All liquid that attracts fish in the home. What is the best fish bait? How to cook fish bait at home? Rules for the use of flavors

The bite of a fish is quite changeable and often depends on various factors, among which the smell of the bait and bait is especially worth noting, because very often even a slight change in it can both improve the bite and kill it. As you already understood, we will talk about what flavors for catching fish exist and how to use them wisely.

There is no 100% guarantee that using this or that flavoring you will definitely fill your cage with trophies, so you should always take as many different flavors with you as possible and start experimenting. After all, it often happens that in one pond the roach will peck, smelling the smell of vanillin, and in another give her coriander, but in the third caramel, here you have to try. It happens even in the conditions of one reservoir, today the fish is caught on one flavor, and in the evening it does not work and you need to pick up another one.

Use fragrances in cold water(the concept of cold water is quite extensible and for some reservoirs it is up to +10˚С, for others up to +15˚С) you need to be very careful, since their presence in bait can completely kill the bite, so it’s worth adding to a minimum, based on the concept of “ it’s better to underfill than overfill”, and the flavors themselves should have a soft, spicy smell, as well as flavors with an animal smell. At the same time, warm water is a period of experimentation, sometimes fish can start pecking at even the most daring and unusual smells, such as kerosene, although one of the most versatile, working in most conditions, will be “fruity” and “sweet” aromas.

Types of flavors

Flavors, depending on their state, can be divided into three types:

Dry flavors. Among them, the most popular and versatile are flavors with the smell of garlic and anise.


As for the application, dry flavors are added to the already moistened bait. The advantage of dry flavors is that they allow you to quickly attract fish from all over the area and at the same time not scare them off with a persistent smell, but unfortunately this effect will not last long.

Liquid Flavors added to the water that you will use when, they have a more persistent odor and last longer than dry flavors, although their radius of action is much less. Many liquid flavors for catching fish are made on the basis of corn syrup, as a result, this flavor acts on bait not only as attractant (attractant - a synthetic or natural component that makes surrounding creatures want to move towards the smell), but also gives the bait a pleasant taste. When adding this flavoring, it is important to remember that it also glues the bait a little. When alcohol-based flavors are added to the bait, only its smell changes in the bait, many anglers recommend using these flavors when fishing in cold water, but in hot weather they evaporate rather quickly and their effectiveness decreases. But oil-based flavors, it does not make sense to use in cold water, as they become viscous in it.

liquid flavor

Dry, as well as liquid branded flavors, it is recommended to use at the rate of 250 gr (ml) per 6-8 kg of bait, depending on the competition of fishermen near you. It is important to remember that in cold water their content in the bait should be minimal and they should be used only if the bait in its pure form did not work.

Flavoring aerosols- serve both for flavoring ready-made bait balls, and for flavoring large nozzles (boilies) for carp. Also, with the help of aerosols, nozzles on a predator are flavored.

Aerosols are mainly represented by the following aromas:

  • Spices and spices;
  • fruit;
  • Dairy, caramel with cream;
  • Meat and fish;

In cold water - this is spring and autumn, it is better to use flavors for catching aquatic inhabitants

with meat and fish smells, if they don't work, then you need to try spices and caramel, and when they don't work, then fruity smells. In summer, on the contrary, it is better to start with fruity smells, then try caramel and spices, and finally fish and meat.

However, I would like to note that aerosols should be used when your bite is weak, and you want to strengthen it. If the fish does not bite at all, then it is better to try changing the nozzle or conjure with bait, add some interesting ingredient, because otherwise the pshikalka is unlikely to save.

Dips and activators

Deeps, in short, these are flavors for the nozzle. They are often presented as a liquid in which the bait is dipped, resulting in a bait flavor that should arouse interest in the fish. When fishing, it is desirable to have as wide a range of dips as possible, not only different tastes, but also their shades, for example, the smell of "vanilla" of one company is slightly different from the vanilla smell of another. As mentioned earlier, the fish is like a pregnant woman, it is quite difficult to guess what she wants at the moment. On branded dips it is often written Deep or dips, these are ready-made mixtures in which you can simply dip the bait and catch it. In addition to liquid dips, there are aerosols.

As dips, you can also use flavors for bait, they just have a slightly weaker aroma concentration, and do-it-yourself bait liquids, in which the aroma concentration is so strong that they need to be diluted, otherwise you will scare away all the fish. Usually they are diluted with various kinds of oils (hemp, corn, unrefined sunflower) in a ratio of 1 to 10.

In addition to artificial dips, there are also natural ones that are made from what you have in the refrigerator, and they do not have to be liquid. Grind the flavor we have chosen to the state of powder and sprinkle the nozzle a day before the start of the catch. Garlic, cinnamon, vanilla, anise, coriander, cinnamon, fennel, curry are suitable for ground dips, they can be combined or added separately. The proportions must be selected empirically, but for about a 200 ml jar of nozzles, you need 1 teaspoon of garlic, cinnamon, vanilla, anise, coriander, cinnamon, fennel, half a teaspoon curry.

As for liquid dips, you can use fish oil, hemp and garlic oil, vanilla in their quality, when mixing, you must observe the proportions 1:1, except for fat, it goes 1:2. It is worth remembering that we dip the nozzle into a liquid dip before casting it, and if after casting within 5-10 minutes the bite did not occur, then it is necessary to recast by changing the nozzle to a new one.


The activator is a concentrated aromatic powder additives that enhance the smell of various branded baits (duplicate them), and also cause an increased appetite in fish, this is necessary, for example, when you stir the purchased bait with breadcrumbs or earth, and you don’t want the smell to weaken. If you add an activator to an already moistened bait, then the powder will be absorbed into it weakly, and when you throw the ball into the water, you will get a powerful, but rather short-term effect. By adding the activator to the dry groundbait before moistening it, you will achieve a longer effect, but with a smaller radius.

Branded flavors for fishing

Today in stores there is a huge selection of flavors presented by various manufacturers. Flavors are divided

  • according to tastes: anise, strawberry, chocolate, nuts
  • fish species: ide, crucian carp, bream, roach.

The most reputable manufacturer is a French company « sensas" she has a very wide and high-quality range of products, less known, but also very effective flavors from an English company "Dynamite Baits" and " richworth" and American Megastrike. also in Lately the Polish company actively launched its advertising program Traper, it is worth noting that its bait and flavors give a good catch and are in demand among anglers and athletes.

The disadvantage of these manufacturers is their rather high price, so it makes sense to pay attention to their Russian counterparts, so the budget replacement for flavors from Sensas is UNICORM "Aromatics" from the company "Sabaneev", as they produce flavors for catching fish, completely duplicating the French manufacturer. One of the best manufacturers in terms of price-quality ratio, is a Russian company « Silver Bream. Decent carp and crucian bait is produced by a Russian company Greenfishing.

Natural flavors for fishing

Home fragrance

  • Seeds(fried and finely ground), unrefined sunflower oil or cake - bream and crucian carp respond well to them
  • Anise (Anise oil and powder)- a kind of universal flavor, all representatives of cyprinids react perfectly to it, roach fishing is especially successful with its help. Add 1 drop per half kilogram of groundbait. Bait should not have a strong odor.
  • Garlic it is crushed and added to the bait or bait, but you need to be careful not to overdo it. In addition to garlic heads, you can use the arrows of garlic, which must be chopped and added to the bait. Great for catching carp and bream. You can also use garlic oil.
  • Dill and fennel, and dried dill can also be used, but fresh finely chopped is more catchy. It is used for catching carp fish, and can also attract catfish.
  • Honey and gingerbread it is used for catching any peaceful fish, tench and bream react very well to it.
  • Black currant used to attract crucian carp and bream, its leaves are chopped finely or boiled in boiling water, and when it is infused, it is added when moistening the bait.
  • Peach with banana suitable for carp fishing in warm water, especially in summer.
  • Mint and Lemongrass finely cut and added to bait, especially if mint grows on the shore of a reservoir.
  • Chocolate a good choice for, bream and other carp fish.
  • Coriander and basil excellent flavors for catching bream. Also, ground basil interacts well with most flavors.
  • Caramel and vanilla another universal flavor for catching cyprinids.
  • Ground coffee beans and cinnamon bark good flavor for catching bream and large roach. You can also use instant coffee, though the effect is worse.
  • Corn great for catching bream and roach, but primarily for carp.
  • Maggot interesting for roach, carp, crucian carp, silver bream and other representatives of peaceful fish.
  • Tutti frutti and strawberries used for fishing in warm water, especially in summer. Carp, bream and crucian respond well to them.
  • Fresh pigeon droppings, only not wild pigeons, but pigeons fed by pigeon houses with cereals, is used to catch roach.
  • Cocoa used for catching most types of white fish.
  • Squid attracts both predatory fish (catfish, burbot) and large carp and grass carp
  • Blood a good flavor for catching bream, add a mayonnaise jar to 3 kg of bait
  • Peanut fried and finely ground , perfect for luring bream, carp and tench.

When adding flavorings to bait, you need to follow the rule “it is better to underfill than overfill”, and you should not thump them all at once into the entire prepared bait, but add them in separate portions, and if one does not work, you will try to use other flavors you have at the next supplementary feeding for fishing.

To prepare the bait you will need:
1. A large saucepan in a duet with a colander.
2. Large plastic bowls.
3. A set of wooden spoons and spatulas.
4. Measuring cups and spoons for adding liquid ingredients.
5. Rags. Packages.

For a pound of bait, you need five chicken eggs. Break them into a bowl, stir until smooth. Pour in sweetener, flavoring and other enticing, attracting ingredients. Oddly enough, fruity scents are very suitable for this. We add the dry part of the bait (flour and salt) to a mixture of eggs and various additives. Pour in slowly, stir with a spoon. In the end Mix this mix with your hands. The mass should be homogeneous. So that the mixture does not stick to your hands, treat them with vegetable oil.

The first version of the fish bait (for the lake) From the resulting mass, roll out sausages up to 3 cm thick. Divide them into parts and roll them into balls. Now they are ready to cook. Boil the water, put the balls in the prepared colander, lower it into the pan slowly so as not to spill the boiling water. The round shape is important for stagnant water: a lake or a pond. A long boil will help protect the bait from bream - the bait becomes tough. After cooking, place the colander in the sink to drain excess water. Then transfer to a cloth and let cool completely, about 2 hours. All they are ready. Divide into bags, be sure to date and note the aroma, and store in the freezer of the refrigerator.

The second bait option (for running water) If your fishing will take place on the river, then there is no need to make the bait spherical. For accelerated cooking, you can simply cut the sausages, or you can roll them out to 1 cm and cook them whole. Approximately 1 minute. When cool, just chop the sausage into small pieces. About a thousand portions of baits are formed from half a kilogram of dough.

The third option (for the coastline of the reservoir) The output will be hundreds of cubes of different size and density, ideal for feeding licorice along the river coastline. So, after kneading the dough, you mold it in the form of a brick. Wrap the film as tight as possible, you need to get all the air out or almost all. Then release into a pot of boiling water for one hour. "Brick" may not sink completely, so the load from above will not hurt. After boiling over low heat, take it out and clean the finished mixture from the film. Let it cool down. After cooling, cut it into cubes, but do not forget that the upper layers will be buoyant. Separate them and store in a separate bag.

Of course, you can use the bait fresh, that is, do not carry out heat treatment. So it is easier for her to reveal all her taste properties of the mixture, the signal for the fish will be stronger. A significant disadvantage is that such a bait attracts weedy fish, they gnaw at it faster than a noble carp will notice it. But the raw mixture cannot be thrown over long distances. And so it must be deep-fried.

Simple tips at the end of the article:
- Do not use sharp baits;
- If you are fond of tobacco, wash until the smell disappears completely.
- Do not forget about other strong odors (soap, diesel fuel (gasoline), shaving cream, etc.);
- Carefully approach the cleanliness of the used dishes, as they form a noble environment for the growth of bacteria.
- Make sure that the heat-treated bait has cooled down completely, otherwise it will deteriorate under the influence of ice.
- Remember, the main enemy of cooked bait is storage moisture. By adding rice to the bag, you significantly reduce the water content.
- Use a preservative for long-term storage.

So, we considered the question of how to cook bait for fish at home. Use only such complementary foods that, according to the article, are most suitable for various water bodies. Then you will ensure yourself a good bite and a great catch.

But ... but tell me honestly: are you sure that crucian carp is not stuffed inside with all sorts of nuts, bolts, or at least microcircuits? So we were sure that no - not stuffed. But how, then, to explain the fact that from time to time he greedily pounces on a liquid with a kerosene smell, designed to protect the metal from corrosion?

The man doesn't drink it, does he? But crucian loves her. Moreover, he often even prefers it to any other (usually sweet) flavors for fish. Strange, right? Is it true that crucian carp do not come to us on alien saucers? Okay...

Meet WD-40 - an anti-corrosion aerosol produced by some American company, which our locksmiths usually spray on metal to protect it from corrosion (corrosion), from squeaking, and also to loosen all kinds of nuts and bolts (rusted from time).

This liquid is a very popular additive in certain fishing spots. There are not only reservoirs - entire areas where crucian carp are caught precisely on WD-40. The kerosene smell of this liquid does not frighten crucian at all - on the contrary, it attracts. We will talk about such fishing with you now.

"Iron" crucian

Of course, we are joking - no crucian carp is iron and it does not need to lubricate any gears inside. In fact, there is nothing surprising in the fact that crucian carp sometimes consumes the most seemingly non-food things. For example, the same aerosol with the smell of kerosene. After all, people sometimes make mistakes.

Is tobacco, for example, edible? Cigarettes are bitter grass mixed with a whole range of poisons, metals and carcinogenic resins! And nothing - people use it. Moreover, cigarettes are much more important and pleasant for them than even the most exquisite dishes.

And kerosene and gasoline are also peculiar drugs. Some people get used to them. More precisely, to their smell - it has an invigorating and calming effect on the bottom. This is how people breathe all sorts of muck. Moreover, with great pleasure.

It seems that something similar happens with crucian carp. In the lake there are carp, prone, roughly speaking ... to drunkenness. They really liked the specific kerosene smell of WD-10 (and it spreads very well in water), and now they constantly require a “dose”. More and more. However, it doesn't matter. It is important that crucian carp are caught on such smells. And if it is caught, then you need to catch it.

Cooking carp dough

There is nothing complicated and unusual in the preparation of the nozzle. We prepare the usual dough: pour flour into a bowl, mix it with water, if desired, you can add eggs, margarine, butter or vegetable oil(optional). As a result, you should get a viscous, not very sticky to your hands, lump of dough (this is the main sign - if the dough has stopped sticking to your hands, then it is ready).

Well, at the end we take the same aerosol, WD-40, and spray it on the dough. How much you need to puff - neither we nor the anglers know for sure. We just take it and pshikaem - so that the smell of kerosene is. Knead the dough again - and the nozzle is ready. It can be hung on a hook.

Some anglers also prepare bait based on this kerosene aerosol. They also knead the dough, only it should turn out a little more dry, crumbly, not so viscous. We also spray there with the same aerosol of WD-40. We roll the balls and when fishing they can be thrown into the place of fishing - to attract crucian carp. But fishermen usually do infrequently. As a rule, they simply come to the lake with a lump of dough, put it on hooks and fish.

We catch fish

Here, too, there is usually no need to invent anything. We just take a fishing rod, put a ball of dough on a hook, throw the tackle into the water (in some well-known carp place - for example, under a driftwood) and wait for a bite. At first, the bite is weak, but after 5-10 minutes the crucians will gather at our hook and the bite will definitely return to normal. In good, carp-rich lakes, biting can last a very long time: until dark. The angler fishes until he himself gets tired of it.

The whole incident of such bait is that if you accustom a crucian to it, he will be very reluctant to take on all other nozzles. At least in such lakes, both worms, and bread crumb, and ordinary sweet dough clearly lose to a nozzle with the smell of kerosene. For all the usual nozzles, crucian carp can either take it or not - it either likes it or doesn’t like it. On our “smelling” nozzle, crucian always takes.

Vladislav Ivanchenko -Especially for, Ukraine, Kiev

The use of flavors for catching fish is gaining more and more popularity every year due to its excellent working qualities. This article will discuss in detail what types of flavors are, what are their advantages, how to choose the right flavors for fishing, and much more.

Types of flavors used

According to their purpose, flavorings are:

  • to add to bait;
  • to add to the nozzle.

According to their purpose, they are:

  • for use on all types of fish (standard fruit and sweet scents apply);
  • to attract a specific type of fish: pike, crucian carp, etc.

According to their consistency, flavorings are:

  • in the form of oil;
  • in the form of a spray;
  • in the form of syrup;
  • in the form of a dry powder;
  • in the form of a liquid.

Also, flavors are complex (consisting of several flavors) and simple (they have only one smell).
In addition, flavors are effective (those that really work and attract fish to the right place) and ineffective (non-working), that is, those that do not have any effect on the fish's receptors and do not make it swim closer.

In addition, flavors for catching fish can be divided according to the general varieties of their odors:

  • Berry.
  • Fruit.
  • Dairy and sour milk.
  • Sweet smells.
  • Floral scents.
  • Smells of spices.
  • The smells of meat.
  • Aromas of marine life (shrimp, crabs, etc.).

Generally, the most common fragrances that can be used at home are:

  • Cake.
  • Oils.
  • Garlic.
  • Dill.
  • Anise.
  • Hemp grains.
  • Cinnamon.
  • Carnation.
  • Berry juice.
  • Vanillin.
  • Nuts.
  • Cocoa.
  • Halva.
  • Fennel.

Some anglers, in addition to the above flavors, use special amino acids that act on the fish with their chemical constituents and make it swim closer.

These amino acids include the following:

  • dry or fresh animal blood;
  • pieces of veal liver;
  • leeches;
  • insects;
  • worms;
  • maggots;
  • bark beetles.

Flavors for catching fish have the following advantages of their use:

  1. Effectively attract fish with their scent.
  2. Homemade flavors give the fisherman the opportunity to experiment and make their own unique flavor.
  3. Homemade baits are several times cheaper than purchased flavors.
  4. With proper preparation, they can be used for more than one catch.
  5. Can be stored for several weeks.

The disadvantages of using it can only be attributed to the fact that if the flavoring is not prepared correctly, the opposite effect can occur, and the fish will not swim closer, but on the contrary, they are afraid and swim away as far as possible from the dangerous smell.

Choice of flavors

Flavors should be selected based on the following features:

  • for catching a specific type of fish;
  • depending on the season and fishing conditions.

For catching different fish

For catching bream, the following flavors are best suited:

  • vanilla extract;
  • anise;
  • cinnamon;
  • garlic;
  • Strawberry juice;
  • pear juice or dry powder with pear flavor;
  • fruit powders.

For carp fishing, it is best to use the following flavors:

  • vanilla;
  • garlic;
  • pear powder;
  • caramel essences;
  • hemp flavor;
  • shrimp flavor;
  • crab
  • shells or other marine life;
  • Red pepper;
  • mint.

For catching crucian carp, the following flavors are suitable:

  • strawberry or raspberry essences;
  • the smell of seeds or the usual cake;
  • sunflower oil;
  • nuts (walnuts);
  • linseed oil (in small quantities);
  • Carnation;
  • Dill;
  • kerosene;
  • cocoa;
  • cattail;
  • calamus root.

For catching pike, it is better to use the following flavors:

  • the smell of blood;
  • the smell of crab or shrimp.

From fishing conditions

A very important criterion for choosing flavors is the season in which this or that flavor will be used.

In order not to make a mistake with the choice, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. In warm seasons (spring and summer), brighter scents should be used, and in winter, unobtrusive scents should be used.
  2. In autumn and winter, the fish prefers meat smells rather than vegetable ones, and vice versa, in summer and spring it is better to use the smells of fruits and spices.
  3. In late autumn, it is desirable to use spicy smells.
  4. For summer fishing, it is best to use oil and glycerin-based flavors.
  5. For winter fishing, you need to use flavors that are made only on an alcohol basis.
  6. For winter fishing, canned food, bloodworms and shrimp are considered the best smells.
  7. For summer fishing, it is better to use the smells of vanilla or honey.

How to make your own flavors

Recipe #1

  • anise;
  • cinnamon;
  • garlic;
  • Carnation;
  • vodka or alcohol.
  1. Place all ingredients in a glass bowl and mix.
  2. Pour everything with one glass of vodka.
  3. Cover and leave for two weeks.
  4. After that, pour everything into small jars and add a few drops to the complementary foods and nozzles.

Recipe number 2

To prepare it you will need:

  • alcohol;
  • cocoa;
  • Red pepper;
  • garlic;
  • Dill;
  • caramel or honey;
  • shrimp smell.
  1. Mix all the ingredients and grind them well in a mortar.
  2. Place the resulting mass in a saucepan and pour everything with alcohol.
  3. Leave to infuse for two weeks, after which you can apply.

Such flavors are basic, so most fish species react to them.

Rules for the use of flavors

The correct use of flavors includes the following rules:

  1. You can not add too much flavor to lure or baits, because too concentrated a scent will not attract fish, but will scare them away.
  2. When using stepped wiring, the bait must be sprayed with flavoring every two casts. If it is renewed less often, then the necessary odor resistance will be less noticeable to the fish.
  3. Some store-bought fragrances should only be used once, as their aromatic properties are lost the next day. This should be taken into account when buying them.
  4. For baits such as worm or maggot, flavoring should be applied every hour.
  5. You need to store flavors in tightly closed containers, which after fishing should be put in the refrigerator (not in the freezer).
  6. If the flavor is made on an alcohol basis, but they do not need to process the nozzle itself. Only the hook should be lubricated with it.
  7. Liquid flavors have a higher odor concentrate than dry flavors, so they should be used in smaller quantities.
  8. When adding flavoring to the bait mixture, you need to find out in what quantities it needs to be mixed in and to which mixture they should be added.
  9. When catching predatory fish species, spray or oil flavorings should be used, as they are the most persistent.
  • It is better to use natural flavors than artificial ones, since fish react better to natural flavors.
  • For catching crucian carp, the best smell, oddly enough, is the aroma of kerosene.
  • When fishing, you should take several blanks of flavors at the same time and mix them on the spot. Thus, you can use several smells at once and replace them with each other in case of a bad fish bite.
  • If you want to catch a specific type of fish, then you should use exactly the smell to which that fish responds best.
  • When preparing flavorings at home, you should not be afraid to try something new, as this can bring good results.
    when choosing a flavor, you need to consider not only the season, but also the temperature and water level in which they will be used.
  • He hopes only for the work of the flavoring, and at the same time, it is not very reasonable not to make efforts to prepare complementary foods and baits. It is necessary that all components, including gear and equipment, work at the highest level.
  • Both sweet and salty scents can be added to home fragrances. This will not only not harm the final result, but also add more bright notes to it, which will accordingly improve the likelihood of a bite.

You need to know that in one body of water this or that smell may work perfectly, but in another body of water it may be completely unnoticed. This should be taken into account when fishing in a new place.