Thanks to the English teacher from the parents. Short congratulations to the English teacher on Teacher's Day in verse. Congratulations to teachers in various subjects

Who has a lot of verbs
Who can provide a translation?
Who will teach English
Will love instill in the language?

Happiness, Teacher, we wish you
You are just a teacher,
And congratulations with love
Happy Teacher's Day to you!

We teach English with you
Because we are at this hour
very kind words
So we hasten to congratulate you!

"Very happy" be forever
We send you "smile",
After all, you are a "clever" and, of course,
All your lessons are heaven!

English is so beautiful with you
You don't teach in vain!
The language is not simple, but still clear,
And only thanks to you!

We wish you much success
Only capable students
As well as unearthly happiness
And hundreds of colorful days!

Everyone should know English
This is the language of the world
And to your important lessons
Every student is accustomed
Happy World Teacher's Day
congratulations now,
Teach us the language
You are an example for us in everything!

Happy school day
Today by tradition
We congratulate teachers
English language.

Lead us through the jungle
foreign language,
Let it be difficult for us to speak
Still on it.

And we have you on teacher's day
Thank you for your work
And we believe with your help
Everything will be "Believe Good!"

English teacher
Our congratulations,
We wish you on Teacher's Day
Great patience.

We wish that in life
Everything was OK!
For you to be proud
Children's success.

We wish that English
We knew very well
And you go to London
We were not ashamed.

We congratulate you on Teacher's Day and wish you to be a very happy every day, never think about the bad and give your emoticons to the world as often as possible! Let English be easy for your students, let your work bring you only pleasure, let life always please you with success and holidays!

Happy teachers day today
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts.
So that you continue English
The school carried them to the masses.

So that we have a wide window to the world
Opened every day.
And fun lessons
You were too lazy to lead.

Thank you for studying
Your hard, important work.
We know us with your science
Only success is just waiting.

Congratulations to our dear and beloved English teacher! We wish that in your life everything will always be “very good”, “OK” and “nice”. Let the clouds not cover the sun, let the sky please the eye, and longing not visit your kind and sympathetic soul. We wish you a sea of ​​positive, incredible energy and the desire to live, create and share everything that you know yourself. Teacher's Day!

English is very important today
No wonder it's international.
Teacher, bow to you big to the ground,
Thanks for helping me learn it!

We congratulate you on the wonderful day of the holiday,
Let your work not seem difficult,
And what you plan for yourself in your plans,
Let everything come true all the time!

The last call is both joyful and sad. It is joyful that school days, painstaking study, ninth or eleventh grade are behind, but still sad at heart from parting with teachers and friends. Exams are ahead, which largely depend on which path you will follow in your life. Experiences ahead, admission to schools. But while the last bell rings, it drives away all troubles and hardships. Teachers also root for you, as do your parents, and relatives and close people. Let's congratulate them in prose from the bottom of our hearts on this solemn day - the last call, and express our gratitude to the subject teachers, make an identical and sincere thanksgiving speech for them. If you cannot express your gratitude in your own words, we will help you with this.

Congratulations to the teacher of Russian language and literature

The last call is not only a farewell to the school. Despite the fact that exams and graduation are ahead of us, today's holiday is a great occasion to thank our beloved teachers, as well as refresh all the knowledge that, thanks to their professionalism and sensitivity, will help to pass the most important school test and become a springboard in new life. One of these teachers is undoubtedly a teacher of the Russian language and literature. Thank you so much for teaching us how to love native language be proud of its beauty and wide variety. You helped us to feel the depth of immortal works and get real pleasure from them. deep meaning and vitality. You have taught us to express our thoughts correctly and to navigate freely in the literary world. Thank you very much, because without this knowledge we now simply cannot imagine our lives.

Words of gratitude to the teacher of algebra and geometry

One of the most important disciplines for every student is algebra and geometry. Thanks to them, we learn not only to perform various operations with numbers, navigate the construction of geometric shapes and their angles, but also begin to better understand the space around us, learn to think logically and increase our IQ. Today, under the farewell ringing of the last call, we are beginning to fully realize the invaluable work that you have invested in us, our dear teacher, the importance of the knowledge gained and the huge role of the exact sciences in the life of every person who seeks to achieve success in this life. Thank you for your patience, responsiveness and sincere love for the subject. We will try to please you at the upcoming final exams and promise not to lose the knowledge gained from you in the upcoming new life.

Congratulations to the English teacher

The modern world is hard to imagine without constant communication and interaction different peoples. Therefore, it is difficult to overestimate the importance in English who helps people of different nationalities communicate fully. This became possible for us thanks to the high professionalism of our respected English teacher. The last bell, which precedes the farewell to the school, gives us a great opportunity to express our deep gratitude to our teacher. You helped us expand the horizons of communication, knowledge and increase the level of cultural enrichment. Thank you very much for your invaluable work and the desire to pass on your vast knowledge. We are confident that we will pass the final exams with honors, largely thanks to your high professionalism.

Congratulations to the chemistry teacher

Today's holiday, the Last Bell, gives us a great opportunity to thank the teacher who helped us master one of the most important subjects that reveal the essence of things - chemistry. Thank you very much for revealing to us the amazing secrets of the structure. various substances and their compounds, for unforgettable experiments during which we could feel like magicians, for helping us understand how a whole world of molecules and atoms can fit in a small test tube. We are immensely grateful to you for your patience, great love for the discipline taught and incredible professionalism. On the eve of the upcoming final exams, we want to promise you to show the maximum of our knowledge and try very hard not to let you down.

Wishes for the last call to the physics teacher

The last bell has come, which means that soon we will have not only exams, but also a graduation party, symbolizing parting with the school and our beloved teachers, so today we want to express our deep gratitude to our dear teachers and, in particular, to the teacher of physics. It is thanks to the invaluable knowledge that you put into our heads that we know why we stand firmly on our feet, we understand that the creation of electricity is no less exciting process than the birth of a new life and that atomic Energy created not to destroy people, but to serve for the benefit of man. These and other discoveries have become some of the most amazing in our lives. The knowledge that you were able to convey to us will help not only to successfully pass the examination tests, but also simplify the solution of the tasks that life will set before us.

Thanksgiving speech for geography teacher

Our beloved parents, when they brought us to the first grade, showed us how to navigate at school, but our dear geography teacher helped us master the geography of a huge planet called the Earth. Thank you for opening before us not only various cities and countries, but also the mysterious depth of the oceans and the vast breadth of the continents. There is no place on our planet to which we would not make an imaginary journey under your sensitive guidance. We will try very hard to please you with our results in the upcoming exams and carry through life all the invaluable knowledge that we have received thanks to you.

Congratulations to the history teacher

There is not a single person who would imagine his future and the future of his country without knowledge of history. We try to learn from the mistakes and achievements of our ancestors, which we learn about thanks to our dear history teacher. Today, on the day of the Last Bell, we sincerely want to thank you not only for being perfectly oriented in what happened many years ago, but also for the opportunity to be proud of the history of our country, its numerous heroic victories, unsurpassed minds and people, like you, selflessly devoted to their country. We know that we also participate in the creation of history, so we will try to leave only a bright mark in it and start small - we will pass the exams with excellent marks.

Thank You Speech to a Biology Teacher

The last call opens the door to a new life for us, future graduates. After passing the exams, we will plunge into the unknown world of new acquaintances, fresh knowledge and the stone jungle. It will all be bright and amazing, just like our biology lessons. Thank you very much to our dear biology teacher for making the world of wildlife and plants around us more understandable, close and dear, for helping us, our students, feel like part of an incredible and amazing community of living beings and delve into the intricacies of their existence . We will try to put all these feelings and knowledge into practice during the exams and always remember you with respect.

Wishes to the teacher of labor

Today, thanks to the Last Bell, we have a great opportunity to express our deep gratitude to our esteemed teachers of labor. This subject is undoubtedly one of the most important, because on it we learned that with our own hands you can create things necessary in everyday life, learned how to cook deliciously and sew beautifully. Thank you very much, our dear teachers for the golden hands and bright heads, who were able to pass on important knowledge to us and taught the trowels to use various household tools. We are sure that these skills will be useful to us in the future and we will always remember you with gratitude and love.

Teacher of social studies and sociology

The last call is not only a farewell to school, waiting for exams and graduation, it is also an opportunity to evaluate our knowledge, to realize how much teachers have invested in us. One of these teachers, of course, is a teacher of social studies. This subject and your competent attitude to teaching it helped us to correctly prioritize life, taught us to navigate the ornate nooks and crannies of the law and developed the ability to stand up for ourselves. We are very grateful to you for your sensitivity, attention and deep knowledge in the subject taught. We are confident that this knowledge will serve us well not only in exams, but in later life.

Appreciation speech for physical education teacher

We all know that the full development of a person includes not only deep knowledge, but also physical health, therefore, today, under the melodic ringing of the last bell, I especially want to thank our esteemed physical education teacher. Without your professionalism and love for the subject taught, we would not have been able to grow up as full-fledged and physically developed people. You instilled in us a love for sports, told us about the importance of thinking ahead and showed us how important it is to strive to achieve the highest results. We promise you that the desire to win will burn brightly in us not only at the final exams, but also in a new, so exciting, life.

Words of gratitude to the teacher OBZH

Today, on the day of the last call, we can say with confidence that we are ready to leave our native school walls and plunge into the sometimes dangerous adult world. We do it easily and boldly, because we are perfectly able to take care of ourselves and know how to act correctly in any, even the most difficult situation. This became possible thanks to the invaluable knowledge that we received in the lessons of life safety. Thanks to our dear teacher for understanding that there is a way out of any difficult situation, for the ability to stand up for yourself and help others in emergency for the ability to quickly navigate in a changing environment. We know that we can take care of ourselves and keep the presence of mind, including at such a serious test as final exams.

Good day!

I am the mother of a student of class 1 "B" Roman Kuznetsov. I wanted to say words of sincere gratitude and delight to the English teacher Irina Georgievna Galich.

In February-March I attended open lesson in English language. And immediately shared her impressions in a chat among the parents of our class. And now I want to say these words to Irina Georgievna herself.

How interesting and qualitatively you teach your subject! During the lesson, there is also work on pronunciation, and in an interesting form: they teach a foreigner the Russian language, but he does not seem to understand and pronounces Russian words in an English way; and gymnastics to an English song: arms up, arms to the sides, the children themselves sing in English and do the exercises; then they all answer in chorus to the teacher, then one by one, one by one, who is sitting, then they ask questions to their neighbor on the desk and answer them. Children the whole lesson at work! The whole lesson, Irina Georgievna “holds the children”, I mean that the children are so interested and everything is built in such a way - one action replaces another - that the children do not want and do not have time to be distracted or bored! And the best part is that Irina Georgievna likes it! I like the process itself, I like the reaction and participation of the children! Plus, she really feels the children and the atmosphere in the lesson: if someone “fell asleep2,” as she says, then she calls them to the board for 2 minutes to stand and wake up and again turns them on. But the most interesting thing is that this does not distract the whole group, is not a punishment, but simply kindly “shakes up” the guys if they (due to the fact that they are still small) have gone into their thoughts, and returns them to the lesson, to the answers. If someone is shy, knows, but is afraid to answer, Irina Georgievna says: “So, now silence, this one answers me.” The child answers, everyone listens and work has begun again! She, knowing already children, finds an approach to everyone. And it was nice to see! She really answers everyone, everyone is actively working. Everything is fast, energetic, versatile! It felt like it was not a lesson, but a paid elective! I myself sat on the back desk and repeated the pronunciation aloud with her and with the guys. With such teaching of my subject, I am sure that our children will know English "perfectly well"! At the end of the lesson, Irina Georgievna gives the children “stars” for participation and for work, which also pleases and stimulates children.

As a result, after attending the English lesson, I had excellent impressions about Roma, and about the whole group, and about the style and quality of teaching, and about the teacher himself! But there was also a little “sadness” that at one time I did not have such an “Irina Georgievna”.

Although ..., you can go this way again, together with your son!

Once again, thank you very much!!!

Olga Kuznetsova.

The message retains the style and punctuation of the author.

What does a teacher mean in the life of every student? He is like a guide that takes the hand and leads to new world, talking about every bump, every obstacle that may meet on the way. If he puts bad grades or sometimes scolds, he wants to force you to improve, change, be better. The attitude of mentors to their wards directly depends on them. Do you want to bring joy?

The profession of a teacher is considered noble, but very difficult. And that is why, devoting their lives to their students, they deserve respect. In the countries of the former Soviet Union It is customary to honor teachers and everyone who is somehow connected with the learning process. If you want to congratulate your mentors, and in particular to spend a teacher's day in English, then they will be very pleased if you connect this with their subject, thereby demonstrating respect for it and for the language.

How to congratulate beautifully and in an original way?

It all depends on the level of knowledge, class. These can be poems in English to the teacher, a beautiful-sounding and concise text, a scene. Anything your imagination allows. We will offer several of our options for congratulating an English teacher on his professional holiday.

Poems for an English teacher in Russian

Sometimes, to congratulate, it is not necessary to use a “purely” English poem. Pleasant words can be said in Russian, while using blotches in English. In this way, you will note the specifics of the subject and please the teacher. Such a congratulation is easy to remember, so even younger students can learn it.

English is poetic.
Isn't it true, our dear teacher?
Favorite Present and Future
We know everything better and better!
Declension of verbs is close to us.
We think so in English.
Respect you accept today!
You are definitely the best, our teacher!

The language of Shakespeare, the Internet,
We have studied with you.
We thank you for this
Quite English words.

Congratulate everyone today
You in English, no question!
For you, the best reward is:
"My dear teacher!", yes of course!

If you want only Russian text, then these poems will suit you. Beautiful syllable, pleasant words addressed specifically to the teacher foreign language, will be a great congratulation on any holiday. Whether it's teacher's day, birthday or some other significant day.

And we try to teach him!

English speaks half the world,
And we try to teach him!
Your faith helps us in this,
In our ability to speak English!
For your wisdom and patience with mistakes,
On holiday, we want to say so
We value your experience and your flexible mind,
Let me wish you happiness!

We are not in vain with a dictionary
Spent five hours
You are our guide
Have become in the world of English words.

You are their strange culture
We were easily revealed
england literature
For us, forever young.

"Thank you, English teacher!"
Your object opens the gate for us
To the vast world, to all ends of the planet,
It truly erases the boundaries.
And you teach with patience. For that

Thank you English teacher!
And happy professional holiday to you!
You be happy! Luckily find the key
Like a London fog, dispelling a mystery.

Poems for an English teacher in English

Sometimes, you want not only to please the teacher, but also to show, demonstrate your successes. A poem in English will sound both beautiful and original. We suggest that you use simple lines that are easy to remember for elementary and middle school students, and slightly more voluminous and complex for high school students.

We wish to our teacher
To shine bright like the sun
To be from all the richies
On soul - the richest one!

The way you teach…
The knowledge you share…
The care you take…
The love you shower..
Makes you…
The world's best teacher…
Happy Teacher's Day!

Thanks teacher
to show me the way
to lift my spirits
to believe in me
inspire me
Happy Teacher's Day!

Number One Teacher (Name of teacher),
I'm happy that you're my teacher;
I enjoy each lesson you teach.
As my role model you inspire me
To dream and work and reach. With your kindness you get my attention;
Every day you are planting a seed
Of curiosity and motivation
To know and to grow and succeed. You help me fulfill my potential;
I'm thankful for all that you've done.
I admire you each day, and I just want to say,
As a teacher, you're number one!

Star Teacher I always love your class;
your teaching helps me see,
That to have a happy life
Learning is the key. You understand your students;
You're sensitive and smart.
You're a skillful teacher;
I knew it from the start. I'm grateful for your wisdom
For the teacher that you are;
You're a very good person
And as a teacher, you're a star!

Congratulations to the English teacher - prose

Well, if you want to congratulate the teacher in the form of prose, then we suggest you use the following text. It is small and easy to remember. And your teacher will be very pleased to hear the lines written from the heart. He will probably think that you wrote it yourself.

Our dear Teacher…. You do a great work every day, because you open the good qualities in us. You always try to say something positive to us but not only to pick on. You do more than teach us. You allow us to remember that we are human and can make mistakes, that we are pupils and we learn something every day to be better. You encourage us. And you give us much knowledge that we will be able to travel, live and study abroad without any problems, know more about other counties and life there. Thank you for your hard work. Thank you for your understanding. Thank you for your support. For everything. Happy teacher's day.

Our dear teacher... Every day you do a wonderful job, because you discover the good qualities in us. You always try to say something positive, and not just criticize. You do more than just teach us. You allow us to remember that we are human and we can make mistakes too, that we are learners and we learn every day to become better. You encourage us. And you give us a lot of knowledge that will allow us to travel, live and study abroad without problems, learn more about other countries and life there. Thanks for your hard work. Thanks for understanding. Thanks for the support. For all. Teacher's Day!

When choosing a congratulation for an English teacher, remember that the attention from the students is important to him, the understanding that their work, their efforts were not wasted in vain, that children are their hope. If your knowledge and creativity allow, you can compose a lesson and conduct it instead of the teacher. A beautiful and original congratulation will be a self-made wall newspaper. Surprise, please your teachers!

English is important - you can't argue with that,
It doesn't come easy for everyone.
But the teacher will present everything figuratively
And in the dark more often it will become light in an instant.
May there be a lot of light in your life,
Be healthy, happy in everything,
And let there be no topic without an answer,
Be luckier every day.

I would like to screw at least a couple of lines
On yours - in English,
But, thank God, today is not a lesson,
And you can’t see the pen in your hand,
And rightly so - on such a beautiful day
We want to congratulate you in Russian!
Let now even a small shadow
Will not overshadow the radiance of your eyes!

When we are in London...
And we will for sure!
With his English speech
Let's take down the entire Old World!
We congratulate you joyfully!
And let your dreams come true!
Let London supply you
"Five" for the answer!

Now the English language is very much needed.
Today it is difficult to live without it.
And this very useful knowledge
We managed to get from you over the years!
Now we are "speaking English" perfectly!
And the phrase "nice to meet you" doesn't make us chill.
Thank you for your hard work and patience.
Accept congratulations on this bright day.

Master, there is so much to say.
Special speech and special become.
Teacher, you are a lady of English blood.
We learn English, we say "okay".
We want to congratulate you in English
English is therefore crammed at night.
We wish you good health, beautiful lady,
We'll meet you at the dinner party.

English speaks half the world,
And we try to teach him!
Your faith helps us in this,
In our ability to speak English!
For your wisdom and patience with mistakes,
On holiday, we want to say so
We value your experience and your flexible mind,
Let me wish you happiness!

Alien speech, alien writing
Could you make close, dear
Therefore all your names
Will forever remain in our hearts from now on.
We need foreign
To be successful at work
You are English, German and French,
You will always be honored with us!

We find the English school in the school -
It stands firmly on your shoulders!
And with you we go directly to the plenipotentiaries!
And we learn the language so that it rings on the lips!
And Byron's original we will read
Probably soon - easy, no problem!
For this we honor you from the bottom of our hearts!
Let grief touch you completely!

Today without English is not easy,
Today without English in any way!
Can't find a prestigious job
You can't go to see the country.
But you gave us this opportunity,
You taught us how to write and speak.
We are grateful to you for this knowledge.
And we are in a hurry to congratulate you on the holiday!

English is poetic.
Isn't it true, our dear teacher?
Favorite Present and Future
We know everything better and better!
Declension of verbs is close to us.
We think so in English.
Respect you accept today!
You are definitely the best, our teacher!

English gives us hope
Learn to travel to Cambridge and Yale.
And you had to tinker a lot,
To make us understand English now.
And on a holiday, accept gratitude
From all of us - for strong knowledge!
With English, it's easier to achieve success,
Thank you for your efforts.

In Byron's original we read,
And we watch interviews with the Queen,
After all, we know English perfectly,
without leaving your homeland.
Our teacher, you are a teacher from God,
We wish you happiness and love,
And may the road be feasible for you,
And only good luck awaits you ahead.

We also have poor phonetics
We are yours, oh how not to catch up!
Grammar is not clear yet.
We will congratulate you in Russian.
Although even here ... it’s impossible
Send you instead of congratulations!!!
Let's learn and send
Congratulations in English!

Congratulations on Teacher's Day.