigitis and thanked him for returning him to life. And Jigit hotly thanked the old man for his help.

Soon Jigit caught up caravan and no matter how it did not go with the caravantes. Caravan-Bashi strongly Stroyl and thought that Jigit would scold him and reproach for cunning, but Jigit did not say a single angry word, as if nothing had happened. Goes with a caravan, works like everything; The same friendly as before.

However, the caravan-Bashi cannot calm down, and the evil thoughts do not leave him. He thinks:

"This jigite is visible, very cunning! Now he says nothing, and when we come to the city, I will certainly require my gold. "

And so, when two days left to the city, gives a caravan-Basi Gigita letter, orders to sit on horseback and faster to go ahead.

This letter will take my wife - you will get a rich gift from it! - he said, and somehow it was badly smiled.

Jigit now went to the road.

He drove up to the city itself and thinks:

"This caravan-Bashi has no shame, nor conscience: he left me in a well on the faithful death, assigned all the gold that I took. No matter how I lend me and now! "

And he decided to read the letter of the caravan Bashi. In his letter, the caravan Bashi sent hello to his wife and daughter and reported that this time returns with great wealth. "But that this wealth is everything left in our hands," wrote a caravan-Bashi, "you need to destroy Jigita to destroy you, who will give you this letter."

I read the Caravan-Bashi letter to Dzhigit and decided to teach him for insidiousness and for shamelessness. Stores he is the last lines of the letter and wrote a handwriting of caravan-Bashi such words: "Thanks to this jigita, I return to you with great wealth. Invite all the relatives and neighbors and immediately issue our daughter to marry Jigita, who will deliver this letter. To make it all done to my arrival, as I order! "

This letter Dzhigit and handed the wife of caravan-Bashi. She sat down at Jigita, began to treat him, and he herself revealed her husband's letter and reads.

She read the letter, went to the room of his daughter-beauties and tells her:

Here, daughter, father writes that I betray you marry this jigita. Do you agree?

And the girl Jigit at first glance did and loved. She says:

Father's word for me law, I agree!

Now they began to prepare any dishes and drinks, convened all relative and neighbors - and gave out a girl married Djigita. And the girl is glad, and Ji

git is glad, and everyone is satisfied and merry: such a good wedding was!

Two days later, the caravan Bashi returns home. Workers discharge bales with goods, fold them in the yard. Caravan-Bashi gives orders and enters the house. The wife puts all sorts of treats, cotton. Caravan-Bashi asks:

And where is our daughter? Why doesn't she meet me? I can see, went to visit somewhere?

Where to go! - The wife is responsible. - In your field, I gave her marriage for Jigita, who brought us your letter. Now she is sitting with his young husband.

What do you say, stupid! - shouted the caravan-Bashi. - I ordered you so that you are some trick of this jigita.

Wife says:

In vain scold me. Here is your letter. Read it myself, if I do not believe! - And gives a letter.

Grabbed the caravan-Bashi letter, looking - his handwriting, his stamp.

He became from the annoyance to gnaw his fist:

I wanted to destroy it, get rid of him, and everything came out wrong, I don't think!

Once it was done, you will not redo it. A caravan Basi Bashi is kind, gentle. He comes with his wife to Jigita and says:

My dear son, I am guilty of you! Do not be angry, forgive me!

Djigit answers:

You were a slave of my greed. You threw me into a deep well, and only thanks to good old, I did not die there. That you are nearing that you will not be inventing, you can't destroy me! Better and do not try!

The next day, Jigit laid the top three and with his young wife went to ride. They go along a wide beautiful street and drive up to the beautiful palace. Multicolored lights are burning in the palace, people stand in front of the palace, they all talk about something, look at the palace. Djigit asks:

What is this palace and why so many people gathered here?

Wife tells him:

This is the Palace of our Padisha. Padishah announced that he would give his daughter for the one who would beat him into chess. Loser cut off her head. Many have already died here of young jigs because of the daughter of Padishah! And no one can beat him, no in the light of the second such skillful player!

I will come to Padyshah, play chess with him, says Jigit.

It became a young wife to cry, began to ask him:

Do not go. If you go, you will certainly lose your head!

Soothed her jigit.

Do not be afraid, "says, the mustache will remain my head.

He entered the palace. And there are a viziri, sitting at the table of Padishah, in front of him a chess board.

I saw Djigita's Padisham and asks:

Why came? Jigit says:

Came to play with you in chess.

I will beat you anyway, "says Padishah," and then cut your head!

You cut off so cut off, "says Jigit," and now let's play. "

Padishah says:

As you wish! And here is my condition: if I win three parties - cut your head; If you win three parties - I will give you a daughter for you.

They serve one another hand in the presence of all the tries and begin to play.

The first batch won the Padishah. And the second won the Padishah. He is happy, says Jigita:

I warned you that you would disappear! It remains to lose once again, and demolish your head!

There will be visible, - answers Jigit. - Let's play further.

The third party won Djigit. Padyshai frowned, says:

Play again!

Well, "Dzhigit answers," play if you want.

And again won jigit. Padishah says:

We will play again!

They played again, and again Jigit won. Padishah says:

Well, if you want, take my daughter. And if you win another batch - I will give you foliarity.

Began to play. Again, the game won Djigit. Padyshah drew and says;

Let's play another game! Win - I will give all the kingdom.

Vizyri persuade him, and he does not listen.

Again, Jigit won.

He did not take Padishah daughter, and all his kingdom took. He called Gigit to her parents, and they began to live together.

I had them - today I went, yesterday I returned. Played, trampled, trembled, drank, the mustache was watched, and nothing fell into her mouth.


He lived in the long-standing time of the man. He had a daughter, son and stepdaughter. Dadger in the house did not love, offended and forced a lot to work, and then they decided to take her to the forest and quit the wolves. Here is a brother and tells Padcheritsa:

Go with me to the forest. You will collect berries, and I am a firewood hack.

Captured the paddle a bucket, put in a bucket of the tangle of threads and went with a named brother in the forest.

They arrived in the forest, stopped at the gland. Brother said:

Go for collecting berries and do not go back until I finish cutting firewood. Come back to the clearing only when the ball is silent.

He took a bucket girl and went to collect berries. As soon as she disappeared from sight, the named brother tied a big beater to the tree and left.

The girl walks through the forest, the berries collects, sometimes stops, listens, as a named brother is knocking along the ax, and goes on. She does not guess that this is not a brother knocking an ax, and the beater swinging from the wind and strikes the tree: Tuk-Tuk! Knock Knock!

"The brother is still cutting rubs," thinks the girl and calmly collects berries.

She scored a full bucket. And the evening came, and the beater stopped knocking.

Listened to the girl - quietly circle.

"It can be seen, brother cumshot work. It's time for me to come back, "thought the girl and returned to the clearing.

She looks: there is no one on the clearing, only the chips are fresh whites.

I cried the girl and went through the forest path, where the eyes look.

She walked, went. That and the forest ended. Girl came out in the field. Suddenly the tangle, which she kept in his hands, fell and rolled quickly. The girl went to look for a tangle. Going and sentences:

Retired my tangle, didn't see him?

So the girl reached the shepherd, who rip herd horses.

My tangle has gone, did you see it? - asked the girl from the shepherd.

I saw, "the shepherd replied," I will work for one day: I will give you a horse, you will go to look for your tank. Agreed a girl. The whole day she looked after her herd, and in the evening shepherd gave her a horse and showed the road.

I went the girl on a horse through the forests, through the mountains and saw a shepherd, who rod a herd of cows. He worked his girl all day, got a cow for work and went further. Then she met Otaru Sheep, helped the shepherds, he received a sheep for it. After that, she caught her flock of goats on the road. The girl and then helped her shepherd and received a goat from him.

He is a cattle girl, and the day is clone to the evening. It became terribly a girl. Where to hide on the night? Fortunately, she saw the unveiled light and delighted: "I finally got to housing!"

He drove the horse's horse and soon reached the little hut. And in this hut there was a witch loss. Girl entered the hut and sees: sits there the old woman. She greeted her and asked:

My tangle has gone, did not see him?

You, the girl came from afar. First, rest Yes, help me, and then ask the tangle, "the loss said.

The girl has the old woman loss. In the morning she soaked the bath, called the old woman:

Grandma, Banya is ready, go wash.

Thank you, daughter! Only I can't get to the bath without your help. You take me by the hand, podtolanni behind the knee, then I move off the place, "the loss says.

No, grandma is so impossible. You're already old, can you push you? Better I'll take you in my arms, "the girl said. She raised the old woman loss in his arms, brought to the bath.

Daughter, "says the old woman," take me by the hair, throw on the shelf.

No, my grandmother, you can't do, "the girl replied, she raised the old woman and sat her on the shelf.

And the old woman will say to her:

Daughter, Parcs to me back, yes pouch, not by a swollen broom, and his handle.

No, grandma, you will hurt, "the girl replied.

She fell into an old woman loss with a soft broom, and then he carried home on his hands and laid it on a muffin.

Something my head is scratched, daughter. I make your hair, "the old woman said.

It became a girl combing the hair loss with a small ridge, and it was so painted - the old woman in his hair is full of pearl and gems, gold and silver! The girl did not say anything old woman, and his hair cleaned her hair and slapped her braids.

And now, daughter? Do you, old, baptize me in front of me, said the old woman loss.

The girl did not refuse - began to dance before loss.

Only she cumshot dance, like the old woman is ready a new order:

Stay, daughter, in the kitchen - see if the dough approached the square.

The girl went to the kitchen, looked into the square, and the quashe to the edges is full of pearl and gems, gold and silver.

Well, like a daughter, the dough approached? - asked loss as soon as the girl returned from the kitchen.

The grandmother came up, - the girl replied.

That's good! And now I will fulfill my last request: Bearing another time, - says loss.

Not a word told the girl to the old woman, he drank in front of her once again as he knew.

I liked the girl's old woman loss.

Now, daughter, you can go home, "she says.

I would be glad, my grandmother, but I don't know the road, "the girl replied.

Well, this grief is easy to help, I'll show you the road. How to get out of my hut, go everything directly, do not turn anywhere. Take with you this green chest. Only you do not open it until you come home.

Took the chest of a chest, sat down at the horse, and the goat, a cow and a sheep hit him. She thanked the old woman on the farewell and went on the road.

Girl rides a day, goes night, began to approach at the dawn to his native village.

And when she drove up to the house itself, in the courtyard there were a dog:

You can see our dogs whisked! - Brother exclaimed, ran out into the courtyard, became a dog with a stick to overclock.

Dogs fought in different directions, and no tweak:

Want a girl to ruin, and she will live richly! WOF WOF!

And they see a brother with a sister - stepped in a paddle to the goal. She descended from the horse, entered the house, opened the chest, and everyone saw that there was a complete gold, silver, pearls and all sorts of precious stones.

It became brother with my sister. And they decided to get rich too. Didked about the entire stepdaughter.

Here sister took the tangle and went with my brother in the forest. In the forest, the brother began to chop firewood, and the girl began to collect berries. As soon as the girl disappeared from sight, the brother tied a beater to the tree and left. A girl on the clearing returned, and the brother is no longer. Girl went through the forest. She soon reached the shepherd, who passes herd of horses.

My tangle gave up, did you see it? - asked the girl from the shepherd.

I saw a shepherd replied. - We work for my day, I will give you a horse, on it and go to look for my tangle.

I don't need your horse, "the girl replied and went on.

She reached the herd of cows, then to the sheep's octara, he did not want to work anywhere to work anywhere. And after a while she reached the hut an old woman loss. She entered the hut and said:

My tangle has gone, did you see it?

I saw, "the old woman responds," only first go to me with a bath.

I slept a girl with a bath, returned to the old woman, and she says:

Come, daughter, in a bath. You lead me by your hand, pushing the knee back.


He took the girl an old woman by arms and let's push back with a knee. So brought to the bath.

In the woman, the old woman asks for a girl:

Parop me back, daughter, just not a soft broom, but his handle.

Girl and began to roll the old woman with a pitch of a broom.

They returned home, old woman and says:

And now I make me hair.

It became a girl combing the hair of the old woman and saw her head was covered with gold, silver and precious stones. The girl's eyes broke out, and she began to hurry to fill pockets with jewels, even for her sinus hidden.

And now, daughter, baptis, - asks the old woman.

Became a girl to dance, and her from his pockets fell gold yes gems. The old woman, the loss saw, did not say a word, just sent her to the kitchen to see if the dough did not suit the quasher.

The girl came to the kitchen, looked into the square, and the quashen to the very edges is full of gold, silver, gems. I did not lose the girl, the pockets were pockets again, and Silver, and even thought: "Now I know how the rich my sister!"

When she returned, the old lace a loss again forced her to dance, and again gold began gold and silver.

After that, the old woman loss said:

Now, daughter, go home and take with you this black chest. When you come home, you will open it.

The girl was delighted, the chest picked up, the hursts did not even thank the old woman and ran home. Hurry up, it does not stop anywhere.

On the third day the native village appeared. When she began to approach the house, dogs in the courtyard of the tightened:

I heard the brother, ran out in the yard, began to chase the dogs, and the dogs are all soaked:

I wanted a girl rich to be, but here it remains for a long time to live! WOF WOF!

The girl came running home, did not say hello to anyone, the chest rushed to open. Only she threw back the lid, served the snake from the chest and began to stive it.

Once in one Aul, there was a woodcutter. He arrived once in the forest. Chucks firewood, sings songs. Suddenly from the dark cake came to him towards Shuraral (Leshel). All it is covered with black wool, long tail elds, long fingers move, long shaggy ears are stuck too. I saw Shurale of the Woodcutter and walked:

Who I will play with now, here with whom I'll laugh now! What is your name, man?

Woodcutter understood that it was bad. Need to come up with something. And says:

My name is last year.

Come on, last year, let's play with you, talk, - says Shuraly, - who overcomes whom.

And all shirael oh, the master is tamed! How from such a go?

I have once played, I have a lot of work, "says the woodcut.

Ah well! - angry Shuraile. - Do you want to play with me? Well then, I'll put you so much in the forest that you never get married out of it!

Okay, - says the woodcutter, - I will play, only you first help me to split this deck. He was swollen and hooked the ax in a deck. She cracked. - Now, help, - shouts the woodcutter, - sue the thumbs in the crack so that she does not close, and I also hit the time!

The stupid shouter put his fingers into the crack, and the woodcutter quickly pulled the ax. Here Leshego's fingers tightly stumbled. He pulled down, but it was not there. And the woodcutter grabbed the ax and was such.

Shouted shouting on the whole forest. Other shourals fled to his voice.

What's wrong with you, what are you shouting?

Fingers last year grated!

When did you catch? - They ask Shuraly.

Now I grabbed, last year I grabbed!

You will not understand, "says one shock. - Immediately you and now and last year.

Yes Yes! "Shouts Shuraly, and he himself twists his fingers." - Last year, last year! Catch it up! Put it!

How can you catch up last year? - Says another Shuraile. - How can it be punished?

Last year she grated, and now suddenly shouted. And last year that was silent? - asks his third shoe.

Do you now find someone who grated you? It was so long ago! - Says the fourth shural.

Silly Shuraral could not exercise themselves, and all the shourals ran into the forest thicket. And he poured a deck on his back and goes so far in the forest and shouts:

Fingers last year grated! Fingers last year grated!


In one smoke, there was a rooster. The rooster goes around the yard, walks, on all parties looks around, looks at the order and does not matter. Jumped off the rooster on the fence and shouts:

Ka-ka-re-ku! Ka-ka-re-ku! I am a Shah-cock, Padishah-rooster and a khan-cock, and Sultan cock! The chickens are nice, black, white, fierce, gold, who are beautiful in the world? Who is the brave brave?

All the chickens were escaped - Chernushki, Pestrushki, Serious, White, Golden, - they survived their Shah, Great Padisha, her bright Khan, Mighty Sultan and Put:

Ku-yes, ku-yes, ku-yes, clear khan, ku-yes, ku-yes, ku-yes, wonderful sultan, ku-yes, ku-yes, ku-yes, light Shah, ku-yes, ku Yes, ku-yes, leafy padisham, someone with you to equal! There is no one in the world brave you, there is no one in the world smarter than you, there is no one in the world you beautiful.

Ka-ka-re-ku! Ka-ka-re-ku! - I got even louder the rooster. - Who has the voice louder in the world? Who has a mighty leg, who has a Pierce dress?

You, our Shah, the dress is a pedestrian; You, Padishah, legs are strong; You, Sultan, Voice of Lion's voice, - Seel chickens.

The rooster fell from importance, raised his high ridge and sang with all his might:

Ka-ka-re-ku! Ka-ka-re-ku? Closer to me come, let me tell me loudly: who has the head of the crown above all?

The chicken came to the rest of the fence, lowly putting an important rooster, sing:

You have a crown head like a heat, glitters. You are our united Shah, you are our only Padisha!

And the thick cook sketched to the rooster and grabbed it.

Ka-ka-re-ku! Ai, Mount! Ay, trouble!

Kud-ku-yes! Where where? - shouted chickens. Caught the cook of Mighty Padishah for my right leg, stabbed the cook of the great Shah with a sharp knife, piled a cook with a bright Hana Pierce dress, welded a cook from the invincible Sultan delicious soup.

And people eat yes praise:

Ay da tasty cock! Ah yes fat cock!

Three Councils of Father

He lived in one village an old man with two sons. It's time for an old man. He called sons and says:

My dear children, I leave you inheritance. But you are not inheritance you will be rich. More expensive money, more expensive than good three councils. You will remember them - live in wealth all my life. Here are my tips, remember. First not bow to anyone - let others bow to you. Each Eat Eat with Honey. Spit always on the down jackets.

The old man died.

Sons have forgotten about his advice and let's live in your pleasure - drink yes to walk, there is a lot to sleep. In the first year, all fathers have lived money, for another year - all the cattle. On the third year they sold everything that was in the house. There has been nothing. Elder brother says:

But the Father except the inheritance left us three councils. He said that we will live in wealth all your life.

The younger brother laughs:

I remember these tips, - but what are they worth? Father said: "Don't bow to anyone first - let others bow to you." To do this, you have to be rich, and now we do not find anyone in the whole district. He said: "Eat with honey." Hear with honey! Yes, we have no shepherd, not that honey! He said: "Spit is always on the down jackets." It would be nice on the down jackets. And our house is empty, there is no old cat left (felt bedding).

The older brother thought for a long time, and then said:

You laugh in vain, brother. We did not understand the then instructions of the Father. And in the words of him - wisdom. He wanted us first, a little light, came to work in the field, and then anyone who would pass by, will be the first to take up with us. When you work well a whole day and come back home tired and hungry, even a furious cake will seem to you sweeter. Then any bed will seem desirable and pleasant to you, you will sleep sweetly, like on the down jacket.

The next day, the brothers went to the field. They came before all. People go to work - the first with them make up, wish good day, good work. The whole day, the spin brothers were not spinning, and in the evening the cake with tea seemed to them Honey. Then they fell asleep on the floor and slept both on the down jackets.

So they worked every day, and in the fall gathered a good harvest and healed again in prosperity, respects of neighbors returned to them.

They often remembered the wise councils of the Father.

Tailor, Bear and Baby

In ancient times, lived in one city tailor. The customer will come to him, will bring two Arshri Sukna and says:

Hey, tailor! Susha is good to me.

Looks out the tailor: little cloth on Besht. But still it will not refuse, it will begin to think: and so I will figure it out and so much. And the customer not only does not thank it, but will say:

Look, you probably have a loaf of my cloth for yourself?

It's a shame, it became a tail. Tired of his vain reproaches and conversations. He gathered and left the city.

"Let," thinks, "they will look for another such tailor! .."

He goes on the road, and there is a skinny, little beams to meet him.

Hello, respectable tailor! - says Between. - Where are you going?

Yes, I go where the eyes look. I'm tired of living in the city: She's good, honestly, and I'm getting warming me everything and they reproach!

Baby talks:

Oh, tailor, and my life is the same! .. Look what I am skinny yes weak, and where what happens to me, everything will be filled with me, they are accused of everything. I can not live like that! Take me with me, together we will be more fun.

Well, - answers the tailor, - let's go!

They went together. It comes across to meet the bear.

Where are you, - asks, - go?

We told the tailor and the berlen to the bear, that from their offenders go away. The bear listened and says:

So with me so. In the next village, the wolf will take a cow or sheep, and the blame will be filled with me on the bear. I do not want to be guilty without guilt to be coming from here! Take me with you!

Well, - says the tailor, - let's go together!

They walked, went and came to the edge of the forest. I looked at the tailor and says:

Let's build a hut!

Missed everything for work and soon built the hut.

Once the tailor with the Bag was gone far along the firewood, and the bear left at home. Many whether it took a lot of time - I wandered to the hut Div (evil monster) and asks the bear:

What are you doing here?

Bear says:

Our economy is dereg!

I pushed the diva bear from the door, I climbed into the hut, everything broke, I swore, everything broke, everything broke, diaproof. The bear wanted to drive him, but he could not speak with him: the diva beat him to death and gone.

Loe bear on the floor, lies, eats.

Returned tailor with the banen. I saw the tailor that everything scattered, broken, and asks the bear:

Didn't it happen without us?

And the bear can be said to say how his diva Bil-kolotil, he answers:

Nothing happened without you ...

I did not ask the tailor more.

Another day he took the bear with him and went along with him for firewood, and the Berlept was left to watch the hut.

It sits the belets on the porch, wakes the hut.

Suddenly she was keen, shrinkled in the forest, Liv came out - yes straight to the hut. I saw a Between and asks:

What are you sitting here?

Our hut is dereg!

I didn't ask the diva more - grabbed the Beszonka for the tail, swung and dropped to the side. He himself got into the hut, it was singing everything, I walked, I cried, I did not break the hut and gone.

Shipping Babes into the hut on all fours, rushed into the corner, makes.

Returned in the evening tailor and bear. The tailor looks - the Babes all felt, barely alive, the circle of mess. He asks:

Didn't happen here without us?

No, - Between Between, - nothing happened ...

Sees the tailor - something is wrong. I decided to check that there was going on here. On the third day he says Bunny and Bear:

Go to today you are for firewood, and I myself will spend our hut!

Bear and Babes left. And the tailor made himself from the linden bark of a shoe, sits on the porch, the songs fights.

Selected from the forest Div, went to the hut and asks the tailor:

What are you doing here?

Songs are playing, "answers the tailor, and he thinks:" So who will visit us to the Izbu! "

Div says:

I also want to play! Make me the same dull!

I would have done you a dull, but I have no lime bark.

And where to take it?

Go for me!

He took a tailor ax and led the diva to the forest. He chose a lip, which thoroughly, he gave it along and says Diva:

Keep stronger!

As soon as Diva's paws put in a gap, the tailor pulled his ax - paws and grated firmly firmly.

Well, - says the tailor, "answer: you didn't come to our hut, I drove everything yes, everything broke and spoil, and still my bear beat?

Div says:

No, not me!

And so you are still lying!

Having started the tailor to beat the diva rod. Became a diva to kill him:

Do not beat me, tailor! Let go to the will!

He came running on a creek bear and bezles. They saw that the tailor dispens hits, and there themselves. Shouted the diva here not by his voice:

Smug, let me go! Never more to your hut and do not come close!

Then the tailor was driven into the Lipon Wedge - Div and pulled out his paws out of the gap, and jogging into the forest, only it was seen!

Bear returned, Babes and tailor to the hut.

Here are the Bessels and the Bear, come on before the tailor to brag:

This is the diva of us! It's he ran away from us to the forest! You could not handle it with him!

The tailor did not argue with them. He waited time, looked out in the window and says:

Wow! It goes to our exhaust diva, but not one goes - there is still a hundred divov with me!

Babes and the bear were so frightened that they immediately jumped out of the hut and ran out unknown where.

Stayed the tailor in the hut one.

They found out in the neighboring villages that a good tailor settled in these edges, began to go to him with orders. Nobody refuses to anyone: sews everything - and old and small. Never sits without work.

Three sisters

There was a woman. Day and night she worked to feed and dress three her daughters. And three daughters rose fast as swallows, face similar to the light moon. One after one married and left.

Several years have passed. The old woman was seriously ill, and she sends a red squirrel to her daughters.

Tell them, my friend, to hurried to me.

Oh, "the eldest sighed, hearing sad news from the squirrel. - Oh! I would be glad to go, yes, I need to clean these two pelvis.

Clean two pelvis? - the protein became angry. - So if you are inseparable with them!

And Thai suddenly jumped off the table and clasped her older daughter from above and below. She fell on the floor and crawled from the house of a big turtle.

He knocked the second daughter.

Oh, - answered that. - I would now run to the mother, but very busy: I need to push the canvas fair.

Well, now all my life, never stopping! - said the squirrel. And the second daughter turned into a spider.

And the younger kneading dough when the squirrel knocked to her. The daughter did not say a word, did not even wipe the hands, ran to his mother.

You bring the same to people joy, my dear child, "the squirrel told her," and people will take care and love you, and your children, and grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

True, the third daughter lived for many years, and everyone loved her. And when it came to her to die, she turned into a golden bee.

All summer day-day collects a bee of honey people ... And in winter, when everything around the digestion from the cold, the bee sleeps in a warm hive, and wagon - eats only honey and sugar.

Tatar folk tales

Magic Ring

Deaf, blind and legless

Knowledge of everything is more expensive


Tailor, Bear and Baby

Three sisters

Three Councils of Father


Responsive Durmyan.


As the brothers fire mined


Wise old man

Kamyr Batyr

Mind and happiness

Bay Son and Three Bag


Residently Jigit

Turay Batyr

Girl and water

Zuhra Yoldiz



Stupid brothers

Smart wife

Salam Torkhan and Fox


Thank you for using our library

Tatar folk tales

Magic Ring

In a long-standing time, there lived, they say in one village a man with his wife. They lived very poorly. So it is so poor that their house, unwinded clay, was just stood that at forty backups, and not that would fall. And they say, they had a son. People have sons as sons, and this son does not get off the oven, everything with a cat plays. He teaches the cat with human tongue to talk yes on the hind legs to walk.

Time goes, mother and father stare. The day is hiking, two will lie. Very birth steel, but soon and died. Buried their neighbors.

The son on the oven lies, bitterly crying, the cat asks his council, because now, besides the cat, he has no one left on all white light.

What we shall do? - He says the cat. - Not alms to live with you. Let's leave where your eyes look.

And so, when it was silent, Djigit left with his cat from his native village. And from the house he took only the old father's knife, more and there was nothing to take.

They walked for a long time. Cat is mice at least catching, and Jigita from hunger the belly reduces.

Here they reached one forest, relaxed settled. I tried to fall asleep, and it does not go to the hungry stomach. Tosses with side on the side.

Why you do not sleep? - asks the cat. What a dream is here when you want. And the night passed. Early in the morning he was heard that someone is plaintively crying in the forest. - Do you hear? Dzhigit asked. - Like someone crying in the forest?

Let's go there, -, answers the cat.

And they went.

Nearby passed, went to the forest glade. And in the glade, high pine grows. And at the very top of the pine, a large nest is seen. Here is from this nest of crying and it is distributed as if the child moans.

I will climb on my pine, "says Jigit. - Let it be.

And climbed into pine. It looks, and in the nest two cubs of the Birds of the grays (mythic magic bird of huge sizes) crying. They saw Jigita, spoke human voices:

Why did you come here? After all, every day, the snakes arrive. Two our brothers, he already ate. Today is our turn. And you will see - and you, eat.

Eat, Kohl will not be suppressed, - Djigit is responsible. - I will cut you out. Where is your mom?

Our mom-queen birds. She flew away for the kafa (on the belief, the mountains located on the edge of the world, the earth) of the mountain, at the collection of birds and soon should come back. With her, snakes did not dare to touch us.

Suddenly the whirlwind rose, the forest slaughter. Chicks pressed each other:

Won enemy flies.

True, together with the swirl, the monster flew and lowered pine. When the serpent raised his head to get the chick from the nest of chicks, Jigit and the father's knife in the monster was wondering. Snake immediately fell to the ground.

Picks were delighted.

You do not leave us, Jigit, - they say. - We will ask you and focus.

They got all together, drove and talk about it.

Well, jigit, - started chicks, - now listen that we will tell you. Our mother will arrive, asked who you are, why was it here. You do not say anything, we will tell you that you saved us from death. It will become you silver-gold to give, you do not take anything, say that you have enough goodness. Ask her the magic ring. Now hiding under the wing, no matter how bad it happens.

As they said, everything became.

Fit the grace and asks:

What is it like a man smell like a human spirit? Is there anyone else? Chicks answer:

There are no strangers, and our two brothers are not.

Where are they?

Their snakes ate.

The bird of the grace seal.

And how are you survived? - asks his young.

Us Dzhigit one brave saved. Look at Earth. See, snakes dead? It killed him.

I looks at the grace - and indeed, the snake lies dead.

Where is that brave jigit? She asks.

Yes, under the wing sits.

Well, come out, Jigit, - says the semise, - come out, do not fear. What do you give for the salvation of my children?

I don't need anything, the guy answers, "is it just a magic ring.

And the young birds are also asked:

Give, Mom, Ring Jigita. There is nothing to do, the queen of birds agreed and gave a ring.

If you are able to save the ring, you will be the lord of all Pary and Ginnov! There is only a ring on the thumb to wear, how they will arrive all of them to you and ask: "OUR PADISHAH, ANYTHING?" And order that you want. All will execute. Just do not lose the ring - it will be bad.

She put on the grace of a ring on his finger of his leg - immediately flew full of Pary and Jinn. The grace told them:

Now he will be your lord, he and serve. "And Jigita, handing a ring, said:" If you want, you don't go anywhere, we live with us. "

Thanked Jigit, but refused.

I'll go on my way, "he said and went down to the ground.

Here they come with a cat in the forest, we talk among themselves. When tired, sat down to relax.

Well, what do we have to do with this ring? - asks Dzhigit by the cat and puts on a ring on the thumb. Just put on, as Pary and Ginnes flew from all over the world: "Our Sultan's Padyshah, anything?"

And Jigit also did not come up with what to ask.

Is there, - he asks, - on earth the place where the human foot did not go?

There are, they answer those. - In the sea, Mojit is the island one. He is also beautiful, and fruit berries there is not difficult, and the human foot did not go there.

Here I am with my cat there and transfer. Just said he was already sits on his cat on Tom Island. And so here is beautiful: Flowers are extraordinary, fruits are growing, and sea water, like emerald, overflows. Dzhigit was posted and decided to live with a cat here.

Here the palace would still build, "he said, putting the ring on the thumb.

Ginnes and Pary appeared.

Build me a two-story Pearl Pearl Yes Yakhont.

It did not have time to dress up, as on the shore, the palace rose. On the second floor of the palace, a wonderful garden, between the trees in that garden is all sorts, right up to peas. And on the second floor it is not necessary to rises. I sat on a bed with a red satin blanket, the bed itself and raises.

Dzhigit came like a cat in the palace, good here. Only boring.

All we have with you, "he says the cat," what do we do now? "

Now you need to marry, - answers the cat.

He called on Jigit Ginnov and Pary and commanded bring him portraits of the most beautiful girls from around the world.

I'll choose someone from them to my wife, "said Jigit.

Genny and Pary of beautiful girls scattered. I was looking for a long time, but none of the girls liked them. Finally, flew to a flower state. Padyshah colors have a daughter of unprecedented beauty. Jeans showed the portrait of the daughter of Padishai Djigita to our. And he looked at the portrait, so said:

Here I will bring it.

And on the ground there was a night. Just said Jigit his words, she looks, she is here, as if she fell asleep in the room. After all, Ginny her straightly sleep was moved here.

Early in the morning wakes up the beauty and his eyes do not believe: went to sleep in his palace, and woke up in someone else.

Jumping out the bed, ran to the window, and there the sea and the sky is azure.

Tatar fairy tales

Tatar fairy tales are works of folk folklore of the Republic of Tatarstan. They are incredibly rich in content and are extremely diverse in their expression. In Tatar folk fairy tales, there was a reflection of the glorious past of the nation of Tatarstan, his struggle against the enemies, moral views. Tatar folk fairy tales reported to this time ancient national customs. They can notice the pictures of nature of this beautiful land, its filled meadows, beautiful hills, raging streams, beautiful gardens, and everything else

There was once a person named Safa. So he was conceived to wander around the world and says his wife: - I'll go see how people live. A lot of whether he never had seen, only came to the edge of the forest and sees: attacked the swan an evil old woman loss, wants to destroy her. Shouts the swan, rushes, knocks off, and can't break out ... overcomes her loss. I regretted Safa White ...

In ancient times, a young shepherd lived in the world, named Alpamsh. There was no native nor friends, he was someone else's cattle and days and nights spent with herd in a wide steppe. Once early in the spring found Alpamsha on the shore of the lake of the Patient Guslyanka and was very happy with his find. He came out of the passage, focused him, and by the end of the summer, a small chapsier ...

A long time ago, he lived in the light of the old man, and he had a son. They lived poorly, in a small old house. Here it's time to die an old man. He called his son and tells him: - I have nothing to leave for me inheritance, son, except for his shoes. Wherever you go, always take them with you, they will come to you. Father died, and djigit one left ...

Once in ancient times I had to go to the long road along with two greedy bays. They rode, they drove and drove to the inn. I drove on the stall courtyard, boiled porridge for dinner. When porridge looked, sat down to dinner. Picky porridge on the dish, sold in the middle of the hole, poured into the smell of oil. Who wants to be ...

Walked tailor on the road. To meet him there is a hungry wolf. A wolf came to the tailor, bitching his teeth. Tailor himself says: - About the wolf! I see you want me to eat. Well, I do not dare to oppose your desire. Only let me first measure you and in length and width to find out whether I will be placed in your stomach. The wolf agreed ...

In an old-old time, there lived, they say in one village a man with his wife. They lived very poorly. So it is so poor that their house, unwinded clay, was just stood that at forty backups, and not that would fall. And they say, they had a son. People have sons as sons, and this son does not get off the oven, everything with a cat plays. Learn the cat with the human language ...

Three brothers lived in one ancient village - deaf, blind and legless. They lived poorly, and once decided to go to the forest to hunt. For a long time they were going to: there was nothing in their saak. The blind was planted by a non-good on his shoulders, deaf took the blind one and they went to the forest. Built the Slas Brothers, made onions from the Kizylovoy tree, from Cantham - Arrows and ...

He lived in a long-standing time in one village poor. Called His Gulnazek. Once, when neither bread crumbs remained in the house and there was nothing to feed his wife and children, I decided to try happiness on the hunt. He cut off the jerk rod and smeared onions from it. Then she clicked Luchin, the arrows grew and went to the forest. Long gulnazek wandered through the forest ...

In the long-standing time, the old woman loss in the dark forest is witch. She was evil-touch and all the lives of people on bad things slapped. And the old woman loss was a son. I went to the village and saw there beautiful girl, named Gulchechk. She liked her. He dragged the guests from his home home at night and led him to a dense forest. They began to live ...

In the deaf, deaf forest, there was one Shaitan. He was a small, even very small and completely hairy. But his hands were long, the fingers on their hands are long and nails on them are long. And he had a special nose - also long, as chisel, and strong, like iron. Its called - Dolubone. Who came to Him in Urman (deaf forest) alone ...

They say, in ancient times, one poor-prebered man lived. He had three sons and one daughter. It was hard for him to raise and feed the children, but he raised them all and focused, and taught a different craft. All of them became skillful, skillful and clever. The eldest son could recognize any object on the distant distance. Middle Son shot ...

Once in ancient times, one old man lived and he had a son, a boy fifteen years old. Tired of young jigite to sit at home without a case, and he began to ask his father: - Father, you have three hundred Tanyga. Give me one hundred of them, and I will go to other regions, see how people live there. Father and mother said: - We caress this money for you. If they...

In ancient times, two brothers lived in a certain city. One brother was rich, the other is poor. A rich brother was a jeweler and traded gold and silver products, and the poor was engaged in the most severe, black work. Poor brother had two sons; They worked on their rich uncle, and for it he fed them. Once the poor walked to the forest for ...

Once upon a time in the world, one poor man. He had his wife and son named Timur. The wife of this man fell ill and died. Little Timur's orphan remained. He burned his father and married another. Magic did not believe Timur and offended him in every way. And when her son was born, whom was called a tuktar, poor orphan and did not become at all ...

Once upon a time the girl named Zuhra lived in the world. She was a fitting, smart, heard a big craftswoman. All around admired her skill, distortion and respectfulness. They loved Zuhra and for not being regenened with her beauty and hardworking. Zuhra lived with his father and a stepmother, who envied the stepdaughterhouse, scolding her for any trifle ...

Long ago, I lived in one village poor. In addition to one goose, it did not have a cattle, nor bird. He worked on people - the fact and fed. One day he ended in his flour, nothing from what was baked bread, so he decided to go to the rich bai and ask a little flour. And so that Bai did not drive it, he stabbed his only goose, frusked and understood the bai in ...

There were three brothers. The older brothers were smart, and the youngest is a fool. Their father and died. Smart brothers shared the inheritance among themselves, and the younger did not give anything and drove out of the house. "In order to own wealth, you have to be smart," they said. "So I will find my mind," the younger brother decided and went on the road. How long was ...

Was in ancient times one padisch. Every year he convened the narrator from all his possessions, put a great measure with gold and announced to them: who will tell me such an unprecedented that, having listened to her, I couldn't be crying ", let him take my gold. And if I say "Maybe", then the narrator will get a hundred blows whipped! Everytime...

Tatar fairy tales

Tatar fairy tales are works of folk folklore of the Republic of Tatarstan. They are incredibly rich in content and are extremely diverse in their expression. In Tatar folk fairy tales, there was a reflection of the glorious past of the nation of Tatarstan, his struggle against the enemies, moral views. Tatar folk fairy tales reported to this time ancient national customs. They can notice the pictures of nature of this beautiful land, its filled meadows, beautiful hills, raging streams, beautiful gardens, and everything else

There was once a person named Safa. So he was conceived to wander around the world and says his wife: - I'll go see how people live. A lot of whether he never had seen, only came to the edge of the forest and sees: attacked the swan an evil old woman loss, wants to destroy her. Shouts the swan, rushes, knocks off, and can't break out ... overcomes her loss. I regretted Safa White ...

In ancient times, a young shepherd lived in the world, named Alpamsh. There was no native nor friends, he was someone else's cattle and days and nights spent with herd in a wide steppe. Once early in the spring found Alpamsha on the shore of the lake of the Patient Guslyanka and was very happy with his find. He came out of the passage, focused him, and by the end of the summer, a small chapsier ...

A long time ago, he lived in the light of the old man, and he had a son. They lived poorly, in a small old house. Here it's time to die an old man. He called his son and tells him: - I have nothing to leave for me inheritance, son, except for his shoes. Wherever you go, always take them with you, they will come to you. Father died, and djigit one left ...

Once in ancient times I had to go to the long road along with two greedy bays. They rode, they drove and drove to the inn. I drove on the stall courtyard, boiled porridge for dinner. When porridge looked, sat down to dinner. Picky porridge on the dish, sold in the middle of the hole, poured into the smell of oil. Who wants to be ...

Walked tailor on the road. To meet him there is a hungry wolf. A wolf came to the tailor, bitching his teeth. Tailor himself says: - About the wolf! I see you want me to eat. Well, I do not dare to oppose your desire. Only let me first measure you and in length and width to find out whether I will be placed in your stomach. The wolf agreed ...

In an old-old time, there lived, they say in one village a man with his wife. They lived very poorly. So it is so poor that their house, unwinded clay, was just stood that at forty backups, and not that would fall. And they say, they had a son. People have sons as sons, and this son does not get off the oven, everything with a cat plays. Learn the cat with the human language ...

Three brothers lived in one ancient village - deaf, blind and legless. They lived poorly, and once decided to go to the forest to hunt. For a long time they were going to: there was nothing in their saak. The blind was planted by a non-good on his shoulders, deaf took the blind one and they went to the forest. Built the Slas Brothers, made onions from the Kizylovoy tree, from Cantham - Arrows and ...

He lived in a long-standing time in one village poor. Called His Gulnazek. Once, when neither bread crumbs remained in the house and there was nothing to feed his wife and children, I decided to try happiness on the hunt. He cut off the jerk rod and smeared onions from it. Then she clicked Luchin, the arrows grew and went to the forest. Long gulnazek wandered through the forest ...

In the long-standing time, the old woman loss in the dark forest is witch. She was evil-touch and all the lives of people on bad things slapped. And the old woman loss was a son. He went to the village and saw a beautiful girl there, named Gulchaches. She liked her. He dragged the guests from his home home at night and led him to a dense forest. They began to live ...

In the deaf, deaf forest, there was one Shaitan. He was a small, even very small and completely hairy. But his hands were long, the fingers on their hands are long and nails on them are long. And he had a special nose - also long, as chisel, and strong, like iron. Its called - Dolubone. Who came to Him in Urman (deaf forest) alone ...

They say, in ancient times, one poor-prebered man lived. He had three sons and one daughter. It was hard for him to raise and feed the children, but he raised them all and focused, and taught a different craft. All of them became skillful, skillful and clever. The eldest son could recognize any object on the distant distance. Middle Son shot ...

Once in ancient times, one old man lived and he had a son, a boy fifteen years old. Tired of young jigite to sit at home without a case, and he began to ask his father: - Father, you have three hundred Tanyga. Give me one hundred of them, and I will go to other regions, see how people live there. Father and mother said: - We caress this money for you. If they...

In ancient times, two brothers lived in a certain city. One brother was rich, the other is poor. A rich brother was a jeweler and traded gold and silver products, and the poor was engaged in the most severe, black work. Poor brother had two sons; They worked on their rich uncle, and for it he fed them. Once the poor walked to the forest for ...

Once upon a time in the world, one poor man. He had his wife and son named Timur. The wife of this man fell ill and died. Little Timur's orphan remained. He burned his father and married another. Magic did not believe Timur and offended him in every way. And when her son was born, whom was called a tuktar, poor orphan and did not become at all ...

Once upon a time the girl named Zuhra lived in the world. She was a fitting, smart, heard a big craftswoman. All around admired her skill, distortion and respectfulness. They loved Zuhra and for not being regenened with her beauty and hardworking. Zuhra lived with his father and a stepmother, who envied the stepdaughterhouse, scolding her for any trifle ...

Long ago, I lived in one village poor. In addition to one goose, it did not have a cattle, nor bird. He worked on people - the fact and fed. One day he ended in his flour, nothing from what was baked bread, so he decided to go to the rich bai and ask a little flour. And so that Bai did not drive it, he stabbed his only goose, frusked and understood the bai in ...

There were three brothers. The older brothers were smart, and the youngest is a fool. Their father and died. Smart brothers shared the inheritance among themselves, and the younger did not give anything and drove out of the house. "In order to own wealth, you have to be smart," they said. "So I will find my mind," the younger brother decided and went on the road. How long was ...

Was in ancient times one padisch. Every year he convened the narrator from all his possessions, put a great measure with gold and announced to them: who will tell me such an unprecedented that, having listened to her, I couldn't be crying ", let him take my gold. And if I say "Maybe", then the narrator will get a hundred blows whipped! Everytime...