Summary of geese swans for the reader's diary. Abstract of the lesson. “Retelling of the Russian folk tale “Geese-Swans” (senior group). Other retellings and reviews for the reader's diary

Year of writing: unknown

Genre of work: story

Main characters: Girl- daughter, Boy- younger brother, Swan geese- assistants of Baba - Yaga.


The old man and the old woman went to work. They instructed their daughter to take care of her younger brother and not leave the yard. For obedience, the girl was rewarded - a bun, a new dress and a scarf. The girl forgot the instructions, and having played too much, she went out into the street. Geese - swans right there - kidnapped a brother. The girl was crying for the boy. Then I realized that it was stolen. Running asked at the stove, apple trees, and rivers with jelly banks where the pests flew. To answer, you had to eat a pie, an apple, or jelly. She refused. The hedgehog pointed the way. Finding the boy at Baba Yaga, the girl took him away. They were chased by geese - swans. Then the girl ate what was offered and took advantage of the shelter. She arrived before her parents arrived.

Conclusion (my opinion)

You need to be responsible and attentive. Obedience to parents can avoid difficulties. To get someone's help, you need to do what they say. Goodness given is returned.

Maria Popova
Abstract of the lesson. "Retelling the Russian folk tale"Swan geese" ( senior group)

Purpose of the lesson: the formation of the skill of independent coherent retelling of a sufficiently large text.


Formation of the skill of planning a detailed statement;

Development of the ability to analyze the content of the work (reflection of the content with the help of a scheme-plan); development of the skill of current control over the construction of a detailed statement; development of the skill of dialogic speech;

To cultivate a sense of responsibility for one's actions, to learn to seek a compromise in relations with people.

Equipment: book "Geese-Swans" with large colorful illustrations, typesetting canvas, rectangle blocks (5 pcs.) made of thick paper 20/30 cm. silhouette images of fairy tale characters and individual objects.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational part. Goal setting. Guessing the riddle about the goose:

red paws,

Pinching on the heels

Run without looking back.

2. The primary reading of the fairy tale with a demonstration of illustrations is carried out by the educator the day before. As he reads, he comments on uncommon vocabulary.

When re-reading, the children complete individual sentences unfinished by the teacher with the necessary words or phrases.

Swan geese.

There lived a man and a woman. They had a daughter and a little son.

One day, the father and mother went to the market, and the daughter was ordered to look after her brother.

And the daughter put her brother on the grass under the window, and she ran out into the street, played.

Geese flew in - swans, picked up the boy, carried away on wings.

The girl returned, looking - there is no brother. She ran out into an open field and only saw how the geese disappeared behind a dark forest. Then she guessed that they had taken away her brother.

The girl rushed to catch up with them. She ran, she ran, she saw - there was a stove.

Stove, stove, say. Where did the geese - swans fly?

The stove answers her: eat my black flour pie - I’ll tell you.

I won't, I'll eat it.

The stove didn't tell her.

Apple tree, apple tree, tell me, where did the geese - swans fly?

Eat my sour forest apple - I'll tell you.

I won't, I'll eat your apple.

The apple tree didn't tell her.

River, river, tell me - where did the geese - swans fly?

Eat my jelly with milk - I'll tell you.

I won't, I'll eat your jelly.

The girl ran for a long time through the fields, through the forests and got lost. He sees there is a hut on a chicken leg, and under the window a brother sits, plays with silver apples. The girl took her brother and ran.

Baba Yaga saw that the boy was gone, and sent geese - swans in pursuit.

The girl with her brother ran to the milky river. He sees flying geese - swans.

River, hide me!

Eat my simple kiselka.

The girl ate, and the river covered her under the jelly bank.

Geese - swans did not see, they flew by.

The girl and her brother ran again.

Geese - swans have returned, are flying towards, are about to see. What to do? An apple tree stands...

Apple tree, apple tree, hide me, - the girl says.

Eat my sour forest apple.

The girl quickly ate. The apple tree covered it with its branches. Geese - swans did not see, they flew by.

The girl ran again. Again geese - swans began to catch up. The girl ran to the stove.

Stove, stove, hide me, - says the girl.

Eat my black flour pie.

The girl ate the pie and climbed into the oven with her brother.

Geese - swans flew and flew and flew away to Baba Yaga with nothing.

The girl said thank you to the stove and ran home with her brother.

And then my father and mother came.

3. Lexical analysis of the text.

Why did the geese-swans steal the boy?

Who did the girl meet at the beginning of her journey? Why didn't the stove help the girl?

Who else met the girl in the open field? Why didn't the apple tree help the girl?

What unusual river did the girl meet on the way? Why didn't the river help the girl?

Who did the girl turn to for help when she ran away from the geese - swans?

Why did the stove, the apple tree and the river help the girl this time?

4. Drawing up a visual diagram of the plot of a fairy tale.

In blocks-rectangles, children should place silhouette images of characters and individual objects. Rectangle blocks are placed on the easel, and silhouette images of fairy tale characters (swan geese, boy, girl, stove, apple tree, river, Baba Yaga's hut) are placed on the typesetting canvas.

The teacher helps with leading questions.

5. In the final part classes, the teacher asks the children to answer the question: “What does this fairy tale teach?”

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A fairy tale is one of the folklore, and later literary genres. This is an epic work, usually of a prosaic nature, with a heroic, everyday or magical theme. The main features of this genre are the lack of historicity and the undisguised, conspicuous fiction of the plot.

"Geese-swans" - a fairy tale, a summary of which we will consider below, refers to folk. That is, it does not have an author as such, it was composed by the Russian people.

The difference between folk and literary fairy tales

The folklore, or folk, tale appeared earlier than the literary one and was passed down for a long time by word of mouth. Hence the many discrepancies in the plots and variants of such stories. So, we will present here the most common summary of the fairy tale "Geese Swans". However, this does not mean that in other localities and regions of our country this work has exactly the same heroes. The plot as a whole will be the same, but may differ in nuances.

The literary fairy tale was originally invented by the author. Its plot cannot be changed under any circumstances. In addition, initially such a work appeared on paper, and not in oral speech.

Russian folk tale "Geese-swans": a summary. tie

A long time ago there lived a husband and wife. They had two children: the eldest daughter Mashenka and the youngest son Vanya.

Somehow, the parents went to the city and ordered Masha to look after her brother and not leave the yard. And for good behavior they promised gifts.

But as soon as her parents left, Masha put Vanya under the window of the house on the grass, and she herself ran out into the street with her friends.

But then the swan geese appeared from nowhere, the birds picked up the boy and dragged him towards the forest.

Masha returned, looks - Vanya is nowhere to be found. The girl rushed to look for her brother, but he was nowhere to be seen. She called Vanya, but he did not answer. Masha sat down and began to cry, but tears cannot help grief, and she decided to go in search of her brother.

The girl ran from the yard, looked around. And suddenly I saw how geese-swans flew in the distance, and then disappeared into the dark forest. Masha realized who kidnapped her brother, and rushed in pursuit.

The girl ran out into the clearing and saw the stove. I asked her to show me the way. The stove replied that she would tell where the swans had flown if Masha threw firewood on it. The girl fulfilled the request, the stove told where the kidnappers flew. And our heroine ran on.

baba yaga

Masha continues to find out where the swan geese flew. The tale (a summary is presented in this article) tells how a girl meets an apple tree, the branches of which are dotted with ruddy fruits. Masha asks her where the swan geese went. The apple tree asked to shake apples from her, and then she would tell where the birds flew. The girl complied with the request and found out where the kidnappers went.

Mashenka runs further and sees a milky river with jelly banks. The girl asks by the river where the swan geese flew. And she answered: "Move the stone that prevents me from flowing, then I will tell you." Masha moved the stone, and the river indicated where the birds went.

The girl ran to the dense forest. And then the hedgehog showed her the way. He curled up in a ball and rolled to the hut on chicken legs. Baba Yaga is sitting in that hut, and Vanya is playing with golden apples by the porch. Masha crept up, grabbed Vanya and rushed to run.

Baba Yaga noticed that the boy was gone, and sent the swan geese in pursuit.

The denouement of the work

"Geese-swans", a fairy tale, the summary of which we present here, is coming to an end. Masha runs with her brother and sees that birds are overtaking them. Then she rushed to the river and asked her to cover them. The river hid them, and the pursuers flew past without noticing anything.

And again the children are running, not far from the house left. But then the birds again noticed the fugitives. They strive to snatch their brother out of their hands. But then Masha noticed the stove, in which she took refuge with Vanyusha. The geese-swans could not reach the children and returned back to Baba Yaga.

The brother and sister got out of the stove and ran home. Here Masha washed and combed Vanya, seated him on a bench, and sat down next to him. Soon the parents returned and brought gifts for the children. Their daughter didn't tell them anything. So the swan geese were left with nothing.

A fairy tale (a summary confirms this) refers to the so-called magical. Such works are characterized by the presence of a magical villain (Baba Yaga in our case) and magical helpers (stove, apple tree, river, hedgehog).

Year: unknown

Genre: story

Main characters: Girl, her brother Boy, Geese-swans (helpers of Baba Yaga) and Baba Yaga.

Fairy tale teaches that you have to obey your parents. There is something they give, do not be capricious. Respectfully respond to those you address.


Parents go to work and punish their eldest daughter to look after her younger brother.
- For this we will bring you sweet gingerbread and a new thing from the city.

While the girl was frolicking with her friends, strange geese - swans - flew in and carried her younger brother into the dense forest. No matter how much she called, did not cry, no one answered her. Running along the path, I saw birds with a child in the distance. She went to save him. He sees a white stove. She asked the stove to tell where the geese are swans.

The stove set a condition: eat her pie from rye flour, and the girl turned her nose away, did not want to eat. She moved on without getting an answer.

She walked the path, she sees an apple tree growing. The girl asked a question, the apple tree set a condition: to eat her fruit. I didn’t want to eat a wild apple, I ran further.

I stopped near the river of milk with banks of jelly. I did not want to drink her jelly with white milk. And without an answer she ran on.

I met a prickly hedgehog, asked if I had seen the geese that had kidnapped the boy. The hedgehog pointed the way.

She reached the hut on chicken legs, in which the terrible Grandmother - Yozhka sits, her nose is hooked, her teeth stick out. The hostess planted her to spin, and she checks herself so that she does not run away. And he cooks the stove to eat them. The girl fed the mouse with porridge, and he helped her escape and began to answer for her. She took the boy in her arms and ran back. She ran to the river, asked to hide. She drank jelly from her and covered her river. Then he runs, and geese - swans fly up, look, they will peck.

A wild apple tree grows along the way. Hid the girl after she ate a wild apple. Next is the stove. Quickly put the patty in her mouth and sat down in the hole in it. The birds screamed and flew away to the grandmother with nothing. And then her relatives appeared, they brought purchases.

Picture or drawing Fairy tale Geese-swans

Other retellings and reviews for the reader's diary

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Russian folk tales

Russian folktale about how insidious geese and swans kidnapped the little brother of the main character, but she was not afraid, found him and returned to her home, hiding from the chase of angry birds. Running away from geese and swans, she managed to refresh herself with pies, apples, bit off a little from the jelly coast and washed it all down from the milky river. Everything ended well - the brother was saved, the sister was happy and full and would not be punished, the swan geese were left with nothing.


Well, either a man or a woman. They had a daughter and a little son.

Daughter, - said the mother, - we will go to work, take care of your brother. Don't leave the yard, be smart - we'll buy you a handkerchief.

The father and mother left, and the daughter forgot what she was ordered to: she put her brother on the grass under the window, and she ran out into the street for a walk. Geese-swans flew in, picked up the boy, carried away on wings.

The girl returned, looks - but there is no brother! Gasped, rushed to look for him, back and forth - nowhere! She called him, burst into tears, lamented that it would be bad from her father and mother, - the brother did not respond.

She ran out into an open field and only saw: geese-swans rushed in the distance and disappeared behind a dark forest. Then she guessed that they had taken away her brother: there had long been a bad reputation about swan geese that they carried away small children.

The girl rushed to catch up with them. She ran, she ran, she saw - there was a stove.
- Stove, stove, tell me, where did the swan geese fly?
The stove replies:
- Eat my rye pie - I will say.
- I'll eat a rye pie! My father doesn't even eat wheat...

The stove didn't tell her. The girl ran on - there is an apple tree.
- Apple tree, apple tree, tell me, where did the swan geese fly?
- Eat my forest apple - I will say.
“My father doesn’t even eat garden ones ... The apple tree didn’t tell her. The girl ran on. A milky river flows in the jelly banks.

Milk river, jelly banks, where did the swan geese fly?
- Eat my simple jelly with milk - I will say.
- My father does not even eat cream ... For a long time she ran through the fields, through the forests. The day was drawing to a close, there was nothing to do - we had to go home. Suddenly he sees - there is a hut on a chicken leg, with one window, it turns around itself.

In the hut the old Baba Yaga is spinning a tow. And a brother sits on a bench, plays with silver apples. The girl entered the hut:

Hello grandma!
- Hello, girl! Why did it show up?
- I walked through the mosses, through the swamps, soaked my dress, came to warm up.
- Sit down while spinning the tow. Baba Yaga gave her a spindle, and she left. The girl is spinning - suddenly a mouse runs out from under the stove and says to her:
- Girl, girl, give me porridge, I'll tell you kindly.

The girl gave her porridge, the mouse said to her:

Baba Yaga went to heat the bathhouse. She will wash you, evaporate you, put you in the oven, fry and eat you, she will ride on your bones. The girl sits neither alive nor dead, crying, and the mouse again to her:
- Do not wait, take your brother, run, and I will spin the tow for you.

The girl took her brother and ran. And Baba Yaga will come to the window and ask:
- Girl, are you spinning?

The mouse answers her:
- I'm spinning, grandmother ... Baba Yaga heated the bath and went after the girl. And there is no one in the hut.

Baba Yaga screamed:
- Swan geese! Fly in pursuit! Brother's sister took away! ..

My sister and brother ran to the milky river. He sees - flying swan geese.

River, mother, hide me!
- Eat my simple pudding.

The girl ate and said thank you. The river hid her under the jelly bank.

Geese-swans did not see, they flew by. The girl and her brother ran again. And the geese-swans came back to meet, they will see it any moment. What to do? Trouble! There is an apple tree...

Apple tree, mother, hide me!
- Eat my forest apple. The girl quickly ate and said thank you. The apple tree covered it with branches, covered it with sheets.

Geese-swans did not see, they flew by. The girl ran again. Runs, runs, it's not far away. Then the swan geese saw her, cackled - they swoop in, beat their wings, look at that brother, they will tear it out of their hands. The girl ran to the stove:

Stove, mother, hide me!
- Eat my rye pie.

The girl is more like a pie in her mouth, and she herself and her brother in the oven, sat down in the stoma.